Time to Take Action and Choose Your Benefits - 2016 New Hire Guide

Page created by Dwight Mccarthy
Time to Take Action and Choose Your Benefits - 2016 New Hire Guide
Time to Take
Action and Choose
Your Benefits
   2016 New Hire Guide
          For Non-Distribution Center
          and Non-eFulfillment Center
Time to Take Action and Choose Your Benefits - 2016 New Hire Guide

Who Is Eligible?
In addition to coverage for yourself, you can also
choose to cover:
• Your spouse or same-sex domestic partner;
• Your children to age 26, even if coverage is
 available through their employer.
Note: If you enroll dependents, you must provide
documentation to verify that they are eligible for

   What’s Inside
   01        Your 2016 Benefits

   02        How to Enroll

   04        Required Now

   09        Optional Anytime

   09        Enrollment Checklist
Time to Take Action and Choose Your Benefits - 2016 New Hire Guide
Your 2016 Benefits
YOUR NEEDS.                                                                             ADD YOUR EMAIL
As a new hire or Associate with a recent status change, you have the                    ADDRESS
opportunity to review your Kohl’s benefits and make choices that fit your               You can choose to go
personal needs and budget. You have 45 days from your date of hire or                   paperless and still get all
status change to choose your benefits for the rest of the year.                         the Kohl’s Total Rewards
                                                                                        info you need when you
IF YOU’RE A NEW HIRE, you must make active choices in all benefit areas,                enter your preferred email
including medical, dental, vision, flexible spending accounts and Life Insurance if
you’d like coverage through December 31, 2016.                                          1. Log on to
you must make an active election if you are newly eligible for medical. Please
                                                                                        2. Select the Health &
note that your prior dental and supplemental Life Insurance elections will end             Well-Being tab and
and you now have new benefit options available so you will need to re-enroll and           select View Details
make an active election. However, you may choose to continue your current                  under the Health Plans
vision, Hyatt Legal Plan and flexible spending account elections.
                                                                                        3. Select Add/Update Your
If you don’t enroll, your next opportunity will be Kohl’s next Open Enrollment             Personal Information
period (for 2017 benefits), unless you have a qualifying life event, like marriage or      under Quick Links.
the birth/adoption of a child.
                                                                                        4. Select personal
Be sure to read this guide carefully to prepare to enroll. It provides an overview         information.
of your benefi t choices, what you need to do and when.                                 5. Select Change next to
                                                                                           the Email Addresses
  • Choose to be tobacco-free (or complete Kohl’s Tobacco Cessation Program, if a       6. Enter/update your work
                                                                                           and/or personal email.
    tobacco user) and avoid the $100 per month tobacco premium.
  • Choose not to cover a spouse/same-sex domestic partner who has other medical        7. Select the Preferred
                                                                                           button next to the email
    coverage available and avoid the $150 per month working spouse premium.                address you wish to be
                                                                                           notified through.
  For more information, log on to yourtotalrewards.com/kohls.
                                                                                        8. Select Save.

Health Plan                  You can make your elections via yourtotalrewards.com/kohls 24/7, or by calling
Comparison Charts—           AskHR at 844-KOHLSHR (844-564-5747), Monday through Friday from 7 a.m.
See all medical              to 8 p.m. (Central time).
plan provisions and
features in detail (e.g.,    If you don’t take action now, you cannot make any benefit changes until the next
deductibles, copays,
coinsurance, hospital        Open Enrollment (for 2017), unless you have a qualifying life event, like marriage
expenses and physical        or the birth/adoption of a child during the year.

Log on to
yourtotalrewards.com/                                           YOU MUST ENROLL FOR THESE BENEFITS IF YOU
kohls and select the                                            WANT COVERAGE FOR 2016:
Enroll button. Then,
compare your medical                                            • Medical                           • Flexible Spending
plan options under the                                                                                Accounts (FSAs)
                                                                • Telemedicine Service
Health & Insurance tab.                                                                             • Hyatt Legal Plan
                               REQUIRED                           (if you are enrolled in

Find a medical                                                    medical coverage
                                                                  outside of Kohl’s)                • Supplemental and
provider—                                                                                             Dependent Life
Find in-network doctors
by name, location and/                                          • Accident Protection Plan            Insurance
or specialty.                                                   • Critical Illness Plan             • Long-Term Disability
Download the
Anthem Mobile App                                               • Dental
at anthem.com or
UnitedHealthcare                                                • Vision
Health4Me App at
                                                                YOU CAN ELECT OR CHANGE THESE BENEFITS
LEARN ABOUT                                                     ANY TIME:
                               OPTIONAL                         • Kohl’s 401(k) Savings Plan        • Pet Insurance
Need more info?
Text Kssbenefits to
88202 to receive Kohl’s
                              ANYTIME                           • Commuter Program                  • Auto and Home
video library on your                                           • Identity Theft Protection
mobile device to
understand all the
benefits Kohl’s has          If you already have a user ID and password and are logged on to the Kohl’s
to offer.*
                             network, select Log On from the yourtotalrewards.com/kohls log-in page.
You can also access
the video library by
scanning the code            ARE YOU A NEW USER?
below or by logging
on to yourtotalrewards       You will need to create a new user ID and password on yourtotalrewards.com/
.com/kohls.                  kohls, if you haven’t already. Select Are you a new user? to get started! Follow
                             the prompts to select your new password.
                             If you have problems logging in or need assistance, please call AskHR at
                             844-KOHLSHR (844-564-5747).
                             After you enroll online, you can print a confirmation of your benefit elections.

                             *1 msg/transaction. Message and data rates may apply. By texting 88202 from your mobile number,
                               you agree to receive a text generated by an autodialer from Guidespark to your number. Not required
                               to make a purchase for goods or services.

02            2016 Full-Time Benefits Guide
Health Care Reform and YOU

    Enclosed is the Health Insurance Marketplace Notice, which Kohl’s is required to
    provide under the ACA. Here are the highlights you need to know.
    • Kohl’s medical plans comply with and exceed what’s required by health care reform.
    • Starting January 1, 2015, most Americans will be required to have health coverage or
      pay a penalty to the IRS. This is called the individual mandate.
    • As you consider your medical plan options, keep in mind that as a full-time Kohl’s
      –– Kohl’s pays for the majority of the cost of your Kohl’s medical coverage, so it’s
       unlikely that coverage offered through the marketplaces will be less expensive.
      –– If you choose to buy insurance through the marketplaces, you will not qualify for
       a government subsidy, and you will not receive a contribution from Kohl’s to help
       pay for that coverage.
    BOTTOM LINE: If you enroll in a medical plan through Kohl’s you’ll receive
    comprehensive, affordable coverage and will meet the individual mandate
    requirements so you won’t be required to pay a penalty to the IRS.

                                      Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC)
                                      One of the ways Kohl’s complies with health care reform is by
                                      providing a Summary of Benefits and Coverage or SBC. An
                                      SBC summarizes important health plan information in a standard
                                      format, to help you compare your available options. Choosing
                                      a health coverage option is an important decision, so make
                                      sure to review your SBC so you can make an informed choice.
                                      To view your SBC go to yourtotalrewards.com/kohls and select
                                      SPDs, SBCs and Legal Notices under the Resource Center. A
                                      paper copy is also available, free of charge, by calling AskHR at
                                      844-KOHLSHR (844-564-5747).

Required Now
Your Medical Plans
You can choose from three plans. Each plan covers the same types of services; the difference is your premium
cost and your cost when you use the plan. If you live in California, you can also choose the Kaiser Plan.

  Traditional Savers                                                                      Basic
  PLAN        PLAN                                                                        PLAN
  • Highest premiums                       • Lower premiums                               • Lowest premiums
  • No Health Savings                      • Kohl’s contributes to your                   • You can participate in an
    Account (HSA)                            HSA, which you can use to                      HSA, but Kohl’s does not
                                             offset your deductible. You                    make a contribution.
  • FSA-eligible
                                             can add your own before-tax
                                                                                          • This plan has the highest
  • Lower deductible                         contributions too!
                                                                                            deductible. You pay the full
  • Compare your total annual              • Higher deductible than                         cost of your prescription
    costs under this plan (out-              Traditional Plan; Kohl’s HSA                   drugs (copays and
    of-pocket expenses when                  contribution reduces your                      coinsurance for preventive
    you use the plan plus your               out-of-pocket cost.                            prescription drugs) until
    premium costs). Then                                                                    you meet your deductible.
                                           • You pay the full cost of your
    determine if this plan                                                                  Then you and the plan
                                             prescription drugs (copays
    provides the level of                                                                   share in the cost.
                                             and coinsurance for preventive
    coverage you actually need.
                                             prescription drugs) until you
                                             meet your deductible. Then, you
                                             and the plan share in the cost.
                                           • When you compare your total
                                             annual costs, this plan may
                                             save you money.

Note: Kohl’s medical plans are administered by UnitedHealthcare or Anthem, depending on where you work.

              With telemedicine support through Teladoc, you and your family will have 24/7 access to
              board-certified physicians available via phone for non-urgent medical conditions like cold/
              flu symptoms, rashes, allergies, and much more!
              • If you enroll in Kohl’s medical coverage (excluding Kaiser)—Teladoc is part of the plan.
              • If you do not enroll in Kohl’s medical coverage—you can still enroll in the Teladoc service
                as a voluntary benefit, allowing you and your family to access this network of physicians
                for a low monthly premium. Visits with Teladoc providers are only $40. Note: This is not a
                replacement for medical insurance, but a great way to supplement it.

04             2016 Full-Time Benefits Guide
Compare Your Options
Compare the plans, and then make your choice. Log on to yourtotalrewards.com/kohls for more information.

                                                  TRADITIONAL PLAN1                            SAVERS PLAN                              BASIC PLAN
                                                                 MEDICAL PLAN COVERAGE

                                                                                          Kohl’s annual contribution:              Available, but only you
HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT                                     Not available                    $500 per Associate,                  contribute. Kohl’s does not
                                                                                              $1,000 per family                  contribute to the account.

ANNUAL DEDUCTIBLE                                       $600 per person                           $1,300 single                           $1,800 single
                                                                                                 $2,600 family2                          $3,600 family2

ANNUAL OUT-OF-POCKET                                      $4,000 single                                          $5,000 single
MAXIMUM                                                   $8,000 family                              $10,000 family (max $6,850 per person)

COINSURANCE                                           Plan pays 80% after                                  Plan pays 80% after deductible

COPAYS                                                  $25 primary care1                          No copays; deductible and coinsurance only
                                                         $40 specialist1

TELEMEDICINE SERVICE                                        $10 copay                               $40 per visit; coinsurance after deductible

PREVENTIVE CARE                                                                        All plans pay 100% (in-network)

                                                             PRESCRIPTION DRUG COVERAGE

OUT-OF-                                                   $2,600 single
POCKET                                                    $5,200 family                         Combined with medical out-of-pocket maximum
                                                                                                Preventive: $10                       Preventive: $10
                        Generics                                $10                            Non-preventive:                   Non-preventive: Deductible
                                                                                              Deductible then $10                    and coinsurance

RETAIL                                                                                          Preventive: 30%
                                                               30%                            ($30 min, $100 max)
                        Brand                               ($30 min,                                                                   Deductible and
(30-DAY                 Formulary                           $100 max)                    Non-preventive: Deductible,                     coinsurance
SUPPLY)                                                                                 then 30% ($30 min, $100 max)

                        Brand                                  40%                           Deductible, then 40%                       Deductible and
                                                            ($50 min,                        ($50 min, $150 max)                         coinsurance
                        Non-Formulary                       $150 max)

                                                                                                Preventive: $25                       Preventive: $25
                        Generics                                $25                            Non-preventive:                   Non-preventive: Deductible
                                                                                              Deductible then $25                    and coinsurance
MAIL                                                                                           Preventive: 30%
                        Brand                                  30%                           ($75 min, $250 max)                        Deductible and
(90-DAY                                                      ($75 min,                                                                   coinsurance
                        Formulary                           $250 max)                    Non-preventive: Deductible,
SUPPLY)                                                                                 then 30% ($75 min, $250 max)

                        Brand                                  40%                           Deductible, then 40%                       Deductible and
                                                            ($125 min,                       ($125 min, $375 max)                        coinsurance
                        Non-Formulary                       $375 max)
      In addition to deductible and coinsurance.
      If you enroll in the Savers or Basic Plan as “Family,” the entire family deductible must be satisfied before the plan begins paying benefits.
Note: The chart above shows in-network services only.

                                                                                  For more information, log on to yourtotalrewards.com/
      YOUR RESOURCES (EXCLUDING KAISER)                                           kohls. You can find more detailed comparisons,
      For more info on:                                                           including Summaries of Benefits and Coverage (SBCs),
      • Telemedicine Service—watch videos on                                      which are required by health care reform.
      • The Prescription Drug Plan—visit CVS
        Caremark’s Extranet site at caremark.com/kohls
Accident Protection Plan
                    The Accident Protection Plan can help you pay for out-of-pocket costs you may
                    experience after an accident. You choose how you want to spend the benefits—
                    for example, on out-of-pocket medical costs, your mortgage or any other

                    Critical Illness Plan
                    The Critical Illness Plan is designed to provide you and your family with
                    additional financial resources in the event that you have a critical illness that is
                    covered by the plan. The plan pays a lump-sum amount, based on the condition,
                    and you can use the money as you see fit. For instance, to pay for out-of-pocket
                    expenses related to travel for medical treatments, use it toward mortgage
                    payments or to make adjustments to your home to accommodate your illness.

                    Dental Plan
                    Kohl’s offers two dental plans through Delta Dental. If you enroll in the dental
                    • Most preventive care is covered at 100 percent.
                    • You may choose any dentist, but you pay less when you use an in-network
                    • You may receive additional preventive services based on your health conditions,
                      such as pregnancy and certain high-risk cardiac conditions, through the
                      Evidence-Based Integrated Care Plan.

                                                              STANDARD                        BUY-UP
                                                     In-Network    Out-of-Network   In-Network   Out-of-Network

                     INDIVIDUAL                         $50             $75            $25             $50

                     FAMILY DEDUCTIBLE                  $150           $225            $75             $150

                     PREVENTIVE                         100%           80%            100%             100%

                     BASIC                              70%            70%            80%              80%

                     MAJOR                              40%            40%            50%              50%

                     ANNUAL MAXIMUM                    $1,250         $1,250         $1,500         $1,500

                     ORTHODONTIA*                  Not available   Not available      60%              60%

                     ORTHODONTIA                   Not available   Not available     $1,500         $1,500
                     LIFETIME BENEFIT

                     *Includes child and adult orthodontia.

06   2016 Full-Time Benefits Guide
Vision Plan
Kohl’s offers two vision plans through UnitedHealthcare Vision:
                                        STANDARD                         BUY-UP**
 ANNUAL EXAM                             $10 copay                       $15 copay
                                 $25 copay(after copay,            $15 copay(after copay,
                                    plan pays 100%)                   plan pays 100%)
                                 $25 copay (after copay,           $15 copay (after copay,
                                    plan pays 100%)                   plan pays 100%)
 FRAMES (EVERY                           Up to $130                      Up to $130

 OPTIONS (LIKE SPECIAL                 Not available                   Covered in full

 **You pay more for the Buy-Up Plan, but it covers more options.

Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs)
Flexible spending accounts (FSAs) let you use tax-free money to pay for
eligible health care and dependent care expenses.
• Health Care FSA—If you enroll in the Traditional Plan or you have medical
                                                                                             ENROLLED IN THE
  coverage through another source, you can contribute up to $2,500 tax-free
                                                                                             SAVERS PLAN OR
  to pay for medical, prescription, dental and vision out-of-pocket expenses for
                                                                                             BASIC PLAN?
  you and your dependents.
                                                                                             Your Health Savings
• Dependent Care FSA (not for health care expenses)—You can contribute up                    Account will cover all
  to $5,000 tax-free to pay for child or dependent adult day care so that you                (medical, prescription
  (and your spouse, if married) are able to work or attend school full time.                 drugs, dental and
The money in your FSAs does not carry over to the following plan year, so                    vision) eligible health
make sure to plan accordingly.                                                               care expenses, but you
                                                                                             can enroll in a limited-
MANAGE YOUR FSA ON THE GO                                                                    purpose Health Care
                                                                                             FSA to help you pay
If you enroll, you can see balances, review alert/claims history, view payments
                                                                                             for additional eligible
and view and submit claims right from your smartphone. Download the
                                                                                             dental and vision
Reimburse Me app available through Your Spending Account™ (YSA).
All Associates can visit the FSAStore.com to purchase FSA-qualified items,
view lists of FSA-eligible expenses and determine how much to contribute in
2016 using the FSA calculator.

Hyatt Legal Plan
You, your spouse/same-sex domestic partner and dependents can access a
variety of legal services, receive unlimited consultation and get legal advice by
phone. You can also access local attorneys on issues from family law and wills
to consumer protection and traffic violations.

Your Spending Account is a trademark of Hewitt Associates LLC.

Basic Life and AD&D Insurance
                            You receive Basic Life Insurance and Accidental Death & Dismemberment
                            (AD&D) insurance automatically, at no cost to you, but you must name a
                            beneficiary. A beneficiary is the person who receives benefits in the event of
                            your death.
                            Depending on your personal situation, you may want to purchase additional

                             SUPPLEMENTAL LIFE INSURANCE        Purchase additional levels of insurance to protect
                             AND AD&D                           yourself. Rates differ based on coverage levels. If your
IMPORTANT!                                                      election requires evidence of insurability, you will
                                                                receive instructions after enrollment.
You must complete and
submit an evidence of        DEPENDENT LIFE INSURANCE           Purchase insurance to protect your spouse/same-sex
insurability (EOI) form      AND AD&D                           domestic partner and/or eligible dependent children
                                                                up to age 26.
to request approval to
elect supplemental life,
dependent life, and/or
Long-Term Disability for
the first time. Your
                            Long-Term Disability (LTD)
enrollment is contingent    If you enroll in optional Long-Term Disability coverage through Kohl’s, the rates
upon approval through       are typically lower than what you’d pay purchasing coverage on your own.
Securian Life or Cigna.
                            LTD coverage will:
                            • Replace up to 60 percent of your base monthly income (up to policy limits).
                              Your benefit may be reduced by the amount of benefits from other income
                              sources, including a government-sponsored program.
                            • Begin after 180 days of disability and may continue up to normal retirement age.
                            Approval for LTD is determined by the carrier.

08           2016 Full-Time Benefits Guide
                                                        2016 BENEFITS:

                                                        Check It Off
                                                        USE THE CHECKLIST BELOW TO MAKE SURE
                                                        YOU ARE READY TO ENROLL. DON’T MISS
                                                        OUT—ENROLL WITHIN 45 DAYS OF YOUR DATE
                                                        OF HIRE OR STATUS CHANGE.
Kohl’s offers other great benefits you may start,           Whom are you enrolling in coverage? Is it just you
stop or change anytime throughout the year:
                                                            or are you including dependents? If your spouse/
KOHL’S 401(k) SAVINGS PLAN                                  same-sex domestic partner works, are you taking
Save for retirement while Kohl’s matches what               full advantage of the benefits provided by your
you save, dollar-for-dollar, up to 5 percent of             spouse’s/same-sex domestic partner’s employer? It
your pay!                                                   may save you money.
You may receive up to a 15 percent discount on
                                                            Which medical plan makes the most sense for you?
premiums for auto, homeowners and other                      –– Have you compared plans—including premiums
types of insurance.
                                                               and out-of-pocket costs—and selected the plan
IDENTITY THEFT PROTECTION                                      that’s right for your situation?
This program monitors your credit report and
non-credit searches for potential identity issues,           –– If you choose the Savers or Basic Plan, should you
and it includes restoration services if your                   set aside tax-free money in a Health Savings Account
identity is compromised.                                       for future health care expenses? (Remember, your
                                                               unused money rolls over each year.)
You can apply for tuition reimbursement,*                   Do you need dental coverage? If you do, select the
scholarships and discounts, and take advantage              right plan for your budget and needs.
of education solutions for you and your family.

                                                            Do you want vision coverage? If you do, select
Kohl’s reimburses up to $5,000 per adoption                 the plan that fits your needs.
and provides up to two weeks of paid time off
for each adoption. Certain requirements apply.              Does an FSA for health care or dependent care
                                                            expenses make sense for you?
Kohl’s partners with Bright Horizons to help you             –– How much should you contribute to one or both
find quality care for a child or parent.                       accounts? (Remember, leftover money doesn’t
                                                               roll over each year, so plan carefully.)
Enjoy programs like Life Solutions, the
Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and
                                                            Do you have a need for legal services during the
Exclusively Yours maternity program.                        upcoming year?

COMMUTER PROGRAM                                            Life Insurance and Long-Term Disability:
Use this program to pay for mass transit and                Have you considered your current situation?
parking via pre-tax payroll deductions.
                                                             –– Do you need to purchase additional coverage for
PET INSURANCE                                                  yourself and your dependents?
Kohl’s offers multiple levels of coverage to fit
your needs.                                                  –– Do you need to add your beneficiaries?
This program lets you spread payments for a
variety of large ticket items—from home
furniture to video games—over 12 months.                 BE SURE TO ENROLL WITHIN 45 DAYS
Spending limits are based on eligibility.
                                                         OF YOUR DATE OF HIRE OR STATUS
For more information on any of these programs,
log on to yourtotalrewards.com/kohls.                    CHANGE BY LOGGING ON TO
*Certain requirements apply. You must be employed        YOURTOTALREWARDS.COM/KOHLS.
 for 12 months.

**Must have at least one year of service with Kohl’s.
Important Legal Information
For more information about certain electronic disclosures—like
Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs), Summaries of Benefits and
Coverage (SBCs), Notice of Creditable Coverage and other legal
notices—related to the Kohl’s Group Health Plan (the “Plan”),
visit yourtotalrewards.com/kohls and select SPDs, SBCs and
Legal Notices under the Resource Center. Or, you can call AskHR
at 844-KOHLSHR (844-564-5747), and request copies.

Described herein are certain aspects of and changes to the Kohl’s benefit plans.
Information presented herein does not replace or alter the official plan
documents, insurance contracts or other agreements that legally govern the
terms and operation of any plan, policy or program. If information presented
herein differs from the official documents, the official documents always govern.
Kohl’s reserves the right to amend, modify or terminate any plan, policy or
program described herein at any time, for any reason and in any respect in its
sole discretion. No employment rights are created or provided by the
information herein or by your receipt of this information.

H000167451                                                                          NH_FTPG_AO_1115
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