Your SHAPE Guide to Reclaiming Health

Page created by Helen Frazier
Your SHAPE Guide to Reclaiming Health
       Type in any combination of words related to hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) on the world
wide web search engines, and you will find yourself bombarded with millions of different
interpretations, opinions, and options regarding the use and protocol of Dr. ATW Simeons. His work
has recently resurfaced to become one of the fastest growing successful weight loss programs

         I must be honest and admit it was a handful of patients that pushed me to take a serious look at
Dr. Simeons work. Doing their own investigation into the use of hCG and having tried every diet
protocol known to man without success, they desperately wanted to give this program a try. The only
problem, they didn’t want to experiment on their own as millions are doing. Because hCG is a
glycoprotein hormone, they wanted to be monitored by a licensed practitioner. Having extensive
clinical experience with homeopathy, they put their trust and weight loss in my hands.

        As with any health related idea, Linda and I studied Dr. Simeons work and determined we
would be the first to try the hCG diet before subjecting our patients to its rigid protocol. Having lifelong
hormonal challenges, four female surgeries, (ending in early onset menopause,) my wife struggled to
lose the excess weight (30 pounds total and climbing) she gained with each passing year. Determined
to win the battle of the bulge, she committed herself to one last strict diet (no sugar, a balance of
whole food that God has put on this earth, and regular exercise.) After three months of approximately
1200 calories per day, she only lost one pound. That was it! All her hard work, diligence and
commitment left her more frustrated than ever.

        I thought, “If this works for Linda, I will believe it is the HOLY GRAIL to weight loss.” Being a firm
believer in another doctor’s long standing research and clinical experience, we entered the world of
millions following Dr. Simeons work without so much as the slightest deviation. Every morning we
stepped on the scale and our weight successfully dropped. It was miraculous. Linda later admitted she
truly didn’t have faith in this program being any different than everything else she tried over the
years….a miserable failure. Much to our surprise and doubt, we both dropped a significant amount of
weight. Before we could complete the program, patients were begging us to begin.

        Together, we experimented and found there is definitely no ONE SIZE FITS ALL hCG
program. It didn’t take me long to observe patterns that were becoming glaringly obvious. Based on
the individual issues that arose from my patients, I began developing my own treatment protocol.
Believing God created each of us as a unique human being, it became obvious to me each patient’s
experience with hCG was as different as their fingerprint to humanity.

        Though we entered the world of hCG for weight loss only, what is becoming more important to
my practice are all the wonderful benefits gained from taking hCG. Because fat is inflammatory and
immuno suppressive, not only are my patients losing weight, they are knocking down inflammation in
their bodies, thus, improving their overall health.

We are seeing high blood pressure drop, elevated cholesterol and triglycerides drop, blood
sugar numbers improving, joint pain decreasing, cognitive improvement, and most of all resounding joy
overflowing to all those who have struggled for years with the battle of the bulge.

        With each passing day, another patient successfully reports dramatic results from following the
basic plan that Dr. Simeon has passed down. Having gleaned my own clinical experiences, I am
confident this program truly is the holy grail of weight loss available to us today.

       As with any successful weight loss, it must be understood: the patient who incorporates
fundamentally sound lifestyle choices (physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally) has the
greatest hope of long-term success.

    Before you begin, I encourage you to download and read Dr.
Simeons original manuscript: Pounds & Inches, A New Approach to
Obesity by going to my website: There is no
need for me to reprint his work, as it is available for all. Please
understand Dr. Simeons injected hCG. As you will be using an oral homeopathic
formula, please insert that premise where he is referring to injections. Though this may be more
information than you are willing to read, please refer to his years of research to answer any questions
you may have. He thoroughly covers every detail.

       In an effort to simplify your understanding and follow-though, I will summarize the program:

Three Kinds of Fat:

Structural – supports body tissue and fills the space between organs, functions as bedding the kidneys
in soft elastic tissue, protecting coronary arteries, keeps the skin smooth and taut and provides the
cushion of hard fat on the bottoms of our feet to cushion our walk.

Protective – normal reserve of fat localized all over the body. Fat packs the highest caloric value so this
reserve of protective fat can be utilized for muscular activity and maintenance of body temperature.
Both structural and protective fat are necessary and normal.

Abnormal – (also referred to as yellow adipose) stored fat from improper metabolism and overeating.
Most diets break down structural and protective fat first. hCG breaks down undesirable abnormal fat
and uses it for caloric value.

Three goals achieved by completing the hCG protocol:
   1. Lose weight and decrease inflammation
   2. Reset/repair/increase base metabolism
   3. Implement a sound foundation for healthy lifestyle future
Each serves to bring about lasting success for regaining vibrant health.

1/4TH dropper - three times daily (unless otherwise directed) – avoid eating and drinking 15 minutes
before and after taking drops. Drop hCG under you tongue and allow it to sit for 2 minutes before
swallowing, if possible, for most effective absorption.

Weigh yourself daily, preferably first thing in the morning after emptying bladder. It is important you
weigh daily and record your progress.

Phase I:

Stop any and all use of personal hygiene products that are oil-based.
Day 1 and 2 – take hCG three times daily – Eat like a glutton. Consume as much concentrated & high
fat foods as you can without making yourself sick. (eggs/bacon/cheese/ice cream/fettuccini/ fried

Day 3 forward – continue taking hCG three times daily – follow restricted calorie diet (RCD) for a
minimum of 21 days up to a maximum of 40 days total. You
                                        must follow the program a
minimum of 23 days, followed by Phase II for three weeks to reset
the hypothalamus/metabolism. You may choose to continue after 23 days but cannot
exceed 40 days or a total of 34 pounds weight loss. Morbidly obese patients may drop up to 40 pounds
before stopping (as long as they are within the 40 day boundary.)

Physician Monitored – Anti-inflammatory – Restricted Calorie Diet (RCD)

Breakfast: Tea, coffee in any quantity. Sweetleaf brand Stevia may be used to sweeten beverage. Only
one tablespoon of milk is allowed in a 24 hour period.

Lunch and Dinner:

   •   100 grams (3.7–4 oz) veal, lean beef, buffalo, chicken breast, white fish, lobster, crab or shrimp,
       tuna in water, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs (1 whole + 3 whites = 1 serving). Remove all visible
       fat before cooking. Protein must be weighed raw. Broil, grill or boil protein.
   •   Choose one vegetable per meal from the following: raw, steamed or grilled – vary veggie choice

o   Spinach – 2 cups
           o   Chard – 2 cups
           o   Beet greens – 2 cups
           o   Lettuce (preferably no iceberg) – 2 cups
           o   Tomatoes – 1 cup
           o   Celery – 2 cups
           o   Fennel – 1 ½ cups
           o   Onions – 1 cup
           o   Radishes – 2 cup
           o   Cucumbers – 2 cups
           o   Asparagus – 2 cups
           o   Cabbage – 2 cups
           o   French green beans – 2 cups
           o   Broccoli – 2 cups

   •   Choose one fruit from the following:
          o Medium sized apple
          o Medium sized orange
          o 6 to 8 strawberries
          o ½ grapefruit

   • 1 Grissini Breadstick or 2 Melba Toasts

Phase II:
       The goal of Phase II is to maintain your new weight loss. It is important to maintain your loss so
that you lock in a new “set point.” Increase your calories back to 1500 – 2000 calories per day.


Eat only food that God has provided. No man-made food.


                                                                  Simply put: Your
Should you gain more than 2 pounds in a day, look back at what you ate.
body is telling you that you ate more than you needed for energy,
repair and rebuilding. Instead, it is shunting it off into storage. This is what you are trying to
avoid…. accumulated fat storage. Your goal is to MAINTAIN the weight you lost during Phase I, not to

continue losing more weight. Should you desire more weight loss, plan to do another round of hCG in 6

        Dr. Simeons recommends a “steak day” if you gain more than 2 pounds in a day. Eat a 12 to 16
oz. steak along with an apple or raw tomato. It matters not what time of day you eat this meal. Drink
plenty of water.
        It is very important to understand these three weeks are all about nailing down and owning
healthy eating habits. A part of why you lost weight and are feeling better is because you eliminated
inflammatory foods and were eating a very clean and pure diet.

       Pay close attention to how you feel after you eat. If you experience gas, bloating, nausea,
stomach pain, headache, joint pain, fatigue, etc. look at what you ate. The possibility exists that some
of your favorite foods are causing you problems. It will be easier to discern what foods are causing
trouble because you have been eating such a clean diet. Now that you are reintroducing foods from
the past, you may be surprised to find out one of your favorite foods is the culprit behind your
discomfort. Phase II is quite the eye-opener for many.

Phase III

       This final phase is all about reintroducing starch and sugar. We recommend you take this slowly
and pay close attention to how you feel. It would be best if you start with introducing starchy foods
We certainly don’t expect you to eliminate starchy foods and treats for the remainder of your life but
we are hopeful you will set your sights on decreasing your starch and sugar intake overall.

       We are most interested in you incorporating a healthy diet primarily consisting of foods that
God has put on this earth. We have coined the saying: God    created food for human life
while man created food for shelf life. Eat food that God has provided. If it has the ability
to rot or spoil, it is God’s food. Eat real food not pre-packaged man-made food. It doesn’t get any more
simply than this. As yourself one question before you eat or drink: Is this a man-made food product or
is it from God?

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