Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU

Page created by Andy Rhodes
Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU
Your Preview to the
2019 International Jewellery
       & Watch Fair

     August 24 > 26, 2 019
            ICC Sydney
        Exhibition Centre
         Darling Harbour


                                            Organised by

      J EWE L L E R Y & W A T C H F A I R
Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU

  J EWE L L E R Y & W A T C H F A I R

Reasons you can’t miss this year’s IJWF
   The Jewellery Design Awards Return       The Buying Event of the Year            NEW Hands-On Workshops
   Join us in celebrating and               With all three industry Buying          Experience hands-on guidance
   supporting the incredible talents of     Groups holding their buying days        and training from industry experts
   our finalists as we announce the         during this year’s Fair, this makes     across gemstones, watchmaking

   winners from 4:30pm on the show          IJWF the sole buying                    and professional jewellery
   floor on Sunday 25th August.             event of the year.                      sketching.
                                            Don’t miss your chance
                                            to see everything this
                                            industry has to offer!

   Be Inspired                              Learn from the Experts                  It’s here… All under one roof
   Be inspired and pick                     Give your business the competitive      Learn from the best, see new
   up new ideas, new                        edge with educational session           product with your own eyes,
   products, and a new                      TALKS including improving online        experience training and socialise
   energy to get you                        reputation, managing the numbers,       with your peers all under the one
   motivated and ready for the              retail design                           roof.
   busy Christmas period! Connect with      and much,
   like-minded industry professionals and   much more!
                                                                                          J EWE L L E R Y & W A T C H F A I R
   form lasting relationships.

                                                    Join the Jewellery Fair family!
                                                                            Follow us on social for updates

                                                                                  Share your experience at the Fair.
                                                                                      Use hashtag #IJWF19 for your
                                                                                   chance to be featured across the
                                                                                    International Jewellery & Watch
                                                                                            Fair’s own social media!

2 International Jewellery & Watch Fair
Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU
August 24 > 26, 2019
                                                                      ICC Sydney > Exhibition Centre > Darling Harbour

The International Jewellery & Watch Fair is the trade show for jewellery suppliers, retailers and designers in Australia. At this year’s Fair
there will be so much to see, touch, hear and experience that you’ll be busy all three days.

Whether you’re sourcing new products to entice customers and drive profitability in your store or wanting to increase your knowledge
on hot topics affecting your industry, or you want to learn from the experts to manage and grow your business – you’ll find what you’re
looking for at The International Jewellery & Watch Fair – the premier jewellery event in the southern hemisphere.

                                                                  Event details
                                                                  Opening hours
                                                                  Saturday 24 August / 9:30am – 6pm
                                                                  Sunday 25 August / 9:30am – 6pm
                                                                  Monday 26 August / 9:30am – 3pm

                                                                  Level 1, Hall 3 & 4,
                                                                  ICC Sydney, Darling Harbour

                                                                  Register today
                                                                  The International Jewellery & Watch Fair is a trade only event
                                                                  for businesses registered within the jewellery and watch
                                                                  industry. Visitors can pre-register online at
                                                                  au/2019/visit/ or you can complete a registration form onsite,
                                                                  during open hours at the front desk.

                                                                  Registration is a free, simple process and only takes
                                                                  a few minutes!

   Stay up to date – Download the Jewellery Fair App!
   Have you downloaded the Jewellery Fair App yet?
   It’s everything you need to know, right at your fingertips.

   To download the app to your smartphone, simply:
    1   Go to your ‘App Store’ on your mobile phone
    2   In the search tab type in ‘Expertise Events’
    3   Click ‘Get’ and then ‘Open’
        Once the app has downloaded, click the Expertise Events app icon and
         enter the Event Code ‘ijwf19’ to access the app

Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU

  J EWE L L E R Y & W A T C H F A I R

                                         Exhibitor List
Aura Jewels                       C30    Georgian Enamel                     A50    P & K Antique Jewellery          A44
Aaron Shum Jewelry                C19    Gerrim International                B10    Pallion                          C01
Adela Imports                     F37    Gisele Collection                   K22    Paterson Fine Jewellery          A07
Adidas                            K28    Glenyville Italian Jewellery        B34    Peershine Jewellery HK           C32
Adina Watches                     A20    Global Gems                         A45    Peter W Beck                      F01
ADJ Impex                         D48    Golden Mile Jewellery Manufacturers C33    Picup Media                      G34
Agringa Jewellery                 K36    Graham Cohen Marketing              H24    Pinaroo Jewellery & Gifts        G38
Amber Centre                      A19    Heart & Grace                       F14    Podium                            E41
Aquarian Pearls                   G11    Himalayan Treasures                 A02    Portobello                       B29
Aria Jewellery                    G30    Hong Kong trade Development                Preyas Jewellery                 A41
Armaguard                         H60    Council                             B37    Quantum Underwriting             K12
Astra Jewellery                   D39    Ikecho Pearl Company                E10    Queensland Boulder Opal
Atlas Pearls Ltd                  B18    Imajpak                             F23    Association                      D45
Australian Diamond Valley         C28    Indian Lapidary Jaipur              B16    Queensland Wholesalers            E42
Australian Fine Jewellery          J4    Inspiring Pearls                    H25    R & D Italian Jewellery          A48
Ayres Packaging & Display         E15    Inter Diam                          A39    Rae Gallery                      G29
Aztec Gold & Silver               D37    J.B. And Brothers                   G13    Rapid Casting                     E40
Bead Them Up                      F31    J C Jewels                          B09    Regal Fine Jewellery Wholesale   A26
Bead Trimming & Craft             H34    J.S. Landau Diamonds                A17    Reine Jewels                     B09
Bianc                             B15    Jaipur Gems                         B32    Retail Edge Consultants           E39
Bolton Gems                       D28    Jewellery Centre                    A18    Riddhi Corporation               A47
Bramble Bay Co                    C38    Jeypore Creations INC               C27    Safe Central                     B22
Brand Watch Studios               B38    Kagi                                H07    Sams Group Australia              F17
Brinks Australia                  H01    Kais Jewellery                      B31    Sandals for your neck            K10
Cactus Watches                    C23    Kaiserman                           C37    Searay                           C16
Cartmer Jewellery                 G31    KPF Australia                       H36    Shillcombe / Mats Jonasson        J18
Celestial Creations               A27    La Couronne Jewellery               C21    Shonrei Products                 K14
Chemgold                          D20    Leading Edge Group Jewellers LOUNGE        Showcase Jewellers        F09/LOUNGE
Citizen Watches Australia         A24    Legrand Jewellery (Mfg) Co          C29    Shwe se Gems and Jewellery       K24
City Gold                         A14    Les Georgettes by Altesse           F27    Silvern Gem                      B39
Classic Grown Diamonds            A23    Lester Brand Jewellery              F10    SK Diamonds                      G03
Cocktail Jewellery                B30    Limra Gems                          H06    South Sea Pearl Australia        B20
Coeur de Lion / Qudo / Dansk             Loona                               E08    Sovereign Gems                   G45
Smykkekunst                       E01    Mark McAskill Jewellery             C09    Spangold                         C22
Coincept Trading                  A25    Marsh Advantage Insurance           B35    Stones & Silver                  B02
Cudworth Enterprises              D22    Megasoft                            G28    Sucre Jewelry Design             H05
Cultured Jewellery Designs        D32    Meshca                              G32    Suktsynit – ‘True’ Amber          J16
Desire Gemstones & Diamonds       B36    Miln & Co                           A52    Sydney Pearls                    G25
Diamond Sensation                 G17    Mischka Boutique                    K37    Tessa Morrison Designs           A46
Distell International             A22    Mountain Creek Jewellery            A37    The Battery Man                  B19
Duraflex Group Australia          A12    Nationwide Jewellers           LOUNGE      The Gemstone Trading Company     G01
Eastern Pearl                     C15    Nelson (Aust) J.A.                  G19    The Moda Group                   A16
EasyRead Time Teacher             G33    New Century Findings                K38    TJD Silver                       B25
EK Products                       B31    New Star International              D36    Trezza Jewels                     J22
Elettrolaser                      C42    Nixon                               K30    TVD Luxury Showcase Sale + Hire C24
Ellani Collections                D40    Nomination                          D05    Vida                             C36
Ellendale Diamonds                B27    Noor Muhammad Sarraf Gems           K32    West End Collection              B03
Eugene’s Jewellery                D24    Opals Australia                     G12    World Shiner                     G37
Fabuleux Vous                     F13    Origin Gems & Jewels                H38    Worth & Douglas                   E09
Facets Australia                  E42    Osia International                  B23    Yarani Jewellery                  J24
Gem Merchants International       G07    Osjag                                J20   Ydp Quality Packaging (Shenzhen) J05
Gems to Jewels                    K34    Oxette                              K26

4 International Jewellery & Watch Fair
Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU
The perfect accompaniment to fine jewellery

                                                        Mats Jonasson
                                                              Importers of
                                                         Swedish designer crystal
  Celebrate incredible

  The Finalists for the 2019 Jewellery
Design Awards will be on display at the
 International Jewellery & Watch Fair.

 Stop by and join us in celebrating the
creativity and talents behind each piece
  as we announce the winners from
 4:30pm on Sunday, 25th August 2019.

                                           M 0425 766 668
                                           A 20 Sandham Street, Elsternwick 3185, VIC
Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU

   J EWE L L E R Y & W A T C H F A I R

                                        Exhibitor Highlights

                                                                                                                        Bolton Gems
                                                                                                                          STAND D28

                                                          Amber Centre, The
Mountain Creek Jewellery                                  STAND A19
                                                                                    Aquarian Pearls
                                                                                    STAND G11
                        Ayres Packaging & Display
                        STAND E15
                                                                                        Loona Jewellery
                                                                                                STAND E08

                                                                                       Opals Australia
                                 Diamond Sensation                                     STAND G12
                                         STAND G17

                                                              Cocktail Jewellery
                                                              STAND B30

                                                                                            Bramble Bay Co.
               Stones & Silver
                                                                                                     STAND C38
               STAND B02                                              Rae Gallery
                                                                      STAND G29
                                         STAND C42

                                                                                                                           Ikecho Pearl Company
                                                                                                                           STAND E10
Distell International

                   JC Jewels                                                            Les Georgettes by Altesse
                   STAND B09                                                                                STAND F27

                                       La Couronne Jewellery                   Bianc
                                                        STAND C21              STAND B15

6 International Jewellery & Watch Fair
Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU
August 24 > 26, 2019
                                                               ICC Sydney > Exhibition Centre > Darling Harbour

                                                                               New Century Findings
                                                                                             STAND K38

J.S. Landau Diamonds
                                                                                              STAND J20
                                Agringa Jewellery
                                STAND K36

                                                Shwe se Gems
                                                and Jewellery
                                                STAND K24

                                                                                                                     Peter W Beck
                                                                                                                           STAND F01
  Origin Gems & Jewels

                                                                  STAND K14

                                                                                        Worth & Douglas
                                                                                                 STAND E09

   STAND D20

                                                                                TJD Silver
                                                                                STAND B25

                                                     Heart & Grace
                                                     STAND F14

  Sucre Jewellery Design                                                                                          West End Collection
  STAND H05                                                                                                       STAND B03

                                                            Preyas Jewellery
                                                                  STAND A41

                                                            Coeur de Lion/Qudo/Dansk Smykkekunst
                                                                                              STAND E01

               Bead Them Up                                                                        Bead Trimming & Craft
                    STAND F31                                                                      STAND H34

Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU

   J EWE L L E R Y & W A T C H F A I R

Meet the groups
For the first time in years, the International Jewellery & Watch Fair will see Nationwide Jewellers, Showcase Jewellers and Leading
Edge Group united in their commitment to bring the industry together – with all three buying groups holding their buying days during
this year’s International Jewellery & Watch Fair 2019. Making this year’s Fair, the Sole Buying Event for the Australian & New Zealand
jewellery and watch industry.

Leading Edge Group                            Nationwide Jewellers                           Showcase Jewellers
Leading Edge Group is all about people        Over 400+ independent jewellery stores         The Showcase Jewellers group was
– our members and our suppliers.              across Australia and New Zealand are           established in Australia in 1981 by a
Membership of the Leading Edge Group          members of the Nationwide Jewellers            group of independent jewellers who
provides independent small businesses         buying group – the largest jewellery group     banded together to improve their
a broad range of benefits normally            in Australasia. These family-owned local       buying power in the industry. Today,
associated with larger companies and          businesses are able to offer their customers   Showcase Jewellers is about more than
corporations, all of which have the           exceptional quality and value due to the       just our buying power – we offer a
capacity to significantly improve the day-    immense buying power of the Nationwide         broad range of training and marketing
to-day operations of your business – while    Jewellers group. Nationwide Jewellers have     resources for our members as well as an
you retain complete control.                  access to the latest designs and a large       extensive supplier base at both local and
A multi-national organisation established     range of exclusive brands from around the      international level, including the latest
in 1986, we operate across two major          world, including access to Antwerp – the       fashion brands. All Showcase Jewellers
sectors; buying group management              diamond capital of the world, where 80%        stores are independently owned and
and sales channel management across           of all diamonds are first traded.              operated. When you shop with your local
Australia, New Zealand and the UK.            Nationwide Jewellers recognise the             Showcase Jeweller, you are supporting
We support our retailers and help our         importance of marketing to your strength       family-run businesses who in turn support
suppliers improve their profitability,        – your independence. Each of the 400+          the local community.
target their end customers, and leverage      jewellery stores involved with Nationwide
earnings across each other and their          make their own decisions as to which of
industry.                                     the many services best suit their business.
                                              To become involved with Nationwide
                                              Jewellers is completely free. Is it any
                                              wonder that more independent jewellers
                                              choose Nationwide?

                                                     Join us for Happy Hour!
                                                      Saturday 24th August from 5pm – 6pm
                                                         Relax and mingle with members of your industry!
                                                            Take a moment to catch up with old friends
                                                           and take a minute to make a few new ones.
                                                            With drinks being served, be sure to hang
                                                               back on the show floor to celebrate
                                                                  and socialise with your peers.
                                                                       Happy Hour is proudly supported by:

8 International Jewellery & Watch Fair
Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU
August 24 > 26, 2019
                                                                 ICC Sydney > Exhibition Centre > Darling Harbour

IJWF Talks Agenda
Join us for IJWF TALKS for informative educational sessions,
with two sessions each day and each session running for
approximately 45 minutes.

Saturday, 24 August
 Session 1                11am                      How to leverage your online reputation to gain new clients

 Session 2                2pm                       Connecting with your customer through retail design

Sunday, 25 August
 Session 1                11am                      Modern marketing techniques for manufacturing jewellers

 Session 2                2pm                       Driving sales by understanding the numbers

Monday, 26 August
 Session 1                11am                      Why your business should be texting in 2019

 Session 2                2pm                       Connecting with your customer through retail design

How to leverage your online reputation to gain new clients

Saturday, 24 August at 11am
The way consumers find and choose a business has changed. TV and billboard ads are
no longer enough to get a consumer to choose your store. Consumers who live in the
digital world are much more savvy, doing hours of research before choosing a business to
work with.

Why your business should be texting in 2019

Monday, 26 August at 11am
The way that consumers communicate today is different. No longer will phone and email
be a sufficient way to maintain contact and interact with your customers. Today’s consumer
is much more comfortable communicating via text or other messaging apps. Businesses
that aren’t catering to these differing communication
preferences could be left behind.

Your Preview to the 2019 International Jewellery & Watch Fair - WWW.JEWELLERYFAIR.COM.AU

  J EWE L L E R Y & W A T C H F A I R

 Connecting with your customers through retail design
 Saturday, 24 August and Monday, 26 August at 2pm
 Jewellery might be timeless but what is the jewellery retail business
 going to look like tomorrow? In a changing retail and on-line landscape
 how is your jewellery retail business going to survive and thrive? Quite
 simply, jewellery retail will only prosper in the future BY DESIGN. ID
 Solutions have gone way beyond just making stores that look good.

 ID Solutions are now utilising principles of psychology, neuro science
 and behavioural economics to guide their design to establish powerful
 connections to your customers.

 Modern marketing techniques for manufacturing jewellers
 Sunday, 25 August at 11am
 With today’s ever changing retail climate and the constant move
 towards custom design – join your peers with a Q & A session on how
 to maximise your Repair / Remake and Remodel business.

 During this session – you will hear from some of Australia and New
 Zealand’s Leading Manufacturing and Custom Design Jewellers – Find
 out how they Market their business and push the envelope of beating
 the brands and ensuring they have a business for the long term. Bring
 your Questions and Network with the Industry Leaders in the only True
 Industry lead session in a Neutral Environment where all Egos are left at
 the door so we can all benefit.

 Driving sales by understanding the numbers
 Sunday, 25 August at 2pm
 Take part in a feature training session on managing the numbers with
 “Numbers Guys” – Josh and Colin. This session will highlight all the
 important numbers needed in your business to grow rather than survive.

 The session will highlight all Jewellery Business Key Benchmarks and
 provide sales techniques for Lifting Average Sale / Increasing Items per
 Sale & Monitoring Conversion rates. Sometimes it’s the fundamentals
 that can get ignored in today’s ever changing retail climate – but this
 session will be a cold hard dose of reality to inject some fun back into
 retail. If you are serious about improving your bottom line then this
 session should not be missed.

10 International Jewellery & Watch Fair
                                                                                                             August 24 > 26, 2019

N                                                                      ICC Sydney > Exhibition Centre > Darling Harbour

IJWF Create Agenda
Join us for several hands-on skills based learning workshops as
part of IJWF CREATE, with sessions held daily. These sessions
are prebooked with limited spaces available. Head to for further details.

Saturday, 24 August
 Session 1                   11am                        Appreciating Gemstones – George Palos (120 minutes)

 Session 2                   1pm                         Learn to Sketch Like a Professional – Samantha Kelly (180 minutes)

Sunday, 25 August
 Session 1                   11am                        Watchmaking Basics: the must have skills – Grant Menzies (90 minutes)

 Session 2                   1pm                         Learn to Sketch Like a Professional – Samantha Kelly (180 minutes)

Monday, 26 August
 Session 1                   11am                        Appreciating Gemstones – George Palos

 Feature Workshop – Appreciating Gemstones
 During this workshop you will gain a hands on experience with identifying, appreciating and selling
 Natural Gemstones. This session is invaluable to assist in the custom design side of selling colour and lifting
 your overall $GP.
 Workshop valued at RRP $369 per person

 Feature Workshop – Learn to Sketch like a Professional
 In this class Samantha will be demonstrating how to design a ring in three views. She will be sharing
 techniques and skills that will make designing for your clients quicker and easier. This class is great for all skill
 levels. Draw along with Samantha as she guides you through the whole process of a ring design.
 With a strong shift back to custom design in our industry today – this course will be invaluable to growing
 your design business and improving your $GP by capturing new sales and up-skilling yourself (& teams) in
 delivering a stand out sales presentation to your clients.
 Workshop valued at RRP $199 per person

 Feature Workshop – Watchmaking Basics – The Must Have Skills
 During this workshop you will gain a hands on experience with all the must have technical aspects of a basic
 watchmaking service in store. Features covered during the session include
 • Replacing Batteries • Adjusting Bracelets • Removing the Case (the right way) • Removing the Dial
 • Cleaning and caring for your timepiece • Adjusting your tools • & Much More
 Workshop Valued at RRP $199 per person

One-stop online guide and
sourcing platform for the industry

          JewelleryNet. com
August 24 > 26, 2019
                                                                     ICC Sydney > Exhibition Centre > Darling Harbour

Exclusive Fair Offers                                                     Here are just some of the special offers to tempt
                                                                          you – discover so much more at the Fair! Cut
                                                                          out these vouchers and bring them with you to
Vouchers must be presented at the time of purchase and are only
redeemable at the International Jewellery & Watch Fair 2019               the show for GREAT savings.


    Cultured Jewellery Designs             Stand D32                    Origin Gems And Jewels                Stand H38
    All pearl jewellery 20% off                                         Origin gems & jewels fair special 30% discount

    Bianc                                  Stand B15                    TJD Silver                            Stand B25
    20% off the entire La Tienne collection!                            Free Gift With Any Order...


    Les Georgettes by Altesse               Stand F27                   Aquarian Pearls                      Stand G11
    Orders placed $1500 - $3000 receive 5%                              Receive a free freshwater pearl jewellery piece
    discount. 10% discount orders over $3000                            with every purchase over $200


    Yarani Jewellery                        Stand J24                   New Century Findings                  Stand K38
    Yarani Jewellery offers Flat 20% Off                                Get 20% off when you spend USD$500
    for Exhibition only


    Loona Jewellery                        Stand E08                    Australian Fine Jewellery               Stand J4
    10% OFF TRADESHOW Special                                           Collect your Free Australian Fine Jewelley Pen
                                                                        with your business card


    Agringa Jewellery                      Stand K36                    Ikecho Pearl Company                  Stand E10
    Agringa10%                                                          Spend over $3000 for split payments
                                                                        over 3 months

    Shillcombe/Mats Jonasson                Stand J18                   Osjag                                 Stand J20
    20% off all orders over $800                                        Gift with purchase. Spend $800 or more and
                                                                        get stock (from a selected range) as a gift.

    Stones & Silver                        Stand B02                    West End Collection                   Stand B03
    Free Silver Cleaning Cloth with all                                 15% discount off selected opening
    orders over $300                                                    packages at West End Collection

    Rae Gallery                            Stand G29                    Bramble Bay Co                        Stand C38
    Spend $500 to get $50 off                                           Place an order at the show and get the chance to
                                                                        win a $300 Credit voucher off your next order

    Kagi                                   Stand H07                    Heart & Grace                         Stand F14
    Receive complimentary Pendant & Necklace                            15% off orders placed at IJWF over $2000.
    $328 value for orders over $1500                                    Conditions apply


  J EWE L L E R Y & W A T C H F A I R

Exclusive Fair Offers                                                   Here are just some of the special offers to tempt
                                                                        you – discover so much more at the Fair! Cut
                                                                        out these vouchers and bring them with you to
Vouchers must be presented at the time of purchase and are only
redeemable at the International Jewellery & Watch Fair 2019             the show for GREAT savings.

   Origin Gems And Jewels                       Stand H38             Cultured Jewellery Designs


                                                                                                                 Stand D32
     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   TJD Silver                                   Stand B25             Bianc                                      Stand B15


     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   Aquarian Pearls                              Stand G11             Les Georgettes by Altesse                  Stand F27

     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   New Century Findings                         Stand K38             Yarani Jewellery                           Stand J24

     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   Australian Fine Jewellery                    Stand J4              Loona Jewellery                            Stand E08

     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   Ikecho Pearl Company                         Stand E10             Agringa Jewellery                          Stand K36

     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   Osjag                                        Stand J20             Shillcombe/Mats Jonasson                   Stand J18


     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   West End Collection                          Stand B03             Stones & Silver                            Stand B02


     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   Bramble Bay Co                               Stand C38             Rae Gallery                                Stand G29


     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

   Heart & Grace                                Stand F14             Kagi                                       Stand H07


     Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &                  Redeemable only at the International Jewellery &
     Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday                                    Watch Fair, Saturday to Monday
     August 24 - 26, 2019                                              August 24 - 26, 2019

14 International Jewellery & Watch Fair
August 24 > 26, 2019
                                                                  ICC Sydney > Exhibition Centre > Darling Harbour

Planning your visit
Venue                                                                                       Visit our website
Halls 3 & 4, Level 1                                                                       and register today.
ICC Sydney, Darling Harbour                                                                        ENTRY IS FREE!
August 24 – 26, 2019
Exhibition Hours:
                                                                                           02 9452 7575
Saturday & Sunday / 9:30am – 6pm                                               
Monday / 9:30am – 3pm

Getting There
Parking at ICC Sydney
ICC Sydney has two car park facilities located within the Exhibition Centre and ICC Sydney Theatre, located at 14 Darling Drive,
Sydney NSW 2000. Car park height: 2.2M. Additionally, there are secure car parks located in and around Darling Harbour, including
Wilson Harbourside Car Park and Wilson Darling Square Car Park.

     Train:                                                             Light rail:
	A short walk from Central or Town Hall will take you
                                                                   	The Light Rail travels right through a number of Darling
          directly to Darling Quarter, Tumbalong Park and                    Harbour stations including ICC Sydney’s stops,
          Sydney Visitor Centre. Town Hall and Central Stations              Convention Centre and Exhibition Centre. The Light
          are a 10-minute walk from ICC Sydney.                              Rail starts at Central Station in the CBD and travels to
                                                                             Dulwich Hill in the inner west.

	ICC Sydney has its own bus stop. Bus routes 389
  and 501 stop at Harris Street near Allen Street – a              	Cruise into Darling Harbour on a ferry with direct
  10-minute walk from ICC Sydney.                                    services from Circular Quay, King Street Wharf or
                                                                     Pyrmont Bay Wharf. Captain Cook Cruises operates

          Taxi:                                                      services between Darling Harbour Convention Wharf,
                                                                     Barangaroo King Street Wharf No.1 and Circular
	The best taxi drop off and pick up locations include the           Quay.
  new Iron Wharf Place next to Harbourside Shopping
  Centre and Zollner Circuit on the Southern end of ICC
  Sydney Theatre, both accessed via Darling Drive.

You’re invited…
     The Jewellery Design Awards return to the International Jewellery & Watch Fair 2019. Join us in
celebrating the incredible talents this industry has to offer, as we announce the Award Winners on the Fair
    floor on Sunday, 25 August. For further information on the awards visit

                                                         AWARD CATEGORIES
                               • 1st & 2nd Year Apprentice/Student Award SPONSORED BY BRINKS
                               • 3rd & 4th Year Apprentice/Student Award SPONSORED BY BRINKS
                                      • Australian Opal Award SPONSORED BY OPALS AUSTRALIA
                                      • Coloured Gemstone Award SPONSORED BY MARK McASKILL
                                      • Diamond Award SPONSORED BY SAMS GROUP AUSTRALIA
                                        • Men’s Accessories & Jewellery SPONSORED BY ADINA
             • Pearl Award SPONSORED BY IKECHO • Precious Metal Award SPONSORED BY PALLION

                                                        AUGUST 24 > 26, 2 019
            INTERNATIONAL               ICC Sydney I Exhibition Centre I Darling Harbour                     Organised by

                                        For further information regarding the awards, including full terms
                                        and conditions, please visit or give our
                                                          team a call on 02 9452 7513
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