International activities for publishing professionals

Page created by Timothy Mcbride
International activities for publishing professionals
I­ nternational
 for publishing

International activities for publishing professionals
New geography +                                                                                        German collective stands
                                                                                                           and other international
    New topics =                                                                                           projects in 2020
    New ideas                                                                                              _January

                                                                                                           Cairo International Book Fair*
                                                                                                                                                        Taipei International
                                                                                                                                                        Book Exhibition*

                                                                                                                                                                                         Toronto International
                                                                                                                                                        Taipei, 7 – 12 May
                                                                                                           Cairo, 22 January – 4 February                                                Film Festival*
                                                                                                                                                        Salone internazionale            Publishers' Tour
                                                                                                                                                        del libro di Torino*             Toronto, 10 – 20 September
                                                                                                           _March                                       Authors programme
    With new neighbours come new relationships and business opportunities: In 2020                                                                                                       Göteborg Book Fair*
                                                                                                                                                        Turin, 14 – 18 May
    a new hall layout will come into effect at Frankfurter Buchmesse, offering exhibitors                  London Book Fair                                                              Göteborg, 24 – 27 September
    and visitors the opportunity to connect with new business contacts and establish                       London, 10 – 12 March                        Festival de Cannes*
                                                                                                                                                        Publishers' Tour                 Germany as Guest of Honour
    new relations. This year we’re also taking a fresh approach to our conference                          SXSW Conference & Festivals*
                                                                                                                                                        Cannes, 18 – 19 May              in Indonesia:
    programme, providing insights, expert talks and inspirational speeches all in one                      Conference program                                                            Jakarta International Literary
    afternoon, and bringing people together who might not otherwise meet at the fair.                      Austin, 13 – 22 March                        International Arsenal            Festival*
    This creates a more fertile ground for the meeting of minds that’s so important at                                                                  Book Festival*
                                                                                                           Livre Paris*                                                                  LitBeat Festival*
    the world’s biggest marketplace for ideas. We are entering into new ventures abroad                                                                 Kiev, 20 – 24 May
                                                                                                           Paris, 20 – 23 March                                                          Indonesia International Book Fair*
    as well, including more interaction with the film world and new guest appearances
                                                                                                           Bologna Children’s Book Fair*                Warsaw Book Fair*                Jakarta, 9 – 13 September
    at other book fairs. One thing stays the same though: Frankfurter Buchmesse
                                                                                                                                                        Warsaw, 21 – 24 May
    and the German collective stands around the world will always be places for                            Bologna, 30 March – 2 April
    international dialogue in conducive surroundings, for exhibitors and visitors alike.                                                                                                 _October
                                                                                                           _April                                       _June
                                                                                                                                                                                         International Istanbul

                                                                                                           Tehran International Book Fair*              Seoul International Book Fair*   Book Fair*
                                                                                                           Tehran, 14 – 24 April                        Seoul, 24 – 28 June              Istanbul, 31 October – 8 November
       Talking to publishers and our
       presence at the book fair gave us                                                                   Abu Dhabi International
       an overview of the new releases,                                                                    Book Fair**                                  _July                            _November
       as well as insights into the German-                                                                Abu Dhabi, 15 – 21 April                     Festa Literária Internacional    Feria Internacional del Libro

       language literary scene. That kind

                                                                                                           Feria Internacional del Libro de             de Paraty (FLIP)*                de Guadalajara**
       of information is really valuable
                                                                                                           Buenos Aires*                                Publishers' Tour                 Guadalajara, 28 November –
       for us translators.                                     Being part of the invitation
                                                                                                           Buenos Aires, 28 April – 18 May              Paraty, 29 July – 2 August       6 December embe
                                                               programme was a real eye-opener
       Claudia Cabrera
                                                               and inside look into how the
       Mexico, participant International
                                                                                                           _May                                         _August                          _December r
       Translators Programme 2019                              business of international publishing
                                                               works. The programme opened the                                                                                           Moscow non/fiction*
        see page 9                                                                                         Thessaloniki International                   Beijing International
                                                               door wide to massive opportunities                                                                                        Moscow, 2 – 6 December
                                                                                                           Book Fair*                                   Book Fair**
                                                               for a small publisher like us to

                                                                                                           Guest of Honour Germany                      Beijing, 26 – 30 August

                                                               play in the big leagues – what a
                                                                                                           Thessaloniki, 7 – 10 May
                                                               rewarding experience!
                  Frankfurter Buchmesse is a multi-                                                                                                                                      Contact
                                                               Deborah Ahenkorah
                  pavilion hadron collider that builds
                                                               CEO and publisher African Bureau Stories,                                                                                 Bärbel Becker
                  spaces for uncompromising discus-            Ghana, participant Invitation Programme                                                                                   Director International Projects,
                  sion. It is the most affirming project       2019                                                                                                                      Frankfurter Buchmesse
                  I’ve ever seen: there are no areas of        see page 9

                  exclusion, everything is there to be                                                                                                                                   Phone: +49 (0) 69 2102-258
                  achieved and applied.                                                                                                                                        
                                                                                                           * Supported by          ** Commissioned by

                  Elena Rymshina                                                                                                                                               
                  State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia                                                                                                                                german_collective_stands
                  see page 7

2                                                                                                                                                                                                                            3
International activities for publishing professionals
    © Terry Lin

                                                                                           in the
    German collective stand at Taipei International Book Exhibition 2019

    In 2020, Germany will be welcomed as Guest of Honour at the Thessaloniki
    Book Fair in the youthful and vibrant cultural capital of Greece. This is the most
    significant literary event in the country and as much a festival as it is a trade
    fair. The 2020 fair will address a range of important topics relevant to Europe’s
    social and political debates. It will also host a New Writers Festival, which will
    include young German authors and provide a backdrop to the many profes-
    sional discussions. Under the slogan German Stories, Frankfurter Buchmesse
    and the German collective stand will take centre stage with the book
    collections, invited authors and much more besides.                                                               Lights! Cameras! Action!
                                                                                                                      Publishers’ Tour of Cannes
                                                                                                                      On 18 and 19 May we’ll be attending the
    Jakarta                                                                                                           Cannes Film Festival with a small group
    The capital of Indonesia is a megacity and                                                                        of industry professionals. While the stars
    a melting pot of nations and cultures. Here                            The events at a glance:                    strut the red carpet, our participants can
    in 2020, Germany will enjoy a threefold                                                                           meet film producers at exclusive networking
    appearance as the city’s literary guest: at the                        Thessaloniki International Book Fair,      events and promote selected books at one
    Jakarta International Literary Festival and                            Guest of Honour Germany |                  of the world’s leading film festivals. They will
    the Indonesia International Book Fair in                               Thessaloniki, 7 – 10 May 2020              also receive advice from our own film expert
    September, and at the LitBeat Festival,                                                                           and benefit from accreditation for the
    where literature meets films and games,                                Festival de Cannes, Publishers Tour |      festival itself and for the prestigious
    and where the book industry can                                        Cannes, 18 – 19 May 2020                   Marché du Film, including the two-day
    collaborate with the creative industries.                                                                         pitching event, Shoot the Book!
                                                                           Germany as Guest of Honour
    At all these events, German-language                                                                              Participation is open to publishers and film
                                                                           in Indonesia:
    authors and publishers will speak alongside                                                                       agents from German-speaking countries as
                                                                           Jakarta International Literary Festival,
    Indonesian colleagues on topics ranging                                                                           well as countries due to be Guests of Honour
                                                                           LitBeat Festival,
    from social and environmental themes to                                Indonesia International Book Fair |
                                                                                                                      at Frankfurter Buchmesse: Canada, Spain,
    fiction and poetry. At the LitBeat, German                             Jakarta, 9 – 13 September 2020             Slovenia and Italy. The small number of
    and Indonesian publishers can form tight                                                                          places available will be allocated by
    networks through the Indonesia Partner-                                                                           a jury. A similar tour will be organised in
    ship Programme and the Jakarta Fellowship                                                                         September for the Toronto International
                                                                                                                                                                          © Terry Lin
    Programme.                                                                                                        Film Festival.
                                                                                                                                                                         German collective stand at Taipei
4                                                                                                                                                                        International Book Exhibition 2019   5
International activities for publishing professionals
Our offices ­                                                                   The global
    abroad                                                                          community of books
    International networks                                                          Meet, learn and grow
    and local knowledge                                  Beijing Book Information
                                                                                    at our international events
                                                         Centre (BIZ)
    The Frankfurter Buchmesse international offices      German Book Office (GBO)
    provide us with a foothold in important commer-      New Delhi                  With regular conferences and a wide range
    cial centres on four continents. As well as being      of commercial and cultural projects, every
    a showcase for German books and publishing,          Southeast Asia             year Frankfurter Buchmesse and its offices
    each office is a gateway for German and              contact point:             abroad support the aspirations and business
    international publishers hoping to enter these       Jakarta, Indonesia         activities of people in publishing and related
    regional markets, and the first point of contact     Claudia Kaiser             fields. We bring them closer together and
    for publishers, booksellers and service providers    Vice President             provide opportunities to share and learn –
    from the respective region looking to do business    Frankfurter Buchmesse      from each other and from respected experts –
    in Germany or to attend the Frankfurter Buchmesse.   Jakarta, Indonesia         and to establish new partnerships for the
                                                       future.                                           © Frankfurter Buchmesse

                                                                                                                                     StoryDrive, 2019

          Thanks to Frankfurter Buchmesse for            Moscow Book Information
          giving us a chance to engage in the            Centre (BIZ)               “Maximizing Impact” is the title of the          CONTEC Mexico is an event for expert
          books and creative industry and to             Anastasia Milekhina        Publishers Training Programme at the Taipei      discussions about digital innovation, and for
          spread the word about the latest trends        Director                   International Book Exhibition. The two-day       collaboration in the fields of publishing and
          around the world, and above all for     event will provide insights into two funda-      technology.
          supporting those who build bridges           mental areas of publishing: marketing and        When & where: 18 – 19 February, Centro
          between cultures but who wouldn’t                                         licensing.                                       Cultural de España, Mexico City, Mexico

          otherwise have the opportunity to                                         When & where: 7 – 12 May, at the Taipei
          act globally.                                  Frankfurt Book Fair        World Trade Center, Taiwan                       StoryDrive Asia
                                                         New York Inc.                              Orientation, assistance and useful contacts
                                                         Riky Stock                                                                  are available at StoryDrive Asia to help you
          		            Tatiana Zborovskaya             Vice President             The theme for the 2020 FESTIVAL NEUE             develop crossmedia business opportunities
                         participant International     LITERATUR in New York is “Change – turn          in today’s convergent media landscape.
                         Translators Programme 2019
                                                     around and face the strange”. The festival       When & where: November, Singapore
                                                                                    brings together new writing from Austria,

                                                                                    Germany, Switzerland and the United States       GARAGE school for publishers
                                                         Brazil contact point       for the benefit of New York audiences.           In collaboration with Moscow's modern art
       It was a pleasure to meet with so many            Ricardo Costa              It is the only event to spotlight German-        museum, GARAGE, we are again offering a
       global publishers and to trust that you           Associate Partner,         language and American fiction.                   school for publishers and marketing agents
       and your team were keeping things                 Frankfurter Buchmesse      The festival is the product of extensive         from larger and smaller publishing houses
       running smoothly. Reliable timekeeping,           São Paulo, Brazil          cooperation. Please visit the website for        When & where: 21 – 23 April, in the Educational
       at-table snacks and water, a reason-             a full list of partners.                         Center of the GARAGE Museum, Moscow, Russia

       able number of well-catered breaks –                                         When & where: 23 – 26 April, diverse
       you thought of everything!                                                   addresses in Brooklyn and Manhattan,
                                                                                    New York, USA
       Katherine McGuire
                                                                                                  Stay tuned for updates:
       Quirk Books, at the
       Children's Books Salon
       in February 2019,
       in New York

6                                                                                                                                                                                      7
International activities for publishing professionals
The Frankfurt                                                                              Relationships
    book collections                                                                           that span the globe
    Topical, insightful and creative                    Highlights in 2020                     A growing global family
    German-language publishing                          The Fall of the Berlin Wall –          Frankfurter Buchmesse organises fellow-            The Frankfurt Invitation Programme, which
                                                        Stories between East and West |        ship and grant programmes to enhance               receives funding from the German Federal
    The book collections of Frankfurter Buchmesse       An eclectic mix of fiction and non-                                                       Foreign Office, supports publishers from
                                                                                               international cooperation across the
                                                        fiction marking the 30th anniversary
    highlight different genres, from children’s                                                publishing industry. Participants gain             developing countries and emerging econo-
                                                        of the end of the Wall and asking
    literature to graphic novels; they mark                                                    experience and make contacts that stay             mies. The programme offers 20 participants
                                                        what it still means to us today
    important anniversaries; and they examine                                                  with them for the rest of their careers.           a presence at Frankfurter Buchmesse, and also
    important social and political trends, such as      The Future Starts Now |
                                                                                                                                                  includes an invaluable publishing seminar.
    the impacts of artificial intelligence on society   Anthropocene – the age                 Every year, 16 new faces from different
    and democracy. This year is no exception,           of human influence on                  countries sign up for the Frankfurt Fellowship     Translation is at the heart of our business at
    with topics ranging from a timely assessment        nature and climate                     Programme. Two weeks of intensive inter-           Frankfurter Buchmesse. As such we are keen
    of the Anthropocene age to a celebration of                                                action with publishing professionals in Germany    to support the work and development of
    one of the world’s greatest composers.              Book to Film | A collection of         connects them with colleagues from all over        translators. Last year this manifested itself in
    We display these collections to trade and           biographical works about               the world and gives them a good idea of            the first Frankfurt International Translators
    private visitors alike, at numerous international   important German directors             the German publishing landscape. They              Programme aimed at literary and non-fiction
    book fairs (see page 3), or online at                                                      finish their trip by attending the book fair in    translators who translate from German. .                         250 years of                           Frankfurt. In 2019 the Frankfurt Fellows also      Some 30 translators from around the world
                                                        Ludwig van Beethoven                   visited Switzerland for the first time, with the   took part in the exclusive exchange and
                                                                                               help of the Swiss Booksellers and Publishers       networking events. The next edition of the
                                                                                               Association and the Pro Helvetia Cultural          programme will be taking place in 2021.
                                                                                               Foundation. This year's intake will have a
                                                                                               special focus on children’s and young adult        With its Young Talent Initiatives in coopera-
                                                                                                                                                  tion with partners from eight countries,
    the frankfurt
                                                                                                                                                  Frankfurter Buchmesse honours and

    magazine –                                                                                                                                    promotes up-and-coming talents of the
                                                                                                                                                  publishing industry. A group of award-
    German Stories                                                                                                                                winning young professionals are invited
                                                                                                                                                  to Frankfurt to participate in a programme
                                                                                                                                                  during the book fair week.

    Which German books have been
    made into successful films? What                                                                                                    
    will Frankfurter Buchmesse be                                                              Not only did we visit a wide range of
    doing at the Berlinale, Cannes                                                             publishers – from independents to the
    and Toronto film festivals? What                                                                                                                           Contact
                                                                                               biggest in the country – and learn a lot
    did publisher Regina Kammerer,                                                             about the children's book market in                             Niki Théron
    (Luchterhand Literaturverlag &                                                             Germany, we also made lasting friendships.                      Manager International Projects

    btb Verlag) discuss with Juergen                                                           Six years later, I'm still friends with                         Frankfurter Buchmesse
    Boos? In the frankfurt magazine                                                            the Fellows.
    we present articles and features
    that build on this year’s themes                                                           Fiz Osborne                                                     Marifé Boix Garcia
    and book collections, and share a                                                          Editorial Director, Illustrated Books,                          Vice President
                                                                                               Scholastic UK                                                   Frankfurter Buchmesse
    wealth of insights into the German
                                                                                               Frankfurt Fellow 2014
    publishing and book industry.
8                                                                                                                                                                                                    9
International activities for publishing professionals
Synergies and                                                                                   Guest of Honour 2020
     networking                                                                                      Canada
     A new conference format                                                                         Singular Plurality | Singulier Pluriel
     in Frankfurt

     Frankfurter Buchmesse hosts a number of          Complementing the new conference format,       Every year, Frankurter Buchmesse invites               Books on Canada | Frankfurter Buchmesse’s
     special conferences that highlight some          established platforms and events for the       a different Guest of Honour to present its             international book exhibition devoted to
     of the publishing industry’s most important      international book trade are still there for   literature and culture to the world. Now it            the Guest of Honour, which allows publishers
     trends and explore new business models.          you, including the Literary Agents & Scouts    is Canada's turn. Throughout 2020, under               from around the world to present books from
     The conferences cover diverse topics, from       Centre (LitAg) and the Publishers Rights       the slogan 'Singular Plurality | Singulier Pluriel',   or about Canada, be they translations
     audiobooks and film rights, to artificial        Corner. Likewise THE ARTS+, “the showroom      Canada is bringing a wide range of literary            of Canadian literature, or books on the
     intelligence and open access, and they           for the future of the cultural and creative    and cultural activities to Germany, culminating        country’s culture, history and politics.
     reach wide and varied audiences.                 industries”, makes a welcome fifth outing.     in a festival of Canadian literature and arts
                                                                                                     at Frankfurter Buchmesse in October. With
     We are adapting our conference formats                                                          famous authors such as Margaret Atwood,
     to reflect the convergence of the media and      Find out more here:                            Michael Ondaatje and Nobel laureate Alice
     the breaking up of the silo mentality. As of                                                    Munro, and with vibrant contributions to
     this year, we will hold one main conference      Literary Agents & Scouts Centre:               contemporary music and the arts, Canada is
     that looks at big-picture strategies, before                             a major presence on today’s global cultural
     dividing into specialised sessions. This event                                                  stage. Now you can go behind the scenes
     also offers the industry a new hub for           Publishers Rights Corner:                      to find out more: experience the 'singular
     networking. More information on this important                               plurality' of Canada’s artistic and cultural life.
     industry meeting will be available soon.
                                                      THE ARTS+:


                                                                                                       Canada’s vibrant book industry will be the
                                                                                                       star of our celebration in 2020, from rising                                                                           and emerging writers and illustrators to
                                                                                                       the highly acclaimed and renowned authors.
                                                                                                       We will reveal powerful writing from all
                                                                                                       literary genres and from French, English
                                                                                                       and Indigenous voices, while still heralding

                                                                                                       the myriad backgrounds that represent
                                                                                                       our country.”
                                                                                                       Caroline Fortin
                                                                                                       President,                                                        Simone Bühler
                                                                                                       Canada FBM2020                                                    Head of the Guest of
                                                                                                                                                                         Honour Programme

                                                                                                                                                                         Further information about
                                                                                                                                                                         the Guest of Honour Canada:

     © Bernd Hartung                                   © Bernd Hartung

                                                      Michael Krause from Spotify speaking at the
10                                                    Frankfurt Audio Summit 2019                                                                                                                          11
International activities for publishing professionals
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Photography                               Published by
Frankfurter Buchmesse, Bernd Hartung,     Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH
Terry Lin                                 Braubachstrasse 16
                                          60311 Frankfurt am Main
Concept, Coordination & Text              Germany
Alastair Penny
Photo Editor, Coordination                Bärbel Becker
Dieter Schmidt, Luisa Wagner              Director International Projects
                                          Frankfurter Buchmesse
Design                                    Phone: +49 (0) 69 2102-258
Vier für Texas GmbH & Co. KG    

© Frankfurter Buchmesse GmbH,
  Frankfurt 2020

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