Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school

Page created by Darrell Doyle
Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
Year 5 Home Learning
 Pack Monday 1st March–
          Friday 5         th


Date returned to school:

Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
Year 5 and 6 Weekly Topic Mat

   Our History topic is the Blitz and we will be looking at what happened
during the Blitz and how propaganda played its part to justify Germany and
                               Britain’s actions.

            How was the Blitz perceived by Britain and Germany?

Source            Where information comes from.
Propaganda        Information used to persuade people to follow a certain point of
Justify           To prove something is right or reasonable.
Evidence          Information showing whether something is true or not.
Blitz             An intensive or sudden military attack.
                                 5 Finger Facts
I know that London was bombed for 57 consecutive nights from 7th September
I know that the total civilian deaths during the Blitz was around 40,000.
I know that during the Blitz as many as 180,000 people per night sheltered within
the London underground system. People were forced to sleep in air raid shelters.
I know that Blitz is an abbreviation (shortened word) of the German word
‘Blitzkrieg’, meaning “lightning war”.
I know that German attacks damaged 2 million homes and 19 churches were
                            This week’s activities
      Monday                        Tuesday                       Wednesday
 Can you find out               Can you sort                How did propaganda help
 what the Blitz                 out the sources              people feel they had a
 was? Why was it so             of evidence                 purpose during the war?
 devastating?                   about the war?

                     Thursday                                 Friday
          Why did Germany carry out the                    To create an
          Blitz?                                       information booklet
                                                         about the Blitz?

Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
This week, you will be learning all about the Blitz and by the end of the week
           you will be creating an information leaflet all about it!

Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
Year 5 Maths

This week year 5, we are going to be continuing to develop our knowledge of
multiplication and division. There will be games on Classroom Secrets Kids.

                      The objectives we are working on are:

   •   multiply numbers up to 4 digits by a one- or two-digit number using a
       formal written method, including long multiplication for two-digit numbers

   •   multiply and divide numbers mentally, drawing upon known facts

Monday- Multiply 4 digits by 1 digit

Tuesday- Multiply 2 digits

Wednesday- Multiply 2 digits (Part two)

Thursday- Multiply 2 digits by 2 digits

Friday- Multiply 3 digits by 2 digits

Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
Year 5 Writing Challenge!

This week you are going to be writing a diary entry as though you were in an air
raid shelter during The Blitz.

Monday – SPAG focus for the week – Verb Tenses

Verb tenses: Past, present and future. The verb tense tells us when an action

Tuesday – Gathering Content

Researching The Blitz and what it was like in the air raid shelters!

Wednesday – Success Criteria

Read through the diary entry example. Can you highlight the key features?

Thursday – Plan your diary entry

Having gathered content about The Blitz, you now need to plan your diary entry,
and the verb tenses you will use!

Friday – Drafting your diary entry

It is time for you to write your diary entry. Complete your task
on Purple Mash and don’t forget to include past, present and
future tense verbs!

Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school

9-9.30 am start the day by waking up your brain with Reading Plus or Eggs

9.30 -10.15 Monday – Verb tenses

First, read below to find out about verbs and verb tenses.

Then, read the powerpoint slides below to learn even more about verb tenses!

Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
Monday – Verb tenses challenges 1

First, underline or highlight the verb in each sentence.

Then, next to the sentence, write whether it is ‘past’, ‘present’ or ‘future’ tense.

Year 5 Home Learning Pack Monday 1st March-Friday 5th March - Name: Date returned to school
Monday- Verb tenses challenge 2!

10.15-10.30 am Times Table Rockstars time!

    10.30 – 10.45 am Have a brain break.

10.45 – 11.10 am Relax your mind with today’s
mindfulness activity on the next page.

Monday Mindfulness

11.10am – 12pm - Monday – Task 1- Watch the video clip about multiply 4 digits by
1 digit-

Monday Task 2 – Multiplying 4 digits by 1 digit

12- 1pm Take a break have some lunch

              1.15pm Join your class for today’s ZOOM session!

1.45 – 2.45 pm Monday’s History


Today, you will be finding out all about the Blitz.

Task 1 - Watch this video clip all about the Blitz and make notes.

Monday Task 2 – Use these powerpoint slides to help you find out more about
the Blitz.

Task 3 – Create a mini factfile all about the Blitz! Use the word bank to help!

                                     Word Bank

      Blitz         Blitzkrieg           air raid shelter            bombings
           destruction            Germany           Britain             ports
                         cities        casualties           deaths


9-9.30 am start the day by waking up your brain with Reading Plus or Eggs

9.30 – 10.15 am Today’s writing challenge.

Tuesday – Gathering Content

Read the information slides below to find out about The Blitz. Then, watch
these clips to learn what life was like during The Blitz, and using an air raid
shelter. This, along with your Topic knowledge from yesterday, will help you with
writing your diary entry later in the week! Think back to when we watched
Goodnight Mister Tom together and the air raid shelter scene.

Use the lines below to make notes!

10.15-10.30 am Times Table Rockstars time!

    10.30 – 10.45 am Have a brain break.

             10.45 – 10.55 am

             Relax your mind with today’s positivity activity on the
next page.

Tuesday - Positivity

10.55-11.10 am Spelling Practice!

Practise these spellings; they are from the first week, but I want to
make sure you know them!

11.10 am – 12pm
      alter       altar        ascent        assent     bridal       bridle
Tuesday – Task 1 – watch the clip about the perimeter of rectangles -
            cereal         serial        compliment          complement

Tuesday – Task 1 – Tuesday – Task 1- Watch the video clip about multiplying 2


12- 1pm Take a break have some lunch

1-2pm Find a fun science activity to try in the following

Have fun and please send in pictures!☺

2 – 3pm Tuesday- History

Tuesday History Task

Today you will be studying sources of evidence linked to the Blitz. A source of
evidence informs people all about events, BUT like many things, different people
have different interpretations of it. You are going to have a try at sorting out
sources of evidence which show that Britain is winning the Second World War
or that things are going badly for Britain.


9-9.30 am start the day by waking up your brain with Reading Plus or Eggs

9.30 – 10.15 Today’s writing challenge:

Wednesday – Success Criteria

Can you highlight the following in this diary entry?

Past tense verbs
Present tense verbs
Future tense verbs

Dear diary,

I am writing this entry sitting in a dreary, freezing cold public shelter. It is so
grim in here, we are all so closely packed in, I doubt I will get a wink of sleep

At seven o’clock, the air raid siren started to blare out, oh I do hate that noise,
it is so deafening. So, doing as we were told, Mum and I paced quickly towards
the shelter, determined to get a good spot. Unfortunately, we were not one of
the first there, and we just had to push our way through to reach safety. We
managed to find a little corner in the tunnel where we could sit, but I was not
able to lie down.

All of a sudden, the bombs were exploding all around us. The sound of the
explosions was horrifying, everyone in the shelter was gasping and wailing. It
was truly awful. People’s tears were streaming down their faces and they all
looked at a loss. My Mum just held me tight and kept whispering in my ear that
it would all be alright and stop soon. Eventually, she was right.

I sit here now, looking around me, some men and women are reading newspapers,
some children are trying to sleep, but I can’t help thinking about what tomorrow
will bring. Will our house still be standing tall? Will any of my toys have been
destroyed? Will this war ever end?

I will write again tomorrow, hopefully we won’t be back down in that shelter



10.15-10.30 am Times Table Rockstars time!

          10.30 – 10.45 am Have a brain break.

         10.45 – 10.55 am

         Relax your mind with today’s mindfulness activity below

10.55 – 11.10 Handwriting challenge

11:10 – 12:00 Wednesday- Task 1- Watch the video clip about multiplying 2
digits (second part)


12- 1pm Take a break have some lunch

1-2pm Wednesday – History Task
Watch this clip to find out propaganda and how governments used it in the war.

Look at these propaganda posters and slogans, what do you think they are trying
to encourage people to do? Write down your answers next to the poster.

Wednesday Task 2 – Create your own Propaganda poster! You can use the
template on the next page for ‘Careless Talk Costs Lives’ to create a poster or
you can think of your own!

2-3pm Wednesday – Forest School challenge

Forest School


9-9.30 am start the day by waking up your brain with Reading Plus or Eggs

9.30 – 10.15 am Today’s writing challenge.
Thursday – Planning your diary entry

                I can plan a diary entry about The Blitz.

Introduction- where are you writing this from?

Events- What has happened leading up to now?

Verb tenses you could use –

Feelings- how are you feeling?

Verb tenses you could use –

Closing paragraph

Verb tenses you could use-

Verb tenses- Word Mat 1 (Past and Present Tense)

Verb tenses- Word Mat 2 (Changing from Past, Present to Future tense)

10.15-10.30 am Times Table Rockstars time!

10.30 – 10.45 am Have a brain break

10.45 – 10.55 am

Relax your mind with today’s mindfulness task.

10.55 –11.10 am                Spelling Practice!

Practise this week’s spellings below using the strategy below

      alter        altar        ascent     assent       bridal

              bridle       cereal    serial         compliment


11.10am – 12pm Thursday- Task 1- Watch the video clip about multiplying 2
digits by 2 digits

Thursday – Task 2 – Multiply a 2 digits by 2 digits

12- 1 pm Take a break have some lunch

                1.15pm Join your class for today’s
                ZOOM session!

1 – 1:45pm Complete the World Book Day activities below. Enjoy!

Task 1- Crossword!

Task 2- Choose a World Book Day bookmark from the 4 options
below and decorate it using bright colours! Then, bring it into school
with you on Monday and I will laminate it for you to use in your
reading book!

2.15 – 3pm -

Thursday – History Task

Today you will be discovering why Germany decided to bomb Britain so intensely
and why the Blitz eventually stopped in 1941.

By 1940, Germany had successfully invaded France and so Adolf Hitler (the
German leader) set his sights on Britain. He wanted to take over Britain and
neutralise it so that Germany were not having to fight Russia in the East and
Britain in the west. Hitler realised the way to try and                     take
over Britain was to use terror as his weapon by
bombing key cities in Britain.

Task 1 – Why?

Having completed History last term about World War II, why did Germany
bomb cities in the Blitz? They also bombed cities which were ports, why do you
think they bombed ports?

The end of the Blitz

Look at the slides and text on the next page to find out more about the Blitz:

One key argument from historians about Adolf Hitler, is
that he did not realise how brave and determined the
British people would be during the Blitz. Hitler believed
that by scaring the British population and bombing key
locations, this would force Britain to admit defeat.
Unfortunately, for Hitler, this did not happen and so by
May 1941, the Blitz ended. It was seen as a loss for Germany as they had not
achieved their mission of invading Britain. The British saw it as a huge victory.
From May 1941, Germany changed their tactics and decided to try and invade
Russia instead.

Task 2 – How do you think a German pilot would have felt at the end of
the Blitz? Do you think he would have been pleased or disappointed?
Explain your answer.


9-9.30 am start the day by waking up your brain with Reading Plus or Eggs

9.30 - 10.15 am Today’s writing challenge.

               Friday – Drafting your diary entry

               On Purple Mash, you have been set template to write your diary
               entry from when you were in an air raid shelter, during the Blitz!

Don’t forget to include past, present and future verb tenses!

10.15-10.30 am Times Table Rockstars time!

                10.30 – 10.45 am Have a brain break.

10.45 – 10.55 am Have a go at the positivity
challenge I have set for you!

10.55 – 11.10 am Friday – Handwriting

11.10 am – 12pmFriday- Task 1- Watch the video clip about multiplying 3 digits
by 2 digits

Friday – Task 2 – Multiplying a 3 digits number by 2 digits

12- 1 pm Take a break have some lunch

Friday - History Task
Now you have learnt all about the Blitz and how propaganda was used in the war,
I would like you to create an information booklet all about it.

You could use the following bullet points and sub-headings and don’t forget to
include some pictures!

   •   When did the Blitz start and how did it affect people?
   •   The use of propaganda – good and bad
   •   Why did the Blitz stop?

           On Purple Mash, there is a leaflet template for you to use.

2-3 pm End the week by getting active!

You could try one of the following…

                  Cosmic Kids Yoga

                          PE with Joe Wicks
You can also read