Xtraordinary Women MEDIA KIT

Page created by Francisco Henry
Xtraordinary Women MEDIA KIT
Xtraordinary Women
Xtraordinary Women MEDIA KIT

CONNECT WITH US                  Welcome!
                                 I am so pleased you found us! When I started my
   XtraordinaryWomen             journey as an entrepreneur, I found it exceedingly
                                 difficult to navigate the waters of entrepreneurship. It
                                 was through truly connecting with others I found the
  @XtraordinaryWomen             power of stories and the power of community.

                                 Each and every person that I have come across has a
  @XOrdinaryWomen                powerful story or knowledge to share that inspires
                                 others. At Xtraordinary Women we are dedicated to
                                 supporting entrepreneurs in every aspect of their
                                 business and therefore, provide a platform that Leads,
CONTACT US                       Inspires and Supports our community.

  Cape Town
                                 Our aim of our platform is to provide a trusted resource
  Editor@XtraordinaryWomen.com   where entrepreneurs can find articles and information
                                 that can support them every step of their journey.

                                 At Xtraordinary Women we are dedicated to inspiring
                                 success, passionate about dreaming big and creating a
                                 platform for magic to happen.

                                 I, therefore, invite you to share your valuable resources
                                 that could assist our community in finding the support
                                 and inspiration they need to live their lives with purpose.
                                 I look forward to connecting with you.

                                 Please don't hesitate to contact us should you have any
                                 queries detailed in this Media Kit.

                                 Kind Regards,
Xtraordinary Women MEDIA KIT
Xtraordinary Women was founded in 2007 to inspire women to live their lives with purpose. We use the
platform to encourage, coach and support Ordinary Women to do Extraordinary Things.

At Xtraordinary Women, we support the South African economy by building a community of confident and
successful women in business that actively engage and contribute to their community’s growth and

Xtraordinary Women is a platform that Leads, Inspires, Supports and Recognises Women Entrepreneurs in
South Africa. It takes a community to build a business, and Xtraordinary Women is that community.

Our Promise:
To inspire success and to create a platform for magic to happen.

Our Purpose:
To encourage and support Ordinary Women to do Extraordinary Things.

Our Vision:
To support the South African economy by building a community of successful women in business and to
showcase what South Africa has to offer.

   61+K                         5.2K                       1.3K                         6+K

                 1.2K                      1.2+K                         1K

Our audience is mainly women between the ages of 35 and 65 that are interested in starting a business
or are entrepreneurs seeking inspiration and advice on business related topics. Many are affluent leaders
and B2B Decision Makers.

Through our purpose driven online community, we lead, inspire, support, educate & empower women to
start or grow a successful business.
Business Advice                                         Fashion & Beauty
Business related topics to help start and grow a        Fashion and Beauty resources and trends.
Business Networking                                     You are welcome to send us your upcoming events.
Topics on how to network effectively, networking        Refer to Events for more information.
organisations etc.
                                                        Financial Advice
Business News                                           Tips and articles for financial wealth and management.
Latest news from the business environment.
Business Services                                       Inspirational articles, videos to inspire and motivate our
B2B or B2C business services that support the           audience.
                                                        Legal Advice
Business Tools                                          Articles on legislation, business governance &
Business Tools and Resources to help start, grow        compliance, contracts, etc.
and manage a business.
Career Advice                                           Articles on how to effectively market a business, digital
Tips and information source for career practitioners.   marketing, marketing trends, etc.

Competitions                                            Opinion: Op-Ed
Latest competitions and giveaways                       Op-Ed articles.

Downloads                                               Personal Development
Free resources and downloads.                           Articles on improving self-awareness, self-knowledge,
                                                        skills. Building or renewing identity/self-esteem.
Education                                               Developing strengths or talents. (Mental, Social
Education related topics.                               Spiritual, Emotional).

Entertainment                                           Press Releases
Latest entertainment news and events                    Press Releases and Public Relations.

Entrepreneurship                                        Sales Tips
All topics related to entrepreneurship, starting a      Articles on sales skills, effective selling, social selling
business, SMME's etc.                                   etc.
Social Media                                               Women in STEM
Articles on Social Media tips and tricks, latest trends,   Articles about women in Science, Technology,
blogging etc.                                              Engineering and Mathematics.

Tech Reviews                                               Women in the Workplace
Reviews on the latest smartphones and technology.          Articles about women making a difference in
                                                           corporate, leadership etc.
Articles on the latest development in the Tech World,      Xtraordinary Woman of the Month
Tech Reviews, etc.                                         Each month Xtraordinary Women showcases a
                                                           woman that we believe will inspire and encourage
Tourism & Travel                                           women to dream big and to live their lives with
Articles related to anything in the tourism industry       purpose. Send us your nominations for consideration.
and travel destinations.                                   .

Women Entrepreneurship
Women entrepreneurs news, updates, women in
business making a difference, etc.
You can submit one Guest Post per month for free on one of the above categories.
Guest posts are a great way to reach new audiences by sharing your expertise in a particular niche.

   Format: Word document or email. No .pdf's please.
   Topics: Only topics that are suitable for our audience will be accepted (refer to categories for
   Content Quality: Content should be of high quality with no spelling or grammatical errors. Articles
   must be engaging and informative. Provide a clear takeaway or learning for our readers.
   Recommended Article Length: 1200+ words.
   Edits: Xtraordinary Women reserves the right to edit articles if they are grammatically incorrect or to
   make them more readable. Articles can not be changed once it has been approved and published.
   Images: Xtraordinary Women will source images that are complimentary to the article.
   Non-Promotional: Articles are to be informational. Should you want to submit a promotional article,
   please refer to the Advertorial Section.
   Approval: Xtraordinary Women reserves the right to decline a Guest Post submission if we deem
   the content unsuitable for our audience.
   Accuracy: All content needs to be accurate. No fake news, click-bait or sales pitches will be
   Links: You can include facts and research with reputable links.
   Author Bio and High-Resolution Professional Profile Photo(for paid posts): All articles are to be
   accompanied by an author bio and photo. The author bio should not exceed 100 words and may
   include a link to your website’s homepage, Facebook Page, Twitter Profile and LinkedIn Profile. An
   example of an author bio can be found here.
   Terms Of Use: By submitting an article, you agree to Xtraordinary Women using it on our website
   and will not claim for payment or copyright infringement now or in the future.

Once we have accepted your Guest Post, we will send you a draft for approval.

1 Guest Post a Month - Free
Additional Guest Posts - R300

Free Guest Posts are not shared on our Social Media Platforms, refer to Social Sharing for Rates.
An advertorial is perfect to educate a prospective consumer about a product or service your business
provides. An advertorial differs from a Guest Post, as you can include information about services that
your business provides.

Advertorials are an ideal way to showcase your area of expertise in a particular niche, and at the same
time provide more information on how your company can help our audience. Advertorials must provide
value to our readers and through sharing your knowledge, encourage readers to find out more about
your company.

   As per Guest Posts, with the exception of the article being of a promotional nature.
   Articles must include educational content and not only promotional content.

Per Article - R400
Social Share Included

Get added exposure for your event by submitting your upcoming event.

The following is to be included in your submission:
   Date, start and end time
   Name, contact and RSVP details
   Event Website
   Event Image

Per Event - R150
Social Share not included - See Social Sharing for Rates.
Company Logo with link to your website is an additional way to create a visual representation for your

Per Logo – R200 p/m

We send out a monthly newsletter and we can include your sponsored article.

Per Article - R250

In our experience a giveaway or lucky prize is a wonderful opportunity to get extra exposure for your

A giveaway is to be accompanied by an informational article on a topic pertinent to the giveaway.

Per Giveaway – R400

Xtraordinary Women reserves the right to change any of the conditions outlined here, upon receipt of
submission, without prior notice.

We reserve the right to reject any submission should we deem the content unsuitable for our audience
and community.
Social Sharing

Paid Guest Posts will be shared on the following platforms:

   Xtraordinary Women Facebook Page
   Xtraordinary Women Community Group
   LinkedIn Company Page
   LinkedIn Group

Advertorials will be shared on the following platforms:

   Xtraordinary Women Facebook Page
   Xtraordinary Women Community Group
   LinkedIn Company Page
   LinkedIn Group

Events will be shared on the following platforms:

   Xtraordinary Women Facebook Page
   Xtraordinary Women Community Group
   LinkedIn Company Page
   LinkedIn Group

Per Event - R200
Per Guest Post - R400

       Submissions: E-Mail editor@xtraordinarywomen.com for any inquiries and submissions.
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