Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF

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Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
Joint research project:
    Climate protection in small private forests – for owners and society (KKEG)
    Working Paper: Forest Management Activity – factors explaining the
          willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany
 Christoph Neitzel, Philine Feil, Björn Seintsch

                                                         © Christoph   © Niedersächsische Landesforsten

Slide 0       Christoph Neitzel
12.06.2018                         FKZ: 28W-C-5-036-99
Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
   Forest-related ecosystem services, well-being, challenges and initiatives

 Challenges                                                                    Initiatives
International                                                              International
 Climate change                                                                  UNFCCC
 Biodiversity loss                                                                  CBD
  Desertification                                                                 UNCCD
         …                                                                            …
  National                                                                      National
                                                                               Climate Protection
  CC mitigation                                                                     Strategy

 CC adaptation                                                                      Strategy

  Fossil-to-Bio                                                                 Forest Strategy

  Environmental vs                                                                Strategy on
 Species protection                                                               Biodiversity

         …                                Conflicting goals and measures              …

   Slide 1            Christoph Neitzel
Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
Someone must be willing to implement forest managment activities
                                     Basic silvicultural measures:
might individually or in combination benefit or harm different ecosystem services explicitly or implicitly

                   tree species composition                     maintain tracks

             alien tree species                                              forgo logging

       pruning / thinning                                                      prohibit entry

              logging                                                        retain habitat trees

                 …                                                                     …
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Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
The German forestry case
Forest ownership in Germany + Federal Forest Law

                                                  BWaldG § 1: The main objective of the
   Corporate forest          Private forest       Federal Forest Law is
        19%                     < 20 ha
                                  24%             1. To maintain the forest because of its
                                                     use, protection and recreation
    Public forest -
                                                     function, and, if necessary, to
        state                Private forest          increase it and to ensure its proper
        29%                     > 20 ha
                                  24%                management in the long term,
               Public forest -                    2. To promote/support forestry and
                                                  3. To bring about a balance between
    Figure: Forest ownership types in Germany;
   Source: National Forest Inventory (BWI) 2012      the interest of the general public and
                                                     the interest of the forest owners.
Slide 3          Christoph Neitzel
Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
The German forestry case
National Forest Inventory 2012

 Harvest (m³/ha*a) in selected federal states                             Property type

                                                                          All property types

                                                                          Small private forests        < 20 ha

                                                                          Very small private forests   < 5 ha

                                                                   National average: 7,0 m³/ha*a

                                                    Average of small private forestst: 6,2 m³/ha*a
                                                Average of very small private forests: 5,8 m³/ha*a

                                                                               Hennig (2016: 332)

Slide 4      Christoph Neitzel
Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
Objective and research question

• Main objective:
     •       Identifying factors that influence the decision of private
             forest owners (PFO) to implement Forest Management
             Activities (FMA), i.e. basic silvicultural measures, in the
• Question:
     •       Which factors explain PFOs’ willingness-to-act (WTA) in
             terms of logging wood from their forest holding?

Slide 5        Christoph Neitzel
Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
Theoretical framework
Theory of human decision-making to structure variables


   Intervening        Feedback



                                 Figure: Conceptual framework (modified from Pregerning, 1999)
Slide 6      Christoph Neitzel
Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
Telephone survey

• Basic Population: German-speaking resident
  population, at least 18 years old
• Sample: private forest owners (PFO)
• Random sample: 1.202 respondents
• Weighting: by gender, age, education and region
  to compensate bias
• Survey period (incl. pre-test): May 22nd until July
  21st, 2017
• Interview length: 29 minutes

Slide 7      Christoph Neitzel
Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
Descriptive and regressive analysis with JMP/SAS

•   Step 1: Bivariate statistics with chi²-test (variable-wise)
    •        PFOs’ WTAlogging x independent variables
    •        Selecting independent variables that indicate significant differences
•   Step 2: Bivariate statistics with chi²-test (variable-wise)
    •        PFOs’ WTAlogging x independent variables
    •        Selecting independent variables with a hypothesized effect
•   Step 3: Nominal logistic regression (all variables)
    •        Dependent variable takes the value of one (1), if the set of
             independent variables indicates WTAlogging and zero (0) if otherwise

Slide 8         Christoph Neitzel
Working Paper: Forest Management Activity - factors explaining the willingness-to-act of private forest owners in Germany - UEF
Sub-setting the data set

 Block                     Component                               # of variables STEP 1   STEP 2
 Dependent variables       Forest management activities (future)        1           1        1
 Response feedback         Forest management activities (past)          8           8        2
 Intervening variables     Social milieus                               1           1        1
                           Attitudes and values                         13          10       2
                           Knowledge structure                          15          13       2
                           Perceived attributes                         30          19       2
 Selection instances       Direct social communication                  9           6        2
                           Indirect communication                       12          5        2
 Objective environment     Human (socio-demographic)                    4           3        2
                           Social                                       10          8        2
                           Economic (socio-economic)                    5           4        2
                           Natural (ecological)                         10          8        2
                           Institutional                                7           5        2
                                                          TOTAL        125          91       24
Slide 9      Christoph Neitzel
    Dependent and independent variables
Variable                 Type          Unit       Explanation
WTAlogging               Nominal       0/1        Whether or not willing to log wood in the next 10 years.
MAINTENANCE              Nominal       0/1        Whether or not implemented thinning/pruning activities in the past 10 years.
LOGGING                  Nominal       0/1        Whether or not implemented logging activities in the past 10 years.
MILIEU                   Categorical   Dummy      Affiliation to 1 out of 10 social milieus.
FUNCTION                 Categorical   Dummy      3 paired comparisons of „basic“ forest functions regarding an increase in provision.
RELEVANCEsubsistence     Nominal       0/1        Whether or not the forest holding is relevant for subsistence in wood supply.
HAZARDS                  Nominal       0/1        Whether or not the forest holding is threatened by hazards.
SUITsize                 Nominal       0/1        Whether or not the forest holding is perceived as too small for FMA.
CONSULTFUTURElogging     Nominal       0/1        Whether or not more or better counselling services for logging activities are desired.
KNOWLEDGEtimbersale      Nominal       0/1        Whether or not contact persons are known to market wood.
PRINCIPAL                Categorical   Dummy      Nomination of 1 out of 7 agents that act as the principal forest manager.
CONSULTspn               Categorical   Dummy      Whether or not counsel/assistance was obtained from professionals in the past 10 years.
INFOjournal              Nominal       0/1        Whether or not red a forest-related journal in the past year.
INFOseminar              Nominal       0/1        Whether or not visited a forest-related seminar or alike in the past year.
GENDER                   Nominal       0/1        Male or female
AGE                      Continuous    Years      Age of the private forest owner.
HHsize                   Continuous    #          Number of persons living in the household.
RESIDENCErural           Nominal       0/1        Whether or not the residence is located in a rural areas accroding to EUROSTAT-DEGUBRA.
EQUIPMENT                Nominal       0/1        Whether or not owning equipment for forest-related work.
PRIMARY                  Nominal       0/1        Whether or not someone in the household is or was employed in the primary sector.
SIZE                     Continuous    Hectares   Size of the forest holding in total.
ROAD                     Nominal       0/1        Whether or not the forest holding has road access that is suitable for wood transport.
    Slide 10
FOAadopt               Christoph
                         Nominal Neitzel
                                      0/1         Whether or not there is a membership in a forest owner association/cooperation.
FINANCIALsupport         Nominal       0/1        Whether or not forest-related financial support was received in the past 10 years.
    Logistic regression (all components): FMA (past) + Milieu

                                                                        WTAlogging model
                                                                        N                       860
    Logistic regression (all components): intervening variables

expected   Variable                              Type         Unit             Coefficient        p-value                                                Odds ratio p-value
           FUNCTIONfrs                           nominal      dimensionless                                                                                         0,0247 **
                  FUNCTIONfrs[more forestry]                                         0,542         0,0070 *** FUNCTIONfrs[more forestry-status quo]        2,439    0,0223 **
                  FUNCTIONfrs[more recreation]                                      -0,192        0,3150         FUNCTIONfrs[more recreation-status quo] 1,171      0,6726
           FUNCTIONfns                           nominal      dimensionless                                                                                         0,0399 **
                  FUNCTIONfns[more forestry]                                         0,275         0,3095        FUNCTIONfns[more forestry-status quo]     1,008    0,9886
                  FUNCTIONfns[more protection]                                      -0,542        0,0145 **      FUNCTIONfns[more protection-status quo] 0,445      0,0832 *
           FUNCTIONnrs                           nominal      dimensionless                                                                                         0,0006 ***
                  FUNCTIONnrs[more protection]                                       0,494         0,0677 *      FUNCTIONnrs[more protection-status quo] 5,638      0,0002 ***
                  FUNCTIONnrs[more recreation]                                       0,742         0,0652 *      FUNCTIONnrs[more recreation-status quo] 7,229      0,0026 ***
           RELEVANTsubsistence                   binominal    dimensionless          0,225         0,1406                                                  1,569    0,1402
           HARZARDS                              binominal    dimensionless          0,037         0,8071                                                  1,076    0,8069
           SUITSsize                             binominal    dimensionless         -0,179        0,2437                                                   0,699    0,2416
           CONSULTFUTURElogging                  binominal    dimensionless          0,743         0,0004 ***                                              4,422    0,0002 ***
           KNOWLEDGEtimbersale                   binominal    dimensionless          0,045         0,7640                                                  1,095    0,7642
                                                        *Siginificant at α = 0.10, **Significant at α = 0.05, ***Significant at α = 0.01

    Slide 12             Christoph Neitzel
    Logistic regression (all components): selection instances

expected   Variable                             Type         Unit             Coefficient        p-value                                                 Odds ratio p-value
           PRINCIPALall                         nominal      dimensionless
    Logistic regression (all components): objective environment

expected   Variable                        Type         Unit             Coefficient        p-value                                  Odds ratio p-value
           GENDER                          binominal    dimensionless          0,364         0,0175 **                                 2,072    0,0164 **
           AGE                             continuous   years                  -0,018        0,0765 *                                  0,982    0,0761 *
           HHsize                          continuous   persons                0,037         0,7640                                    1,038    0,7635
           RESIDENCErural                  binominal    dimensionless          0,917
Theoretical framework
• Is the theoretical approach suitable for the research question?
Material and methods
•   Data quality: quantitative data with ad hoc response
•   Variables mainly “nominal” and only some “continuous”
•   Finding subsets that fit well: theory-driven vs. stepwise?
•   Comparison with non-DACH countries not yet exhaustive.
• # of observations 840 out of 1.202
• 11 out of 23 variables are not significant
• 3 out of 23 variables have a sign contrary to our expectation.

Slide 15     Christoph Neitzel

The willingness to act (in terms of implementing logging activities) is mainly
explained (in terms of significance) by:
• FMA of logging in the past
•    milieu affiliation
•    a stated preference in more forestry activities compared to the status quo
•    a stated interest in more counselling services regarding logging
•    a public forester being mainly in charge of the private forest holding
•    obtained public or private counselling services in the past
•    being a male private forest owner
•    being younger
•    living in a rural “physical” environment
•    having road access to the forest holding
•    having greater forest holding sizes

Slide 16     Christoph Neitzel
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       Slide 17                      Christoph Neitzel
Thank you for your attention!              
 Joint research project: Climate protection in small private forests – for owners and society (KKEG)

                             © Christoph                              © Niedersächsische Landesforsten

Slide 18      Christoph Neitzel
12.06.2018                                 FKZ: 28W-C-5-036-99
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