Wireless Competitive Comparison - Cisco

Page created by Shane Goodman
Competitive comparison
Cisco public

Wireless Competitive
                                                   Cisco                          HPE                            Huawei


  Recognize and service
  1400+ apps

  Differentiate between                            Cisco access controllers       HPE switching platforms        Huawei offers limited SLA
  non-encrypted and                                can inspect traffic and        are limited to basic traffic   monitoring with iPCA.
  encrypted apps to help                           application flows to enforce   classification and policy      Huawei NetStream is still
  ensure appropriate                               network access policy and      enforcement via ACL.           limited on some platforms,
  treatment of business-                           protect against attacks,       HPE dynamic segmentation       and most of the time
  critical traffic.                                using Cisco DNA Center         requires centralized data-     it is still sampled. Full
                                                   and Encrypted Traffic          plane architecture using       NetStream is taxing to
                                                   Analytics.                     tunneled node, which           switch performance.
                                                                                  can dramatically reduce
                                                                                  system performance and
                                                                                  add CapEx.
  Track users on
  location via BLE or
  Wi-Fi                                            Cisco DNA Spaces               Limited                        Huawei has no support for
  Get a realistic and                              supports Bluetooth low         HPE has limited support        Virtual BLE beacons. Huawei
  granular view of                                 energy (BLE) management        with Bluetooth in the access   Wi-Fi location based on
  customer locations,                              and tracks Wi-Fi devices       points but lacks precise       Angle of Arrival (AoA) is an
  whether tracking via                             with reliable accuracy.        Wi-Fi-based location.          unproven solution.
  BLE or Wi-Fi.                                                                   Unlike Cisco, HPE does not
                                                                                  support Virtual BLE beacons
                                                                                  or precise location based
                                                                                  on Wi-Fi angle of arrival.

  Engage with
  customers on location
                                                   The Cisco DNA Spaces           HPE provides BLE location      No
  Make relevant
                                                   solution offers an             in its access points, tags,
  business decisions
                                                   understanding of how           and Meridian application
  while providing a
                                                   users interact with the        for way​finding and
  more personalized
                                                   environment so businesses      customer engagement.
                                                   can make better decisions.

© 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Competitive comparison
Cisco public

                                                   Cisco                         HPE                              Huawei


  Monitoring by
  endpoint type

  Monitor and classify                             Cisco can use analytics       Limited                          Limited
  behaviors of devices                             to monitor behavior with      Very limited functionality,      iPCA is offered as an
  and data that are critical                       Stealthwatch and NetFlow,     with Aruba Tunneled Node         option but provides
  to identifying problems.                         and can classify traffic      offered as a limited solution.   limited platform support
                                                   on the edge and inside                                         and visibility.
                                                   the network with Cisco
                                                   Software-Defined Access.

  Support new
  capabilities without
  major upgrades                                   Through the integration of    Limited                          No current support for
  Avoid major upgrades                             custom ASICs, UADP, and       No support for modular           modular access points that
  by leveraging existing                           access point modularity,      APs. Switching platforms         support location-based
  access points,                                   Cisco offers support for      use a custom ASIC with           analytics and beacons/BLE.
  controllers, and                                 new innovations.              limited extensibility.           Only the AP4050DN has
  switches without                                                                                                some modularity for IoT
  performance impact.                                                                                             use cases.


  Improve experience
  for Apple users

  Promote a better                                 Cisco and Apple have          Limited                          Limited
  user experience for                              worked together to provide    Functionality can be             Functionality can be
  business-relevant                                better user experiences       supported only through           supported only through
  applications on all                              for Apple device users        manual QoS prioritization        manual QoS prioritization.
  Apple devices.                                   when connected to a           and Wi-Fi standards.
                                                   Cisco network.

  Help ensure positive
  user experience
  during peak times                                Flexible Radio Assignment     Limited                          Limited
                                                   will automatically optimize   Yes                              Manual
                                                   your network and improve
  optimize a wireless
                                                   user experience during
  network during
                                                   unpredicted times of
  unexpected peak times
                                                   high density.
  without adding new
  access points.

© 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Competitive comparison
Cisco public

                                                   Cisco                        HPE                           Huawei


  Consistent application
  performance across
  the network                                      Through an automation                                      Limited
  Help ensure voice and                            feature, Cisco DNA Center
  video experiences                                creates an optimal and
  across a network                                 consistent end-to-end
  automatically, without                           QoS chain for each link in
  IT intervention.                                 the network.

  Detect and
  set features to
  new devices                                                                   Limited

  Power resiliency for
  IoT and other devices

  Get an always-on                                 Through Cisco Auto           Very limited                  Limited
  environment for IoT                              Smartports, devices are      HPE offers basic PoE/         Huawei supports PoE
  and other devices                                dynamically detected and     PoE+ (30W) support            and PoE+ PoH (95W) on
  that are powered via                             ports configured based on    and supplies 1:1 power        a two switch platforms.
  PoE, even when the                               the device type detected     redundancy via dual power     Power redundancy is 1:1
  switch reboots.                                  on the port.                 supplies supported in a       PoH (power over HDMI
                                                                                limited number of switches.   (95W) on a single S5700
                                                                                                              platform. Huawei perpetual
                                                                                                              PoE and fast PoE is not as
                                                                                                              fast and mature as Cisco.

  automation across
  the WAN, WLAN, and                               Use Cisco DNA Center         Limited                       Limited
  wired network​                                   to centrally provision       HPE-Aruba uses AirWave        Huawei requires two
                                                   WAN-path selection with      for automated deployment      dashboards, eSight and
  Using a single pane of
                                                   SD-WAN and security,         of switches and APs.          Agile Controller, to deploy
  glass, deploy a new
                                                   encryption, application      Missing is the ability to     automated campus in
  branch online, or roll
                                                   visibility, and control      manage WAN devices            addition to frequent
  out a new application
                                                   via TrustSec.                in AirWave.                   CLI interruptions.
  policy within minutes.

© 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Competitive comparison
Cisco public

                                                   Cisco                          HPE                           Huawei


  Threat detection

  Rapidly eliminate
  threats across the                               Eliminate threats across       Limited                       Limited
  entire network (wired                            the network with Cisco’s       Requires multiple             Requires multiple products
  and wireless) from a                             security solutions. Products   products like ClearPass,      like Agile Controller,
  single place                                     include Software Defined       Introspect, AirWave           eSight, CIS.
                                                   Access, TrustSec, Identity
                                                   Services Engine, and Rapid
                                                   Threat Containment.


  Prevent new threats                              Cisco Talos feeds              Through the Niara             No

  to the network before                            strengthen defenses and        acquisition and integration
  being hacked.                                    help protect against known     in ClearPass, HPE can
                                                   and emerging threats.          provide machine learning
                                                                                  for security concerns.

  networking for
  availability, agility, and                       Centralize and automate        No                            No
  policy segmentation
                                                   network design, policy,
  Intent-based                                     and provisioning of
  networking improves                              all wired and wireless
  network availability and                         networks with Cisco
  agility. It streamlines                          DNA Center.
  end-to-end network
  lifecycle management
  through automated
  design, implementation,
  and operation and
  advanced network
  assurance. Download
  Gartner report.

© 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Competitive comparison
Cisco public

                                                   Cisco                         HPE                           Huawei

  Apple and Cisco partnership

  Operating system-
  level optimization for
  improved roaming of
  iOS devices

  Operating system-
  level prioritization
  of business critical
  applications for iOS and
  MacOS devices

  iOS device view of
  network performance to
  improve troubleshooting

  Services for Wireless and Mobility


                                                   Cisco offers a diverse and    HPE has a broad               Limited
                                                   comprehensive services        portfolio of Advisory and
                                                                                                               Huawei provides some
                                                   portfolio with end-to-end     Implementation services for
                                                                                                               services for WLAN similar
                                                   expert guidance for Wi-Fi     WLAN equipped for Wi-Fi
                                                                                                               to Cisco’s, such as WLAN
                                                   6 (802.11ax), including       6, including Prediction
                                                                                                               Planning and Design and
                                                   WLAN assessment, WLAN         WLAN Site Survey with
                                                                                                               a design approach based
                                                   solution design, WLAN         High-Level Design Service,
                                                                                                               on a six-dimensional
                                                   Advise and Implement, RF      AirWave Deployment and
                                                                                                               model covering capacity,
                                                   site survey and design, and   Integration Service,
                                                                                                               bandwidth, deployment,
                                                   Business Critical Services    and HPE FlexNetwork
                                                                                                               channel, coverage,
                                                   for WLAN.                     Readiness Assessment.
                                                                                                               and optimization.

© 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Competitive comparison
Cisco public

                                                  Cisco                                               HPE                                                 Huawei

   Services for Wireless and Mobility

   Level of network
   expertise for ease
   of adoption and                                                                                                                                        Limited
                                                  On-site RF Site Survey                              Limited
                                                  and Design Advisory                                 Prediction WLAN Site                                Huawei provides a variety
                                                  Service assesses,                                   Survey with High-                                   of remote, self-service
                                                  designs, and builds a solid                         Level Design Service is                             offerings, such as the
                                                  WLAN RF infrastructure                              performed remotely and                              WLAN Planning Quick Start
                                                  for the wireless network                            highlights areas that need                          Guide with a WLAN Planner
                                                  foundation. Cisco                                   to be supported by WLAN,                            emulation tool. This tool
                                                  experts perform tests at                            using AI to predictively                            simulates actual building
                                                  the customer site(s) to                             determine quantity and                              structures and visualizes
                                                  measure RF propagation,                             placement of access                                 network coverage
                                                  coverage, interference,                             points. Automated RF                                obstacles, with an optional
                                                  and signal quality, verifying                       Optimization is completed                           RF simulation tool. Huawei
                                                  the WLAN infrastructure                             through AirMatch                                    does not offer onsite RF
                                                  can adjust to dynamic                               software, with no option                            assessment or testing by
                                                  environmental changes.                              for onsite testing by                               wireless experts.
                                                                                                      wireless experts.


                                                  WLAN Advise and                                     HPE utilizes Aruba Instant                          Limited
                                                  Implement utilizes                                  Wi-Fi with a built-in                               Huawei utilizes a
                                                  adaptive wireless intrusion                         wireless intrusion-                                 wireless intrusion-
                                                  prevention to help                                  prevention solution                                 prevention system
                                                  protect the network from                            and spectrum analyzer                               and Next-Generation
                                                  threats with custom-                                to support RFProtect                                Detection Intrusion
                                                  designed solutions that                             software that prevents                              Prevention system, as
                                                  optimize RF coverage and                            denial-of-service and                               well as Wi-Fi Protected
                                                  performance. Advanced                               man-in-the-middle                                   Access options, but has
                                                  Malware Protection (AMP)                            attacks, mitigating over-                           limited security-threat
                                                  is the only advanced                                the-air security threats.                           analytics or advanced
                                                  malware protection                                                                                      malware protection.
                                                  system that covers
                                                  endpoints before, during,
                                                  and after an attack with
                                                  continuous data gathering
                                                  and advanced analytics.

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