Winter Week of Welcome Commences
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Volume CIX Issue 14 January 11, 2023 Published since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum @xavier.newswire Winter Week of Welcome Commences B Y M O J UENGER Editor-in-Chief Xavier students have a lot to celebrate coming into 2023. The Bengals are in the play- offs. The Xavier men’s basket- ball team is on its ninth con- secutive win. Students, staff and faculty across campus are embarking on a brand new semester, and the vibes have never been better. That’s why we’re holding our first ever Student En- gagement Giveaway. This week, snap a selfie at a Week of Welcome event and earn the chance to win a gift card to an on-campus eatery. Just submit your photos to us by emailing them to newswire@ before Jan. 14, and three students will win! In 2023, our New Year’s resolution is to get involved on campus, and we challenge you to join us. Thanks for reading, and Happy New Year! In this issue... Campus, Page 2 World, Page 3 Opinions, Page 4 A&E, Page 6 6WXGHQWVUHÀHFWRQ Guest writer Reagan $SXႉHLQWLPH-RVHSK 6WDႇZULWHU/HLJKWRQ what they did over Oliver introduces the Nichols reminisces on Gammage reveals tox- break as the semester science column, Sci- the beloved Club Pen- ic traits based on your EHJLQV HQFH6LPSOL¿HG JXLQ 6SRWLI\:UDSSHG
2 January 11, 2023 Campus News Tweets of the Week Photo-op: What Did You Do Over Winter Break? B Y R OBBIE D ZIERZANOWSKI Campus News Editor Caden Seraphine Alaina Gilsinn Adri Stoner Jack Deddens Junior Sophomore Senior Junior Biology major Management major Special education major Marketing major Nate Pinon Senior “Over break, I got to go “Over break, my youngest “I did a lot of working over “Over winter break, I was Finance major home and relax which was brother and I surprised my break, but it’s always worth able to spend Christmas really good for me. Seeing family with random items it because I love my job. I with some of my extended “Over break I went back family that I haven’t got- from around our house on also spent a lot of time with family! Thankfully, I was home and spent time with ten to see much this year Christmas. We wrapped my family, which is always also able to relax, watch my family. We’re moving was a really good time, too. six items and placed them nice to see and catch up with. some movies and catch up to a new house, so a lot of I was even able to come to under the tree. Christmas I also worked as the Blue on shows. I was also able to it was moving. But, I was Cincinnati for New Years, morning, we got up and be- Blob at most of the Xavier spend time with friends for able to catch up and visit celebrate the end of 2022, gan gifting the house items women’s basketball games!” much of the break, and for some of my friends and and watch the Musk- and food to my family. I New Years, I went skiing!” attend some NBA games.” ies take down UConn.” made a Tik Tok about it!”
@xaviernewswire U.S. & World News January 11, 2023 3 McCarthy Wins Tense Speaker Bid BY MICHAEL DEMENTJEVS 6WDৼ:ULWHU After Republicans gained a narrow majority of 222 seats in the House of Representa- tives with Democrats win- ning 213 following the 2022 Midterm Elections, Speaker of the House Kevin McCa- rthy was nominated by the House Republican Conference with Democrats nominating Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y. to replace outgoing speaker Nancy Pelosi. While Jefferies was unan- imously nominated, McCa- rthy faced opposition from members of the far-right House Freedom Caucus with Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., challenging McCarthy for the nomination. Despite this challenge, McCarthy won the nomination. 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIÁLFNUFRP The 118th Congress began &DOLIRUQLD &RQJUHVVPDQ .HYLQ 0F&DUWK\ ZRQ D KRWO\ FRQWHVWHG EDWWOH IRU 6SHDNHU RI WKH +RXVH RI 5HSUHVHQWDWLYHV DIWHU TXHOOLQJ on Jan. 3, and the first order DWWHPSWV WR SUHYHQW KLP IURP ZLQQLQJ WKH JDYHO +LV ZLQ FRPHV DV 5HSXEOLFDQV WDNH FRQWURO ZLWK D QDUURZ PDMRULW\ was the election of a new speaker. On the first ballot, thy received Republican votes lot finally gave McCarthy the Democrats were united be- from those who had previous- necessary majority needed to hind Jefferies, but 19 Republi- cans voted against McCarthy. ly opposed him for the first time since the election began. win the speakership due to his remaining opposition voting Science Simplified Because no speaker was elect- However, he was still short of present. ed, members of the House receiving a majority. “We will address Amer- By Reagan Oliver had to vote on a second ballot The 14th ballot gave McCa- ica’s long-term challenges: Guest Writer for the first time since 1923. rthy exactly 50% of the votes, the debt and the rise of the On the second to 14th bal- yet the other half support- Chinese Communist Party,” Published on Dec. 1, 2022, a study con- lots, members of the House ed Jordan, Donalds and Hern McCarthy remarked in his ducted by I.H. Gotlib. studied the impact Freedom Caucus nominat- with Reps. Matt Gaetz. R-Fla. inaugural speech as the 55th of COVID-19 on a neurological level for ed other Republicans of the and Lauren Boebert, R-Colo. Speaker of the House. adolescents. House such as Jim Jordan, voting present or abstention, “I will work with anyone, The study initially began in 2016, aiming R-Ohio, Byron Donalds, lowering the threshold. This everyone who shares our pas- to examine stress levels across different R-Fla., Kevin Hern, R-Okla., led to a heated exchange be- sion to deliver a better future stages of puberty by collecting data from and Republicans who are not tween McCarthy and Gaetz. for the nation,” he added. a part of the House, most no- Soon after, a motion to ad- Democrats are concerned 163 adolescents. This data included results tably former president Don- journ until Monday, was made. that chaos will reign. from self-reporting to the 10-item version ald Trump. McCarthy failed While adjournment seemed “Well, our general concern of the Children’s Depression Inventory and to win a majority with Jeffe- likely, many Republican, is that the dysfunction that results from a series of magnetic reso- ries winning support from all switched their vote from YES was historic that we saw this nance images (MRI). Democrats. to NO — moving the election week is not at an end, it’s just However, the COVID-19 pandemic shut On the 12th ballot, McCar- to a 15th ballot. This final bal- the beginning,” Jeffries said. down in-person assessments at the begin- ning of March 2020. This was when the researchers decided to pivot their research Biden Delivers Remarks in Cincy from the effects of puberty on the adoles- cent mind to the impact of the pandemic B Y E THAN N ICHOLS on the adolescent mind. portant message... to the en- “The truth is this bridge tire country,” Biden said of cannot be built without these After receiving approval from the Stan- :RUOG1HZV(GLWRU ford Institutional Review Board, they the new infrastructure bill federal dollars. We’re rolling. President Joe Biden trav- that is providing the major- We don’t have too many days continued the study by collecting the same eled to Covington, Kentucky, ity of the funding to make to go until we really kick this data from participants they had prior to this week to deliver remarks the project possible. “We can thing off,” DeWine said. the shutdown. regarding a $1.6 billion in- work together. We can get Portman, has long support- The researchers concluded that adoles- vestment to upgrade and things done. We can move the ed efforts to fix and repair the cents had higher levels of internalizing improve the Brent Spence nation forward.” bridge and other related infra- mental health problems, reduced cortical Bridge. The funding is a part In total, the project is esti- structure improvement proj- thickness, larger hippocampal volume, of a nearly $1 trillion invest- mated to cost roughly $3.6 bil- ects along the Ohio River. larger amygdala volume and more advanced ment in infrastructure spend- lion. Funding will come from “We’re finally going to get brain age after experiencing COVID-19 ing passed by Congress and multiple sources. In addition it fixed, folks,” Portman said. related shutdowns compared to before. signed by Biden in 2021. to the $1.6 billion provided in In addition to Biden’s vis- The bridge improvement federal grants provided by the it to Ohio and Kentucky last To explain some of the results, a re- plan involves building a com- Infrastructure Investment and week, Vice President Kamala duced cortical thickness is associated with panion bridge alongside the Jobs Act, Ohio and Kentucky Harris spoke on similar infra- lower levels of emotional processing. A existing Brent Spence Bridge will provide a mix of state and structure issues in Chicago. larger hippocampal volume is associated spanning the Ohio River and federal dollars to cover the rest Harris discussed “how the with increased environmental harshness, connecting Cincinnati to of the project. President’s economic plan is therefore demanding a higher memory lev- Northern Kentucky. “After years of politics be- rebuilding our infrastructure, el. A larger amygdala volume is associated Biden spent his visit de- ing so divisive, there are bright creating good-paying jobs – with higher rates of depression. livering remarks alongside spots across the country. The jobs that don’t require a four- The results of the study display the Sen. Mitch McConnell R-Ky., Brent Spence Bridge is one of year degree, and revitalizing psychological changes adolescents experi- Sen. Sherrod Brown D-Ohio, them,” Biden said. communities left behind,” ac- enced over the past few years. While shut- former Sen. Rob Portman In a demonstration of the cording to a White House an- downs may be over and life may be return- (R-OH), Kentucky Governor bipartisan nature of the proj- nouncement. Andy Beshear, Ohio Governor ect, DeWine spoke in support Transportation Secretary ing to the “old” normal, the pandemic has Mike DeWine (OH) and Cin- the project and expressed his Pete Buttigieg delivered sim- changed everything — even for those who cinnati Mayor Aftab Pureval. gratitude for the federal sup- ilar remarks in New London, have never contracted COVID-19. “I believe it sends an im- port and dollars. Connecticut on Wednesday.
4 January 11, 2023 Opinions & Editorials No More Thoughts and Prayers As a kid, I thought sum- used the bathroom three times climate and its ever-changing the intentions of the original condition and was the only mer was undeniably the best so far. Is that odd?” And I pray policies. writers of the Constitution person shot. However, a gun time of year. No homework, to our God fervently, beg- Considering that I have are being kept. The court has was made too accessible to this no bedtime and no structure ging for Him to take me back grown up in a cycle of trag- always been a mode of pres- child. Proactive action must for a solid 12 weeks. My only to the summer days when I edies, the events of 2022 feel idents to stack political pow- be taken against gun violence. obligation was to keep my couldn’t be concerned with different. The Instagram sto- er. Once these judges are ap- Putting guns in the hands of little sisters alive while my anything except for whether ry posts of Generation Z will proved and working together, teachers will not solve this is- parents went to work, and I the ice cream truck was go- not quit after a week. This little can be done to check the sue. Teaching children to be usually just kept them content ing to come that afternoon. I generation has lost too much, power of the court. When I kind will not solve this issue. with the cheapest popsicles pray that He will protect my seen too many deaths and op- was a kid, just studying the Thoughts and prayers will on hand. But this summer, 19 9-year-old and 14-year-old portunities stripped before Constitution and American not solve this issue. Doing fewer children enjoyed sum- sisters in their classrooms as our own eyes. history, I always wondered nothing is not solving this mer in Uvalde, Texas. Nine- they go back to school. We will not sit. We will not why there were so many state issue. Doing nothing is not a teen families without sticky Sometimes my wish is be quiet. We will fight for our sovereignty clauses and how viable solution. kids playing in the sprinkler less specific than that; some- states to choose people over they could even be applied. out back. Last year, at least times my wish is solely for power. How funny it is, that But now, my only hope is that 796 children didn’t know that a Supreme Court that hears the Supreme Court decided states choose to use these pro- Summer 2022 was their last. the needs of its nation and that states can make decisions tections against the recent de- This nation says it feels not just the needs of its own about their own governing cisions of the Supreme Court. their absence, and millions of members. bodies, and yet women were And now, a 6-year-old child Facebook users among thou- I just turned 18. And I have stripped of that liberty. has shot his own teacher in an sands of politicians send up never felt more like an adult What are the motivations elementary school in Virgin- their “thoughts and prayers.” than I have this past year. of the court, anyway? Is it ia. Yes, this is almost entirely Kayla Ross is the Back Well, yes, I think about the My mind is occupied, all of not the entire premise of the the result of neglect of their Page Editor for News- state of this nation every sin- the time, filled with anxious court to be unbiased and un- parents, and this child should wire. She is a sopho- gle day. I think to myself in a thoughts about the future affiliated? Clearly, we are dis- have been taught better. Luck- more health services movie theater, “That man has possibilities of our political illusioned if we believe that ily, the teacher is now in stable administration major Club Penguin Leaves a Legacy from Akron, Ohio. The name Club Penguin After only two years of the own hand. Et tu, Brute? To groundbreaking piece of cin- Kids from around the globe alone is likely enough for Xavi- website running, Club Penguin help garner players for their ema or literature that defined were able to meet and talk er students to recall a simpler was sold to Disney, which new mobile game, Club Pen- a generation. However, it was with one another in a friendly time in their lives. Whether it made the website more main- guin Island, the company de- a website that millions of peo- environment. was mining for coins around stream. Disney was able to cided to simply shut down all ple resonated with and found Thus, simply disregard- the iceberg or caring for your connect the Club Penguin in- servers on March 30, 2017. comfort in. ing the idea that Club Pen- puffles, Club Penguin was a tellectual property with other Even though I was readying I am not arguing for the guin had any lasting cultural cultural phenomenon for Gen franchises such as Marvel or to make the transition from return of Club Penguin. I per- significance due to it being a Z. Five years after its end, the Star Wars which continually grade school to high school sonally subscribe to the be- children’s game entirely ne- game has been unfairly for- garnered interest in the game. and no longer playing, I recall lief that all good things must glects what it left behind after gotten as a relic of the past. By 2013, Club Penguin had feeling disappointed that such come to an end. However, I its end. Club Penguin was the We should remember it as the more than 200 million active a foundation of my childhood believe that the games legacy staple of a generation and de- online pastime it was for mil- accounts, becoming one of the abruptly ended. that the game left behind is serves to be remembered for lions of children in the early largest games for children to Unofficial boycotts were something that ought not to what it achieved and helped 2000s. play. organized by players, and Club be forgotten or dismissed sim- revolutionize. Upon its initial release in Its legacy continued with Penguin Island subsequently ply because it was a children’s Waddle on. 2005, Club Penguin allowed the annual event “Coins for failed to ever take off, shut- game. its users to customize a pen- Change” every holiday sea- ting down the same year due While Disney is remaking guin avatar and explore an son in which players could to a lack of players. We are countless of their 20th-cen- iceberg through minigames. donate their in-game coins to approaching the fifth anni- tury films such as Pinocchio, It also provided a space for charities, and the Club Pen- versary of its end, and as far Aladdin and The Lion King, I kids to chat with new and old guin company would donate as I can tell, Club Penguin has am content to see that Club friends alike. Gen Z-ers, who to three charities based on the since been forgotten. Multiple Penguin was spared from such were children and adolescents amounts donated by players. efforts were made to start up a fate, cementing the legacy at the time, were a market At the conclusion of the first new servers — mainly Club that it left behind. Joseph Nichols is a that was generally untapped; annual “Coins for Change,” Penguin Rewritten — yet these The legacy it leaves behind staff writer for News- a website where kids could Club Penguin donated one mil- websites have been stopped was both uncommon and un- wire. He is a soph- hang outside together had lion dollars divided between short by Disney’s legal team. precedented. It revolutionized omore history and unprecedented success. Club the World Wide Fund for Na- In an era where the idea of child online safety, serving as English double major Penguin was also hailed as a ture, the Elizabeth Glaser Pe- nostalgia is heavily romanti- an outline for hundreds of from Cincinnati. pioneer for online child safety diatric AIDS Foundation and cized in film and literature, I other games to follow. Club with the “safe chat mode,” and the Free the Children Organi- cannot help but wonder why Penguin imparted a sense of the website’s largest legacy zation. Club Penguin does not get the philanthropy to its users, en- is a foundation for children’s The sudden end to Club same treatment. It can feel couraging players to take a safety on the internet. Penguin was done by Disney’s foolish to say as it was not a first-hand approach to charity. THE STAFF Sports Editor Will Pembroke Gainor, Michael Dementjevs, Justin Malone Team Grace Hamilton, Olivia Valk- Melissa Navarra, by email at QHZVZLUH#[DYLHUHGX RU DW Editor-in-Chief ner ZZZ[DYLHUQHZVZLUHFRP Mo Juenger Arts & Entertainment Online Editor Editor Alyssa Sepulveda Advisor For Your Information Print Managing Editor Katie Sanchez John Stowell Xavier Newswire is published Chloe Salveson Digital Communications weekly throughout the school Back Page Editor Manager Mission Statement year, except during vacations Multimedia Managing Kayla Ross Marty Dubecky The Xavier Newswire is DQG ÀQDO H[DPV E\ WKH VWX- Editor committed to reporting the dents of Xavier University, Spencer de Tenley Head Copy Editor Education & Enrichment news, as well as explaining 3800 Victory Parkway, 0ROO\.+XOOLJDQ Coordinator LWV VLJQLÀFDQFH WR UHDGHUV &LQFLQQDWL2+ Campus News Editor Jackson Hare In addition, through pub- Robbie Dzierzanowski Copy Editors lishing opposing viewpoints Newswire’s Editoiral Board Stella DeMarco, Maggie Show Managers and opinions, the Newswire stands by students right to World News Editor Schroeder, Tess Brewer, Tess *ULIÀQ%UDPPHU6HEDVWLDQ hopes to foster a dialogue RUJDQL]H Ethan Nichols Dankoski, Nina Benich, Ryan Aguilar on campus and among stu- Breece GHQWVIDFXOW\DQGVWDII Opinions & Editorials Photography Editor Editor Staff Writers Lilly Cotton Advertising Charlie Gstalder Joseph Nichols, Kyra Hud- All inquiries should be direct- son, Leighton Gammage, Pat Breaking News Response ed to the Business Manager,
@xavier.newswire Sports January 11, 2023 5 Bengals Extend Winning Streak to Eight A dominant defense versus Baltimore carries Cincy’s inconsistent offense to victory B Y P AT G AINOR 6WDৼ:ULWHU Week 18 NFL Recap: In the regular season fi- Titans 16, Jaguars 20: nale, the Cincinnati Bengals After a 3-7 start looked to held off the dilapidated ri- doom yet another season for val Baltimore Ravens 27-16 Duval, Jacksonville got hot at at Paycor, securing the third the right time and met the col- seed in the AFC ahead of this lapsing Titans in their house year’s playoffs. to determine the champion of Sunday’s win came at an the AFC South. Titans quar- emotional time for not just terback Josh Dobbs fumbled the league, but for the Ben- after a sack and Jaguars defen- gals specifically. Last Mon- sive end Josh Allen returned day night, Bills safety Dam- it to the end zone to send the ar Hamlin went into cardiac Jaguars to the playoffs. arrest during the Bengals vs. Bills game and was quickly Patriots 23, Bills 35: transported to the University Everyone who saw Nyheim of Cincinnati hospital. 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIFRPPRQVZLNLSHGLDRUJ Hines’ opening kickoff return Following the NFL’s de- $IWHUDGLIÀFXOWHPRWLRQDOZHHNZDLWLQJWRKHDUDERXWWKHKHDOWKVWDWXVRI%LOOVVDIHW\'DPDU+DPOLQ WKH%HQJDOVSHUIRUPHGZHOODJDLQVW$)&(DVWULYDO%DOWLPRUHHQGLQJWKHVHDVRQZLQQLQJHLJKWKVWUDLJKW touchdown, their first play cision to declare the game a since Damar Hamlin’s col- no-contest, NFL Commis- told, ‘Follow the rules. It’s strong first half containing covery as a source of energy lapse, knew that this game was sioner Roger Goodell and black and white. It’s in the just under 200 yards of of- throughout the game. something truly special. Hines the NFL Player’s Associa- rulebook,’” Bengals coach fense and a defensive hold “Any time you go through would do it again later in the tion drafted plans for a po- Zac Taylor said following the that scored on a fumble in the something like that as a team, game, helping propel the Bills tential neutral-site situation approval of the neutral site end zone to amass a 24-7 lead. I think it’s good that you talk to one of the most emotional for the AFC Championship plan. “So now when we point However, the offense went about it as a team and go wins in franchise history. game should the Chiefs, Bills out the rules and you’re told, cold after halftime. Cincinna- through it as brothers,” Bates or Bengals meet each other ‘We’re going to change that.’ ti only had two drives longer said. “And I think we did a Lions 20, Packers 16: there. However, this state- I don’t want to hear about fair than 10 yards in the second really good job of handling After Seattle defeated the ment not only made Cincin- and equitable when that’s the half, and one of them was a that.” Rams in overtime to eliminate nati’s possibility of claiming case.” turnover on downs. With this win, Cincinnati them from playoff contention, the No. 1 seed impossible, but The players showed dis- The defense held their officially wins the AFC North Detroit could either take the it also leaves home field for dain for the decision as well, own, with Bengals safety Jes- and secures home field advan- Seahawks down with them or their Wild Card playoff game and runningback Joe Mixon sie Bates ripping the ball out tage for their rematch with break the hearts of their fierce to a coin toss should they made it clear with a Chad of Ravens wide receiver Sam- the Ravens on Sunday night rival. The Lions chose the have lost the game. Ochocinco-style celebration my Watkins’ hands and Ben- in the Wild Card round. The latter, with by two touchdowns “There’s several instanc- where he pulled a coin from gals safety Vonn Bell recover- Bengals have opened as favor- from running back Jamaal es this season when a club is his glove and flipped it fol- ing to end the game. ites to win, as the spread for Williams. fined or people in our build- lowing a touchdown. This After the game, Bates cred- the game is currently -7 in ing are fined and we’re being came in the middle of a very ited Hamlin’s progress in re- their favor Women’s Basketball Struggles in Big East Conference Play Bright spots remain for the Musketeers as winless season in the Big East continues B Y J USTIN M ALONE regain, despite their resilient 6WDৼ:ULWHU efforts. Super Wild Card The bright spots for the Weekend NFL Playoff After a disappointing per- Musketeers included junior Schedule: formance against a compet- guard Mackayla Scarlett, itive No. 4 Conneticut team who recorded 18 points, four last Thursday, Xavier wom- rebounds and eight assists No.7 Seahawks (9-8) vs. en’s basketball showed im- while going eight-for-10 from provements in their road loss the free throw line in her 23rd No.2 49ers (13-4) — Jan.14, against St. John’s on Sunday. career game in double figures. 4:30 p.m. Xavier suffered a 73-36 Smith who finished with defeat at home and were out- 10 points, two rebounds and paced early in the game, as a block, and freshman guard No.5 Chargers (10-7) vs. the Huskies raced out to a Fernanda Ovalle who add- 12-2 lead to begin the first No.4 Jaguars (9-8) — Jan.14, ed seven points and four re- half. bounds. 8:15 p.m. Graduate guard Taylor Although Xavier had trou- Smith led the way for Xavi- ble shooting from the field er, posting a team-high 13 again going 34.5% overall, No.7 Dolphins (9-8) vs. points, two rebounds and they went 10-for-16 on free No.2 Bills (13-3) — Jan.15, one block, marking her 19th throws and scored six more career double-figure scoring points in the paint than St. 1 p.m. game. John’s. Senior forward Nila With the two defeats, No.6 Giants (9-7-1) vs. Blackford also had a career Xavier dropped to 7-9 overall milestone, as she joined the 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIJR[DYLHUFRP and skidded to 0-6 in Big East No.3 Vikings (13-4) — Jan.15, 1,000-point club by recording 0XVNHWHHU JXDUG 0LND\OD 6FDUOHWW SOD\HG ZHOO DJDLQVW %LJ (DVW ULYDO conference play. DTXDG6W-RKQ·VÀQLVKLQJWKHFRQWHVWZLWKSRLQWVDQGHLJKWDVVLVWV 4:30 p.m. four points, a team-high eight From their victories, UCo- rebounds, two blocks, one turnovers and produced 10 were only down by one point nn ascended to 13-2 on the assist and a game-high four steals against a fierce Huskies with 4:24 remaining in the season and 6-0 in the Big No.6 Ravens (10-7) vs. No.3 steals. offense, which was Xavier’s second quarter. East, while St. John’s im- Xavier’s offensive woes fifth game of the year with However, the Red Storm proved to 14-1 overall and Bengals (12-4) — Jan.15, 8:15 emanated from a smother- 10 or more steals and the sec- offense was invigorated be- 5-1 in the conference. p.m. ing Huskies defense, who ond-most turnovers by UCo- fore the break, initiating a It has been a difficult be- only allowed the Musketeers nn in a game this season. 10-4 run to take a seven-point ginning to the Big East slate to shoot a season-low 21.5% On the road, Xavier put lead at the end of the half. of games for Xavier this sea- No.5 Cowboys (12-5) vs. from the field, including together a stronger perfor- The Red Storm built upon son. The Musketeers hope No.4 Buccaneers (8-9) — 19.2% on three pointers and mance in a 71-52 loss to St. their efforts in the third quar- to rebound from their recent outrebounded Xavier 56-27. John’s. The game was back- ter, outscoring the Muske- struggles this week, facing Jan.16, 8 p.m. Impressively, the Mus- and-forth throughout the teers 24-12 to take a 19-point Providence on the road and keteers’ defense forced 22 first half, as the Musketeers lead that Xavier could not DePaul at home.
6 January 11, 2023 Arts & Entertainment @xavier.newswire Spotify Wrapped Roast: Top Artists Discover what your top artist of 2022 exposes about your worst qualities B Y L EIGHTON G AMMAGE ex who dumped you two years your hot girl era and becom- ago. It’s time to let go, babe. If ing a self-love queen/king/ 6WDৼ:ULWHU Queen B saw you, she would monarch, and I respect you. Last year, Newswire re- be disappointed. You are growing; just make ceived a few complaints about sure this time you don’t stop our Spotify Wrapped article Doja Cat: You are not en- the growth after a minor in- being a little too honest. So, tering your “hot girl” era. How convenience. to address those complaints, I about we enter that “drinking will be making this year’s ar- some water for once” era? Glass Animals: Fire. ticle a lot more personal. This Your liver is screaming. is the hard truth you need to Morgan Wallen: You hear based on your top artist. Any K-Pop group: I am might be listening to “Chasin’ of 2022. not writing about y’all, be- You,” but you ain’t getting cause you guys are the sweet- chased. Go to a bar or a coffee Taylor Swift: We get it — est and scariest group of peo- shop, and meet some people. you love Midnights. Is it be- ple I have ever met. Take my Your parents are asking about cause you have a severe sleep- wallet, my phone, anything — grandchildren. Maybe it’s ing issue, or is it because you just please don’t hurt me. time to think about meeting value the life of someone else someone who can make that over your own? Just because Phoebe Bridgers: Cry wish come true. you relate to “Anti-Hero” and Photo courtesy of about it. Also put down your “You’re on Your Own, Kid” stylish. Now stop listening to a year. They are not thinking vape, thanks. The Weeknd: Nevermind, does not mean you are differ- “505” and start actually caring about you anymore. you shouldn’t reproduce. ent from other girls. It means about their music. Bruno Mars: So, did she you’re exactly like every other Drake: Only child energy. hurt you or are you in love? Harry Styles: How about girl out there. You’re not spe- Panic! At the Disco: Bren- Somebody didn’t get mommy we bring Harry’s acting ca- cial, and you’re not the main don Urie has gone downhill and daddy’s love? It’s okay — Joji: She hurt you. reer back to what it was: non- character. Humble yourself. mentally and physically since it won’t get better, but you can existent. Just like Harry, you, Death of a Bachelor. If you lie to yourself. JVKE: You’re in love. my love, are not a jack of all Rex Orange County: are that “down bad” for him, trades. Focus on one thing at Yeah, we heard the news that then find a business undecided Ed Sheeran: No, it’s not. Frank Ocean: You like a time. the allegations were dropped; major. They’re essentially the AIN’T NO WAY YOU ARE consistency. You are very chill sorry you covered up your same kind of dude. STILL LISTENING TO and probably an introvert. I A videogame soundtrack: tattoo drunk on a Friday THAT CHERRY TWIZ- respect that. How about next Shower. You are not a gamer, night. On the bright side, it Eminem: Just because you ZLERS, DEXTER’S LABO- year we try to branch out a you stink. Nobody cares about could be worse. Your top art- listen to a White guy who RATORY LOOKING— bit, OK? Let’s listen to some your Pokémon collection. ist could have been… can rap doesn’t mean you like other R&B artists. You can rap. Listen to Wu-Tang Clan, AJR: You are annoying. It talk about it in your thera- Mozart: Classical music Kanye: Delete Spotify. As Tupac, Notorious B.I.G. or can change. You can grow out py session — I’m sure your does not make you study bet- a matter of fact, delete so- Dr. Dre, and then we can talk of it. However, please know therapist would love to hear ter. Stop lying to yourself. You cial media. I’m sure you’re a about rap. — you are annoying. about your progress. Oh? You really want it to, and that’s good person and you believe don’t go to therapy because OK, but it doesn’t. that Kayne is just “misunder- Any rock band (because Chainsmokers: You are you think that you can deal stood.” Do you know what’s you are all the same): Just annoying, but I don’t know if with your issues by yourself ? Jonas Brothers or Big not misunderstood? An- because you listen to the same you can grow out of it. Sure… Time Rush: I’m glad your tisemitism. music as your dad does not inner child is being healed. mean I will call you daddy. Beyoncé: Let the woman SZA: Not gonna lie, I’m However, this isn’t an excuse Arctic Monkeys: You have live her life. No wonder you’re tired of hearing “Kill Bill” to act childish. Fix your pos- a concert shirt by them. So Olivia Rodrigo: It’s been single — you’re stalking your on TikTok. You are entering ture. Listermann’s Tickles Appetites with Additions B Y E THAN N ICHOLS I honed in on the mammoth fect for anyone who likes ex- pile of fries awaiting me. The perimenting with new flavors. :RUOG1HZV(GLWRU fries, which came out piping The combination of curry Just steps away from cam- hot, were heavily seasoned. and goat cheese causes one to pus on Dana Avenue across The copious amount of salt pause. While the mixture of from the Smith Hall park- drenching the fries didn’t de- flavors is not something you’d ing lot, Listermann Brewing ter me, but certainly didn’t expect on a traditional chick- Company is a longtime staple help my thirst (which I was en sandwich, the compilation in the Xavier community. Now, unable to adequately quench of toppings does not disap- with the addition of Tickle due to the lack of milkshakes). point. Sadly, the curry ketch- Pickle — a Northside-based I sampled two pieces from up and goat cheese results in burger joint — to the tap- the menu — the Bread Zep- a rather slippery surface upon room’s menu, your chance to pelin, a classic cheeseburger which the chicken sits. Be- snag a grilled, music-themed heaped with American cheese, cause the bun inevitably falls meal is closer than ever. lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, prey to sliding off the sand- After opening their prima- mayo and ketchup, as well as wich, you end up finishing the ry location in Northside in the Mariah Curry, an aptly chicken first, leaving almost a 2015, Tickle Pickle expanded named grilled chicken sand- quarter of the bun — along to Listermann’s in November wich on a pretzel bun cov- with assorted toppings — left of last year. ered in goat cheese, cucumber, in a soggy pile. Upon entering Lister- spinach, caramelized onions With an array of potential mann’s front entrance, you’ll and curry ketchup. sides and a wide variety of notice the long wood bar The Bread Zeppelin is a burgers and sandwiches, in- stretching past you to your 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RIÁLFNUFRP classic. For anyone who ap- cluding vegan options, Tick- right. An unorthodox-looking sion of the classic menu for key to your cheeseburger ex- preciates a traditional cheese- le Pickle left me satisfied, yet brewery, you head up a short which Tickle Pickle has be- perience missing — the milk- burger, this is for you. Oozing yearning for a milkshake to flight of stairs to your left and come known. shakes. While you can still or- juice, this burger certainly chase down the salty fries and find a small walk-up window The Northside location of- der from a variety of soda or made a mess. It was well worth juicy burgers. at which to order. After order- fers a wide variety of burgers, beer options to pair with your it, though. Unfortunately, the For any Xavier student ing at the counter, you can find sandwiches and most impor- burger or sandwich, there’s slices of American cheese looking to try something a park bench-style table to sit tantly, milkshakes. When pe- just nothing quite like the seemed to have been thrown new or find a burger that far at and wait for your food. rusing the menu at the new classic burger and milkshake on at the last minute and were exceeds that of Burger 513, The Listermann’s menu location, however, you’ll im- combo. not thoroughly melted. Tickle Pickle is well worth a offers a somewhat limited ver- mediately notice something Upon receiving my food, The Mariah Curry is per- trip. The "DUPE" Page January 11, 2023 7 DUUUUUUUPE HOROSCOPES No More Saying DUPE Aries: Don’t catch Aries: mono. Shut the Ihell hearup.itNo is going one BY SPENCER DE TENLEY, MULTIMEDIA MANAGING EDITOR around. ASKED. Just because one thing resembles another does not make it a dupe. The Taurus: Crying is not gonna fix it. Dry it up, b!tch. GHÀQLWLRQRIGXSH QRXQ LVDVIROORZVDYLFWLPRIGHFHSWLRQ
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