Page created by Calvin Lowe
Winter 2022 Program Guide
We are so pleased to be able to offer in-person classes.
    One reason we can have in-person classes is because of our high
    vaccination rates. Another reason is that we are diligent about
    keeping people safe. We require masking and six-foot distancing
    whenever possible, along with hand sanitizing.
    To learn more, visit

Welcome                                                                           Registering online is easy!
As the winter season approaches, the hours of daylight are shorter and the        Visit
temperature drops. Warm up to winter with a healthy mindset by participating in   classes-events. Once there, you can
any of our healthy mind-body, physical movement or healthy cooking and eating     search for a class name or choose a
classes. This is our Winter 2022 Program Guide for the months of January,         category of classes to explore. See
February and March, filled with health education classes and events.              further registration details on page 4.

In health & gratitude,                                                            Questions or concerns? Call 872-4102
                                                                                  or email
The Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living Team
Anne Conners
Director, Community Health
                                         Benjamin Ramsdell
                                         Community Programs Coordinator           Free Quarterly Event
Alicia Rice                              Melissa Emmons
Community Programs Manager               Community Programs Coordinator
                                                                                  Achieve Your Healthy Living
Baylee Doughty                           Jami Sirois                              Goals
Community Programs Coordinator           Administrative Assistant                 Are you interested in learning more
                                                                                  about our classes? Join us for this free
                                                                                  event where you can sample healthy
                                                                                  mind-body, physical movement, and
                                                                                  healthy cooking and eating classes. You
                                                                                  can choose which class best supports
                                                                                  you on your health journey!
                                                                                  Location: Zoom
                                                                                  Date: Monday, March 7; 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
                                                                                  Pre-registration is required to attend
                                                                                  this event.

Registration Information                           Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living
    To register for a class:
                                                       Center Policies
    1. Go to
                                                       Senior, Veteran, MaineGeneral Delays and Cancellations
    2. Choose the class you want.                      and Second Household          We reserve the right to cancel a
    3. Complete all registration information.
                                                       Member Discounts              class due to low enrollment or
                                                       We offer a 20 percent discount per      unexpected events. If that occurs,
    4. We accept credit and debit cards. Payment       class to:                               we will notify you and refund your
       is required upon registration.                                                          class fees.
                                                        • Seniors (age 65 and older)
    5. We will confirm your registration by email.      • Veterans (those who served in        Weather Cancellations
                                                          the armed forces of the United       If we need to cancel a class session
    If you need help registering, are seeking             States)                              because of weather, we will put
    financial assistance or would like to request a
                                                        • Current MaineGeneral                 a message on our voicemail at
    special accommodation, please call
                                                          employees                            861-5257 at least two hours before
                                                                                               the class start time. We also list
                                                        • Second member of a household
    The Peter Alfond Prevention & Healthy Living                                               weather cancellations on our
                                                          who registers for the same class
    Center will make reasonable modifications                                                  Facebook page:
    and accommodations to make sure people                                           
                                                       Payment Assistance
    with disabilities have equal opportunity to
    participate in all classes and events.             Additional help paying for classes is   Refunds
                                                       available on an as-needed basis:
                                                                                               Class fees will be returned if a class
    If you are a person with a disability who           • 50 percent off the cost of class     is canceled. Class refunds can be
    requires an accommodation to participate              (limited to two classes per          made if a class is dropped more
    fully in a class or event, please let us know at      quarter.)                            than 24 hours before it starts.
    least 48 hours before it starts.                                                           No refunds will be given within
                                                        • 100 percent off the cost of
                                                          class (limited to one class per      24 hours of a class start time or
                                                          quarter.)                            after a class has started.
Winter 2022 Classes
Healthy Mind & Body                     Physical Movement              Healthy Cooking & Eating
Body Scan Meditation                    NEW Barre Flow                 30-Minute Meals
NEW Braving the                         Bodyweight Training            5 Ingredients or Less
Wilderness – Book Club                  Chair Yoga                     NEW Anyone Can Cook
NEW Creating Mosaic Mandalas            Gentle Flow Yoga               Buddha Bowls
Guided Deep Breathing                   Gentle Yoga                    Cooking for Diabetes
Healing Meditation with Crystal Bowls   Gentle Yoga Level 2            Cooking Matters for Families
Introduction to Mindfulness &           Power Yoga                     Cooking the Mediterranean Way
Movement Meditation
                                        NEW Prenatal Yoga              NEW Fuel Up Your Mornings
Self-Compassion Meditation
                                        Senior Strength Training       NEW Healthy Eating After Weight-Loss
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis                                             Surgery
                                        Soup & Snowshoeing
NEW Teen Improv                                                        How to Cook Fish
                                        NEW Trauma-Sensitive Yoga
Yoga Nidra                                                             Instant Pot
                                        Yin Yoga
                                        NEW Yoga for Cancer Recovery   Italian Classics
                                        Yoga-Infused Stretch           Knife Skills
                                                                       Meatless Monday
                                                                       Perfect Pizza at Home
                                                                       Sheet Pan Dinners
                                                                       Soup and Stews

Healthy Mind & Body

                          Body Scan Meditation
                          A body scan meditation is a specific
                          type of meditation in which you focus
                          on one part of your body at a time. It is
                          great for both beginners and those who
                          regularly practice meditation.
                          Instructor:    Amanda Doody
                          Location:      Alfond Youth &
                                         Community Center,
                                         Waterville, Multipurpose
                          Cost:          $16/person
                          Date:          Wednesday, Jan. 26
                                         4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

                          Cost:          $16/person
                          Date:          Wednesday, Feb. 23
                                         4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

                          Cost:          $16/person
                          Date:          Wednesday, March 23
                                         4:30 – 5:30 p.m.

Healthy Mind & Body

NEW Braving the Wilderness –              NEW Creating Mosaic Mandalas              Guided Deep Breathing
Book Club                                 In this class, participants will create   Deep-breathing exercises have been
Unplug and recharge with this in-person   healing designs and images by playfully   shown to support blood flow, increase
book club! This is a great opportunity    gluing brightly colored mosaic shapes     energy levels, stimulate the lymphatic
to make some social connections and       and other treasures onto colored foam     system and improve digestion. Explore
meet others with similar interests. Get   mandalas. Handling the mosaics,           various deep-breathing techniques
ready for a little self-care with Brene   sea glass, polished stones, etc., with    and find the one that is perfect for you.
Brown’s book, Braving the Wilderness.     the intention to create beauty, has a     Styles reviewed include deep-belly
Book is included with registration fee.   calming and soothing effect on the        breathing, unequal-ratio breathing and
                                          nervous system. There will also be an     alternate-nostril breathing.
Cost:           $14/person                opportunity for people to share their
                                                                                     Cost:            $26/person
Instructor:     Wayne Paradis             mosaic mandalas and stories with each
                MaineGeneral              other.                                     Instructor:      Michael Keighley
Location:       Alfond Center for         Cost:           $16/person
                Health, Augusta,                                                     Location:        Alfond Center for
                                          Instructor:     Maryam Mermey, PhD                          Health, Augusta,
                Conference Room 1
                                          Location:       Alfond Center for                           Classroom 2
Date:           Wednesday,
                                                          Health, Augusta,           Date:            Monday, March 21
                Feb. 9 – March 16
                                                          Conference Rooms                            & 28
                4:30 – 5:30 p.m.
                                                          2&3                                         5 – 6 p.m.
                (6 sessions)
                                          Date:           Saturday, Jan. 29                           (2 sessions)
                                                          1 – 2:30 p.m.

Healthy Mind & Body

    Healing Meditation with Crystal           Introduction to Mindfulness &               Self-Compassion Meditation
    Bowls                                     Movement Meditation                         Sometimes life can get so busy and
    Relax as you listen to the soothing       Mindfulness meditation has many             overwhelming that taking time for self-
    sounds of the crystal singing bowls       physical and psychological benefits         care is the last thing on our minds. In
    while being gently guided through a       as indicated through several research       this class, you will learn techniques that
    meditation focusing on your energy        studies and methodologies, including        help foster kindness and gentleness
    systems. You will also experience         functional MRI (fMRI). These include        around you. Experience how breath
    toning, a wonderful take-home tool that   improvements in mood, anxiety,              work, combined with guided meditation,
    can help you maintain a clear energetic   attention and lowered physiological         can help you navigate life's emotional
    body. You will leave feeling balanced,    arousal and reactivity. This course will    ups and downs with greater ease
    aligned and renewed!                      provide participants with an introduction   and self-compassion. Please dress
                                              to mindfulness meditation skills along      comfortably.
    Cost:            $20/person
                                              with steps and resources for continued      Instructor:       Melissa Caron
    Instructor:      Brenda Colfer            practice. There will also be a portion
                                              of the class on how to approach             Location:         Alfond Center for
    Location:        Alfond Center for
                                              movement and exercise mindfully,                              Health, Augusta,
                     Health, Augusta,
                                              setting the stage for awe and for                             Classroom 2
                     Conference Rooms
                     1&2                      continued outdoor mindful exercise.         Cost:             $16/person
    Date:            Monday, March 14         Cost:            $20/person                 Date:             Monday, Feb. 7
                     5 – 7 p.m.                                                                             6 – 7:15 p.m.
                                              Instructor:      Jeff Matranga, PhD
                                              Location:        Zoom                       Location:         Alfond Center for
                                              Date:            Sunday, Jan. 16                              Health, Augusta,
                                                               9 a.m. – 12 p.m.                             Classroom 1
                                                                                          Cost:             $16/person
                                                                                          Date:             Friday, Feb. 25
                                                                                                            2 – 3:15 p.m.
Healthy Mind & Body

Stop Smoking with Hypnosis                 NEW Teen Improv                            Yoga Nidra
Have you tried to quit smoking but just    This class introduces adolescents ages     Yoga Nidra is a form of guided
can't break the habit? Hypnosis can help   12-19 to a range of fun, improvisational   meditation done by lying down on your
you regain control and stop smoking.       theatre techniques revolving around        mat. Its emphasis on extended stillness,
In this group hypnosis setting, you will   social change and creating community.      silence and resting the body to exercise
identify and overcome physical and                                                    the mind makes it uniquely challenging.
ritualistic triggers to smoking, take      Cost:            $16/person                Participants can relax in their own
charge of sabotaging behaviors and                                                    space with this virtual class and are
                                           Instructor:      Maryam Mermey, PhD
become confident and secure in your                                                   encouraged to bring pillows, neck
new life as a non-smoker.                  Location:        Alfond Center for         cradles or eye pillows and cover with a
                                                            Health, Augusta,          blanket. Participants will not be moving
Cost:            $60/person                                 Classroom 1               during this class.
Instructor:      Arlene Wing               Date:            Saturday, Feb. 12          Cost:           $56/person
Location:        Alfond Center for                          1 – 2:30 p.m.
                 Health, Augusta,                                                      Instructor:     Beth Jones
                 Classroom 2                                                           Location:       Zoom
Date:            Thursday, Feb. 17 –                                                   Date:           Wednesday, Jan. 19 –
                 March 17                                                                              March 9
                 4 – 5:30 p.m.                                                                         6 – 7 p.m.
                 (3 sessions, biweekly)                                                                (8 sessions)

Physical Movement

                         NEW Barre Flow
                         This class combines Barre and Pilates
                         with a dynamic yoga flow. You can
                         expect a full-body workout that focuses
                         on strength, endurance and flexibility
                         while moving with yoga-like fluidity.
                         We will fatigue all of the major muscle
                         groups through small, controlled
                         movements, high repetition, holds and
                         resistance paired with therapeutic
                         stretching and an emphasis on breath
                         Cost:           $56/person
                         Instructor:     Lindsey Beals
                         Location:       Alfond Youth
                                         & Community
                                         Center, Waterville,
                                         Multipurpose Room
                         Date:           Wednesday, Jan. 12 –
                                         March 16 (no session
                                         Jan. 26 & Feb. 23)
                                         4:45 – 5:45 p.m.
                                         (8 sessions)

Physical Movement

Bodyweight Training                          Chair Yoga                                 Gentle Flow Yoga
Bodyweight training is a strength-           Experience the benefits of yoga while      Gentle Flow Yoga is ideal for those who
training exercise that uses your own         seated and/or standing using a chair       would like to try out yoga or for those
weight to provide resistance. Because it     for support. Combining movement with       wanting to refresh their practice. This
requires little to no equipment, this type   breath work can decrease stress and        class will help build flexibility, balance
of exercise is perfect for on-the-go or      increase strength and flexibility. Learn   and strength and will challenge each
at-home workouts. Learn the exercises        poses you can even do right in your        individual to achieve their own potential.
you can do to increase strength,             office chair to relax and recharge!        Expect to leave class feeling inspired,
coordination and balance.                                                               refreshed and energized! All experience
                                             Cost:            $56/person
                                                                                        levels are welcome.
Cost:             $42/person                 Instructor:      Ann Parker
Instructor:       Baylee Doughty                                                        Cost:            $56/person
                                             Location:        Arch Beta Resident
                  MaineGeneral                                Center, Augusta           Instructor:      Beth Jones
Location:         Alfond Youth               Date:            Tuesday, Feb. 1 –         Location:        Zoom
                  & Community                                 March 29                  Date:            Tuesday, Jan. 25 –
                  Center, Waterville,                         (no session March 22)                      March 15
                  Multipurpose Room                           1 – 2 p.m.                                 9 – 10 a.m.
Date:             Tuesday, Feb. 15 –                          (8 sessions)                               (8 sessions)
                  March 22
                  3 – 4 p.m.
                  (6 sessions)

Physical Movement

     Gentle Yoga                                 Gentle Yoga Level 2                         Power Yoga
     Stretch and strengthen your muscles,        This class is for those who have been       Power Yoga combines a Vinyasa-
     gain flexibility, improve balance, reduce   taking and enjoying Gentle Yoga, but        style yoga with a heart rate-increasing
     stress and relax with this gentle yoga      are looking to move to the next level, or   workout, giving you a powerful flexibility
     class appropriate for beginners or those    those who have prior yoga experience.       and strength-building exercise routine.
     with experience.                                                                        This class is for those who practice
                                                 Cost:             $56/person
                                                                                             yoga regularly and are looking for a
     Cost:            $56/person                 Instructor:       Julia Redman              more intense workout routine.
     Instructor:      Julia Redman               Location:         Alfond Center for         Cost:             $42/person
     Location:        Alfond Center for                            Health, Augusta,
                      Health, Augusta,                             Classroom 1               Instructor:       Michael Keighley
                      Classroom 1                                                                              MaineGeneral
                                                 Date:             Monday, Jan. 10 –
     Date:            Monday, Jan. 10 –                            March 7                   Location:         Alfond Center for
                      March 7                                      (no session Jan. 24)                        Health, Augusta,
                      (no session Jan. 24)                         11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.                     Conference Room 3
                      9:30 – 10:45 a.m.                            (8 sessions)              Date:             Thursday, Jan. 20 –
                      (8 sessions)                                                                             Feb. 24
                                                                                                               5:15 – 6:15 p.m.
                                                                                                               (6 sessions)

Physical Movement

NEW Prenatal Yoga                           Senior Strength Training                   Soup and Snowshoeing
Many physical and emotional changes         It is important to maintain strength and   Take this opportunity to hike Quarry
take place during pregnancy. Prenatal       muscle as we age. This class is geared     Road Trails and enjoy the night sky.
Yoga is about honoring these changes        toward retirement-aged individuals and     Tours are led through rolling terrain for
in our bodies and ourselves as we           will help improve strength, mobility and   beginners and experts. Please dress in
connect to baby throughout the              stability using simple equipment and       warm layers, wear sturdy snow boots
childbearing months. This form of yoga      your own body weight.                      and bring a flashlight or headlamp.
helps mothers stay healthy throughout                                                  A limited number of snowshoes are
                                            Cost:            $56/person
pregnancy and remain flexible and                                                      available at the Welcome Center Yurt
strong. Postures to help strengthen         Instructor:      Tony Solis                where they may be borrowed free of
the pelvic floor muscles, keep the body                      MaineGeneral              charge. Enjoy a nice warm cup of soup
flexible and relieve many common            Location:        Alfond Youth              after the hike.
discomforts of pregnancy will be                             & Community
                                                                                       Instructor:       Alicia Rice
incorporated into the practice. We will                      Center, Waterville,
also explore focus through balance and                       Multipurpose Room
the breath to connect mother and baby.                                                 Location:         Quarry Road, Waterville
                                            Date:            Wednesday, Jan. 5 –
Prenatal Yoga includes poses, deep                           Feb. 23                   Cost:             $12/person
breathing, relaxation and meditation that                    7:30 – 8:15 a.m.          Date:             Friday, Feb. 11
may be practiced through all trimesters.                     (8 sessions)                                5 – 6:30 p.m.
Cost:            $42/person
                                                                                       Cost:             $12/person
Instructor:      Julia Redman
                                                                                       Date:             Friday, Feb. 18
Location:        Zoom
                                                                                                         5 – 6:30 p.m.
Date:            Saturday, Jan. 29 –
                 March 5                                                               Cost:             $12/person
                 10:30 – 11:30 a.m.
                                                                                       Date:             Friday, Feb. 25
                 (6 sessions)
                                                                                                         5 – 6:30 p.m.
Physical Movement

     NEW Trauma-Sensitive Yoga                Yin Yoga                                       NEW Yoga for Cancer Recovery
     Trauma-Sensitive Yoga brings             Yin Yoga is a slow-paced, meditative           This class is especially for someone
     awareness to our current physical        style of yoga where floor postures are         going through cancer treatment or
     presence. Throughout the practice, you   held for longer periods of time while          in recovery. This seated practice will
     will move and breathe with awareness     participants relax their muscles and focus     promote overall well-being with breath
     as we create a system for reconnecting   on breathing. It is great for all levels,      and meditation to strengthen the
     with ourselves in the present moment.    especially those with joint issues. Benefits   positive mind for healing with simple
                                              of this “quiet yoga” include decreased         spinal movements to slowly increase
     Cost:           $28/person
                                              tightness and improved joint mobility and      flexibility and stamina.
     Instructor:     Beth Jones               range of motion. Participants must be
                                                                                             Cost:            $42/person
     Location:       Alfond Center for        able to get down onto the floor.
                     Health, Augusta,                                                        Instructor:      Beth Jones
                                              Instructor:       Kim Nixon
                     Conference Room 3                                                       Location:        Alfond Center for
                                              Location:         Zoom                                          Health, Augusta,
     Date:           Sunday, March 6 – 27
                     9 – 9:45 a.m.            Cost:             $56/person                                    Conference Room 3
                     (4 sessions)             Date:             Saturday, Jan. 8 –           Date:            Sunday, Jan. 16 –
                                                                Feb. 26, 8 – 9 a.m.                           Feb. 20
                                                                (8 sessions)                                  9 – 9:45 a.m.
                                                                                                              (6 sessions)
                                              Location:         Alfond Center for
                                                                Health, Augusta,
                                                                Classroom 1
                                              Cost:             $56/person
                                              Date:             Thursday, Jan. 20 –
                                                                March 17 (no session
                                                                Feb. 24)
                                                                5:30 – 6:45 p.m.
14                                                              (8 sessions)
Physical Movement

Yoga-Infused Stretch
Stretch your muscles, gain flexibility and
improve balance with common yoga
moves that will deepen your stretch and
move your body, reduce stress and relax.
Participants can expect to hold poses
for a deep stretch and get up and down
from the floor.
Cost:            $56/person
Instructor:      Amanda Doody
Location:        Alfond Youth
                 & Community
                 Center, Waterville,
                 Multipurpose Room
Date:            Thursday, Jan. 13 –
                 March 3
                 4:45 – 5:30 p.m.
                 (8 sessions)

Healthy Cooking & Eating

                         5 Ingredients or Less                      30-Minute Meals
                         Simple, straightforward and delicious…     Even if you love to cook, you do not
                         tasty food that is good for you does not   usually want to spend hours in the
                         have to overwhelm your grocery list. We    kitchen, especially during the work
                         will cook through a simple, delicious,     week. Learn how to create simple,
                         healthy dinner recipe and talk about how   flexible and delicious meals with a
                         to make your cooking more efficient        minimum of time and effort.
                         with fewer ingredients.
                                                                    Instructor:      Keith Giles
                          Instructor:    Keith Giles                Location:        Alfond Center for
                          Location:      Alfond Youth &                              Health, Augusta,
                                         Community Center,                           Teaching Kitchen
                                         Waterville, Teaching       Cost:            $20/person
                                                                    Date:            Wednesday, Jan. 19
                          Cost:          $20/person                                  5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
                          Date:          Thursday, Jan. 6
                                         5:30 – 7:30 p.m.           Instructor:      Anna Froman, ND
                                                                    Location:        Alfond Center for
                          Instructors:   Anna Froman, ND &                           Health, Augusta,
                                         Mallie Miller, RD                           Teaching Kitchen
                          Location:      Alfond Center for          Cost:            $20/person
                                         Health, Augusta,
                                                                    Date:            Tuesday, Feb. 22
                                         Teaching Kitchen
                                                                                     5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
                          Cost:          $20/person
                          Date:          Wednesday, Feb. 16
                                         11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Healthy Cooking & Eating

NEW Anyone Can Cook                           Buddha Bowls                               Cooking for Diabetes
Do you consider yourself a novice in          Chances are, you’ve inadvertently made     Regardless of how diabetes affects you,
the kitchen? This class is for YOU. We        a grain bowl out of leftovers before.      your family and your friends, you can
will start from the ground up, learning       However, these bowls – consisting of       enjoy all of your favorite foods with just
about basic kitchen equipment, staple         grains, vegetables, protein and dressing   a few small tweaks. This class will cover
ingredients, cooking techniques and           – have the potential to become your        your questions, show you how to make
the building blocks of nutrition. You will    go-to weeknight staple. The best part?     easy substitutions in meals you already
understand how to read recipes and            They’re hard to mess up. Learn a few       love and teach you delicious recipes you
make delicious food for you and your          simple rules that will help you throw      and your whole family will enjoy.
family, and you will also learn how to fill   together simple, delicious meals in no
                                                                                         Cost:            $25/person
those meals with all of the good stuff        time.
your body needs to thrive.                                                               Instructor:      Elizabeth Gallagher, RD
                                              Instructor:      Keith Giles                                MaineGeneral
Cost:             $25/person                  Location:        Alfond Center for         Location:        Alfond Center for
Instructor:       Ben Ramsdell                                 Health, Augusta,                           Health, Augusta
                  MaineGeneral                                 Teaching Kitchen                           Teaching Kitchen
Location:         Alfond Center for           Cost:            $20/person                Date:            Tuesday, Feb. 8 & 15
                  Health, Augusta,            Date:            Thursday, Feb. 17                          5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
                  Teaching Kitchen                             5:30 – 7:30 p.m.                           (2 sessions)
Date:             Thursday, Jan. 20 & 27
                  5:30 – 7:30 p.m.            Location:        Alfond Youth &
                  (2 sessions)                                 Community Center,
                                                               Waterville, Teaching
                                              Cost:            $20/person
                                              Date:            Wednesday, March 16
                                                               5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Healthy Cooking & Eating

     Cooking the Mediterranean Way               NEW Fuel Up Your Mornings                  NEW Healthy Eating After
     You do not need to travel across the        Get your morning started on the            Weight-Loss Surgery
     globe to experience the health benefits     right track with delicious recipes that    Weight-loss surgery requires a lot of
     of a Mediterranean Diet! After a quick      incorporate some of the nutrition you'll   preparation and planning, both before
     trip to your local grocery store, you       need to keep up with your busy day, as     and after. Let us help you with the after
     can be on your way to discovering           well as tips to help you save time and     part! Learn recipes and techniques to
     incredible flavors and fresh foods that     money while eating the best breakfasts     help aid your transition.
     promote health and prevent disease.         ever!
     With deliciously simple recipes, you will                                              Cost:             $20/person
                                                 Instructors:     Patty Morini &
     learn how easy it is to pick up some                                                   Instructors:      Elizabeth Gallagher,
                                                                  Jane Moore, RD
     Mediterranean habits.                                                                                    RD & Patty Morini
     Cost:            $25/person                 Location:        Alfond Center for
                                                                                            Location:         Alfond Center for
     Instructor:      Keith Giles                                 Health, Augusta,
                                                                                                              Health, Augusta,
     Location:        Alfond Center for                           Teaching Kitchen
                                                                                                              Teaching Kitchen
                      Health, Augusta,           Cost:            $20/person
                                                                                            Date:             Tuesday, Jan. 11
                      Teaching Kitchen           Date:            Tuesday, March 22                           5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
     Date:            Thursday, March 3 &                         5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
                      5:30 – 7:30 p.m.           Cost:            $20/person
                      (2 sessions)               Date:            Tuesday, March 29
                                                                  5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Healthy Cooking & Eating

How to Cook Fish                             Instant Pot                                 Italian Classics
Eating more fish can be a delicious          The cooking appliance everyone's            Learn how to make some of your
way to add more lean protein to your         talking about! Learn how to make it work    favorite Italian dishes, including chicken
diet, as well as heart-healthy omega-3       for you. We will talk about what it does    piccata and winter minestrone. We have
fatty acids. This class will teach various   (more than you might think) and how to      lightened them up, packed them with
cooking techniques for several types of      use it safely. Then we will make some       flavor and made them simple for you to
fish.                                        deliciously quick dishes with it. Instant   cook and enjoy at home.
Cost:             $20/person                                                             Cost:             $20/person
Instructors:      Ben Ramsdell &             Cost:            $20/person                 Instructor:       Anna Froman, ND
                  Lubett Taquet, RD          Instructor:      Ben Ramsdell               Location:         Alfond Center for
                  MaineGeneral                                MaineGeneral                                 Health, Augusta,
Location:         Alfond Center for          Location:        Alfond Center for                            Teaching Kitchen
                  Health, Augusta,                            Health, Augusta,           Date:             Tuesday, Jan. 4
                  Teaching Kitchen                            Teaching Kitchen                             5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Date:             Thursday, Feb. 24          Date:            Tuesday, Feb. 1
                  5:30 – 7:30 p.m.                            5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

Healthy Cooking & Eating

     Knife Skills                            Meatless Monday                            Perfect Pizza at Home
     Knives are among the most important     Interested in vegetarian cooking but       Everyone loves pizza, but it can be a pain
     pieces of kitchen equipment. Learn      still enjoy eating meat? Swapping out      to make. It is kind of a guilty pleasure,
     what types you need, how to maintain    a few meat-based meals per week with       too. Not anymore! We will show you how
     and use them, and all the basic knife   plant-based dishes has a bigger impact     to make bigger batches of delicious
     cuts you will use in your cooking.      on your health than you might think. It    whole-grain dough that can make
                                             is also great for the environment. Learn   weeknight dinners a breeze. You will
     Cost:           $20/person
                                             how to make some incredibly hearty,        choose your own flavor combinations
     Instructor:     Ben Ramsdell            satisfying meals with no animal protein    and learn to make a few tasty salads to
                     MaineGeneral            in sight.                                  fill out your plate.
     Location:       Alfond Center for       Instructor:      Ben Ramsdell              Cost:            $20/person
                     Health, Augusta,                         MaineGeneral              Instructor:      Ben Ramsdell
                     Teaching Kitchen
                                             Location:        Alfond Center for                          MaineGeneral
     Date:           Thursday, Feb. 3                         Health, Augusta,          Location:        Alfond Center for
                     11 a.m. – 1 p.m.                         Teaching Kitchen                           Health, Augusta,
                                             Cost:            $20/person                                 Teaching Kitchen
                                             Date:            Monday, Jan. 10           Date:            Thursday, Feb. 10
                                                              5:30 – 7:30 p.m.                           5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

                                             Location:        Alfond Center for
                                                              Health, Augusta,
                                                              Teaching Kitchen
                                             Cost:            $20/person
                                             Date:            Monday, March 21
                                                              5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Healthy Cooking & Eating

Sheet Pan Dinners                         Soups & Stews
Four pans on the stove and three in the   There is nothing quite like a bowl of
oven? What if you could cook an entire    soup to warm you up and soothe your
meal and only have one or two sheet       soul on a cold winter day. In this hands-
pans to clean up? Learn how to put        on cooking class, learn techniques and
together simple, delicious meals that     recipes for soups and stews that are big
you and your family will love!            on flavor and nutrition and easy on the
Instructors:     Ben Ramsdell &
                 Kalee Tinker, RD         Instructors:     Ben Ramsdell &
                 MaineGeneral                              Rachael Rende, RD
Location:        Alfond Center for                         MaineGeneral
                 Health, Augusta,         Location:        Alfond Center for
                 Teaching Kitchen                          Health, Augusta,
Cost:            $20/person                                Teaching Kitchen
Date:            Wednesday, Jan. 12       Cost:            $20/person
                 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.         Date:            Tuesday, Jan. 25
                                                           11 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Instructor:      Keith Giles
Location:        Alfond Center for        Instructor:      Keith Giles
                 Health, Augusta,         Location:        Alfond Center for
                 Teaching Kitchen                          Health, Augusta,
Cost:            $20/person                                Teaching Kitchen

Date:            Saturday, March 26       Cost:            $20/person
                 11 a.m. – 1 p.m.         Date:            Saturday, Feb. 5
                                                           5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
Other Programs & Resources

     A Matter of Balance                              Cooking Matters for Families
     Do you have a fear of falling? A fear of         A class where school-aged children and their families come together in the kitchen
     falling is a reasonable concern, but falls       to learn about healthy eating. Cooking Matters for Families is a six-session, hands-on
     can be predictable and preventable.              cooking class that is free and full of great information. Class members leave each
     This eight-week, two-hour group class            week with a bag of groceries to make the recipes they learned in class at home.
     emphasizes practical strategies to               Please call 872-4102 to register.
     reduce the fear of falling and increase
                                                      Instructor:      Debbie Barnett
     activity levels. In this class, you will learn
     to view falls as controllable, discuss           Location:        Alfond Center for Health, Augusta, Teaching Kitchen
     changes you can make at home to                  Date:            Monday, Jan. 17 – Feb. 21
     reduce the risk of falls and practice                             5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (6 sessions)
     exercises to increase strength and
     balance.                                         Instructors:     Samantha Grenier & Alison Laplante
                                                      Location:        Alfond Youth & Community Center, Waterville, Teaching Kitchen
                                                      Date:            Monday, Feb. 7 – March 14
                                                                       5:30 – 7:30 p.m. (6 sessions)

     For specific class dates and times or for
     more information, call 872-4102 or visit                   Not having enough food for yourself and your family is stressful.                                  There are resources to help in your county:
Other Programs & Resources

        Diabetes Prevention Education
        Learn how to take small, practical steps
        to make healthy lifestyle changes that
        can help to prevent type 2 diabetes.
        Discuss how to eat healthier, increase
        physical activity, read nutrition labels
        and start food journaling. Hear more
        about the year-long National Diabetes
        Prevention Program that can provide
        additional support and accountability.

        Healthy Eating 101
        This one-session class covers some of
        the basics of how to eat healthier. The
        class will review the MyPlate Guidelines
        and discuss approaches to following
        those guidelines. We will also review
        how to read labels and brainstorm
        simple ways to eat healthier.
        For specific class dates and times or for
        more information, call 872-4102 or visit

Other Programs & Resources

     Living Well for Better Health               Living Well with Chronic Pain               Living Well with Diabetes
     It can be challenging to know where         When you are in pain, it can be hard        Feel better, be in control and connect
     to start when it comes to becoming          to focus on anything else. It’s time to     with others as you learn ways to
     a healthier you! Living Well for Better     stop letting pain pause the rest of your    manage your diabetes. We help one
     Health can help you take charge of          life! This class will explore how eating    another reach small goals each week by
     your chronic conditions by guiding you      healthy, gentle-movement exercises          sharing ideas and exploring solutions to
     through topics like physical movement,      and learning how to balance activity        eat healthier, move more and monitor/
     healthy eating, communications skills,      and rest can help improve your quality      manage blood sugar levels.
     working with your health care provider      of life. Class is open to adults who have
     and more.                                   chronic pain as well as caregivers.

     For specific class dates and times or for more information, call 872-4102 or visit

Other Programs & Resources

National Diabetes Prevention                 Tai Chi for Health and Balance
Program (NDPP)                               Tai Chi is an enjoyable low-impact
Being at risk for developing type 2          exercise that can help improve balance,
diabetes can be scary, but there are         relieve pain, increase strength and
things you can do to help reduce your        prevent falls. It is an effective exercise
risk. By eating healthier and increasing     that is easy on the joints and good for
activity, you can improve your blood         those with arthritis. Take this one-hour,
sugar level and your overall health. The     20-session class to improve the health
National Diabetes Prevention Program         of your mind and body.
can help by providing a whole year of
support from a trained lifestyle coach,
along with peer support within a group
setting. Don’t miss your chance to find
encouragement, advice and support
from individuals who are trying to live
a healthier lifestyle, just like you. This
class meets weekly for 16 weeks, then
twice a month for eight months, for a
total of one year.

For specific class dates and times or for more information, call 872-4102
or visit                                                        25
Class Sites

     Arch Beta Apartments            Alfond Youth &                  Quarry Road Trails                  University of Maine
                                     Community Center                                                    Cooperative Extension

                                                                                                         University of Maine
                                                                     Quarry Road Trails is owned         Cooperative Extension can
                                                                     and operated by the City            provide nutrition and healthy
                                                                     of Waterville’s Department          lifestyle education, such as:
     Subsidized housing for the                                      of Parks & Recreation.
                                     The Alfond Youth &                                                   • Healthy food selection and
     elderly and disabled located                                    Our mission is to sustain
                                     Community Center is a                                                  meal preparation/cooking
     in a private setting on the                                     a tradition of four-season
                                     place for all youth and                                              • Kitchen skills
     scenic outskirts of Augusta.                                    outdoor recreation in central
                                     their families to grow and                                           • Menu planning
     Comfortable, attractive 1-2                                     Maine, enabling people from
                                     thrive. Our 72,000-square-                                           • Budgeting
     bedroom units. Rent includes                                    all walks of life to affordably
                                     foot facility provides                                               • Supermarket teaching tours
     heat, hot water, electricity                                    enjoy the benefits of physical
                                     opportunities for childcare,                                         • Altering recipes for health
     and trash removal. Classes                                      activity on first-class trails in
                                     youth and adult recreation,                                            and savings
     meet in Arch Beta’s spacious,                                   an easily accessible area of
                                     fitness classes and                                                  • Recipes and practical tips
     light-filled community room.                                    natural beauty.
                                     community events. Join us                                            • Cooking for crowds
                                     today and see what’s new!       300 Quarry Road Waterville,          • Food preservation
     21 Gray Birch Drive, Augusta,                                                                       Don’t see your topic of interest
     ME 04330                                                                                            here?
     For more information or an                                              Contact us:
     application,                                                                                        622-7576 or 800-287-1481
                                     126 North Street, Waterville,
     please call 622-4908.                                                                               (Kennebec County)
                                     ME 04901
                                                                                                         474-9622 or 800-287-1495
                                     207-873-0684                                                        (Somerset County)
MaineGeneral Health
35 Medical Center Parkway
Augusta, ME 04330
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