Willingham News FREE TO EVERY HOME - village website: www.willinghamlife.org September 2021
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Willingham News FREE TO EVERY HOME willinghamnews@gmail.com village website: www.willinghamlife.org September 2021 ‘The Visitation’, Wall Painting from St Mary and All Saints Church, Photograph by Richard Lingham. See Article page 15.
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CONTENTS CONTENTS September March NewsNews A Willingham Schoolmaster............................................16 Barton’s Field ....................................................................5 Brief History of Willingham Part 29, 1834 – 1901...........15 Basketball Club................................................................11 Cambridgeshire ACRE......................................................14 Brief History of Willingham – Part 23 .............................10 County Councillor’s Report..............................................18 Census.............................................................................16 District Councillors’ Report..............................................16 Willingham News is a subsidiary of Willingham News Ltd County Facts Councillor’s About Message ..........................................16 September...................................................20 and is edited editedby byvolunteers. volunteers.We Wedodo ourour best to ensure best the to ensure accuracy of the content Message from Lucy Frazer, District Councillors’ ReportMP. .......................................16 .............................................18 the accuracy of the contentofofthe thesubmissions, submissions, butbut this cannot be beguaranteed. guaranteed.We We reserve reserve thethe rightright to or to edit edit or omit Old Fen Willingham. .................................................................6 Gallop .......................................................................21 omit articles articles at our at our discretion. discretion. Theexpressed The views views expressed in in readers' Ouse Fen Nature Reserve................................................14 readers’ letters are not necessarily those of the letters are not necessarily those of the editorial team. Sendeditorial Old Willingham .................................................................6 team.contributions your Send your to contributions to willinghamnews@ willinghamnews@gmail.com as an Over Day Centre Charity Bike Ride..................................14 gmail.com email as an email attachment of upattachment to 250 wordsof up(no to pdfs) 250 words (no to arrive Poem for March ..............................................................16 Poem for September.......................................................10 pdfs) tothe before arrive before monthly the monthly deadline. Paperdeadline. copy canThe Editorial be dropped Primary School ..................................................................5 Team off comprises at the Liz Editorial library. The Cosford,Team Janecomprises Dowle, Wendy Law, Liz Cosford, Willingham British Schools Trust.......................................6 Frances Jane Watts, Dowle, JamesLaw, Wendy Watts and Trevor Frances Watts,Weston. James Watts and Readers’ Letters ..............................................................15 Willingham Combined Charity..........................................6 The deadline Trevor Weston. for your contributions is the 8th of each month. As the for The deadline library yourstill has restricted contributions is theopening, hard 8th of each Willingham Community Willingham 170 Years Ago ................................................6 Plan Group Update.....................5 copy month. can be dropped off at 15 Balland Field. Clubs and Societies Willingham Feast...............................................................6 Willingham Youth Gardening Trust.....................................................5 Club..........................................................12 Bin Collections – Fridays Clubs and GroupsClub......................................................10 Photography Bin Collections Friday 5 March – Friday Blue except andwhere Green indicated: 1st Willingham Brownies..............................................6 Saturday Willingham Action Group............................................5 Friday 124March September Black Blue and Green Bowls Club....................................................................7 10Friday September 19 March Blue and Black Green Willingham Hub...........................................................5 Gardening Club...........................................................10 17Friday September 26 March Black Blue and Green Willingham Sustainability Group...............................12 24 September Black Photography Club.........................................................7 Women’s Social Institute .......................................................6 Club....................................................................7 To contact local police, phone 101 or email: Quizzes Swavesey Camera Club...............................................18 SCambsCops@cambs.pnn.police.uk To contact local police, phone 101 or email: Women’s Book QuizInstitute........................................................6 ....................................................................8 SCambsCops@cambs.pnn.police.uk Quizzes Crossword....................................................................8 PLEASE NOTE: Book Quiz.....................................................................8 Back issues of Willingham News from October 2005 to the present Answers .....................................................................18 (with the exception of March 2006) are now available on the General Knowledge Crossword....................................8 Willingham PLEASE Life website run by WAG: NOTE: www.willinghamlife.org/page/willingham‐magazine back‐issues Monthly ItemsCorner.................................................8 Young Readers’ Back issues of Willingham News from October 2005 to the present (with the exception of March 2006) are now available on the BinAnswers. .....................................................................18 Collections. .................................................................3 Willingham Life website run by WAG: www.willinghamlife.org/page/willingham-magazine back -issues Celebrationitems Days in March..............................................20 Advertising Monthly We would like to thank all our advertisers for their continued Bin Collections. Christians ..................................................................3 Together ...........................................................9 support during these difficult times. It’s due to them that Willingham News is able to serve the village. Please continue to Christians Together..........................................................11 Directory .........................................................................23 Advertising support our local businesses now and in the future when restrictions are lifted. Advertising is sold on an annual basis for an insert into 12 issues Directory. .........................................................................21 Library ...............................................................................7 Advertising is sold on an annual basis for an insert into 12 issues beginning in January. January.Send Sendanyany advertising queries or to: copy to: beginning in advertising.wnews@yahoo.co.uk, advertising queries or copy Library.............................................................................10 advertising.wnews@yahoo.co.uk, marking marking your your emails e‐mailsAdverts. Adverts. Medical Practice..............................................................11 TheThe Willingham Willingham News News team team wishes wishes toto thank thank allall thethe advertisers advertisers forfor Medical Practice..............................................................12 their support and interest. They They play play aavital vitalrole roleininmaintaining maintainingthis this Parish Council..................................................................14 publication and also in our community as local businesses supplying publication Parish Council....................................................................9 goods and you contact services. IfIf you and services. an advertiser, contact an mentionthat pleasemention advertiser,please Pastoral Letter...................................................................9 thatsaw you saw their you their advertisement advertisement in Willingham in Willingham ThankThank News.News. you you all very Thought for the Month...................................................11 all very much. much. Young Readers’ What's Corner......................................................8 On........................................................................20 March 20212021 WILLINGHAM NEWS September 3
Mark Bird Electrical contractor ELECTRICAL MARK BIRD SERVICES NICEIC Domestic Installer Part P Approved Tel: 01480 493008 Mobile: 07961 505189 Email: mbird494@btinternet.com CHIMNEY SWEEP J. L. Wight Guild of Master Sweeps, Certificates issued Advice given/problems solved 01954 253315 www.camsweep.co.uk 9 Cow Lane, Rampton 4 WILLINGHAM WILLINGHAM NEWS NEWS February 2021 September
Willingham Community Plan Group Willingham Update Willingham Youth Trust Thank you to all that attended the Community Plan two public meetings of the WCPG on 23 June and 1 July. It was lovely to Group (WCPG) meet in person – even outside! We gained a lot of insight into what Update people care about and were able to address a few misunderstandings of what this group is about. Norole Our stories this is simply month! to put togetherThe group a survey wants for the villagetoandshare some report back on the findings. We are not a campaigning group of the current issues that you have highlighted duringand are completely neutral. We must design the survey to identify the priorities of the village thenotpublic and meetings our personal views. Weand are in the suggestion supported boxes. The by, but completely latter are now closed, and we would like independent of, the Parish Council, WAG and other groups in the to thank village.all the local businesses for hosting them. We counted over The data and report will be unbiased and representative of the village as a whole. This means that the Parish Council and agencies responsible for 100 responses so here is a non-exhaustive list of issues delivering services, such as South Cambs and the County Council, will be identified able – not to trust the data in any order whatsoever! as representative (Try of of the current views singing the peopleit to ofthe tune of My Favourite Things!) Willingham. Bypass and traffic calming, parking and pollution Zebra crossings, dog walking and speed diminution Bridleways and cycleways, public footpaths and drains Here are a few of your favourite pains. We are very excited to announce that the Trust will be opening its doors again on 15 September, with Potholes and pavements, resurfacing and litter Connections Bus Project coming in to deliver Youth Club Development and flooding, sporting facilities and MUGA sessions on a Wednesday evening. These sessions will be New trees, green spaces, wildflowers and verges freely available to young people in Years 7, 8 and 9, and Litter and antisocial behaviour are scourges will provide a safe space to relax with friends, play games, Our local farmers, water management and labour enjoy some food, chat to our youth workers and just hang More leisure activities not just sporting endeavour out for the evening. Sessions will run from 7 – 8 30 pm, Better public areas accessibility and are free, so you can just turn up and stay for as long Schooling and taxis and local history as you like. If you would like to come along to the first Medical capacity session, please contact us or just turn up. now there’s Northstowe During the pandemic, the Youth Trust building was closed More facilities to users, but once lockdown restrictions began to lift, we were able to offer our premises to local dance school, JSPC, for the less mobile to go to who have been able to run dance classes there for young Public transport to neighbouring villages and busway people in the local area. We are now taking bookings for Get involved and we might have them – one day! birthday parties and other events, so if you would like to inquire about booking the space, please email us. We received suggestions about the questionnaires The Youth Trust bade a fond farewell to Bonnie Twiss (both household and young people), excellent ideas on and Emma Mason, our previous Chair and Secretary, and communications within the village (for example, a Lost Pets welcomed Jack Stinton and Vicky Richards to these roles. Messaging Board), sustainable initiatives for a repair/swap They are looking forward to moving us out of the pandemic shop and Spring and Autumn Front of House Pavement and bringing their expertise to the Youth Trust and Youth Sales. These great ideas just need committed individuals Club to help expand what the charity delivers. We are truly to run with them! grateful for everything Bonnie and Emma have given over The team are going to take time to make sure that we the years, and we wish them all the best for their future include everything we can in the questionnaire. If you care endeavours. about an issue, the chances are someone else will too. The Youth Trust has been working closely with the Therefore, we have delayed the roll-out slightly until late Willingham Community Planning Group, helping to autumn. To make sure that this is accessible to all, there develop the Youth Survey which will be going out as part will be the option for paper questionnaires as well as an of the village-wide questionnaire this month. We look online version. With over 4,000 residents to engage, we forward to receiving everyone’s feedback and working to really need your help! We are looking for willing volunteers put your views into action. to help with: The Youth Trust is now working on growing its social • Delivery and collection of paper questionnaires to your media presence, so if you would like to follow us on any of street. our social media platforms, please find us on: • Data entry after the questionnaire. Facebook (facebook.com/WillinghamYouthTrust), Instagram: WillinghamYouthTrust, Twitter: WillinghamYT. For further information, email If you can help, please email communityplanning@ enquiries@willinghamyouthtrust.org. willinghamlife.org, or telephone 07529 222579. WILLINGHAM NEWS September 2021 5
Old Willingham Congratulations from Willingham British School Trust! The Trustees congratulate every young person in the village who has, despite the challenges of the last 18 months, gained their required academic grades and will be starting a university course or apprenticeship this autumn. The Trust has funds available to help you and your parents meet the additional, possibly unexpected, costs you are now having to meet for equipment, field trips and books. Applications will also be considered from institutions and voluntary groups seeking financial support to meet the needs of Willingham’s young people in innovative ways. After meeting online since March 2020, the Trustees held their first face-to-face meeting in July, kindly hosted Here is a classic photo of Church Street at the end nearest by Willingham Youth Trust. The Trustees will next meet to the Co-op, taken in about 1895. The large, thatched building consider applications for funding on 15 October. It’s easy on the right was a bakery, as it is today. The chimney to apply, so get in touch to find out how the Trust can help shows a large ‘inglenook’ open fireplace indicating that you. Enquiries should be made to the Trust Secretary, Dr the building was very old. None of these buildings remain Ray Croucher, 01954 261113 or raycroucher47@gmail. today having been replaced by a row of new houses of com. differing styles in the early 20th century. We know that the bakery burned down, so maybe the open fire was not such a good idea, but this made room for the houses near 1st Willingham Brownies Church Lane. It’s quite hard to map today’s houses on to the footprints of the old buildings, so if you have more The unit will launch in September at the Primary School information, please let me know. and is open to any girl aged 7 – 10 years old. Brownies See more photos at www.oldwillingham.com and if you gives girls the opportunity to try new things, develop their have stories or memories about this picture, please contact team participation and leadership skills, make new friends Jon Edney, 31 High Street or oldwill@oldwillingham.com. and have fun and adventures in a safe, girls-only space. If your daughter would like to join, either contact us at 1stwillinghambrownies@gmail.com or, if she is new to guiding, you can register your details at www.girlguiding. org.uk/information-for-parents/register-your-daughter. Willingham Combined Charity Lynn McGoff We are compiling an Historical Charity Archive and recently received documents from the family of an ex-Trustee which have proved to be both useful and interesting. We thank Willingham the family very much and are hoping that there might be even more out there! If you do have anything, even if you Women’s are not sure if it will be of any use, please contact me on 01954 260718 or sue.ayling1@ntlworld.com. Institute Many thanks. Our next meeting will be on Monday 13 September at 7 30 pm, when we will hopefully be back in the Social Sue Ayling Club. Our President, Jane Miller will send out an email nearer the time to confirm that this can go ahead. The evening will be a social get-together with a quiz and jigsaw swap. In July, after the relaxation of the COVID-19 rules, Willingham Feast we were able to meet for our Summer Party in Jane’s garden. With a glass of Pimm’s we were able to chat to There will be a limited number of events this year to many members we hadn’t seen face-to-face for so long include photography and art exhibitions, a comedy and wander around the garden. We were lucky to have night and a wine tasting quiz. We are not sure yet if good weather and a lovely time was had by all. the funfair will visit. There may be more events to add Our WI is large and friendly and a great way for women but full details of events and timing will appear in the in the village to socialise and get to know new people. October magazine and on village social media. The Why not give it a try? If you would like to find out more, ‘official’ Feast weekend falls on 9 – 10 October. please contact us at willinghamwi28@gmail.com. 6 WILLINGHAM NEWS September 2021
Social Club Bowls Club We would like to thank everyone Established 1937 who came to our Beer Festival so It seems like repeat, repeat and repeat. We really wanted to shortly after lockdown had ended. put our Community Scheme into action, but the pandemic We were overwhelmed by the level disrupted our plans time and time again. When we were of support and would also like to finally allowed to start, we had to rely on our Facebook give a big thank you to page to let villagers know, so we only had a few people our staff, volunteers and turn up but we are still hopeful. Then came the rain, which sponsors, without whose finally sealed the Scheme’s fate for this year. If you have help this event would not been down to the Recreation Ground, you will probably have been possible. have noticed the lying water which, unfortunately, is The event was so well always worse at the far end, near the Bowling Green. supported you almost The rain has been so heavy that we have had to cancel manged to drink us dry our remaining home league matches. The drainage is very with all but eight pints of poor, regardless of the Parish Council’s attempts to clear the 1,100 pints of real ale, it, and it just can’t cope with the water on the Bowls Club craft lager and cider being side of the field. Consequently, the Green is waterlogged. consumed. As the weather Talking with some of the old village residents, they have was kind, we were able to said they can’t remember so much lying water at this time set up our extra-long trestle of year. tables in the car Keep an eye on the Bowls Club Facebook page, just in park, giving a street case we have a dry, hot spell that will allow us to offer some party atmosphere. sessions. The Community Scheme will be on Wednesday The music was afternoons at 2 pm, weather and conditions allowing. supplied by SJ and the Flying Pigs on Friday night and The Phat Controllers on Saturday, with both bands going down a storm, filling the dance floor towards the end of the evening on both nights. Funds raised from this year’s event will be used to make further improvements to the facilities at the Club, with our own sound and lighting systems for the function room. In the past these have been borrowed from the Jam Club, for which we have been very grateful and a special thank you to Steve Lockwood who has been a big support. October will see the return of the ever-popular Custard Comedy Nights on Friday 1 October. Tickets and details of the acts can be found at www.wegottickets.com/ Willingham Photography Club event/522745. Advanced purchase of tickets is advisable Our aim is to learn more about photography whilst enjoying as this event often sells out. a social evening and in September, we hope to be meeting As we move away from any further chance of more again in person. Please check our website for the most up- lockdowns, we have been busy booking events for your to-date details. enjoyment as below. More are being added all the time, We have a monthly assignment, entering photographs so please check out our Facebook page for more details, online for consideration and feedback from our resident www.facebook.com/willinghamsocialclub. professional photographer and the theme for September is: A Blast of Colour The Club continues to be open seven nights a week and Photographs should be submitted by 20 September via we have seen an influx of new members taking advantage www.willinghamphotoclub.org.uk, following the link to the of this. We are lucky in this village to have a good variety Virtual Assignments Google Drive. of entertainment venues to choose from, so please keep We cordially invite anyone who enjoys photography to get in using them. touch. Your expertise level does not matter, neither does the Dates for your Diary nature of your camera. Membership is £20 for six months, with the first month free of charge but subscriptions are Bingo every Wednesday, 7 30 pm. currently deferred. 9 and 23 September – League Poker, 7 45 pm. For further details, please contact Steve Harding, 07595 3 September – Live Music from Or Wot. 668161 or visit our website at 11 September – Jax & Co. www.willinghamphotoclub.org.uk. WILLINGHAM NEWS September 2021 7
7 Catch 22 8 Three Blind Mice Page 9 Quick Crossword General by Willow Knowledge Crossword 9 Five Quarters of the Orange byCrossword General Knowledge Willow by Willow 10 Young Readers’ Three Men in a Boat ers onAnswers page 18 Christine Lacey Corner on page Answers on page 18 " 1 # 2 3 $ 4 % 5 & Young Readers’!Corner 6 Children’sHarvest Children’s Harvest WordWord Search Search 7 8 Guest The word Editors word‘harvest’ this ‘harvest’comes month comes from –Anglo-Saxon thethe from Ester, Isla, Sol wordword Anglo-Saxon and H ‘haerfest’ w ( Overton ‘haerfest’ find whichinmeans the words the grid‘autumn’. Can relating to you this find theseason? beautiful words in the grid Answer on relating page to this beautiful season? 9 10 Slime Recipe Answer on page 18. !* !! Slime is always a huge hit in our house. We make it wa 11 C Q Z B O D P O Y I S H L often! 12 13 E W This H favourite is our E A Trecipe A E – K H S A S " !# !$ !% R F Z E X C L F S R H R X Ingredients 14 15 16 17 1EcupXof E T orEclear white R glue C A(pva) D P T V S 18 1Ateaspoon N R of S bicarbonate A W X of R soda N U R E T !( !) 19 20 1‐2 L teaspoons Y G B ofTcontact P Y lensM solution Z M A (it must S Rhave bo the ingredients as that’s the magic bit!) AMsquirt C ofK paint P Yor food I Ucolouring E H P C favourite – your T A colo 21 "! L O A U O T V R V K T C W Method E M B P U T N A B I O X X Across Down So, what do you have to do? First, stir together the glu 1 Across Wild flower common in grass verges (3,7) "# 1 Make watertight (5) Down 2 Wild pig Pumbaa in The Lion A B M A bicarbonate P Ein aAbowl. of soda R Add L Nin the R squirt Y O of colo 1 Wild flower common in grass verges (3,7) 7 Channel Island, Peter Port (8) capital St King (7) 3 East end of a church (4) ! V mix. and 1 Make watertight I Y Now (5) N addR theL contact L T lensZ H O L and solution D keep s 8 Thin7 Channel Island, strip of wood capital St 4Peter in the Port (8)(3,5) Parachutist 2 Wild piguntil E N Pumbaait starts V in TheOtoLion get stringy G King N (7) E and T O comesC away I Afrom Z the ed mouthpiece of a clarinet (4) 5 Small heron (5) s 8 Thin strip blackof wood(4) Down in the mouthpiece of a in 1980 the bowl. Take it in your hands and knead it for a min 3 East endS of aE church (4) itMonly A sticks I Zto E V ItZwillSbeRsuperC stretchy! T 9 Traditional eyeliner 6 Beatle assassinated treme fear clarinet 10 (6) (4) Dried cured meat from 1 Punched (7) (6) so until itself. Southern Africa (7) 11 DCI Vera, played by Brenda 4 Parachutist (3,5) You canAutumn also add glitter ndamental (5) of one's country 12 Betrayal 2 Repeats aloud Blethyn (8) (7) Apple Barley or Barn glow in the Beetdark paint 9 Traditional black eyeliner (4) Apple Autumn Barley Ba dy tissue (4,7) (6) shellfish with mother 12 Capital of Tasmania (6) 5 Small heron 3 Procedure favourite Cereal (5) is to make itFarmer Combine fluffy slime! FestivalTo make this, add Harvest 14 Edible 13 Toy dogin theatre breed (9) from Tibet 10 Dried cured meat from Southern (4-3) Africa (7) opical 16 fruit (6) inside (7) of pearl 4 Huge fire (5) 6 Beatle Leaves cups Cereal assassinated Maize of shaving in 1980foam Oatto the Pear Combine (6) mixture Farmer Potato you Fes before ad Chinese dynasty, 1368 – 15 Irish loch (5) Pumpkin Silo Straw Tractor contact lens solution, and it will be super stretchy ANDWheat e (4) 12 1643Betrayal (4) of one's country 5 Hair17 (4,7) detergent Russian writer(7) 11 DCI Vera, (1868-1936) played by Brenda Blethyn Leaves Maize (8) Oat Pe 19 Woman in German (4) 14 Edible shellfish with mother with a Moscow park named of pearl inside fluffy! s a stab (8) 20 Introduction to an opera or 6 Unrefined (6) after him (5) 12 Capital of Tasmania (6) (7) ballet (8) 18 Greek god, chief deity on Pumpkin Enjoy! Silo Straw Tra urney's21end (11) County town of Shropshire 11 Globetrotter (9) Mount Olympus (4) 13 Toy dog breed from Tibet (4-3) ion (8) 16 (10)Chinese dynasty, 1368 - 1643 (4) 13 Stretch (7) Super Star Wars Jokes 15 Irish loch (5) art of the 19 matter Woman (4) in German 14(4)Embody (7) Why did Anakin cross the road? ilding for 20vehicle Introduction(6) toBook an15 Quiz Badly opera behaved or ballet (8) (7) 17 Russian writer (1868-1936) with a Moscow To get to the dark park named after him (5) ffawsAnswers (6)21 County on pagetown 16 Specialised 18of Shropshire (10) language (6) What do you call Chewbacca when he gets chocolate ter's daughter This month(5) I have chosen 18books Cornerwith (5) 18 Greek god, chief deity on Mount Olympus numbers in the titles. fur? thoutThere are only(6) hindrance ten here but surprisingly, there are quite (4) a A chocolate chip wo few more. See if you can guess the authors. 1 A Tale of Two Cities What side of an Ewok has the most hair? 2 The Three Musketeers The ou Book Quiz www.kidspuzzlesandgames.co.uk 3 Five Children and It 4Answers The 39onSteps page 5 Fahrenheit 451 Book Quiz Which Star Wars character works at a restaurant? Darth W 6 Nineteen Eighty-Four ers on7page Catch18 22 The Wind – a Poem and a Riddle as well! will all be changing 8 Three Blind Miceour clocks again this month, I Did you feel me in the air? chosen books withof the 9 Five Quarters the Orange word ‘Time’ in the title. Did you see me dancing through your hair? 10 Three Men in a Boat me to Spring! Did you feel me in the breeze? Christine Lacey Did you hear me whisper through the trees? Time to Kill 6 Hard Times e Time8 Traveler’s 7 The Land that Time Did you smell theWILLINGHAM smoke withNEWS me?September 2021
FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL www.WillinghamParishCouncil.gov.uk Parish Facilities Flooding and Events and Drainage Issues in Willingham Footpaths, on making the Roads and Boundaries Meadow Road village field a place we can As with Over all village recent weeksfacilities, Willingham shops has and spaces, we experienced ask with issues that appreciate. Fly‐tipping Now that the boundary changes and the heap of litter have been was pushing agreed, cleared. flooding and sewage in parts of the village. The Parish Council Importantly, the commemorative oak trees further west around the Over Road area and south towards there have been everyone continues to keep as safe as they can and observe has replanted, the guided busway, new signage is being organised to showa so we all hope this time they do well and provide whatbeen liaising is asked with the without District and question. Countythe Hopefully Councils pandemic with fitting regards to gullies and ditch clearance and has been advised that whereavenue of trees the village for future boundary generations begins. This doesto enjoy. On the not impact is turning a corner, but it will be up to us to help keep it southern side of the village the piece on our efforts to maintain the green spaces between of land donated to our the those in need of clearing will be dealt with as soon as possible. that In way. The addition, Ploughman there has been Hall and interaction frequent Public Hall,with along with Anglian village housing willline also andbe neighbouring prepared to benefit us all; see more details villages. all recreational Water who believefacilities, they haveare due to resolved thereopen issue of with some the sewage onSome page 5.permanent signs are not easily visible since trees COVID-19 leak in Churchmeasures Streetstill andin Green place, Street, so it would be good although furtherif andCloser to home, hedges haveourhad boundary a summerhedgesgrowth and trees that provide spurt. Please leakages have come to light in other village everyone could support at least one local club or society locations. winter berries and could owners seeds prune for birds trees and cutwill back be needing attention any hedges and which The current should be well are making ourtrimmed. essential There are stilldangerous. footpaths a few that encroach on which all needsewage our input, capacity, futuretomaintenance not only help rejuvenate and upgrade by Anglian Water are issues that need to be addressed. theThe footpaths; we would Road B1050 Shelford all be grateful footpath if they needed couldtobereach chopped our village life but to enhance our own wellbeing. Community back so that Village we canOrchard walk around has beensafely.long TheinCouncil the planning. will be Our MP Lucy Frazer has also been made aware of our issues; the South Cambridgeshire District Council Environmental District Council Health(SCDC) teamis promoting at South Encouragingly, flailing SCDC – Highways the field hedges have issued also before nesting begins. a notice its tourism website Cambridgeshire ‘Visit District South Council haveCambs’ been and wouldtolike contacted to liaise that thismove As we is likely to commence into spring on 6 that it will be hoped September. we can beginWhento hearresolve and about any events run the problems asby local as quickly independent possible. We retailers would this happens enjoy there will better weather andbetake roadadvantage closures,ofsoour everyone's outdoor encourage and othersalloperating residents experiencing in the tourist problems sector, with their foul for example: cooperation spaces. The firstin planning week of Marchextra time intoWaste is ‘Food journeys thatWeek’: Action week water to contact galleries, Anglian gift shops andWater artisandirectly as well. bakeries. The the Follow February link: will be helpful. choosing each piece of fresh food as we need it would certainly Council meeting was well attended by parishioners and the make a difference. Considering our drive to achieve a better ‘sign up free of charge’. Green Energy and LEAP Advice Council welcomed and appreciated their input. We are hopeful carbon footprint, not only would growing our own vegetables At Green be a goodEnergy Switchbut way forward there is a free making use of scheme called our local LEAP suppliers Concessionary that now we have Bus Passes a multi‐agency meeting between requested the Parish Council, Cambridgeshire County Council, South which runs in partnership with Peterborough could reduce that carbon footprint ‐ as well as supporting local City Council, As we are moving about more and making use of the SCDC and for businesses Rutland our tasty,County Council carefully selectedto food. bring free energy Cambridgeshire District Council and Anglian Water, we can start abus servicesoninhow discussion thewe village, it maythis can resolve beintime to check the long term. bus The support to residents struggling with fuel poverty. The Parish Council statistics Meetings showing how and Elections much money and energy has been passes have not expired. village will be updated via the website. It is now possible to renew the pass online six weeks before it expires at www. saved by will Meetings overcontinue 400 supported to be heldresidents remotelyare impressive, using Zoom for not the Community Plan least the time total being. saving Full of 1,463.5 Council meetings tonnes of carbon! are held on theHomefirst cambridgeshirepeterborough-ca.gov.uk. If more help is As described in the December edition of Willingham News, the visits are due Wednesday to resume in the in September, month starting at 7 30 sopm,you canagendas with email: needed, there is a telephone number to call on the back emma.deaton@greenenergyswitch.co.uk, posted on the website as well as at the Public apply online Hall and at Library. 2008 Community Parish Plan is due to be revised and updated of show to the old thepass needs arising from the changes within the parish. www.applyforleap.org.uk, We usually begin meetings with or use the free members phone of the service: public being Such a Community Willingham Plan has noFlood Supplementary set content Plan since it can reflect 0800to0607567. able speak briefly or asking questions, (agendas have the whatever the community identifies as important. Following the details). Following the floods at seeking the enda wide of last year,ofthe Parish Contact Details call for volunteers – ideally variety individuals Keep an eye out for any lifting of restrictions on the use of who could work together and focus on the village needs ‐One Council is currently reinforcing its existing flood plan. we Councillors’ indoor details facilities canof and use bethe found on the carefully website cleaned buthalls public belowin route can nowmay movebe forward to formanda small more flood will bemanagement team, published on this. It are details for the Chair/Vice Chair and Lead Councillors. the village. We are still unclear as to how or even if the elections takes a lot of work at all Council will take placemeetings as plannedare generally6 May. on Thursday heldHowever, on thewefirstare recruiting residents to levels act as so an army of helperssupport neighbourhood will be Wednesday of the month, starting at 7 30 pm. Agendas are called for at different volunteers. times It is hoped to and I amthe divide sure Willingham village will step into zones, so assuming they will go ahead and the clerk is preparing the up as they did in 2008. published on Ploughman thefor Hall website and the ‘COVID‐19 noticeaccessibility friendly’ board outside the for this that when there is a risk of flooding, the management team Public Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend event. It is an ideal venue to enable people to move through Outside Spaces and speak briefly orown ask questions (see agendas would be activated and co-ordinate the neighbourhood safely, but have your pencil sharpened ready! for further The arrivalvolunteers. support of our two sparkly new table tennis The volunteers wouldtables thenwithnotify their details, including venue). surrounding matting in the QE 11 Field is already a hit! Plans are Council Office Details residents in a particular zone at risk of flooding and Council office details going ahead for some bike shelters nearer the Pavilion, which Ploughman Hall, West Fen Road, Willingham distribute advisory information where appropriate. It is Ploughman Hall, West Fen Road, Willingham, CB24 5LP. will encourage outdoor enjoyment. Please follow any guidelines Tel: 01954 261027 hoped that are that more current people as well could be as observing anyreached requestsin this that mayway. be Tel: 01954 261027. Email clerk@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk However, made. volunteers Thinking ahead,would be needed the football fieldstoshould supportnotthebe plan. used Email: clerk@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk. Opening hours: Monday – Thursday 10am – 1pm (closed bank If you until thewould Councillike draintocleaning be involved, programmeas ais member completedofand theit Opening hours: Monday – Thursday, 10 am - 1 pm (closed holidays) is clear that the fields can cope with a resumption management team or a neighbourhood support volunteer of ball games. Bank Holidays). orLast wouldmonth likemore moreenergy, time andplease information, parishcontact money were spent the Parish Clerk: Mrs Mandy Mrs Mandy Powell Powell Clerk. D Law Parish Council Chairman Parish Clerk cllr.law@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 01954 202188 NDHarris Law Planning Committee Parish Council Chairman Chairman cllr.harris@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk cllr.law@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 07792 01954611226 202188 PNKing Harris Planning Parish Committee Council Vice ChairChairman cllr.harris@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk cllr.pking@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 07792260780 01954 611226 P King L King Parish Council Vice Chair Leisure & Amenities – Lead Cllr cllr.pking@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk cllr.lking@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 01954 260780 01954 260780 L King Leisure and Amenities – Lead Cllr cllr.lking@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 01954 260780 R Manning Greens & Boundaries – Lead Cllr cllr.manning@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 01954 261235 J Watson Green & Boundary – Lead Cllr cllr.watson@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 01954 200245 BBMansfield Mansfield Cemetery Cemetery––Lead LeadCllr Cllr cllr.mansfield@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk cllr.mansfield@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 01954 01954261540 261540 RJ Tassell Smith Halls Halls––Lead LeadCllr Cllr cllr.tassell@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk cllr.smith@willinghamparishcouncil.gov.uk 07974 01954673836 261141 10 WILLINGHAM NEWS September 2021 WILLINGHAM NEWS March 20219
Willingham Library Gardening Club www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/library Gardening Club Meeting at the Social Club, Monday 6 0345 0455225 September at 7 30 pm Our opening hours have returned to normal and are: Subject to all being well, a meeting will be held for members Tuesday: 10 am – 1 pm and 2 – 5 pm and guests as above in our usual venue, the Social Club. This Thursday: 4 – 7 pm Friday: 10 am – 1 pm will take the form of a social evening and open discussion Saturday: 10 am – 1 pm on the future activities of the Gardening Club and the Horticulture and Craft Show. Refreshments will be provided. The library is now open in line with Government advice. Should there be any change in social distancing restrictions, Please help us keep our customers, volunteers and staff safe, we will endeavour to contact our members. We look forward fit and healthy: to seeing you all. • Wear a face covering if you can. • Please continue to be kind and respect other people’s Calling All Gardeners, Crafters and Flower Arrangers! space. Bearing in mind that the village Horticulture and Craft Show • Use the available hand sanitiser and Test and Trace. has had to be cancelled this year, how about sharing all your • Computers can be used normally, there is no need to book gardening triumphs and failures with us, with a view to a in advance. Cleaning products will be available to wipe harvest flourish finale in October? We would love to hear down computer stations in between uses. from you all, especially our young budding gardeners. • The library will be well ventilated with a limited number You can email articles, anecdotes and photos to of people inside. willinghamnews@gmail.com before the deadline of • The self-service machine can be used to issue and return 8 September and your photos will be published in colour! items. It would be great to hear from some of the children in the village too, with stories and pictures. We look forward to You can still use: seeing photos of your best flowers, vegetables and craft • Select and Collect where library staff will choose your projects as well as what’s happening in your garden or books for you according to your preferences. allotment and anything the children are doing, even if it’s just • Reservations, which can be made either online or in the growing something on a window sill in a plastic supermarket library. A charge is made for this service, please check container. when placing your request. Over the Garden Fence • Online Services as well as a wide range of eBooks, eAudio books, eComics and eMagazines which you can access Food For Thought: What Price Symmetry? without visiting a library. A common problem with a matching pair of potted shrubs, for • Your online account to see what you have on loan, renew example bay trees, is having one thriving and one ailing. This items, search the catalogue and reserve items. common problem prompts musing about symmetry in the Friends of Willingham Library (FOWL) garden. Familiar from grand scale layouts, some gardeners We are pleased to announce the return of our Second-Hand want to replicate a formal look on a smaller scale. The smaller Book Sale: the garden, the more difficult it is to do. Saturday 4 September, 10 30 am to 12 noon. Obvious Fact No 1: The way plants perform is governed Come along to the library and buy a book from our wide by the amount of light and water they receive and on the selection at 50p each or three books for £1. We would texture, composition and nutrients of soil in which they grow. appreciate exact change if possible, please. We will be Obvious Fact No 2: These conditions are variable and never following all coronavirus guidelines as set out by the Library Service and are looking forward to seeing everyone again. more so than in a small garden. Hopefully, the next sale will take place on Saturday 2 October. The classic example of tantalisingly unattainable symmetry Look out for further information about restarting some of involves lavender, which needs free-draining soil and, vitally, our other activities soon. full sun, the latter a rare commodity in tight spaces. Soil you can work on, but with insufficient light, lavender grows stringy and flowers poorly. Result? Matching ‘punctuation Poem for September mark’ plants don’t stay matching for long. The best way to September is like a song grow matching pairs therefore, is to grow them in large pots at the end of the summer of appropriate compost and turn them or swap them around waiting for the autumn every few weeks. This can be successfully done with box, with its falling leaves. lavender, neat little hebe, rosemary and bay – all the usual ‘formal’ evergreens. Celebrate September for there are still warm days House Plants and evening sunshine The same principle can be applied to house plants. They can casting long shadows. also use a change of location, a plant holiday, and be regularly Christine Lacey fed and rotated. 10 WILLINGHAM NEWS September 2021
CHRISTIANS TOGETHER IN WILLINGHAM CHURCH STREET, CHURCH STREET, CHURCH WILLINGHAM STREET, WILLINGHAM WILLINGHAM www.5folds.org.uk www.5folds.org.uk www.5folds.org.uk Services in Church Church Opening and Services Church Opening Church Opening and and Services Services George George George Street, GeorgeStreet, Willingham, Street,Willingham, Street, Cambridge Willingham,Cambridge Willingham, CB24 CambridgeCB24 Cambridge 5LJ CB245LJ CB24 5LJ 5LJ 5 September 11 00 am Harvest Festival and www.willinghambaptist.org and www.willinghambaptist.organd and Whilst Whilst we Whilst we have we havehave had had had to to close to close close the the Church the Church Church for for some for some some weeks weeks weeks as as the as the COVID‐ the COVID‐ COVID‐ www.willinghambaptist.org www.willinghambaptist.org and 19 19 crisis crisis continues, continues, we we continue continue Morning review review the the Praise with position position with the the aim aim ofofof 19 crisis continues, we continue review the position with the aim 12 September opening for Services 11and and 00Private am Prayer Private Holyas Prayer asCommunion soon as itit becomes becomes safe for We We are We are still are17 still gathering stillmonths gathering virtually gathering virtually virtually as as aaa fellowship as fellowship fellowship on Sundays on Sundays on Sundays and also and also and for alsothefor for opening opening for Services for Services and Private Prayer as soon as soon as it becomes safe safe for for After our Wednesday of Reflections. meeting Keep an online, eye out on we our are back Facebook in page for 19 September everyone everyone everyone to do to do to do so. so. No service so. ourWednesday our WednesdayReflections. Reflections.Keep Keepan aneye eyeout outon onourourFacebook Facebookpage pagefor for In the meantime, we are continuing to develop our online Services, building, updates updates on on on ourmeeting our gatherings our gatherings gatherings in over person over the the next andfew next next fewsome weeks.of weeks. Weour We have weekly have recently recently In the 26InSeptember meantime, the meantime,11 we00 we aream are continuing continuing All Ageto develop to develop Service our online our online Services, Services, updates over the few weeks. We have recently extending extendingour our provision ourprovision provisionto to include toinclude includeonline online Sunday onlineSunday SundayZoom Zoom Zoomservices.services. services.At At the Atthe the activities introduced will introduced introduced aaa Cafe Cafe CafebeChurch back at Church Church on! at At the Home, at Home, Home, time which which which isis of is writing, aaa much much much morewe more more have informal informal informal extending Other time time ofof Services writing of writing writing these these these are are still are still being still being developed being developed developed but but we but we expect we expectexpect them them them to toto style not style of style of yetmeeting finalised of meeting meeting together together together and ourand we plans and we warmly welcome for September, we warmly warmly welcome families welcome families so keep families to to join us joinan to join us us time include (each month) – on the first Sunday an All Age Service aimed at for these. for these. these. include include We continue(each (each month) month) to provide –– on on the the first first online Sunday Sunday services an an All All Age Age as well Service Serviceasinin aimed aimed those at at in eye for on our Facebook page for updates over the next few families and children and on the third Sunday Sunday aaa Service Service IfIfyou you would youwould wouldlike like liketoto join tojoin us joinus usatat ataaagathering, gathering, gathering,Cafe Cafe Church CafeChurch Churchor or Wednesday orWednesday Wednesday families and families and children children and and on on the the third third Sunday Service in aaa more more more If weeks. Church traditional traditional traditional andstyle. style. style. are planningthe Throughout Throughout Throughout thesome the period period period viaour our ourZoomrecorded recorded recorded at 9weekly 30 amservices weekly weekly each services services reflection, reflection, please reflection, please please get get get inin touch in touch touch by by email by emailemail (to (to secretary@ (to secretary@ secretary@ Sunday. can can be be For downloaded downloaded further from from information our our website. website. on services and joining We have a monthly willinghambaptist.org) willinghambaptist.org) willinghambaptist.org) or or Café(01954 phone or phone phone Church (01954 (01954 at Home, 263108) 263108) 263108) and and we and we which can we can can sendis send send you you you a can be downloaded from our website. Please Please do instructions, Please do keep do keep keep pleasechecking checking checking contact our our website, our website, website, Lucy Cleland.noticeboards noticeboards and noticeboards and facebook and facebook facebook much the the more information information the information you need. informal you you need. need. style of meeting together and we page for news about all this and when services will be scheduled We warmlyWeare are aware areaware awarethat welcome that people thatpeople peoplemay families may may be be tobe struggling joinstruggling us foror oror lonely lonelyin these. in isolation, inisolation, isolation,so so so page page for for Throughout news news about about the month all all this this and and anwhen whenaudio services services copy will will be be scheduled scheduled of a separate ––– We struggling lonely online onlineif ififnot not notin in Church Church–––especially inChurch especially especiallywith with Easter withEaster Easterat at the atthe beginning thebeginning beginningof of April. ofApril. April. if you ifif you you wantwant want to to chat, to chat, chat, oror pray or pray with pray with someone, with someone, someone, or or have or have any have any other any other needs, other needs, needs, online weekly service will be recorded. Please get in touch with If you please also would get in like to join us at a gathering, Café Church touch. please also please also getget inin touch. touch. Presentations Presentations Presentations one of the contacts in Church in Church in Churchbelow if you would like a copy to listen or Midweek Reflection, please get in touch by email to Just Justat to. Just at the atthe thetimetime timethat that thatwe we wehad had hadto to close toclose closethethe Church theChurch building, Churchbuilding,building,we we were wewerewereable able able secretary@willinghambaptist.org Emma Launchbury Emma Launchbury Emma Launchbury or phone 01954 263108 to to finalise finalise to Please finalise the the the installation installation installation of of of wi‐fi wi‐fi wi‐fi within within within the the the Church. Church. Church. We We We now now now must must must Church and we Church Secretary can send Secretary Church Secretary you details. think how think howhow best keep best best to to checking use to use use it itit in in the in the our future, the future, website, when future, when when we we notice we are are able are able able to boards to be to be back be back and back in in in think Facebook Church! Church! For For page example, example, for itup-to-date it would would give give Church! For example, it would give us the opportunity to stream some usnews. us the the opportunity opportunity to to stream stream some some Emma Launchbury Services Services from Services from from the the Church the Church Church for for those for those those whowho find who findfind it itit difficult difficult difficult to to get to get out get out and out and and Church Secretary The about, Octagon about, as as well as well well asas those as those those who who who are are away are away from away from home. from home.home. about, We In In addition, In have addition, addition, itit gives started it gives givestous us usopenthe opportunity the Octagon the opportunity the opportunity to gather to gather to again gather to tofor to watch watch watch national meetings national national events events similar, as asas they they they unfold unfold unfold ––an – an an and other gatherings as the lockdown restrictions events event event event such such such as as as Remembrance Remembrance Remembrance Day Day Day Services Services Services or or or Thought for the Pastoral Pastoral Month Letter Letter similar, aaa series similar, series series of of talks of talks talks or or or aaa sungsung concert sung concert concert for for example. for example. example. For For For aaa lot lot of lot of of are people, relaxed. gathering We to willininbe join (i(i e, e, pleased singing to with along) hear from with aaa ‘Songs ‘Songs anyone of Praise’ It's world that people, gathering people, gathering to to join join in (i e, singing singing along) along) with ‘Songs of of Praise’ Praise’ The The The worldtime world is of yearthe isis turning, turning, turning, thewhen the dayswe days days areall are are go back tolater lengthening; lengthening; lengthening; work, later later thiscollege this this monthand month month the the the considering or or similar, or similar, similar, (if (if regularmight allowed), (if allowed), allowed), or one-off might might be be fun be fun bookings. after fun after after monthsPlease months months of of not of not not being contact being being allowed allowed allowed us clocks school. clocks go go A forward lot forward of us and worry and we we will especially will all all recognize at this recognize time.the the reality The of getting reality of light up light clocks go forward and we will all recognize the reality of light at to to admin@5folds.org.uk sing to sing sing at at all! at all! all! for further details. overcoming early and elevated overcoming overcoming darkness. darkness.stress darkness. Christians Christians Christians levels understand all start again. understand understand this idea this idea this idea as as as aaa metaphor metaphor metaphor Perhaps Perhaps Readers Perhaps Readers Readers have have have ideas ideas ideas or or suggestions or suggestions suggestions as asas to to events to events events or or or to express our belief that life and goodness are stronger forces than to express to express This month our belief our belief we'rethat that going lifeto life and and lookgoodness at the are goodness are stronger Hebrew stronger word forces 'hebel'. forces than than Contact broadcastsDetails broadcasts broadcasts where where it where itit might might might be be good be goodgood to to gather to gather gather so so so wewe can we can enjoy can enjoyenjoy an an event an event event death and evil. Signs that this isis true true are evident in the natural world death It often death andtranslates and evil. Signs evil. Signs thatthat this is as 'meaningless' this true are areor evident 'vanity'. evident in the in theBut natural world it literally natural world together together (once Clergy: together (once COVID‐19 (once COVID‐19COVID‐19 restrictions restrictions restrictions are are lifted). are lifted). lifted). If IfIf you you have you havehave any any any as we see snowdrops, crocus, daffodils all bursting into flower; new as as we see we means see snowdrops, 'asnowdrops, breath' or crocus, crocus, daffodils 'vapour'. daffodils Holidays all bursting all bursting and intoare into leisure flower; flower; new new 'hebel'. suggestions suggestions suggestions as as to to as to 01954 which which which 230434 events events or or events ororbroadcastsbroadcasts broadcasts might might might be worth be be worth worth Simon presenting, Gillthen presenting, then please then pleaseplease let let let usus know us know simon@5folds.org.uk. know ––– aaa note note note in in our in our post‐box our post‐box post‐box outside outside outside shoots shoots shoots They are are are don't breaking breaking breakinglast long. out out out on on on You plants plants plants can't that that that hold have have haveon lain lain dormant dormant laintodormant them. They through through through soon the the the presenting, winter months. New life is always in our midst, if we open our eyes to Lucy the the Cleland Octagon Octagon door door to 01954 to the the side side 277758 of of the Octagon door to the side of the Church or a message to one ofthe the or Church Church lucy@5folds.org.uk. or or aa message message to to one one of us of usus winter winter pass. months. months. King Solomon New life New life isfound is always alwaysthis in our in our (see midst, midst, if we Ecclesiastes open if we open our our 2 veyeseyes 1-3). to to see it. see it. see it. Jenny on on our on our Hill contact our contact contact list list 07970 below list below below would would would949331 work or work work well for well for well this. for this. this. Solomon realises that pleasure iscoming vanity: under hebel.control are also Signs Signs that Signs that that the the pandemic the pandemic pandemic may may may be be be coming coming under under controlcontrol are are alsoalso Contact Details Contact Details Contact Details revdjennyhill@5folds.org.uk. being However, seen as work case is hebel numbers too continue (see Ecclesiastes to fall; this may2 v soon 18-26). lead We to being seen being seen as as casecase numbers numbers continue continue to to fall; fall; this this maymay soon soon lead lead to to Deputy Clergy: Clergy: Warden: may loosening some some not love what loosening of of we do but restrictions restrictions onon each our our dayWe lives. lives. willwill We pass will still stillquickly. need need to to Think follow follow Clergy: some loosening of restrictions on our lives. We will still need to follow James Simon Watts 01954 Gill Simon Gill Simon Gill 01954 01954 200542 230434 01954 230434 230434 or or smas17jw@yahoo.com. simon@5folds.org.uk or simon@5folds.org.uk or simon@5folds.org.uk about theabout guidelines guidelines guidelines about aboutgoodwearing pointsmasks wearing wearing of returning: masks masks and and maintaining and seeing social maintaining maintaining your social colleagues distance, social distance, distance, so so so Lucy Cleland Lucy Cleland Cleland 01954 277758 01954 277758 or 277758 or lucy@5folds.org.uk or lucy@5folds.org.uk lucy@5folds.org.uk we weand we friends, don’t don’t don’t undoexciting undo undo all all the all the new projects progress the progress progress we we have we haveand have made; made; made; challenges. but there but there but there is But is real is realvanity real hope hope hope Lucy 01954 Jenny Hill 07970 949331 or revdjennyhill@5folds.org.uk isn'twe that that that we weuseless will will be will bebeto able able ableGod's to live to live to livepurpose. more more fully more fullyIt in fully plays in in the an important part as spring. the spring. the spring. Jenny Hill Jenny Hill 07970 949331 07970 949331 or or revdjennyhill@5folds.org.uk revdjennyhill@5folds.org.uk The the The temptation Theapostle temptation temptation will Paulwill will be says,be to be to ‘For to go ‘back I‘back go ‘back go to consider normal’; to normal’; to that but normal’; but but IIIsufferings the hope hope not. hope not. The not. The of The Warden: Warden: Warden: world world world has this present has changed changed has changed over timeover arethe over the the past notpast pastworth year year year and and and so comparingso have have so have we. we. we. We withWethe We have have have glorygot got got James James Watts James Watts Watts 01954 200542 01954 200542 01954 or 200542 or smas17jw@yahoo.com or smas17jw@yahoo.com smas17jw@yahoo.com to to to know thatknow know is toour our our local local belocal communities communities revealed communities to us. For and andthe and neighbours neighbours creationin neighbours in deeper inwaits deeper deeper with ways. ways. ways.eager We We We have have longing have learned learned learned for to to to offer offer theoffer ‐‐ revealingand and importantly importantly of the sons ‐ and importantly ‐‐ to to receive receive ‐ toofreceive God. For support support support from from the creation from one one one Parish Parish of Parish of the of the the another. another. another. was subjected matters We We have We in have life, haveto the developed developed developed futility, not things, the new new skills newwillingly, skills and skills people, and the discovered and discovered discovered but because activities that what what what we really really of really him have matters in life, the things, the people, the activities that we have Sacred Heart Sacred Heart Sacred of Heart of Jesus of Jesus Jesus matters who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will behave really in missed. really missed. life, missed. Let the Let Let us things, us us bebe the thankful be thankful people, thankful for for for all the all activities these all these positive these positive that we benefits, positive benefits, benefits, set really free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom Roman Catholic Diocese of East Anglia alongside alongside recognizing alongside recognizing recognizing the the grief, the grief,grief, the the struggles, the struggles, struggles, the the loneliness the loneliness loneliness that that that Roman Catholic Roman Catholic Diocese Diocese of of East East Anglia Anglia of the glory of the children ofLife God’. Romans 8 v 18- 21.ups and www.sacredheart‐stives.org some some amongst amongst us us have have suffered. suffered. Life some amongst us have suffered. Life is always a journey with ups and is is always always a a journey journey with with ups and www.sacredheart‐stives.org www.sacredheart‐stives.org There will be many more workwhen dayswe and holidays and downs; downs; but downs; but but it itit is isis most most fully most fully experienced fully experienced experienced when when we we useuse our use our good our good times good timestimes Services Services have Services have now have now re‐started now re‐started at re‐started at St at St Ives. St Ives. Numbers Ives. Numbers are Numbers are limited are limited but limited but you but you you toeventually, to help othersfor others help others come comethose throughwho their through trustdown their in Jesus, down times. times. you will rest forever to help come through their down times. may may join may join any join any Mass any Mass live‐streamed. Mass live‐streamed. Details live‐streamed. Details at Details at www.sacredheart‐ at www.sacredheart‐ www.sacredheart‐ with In Him other In other in words, other words, Heaven. words, let’s let’s continue let’s continue continue loving loving loving our our neighbours our neighbours neighbours as as ourselves. as ourselves. ourselves. In stives.org. stives.org. stives.org. For more For more information more information about information about the about the Diocese the Diocese of Diocese of East of East Anglia, East Anglia, please Anglia, please see please see see Louisa Rev Rev Rev Dr Dr AstleEEE Tollington Janet Dr Janet Janet Tollington Tollington For www.rcdea.org.uk. www.rcdea.org.uk. Baptist Retired Church United Retired United Retired Reformed United Reformed Church Reformed Church Minister Church Minister Minister www.rcdea.org.uk. WILLINGHAM NEWS WILLINGHAM NEWS WILLINGHAM September March NEWS March 20212021 2021 March 2021 11 11 11 11
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