The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours

Page created by April Lindsey
The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
Reflecting Hope
                                                       Recognising His voice
                                                Cliff – a personal reflection
                                                           Has anybody here
                                                        seen my friend John?
                                              BUC & Stanborough Primary
                                                 School health partnership
                                            How safe is your working space?

                                                     + Waco thirty years on

The art of creation
Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours

                                            Messenger 3-2023 | 1
The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
Strategic Priority (3) – Resources                                                                                              Editorial


                Aim:                                                                                                                            by Julian Thompson,
                • To identify legacy-building opportunities to create relevant                                                                  Editor

                  resources for our stakeholders and the wider community.                                                                     Dear reader,
                                                                                                                                              This year is the 30th anniversary of the 1993 tragedy in Waco, Texas: an event
                Objectives:                                                                                                                   that saw many, including former members of the Adventist Church here in the
                • Review and evaluate the viability and relevance of all current                                                              British Isles, lose their lives. The events on and leading up to Waco will forever
                  resources,                                                                                                                  remain a painful memory, especially for those who knew people who died
                                                                                                                                                                          personally. Through theological, historical, and
                • Set up a resource-creation team to develop new resources in                                                                                             personal reflections, we are reminded of the
                  consultation with the departments and institutions,                                                                                                     importance of knowing the voice of Jesus for ourselves
                • Create specialised resources for key milestones.                                                                                                       and experiencing the depth of joy that comes with
                                                                                                                                                                         salvation. We are reminded that God is love, and that
                                                                                                                                                                         whenever we are presented with an image of Him that
                                                                                                                                                                         is not love, we would do well to wonder whether God is

                The art of
                                                                                                                                                                          being presented at all.
                                                                                                                                                                             We stand on the shoulders of those who have gone before us. One of the often-
                                                            Communication Department, and our regularly updated website. BUC                                              underappreciated aspects of MESSENGER is that, with its records going back some 120 years, it

                                                            Media curates audiovisual content, and the Evangelism Department,                                             archives the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
                                                            through the BUC Resource Centre, provides various training materials, as                                     While preparing this edition, our assistant editor, Andrew Puckering, observed that readers
                                                            do our Health and Women’s Ministries departments. The Ministerial                                            might be interested in articles written in the 2 April and 7 May 1993 editions of MESSENGER by
                                                            Association facilitates online training for pastors and local church leaders                                 the then-MESSENGER editor, Dr David Marshall, and the then-BUC president, Pastor Cecil Perry.
                                                            through BUTREC, and our Pathfinders and Adventurers are supported                                            They can be accessed via the General Conference archives and/or by following the QR codes
                                                            with their own online BUC store. In addition, the Adventist Discovery                                        embedded here.
                by Pastor Eglan Brooks,                     Centre provides Bible studies and inspirational articles for those searching
                                                            for God.
                President of the British Union Conference
                                                            A new resource
                ‘ “God has filled him with his              Reflecting Hope is a new website to support the Christ for Europe initiative
                power and given him skill,                  in our territory. For more information, please go to
                ability, and understanding for
                every kind of artistic work, for
                planning skilful designs . . .” ’
                                                            Review and evaluation
                                                            We have started to review our resources, and over the next few years we
                (Exodus 35:31, 32, GNB).                    will evaluate their effectiveness. We need to remove duplication where it
                                                            exists, streamline our resources, ensure that content and visuals are kept up                      4 – Reflecting Hope
                                                            to date, and take the lead in producing contextualised resources fit for
                                                            twenty-first-century consumption.

                Creativity is at the heart of the           Resource creation                                                                                                                   5 – Has anybody here seen my friend John?
                biblical story and ours. Indeed,            Our approach to resource creation will be threefold:
                God’s creation of air, water,               • We must build on the intellectual assets that we already have. Our
                sunlight and vegetation – resources           forebears laboured long and hard to document their intellectual assets, and
                needed by birds, fish, animals and            sometimes we shamefully abandon them in favour of that which is
                humans – is an important part of              untested.
                the creation story.                         • We are encouraging all departments and institutions to set up advisory                           8-10 – Continuities and discontinuities:
                                                              teams to help guide their work. These strategic teams of industry                                       Waco thirty years on
                Current resources                             professionals and passionate individuals will enhance the work being done
                In the British Union Conference               in our field, particularly in the areas such as safeguarding, education,
                (BUC), we provide and produce an              communication and HR, which are invaluable to our growth and effective                                                                                       12-13 – Fun Zone
                array of creative resources. The              management.
                Stanborough Press offers a variety          • We live in a changing world, and need cutting-edge resources and
                of books to inform, educate and               technologies to assist us in spreading our message of hope and progressing
                inspire, alongside media, gifts, and          our drive for resources that have a wider appeal.
                vegetarian food; this is in addition
                to the monthly MESSENGER, our               Legacy resources                                                                                   15 – ADRA-UK
                official journal; the Sabbath School        Impact is created by strategic planning and long-term goals. We need to create
                quarterlies; and FOCUS. We also             resources that enable us to revisit our history and help us not to ‘forget the
                have BUC News produced by our               way the Lord has led us in the past’.                                                                                                          16-23 – News, notices & baptisms

                2 | Messenger 3-2023                                                                                                                                                                                                              Messenger 3-2023 | 3
The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
Has anybody here

                                                                                                                                                                                       seen my friend John?
                  Anchored                                                                                                                                                             by Pastor Eglan Brooks,
                  by Catherine Anthony Boldeau                                                                                                                                         President of the British Union Conference

                                                                                                                                                                                       students trying to get their heads
                                                                                                                                                                                       around the complexities of New
                                                                                                                                                                                       Testament Greek and Biblical
                  ‘We have this hope as an anchor                                                                                                                                      Hebrew. It was John who gave me my
                  for the soul, firm and secure.’ –                                                                                                                                    orientation to the WIC campus,

                  Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)                                                                                                                                                   Mandeville and Jamaica. He taught
                                                                                                                                                                                       me how to look after the students

                                                                                                                                                                                       around me, and we regularly used
                                                                                                                                                 n December 1987, I left the           our money to ensure that some of            Elliott, George Bennett, Abedowalo
                                                                                                                                                 comfort of what was familiar to       the less fortunate students in the          Davis, Yvette Fagan, Doris Fagan,
                      n the maritime world, anchors are         From Genesis to Revelation, God’s     secure and firm in their faith.
                                                                                                                                                 me and took a journey to West         dormitory had something to eat              Sandra Hardial, Zilla Henry, Vanessa
                      vital. Their purpose is to moor in    love for the world is told through           ‘We have an anchor that keeps the
                                                                                                                                             Indies College (WIC), now known as        (sorry, Dean Nembhard, it was us            Henry, Philip Henry, Paulina Henry,
                      place a shipping vessel, large or     stories, historical data, poems, prose,         soul
                                                                                                                                             Northern Caribbean University, to         who were constantly cooking in the          Stephan Henry, Livingston Malcolm,
                  small. This ensures that the vessel       prophetic utterings, warnings,               Steadfast and sure while the
                                                                                                                                             begin my ministerial training. I truly    dormitory!) John demonstrated for           Diane Martin, Bernadette Monbelly,
                  stays in place, despite stormy or         letters, and inspiration. We have               billows roll;
                                                                                                                                             believed that I was following the call    me, the staff, and the students the         Rosemary Morrison, Melissa
                  inclement weather, as the anchor is       hope of everlasting life because ‘this       Fastened to the Rock which
                                                                                                                                             of God; and, while I didn’t know          guiding Christ-like love of a believer,     Morrison, Theresa Nobrega and Cliff
                  heavy, connected to the seabed by a       is how much God loved the world:                cannot move,
                                                                                                                                             what to expect when I got there, I        something I have so often seen              Sellors, all of whom were members
                  fluke that digs into it.                  He gave his Son. . . . And this is why:      Grounded firm and deep in the
                                                                                                                                             was convinced that it would be an         demonstrated among our members              from the UK, lost their lives in the
                      As Bible-believing Christians, our    so that no one need be destroyed’               Saviour’s love.’
                                                                                                                                             experience that would change me           here in the British Union                   tragedy of Waco.
                  hope is in a soon-coming King, Jesus      (John 3:16, MSG).
                                                                                                                                             irrevocably. I wanted to be clay in the   Conference.
                  Christ. This belief focuses our               Seventh-day Adventists are a
                                                                                                                                             Potter’s hands.                                                                       Remembering
                  attention away from our present           people of hope, which keeps them          We are anchored.
                                                                                                                                                                                       Returning to the UK                         Now, thirty years on, the memories of
                  challenges and on the future glories
                                                                                                                                             West Indies College                       When John left WIC in May 1987              this tragic moment evoke difficult
                  of living with Christ. It assists in
                                                                                                                                             The Dean of the Boy’s Dormitory           he returned to Newbold to complete          emotions in me that I thought I had
                  grounding our faith in the Word of
                                                                                                                                             welcomed me graciously and                his BA. Upon entering Newbold in            processed a long time ago . . . feelings
                  God. We read the Bible not out of
                  duty, but as a guidebook for living, as
                                                                                                             introduced me to my roommates:            1991 I asked, ‘Has anybody here seen        of pain, grief, loss, anger, and guilt.
                                                                                                                                             Alrick, Steve, and John. Alrick and       my friend John?’ You can imagine            But there is something about grief
                  a map to teach us about the future. It
                                                                                                                                             Steve were two Jamaican students          my shock when I was told that John          wherein you keep finding remnants
                  is a communication tool by which
                                                                                           On 22 February, the British Union                 matriculating from high school, and       had completed his BA and left               of it in the most unexpected
                  God speaks to us.
                                                                                           Conference (BUC) formally launched                it was their first year at WIC. The       Newbold, and was involved in a              moments, places, and situations.
                                                                                           its Reflecting Hope initiative (see:              other roommate was a young man            religious cult called the Branch               What can we say to the many who
                                                                                  In the January edition   called John. He was at Newbold            Davidians who were led by one               are still hurting? What can we say to
                                                                                           of MESSENGER, the BUC President, Pastor           College, now known as Newbold             David Koresh – and that they had            those who have endured heart-
                                                                                           Eglan Brooks, introduced the programme to         College of Higher Education               taken up residence at the Mount             breaking loss? What do we say to
                                                                                           the membership: ‘At the General Conference        (NCHE), but had decided to take a         Carmel Centre in Waco, Texas, USA.          comfort those still nursing pieces of
                                                              (GC) Autumn Council the British Union Conference was presented                 year out and study at WIC. We             It was difficult for me to believe it.      brokenness?
                                                              with the wonderful opportunity to be involved in an evangelistic               shared the same bunk bed: I was on        How could this brilliant soul and              While the truth is that we cannot
                                                              initiative called ‘Christ for Europe’. This initiative will be run             the top bunk, and he was on the           faithful member of our church be            understand what you went through
                                                              throughout the Trans-European Division (TED) and Inter-European                bottom.                                   drawn into such an extremist group?         or what you’re going through now, we
                                                              Division (EUD), and is spearheaded by the GC, Adventist World Radio               John was a humble, balanced            I suspect it is too easy to point the       want you to know that we are truly
                                                              (AWR) and Total Member Involvement (TMI).                                      Christian, a natural-born leader. He      finger and say that he surely should        and deeply sorry for your loss. We
                                                                  ‘Reflecting Hope is the BUC’s response to this initiative. This was        looked after me, just as he looked        have known better, but we would             love those who were lost to you and
                                                              voted by the Executive Committee in early December as a three-year             after everyone else in the dormitory.     do well to remember that our                us in the tragedy called Waco. Thirty
                                                              programme. It is an intentional, innovative, and impactful evangelistic        John was like the older brother that      church, our families, our                   years on, we continue to hurt as we
                                                              project to connect the contemporary “European” mindset with the                would guard, guide and protect you.       communities and our world are               remember not only those who died,
                                                              Gospel of Jesus Christ. Reflecting Hope will be launched as a pilot this       He was a generous and kind                full of broken people desperately           but their families left behind and the
                                                              year – 2023 – in several regions across the territory of the BUC, and          individual who loved teaching other       yearning for hope.                          many lives that were torn apart by
                                                              during 2024/2025 we will endeavour to roll out the full programme to           students. He had a photographic               On 19 April 1993 my friend              devastating loss. We will never forget
                                                              all church congregations.’                                                     memory, and our room was the              John-Mark McBean, Diana Henry,              your loved ones, and we will continue
                                                                                                                                             default tutor group room for many         Winston Blake, Susan Benta, Beverly         to keep you all in our prayers.

                  4 | Messenger 3-2023                                                                                                                                                                                                              Messenger 3-2023 | 5
The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
                                                      message, the perilous condition of         to it? If I didn’t get that sorted, the

                                                      the world, end-time events and the         slippery slope of perfectionism (see
                                                      very soon return of Christ. He was         the article by Dr Steve Currow)

                                                                                                                                                                                                       His voice
                                                      questioning why some of the                awaited. As absurd as it now sounds,
                                                      theology staff seemed to be teaching       at one point on this journey, I began
                                                      a ‘new theology’ of salvation, one         to feel incredible guilt about
                                                      that emphasised the love, grace and        consuming dairy milk, and
                                                      mercy of God; this was in stark            wondered whether such behaviour
                                                      contrast to how he understood              could negatively impact my
                                                      things. In his opinion it was              acceptance with God! Yes, really! It
                                                      judgement time, a time when our            was not until after reading a book
                                                      actions, both personal and corporate,      titled Is Salvation Really Free? by Ted                                                               by Pastor Ian Sweeney, TED Field Secretary
                                                      would demonstrate whether or not           Vick2 that I came to the conclusion
                                                      we were ready for Christ’s soon            that there is absolutely nothing I can
                                                      return.                                    ever do to gain favour with God.                                                                      two and a half hours, I had had               I will never forget the comments
                                                          I need to note that in my              ‘God saved you by his grace when                                                                      enough. My mind was tired and             made by at least four of the older
                                                      conversations with him I did not pick      you believed. And you can’t take                                                                      could not process any more, so I          members in the Manchester district

                                                                                                                                                                                                       politely made my excuses and left. I      following a series of meetings and

           Cliff – a
                                                                                                                                                                                                       later learnt that the Bible study had     discussions on Steve’s Bible studies.
                                                                                                                                                                                                       continued into the early hours of the     Speaking in soft Jamaican patois,

                                                                                                                                                                 n 1990, I was serving as an intern    Sabbath morning. My spirit was            they said, ‘Pastor, that is not the voice
                                                                                                                                                                 pastor in the Manchester district     troubled – something about the            of Jesus!’ I heard what they said, but
                                                                                                                                                                 of churches. One Friday, I            experience wasn’t quite right; and,       at first I did not understand. They

                                                                                                                                                            received a call notifying me that a        while I could not put my finger on        had not heard Steve’s Bible studies
                                                                                                                                                            number of our young people were            exactly what it was, or identify any      first-hand; neither had they proffered
                                                                                                                                                            going to attend a Bible study that         glaringly obvious errors, I was           any sound hermeneutical principles
                                                                                                                                                            evening, and I decided to go along. I      nevertheless left with the sense that     for interpreting the classical
           by Pastor David Neal,                                                                                                                            arrived at the home at 7pm, where          something wasn’t adding up.               prophecies of Jeremiah that could

           TED Communication & Media Director                                                                                                               there were some twenty young                   In the days that followed, some       combat Steve’s teaching. As one who
                                                                                                                                                            people sat with Bibles open and eyes       of the young people challenged            had studied theology on a technical
                                                                                                                                                            aglow. I recognised everyone in the        me: ‘Pastor, where’s the error in         level, I was unsatisfied with the
                      hen Cliff arrived at            up even the slightest hint of anger in     credit for this; it is a gift from God                     room except for one person, a laid-        what Steve’s saying?’ To my               simplicity of their conclusion, and
                      Newbold in 1985, I was          his concerns. Rather, the tone was         (Ephesians 2:8, NLT).                                      back American who introduced               embarrassment, I had no definitive        felt I needed more. At the time, I did
                      two thirds of the way           one of disappointment, as if the               My conclusion was in distinct                          himself as Steve (Schneider): he was       answer. In the Bible study, Steve         not realise that God was using them
          through my pastoral training. What I        college and mainstream Adventism           contrast to Cliff’s worldview of                           the one who’d be leading the Bible         moved from text to text, book to          to deliver an important teaching to
          immediately remember of Cliff is            had let him down.                          perfectionism – one I was moving                           study and politely welcomed me             book, Old Testament to New                me and all who heard them.
          that he was a quiet, friendly, gentle          Cliff was not the only one on           away from without regret. At the                           with a ‘good to see you, Pastor’.          Testament, back and forth. He                 It was in the aftermath of the
          young English person with a warm            campus during the 1980s who                time I wasn’t looking for an austere                       Apart from the young people, there         referred to prophecies from the book      devastating fire of 19 April 1993,
          East Midlands accent who wanted to          challenged the theological perspective     counter-cultural experience such as                        was someone else there whom I had          of Jeremiah; and, still maintaining       and a death toll that at the time was
          do something good for God –                 of the lecturers. He was one of about      the one Cliff was offering, nor did I                      not seen for at least a year. John had     my reservations, I remember being         reported as potentially being as high
          Indeed, this was his reason for             ten to fifteen (possibly more) vocal       want my faith experience to be one of                      been a fellow Theology student at          troubled enough to read the entire        as 85 people,1 that my thoughts were
          attending Newbold.                          students who, at the time, were on a       existential angst where I would have                       Newbold College, but I had lost            book of Jeremiah twice in two             taken back to those elderly members
             Before he became an Adventist,           mission to reform the college of its so-   to continually look over my shoulder                       contact with him when he dropped           sittings. While Steve had a strange       and their statement: ‘Pastor, that is
          Cliff had been a professional               called ‘new theology’ leanings; this       and wonder whether God was angry                           off the radar after leaving Newbold.       way of interpreting the prophecies,       not the voice of Jesus!’ The Lord
          footballer. Whatever the nature of          dynamic reflected a similar                with me or not. I would love to think                          I did not know Steve, but to my        in those early days, I was not aware of   reminded me of a song that the youth
          his previous lifestyle, it was clear that   turbulence within the wider British        that if I had attempted to develop a                       shame my first reaction was rather         how dangerous these interpretations       choir in Leicester had rehearsed and
          his new life involved rigid spiritual       Union Conference (BUC) at the              friendship with Cliff then I could                         childish and filled with jealousy. I       would be. On the Wednesday                sung: ‘My sheep know My voice’.
          discipline. He was very enthusiastic        time, as various self-appointed            have convinced him of the liberating                       remember thinking to myself, When          following the two-and-a-half-hour         This was a song composed by Herbert
          about the writings of Ellen White,          reformers of Adventism – from the          power, joy, and freedom of the                             I lead Bible study or prayer meetings, I   Bible study, I received a phone call      Buffum (1879-1939). Buffum found
          and his peculiar reading of her             US and Australia in particular –           Gospel; however, I can’t help but                          never attract this many young people!      from John. ‘Ian,’ he said, ‘I have been   inspiration for this hymn in the
          seemed to provide just the                  determined that the Seventh-day            wonder if, at the time, he was in a                        What’s the deal with Steve? As Steve       searching for the truth all my life,      words of Jesus, some two thousand
          framework he felt he needed.                Adventist Church in the United             position to hear such good news, or                        led the Bible study, I was impressed       and now at last I’ve found it. You        years before, who said: ‘ “My sheep
             In the few conversations I had           Kingdom and Ireland required               whether he would have dismissed it                         with his memory and ability to recite      need to examine what Steve is             listen to my voice; I know them, and
          with him in the college cafeteria, it       cleansing.                                 as ‘new theology’.                                         numerous Bible texts without               teaching and come and join us.’ Now,      they follow me” ’ (John 10:27, NIV).
          wasn’t long before he would express            I should have made Cliff a friend,        Others did make huge efforts to befriend Cliff
                                                                                                                                                            having to read them. Steve had             I want to be very clear, because it’s     Only now do I understand the wise
          disappointment about the college            but I couldn’t and I didn’t.1 Back                                                                    charisma and spoke with confidence         important that what I am about to         words of the older saints. When you

                                                                                                 and help him on his spiritual journey. A Newbold
          environment. He wondered why we             then, I was at a critical juncture in my   lecturer at the time, Albert Waite, records his            and authority. Those present were          say must not be brushed off as            have come close to Christ every day
                                                                                                 experience with Cliff in Spectrum magazine:
          played five-a-side football in the          faith development: I was on a search   engaged and appeared to hang on his        dramatic effect; but that night John      through prayer, Bible study and a
          college gym when Ellen White (in his        to discover the nature of salvation,       connection. In addition, Tihomir Kukolja talks about       every word.                                pleaded for my soul. I could hear the     heart open and receptive to Him, you
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 will recognise the voice of Jesus!
                                                                                                 his friendship with Cliff in his online blog, and the
          opinion) condemned competitive              and for me there was just one              many extensive conversations they had with each                As I listened, I prayed for            tears in his voice when I responded,
          sports. He suggested that some of the       question that needed to be settled: is     other at Newbold, and the atmosphere on campus in          discernment; my mind was working           ‘I’m not joining you; something isn’t
          teachers were not as fervent as he was      salvation the gift of God, through         1988: /04/16/the-
                                                                                                                                                            overtime as I tried to figure out the      right about all of this.’ That was the      See ‘Final Waco Death Toll’, The Independent, 30

                                                                                                 truth-that-will-blow-your-mind/.                                                                                                                April 1993:
          about proclaiming the Adventist             faith, or do my own works contribute       2
                                                                                                   This book is still available to read on Kindle.          direction of Steve’s Bible study. After    last conversation I had with John.        europe/final-waco-death-toll-2320247.html.

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The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
Continuities and
                                                                                                                                           suggests believers need to attain a        1983 he impressed Lois Roden, who          recruitment activity around Newbold


                                                                                                                                           state of sinlessness before Christ’s       endorsed him as the next prophet           College. His focus was on Koresh’s
                                                                                                                                           return – and, over time, a literal         and called her followers to come to        self-belief in his ability to unlock and
                                                                                                                                           return of Jesus to the newly               Mt Carmel and hear him speak.17 At         explain the seventh seal spoken of in

           Waco thirty years on
                                                                                                                                           emerging nation of Israel. In 1935         this time, he was intimately involved      Revelation 8:1 – something only the
                                                                                                                                           Victor moved from Los Angeles, CA          with Lois Roden, so that the child of      Lamb of God could do. He was
                                                                                                                                           to Waco, TX, anticipating a move to        the prophet would be the Chosen            remembered for using the phrase,
                                                                                                                                           Palestine with the 144,000 within a        One.18 George claimed that the             ‘the truth that will blow your mind’.
                                                                                                                                           year or so.9 After his unexpected          relationship had commenced with            Koresh’s visit in 1988 and 1989
                                                                                                                                           death, Florence Houteff, Victor’s          rape, and reported Howell to the           followed up the interests Schneider
                                                                                                                                           much younger second wife, assumed          authorities.19 The relationship ended      had made. At Newbold they were
           Dr Steve Currow, Principal of Newbold College of Higher Education                                                               the leadership. Along with her             early in 1984 on the day when              successful in influencing Livingstone

                                                                                                                                           leaders, she predicted that Jesus          Howell married Rachel Jones, the           Fagan, John McBean and Cliff Sellors.
                                                                                                                                           would return on 22 April 1959, and         14-year-old daughter of Perry and          Fagan was most influential in the
                                                                                                                                           called all their followers to Mt           Mary Bell Jones – long-time                Nottingham area, McBean in the
                 he devastating loss of life,           Adventists to enable his pacifist                                                  Carmel, the name of the property in        followers of The Shepherd’s Rod (in        Manchester area, and Cliff Sellors
                 especially that of children, in        followers to avoid conscription                                                    Waco, TX, for the Passover, prior to       Texas, at this point in time, girls aged   and others in the London area.25
                 the siege of the Branch                during World War II.5                                                              relocating to Israel as and when           14 were legally able to marry with         Followers were encouraged to go to
          Davidians at Waco on 19 April 1993               Not only do the Branch Davidians                                                revealed by the Holy Spirit. When          parental permission).                      Mt Carmel for the Jewish festivals
          was tragic. As highlighted in the             recognise Ellen White, considered a                                                Jesus didn’t return at the specified          At every opportunity, George            and the summers. A number also
          media coverage of the event and the           prophet by Seventh-day Adventists, as                                              time, the Shepherd’s Rod splintered        continued to challenge Howell in a         moved there with their families.
          subsequent trials and inquiries, the          one of their Seven Shepherds6 and       members at the 1997 South England          into a number of groups.10 In 1962,        tussle over leadership. After a fire at    Some family members were
          alleged failure of the authorities in         reference her writings extensively,     Conference camp meeting.8                  Florence herself renounced the             their press building, George, on the       successful in encouraging their
          the way they responded and                    but the Branch Davidians also share                                                teachings and closed the church.11         basis of alleged eyewitness testimony,     relatives to leave Mt Carmel and
          managed the case was astonishing.             presuppositions with Seventh-day        Historical background                          During this tumultuous period          accused Howell of setting it.20 As a       return.
          However, what’s even more                     Adventists regarding, for example, an   In a journey spanning over 60 years,       after the death of Victor, Benjamin        result, the group split, with some            In August 1989, Howell released
          astonishing to me is that people              emphasis on the end of time, the        and involving several leadership           Roden, a convert from Judaism,             following George, but the majority         an audio tape titled ‘New Light’. This
          followed David Koresh in the first            emergence of latter-day prophets, and   crises, Houteff’s Shepherd’s Rod           assumed the leadership of the group        following Howell. Howell had to            tape reported his claim that God had
          place.                                        the concept of ‘present truth’. In      morphed into David Koresh’s Branch         and became the lawful owner of the         leave the Mt Carmel property. The          told him to procreate with all the
                                                        addition, Branch Davidians’ beliefs     Davidians, a group that today’s            property. The links with Judaism           ultimate showdown between George           women in the group to establish the
          Continuities                                  and practices are still evident to a    Seventh-day Adventists do not              and the nation of Israel grew. He          and Howell occurred when George            ‘House of David’. He also claimed
          As various authors have                       greater or lesser degree in some        recognise and one that is not part of      established a vegetarian village in        challenged Vernon as to who could          that God had told him to start
          demonstrated,1 there can be no                groups on the edges of Seventh-day      the Seventh-day Adventist Church.          Israel (1958) and settlers’ rights         resurrect Anna Hughes, a believer          building an ‘army for God’ to prepare
          denial that there are points of               Adventism; and, in the spirit of           Theologically, one of the ways in       (1960) for his followers.12 More           who had died at Mt Carmel some             for the end of days and the salvation
          connection between Koresh’s Branch            Houteff’s mission to reform, Branch     which Victor Houteff diverged from         emphasis was placed on the seven           twenty years earlier. Howell, with         of his followers.26 At this point some
          Davidians and the Seventh-day                 Davidians continue to recruit           the Seventh-day Adventist Church           festivals of the sanctuary.13 Just prior   seven followers, entered the Mt            of the Branch Davidians, such as
          Adventist Church. Koresh himself              primarily from the Seventh-day          was through his literal interpretation     to the death of Benjamin in 1978,          Carmel property and, while allegedly       Marc Breault, left the group and
          had been a Seventh-day Adventist for          Adventist Church.7 Even after the       of the characteristics and identity of     Lois Roden claimed that she had            trying to gain evidence that George        warned others, including the
          a couple of years prior to joining the        Manchester Inquest into the deaths      the 144,000 of Revelation chapter 7.       received revelation that the Holy          had interfered with the corpse, was        authorities, of a number of issues on
          Branch Davidians.2 The Branch                 of Britons during the Waco siege,       He linked his interpretation with          Spirit was female and subsequently         involved in a shoot-out that left          the compound, including polygamy,
          Davidians trace their roots to the            while the church was still in horror    both perfectionism – an unbiblical         commenced her publication                  George injured. This resulted in a         sexual relationships with underage
          teachings of Victor Houteff.                  and shock, a Branch Davidian was        teaching stemming largely from the         SHEkinah, edited by a long-term            court case where Howell’s                  girls, and child abuse.27 Later, a
          Houteff’s teachings were rejected by          found to be recruiting disaffected      work of M. L. Andreason that               follower, Perry Jones.14 Hence, she        accomplices were acquitted and             courier delivering a broken package
          both his local Seventh-day                                                                                                       also assumed the leadership, and,          Howell’s case ended in a mistrial.21       became aware of probable
          Adventist church in Los                                                                                                          using a legal injunction, excluded her     George Roden was sent to jail for          infringements of the Firearms Act
          Angeles (1930)3 and the                                                                                                          son, George Roden, from leadership,        contempt of court and for                  and reported this to the authorities.28
          corporate church (1934).4                                                                                                        as she did not think he was fit to be      disregarding his mother’s earlier legal    In 1993, these developments led to
          Despite being                                                                                                                    the next prophet.15 With the               injunction excluding him from              the raid on 28 February and the start
          disfellowshipped (a process                                                                                                      emergence of feminist theology in          leadership. Howell returned to Mt          of the siege by federal agents that,
          by which a person is                                                                                                             other Christian circles, Lois’s            Carmel and paid the back taxes to          after 51 days, culminated in a fire and
          removed from membership                                                                                                          emphasis on the Holy Spirit as             establish himself there.22                 the discovery of 75 bodies, 25 of
          of the Adventist Church),                                                                                                        female propelled her onto the wider           Howell visited Israel; Australia        which were children. It is also noted
          Houteff continued to claim                                                                                                       stage at a number of Christian             (with Clive Doyle, a long-term             that the Waco Tribune-Herald
          that he was a Seventh-day                                                                                                        conferences. After being asked to          follower of the Branch Davidians);         published articles on the ‘Sinful
          Adventist; and, through his                                                                                                      leave the Tyler Seventh-day Adventist      Hawaii; and the UK, recruiting             Messiah’ on Saturday 27 February,
          publication, The Shepherd’s                                                                                                      church, Vernon Howell (who later           followers.23 The first significant         detailing the illegal activities at Mt
          Rod, and other means,                                                                                                            changed his name to David Koresh)          recruit was Marc Breault (1986),           Carmel and noting that ‘the law
          pursued a mission to call                                                                                                        arrived at Mt Carmel in 1981.16 He         who subsequently recruited Steve           watches, but has done little’.29
          for reform in the Seventh-                                                                                                       was well received as a carpenter, and      Schneider (1986), an active church            Subsequent to the end of the siege,
          day Adventist Church.                                                                                                            after a few months he went to              member in the Diamond Head                 the dispute over the title of the
          Indeed, Houteff only                                                                                                             California to pursue a career in the       Adventist Church, Hawaii.24                property continued, with George
          formalised the name The                                                                                                          music industry. He was                        Schneider visited the UK (1988,         Roden’s divorced wife, Amo, claiming
          Shepherd’s Rod Seventh-day       Mount Carmel Centre                                                             ©Lorie Shaull   unsuccessful, and on his return in         1990) and based much of his                ownership. Clive Doyle and other

          8 | Messenger 3-2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Messenger 3-2023 | 9
The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
Divergence in beliefs and practices
                                                                                                                                                                              ‘But those who hope in the LORD
           From Seventh-day Adventists                                                                                          To Koresh’s Branch Davidians
           responding to a God of love                                                                                                  fearing a God of authority
           the God who became man as the Sinless                                                             the Sinful Messiah, where a man claimed to be
           Messiah and died unjustly at the hands of                                                       God and was prepared to orchestrate his death at
           Roman authorities aged 33
           having an assurance of salvation
           Jesus ministering in the heavenly sanctuary
           expecting a global second coming
                                                                                                            age 33 by combating the government authorities
                                                                                                                                      striving in ascetic sacrifice
                                                                                         continuing the festivals of the Old Testament sanctuary services
                                                                                                              a literal second coming in Jerusalem (or Texas)
                                                                                                                                                                              will renew their strength.
           of Jesus, which every eye will see
           God’s end-time actions to destroy evil
                                                                                                                     with David Koresh leading the resurrected
                                                                                                                            human actions, including fighting
                                                                                                                        on God’s behalf in the end-time battle
                                                                                                                                                                              They will soar on wings like eagles;
           students of God’s revealed word in context
                                                                                                                                                        armed militia
                                                                                                                     followers of ‘new light’, where Scripture
                                                                                                                          is used selectively to justify beliefs
                                                                                                                                                                              they will run and not grow weary,
           an established prophet                                                                                          overemphasising the writings of the
                                                                                                                           prophet and seeking a new prophet
                                                                                                                                                                              they will walk and not be faint.’
                                                                                                                                                                                          (Isaiah 40:31, NIV)
           testing the prophets by their fruits                                                                     justifying intentional aberrant behaviour –
                                                                                                              including child sexual abuse, illegally dealing in
                                                                                                                guns – because the Bible is filled with sinners
           an accountable organisation                                                    organisations and their representatives being a sign of Babylon
           a remnant with a message to the whole world                                                                 a remnant of a remnant where the only
                                                                                                                            mission is to reform the remnant
           monogamy                                                                                                  polygamy (including under-age ‘wives’)
           health reformers                                                                                    consumers of alcohol, tobacco and junk foods

          followers remained on the site and             believe (Acts 17:10, 11). We need to                      Messenger, vol. 102, no. 21, 10 October 1997, p. 3
                                                                                                                     Tabor and Gallagher, p. 37
          built a chapel.30 As of 2006, some of          have confidence in the sufficiency of
                                                                                                                      Lowell Tarling, The Edges of Adventism (Bermagui
          their followers were still expecting           the ministry of Jesus and the                             South, NSW: Galilee), pp. 125-142
                                                                                                                      Reid, pp. 6, 7
          David Koresh to return to this earth,          resultant assurance of salvation
                                                                                                                      Newport, pp. 123, 124; and
          despite him not returning in                   (Romans 8:1). We need to live                   
          December 1996 or late August 1999              authentically, with our actions being                     welcome/our-history.html (accessed 26 February 2023)
                                                                                                                      Tabor and Gallagher, p. 39
          as they had calculated.31                      congruent with our beliefs. We need                       14
                                                                                                                      Waite, p. 114
                                                         to teach people to swim in any                               Tommy Witherspoon, ‘District Judge throws out

                                                                                                                   Roden’s leadership lawsuit’, 28 January 1989:
          Discontinuities                                context, rather than damming the                
          Having identified some of the                  ocean and living as a recluse.33 Jesus’                   judge-throws-out-roden-s-leadership-lawsuit/article_
          primary points of contact between              commission remains: ‘As the Father                        (accessed 26 February 2023) as cited in Wikipedia,
          Koresh’s Branch Davidians and the              has sent me, so I send you’ (John                         ‘George Roden’:
                                                                                                                   Roden (accessed 26 February 2023)
          Seventh-day Adventist Church, and              20:21, NRSV).                                             16
                                                                                                                      Waite, pp. 112, 113
          the development of the movement                1
                                                           Cari Hoyt Haus and Madlyn Lewis Hamblin, In
                                                                                                                      Wessinger, p. 1
                                                                                                                      Tabor and Gallagher, p. 41
          from Victor Houteff to Vernon
                                                         the Wake of Waco: Why Were Adventists Among the           19
                                                                                                                      Wessinger, p. 1
          Howell (David Koresh), I will now              Victims? (Hagerstown, MD: Review & Herald, 1993),
                                                         pp. 141-158; Kenneth G. C. Newport, The Branch
          proceed to outline those elements
                                                                                                                      Waite, p. 116
                                                         Davidians of Waco: The History and Beliefs of an          22
          that might appropriately be                    Apocalyptic Sect (Oxford: Oxford University Press,
                                                         2006); James D. Tabor and Eugene V. Gallagher,
                                                                                                                      Wessinger, pp. 1, 2
          described as major points of                                                                                Joel Sandfur and Charles Liu, ‘Apocalypse at
                                                         Why Waco? (Berkley, CA: University of California          Diamond Head: Remembering Waco’, Spectrum,
          discontinuity. The graphic above               Press, 1995) pp. 43-51                                    vol. 30, no.1, May 1993, p. 30
                                                           Albert A. C. Waite, ‘From Seventh-day Adventism
          summarises a range of theological                                                                           Albert A. C. Waite and Laura Osei, ‘The British
                                                         to David Koresh: the British Connection’, AUSS, vol.      Connection’, Spectrum, vol. 23, no. 1, spring 1993,
          developments that emerged. These               38, no. 1, spring 2000, p. 112                            pp. 36-38
                                                           William Claiborne and Jim McGee, ‘The Making
          changes demonstrate a tremendous                                                                            Ashley Fantz, ‘Who was David Koresh?’
                                                         3                                                         26
                                                         of David Koresh’, Spectrum, vol. 23, no. 1, May 1993,
          shift in belief and practice, arising          p. 18                                                     index.html (accessed 26 February 2023)
          from someone who claimed                         Tabor and Gallagher, p. 35                                 Waite, p. 119
                                                         4                                                         27

                                                           George W. Reid, ‘The Branch Davidians/Shepherd’s           Peter Van Saint, ‘I’ve kept my story secret for the
          authority directly from God. The
                                                         5                                                         28

                                                         Rod – Who Are They?’ Adventist Review, 1 April            last 25 years – I didn’t want to take this to my grave’,
          focus moves from a rational study of           1993, pp. 6, 7
                                                           Kendra Haloviak Valentine, ‘The Waco Wars
                                                                                                                   CBS 48 Hours:
                                                                                                                   texas-siege-i-have-been-blame/ (accessed 11 January
          Scripture to following the sensational

                                                         Revealed: Reflecting on Waco 25 Years Later’,             2023)
          ramblings of a charismatic leader              Spectrum:      29
                                                                                                                      Mark England and Darlene McCormack, ‘Sinful
          whose word ‘was gospel’.32
                                                                                                                   Messiah – 7-part series’, Waco Tribune-Herald,
                                                         (accessed 18 February 2023), p. 12                        27 February 1993:
             The onus is on each one of us to            7
                                                           Catherine Wessinger, Branch Davidians, 1981-2006:       davidians/sinfulmessiah/?_gl=1*1stn74w*_ga*MTA4
          ensure that we are diligent students
                                                         An Extended Profile, with Material from Internal FBI      MDQxOT> (accessed 2 February 2023)
                                                         Documents, Academia:            30
                                                                                                                      Newport, p. 178
          of the Bible, and, like the Bereans,           4367109/_Branch_Davidians_1981_2006_An_                   31
                                                                                                                      Newport, p. 329
          test teachings by the Scriptures so            Extended_Profile_with_Material_from_Internal_                Haus and Hamblin, p. 95

                                                         FBI_Documents_ (accessed 22 February 2023), p. 7             Caleb Rosado, ‘Lessons from Waco II’, Ministry,
          that we can be sure of what we
                                                           David Marshall, ‘Editorial: Steady As She Goes’,        vol. 66, no. 8, August 1993, p. 18

          10 | Messenger 3-2023                                                                                                                                                                                 Messenger 3-2023 | 11
The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
Baked Banana, Cinnamon

                                                                                                                                                          & Raisin Pancakes                                                                                                     BREAKFAST

                                                                                                                                            These pancakes are so quick and easy to make. They can also be made                                                                     25
                                                                                                                                            the night before and gently heated when you are ready to eat them. Try
                                                                                                                                            out different toppings and add the fruit or sauce of your choice. My
                                                                                                                                            favourite toppings are blueberries and maple syrup or chopped mango,                                                                        4

                                                                                                                                            pineapple and banana.

                                                                                                                                           1     Preheat oven to 180ºC (350ºF or gas mark 4).

                                                                                                                                           2     Line a large baking tray with baking paper or grease-proof paper.

                                                                                                                                           3     Combine the oat flour, wholemeal flour, baking powder,
                                                                                                                                                 cinnamon and salt.

                                                                                                                                           4     Stir well.

                                                                                                                                           5     Add banana to the dry ingredients.

                                                                                                                                           6     Add the almond milk and raisins.

                                                                                                                                           7     Stir well.

                                                                                                                                                 Place ¼ of the mixture
                                                                                                                                           8     onto the baking tray
                                                                                                                                                 to form 4 pancakes.

                                                                                                                                           9     Bake for about 12-15

                                                                                                                                                 Allow to cool slightly
                                                                                                                                          10     and serve topped with
                                                                                                                                                 fruit or a sauce of
                                                                                                                                                 your choice.

                                                                                                                                                Shopping list
                                                                                                                                                    nely ground into a
                                                                                                                                   Oats – 1 cup (fi                         nds)
                                                                                                                                                         for about 30 co
                                                                                                                                     mixture by blending            ¼   cu p
                                                                                                                                                    grain flour –
                                                                                                                                   Spelt or whole
                                                                                                                                                    r – 1½ tsp
                                                                                                                                   Baking powde
                                                                                                                                   Cinnamon – ½
                                                                                                                                    Salt – ¼ tsp                          hed
                                                                                                                                                      e ripe, finely mas
                                                                                                                                    Banana – 1 larg
                                                                                                                                                      1¼ cups
                                                                                                                                    Almond milk –
                                                                                                                                    Raisins – ¼ cu

                               Taken from Colouring books for kids: The story of Jesus. To purchase your copy, follow this link:                This recipe is taken from the book, Cooking with Kids, by Kirly-Sue. To purchase your copy, follow this link:

           12 | Messenger 3-2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Messenger 3-2023 | 13
The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
Environmental health – part 3
                                                                                                                                                                   52 weeks of doing good

                   Safe working space                                                                                                                              ADRA’s work around the world
                   by Sharon Platt-McDonald,                                                                                                                       by Bert Smit, CEO, ADRA-UK
                   BUC Director for Health, Adventist Community Services & Women’s Ministries

                   This article looks at evidence-based ways to protect your work environment
                                                                                                                                                                   ADRA-UK, as part of the worldwide ADRA network, works 52
                                                                                                                                                                   weeks of the year, supporting the world’s most vulnerable people.

                   to safeguard well-being.

                                                                                                                                                                   Emergencies                                                   Rupendehi and
                              ow safe is your working space? In this issue, we highlight some of                                                                   By the time you read this article, the Turkey/Syria           Kapilvastu
                              the hazards negatively impacting our work spaces, and explore                                                                        earthquakes and subsequent devastating aftershocks will       districts through
                              evidence-based solutions to enhance our working environment.                                                                         no longer be headlines. But the lives of those injured and    the development
                   First, let’s begin with a workplace case study.                                                                                                 those millions that are homeless and displaced will take      of dairy
                                                                                                                                                                   years to be rebuilt.                                          production
                   Case study                                                                                                                                          Thanks to your support, ADRA-UK has raised over           systems. This
                   When Brian’s company decided to take on more employees, they did not                                                                            £100,000 to support the work on the ground in these two       will enable the farmers to increase their income and
                   factor in the impact it would have on the working space. Subsequently,             workplace-related diseases, such as                          countries.                                                    enhance their livelihoods.
                   when Brian had to give up his office for a more senior manager to use,             lung cancer linked to inhaling                                   Miriam Watt, from Australia, has worked for ADRA             I recently had the privilege of visiting the project in
                   he was asked to work in a multipurpose room which housed a large                   carcinogens on the job, ‘account for                         Syria since 2014. In a recent interview with Australian       Nepal with our Programmes team and Chief Finance
                   photocopier in close proximity to his desk. Due to the huge volume of              around 86% of all premature death’.3                         broadcaster SBS News, she reflected on how this disaster      Officer. As with my other trips, I was truly humbled by
                   photocopying that was undertaken, and poor ventilation in the room, Brian             There is much guidance in                                 has devastated the region and impacted ADRA Syria’s           the faithfulness of you, our members. Each donation
                   complained to his manager that the fumes emitted from the photocopier              relation to keeping the work                                 humanitarian work.                                            enables us to help some of the world’s most vulnerable
                   were making him feel unwell.                                                       environment healthy. A government                                When asked about the needs of survivors amid the          people. Your donation, however big or small, helps us to
                      Complaining of headaches, eye irritation and increased asthma flare-ups,        agency, the Health and Safety                                deepening crisis and the lack of aid, Miriam commented        respond to funding calls from selected institutional and
                   he went to see his doctor, who diagnosed sick building syndrome. The               Executive (HSE), in its outline of                           that some of the people are so shocked by the devastation     government funders with matched funds.
                   doctor indicated that prolonged exposure to the photocopier in a room with         healthy working spaces, lists the                            that they are unable to respond, while others need               On behalf of ADRA-UK, we would like to thank you
                   very poor ventilation was probably the cause of his symptoms.                      following as key aspects to consider:                        everything – food, mattresses, blankets – anything that       for supporting us both in emergencies and with
                                                                                                      • Good ventilation – a supply of                             can help their families get through the days ahead.           development.
                   Photocopier cautions                                                                  fresh, clean air drawn from                                   March 15 2023 will mark the 12-year anniversary of           To make a donation, visit the ADRA-UK homepage at
                   A Wellness Health at Work article shares evidence of adverse reaction to              outside or a ventilation system                           the start of the civil conflict in Syria. The impact of the and click
                   photocopier overexposure: ‘Photocopiers create ozone through their “corona         • A ‘reasonable working                                      conflict is hampering the efforts to get aid to those much-   the ‘Donate Now!’ button at
                   wires” that apply a charge to the paper so the ink will cling to it. As ozone is      temperature’ so it’s comfortable                          needed areas in the country where the situation is already    the top of the screen –
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            HOW TO DONATE

                                                                                                         to work (usually at least 16°C,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Our donations page is currently
                   highly reactive, any adverse health effects will be found essentially at the                                                                    so challenging for millions. Miriam states that there are     alternatively, you can also        active: follow the link on the left. You

                   sites of initial contact – the respiratory tract (nose, throat and airways), the      or 13°C for strenuous work,                               critical shortages of fuel, and harsh winter conditions.      make a donation directly to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     can also scan this QR code, which

                   lungs, and at higher concentrations the eyes. . . . If exposed to ozone, one          unless other laws require lower                           Buildings are completely flattened. The earthquake            ADRA-UK by clicking on the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     will take you to the donations page.

                   could experience headaches, eye and breathing irritations.’1                          temperatures – see:                                       struck just after 4am in the morning while people were        following link:
                      In addition, Office Machine Specialists caution: ‘Photocopiers release                          still at home. Whole families have passed away. In some
                   ozone into the atmosphere, which is the primary explanation why you                   index.htm)                                                instances, parents rescued their children only for them to    donate/C4311R6V76/donate.
                   should not sit at work next to a copier.’2                                         • Lighting suitable for the work                             perish. Their children are being cared for by relatives or
                                                                                                         being carried out                                         neighbours.
                   Lung impact from environmental toxins                                              • Enough room space and suitable                                 Miriam has lived in the country for the past nine years
                   The British Lung Foundation (Asthma & Lung UK) identified what they                   workstations and seating                                  and has seen many changes. However, this current
                   call ‘asthmagens’, which are substances that can lead to the development           • A clean workplace with                                     earthquake has escalated the challenges of conflict. There
                   of asthma. Listing the common workplace pollutants, they highlight the                appropriate waste containers                              are shortages of basic services and supplies. People are
                   following which employees may be exposed to at higher levels than at home:                                                                      struggling to put food on their tables and support their
                   certain vehicle spray paints, dust from flour, wood dust, metal working            For more information on an                                   families.
                   fluids and cleaning agents (     optimum working environment                                      ‘The country was moving towards recovery,’ she says.
                   pollution/indoor-air-pollution-at-work).                                           visit:                        ‘ADRA Syria was moving its resources into livelihoods to
                                                                                                      help/knowledge/health-and-safety/                            support families to rebuild their lives. But this
                   Workplace toxins and sickness                                                      working-environment/.                                        earthquake has set us back to providing basic distribution
                   Assessing the impact of workplace toxins, research continues to present an                                                                      for those in need.’
                   alarming picture in relation to their impact on employee well-being and            Good health!
                   scale of sickness absence. In an online article (March 2022) by Eco MENA,                                                                       Development
                   captioned ‘Are toxic chemicals harming me at work?’ author Salman Zafar                                                                         At the beginning of August last year, ADRA-UK started
                   states the following: ‘Toxins found at work are poisoning us and ending lives                                                                   the Enhanced Rural AI (Terai) Project for Smallholder

                   on a global scale. A 2018 United Nations report stated that ‘one worker dies       2
                                                                                                 Dairy Farms in Nepal.
                   at least every 30 seconds from exposure to toxic industrial chemicals,             bad-for-you/
                                                                                                        The aim of the project is to strengthen the resilience
                   pesticides, dust, radiation, and other hazardous substances.’ In addition,         me-at-work/                                                  and improve the income of smallholder farmers in the

                   14 | Messenger 3-2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Messenger 3-2023 | 15
The art of creation Creativity is at the heart of the biblical story and ours
Taking action on mental well-                                      Assessing the impact of culture on mental well-being,
                                                                                                                                                                BUC and Stanborough                                          projective look at the ‘next step’ by the headteacher, Mrs

       being: BUC Director Sharon
                                                                                                                                                                Primary School health
                                                                          expression of individuals’ mental health and their                                                                                                 Madden, and closing remarks from the safeguarding and
                                                                          perception of their own psychological wellness,                                                                                                    inclusion lead, Mrs Nicky Adewole.

       Platt-McDonald speaks to BBC                                       Psychology Today published an article on their website,                                                                                               Afterwards, refreshments were served and attendees

                                                                          titled: ‘The Role of Culture in Mental Health’ (25                                                                                                 enjoyed a special cake marking the launch event. The
       Three Counties Radio                                               March 2021). It states: ‘When it comes to mental
                                                                          health, the culture of the society that surrounds us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             well-being champions also demonstrated some of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             skills they had learnt, including exercises for physical
                                                                          influences our attitudes about seeking help, the type                                 by Sharon Platt-McDonald, BUC Director for Health,           fitness, arts and crafts, the reading corner, and a writers’
       by Sharon Platt-McDonald, BUC Director for Health,                 of support we need, and whether or not we decide to                                                                                                session. Guests were invited to peruse the well-being
       Adventist Community Services & Women’s Ministries                                                                                                        Adventist Community Services & Women’s Ministries
                                                                          seek help at all. Cultural norms can account for minor                                                                                             resources on display and visit the well-being room,
                                                                          differences in how people communicate their                                                                                                        highlighting the well-being champions and their work.

                                                                          symptoms [and] major omissions of which symptoms                                                                                                      Reflecting on the partnership launch, the headteacher,
                                                                          they report.’1                                                                                                                                     Tiann Madden, shared:
                                                                                                                                                                    riday 10 February saw the inaugural launch of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                ‘Stanborough Primary School was thrilled to work with the
                                                                                                                                                                    Well-being and Mental Health Partnership between
                                                                          Mental health and nutrition                                                                                                                           BUC Health Department to shine a light on well-being
                                                                                                                                                                the BUC Health Ministries Department and
                                                                          In their analysis of the impact of nutrition on mental                                                                                                and mental health within our school community. Friday
                                                                                                                                                                Stanborough Primary School. This initiative is an
                                                                          well-being, the UK’s Mental Health Foundation states:                                                                                                 was a magnificent opportunity for us to showcase what the
                                                                                                                                                                augmentation of the BUC Health Ministries Child
                                                                          ‘One of the most obvious yet under-recognised factors                                                                                                 school has achieved to date, from the creation of a well-
                                                                                                                                                                Health Strategy, along with the school’s Well-being
                                                                          for mental health is nutrition. What we eat and                                                                                                       being room, the choosing of a school therapy dog, and the
                                                                                                                                                                Curriculum, that will enable a robust source of support
                                                                          drink affects how we feel, think and behave. . . . The                                                                                                appointment of a well-being consultant and well-being
                                                                                                                                                                on health and mental well-being for the school. It entails
                                                                          Foundation’s message is not that nutrition is a silver                                                                                                champions to a planned redesign of our playground to
                                                                                                                                                                the development of a strategic health focus that
                                                                          bullet for mental health problems, but it does have a                                                                                                 improve our physicality, and a refurbished kitchen to
                                                                                                                                                                encompasses seven areas of well-being: namely, spiritual,
                                                                          part to play in prevention, treatment and recovery.’2                                                                                                 improve our eating choices. . . . We are excited to be the
                                                                                                                                                                mental, physical, emotional, relational, social and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                driving force in this area, and remain committed and
                                                                                                                                                                environmental health.
                                                                      Mental health and exercise impact                                                                                                                         dedicated to improving our school community’s well-being
                                                                                                                                                                   The launch took place at Stanborough Primary School
                                                                      Numerous studies continue to highlight the importance                                                                                                     and mental health. Research has shown that a coordinated
                                                                                                                                                                and was attended by pupils, teachers, parents and invited
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and evidence-informed approach to mental health in
                                                                      of physical activity on aspects of well-being such as                                     guests. In attendance were Dean Russell, MP for Watford,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                schools leads to improved pupil well-being and enhanced
                                                                      enhanced cognition, brain regeneration, maintaining                                       who gave a brief address; the school chaplain, Pastor Ray
           ebruary 2 2023 was ‘Time to Talk Day’, a day when the                                                                                                                                                                learning and outcomes for all. Ultimately, we want our
                                                                      mental well-being, and helping to combat mild                                             Patrick, who presented the opening prayer; and a school
           nation was encouraged to talk about mental well-being                                                                                                                                                                pupils to be in an environment which enables them to
                                                                      depression (                                        governor, Enoch Kanagaraj, who delivered the closing
       and take action to change the negative attitudes and                                                                                                                                                                     thrive and succeed in all areas of their lives.’
                                                                      exercise-depression).                                                                     prayer. The occasion was a celebratory one, marking
       stigmas surrounding poor mental health.                           Its efficacy in boosting our mood is also well                                         various milestones and areas of achievement.
          The BUC Director for Health, Sharon Platt-McDonald,                                                                                                                                                                We solicit your prayers as we develop this initiative to
                                                                      researched. Regular exercise causes fewer stress hormones                                    Presentations delivered by the headteacher, Mrs Tiann
       was invited to BBC Three Counties Radio on Sunday 5                                                                                                                                                                   enhance the holistic aspects of school life and pupil
                                                                      (such as cortisol) to be released, and stimulates the                                     Madden; well-being lead, Ms Rebecca Dean-Roberts; and
       February to talk about mental well-being and her work                                                                                                                                                                 well-being.
                                                                      release of chemicals called endorphins (happy hormones),                                  well-being consultant, Sharon Platt-McDonald, focused
       with community groups. Currently working with the One                                                                                                    on goals that were achieved in the following
                                                                      which lifts our mood. In highlighting exercise as a mood
       Vision charity, she is part of a team who will be delivering                                                                                             areas: school health; therapeutic school dog;
                                                                      enhancer, Dr Michael Otto of Boston University says:
       an initiative titled ‘Community Connectors’. Speaking                                                                                                    well-being champions; and well-being
                                                                      ‘The link between exercise and mood is pretty strong.’
       with BBC Three Counties Radio show host Edward Adoo,                                                                                                     consultant.
                                                                      Giving its specific benefits, Otto states: ‘Usually
       she outlined the scope of One Vision’s Community                                                                                                            Following the presentations, certificates and
                                                                      within five minutes after moderate exercise you get
       Connectors Project. Sharon explained the following                                                                                                       special badges were awarded to each well-being
       aspects:                                                       a mood-enhancement effect.’4
                                                                                                                                                                champion. Presenting these to each individual
       • Community Connectors are members of diverse                                                                                                            were Dean Russell MP and a BUC director,
          communities who understand the barriers, stigmas            Mental health and faith
                                                                      Nurturing your faith has been found to be a                                               Sharon Platt-McDonald. Official photos were
          and cultural sensitivities of each of these communities,                                                                                              then taken. The event concluded with a
          and know what help is available.                            protective factor in mental well-being. On their website
       • They will signpost friends, family members, colleagues,      (https.//, Rethink Mental Illness posted an
          and neighbours towards the support available in their       article headed: ‘Spirituality, religion and mental illness’.
          communities.                                                They state: ‘Spirituality and religion can be helpful to
       • Community Connectors will have access to, and good           manage stressful life events and improve your mental health.’ 5
          relations with, these diverse communities, and will be         The BUC Health Ministries Department has
          very effective at integrating with their local              published a Mental Wellness Handbook for Churches.
          communities – providing a bridge between local              Please contact the department if you would like to
          people and services and building community capacity         purchase a copy. You can call the BUC office on 01923
          and social capital.                                         672251 to speak with our Health Ministries personnel.
       • They will develop promotional and marketing                     We pray for God’s favour as He directs our ministry in
          materials in key languages.                                 addressing the diverse issues that impact all our
       So, what action can we take, individually, to positively
       impact our mental health potential? Here are some

                                                                      in-mental-health 2
       aspects to consider as outlined by Sharon in her radio         nutrition-and-mental-health-obvious-yet-under-recognised 3https://www.nutritionist-
       interview:                                            4
                                                                      2011/12/exercise 5
          Mental health and cultural implications                     illness/wellbeing-physical-health/spirituality-religion-and-mental-illness/

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