REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India

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REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21

                                        Gratitude & Resilience for a new world

REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                        Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21

                                                                                                           2020 - 2021
                                                                                                  ANNUAL         REPORT

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                                                                     This year, we are following the overarching theme of ‘Gratitude and Resilience’
                                                                     as an ode to the difficult but successful year that 2020-21 was. The pandemic
                                                                     brought along with it a massive set of challenges. Despite these, work at Hand
                                                                     in Hand India continued. This is a testament to our committed team and the
                                                                     relationship formed with the communities we work with and the donors who
                                                                     have supported us. It would not be wrong to say that, Hand in Hand India
                                                                     has, wherever possible, ensured that all programmes continue despite the
                                                                     prevailing situation - adapting and restructuring interventions to continue to
                                                                     benefit the community at the bottom of the pyramid. This Annual Report is an
                                                                     ode to the work we have done this year and how we have proved to be resilient
                                                                     in times of crisis.

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REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                            contents   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                       contents

                                                                        02                       16                                          52                108
                                                                                             Message from Our                             Train to           Board of
                                                                     About us                President (South)                            Empower            Trustees

                                                                        04                       17                                          60                109
                                                                                             Message from Our                             Innovation &
                                                                     Vision                  President (North)                            Determination      Key Executives

                                                                        04                       18                                          70                110
                                                                                             Message from Our                             Tackle the         Partners &
                                                                     Mission                 Dy. CEO                                      Trash              Donors

                                                                        05                       22                                          78                114
                                                                                             Green                                        Uplift
                                                                     Our Presence            Mission                                      Communities        Financials

                                                                        06                       30                                          90                117
                                                                                             Relentless &                                 Dedicated
                                                                     Our Impact              Passionate                                   Service            Get Involved

                                                                        14                       44                                          98                118
                                                                     Message from Our        Access to                                    Education Beyond
                                                                     MangingTrustee          Healthcare                                   Classrooms         Contact Us

                            Gratitude & Resilience for a New World                                                                                                                  5
REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world   Vison & Mission    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                        Vison & Mission

                                                           We are a not-for-profit public charitable
                                                           trust working towards job creation and
                                                           poverty alleviation.

                                                           jobs in
                                                                                                         Hand in Hand India stands committed
                                                                                                         to addressing the key global challenge
                                                                                                         of poverty. With our unique ‘job creation’
                                                                                                         model and five-pillar approach, we
                                                                                                         empower and create sustainable

                                                                                                         livelihoods for the rural poor, especially
                                                                                                         women. We work in 16 states of India
                                                                                                         and our model has been replicated in
                                                                                                         Afghanistan, South Africa, Brazil, Myanmar,
                                                                                                         Cambodia and Sri Lanka. Our working

                                                                                                         model uses an integrated approach
                                                                                                         that tackles social, economic, and
                                                                                                         environmental factors. This Annual Report

We are
                                                                                                         encapsulates our work in the year 2020-21
                                                                                                         across the areas of women empowerment,
                                                                                                         job creation, child labor elimination, access

Hand in Hand
                                                                                                         to healthcare, skill development, solid
                                                                                                         waste and natural resource management,

                                                           Our Goal
                                                                                                         and community-based village upliftment.

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REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                                              Vison & Mission   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                  Global Presence

Our Vision
                                         Alleviation of poverty with a focus
                                         on access to education, affordable
                                         healthcare, skill development,
                                         entrepreneurship, financial inclusion
                                         and clean environment.

                                                                                                                                                                       + India

                                                                                                                                + South Africa                                        + Brazil

                                                                                                                        + Switzerland
                                                                                                                                                                   Presence                  + Sri Lanka

                                                                                                                                     + Myanmar                                    + Afghanistan

                                                             Our Mission                                                                                             + Cambodia

                                                                      Working hand in hand with poor women,
                                                                      children and communities to provide
                                                                      them with dignity, hope and choice for
                                                                      sustainable development.

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REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                              Our Impact   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                       Our Impact

Impact                                                                                                    Child Labour
                                                                                                          Elimination &
                                         +   Child labour elimination & education
                                         +   Women empowerment & job creation

                                         + Health

                                         + Skill development & technology centres
                                                                                                                   343,192                             8
                                         + Environment                                                                             Children Enrolled        Residential Special
                                                                                                                                          in Schools          Training Centres

                                         + Village uplift programme

                                         + COVID-19 impact                                                         4                                   11
                                                                                                                              Non Residential                  Transit Schools
                                                                                                                     Special Training Centres

                                                                                                                                  Children Learning

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REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                             Our Impact   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                               Our Impact

             Health                                                                                       Women
                                                                                                          & Job Creation

                     8,720                               14,413                                              4,501,435                                       222,450
                                         Medical Camps      Toilets Constructed                                                               Jobs Created              SHGs Formed

                     59,771                              10,001                                             2,543,967                                        7,608.03
                       Women Covered Under                 Children Brought Out
                   Anaemia Control Programme                     of Malnutrition                                                             Total Members     Total Credit Disbursed
                                                                                                                                                                         (INR Million)

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REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                 Our Impact   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                   Our Impact

          Skill Development                                                                  Environment
          & Technology

                    155,093                         9,358                                            638,860                           24,370
                                    Women Trained      Youth Trained                                                Clean Households     Farmers Skill Trained

                    908                                                                              131                               30,310
                     Enterprise Conversion/                                                                     Natural Resource                Land Area in
                   Job Placement for Youth                                                                  Management projects            Hectares Covered
                            under VUP-CSR

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REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                               Our Impact   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                Our Impact

          Village                                                                                         COVID-19
                                                                                                            Impact of the COVID-19 relief

                                                                                                            from March-December 2020


                                                                                                                      74,416                      60,280
                                                                                                                     Families Provided with          Individuals Provided
                                                                                                                                Food Ration              with Counseling

                  455                                     68                                                  1,163,053                         136,376
                                                                                                                       Masks Produced
                                                                                                                                               SHG Women Trained in
                                    Villages Uplifted     Current Village Projects                                                                  Mask Production

                  1,142                                                                                       35,435
                                                                                                                 Medical Equipment

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REPORT - Gratitude & Resilience for a new world - Hand in Hand India
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                  Message from Our Managing Trustee    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21   Message from Our Managing Trustee

Message from Our
Managing Trustee

Dear Trustees & Well Wishers,

It is a pleasure for me to present Hand in    converted Poongavanam Residential                             of webinars has disseminated knowledge
Hand India’s Annual Report for the period     Special Training Centre to a short stay                       on topics of relevance to a plethora of
2020-21. In early 2020, the Hand in Hand      home for children who have lost both                          stakeholders. Hand in Hand Cambodia
India team met in person for a strategic      parents to COVID-19. We have strengthened                     has ended the year on a positive note and
plan meeting. Little did we know that it      our partnership with Childline and the                        looks to continue its livelihoods programme
would be the last time we would meet          team has worked through the pandemic                          based on fund availability.
for an energetic and vibrant discussion.      preventing child marriages and helping
While the pandemic may have stalled           children in distress. To help poor, illiterate                I thank the leadership team, senior
some of our plans, we used the last year      and vulnerable patients navigate a large                      management, and the entire staff for
as an opportunity to create value through     hospital space, we have set up health help                    their positive attitude, commitment and
innovative and adaptive programmes.           desks at Kancheepuram, Chengalpattu,                          teamwork during this entire year. They
Tackling the pandemic while ensuring          and Tiruvallur Government Hospitals. As                       embodied the true Hand in Hand spirit
employee safety was our priority. We          timely support to women who have lost                         of passionate work! I sincerely thank our
conducted periodic training on COVID-19       their livelihoods to the pandemic, we have                    esteemed Board of Trustees for their
protocol for staff and clients and provided   trained them on alternate livelihoods and                     time, unflinching support, and guidance
COVID-19 insurance coverage for the staff.    have helped promote their businesses                          through the year. A special thanks to Mr.
                                              through digital and social media marketing                    M. S. Sundararajan for his guidance on
Aside from our regular activities, the team   training. This digital boost has enabled                      best financial practices with maximum
went beyond the brief to support with         women and families to make payments,                          transparency and good governance.
COVID-19 relief where required. With the      earn additional income, and seamlessly
generous support of CSR donors, Hand in       access Government schemes. Agriculture                        The new financial year brings with it new
Hand India has supported the distribution     has been one sector that has not been                         challenges. 2020-21 has made us stronger
of 83,322 sanitary products, 42,203 food      heavily affected by the pandemic,                             and resilient. Our focus would be to
ration kits, 35,435 medical equipment, and    nevertheless, farmers have struggled to                       design programmes that are meaningful
1,163,053 masks. We have trained 8,067        market their products and see profits.                        in a post-COVID-19 era that align with
self help group women in mask making          To address this, we have established an                       Government priorities. We are confident
and have provided an INR 1080 relief fund     e-commerce platform to market farmers’                        that we will overcome the challenges with
to 1500 Green Friends for their committed     produce. In solid waste management, we                        our trusted clientele, dedicated team, and
work during the pandemic.                     have scaled down some of our initiatives                      guidance of our experienced Board.
                                              and are focusing on high-impact CSR
Going beyond direct COVID-19 relief           projects.
measures, the child labor elimination                                                                       Dr. Kalpana Sankar
and education programme team with             This year, Hand in Hand Academy for
guidance from the Government has              Social Entrepreneurship through a series

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                    Message from Our President (North)    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                             Message from Our President (North)

Message from the                                                                                               Message from the
President(South)                                                                                               President(North)
                                               programmes helped to increase the                                                                             Government, skill training, credit support,
                                               volume of digital financial transactions and                                                                  market linkages and continuous mentoring
                                               become widespread among our SHGs.                                                                             has enabled us to create over one lakh
                                               We trained more SHG women to leverage                                                                         enterprises for rural women, making some
                                               social media applications to grow their                                                                       of them the sole ‘breadwinners’ of their
                                               businesses safely. We have focused on                                                                         families. Ensuring last-mile connectivity,
                                               increasing coverage of social security                                                                        we worked closely with the Government
                                               schemes with emphasis on State and                                                                            to provide access to social security and
                                               Centre health insurance.                                                                                      financial inclusion schemes, COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                             relief measures of cash transfers and food
                                               We implement our projects in                                                                                  rations to over 43,000 rural households,
                                               predominantly rural locations where                                                                           and COVID-19 and sanitization drives
                                               the Village Uplift Programme works to                                                                         across 3800 villages.
                                               bridge the divide that exists in terms of
                                               available opportunities – civic services,                                                                     Building on social capital, our 217 strong
                                               infrastructure, financial, digital, education,                                                                cluster level networks of over 22,000
Writing this annual note is a time for                                                                         Dubois quotes, ‘There is NO force equal
                                               health. This is done through financial                                                                        SHG women lobbied hard with the
contemplation – to review the past, assess                                                                     to a woman determined to RISE,’ and this
                                               inclusion, digital training, access to                                                                        Government for better roads, water supply,
the current momentum and flow of work,                                                                         phrase sums up our work with over 1.8 lakh
                                               government schemes, and creating                                                                              and electricity for safe and improved
and decide on the future pathway to                                                                            SHG women across the States of Madhya
                                               market linkages. We also train youth on soft                                                                  community living. The CLNs also were
achieving results.                                                                                             Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Punjab in 2020-
                                               skills and prepare for corporate careers.                                                                     a formidable force to organize market
                                                                                                               2021.                                         linkages, digital marketing for enterprise
During the last 12 months, the COVID-19
                                               We expect the effects of the COVID-19                                                                         development of women entrepreneurs.
pandemic dented the livelihoods of our                                                                         With acute job losses accompanied by
                                               pandemic to linger until the majority of the                                                                  To develop self-reliant communities we
SHG members, but it also allowed us to                                                                         huge reverse migration of menfolk of SHG
                                               population is inoculated and, until then,                                                                     undertook all-inclusive interventions of
realize the effectiveness of our programme                                                                     households, the COVID-19 pandemic
                                               our focus will be to relentlessly support                                                                     health, education, and livelihoods to create
logic – the job creation model. One of the                                                                     has pushed millions of our project
                                               our SHG women with coping strategies to                                                                       sustainable rural communities under the
most heartening insights gained during                                                                         beneficiaries into extreme poverty. All
                                               come through the bad times. A particular                                                                      village uplift project.
the COVID-19 pandemic was the ability of                                                                       our efforts in the past year, therefore,
                                               initiative of interest is to establish and
the model to build resilience among Self                                                                       have largely been directed towards
                                               strengthen women-headed organizations                                                                         My heartfelt gratitude to the North India
Help Groups. As the pandemic unfolded,                                                                         providing all-around support to our
                                               underpinned on the founding philosophy                                                                        State teams for their dedicated efforts and
we guided our SHG members to pivot their                                                                       SHG women to help build sustainable
                                               of and the values nurtured by the                                                                             to all the SHG women who took the reins of
businesses to trades that witnessed higher                                                                     livelihoods to tide over the economic,
                                               SHG programme. We will also work on                                                                           their lives in their hands to make a success
demand, primarily hygiene products such                                                                        social, and psychological hardships
                                               strengthening the enterprises’ programme                                                                      of their being-a big salute!
as masks, sanitizers, and soaps. Many                                                                          suffered in the ongoing pandemic.
                                               which shows promise of income
of these members earned INR 9,000 as
                                               generation for households left behind in a
monthly income as a result of these efforts.                                                                   An integrated approach of digital training    Dr. Madhu Sharan
                                               fast-changing world.
These difficult times provided a fillip                                                                        to access online banking, social welfare,
to digital literacy and our training           Srinivas Krishnaswamy                                           and financial inclusion services of the
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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                       Message from Our Dy. CEO   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21   Message from Our Dy. CEO

Message from the
                                              Some notable achievements as a result of
                                                our teams’ endeavors:
                                              • 115 satellite training centers were formed
                                                reaching 1555 children in TN and MP
                                                ensuring continued access to education.
                                              • Our uninterrupted Childline 1098 service
                                                rescued and rehabilitated 609 distressed
                                                children and prevented 270 child
                                              • The “Health Help Desk” at the
                                                Kancheepuram Govt. District Headquarter
                                                Hospital- a “patient-friendly” initiative
                                                benefitted 90,053 people.
                                              • Supported District Health Departments in
                                                their fight against COVID-19 by organizing
                                                emergency medical equipment, and
                                                distributing safety gears, thus benefitting
                                                500 Health frontline workers, 100 Police
2020-21 was probably one of the most            personnel, 4 Govt. Hospitals and 15 PHCs.
challenging years that we have ever           • Our Natural Resources Management
encountered. Our Education, Health              division guided all the Farmer Producer
and Natural Resources divisions faced           Organisations to procure the farmer
fundamental questions – how do we               produce and reach open markets.
keep the children, already in a precarious    • Market Linkage and facilitation for 21
social and economic situation, in touch         tons of paddy, 12 tons of watermelon, 25
with education? How do we cater to the          tons of tamarind, 12.2 tons of Castor, 2.6
medical requirements of the poor and            tons of pepper, 2.1 tons of minor millets,
the needy? How do we ensure that the            154 tons of mangoes, and 90 tons of
marginal farmer, who during the best of         other agriculture produce like flowers,
times faced insurmountable challenges           vegetables, worth INR 102,52,810 were
in growing and marketing his products,          organized through various FPOs located
was able to eke out his livelihood when vital   in different regions of Tamil Nadu.
inputs were not available to him and most
of the nearby mandis were shut? While         Huge thanks are due to our team for the
we may not have had all the answers,          courage they displayed during tough times
the “never say die” spirit with which the     while acknowledging the resilience shown
Hand in Hand team approached                  by our communities in bravely facing up to
these problems spoke volumes of their         this once-in-a-lifetime pandemic.
commitment to the cause.

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                                                                                                   Gratitude & Resilience for a new world

     #UpliftCommunities / VUP     #TrainToEmpower / SDTC
                                                                                                   Hand in Hand | Annual Report 2020–21

                                                                             #GreenMission / NRM

                                  #Innovation&Determination   #Relentless&Passionate
                                  / VUP CSR & P&A             / SHG

          / COVID-19 Relief

                                                              #AccessToHealthcare / Health
     #EducationBeyondClassrooms   #TackleTheTrash
      / CLEP                       / SWM
Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                                  #GreenMission   Hand in Hand | Annual Report 2020–21                                                             #GreenMission

                                                                                                          Our                                                           Milestones Achieved

                                                                                                                                                                           in FY 2020-2021

                                                                                                                                                               47             NRM Projects

                                                                                                                                                               65,872 Ha      Total Area Covered

                                                                                                                                                               38,792 Ha      Area of Land Treated

                                                                                                           + Tamil Nadu                        + Karnataka
                                                                                                                                                               112,965        Families Benefitted

                                                                                                                                                               97,422         Man Days Generated
                                                                                                                                                                              Man-Days Generated

# Green                                                                                                                                                        94 Ha          Life Saving Irrigation Created

                                                                                                                                                               12,267,794 Ha Land Brought under Agriculture
                                                                                                        + Madhya Pradesh                       + Maharashtra
                                                                                                                                                               1,865 Ha       Land Brought under Organic

                                                                                                                                                               2,685          Farmers Enrolled for Organic

                                                                                                                                                               312,290        Horticulture Plantations

The Natural Resource Management                      many milestones achieved and impact
(NRM) Programme of Hand In Hand India                created on the lives of the rural and                   + Rajasthan                         + Gujarat     3,37,211
                                                                                                                                                               337,211        Agro Forestry Plantation
was initiated in June 2006 with a focus              farming communities. A total of 47 new
on watershed development work in                     and diversified projects in different areas
collaboration with NABARD. 15 years since,           starting with green environment, conversion                                                               5,580          Farmers Trained in
                                                                                                                                                                              Farm Tech
the NRM pillar is working with the vision            of barren land, biomass generation,
of ‘Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods                horticulture, agroforestry, drinking water
by Conservation and Development of                   facility, lifesaving irrigation, organic                                                                  16,028         Green Livelihoods Promoted
Natural Resource’ and marching towards               and green livelihood promotion were
attaining water and food security in an              implemented.
                                                                                                                                   + Haryana                   10             FPOs established with a total
                                                                                                                                                                              membership of 7,200 farmers
era of climate change. The year 2020 -
2021 was yet another successful one with

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                                #GreenMission    Hand in Hand | Annual Report 2020–21                                                #GreenMission

Key Achievements
• Drinking water support for tribal community in
 Tamil Nadu and Gujarat
• Renovation of Oorani (drinking water pond) in the
 southern districts of Tamil Nadu
• Orchard plantation with the support of NABARD in
 the tribal regions of Tamil Nadu
• 10 FPOs were established with the total
 membership of 7,200 farmers
• Established full-fledged processing unit at
 Jawad hills
• Introduction of crop diversification through
 alternative cropping

                                                                                                      Well Recharge Pit :
• Water Agriculture and food security in

                                                                                                      Sustainable Support System for
                                                                                                      Water Harvesting
Our Resilient Adaptations                                                                             The Salem region of Tamil Nadu is                generations and turns them into recharge
                                                                                                      notoriously known to be a drought-prone          structures. The WRP method has proved
During the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown,          Owing to restricted transportation facilities,        area. They mostly depend on groundwater          to be rather successful in several
emergency relief support was provided           the farmers were experiencing a challenge             for their agricultural and other basic           projects under the NRM pillar. This success
by the NRM team by supporting families          in selling off their farm produce to the              needs but this over-dependency has               rate led to an increase in demand and
with grocery kits that helped them              market. Understanding the situation,                  led to the overexploitation of the               eventually led to the construction of
meet their daily food requirements              the NRM division guided all the Farmer                groundwater system. To help resolve this         70 pits in drought-prone areas. This
for atleast a month. As a part of this          Producer Organisation (FPOs) to procure               dependency the NRM team arrived at               implementation has provided farmers with
initiative 16,679 people in 11 districts of     the farmer produce and reach the market               a plan to create Well Recharge Pits that         ample water for agricultural purposes,
Chengalpattu, Salem, Kancheepuram,              on time thereby benefiting the farmers and            would enable an effective and sustainable        irrigation and also improved their
Vellore, Tiruvannamalai, Viluppuram,            ensuring food supply to the public. Through           recharge of the groundwater.                     livelihoods.
Cuddalore, Tiruchirappalli, Dindigul,           our initiatives, the food and nutritional
Tiruppur, and Coimbatore were benefited.        security of the poor families were ensured            Well Recharge Pits are water conservation
The team distributed 3,526 numbers of           including children and women.                         structures that harvest rainfall water,
food ration kits; 9,500 numbers of nutrition/                                                         filters the same, and then release it into
Immunity boosters (Kabasura kudineer/                                                                 the existing wells. This is a highly cost-
Nilavembu powder) and 735 beneficiaries                                                               effective technology as it uses the already
were given with counselling.                                                                          established infrastructure of wells built over

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                             #GreenMission    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                        #GreenMission

Regaining Farm Land
for Farming:
Conversion of Prosopis juliflora
Infested Barren Land to an Orchard
Bogalur and Mudukulathur blocks of              The NRM team made every attempt to
Ramanathapuram were severely affected           clear these thorny trees to create land
by the prevailing drought situation. This       viable for agriculture and livelihood. The
situation has been prevalent for the past       promotion of horticulture orchards through
30 years and has led 100s of farmers to         clearance of the Prosopis jungle was
quit agriculture and move on in search          designed as a climate-resilient activity.
of other employment. The lack of farming        Through this initiative, 100 acres of land
in the lands had resulted in the Prosopis       have been restored in the first phase and
juliflora (Ecological sensitive thorny jungle   the process of re-cultivating the barren

                                                                                                   Renovation of Oorani:
trees) encroaching the area. These trees        lands has begun. We hope to restore the
are very intrusive and tend to dominate         land of 500 more farmers in the upcoming
every piece of land. They are also hard to      years. The clearance of the Prosopis has
remove. This tree had taken over most of        restored the groundwater system and
the food-producing farmland and left the        prevented soil degradation.                        A traditional drinking water system
people with little to no source of livelihood
or food security.                                                                                  An average person walks 6 km per day          The site-specific development
                                                                                                   to access water in rural India and this       interventions such as deepening, bund
                                                                                                   distance causes physical exertion, leads to   strengthening, supply channel clearance,
                                                                                                   numerous health issues, drudgery and          construction of approach steps, renovation
                                                                                                   instils pressure on the family to allocate    of filter wells, fencing, and construction of
                                                                                                   one person to fetch water every day. This     inlet/outlet with silt traps were provided at
                                                                                                   walk is due to the lack of water in the       different locations based on the demands.
                                                                                                   localities mainly caused due to the poor      Additionally, solar lights were installed
                                                                                                   maintenance and non-conservation of           which ensured safe access during early
                                                                                                   the Ooranis (traditional water ponds).        mornings and in the evening. Plantation
                                                                                                   To improve the situation of the rural         activity was also incorporated around
                                                                                                   community and to eliminate the physical       the facility to increase the green cover,
                                                                                                   exertion the NRM team took it upon            supporting the biodiversity and overall
                                                                                                   themselves to restore 10 Ooranis in the       aesthetic of the Oorani.
                                                                                                   Kancheepuram, Ramanathapuram, and
                                                                                                   Chengalpattu districts of Tamil Nadu. These
                                                                                                   Ooranis can hold 20,000 cum to 25,000
                                                                                                   cum of water, benefitting more than 3000
                                                                                                   families in the districts.

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                          #GreenMission    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                         #GreenMission

Case Study

Integrated Tribal                                                                               The Way Forward
                                                                                                Addressing climate change is the need of the hour and the NRM team has several

Development in a
                                                                                                plans in the coming years. We hope to implement Climate Proofing Projects with the
                                                                                                support of NABARD; expand territorially in the North and North East of India as our work in
                                                                                                Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and Gujarat has been well received and successful. With

Green Pathway
                                                                                                climate change and its impacts becoming stronger over time, the NRM pillar hopes to
                                                                                                work on promoting partnerships to address climate change at the grass-root level.


The NRM pillar has been implementing         to restore the well in his farmland and for
Integrated Tribal Development projects       the first time in many years, he was able
in partnership with NABARD since 2014.       to access water in his farmland. He had
Through this initiative, we have been        also renovated and deepened the shallow
ensured the implementation of 3,235          well with the credit support received.
Mango + Cashew orchards and 1,027            The renovated well and the improved
Silveroak + Pepper orchards amongst the      infrastructure tripled the proceeds from
tribal communities inhabiting Jawad Hills,   the orchard. His orchard earned him an
Pachamalai, and Paithur Goodamalai           income of INR 66,500 this year and yielded
areas of Eastern Ghats. The locations are    1,800 kg mangoes and 25 kg cashews. We
predominantly known to be rather remote,     at NRM, are working towards providing
isolated, and underdeveloped.                more support to the Scheduled Tribe
                                             community who comprise 10 percent of the
One of the beneficiaries to have profited    population in India.
through this initiative is Mr. Raji from
Kupsoor village in Muthukumaran hills. Mr.
Raji was financially supported by NABARD

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                      #RelentlessandPassionate   Hand in Hand | Annual Report 2020–21                                                           #RelentlessandPassionate



                                         # Relentless
                                           &                                                           + Tamil Nadu                                  + Madhya Pradesh                        + Rajasthan

                                                                                                            + Punjab                                          + Bihar                        + Jharkhand

                                                                                                        Milestones Achieved
With a mission to create 10 million jobs      into larger Women Headed Organization                     in FY 2020-2021
by 2025, Hand in Hand India’s Self Help       (WHO) such as Cluster Level Networks
Group (SHG) - job creation programme          (CLN) and Block Level Networks (BLN). These
spreads across 6 states in India. We          WHOs now play a critical role in women                    Social Mobilisation
build our SHG members’ social, financial,     empowerment and livelihood creation. In
digital and entrepreneurial skills for        most states, we connect women to crucial                  11,330          SHGs Formed                               119,222   Members Enrolled in SHGs
enterprise development, financial security,   Government schemes so that they have
and gender equality in society. Social        more equitable access to resources to                     216             Cluster Level Networks (CLN) Formed       25,576    Members Enrolled in CLN
mobilization has evolved over the years       improve quality of life.
                                                                                                        5,788           Members Enrolled in Block Level
and today the scope of work includes, other                                                                                                                       13,696    Women Trained in Financial and
than formation of SHGs, federating women                                                                                Networks (BLN)                                      Digital Literacy

Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                                         #RelentlessandPassionate    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                 #RelentlessandPassionate

     9,948              Access to Government Schemes                                                                      SHG North
     Training                                                                                                             Women Empowerment
     41,890         Women Trained in SHG Management
                    (M1, A & R and M2)
                                                             4,510     Women trained in Business
                                                                       Development (M3 + Other Business
                                                                       Development related training)
                                                                                                                          and Advocacy Initiatives
     Skill Training                                                                                                       Our 217 strong Cluster Level Networks
                                                                                                                          (CLN) of over 22,000 SHG women
     1,312          Women Trained                            313       Women Enterprise Created                           lobbied extensively with the government
                                                                                                                          officials of Madhya Pradesh for
     866            Youth Trained                                                                                         the implementation of better roads, clean
                                                                                                                          and continuous water supply
     Credit Details                                                                                                       and electricity to improve their
                                                                                                                          community living standards.
     2,029          Savings of SHG Members in their Groups   85,334    SHGs Received Loans                                The CLNs were also a formidable force
                    (in Lakhs)                                                                                            in organizing market linkages and digital
                                                                                                                          marketing for the enterprise development
     295,292 SHG Members Received Loans                      111,325   Loans Disbursed (in Lakhs)                         of women entrepreneurs.

     148,090 Family Based Enterprises Created                                                                             Peer-to-Peer Counselling
                                                                                                                          The SHG pillar staff of Madhya Pradesh         health counselling provided them a safe
                                                                                                                          and Rajasthan had open door                    space to unwind all their problems and
                                                                                                                          conversations with our project beneficiaries   speak their heart out or seek help when
Our Resilient Adaptations                                                                                                 to constantly keep them motivated in these     needed.
                                                                                                                          unprecedented times as many faced
The pandemic brought along with it                                                                                        anxiety and depression due to increased
job losses and pushed several of our                                                                                      psychological and economic burden.
beneficiaries back into the vicious circle                                                                                Issues of cramped homes, job losses,
of poverty. We adopted new strategies                                                                                     reverse migration, domestic violence,
to minimize the impact of the pandemic                                                                                    and closure of schools created a terrible
by diversifying livelihood opportunities,                                                                                 impact on the physical and mental health
designing new loan products, and                                                                                          of our SHG women. Most women lost their
facilitating COVID insurance policy for the                                                                               husbands to the effects of the pandemic
project beneficiaries. Increased use of                                                                                   and had to fill in the footsteps of their
digital technology was promoted for cross                                                                                 husbands as the sole breadwinners of their
and peer-to-peer learning, and marketing                                                                                  families. They were burdened with multiple
purposes amongst the SHG members.                                                                                         responsibilities of house work, child care
                                                                                                                          and livelihoods promotion. Hence, mental

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                        #RelentlessandPassionate    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                #RelentlessandPassionate

                                                                                                         Facilitating Income
                                                                                                         Generation & Improving
                                                                                                         With numerous job losses and the              started with a small investment that was
                                                                                                         financial strain imposed on the               acquired through their savings. The group
                                                                                                         livelihoods of the communities, we            was trained by the Hand in Hand India staff
                                                                                                         supported the SHG members in the rural        to manufacture the phenyl. Through the
                                                                                                         areas of Punjab and Rajasthan identifying     training, the team also imparted financial
                                                                                                         income-generating opportunities and           management, branding, packaging, and
                                                                                                         methods. We also encouraged the               marketing skills to the SHG members.
                                                                                                         women to access the relief measures           Through all the training and skills learned
                                                                                                         and schemes introduced by the                 the women were able to successfully
                                                                                                         government to support those affected by       launch their brand, which due to its low
                                                                                                         the Pandemic.                                 price and good quality has acquired a
                                                                                                                                                       high demand in the market.
                                                                                                         Through one such initiative, we supported
                                                                                                         the Abhinav SHG members of Rajasthan

Diversification of
                                                                                                         in launching their very own phenyl brand
                                                                                                         named, ‘Abhinav Phenyl’. The group

Enterprises for Alternate
To help SHG women build back their lives,     Additionally, we focused on diversification
a rapid response strategy for alternate       of enterprises, both farm and non-farm
livelihoods was devised that would            based by organizing need-based skill
lead to immediate income inflow into          training, business management courses,
the households and help them recover          access to credit, market linkages (including
from any economic setbacks. One of            linkage with digital platforms), value chains,
the first things we did was to liaison with   and buyback market linkages. We also
the Government and local agencies             promoted energy-based enterprises,
to procure orders for the production of       Graduation of enterprises, digital training,
face masks, sanitizers, soaps, and PPE        and marketing interventions for our SHG
kits. This was a successful initiative as     entrepreneurs, all of which led to the
our women produced over 300,000 face          creation of over 100,000 enterprises, helping
masks and earned reasonable incomes.          them to sustain their families.

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                       #RelentlessandPassionate    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21    #RelentlessandPassionate

                                                                                                        SHG South
Case Study

Towards Energy
Efficient Living                                                                                        Development and
#RelentlessAndPassionate                                                                                Empowerment through
                                                                                                        Basic training to SHG members on group
                                                                                                        formation, governance, management,
                                                                                                        and decision-making was provided
                                                                                                        to nearly 42,000 members. A new
                                                                                                        programme on business motivation and
                                                                                                        development was introduced for those
                                                                                                        4,500 SHG members who were keen
                                                                                                        on setting up enterprises. Advanced
                                                                                                        training was imparted to 1,300 women to
                                                                                                        primarily enhance their technical skills,
                                                                                                        24% of these women went on to establish
                                                                                                        enterprises. We also provided skill training
                                                                                                        to the children of SHG members and
                                                                                                        helped them enhance their employable
                                                                                                        skills. We trained 866 youth and out
                                                                                                        of which 50 are now employed in
                                                                                                        reputable companies.

Ms. Gita Bai of Madhya Pradesh has been       started to slowly adopt a clean green
                                                                                                        Enterprise Creation
used to cooking on a Chulha for the better    source of cooking that transformed her                    Enterprise creation was a thrust
half of her life. She preferred to use an     life and saved her health and a ton of                    area in the last few years and nearly
LPG connection only during emergencies        time. After being trained by Hand in Hand                 148,100 family-based enterprises were
as they are rather pricey for her. But        India on the benefits of using clean fuel for             established last year. FBEs are enterprises
this was before the Hand in Hand India        cooking, she partnered up with a vendor                   with a capital investment of INR 50,000,
team started motivating the SHG women         for purchasing electrical induction stove.                while 46 micro-enterprises with an
through our Power to Empower project.         She invested INR 2,500 and bought the                     investment outlay of more than INR
The project aims to promote the adoption      induction stove for cooking. This has helped              50,000 were established. 4 group-based
of efficient, clean, and sustainable energy   her in freeing up time to look after her                  enterprises in garment, dairy, scented oil,
alternatives. Through the training session    dairy business as well. Her life now is easy,             and herbal tea trades were formed and
provided by Hand in Hand India, Gita Bai      efficient, green, and self-sustaining.                    2 value chains, one each in dairy and
                                                                                                        garment were also established.

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                       #RelentlessandPassionate    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                     #RelentlessandPassionate

                                                                                                        Case Study

Cluster Level Networks                                                                                  The Super Employer
and their Role in                                                                                       #RelentlessAndPassionate

Community Development
                                                                                                        Ms. Yogalakshmi lived a very routine life.      for. With a credit boost and Hand in Hand
                                                                                                        Wake up; tend to household chores from          India team’s support she was able to start
                                                                                                        dawn till dusk while caring for the children.   a garment unit and put her skills to work.
                                                                                                        This was the life of Ms. Yogalakshmi from       Yogalakshmi is now a super employer
Cluster Level Networks (CLN) are women–                                                                 Tamil Nadu. Her entire life revolved around     employing around 42 individuals at her
led federations formed at the local level                                                               household chores while caring for her           garment unit.
to provide a common platform for SHG                                                                    family and their only source of income          Yogalakshmi stated, “I was able to achieve
members to come together to build                                                                       was her husband’s earnings. Yogalakshmi         my dream through the great support
social networks, share experiences, voice                                                               had skill in tailoring and yet that was         rendered by the Hand in Hand India team.
problems to Government and other                                                                        not enough as she lacked support and            Others may not be as lucky as me and
agencies, and even come together for                                                                    a confidence boost from her family              this is why I strive to help those in need. I
establishing businesses. CLN becomes                                                                    members. Her life turned upside down            am proud and satisfied with the thought
a great platform to give a voice to the                                                                 when she joined Vairam SHG under Hand           that I was able to instil a positive change in
individual SHG woman, and leverage their                                                                in Hand India and garnered the support,         many more lives.”
network to build a collective strength that                                                             training and confidence she was craving
could address their common issues.

Dr. Abdul Kalam CLN Paves
the Way
                                              Dr. Abdul Kalam CLN of Hand in Hand India
                                              in Vembakkam, Walajabad, Tamil Nadu,
                                              consists of 10 SHGs with 160 members.
                                              Initially formed in 2019, the CLN addressed
                                              various issues in the community through
                                              active participation in Grama Sabha
                                              meetings. The activities include building
                                              of roads and houses, fixing street lights,
                                              installation of water pipes for continuous
                                              access to clean drinking water, renovation
                                              of schools and Anganwadis, and support
                                              with construction of homes for the Irular
                                              community who were living in huts by the
                                              lakeside by facilitating patta (record of
                                              rights). 19 such houses are being built with
                                              the support of government subsidies.

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                     #RelentlessandPassionate    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                 #RelentlessandPassionate

Case Study                                                                                            Case Study

Weaving Her Way                                                                                       A Technological
to Success                                                                                            Advancement
#RelentlessAndPassionate                                                                              #RelentlessAndPassionate

                                                                                                      Ms. Karthika was always intrigued and           support from the Hand in Hand India team.
                                                                                                      interested in her husband’s mobile retail       The loan acquired enabled the couple
                                                                                                      store. She wanted to learn more about           to upgrade the store and open a small
                                                                                                      the trade and invest more time and skills       service center for repairs of TVs, Mobile
                                                                                                      into the enterprise. Through the support        phones, and more. With Karthika being
                                                                                                      of her Allimalar SHG members and Hand           hands-on in the business the duo’s profit
                                                                                                      in Hand India team, she was trained in all      margin has also increased considerably.
                                                                                                      the necessary skills the enterprise requires.   They are now looking forward to upgrading
                                                                                                      To become a self-sustaining entrepreneur        the store with more advanced machinery
                                                                                                      she acquired the skills of bookkeeping,         and equipment for sales and services
                                                                                                      budgeting, savings, and decision-making.        soon.

                                                                                                      With the necessary knowledge in her
                                                                                                      grasp, she went on to acquire small credit

Ms. Maheswari is one of the best examples   business she joined Sakthi SHG under Hand
we can provide to prove the fact that       in Hand India. Through the SHG’s support,
women can attain any amount of              she acquired credit support which helped
success through sheer hard work and         her improve business and build good
perseverance. She and her husband, a        contacts.
daily wage laborer ran an in-house gauze
bandage thread weaving enterprise           The networks she built through the SHG’s
to earn extra money as it proved to         support had certainly paid off, for now, she
be difficult to run the household on        receives high-value orders from a well-
her husband’s earnings. The business        established private firm in Rajapalayam.
proceeds enabled them to hire more          Her monthly income has tripled since
support. Business was good but Maheswari    and she also employs six other workers.
had a bigger picture in mind. She wanted    Maheshwari through her determination
to expand her enterprise and create a       has not just improved her lifestyle but has
name for herself in the industry.           played a pivotal part in enhancing the six
To improve her skills and develop the       workers’ livelihoods as well.

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                        #RelentlessandPassionate   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21   #RelentlessandPassionate

The Way Forward
As the pandemic is far from over and the impact of it will linger for several years, it is
important to continue to focus on building resilience, social capital, and economic self-
reliance of the SHG women by promoting enterprises, digital technology for upscaling
livelihoods, financially inclusive services and better recovery systems to mitigate the
impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Efforts will be made to promote self-reliant communities by working on integrated
issues of health, education, environment, and livelihoods promotion. Health and
education will be the priority areas to combat the after effects of the pandemic
and build better futures.

Our dedicated efforts will be directed towards strengthening our CLNs and BLNs to be
effective forums for women to advocate better community development, strengthen
their agencies, and expand their mobility and decision-making abilities both within their
personal and public (community and market) spaces.

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                       #AccesstoHealthcare   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                        #AccesstoHealthcare

                                                                                                     Our                                              Key Achievements

                                                                                                                                                      of FY 2020-2021

# Access
                                                                                                                                                578     Medical Camps Benefitting 43,574

                                                                                                                                                12      Kai-Raasi Clinics 559 Sessions

                                                                                                                                                        Benefitting 9,487 People
                                                                                                                           + Tamil Nadu
                                                                                                                                                24,753 Supported through Individual Counselling

                                                                                                                                                429     Group Meetings of Personal Hygiene

                                                                                                                                                        & Health Benefits were Provided

                                                                                                                                                        to 4,909 People

                                                                                                                            + Jharkhand
                                                                                                                                                109    Mass Awareness Drives on Personal

                                                                                                                                                       Hygiene and Health Benefits were

                                                                                                                                                       provided to 8,869 People

                                                                                                                                                527    Calls Attended through COVID-19 Helpline

                                                                                                                           + Madhya Pradesh		   16     Individual Household Toilets Constructed
Access to healthcare is the broader          focus areas of the health pillar are early
                                                                                                                                                       for ST Families
goal of health intervention. Through our     childhood care, malnourishment, maternal
initiatives, the Pillar has reached out to   health, anaemia control, water, sanitation,
over 2 million families across India. The    non-communicable diseases, and remote                                                              476    Women Supported for Anaemia Treatment
model works primarily by bridging gaps       access to health care.
in the existing healthcare network set up
by the Government and ensuring access                                                                                                           224    Children Recovered from Malnourishment
to Government Healthcare schemes. The
                                                                                                                           + Bihar
                                                                                                                                                6,414 SHG Women Trained on Healthcare

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                       #AccesstoHealthcare    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                      #AccesstoHealthcare

Our Resilient Adaptations
                                                                                                                                                   When people could not access Hospitals;
The health pillar’s COVID-19 warriors        COVID-19 protocols amongst the women                                                                  we took quality primary healthcare
were on the field and on their toes while    and children of the communities. The                                                                  services to their doorsteps through Mobile
fighting against the pandemic. The team
distributed PPE kits to frontline workers,
                                             team strived to empower and enrich 1500
                                             stakeholders that comprised of social                 Primary                                         Healthcare Units (MMUs). Through these
                                                                                                                                                   MMUs we have successfully distributed

conducted medical camps through              workers, frontline workers, Anganwadi                                                                 299 free eyewear, facilitated 13 cataract
Mobile Medical Units (MMUs) to reach the     women, volunteers, and health staff on                                                                surgeries, and implemented 12 rural clinics
remotest parts of villages, and served       healthcare benefits, personal hygiene, and                                                            where 9487 beneficiaries were consulted

underprivileged rural people who were cut    COVID-19 relief measures and protocols                                                                through 559 sessions.
off from the quality primary healthcare      through online training/awareness/
facilities due to lockdowns. The team also   counseling sessions.
conducted awareness drives on

                                                                                                   Health Help
                                                                                                                                                   and patrons while monitoring social
                                                                                                                                                   distancing & encouraged people to adorn

                                                                                                                                                   a face mask at all times. The team assisted
                                                                                                   A Health Help Desk at Kancheepuram              senior citizens and helped them reach the
                                                                                                   Government District Headquarters Hospital       concerned departments and doctors and

Initiatives                                  We supported Government bodies
                                             with COVID-19 safety gears, COVID-19
                                                                                                   was launched to help poor people
                                                                                                   navigate the hospital premises with ease.
                                                                                                   Through this first of its kind initiative, we
                                                                                                                                                   ensured the treatment is provided with a
                                                                                                                                                   short time to reduce the risk of infection.
                                                                                                                                                   Lastly, we assisted emergency patients with

                                             screening camps, and vaccination drives.
                                             The field workers who were not aware                  supported 90,053 beneficiaries, facilitated     immediate medical care and attention
                                             of the operations of a smartphone were                1,632 people with COVID-19 vaccination,         by engaging the hospital staff. Following
                                             empowered through technology and                      and raised awareness about the CM health        the resounding success of the initiative
                                             are now admins of WhatsApp groups,                    insurance initiative amongst 1,051 people.      in Kancheepuram, the same has been
                                             sharing health awareness IECs with their              We also raised awareness on immunization        replicated in Chengalpattu Government
                                             community members and social workers.                 and COVID Helpline-104 to 1,479 mothers         Medical College and Hospital.
                                             The team also helped people register for
                                             the COVID-19 vaccine on the Arogya Setu
                                             App through mobile phones and other
                                             electronic devices. We set up a COVID-19
                                             toll-free helpline number to benefit those
                                             with queries while raising awareness. We
                                             have to date responded and tended to 527
                                             helpline calls. The helpline number was not
                                             just utilized for COVID-19 related queries
                                             but also for psychosocial support to those
                                             seeking help and to those who were
                                             overwhelmed with the pandemic’s effects.

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                                #AccesstoHealthcare    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                     #AccesstoHealthcare

Case Study                                                                                                  Case Study

A Nutritious Plan that
Saved a Life

                                                                                                            Educated, Confident and

                                                                                                            Lokeshwari, 15 years of age lost her mother     change and would not share their plights
                                                                                                            at the age of 14 and her father is a tailor.    of pain with others. But through the Hand
                                                                                                            She gained some basic knowledge of              in Hand India MHM project awareness
In the routine camps under the project               and safe life. We reconciled with the NRC              hygiene and menstrual management                programme, conditions improved
“Promoting child-friendly and sustainable            supervisor and as per his instruction                  from her mother. But it didn’t seem to          impressively.
community” in Bihar, the Health team                 had the child treated by a private doctor              be enough as she had no idea of the
stumbled across a severely malnourished              in the vicinity. We ensured that Anjali                disposal methods. Lokeshwari used either        The school now has two incinerators that
girl child, Anjali. At the time of identification,   received regular health check-ups and                  a cloth napkin or sanitary napkins but was      are used for disposal; the girls are aware
the child was dangerously underweight                support every 14 days and provided health              unmindful of the frequency of changing          of the safe disposal methods and follow
and was very critical. The poor financial            awareness counseling to the mother. The                the absorbent. She admitted candidly to         hygienic menstrual practices. Lokeshwari
stature of the family prevented them from            team regularly followed up on the child’s              the team that she would often throw the         has also started to raise awareness about
providing proper nutrition or medical care           treatment and provided nutritious food to              disposables out the window or dispose           menstrual hygiene to her friends, family,
for the child. Moreover, when the team               the family along with the doctor-prescribed            of them into the toilet. She shared that        and even her father. Opening up to her
reached out to the Nutrition Rehabilitation          medications. In 45 days, Anjali started to             many girls at the school opted for these        father has proved that she is not ashamed
Center (NRC) in the subdivision hospital of          display a tremendous recovery rate. She                methods. The lack of awareness and the          but rather proud of her learning on health
Rajauli, we discovered that the center was           is heading towards a healthy lifestyle and             poor Menstrual Health Management (MHM)          and hygiene. The role of behavioral change
closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.                 the parents are very grateful for our timely           facilities at Government schools caused a       and advocacy go a long way in ingraining
This is when the team went above and                 intervention.                                          lot of problems to the girls. The girls would   best practices as proved by Lokeshwari
beyond to help provide the girl a healthy                                                                   not wash their hands with soap after the        and her classmates.

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The Way Forward

The future is very unpredictable but the         community members on health aspects.
health pillar always strives to be one step      We hope to provide COVID-19 prevention
ahead. The future as with everything else        awareness & ensure maximum reach of
is digital. In the pipeline, we aim to deliver   COVID-19 Vaccination Awareness. We strive
the best health services to hard-to-reach        to continue to support the Government
communities through telemedicine service.        bodies by upgrading Government Health
We have plans to set up a participatory          Centers, medical equipment and safety
mobile radio platform with the objective         gears and implement numerous medical
to create awareness on health aspects.           camps and Kairaasi clinics. We also aim
This initiative will impart the following        to expand the Health Help Desk initiative to
changes; increased awareness on health           North India.
issues and behavioral changes among the

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                             #TrainToEmpower   Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21                                          #TrainToEmpower

                                                   Train                                              Our
                                                   To                                                 Presence
                                                                                                                                      + Tamil Nadu 			               + Madhya Pradesh

                                                                                                      + Maharashtra			                                  + Himachal Pradesh			        + Punjab

The Skill Development and Technology          The pillar has added new skill training
Centres Pillar, evolved in 2015, from our     programmes including; retail sales,                     + Andhra Pradesh		                                    + Karnataka				             + Bihar
earlier Citizen Centre programme with         customer relationship, telesales,
the purpose of “bridging the skills deficit   microfinance, making of scented lamp
gap among women, youth and farmers            oil, instant food mix, dish wash gel, herbal
for creating sustainable livelihoods by       spice tea, fish compost, phenyl, sewing
enhancing their skill levels and creating     machine repair and service, CCTV
better entrepreneurship through micro/        installation, drone operations, computer,
social enterprises and employability”. A      and office applications, etc. The pillar
total of 8,470 women and youth were           has many more in the pipeline and                                                             + Gujarat                  + Rajasthan
trained in FY 2020-21 on a pan-India level.   hopes to have them implemented in the
                                              upcoming years in synchronization with
                                              market assessments to ensure there is
                                              employment post-training.
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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                        #TrainToEmpower   Hand in Hand | Annual Report 2020–21                                       #TrainToEmpower

Our Resilient Adaptations

Due to the National Lockdown that was       The SDTC pillar introduced virtual training
induced in March 2020, all of the offline   for the youth under customized modules
classes and centers were forced to shut     on Retail Sales and Customer Relationships
down and this imposed a great challenge     were developed. The team also has
for the pillar’s function. Numerous         implemented short-term training on
attendees struggled to make ends meet       scented lamp oil making, instant food
as their skill-building programme was       making, and dish wash gel making, and
cut short and they had no jobs in hand.     phenyl making to stay in sync with the
The rural women were forced to return to    current times and to also generate a
the old conditions of depending on their    nominal income for those who lost their
husbands for livelihood. Hence to reduce    livelihoods. The SDTC pillar also conducted
the impact of the lockdown and the          a workshop for the Assistant Beauty
pandemic, the SDTC team took matters        Therapist (ABT) beneficiaries and training
into our own hands and learned to adapt     on income generation, shop registration,
and invent new methods.                     and the availability of government
                                            schemes was provided.

Our Work

                                                                                                                                       Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most

                                            Training for                                                                               of the members lost their livelihood as
                                                                                                                                       there wasn’t any other alternative option

                                            Youth                                               Training
                                                                                                                                       available. Our standalone skill training
                                                                                                                                       centers were running with inadequate
                                                                                                                                       participants which brought more expenses

                                            Due to the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown,
                                            most of the training was stopped
                                                                                                Center                                 than normal time. Against this backdrop,
                                                                                                                                       we started a multi-skill training center, here
                                                                                                                                       about 3 to 4 skill training on Beautician
                                            as restrictions were imposed by the                                                        programmes, Aari embroidery, Tailoring
                                            government. During this time, SDTC                                                         and Computer applications to name a few
                                            conducted two different virtual training                                                   were conducted together at one common
                                            programmes for youth. The core idea                                                        center effectively and efficiently to
                                            behind the training was to empower                                                         minimize expenses and increase revenue
                                            unemployed youth, especially the sons/                                                     for the pillar’s sustainability.
                                            daughters of rural SHG women.

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                         #TrainToEmpower    Hand in Hand | Annual Report 2020–21                                           #TrainToEmpower

                                                                                                 Case Study

Agricultural Practices                                                                           Enriching the Youth in the
through Drone Sprayer                                                                            Country
Technology                                                                                       #TrainToEmpower

Special training on drone sprayers was
imparted to the farmers of Molasur GP.
During the training programme, farmers
were taught how to operate the drone
and they also learned about the benefits
they can impart through the usage of this
smart technology. The drones are capable
of flying 50 to 100 m above the ground,
spray small quantities of the pesticide on
targeted spots on the farmlands. Through
this technology, farmers can save both
time and money. Through the usage of this
method, the farmers will be able to save
INR 600/day labor costs.

Herbal Need
                                             Understanding the need to consume                   “Learning Basic Computer Course has
                                             more immunity-boosting food items, the              sharpened my knowledge and eased my
                                             SDTC pillar implemented a new initiative of         work”, thanks to Hand in Hand India!” says

of the Hour                                  introducing Herbal Spice Tea powder. Unlike         Mr. Kamalraj with a grateful heart.
                                             other tea powders available in the market,
                                             the Herbal Spice Tea comes with a blend of          A family situation led Mr. Kamalraj to quit   in the department, for everyone reaches
                                             ingredients such as raw tea powder, green           school at 11th grade but his determination    out to him for any computer requirement.
                                             cardamom, dried ginger, dried rose petals,          led to him to join the Tamil Nadu Police      He is now an indispensable asset and his
                                             dried tulsi leaves, black peppercorns,              department as a constable. Yet, his lack of   skill has boosted his confidence. Hand in
                                             ashwagandha, glycyrrhiza glabra, cloves,            education in computer skills caused him       Hand India’s Skill Development pillar aims
                                             cinnamon, nutmeg and fennel seeds that              some troubles as the police job demanded      at bridging the gap between skills and
                                             help in boosting immunity. In 3 months,             him to operate and work on computers          employability among youth, women, and
                                             a total of 80 kg of Herbal Spice Tea has            often. This skill would enable him to apply   farmers.
                                             been sold for INR 44,000. This income               for higher positions within the department
                                             was distributed among three members                 so he reached out to Hand in Hand India
                                             engaged in the group enterprise of women            and took up the basic computer skills
                                             who created and sold this product.                  course offered. Post completion of the
                                                                                                 course, Kamalraj’s demand has increased

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                         #TrainToEmpower    Hand in Hand India | Annual Report 2020–21     #TrainToEmpower

Case Study

An Augmented
                                                                                                 The Way Forward

                                                                                                 SDTC plans on targeting more SHG women

                                                                                                 to train them in a virtual mode through
                                                                                                 technology-based skill training enhancing
                                                                                                 short-term skill training which would
#TrainToEmpower                                                                                  support them in supplementing their
                                                                                                 income. The pillar will work in close synergy
                                                                                                 with corporates to provide tailormade skill
                                                                                                 training to suit the market requirements
                                                                                                 and will work closely with Academic
                                                                                                 institutions and Hand in Hand Academy for
                                                                                                 strengthening skills of youth.

“The training conducted by Hand in Hand
India has helped me boost my confidence
because of which I am now able to excel
at work”, expresses Gayathri.

Gayathri was just like every other college-   eye-opener for Gayathri as she was able
going student who aspired to reach            to unearth her hidden talents. Through
heights of success. She was known to be       the course, she gained self-confidence
a very shy girl who lacked self-confidence.   which enabled her to speak boldly in
All this changed when she enrolled            front of a crowd. The constant support
in the virtual skill training course on       and encouragement helped Gayathri
Telemarketing, Retail Sales, and Customer     perform well in the interview conducted by
Relationship jointly conducted by Hand in where she bagged a great
Hand India. The course turned out to be an    job offer!

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Gratitude & Resilience for a new world                                 #Innovation&Determination   Hand in Hand | Annual Report 2020–21                  #Innovation&Determination



                                   # Innovation                                                                               + Karnataka   + Telangana

                                         The role of partnerships and alliances is
                                         ever critical in today’s world where building
                                         lasting relationships is a key to success.
                                         Acting as a segue for fundraising initiatives                                       + Tamil Nadu    + Gujarat
                                         and project implementation, the dynamic
                                         team plays a critical role in sharing Hand in
                                         Hand India’s impact.

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