REC R - Let's Pray for the People of the Bush

Page created by Paul Webb
REC R - Let's Pray for the People of the Bush
September 24, 1994


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                       Let's Pray for the
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                      People of the Bush
                             (See page 7)
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REC R - Let's Pray for the People of the Bush

Even if It Rains Today
                                                            and train-loads of hay being sent to                      Adventists, but for all those being dev-

I   t's tough in the Australian bush
    right now. We're used to drought;
it's one of the realities of life in the
                                                            drought-stricken areas.
                                                              But it wasn't this that caught our
                                                            attention a few days ago. It was a let-
                                                                                                                      astated by the drought.
                                                                                                                         As we've talked to Adventist farm-
                                                                                                                      ers living in drought areas (you'll hear
sunburnt country. But it's out of hand.                     ter. Listen.                                              from them on pages 8 and 9), we found
   Many farmers are in their fourth                           "I'm writing to ask if you could pray                   that many are just hanging on, most
year of drought, but they'd already had                     for my husband and me. We are                             not knowing whether they'll survive.
two or three poor seasons beforehand.                       drought-stricken graziers in our 60s                      And even when the drought breaks,
Some now wonder if they'll ever recov-                      and 50s. We have had four years of                        the problems won't be immediately
er; and some wonder if they should just                     drought, have had to sell off all our                     solved.
walk away from the farm and try to                          stock and now our bank is threatening                        Even if the rains come today, even if
make a new start. Others fear that the                      to take over.                                             they come before you read this, their
banks will take over at any moment.                           "We have nowhere to go while our                        situations will still be difficult. It's
   We Aussies have grown up with                            property is being sold and we're living                   going to take time for new feed to grow
romantic notions of drought. It's part                      in an old, run-down farmhouse with                        and the crops to ripen. There are, for
of the struggle of the bush—the battler                     our youngest son.                                         some, huge debts to pay. There's going
against the elements. Somehow, says                           "If we could get an acceptable price                    to be a need for more prayer before
the folklore, the battler will win.                         before the bank steps in, then we could                   things will be right again.
   But we're basically an urban society,                    clear our debts and buy a little home of                     We propose that on next Sabbath,
more familiar with cheese dip than                                                                                    October 1, time should be set aside for
cheesy bloat. We can be quite removed                          We propose that on next                                prayer for the people in the bush. We
from the land and the people who are                           Sabbath, October 1, time                               suggest that we take time to concen-
its stewards. While we outside the                             should be set aside for
                                                                                                                      trate our thoughts and our petitions to
drought areas talk about an economy                                                                                   God in prayer for those who are suffer-
                                                               prayer for those in the bush
in recovery, many on the land face                                                                                    ing under the drought.
ruin, for the reality of drought is cruel.                     suffering under the drought.                             Paul instructed the Ephesians to
Devastating. Tragic.                                                                                                  "Always keep on praying for all the
   Television and newspaper images of                       our own and get the pension. I hope                       saints" (6:18, NIV). That instruction
the drought are becoming more emo-                          you can lend your prayers to us to help                   applies to us and includes our prayers
tive. Queensland's drought has spread                       us.                                                       for the country saints—particularly
south. During the last week of August,                        "Thank you for your support."                           those going through hard times at the
most of New South Wales was officially                        As we considered this letter, in the                    moment.
declared a drought area. Even in the                        editorial team's Monday morning                             Some farmers, Adventists among
land of the short-black cloud,                              prayer time, it occurred to us that the                   them, will be spending their last year
Tasmania, farmers are reportedly                            whole church family should be aware                       on the farm unless God intervenes.
killing newborn lambs because of the                        of the pain suffered by our church                        That alone is enough reason for our
dry conditions.                                             cousins caught in drought regions.                        prayers.
   Now we're seeing a renewed empha-                          But we want to go further and ask                         "For the eyes of the Lord are on the
sis on the drought relief with celebrity                    you for your prayers, not only for this                   righteous and his ears are attentive to
concerts to raise funds, the government                     couple, but for all Adventists suffering                  their prayer" (1 Peter 3:12, NIV).
announcing increased aid and truck-                         in drought areas. And not only for                                                     The Editors

Official Paper                               Subscriptions South Pacific Division,      Departments and Services:                   Education Les Devine (Director), Barry
Seventh-day Adventist Church                 $A31.00 $NZ43.40.                          ADRA Harold Halliday (Director), Neil       Hill, Owen Hughes, Don Roy, Bob Spoor
South Pacific Division                       All other regions, $A67.00 $NZ94.00. Air   Hughes, Peter Truscott                      Health Food Eugene Grosser (Director),
                                             mail postage rates on application. Order   Adventist Health Percy Harrold              Greg Gambrill, Eckhardt Kemmerer, Allan
Editor Bruce Manners                         from Signs Publishing Company,             (Director), Harley Stanton                  Staples
Assistant Editors Lee Dunstan,               Warburton, Victoria 3799, Australia.       Adventist Media Centre John Banks           Ministerial Association Gerhard Pfandl
Karen Miller                                 Printed weekly by Signs Publishing         Archivist and Statistician Roy Clifford     Publishing Bruce Campbell
Editorial Secretary Glenda FairsII           Company.                                   Auditing Service Max Mitchell (Director),   Risk Management Service Robert Smith
Copy Editor Graeme Brown                                                                Ernie Moffitt, Earle Robson, Neville        Trust Services Jim Lansdown
Senior Consulting Editor Laurie Evans        Directory of the South Pacific Division    Sawert, Robert Stratford                    (Legal Trustee: Australasian Conference
Manuscripts All copy for the RECORD          148 Fox Valley Road, Wahroonga, NSW        Christian Services for the Blind and        Association Limited. A.C.N. 000 003 930
should be sent to: The Editor, RECORD,       2076. Phone (02) 489 7122.                 Hearing Impaired Ray Coombe                 Secretary: Tom Andrews, Assistant
Signs Publishing Company, Warburton,         President Bryan Ball                       Church Ministries Bryan Craig (Director     Secretaries: Richard Milne, Properties;
Victoria 3799. Manuscripts or computer       Secretary Laurie Evans                     and Family Ministries), Wilfred Bili        Bruce Jackson, Finance.)
disks will be returned only if accompanied   Treasurer Tom Andrews                      (Stewardship), Colleen Buxton (Children's
by a stamped, self-addressed envelope.       Assistant to President Gerald Clifford     Ministries), Barry Gane (Youth), Alwyn
Phone (059) 66 9111. Fax (059) 66 9019.      Associate Secretary Vern Parmenter         Salom (Personal Ministries), Eric Winter
                                             Associate Treasurers Owen Mason,           (Sabbath School)
                                             Lynray Wilson                              Communication, Public Affairs and
Cover Photo: James Hardie and Co             Field Secretary Gerhard Pfandl             Religious Liberty Ray Coombe                Vol 99 No 37

2                                                                                                                                                  RECORD September 24, 1994

                                               could not have been put better.             Noticeboard items as you do for adver-
       Can Right Be Wrong?                     Although I have read your explanation       tisements.
  I agree with "Timely Editorial"              (August 13), I am afraid it brings me no       We think you are doing a tremendous
(Letters, August 13) about the 27 funda-       comfort. The cold and sterile formality     job with Signs. Keep it up, but don't lose
mentals. However, I'm worried if they          of the death notices these days is such     any more hair or sleep.
are changed, at which time they will           that I can no longer read them. I                                   Hona Hon, NSW
then be said to be correct. That would         enjoyed reading about the people even
mean that what I might now believe             though I didn't know most of them, for           Did my mother ask you to write this?
must be wrong. Perhaps, then, I should         after all, they were a part of our church
not glory in correctness, but in 1             family. (I also miss knowing where                 Big Bucks Better Spent
Corinthians 2:2.       Russ Pringle, Vic       newly-married couples intend living.)          I think it's a shame to see megabucks
                                                  I would still rather receive RECORD      spent on hospital building expansion
         Request for Prayer                    than the world edition Adventist            programs such as that of the Sydney
  I think it would be great to have a          Review, and have you publish the rele-      Adventist Hospital and the Warburton
prayer-answering scheme in which peo-          vant-to-the-South Pacific articles from     Hospital. The money could be used for
ple send their requests for prayer know-       Review in RECORD instead.                   such evangelistic purposes as Signs dis-
ing that someone will pray for them.                                Anne Grayson, NNZ      tribution in prisons or the outback, or
Maybe we could bring souls to the mes-                                                     put into drug and alcohol rehabilitation
sage this way.        (Mrs) D Burg, Qld          All RECORD readers will have an           centres, developing women's refuges
                                               opportunity to help decide whether we       and psychiatric institutions.
   The editors have a special time of          should continue with the Adventist                                      C Proud, SNZ
prayer each Monday morning when they           Review or revert to a weekly RECORD
often take prayer requests to the Lord.        with selected Review articles after the       While the Signs editor thought that
They would be happy to receive more.           current 12-month trial period.              megabucks for Signs was a good idea, he
                                                                                           did point out that he felt it was important
    Survey of Missing Persons                            Alarming Photo                    for the Adventist Church to be at the
   During the past few months I have             I was rather alarmed when I read          forefront of medical science in Australia
wondered how many people who                   your reply to the letter "Speaks for        and New Zealand. He also noted that
attended our training institutions have        Many" (August 13). Looking at your          Warburton Hospital has a 20-bed drug
left the church—and for what reasons. I        photo, I don't think you can afford to      and alcohol rehabilitation wing.
would like to do a study to find out if        lose any more hair or sleep, seeing such
there is some common factor that caus-         a heavy responsibility rests on your
es people to change their beliefs or if        shoulders and all of you who work so              Views expressed in Letters do not necessarily rcpre-
some other factors such as insecurity,         hard for RECORD and Signs and our           sehnotultdhonsoet oe u
                                                                                                                t t ehee de d25
                                                                                                                               ' too r oorrd the
                                                                                                                                             s and esnhoom dn abtieo n L ett e r
                                                                                                                                                                     mailed tos
power or money cause them to drift             other publications.                         RECORD Editor, Signs Publishing Company,
slowly out.                                       Why do Adventists want everything        Warburton Victoria 3799. Writers must include their
   My aim is to find those who attended        for nothing? Just charge for                name, address and telephone number. Letters received
                                                                                           more than three weeks after the date of the issue carrying
Avondale (1959-62) and the Sydney                                                          the article to which they respond will normally not be
Adventist Hospital (1964-66).                                                              printed. All letters will be edited to meet space and liter-
                                                                                           ary requirements, but the author's original meaning will
   I wonder if RECORD readers who
are relatives or know such people can
help me trace them?
                                                      ust 6inCiiii#160--                   not be changed. Not all letters received will be published.

                          Peter Bucknell,
       1/5 Allawah Flats, Ainslie Avenue
                    Braddon, ACT 2601
                                                                WE—E   uiegiWHEN_ IS X—i
                                                                             D(CELLE   I
       Give Me the RECORD                                       NExT- POTLSCIC 041(-11
   I have just been through the August                                     RoTTIR
Adventist Review, which purports to be
a "World Edition in Association With
the South Pacific Division RECORD."
I can only say, let's revert to the
RECORD on a regular basis and forget
the Review. I don't mind the occasional
Review article if it is relevant, but please
don't interrupt the free flow of the
RECORD.                    Name Withheld
        Lament for RECORD
   Dr John Hammond's letter (July 2)
 about the new format for obituaries

 RECORD September 24, 1994                                                                                                                                                    3

                                                                                                  curriculum was commented
English Program                     Elders Summer School at Avondale                              on by Dr Humberto Rasi,
   Some 700 people attend-                                                                        General Conference educa-
ed an Amazing Discoveries                                                         Applications    tion director, at a meeting
series at Stanborough Park                                                     for the upcom-     of education directors in
church, Watford, England.                                                      ing Trans-         Washington, DC, in early
The Australian Adventist                                                       Tasman Union       August. The new South
Media Centre evangelist,                                                       Conference         Pacific Division primary
Pastor Geoff Youlden,                                                          Elders Summer      curriculum, "God Is Like
commenced the campaign                                                         School to be       This," featured in a presen-
supported by South Pacific                                                     held at            tation by Dr Don Roy at
Division ministers                                                             Avondale           the program. The new cur-
Anthony Mitchell and                                                           College,           riculum is currently being
Pastor Larry Laredo. A                                                         January 8-14,      implemented in Australian
field school of evangelism                                                     will be accepted   and New Zealand schools.
is to be held for pastors of                                                   on a first-come,
the South England                                                              first-served       Church Booked
Conference.                                                                    basis. Lecture        Kanwal church (NSW),
                                    topics include "What the Bible Says About the End             burnt down earlier this
Bible Lands Tour                    Time" (including the purpose of prophecy, issues of           year, is making recovery
  A Bible lands tour, com-          final crisis) to "Issues in Biblical Theology" (including     with the aid of the
mencing May 23, 1995, is            understanding Adventist distinctive doctrines, under-         Salvation Army, who
being organised by the              standing salvation and the nature of Christ) and work-        loaned them their facilities,
Trans-Tasman Union                  shops on preaching, teaching, health etc. Elders can          and the publishers of
Conference (TTUC). The              contact their church pastor or conference office for          Reader's Digest, who have
tour will end in Rome a             application forms.                                            given the church many
few days before the                                                                               items to make up their
General Conference                 Rwanda Concert                                                 library. Bricks for the new
Session begins in Holland.                                         support was received from      building have been chosen
A free flight to and from             Some $A540 was raised        Prime Minister Paul            and ordered, and the new
Amsterdam is part of the           at an evening concert given     Keating to those attending.    building should be com-
package. Contact Pastor            in Melbourne for the            "Many of Melbourne's           plete in six months.
Graeme Bradford at the             Adventist Development           finest gospel groups and       "Replacing items that were
TTUC office, PO Box 14,            and Relief Agency Rwanda        artists appeared at the pro-   lost, such as children's
Gordon NSW 2072. Phone             appeal on August 27. A          gram," reports concert         Sabbath school equipment,
(02) 498 8822.                     message of greeting and         organiser David                and pianos, is difficult,"
                                                                   Blennerhassett.                says communication secre-
                                                                                                  tary Midge Davidson. "We
    Did Your Hear ... ?                                            100 Years On                   know the Lord will provide
                                                                     Queensland's oldest          in His goodness."
       ... About "It Is Written's" lesson in faith?               church, Rockhampton, is
       Portugal's "It Is Written" program sometimes relies on     celebrating its centenary on    Top 1 Per Cent
    donations to stay on air, and when there was a shortfall of   October 22, 100 years to           Two Year 3 students at
    $US15,000 in money for wages, the staff turned to their       the day of its first baptism.   Brisbane (Old) Adventist
    major donor and asked for the money.                          All former members and          Primary School are consid-
      "I don't have it and cannot give you anything for at        friends are invited. For fur-   ered to be among the top 1
    least three months," he told them.                            ther information, or accom-     per cent in mathematics in
      When they asked him how they would pay the immi-            modation, contact Raelene       Australia, for their age.
    nent payroll he said, "Where's your faith?" and gave          Boyd, phone (079) 21 1234       Daniel Butler and Brenton
    them a book on faith and finance.                             or fax (079) 21 1244. If you    King recently received a
      As they reconciled their bank account to see exactly        have memorabilia that you       high distinction in an
    how much money they actually had, they discovered, to         wish to share, please con-      Australia-wide mathemat-
    their amazement, a $US15,000 deposit had been made to         tact Peter Lawson, PO Box       ics competition.
    their account without their knowledge.                        5059, North Rockhampton
      They traced the transaction to see if it was a mistake,     Qld 4702.                       PACIFIC ISLANDS
    but found it had come from a prominent non-Adventist
    businessman. Several months before, the telecast had          SPD Curriculum
    shown the name of the bank and account number on air             The strong lead given by     New Fijian Church
    so people could make direct donations. This businessman       South Pacific Division edu-       A church has been dedi-
    had made the deposit, and it was discovered just in time      cators to the world church      cated to the memory of a
    for the payroll.                                              in integrating faith into the   former missionary to Fiji,

4                                                                                                          RECORD September 24, 1994

the late Pastor Gordon                                                                                            ple. The dedication of the
Branster. The church seats                       Nursing Graduates Receive Awards                                 planning committee, all
200 people. The hall under-                                                                                       youth, and the support of
neath houses other func-                                                                                          the delegates made it very
tions. Jeff Brandstater, a                                                                                        apparent that the youth are
relative of Pastor Branster,                                                                                      ready and qualified to take
and present at the opening,                                                                                       over, report the organisers.
said, "You cannot under-
stand the very great thrill I                                                                                      NEWS EXTRA
have received on my brief
visit. I praise the Lord for
the working of the Holy                                                                                           ABC Radio
Spirit. Thirty years ago I                                                                                           Added features to the
visited Fiji. Then there                                                                                          Australian Broadcasting
were only two churches in                                                                                         Commission's Radio
Suva—now there are 23."                                                                                           National religious broad-
                                                                                                                  casts are: a one-hour week-
 WORLD CHURCH                                                                                                     ly program of current
                                  Photo: CTodd

                                                                                                                  affairs for religion and
                                                                                                                  developments in theology;
Laity Festival                                                                                                    programs on ethics and
   More than 300 delegates                                                                                        controversial topics; a dou-
met in Fort-de-France,                               Awards given to Avondale College nursing graduates           bling of Sunday's devotion-
Martinique, August 3-6, for                       of the Blue Class, 1994 (pictured from the left in front of     al programs; and a new
the first of four Festivals of                    Rose-Marie Radley, director of nursing), were: Annette          Caroline Jones program—a
the Laity held in the Inter-                      Eddy, Surgical Nursing Prize for clinical excellence in         weekly program reporting
American Division in the                          pre-operative nursing; Kym-Maree Bennetts, medical              the search for understand-
Central America and the                           nursing prize for clinical and academic excellence as a         ing in philosophy, psychol-
Caribbean areas. A celebra-                       medical nurse; Renae Theuns, nursing proficiency prize          ogy, sociology and anthro-
tion of the work of the                           for high level of clinical performance in clinical areas of     pology.
church members, the festi-                        nursing; Barbara Codling, the Ian Thew/Robert Gill
vals are a time of fellowship,                    Memorial Prize for academic achievement in gynaecolo-           Living Simply
meeting new and old                               gy; Wai Fong Chan, academic excellence prize through               Christian families were
friends, and a time to give                       the Bachelor of Nursing program.                                called to set an example on
thanks to the Lord for the                                                                                        how to live simply in a time
many blessings bestowed                                                                                           of recession, said the Rev
upon the church in the divi-                     Veracruz, Mexico; and              was the theme of first-ever   Gordon Moyes on Sydney
sion, according to Pastor                        Montego Bay, Jamaica. In           Asian-South Pacific Youth     radio station 2GB.
Sergio Moctezuma, Inter-                         all, the festival is expected to   Congress in the North         "Christians should look at
American Division church                         include more than 100,000          American Division. More       ways of cutting their
ministries director. Held                        laypeople and more than            than 200 youthful delegates   expenses, such as living a
once every five years, the                       15,000 delegates.—ANN              attended the full congress,   simpler lifestyle, drawing
Festivals of the Laity will be                                                      held on the campus of La      up a workable budget and
 held in three other locations:                  Fearless Youth                     Sierra University, August     sticking to it. A time of
Bucaramanga, Colombia;                             "No Fear, Just Faith"            18-21. Forty-five seminars    recession makes us re-
                                                                                    were conducted, designed      examine our lifestyle and
                                                                                    specifically for the youth.   live simply. We should care
   Scholarship Awarded to SPD Woman                                                 On Sabbath nearly 1100        for others who are really in
      The first woman in the South Pacific Division to                              people attended the meet-     need."
1.1 apply for and receive a General Conference Women's                              ings held in the Alumni
    Ministries Scholarship is Debbie Eisele. She will use                           Pavilion, and the vast         ANN—Adventist News
    the $US2000 to finance a master's degree in youth                               majority were Asian and       Network
    ministry. Mrs Eisele was presented with the scholar-                            South Pacific young peo-
    ship at the Northern Australian Conference camp-
    meeting earlier this year. She is a TAFE lecturer in                            CHURCH CALENDAR
    family studies in Mackay, Old, and a mother of two
    teenage children. Scholarship funding comes from
    sales of devotional books produced by the General                                 October 8     Adventist Appeal Rally Day
    Conference for women. Applicants for the scholarship                              October 15    Community Services Day
    should contact the Women's Ministry Department of                                               Community Services Offering
    the division.                                                                     October 29    Adventist History Awareness Day

 RECORD September 24, 1994                                                                                                                   5

I Just Couldn't Believe It!
by Robert Williams

He'd heard the accusations,                   and the money not accounted for.             nothing. And my friend's letter remains
but here's what happened                        1 Pastor Khukaluk has had at least         unanswered.
                                             six extramarital affairs.                        Meanwhile, I discovered that Pastor
when a layman decided to                        1 the church leadership has deliber-       Neal Wilson's son, Pastor Ted Wilson,
follow them up—and the con-                   ately withheld Spirit of Prophecy books      had sent the organisation a letter stating
clusions he made.                            in the Russian language from Advent           emphatically that his father would not
                                             ists in the former Soviet Union.              have said he sent his children to school
                                                And there was more.                        on Sabbath. The only school he and his

W         hat do you think of this?"
          asked the concerned church
member as he showed me a copy of the
                                                Despite the picture painted by articles
                                             in the Adventist Review, the author of
                                             "A Report from Ukraine" was
                                                                                           sister attended on Sabbath was Sabbath
                                                                                           school. Pastor Wilson further requested
                                                                                           that an indication of the complete inac-
latest edition of Steps to Life News         informed that:                                curacy of the claim regarding Neal
Notes—a publication of an organisation          1 too often the full message is not        Wilson's children attending school on
based in the USA.                            being preached in campaigns conducted         Sabbath be placed in the next issue of
   The cover story, which filled almost      in the former Soviet Union.                   Steps to Life.
half the six-page edition, was titled "A        1 baptisms take place too soon.               This request was not granted, but a
Report from Ukraine." It began with a           1 the three angels' messages are left     small item entitled "Ukraine Report
message asking the writer to: "Please        out of evangelistic series.                   Update" made two corrections. One was
take this message back to our Seventh-          1 the mark of the beast and the            in regard to Pastor Neikurs being a KGB
day Adventist brothers and sisters in        antichrist are not being preached.           agent. It read, "Though this is commonly
America." After expressing thanks for           1 in some cases, even the seventh-         believed, it may not be the case."
Bibles, books, equipment, computers,         day Sabbath is not being taught.                The other item referred to the 320
vehicles and money already sent, the            1 belief in the Spirit of Prophecy is     computers for distribution to churches.
plea came, "Please do not waste your         certainly not a test of fellowship.          It was acknowledged it should have
means by sending your gifts to us               After reading the articles, I comment-    read: "Three hundred and twenty com-
through the Seventh-day Adventist            ed that the allegations made were very       puters donated to the union by an
Church."                                     serious and, if true, were alarming. I       American to be sold for revenue for the
   Then began a list of statements,          suggested that we endeavour to verify        churches, were sold, but again no
claims and charges too numerous to be        the "facts" listed.                          accounting for the money was made."
itemised in their entirety, but which           It was agreed that the church mem-           I made it my business to personally
included the following, that:                ber, who was personally acquainted with      check with three people who had been
   1 the then-president of the               the leader of Steps to Life, would write     closely involved in Adventist evange-
Ukranian Union Conference, Pastor N          a letter asking for details of the donors    lism in the former Soviet Union. I care-
A Zhukaluk, is a KGB agent (Pastor           of some of the gifts listed and also the     fully questioned each regarding the
Zhukaluk is currently the communica-         content of a letter of reply they had        errors and omissions claimed by the
tion and public affairs and religious lib-   received from Pastor Zhukaluk.               article and each person assured me that
erty director for the union).                   At the same time I sent a fax to Steps    the claims made by the article in Steps to
   1 the former General Conference           to Life requesting details of those evan-    Life did not apply to campaigns in
president, Pastor Neal Wilson, had stat-     gelistic campaigns out of the approxi-       which they were involved. Rather, in all
ed that he sent his own children to          mately 85 crusades that were conducted       cases they knew of, deliberate steps
school on Sabbath in order that they         by Adventists during 1991 and 1992,          were taken to nurture the new members
might be better educated.                    which had been guilty of the errors and      for a considerable time after baptism
   1 all foreign funds turned over to        omissions listed. I particularly asked for   had taken place.
Pastor Zhukaluk tended to disappear.         details of campaigns that had not taught        Where I could check the claims, I
   1 the head of the union pastors asso-     the seventh-day Sabbath.                     found them to be wrong. This type of
ciation, Pastor V S Neikurs, is a KGB           Since I considered it would be            irresponsible reporting is particularly dis-
agent.                                       extremely difficult to smuggle 320 com-      appointing in view of the steps outlined
   1 a donated minibus disappeared           puters into a country, I asked for a num-    in Matthew 18:15-17 regarding com-
shortly after arrival, being sold by         ber of details regarding this gift. But      plaints against a brother. The first step is
Pastor Zhukaluk, and that no account-        despite three faxes and four telephone       to approach that brother. It's unfortunate
ing of the money received from the sale      calls that brought an assurance from the     when sincere Adventists believe infor-
has ever been made.                          Steps to Life organisation that I would      mation of this nature. The reports are
   1 some 320 computers donated for          receive a reply very soon, to date           only rumour or innuendo, having been
distribution to local churches were sold     (almost a year later) I have received        passed along through the "grapevine"—a

6                                                                                                              RECORD September 24, 1994

highly unreliable news source.                 Again we are admonished that evil            approach the individual involved. But
  As well as this admonition, the speaking is sin and produces the greatest                 why waste time, money and energy pur-
Seventh-day Adventist Church has evils in the church and we should put it                   suing shadows cast by objects without
detailed information on the definition all away (see Testimonies for the Church,            substance?
of, and attitude to be adopted to such Vol 5, pages 279, 609). And tale bearing                I'm convinced that Satan is ever
things as criticism, evil speaking, tale separates the soul from God and by it              ready to take us gently by the hand and
bearing and gossip.                          the faith of many is undermined (see           cause us to deviate ever so slightly away
   We are told that criticism is satanic, it Testimonies for the Church, Vol 2, pages       from our Saviour and His rules for liv-
hinders the church, grieves away the 185, 186; Vol 4, pages 195, 196).                      ing.
Spirit and is something for which we           Finally, we're instructed that we're to         With a nudge from time to time, he is
should find no place. Further, the remedy close our ears to gossip and that even if         able to place us in a position where we
for such actions is to work harder—then true this does not justify it being ped-            directly oppose our fellow believers and
we will not have the time or the inclina- dled (see Testimonies for the Church,             the organisation that we formerly
tion for such activities (see Testimonies Vol 5, pages 57, 58, 609).                        sought so desperately to support and
for the Church, Vol 5, pages 35, 36; Vol 6,    Our church and its leaders aren't per-       strengthen. ❑
page 42; Vol 7, pages 20, 238; Vol 9, page fect—they make mistakes like the rest
125; Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel of us do. We should be vigilant and if             Robert Williams is a service technician who writes
                                                                                            from Asquith, NSW.
Workers, page 189).                          something concerns us, we should

What Does It Mean?
by Rein Muhlberg
                                              14 in our Sabbath school quarterlies dur-     A Whole Quarter on Seven Verses?

T      he book of Revelation has excit-
       ed the imagination of genera-
tions of Bible students and been the
                                              ing the last quarter of this year gives us
                                              the privilege of making exciting discov-
                                              eries in the revelation of Jesus Christ.
                                                                                               Our week-by-week study of the mes-
                                                                                            sages of the three angels will open to us a
                                                                                            wealth of issues and we will be confront-
subject of immense speculation. Even             We shouldn't be content to merely          ed with deep and personal challenges.
in the history of our church we've seen       savour the tried and familiar in our study    What does Ellen White mean when she
some amazingly speculative attempts           of the three angels' messages. We should      declares the third angel's message to be
to unlock its symbols.                        seek to allow the Holy Spirit to open our     "righteousness by faith in verity"?'
   Ellen White wrote that "When the           hearts and minds to the awesome depths           What does the crisis that centres on
books of Daniel and Revelation are bet-       of this Christ-centred proclamation.          worship mean to us as we face the last
ter understood, believers will have an            Those who study the Scriptures only       days of earth's history? Is the fall of
entirely different religious experience.      to confirm what they learned in the past      Babylon a call to point the finger at oth-
They will be given such glimpses of the       will find it difficult to sense the prompt-   ers who don't share our understandings
open gates of heaven that heart and           ings of the Holy Spirit and will seek         of Scripture? Can we discover more
mind will be impressed with the charac-       security in their own conclusions rather      about righteousness by faith by under-
ter that all must develop in order to          than in the challenge of Scripture.          standing the contrast between those with
realise the blessedness which is to be the        Our Sabbath school Bible study of         the mark of the beast and those with the
reward of the pure in heart.                   Revelation 14 next quarter will be of lit-   seal of God? Both the saints and the fol-
   "The Lord will bless all who will seek      tle value if we fail to approach it with a   lowers of the beast have names on their
 humbly and meekly to understand that          deep longing for a revelation of Christ.     foreheads. What's in a name?
which is revealed in the Revelation. This      We desperately need to have our lives           We have many things to learn about
 book contains so much that is large with      empowered by the Spirit of God to            Christ and salvation as we study
 immortality and full of glory that all who    declare to the world the righteousness        Revelation 14 during this coming quar-
 read and search it earnestly receive the      of Christ.                                    ter. May we go beyond the pages of the
 blessing to those 'that hear the words of        As Seventh-day Adventists we have          lesson quarterly and allow the Holy
 this prophecy, and keep those things          the privilege of proclaiming to the world     Spirit to lead us into the deeper meaning
 which are written therein.'                   the certainties of God's redemptive pur-      of Scripture. We will be blessed because
   "One thing will certainly be under-         poses. That certainly doesn't rest in our     Jesus has promised we would. ❑
 stood from the study of Revelation—           ability to pinpoint accurately the course     Rein Muhlberg is the Sabbath school director for
 that the connection between God and           of history, but in the assurance that         the North New Zealand Conference.
 His people is close and decided."'             God's redemptive purposes are being
   Studying Revelation brings us to the         carried out in history.                      References
 foot of the cross where we encounter the         Prophecy is not so much concerned          1. Ellen G White, The Faith I Live By, Review and
                                                                                             Herald Publishing Association, USA, page 345.
 reality of God's grace and love. The mes-      with identifying the future as it is with    2. Ellen G White, Evangelism, Review and Herald
 sages of the three angels of Revelation        making God known in that future.             Publishing Association, USA, page 190.

 RECORD September 24, 1994                                                                                                                   7

Past Carin'?                                                                                  Advent
by Calvin B Durrant
                   Now up and down the siding brown
                           The great black crows are flyin',
                   And down below the spur, I know,
                           Another "milker's dyin';
                   The crops have withered from the ground,
                           The tank's clay bed is glarin,
                   But from my heart no tear nor sound,
                           For I have gone past carin' —
                           Past worryin' or carin'.
                           Past feelin' aught or carin';
                           But from heart no tear nor sound,
                           For I have gone past carin'.

   Henry Lawson penned these words towards the end of the 19th century, yet                                                        rE
he might well have been describing the 1994 "big dry" that sees Australia's pri-                                                 we
mary producers in the vice-like grip of the worst drought in a hundred years.                                            taken a lot
   Queensland has been struggling and now some 60 per cent of New South                                           hard around here
Wales alone has been declared drought stricken. It's expected that this year's                               years now. Businesses
wheat crop will be the smallest in 40 years. Already New South Wales farmers                            Adventist couple in their 6(
have lost more than $A1 billion in income.
                                                                                                     retirement money on food for
   And where once the men and women on the land could place their hope in
one good fall of rain to turn it all around, much of rural Australia is now so                     farmer lives away from his famil
devastated that many will not earn any income until 1996, even if the much                       spends her time dragging out shy
prayed for rains arrive soon.                                                                   around their nearly dry dam."—Q/c
   This is tragic for those on the land, and the domino effect caused by such
conditions is now trickling through to the city in the form of price rises for               "Christians are coping. One sheep fat
bread, milk, breakfast cereals and other grain products. At the same time, the             church, recently quoted Joshua 1:9; Ps
cotton industry reels from a $A400 million loss in production, which will soon             2:7 in church. These promises, and kee
impact on the cost of clothes for a nation desperate to break the recession
                                                                                           gives strength to carry on."—WA
   But it's not the city folk who are really feeling the pinch—just yet. It's in the
bush that you'll find the parched dust bowls that were once lush paddocks sup-               "Forget the last three to four years. It
porting prize-winning stock.                                                               we've had a good season. Our stock a,
   It's here, too, that you will see the mounting numbers of animal graveyards             than you hear. Farmers have got no figl-
beside the cracked clay beds of rivers, dams and waterholes.                                 "It's stressful ... it affects everyone,
   It's on the outlying runs that you can hear the desolate sound of rusted farm-          People in the city don't understand the
house hinges as farmers walk away from generations of toil and planning, leav-
ing their homes to the whims of wind and weather.                                             "One of our neighbours sowed all the
   And it's on the streets of the inland towns that you'll recognise the telltale
                                                                                           crop this year. They've lost everything.
marks of despair on the faces of landowners about to renegotiate crippling
bank loans in order to handfeed their few remaining breeders that form the                    "There was another farm sale nearby
single lifeline to a future for their children.                                            people support each other. One man liv
   Yet bush people are no pushovers. A long heritage of self-reliance and inde-            was to be sold because the banks coull
pendence goes against revealing to their city cousins that they can no longer                 "We are just watching farmers leave t
afford items that others take for granted. But the facts are that many are                 is mid-50. And their children aren't cam
unable to afford even toothpaste, shampoo or soap.                                         seen how impossible it has been for us,
   Already, urban Australians have rallied to the call for help from the bush.
So, how about you? Will you remain mute, without trace of a sympathetic tear
in your eye? Is your heart past carin'?
Calvin B Durrant is a lecturer in language education at the University of New England in
Armidale, NSW.
                                                                                             "The folk are of good courage, but pry
                                                                                           for awhile."—Old pastor

Let's Pray for the People
                                                                                         "The farmers
t Farmers Talk                                                                             in the area
                                                                                     really appreciate
                                                                             the support from their
e Drought                                                                   church family with their
                                                                              prayers and concerns.
                                                                        Having support and prayers
                                                                          from the extended church
                                                                       family . . . it means so much
                                                                      and we say thank you." WA
                                                         "We'll cope, we'll get through, but it's getting people down. Third-
                                                   and fourth-generation farmers are losing their farms. It's no wonder that
                                                        [name] is the suicide capital of the golden west as we call it."—Q1c1
!ople are
I hard                                     "Prices have been very poor. To produce a tonne of grain has cost $A80 and the
 they've                              prices are now at $A60 a tonne. With small or nonexistent profit margins, the drought
is been so                                                                                                       is devastating.
 or eight                                           "Some have had to sell all their sheep and it is difficult, almost impossi-
lg. One                                               ble to restock again. Farmers in debt are the ones in trouble."—NSW
 ent their
K. Another                                        "The worst hit are the grain farmers—the broadacre farmers; they won't
_. His wife                                    recover—even when the drought breaks. I'd estimate about 30 per cent of
 in the mud                                      grain-growers will be liquidated. For them it's not rain that's the problem.
                                               Unless they can get lower costs the problem will never go away."—Former
                                                                                                                   farmer, Qld
 at [name]
and Revelation                           "All are putting their futures, and farms, in God's hands. The little rain that has
Jch with God,                             come has been greatly and thankfully received. Their neighbours and friends
                                           who don't have faith in God are very discouraged and despondency is at an
                                            all-time high. Those who don't know God are going deeper and deeper into
ore like nine or 10 since                         depression and good farmers are making mistakes. This will be the last
we run down. It's worse                                                                      year for some farmers."—WA
eople are all affected.
.nd impact of it."—Old                                                                                       "My own person-
                                                                                                            al faith? You won-
I there won't be a                                                                                         der sometimes; it's
                                                                                                                just a matter of
le would bid. The                                                                                            waiting; it's never
 farm for four years after it                                                                                been easy."—Old
 good price for it.
Drties. The average age of farmers
 e tradition. Our own children have
 're not going to stay."—NSW

ay have been            "For those farmers whose wives have paid jobs it's a bit easier. The extra wage keeps us
                      going. At the moment our farm is OK—we have feed for the sheep. But we're 99 per cent sure
                      we won't get a crop this year."—NSW

Pf the Bush on October 1

New Vision Found in SA
    ision 2000, now under way, is the           istry in every church; becoming
    South Australian Conference's               financially self-supporting; edu-
recovery program for what may prove             cating people on tithe; consid-
to be the conference's make-or-break            ering conference assets with a
year. The SA News (conference paper)            view to establishing an income-
headline of "South Australia in Crisis"         earning endowment fund;
in July reflected concerns felt over the        establishing a special Vision
past few years with the conference's            2000 project fund; having
decline in funds, cuts in staff and static      increased pastoral care; regular
growth.                                         outreach programs to be coor-
   The conference has experienced no            dinated wherever possible;
growth in 10 years, and last year there         establishing former-member
was a negative growth of -1.32 per cent.        ministry teams in each church;
A grant of $A100,000 from the South             developing a more positive
Pacific Division has kept the conference        public image as a caring church;
solvent for 1994, but it is not expected        making contact with every
to be available again. Pastoral staffing        dwelling in South Australia;
has dropped from 17 full-time ministers         every church active in helping The new vision for South Australia, shared by conference
in 1986, to 10 full-time and three part-        to meet people's needs in the          president Pastor Neil Watts at a city-wide rally, was
time ministers in 1994.                         community; giving study to the developed by members of the conference and is based
   "In summary," says Pastor Neil               number and location of church-                         on spiritual revival.
Watts, conference president, "we are in         es with a view to establishing
danger of becoming a mission, depen-            more viable and properly staffed starting to become enthusiastic. I cannot
dent on outside support rather than             churches where possible; providing ade- stress the importance of spiritual renew-
being a viable, self-supporting and             quate training for leaders and members al enough, and that this is a call to
growing conference.                             according to their spiritual gifts; provid- prayer."
   "The first steps to turn the situation       ing professional evaluation of and con-          Additional training for elders and
around were the calling together of vari-       sultation services to the education sys- church members is planned to provide
ous people. We brainstormed and                 tem.                                          resources for people in the local church
prayed together, we shared ideas, had a            "We're aiming to keep the 'vision' in should the pastor not be available. They
combined city-wide rally launch and             front of people all the time," says Pastor will be instructed in leadership skills, in
presented a spiritual challenge to the          Watts. "We're using everything from biblical knowledge, interpersonal skills
conference. Church pastors, elders,             new tithe envelopes printed with Vision and how to preach and share their faith
church members and conference offi-             2000 and explaining the projects on it, to so that the conference can have a more
cers met on July 2, creating the basis for      money tins—we're asking people to put efficient force of lay ministers.
Vision 2000—the strategy to turn the            their spare change in the tin.                   "We are so short staffed that getting
conference around.                                 "We'll be asking for greater prayer all this going and keeping it rolling is
   "We as a conference are consecrating         commitment and establishing a confer- difficult when we're cutting back all the
and dedicating ourselves to reaching a          ence-wide prayer circle or prayer part- time," says Pastor Watts. "But if money
vision of where we would like the church        ners. I'll be producing a newsletter for comes in we'll be able to keep our staff
to be, and making it a reality. We are          people who want to share answers to and perhaps build it."
dedicating ourselves to prayer, and look-       prayer and prayer requests and keep in           The conference has already achieved
ing to a personal involvement in the mis-       touch with one another in praying. So some of its objectives: a full-time work-
sion of the church by conference mem-           far the response to Vision 2000 initia- er for Aboriginal people to be based in
bers. The faithful support of the church is     tives have been extremely positive."          Port Augusta and be funded by the
important. Money is not the most impor-            Increased pastoral care is one of the South Pacific Division; a Spanish-speak-
tant thing. The key to it all is intercessory   priorities. And a major goal is spiritual ing volunteer has offered their services
prayer—asking and praying for the Holy          harmony and unity. Many steps of the for 12 months, funded by Global
Spirit to guide and empower us."                program involve outreach and will need Mission; Global Mission funds have
   On Sabbath, August 20, a combined            funds, but Pastor Watts considers the been made available for a Chinese-
church rally for those in the Adelaide          process an exciting adventure.                speaking Taskforce worker (prayers are
city area was held and Vision 2000                 "As a result of the previous adminis- requested so one can be found); and a
explained. Some 1200 people, including          tration highlighting conference prob- youth evangelistic outreach for the
youth, attended. A similar program is           lems to church members people were unchurched is just completed.
being taken to the regional areas.              already aware something drastic had to           And for the first time in many years
   In summary the goals of Vision 2000          happen," he says. "Most were waiting the conference is employing a first-year
are: stronger emphasis on prayer min-           for a new vision, and now people are ministerial intern.—Karen Miller

10                                                                                                                   RECORD September 24,1994

                                                                                                                                    People filled the church while many
           A District Meeting of Marriages                                                                                        others stood under trees outside.
                                                                                                                                  Many took notes, and a steady stream
                                                                                                                                  of questions caused some meetings to
                                                                                                                                  go overtime.
                                                                                                                                     At the beach baptism 42 people
                                                                                                                                  decided they, too, would like to be
                                                                                                                                     "Such a momentous event [the
                                                                                                                                  camp-meetings] attracted an interest-
                                                                                                                                  ing gathering of relatives, plus the
                                                                                                                                  curious, the hungry and the potential,"
                                                                                                                                  says Pastor Wright. "No doubt the
                                                                                                                                  new pastor will have a busy time
                                                                                                                                  preparing the next group for a similar

                                                                                                                                      Baptisms at Atoifi
                          ine couples were married and 19               cial for the isolated members who
                      N   people baptised at the first district
                      meeting at Mate, on the island of Epi,
                                                                        have remained faithful throughout the
                                                                        years," reports the president of the
                      Vanuatu, for 50 years.                            Vanuatu Mission, Pastor Errol Wright.
                        The five-day series of meetings was             "Sporadic pastoral care has kept these
                      held in the partially completed village           loyal members in touch and encour-
                      church.                                           aged them in their worship, witness-
                        "This 'camp-meeting' was very spe-              ing, tithe paying and growth."
                                                                                                                     Photo: EPutura

                       $A3.3 Million Lodge Opened
                                                                        the president was late for the event,"
                                                                        reports Pastor Laurence Gilmore.                               After five years of living in the jungle, two of
                                                                           The complex has 30 resident-funded                               the Putura children were baptised.
                                                                        suites; eight for the financially disad-
                                                                        vantaged, and two respite units. The                                o children were baptised when
                                                                        federal government supplied $A1.1                             Th    eir family came out of hiding
Photo: MChamberlain

                                                                        million and the balance came from                             from the bush on Bougainville, Papua
                                                                        conference and resident loans.                                New Guinea, to seek medical attention
                                                                           Food catering will be located at the                       for the mother.
                                                                        lodge, and special vans will take pre-                          After five years of living in a natural
                                                                        pared meals also to Charles Harrison                          environment, growing their own veg-
                                                                        Home and Kressville Hostel. The                               etables and hiding from the warring
                                                                        lodge supervisor is Val Taylor.                               forces on the island, Elijah Putura, his
                         Retiring administrator Ken Allen unveils the
                                                                           The design of the complex was by                           wife and three children, Simon, Lee
                         plaque of the new $A3.3 million Kressville     architect Bernard Adcock, and the                             and Ian, came out of the jungle.
                          Lodge. The last line of the plaque reads,     builders were Pluim Constructions of                            "Fortunately, with the limited
                                    "Because We Care."                  Gosford.                                                      amount of funds we still had on hand,
                                                                           "Rooms have ensuites, lounge                               we were able to get to Atoifi Hospital
                             e new $A3.3 million Kressville              rooms, dining rooms and the simple                           in the Solomon Islands," says Mr
                            Lodge at Cooranbong, NSW, was               chapel make it a place of which the                           Putura. "There my wife was operated
                        officially opened on August 21 by the            North New South Wales Conference                             on. Two of my children were baptised
                        Hon Bob Brown, MHR.                              and the church at large should be                            by Pastor Baxton, the chaplain."
                          "Short speeches made by Lake                   proud," says Pastor Gilmore. "Things                            While living in the jungle the family
                        Macquarie City Council Mayor John                are vastly different from when the first                     sought God's protection, and now the
                        Kilpatrick, state MLA Jeff Hunter and            church institution, a health retreat, was                    family's greatest concern has become
                        conference president Pastor Rex Moe              built here a century ago by our pio-                         the education of their teenage chil-
                        were full of humour, largely because             neers."                                                      dren.

                       RECORD September 24, 1994                                                                                                                                      11
                SAC, GSyd                       vice, brief devotional, special
                                                music contribution and             Auburn, Vic
                                                prophecy study. Attendances           Maureen Lavery,
                                                peaked at around 90. Seeing        who at the age of five
                                                friends respond to Adventist       attended Sabbath
                                                beliefs, getting to know           school with her moth-
                                                members of a neighbour             er in the Lakemba
                                                church socially and enriching      church (NSW), made
                                                the spiritual and social needs     her decision for
                                                of members through a sense         Christ and was bap-
0                                               of togetherness were high          tised recently in the
                                                points of the program,             physiotherapy pool at
                                                according to Mr C Collins.         the Warburton
                  Steve Edmed of the                                               Health Care Centre,
                Balmain Tigers rugby team,      Kellyville, GSyd                   Victoria. When Mrs
                New South Wales, started           The Federal Member for          Lavery grew into
                Sydney Adventist College's      Berowra, Philip Ruddock,           adulthood she left the
                annual 10,000-metre road        and his wife, Barbara, were        Adventist Church. She married and, after her family had
                run where Year 10 student       present for a social evening       grown, developed multiple sclerosis. Mrs Lavery then
                Emma Butler (pictured)          held in the recreational hall      moved into a nursing home where she met Adventist
                rewrote the record for her      of the church complex.             nurse Rebecca Distajo. In the course of conversation
                age group and for the girls     Some 130 people attended           Bible studies were arranged with Colin Job of Auburn
                open. Emma came 12th            the mini-Olympics, a fun           church. The baptismal service was conducted by Pastor
                overall with a time of 45       night organised each year by       Harold Roberts, a recent minister of the Auburn church,
                minutes and 46 seconds. The     Margaret Ware. Ten teams           and Auburn's current minster, Pastor Mery
                Fun Run was sponsored by        consisting of all age groups       Sparrowhawk. Pastor and Mrs Leon Powrie sang for her,
                Billabong iceblocks and stu-    competed, while an Olympic         and the pastor who was minister at Lakemba in her child-
                dents raised funds for          flame burned on. Mr                hood, Pastor Ken Mead, was also present.
                Canteen, the support group      Ruddock made the opening
                for teenagers with cancer.      speech, and Mrs Ruddock           Horsham, Vic
                                                gave away the medals.                                             rently studying Year 12 in
                Brighton, SA                                                                                      order to attend Avondale
                   Melrose Park combined        Woden, SNSW                                                       College's nursing course.
                with Brighton church mem-          Overseas mission projects
                bers and met together each      have received increased                                           Sunshine Coast, SQ
                Sunday evening for five         offerings from those of the                                          Less than six months after
                weeks for an "old time"         Sabbath school over the past                                      Queensland's Sunshine
                study of Revelation led by      12 months. Offerings                                              Coast launched its Christian
                Pastor Andrew Kingston,         increased each quarter;                                           computer ministry two peo-
                associate director of church    $A653, $A870, $A945 and,                                          ple have attended church.
                ministries for South            says communication secre-                                         The new ministry has Bible
                Australia. Those attending      tary Judy Zilber, "in the            Joy Dart (left) and          studies available through
                enjoyed a three-course meal     final quarter our 'cup run-       Melayna Smith are pictured      computer bulletin boards.
                before beginning a program      neth over' with an offering       in the process of demonstrat-   People are able to study sub-
                that consisted of a song ser-   of $A1292."                       ing vegetarian recipes to       jects like the Sabbath,
                                                                                  members of the community        Daniel's prophecies and the
                                                                                  from the workbench of the       state of the dead. The Bible
                 Invercargill, SNZ                                                church's new welfare room       study that is bringing people
                    Evangelist Gary Kent has been preaching in                    kitchen. Four Monday after-     to church is foot-washing,
                 Invercargill's city theatre twice every Sunday for the           noon demonstrations were        says a report from Sunshine
                 past 15 months. Gary Kent is pictured with eight people          held by the health depart-      Coast Christian BBS. When
                 who were recently baptised. "This was the fifth baptism          ment of the church and given    individuals are asked if they
                 of the series," says Ray Kent. "Please pray for the work         to more than 12 people new      would like to attend a foot-
                 in Invercargill."                                                to vegetarian cookery.          washing service, most
                                                                                                                  answer yes. Currently the
                                                                                  Esperance, WA                   group has four bulletin
                                                                                     Glynda Slade has just        boards running on Sydney
                                                                                  passed her Grade 6 flute        (02) 980 7300; Brisbane
                                                                                  exam and received honours       Southside (07) 820 6034;
Photo: R Kent

                                                                                  in her recent theory exam.      Brisbane Northside (07) 285
                                                                                  Miss Slade uses her music in    5322; Sunshine Coast (074)
                                                                                  church programs and is cur-     466 388.

                12                                                                                                        RECORD September 24, 1994

Show We Care—
Appeal '94
   he Iakina Elementary School on the island of Tutuila
T  in American Samoa is the special project benefitting
from the 1994 Adventist Appeal.                               The needs that exist are: classroom and furniture for
  American Samoa is part of the territory of the United     Years 9 and 10 for science, computer, industrial arts and
States, but is attached to the Samoa Mission (South         home economics; library and office/staff room.
Pacific Division) because of its geographical location.       Even though the school has a good enrolment, it is one
  The Iakina School, staffed by eight teachers and with a   of the most poorly equipped schools in the territory. It
student enrolment of 200, was established 15 years ago      cannot give a good witness to Seventh-day Adventist
not only to advantage the members of the Seventh-day        education because of its poor facilities.
Adventist Church, but also as a means of serving others       Iakina School stretches out its hand for your generous
in this area.                                               support during the 1994 Adventist Appeal so that it can
   There are plans to expand the primary school into the    attract many children and their parents and prepare
high school years. The need for such an expansion exists,   them for the coming of our Lord.
but this will mean additional buildings and equipment for                                       Pastor Kanela Alefaio
which the mission does not have adequate funds.                                                       District Director
                                                                                                      American Samoa


Something to Do!
   magine that Jesus and these           Colour it in, and send it with            Include a stamped, self-

I  children are in heaven. What
   do you think they're looking at?
Draw it—and anything else to
                                       your name, age and address to:
                                       Children's Ministries, 148 Fox
                                       Valley Road, Wahroonga NSW
                                                                                 addressed envelope if you would
                                                                                 like your picture returned.
                                                                                 Surprises will be given for two
make this picture more interest-       2076, Australia, by October 23,           pictures in each age group (5-6;
ing.                                   1994.                                     7-8; 9-10; 11-12).

RECORD September 24, 1994

                                                                                                   son of Afoa and Epenesa Tuaoi (Redwood,            tising Seventh-day Adventist to implement
Anniversaries                                      ding anniversary on August 14 at their son's
                                                   home in Hornsby, NSW. They have two chil-       Christchurch, New Zealand), and Repeka             the college's academic program of the two
                                                   dren, John and Beverley (Jones); and five       Toese Fauatea, daughter of Toese and Valasi        specialist acute-care nursing study units in the
Amos, Ray and Vera (nee McClintock)                grandchildren.                   Bev Jones      Fauatea (Aranui, Christchurch), were mar-          Postgraduate Diploma of Nursing course. The
were married on May 11,1944, by Pastor W J                                                         ried on July 24 at the Samoan SDA church,          appointee will be a registered nurse with a
Richards at Papanui church, Christchurch,          Way, Edward and Ila (nee White) celebrat-       Christchurch.              Ativale Mulitalo        higher degree in nursing or related discipline
New Zealand. On May 14 family members              ed their 50th wedding anniversary on July 10                                                       and wide relevant clinical experience. Further
gathered at Tauranga to celebrate their 50th       at a luncheon with family members. Married                                                         information and a full job description may be
anniversary. They have three children, Elena       by Pastor H Streeter on July 10, 1944, at the   Obituaries                                         obtained from the School of Nursing, phone
                                                                                                                                                      (02) 487 9392. The college reserves the right
(Auckland), Kevin (Palmerston North) and           North Fitzroy SDA church, Vic, they still
Coral (Tauranga); and six grandchildren.           continue to worship there. They have two        Landers, Kenneth Lawrence (Pastor), born           to appoint by invitation. Applications, includ-
                                 K G Amos          children, Brian (Warburton) and Bruce           24.4.10 at Natal, South Africa; died 20.5.94 at    ing a curriculum vitae and the names of two
                                                   (Sydney, NSW); and three grandchildren,         Adventist Nursing Home, Kings Langley,             referees, should reach the Principal, Avondale
Martin, Ted and Edna (nee Mainstone) cel-          Anneliis, Danielle and Nathan. Brian Way        Sydney, NSW. Married Linda Adams in 1939.          College, PO Box 19, Cooranbong, NSW 2265
ebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on                                                          Survived by his wife (Kings Langley); sons,        by October 10. Phone (049)77 1107.
June 26,1994. They were married on August                                                          Brian (Cape Town, South Africa), Lawrence
1, 1944, by Pastor Ben McMahon in the old          Appreciation                                    (Bathurst, NSW), Kenneth (Cape Town);
                                                                                                   and daughters, Marrianne Kearns and
                                                                                                                                                      Secretary. The Pathology Department of
                                                                                                                                                      Sydney Adventist Hospital is seeking appli-
Cooranbong church, NSW. For their anniver-
sary they were joined by their four children,      O'Connor, Mrs Yvonne O'Connor, Elaine           Elizabeth Bougaardt (both of Sydney, NSW).         cants to fill this full-time, front-line role within
Jan Judd, Leonie Wade, Lynne Low and               O'Brien, Lynette O'Brien, Cliff O'Connor,                                            A R Faro      its busy department. The position will involve
Gary, with their families and many of their        Gloria, Lorraine, and Julee and families,                                                          word processing, reception duties, data entry,
relatives and friends. Ted and Edna now live       thank all their many friends for their very     Latimore, Vera Edith (nee Smith), born             preparation of results for distribution and gen-
in Albury.                       Lynne Low         kind and thoughtful words, cards, and flowers   2.10.09 at Comboyne, NSW; died 18.7.94 at          eral office tasks. The successful applicant will
                                                   at the time of the passing of their husband,    Taree. Survived by her four children, Royce        preferably have previous experience in a sec-
McDonald, Len and Millie (nee Weetman)             father, stepfather, grandfather, and great-     (Taree), Joan (Wingham), John and Gaye             retarial role, have strong computer skills (par-
celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on       grandfather, William John O'Connor.             (Newcastle area).              John Fretten        ticularly WordPerfect 5.1), enjoy people con-
April 10 with a family breakfast. They were                                                                                                           tact and have had medical terminology experi-
married by Pastor L D A Lemke in 1944 at                                                           011ey, Elsie May, born 1907 at Lower Light,        ence. Remuneration is in accordance with the
the Ferguson Anglican church, WA. They             Weddings                                        SA; died 16.3.94 at Port Pine Hospital.
                                                                                                   Married James 011ey in 1931. She is survived
                                                                                                                                                      Private Hospital Employees (State) Award
                                                                                                                                                      (Classification: Clerk Grade III). Please apply
have three children, Rosemarie Harders,
Harold and Rodney (all of Perth); eight            Anderson—Hooper. Eric Anderson, son             by her husband; son and daughter-in-law,           in writing to: Personnel Officer, Sydney
grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.       of Tony and Sherron Anderson (Bilambil,         Neville and Frances (Wilcannia, NSW).              Adventist Hospital, 185 Fox Valley Road,
They have been active members of the               NSW), and Sue Hooper, daughter of Lance                                         Eric P Wolfe       Wahroonga NSW 2076. Fax (02) 489 2990.
Wellington Mills, Bunbury and now Gosnells         and Beverley Hooper (Murwillumbah), were
churches.                Rosemarie Harders         married on August 7 at The Chapel,              Spruce, Keith, born 17.8.27 in Newcastle,          Day Care Accounts Clerk. The Patient
                                                   Sullivan's Pioneer Park, Tweed Head South.      NSW; died 24.6.94 at Booragul. He married          Services Department of Sydney Adventist
Taylor, Stan and Stance (nee Hopkins), who                                         Leigh Rice      Patricia Marjorie Jarrett on 14.4.51. She pre-     Hospital is seeking a full-time clerk to work as
were married by Pastor L G Maxwell at                                                              decased him in 1973. He was also prede-            part of the department's busy team of service-
Concord, NSW, celebrated their 50th wed-           Tuaoi—Fauatea. Togamau Afoa Tuaoi,              ceased by two children, Kenneth Carl (at           orientated staff. The position will involve a
                                                                                                   birth) and Jacqueline Fay (1993). He married       variety of tasks, including: •working on
                                                                                                   Edith Noele Walton on 2.10.88. He is sur-          Patient Accounts counter, which involves tak-
                                                                                                   vived by his wife, Noele; and children,            ing maternity deposits, general account
                                                                                                   Geoffrey, Cheryl Iselin, Mark, Paul (all of        inquiries and payments •admitting patients in
                                                                                                   Newcastle) and Sharon (Gladstone, Old).            the Day Care Unit •collecting and receipting
                                                                                                                 Graham Allen, Peter Saunders,        payments •answering account inquiries
                                                                                                                              Douglas Easthope        • working on the main switchboard for meal-
                                                                                                                                                      relief breaks. The successful applicant will
                                                                                                   White, Mary Alice (Molly), born 6.4.12 in          preferably have: •a clerical background
                                                                                                   Gloucester, England; died 31.7.94 at Scone,        • good grooming •good communication skills
                                                                                                   NSW. Married Edward Allan White on                 • ability to work unsupervised •solid key-
                                                                                                   23.3.32. Predeceased by her husband (1990)         board skills. The position involves one week
                                                                                                   and son, Phillip (1933). She is survived by her    morning shifts followed by one week after-
                                                                                                   children, Pat (Cooranbong), Frank                  noon shifts. Please apply, by September
                                                                                                   (Wollongong), Marian (Scone), Robyn                27, 1994, in writing to: Personnel Officer,
                                                                                                   (Muswellbrook), Nola (Kings Langley) and           Sydney Adventist Hospital, 185 Fox Valley
                                                                                                   Ronnie (Bathurst).                David Edgar      Road, Wahroonga NSW 2076. Phone (02) 487
                                                                                                                                                      9756. Fax (02) 489 2990.

                                                                                                   Advertisements                                     Old Travel Agent—International and
                                                                                                                                                      domestic travel. We can assist you with all
                             1,,e,t04 eaelefe                                                      Laboratory Director. The Malawi Union
                                                                                                   (East Africa Division) is urgently looking for
                                                                                                                                                      your travel arrangements to the General
                                                                                                                                                      Conference in Utrecht, 1995. Excellent air
                                                       gegiatut                                    a suitably qualified person to fill the position   fares ex Brisbane with option of joining organ-
                                                                                                   of Director of the SDA Medical Laboratories,       ised 12-day coach tour of Austria, Germany
                                                November 25 - 28, 1994                             Malawi (a subsidiary organisation of the           and Switzerland! For further details contact
                                                                                                   Malamulo Mission Hospital). Qualifications:        Anita on (075) 30 3555, fax (075) 30 3846.
                                                                                                   BAppSc (Medical Science or equivalent as
                      For all past students, staff and friends, a time of ...                      recognised by the AIMS), Postgraduate (MSc,        Women's Ministry Advisory
                                     Renewing the Fulton spirit                                    PhD) preferred. Managerial qualifications or       Committee—Western Australian
                                             COME!                                                 experience essential. This is a regular interdi-   Conference. The August 1994 Session rec-
                       Relive the Fulton experience. Enjoy the friendship,                         vision appointment on denominational salary.       ommended the establishment of an Advisory
                                    feasting and fellowship.                                       Position becomes vacant in December 1994.          Committee to assist the conference adminis-
                                                                                                   Please address all correspondence to Pastor V      tration in meeting the current and future
                                        PLAN TO BE HERE!                                           B Parmenter, Associate Secretary, South            needs of women in the church in Western
                      It will be an experience you would not want to miss.                         Pacific Division, 148 Fox Valley Road,             Australia. If you are interested in serving on
                                           FEE: $F50                                               Wahroonga NSW 2076 or phone Mrs Miriam             this advisory committee, please advise the
                                Contact: Reunion Coordinator                                       Stokes on (02) 489 7122 to arrange for an          conference secretary-treasurer by October 31,
                          Fulton College, Private Mail Bag, Suva, Fiji                             interview.                                         1994. Details required are: Name, Address,
                          Phone (679) 43 0007, Fax (679) 43 0006                                                                                      Occupation, Phone number and Church
                                                                                                   Sessional Lecturer in Acute Care                   attended.
                                                                                                   Nursing (Avondale College School of
               "Come .            . make it your experience"
                                                                                                   Nursing, Wahroonga), to commence 1st               AAA of NNSW. The Annual General
                                                                                                   Semester 1995. The college is seeking a prac-      Meeting of the Adventist Aviation

14                                                                                                                                                                    RECORD September 24,1994
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