Page created by Harry Wheeler

Heritage Days
is Back!
Resident Profile:
City Historian                                          S!
Jerry Pesci                                          r
                                                    u SE
                                              o rt NES
Curb Appeal Matters
                                          u pp USI
                                         S B
2022 - Second Quarter
                     of fered a t WCCCD ’s D ow nriver C amp us

         Earn a Certificate from MSU
   Earn an Associate Degree from WCCCD
Fruit and Vegetable Crop Management
The Fruit and Vegetable Crop Management program
provides students an opportunity to apply practical
knowledge and training on the selection, use, and
management of fruit and vegetable crops. The program
combines classroom instruction and theory with practical
experience gained through field laboratories and a
professional internship. Graduates of the program are
prepared for careers in the fruit and vegetable industry.

Landscape Management
The Landscape Management program provides training
for students to select, use, and manage landscape plants
and lawns. Students obtain a working knowledge of
plant growth, development, and identification which
prepares them for careers in the green industry.

Food Processing, Technology and Safety
The Food Processing, Technology and Safety certificate
program trains students on the processes and technologies
used to convert commodities into consumable food
products. The program combines online and in-person
courses with applied learning experiences including
a mobile food processing lab, industry clerkship and
professional internship.

            For more information contact:
        Andrew McCain, Program Coordinator
      Phone: 734-384-4155 • mccainan@msu.edu
             Students are required to meet with
        Program Coordinator to enroll in the program.

           www.iat.msu.edu | www.wcccd.edu
        Wayne County Community College District
Downriver Campus • 21000 Northline Road, Taylor, MI 48180
Agricultural Education in Your Community!!
   Michigan State University Institute of Agricultural Technology partners
              with Wayne County Community College District

          ICHIGAN State University      Landscape Management                       commercial fruit and vegetable
          (MSU) Institute of              The Landscape Management                 growers, crop production and
          Agricultural Technology       program provides training for              management services, farm
(IAT) has partnered with Wayne          students to select, use, and manage        operations, equipment sales and
County                                  landscape plants and lawns. Students       service, irrigation services, landscape
Community                               obtain a working knowledge of plant        design, construction and
College                                 growth, development, and                   maintenance, retail equipment and
District                                identification, which prepares them        supply centers, greenhouse and field
(WCCCD) to                              for careers in the green industry.         nursery operations, retail garden
offer a Fruit                                                                      centers and many more. Students will
and                                     Food Processing, Technology                benefit from dual enrollment at both
Vegetable Crop Management, Food         and Safety                                 institutions, with all courses delivered
Processing - Technology & Safety and       The Food Processing, Technology         at the WCCCD Downriver Campus.
Landscape Management Certificates.      and Safety certificate program trains
The partnership allows students to      students on the processes and
earn a certificate from MSU IAT while   technologies used to convert
working toward an Associate in          commodities into consumable food
General Studies degree from             products. The program combines
WCCCD. Full-time students are able      online and in-person courses with
to complete the associate degree        applied learning experiences,
and certificate in just two years.      including a mobile food processing
                                        lab, industry clerkship and
Fruit and Vegetable Crop                professional internship.
Management                                 “By working together, MSU and
  The Fruit and Vegetable Crop          WCCCD are able to offer specialized
Management program provides             training programs for high-demand             “We are thrilled to offer these
students an opportunity to apply        jobs close to home and at a lower          programs where students and
practical knowledge and training on     overall cost. Graduates will be            residents alike can study a field that
the selection, use, and management      prepared for rewarding job                 has grown rapidly in interest and
of fruit and vegetable crops. The       opportunities in agriculture or transfer   importance to our region, and the
program combines classroom              to continue their education,” said         nation at large,” said Arminiak.
instruction and theory with practical   WCCCD Downriver Campus President           “Michigan is a leader in agriculture
experience gained through field         Anthony Arminiak.                          and Metro Detroit is a leader in urban
laboratories and a professional            The program offers regionally           agriculture. This center is directly in
internship. Graduates of the program    relevant agricultural training programs    line with that interest and with our
are prepared for careers in the fruit   for careers in some of Michigan’s          mission to provide pathways to better
and vegetable industry.                 highest-demand industries, such as         lives through higher education.”

                                                                                                     S O U THGA T E T OD A Y   3
6   Check it Out                                   22            2021 Water Quality Report
           Get ready for summer reading fun and
           more in-person programming at the
           Southgate Library!

                                                                        Local Sports Highlights:

       6   Where in the Gate?
                                                                        Hockey players Ashton Petrarca and
                                                                        Marcus King                                          26
       8   Are You Up For It?                             28            Parks and Recreation Happenings
           YMCA’s Y 170 Challenge celebrates its 170
           years, rewards participants for exercising
                                                          28            Senior Spotlight: Catherine Trupiano

                                                          30            Curb Appeal Matters
           ‘Art is a Human Right’                                       City’s ordinance officer brings experience,
           STEP’s Progressive Art Studio Collective                     passion for people to the job

    12     provides professional experience to
           artists with disabilities
                                                          32            Resident Spotlight
                                                                        City historian Jerry Pesci helps folks
                                                                        remember the good ‘ole days
    14     A Slice of History
           Remembering Schafer High
                                                          34            Southgate and Around
                                                                        Mark your calendars for these events in
                                                                        the city and surrounding area
    15     From the Clerk

                                                                                                Community Publishing & Marketing
                                                            M   A   G   A   Z   I   N   E   S   26955 Northline Road | Taylor, MI 48180
                                                                                                (734) 247-8000

           It’s Back!                                   Publisher Paul Martin                             Creative Director Kelly Nykanen

                                                        Director of Publishing Mark Fisher                Graphic Designer Shannon Esper
           Heritage Days celebrates 46 years            Editor Angela Calabrese                           Photography Manager Rebecca Lowe
           of fun for the whole family                  Vice President of Sales Scott Marx                Editorial Assistant Kelsi Klein
                                                        Advertising Director Gina Guarisco

                                                        Contributing Writers Diane Gale Andreassi, Terry Jacoby, Kelsi Klein, Jerry Pesci,
                                                        Tracy Willis

    18     2022 Southgate High School Graduates         Contributing Photographers Terry Jacoby, Rebecca Lowe
                                                        Cover Photo Rebecca Lowe

                                                        SOUTHGATE TODAY is a product of Community Publishing & Marketing for
                                                        the residents and businesses of Southgate. Community Publishing & Marketing

    20     Kids and Anxiety: How to help them
                                                        cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information presented within these pages
                                                        or be held accountable for omissions or errors. Please report any changes to
                                                        info@communitypublishing.com for inclusion in subsequent editions.
           through it
                                                           To advertise in the next issue call Mark Fisher at (313) 218-7117
                                                                     or email mfisher@communitypublishing.com

From the
Heritage Days is Back!                                           Important Contact Information

         ELLO Southgate,                                           Police Department Non-Emergency
           Our traditional community festival,                               734-324-4438
         Southgate Heritage Days, will be returning this            Police Department Administration
June. What a wonderful sign. Things are truly turning                         734-258-3060
in a positive direction                                                       Fire Department
and we will once again                                                          734-258-3080
have the opportunity to
                                                                               Mayor’s Office
gather and celebrate
our great city! All of the
favorites will be back,                                                 City Administrator’s Office
including the Heritage                                                        734-258-3022
Days parade, “Kid-O-                                                        Finance Department
Lympics”, live music,                                                           734-258-3020
food trucks and the very                                                     City Clerk’s Office
popular “Taste of the                                                          734-258-3015
Town”. There is always
                                                                            Building Department
something for everyone
to enjoy.
  The festivities will                                                Department of Public Services
continue with our free summer concert series at                              734-258-3075
Market Center Park. Each Thursday evening from                                  Water Billing
June 16 through August 25, live music will fill the                             734-258-3018
summer air at the park. Bring a lawn chair or blanket
                                                                              Assessor’s Office
and get ready for some toe-tapping selections. Or                              734-258-3005
better yet, join the dance crowd under the pavilion for
an energized evening.                                                         Treasurer’s Office
  For more information on all of this season’s events,                          734-258-3012
please review the calendar on page 13.                                  Veteran’s Memorial Library
  Also, in this issue there is an important article from                      734-258-3002
our City Clerk Jan Ferencz explaining the new                            South Winds Golf Course
redistricting for our Michigan and federal                                    734-258-3004
representatives. There will be several changes for this
                                                                             Parks & Recreation
November’s election that we should all be aware of.
                                                                                (Civic Center)
  Randy Coleman, our new ordinance officer, is also
featured with some helpful tips on ordinance
compliance. Randy does great work for our city and is                           Senior Center
committed to keeping our neighborhoods and                                      734-258-3066
business districts clean and safe.                                           28th District Court
  Let’s stay informed and active as we begin to enjoy                          734-258-3068
another great Southgate spring and summer.                          Downtown Development Authority
  Sincerely,                                                                734-258-7770

                                                               GFL is closed on New Year’s Day, Memorial Day,
                                                              Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day,
                                                           and Christmas Day. If your service day falls on a holiday,
                                                            your service will be delayed one day. Returns will not
  Joseph G. Kuspa
                                                            be made for items not placed out on the correct day.
                                                                             Visit our website

Join the Southgate Veterans Memorial
Library for some spring and summer fun!

           E’RE busy planning for
           the next few months and
           looking forward to
restarting in-person programming
soon. It’s not long until our 2022
Summer Reading Program. Come
on in and join our mascot, Opal the
Octopus, as we dive into this year’s theme, Oceans of
                                    The Summer Reading
                                  Program will start on
                                  June 20 for kids, teens,
                                  and adults. Keep an eye
                                  on our website www.
                                  southgate.lib.mi.us for
                                  updates on that and
                                  other upcoming events.
                                    Don’t want to wait until
                                  summer to see what we

                                  have to offer? No                          ELCOME to another installment of Where in
                                  problem! Now that winter                   the Gate, where we challenge residents to
has departed, we’re adding some tools and toys to our                        figure out what they’re looking at in the
Library of Things collection to help you take advantage          picture provided.
of the outdoors. You can pick up some equipment to                  To participate (and win a fabulous prize!), send us an
help with a little                                               email at southgatetoday@ci.southgate.mi.us with your
gardening, a leaf                                                guess as to what and where the location in the picture
blower and branch                                                is. Include your name, address, phone number and
trimmers for
springtime cleanup,
                                                                    Submissions that contain the correct answer and
or a post hole digger
                                                                 required contact information will be entered into a
for that project
                                                                 random drawing to win a dining certificate from one of
you’ve been thinking
                                                                 Southgate’s fabulous eateries!
   On the fun side,                                                 Last issue’s picture was of the girls softball diamond
try out our new six-                                             at Southgate Anderson High School.
player croquet set or pick up some of our board or card
games – perfect for when the weather turns on you!                            ENTRIES FOR THIS ISSUE
   Don’t forget to check out some of our other new                           MUST BE RECEIVED BY JUNE 1.
items as well. Warmer nights make this a much more
pleasant time to borrow our telescope. Prep some               ESTABLISHED 1986
snacks with our food dehydrator or try out the instant
pot! If you’re feeling crafty, perhaps you’d like to give                         ♥
the sewing machine a whirl or you could relax outdoors
with a movie, displayed using our projector and 100-

inch screen!
   We’re excited for everything the summer holds and
we hope you are too!                                                     “Let our family serve you family!”
                                                                   18700 NORTHLINE - SOUTHGATE, MI 48195
6   SOUTHGATE TODAY                                                                          Present this ad for a $3.00 discount
Nucullaj absolutely loves the United
                                                                                            States and especially Michigan, his
                                                                                            adopted home state. You can hear it
                                                                                            in his voice and see it on the walls,
                                                                                            which feature historic pictures from all
                                                                                            over the “26th state.”
                                                                                              “I really like Michigan and the
                                                                                            incredible history here,” he said.
                                                                                            “Michigan was the 26th state when it
                                                                                            was formed in 1837 so that’s where
                                                                                            the name comes from. We also try
                                                                                            and support all the local businesses
                                                                                            here because people in this area
                                                                                            really work hard and have great

Hard Work AND Service
                                                                                            products. It’s important to me that we
                                                                                            support them.”

Restaurant owner loves his adopted
country, serving the local community
By Terry Jacoby

         AVID Nucullaj, who is Albanian, moved to this country in 1993 from his
         native Montenegro and found something he loved to do in a place he
         loved doing it.
   Everything else has been, as they say, gravy –
homemade, of course.
   Nucullaj takes a seat in one of the new booths
inside his newly named and remodeled
restaurant on the corner of Eureka and Dix in
Southgate. And even though he has just finished
a long stretch in the kitchen, cooking for a busy                                              The new State 26 Grill opened
lunch crowd, he is smiling and outgoing, and                                                in March and already customers
talks with great pride about his diner, his staff                                           are raving about the changes and
and his food.                                                                               improvements, along with the u
   “I’ve been here 30 years and came straight                                               sual great food and service. During
from Montenegro to Michigan,” he said. “I was                                               a recent lunchtime afternoon,
18 when I came here and went right to work in my brother’s                                  there was talk of “excellent
restaurant in Belleville. I started how everyone starts in this                             service,” “knowledgeable wait
business, washing dishes. But I loved it and I wanted to                                    staff,” “fresh and tasty food,” and
work. I was fortunate that I met a great group of people                                    even “you can tell they use real
who helped me and taught me and gave me a chance.                                           potatoes.”
That was important in my life.”                                                                Nucullaj is proud of the impressive
   Nucullaj talks about the “amazing work ethic” people had                                 changes inside but realizes success
back when he first arrived here and it’s clear that he still believes in it and lives it.   all comes down to the quality of the
   He was the owner and cook at Cornerstone Grill at the same location for six              food and service.
years. When COVID hit, everything changed – and even though they were                          “People love the changes,” he
forced to close, Nucullaj didn’t just sit at home feeling sorry for himself.                said. “I have a great team working
   “It started with a simple project,” he said. “I just started taking out the old          here and they really take care of
carpet. Then I started doing a little bit more. Before I knew it, the only thing            people and make sure everyone
left in the building was me and the four walls.”                                            leaves happy.”
   The end result was a brand-new dining room and bar with bright lights, tile                 State 26 Grill is located at 14999
floors, comfortable chairs and booths in a welcoming environment. During that               Dix Toledo Road. For more
time, Nucullaj also was able to secure a liquor license, not an easy or quick               information, call (734) 250-8590 or
process.                                                                                    visit them on Facebook.

                                                                                                              S O U THGA T E T OD A Y   7
      HE YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit is celebrating the
      organization’s 170th birthday by honoring the
      nonprofit’s commitment to making people in the
communities they serve healthier.
   The Y 170 Challenge offers many incentives to keep
participants on track, including cash and other monthly
prizes like gift cards for food, merchandise, Y gear and
free YMCA memberships. The challenge runs from
January 1 through September 18, and the finale will be a
grand prize of $1,852 to a winning participant. The $1,852
commemorates the year the nonprofit organization was

Get started
   You must be at least 18 years old to participate, you      in 120 countries.
don’t need to be a YMCA member and there is no                The mission is to
purchase necessary. Simply download the YMCA Detroit          put Judeo-
App on the App Store or Google Play to register. Each         Christian
week, participants are challenged to exercise and log 170     principles into
minutes, or at least 600 minutes monthly.                     practice through
   All participants will receive a complimentary, seven-day   programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for
guest pass for themselves or a friend to be used at any of    people of all ages.
the seven YMCAs in Metro Detroit.
   By the end of February, there were 1,000-plus Y 170        Just for you
Challenge participants and more than 549 days of                 The YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit has facilities in
exercise had already been entered.                            Detroit, Milford, Birmingham, Southgate, Farmington,
   “We decided we would celebrate the whole year,” said       Mount Clemens and Royal Oak. Hundreds of programs
Latitia McCree, YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit senior vice      are offered at these and other locations, including the
president of marketing and communications. “What’s the        Plymouth Family YMCA, which operates out of the PARC-
best gift anyone can give to the Y? It’s to help us create    Plymouth Arts and Recreation Complex; Metro Youth
healthier communities. That starts with each person           YMCA, Y Arts, and two YMCA camps in Oscoda and
making a commitment to be healthier and be active. It’s a     Holly.
good first step. We’re encouraging people to move their          “The Y is the leading nonprofit committed to
bodies.”                                                      strengthening community by empowering young people,
   The minute goal markers follow guidelines from The         improving the health and well-being of people of all ages
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the            and inspiring action in and across communities,”
U.S. Department of Health and Human                                      according to the Y website ymcadetroit.org.
Services, which recommend adults                                            “The Y welcomes everyone, which is why our
exercise 150 to 300 minutes                                                 programs, services and initiatives are so
weekly to help prevent chronic                                               wide-ranging. We inspire kids to realize their
diseases. They report the                                                    potential, prepare teens for college and
more active you are,                                                          career, provide opportunities for families to
the less likely you are                                                       bond and support people of all ages and
to have chronic                                                                backgrounds to be healthier in spirit, mind
diseases. Also, people                                                         and body. And that’s just the beginning.”
who do suffer from health                                                         The Y also provides employment and
issues have more strength to                                                    volunteer opportunities.
fight back.                                                                        The Downriver YMCA is located at
   The YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit                                              16777 Northline Road in Southgate. Call
was founded September 27, 1852,                                                  (734) 282-9622 or go to www.
and YMCAs worldwide currently                                                     ymcadetroit.org for more locations and
serve more than 64 million people                                                 information.

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Advantage One celebrates
70 years, continues with
random acts of kindness

     DVANTAGE One Credit Union is celebrating its
     70th anniversary with numerous giveaways to
     honor its long-term philosophy of “people
helping people.”
   The organization began as McLouth Employees
Federal Credit Union and changed its name in 1982
to Southgate Community Federal Credit Union to expand its
field of membership. Six years ago, it moved from a federal
to a state charter, changed its name to Advantage One
Credit Union (AOCU) and opened services to all southeast         Downriver veterans’ programs;
Michigan. Today, Advantage One has two branches, more            participating in Toys for Tots;
than $211 million in assets and serves 16,000 members            donating to the Steelworkers
across the state of Michigan.                                    Organization of Active Retirees;
                                                                 providing scholarships to high school
Benefiting many                                                  seniors and adults – among a myriad of other initiatives the
   “Our longevity and continued success are a credit to a        credit union supports.
team of dedicated employees and volunteers, and our                Advantage One’s wide array of product offerings, such as
members who remain supportive and loyal to Advantage             savings and checking accounts, mortgages, home equity
One,” said Chris Corkery, Advantage One CEO.                     loans and state-of-the-art online banking enables them to
   Giveaways and lobby events are planned throughout the         support Downriver families with the features and services of
year in a program called 70 Random Acts of Kindness.             a big bank and the neighborly service of a locally owned,
Employees are surprising people by purchasing gas, lunches       small-town credit union.
and grocery orders. The program was kicked off with thank-
you bags for the Brownstown Township Police Department           Educating members and their families
and goody packages given away at the Brownstown Daddy/             “We’re very much into educating our members and our
Daughter dance. The credit union has also made random            children,” said Kimberlee McEachran, vice president of
credits to members’ debit transactions during the holidays,      marketing. “We’re always trying to find ways to give back to
as well as paying final loan payments on vehicle loans.          our members and one of the best ways is to help them make
   Advantage One has touched many in the Downriver               sound financial decisions.”
community. Outreach has included food donations to the             Corkery added: “We appreciate that our members have
Downriver West Kiwanis; providing the Banzai online              multiple choices when it comes to financial services, and we
financial literacy program to participating Downriver schools;   honor our trust and commitment to them and to the
forging a partnership with the Girl Scouts of Southeast          communities we serve in everything we do. We are 70 years
Michigan to provide financial literacy education; supporting     young and stronger than ever, with many exciting
                                                                 enhancements planned this year. If someone has not yet
                                                                 given us a chance, I encourage them to give us a closer

                                                                 Looking forward
                                                                   Richard Lindemann, Advantage One Board of Directors
                                                                 chairman, said he’s excited about the future.
                                                                   “One thing has remained consistent, a strong commitment
                                                                 to AOCU’s members, employees and the Downriver
                                                                 community,” he said. “This is something we will focus on for
                                                                 years to come.”
                                                                   Advantage One Credit Union is located at 13050 Fort
                                                                 Street in Southgate. Call (734) 676-7000 or visit
                                                                 www.myaocu.com to learn more.

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"From Periphery to Center",
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Progressive Art Studio Collective provides
professional experience to disabled artists
By Kelsi Klein

   N January 2021, Services To             “PASC is based on a model
   Enhance Potential (STEP) launched    that allows for independence and               such as the Scarab Club in Detroit,
   the Progressive Art Studio           self confidence to develop through             The Art Gallery at City Hall in
Collective (PASC) to help adults with   that independence,” said Anthony               Westland, Swords into Plowshares
developmental disabilities and          Marcellini, PASC program manager.              Peace Center and Gallery in Detroit
mental health needs establish           “It is extremely hands off, meaning            and more.
professional art careers.               that we never touch the artwork and              All artwork shown in the gallery
  Progressive art studios exist to      allow the artists to create through            and on the PASC website is available
help those with disabilities express    their own experience and                       for sale and can be bought online or
themselves through self-directed        experimentation.”                              in person at the gallery. The artist
practices and art forms in an open         Having art experience is not                receives 60 percent of the sale of
studio environment and have been        required for PASC artists, although            their art.
around since the late 1960s. PASC is    some artists have been creating their            Additionally, there are no out-of-
the first progressive art studio in     own artwork for years at home and              pocket costs for PASC artists who
Detroit and Wayne County.               are advanced in their art practices.           are covered by Medicaid. For artists
  There are currently about 100            PASC hires some of their artists to         who are interested in private pay,
artists who work out of PASC’s three    work as art advisors in the studio to          scholarship opportunities will be
studio locations, two of which are      provide encouragement, inspiration,            available.
located within the STEP Resource        suggestion, material or tool                     PASC’s goal is to continue to grow
Centers in Westland and Detroit.        recommendations and help their                 in the Metro Detroit area and for all
  The Southgate location is the first   fellow artists work in a way that is           their programs to eventually become
standalone public studio and the        most comfortable for them.                     their own standalone studios and
only PASC gallery. It is open to the       “We are actively working with               galleries. Construction for the
public on Thursdays and Fridays from    people to help develop their                   Detroit location has begun and is
10 a.m. – 3 p.m. and artists work in    contemporary art careers,” Marcellini          expected to be completed by 2024.
the studio from about 9 a.m. – 2        said. “The goal of the program is                “There has been lots of real
p.m. every weekday.                     really to get people exhibitions, sales        growth within the program and we
                                                              and to have their        imagine it’s going to grow more as
                                                              work seen by the         we are already moving into larger
                                                              public, ultimately       spaces,” Marcellini said.
                                                              allowing them to           To learn more about PASC or their
                                                              start a resumé           artists or to browse artwork, visit
                                                              and career.”             www.progressiveartstudiocollective.
                                                                 PASC hosts            org. PASC also accepts and
                                                              exhibitions in the       appreciates any tax-deductible
                                                              Southgate                monetary donations or material
                                                              gallery as well as       donations. To donate lightly used art
                                                              at external sites        supplies or materials, email a
                                                                                       description and image of your
                                                             "Art is a Human Right",
                                                             Swords Into Plowshares    donation to progressiveart@
                                                             Gallery and Peace         stepscentral.com
                                                             Center, Detroit.

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   disabilities by providing employment and advancing careers.
                                                                                  Facebook @enhancepotential
 PASC Southgate, first public stand-alone studio and permanent
  gallery. Gallery hours: Th & Fri, 10am-3pm or by appointment.
                                                                             Instagram @servicestoenhancepotential
                                                                                                    Hours of Operation:
                                                                                                    Monday-Saturday 10AM—7PM
        Visit our website for PASC products and                                                     Sunday 12PM—5PM
     merchandise featuring artwork by PASC artists.
  ProgressiveArtStudioCollective.org                                                                13705 Eureka Rd.
                                                                                                    Southgate, MI 48195
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A nostalgic look back at a bygone high school
                            By Jerry Pesci, City Historian

       CHAFER High School was opened in 1956 by                Jarvis, Fred Pellegrene
       Heitzen (Ecorse Township #7) School District. Prior     and John Skovich – were
       to its construction, the school district contracted     on staff for the school’s
with Detroit Public Schools, with most of the district’s       entire history.
students attending Southwestern High.                            Southgate’s two school
   In 1955, the board of education awarded a contract for
construction of the school to Edward Schedel Company of
Wyandotte for $518,000 to erect a two-story structure
with 21 classrooms, a library, health clinic, two teachers
rooms, a counseling room, lavatories and offices. A
gymnasium, kitchen shops, music and art rooms were
                                        added later.
                                           The school was
                                        named in honor of
                                        George G. Schafer.
                                        Mr. Schafer was born
                                        in 1894 on a farm in
                                        Ecorse Township. His
                                        father, Charles
                                        Schafer, was one of
                                        eight children of      districts, Ecorse Township #7
                                        German immigrant       (Heitzen) and Ecorse Township
                                        Reinhart Schafer,      #8 (McCann), merged in 1970.
                                        who settled in         With dwindling enrollments –
                                        Ecorse Township in     Schafer had a peak enrollment
                                        1848.                  of 1,500 in the 1970s, which fell
                                           The 1957            to less than 900 in 1981 – a
                                        yearbook identified    decision was made to merge
                                        the school as “The     Schafer High with Southgate
                                        Gaters”, possibly in   Community High. Schafer closed
                                        anticipation of the    in 1982.
city being named Southgate. The following year the                The consolidated school was
school became “The Vikings”, a name it carried until           named for Thomas J. Anderson.
closing.                                                       Mr. Anderson was the last
   Of the school’s original faculty of 25, three – Barbara     Ecorse Township supervisor, the
                                                               first Southgate mayor, a former city council member, city
                                                                        historian, state representative and head of the
                                                                                         Michigan Department of Natural
                                                                                              The building, located at 15100
                                                                                          Northline, is now the John D.
                                                                                              Dingell office building. Schafer
                                                                                                         may be gone but it’s
                                                                                                               certainly not

                                                                         Clerk’s Office
                                                                         What is the Permanent Absentee Vote List?
                                                                            A permanent absentee voter list is a list of
                                                                         individuals who have either given a written or
P R O D U C T F E AT U R E D :
C U R AT E D G R A I N CO L L EC T I O N                                 verbal request to be on the permanent absentee
                                                                         voter list. This list is maintained by the Clerk’s

                                            JABRO                        Office to add or remove a voter by their request.
                                                                            Individuals on the list will automatically be mailed
                Karastan offers gorgeous luxury vinyl tile inspired by   an absent voter ballot application. Once the
               some of the world's most rare and beautiful materials.    application is received, the voter should check the
                                                                         appropriate box(es), date, then sign and return the
                                                                         application to the Clerk’s Office.
                                                                            The application is processed and the ballots are
                                                                         mailed out approximately 45 days before election.

        On Sale Now                        Retailer Name & Logo          If a voter does not return their application, a ballot
                                                                         cannot and will not be mailed.
                                                                            If you are not on the list and cannot attend the

      ON PLUS
         SALE     NOW!
                                                                         polls for a certain election, you can call the Clerk’s
              18 Month                                                   Office and request an application for an absentee
       FINANCING       Financing*                                           If you are on the list and do not want to vote by
                                                                         absentee every election, please contact the Clerk’s
                             *Subject to credit approval.                Office to be removed from the list.
                        Minimum monthly payments required.
                                See store for details.                   Southgate’s New Redistricting
                                                                           Here are the new voter district breakdowns in
                                                                              Congressional – District 13
                    13460 Northline Rd.                                       State Senate – District 4
                                                                              State House is split. Precincts 1, 9, 10 and
                    Southgate, MI 48195                                       11 – District 2. Precincts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 –
                                                                              District 27.
                                                                           New ID cards will be issued for all registered

                     (734) 285-0110                                      Southgate voters before the next election. No
                                                                         precinct boundary changes will happen. Everyone
                                                                         will remain in their same precinct.
          JabroCarpetOne.com                                                                              S O U THGA TE T OD A Y   15
Popular event celebrates 46 years,
                       returns to Market Center Park

                                FTER a rough few years of
                                canceled and/or postponed
                                events, Southgate officials
                       are excited to announce that one of
                       the community’s most popular
                       annual events, Heritage Days, is
                       returning. The event, now in its            Immediately after the parade,
                       46th year, begins on Thursday, June      Heritage Days’ most popular event,
                       16, and will run through Sunday,         “Taste of the Town”, will begin and
                       June 19.                                 run from 12-2 p.m., with music by
                         Kickoff for the four-day event         Little Davey and the Diplomats. Pay
                       begins with the return of the            one price and sample all the
                       Concerts at Market Center Park           offerings from a selection of foods
                       series from 5-8 p.m. The concert         from local restaurants. Don’t forget
                       series will run every Thursday until     to vote for your favorites! You can
                       August 25.                               drop your votes in the giant pot
                         Other Heritage Day kick-off            located in the center of the event.
                       activities include the famous Kids          For the first time, the event will
                       “O”lympics, featuring a shoe kick,       feature live music starting earlier in
                       asparagus toss, sack race and            the day and running throughout the
                       doughnut-eating contest. The             whole day. Following Little Davey
                       entertainment for the evening will       and the Diplomats will be local
                       be After the Fire.                       favorite Wisteria (3-5:30 p.m.),
                         Friday, June 17 will feature the 8th   followed by Sonic Fury (5:30-8:30
                       Annual All School Reunion from 6-9       p.m.), and a new band known as Fool
                       p.m. Graduates of Southgate High,        House (9 p.m. – midnight), which will
                       Aquinas and Southgate Anderson           cover all your favorite ‘90s hits.
                       are invited to come and visit, and          And, as always, the carnival will be
                       check out the memorabilia. And           there for attendees to enjoy all
                       don’t forget to sign the class reunion   weekend.
                       book! Bragging rights go to the             Hours:
                       school with the most graduates who            Thursday and Friday: 4-11 p.m.
                       show up. The highlight of the event           Saturday: 12-11 p.m.
                       will be the entertainment, which              Sunday: 1-8 p.m.
                       starts at 5:30 p.m. with the awesome        “We are so excited to be able to
                       Boogie Dynomite band (5:30-8:30          bring back Heritage Days to our
                       p.m.), followed by the popular Mega      community this year after having two
                       80’s (9 p.m. – midnight)                 years off,” said Southgate Parks and
                         On Saturday, June 18, the event’s      Recreation Director Julie Goddard.
                       Annual Parade will start at 11 a.m. at   “It will be a great time for
                       Grogan Elementary and travel down        everyone.”
                       Burns with a quick turn onto Eureka         For more information on this year’s
                       before ending at Market Center           Heritage Days event, visit its
                       Park. The parade will feature city       Facebook page at www.facebook.
                       officials, sports programs, bands,       com/pages/Southgate-Heritage-
                       local organizations and some special     Days-Festival/1628836407340470 or
                       guests.                                  go to the city’s website.

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      MAKE AN
Vinson O. Abercrombie   Joshua C. Cislo         Ciera A. Galetto           Emma Kilburg                 Madisyn A. Michalak
Diego P. Aboytes-Pena   Alexandra D. Clark      Jacob T. Garner            Ryan M. Klotz                Charles J. Mickel
Olufemi D. Adeoye       Dominic A. Collette     Alexandra A. Garza         Malik R. Knight              Terry D. Milburn
Alex A. Aguirre         Kody W. Colson-Porter   Andrew X. Gendron-Wesley   Joyce N. Konan               Paige R. Miller
Miguel Alcorta          Naia M. Cook            Arihanna H. Gentry         Owen G. Korzetz              Delaney J. Minutolo
Jasmine J. Al-Hachami   Taylor M. Cook          Jazmine D. Gholston        Natasha Krasnodemski         Saudi M. Mulumba
Alexandria G. Allor     Joshua D. Craig         Ethan L. Gingras           Ryan R. Kruzak               Hayden T. Murphy
Elana G. Anderson       Mehki Criswell          Gavin M. Goniwicha         Elysa J. Labelle             Connor S. Myers
Lily S. Antolak         D'Quan Cross            Adriana J. Gonzalez        Brayden A. Launders          Marsha L. Nassif
Kylie M. Armos          Shi'Anne M. Crowder     Emilio A. Gonzalez         Lily A. Lawson               Audrey E. Nelson
Kailey R. Armstrong     Peytin Crysler          Angelo A. Gorian           Nicole M. Lawson             Destiny Newby
Sydney S. Baker         Andrew Cuschieri        Brooke M. Goudreau         Ashton C. Leach              Gabriel H. Noe
Olivia N. Barnard       James E. Dailing        Grace E. Grabowski         Megan L. Lee                 Amaya J. Norris
Eli H. Bearden          Jada Davidson           Brody F. Grafton           Ryan M. Leonard              Maximus A. Norwood
Nadia A. Bell           Alexis S. Davis         Miranda N. Graham          Maxine D. Lewis-Doncontell   Jasmine Nusser
Kahlil C. Bertera       Cassidy J. Davis        Rachel G. Gurtowsky        Alayna Lilley                Laura A. Nyilos
Gavin M. Blair          Shaylie R. Davis        Anthony J. Gutierrez       Aydin H. Liuzzo              Jayden P. O'Berg
Camryn M. Blankenship   Karia DeGregorio        Raymond Y. Hardy           Ryan A. Lynch                Madison L. O'Hehir-Knapp
Gracie L. Blaskiewicz   John G. Demou           Natalie Hartigan           Nelly Madrigal               Salena M. Orozco
Kayli M. Bock           Maya Dodds              Taylor B. Hartley          Ronnie J. Maggard            Natalie Packwood
Autumn M. Bolash        Alexandria L. Downs     Ashton P. Harvey           Bibi Sara Majedi             Erica R. Pagac
Julie A. Bolash         Destiny G. Dozier       Anthony A. Hasan           Tyrique Malu                 Marcello F. Palazzolo
Bryce A. Boone          Samantha L. Dysard      Chad L. Helton             Chase A. Manier              Andrew W. Parker
Kaden A. Booth          Donovan Edwards         Kiersten M. Hines          Britney A. Manning           Andrew D. Parkham
Cadence Boslet          Jessica A. Edwards      Brandy R. Hinson           Gabrielle R. Manor           Julliana R. Passalacqua
Kole D. Boyer           Dion T. Eldridge        Cody J. Holman             Kaitlyn E. March             Emma R. Patrick
Monica N. Brewer        Dante D. Ellsworth      Kyle K. Horn               Heropsyne J. Martinez        Daniele A. Pattilo
Caden Bright            Brennan M. Emans        Giovanni J. Hugan          Michael Martinez             Jake D. Peer
Karly R. Bumgardner     Michael A. Emery        Hazel C. Hurst             Chloe A. Matschikowski       Erik R. Pertee
Korbin R. Burkhart      Alivia L. Ensign        Leona B. Hurst             Madison Mayhew               Nolan R. Pesci
Rileigh Burns           Amelia R. Ezell         Julian B. Infante          Trinity Mayhew               Ashton B. Petrarca
Kristen Butler          Tyler J. Fantow         Ciarra D. Isom             Samantha A. McClure          Alexia Y. Phillips
Noelle M. Cacicedo      John P. Farmer          Alexander J. Jewell        Danica J. McCoy              Grace L. Piesz
Joshua J. Calhoun       Jacob T. Fell           Cameron J. Jewell          Jazlynn M. McCoy             Ethan Pinage
Austin T. Callaway      Graziella M. Ferrante   Allyson N. Johnson         Samantha A. McCuaig          Dominic D. Piro
Destini M. Campbell     Shane M. Forney         Christopher Johnson        Zachary N. Meekins           Luke G. Piscitelli
Miguel T. Cantu         McKenna J. Freitas      Shakira L. Johnson         Deven J. Melfi               Alexis P. Pomponio
Agustin J. Casique      Jeremy Fulwider         Tyler J. Jones             Paris R. Meller              Ian M. Pustelak
Ezekiel P. Centeno      Rosalia S. Gaglio       Chloe E. Kilburg           Tabitha M. Mexico            Antonio Ray

Kayli E. Renaud
Nicholas S. Reno
Codey J. Richardson
Preston J. Rickel
Joseph R. Rodriguez
Justin D. Rohroff
Hanna M. Romanos
Salvador M. Rosas
Adam M. Rushlow         2022 ASHER SCHOOL
Devin J. Sartori
Sarah L. Scheffler
Andrew J. Shields
Zachery E. Shields                                                                               Andrew Rosenogle
                        Brendan Adkins        Hailey Dietz               Awstyn Liddle
Aedan C. Simons                                                                                  Jasmine Roulo
                        Alexander Al-Rahomi   Kylee Dluzen               Carlos Linares-Oropin
Benjamin T. Sinn                                                                                 Ryan Roza
                        Kyle Allen            Dominick Dolane            D'Wan Little
Destiny L. Smith                                                                                 Ezra Salaz-Bieszczak
                        Kylie Barnes          Aliya Farr                 Samantha Lombard
Elizabeth R. Smith                                                                               Antonio Salcido
                        Nickolas Bartel       William Fritz              Bianca Love
Kaydin J. Snyder                                                                                 Kah'Lijah Sanders
                        Brittany Baumann      Anitzia Galvan             Aaron Lundy
Dominic D. Sokolowski                                                                            Kobe Saulter
                        Shawn Beesley         Brandon Geeston-Trotter    Dylan Macleod
Cody M. Soliz                                                                                    Ebony Scott-Castile
                        Mandy Bennie          Tyler Gibbs                Samuel Maddox
Rachel A. Speare                                                                                 Deanna Shabazz
                        Jazmine Bolitho       Brianna Gondek             Cesar Martin
Sabrina R. Spicer                                                                                Justin Sikora
                        Skyler Bone           Harley Gondek              Angelica Mathena
Paul E. Stafford                                                                                 Madelyn Silverthorn
                        Summer Boskat         Jasmine Gonzalez           Sean McEwan
Noah C. Stambaugh                                                                                Jaylin Smith
                        Madison Bray          Amanda Gorka               Janiece Melchor
Olivia D. Stan                                                                                   Amanda Stallings
                        Brittany Brogan       Teige Gourlay              Jacob Metcalf
Maggie M. Stanley                                                                                Alana Stein
                        Alejandro Burgos      David Griffith Jr.         Amanda Michaluk
Meagan M. Stapleton                                                                              Tyler Stout
                        Amanda Butts          Rachel Gurtowsky           Erynn Mijalov
Nathan R. Steichen                                                                               Sean Szymborski
                        Jacob Cannon          Anthony Haney              Marshall Milanovich
Luke B. Steifer                                                                                  Jaymi Thanasas
                        Cameron Carlson       Quan Hardy                 Mariah Morales
Emma D. Stoltz                                                                                   Brandon Trotter
                        Jacob Carrol          Marc Harris                Darion Neyland
Sophia G. Strasser                                                                               Riley Watts
                        Catherine Castano     Adelina Haxhiala           Deserae Norris
Gavin J. Stratford                                                                               Alyce Webster-Bennet
                        Melia Clark           Savannah Hill              Michael Oestrike
Kejsi Sulaj                                                                                      Ericka Wesley
                        Daniel Coleman        Dakota Holloway            Samuel Oswald
Kayleb Tackett                                                                                   Jaia Wigfall
                        Austin Cross          Brianna Jasso              Tiyana Owens
Nicole M. Thabet                                                                                 Carson Wilde
                        Sonya Cruz            Bridget Jenkins            Roger Paiz
Riely N. Thacker                                                                                 Khari Willis
                        Donna Cullinan        Olivia Keatts              Nicholas Pare
Savannah L. Thomas                                                                               Rebecca Writght,
                        Gabriel Daigneau      Andrew Labean              Samantha Pennington
Jonathan J. Tibortz                                                                              Terrance Wyatt
                        Matthew Daly          Gabriel Larkin             Steven Penzes
Nazya J. Tromblay                                                                                Kali Wykoff
                        Jakob David           Emily Lazarz               Caleb Pierre-Griffith
Joseph Truel                                                                                     Seila Wynn
                        Alicia DeBlock        Cameron Leach              Christopher Racz
Virginia M. Urbanek                                                                              Dakota Younglove
                        Nathan Diamond        Nick Leon                  Jordan Reddick
Gage E. Vaananen
Kaitlyn I. Valrie
Jake R. Vance,
Justin L. Vargas
Jacob D. Vasher
David J. Vince
Hezekiah E. Walker
Namazzi L. Wasajja
Mackenzie R. Welsh
Rebecca S. Wery                                                    In a few short months, Eureka Road
Gavin White
Jayce J. Williams                                                  from Allen to Fort Street will be
Brooke M. Willis
                                                                   Titan Territory. Banners of our
Ronald R. Witechowsky
Joshua J. Wright                                                   seniors will be installed on light
Nevaeh A. Wright
Mara E. Wycihowski                                                 poles to show the Downriver area
Blaze A. Yaklin                                                    where we are and who we are.
Kyla J. Yancy
Victorida Yates                                                    Our Titan pride will be visible to all!
Brianna E. Zaddock
Camial F. Zemsky

                                                                                                   S O U THGA TE T OD A Y   19
Students are more anxious than ever –
here are some ways to help them through it                                                 By Tracy Willis

      SK any teacher what the biggest        “Give the message, ‘I know you’re
      issue students are facing right      scared. It’s okay to be scared. I’m          Signs of Anxiety in Children
      now in our COVID-19 world and        here. We’ll get through this together,’”
                                                                                          Decreased ability to concentrate
they’ll probably tell you it’s anxiety.    LaBlanc said.
                                                                                          Poor or interrupted sleep
   When you think about it, it’s not
                                                                                          Loss of appetite
surprising. The entire world was           Anticipate and Rehearse
                                                                                          Outbursts of anger or irritability
turned on its head, with shelter-in-          Keep the anticipation period as
                                                                                          Frequent stomach aches and
place quarantines, masking, virtual        short as possible. Do give your child
schooling, hybrid schooling, the loss      prior knowledge about a potential
of loved ones to the pandemic and/or       anxiety-producing event but don’t
the fears of losing a parent to the        give them too much notice. The more        counts. Do this a few times until the
pandemic.                                  time they’re given to worry about it,      child feels more relaxed.
   As a parent, it can feel daunting to    the worse the anxiety can become.
support your anxious child. It’s              Rehearsing for success is another       Reach Out
important to not avoid anxiety-            strategy that can help your child move       Sometimes, anxiety will continue to
producing situations. Avoidance can        through an anxious situation. Before a     escalate despite parental efforts.
reinforce nervousness in the long run.     situation or event that may be an          Reaching out to counseling
Instead, set positive and realistic        anxiety trigger, practice ways your        professionals can stack your child’s
expectations with your child. The goal     child can respond. Rehearse what they      deck for social emotional success.
is to teach your child how to manage       might say or actions they might take       Informing teachers and school
worries, not eliminate them.               before they’re in the thick of it.         personnel can also make a dramatic
                                                                                      difference. When school staff is aware
Talk It Out                                Calming the Apprehension                   of your child’s anxieties, they can
   According to Danesha LaBlanc,           Storm                                      better support your student and work
LLPC, one of the most effective things       Sometimes, children are in a             with them on school-specific strategies
you can do is talk to your child.          heightened state of apprehension.          to manage apprehensive situations.
   “When your child is anxious, asking     When they’re in this state, talking and
questions like, ‘What is the worst thing   rehearsal may be too difficult. Calming      Tracy Willis is a
that could happen? What do you think       needs to occur first.                      27-year veteran
will happen if...’ Asking questions like     “It’s important to be present and        educator and a third-
these helps your child to look at the      focus on the here and now,” LaBlanc        generation teacher.
worry and see the reasoning behind         said.                                      She has taught K-8
it,” LaBlanc said. “It helps them see        Anxiety often speeds up the central      students in both
that it’s not as big as they thought.”     nervous system, and children may feel      general education and
                                           as though their hearts and minds are       music classrooms. A former literacy
Validate, Validate, Validate!              racing. Square breathing is a valuable     coach, she has also taught
  Respect your child’s feelings but        tool for slowing things down. You can      undergraduate teaching candidates.
don’t empower the anxiety. What does       practice this with your child. Close       Her passions include hiking and
that mean? Be empathetic. Children’s       your eyes, take a deep breath over         writing. She's hopelessly devoted to
worries may seem trivial but to them,      four counts. Hold the breath for four      her pets. She currently teaches fifth
they’re monstrous. Don’t belittle.         counts, then release it over four          grade in the Metro Detroit area.

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ATTENTION: THIS IS AN IMPORTANT REPORT ON                             copper sampling and testing in our community. Water consumers
WATER QUALITY AND SAFETY                                              also have a responsibility to maintain the plumbing in their
   The Southgate Water Department is proud of our long history        homes and businesses and can take steps to limit their exposure
of providing quality drinking water to our customers and is           to lead.
honored to provide this report to you. The 2021 Consumers
Annual Report on Water Quality shows the sources of our water,        NATIONAL PRIMARY DRINKING WATER
lists the results of our tests, and contains important information    REGULATIONS COMPLIANCE
about water and health. The Southgate Water Department will              In 2021, the Southgate Water Department had one (1)
notify you immediately if there is ever any reason for concern        monitoring and one (1) maximum contaminant level violations
about our water. We are pleased to show you that the water we         and did not exceed any health standards.
purchase from the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) has                 In 2021, the Southgate Water Department had zero (0)
surpassed water quality standards as mandated by the United           monitoring violations of fecal coliform. The regulation requires
States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the State of         confirmation of any positive result and that location and all
Michigan Department of Environmental Great Lakes and Energy           points surrounding to be re-sampled within 24 hours of
(EGLE). Drinking water quality is important to our community          notification or the next business day.
and the region. The Southgate Water Department and the                   The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) required the City
GLWA are committed to meeting state and federal water quality         of Southgate to sample water for Unregulated Contaminant
standards, including the Lead and Copper Rule. With the Great         Monitoring Rule (UCMR) between the years of 2017-2020. The
Lakes as our water source and proven treatment technologies,          City of Southgate had no detectable contaminants during this
the GLWA consistently delivers safe drinking water to our             period.
community. This year’s Water Quality Report highlights the               “Drinking water, including bottled water, may reasonably be
performance of GLWA and the Southgate Water Department                expected to contain at least small amounts of some
professionals in delivering some of the nation’s best drinking        contaminants. The presence of contaminants does not
water. Together we remain committed to protecting public              necessarily indicate that water poses a health risk. More
health and maintaining open communication with the public             information about contaminants and potential health effects can
about our drinking water.                                             be obtained by calling the Environmental Protection Agency’s
                                                                      Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800-426-4791).
ABOUT OUR SYSTEM                                                         The sources of drinking water (both tap water and bottled
   The Southgate Water Department provides water to                   water) include rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, reservoirs, springs,
approximately 30,000 residents, 10,000 homes and over 2,000           and wells. As water travels over the surface of the land or
businesses, schools, churches, apartment complexes and                through the ground, it can dissolve naturally occurring minerals
numerous guests and visitors. The Southgate Water Department          and, in some cases, radioactive material, and can pick up
also maintains over 100 miles of water main and approximately         substances resulting from the presence of animals or from
1,300 fire hydrants. The Southwest Water Treatment Plant,             human activity.
owned and operated by the Great Lakes Water Authority                    Contaminants that may be present in source water include:
(GLWA), is Southgate’s major supplier of water. The Southwest               Microbial contaminants such as viruses and bacteria, which
Water Treatment Plant receives water from the Detroit River,                may come from sewage treatment plants, septic systems,
where underground pipes carry the water for treatment. The                  agricultural livestock operations, and wildlife.
many miles of deep raw water tunnels are periodically inspected,            Inorganic contaminants such as salts and metals, which can
either by hard-hat divers or with cameras, for structural integrity         be naturally occurring or result from urban storm water
and zebra mussel infestation.                                               runoff, industrial or domestic wastewater discharges, oil and
   The City of Southgate and the Great Lakes Water Authority                gas production, mining, or farming.
(GLWA) are committed to safeguarding our water supply and                   Pesticides and herbicides, which may come from a variety of
delivering the highest quality drinking water to protect public             sources such as agriculture, urban storm water runoff, and
health. If you would like to know more about this report or have            residential uses.
any questions or concerns about your water, please contact the              Organic chemical contaminants, including synthetic and
Southgate Water Department at (734) 258-3074.                               volatile organic chemicals, which are by-products of
   Safe drinking water is a shared responsibility. The water that           industrial processes and petroleum production and can also
Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) delivers to our community                come from gas stations, urban storm water runoff and septic
does not contain lead. Lead can leach into drinking water                   systems.
through home plumbing fixtures, and in some cases, customer                 Radioactive contaminants, which can be naturally occurring
service lines. Corrosion control reduces the risk of lead and               or be the result of oil and gas production and mining
copper from leaching into your water.                                       activities.
   Orthophosphates are added during the treatment process as a           In order to ensure that tap water is safe to drink, EPA
corrosion control method to create a protective coating in            prescribes regulations which limit the amount of certain
service pipes throughout the system, including in your home or        contaminants in the water provided by public water systems. The
business. The City of Southgate performs required lead and            Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations establish limits

for contaminants in bottled water, which       attention span and              2021 SOUTHWEST MINERAL ANALYSIS
must provide the same protection for           learning abilities.
public health.                                 Adults who drink this
    Some people may be more vulnerable         water over many years
to contaminants in drinking water than         could develop kidney
the general population. Immuno-                problems or high
compromised persons such as persons            blood pressure.
with cancer undergoing chemotherapy,              The City of
persons who have undergone organ               Southgate has a total
transplants, people with HIV/AIDS or           of 10,876 water
other immune system disorders, some            service lines. Of these
elderly, and infants can be particularly at    water service lines, 68
risk from infections. These people should      are lead, 5,624 are
seek advice about drinking water from          other materials
their health care providers. EPA/CDC           (copper, plastic, cast
guidelines on appropriate means to             iron or galvanized)
lessen the risk of infection by                and 5,184 are of
Cryptosporidium and other microbial            unknown material at
contaminants are available from the Safe       this time. The City of
Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).         Southgate is actively
    If present, elevated levels of lead can    inspecting the water
cause serious health problems, especially      service lines of
for pregnant women and young children.         unknown material and
It is possible that lead levels at your home   began replacing
may be higher than at other homes in the       known lead lines in
community as a result of materials used in     the summer of 2021.
your home’s plumbing. Additional                  Your source water
information is available from the Safe         comes from the
Drinking Water Hotline (800-426-4791).         Detroit River, situated
Lead in drinking water is primarily from       within the Lake St.
materials and components associated            Clair, Clinton River,                       water standards.
with service lines and home plumbing.          Detroit River, Rouge River, Ecorse River,      GLWA has initiated source-water
The City of Southgate is responsible for       watersheds in the U.S. and parts of the     protection activities that include chemical
providing high-quality drinking water but      Thames River, Little River, Turkey Creek    containment, spill response, and a
cannot control the variety of materials        and Sydenham watersheds in Canada.          mercury reduction program. GLWA
used in plumbing components. When              The Michigan Department of                  participates in a National Pollutant
your water has been sitting for several        Environmental Quality in partnership with   Discharge Elimination System permit
hours, you can minimize the potential for      the U.S. Geological Survey, the Detroit     discharge program and has an emergency
lead exposure by flushing your tap for 30      Water and Sewerage Department and the       response management plan. In 2021, the
seconds to 2 minutes before using water        Michigan Public Health Institute            Michigan Department of Environmental,
for drinking or cooking. If you have a lead    performed a source water assessment in      Great Lakes and Energy approved GLWA’s
service line it is recommended that you        2004 to determine the susceptibility of     Fighting Island Surface Water Intake
run your water for 5 minutes to flush          the GLWA’s Detroit River source water for   Protection plan. The plan has seven
water from both your home plumbing and         potential contamination. The susceptibility elements that include: roles and duties of
the lead service line. If you are concerned    rating is on a seven-tiered scale and       government units and water supply
about lead in your water, you may wish to      ranges from very low to very high           agencies, delineation of a source water
have your water tested. Information on         determined primarily using geologic         protection areas, identification of
lead in drinking water, testing methods,       sensitivity, water chemistry, and potential potential sources of contamination,
and steps you can take to minimize             contaminant sources. The report             management approaches for protection,
exposure is available from the Safe            described GLWA’s Detroit River intakes as   contingency plans, siting of new sources,
Drinking Water Hotline or at http://www.       highly susceptible to potential             public participation and public education
epa.gov/safewater/lead.                        contamination. However, all four GLWA       activities. If you would like to know more
    Infants and children who drink water       water treatment plants that service the     information about the Source Water
containing lead could experience delays        City of Detroit and draw water from         Assessment report, please contact GLWA
in their physical and mental development.      Detroit River have historically provided    at (313) 926-8102.
Children could show slight deficits in         satisfactory treatment and meet drinking
                                                                                                        Water Report continued on page 24

                                                                                                                      G A T E T OD
                                                                                                                                 DAY   23
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