Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International

Page created by Walter Gallagher
Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International
Steps to Healing
 A U C T I O N            &      G A L A
  February 23, 2019 | The Meydenbauer Center

Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International
Who We Are
Mobility Outreach International (MOi) is a
non-political, secular, international nonprofit
organization (NGO), that has restored and
enhanced mobility for children and adults in
under-resourced health settings since 1989. MOi
provides treatment to children with clubfoot,
prosthetic and orthotic services, physical
rehabilitation, advocacy and orthopedic surgical
outreach. Our programs and partnerships have
directly reached over 30,000 patients, and
indirectly served more than 100,000 people whose
lives were affected by limb loss or deformity. We
believe that when we strengthen the capacity of
health workers, private clinicians, and the supply
chain that surrounds them, MOi plays a key role
in fostering sustainability across the entire health
system; dramatically increasing the quality and
access to care for persons with physical disabilities.

                Mission Statement
 To restore and enhance mobility for children and
   adults in under-resourced areas of the world.
Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International

 Steps to Healing
  A U C T I O N                &       G A L A

A celebration of the individuals and commu-
nities in the countries that benefit from the
 MOi programs that are made possible with
 the support of generous donors, sponsors,
      volunteers, and partners like you.

  30th Anniversary Celebration
         Saturday, February 23, 2019
          The Meydenbauer Center
      11100 NE 6TH ST, Bellevue, WA 98004

   Helping others take sustainable Steps to Healing
Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International
      Robert G. Veith, MD

              SPECIAL THANKS
  Aramigo Coffee by Enrique Henao and family
              Audio Visual Factory
             Chateau Ste. Michelle
                Damba Koroma
                Enrique Henao
          Gansango Music and Dance
         Matt Hunt, Creative Blue Media
            MOi Board of Directors
   Nick Roumonada, MOi Athlete Ambassador
NW American Academy of Orthotists & Prosthetists
               Seattle Printworks
                  Steve Bunin
   Stokes Auction Group & Stokes Productions
       Suzanne Rothmeyer Photography
           The Meydenbauer Center
               Travis Warrington
Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International

                   THIS EVENING’S PROGRAM
   5:00       Registration & Silent Auction
              Hors d’oeuvres | Cocktails served
              Golden Paddle Ticket Raffle (sales close at 6:40 pm)
   6:25       1st Silent Auction Closes
   6:40       2nd Silent Auction Closes
   6:40       Seating for Dinner, Program & Live Auction
   6:50       Gansango Music and Dance | Artistic Performance
   6:55       Welcome
              Steve Bunin | KING5 Anchor I Master of Ceremonies
   7:00       Dinner Service Begins
              Heidi Peterson - Executive Director | MOi
   7:05       Celebrating 30 Years
              Compassion in Post Conflict Countries
              Donna Burgess I Daughter of Organization Founder
              (Dr. Ernest Burgess)
   7:10       Live Auction Begins - Shawn Hamilton | Auctioneer
              Golden Paddle Raffle Drawing
   8:00       Video: Overcoming the Sierra Leone Civil War
              Amara Darboh | Athlete I Seattle Seahawks
              Robert G. Veith, MD | MOi Board President | Medical Director
              Damba Koroma | Survivor of Civil War in Sierra Leone
   8:10       RAISE THE PADDLE to Make-A-Difference
   8:25       Enrique Henao | Musical Performance
   8:45       Live Auction Concludes
              Check-out and Item Redemption Opens
   8:45       Post Program Performance
              Enrique Henao | International Classical Guitarist

   9:00       Coffee I Tea service in Silent Auction Area
   10:00      Event Concludes

                  THANK YOU FOR JOINING US!
Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International

                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS
   This Evening’s Program..................................................................... 3
   Performances........................................................................................... 5
   Letter from the Executive Director............................................ 6
   Patient Story – Rodain Valcin.................................................... 8-9
   Program Country Data................................................................10-11
   Surgical & Clubfoot Programs......................................................12
   Prosthetics & Orthotics Program...............................................13
   Mobility Repair Center Program................................................ 14
   Online Resource Training Hub Program..............................15
   Auction Committee/Volunteers/Staff..................................... 16
   Board of Directors & Collaborating Partners..................... 17
   Auction Rules.......................................................................................... 18
   Auction Items for 2+ People......................................................... 19
   Golden Paddle Raffle / Wine Toss............................................. 19
   Corn Hole Game / Restaurant Frenzy................................... 20
   Dessert Auction Selections............................................................21
   Patient Story - Moïse Nicolas............................................... 22-23
   Live Auction Items.......................................................................25-50
   Our Team in Action in Vietnam............................…………………37
   Make-A-Difference / Amara Darboh............................... 40-41
   Make-A-Difference / Robert G. Veith..................................... 42
   Make-A-Difference / Damba Koroma.................................... 43
   Auction Notes..........................................................................................51
   Silent Auction Item Listing.....................................................52-53
   Silent Auction Donor Listing................................................54-55
   Celebrating 30 Years and Counting........................................57

                                    MISSION STATEMENT
        To restore and enhance mobility for children and
          adults in under-resourced areas of the world.

                                          CORE VALUES
                 Sustainability I Compassion | Innovation
                       Collaboration | Accessibility
Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International

   International recording artist, Enrique
   Henao, who has garnered critical
   acclaim as one of the world’s finest,
   free spirited acoustical guitarists,
   takes the stage to perform in support
   of MOi this evening. From 1975
   to 1980, Enrique Henao lived and
   performed in Seattle becoming one
   of the city’s best loved musicians and
   entertainers. Schooled in music by his
   father, also a gifted musician, Enrique performed in his first concert at the
   age of 13. Enrique has since played in more than 80 countries giving him a
   great knowledge of the world’s music, as well as a profound respect for and
   understanding of all people, making him a true citizen of the world. Enrique
   has been witness to the ravages of poverty in his homeland Colombia, here
   in the United States and in his international travels. Enrique’s commitment
   to use his talent to serve children is evident in his support of a children’s
   hospital in Manizales, Colombia. Henao has performed for 17+ heads of state
   and keeps thank-you notes from the White House and the Vatican. His
   scrapbook tells the story: contracts for performances on “The Mike Douglas
   Show” and “The Tonight Show”: theater photos with Andres Segovia: pictures
   of marquees with Johnny and June Carter Cash, Julio Iglesias and others.

                                              Gansango Music & Dance draws on
                                              the stunning talent of a multicultural
                                              group of international dancers and
                                              musicians presenting traditional and
                                              contemporary dance and music from
                                              West Africa. Directed by Etienne
                                              Cakpo, (originally from Benin and
                                              now based in Seattle), Gansango
                                              fuses music and movement from
                                              across the African continent, drawing
                                              from the dance and music traditions
                                              of Benin, Ghana, Togo, and Senegal.
                                              For more information visit:

Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International
   A message from the Executive Director

   Welcome to the 2019 Steps to Healing Annual Dinner Auction and Gala!

   What an incredible year 2018 has been! This year, as we celebrate our 30th birthday since our
   founding in 1989, we remain proud of the work we do each day to help people gain greater
   physical independence. Today, just as we did then, we focus on mobility solutions for people
   living with limb loss or deformity in low-resource health settings such as Bangladesh, Haiti,
   Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Vietnam. We do this through programs and strategic partner-
   ships that magnify our impact and leverage our resources so that each dollar we raise
   can go further, serving more and more people who need access to mobility.

   In the past year, one of our greatest achievements was launching our programs into an
   entirely new country of service – Senegal (West Africa). There, we work with the German
   Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association (DAHW), our on-the-ground partner, to deliver
   artificial limbs and technical training in prosthetics and orthotics to people in under-served

   Our reach is profound. Throughout our history, MOi has indirectly impacted the lives of
   more than 100,000 family members of its 30,000 direct program beneficiaries, and has
   strengthened entire health systems so that sustainable access to care is permanently
   within reach. Without mobility solutions, people with physical disabilities and amputees
   depend on other household members for many aspects of their daily lives. Each year, MOi
   helps courageous patients make incredible strides toward living fuller, more economically
   independent and normal lives. We hope that tonight you can join us in being a champion
   for people with physical disabilities to magnify these outcomes.

   MOi Programs;

   Prosthetic and Orthotic Program: Trains technicians and clinicians to overcome supply
   chain barriers, and technical capacity, while attracting increased support from the ministries
   of health;

   Clubfoot Program: Raises awareness in underserved areas and trains health workers in low-
   cost treatment methods and brace manufacturing to end neglected Clubfoot as a physical

   Mobility Repair Centers: Recruit and train people, most from the disabled community, to
   own and operate their small businesses, repairing mobility devices in semi-rural areas and
   expands access to care while dramatically reducing time out of work for patients and their

   Surgery Program: Provides tools, materials, and training, to local surgeons and hospitals to
   enhance the quality of care received by orthopedic patients in under-served communities;

   Online Resource and Training Hub (pilot program - Year 1): Brings technical training in
   mobility device creation and repair to clinicians via an e-learning environment.

   Without you, this work could not be done. Our annual Auction and Gala is a demonstration
   of the strong support we receive from this community to continue this vital work. Thank you,
   for so generously supporting our programs. We are grateful for YOUR partnership which
   allows us to serve the most marginalized and vulnerable people with life-changing treat-
   ments. Together with your help this evening, we can create permanent Steps to Healing!

   With tremendous gratitude,

   Heidi R. Peterson, MPA, CFRE, CSPG
   Executive Director
Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International
Steps to Healing FINDING HOPE THROUGH Mobility - AUCTION & GALA - Mobility Outreach International

               RODAIN VALCIN I P&O Technician
                       MAKING A DIFFERENCE IN HAITI
   Rodain Valcin has always felt called to help others. Though he
   grew up with next to nothing—just food, basic shelter, and a
   secondary school education— he was profoundly inspired by his
   Christian faith to alleviate the suffering of those less fortunate
   than himself.

   Believing in the promise of
   education to cultivate the skills
   to escape poverty, Valcin first
   worked to become a teacher in
   Dondon, Haiti. However, after an
   accident left him with serious
   injuries, Valcin began to think
   more critically about the impact
   he wanted to make with his
   life’s work. He recognized that
   day-to-day life was difficult for
   everyone in his town, but it was
   extraordinarily so for individuals
   living with physical disabilities.
   This realization, coupled with
   his religious conviction, led him
   to change career paths and focus on providing assistance to the
   physically disabled.

   Starting in 2002, he began his training to become a physical
   therapy assistant through the Association d’Aide des Techniciens
   en Physiothérapie (AATPH). He also received training in
                                                shoemaking, clubfoot
                                                treatment, and
                                                orthotic training
                                                through workshops
                                                hosted in Cap-Haitian.
                                                His talent in the
                                                profession was quickly
                                                recognized: Upon
                                                completion of one
                                                such workshop, one of
                                                its organizers donated
                                                equipment to Valcin
                                                as an award for his

   dedication and an incentive to keep developing his skills.
   For eight years, Valcin diligently worked to hone his craft when,
   following the disastrous earthquake of 2010, he was interviewed
   by Ray Pye of Mobility Outreach International (MOi) to work at
   a newly MOi-supported prosthetics and orthotics workshop at
   Justinian University Hospital. From the dozens of candidates,
   Valcin was quickly selected as one of the staff.

   In the nine years that have passed since that time, Valcin has been
   closely mentored by MOi-funded prosthetist, Mahamadou Soule,
   to further his P&O education and practical skill set. Mahamadou
   considers Valcin an essential member of the Justinian workshop
   team for his diligence, reliability, and practical know-how to
   determine the best possible solutions for the patients he serves.

   For Valcin, the ability to tangibly improve the lives of some of the
   most vulnerable members of his community, thereby fulfilling his
   spiritual calling, is what inspires him to come to work every day.
   Valcin is one of many technicians who, without MOi’s support,
   would likely not be able to have stable employment in the P&O

                                              Thanks to MOi’s
                                              dedication to building
                                              the capacity of
                                              local clinicians and
                                              technicians to provide
                                              quality services to
                                              patients across Haiti,
                                              Sierra Leone, Vietnam,
                                              and Senegal, talented
                                              technicians like Valcin
                                              can use their talents
                                              to help patients walk

              Represented by Program, Number of (facilities) and Beneficiaries
                      Numbers below represent impact between 2017-2018

 Clubfoot Treatment (1) -
 61 (new) 260 (total)
 Mobility Repair Centers (4) – 2,488
 Prosthetics & Orthotics (1) - 584

 Mobility Repair Centers – seeking funding
 Prosthetics & Orthotics (1) - 58**
 Technical Support (*) - On demand

 *MOi began activities in Senegal in 2018.
 **For period: January – June 2018

                  SIERRA LEONE
                  Clubfoot Treatment (5) -227 (new) 1042 (total)
                  Mobility Repair Centers (4) - 1560
                  Orthopedic Surgeries (assessment phase) -

              Represented by Program, Number of (facilities) and Beneficiaries
                      Numbers below represent impact between 2017-2018

   Prosthetics & Orthotics (*) - 93*            VIETNAM
   Technical Support (*) - On demand            Clubfoot Treatment (26) -
                                                664 (new) 3040 (total)
   *MOi has transitioned to a largely
                                                Orthopedic Surgeries (*) - 158
   technical support role in Bangladesh.
                                                *The Surgical Team operates out of
                                                various hospitals.

   The Online Research Training Hub will launch in Haiti, Senegal and Sierra Leone in
   early 2020. MOi has successfully transitioned the Prosthetics & Orthotics programs
   to local government hospitals in Sierra Leone (2016) and Vietnam (2009).

                            OUR PROGRAMS
                           SURGICAL PROGRAM
                           MOi’s surgical program was conceived in
                           the early 1990s, when volunteer orthopedic
                           surgeons began traveling from Seattle to
                           conduct surgeries in remote areas of northern
                           Vietnam. Working alongside and providing
                           specialized training to Vietnamese surgeons,
                           these trips became an opportunity to bring
                           MOi founder Dr. Ernest Burgess’ vision alive by
                           using cross-cultural collaboration as a tool to
                           bring about the best possible patient outcomes.
                           These trips continued through 2001, at which
                           time MOi officially partnered with the American
                           Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS)
                           to sponsor orthopedic surgeries for northern
   Vietnamese patients who otherwise would not be able to access
   essential surgery due to financial and geographic constraints. The
   partnership is now in its eighteenth year. Thanks to the generosity of
   former POF Board member and AOFAS Founder, Dr. Pierce Scranton,
   as well as current Board members Dr. Robert G. Veith, Dr. Mark Dales,
   and Dr. Maryse Bouchard, MOi has changed the lives of hundreds
   of patients in Vietnam. This year, MOi is proud to announce that Dr.
   Veith is joining renowned orthopedic surgeon, Dr. Steve Mannion, to
   pilot a similar program in Sierra Leone to give children with operable
   orthopedic conditions access to life-changing procedures.

                             MOi is a member of the Global Clubfoot
                             Initiative (GCI), a group of organizations who
                             commonly work toward a world eradicated of
                             physical disability caused by untreated club-
                             foot. Through advocacy, education, and collab-
                             oration, GCI partners assist under-resourced
                             countries by establishing a network of treat-
                             ment clinics that use the Ponseti method to
                             correct the condition, saving each child from a
                             lifetime of pain and difficulty walking. In part-
                             nership with local hospitals or clinics in each
                             country, MOi trains doctors, nurses, therapists,
                             and orthopedic technicians on the Ponseti
                             method, and supports local material sourc-
                             ing and manufacturing of the foot abduction
   braces essential to the treatment’s success. MOi regularly monitors the
   quality of the treatment techniques being implemented and assists
   local community counselors through advocacy and outreach efforts to
   educate new parents about clubfoot treatment.

                        OUR PROGRAMS

   Dr. Ernest Burgess founded
   MOi out of a desire to assist
   developing countries with
   the skills and tools needed
   to treat and empower
   the physically disabled to
   become more independent
   and enjoy a higher quality of
   life. Beginning in Vietnam,
   MOi (then Prosthetics
   Outreach Foundation), used
   computer technology that
   enabled local technicians to
   fit thousands of amputees
   with comfortable low cost
   prostheses. MOi also assisted
   with the local development
   of the prosthetic feet, and
   knee joints needed for
   artificial limbs, and with
   the manufacture of brace
   components used for
   walking braces for polio
   victims. The lessons learned
   in Vietnam have since been
   implemented in Bangladesh,
   Sierra Leone, Haiti, and Senegal, where MOi has expanded its
   effort to ensure that quality prosthetic and orthotic devices are
   available by local providers who are trained to address the needs
   of individuals coping with limb loss in a clinically competent

   Beyond MOi’s efforts to improve prosthetic and orthotic
   service delivery, we work to ensure that each country has
   the necessary resources — a strong supply chain, durable
   materials, basic rehabilitation products, and skilled technicians
   —to provide regular treatment services. Our P&O program works
   to strengthen permanent clinics and workshop facilities so that
   they are equipped with locally-sourced materials (to the extent
   possible) and the tools needed for long-term sustainability.

                        OUR PROGRAMS


                                     Shortly after MOi was founded,
                                     contributions from donors
                                     were used to provide a
                                     vehicle for local medical and
                                     rehabilitation staff to conduct
                                     clinical and repair service
                                     outreach in remote provinces
                                     in Northern Vietnam. Local
                                     staff travelled thousands of
                                     miles over rugged terrain so
                                     that physically disabled people
                                     in remote areas would be able
                                     to access essential repairs,
                                     adjustments, or replacements
                                     of broken parts—services that
                                     are often too expensive to
                                     access for individuals coping
   with mobility issues in rural locations. Seeing the opportunity
   presented by the Vietnam program, MOi provided a vehicle
   to Makeni Hospital in Sierra Leone to conduct similar mobile
   outreach services.

   Monitoring and evaluation of the program revealed that
   many of the services provided were simple repairs and or
   replacements of worn out components. To better meet this
   need and move toward a model of sustainability, MOi initiated
   a Mobility Repair Center (MRC) program — a network of
   small, privately-owned and operated businesses, which
   offer repair services, replacement parts, education around
   orthopedic services, and referral to MOi-supported P&O
   workshops in urban locations. MOi assists with the construction
   of the small workshops and recruitment of the appropriate
   entrepreneurs (many from the physically disabled community
   themselves) to receive training on device repair. To date, MOi
   supports eight active MRC workshops with an eye toward
   expansion to new locations in the year ahead.

                        OUR PROGRAMS


   Mobile technology is
   ubiquitous throughout
   the Global South, but
   in-person educational
   facilities often remain
   too expensive and
   difficult to access for
   many who live in under
   resourced areas. To
   continue building upon
   the lessons learned
   through the P&O and
   MRC programs, MOi has
   launched a brand new
   pilot program this year,
   the Online Resource
   and Training Hub,
   where web-based content will be made easily accessible to
   rehabilitation professionals when and where they need it. “The
   Hub” will fill the gap between the need for qualified prosthetic/
   orthotic technicians in the countries MOi serves and the lack
   of in-person educational facilities that can provide interested
   technicians with the relevant educational resources in those
   locations. The Hub will teach people casting techniques,
   socket fabrication, prosthetic alignment for artificial limbs,
   gait therapy, wheelchair repair and resolve gaps in the
   supply chain. The new platform will house training materials,
   resources, and short “how-to” video clips that people can
   view from any computer, tablet, or personal cell phone,
   even in low bandwidth settings. This collection of online
   instructional content will align with guidelines identified by
   the International Society for Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO)
   and expanded to include additional MOi-supported materials,
   such as how to begin a Mobility Repair Center. User data will be
   tracked so that we can monitor and evaluate user progress; we
   envision that it will one day help prepare users with updated
   techniques through continuing education and certification.

                         AUCTION COMMITTEE
               Robert G. Veith, MD, 30th Ann. Gala Chairman
              Heidi Peterson, Co-Chair and Executive Director
                        Mary Luft Gladhart, Co-Chair
                   Jackie Gosschalk, Silent Auction Chair
                        Brianna Ramirez, Volunteer
                        Jenna Anderson, Volunteer
                             Katie Busse, Staff
                         Kiana Hammington, Staff
                         Kortnee Alcott, Volunteer
                   Matt Hunt, Contract Marketing / Media
                          Sabrina Rousselot, Staff
                         Sara Gosschalk, Volunteer
                       Susan Okazaki, Contract Staff
             Travis Warrington, Contract Project Management

                        AUCTION VOLUNTEERS
             Ann Yamane                             James Cortines
            Chris Koressel                          Nigel Gladhart
           Corlyss Peterson                        Rebecca Spadoni
             Ellen Hawks                            Ron Buchanan
              Erik Hawks                             Rhea Kulikova
           Jennifer Spadoni                        Robyn Wilmouth
            Kirsten George                            Shela Chan
            Lillian Korinek                      Teresa Bravo-Cortines
           Linda Clark, PhD                         Zofia Mravcova
             Luiz Cortines
                       Students of University of Washington
      (Disability Studies, Law Societies and Justice, International Studies and
                       Prosthetics and Orthotics Programs)

                  Heidi Peterson I Executive Director
      Raymond Pye I Dir. of Program Quality & Emerging Programs
                  Jana Shih I Senior Program Officer
                    Sydney Taylor I Program Officer
     Kiana Hammington I External Relations & Operations Coordinator
              Sabrina Rousselot | Administrative Assistant
        Susan Okazaki I External Relations and Events Coordinator
                Katie Busse I Development Coordinator
               Rose Hong I Vietnam In-Country Manager
             Mahamadou Soulé I Haiti In-Country Manager

                         BOARD OF DIRECTORS
             President I MOi Medical Director: Robert G. Veith, MD
                       Proliance Orthopedic Associates

                  Vice President: Karl Entenmann, CPO, LPO
                Preferred Orthotic and Prosthetic Services, Inc.

                         Treasurer: Jose Ignacio, CPO, LPO
                        Center for Prosthetics Orthotics, Inc.

                         Secretary: Mary Luft Gladhart
      Retired Financial Advisor, Past Interim Exec. Dir. & Board President

                        Valerie Nkamgang Bemo, MD-MPH
                         Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

              Maryse Bouchard, MD I Toronto Children’s Hospital

                  Mark Dales, MD I Seattle Children’s Hospital

                        Eddy Gosschalk, CPO I Hanger, Inc.

                     Bernice Kegel, PT I Physical Therapist

           Marie Plakos, EdD I Mobility Advocate and Photographer

               Moussa Samba, MPA, MNPL I Homestreet Bank

   David Boone, BSPO, MPH, PhD I American Orthotic and Prosthetic Assc.
                        I Orthocare Innovations

                 Laurel Saliman, MD I Swedish Medical Center

   Justinian University Hospital, Rehabilitation Department Consultant, Haiti

            Bindi Saffa I National Clubfoot Coordinator, Sierra Leone

     Rose Hong I Int’l Mobility Advocate, and coordinator with Ministry of
   Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), Socialist Republic of Viet Nam

                 Global Clubfoot Initiative (GCI) I RunFree2030

                  Global Initiative for Children’s Surgery (GICS)

            International Society of Prosthetics and Orthotics (ISPO)

         German Leprosy and Tuberculosis Relief Association (DAHW)

                            AUCTION RULES
   Use your bid number for both the Live and Silent Auctions. Please
   read all detailed descriptions of items before bidding, including
   restrictions and expiration dates. Your winning bid constitutes an
   agreement to purchase the item(s) at that price. Bids may not be
   withdrawn. All items must be paid in full the evening of the auction. All
   sales are final.

   1) Select item(s) you are interested in winning.
   2) Write your bid number on the form next to the amount you want to
   bid. You do not have to take the next available bid.amount; you may
   skip ahead to the amount you wish to bid.
   3) You may keep bidding on items until the section closes. Once
   a section closes, the top bid for each item will be circled. Copies
   of the bid forms will remain on the tables until the final section
   is closed, so you can check to see which items you have won
   Please do not take bid forms or any items off the tables.
   Your items will be packaged for you by our volunteers.
   4) Guaranteed Bid: Purchase an item without the wait! To .register a
   Guaranteed Bid and win the item, write your bid number next to the
   amount labeled “Guaranteed Bid.” The bidding for that item is then
   closed, and the item is yours.

   To bid, simply raise your bid number. The highest bidder acknowledged
   by the Auctioneer is the winning bidder. Please do not take any items
   from the Live Auction display tables. We will bring the items to package
   pick-up where you can collect them at the end of the evening.

   1) If you are using Express Pay, simply proceed straight to Auction Item
   Pick-Up at the conclusion of the Live Auction Proceed to the section
   that corresponds to your bid number range and wait your turn. Present
   your bid card to the volunteer .and they will retrieve your Live and Silent
   Auction items for you.
   2) If you are not using Express Pay, please go to the Check Out Desk to
   pay for the items you have won and then proceed to Auction Item Pick-
   Up to collect them as described above.
   3) MasterCard, VISA, American Express, and personal checks will be
   accepted as payment.
   4) Please take all merchandise with you.


   Item #   Item Name                                                           # of Guests
      1     Whidbey Waterfront Weekend & Winery Tour (4 days)…..........6
      2     Hot Stove Society Professional Cooking Class.................................12
      3     Romantic Treehouse Getaway in Fall City WA (3 days)...............2
      4     Day on the Water – Sailing Vessel Bribery (Hanse 455)..........6-7
      5     Paddle Adventures are Yours to Behold................................................1
      6     Italian Culinary Experience - Cortona, Italy (8 days)......................4
      7     Girl & Cat (2016) by Romero Britto (fine art).........................................1
      8     Luxurious Cruise on Holland America (up to 7 days)....................2
      9     Game of Thrones Journey Trip to Ireland (7 days) ..……………........2
     10     Seaform Series Glass attributed to Dale Chihuly (fine art)........1
     11     African Safari at Ezulwini Game Lodges (5 days).............................2
     12     Mazama Mountain Getaway (6 days).....................................................10
     13     Opening Seahawks Experience (2 Tickets, 2 Jerseys)…....….........2
     14     Escape to San Juan Island Splendor (3 days)..……………………...........2
     15     Magical Evening of Music with Enrique Henao………Unlimited
     16     Chilean Patagonia Experience (7 days)..................................................5
     17     Board of Directors Premium Wine Cellar .......................................2-4
   *Refer to the Live Auction item description for restrictions that .apply.

                 GOLDEN PADDLE RAFFLE - $100
   Purchase one or more of only a hundred (100) chances to win
   the Live Auction item of your choice! Tickets are $100 each and
   available for purchase between 5:00-6:35 PM only, from Raffle
   Sales Volunteers wearing colored feather boas. Purchasers will
   be identified by their flashing rings. The drawing will kick off the
   Live Auction.

                   WINE TOSS - (3 rings for $25)
   Purchase a set of three (3) rings for $25 then make your way
   to the Wine Toss during the Silent Auction for your chance to
   take home a nice bottle of wine (values range between $20-$90!
   When your ring lands around the bottle neck, you win! The Wine
   Toss is located in the Silent Auction room, and will continue until
   6:40 P.M. or until all of the wine has been won. Winning bottles
   may be retrieved at Item Check-Out at the close of the event.

                 CORN HOLE - (3 rings for $25)
   Purchase a set of three (3) bean bags for $25 then make your
   way to the Corn Hole Game during the Silent Auction for your
   chance to win a gift certificate worth $100 to a popular Seattle-
   area restaurant. When two or more of your three bean bags land
   through the corn hole, you win a chocolate bar and a raffle ticket
   to be entered into drawing for a restaurant gift certificate! The
   Corn Hole game is located in the Silent Auction room, and will
   continue until 6:40 P.M. or until all of the Corn Hole raffle tickets
   are given out. Drawing will take place during the Live Auction.
   Your gift certificate can be picked up at Item Check-Out at the
   close of the event.
   Gift certificate valued at $100 to Central Smoke (Seattle Central

                        RESTAURANT FRENZY
   Bid fast and furiously for your chance to win! The Restaurant
   Frenzy will take place between Live Auction Items 5 and 6. The
   gift cards will be available at the Auction Item Pick-Up upon the
   conclusion of the evening.

                                   • Cactus
                              • Central Smoke
                           • Cheesecake Factory
                              • Mioposto Pizza
                                   • Salty’s
                                • Tavern Hall

                             DESSERT AUCTION

                       BID FAST & HIGH TO TAKE THE CAKE!
                              (All desserts serve 10 people)

   1. Carrot Pineapple Cake:
   Share this delicious carrot pineapple cake with your table guests tonight.
   Covered with tempting vanilla bean cream cheese frosting, coconut, toasted
   almonds, and fresh pineapple.
   Thanks to: The Meydenbauer Center

   2. Chocolate Decadence:
   This cake is like no other! Enjoy a flourless chocolate cake, finished with
   dark chocolate ganache. An amazing chocolate decadence will delight your
   tastebuds and send the chocoholic in the room over the moon!
   Thanks to: The Meydenbauer Center

   3. Princesstarta:
   This beautiful cake is from Byen Bakeri, located in Seattle, near the MOi office.
   This delicious cake is a Scandanavian favorite with white sponge cake, whipped
   cream and blue marzipan icing. You will be delighted with this ‘light as air’ cake.
   Thanks to: Byen Bakeri

   4. Chocolate and Whiskey Cake:
   Enjoy this amazing cake from local Byen Bakeri. This chocolate and whiskey cake
   has buttercream frosting and then covered with bits of meringue. Your sweet
   tooth will be satisfied!
   Thanks to: Byen Bakeri

   5. Italian Cream Cake:
   You will be amazed with this Italian Cream Cake with Coconut, Pecans, and
   Coconut Cream Cheese Frosting from On Safari Catering. This lovely cake is the
   perfect finish to your dinner.
   Thanks to: On Safari Catering

   6. White Wine Cake:
   Here is something for everyone at your table to enjoy! This delicious cake with
   lemon curd and vanilla buttercream frosting will delight your senses!
   Thanks to: On Safari Catering

                           PATIENT STORY
                        MOÏSE NICOLAS FROM HAÏTI
   Ouanaminthe, Haiti and Dajabón, Dominican Republic sit on
   opposite sides of the Massacre River, yet the contrast between
   the two towns is stark. The river—so-named as the site of the
   Parsley Massacre, where tens of thousands of Haitians were
   brutally murdered in 1937 by order of Dominican dictator Rafael
   Trujillo— stands as a physical reminder of the historic oppression
   and adversity that Haitians continue to face. Many on the Haitian
   side of the border still live in dire poverty, relying on the two days
   per week that they can freely cross into the Dominican Republic
   to work as day laborers or sell small goods at market.

   Life on the Haitian side of the river is difficult for many people,
   but it’s even harder if you’re an amputee like Moïse Nicolas.

                                              Born with a congenital
                                              deformity on his right
                                              leg, doctors advised
                                              Moïse’s parents to
                                              amputate, saying that
                                              he would be able to
                                              walk more normally
                                              with a prosthesis. As
                                              Moïse grew and began
                                              to walk, his parents
                                              knew that he would
                                              need to be fitted with a
                                              prosthesis, but had few
                                              resources and didn’t
                                              know where to turn for

                                              They first looked to a
                                              local disability-focused
                                              charity known for its
                                              connections to private
                                              prosthetic technicians
                                              in the Dominican
                                              Republic. Although the
                                              technicians agreed to
                                              come to Haiti to cast
                                              Moïse and return with
a prosthetic limb,
the price requested
was far beyond what
Moïse’s family was
able to afford—even
with the charity’s
assistance. He
continued to live
without a prosthesis,
unable to walk to—or
even attend— school
with his peers.

More time passed,
and finally Moïse
received his first
prosthesis after
a friend in the
community notified
Moïse’s family about
a workshop at Milot Hospital. Unfortunately, Moïse still faced
considerable difficulty getting around: the prosthesis was
functional, but lacked a knee joint. As a result, he could not move
with a smooth, normal gait and walked haltingly wherever he
As Moïse grew, he required a replacement prosthesis. Yet
again, he faced a roadblock: the workshop at Milot had closed.
However, a staff member referred Moïse’s family to Justinian
University Hospital in Cap-Haitian, where she had heard about
the prosthetic and orthotic workshop supported by Mobility
Outreach International (MOi).

Upon arrival at the workshop, Moïse was met by an orthopedic
technologist named Mr. Isidor, who completed his plaster cast
and fabricated a customized prosthesis. This time, Moïse’s
prosthesis included a knee joint, allowing him to walk to school
smoothly and unencumbered.

Today, Moïse has returned to primary school in Ouanaminthe,
where he is well-liked and earns good grades. The little boy
whose disability once prevented him from attending school is
now able to do everything that his classmates can do. Life in
Haiti can be quite hard, but thanks to MOi’s ongoing support, the
obstacles that children and adults with mobility issues face do
not stand in the way of them living the fullest lives possible.
                                Orthopedic Surgeon Specializing in:
                                       Foot and Ankle Surgery

                                        Professional Affiliations:
                                          Fellow, American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons
                                          Member, American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society
                                          Medical Director, Mobility Outreach International
                                          President, Mobility Outreach International
                                          Trustee (MOi), Global Clubfoot Initiative
                                         Residency Training:
                                           University of Washington, 1981
                                           University of California San Francisco, Internal Medicine, 1977
                                        Medical School:
                                           University of Washington, 1975

                             PROLIANCE                ADV 2
                                  Stanford University-Bachelor of Science-1972
                                           UW Grateful Alumnus, 2014
                                           Esther Whiting Award, 1984

Seattle native Dr. Robert G. Veith is proud to serve as President of the Board of Directors of Mobility Outreach
International (formerly Prosthetics Outreach Foundation). A board-certified orthopedic surgeon who practices at
the Foot and Ankle Center of Proliance Orthopedic Associates (Renton), Dr. Veith has both led and
participated in MOi surgical outreach missions to Vietnam and Bangladesh. Throughout his professional
career, Dr. Veith has demonstrated a dedicated focus on orthopedic repair of foot and ankle disorders; he has
received numerous honors for his accomplishments, most recently being chosen as UW Grateful Alumnus
2014, which recognized Dr. Veith’s “selfless dedication to his patients and his boundless generosity set a new
standard for all of us.” When presenting him with the award, the University of Washington cited Dr. Veith’s work
with MOi, with the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS, an MOi partner), as part of the
AOFAS Overseas Outreach Fellowship in Vietnam, as well as his involvement with the Natural Disaster
Surgical Relief efforts in response to the devastating earthquake in Haiti. In addition to his medical practice,
and philanthropic clinical and surgical outreach missions, Dr. Veith also has an extensive history of presenting
his research at local, regional, and national organizations, and of cultivating the next generation of orthopedic
surgeons through lectures on clinical evaluation, treatment, and surgical techniques.

                                                           PRO LIAN CE
4011Talbot Road S., Suite 300                              ORTHOPEDIC ASSOCIATES
Renton, WA 98055
425.656.5060                                                      Specializing in What Moves You

                                 LIVE AUCTION
                         SPONSORED BY:
                        Robert G. Veith, MD
                       Hanger, Inc • Pixvana
                         MD Orthopaedics
                 Proliance Orthopedic Associates
               Columbia Bank • ottobock. • Cascade

                                   ITEM #1                                            L
   WHIDBEY WATERFRONT WEEKEND AND WINERY TOUR                                         I
   A romantic weekend, an adventure weekend…..or both! Enjoy
   unobstructed westerly views over Puget Sound from the porch of this                V
   1 bedroom with sleeping loft waterfront cabin on Whidbey Island.
   Start your day with breakfast on the sunny patio. Watch ship traffic,
   marine life, and spectacular sunsets. Walk miles of isolated beach.
   Nearby Ft Casey, Ebby’s landing, Trillium reserve, Greenbank Farm, the
   ferry to Port Townsend, and the quaint seaside towns of Langley and
   Coupeville with their shopping, art galleries, and restaurants are all
   nearby and offer lots of activities. South Whidbey Island has fantastic            A
   biking opportunities. You and 5 guests can explore beautiful local
   wines during a private tour at Spoiled Dog Winery located on South
   Whidbey Island followed by dinner at Gordon’s On Blueberry Hill. Then
   wind down the day from the secluded hot tub overlooking the Sound.
   Cabin sleeps 6 (2 in bedroom, 4 in loft). Accommodation offered for 4              C
   days (3 nights).

   Value: $2,000
   Donor(s): Mark Dales, MD & Kim Dales (accommodations)
   Karen Krug (winery tour $250)
   Mary and Chad Gladhart (Dinner gift certificate $100)                              O
   Restrictions: This is a private home; maximum occupancy is six people.
   Strictly limited to mutually agreed upon dates with donors. No pets, and           N
   no smoking. Airfare, rental car and/or transportation to-and-from property
   is not included. Scheduling arrangements to be made by winning bidder
   directly with donors. For parties of six at Gordon’s, reservations are required.
   Valid from February 23, 2019 through February 22, 2020.

                                   ITEM #2


     You and eleven friends will gather at the Hot Stove Society, a year
     round cooking school operated by Tom Douglas Restaurants, for a fun
A    filled cooking event. At Hot Stove Society, it is their personal quest to
     educate everyone who has the desire to become a better cook. They
U    are located in a bright industrial space inside the stylish Hotel Andra.

C    The event will kick off with hors d’oeuvres, then you will join the Hot
     Stove Society culinary team for a delicious hands-on family style
T    lunch. Guests will create a full family style meal from scratch with
     the guidance of our culinary team. Once each dish is complete, the
I    kitchen is transformed into a dining room where guests will dine
     around their butcher block tables. The presentation area boasts a
O    wide curved prep area where guests can gather for lectures and get
     up close to the instructor. Their classes are about many things from
N    how to cut up a chicken, to how to build a delicious cocktail, to finding
     out who’s the hottest chef in Portland. The mission at Tom Douglas
     Restaurants is “Deliciousness served with Graciousness.” If you’re
     aspiring to “cook like a pro,” you’ll find your dream class here.

     Value: $1,250
     Donor(s): Friends of MOi (certificate)
     Hot Stove Society (taxes and service charges)

     Restrictions: Includes hors d’oeuvres and lunch for a 3 hour period on a
     mutually agreeable date for a total of 12 people. Daytime event menus
     only (dinners are excluded). Excludes alcoholic beverages (which can be
     purchased separately). Event space is subject to availability and must be
     reserved with advance notice. Valid through November 30th, 2019. Cannot
     be combined with any other offers. *This class does not include or guarantee
     Tom Douglas himself as a participant*.

                                  ITEM #3

   Inspired by the hit show Treehouse Masters (airs on Animal Planet),
   TreeHouse Point is a romantic spot and the perfect place to immerse
   yourself in the natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. Easily accessible
   along the Preston-Fall City Road SE and located just 30 minutes from
   Seattle in a beautiful forest along the Raging River, TreeHouse Point
   offers myriad possibilities for your use and enjoyment! You may select a
   spot on the river and stay the night for your special event in one of the
   six iconic, rentable treehouses; a central Lodge; a multi-purpose event
   space; and two cedar-lined bathhouses. All indoor spaces are heated,
   and bedding, towels, and toiletries are provided, so come prepared as
   you would for a typical hotel stay. Complimentary Wi-Fi, books, board
   games, snacks, and dishware are available inside the main Lodge. Each
   morning, talented cooks prepare a delicious, wholesome breakfast
   that is included in your stay and served at the main Lodge. Turn off
   the technology and connect with nature during this quiet getaway
   for two while allowing a weekend in the trees to help you escape from
   everyday stress while providing soulful rejuvenation. Also enjoy a gift
   certificate for dinner at Woodman Lodge.

   Value: $1,050
   Donor(s): Maryse Bouchard, MD (accommodation)
   Friends of MOi & Woodman Lodge ($150 dining gift certificate)

   Restrictions: Does not expire. Continental breakfast is included.
   Accommodations are double occupancy and limited for two-nights only.
   Winning bidder may upgrade to larger Treehouse at their own expense. All
   Treehouses share common bathrooms on the ground and are no smoking.
   Pets are not welcome. Children over the age of 13 are indeed welcome.
   Reservations required and are based upon availability. Early and late
   checkouts are not available. Weekends are closed year-round until 60
   days prior. Airfare, rental car and/or transportation to-and-from property is
   excluded. Activities, excursion fees are excluded.

                                    ITEM #4

     Would you like to entertain your family or friends with a lovely
     afternoon sail on the Puget Sound? Just imagine, a gorgeous day
     and a fresh, salty sea breeze easing you and your guests across the
     water with beautiful views of the Seattle area. You and 6 guests will
     be served fabulous cocktails and hors d’oeuvres on this very nicely
     appointed, 45 foot sailboat which is known for its distance cruising
     and racing around the Pacific Northwest. During the course of this
     four hour adventure, you’ll be well cared for by experienced sailors
L    who are happy to teach your group sailing fundamentals. Included
     as crew for the day will be Mobility Outreach International’s very own
I    Executive Director, Heidi Peterson.

V    Value: $2,000
     Donor(s): Maureen Batterberry (sailing cruise)
E    Heidi Peterson (food, drinks, and fuel)

     Restrictions: Sailing cruise must take place during the second or third week
     of July only (July 6th – 21st, 2019). Valid during mutually agreeable dates

     between winning bidder, donors and crew. Must be scheduled on (or before)
     June 1st 2019. Winner may select between daytime or sunset cruise. Limited
     to 4 total hours including time at dock for loading and unloading. Six to seven
U    guests maximum. Expires July 21, 2019.


                                 ITEM #5

   Have you ever wanted to own a kayak but were short on storage
   space? Your problems are solved. This amazing “Bay ST” Kayak
   and Paddle Set goes from box to boat in minutes, and is the model
   of the original Oru Kayak, launched on Kickstarter in 2012. Made to
   withstand over 20,000 fold cycles and supports you and gear up to
   300lbs. Stash anywhere in your car, trunk, or closet. Its elegance and
   innovative design earned it a spot in the permanent collection of the
   San Francisco Museum of Modern Art! This model includes updated
   features to enhance performance, making it easier to assemble and
   more comfortable to use than its predecessors. It’s stable enough for       L
   beginners, while the length and contouring make it fast and sporty
   for experts. There’s plenty of room to stash gear for day trips and short   I
   camping excursions and fits standard Oru accessories. Start planning
   your outdoor excursions today!                                              V
                                   FEATURES:                                   E
   Folded dimensions: 33 x 12 x 29 inches.         Length: 12 feet.
   Cockpit Size: 30x16 inches                      Width: 25 inches
   Best use: 1-Person / Flat water Kayaking
   Seat type: Padded Foam
                                                   Weight: 28 lbs.
   • Folds up into the size of a large portfolio or suitcase                   U
   • Check it on a plane or hike it into remote waters
   • Made of 5mm double-layered custom-extruded polypropylene                  C
   • 28lbs., making it less than half the weight of a traditional kayak
   • Allows room for 1 adult + plenty of gear                                  T
   • Rollable in the event of a capsize
   Value: $1,650
   Donor(s): Friends of MOi                                                    O
   Restrictions: None. Take it home tonight, start your paddling tomorrow!     N

                                    ITEM #6


L    Is great cuisine your passion? Have you ever imagined staying
     in a 3,000 -year-old Etruscan walled hill town situated in the
I    Tuscany region of central Italy? Against the backdrop of a beautiful
     countryside villa in Cortona, you will partake in a cooking class
V    taught by highly accomplished Italian chefs. Fall in love with the
     intimate experience of preparing a great meal, where you can actively
E    participate or simply relax with a glass of wine and watch the chefs in
     action. Situated together, Tuscany and Umbria you’ll choose between
     classes at Chef Francesco’s Family Villa, where one of our favorite
     Tuscan chefs and his mother will teach you the latest trends in their
A    family home; or you may choose to do it from the comfort of your own
     villa where they will come to you (if your selected accommodation’s
U    kitchen space permits).

C    The hill town is conveniently located along the main rail line and the
     main highway between Florence (65 mi) and Rome (125 mi). Over
T    your one-week stay (7 nights) at the recently restored stone home,
     you and your guest(s) can explore the town’s restaurants and shops,
I    museums, churches and historical sites. Don’t miss touring the many
     local vineyards in the area. The multi-level, two bedroom/two bath
O    home sleeps four, has a modern kitchen and Wi-Fi, and is located
     near one of the entrance gates of the city and public parking, in a very
N    quiet area with little traffic. Upgrades can be purchased for larger
     groups. To learn more, please visit:

     Value: $3,900
     Donor(s): Mobility Outreach International

     Restrictions: This is a professionally managed property; maximum
     occupancy = 4. Upgrades for larger accommodations may be purchased
     for an extra fee paid by winning bidder. One cooking class for two people is
     included. Airfare, rental car and/or transportation to and from the property,
     meals, and other excursions are not included. Cortona is an ancient, walled
     hill town with many stairs, steep streets and limited driving/parking with no
     elevators nor accommodations for people with mobility challenges. Please
     be advised. Accommodation is for a 7-night stay (Saturday to Saturday),
     subject to availability from February 23, 2019 through February 22, 2021.
     (Valid for 2 years).

                                  ITEM #7
   GIRL & CAT (2016) - Signed by Artist Romero Britto

   His appreciation of these masters influenced him to create an iconic
   style that The New York Times described, “exudes warmth, optimism
   and love”.

   Brazilian-born and Miami-made, Romero Britto is an international
   artist that uses vibrant, bold and colorful patterns to reflect his
   optimistic view of the world around him. Britto has created a visual
   language of hope and happiness all its own that is relatable to all,
   inspiring millions. Self-taught at an early age, Britto painted on
   scraps of paper or cardboard or
   any medium he could find before
   coming into his own and traveling
   to Paris where he was introduced
   to the works of Matisse and Picasso.
   Britto’s work has been exhibited
   in galleries and museums in over
   100 countries, including the Salon
   de la SocieteNationale des Beaux
   Arts exhibition at the Carrousel
   du Louvre in 2008 and 2010. He
   has created public art installations
   for the 02 Dome in Berlin, New
   York’s John F. Kennedy Airport,
   Cirque Du Soleil at Super Bowl XLI,
   and has been credited with the
   largest monumental sculpture in
   London’s Hyde Park history. Britto
   served as an official artist for the
   2010 World Cup, Ambassador to the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil and
   was recently invited to be an honorary torch bearer for the Rio 2016
   Olympic Games. Britto’s pop sensibility has since leant itself to many
   collaborations with international brands such as Audi, Bentley, Coca-
   Cola, Walt Disney, Evian, Hublot, and Mattel to name a few.
   You will love this amazing three-dimensional serigraphy construction
   in color with cut-outs in serigraphy. The piece is hand signed in pencil
   lower left by the artist. The dimensions measure 15 ½“ x 13”. This piece
   is from the numbered edition of 750 (8 artists proofs also exist).

   Value: $2,125 (appraised)
   Donor(s): Linda Clark, PhD Ed

   Restrictions: None. Purchase tonight and fill your life with love, and optimism
   tomorrow. Secure packaging for transport home is provided this evening.
   Appraisal by Park West Gallery available for reference.
MD Orthopaedics, Inc. is an orthopedic device company
   focused on the design, manufacturing, assembly and
     distribution of Ponseti Method clubfoot products.

MD Orthopaedics’ products are sold in over 126 countries and
     are used by hundreds of thousands of customers!

  Call 877-766-7384 or email:

                                   ITEM #8

   When you step aboard one of the five-star ships of Holland America
   Line, you will experience a voyage unlike any other. You can choose
   any cruise for two (same stateroom) up to seven days in
   length (based on minimum unobstructed ocean view stateroom) to
   Alaska, the Caribbean, Mexico or Canada/New England. Your journey
   will include extraordinary dining, spacious staterooms,
   elegant surroundings and days filled with new discoveries and
   gracious pampering by an award-wining crew. You can choose to
   partake in as many – or as few – activities as you wish, from the
   renowned Greenhouse Spa and Salon, to cooking demonstrations and
   wine tasting in the Culinary Arts Center, and much more. Or simply
   relax and enjoy the spectacular scenery from the beautiful wrap-
   around teak deck. The certificate has no expiration date.
   Value: $3,300
   Donor(s): Donated by Holland America Line (discount)
   Mobility Outreach International (tickets)
   Restrictions: Airfare, transfers, rental car and/or transportation to-and-from
   the port of embarkation, and gratuities not included. The Cruise Certificate
   is valid for a Holland America Line cruise for two (2) people sharing one
   stateroom. Choice of sailing dates will be accommodated on a space
   available basis and will be confirmed at time of request by calling World           U
   Cruise Reservations. The certificate may not be used for Alaska CruiseTours,
   World Cruises, Holiday Cruises (Christmas and New Year’s) or Grand Voyages.
   The stateroom category will be a minimum Oceanview Stateroom selected
   by Holland America Line. If space is available, stateroom upgrades are
   available at an additional cost. Third and fourth persons are permitted in
   the same stateroom and will be charged the per person tariff per applicable
   brochure. Guests under 21 years of age must be accompanied by a parent,
   guardian, or chaperone who is at least 21 years old. All cruise certificates
   are strictly for cruise only. Costs of transportation to and from the port of       O
   embarkation, hotels, taxes, fuel supplement and surcharges as applicable,
   transfers, shore excursions, personal expenses on board (e.g., laundry, certain
   beverages, phone calls, etc.) and hotel service charges are NOT included.
   Holland America Line’s Cancellation Protection Plan, Cancellation Protection
   Plan Platinum, Fly Cruise Plan, overnight hotel accommodations, and
   Pre- and Post-cruise packages are not available for purchase by Guests
   holding a Cruise Certificate. Cancellation of a cruise after the cruise has
   been confirmed will result in the forfeiture of the Cruise Certificate. The
                                                        Cruise Certificate is non-
                                                        refundable, has no cash
                                                        redemption value and
                                                        is non-transferable. The
                                                        certificate does not expire.

                                    ITEM #9

     For those who have not yet binge-watched this show, A Game of
     Thrones is the first novel in a series of fantasy novels by George R.R.
     Martin. This 7-day (6-nights) tour will take you into the very heart
     of the Seven Kingdoms landscape. Stand on the spot where the
     Lannisters schemed, stroll in the footsteps of the Starks, and gaze on
     grasslands crossed by the Dothraki horde. The show began in 2011
     and it will finish its run in 2019 as the most popular show in the world
     (airs in >170 countries and holds the record for mosts Emmys ever
L    won by prime-time series. Much of the filming has taken place in
     Northern Ireland, including The Kingsroad, Winterfell, The Wall and
I    Dragonstone.

V    Package includes:
     1-night Cassidys Hotel, Dublin
E    2-nights Ballygally Castle Hotel, Antrim
     2-nights Europa Hotel, Belfast
     1-night Clontarf Castle Hotel, Dublin with
A    3-course dinner for 2
     Daily breakfast for 2
U    Giant’s Causeway, A UNESCO World
     Heritage Site
C    Dunluce Castle admission
     VIP tickets to the Guinness Storehouse
T    6-day rental of a manual/stick shift car
     Winspire booking & concierge service
I    Value: $6,495
O    Donor(s): Anonymous

N    Restrictions: Airfare, and transportation
     to-and-from property is excluded. Activities,
     excursion fees and meals (beyond those
     listed above) are excluded. Booking requires
     a minimum of 60 days advance notice. Does
     not expire.
e Did you know? f

 Rates of disability are increasing
  due to population ageing and
   increases in chronic health
 conditions, among other causes.

                                    On the 30th anniversary of this amazing
                                    organization I would like to raise a toast
                                    to everyone involved on the ground, and
                                    those that see the value of donating to
                                    Mobility Outreach International. Having
                                    witnessed first hand the incredible
                                    care and compassion this organization
                                    gives people with limb loss and lower
                                    extremity deformities, I am proud to be a

                                      I had the opportunity to accompany the
                                      surgical team twice to Son La Vietnam,
                                      MOI’s mission has transformed hundreds
KIM O. DALES | 206.235.7772
                                      of lives and the gratitude can not be
Managing Broker
5 Star Real Estate Agent past 9 years
                                      measured. The surgical and casting                     results are life empowering. Knowing                that each of us can make a difference is
                                      absolutely the most rewarding feeling a
                                      person can ever experience.
You can also read