SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase

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SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase

            GLASS         BEAKER
          Women Past and Present Have Played
                  Key Roles at Fox Chase
SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase
P R E S I D E N T ’ S                    M E S S A G E

                                    MAKING THE UNCOMMON COMMON

                                           or many of us, cancer is                                          Chase a culture and a leader who
                                           something familiar. It has                                        helped fuel their drive to contrib-
                                           touched us in some way,                                           ute meaningfully to our under-
                                           whether personally, in our                                        standing of cancer and to achieve
                                           families, or amongst our                                          greatness through their own career
                                    friends or colleagues. One might                                         accomplishments.
                                    consider it a common thing, but to                                          With the help of new drugs
                                    face it takes uncommon strength                                          called immune checkpoint inhib-
                                    and exceptional insight.                                                 itors, we are seeing success treat-
                                       Fox Chase Cancer Center is a                                          ing patients in ways we haven’t be-
                                    place where uncommon things                                              fore. In these pages, we share how
                                    happen. Within our institution                                           ongoing research is increasing our
                                    are people who are extraordi-                                            knowledge of the complexities of
                                    nary—patients who carry on                                               the human immune system and
                                    boldly through the seemingly im-                                         how to harness its power to kill                           donors, and the entire Fox Chase
                                    possible and clinicians, scientists,                                     cancer. In some cases, the positive                        family, and we look forward to
                                    and staff who do the exceptional to                                      effects of immune checkpoint in-                           new collaborations on the hori-
                                    help them prevail.                                                       hibitor drugs last months to years.                        zon that will help us get closer to
                                       Our cover story in this issue                                         There is still much work to do.                            more breakthroughs. Our story
                                    of Forward highlights the role of                                        Right now, only a small number of                          continues.
                                    women in science, particularly                                           patients’ cancers respond to such
                                    within our Center. In doing so,                                          drugs, but the results give new
                                    it also showcases Fox Chase’s                                            hope for the future.
                                    longstanding inclusion of different                                         It is an exciting time for us at
                                    voices and new ideas in the pursuit                                      Fox Chase. As we have done for
                                    of great science and medicine.                                           decades, we continue to ask new
                                    These female trailblazers exercised                                      questions, test new ideas, and dis-
                                    ingenuity and held close a dedi-                                         cover new ways. We have tremen-                            Richard I. Fisher, MD
                                    cation to discovery, finding at Fox                                      dous support from our patients,                            PRESIDENT AND CEO

                                                                    EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD                     Joshua E. Meyer, MD               Christopher W. McNichol                FORWARD magazine is published
                                                                                                                 Associate Professor,              Donald E. Morel, Jr., PhD              twice a year for friends of Fox Chase
                                                                    Judith L. Bachman, MSN, RN, CNAA                                                                                      Cancer Center by the communications
                                                                    Chief Operating Officer                      Radiation Oncology                Leon O. Moulder, Jr.                   department of Fox Chase. One of the
                                     WINTER/SPRING 2020
                                                                                                                 Ryan O’Neill-Moon                 Donna L. Skerrett, MD                  leading cancer research and treatment
                                                                    Jennifer Barsky Reese, PhD                                                                                            centers in the United States, Fox Chase
                                                                    Assistant Professor, Cancer Prevention       Director of Marketing
  Patrick McGee                                LEADERSHIP                                                                                          FOUNDATION BOARD                       was founded in 1904 as one of the
  Editor                                                            and Control Program                          Amanda Purdy, PhD                 OF DIRECTORS                           nation’s first cancer hospitals, and
                                     Richard I. Fisher, MD                                                       Director, Academic Affairs                                               was among the first institutions to be
  Sarah Hughes                                 President and
                                                                    J. Robert Beck, MD                                                             Donald E. Morel, Jr., PhD Chair        designated a National Cancer Institute
  Editorial Assistant                 Chief Executive Officer
                                                                    Chief Academic and Administrative Officer    Rosalia Viterbo, MD, FACS,        Louis E. Della Penna, Sr. Vice Chair   Comprehensive Cancer Center in 1974.
                                                                    George Beschen                               Associate Professor,              William J. Federici                    Fox Chase joined Temple University Health
  B&G Design Studios                          Jeremy Moore                                                       Department of Surgical Oncology                                          System in 2012.
  Design                                                            Senior Director of Individual Giving                                           Richard I. Fisher, MD
                                            Senior Director of
                                             Communications         Richard J. Bleicher, MD, FACS,               BOARD OF DIRECTORS                Edward A. Glickman                     Temple Health refers to the health,
  Brilliant Graphics                                                                                                                               Lewis F. Gould Jr.                     education and research activities carried
  Printing                                                          Attending Surgeon,                           Lewis F. Gould, Jr. Chair
                                              Patrick McGee                                                                                        Thomas W. Hofmann                      out by the affiliates of Temple University
                                                                    Breast Cancer Program Leader                                                                                          Health System (TUHS) and by The Lewis
  Fox Chase                            Publications Manager                                                      John M. Daly, MD                  Barbara Ilsen
                                                                    Lisa Broida Bailey                           Mary B. Daly, MD, PhD                                                    Katz School Temple University School
  Cancer Center                                     Inquiries:                                                                                     Margot Wallace Keith                   of Medicine. TUHS neither provides nor
  Cover                                                             Director of Donor Relations                  Ronald R. Donatucci               Geoffrey Kent
                                                                                                                                                                 controls the provision of health care. All
                                                                    Carolyn Y. Fang, PhD                         William J. Federici               Dan Levin                              health care is provided by its member
                                                                    Coleader, Cancer Prevention                  Edward A. Glickman                Philip E. Lippincott                   organizations or independent health care
  Jill Horne                                                                                                                                                                              providers affiliated with TUHS member
                                                                    and Control                                  Lon R. Greenberg                  Solomon C. Luo, MD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       COLIN LENTON

                                                                                                                                                                                          organizations. Each TUHS member
  On the Cover: Chemist Mary Adelia Bennett (left) working in
                                                                    Erica A. Golemis, PhD                        Kimberly D. Hagerich              David G. Marshall                      organization is owned and operated
  a lab in 1935. Lori Rink (right), an assistant professor in the                                                Thomas W. Hofmann
  Molecular Therapeutics Program, in her lab in 2019.               Deputy Chief Scientific Officer                                                Edward J. Roach                        pursuant to its governing documents.
                                                                                                                 Larry R. Kaiser, MD               Lindy Snider
                                                                    Anne Jadwin, MSN, RN, AOCN, NE-BC            Margot Wallace Keith
                                                                    Chief Nursing Officer
                                                                                                                                                   Thomas R. Tritton, PhD                 333 Cottman Avenue,
                                                                                                                 Robert H. LeFever                                                        Philadelphia, PA 19111-2497
                                                                    Shawn Kleitz                                 Solomon C. Luo, MD                                             
                                                                    Chief Development Officer                    David G. Marshall                                                        1-888-FOX-CHASE
SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase
Forward                           WINTER/SPRING 2020

                F E AT U R E S

                6 Shattering the Glass Beaker
                     Women researchers have long played a key role
                     at Fox Chase Cancer Center. As early as 1946,
                     four of 10 laboratory heads were women. To
                     this day, female researchers and physicians who
                     bridge the gap between the laboratory and the
                     clinic have continued to play a vital role.

                14 Picking the Lock
                     Cancer can evade the body’s immune system
                     by tricking it into thinking that cancer cells
                     are normal. A newer class of drugs called check-
                     point inhibitors help the immune system
                     overcome this deception and attack cancerous
                     cells. The results have been impressive, but the
                     drugs do not work for all patients.

                18 The Unknown Patient
                     When most people hear the words “breast
                     cancer,” they think of women, not men. But even
                     though they are far fewer in number, men do
                     get breast cancer. The men who have struggled
                     with diagnosis and treatment say it can be an
                     isolating experience.
                D E PA R T M E N T S
                                                                         26   MAKING A DIFFERENCE: Feet First to Kick Cancer
                2    FOCUS: Around Campus                                     In 2009, a group of friends and sports enthusiasts
                     Fox Chase Nurse Travels to Mozambique for                started an annual kickball tournament to fund
                     Volunteer Work | High School Students Create             cancer research. Since then, the Kicking Cancer
                     Art to Highlight the Cancer Journey of Patients          Foundation has raised $375,000.

                22   CLOSE-UP: Patient Perspective:                      28   REVIEW: News of Note
                     Faith to Fall Back On                                    Special Events | Honors & Awards | Notable
                     Angela Shammo found out she had breast cancer            Accomplishments
                     when she was 40 years old and the mother of four
                     young children. But her faith and excellent         32   REWIND: Hugh Creech: A Fox Chase
                     medical care got her through.                            Family Story
                                                                              Organic chemist Hugh John Creech came to Fox
                24   CLOSE-UP: Faculty Perspective:                           Chase Cancer Center in 1945 and would go on to
                     A Family of Physicians                                   have a long, distinguished career in pioneering
                     Mariusz Wasik grew up in Poland as the child of          work developing and testing chemotherapy drugs.

                     two physicians. He went to medical school, where         His wife also worked at Fox Chase as a researcher,
                     he met his wife, who is also a doctor. And one of        and his son served as a medical oncologist at the
                     his two daughters is a nurse practitioner.               center.

                                                                                                           WINTER/SPRING 2020 FOX CHASE FORWARD   1
SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase
A R O U N D   C A M P U S

                    FOR VOLUNTEER WORK

                             lthough based in
                             Philadelphia, Fox Chase
                             Cancer Center has a global
                             reputation, a fact borne
                             out by its many partner-
                    ships with other cancer centers and
                    researchers around the world. But
                    that global reach also extends to vol-
                    unteer work. Recently, registered
                    nurse Dana Adamson traveled to
                    Mozambique with a group of nurses
                    to provide medical services.
                       They traveled to Macadeira,
                    a small rural community, with
                    a group organized by Nurses for
                    Africa, which is located in the

                    “They were unable to
                    give us anything back,
                    so instead they prayed
                    for us. It was extremely
                    — DANA ADAMSON,
                    FOX CHASE REGISTERED NURSE

                    United States but partners with
                    Hands at Work, a local group of
                    mission workers in Africa.
                       The nurses hosted two days
                    of clinics which involved vital
                    signs, assessments, and wound
                    care; people were also prescribed        the community.”                       Fox Chase nurse Dana Adamson with
                    medications by nurses from more            On their other days there,          some of the children she met on her
                                                                                                   volunteer trip to Mozambique.
                    developed areas of Mozambique.           Adamson said, the nurses did a
                    During those two days they saw           day of teaching for both the care
                    over 700 people, Adamson said.           workers, who are women in the         were able to thank the care workers
                                                                                                                                           PHOTO COURTESY OF DANA ADAMSON

                       According to Hands at Work,           community that take care of their     in the community for their work
                    there is “no shortage of challeng-       own family plus other families,       by giving them large bags of rice,
                    es” in Macadeira. “Hunger and            and the children. They taught         two liters of oil, and a bag of salt,
                    starvation are prevalent, as are         hand washing, hygiene, nutrition,     things that are extremely difficult
                    the risks of HIV/AIDS and malar-         wound care, seizure care, and         for them to even purchase.
                    ia. Abuse in relationships between       burn care. They also distributed        “They were unable to give us
                    husbands and wives and between           soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste,       anything back, so instead they
                    parents and children has fostered        and other items.                      prayed for us. It was extremely
                    a spirit of brokenness throughout          On the last day of the trip, they   memorable,” Adamson said.

SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase

                           etting diagnosed and           through artwork. Helen Gordon,          circumstances.”
                           treated for cancer is easily   director of Volunteer Services and         Tennent art teacher Rena
                           the most difficult event       co-chair of the art committee,          Friedant helped guide the
                           someone can go through         helped get the project approved         students through their artis-
                           in their life. Some patients   and implemented.                        tic journey with help from the
                  try to understand their struggle           Yannuzzi used paper tape on
                  through words or music. And             matboard to depict patient Lainie
                  sometimes, art created by others        Sykes’s place of tranquility.
                                                                                                  “While facing cancer,
                  can play a role.                        Serrano chose clay as her medium        she had a vision
                     Beyond the Canvas grew out of an     and created a large vase depicting      of purpose and
                  outreach effort by Amanda Purdy,        various scenes representing the
                  director of Academic Affairs, and       story of patient Judy Bernstein.        never lost sight of
                  Glenn Rall, chief academic officer,     Serrano then painted the three          that through foggy
                  at Fox Chase Cancer Center.             sides of the vase to illustrate vari-
                     The CentennialX Student              ous aspects of Bernstein’s journey.
                  Design program was created by           One painting featured the sun           — D I R AYA S E R R A N O ,
                  Ignacio Jayo, a science teacher at      shining through clouds.                 STUDENT ARTIST
                  William Tennent High School in             “The sun shining light behind
                  Warminster.                             the clouds represents her ability to    Doylestown Art Studio, which
                     After meeting with Fox Chase         shine through cloudy situations,”       provided the students with space
                  staff, two honors art students          Serrano wrote of the painting           to create the art. When their
                  at Tennent, Diraya Serrano and          and Bernstein’s positive attitude.      pieces were done, Serrano and
                  Tyler Yannuzzi, were chosen to          “While facing cancer, she had           Yannuzzi were able to showcase
                  meet with cancer patients and           a vision of purpose and never           their work at the Women’s Center
                  interpret the patient journey           lost sight of that through foggy        at Fox Chase.

                                                                                                               WINTER/SPRING 2020 FOX CHASE FORWARD   3
SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase


                         he incidence of colorectal   molecular carcinogenesis affect-      Officer and co-leader of the
                         cancer (CRC) continues to    ing genes relevant to treatment       Molecular Therapeutics Program
                         increase in adults under     decision-making.                      Erica Golemis, and other col-
                         age 50, in contrast to         The paper, which was published      leagues concluded that, while
                         stable rates of late-onset   in Clinical Cancer Research, is       similar overall, there were signif-
                 disease. To determine if the rise    the most comprehensive analy-         icant differences in several genes
                 in early-onset disease reflects a    sis of the genomic landscape in       relevant to the biology of early-on-
                 distinct profile of somatic driver   young-onset CRC cancer patients       set cancer. These differences may
                 mutations, researchers at Fox        that has been reported to date, an-   impact response to therapy in
                 Chase Cancer Center have com-        alyzing mutations in over 18,000      young versus old patients.
                 pared the genomic landscape          CRC patients.
                 of CRC in younger patients to          Joshua E. Meyer of the
                 that in older patients. Their        Department of Radiation               “Our new study pro-
                 analysis found differences in        Oncology, Deputy Chief Science        vides more evidence
                                                                                            that young-onset
                                                                                            colorectal cancers
                                                                                            may arise from
                                                                                            different processes
                                                                                            from those diagnosed
                                                                                            in older patients.”
                                                                                            — JOSHUA E. MEYER,
                                                                                            R A D I AT I O N O N C O L O G I S T

                                                                                              “Colorectal cancer incidence
                                                                                            in younger adults has been
                                                                                            increasing since the mid-1980s
                                                                                            and mortality rates have begun
                                                                                            to increase among this group in
                                                                                            the last decade after multiple
                                                                                            decades of decline. Our new study
                                                                                            provides more evidence that
                                                                                            young-onset colorectal cancers
                                                                                            may arise from different process-
                                                                                            es from those diagnosed in older
                                                                                            patients,” Meyer said.
                                                                                              “Further research is needed
                                                                                            to determine if the differences
                                                                                            in gene alteration rates can be
                                                                                            leveraged to provide personalized
                                                                                            therapies for young patients with
                                                                                                                                   DAN PAGE

                                                                                            early-onset sporadic CRC,” he

SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase

          ew research published in      prolonging disease-free survival in      mechanism that involves rear-
          Nature Communications         BRCA-mutated ovarian cancer, but         rangement of the BRCA1 gene. The
          indicates that BRCA1          eventually the majority of patients      consequence of having a mutation
          gene rearrangements are       will develop drug resistance,” said      in this domain is that it causes the
          responsible for generating    Neil Johnson, associate professor        whole protein to become degraded.”
partially active proteins that drive    in the Molecular Therapeutics pro-          Johnson and postdoctoral fellow
resistance to PARP inhibitors.          gram at Fox Chase Cancer Center.         Yifan Wang found that when cells
   Individuals with BRCA1 muta-            Uncovering the biology of drug        become resistant to PARP inhibi-
tions are at significantly increased    resistance may enable the develop-       tors, the BRCA1 gene changes the
risk for developing breast and          ment of treatment strategies that        way it is arranged in the chromo-
ovarian cancers. Women who              prevent resistance from occurring        some. That leaves behind the BRCT
develop BRCA-mutated cancer may         altogether and potentially help iden-    domain mutations that are causing
benefit from treatment with PARP        tify which patients are most likely to   the whole protein to get degraded.
inhibitors, drugs which block an        benefit from PARP inhibitors.               “Now, it does not get degraded.
enzyme involved in certain cell            Johnson’s lab is focused on how       It is stable and it can contribute to
functions, including the repair of      BRCA1 mutations might develop            the repair of DNA damage. Because
DNA damage.                             resistance. “We found that a             it repairs DNA damage, it also
   “PARP inhibitors have been           group of BRCA1 mutations in the          promotes resistance to the PARP
shown to be very effective at           BRCT domain have a particular            inhibitor.”


        nderstanding how tumor          lung, colorectal, and brain cancer.      of the Cancer Epigenetics Program.
        cells become resistant to       Blocking EFGR can slow the growth           “Our data suggests that if we
        drugs used to treat them is     of cancer cells.                         target these epigenetic modifiers
        one of the greatest challeng-      Amplification is a double-edged       we can dial up or down EGFR am-
        es faced by cancer research-    sword. Although it makes drugs           plification and, in turn, modulate
ers. In a new study, researchers                                                 the associated drug response. We
from Fox Chase Cancer Center                                                     believe that this could provide a
describe how cancer cells use           The researchers                          more homogeneous cell popula-
epigenetic mechanisms to control        believe their findings                   tion, which might result in more
amplification of a critical cancer                                               consistent response to drugs
gene that impacts cell proliferation
                                        provide a basis for                      targeting the pathway,” Whetstine
and drug response. The researchers      developing novel                         said. The research was published
believe the findings provide a basis    drugs or combinations                    in Cancer Discovery.
for developing novel drugs or com-                                                  “We showed that copy num-
binations of drugs.                     of drugs.                                ber is druggable by targeting the
  EGFR (human epidermal                                                          epigenetic factors involved, which
growth factor receptor) is found in     targeting that gene more effective,      has significant clinical impli-
normal cells and in high levels in      prolonged treatment with EGFR            cations. Therefore, we can turn
some types of cancer cells. EGFR        inhibitors can reduce the copies of      levels of copy gains up or down,
DNA amplification tends to occur        EGFR, leading to drug resistance,        and in return, change responses to
in hard-to-treat cancers such as        said Johnathan R. Whetstine, head        growth factors and drugs.”

                                                                                            WINTER/SPRING 2020 FOX CHASE FORWARD   5
SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase

The lab of organic chemist Gerrit Toennies in the Wanamaker building
on the Lankenau Hospital campus in 1935. Shown left to right are
Peg Elliott, Toennies, Theodore Lavine, and Mary Adelia Bennett.
SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase
Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase

              n 1989, Mary Daly came to Fox Chase Cancer Center with a medical degree and a doctorate in
              epidemiology, both of which she obtained when her three children were young.
                When Daly joined Fox Chase, she met Scientific Director Anna Marie Skalka, who had come
              to the center in 1987. “That was pretty interesting. I mean, for a woman to be in charge of all
              these men doing research,” Daly said. Unbeknownst to Daly at the time, Fox Chase had a long
      history from its beginnings of women scientists playing leading roles in its labs and clinics.
        In fact, as early as 1946, four of the institute’s 10 laboratory heads were women. And female re-
      searchers and physicians who bridge the gap between the laboratory and the clinic have continued to
      play a role in the achievements of Fox Chase to this day.

                                              BY PATRICK McGEE
                                                                             WINTER/SPRING 2020 FOX CHASE FORWARD   7
SHATTERING THE GLASS BEAKER - Women Past and Present Have Played Key Roles at Fox Chase
Shattering the Glass Beaker

           In 1927, Stanley P. Reimann, a physician, and Frederick       could only work part time while pursuing her doctorate. She
        Hammett, a biologist and biochemist, founded the                 was also caring for an invalid mother.
        Lankenau Hospital Research Institute, which later mor-              Her accomplishments include many journal publications
        phed into the Institute for Cancer Research before merg-         throughout the 1940s and 1950s in general biochemistry.
        ing with the American Oncologic Hospital. The end result         Some of that work included preparation of various liver
        is what is now known as Fox Chase Cancer Center.                 extracts that led to the isolation of vitamin B12. She was also
           The two men had what seemed to be an odd premise to           the recipient of the Robert McNeil Fellowship.
        many of their fellow scientists and clinicians at the time: To
        learn about cancer and the abnormal cell growth that define                      BENEFIT OF GEOGRAPHY
        it, it was necessary to study the normal growth and develop-
        ment of cells. They were ridiculed by many for the direction     PHILADELPHIA, WHERE FOX CHASE IS LOCATED, HAS LONG
        of their “so-called” cancer research.                            been a center for scientific and medical education and
           The two did something equally unusual—they hired a            research. The first medical school in the United States
        number of women as researchers at a time when research           opened in 1765 at the College of Philadelphia and eventual-
        labs were dominated by men.                                      ly evolved into the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman
           This history was not accidental. In 1927, Reimann laid out    School of Medicine. Scientists and physicians have long
        a strategy for the type of research to be done and the people    used the city as a starting point or a home base for their
        who would execute it. He wrote                                                              endeavors.
        that the approach was “one in                                                                  “The fact that a woman could
        which a large problem is adopted                                                            get a PhD degree and then get a
        with a diverse staff to attack the        “I also thought that this                         job was really different than in
        problem by way of various disci-
        plines and techniques.”
                                                  would be a place where                            other parts of the world,” said
                                                                                                    Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie, profes-
           This “diverse staff” included           you could flourish as a                          sor emeritus in the Department
        a number of women researchers                                                               of the History of Science at the
        who would go on to long, dis-                 person running a                              University of Oklahoma. She is
        tinguished careers and become
        leaders in their fields. According
                                                     small independent                              coeditor of “The Biographical
                                                                                                    Dictionary of Women in Science,”
        to “Growth: A History of the             laboratory that explored                           and the author of several books on
        Institute for Cancer Research,”                                                             the history of women in science.
        Reimann’s confidence in the abili-             creative ideas.”                                Another unique thing was that
        ties of women as researchers “was                                                           women researchers at Fox Chase
                                                      — ERICA GOLEMIS, DEPUTY CHIEF
        perhaps one of the major factors                                                            were being paid the same as their
                                                         SCIENCE OFFICE, FOX CHASE
        that contributed to his success in                                                          male counterparts. In a 1985
                                                                CANCER CENTER
        spreading knowledge of cancer                                                               interview, Patterson said, “There
        and in weathering the many crises                                                           was no discrimination whatsoever.

                                                                                                                                           PREVIOUS PAGE: PHOTO COURTESY OF FOX CHASE CANCER CENTER ARCHIVES
        he encountered in establishing                                                              Salaries were the same.”
        the Lankenau Hospital Research Institute on a firm footing.”        Ogilvie said that pay equity is “very surprising” for its
           The history was written by Elizabeth Patterson, who was       time. She also noted that generally, once women got into the
        recruited by Reimann in 1944 after earning her doctorate at      laboratory, they trained other women to do the same work.
        Bryn Mawr College.                                               “That’s the pattern that I’ve seen,” she said. That pattern of
                                                                         handing scientific knowledge down would recur throughout
                     REIMANN’S FIRST ASSISTANT                           the history of Fox Chase, with one generation of women
                                                                         researchers passing their knowledge along to the next.
        THE FIRST RESEARCHER THAT REIMANN HIRED WAS MARY                    As the staff continued to grow, more women were brought
        Adelia Bennett, who became his assistant. She started            on  board, including Grace Medes, who earned her doctorate
        working part time with him in 1921, and he encour-               in zoology at Bryn Mawr in 1916. Before coming to the insti-
        aged her to pursue graduate studies at the University of         tute in 1932, she taught at Vassar and Wellesley and was an as-
        Pennsylvania, where she received a doctorate in physiolog-       sistant professor of medicine at the University of Minnesota,
        ical chemistry in 1926.                                          where she became known for her work in biochemistry.
           “Dr. Bennett’s early years at the laboratory in some ways        Despite her credentials, Reimann had a hard time con-
        mirror the stresses of women scientists to obtain their          vincing his colleague Hammett to take her on, and he was
        academic degrees and their independence at that time,”           not helped much by the negative feedback he was getting
        Patterson wrote. Bennett lived on very little money since she    from some of her colleagues at Minnesota. One wrote that

Margie Clapper (left), deputy chief science officer, and Mary Daly   career in which she developed mouse models that allowed
                                            (right), director of the Risk Assessment Program, discuss the        scientists to identify links between development and cancer
                                            genesis of colorectal cancer in this 2009 photo.
                                                                                                                 (see “Seeking Answers to Big Questions,” page 10).

                                            although she was “a worker and cooperative,” she was also                              BRIDGING THE GAP
                                            “eccentric as all hell.”
                                               But Reimann remained undaunted, and wrote to                      AS RESEARCHERS LIKE GLUSKER AND MINTZ WORKED IN
                                            Hammett that Medes wanted to work at the institute                   the confines of their labs, others like Daly were working
                                            because she believed “we are doing the best work in the              to bridge the gap between the research lab and the clinic.
                                            country.” He went on to press his case in a later letter to          After earning her doctorate from the University of North
                                            Hammett: “I just know we are going to get much good work             Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC), Daly got a job in public
                                            from Grace Medes…. I shall back her to the limit.”                   health, but became frustrated because she realized she
                                               Once again, Reimann was on the mark, as Medes went on             didn’t understand the diseases she was studying. “I knew
                                            to a long and distinguished career, culminating in 1955 with         how to design the studies and do the statistics, but I didn’t
                                            the Garvan Medal (now the Garvan-Olin Medal) from the                know the physiology of those diseases. So I figured at this
                                            American Chemical Society for her work. She and Reimann              point I had to go to medical school,” she said. Daly received
                                            co-authored a book, “Normal Growth and Cancer.”                      her medical degree from UNC as well.
                                               During Medes’ late career at Fox Chase, two other female             After an oncology fellowship, she knew she wanted to in-

                                            researchers appeared on the scene who would play a key role          tegrate her oncology and public health experience. “There
                                            in groundbreaking work. One, Jenny Pickworth Glusker,                weren’t many jobs that matched my vision. That is, I didn’t
                                            arrived in 1956 after training with a Nobel Prize-winning            want to be someone who just did clinical trials in medicine.
                                            scientist (see “A Way to Continue Working,” page 13). In             I wanted to bring in my epidemiology experience and look
                                            1960 geneticist Beatrice Mintz began a long and illustrious          at prevention.”
                                                                                                                    She was brought to Fox Chase as the associate director of
                                                                                                                 the Cancer Control Science Program by a pioneer in preven-
                                                          Read More About Women in Science
                                                  To read full-length profiles of women in science and           tion, Paul Engstrom. She also brought her interest in genetics
                                                       research at Fox Chase Cancer Center, go to                with her. “I started a makeshift genetics high-risk program,
                                                       probably a year or two after coming here. It eventually blos-
                                                                                                                 somed into what is now the department of clinical genetics.”

                                                                                                                                           WINTER/SPRING 2020 FOX CHASE FORWARD   9
Shattering the Glass Beaker

                                                                             ALREADY AN ACCOMPLISHED CAREER

                                                                        BY THE TIME SHE ARRIVED AT FOX CHASE, THE WOMAN
                                                                        who had impressed Daly so much, Ann Skalka, already had
                                                                        an accomplished career. She spent 18 years at the Roche
                                                                        Institute of Molecular Biology, a basic research institu-
                                                                        tion funded by the pharmaceutical company Hoffmann-
                                                                        LaRoche. She started as an assistant professor, immediately
                                                                        after postdoctoral training with Nobel laureate Alfred
                                                                        Hershey, and eventually rose to assistant vice president and
                                                                        head of the department of molecular oncology.
                                                                           Skalka’s parents were immigrants who worked at a produc-
                                                                        tion plant for the pharmaceutical company Pfizer located in
                                                                        Williamsburg, Brooklyn. Pfizer offered part-time summer
                                                                        jobs to the children of employees, and that is how Skalka was
                                                                        first exposed to a working laboratory while in high school. The

                   SEEKING ANSWERS                                      group she was assisting was experimenting with the use of
                                                                        various plant materials as possible screens for drug toxicities.
                  to the BIG QUESTIONS                                     In a short memoir that was published in the scientific
                                                                        journal Annual Review of Virology, Skalka wrote that during
           Geneticist Beatrice Mintz came to Fox Chase in 1960          that time she “discovered that science could be fun and sci-
           with a doctorate in zoology from the University of Iowa,     entists could be both interesting and kind.” In an interview,
           time spent teaching at the University of Chicago, and an     she said her career benefitted by being in large urban areas
           interest in asking what she called “big questions.” In her   like New York and Philadelphia, where the idea of a woman
           research, she developed mouse models that allowed sci-
                                                                        scientist did not seem as foreign as it may have in other
           entists to identify links between development and cancer.
                                                                        parts of the country.
              Her work, for which she received numerous awards,
           also allowed scientists to explore the biology of cancer        Skalka went on to get a doctorate in microbiology from
           over an animal’s lifetime. She is widely recognized as       New York University Medical School and become inter-
           a pioneer in the field of developmental genetics and its     nationally known for contributions to understanding how
           relation to cancer biology.                                  retroviruses replicate and insert their genetic material into
              “Dr. Mintz’s scientific insights have led to new direc-   the host genome. Although the most well-known retrovirus,
           tions in developmental cancer biology and genetics,”         HIV, causes AIDS, many retroviruses cause cancer in ani-
           Margaret Foti, chief executive officer of the American       mals and some cause cancer in humans. Skalka’s work has
           Association for Cancer Research, said in 2012 when           greatly informed the study and treatment of both diseases.
           Mintz received the organization’s award for Lifetime
           Achievement in Cancer Research. “Her groundbreaking
                                                                                    RECOGNIZED ROLE MODELS
           work has helped shape our understanding of stem cell
           behavior and the tumor microenvironment in cancer, and
                                                                        A YEAR BEFORE SKALKA CAME TO FOX CHASE, MARGIE
           has provided scientists with important tools to study the
           many types of cancer.”                                       Clapper arrived, fresh from getting her doctorate in genet-
              In 2011, Mintz was awarded the 6th Annual Szent-          ics and cell biology from the University of Connecticut at
           Györgyi Prize for Progress in Cancer Research from the       Storrs. Clapper grew up on a dairy farm in upstate New York
           National Foundation for Cancer Research. The organiza-       and was intrigued by the intricacies of biological systems
           tion said it awarded the prize for her discoveries of the    early in life. Her undergraduate laboratory experience at the
                                                                                                                                           PHOTO COURTESY OF FOX CHASE CANCER CENTER

           relationship between development and cancer, which           State University of New York at Oneonta shaped her future
           were based on her development of various mouse models        career path.
           of cancer. Her work has enabled the study of cancer and        After completing the requirements for veterinary school,
           other genetic diseases in whole organisms.
                                                                        she instead accepted a research opportunity as a technician
              “This was the first successful work of its kind,” Mintz
                                                                        in the laboratory of Norman Klein at UConn. Klein, focused
           said in a 2009 interview regarding work with mouse em-
           bryos. “Very few labs at the time were attempting to per-    on identifying the causes of abnormal embryonic develop-
           form experiments on mammalian embryos. That required         ment, quickly recognized her potential and encouraged her to
           new technology. I came from a do-it-yourself family—you      enter the doctorate program. Her work revealed that anticon-
           didn’t buy things that you could make—and I enjoyed the      vulsants can induce birth defects in the offspring of mothers
           fact that I had to work out everything myself.”              with epilepsy. In 1986, she began to apply her drug-related
                                                                        expertise to cancer as the first postdoctoral fellow in the

Ann Skalka, who came to Fox Chase in 1987 with nearly 20 years      lead clinical studies that help advance therapeutic options
                                            of experience as a cancer researcher, focuses on the link between   for patients.
                                            retroviruses and cancer.
                                                                                                                   In addition to clinical studies, von Mehren is very in-
                                                                                                                volved in translational research with a laboratory-based
                                            newly formed Pharmacology Department at Fox Chase and               partner. Originally joining Fox Chase in 1993 for a fel-
                                            has remained a leading researcher at the institution.               lowship in medical oncology, von Mehren is now physi-
                                               “With the opening of the Phase I clinical unit adjacent to       cian director for the Clinical Trials Office and associate
                                            our lab came unique opportunities to test new experimental          director for clinical research. One of the several forms of
                                            therapies in patients with advanced-stage disease,” said            cancer she has done research on is gastrointestinal stro-
                                            Clapper. “Our ability to obtain biological specimens in real        mal tumors (GIST).
                                            time from these courageous patients—literally bench to bed-            Some of that research is a collaboration with Lori Rink,
                                            side—is an early example of what we now know as transla-            an assistant professor in the Molecular Therapeutics
                                            tional research.”                                                   Program. Rink, who got her doctorate in molecular biology
                                               According to Clapper, it helped to have internationally          at Temple University, came to Fox Chase in 2006 and
                                            recognized role models like Glusker and Mintz already here          has stayed to focus her research on GIST, a rare can-
                                            when she arrived. “The message from all of them was that            cer, and Gleevec, a drug approved by the Food and Drug
                                            you have to work hard and stick up for what you believe,” said      Administration in 2002 to treat GIST.
                                            Clapper, who was recently named the Samuel M.V. Hamilton               Prior to Gleevec, the only option for patients with GIST

                                            Chair in Cancer Prevention. She has also been co-leader of          was surgery, so the drug has changed the lives of many
                                            the Cancer Prevention and Control program for the past              patients. But for most, it eventually stops working, and
                                            decade and is a deputy chief science officer.                       Rink and von Mehren want to understand why. They have
                                                                                                                received large grants to investigate the problem and have
                                              CLINICAL AND TRANSLATIONAL RESEARCH                               also identified genetic markers that could predict how pa-
                                                                                                                tients will respond to Gleevec. They are also investigating
                                            ALTHOUGH MUCH RESEARCH AT FOX CHASE IS LABORA-                      using a combination of drugs to attack GIST.
                                            tory- based, the mission of a comprehensive cancer center              Prior to working with von Mehren, Rink had another
                                            also embraces clinical research across multiple areas of on-        mentor, but he took a position elsewhere, just as Rink re-
                                            cology. Respected faculty, including Elin R. Sigurdson, Lori        ceived a prestigious five-year grant. The first two years of
                                            Goldstein, Elizabeth Plimack, and Margaret von Mehren,              the grant required a mentor for training, so Rink turned

                                                                                                                                        WINTER/SPRING 2020 FOX CHASE FORWARD   11
Shattering the Glass Beaker

        to von Mehren and Erica Golemis, chair of the Molecular          Sanjeevani Arora of the Cancer Prevention and Control Program
                                                                         is researching the effectiveness of treatments for colorectal cancer.
        Therapeutics Program.                                            She is shown here at the microscope used to identify the Philadelphia
           “I’m very grateful for both of them because you wonder        chromosome at Fox Chase in 1959, the first conclusive evidence
        what you’re going to do next once the person you’ve trained      linking cancer and genetics.
        under has left,” she said. “Meg was very supportive and
        said, ‘I’m happy to stand in there as your mentor. I know        that cause aggressive tumor growth, as well as research
        you can do this.’ She had a strong belief that I could eventu-   aimed at improving the use of clinical agents that can selec-
        ally run the lab.” Rink now has two graduate students and a      tively target tumors.
        postdoctoral fellow in her lab.                                     In her time at Fox Chase, Golemis has worked with dozens
           Rink said she feels very lucky having successful scien-       of graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and clinical fellows.
        tists such as von Mehren and Golemis in her corner. “I get       Golemis said she was attracted to Fox Chase because it seemed
        two different perspectives, that clinical perspective from       like it had a very collegial environment, where time spent              PHOTO COURTESY OF FOX CHASE CANCER CENTER (CARDONI)

        Meg, which is really, really important for a translational       mentoring the next generation of scientists would be valued.
        scientist, but also, some of the nitty gritty in terms of what      “I also thought that this would be a place where you could
        methods or analyses to use from Erica.”                          flourish as a person running a small independent laborato-
           Golemis has a long history of working with up- and-com-       ry that explored creative ideas,” she said. She was also im-
        ing researchers. She arrived in 1993 following an under-         pressed by Skalka, who was the scientific director when she
        graduate degree at Bryn Mawr College, a doctorate from the       was first hired. “I thought Ann Skalka was a fantastically
        Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and postdoctoral          inspirational leader, a brilliant scientist, and a role model.”
        training in molecular biology and genetics at Massachusetts
        General Hospital and Harvard Medical School.                                     THE NEXT GENERATION
           In addition to being a deputy chief science officer and
        leader of the Molecular Therapeutics Program, she is also        FOX CHASE HAS NEVER RESTED ON ITS LAURELS AND ITS
        the William Wikoff Smith Chair in Cancer Research. She is        commitment to women in science remains. While the
        well known for her work in studying errors in cell signaling     institution recognizes the numerous challenges women

face, it has implemented important programs, including
                                            guest lectures led by women, scientific colloquiums with
                                            strong women representatives, mentorship programs, ac-
                                            ademic interest groups, and career development events.
                                            Director of Academic Affairs Amanda Purdy oversees a
                                            training program that is noteworthy for its gender and
                                            ethnic diversity.
                                              Among the newest members of the Fox Chase faculty, and
                                            one of the beneficiaries of those programs, is Sanjeevani
                                            Arora, an assistant professor in the Cancer Prevention and
                                            Control Program. She thinks as highly of Golemis as
                                            Golemis does of Skalka. After her previous mentor left
                                            Fox Chase, Arora began working with Golemis. “If not

                                                        “Dr. Bennett’s early
                                                      years at the laboratory
                                                     in some ways mirror the                                        A WAY TO CONTINUE
                                                         stresses of women                                              WORKING
                                                     scientists to obtain their                              Jenny Pickworth Glusker was born in Birmingham,
                                                                                                             England. Both her parents were doctors. After several
                                                      academic degrees and                                   years of practicing medicine and having three children,
                                                                                                             Glusker’s mother Jane stayed home to raise them. When
                                                        their independence                                   she wanted to return to practice, the system in place in

                                                            at that time.”
                                                                                                             England at that time would not allow her to compete with
                                                                                                             other doctors in the area.
                                                     — FROM “GROWTH: A HISTORY OF THE
                                                                                                                “She was very frustrated that she could not continue with
                                                                                                             a career that she had put so much energy into,” Glusker
                                                      INSTITUTE FOR CANCER RESEARCH”
                                                                                                             wrote in a memoir that she penned for the American
                                                                                                             Crystallographic Association, an organization she once
                                                                                                             served as president. “For this reason, I decided that I would
                                                                                                             find a way to continue working, even if I had children.”
                                            for her encouragement, I don’t think I would be doing
                                                                                                                She did that and much more.
                                            what I’m doing. I think she saw something in me and
                                                                                                                Glusker went to Somerville College, one of the wom-
                                            really helped me move forward.”                                  en’s colleges at Oxford. The person who interviewed her
                                              One aspect of Arora’s research focuses on ways to              for admission to the program and who she would do her
                                            determine the effectiveness of treatments for colorectal         graduate work with was Dorothy Hodgkin, who would
                                            cancer, with the ultimate goal of more individualized            go on to win the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1964 for
                                            treatment and preventing some patients from being                confirming the structure of penicillin and determining the
                                            treated unnecessarily. Clapper is one of her mentors for         structure of vitamin B12.
                                            that research.                                                      Following a postdoctoral fellowship with Nobel prize

                                              In addition to her work in the lab, Arora also founded         chemist Linus Pauling at the California Institute of
                                            a professional development and networking group for              Technology, Glusker came to Fox Chase Cancer Center in
                                                                                                             1956 after being hired by Stanley P. Reimann, one of the
                                            women in science at Fox Chase in 2013. The group invites
                                                                                                             founders of Fox Chase. “There were quite a lot of women
                                            speakers in to discuss their career paths and challenges.
                                                                                                             that he brought along,” Glusker said. “He went out of his
                                            “There are challenges that I’ve faced when I’ve worked           way to make me feel welcome.”
                                            on projects, and it’s been hard to move things forward              During her time at Fox Chase, Glusker’s work with X-ray
                                            sometimes. But having the right kind of mentorship has           crystallography included the determination of the struc-
                                            helped,” Arora said.                                             tures of numerous antitumor agents and chemical carcin-
                                              For Arora and her many female colleagues on the Fox            ogens, as well as investigating the structures and possible
                                            Chase faculty, respect for facing such challenges is certainly   mechanisms of action of several biological enzymes.
                                            well deserved.

                                                                                                                                    WINTER/SPRING 2020 FOX CHASE FORWARD     13

                                             CHECKPOINT INHIBITORS HELP IMMUNE
                                                  SYSTEM IN CANCER BATTLE

                                                    ohn Lens, 76, a retired teacher from New Jersey, does
                                                    not know many of the details of the immunotherapy
                                                    treatment he underwent for his Stage 4 urothelial
                                                    cancer, upper urinary tract cancer that had begun to
                                                    spread to his kidney. He leaves that to his wife, Iride.
                                            What he does know is that the drug, an immune checkpoint
                                            inhibitor called pembrolizumab, and his team at Fox Chase
                                            Cancer Center, saved his life.
                                               “They deserve a Nobel Prize,” he said.
                                               As a matter of fact, an American and a Japanese research-
                                            er shared the 2018 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for
                                            their discovery of cancer therapy by inhibition of negative
                                            immune regulation. Their work directly led to the devel-
                                            opment of the class of drugs called checkpoint inhibitors,
                                            of which pembrolizumab (Keytruda) is one, which have
                                            significantly improved the treatment of a variety of cancers
                                            over the last decade.

                                                                  BY LEAH LAWRENCE
                                                            ILLUSTRATION BY BRIAN STAUFFER

Picking the Lock

          “We all have an immune system, and its job is to recognize        immunotherapy as a cure for bladder cancer.”
        and kill certain things in the body, such as infections or can-        After an exhaustive search, their doctor found one trial for
        cers,” said Daniel M. Geynisman, a medical oncologist at Fox        John’s rare type of cancer at Fox Chase.
        Chase who specializes in genitourinary cancers. “One of the            The trial was called KEYNOTE-052 and it investigated the
        hallmarks of cancer growth is that some cancers are able to         use of pembrolizumab in patients with bladder cancer who
        evade the immune system.”                                           were ineligible to receive a typical standard-of-care chemo-
          The body’s immune system has mechanisms that tell it to           therapy called cisplatin.
        shut off or lock the door when a “job” is complete and there is        “In order to receive cisplatin, you have to have good
        no more work to be done. Cancers can take advantage of that         kidney function, and with one kidney left, John’s function
        system by giving off similar signals.                               was not adequate to receive that drug,” said Matthew R.
          “Immunotherapy using checkpoint inhibitors is de-                 Zibelman, a medical oncologist at Fox Chase who enrolled
        signed to reinvigorate the immune system by blocking                John in the trial.
        those signals and reminding the body to attack the cancer,”            The trial would ultimately lead to Food and Drug
        Geynisman said.                                                     Administration approval of pembrolizumab for patients like
                                                                            John with locally advanced or metastatic urothelial cancer
                                                                            who could not handle cisplatin. Of the participating patients,

                                                                            about 29 percent saw their disease respond to the treatment,
                 he first checkpoint inhibitor for cancer was approved      but it is not yet known how long that effect will last.
                 in the United States in 2011. Ipilimumab (Yervoy)             If John had not enrolled in the trial at Fox Chase, he would
                 targets a switch on immune cells called CTLA-4. This       have begun chemotherapy that day in June 2016, getting in-
                 first approval was based on a clinical trial that showed   fusions every two to three weeks for as long as it seemed to be
                 the drug extended the life of patients with metastatic     controlling his cancer, Zibelman said. If his cancer stopped
        melanoma by about four months. It was the first drug to ever        responding, he would have been switched to a different
        extend the survival of patients with metastatic melanoma.           chemotherapy.
           Pembrolizumab targets a different pathway on immune                 “After first-line treatment, there weren’t clear approved
        and tumor cells called PD-1/PD-L1. Pembrolizumab and a              chemotherapy options for patients like John,” Zibelman said.
        multitude of other PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors are now available to       “The chances of benefit of the drugs we used were low, in the
        treat nearly a dozen types of cancer.                               10 percent to 20 percent range, and the average survival was
           John was lucky enough to be the last person enrolled in a        about one year.”
        clinical trial testing pembrolizumab in his type of cancer,            Instead, John received two years of pembrolizumab
        gaining him access to the drug before it was approved in 2017.      through the clinical trial and elected to continue treatment
           Seemingly healthy, John was on a school trip to Costa Rica       for another year after the drug was approved. Now, more than
        in January 2016 with his wife and some of her students when         three years from his diagnosis, John’s scans show no evidence
        he first noticed blood in his urine. Upon returning home, he        of active disease.
        scheduled an appointment with his urologist, who performed
        a urine lab test. He was diagnosed with upper urinary tract
                                                                            TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE?

        cancer that had begun to spread to his kidney.
           John immediately underwent surgery to remove one of his                    eople like John are among the lucky ones though,
        kidneys and ureters, the tube that passes urine from the kid-                 Geynisman pointed out. The number of people whose
        ney to the bladder. “After the surgery they told us, ‘Everything              disease will respond to checkpoint inhibitors varies
        looks great!” Iride Lens recalled.                                            depending on the type of cancer, as well as a variety of
           The PET scan at John’s follow-up visit in June 2016                        other disease and patient characteristics.
        revealed, however, that his cancer had spread to his lymph             “It varies greatly, but I would say on average about a quarter
        nodes and appeared aggressive. It was Stage 4.                      of patients eligible for treatment will respond,” Geynisman
           They were devastated by the diagnosis but buckled down           said. “It is still only a minority.”
        and began to do as much research as they could. Then they              For example, in advanced non-small cell lung cancer,
        saw a question on the cover of Time magazine that caught            recent data from another trial of pembrolizumab showed that
        their attention: “What if your immune system could be taught        about 23 percent of patients who received no prior treatment
        to kill cancer?” That story focused on the promise and chal-        responded and were still alive five years after diagnosis.
        lenges of immunotherapy.                                               “In lung cancer, we have never had this type of data for clin-
           “Soon after, we had an appointment with our local oncolo-        ical efficacy at five years,” said Hossein Borghaei, a medical
        gist to have a port put in so that John could begin chemother-      oncologist at Fox Chase. In fact, prior to the immunotherapy
        apy,” Iride said. “While we were there, we asked the doctor         era, the five-year survival rate for non-small cell lung cancer
        if there was any doctor or hospital nearby working with             was closer to five percent.


                                                                           he types of side effects that occur with che-
      TRULY BE ABLE TO MANIPULATE THE                                      motherapy differ from those associated with
     IMMUNE SYSTEM IN FAVOR OF GETTING                                     immune checkpoint inhibitors, but Geynisman
                                                                           stressed that it is important to remember that
      RID OF CANCER WITHOUT CAUSING A                                      some side effects, even sometimes fatal side
     LOT OF SIDE EFFECTS, BUT EVERYBODY                           effects, can occur.
                                                                     “As the immune system gets activated to attack the can-
      SHOULD STAY TUNED. IT IS GOING TO                           cer, it can get confused and attack normal, healthy body
        GET EVEN MORE EXCITING IN THE                             parts as well,” Geynisman said. “This can include anything
                                                                  from the skin to the thyroid, to major organs like the lungs
            NEXT FIVE TO 10 YEARS.”                               or liver.”
                                                                     In some cases, these immune-related adverse events
                                                                  can be mild and can be managed with only observation or
                                                                  treatments like topical creams for rash.
  But not every type of cancer is responding to immune               However, in some patients these side effects can be
checkpoint inhibitors the way that lung and urothelial can-       severe. There have been cases of inflammation of the heart
cers are. There is probably a combination of factors, mainly      where high-dose steroids and other immunomodulatory
related to the type of tumor and the particular patient, that     drugs had to be administered quickly. Research has also
affect how well these drugs work.                                 shown that some of these immune-related events can occur
  Despite only a small percentage of patients responding, the     months to years after people have stopped taking immuno-
reason many researchers are so excited about immune check-        therapy drugs, so patients who take the drugs need to keep
point inhibitors is that of those patients that do respond, the   an eye out for such delayed side effects.
responses are durable and can last months to years. That is          Currently available checkpoint inhibitors can have a
why there is so much research being done to help identify         price tag averaging about $150,000 a year. The amount a
people who will respond and to find ways that may allow more      patient pays will vary depending on whether or not they
people to respond.                                                have health insurance and on the type of insurance. “These
                                                                  drugs are extraordinarily expensive,” Geynisman said,
                                                                  emphasizing that cost is a generally underemphasized and

                                                                  understudied question.
         orghaei and colleagues Edna Cukierman and                   John, who elected to stay on pembrolizumab for an ad-
         Kerry S. Campbell codirect the Immune Monitoring         ditional year after the clinical trial, said his treatment was
         Facility for Immunotherapy at Fox Chase. Staff at        covered by Medicare and supplementary insurance he had
         the facility work with scientists and clinicians to      from being a teacher.
         perform studies called immune phenotyping on                Some patients are kept on the drugs indefinitely,
blood, bone marrow, tumor, or lymph node samples taken            Zibelman said. “Because each clinical trial testing these
from patients with cancer.                                        types of drugs was slightly different, no one knows the
   “We can look at samples taken before treatment, during         answer to how long patients need to stay on them.”
treatment, and after treatment to see whether a patient’s            Slowly, researchers are beginning to think that when
immune system has been activated,” said Campbell.                 immune checkpoint inhibitors are successful, people can
   For example, in patients assigned to immune checkpoint         likely try to stop taking them. In cases where people have
inhibitors, one thing scientists are trying to figure out is      had to stop immunotherapy treatment because of im-
how to identify patients that will respond prior to starting      mune-related side effects, many continued to respond even
the treatment. “It would also be useful to know if there are      after treatment was stopped, Zibelman said. “We are only
immune checkpoint molecules other than CTLA-4 or PD-1/            beginning to ask those questions,” he added.
PD-L1 that appear on cells during treatment that can be              Research on immune checkpoint inhibitors and other
used as targets for future immunotherapies or combina-            immunotherapies is exploding. “We are only just begin-
tions of immunotherapies,” Campbell said.                         ning to appreciate the complexity of the immune system
   In addition to identifying patients who will respond to        and its relationship to tumor progression,” Borghaei said.
immune checkpoint inhibitors, this type of research could         “It is going to take us longer to truly be able to manipulate
also identify those who will not. This information could help     the immune system in favor of getting rid of cancer with-
clinicians to move patients to more effective therapies sooner    out causing a lot of side effects, but everybody should stay
in the course of their treatment and spare them any possible      tuned. It is going to get even more exciting in the next five
side effects of immunotherapy.                                    to 10 years.”

                                                                                           WINTER/SPRING 2020 FOX CHASE FORWARD    17
Male Breast Cancer Can Be An Isolating Experience

                                           hen people hear the words “breast cancer,” they likely envision
                                           pink ribbons. Maybe they think about a woman they know who had
                                           the disease. Maybe they are “that” woman. Chances are, however,
                              they don’t think about men.
                                But last year, about 2,700 American men experienced something like
                              what happened to Thomas Spoltore. Right after Christmas in 2017, the
                              then-72-year-old barber was showering when he noticed what he thought
                              was a pimple on the right side of his chest.
                                He decided to ignore it, figuring it would go away. But as the days and
                              weeks passed, it didn’t. It got bigger. Spoltore’s wife suggested he see his
                              family doctor, who recommended further consultation. Spoltore made an
                              appointment at Fox Chase Cancer Center. A mammogram and ultrasound
                              confirmed he had breast cancer.
                                “My initial reaction was shock,” Spoltore said. “I truly did think the odds
                              were in my favor and there would not be a cancer diagnosis. It was hard to talk
                              about initially, since I was not aware of anyone I knew with male breast cancer.”

                                                         BY ABBEY J. PORTER
                                                PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY CLINT BLOWERS

The Unknown Patient

           While men don’t have breasts in the same sense that women
        do, everyone—male and female—has breast cells and tissue
                                                                                “Men and their health care
        that can become cancerous. Breast cancer in men is relatively        providers need to know that they
        rare: Only 1 in 1,000 men will be diagnosed with the disease,
        versus 130 in 1,000 women. Breast cancer in men usually               are at risk for developing breast
        develops as a hard lump beneath the nipple and areola.
           Most cases of breast cancer in men are infiltrating ductal
                                                                                cancer and they need to be
        carcinoma, or IDC, in which cells in and around the milk                   vigilant for new breast
        ducts (yes, men also have milk ducts) begin to invade sur-
        rounding tissue. Breast cancer carries a higher mortality                 symptoms and changes.”
        rate in men than in women, partly because men are less                   — ALLISON A . AGGON, SURGICAL ONCOLOGIST
        likely to suspect a lump of being cancerous, which can cause
        a delay in treatment.
           That was the case with Spoltore, who waited a month or           of a protein (HER2) that makes cancer spread quickly.
        more before seeing a doctor about the growth on his chest.          Trastuzumab (Herceptin) is one of the drugs that has been
        Once he had been diagnosed, Fox Chase surgical oncologist           approved to treat breast cancer that has spread to other areas
        Allison A. Aggon gave him a choice: have the tumor removed          of the body. It stops HER2 from making cancer cells grow.
        and undergo radiation, or have a mastectomy. Spoltore opted
                                                                            NEW ATTITUDES, NEW OPTIONS

        for the mastectomy.
                                                                                  t used to be that male breast cancer patients were nearly

                                                                                  always given a mastectomy. But attitudes toward, and
                 he large number of female breast cancer patients                 options for, the treatment of breast cancer in men have
                 has allowed for extensive study of the disease—and         changed in recent years, noted Richard J. Bleicher, a surgical
                 its treatment—in women. However, the disease has           oncologist and leader of the Breast Cancer Program.
        not been studied much in men because of the relatively small           The attitude used to be that there was “no value in saving
        number of male patients. “Historically, we’ve always extrap-        what little breast a man has,” Bleicher said. “Men would wind
        olated our experiences with women to treat men,” said Mary          up with a scar across the chest.” Recently, however, a trend
        Daly, a medical oncologist specializing in genetics. “But there     has developed, at Fox Chase and elsewhere, to conserve the
        very well could be differences in responses to chemotherapy         breast in male patients.
        agents that we really don’t know.”                                     Bleicher said that when it comes to caring for breast cancer
           With that said, treatments for male and female breast can-       patients, survival is the primary goal. “Regardless of whether
        cer patients are generally the same. Many men benefit from a        you’re male or female, the number one priority is to get rid of
        combination of approaches, such as:                                 the tumor and maximize survival. Number two is to maximize
           SURGERY: Options consist of a mastectomy, in which the           the cosmetic outcome.”
        entire breast is removed, or breast-conserving surgery, also           Bleicher said that for male patients, the survival rates for
        called a lumpectomy, in which just the tumor is taken out.          lumpectomy plus radiation or chemotherapy are on par with
           RADIATION THERAPY: Patients may have treatment                   those for mastectomy. And for many, the former may be pref-
        with radioactive rays or particles after surgery to help kill off   erable. That’s because, generally speaking, men care about
        any cancer cells that were missed. If the cancer is inoperable,     what they look like posttreatment.
        radiation may be the primary treatment.                                “Men do have the desire to have a cosmetically less disrup-
           CHEMOTHERAPY: With this treatment, the patient is                tive outcome,” Bleicher said. “Men care if there’s a cosmetic
        given drugs, either orally or by injection, that attack the can-    difference, if the nipple and areola are removed.” Although
        cer cells. He may have chemotherapy after surgery to lower          the breast does not hold the same sexual significance for men
        the risk of the cancer coming back. For men with advanced           that it does for women, “there needs to be a recognition that
        cancer or cancer that has spread to other parts of the body,        men are cosmetically aware, in many cases, and they also
        chemotherapy may be the primary treatment.                          don’t want disfigurement,” he added.
           HORMONE THERAPY: Some types of breast cancer need                   He minimizes cosmetic deformity in his patients using
        certain hormones to grow. Hormone therapy blocks the                oncoplastic techniques, surgical approaches that combine ad-
        effects of those hormones, stopping the growth of the cancer.       vanced plastic surgery with surgical oncology. For instance, if
        It’s often more successful in men than in women because             a large lumpectomy is required that will leave the breast dis-
        more men, about 90 percent, have hormone-receptor-posi-             torted, the remaining tissue is sculpted to realign the nipple
        tive cancer. For men with advanced cancer, hormone therapy          and areola and restore a natural appearance to the breast. The
        may be the primary treatment.                                       opposite breast is also modified to create symmetry. In the
           TARGETED THERAPY: Some men have an excess                        end, it’s often difficult to tell that the patient ever had surgery.

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