Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...

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Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
September 2010
                                                            Vol 93, No 218

Pam And Maree Push For
Queensland Initiative: P16-17
                                ➣ What A New  Government Means
                                   For The Club Industry: P14-15
Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...

                                                                                   CLUB MANAGERS’
                                                                                   ASSOCIATION AUSTRALIA
Publisher CMAA                                                                     OFFICE BEARERS
Editor: Peter Sharp
                                                                                   CMAA FEDERAL EXECUTIVE                   ADMINISTRATION
Phone: (02) 9643 2300
Mobile: 0410 140 036                                                               President
Email:                                                        WILLIAM CLEGG, ACCM
                                                        Bill Clegg ACCM            Randwick Labor Club
                                                        Federal President          Federal Secretary
Henri Lach, Katie Cincotta.
                                                                                   ALLAN PETER, ACCM
Advertising Manager:
Judy Rayner                                                                        Federal Vice President
                                                                                   DAVID O’NEIL, ACCM
Advertising Bookings:                                                              Castle Hill RSL Club
(02) 9332 2363 & 9360 6177
Fax (02) 9361 5142                                                                 Executive Member
                                                                                   DEBORAH FEENING, ACCM                    Executive Officer                                                                                                       Terry Condon, CCM
Printing and Design:                                                               Executive Member
Daily Press Group                                                                  MICHAEL O'SULLIVAN, ACCM
Phone: (02) 9558 8419                                                              Milton Ulladulla Bowling Club
The Editor, c/-                                                                    FEDERAL COUNCILLORS
Club Managers’ Association Australia                    Allan Peter ACCM
                                                        Federal Secretary          Division A – City/Eastern Suburbs
67-73 St. Hilliers Road                                                            Zone and Manly/Northern Suburbs
Auburn NSW 2144                                                                    Zone
P.O Box 845 Auburn NSW 1835                                                        Mario Machado, ACCM
Phone (02) 9643 2300                                                               Chief Executive Officer                  Assistant Executive Officer
Fax (02) 9643 2400                                                                 Hornsby RSL Club                         Ralph Kober, B.Ed.
                                                                                   Division B - St George/Cronulla          Senior Industrial Relations Advocate
Please address all business                                                        Sutherland Zone and Inner West
correspondence to the                                                                                                       Peter Cooper
Federal Secretary                                                                  Ian Todd, ACCM                           Career Development Administrator
The Club Managers’ Association Australia                                           General Manager                          Narell Harrison
is registered as an industrial organisation                                        Kingsgrove RSL Club                      Training Course Administrators
of employees in the terms of the Federal                                                                                    Brad Jones, CCM
Workplace Relations Act, 1996, and The                                             Division C – Nepean Zone
                                                                                   Michael Wiezel                           Estelle McDonald-Birch
Club Managers’ Association is a registered
Trade Union in the terms of the New                     David O’Neil ACCM          Secretary Manager                        Accounts Officer
South Wales Industrial Relations Act 1996.              Federal Vice President     St Marys RSL Club                        Priscilla San Luis
The CMAA is affiliated with the Australian
                                                                                   Division D – Hunter Zone, Central        Receptionist
Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) and the
                                                                                   Coast Zone and Great Lakes Zone          Carol Quirke
CMA is affiliated to the NSW State Branch
of the ACTU, The Labor Council of NSW.                                             Stephen Byfield, ACCM
                                                                                                                            Administration Assistant
                                                                                   Chief Executive Officer
                                                                                                                            Evonne Bosnich
Registered Office                                                                  Diggers @ The Entrance
67-73 St. Hilliers Road                                                                                                     Administration Assistant
                                                                                   Division E – Far North Coast Zone,       Tegan Cain
Auburn NSW 2144                                                                    North West State Zone, Mid State
Phone (02) 9643 2300                                                               Zone and Mid North Coast Zone            Life Members
Fax (02) 9643 2400                                                                 Phillip Mallon, ACCM                     Harry Walker (decd.)
P.O.Box 845 Auburn NSW, 1835                                                                                                Norm Robinson (decd.)
                                                                                   General Manager
Email -                                                                                                    Arthur Justice (decd.)
                                                                                   Cabarita Beach Sports Club
                                                                                                                            Len Ewart (decd.)
Office Hours                                                                       Division F – Illawarra Shoalhaven        Lou O’Neill (decd.)
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm                             Deborah Feening ACCM       Zone and Far South Coast Zone            Peter Cameron (decd.)
Seven-day telephone answering service in                Federal Executive Member   David Hiscox                             Bob Harbutt (decd.)
operation.                                                                         General Manager                          Keith Nolan (decd.)
                                                                                   Dapto Leagues Club                       Fred Chubb, CCM (decd.)
“Club Management in Australia” is published monthly                                                                         Alan McDougall, MBE (decd.)
by the Club Managers’ Association Australia. All                                   Division G – Gold Coast Zone, Brisbane   John Milne (decd.)
material is copyright and cannot be reproduced                                     Zone, Ipswich Darling Downs Zone,
without the explicit permission of the Publisher or                                                                         Les Evennett
Editor. Editorial contributions relating to the club                               Sunshine Coast Zone, and the Central     George Elliot, CCM
industry are welcome. Submitted copy should be typed                               and Northern Queensland Zone             Peter Strachan, ACCM
and double spaced. We don’t accept any responsibility                              Steve Condren                            Hans Sarlemyn, ACCM
for keeping and returning unsolicited material.                                    General Manager
Photographs submitted must be captioned. Those sent
                                                                                                                            Jim Henry, OAM, CCM
without prior arrangement cannot be returned unless                                Southport Surf Life Saving Club          Terry Condon, CCM
accompanied by a stamped, self addressed envelope.                                                                          Lew Cooper
Views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily                               Division H – Victoria Zone, Riverina     Barry Stevenson
those of the Club Managers’ Association Australia.                                 Murray Zone and the ACT Zone             Greg Pickering, ACCM
Although we do exercise the utmost caution, we don’t
                                                                                   Grant Duffy, ACCM                        John Allan, ACCM
accept responsibility for claims expressed in
advertisements appearing in our issues.                                            Secretary Manager                        Allan Peter, ACCM
Subscription rate is $60 a year.                        Michael O’Sullivan ACCM    Numurkah Golf & Bowls Club               Wayne Forrest, ACCM
ISSN 0045-7205                                          Federal Executive Member

Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
6     Industry Issues                    September 2010 Magazine Contents

Club sues                                PAGE      ADVERTISER / Editorial
                                         C1        COVER – ‘Corporate Governance Crusaders’
electrician over                         C2        KONAMI
$26 million blaze                        P1        CMAA ADMINISTRATION & IMPRINT
                                         P2        CMDA CAREER DEVELOPMENT SPONSORS
Moama Bowling Club is taking legal
action against an electrician over       P3        CLUB PLUS SUPERANNUATION
workmanship the club claims caused a     P4        SHUFFLE MASTER AUSTRALASIA
massive fire.                            P5        SHUFFLE MASTER AUSTRALASIA
Melbourne’s Herald-Sun newspaper         P6        SCOPE PROJECT MANAGEMENT + September Edition Contents
reported the club has lodged a
                                         P7        INDEPENDENT GAMING
Supreme Court writ against Echuca
electrician Brett Thomson, claiming      P8        PAYNTER DIXON CONSTRUCTIONS + Edition Pointers
damages of $26 million because he        P9        JAMES CLIFFORD CONSTRUCTION
installed two faulty floodlights.        P 10      President's Perspective
Fire ripped through the club on June     P 11      AINSWORTH GAME TECHNOLOGY
26, 2008, damaging the bistro and
bistro terrace, cafe, bottleshop and     P 12      MERIDIAN CONSTRUCTION + The Executive Officer's Desk
reception.                               P 13      ALTIS ARCHITECTS
The club claims the floodlights were     P 14      HARLEY RUSSELL DAY + Federal Election 1
unsuitable for indoor use because        P 15      AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER BUYING GROUP + Federal Election 2
they were not fitted with glass fronts   P 16      Northern Exposure - Logan Diggers 1
to prevent hot particles escaping.
                                         P 17      THOMSONS LAWYERS + Northern Exposure - Logan Diggers 1
It alleges the blaze was caused by hot
fragments falling from a floodlight on   P 18      Industry Issues 1
to a settee in reception.                P 19      TRICORP GAMING + Industry Issues 2
The club claims it suffered a            P 20      ODOUR CONTROL SYSTEMS AUSTRALIA + AGE 2010 - 1
$26 million loss because of the blaze.   P 21      OTEN TAFE + AGE 2010 - 2
Mr Thomson was unavailable for           P 22      AGE 2010 – 3 – CMDA Sponsors at the Expo 1
                                         P 23      AGE 2010 - 4 – CMDA Sponsors at the Expo 2
                                         P 24      AGE 2010 - 5 – CMDA Sponsors at the Expo 3
                                         P 25      AGE 2010 – 6 – CMAA at the Expo
                                         P 26      B-SEATED + CMAA Online Membership
                                         P 27      CMDA Update
                                         P 28      CMDA – CMAA 2011 NATIONAL BURSARY PROGRAM
                                         P 29      ITZ - North West State Zone Meeting
                                         P 30      CMDA – DUTY MANAGER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM
                                         P 31      ITZ - Great Lakes Zone Meeting
                                         P 32      CMDA – SECRETARY MANAGER PROGRAM
                                         P 33      ITZ - Mid North Coast Zone AGM
                                         P 34      ITZ – Manly Northern Suburbs Zone Mid-Year Meeting
                                         P 35      ITZ - Sunshine Coast Zone Meeting
                                         P 36      Board of Management Studies & Zone Education Officers
                                         P 37      ITZ - Illawarra Shoalhaven Zone Meeting
                                         P 38      CMAA 2010 Diary & Events Calendar
                                         P 39      ITZ - Illawarra Shoalhaven Zone Charity Golf Day
                                         P 40      Manager Profile - Glenn Buckley 1
                                         P 41      SLATER GORDON + Manager Profile - Glenn Buckley 2
                                         P 42      Southern Exposure - The Hawthorn Club 1
                                         P 43      RAYNER ADV AD + Southern Exposure - The Hawthorn Club 2
                                         P 44      Market Forces
                                         C3        VISIONARY LEADERSHIP 2010
                                         C4        ARUZE

                                         INSERTS   GOPHER GRAPHICS
                                                   GOLD CREST SECURITY
                                                   TRANSTASMAN ENERGY GROUP PTY LTD
Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
Corporate Governance Crusaders - Pam And Maree Push For Queensland Initiative: P16-17 What A New Government Means For The Club Industry: P14-15 ...
8     In Your September Edition

➢ Pages 20-25                          ➢ Page 26                               ➢ Pages 27 & 28
Moving through the Sydney              The CMAA now can offer members          The CMAA 2011 National Bursary
Convention & Exhibition Centre at      the option of paying membership         Program is open for applications. The
Darling Harbour over the three days    fees online with a credit card. The     range of 2011 bursaries features 25
of the Australasian Gaming Expo        upgrade of the CMAA website has         significant educational awards. The
2010, Ross Ferrar got a sense that     allowed members greater access to       CMAA Bursary Program offers all
the gaming industry has begun to       all aspects of the CMAAs’ range of      levels of management the
shake off much of the burdens - the    products and services. Paying           opportunity to access professional
global financial crisis, smoking       membership or joining the CMAA is       development where it can be
legislation and the threats of the     easy. Go to the CMAA website –          difficult to attain. This year,
Productivity Commission Inquiry Into – make a few            members in every CMAA Zone have
Gambling In Australia – that has       mouse clicks, enter some member         the opportunity to apply for one of
clouded business and a positive        information and lodge your credit       the eight Asian Club Managers’
attitude in recent years. The Gaming   details. The payment options are by     Conference & Macau Casino Tour
Technologies Association CEO looks     the month, the quarter, half-year, or   bursaries offered to each CMAA
back on the success of AGE 2010 ...    annually. New members also can join     Division …
                                       online …
10 President’s Perspective                                                                         with BILL CLEGG, ACCM

                   CDSE presentation night reflects the
                   changing landscape for the club movement
                      It was a real pleasure                                  queue for closure. Recent changes to the
                      for our club to recently                                Corporations Act, removing the
                      host the Randwick City                                  requirement of the smallest and smaller
                      CDSE presentation                                       clubs to prepare financial reports and
night for our local community. Of the 123                                     auditing requirements, will fast-track the
applications received by the Local                                            demise of this sector without immediate
Committee requesting $1,326,067, there                                        action.
were 75 presentations totalling $335,651
made by the six local Randwick LGA clubs.                                      The release of the Productivity
Obviously, this amount is not what these                                       Commission’s Final Report Into Gambling
and the other clubs contribute as a whole                                      coincided with significant political events
to their community. I’m sure we’d all like                                     in Canberra and the subsequent Federal
to give more and cover all the priority                                        election. The responses from Ministers
needs of the area. At such a wonderful                                         Stephen Conroy and Nick Sherry were
community event, witnessing the real                                           extremely positive for clubs. Senator
community club spirit in action, it was                                        Conroy’s title - Minister for Broadband,
hard not to reflect on the 10 years of the                                     Communications and the Digital Economy -
CDSE scheme. At the first CDSE presentation night, there       probably says it all in relation to the issue of online
were 11 clubs making contributions. For various reasons,       gambling and the future direction of technology. With the
including closures and reduced gaming revenue, the             National Broadband Network becoming such a huge issue
number of CDSE contributing clubs has fallen to six. We        during the election campaign, it was particularly pleasing
are all well aware of the various issues that have             to hear Senator Conroy’s position on internet gambling
confronted clubs over the past decade and the industry’s       and his opposition to it, before the campaign. Senator
efforts in lobbying governments to understand the plight       Sherry also has demonstrated an understanding of the
of clubs of all sizes. As the industry consolidation and       issues confronting the industry and understands the
rationalisation process gains momentum, managers of            approach required to move to a pre-commitment solution
financially sound clubs will - for strategic and community     for problem gambling. These Ministers still could be the
reasons - have to consider amalgamations. Being in the         key players, with Senator Jenny Macklin, in implementing
middle of this process, with a small sporting club, our        a new Labor Government’s strategy with all jurisdictions
management team had the opportunity to gain a better           on gambling reform. The understanding that Ministers
understanding of why this sector of the industry is at         Conroy and Sherry and the Kevin Rudd, then Julia Gillard-
particular risk. The overwhelming evidence is the lack of      led Federal Government have of the Club Industry is a
management ability. Generally, someone from the Board          direct result of many years of educating Parliamentary
that may have the time might be asked to take on the           members. Full credit must go to Clubs Australia for the
manager’s role. Get your RSA and RCG and fill out the          advocacy that it provided during the Commission’s inquiry
form … now you are a club manager - that’s if you’re           process. With the industry’s future in mind, the balance
aware that you have to do that. It’s pleasing to note that     of power in the Senate has been removed from Steve
now at least, a Police Report is required. Some may            Fielding, who was not re-elected, while Senator Xenophon
recall my previous comments when considering the               would lose almost all of his power if Labor is able to
question … what do you have to do to be a club manager?        negotiate with the Greens to form government and assist
You may also recall that the question was posed by a           legislation in the Senate. With those who would destroy
sporting club association. Sadly, we have to accept that       clubs now powerless and both a government and
the bureaucracy and political leaders have ignored our         opposition committed to clubs in the not-for-profit sector,
efforts as an Association to improve the licensing             our attention may now be focus on the positives in the
requirements through the education of club managers.           future.
Our position remains that the approved person must be a
fit and proper person to manage licensed premises,             Another election campaign positive was the exposure that
understand his/her responsibilities relating to the sale of    Rooty Hill RSL Club and Broncos Leagues Club got in
liquor and the responsibilities that the concession provides   hosting the “Town Hall Meetings”. The use of clubs for a
through the conduct of community gaming and - most             community event is nothing new, but to see those clubs
importantly - has attended approved training, instruction      being chosen without question as the community assembly
or demonstrated an ability to perform the tasks required       point was credit to them in particular and all clubs in
to manage a club. This is no more than expected from           general. While both debates probably contributed to the
the licensee of a hotel. People who would argue against a      outcome of the election, the overwhelming appreciation I
requirement for the better education of either                 took from the expected closeness of the result was that at
professional or honorary club managers would most likely       a time when the leadership of this country was being
do so based on economic grounds … “the club is small           determined, we had more at bingo than Rooty Hill RSL
and can’t afford it” and/or “you won’t get anybody             Club attracted for the debate.
prepared to do it, we’re voluntary” ... are common             ➢ BILL CLEGG, ACCM, is the CMAA Federal President
arguments. If that’s your club’s position, then get in the       and General Manager at Randwick Labor Club
12 The Executive Officer’s Desk                                                                    with TERRY CONDON, CCM

                    Club Industry has emerged strong and confident
                    from the shadows of Productivity Commission
                      It’s a great feeling to be able to offer   Queensland clubs do not come under the same corporate
                      positive comments after such a             governance criteria as NSW clubs but Pam and Marie
                      sustained period of challenges and         believe that the philosophy and message is so important
                      uncertainty. First, my congratulations     that they have started a campaign to have the Queensland
                      to Ross Ferrar and Gaming                  Government adopt a comparable governance regime in
Technologies Australia (GTA) on a successful and                 that state. It’s important reading for every club manager
impressive Australasian Gaming Expo at Darling Harbour           and director.
last month. The CMAA took a stand at the three-day event
and I was impressed with the number of people who                The adage that “Oppositions don’t win elections …
attended, but - more importantly for the Club Industry –         Governments lose them” certainly rang true in our Federal
the positive feel of club managers and directors looking at      Election on August 21. Australia faces a “hung” Parliament
upgrading their gaming machine stocks and other club             with neither of the major parties - Labor or Coalition -
facilities. That same feeling was evident at the CMAA            able to govern in its own right. The other old saying … “24
Hospitality Expo in March, but the Federal Government, at        hours is a long time in politics”, also comes to mind with
that stage, had not responded to the Productivity                Tony Abbott three months ago seemingly unelectable.
Commission’s Final Report Into Gambling In Australia. That       However, within 24 hours of the Labor Party machine
report was biased against poker machine gambling and             “dumping” then-Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, Mr Abbott
cast an uncomfortable feeling across our industry as a           became a very real option for many Australians.
result. The Federal Government’s response was firm and           Regardless of who forms the minority government, where
direct and has given rise to optimism and confidence that        does this now leave the Club Industry with the Greens
the industry has a sound future. That showed in the              having the balance of power in the Senate? First, Family
upbeat atmosphere at AGE 2010 … long may it continue.            First Senator Steven Fielding is gone. Second, independent
Second, the CMAA’s move to Sydney Olympic Park (SOP) is          Senator Nick Xenophon is not likely to have the power he
on track and will deliver a new level of accessibility for       previously enjoyed, as the Greens now have nine seats. If
CMAA members and education program delegates. As the             Labor forms government with the Greens, it means
CMDA’s range of education and professional development           Senator Xenophon’s vote is not required to pass Bills in
products expands to encompass online E-learning, the SOP         the Senate. I must say that I was encouraged by the
facilities – direct public transport access, on-site             responses from both major parties to the series of
accommodation, unlimited parking and upgraded hi-tech            questions put by Clubs Australia a month, or so, out from
services capability – will deliver benefits for our members      election day. There was a refreshingly commonsense
and clients. We are on track to move out of our existing         response to the more difficult aspects of the Club
offices at Auburn by the end of this month and be set up         Industry’s relationship with political parties at federal and
at Homebush Bay a week later.                                    state levels – particularly in light of the Productivity
                                                                 Commission’s Final Report Into Gambling In Australia. NSW
Third, I hope all members read Henri Lach’s feature              Gaming and Racing Minister Kevin Greene and the NSW
article on Pages 16 and 17. Logan Diggers CEO Pam                Government had the courage of their conviction to
Shelton - a friend and long-time CMAA “champion” - and           question and contest some of the Commission’s
her club Chairman Maree Robbins undertook the CMAA-              recommendations. I think whoever forms the minority
Southern Cross University Corporate Governance course at         Government will have more to worry about than attacking
SCU’s Tweed Heads campus earlier this year. Both club            the Club Industry.
executives got to appreciate the significance that
corporate governance plays in lives of both board and            ➢ TERRY CONDON, CCM, is the CMAA’s Executive Officer,
management in every club – large, medium or small.                 a CMAA Life Member and former Club Manager
14 Federal Election 2010

Nation undecided … but an election where the Club Industry
It’s not often – perhaps, never before – that the Club                  Labor understands the importance of clubs, and the not for
Industry has headed for an election – state or federal – with           profit sector generally to Australians.
a degree of confidence about its position and future.                   “While state and territory governments are responsible for
Having dodged yet another “bullet” with what appears to                 the regulation of gambling in Australia, Federal Labor is
be the worst of the global financial crisis behind the nation           committed to working closely with them to develop a
and non-smoking legislation in the rear-vision mirror, both             national response to the Productivity Commission report.
major parties gave their assurance – in writing - that they             In our initial response, we have shown our support for pre-
would not deliver anything shocking or painful if elected to            commitment technology as an important tool in tackling
government on August 21. They even gave their support to                problem gambling. We will work with State and Territory
much of the industry’s opposition to the Productivity                   Governments and industry to implement this technology.
Commission’s Final Report Into Gambling In Australia that               “Federal Labor does not agree with the Productivity
rocked the gaming industry and focused so heavily on poker              Commission’s 2010 report into gambling which
machines in clubs, hotels and casinos.                                  recommended that the Federal Government amend the
Election day has come and gone with the nation                          Interactive Gambling Act to allow for a liberalisation of
numerically divided on whether Labor or the Coalition                   online gambling. Federal Labor is not convinced that
should have control of the nation – and four MPs, including             liberalising online gaming would have benefits for the
one Greens Party member notionally holding the fate of                  Australian community that would outweigh the risks of an
who governs for the next three years. In fact, it was                   increased incidence of problem gambling, particularly with
possible – even a week after polling booths closed – that               the rapid changes in technology. The current prohibition on
Australia might have to return to the ballot box for a                  the provision of online gaming services to Australians will
second election to break the deadlock.                                  continue to apply.”
In the first week of the election campaign, Clubs Australia             THE COALITION
wrote to Ms Gillard and Mr Abbott seeking their party                   “The Coalition acknowledges the special role clubs play in
position on key the Club Industry issues of taxation and                Australian society. They keep thousands of Australians
problem gambling, which have received significant                       employed and enrich the character of our local
attention due to the Productivity Commission’s inquiry and              communities.
the Henry Review of Taxation. The industry received a                   “We recognise the importance of the principle of mutuality
bipartisan response in recognising the important economic               for the viability of Australia’s clubs. And we understand
and social role of clubs. Also, the major parties will have a           clubs’ concerns about the erosion of that principle. The
similar approach to developing gambling policy in                       Coalition can assure Clubs Australia that we continue to
Government.                                                             support the principle of mutuality.
LABOR                                                                   “The Coalition has no plans to change the tax arrangements
“A re-elected Gillard Labor Government will not                         that apply to surpluses of certain clubs. In government the
implement changes to the tax system that harm the not-                  Coalition will work with clubs to ensure any changes we
for-profit sector, including changing income tax                        make are to the advantage of clubs and their patrons.
arrangements for clubs, consistent with Federal Labor’s                 “We recognise that gambling, in all its forms, is a
response to Australia's Future Tax System Review. Federal               significant problem for some people in our community. The

     CLUB                                 Mathieson explains why Carlton hit the jackpot
   AUDITORS                               Poker machines mogul Bruce Mathieson           do. We’ll run it under management for
                                          says he gifted hundreds of poker               them, but they are their machines under
     HARLEY                               machines to Carlton AFL club as an act
                                          of love for the club. The Herald-Sun
                                                                                         their control. Hopefully, it is very good
                                                                                         for them. As long as it is very successful
  RUSSELL & DAY                           newspaper reported the former Blues            I am happy. Even when I was on the
  CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS                   director and life-long supporter handed        board I said when the time comes I will
We are a small firm specialising in       control of around 300 machines to the          do it — and I’ve done it.’’ Mr Mathieson
auditing small to medium-sized clubs.     club in a move that will secure Carlton’s      has ruled out stepping in as club
Our boutique firm has the following       financial future for decades. The club’s       president, revealing he spent the
• Audit - Attendance at least quarterly   late president Richard Pratt was seen by       majority of his days living in Queensland.
• Personalised service                    many as Carlton’s saviour, but it’s            Asked whether he would consider taking
• Cost competitive
• Preparing necessary returns
                                          Mathieson who has truly delivered.             on the Carlton presidency to help out his
• Preparation of year end Financial       Gambling revenue at the four hotels with       friend Stephen Kernahan, Mr Mathieson
  Statements & Annual Report to           the machines totalled $22.6 million last       replied: ‘‘No. I spend 80% of my time in
                                          year alone and poker machine takings at        Queensland and I just couldn’t devote
      It is not difficult                 a fifth venue soon will add to the club’s      the time that is required.’’ Under Mr
    to change Auditors.                   windfall. The Blues will pocket a major        Mathieson’s coup, gaming revenue will
       Contact: Garry Day                 slice of the riches every year. ‘‘I love the   flow to Carlton from the Royal Oak in
       Ph: (02) 9744 6922                 club,” Mr Mathieson said. “It’s something      Richmond, the Vic Inn at Williamstown,
       Fax: (02) 9744 6747
                                          we [his family gaming empire] wanted to        Club Laverto and the Manningham Club.
          PO BOX 284
      ASHFIELD, NSW 2131
Federal Election 2010

is not bracing for more pain
 Coalition acknowledges the range of measures that
 Australian clubs already oversee to combat problem
 gambling in our communities. The Coalition will closely
 examine the 2010 Productivity Commission Report Into
 Gambling released in June. The Coalition is pleased
 that the government has ruled out the introduction of
 new online gambling services. The Coalition
 acknowledges the recommendation relating to the
 implementation of a universal pre-commitment for
 gaming machines by 2016. We are looking at it
 favourably, but will not make any final decisions until
 we are in government and have consulted with key
 stakeholders, including Clubs Australia.”
 Prime Minister Julia Gillard returned to Canberra to
 take control of behind-the-scenes talks to piece
 together a working majority out of Australia's first
 hung parliament since World War Two. Like the PM,
 Opposition Leader Tony Abbott came back to Canberra
 as both sides of politics pondered their next moves and
 their strategies to persuade the independent MPS to
 see their way of running the country.
 Election analysts predicted Labor and the Coalition
 each would end up with 73 seats in the House of
 Representatives. Three seats were too close to call and
 there was uncertainty over at least one other seat as
 vote counting continued into the final week of August.
 The nation's political fate could turn on the loyalty of
 three sitting independent MPs - Rob Oakeshott, Bob
 Katter and Tony Windsor. Mr Oakeshott said that like
 his counterparts, he had received calls from Ms Gillard
 and Mr Abbott, but was not interested in siding with
 either major party. "I don't have to pick a red team or
 a blue team, I don't have to pick Julia or Tony," he
 said. "What I have to do is find a way to work together
 … to get a process in place where we can have a
 confident parliament with a clear majority."
 Rookie Greens MP Adam Brandt is the fourth man being
 courted as the two major parties tried to put together
 the 76 seats needed for an overall majority in the
 Lower House. Labor saw its majority wiped out as
 voters in NSW and Queensland turned their backs on
 the party swept to power so convincingly on November
 24, 2007.
 In the electoral fallout, Family First Steve Fielding is
 gone and South Australian independent Senator Nick
 Xenophon’s vote won’t be worth much if Labor can
 form government with the Greens who hold the
 balance of power in the Senate. The “anti-pokies”
 campaigners no doubt will continue their campaign,
 but without the political position they have enjoyed
 for the past three years.
 Business groups say a quick formation of a stable
 government is important and they are concerned about
 the Greens holding the balance of power in the Senate.
 The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry says
 it is vital that business activity continues as usual in
 Australia during the period of political uncertainty.
 Chamber CEO Peter Anderson says the economy must
 continue to grow while party leaders and the key
 independent politicians must maintain Australia's
 reputation as a stable place to do business while the
 state of the Parliament is resolved.
16 Northern Exposure

Logan Diggers team on a mission to deliver Corporate
By HENRI LACH                                                                         and the functions of boards obviously
They’re good friends, enviable                                                        are major areas covered.
achievers, great working partners -                                                   “The program was put in place with
and on a mission to encourage higher                                                  NSW clubs in mind, who operate as
standards of professionalism for                                                      corporations under the NSW Licensed
Queensland club executives and board                                                  Clubs Act,” Pam explained.
members through the CMDA’s                                                            “Queensland clubs are mostly
Corporate Governance program.                                                         associations and operate under the
Logan Diggers Club CEO Pam Shelton                                                    Incorporated Associations Act.
and her club Board Chairman Maree                                                     Therefore, they are supposedly not
Robbins are the first Queenslanders to    leading academic Dr Michael Singleton       required to comply as NSW must.”
successfully complete the course at       in conjunction with the CMDA and            However, Pam and Maree believe the
the Southern Cross University’s Tweed     input from CMAA Executive Officer           course is totally relevant to the
Heads campus.                             Terry Condon and Assistant Executive        Queensland environment.
They’re adamant that all senior club      Officer Ralph Kober.
                                                                                      Maree pointed out that currently,
executives should do the same.            It’s designed as a pairs study for senior   there is a paradox in the way
To make their point, they will be         executives - one participant from           Queensland licensed clubs are viewed
supporting Diggers’ Board Treasurer       management and one from the board           in the eyes of the law.
David Hartmann and the club’s             executive - and is not available to
                                                                                      “Lawyers and the courts treat our
Finance Officer Jan Walters as the        one, or the other individually.
                                                                                      clubs as though they are
next Queenslanders to undertake the       It comprises a four-day program in          corporations,” Maree said. “They tend
course.                                   two, two-day sessions with a break of       not to differentiate between the big
The Corporate Governance program          up to four weeks in between for             incorporated football clubs and the
was developed for the university’s        reading and research.                       smaller associated clubs when there is
Graduate School of Management by          Roles and responsibility of directors       a legal dispute.”

 Pam celebrates 20 years in top job
With the Corporate Governance             and is in the throes of its sixth major
course completed, Pam Shelton             upgrade - costing $1.4 million.
celebrated another milestone              Pam has been a very active CMAA
recently - her 20th year at the helm      member during her career and was
of Logan Diggers Club on Brisbane’s       inducted into the Association’s Hall of
south side.                               Fame in 2003.
She stepped into the job in 1990 in       Her 20th anniversary was marked with
Queensland pre-gaming machine days        a stylish afternoon get together of
when the club had a membership of         friends, Club Industry executives and
fewer than 500 and a premises that        suppliers at Club Helensvale on the
could only be described as a brick        Gold Coast.
                                          Why not at the Diggers?
Pam oversaw the installation of the
                                          “I wanted my staff to enjoy the day,”
club’s first 20 gaming machines in
                                          she says with a beaming smile.
                                          “Staff are never off duty when in
Today, the Diggers has a membership
                                          their own club and when one has
of 25,000 along with 200 machines
                                          earned a couple of drinks to
                                          celebrate … this should not be done
                                          in front of the members. “Besides,
                                          Lenny [Club Helensvale General                 Logan Diggers CEO Pam Shelton
                                          Manager Len Brunt] is a good friend           enjoys a drink with CMAA Brisbane
                                          and his club is very central to a lot of     Zone President John Limbrick at her
                                          colleagues and suppliers who were               20th anniversary celebration.
                                          Her friends and associates know that        appropriate that she take the stage at
                                          Pam came to the Club Industry from a        her testimonial with comedian Col
                                          background in country music                 Elliott and singer Vicki O’Keefe.
   Once an entertainer … Pam Shelton      entertainment.                              Let’s just say … a good time was had
   hams it up on stage with Col Elliott   She toured Australia with Slim              by all.
           and Vicki O’Keefe.             Whitman in her earlier life, so it was      - HENRI LACH
Northern Exposure 17

Governance in Qld                                                                    excellent platform for interaction and
                                                                                     bonding between a club’s executive
                                                                                     and management.
 Maree Robbins is a no-nonsense
 executive with a wealth of                                                          Pam’s endorsement of the course is
 administrative experience.                                                          glowing and enthusiastic.
 She dismisses political correctness.                                                “I was absolutely astounded at the
 “My title is ‘Chairman’ and that’s                                                  complexity of compliance issues that
 what I am,” she said.                                                               were covered in this course,” she said.
                                                                                     “I was also relieved that these issues
 She’s been that for the past 16 years,                                              can be addressed quite logically and
 working with Pam Shelton to make the                                                easily if boards and management are
 Diggers a very successful club.                                                     informed, knowledgeable and
 Maree also describes herself as a “de                                               committed to implementing new
 facto” member of the CMAA.                                                          attitudes and behaviours.
 “I go to all of the Association’s                                                   “Although we are not a ‘company’ at
 functions with Pam … she introduces                                                 Diggers, we believe that we can
 me as her boss,” Maree says with a                 Logan Diggers Club CEO           benefit greatly by replicating all
 wide smile.                                      Pam Shelton (left) and her         compliance recommendations as if we
 Maree believes that the time could             Board Chairman Maree Robbins.        were.
 come when it will be mandatory for                                                  “This course has not only provided
 board executives and top management         Lacy proposed a special Act for the     enlightenment, it has also provided us
 staff to attain a level of training such    industry in that state.                 with excellent tools to carry out the
 as that provided by the Corporate           “But nothing has ever been done,        task at hand.
 Governance course.                          even though there has been much         “I have attended a plethora of courses
 “I also think that Queensland will have     representation from licensed clubs,”    over the years and this one would
 to get itself into line with a registered   she said.                               have to be one of the very best.”
 clubs act. I just wonder why we             The two women agree that as well as     CMAA Assistant Executive Officer
 haven’t done it yet,” she said.             being totally relevant to Queensland,   Ralph Kober is the contact for full
 She recalls that a White Paper by           the structure of the Corporate          details of the course and registration,
 former Queensland Treasurer Keith De        Governance course provides an           call 02 – 9643 2300.
18 Industry Issues

Privacy Act applies to clubs                                      breach. Breaches can include such things as inappropriately
                                                                  secured information, storage of unnecessary information,
The Privacy Act and the National Privacy Principles (NPPs)        misuse of information held by a club or passing information
apply to clubs with an annual turnover of more than               to a third party without approval. Although breaches
$3 million. Annual turnover for a financial year is made up       generally (but not always) are carried out by individual club
of …                                                              employees or directors “in the course of their
                                                                  employment”, the breach is considered to be carried out by
➢ Proceeds of sales of goods and/or services
                                                                  the club. If an organisation can show it has appropriate
➢ Commission income                                               procedures in place to prevent and track unauthorised
➢ Repair and service income                                       access of records (e.g. password-protected access for
➢ Rent, leasing and hiring income                                 senior managers only and audit trails of access) then this is
➢ Government bounties and subsidies                               likely to count in the club’s favour. The level of security
➢ Interest, royalties and dividends                               required will depend on the sensitivity of the information
                                                                  and the likelihood for damage if it is improperly used or
➢ Any other operating income
Most clubs will be covered, although some may be exempt
                                                                  If a breach occurs, the aggrieved person may make a
if they do not reach the $3 million turnover and are
                                                                  complaint to the Privacy Commissioner. If the Commissioner
classified as “small businesses” under the Privacy Act.
                                                                  finds that a breach of the Act has occurred, the club may
However, those clubs that fall under the $3 million turnover
                                                                  be required to …
should still be aware of the privacy requirements and NPPs
and apply the principles wherever appropriate and possible.       ➢ Cease the conduct
                                                                  ➢ Carry out any reasonable act to redress the loss or
The Privacy Act applies to “personal information” held by
                                                                     damage suffered (this could include an apology and
clubs in “records”. “Records” means any document,
                                                                     other action)
database (in material or electronic form, such as a
computer database), and a photograph or pictorial                 ➢ Pay compensation – legal commentators suggest that for
representation of a person. “Records” do not include                 more serious matters the range can be from $40,000 to
general available publications (e.g. magazines) or certain           around $100,000
other information (e.g. documents placed with the war             ➢ Other action the Privacy Commissioner considers
memorial). “Personal information” is information or an               appropriate
opinion about an individual whose identity is clear, or can       There are appeal rights from decisions of the Privacy
be reasonably ascertained, from that information or               Commissioner to the Federal Court or the Federal
opinion. In determining whether information is “personal          Magistrates Court. However, it would be better if clubs
information” it is not relevant whether that information is       ensured that they act in accordance with the requirements
correct, the question is whether it is about a person who         of the Privacy Act to limit and stop any potential breaches.
can be clearly identified from that information.                  The Club Code of Practice and Best Practice Guidelines are
If a club breaches the Privacy Act, it is responsible for that    under review.

 Garry’s brewing up a new cup of business
 Garry Leech established a reputation       The race days has raised hundreds of
 in club management who could get           thousands of dollars for local charities
 things done.                               and with Zone President Steve
 During his 10 years as General             Condren and the committee, Garry
 Manager at Palm Beach Currumbin            has played a major role in that it
 Sports Club, Garry managed to turn         event. As with many club executives
 around the club’s membership and           these days, Garry has moved on from
 profitability in quick time. He oversaw    the club business for the moment and
 the $6 million redevelopment of the        has joined Joe Trad and Leigh
 property to make it one of the             Fitzgerald at Global Coffee Solutions,
 showpieces of the fast-growing Gold        a CMAA National Bursary Program
 Coast Australian football league.          sponsor company.                           Gary Leech playing the role of barista
 After Garry and the club parted ways,      Garry has taken on the role of             on the Global Coffee Solutions stand
 he maintained his contact with fellow      Global’s Business Development               at the Australasian Gaming Expo at
 club managers in the area and              Manager in Queensland and says he is            Darling Harbour last month.
 attended every CMAA Gold Coast Zone        enjoying the change and the
 Meeting and fund-raising event. He         challenge. “Although I’ve only been        trouble offering our range of quality
 has been an integral part of the           here a short time, they are good           products and services … they are well
 success of the Combined Gold Coast-        people to work for and I have always       received almost everywhere I have
 Brisbane Zone Charity Race Day that is     enjoyed learning new things and            visited so far.”
 staged at the Gold Coast Turf Club to      testing myself with new experiences,”      To speak to Garry about Global Coffee
 mark the end of the CMAA’s annual          Garry said. “Global has established a      Solutions in Queensland,
 Mid Year Executive Leadership              strong reputation in the hospitality       P: 0411 696 881, F: 07 5525 3831 or
 Conference at Jupiters Gold Coast.         business, especially clubs, so it’s no     E:
Industry Issues 19

Minister under fire for late licence application
The Victoria Government is under fire                                             Tabgroup’s ROI constituted unequal
for its handling of the lucrative new                                             treatment as between the
wagering and betting licence process.                                             registrants.”
The report, by former Federal Court                                               Mr Merkel found the late submission
judge, Ron Merkel, QC, found Gaming                                               by Tabgroup, which was ultimately
Minister Tony Robinson wrongly                                                    not invited to tender, did not
allowed a company to lodge a late                                                 prejudice any other party and “did
licence application.                                                              not constitute unequal treatment”.
The report also condemned the                                                     A spokesman for Mr Robinson said the
probity auditor for providing                                                     report concluded that the late
inadequate reports detrimental to his                                             lodgement did not result in prejudice
review of the process.                                                            or impugn the probity of the process.
The Government has since replaced                                                 The report also revealed gaming
Probity Auditor RSM Bird Cameron.                                                 company Intralot raised concerns that
The Government responded by saying                                                its performance running one of the
three companies - Tabcorp, Tatts                                                  state’s lotteries licences should not
Group and Ladbrokes - were invited                                                affect its bid for the betting licence.
to bid for the licence, expected to be                                            But the review found there was no
worth hundreds of millions of dollars.          Victoria’s Gaming Minister        unequal treatment of Intralot’s
The 12-year licence for betting in                   TONY ROBINSON                subsidiary, Intrabet, which was not
outlets such as suburban TABs and                                                 invited to tender.
hotels from 2012 is held by Tabcorp.      four months late. Tabgroup includes     A State Government shake-up of
The report by Mr Merkel, who heads        ALH, owned by Bruce Mathieson and       gambling licences in 2008 saw the
the Gambling and Lotteries Licence        Woolworths.                             creation of the stand-alone licence.
Review Panel, criticises Mr Robinson      The report stated: “In the panel’s      Mr Robinson said the licence would be
for allowing consortium Tabgroup to       view, however, the minister’s           awarded this year and great care was
submit a register of interest (ROI)       acceptance of the late lodgement of     taken to ensure fair treatment.

 Phil takes over from CMAA mate
 The CMAA’s recently                                    Education Officer, also
 elected Division E                                     recently took over as
 Federal Councillor Phil                                Zone President
 Mallon is on the move –                                following Darren’s
 but is taking his new                                  decision to move on
 responsibility with him.                               from the Club Industry.
 The Cabarita Beach                                     Phil has been General
 Sports Club General                                    Manager at Cabarita
 Manager has been                                       Beach Sports Club,
 appointed to take over                                 with 4,500 members,
 the Casino RSM Club                                    for the past six years.
 from another CMAA                                      He has also worked in
 high-profile member,         PHIL                      the financial sector,
 Darren Shipp. Phil           MALLON                    serving 13 years as a
 officially takes up his                                bank manager, ran a
 new role on September                                  hotel-restaurant
 20 and visited Casino last month to      complex, and worked as a cane
 take a closer look at the job and        harvester on the Atherton Tablelands
 speak to the outgoing Secretary-         in north Queensland. Phil will move
 Manager Darren Schipp. The two           to Casino with his wife of 22 years
 have worked closely together as          and their seven-year-old daughter.
 senior members of the CMAA’s Far         “I’m genuinely excited about coming
 North Coast Zone. Phil won a ballot      to Casino and I am looking forward
 earlier this year for the Federal        to the opportunity to contribute to
 Council role in Division E – Far North   the ongoing improvement and
 Coast Zone, North West State Zone,       betterment of the town,” he said.
 Mid State Zone and Mid North Coast       “Darren has done a first club job
 Zone. Phil, who was the Zone Vice        with the club here and I’m proud to
 President after serving as the Zone      be taking over from him.”
20 AGE 2010-08-18

Clock already ticking on AGE 2011
By the time most delegates and                                                    new smoking laws and the threats of
                                            ROSS FERRAR
gaming industry executives were                                                   the Productivity Commission Inquiry
headed for home on August 10, Ross                                                Into Gambling In Australia – that has
Ferrar was back in his office setting                                             clouded business and a positive
the clock for AGE 2011.                                                           attitude in recent years. “There was
That was 376 days away - August 21                                                a pleasing sense of business being
to 23, 2011 - and the Gaming                                                      done and the delegates looking at
Technologies Association CEO had his                                              products with a view to upgrading
first chance in the previous three                                                their current range of gaming
days to take a moment to reflect on                                               machines and ancillary products
the presentation of the 2010                                                      around their venues,” he said. “It has
Australasian Gaming Expo – AGE 2010.                                              been a really tough few years but the
Acutely aware of falling into the trap                                            uncertainty that has affected
of being the “promoter” of the Expo,                                              industries in Australia – particularly
Ross prefers to reference the                                                     hospitality, clubs hotels and gaming –
comments of the gaming industry’s                                                 is gone, effectively, and there was a
delegates – club managers, directors,                                             positive feel about all aspects of the
casino operators and hotel owners –      seen so far the most of our exhibitors   Expo.”
who offer a less-subjective view of      and guests felt the same way.            Ross pointed to one of the comments
the event.                               “I don’t want to get caught up in        from an Expo visitor … “Everyone we
“I’m pleased with the way the Expo       attendance comparison numbers,           spoke to was much more positive
went across the three days … I           either, but it appears that we might     than the last couple of years and
believe we delivered what the            be less than 1% down on the 2009         seem to be putting the financial
exhibitors and the Expo guests           Expo and that’s pleasing too but, at     burdens of the pokie tax and smoking
expected and wanted,” Ross says. “I      this stage, the numbers are              regulations behind them and moving
enjoyed the Expo and I get a sense       unaudited.”                              on more positively which reflects on
from the feedback forms that I have      For the record, there were 171 Expo      all of us.”
                                         stands – one more than 2009 – and        And … “This was my first opportunity
                                         more than 6,700 delegates visited the    to attend the Expo and I was very
                                         Expo across the three days – August 8    pleased with what I saw and the
                                         to 10.                                   people contacted. It certainly
                                         Ross says that moving through the        helped me as a Board Member to
                                         Sydney Convention & Exhibition           make proper decisions.”
                                         Centre at Darling Harbour, he got a      The Productivity Commission’s Final
                                         sense that the gaming industry has       report having been handed to the
                                         begun to shake off much of the           Federal Government, Ross said he
                                         burdens - the global financial crisis,   was pleased and impressed with the
AGE 2010-08-18 21
Government’s response and                business … not just show off their
encouraged by the strong support for     latest machines.”
the gaming industry from the NSW         Ross pointed to these comments from
Government and particularly the          Expo visitors …
public comments from Gaming and
Racing Minister Kevin Greene. “The       “We were impressed with the Quality
Federal Government has taken a           of products and the amazing
sensible and astute approach to the      customer service attitude that
Productivity Commission’s report … it    shone.”
[the Government] is looking for          “Always you are looking for the
evidence to support any measures it      viable futuristic upgrades that will
implements,” he said. “The gaming        put your business ahead of the
industry is – and has always been –      opposition. I'm glad we attended our
ready and willing to provide that        first Australasian Trade Show and
evidence. I think we are headed          found it to be better than what we
down a path to an informed and           could have imagined in future it will
sensible outcome to the report.”         be a must attend in the diary.”
The gaming industry downturn also        “All the areas of the latest Club
has produced a change in the way         Technology were covered and more.”
that companies now view the Expo         With more than 1,000 truck-loads of
and the opportunity to showcase          equipment and 40 forklift tracks
products and do business. Ross           moving non-stop to bring the event
describes the latest products - the      together, the AGE, like the CMAA
upgrade in gaming machine hardware       Hospitality Expo in March, is perhaps
as well as software – as “impressive”.   one of the most complicated events
“It struck me that almost all of the     that the Darling Harbour facility         event ended … don’t bother. There
companies had new hardware,” he          stages each year.                         were more than 2,500 images to
added. “There has always been scope                                                check, a GTA Board Meeting with new
to deliver advanced software             “It’s not like moving cars or boats       ideas for 2011 to discuss and 50
technology but clients now are seeing    around the floor … machines and           companies have already booked their
dramatic advances as companies           their technology are quite fragile,”      places online for next year.
deliver the complete package. The        Ross said. “There’s no ‘oops’ factor in
software gurus now can deliver their     dropping or bumping such an
creative talents on state-of-the-art     expensive piece of technology.”
cabinets. And our suppliers now look     If there are thoughts of Ross putting
upon the Expo as a place to do           his feet up for a few days once the

“Everyone we spoke to was much more positive than the last
couple of years and seem to be putting the financial burdens
of the pokie tax and smoking regulations behind them …
22 AGE 2010

CMAA sponsors at AGE 2010
The CMAA’s impressive list of CMDA Career Development
Sponsor companies and CMAA 2010 National Bursary
Program sponsors were among the 172 companies
represented at the 2010 Australasian Gaming Expo at the
Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre last month.
CMAA sponsor companies to participate at the Expo
included …
➢ Aristocrat Leisure           ➢ Paynter Dixon
  & Gaming                     ➢ Aruze Gaming
➢ Barringtons                  ➢ Konami Australia
➢ Rohrig Hospitality           ➢ Robert Oatley Vineyards
➢ Maxgaming                    ➢ IGT
➢ Shuffle Master Australasia   ➢ James Clifford
➢ Ainsworth Game               ➢ Global Coffee Solutions
                               ➢ Infogenesis
➢ Customers ATM
                               ➢ Creating Synergy
➢ Tecsound
                               ➢ Tabcorp - KENO
➢ Independent Gaming
                               ➢ CMAA

Russell Corporate Advisory, Daily Press Group/Citrus
Projects and Rawsuga Marketing & promotions also were
represented by Smart Exposure at the Expo.
AGE 2010 23
24 AGE 2010
AGE 2010 25

CMAA staff members Brad Jones and Evonne Bosnich were on     CMAA Executive Officer Terry Condon with CCM Travel
duty during Day 1 at AGE 2010.                               Managing Director Catherine Mancuso at the CMAA stand.

CMAA flag flies again at Darling Harbour
The CMAA was back at the Sydney          Governance program, the Secretary
Convention & Exhibition Centre last      Manager Course and the range of
month to support the Australasian        specialised summits that have proved
Gaming Expo 2010.                        so successful during 2009 and 2010,”
The CMAA staged its annual               Terry added.
Conference, AGM and Hospitality          CMAA staff, including Assistant
Expo at the Darling Harbour venue in     Executive Officer Ralph Kober,
early March and was able to assist       Administration Assistant Evonne
many Association members and clubs       Bosnich and Training Course
with information on its vast range of    Administrator Brad Jones manned the
education and industrial relations
                                         booth during the final two days of the
CMAA Executive Officer Terry Condon
said he was pleased with the number      CMAA 2010 National Bursary Program
of people who called at the facility.    sponsor company CCM Travel shared
“This was another successful AGE and     the space with the CMAA and CCM
I am pleased with the level of           Travel Managing Director Catherine       Moorebank Sports Club Operations
inquiries at the CMAA stand,             Mancuso said she was pleased with        Manager Mat Roper with club CEO
particularly for top-level education     the interest in the range of products    Tracey Van Rossum called at the CMAA
and professional development             that CCM offered as AGE 2010             stand during AGE 2010 at Darling
products such as the Corporate           specials.                                Harbour.

John Murray and Tony Johnston from Eastern Commercial        The Customers ATM team at the AGED (from left) Arthur
Lawyers with Jason Fullerton (middle) from Barringtons.      McGill, Jenny Fitzpatrick, Daniel Beeby and Luke Hawes.
26 Online E-Learning

Taking care of membership a click away

                       The CMAA now can offer members the option of paying membership fees online
                       with a credit card.
                       It’s as easy as going to the CMAA website – – making a few
                       mouse clicks, entering some member information and lodging credit details.
                       The payment options are by the month, quarterly, half-yearly, or annually.
                       New members also can join online.
                       CMAA members who employ a new manager, or know of a manager moving into
                       the industry or the area can direct them to the website where a new
                       membership can be facilitated through the website.
                       Paying membership fees, or joining the CMAA is as easy as ...
                       ➢ Go to
                       ➢ Click on the Membership & Log In icon (left of screen)
                       ➢ Enter Membership No. or Name details, click ENTER
                       ➢ Select & click on ‘Renew Your Membership’ option
                                             ➢ Choose Payment Period options in drop-down menu,
                                                 click NEXT
                                             ➢ Check membership details, click Confirm / Update
                                             ➢ Confirm details, click Proceed With Renewal
                                             ➢ Complete invoice & credit card details
                                             ➢ Click Submit Payment
                                             ➢ The system will issue a Tax Invoice / Receipt
CMDA Update                                                          with RALPH KOBER, Assistant Executive Officer      27
Visionary Leadership Program                                   offered in their Division. Applicants must ensure they make
                                                               clear in their application which Divisional Bursary they are
The CMAA’s long-running values-based leadership program
                                                               applying for.
presented by values exponent Karynne Courts is a must for
anyone looking for the answers to becoming more fulfilled -    There are EIGHT (8) bursaries for all levels of management
personally and professionally - as a leader who displays       for a study tour to the Hong Kong CMAA Club Manager’s
passion, trust and integrity. Many senior managers within      Conference AND Food & Hotel Asia Expo in Hong Kong AND
club management ranks and the trade have benefited             three-day casino tour of Macau, China - May 7-14, 2011.
immensely from the insights and key messages Karynne is        This bursary tour includes …
able to convey during this intensive and challenging four      ➢ travel (economy class)
day program.
                                                               ➢ twin-share accommodation
2010 dates …                                                   ➢ conference registration costs
Session 1: November 10 & 11; Session 2: December 7 & 8
                                                               ➢ hospitality dinner and shows
To register, E: or
P: 02 – 9983 0755. You can also contact Ralph Kober            ➢ $US500 spending money
(0418 963 057).                                                    • A minimum of 30 industry activity points required
                                                                     within the past 12 months
Remember to mention your CMAA membership and receive a
                                                                   • Recipients of an overseas tour award in the past three
greatly discounted investment fee.
                                                                     (3) years (2008-2010) at any CMAA level are not eligible
CMAA 2011 National Bursary Program                             For full details of what is offered by our generous sponsors,
Members are advised that the CMAA 2011 National Bursary        go to and select the National Bursary
Program is open for application and closes on November 5,      tile on the home page.
2010. The 2011 range of bursaries features 25 significant      Sample application layout, tips and eligibility criteria are
educational awards …                                           listed so you can complete your application with ease. You
➢ study tours to the CMAA Hong Kong Club Managers              have got to be in it to win it!
   Conference and the Asia Food & Beverage Expo (HOFEX)
   & Macau                                                     Sydney Olympic Park
➢ CMAA Conferences                                             The CMDA Career Development Centre is moving to Sydney
➢ Training courses                                             Olympic Park (SOP) in early October. Our new offices will be
➢ Southern Cross University units within the Bachelor of       conveniently located next to the SOP train terminus,
   Business degree                                             ensuring members and their staff can conduct their training
                                                               and development activities in this exciting precinct under
➢ the Global Gaming Congress - plus one week of tuition in
   gaming management with the UNLV
                                                               development by the NSW Government and SOP Authority.
                                                               Regional members will be able to stay close to the CMAA
The 2011 Bursary Program offers all levels of management       Training Centre with five first-class hotels, quality
the opportunity to access professional development where       restaurants, shops and more - within walking distance of the
sometimes it is not on offer or difficult to attain.           CMAA’s offices. A bonus for members is the public transport
                                                               to the door from the airport and surrounding suburbs – along
What’s New in 2011?                                            with ample parking.
Each CMAA Zone has the opportunity to apply for one of the
eight Asian Conference & HOFEX/Macau bursaries offered to      CMDA E-Learning Courses
each CMAA Division. This ensures that at least one member      The CMDA is excited to inform members that the first of
from each division has the chance to attend this great         four accredited units developed for online learning within
event. See below for where your zone fits within the           the national qualification SIT 060307 Advanced Diploma of
divisions.                                                     Hospitality is open for registrations.
➢ Division A – City Eastern Suburbs Zone, Manly Northern       The units SITXFIN003A Interpret Financial Information
   Suburbs Zone
                                                               and SITXFIN004A Manage Finances within a Budget which
➢ Division B – St George Cronulla Sutherland Zone, Inner       comprise the Financial Fundamentals course and facilitated
   West Zone                                                   by former club manager Geoff Meston, enables students to
➢ Division C – Nepean Zone                                     complete the course through one day of face-to-face tuition
➢ Division D – Hunter Zone, Central Coast Zone, Great Lakes    and the balance via the online facility.
   Zone                                                        This “blended” approach to E-Learning is the most
➢ Division E – Far North Coast Zone, North West State Zone,    impactful, according to the vast research into completion
   Mid North Coast Zone, Mid State Zone                        rates on online learning. This is because it allows students
➢ Division F – Illawarra Shoalhaven Zone, Far South Coast      to join others initially in a collegial environment in a
   Zone                                                        classroom setting before moving through the online
➢ Division G – Gold Coast, Brisbane Zone, Ipswich Darling      component as a cohort with a completion date set ensuring
   Downs Zone, Sunshine Coast Zone, Central & Northern Qld     students are motivated to engage and finish the course.
   Zone                                                        Manage Workplace Relations, Develop Marketing
➢ Division H – Victoria Zone, Riverina Murray Zone, ACT Zone   Strategies and Monitor Staff Performance are planned to
Members of each CMAA Divisional Zone can apply for one of      go online in coming months. Contact the CMDA
the Asian Club Management Conference & Expo Bursaries          02 0643 2300 for the latest information.

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