FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...

Page created by Kirk Klein
FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...
15 CME Credits


FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...
G   L O B A L       E      X C E L L E N C E
                            I N

    A   E S T H E T I C             M   E D I C I N E

                                              the New Implant
                                         Philosophy of Dermal Filler
                                          Expandable Cohesivity into Tissues

                                                           PROGRAM OF

              AMWC 2014 - DIAMOND SPONSOR

                          R O M A
FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...
Exhibiting Companies location
      Situation des Sociétés exposantes
                                              The Scientific Committee and the Organizers wish to warmly thank
                                                           the following sponsors of the Conference

                                                                  Exhibiting Companies & Booth numbers 
1ST SURGICONCEPT..............................................................B8                      FINEMEC................................................................................ R17         NANUM MEDICAL............................................................... G10
A SWISS GROUP / BIOFIBRE............................................ R19                              FORLLE’D................................................................................ G21        NEEDLE CONCEPT....................................................................J5
AA MEDICAL SYSTEMS.........................................................A4                         FOTO FINDER SYSTEMS GMBH.........................................D11                                NESCENS - LABORATOIRES GENOLIER......................... D12
ACTIVE DEVELOPPEMENT IDOCTEUR............................. G15                                        FOTONA DD............................................................................V27            NMTC INTERNATIONAL.......................................................E10
ADODERM GMBH................................................................ G17                      GALDERMA................................................................................J1          NOVACUTIS INC......................................................................C3
AESTHETIC DERMAL SL.........................................................K3                        GENETHIA PHRIMA SRL.........................................................J4                      PANTEC BIOSOLUTIONS AG.............................................. G28
AGEN MED PTE LTD............................................................ R37                      GLOBALMED TECHNOLOGIES.............................................C1                               PERFACTION............................................................................. E1
ALLERGAN................................................................................K2            GRAND AESPIO INC.............................................................F12                    PETERS SURGICAL................................................................V22
ALMA LASERS....................................................................... C12                GUNA SPA............................................................................. H13           PHITOGEN HOLDING SPA.................................................... N4
ALTA CARE LABORATOIRE................................................. R14                            H&O EQUIPMENTS.................................................................C4                   PHYSIOQUANTA......................................................................B7
AMIEA MED / MT.DERM.................................................... R25                           HANGZHOU GALLOP BIOLOGICAL.....................................G9                                   POLLOGEN LTD........................................................................B1
AMT ENGINEERING CO LTD.............................................. R36                              HANS BIOMED CORP..........................................................V10                       PRIME JOURNAL.....................................................................V9
APHARM...................................................................................K8           HANSEN MEDICAL.................................................................R3                   PROFESSIONAL DIETETICS SRL.........................................F18
APTOS LTD................................................................................C2           HUGEL PHARMA CO, LTD.................................................. G23                          PROLLENIUM MEDICAL.........................................................L5
AQTIS MEDICAL BV................................................................K5                    HYDRAFACIAL MD - EDGE SYSTEMS LLC.................... G33                                           PROMOITALIA GROUP SPA..................................................H2
ASCLEPION LASER TECHNOLOGIES GMBH...................V49                                               HYUNDAE MEDITECH..........................................................F15                       PUREGRAFT LLC...................................................................... F5
AURIGA INTERNATIONAL...................................................F14                            IBSA FARMACEUTICI ITALIA SRL........................................V4                              QUANTA SYSTEM SAA..........................................................D9
AVENE........................................................................................H4       ILOODA CO LTD.....................................................................F23               QUANTIFICARE........................................................................ F6
BENEV COMPANY.................................................................. E7                    IMAXIO....................................................................................V16       REACHBACK...........................................................................V32
BIO INNOVATION HOLDINGS LTD......................................D2                                   INDIBA S.A................................................................................L6        RECEPTURA APOTHEKE...................................................... D10
BIOCYTE................................................................................. R15          INDUSTRA TECHNOLOGIES..................................................D3                           RECOSMO INC.........................................................................A2
BIOLUX MEDICAL...................................................................H1                   INNODERM............................................................................ R33            REGEN LAB...............................................................................O3
BIOPHOTON SA.......................................................................G2                 INSTITUTE HYALUAL SWITZERLAND...................................J8                                  REJUVESSE.............................................................................. N1
BIOPTRON.................................................................................O5           INTENSE BEAUTY GMBH................................................... H10                          RENAISSANCE SRL.............................................................. G27
BIOS SRL..................................................................................M5          INTERNATIONAL ANTIAGING SYSTEMS........................ R20                                         RENEVE.................................................................................. R22
BISON MEDICAL.................................................................. R16                   ION GENIUS.......................................................................... G24            RESTAURATION ROBOTICS...................................................R1
BLOOMAGE BIO TECHNOLOGY...........................................D0                                  ISKRA MEDICAL....................................................................V18                ROC.............................................................................................L3
BODYTITE BY INVASIX...........................................................B9                      ITP SA........................................................................................ N2   SBS MED INFINITY COSMETICS SAS...............................V25
BONTEMPI............................................................................. G19             JAPAN BIO PRODUCTS CO., LTD..............................F19-F16                                    SCIENTIFIC AESTHETICS LIMITED.................................... R28
BTL..............................................................................................G6   JEISYS MEDICAL INC...........................................................V23                    SCITON......................................................................................R6
BVA TECHNOLOGY..............................................................N13                       JUVAPLUS................................................................................. F4
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SCIVISION BIOTECH INC....................................................... E0
BYCURE GROUP SRL..............................................................H8                      KRYOKONTUR........................................................................V15
CANFIELD SCIENTIFIC EUROPE BV................................. G31                                    LAB DOM AVMM SUISSE (ASIA) INC................................R5
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SEWOON MEDICAL CO, LTD............................................. G12
CARBOSSITERAPIA ITALIANA SRL...................................... E3                                 LABORATOIRE MENE & MOY........................................... G37
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SHANGHAI HAOHAI BIOLOGICAL....................................N11
CAREGEN CO LTD....................................................................J6                  LABORATOIRE PRENYL B COSMETIQUE...........................G4
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SICOSMEDD EUROLAB S.L...................................................K3
CARISMED GMBH..................................................................G3                     LABORATOIRE REVITACARE................................................M3
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SILHOUETTE LIFT...................................................................B10
CEBELIA..................................................................................... F7       LABORATOIRES FILORGA.......................................................L1
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SILHOUET-TONE EUROPE SA...............................................R7
CEREPHARMA SA.................................................................C10                     LABORATOIRES GENEVRIER S.A.......................................V12
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SINCLAIR PHARMA...............................................................M1
CHROMOGENEX TECHNOLOGIES LTD.............................V14                                          LABORATOIRES REUNIS......................................................F17
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SKIN REBIRTH SL....................................................................K3
CLASSYS INC........................................................................ R24               LABORATOIRES VIVACY.........................................................L2
CLINIPRO SL........................................................................... F10            LABORATORIO INNOAESTHETIC.........................................D1
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SOFT MEDICAL AESTHETICS................................................ F1
CM AESTHETIC LTD............................................................. R27                     LABORATORIO PHFORMULA INTERNACIONAL, S.L.....H11
CMS LAB INC.........................................................................E14               LASERING SRL...................................................................... G25              SOLTA MEDICAL....................................................................F20
COCCOON MEDICAL...........................................................N12                         LASERWAVE...........................................................................V34             SRS INTERNATIONAL SPRL............................................... D14
COMPOUNDING PHARMACY MIERLO-HOUT.................G1                                                   LG LIFE SCIENCE.................................................................... N8              STENDO.................................................................................. G16
COSMETOLOGY INTERNATIONAL TRADE CO...................G8                                               LIFE LENGH............................................................................R11           STERIMEDIX LTD.................................................................... N6
CROMA-PHARMA GMBH......................................................J3                             LIQUID ICE COSMEDICALS GMBH.....................................C8                                  STORZ MEDICAL...................................................................O11
CUTERA.....................................................................................B6         LIQUID SMILE....................................................................... G32             SWISS MEDICA XXI CENTURY............................................ E4
CYNOSURE, INC......................................................................H7                 LPG SYSTEMS..........................................................................H3             SYNERON / CANDELA.........................................................M2
DANILSMC CO LTD...............................................................V42                     LUMENIS...................................................................................B4        TA SCIENCES............................................................................D4
DEKA..........................................................................................C5      LUMINERA-DERM LTD........................................................R31                        TAV TECH LTD....................................................................... G14
DELEO SARL...........................................................................V20              LUTRONIC.................................................................................O7         TAYLOR & FRANCIS GROUP.................................................R4
DERMACEUTIC........................................................... G36-G35                        M.A.S........................................................................................V19    TEOXANE LABORATORIES.....................................................K1
DERMAPEN EQUIPMED........................................................A1                           MASTELLI SRL..........................................................................H6            THERADERM CO.KR...............................................................K7
DERMEO....................................................................................G5          MAYA BEAUTY ENGINEERING..........................................E15                                THYMUS THERAPY.............................................................. G34
DERMICA INTERNATIONAL LTD..........................................H9                                 MD SKIN SOLUTIONS............................................................D7                     TICEBA.......................................................................................R2
DIAGLIFE................................................................................ R34          MEDICAMAT............................................................................D8             TSK LABORATORY................................................................. F21
DONG BANG MEDICARE...................................................... E9                           MEDICARE..............................................................................E16           TULIP MEDICAL PRODUCTS...............................................V21
DOSIS M&M CORP................................................................. E8                    MEDIK 8................................................................................. G20        ULTHERA, INC........................................................................ E11
DSDPHARM S.L...................................................................... N9                 MEDITHEQUE........................................................................... E5            ULTRA V CO LTD.................................................................... V11
DTS MG CO, LTD....................................................................E18                 MEDYTOX INC....................................................................... R18              VENUS CONCEPT LTD............................................................B3
ECLADOR........................................................................................       MEGA NFC INTERNATIONAL............................................ N10                              VIORA LTD..............................................................................E12
EDIPEC SCCL..........................................................................G11              MERZ PHARMACEUTICALS GMBH.....................................J2                                    VISIONMED LTD................................................................... G26
ELLIPSE A/S........................................................................... R12            MESALYSE / INEX...................................................................B2                VOE, S.A................................................................................. R13
ENDYMED MEDICAL.............................................................. F8                      MESOESTETIC SL.....................................................................K4               WISEPRESS LTD.......................................................................G7
ENERGIST LTD........................................................................F13               MILLACTIVE..............................................................................R9          WON TECH...............................................................................R8
ESTELIOR.................................................................................F22          MINERVA KG........................................................................ R40              YAL ART SRL.............................................................................H5
EUFOTON MEDICALASERS...................................................B5                             MINERVALABS LTD............................................................. R35                    ZELTIQ AESTHETICS, INC......................................................O1
EURODIET................................................................................. F9          MIRAMAR LABS....................................................................R10                 ZESTETIK...................................................................................V7
EUROMEDICOM/WOSIAM...................................................V5                               MORPHEUS CO LTD............................................................... E6                   ZIMMER AESTHETIC........................................................... G22
EUROMI...................................................................................E13          MYOSCIENCE...........................................................................V3             ZO SKIN HEALTH, INC............................................................L4
FENIX SNC................................................................................ E2          NACRIDERM............................................................................F11
FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...
AMWC 2014



                                 Available in the Welcome Area

                                GRIMALDI FORUM
FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...

 HALL RAVEL ~ Level +1
FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...

        ATRIUM ~ Level -2
FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...

                                                                     Why not
  Look     Find    Reserve   24/7                                    make an
                                                             with your future

         BOOTH                         APPOINTMENTS - NEWS - ADVICES - 24/7

next patient?
   with your
  make time                                                              24/7   Reserve    Find     Look

     Why not                                                          YOUR APPOINTMENTS AESTHETIC MEDICINE


FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...
                                               FRIDAY APRIL 4, 2014 • 6:30 PM • ROOM AURIC

                                            OPEN TO MEDICAL SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES
                                             AND ASSOCATIONS REPRESENTATIVES

                                                                                                               the field of Aesthetics, Preventive & Anti-Aging Medicine on
                                                                                                               April 4, 2014 at 6:30     pm

                                                                                                               IMPORTANT: To join this private meeting, it is necessary to be the
                                                                                                               President or an officially mandated representative of the medical
                                                                                                               or scientific Association.

                                                                                                               To get your INVITATION, please send your request and personal contact
                                                                                                               details, position and scientific Society name by fax: +331 56 837 805
                                                                                                               or email:
The WOSIAM - World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-Aging Medicine
                                                                                                                                       For more information,
will organize a private meeting for representatives of all medical
                                                                                                                                    please visit
national and international scientific associations involved in

                                                                                         ABOUT THE WOSIAM
    The WOSIAM has quickly become the world's fastest growing anti-aging medicine society, to federate internationalphysicians and scientific societies. The main goal of
    this non-profit organization, created and located in Paris, is to promote anti-aging medicine through research and educational events for physicians and the general public.

                          SALLE DES                 AUDITORIUM                 AUDITORIUM                        ROOM               ROOM                ROOM                   ROOM
                           PRINCES                 PRINCE PIERRE              CAMILLE BLANC                     NIJINSKI            AURIC            VAN DONGEN                RAVEL
                           Level -2                   Level -2                   Level -2                       Level -1           Level -2            Level -2               Level +1

      FRENCH                Canal 1                     Canal 1                     Canal 1                     Canal 1            Canal 1              Canal 1               Canal 1

      ENGLISH             Channel 2                   Channel 2                   Channel 2                   Channel 2          Channel 2             Channel 2            Channel 2
                                                                                    Canal 3                                        Canal 3
      SPANISH               Canal 3                No traducción                Only on April 4            No traducción        Only on April 5:    No traducción         No traducción
                      Only on April 3 & 5                                      + April 5: session                              Hispanic session
                                                                               special Colombia

      RUSSIAN             Channel 4                   Channel 4                   Channel 4                No translation      No translation       No translation        No translation

                                                                                                                                      WHERE TO LUNCH? OÙ DÉJEUNER ?
                            Translation headphones are available at level -1 and level -2
                 A document (passport, ID card, credit card) will be required for each headphone. A                        Many restaurants are located inside (Café Llorca and
              numbered tag will be given to you with the headphones. You will get your ID card back when                   Zelos) or nearby the Grimaldi Forum.
                                              returning the headphones.                                                    2 bars/restaurants (cash bar) are specially
                           Please bring back your headphones each evening (batteries must be recharged)
                                                                                                                           reserved to the AMWC delegates one in the Hall
                WARNING! if you lose the headphones, you will be asked for 300 Euros                                       Ravel & one at Level -2
                                                                                                                           Des restaurants sont situés à l’intérieur (Café Llorca et Zelos) ou
                            Les casques de traduction sont disponibles aux niveaux -1 et -2                                près du Grimaldi Forum.
                 Une pièce d'identité vous sera demandée pour chaque casque en échange d'un ticket                         2 restaurants (restauration rapide - cash bar) sont proposés
                        numéroté. Elle vous sera rendue quand vous rapporterez votre casque.                               spécialement aux participants de l’AMWC (Hall Ravel & Level -2).
                                    Merci de rendre votre casque chaque soir (batterie à recharger)
                                      ATTENTION ! CASQUE PERDU = 300 Euros                                                       FOR SECURITY REASONS BADGES MUST BE WORN
                                                                                                                                              IN THE CONGRESS SPACES
                         Los auriculares de la traducción estan disponibles en los niveles -1 y -2                          For security reasons, we kindly ask all attendees and exhibitors
                Por cada auricular se requiere un documento de identidad y en cambio se le entregará un                                          to wear their badges
               cupón con un número correspondiente. Cuando Ud. devolverá el auricular recibirá de vuelta                      POUR DES RAISONS DE SÉCURITÉ, LE PORT DU BADGE
                                                     su documento.                                                                       EST OBLIGATOIRE EN PERMANENCE
                 Le pedimos amablemente que devuelva su auricular al finalizar del dia de trabajo (bateria a recargar)
                                                                                                                            Pour des raisons de sécurité, tous les participants et tous les
                                    CUIDADO! AURICULAR PERDIDO: 300 Euros                                                       exposants doivent porter en permanence leur badge.
FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...
                   RANGE OF DERMAL FILLER

                  Redensity              I
                  Dermis redensification

                  Skin revitalization and rehydration

                  First Lines
                  Superficial line correction

                  Touch Up
                  The final touch

                  Global Action
                  Simplified filling

                  Deep Lines
                  In-depth filling

                  Ultra Deep
                  Volume creation for targeted areas

                  Volume recovery for wide areas

                  Redensity              II
                  Natural correction of the eye circle

                  Kiss      NEW FORMULATION

                  Lip enhancement

                                       Elite Sponsor
                                       AMWC 2014
                                       Join us on booth K1                                              9
FINAL PROGRAM - Le portail de la médecine esthétique par ML ...
AMWC 2014


                   Dear Friends, Dear Colleagues,
                 It is our great privilege to welcome you to the 12 th Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress in Monte-Carlo, during 3 to 5 April 2014
                 and to be held under the High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco.
     This year, the AMWC 2014 is honoring Colombia, not only a beautiful country and people but also a new fast growing place for Aesthetic and
     Anti-aging practice, where, end of 2014, the WOSIAM and Euromedicom will launch the 1st AMWC Latin America, to take place in the superb
     city of Medellin.
     Under the scientific supervision of the World Society of Interdisciplinary Anti-aging Medicine (WOSIAM), the AMWC 2014 marks its
     12 th anniversary with an advanced program content developed by the reputed scientific committee. Based on the AMWC’s unique hallmark,
     the congress program is planned around effective aging prevention and treatment by comprehensively addressing aesthetics strategy
     (dermatology and surgery) for the external appearance and applying anti-aging medicine for internal wellbeing.
     The congress overall concept is “Be Ready for the Future” emphasizing on not only the importance of keeping up with recent knowledge
     and technology and worldwide practice but also on preparing the participants to meet the challenges of the changing world.
     The scientific committee has been working hard to bring a very comprehensive program covering diverse aspects of the related fields with an aim
     to cater to the needs of various specialties.
     The AMWC 2014 proposes accordingly numerous advanced academic and clinical sessions with lectures presented by selected internationally
     acclaimed and enthusiastic faculty members and experts from over 95 countries. Recent findings with clinical implications, new understandings,
     practical tips and tricks, innovations and emerging related technologies will be covered through interactive sessions and live demonstrations
     without forgetting those indispensible basic knowledge revision and update sessions.
     This highly awaited event has attracted every year over 7 500 participants coming from more than 120 countries.
     Over 250 leading International companies, showcasing on the 4-floor exhibition area, are waiting for you to discover their latest products,
     technologies and services.
     Beyond scientific and educational exchange, we are confident that you will enjoy your visit of the very exclusive and elegant Principality of MONACO.
     Welcome to the AMWC 2014 Monaco!
     Pierre ANDRÉ, Thierry BESINS, Claude DALLE,
     Scientific Directors

     Chers amis, Chers collègues
     C’est avec grand plaisir que nous vous accueillons au 12ème congrès mondial Anti-âge à Monte-Carlo, du 3 au 5 Avril 2014, qui se tient sous le
     Haut Patronage de S.A.S. Prince Albert II de Monaco.
     Cette année l’AMWC met la Colombie à l’honneur, pas simplement un magnifique pays et peuple, mais aussi un nouvel endroit de développement
     croissant de la pratique Esthétique et Anti-âge, où, fin 2014, la WOSIAM et Euromedicom lanceront le 1er AMWC Amérique Latine, qui se
     tiendra dans la superbe cité de Medellin.
     Sous la supervision scientifique de la Société Mondiale interdisciplinaire de médecine anti-âge (WOSIAM), l’AMWC 2014 marque son 12ème
     anniversaire avec un programme de haute qualité élaboré par son comité d’experts scientifiques.
     S’appuyant sur le modèle propre à l’AMWC, le programme du congrès se centre sur la prévention globale et effective du vieillissement, présentant
     les stratégies esthétiques (en dermatologie et chirurgie) pour une prise en charge externe, ainsi que les applications possibles de la médecine
     anti-âge pour un bien-être intérieur.
     Le concept global du congrès est « Soyez prêt pour l’avenir », soulignant non seulement l’importance de se tenir informé sur les découvertes récentes,
     les technologies et pratiques dans le reste du monde, mais aussi, de préparer les participants à relever les défis d’un monde qui change.
     L’AMWC 2014 propose en conséquence de nombreuses sessions avancées académiques et cliniques, sélectionnées et présentées par des
     experts internationaux de renom provenant de plus de 95 pays.
     Les résultats récents et leurs implications cliniques, nouvelles découvertes, conseils et astuces pratiques ainsi que les innovations et nouvelles
     technologies qui en découlent, sont couverts lors de sessions interactives et démonstrations en direct, sans oublier des séances de revue des
     connaissances et mise à jour des bases indispensables.
     Cet événement très attendu a déjà attiré plus de 7 500 participants de plus de 120 pays lors des précédentes éditions.
     De la même manière, plus de 250 entreprises leader du domaine, sont présentes sur les 4 niveaux d’espace d’exposition, et vous accueillent sur
     leurs stands pour vous faire découvrir leurs derniers produits et technologies.
     Enfin, au-delà de l’échange scientifique et pédagogique dont vous pourrez bénéficier, nous sommes convaincus que vous saurez apprécier votre
     visite dans la très exclusive et élégante Principauté de MONACO.
     Bienvenue à l’AMWC 2014 Monaco !
     Pierre ANDRÉ, Thierry BESINS, Claude DALLE,
     Directeurs scientifiques

                   VENUE                                                                                                   ORGANIZATION
              Grimaldi Forum                                                                                                 EuroMediCom
        10, avenue Princesse Grace                                                                                         2 rue de Lisbonne
              98000 Monaco                                                                                              75008 Paris - FRANCE
          Principality of Monaco                                                                             Ph. +33 1 56 837 800 Fax. +33 1 56 837 805

                                                         SCIENTIFIC DIRECTORS                                                                                  HONORARY PRESIDENTS

                                         Pierre ANDRÉ              Thierry BESINS             Claude DALLE                              Luis Fernando BOTERO        Hernan DUQUE          Alejandro RADA CASSAB
                                         Dermatologist             Plastic Surgeon           Anti-aging Physician                           Plastic Surgeon          Dermatologist          Aesthetic & Anti-Aging
                                             France                    France                      France                                      Colombia                Colombia                   Physician

                                                                                                                    SPECIAL GUESTS
     ANTI-AGING, WELL-BEING & PREVENTIVE MEDICINE                                                                                                                                    AESTHETIC DERMATOLOGY & SURGERY
                       International Advisory Board                                                                                                                                            International Advisory Board

                                                                                                Fredric BRANDT      Zoe Diana DRAELOS    Patrick TONNARD
                                                                                                 Dermatologist         Dermatologist      Plastic Surgeon
                                                                                                      USA                   USA               Belgium
Claude CHAUCHARD Christophe de JAEGER Bernd KLEINE-GUNK                David LAI                                                                                    Anthony BENEDETTO   Guy MAGALON Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF Leonardo MARINI
 Anti-aging Physician Prof. Physiology  Prof. Gynecology          Anti-aging Physician                                                                                  Dermatologist Prof. Plastic Surgery Cosmetic Surgeon Prof. Dermatology
Hong-Kong / France        France        GSAAM President                  China                                                                                              USA              Belgium           Argentina            Italy
                                           Germany                                                                  MEDICAL SPA
                                                                                                             International Advisory Board

     Alexander MELERZANOV         Daniel PELLA            Ascanio POLIMENI                                                                                           Rashmy SHETTY          Pierre BOUHANNA          Ines VERNER     Sabine ZENKER
      Dean, Dpt. of Biological   Prof. Cardiology        Neuro-endocrinologist               Ph. BLANCHEMAISON Mario KRAUSE             Pakpilai THAVISIN           Cosmetic Physicians       Dermatologist          Dermatologist    Dermatologist
      & Medical Physics MIPT        Slovakia                     Italy                             Angiologist Anti-aging Physician     Anti-aging Physician              India                   France                 Israel         Germany
             Russia                                                                                 France          Germany                   Thailand

                                                                                                  SCIENTIFIC COORDINATORS
           A E ST HE T I C D E R M ATO LO GY & SU RG ERY
          Chytra ANAND                                    Dermatologist                           Bangalore, India                Sohail MANSOOR                                Dermatologist                              London, UK
          Ashraf BADAWI                                   Dermatologist                                Cairo, Egypt               Leonardo MARINI                               Prof. Dermatology                         Trieste, Italy
          Anthony BENEDETTO                               Dermatologist                          Philadelphia, USA                Jean-Michel MAZER                             Dermatologist                             Paris, France
          Philippe BERROS                                 Oculoplastic Surgeon                     CHPG, Monaco                   Gary D. MONHEIT                               Dermatologist                       Birmingham, USA
          Dario BERTOSSI                                  Plastic Surgeon                             Verona, Italy               Martino NEUMANN                               Dermatologist              Rotterdam, The Netherlands
          Vince BERTUCCI                                  Dermatologist                           Toronto, Canada                 Zein OBAGI                                    Dermatologist                       Beverly Hills, USA
          Javier BEUT                                     Plastic Surgeon                Palma de Mallorca, Spain                 Antoine PARASKEVAS                            Plastic Surgeon                           Paris, France
          Jean-Christophe BICHET                          Plastic Surgeon                             Paris, France               Michèle PELLETIER-AOUIZERATE                  Dermatologist                           Toulon, France
          Peter BJERRING                                  Dermatologist                            Vejle, Denmark                 Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI                        Dermatologist                       Bangkok, Thailand
          Philippe BLANCHEMAISON                          Phlebologist                                Paris, France               Hervé RASPALDO                                Facial Plastic Surgeon                 Cannes, France
          Pierre BOUHANNA                                 Dermatologist, Hair Surgeon                 Paris, France               Christopher ROWLAND-PAYNE                     Dermatologist                              London, UK
          Hugues CARTIER                                  Dermatologist                               Arras, France               Giovanni SALTI                                Aesthetic Physician & Surgeon           Florence, Italy
          Vincent CASOLI                                  Plastic Surgeon                        Bordeaux, France                 Alain TENENBAUM                               Facial Plastic Surgeon            Lugano, Switzerland
          Olivier CLAUDE                                  Plastic Surgeon                             Paris, France               Charles VOLPEI                                Plastic Surgeon                           Nice, France
          Sydney COLEMAN                                  Plastic Surgeon                          New York, USA                  Christopher ZACHARY                           Dermatologist                              Irvine, USA
          Dominique DU CREST                              Industry Consultant        Boulogne Billancourt, France
          Christian DUMONTIER                             Prof. Plastic Surgery                        Nice, France
          Uliana GOUT                                     Aesthetic Physician                           London, UK                  A N T I - AG I N G M E D I C I N E
          Rajiv GROVER                                    Plastic Surgeon                               London, UK
          Ekaterina GUTOP                                 Dermatologist                           Yaroslavl, Russia               Nataliya CHEKALSKA                            Endocrinologist                            Kiev, Ukraine
          Eckhart HANEKE                                  Prof. Dermatology        Freiburg Im Breisgau, Germany                  Jacques DEQUESNE                              Prof. Gynecology                  Lausanne, Switzerland
          Dalvi M. HUMZAH                                 Plastic Surgeon                                Oxford, UK               Monika GOLKOVA                                Neurologist                           Prague, Czech Rep.
          Fabio INGALLINA                                 Plastic Surgeon                            Catania, Italy               Cristina MAGGIONI                             Prof. Gynecology                             Milan, Italy
          Andreas KATSAMBAS                               Dermatologist                            Athens, Greece                 Gianluca PAZZAGLIA                            Oncologist                                 Perugia, Italy
          Oliver Philip KREYDEN                           Dermatologist                      Muttenz, Switzerland
                                                                                                                                  Philippe PICCERELLE                           Prof. Pharmaco/Dermatology              Marseille, France
          Jacques LAGIER                                  Oculoplastic Surgeon                         Nice, France
          Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF                             Plastic Surgeon                               Dallas, USA               Pakpilai THAVISIN                             Anti-Aging Practitioner                Bangkok, Thailand
          Thierry LEMAIRE                                 Plastic Surgeon                             Paris, France               George TOTCHIEV                               Prof. Gynecology                         Moscow, Russia
          Steven LIEW                                     Plastic Surgeon                   Darlinghurst, Australia               Octavio VIERA                                 Pediatrist                  Palma de Gran Canaria, Spain
          Guy MAGALON                                     Prof. Plastic surgery                   Marseille, France               Yoshikazu YONEI                               Prof. Anti-aging medical research           Tokyo, Japan

     INTERNATIONAL                          China & Hong Kong                            Greece                                Malaysia                              Romania                                  Thailand
                                            David MC CHAN, MD                            Andreas KATSAMBAS, MD                 Dato HARNAM, MD                       Bogdan Dimitrie NICULAE, MD              Nopadon NOPPAKUN, Prof.
     SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY                    Claude CHAUCHARD, MD                         Evangelos BELLONIAS, MD               Janethy BALAKRISHNAN, MD              Catalin ENACHESCU, MD                    Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI, MD
     BOARD MEMBERS                          David LAI, MD                                Hungary                                                                                                              Pakpilai THAVISIN, MD
                                                                                                                               Monaco CHPG                           Russia
                                            Colombia                                     Imre ZS-NAGY, Prof.                   Philippe BERROS, MD
     Argentina                                                                                                                                                       Lev BERSTEIN, Prof.                      Turkey
                                            William MURILLO, MD                          India                                 Claudette BRUNNER, MD                 Natalia MANTUROVA, MD
     Julio FERREIRA, MD                                                                  Anoop CHATURVEDI, MD                                                                                                 Cemal SENYUVA, Prof.
     Gustavo LEIBASCHOFF, MD                Czech Republic                                                                     Morocco
                                            Monika GOLKOVA, MD                           Israel                                                                      Slovak Republic
     Ruben MULHBERGER, MD                                                                                                      Fahd BENSLIMANE, MD                                                            United Kingdom
                                                                                         Ines VERNER, MD                                                             Daniel PELLA, Prof.
     Belgium                                Egypt                                                                              The Netherlands                                                                Dalvi M. HUMZAH, MD
     Koenraad de BOULLE, MD                 Manal SALAH, MD                              Italy                                 Martino NEUMANN, MD                   South Africa                             Christopher ROWLAND-PAYNE, MD
     Didier VOCHELLE, MD                                                                 Paolo BONAN, Prof.                    Ali PIRAYESH, MD                      Bruce MUIR, MD                           Sohail MANSOOR, MD
                                            France                                       Ilaria GHERSETICH, Prof.
     Brazil                                 Nicolas BACHOT, MD                           Torello LOTTI, Prof.                  Philippines                           Spain
                                                                                                                                                                     José SERRES-MARQUEZ, MD                  USA
     Wilmar J. ACCURSIO, MD                 Etienne-Emile BEAULIEU, Prof.                Ascanio POLIMENI, Prof.               Roland ANGELES, MD
                                                                                                                                                                     Mario TRELLES, MD                        Anthony BENEDETTO, Prof.
                                            Patrick CHERIN, Prof.                        Japan                                 Nancy GARCIA TAN, MD
     Canada                                                                                                                                                          Ocatvio VIERA, MD                        Michael KAMINER, Prof.
     Ashraf BADAWI, MD                      Germany                                      Yoshikazu YONEI, Prof.                Poland                                                                         Bruce KATZ, MD
     Vince BERTUCCI, MD                     Eckart HANEKE, Prof                          Toshikazu YOSHIKAWA, Prof.            Stefan ZGLICZYNSKI, Prof.             Switzerland                              Neil S. SADICK, MD
     Wayne CAREY, MD                        Mario KRAUSE, MD                             Luxembourg                            Ryszard RATAJCZAK, Prof.              Oliver KREYDEN, MD                       Suzie SCHUDER, MD
     Uttam U. KALICHARRAN, MD               Sabine ZENKER, MD                            Bernard WEBER, Prof.                  Barbara WALKIEWICZ, MD                Phillip LEVY, MD                         Christopher ZACHARY, MD

              The ‘12th AMWC (Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress)’ is accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME
              activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS),
              The ‘12th AMWC (Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress)’ is designated for a maximum of (or ‘for up to’) 15 hours of European external CME credits. Each medical specialist should
              claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
 Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA
 Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at
 Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognized by the UEMS-EACCME for ECMEC credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the
 Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
ABITBOL Jean                ENT Specialist                           Paris, France       FOURNIER Nathalie            Dermatologist                                     Paris, France     OUSSAMA Ammar                Entrepreneur Consultant                       Paris, France
ACCURSIO Wilmar             Endocrinologist                      Sao Paolo, Brazil       FRIEDMAN Nimrod              Plastic Surgeon                                 Tel Aviv, Israel    PAI Jamuna                   Aesthetic Physician                         Mumbai, India
ALESSI Marie-Christine      Hematologist                         Marseille, France       GENAZZANI Alessandro         Gynecologist                                     Modena, Italy      PARASKEVAS Antoine           Plastic Surgeon                               Paris, France
AMGAR Gilbert               Aesthetic Physician          Maisons-Laffitte, France        GENTILE Hervé                Plastic Surgeon                            Corpus Christi, USA      PATEL Tapan                  Aesthetic Physician                             London, UK
ANAND Chytra                Dermatologist                         Bangalore, India       GEORGIOU Charalambos         Plastic Surgeon                                    Nice, France     PAVICIC Tatjana              Dermatologist                           Munich, Germany
ANDRE Pierre                Dermatologist                            Paris, France       GOBIN Jean-Pierre            Angiologist                                        Lyon, France     PAZZAGLIA Gianluca           Oncologist                                Perugia PG, Italy
ANGELLINI Fabrizio          Endocrinologist                           Empoli, Italy      GODIC Aleksandar             Dermatologist                              Ljubljana, Slovenia      PELLA Daniel                 Prof. Cardiology                 Kosice, Slovak Republic
ANISIMOV Vladimir           Prof. Cancerology              St. Petersburg, Russia        GONZALEZ Pablo               Gynecologist                                Pereira, Colombia       PELLETIER-AOUIZERATE Michèle Dermatologist                               Toulon, France
ASAL Khaled                 Internal Medicine                          Cairo, Egypt      GOODMAN Michael              Gynecologist                                         Davis, USA     PETCHNGAOVILAI Chariya Dermatologist                                 Bangkok,Thailand
AVERINA Vladlena            Dermatologist                            Kiev, Ukraine       GORISCH Wolfram              Doctor of natural sciences                   Munich, Germany        PHILIPP-DORMSTON Wolfgang Dermatologist                             Cologne, Germany
AYALA Antonio               Biologist-Biochemist                     Seville, Spain      GOUT Uliana                  Aesthetic Physician                                 London, UK      PINTO Hernan                 Aesthetic Physician Santa Coloma De Gramenet, Spain
BADAWI Ashraf               Dermatologist                              Cairo, Egypt      GRIFFITHS Tamara             Dermatologist                                 Manchester, UK        PIRAYESH Ali                 Plastic Surgeon                Amsterdam, Netherlands
BARBEY Pascal               Ophtalmologist                           Paris, France       GRYSKIEWICZ Joe              Plastic Surgeon                                Burnsville, USA      PLOT Eric                    Plastic Surgeon                               Paris, France
BENEDETTO Anthony           Dermatologist                       Philadelphia, USA        GUTOP Ekaterina              Dermatologist                                Yaroslavl, Russia      POLIMENI Ascanio             Neuro-Endocrinologist                            Milan, Italy
BENICHOU Luc                Laser Specialist                         Paris, France       HANEKE Eckhart               Prof. Dermatology           Freiburg Im Breisgau, Germany           POLLA Luigi                  Dermatologist                        Geneva, Switzerland
BEREZIN Vladimir            Prof. Regenerative Med.       Copenhagen, Denmark            HASE Michael                 Psychiatrist                         Bad Bevensen, Germany          PRAGER Welf                  Dermatologist                         Hamburg, Germany
BERGER André                Anti-aging & Aesthetic Physician Beverly Hills, USA          HAUSDORFER Susanne           Dermatologist                         Hamme-Mille, Belgium          PRENDERGAST Peter            Cosmetic Surgeon                            Dublin, Ireland
BERMAN Mark                 Cosmetic Surgeon                    Beverly Hills, USA       HERZOG Briant                Obstetrician & Gynecologist                         Plano, USA      PRIORI Alberto               Prof. Neurology                                  Milan, Italy
BERROS Philippe             Oculoplastic Surgeon                   CHPG, Monaco          HOFFMANN Klaus               Dermatologist                              Bochum, Germany          PROBERT Chris                Prof. Gastroenterology                        Liverpool, UK
BERTOSSI Dario              Plastic Surgeon                           Verona, Italy      HOYOS Alfredo                Plastic Surgeon                             Bogota, Colombia        PUSEL Bertrand               Dermatologist                          Haguenau, France
BERTUCCI Vince              Dermatologist                    Woodbridge, Canada          INGALLINA Fabio              Plastic Surgeon                                  Catania, Italy     RADA CASSAB Alejandro Aesthetic Physician                            Bogota, Colombia
BESINS Thierry              Plastic Surgeon                           Nice, France       IONITA Lavinia               Anti-aging Physician                              Paris, France     RADMAN Miroslav              Prof. Cellular Biology                        Paris, France
BEUSTES-STEFANELLI Matthieu Plastic Surgeon                         Cenon, France        JANOVSKA Jana                Dermatologist                                       Riga, Latvia    RASPALDO Hervé               Facial Plastic Surgeon                     Cannes, France
BEUT Javier                 Plastic Surgeon             Palma de Mallorca, Spain         KANE Michael A.C.            Plastic Surgeon                                 New York, USA       RAU Thomas                   Biological Medicine Specialist Lustmühle, Switzerland
BIOULAC Bruno               Cosmetic Surgeon              Freudenstadt, Germany          KANODIA Raj                  Plastic Surgeon                              Beverly Hills, USA     RIBÉ Adriana                 Director of Ribe Clnic                    Barcelona, Spain
BJERRING Peter              Dermatologist                          Vejle, Denmark        KARASU Çimen                 Prof. Medical Pharmacology                     Ankara, Turkey       RIGOTTI Gino                 Plastic Surgeon                                Verona, Italy
BLANCHEMAISON Philippe Phlebologist                                  Paris, France       KATSAMBAS Andreas            Dermatologist                                  Athens, Greece       ROSTAIN Gilles               Dermatologist                                  Nice, France
BÖCK Johannes               Prof. Radiology                     Munich, Germany          KAZEM Farid                  Plastic Surgeon                      Leimuiden, Netherlands         SABOYE Jacques               Surgeon                                   Toulouse, France
BOGI Krisztina              Maxillo Facial Surgeon             Budapest, Hungary         KERSCHER Martina             Dermatologist                             Hamburg, Germany          SADICK Neil S.               Dermatologist                               New York, USA
BONAN Paolo                 Prof. Dermatology                         Pistoia, Italy     KESTEMONT Philippe           Facial Plastic Surgeon                             Nice, France     SANCHEZ VIERA Miguel         Dermatologist                                Madrid, Spain
BOTERO Luis                 Plastic surgeon                    Medelin, Colombia         KHANNA Bob                   Maxillo Facial Surgeon                             Reeding, UK      SANTINI José                 Head and Neck Surgeon                          Nice, France
BOUHANNA Pierre             Dermatologist, Hair Surgeon              Paris, France       KLEINE-GUNK Bernd            Prof. Gynecology, GSAAM President Fürth, Germany                    SBANO Paolo                  Dermatologist                                  Viterbo, Italy
BRAMBILLA Massimiliano Plastic Surgeon                                  Milan, Italy     KNOLL Britta                 Dermatologist                                Munich, Germany        SCORTECCI Gérard             Dental Surgeon                                 Nice, France
BRANDT Fredric S.           Dermatologist                 Miami / New York, USA          KOHLI Malavika               Dermatologist                                   Mumbai, India       SCUDERI Nicolo               Plastic Surgeon                                 Rome, Italy
BRUNNER Claudette           Dermatologist                          CHPG, Monaco          KONTUREK Peter C.            Prof. Internal Med & Gastroenterology Saalfeld, Germany             SERRES-MARQUEZ José          Surgeon                                       Seville, Spain
CALABRIA Renato             Plastic Surgeon                            Rome, Italy       KRAUSE Mario                 Anti-aging Physician                      Hannover, Germany         SHAMBAN Ava                  Dermatologist                            Beverly Hills, USA
CALDERHEAD Glen             Laser Scientist                   Seoul, South Korea         KREYDEN Oliver Philip        Dermatologist                            Muttenz, Switzerland       SHAROVA Alisa                Dermatologist                              Moscow, Russia
CAMPBELL Colin              Marketing Agent               Botswana, South Africa         LANDAU Marina                Dermatologist                                     Holon, Israel     SHETTY Rashmi                Dermatologist                               Mumbai, India
CAREY Wayne                 Dermatologist                       Montreal, Canada         LAPIDOTH Moshe               Dermatologist                          Herzliya Pituach, Israel     SHIRASAWA Takuji             Prof. Aging Control Syst.                     Tokyo, Japan
CASADIO Sophie              Aesthetic Physician                  Marseille, France       LARROUY Jean-Claude          Dermatologist                                      Nice, France     SMIT Riekie                  Aesthetic & Sport Physician         Pretoria, South Africa
CASOLI Vincent              Plastic Surgeon                     Bordeaux, France         LECURU Jean Francois         Engineer expert in smart solutions Marseille, France                SYKOVA Eva                   Prof. Experimental Medicine Praque, Czech Republic
CASTILLO GARZON Manuel J. Prof. Medical Physiology                  Madrid, Spain        LEIBASCHOFF Gustavo          Plastic Surgeon                                     Dallas, USA     TARRAGANO François           Cardiologist                    Neuilly sur Seine, France
CERVELLI Valerio            Plastic Surgeon                            Rome, Italy       LESHUNOV Evgenii             Urogynecologist                               Moscow, Russia        TENENBAUM Alain              Facial Plastic Surgeon               Lugano, Switzerland
CHARDONNEAU Jean-Marc Phlebologist                                 Nantes, France        LEVY Phillip                 Dermatologist-Venerologist                Geneva, Switzerland       TILSZER Izabela              Dermatologist                              Warsaw, Poland
CHATURVEDI Anoop            Anti-aging Physician                   Sugarland, USA        LIEW Steven                  Plastic Surgeon                        Darlinghurst, Australia      TONNARD Patrick              Plastic Surgeon                              Gent, Belgium
CHAUCHARD Claude            Anti-aging Physician Paris,France/Hong Kong, China           LOTTI Torello                Dermatologist                                   Florence, Italy     TOTCHIEV George              Prof. Gynecology                           Moscow, Russia
CHEKALSKA Nataliya          Endocrinologist                          Kiev, Ukraine       MAGALON Guy                  Prof. Plastic surgery                        Marseille, France      TOWN Godfrey                 PhD, Laser Engineer                  Haywards Heath, UK
CHHABRA Chiranjiv           Dermatologist                         New Delhi, India       MAGALON Jérémy               Biologist, PRP specialist                         Paris, France     TREMBLAY Jean-François Dermatologist                                 Montreal, Canada
CIRILLO Pierfrancesco       Plastic Surgeon                            Rome, Italy       MAGGIONI Cristina            Prof. Gynecology                                     Milan, Italy   TRIVISONNO Angelo            Plastic Surgeon                                 Rome, Italy
CLAUDE Olivier              Plastic Surgeon                          Paris, France       MAHADI Hamed                 Information system engineer                       Paris, France     TROFIMOVA Svetlana           Prof. Gerontology                  St. Petersburg, Russia
CORDERO Mario D.            Research Scientist                       Seville, Spain      MAHE Yann F.                 Head of scientific expertise dvpt Inneov R&D      Paris, France     VAN HARMELEN Vanessa Research Scientist                           Leiden, Netherlands
COSENDAI Grégoire           Electrical Engineer            Lausanne, Switzerland         MAIZETOVA Zulya              Anti-aging Physician                                London, UK      VERNER Inès                  Dermatologist                             Kiriat Ono, Israel
CREBASSA Vincent            Phlebologist                      Montpellier, France        MANCIET Jean-Romain          Dermatologist                                     Paris, France     VERPAELE Alexis              Plastic Surgeon                              Gent, Belgium
DAHAN Serge                 Dermatologist                        Toulouse, France        MANSOOR Sohail               Dermatologist                                       London, UK      VIERA Octavio                Anti-aging Physician, Pediatrist Las Palmas, Spain
D’ALESSIO Patrizia          Prof. Cell Biology in Medecine           Paris, France       MANTUROVA Natalia            Prof. Plastic Surgery                         Moscow, Russia        VIGNERON Jean-Luc            Dermatologist                 St. Paul-De-Vence, France
DALLE Claude                Anti-aging Physician                     Paris, France       MANTZOURANI Theodora         Anti-aging Physician                                London, UK      VILA ROVIRA Ramon            Plastic Surgeon                           Barcelona, Spain
DE JAEGER Christophe        Prof. Physiology                         Paris, France       MARINETTI Christian          Plastic Surgeon                              Marseille, France      VIN Frédéric                 Aesthetic Physician                           Paris, France
DELMAR Henry                Plastic Surgeon                 Cap d’Antibes, France        MARINI Leonardo              Prof. Dermatology                                  Trieste, Italy   VINSKI Deby Susanti Pada Anti-aging Physician                       Jakarta, Indonesia
DEQUESNE Jacques            Prof. Gynecology               Lausanne, Switzerland         MAROTTA Francesco            Prof. Internal Med & Gastroenterology                Milan, Italy   VOLPEI Charles               Plastic Surgeon                                Nice, France
DONICI Dorina               Gynecologist                          Moscow, Russia         MARTHAN Jules                Aesthetic Physician                            Vauvert, France      VORONINA Tamara              Biologist-Biochemist                            London, UK
DRAELOS Zoe Diana           Dermatologist                          High point, USA       MELERZANOV Alexander         Internal Medicine                             Moscow, Russia        WALDORF Heidi A.             Dermatologist                               New York, USA
DU CREST Dominique          Industry Consultant      Boulogne Billancourt, France        MELIS Joost                  Postdoctoral Researcher              Leiden, The Netherlands        WALKER Rich                  Engineer                                        London, UK
DUBOIS Didier               Aesthetic Physician                    Angers, France        MESTRE Jean-René             Prof. Nutrition                               Chadrac, France       WEISS Xanya                  CEO Ion Genius                               Honolulu, USA
DUBOIS Jean-Claude          Generalist, Acupuncture specialist       Paris, France       MINICONI Marie-Jeanne        Dermatologist                                      Nice, France     WIERNSPERGER Nicolas Prof. Emeritus Pathophysiology                         Lyon, France
DUMAS Laurent               Plastic Surgeon                          Paris, France       MODARRESSI Ali               Plastic Surgeon                           Geneva, Switzerland       WINTER Cécile                ENT Specialist                                 Nice, France
DUMONTIER Christian         Prof. Plastic Surgery                     Nice, France       MOJALLAL Ali                 Plastic Surgeon                                    Lyon, France     YONEI Yoshikazu              Prof. Anti-aging medical research              Kyoto, Japan
DUNTAS Leonidas             Prof. Endocrinology                    Athens, Greece        MORVAN Frédéric              Gynecologist                                      Paris, France     YUTSKOVSKAYA Yana            Prof Dermatology                           Moscow, Russia
DUQUE Hernan                Dermatologist                       Pereira, Colombia        MURILLO MORENO William       Plastic Surgeon                                 Cali, Colombia      ZENKER Sabine                Dermatologist                           Munich, Germany
FIGUEIREDO Vitor            Aesthetic Physician                Lisbonne, Portugal        MUSARELLA Paul               Anti-aging Physician                        Zeist, Netherlands      ZHUKOFF Olga                 Aesthetic Physician and Dermatologist St. Petersburg, Russia
FONTDEVILA Joan             Plastic Surgeon                      Barcelona, Spain        NARANJO Pablo                Aesthetic Physician                              Madrid, Spain      ZHUKOVA Olga                 Aesthetic Physician                        Moscow, Russia
FOUQUE PARACHINI Linda Dermatologist                                  Nice, France       NEUMANN Martino              Dermatologist                        Rotterdam, Netherlands

                                                                                            CONTRIBUTING LECTURE SPEAKERS
BERNE Fredrik                Aesthetic Surgeon                    Savedalen, Sweden      GIESE Sharon Y.              Aesthetic Physician                         New York, USA           SHAPIRO Steve                  Dermatologist                         Palm Beach, USA
BEZOT Jean-François          Anti-aging Physician                       Paris, France    GOLTSOVA Elena               Dermatologist                              Tuymen, Russia           SHETA Manal Ibrahim            Dermatologist                        Kuwait City, Kuwait
BLIDAR Simona                Aesthetic Surgeon                            Arese, Italy   IVANOVA Elena                Dermatologist                              Moscow, Russia           SULAMANIDZE Konstantin         Plastic Surgeon                         Tbilisi, Georgia
CAPT Marcel                  Anti-aging Physician              Lausanne, Switzerland     MONTAILLIER BROSSIER Valérie Physiotherapist                      Fontainebleau, France          TERRANI Salvatore              Dermatologist                              Verona, Italy
DE GOURSAC Catherine         Aesthetic Physician                        Paris, France    PATTON Noel Thomas           Industry                                    New York, USA           WANITPHAKDEEDECHA              Dermatologist                        Bangkok, Thailand
DICK Rudolf M.               Aesthetic Physician                   Cologne, Germany      POLEVA Irina                 Dermatologist                                  Rome, Italy
                                                                                                                                                                                          YANG Chao-Cheng                Aesthetic Physician                     Taoyuan, Taiwan
FRANKO Alenka                Assist. Prof. Occupational Medicine Ljubljana, Slovenia     RAZUMOVSKAIA Elena           Aesthetic Physician                        Moscow, Russia
GANSS Christoph              Surgeon                             Heidelberg, Germany     ROMANES Maria                Dermatologist                              Moscow, Russia

                                                                                                          WORKSHOP SPEAKERS
AKHMEROV Renat               Plastic Surgeon                    Moscow, Russia           FATEMI Afschin             Dermatologist, Surgeon             Dusseldorf, Germany                PIZZAMIGLIO Roberto            Aesthetic Physician                     Estepona, Italy
ALSOUFI Aref                 Plastic Surgeon               Frankfurt, Germany            FORTE Riccardo             Aesthetic Surgeon                         Como Co, Italy              PRADEYROL Christian            Anti-Aging Physician                      Paris, France
ANGELO KHATTAR Maria         Pharmacologist                          Dubai, UAE          GONDINET Alain             Aesthetic Physician                        Thoiry, France             RAITSEVA Stella                Dermatologist                          Moscow, Russia
AUST Matthias                Plastic Surgeon                     Köln, Germany           HARLEY Calvin              PhD Telomeres                        San Francisco, USA               REDAELLI Alessio               Aesthetic Physician                      Dresano, Italy
AZOULAY Elisabeth            Anthropologist                        Paris, France         HULOT Jean-Sébastien       Cardiologist                                Paris, France             RUSSO Paola Rosalba            Surgeon                                  Modena, Italy
BARRY Laurence               Dermatologist                  Compiegne, France            JAIN Ravi                  Consultant Aesthetic Physician               London, UK               SAFA Marva                     Aesthetic Physician             Neuchatel, Switzerland
BEILIN Ghislaine             Aesthetic Physician                   Paris, France         JONES Derek                Dermatologist                         Beverly Hills, USA              SCHOCH Peter                   Anti-aging Physician                Basel, Switzerland
BELHAOUARI Lakhdar           Plastic Surgeon                   Toulouse, France          JUNG Hyun Yoon             Dermatologist                        Seoul, South Korea               SEBBAN Sandrine                Aesthetic Physician                       Paris, France
BERRENI Nicolas              Gynecologist & Obstetrician     Perpignan, France           KIM Hee-Jin                Pr. Yonsei University Coll Dentistry Seoul, South Korea               SIGNORINI Massimo              Plastic Surgeon                             Milan, Italy
BRINKMANN Ralph              Legal Professional        Kreuzlingen, Switzerland          KIM Won-Serk               Dermatologist                        Seoul, South Korea               SILVESTRE Helder               Plastic Surgeon                     Lisbonne, Portugal
CAMENISCH Colette C.         Plastic Surgeon                Zürich, Switzerland          KWON Hanjin                Aesthetic Physician                  Seoul, South Korea               SMILJANIĆ Igor                 Plastic Surgeon                        Belgrad, Serbia
CHRISTIE Andrew R.           Dermatologist                Melbourne, Australia           LELONKIEWICZ Monika        Dermatologist                           Breslau, Poland               SOPENA Juan                    Dermatologist                            Madrid, Spain
COHEN Haïm Victor            Plastic Surgeon                       Paris, France         LLORCA PEREZ Vicenta Maria Aesthetic Physician                   Villajoyosa, Spain              SUNDARAM Hema                  Dermatologist                           Rockville, USA
DE BOULLE Koenraad           Dermatologist                   Bruxelles, Belgium          LOPANDINA Irina            Anti-aging & Aesthetic Physician Limassol, Cyprus                     TAIEB Maryna                   Aesthetic Physician                       Paris, France
DE FELIPE Inigo              Dermatologist                     Barcelona, Spain          MALININA Olga              Urologist                               Moscow, Russia                TATEO Antonello                Plastic Surgeon                             Milan, Italy
DE MAIO Mauricio             Plastic Surgeon                   Sao Paulo, Brazil         NICOLAU Pierre             Plastic Surgeon                             Paris, France             TRETTI CLEMENTONI Matteo       Plastic Surgeon                             Milan, Italy
DEFOURMESTRAUX Valérie       Clinical Research Associate Geneva, Switzerland             NIFOROS René-François Plastic Surgeon                                  Lyon, France              TURZI Antoine                  Industry                                  Paris, France
ECKEL Rachael                Dermatologist                         Cork, Ireland         NUNZIATA Andrea            Plastic Surgeon                             Naples, Italy             VLEGGAAR Danny                 MD                                Geneva, Switzerland
EL FAKAHANY Hasan            Dermatologist                      Al Minya, Egypt          PALATIN Michael            Dermatologist                            Vienna, Austria              ZERBINATI Nicola               Dermatologist                 Travaco Siccomario, Italy
ESKENAZI Nathalie            Head of Department                    Paris, France         PATTON Noel Thomas         Industry                                  New York, USA


                                                                                                                                               iClass anatomy
                                                                                                                                               & Euromedicom

                                                     International Master Class with Live demonstrations
                                                     & Anatomy videos on Skin & Soft-tissue rejuvenation
                                             FORUM GRIMALDI, MONACO - PRE-MEETING OF AMWC
        This one-day interactive and practical course has the goal to give to the audience the anatomical and technical basis of skin & soft-
        tissue rejuvenation and beautification by non invasive and minimally invasive procedures as botulinum toxin, synthetic fillers, fat
        grafting, PRP & threads. Anatomy dissection videos, practical lectures and live demos will be done by experts. Face but also other
        areas as hand, arm, breast, chest, buttock, calf & genitalia will be adressed.
        L’objectif de ce symposium interactif et pratique d’une journée est de donner à l’audience les bases anatomiques et techniques de
        rajeunissement et d’embellissement de la peau et des tissus mous par des techniques non et mini-invasives telles que l’injection de
        toxine botulinique, de fillers, de graisse, de PRP ou la pose de fils. Des vidéos de dissection anatomique, des présentations pratiques
        et des démonstrations en direct seront proposées par des experts. Seront abordées la face mais aussi d’autres zones telles que la
        main, le bras, le sein, le thorax, la fesse, le mollet et les organes génitaux.

                                                            ACADEMIC BOARD / CONSEIL ACADÉMIQUE
                      Prof. Vincent CASOLI                                        Prof. Christian DUMONTIER                           Prof. José SANTINI
                      Anatomist & Plastic Surgeon                                 Plastic & Hand Surgeon,                             Head & Neck Surgeon
                      France                                                      France                                              France
                      Chirurgien Plasticien & Anatomiste                          Chirurgien Plasticien et de la Main                 Chirurgien de la face
                      France                                                      France                                              et du cou, France

     SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE                                                FACULTY                                                                      AUDIENCE

     • Dr. Vladena AVERINA, Dermatologist, Ukraine                       • Dr. Massimilano BRAMBILLA, Plastic Surgeon, Italy                          • Dermatologists
     • Dr. w                                                             • Dr. Pierfrancesco CIRILLO, Plastic Surgeon, Italy                          • Aesthetic Practitioners
       Plastic Surgeon, France                                           • Dr. Charalambos GEORGIOU, Plastic Surgeon, France                          • Surgeons (Plastic, ENT, Maxillo,
                                                                         • Dr. Uliana GOUT, Aesthetic Practitioner, UK
     • Dr. Ali PIRAYESH, Plastic Surgeon, The Netherlands                • Dr. Alfredo HOYOS, Plastic Surgeon, Colombia                                 Oculoplastic, Gyneco)
     • Dr. Hervé RASPALDO, Facial Plastic Surgeon, France                • Dr. Marina LANDAU, Dermatologist, Israel
     • Dr. Tatjana PAVICIC, Dermatologist, Germany                       • Dr. Evgenii LESHUNOV, Urogynecologist, Russia
                                                                         • Dr. Steven LIEW, Plastic Surgeon, Australia
                                                                         • Dr. William MURILLO, Plastic Surgeon, Colombia
                                                                         • Dr. Chariya PETCHNGAOVILAI, Dermatologist, Thailand
                                                                         • Dr. Roberto PIZZAMIGLIO, Plastic Surgeon, Spain
                                                                         • Prof. Yana YUTSKOVSKAYA, Dermatologist, Russia

                                            SCHEDULE AT A GLANCE / APERÇU DU PROGRAMME
     1. ANATOMY: Dissection Videos on fresh cadavers                                                  3. LIVE DEMOS of non invasive procedures (BoNT, fillers & threads)
     2. TECHNIQUES: Practical videos & lectures on rejuvenating techniques                            4. COMPLICATIONS management

                   Morning Session: LIMBS & TRUNK                                                                         Afternoon Session: FACE
                 Programme de la matinée : MEMBRES & TRONC                                                              Programme de l’après-midi : FACE

              SESSION A: LIMBS (Arm, Hand & Calf)                                                               ESSION C: FACE, PART I
8:00                                                                                            13:30           (Temple, Forehead, Periocular area & Cheek)
10:00         SESSION A: MEMBRES (Main, Bras & Mollet)                                         16:00            ession C : FACE, 1ère Partie
                                                                                                                (Tempe, Front, Région Péri-oculaire & Joue)

                             10:00 - 10:30 COFFEE BREAK                                                                      16:00 - 16:30 COFFEE BREAK

              SESSION B: TRUNK (Breast, Chest, Buttock & Genitalia)                                             SESSION D: FACE, PART II
10:30                                                                                           16:30           (Nose, Perioral area, Jawline, Neck & Global Face)
12:30                                                                                           18:30
              Session B: TRONC (Sein, Thorax, Fesse & Organes Génitaux)                                         ession D : FACE, 2ème Partie
                                                                                                                (Nez, Région Péri-orale, Bajoue, Cou & Face globale)
                              12:30 - 13:30 LUNCH BREAK                                                                            END OF THE COURSE

                                                                       LIMITED SEATS! / NOMBRE DE PLACES LIMITÉES !

             The '’iCLASS 2014 (International Master Class with Live demonstrations & Anatomy videos on Skin & Soft tissue rejuvenation)' ‘ is accredited by the European Accreditation
             Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME) to provide the following CME activity for medical specialists. The EACCME is an institution of the European Union of Medical
             Specialists (UEMS),
             The ‘iCLASS 2014 (International Master Class with Live demonstrations & Anatomy videos on Skin & Soft tissue rejuvenation)’ is designated for a maximum of (or ‘for up to’) 6
hours of European external CME credits. Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.
Through an agreement between the European Union of Medical Specialists and the American Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME credits to an equivalent number of AMA
PRA Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME credit to AMA credit can be found at
Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognized by the UEMS-EACCME for ECMEC credits are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by
the Maintenance of Certification Program of The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.
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