NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News

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NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
VOLUME 30 NUMBER 11                                                          MAY 2021

                NADIA RUNS                                                                                    IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                                            Quality of Care Lacking

Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat
                                                                                                            Physicians’ Services For
                                                                                                            IDD Community Scarce
                                                                                                                                   Page 2

                                                                                                            State Budget Passes
                                                                                                            Funding Mixed Bag
                                                                                                            For People With Disabilities
                                                                                                                                  Page 3

                                                                                                            Prosthetic Bill Back
                                                                                                            Duckworth & Other Senators
                                                                                                            Reintroduce Legislation
                                                                                                                                   Page 3

                                                                                                            Wage Bill Introduced
                                                                                                            NFB Supports Eliminating
                                                                                                            Subminimum Pay
                                                                                                                                  Page 5

                                                                                                            Delay Aging Out
                                                                                                            State Law Would Extend
                                                                                                            HS To 23 Years Old
                                                                                                                                 Page 7

                                                                                                            All-Around Sportsman
                                                                                                            Donaghey Dies

       adia Holubnyczyj, a res-     various village committees such     and has been active in the com-                        P age 12
       ident of Floral Park for     as the Citizens with Disabilities   munity for nearly 20 years. She
       20 years, is running for     Committee, the Nassau County        is an outspoken advocate for
Nassau County’s 8th Legislative     Chapter of Frontline Foods which    people with disabilities and was
District.                           supplies food for frontline work-   active in the campaign to put el-
   She announced her candida-       ers and food insecure families.     evators in the Floral Park LIRR
cy on Facebook and is endorsed         Holubnyczyj is the daughter      train station.
and supported by both the           of Ukrainian immigrants and            Holubnyczyj has a rare con-
Democratic and Working Fam-         has been married to her husband     genital disability called osteo-           VISIT
ilies Parties.                      Marco for 20 years. They have       genesis imperfecta. She is small          ABLE’S
   She has been active in the       two sons.                           in stature and uses a wheelchair          WEBSITE
PTA, her local civic association,      She is a Floral Park resident    full-time.                           WWW.ABLENEWS.COM
NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
Quality Care For Those With IDD Scarce

                                                                                                                                                           ABLE NEWSPAPER

                                                                                                                                                   P.O. Box 395, Old Bethpage, NY 11804
                                          ecently published data              These comments further           than those without a disabil-          516 939-2253 FAX 516 939-0540
                                          showed how almost 60             emphasize the need to im-           ity.                                
                                          percent of physicians            prove how medical schools              Several studies have shown
                                   feel they cannot provide qual-          educate their students about        that people with IDD have
                                   ity care to people who live             the fundamentals of provid-         a greater likelihood of get-
                                   with intellectual or develop-           ing healthcare for people           ting COVID-19 and of dying
                                   mental disabilities (IDD). In           with disabilities. “It’s more       from COVID. The most re-
                                   fact, a new survey reveals              than just learning about how        cent study notes that people
                                   details on nurses’ difficult            to treat medical conditions         with an intellectual disabil-                   Published By
                                   experiences with physicians             commonly seen in people with        ity have a 5.9 times greater                   Melmont Printing
                                   in working to get appropri-             IDD like aspiration pneumo-         risk of dying from COVID the
                                   ate healthcare for the people           nia and bowel obstruction,”         second, only to age, as the                 Angela Miele Melledy
                                   with IDD they support. The              said Escudé, who conducted          greatest risk factor.
                                   study published in EC Nurs-             the nursing survey, “Physi-            The most recently devel-                  Editorial Assistant
                                   ing and Healthcare in Feb-              cians should be taught about        oped program to train cli-                       Pat Horwell
                                   ruary can be an emotionally             the support structure for peo-      nicians is the Curriculum                       Allison Howe
                                   difficult read.                         ple with IDD, how to facili-        in IDD Healthcare. It’s a
                                      “Learning about current              tate better communication           six-module, online course                      Staff Writers
                                                                                                                                                         Beth Guarino (emerita)
                                   attitudes and perceptions               and, most importantly, about        that teaches the fundamen-                 Karin Falcone Krieger
                                   about people with IDD that              the often-missed direct rela-       tals of IDD healthcare to both
                                   many physicians have is                 tionship of various adverse         medical students and prac-                      Columnists
                                   heartbreaking.,” said. Craig            behaviors to treatable, un-         ticing clinicians, alike. “On-              Disabled in Action
                                   Escudé, physician and presi-            derlying medical causes.”           line learning programs make                      Phil Beder
                                   dent of IntellectAbility. “It’s            A survey of 714 practicing       it easy to learn from experts             Edith Prentiss (emerita)
                                   commonly known by family                physicians revealed that only       in various fields without hav-               Anthony Trocchia
                                   members, nurses, direct sup-            about 40 percent of physi-          ing to hire new school teach-
                                   port professionals and people           cians were greatly confident        ing staff or attending live lec-      United Spinal Association
                                   with disabilities that finding          about their ability to provide      tures,” Escudé said.                        Jim Weisman
                                   a clinician who understands             the same quality of care to            “When we educate clini-
                                   the unique needs of people              patients with a disability and      cians, we save lives,” says                Production Director
                                   with disabilities is challeng-          56 percent strongly agreed          Escudé. “The efforts being                    Debbie Simko
                                   ing. The experiences of the             that they welcomed people           made to improve IDD health-                   Art & Production
                                   nurses related in this survey           with a disability into their        care education, while over-                    Jennifer Becker
                                   explains why.”                          practices. The study pub-           due, will undoubtably have                      Ann Imbrogno
                                      Some of the quotes provid-           lished in February also re-         a tremendously positive im-
                                   ed by these nurses include:             lated that 82 percent of phy-       pact on the lives of millions              Technical Assistance
                                   “During a consultation with             sicians believed that people        of people with intellectual                    Louis Melledy
                                   an ER physician, the doctor             with a significant disability       and developmental disabili-
                                   stated that people like my              have a worse quality of life        ties in the US.”                        Social Media Assistance
                                                                                                                                                             Sofie Melledy
                                   patient aren’t meant to live
                                   that long and have no quali-
                                   ty of life;” “Physician uncom-          May Is Lupus Awareness Month                                                     Office Manager
                                                                                                                                                          Fannie Miele (emerita)
                                   fortable with treating indi-              People are invited to join the      It’s also a time to celebrate
                                   viduals with IDD. Appeared              nationwide effort to make Lu-       the strength, passion and op-                   Accounting
                                   either scared or annoyed;”              pus visible to raise awareness      timism of people with lupus,                   Margaret Wenzel
                                   and “I’ve had a number of               and funds for lupus research        and those who love them.
                                   physicians, instead of treat-           and education programs in the         For information on the Lupus               Advertising Rates
                                                                                                                                                         Furnished Upon Request
                                   ing our individuals, recom-             month of May.                       Foundation of America people are
                                   mend hospice because of a                 May is Lupus Awareness            invited to follow them throughout   Postmaster: Send address changes to Able News

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NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
State Budget Mixed Bag For PWD

                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 3 MAY 2021 - ABLE NEWSPAPER
        ov. Andrew Cuomo re-           website, minimum thresholds            the existing nursing-home-                Fair Pay for Home Care
        cently signed a $212           have been established which            quality pool for further invest-         Despite a strong grass roots
        billion New York state         mandate 70 percent of reve-            ments for facilities to meet          effort, Fair Pay for Home Care
budget for fiscal year 2021-           nues must be spent on direct           high quality standards.               was not included in the final
2022, which includes some              resident care and 40 percent                Ombudsman Program                budget, resulting in no salary
increases that will fund pro-          be spent on resident-facing               The Long-Term Care Om-             increase for personal assis-
grams for the disabled, but also       staffing, capping profits at five      budsman Program received an           tants. The Senate passed the
excludes or underfunds sever-          percent.                               increase of $250,000, but ac-         measure, but the assembly did
al other key initiatives that ad-      “It would have been helpful            cording to statements from the        not. Disability advocates have
vocates have been pushing for.         to get even more funding for           Center for Independence for the       been fighting for a pay hike,
        Nursing Homes                  nursing homes, but this is a           Disabled New York (CIDNY)             claiming that the current rate
   The budget will address the         step in the right direction,”          and the New York Association          of $12.50 per hour for aides
need for improved patient care         said Richard Mollot, executive         of Independent Living (NYAIL),        has caused consumers great
at nursing homes through sev-          director of Long Term Care             this amount was sharply lower         difficulty in finding and hold-
eral reforms, including $64 mil-       Community Coalition.                   than advocates hoped for in or-       ing on to staff.
lion for increased staffing. Ac-          Excess revenue recouped by          der to sufficiently serve people         “There has been a big push
cording to the Governor’s              the state will be deposited into       in long-term-care facilities.               Continued on page 4

         The Arc Supports Biden’s Jobs Plan
   For years, the service system       bridges, the administration rec-          These direct care workers          to receive in their homes and
that people with intellectual and      ognizes, that the home- and com-       are mostly women of color; they       community.
development disabilities (IDD)         munity-based service (HCBS)            are denied a living wage due to          The plan includes a perma-
and their families rely on has fall-   system, a central part of the care     underfunding of the Medicaid          nent reauthorization of the Mon-
en short of meeting their needs.       infrastructure, needs and de-          HCBS system that pays their           ey Follows the Person program,
   The COVID-19 pandemic has           serves the same critical invest-       wages. A well paid, well trained      a federal program that supports
magnified this problem and ex-         ments. Now, it is in the hands of      workforce that can grow with          people with disabilities and ag-
posed the cracks and gaps in           Congress.                              and meet the increasing need is       ing adults to move out of large
the care infrastructure when it           Growing the direct care work-       critical to recovery and to provid-   congregate settings and back to
comes to supporting people with        force, expanding access to ser-        ing people with disabilities and      their homes and communities.
disabilities. The Arc is encour-       vices, and supporting family           their families’ quality supports      The Arc has been advocating for
aged by the Biden Administra-          caregivers are key to economic         and services they need and want       these advances for years.
tion’s announcement that the           recovery. The administration’s
American Jobs Plan includes a          plan to provide more funding for
$400 billion investment to sup-        HCBS, create jobs and increase           Norris Celebrates 40th With New Music
port and grow the direct care          wages and benefits for direct care
workforce, expand service de-          workers addresses the rising lev-
livery and eliminate waiting           el of need for these services. It
lists so that people with disabil-     also targets the longstanding
ities and unpaid family caregiv-       inequities experienced by the
ers can return to the economy.         direct care workforce that were
   Like crumbling roads and            made worse by the pandemic.

Prosthetic Device Bill Reintroduced
   Sens. Tammy Duckworth               with limb loss and limb differ-
(D-Ill,) and Marsha Blackburn          ence never receive a prosthetic
(R-Tenn.) and Reps. G.K. Butter-       device, but there is little analysis
field (D-N.C.) and Brett Guthrie       to explain why.
(R-Ky.) have reintroduced the Ac-         The Triple A Study Act solves
cess to Assistive Technology and       that problem by directing the
Devices for Americans Study Act        non-partisan Government Ac-
or the Triple A Study Act (S.1089/     countability Office to study bar-
H.R.2461).                             riers to care for assistive tech-
   It will identify the best care      nologies, including prosthetic
practices for people living with       devices, and evaluate how those
limb loss or limb difference so        affect patient outcomes by com-
they can be replicated across          paring results across Medicare,
health systems to improve the          the VA and private insurers. It
health of our community.               examines specific challenges,
   Legislation needs to pass both      including the affordability of de-      Namel “TapWaterz” Norris recently released some new mu-
chambers of Congress, so having        vices, how often people are as-         sic “Picture Me Rolling” in honor of his 40th birthday. Norris, who
the Triple A Study Act reintro-        sessed or denied coverage and           was paralyzed due to an accidental shooting, is a member of the
                                                                               Hip Hop Group 4 Wheel City.
duced in the Senate and House          if patients can return to work.            Visit
shows strong support for those         The bill sponsors request that cit-     ing-2 to learn about the release and
policy priorities.                     izens ask their Senators and Rep-       follow/tapwaterz/picture-me-rolling-2 to download and stream it.
   Two-thirds of people living         resentatives to cosponsor the bill.
NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
Rescue Plan Delivers for Disabled

                                          ne year after the            well as other funding and pro-    with disabilities, surviving         marketplace through expand-
                                          COVID-19 pandemic            visions to help the disability    the rest of the pandemic.            ing and extending available
                                          began, Congress has          community.                           It includes extensions of         subsidies.
                                   passed and the president has           The American Rescue Plan       tax credits and public assis-           It also includes $4 billion
                                   signed into law a pandemic          also includes adult depen-        tance increases, which can           in funding for programs that
                                   relief package with funding         dents in covid relief stimulus    enable Americans to weather          provide mental health ser-
                                   that will specifically benefit      payments, which will ensure       this economic and health cri-        vices and supports, including
                                   people with disabilities and        that people with disabilities     sis.                                 greater support for mobile
                                   help our communities sur-           are not excluded from this           At a time when access to af-      crisis units and for children’s
                                   vive.                               critical financial relief.        fordable healthcare could not        mental health programs.
                                      The American Rescue Plan            Additionally, this COVID-19    be more important, the new              The plan also provides $3
                                   includes nearly $13 billion in      relief bill includes other pro-   law also bolsters the Afford-        billion for programs under
                                   funding for home- and commu-        visions that will support all     able Care Act and improves           the Individuals with Disabili-
                                   nity-based services (HCBS) as       Americans, including people       affordability of the healthcare      ties Education Act.
                                   NEW YORK STATE BUDGET PASSED
                                   Continued from page 3
                                   to pay aides a living wage to       them, angering and confound-      is estimated that more than          ers was restored in the final
                                   make it easier for people to        ing,” said Joe Rappaport, exec-   100,000 individuals per year         budget.
                                   hire and retain qualified staff,”   utive director of the Brooklyn    will benefit from crisis in-                Health Care Costs
                                   said Meghan Parker, direc-          Center for Independence of the    tervention at these centers.            The budget reduces health
                                   tor of advocacy at NYAIL. “It       Disabled. “But we’re pleased      The centers will be open 24          care costs for low-income New
                                   was very disappointing that it      that the Senate fought hard       hours per day, 365 days per          Yorkers by eliminating essen-
                                   wasn’t passed. It has already       for an increase and know that,    year. They will accept all ad-       tial plan premiums and out-
                                   caused so many care assistants      in the end, we’ll convince the    missions without referral, in-       of-pocket expenses, including
                                   to leave the field.”                assembly and the governor to      cluding direct drop-offs by law      dental and vision benefits.
                                      “As the pandemic showed,         keep New Yorkers living at        enforcement and other first re-                Broadband
                                   nursing institutions are among      home, not in a home.”             sponders.                               It also includes a require-
                                   the most perilous places on the          Urgent Care Centers                        COLA                   ment that every broadband
                                   planet, which makes Alba-              The launch of urgent care          Also included is $46.2 million   provider offer service with
                                   ny’s decision not to raise the      centers for mental health and     to provide a one percent cost of     speeds of at least 25mbps, at
                                   wages for home-care aides,          addiction services have been      living adjustment (COLA) to          the discounted rate of $15, for
                                   so that people can stay out of      authorized. On average, it        nonprofits that are licensed,        every household that is eligible
                                                                                                         certified or otherwise autho-        for SNAP, reduced-price school
                                                                                                         rized by the Office of People        lunches, Medicaid benefits, se-
                                                                                                         with Developmental Disabili-         nior citizen rent increase ex-
                                                                                                         ties, the Office of Mental Health    emptions or affordability ben-
                                                                                                         and the Office of Addiction          efits from a utility.
                                                                                                         Services and Supports. The                      Education
                                                                                                         budget also provides $5.6 mil-          Randi Levine, policy direc-
                                                                                                         lion for a one percent COLA          tor of Advocates for Children
                                                                                                         increase for other human             of New York, stated that there
                                                                                                         services agencies, including         will be positive and negative
                                                                                                         the State Office for the Aging,      outcomes in regard to educa-
                                                                                                         the Office of Temporary and          tion in the new budget.
                                                                                                         Disability Assistance, and the          “We are very pleased that
                                                                                                         Office of Children and Family        the final New York state
                                                                                                         Services.                            budget includes a three-year
                                                                                                                Pharmacy Benefits             phase-in of the Foundation
                                                                                                             In addition, the budget tran-    Aid funding, long owed to our
                                                                                                         sitioned the Medicaid pharma-        schools, on top of the full fed-
                                                                                                         cy benefit from managed care         eral COVID-19 relief funding
                                                                                                         to fee-for-service in order to       for schools,” said Levine. “This
                                                                                                         increase transparency, max-          much-needed funding will help
                                                                                                         imize rebates and reduce ad-         schools serve all students, in-
                                                                                                         ministrative costs. This will        cluding students with disabil-
                                                                                                         delay the transition by two          ities. We also appreciate that
                                                                                                         years, until April 1, 2023.          the final budget rejects the
                                                                                                           Independent Living Centers         special education waiver that
                                                                                                             The $500,000 proposed cut        had been proposed by the gov-
                                     Look for our Magazine DESIGNS 4 LIVING                              to independent living centers        ernor.
                                                                                                         (ILC) was restored, with an             “We are disappointed that
                                   coming out this July. Read our Contributors Stories,                  additional $500,000 included,        the proposal to provide pre-
                                      Accessible Home Design and So Much More.                           giving the network a modest          school special education pro-
                                                                                                         funding increase. In addition,       grams with an increase in pay-
                                        Visit us and view our E-Magazine at
                                                                                                         the one percent across-the-          ment rates on-par with school
                                             BRICKHOUSEDESIGNS.NET                                       board cuts to Medicaid provid-            Continued on page 15
NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
Law Has Improvements for Deaf, Blind Students

                                                                                                                                                       PAGE 5 MAY 2021 - ABLE NEWSPAPER
       ens.    Edward     Markey      hard of hearing, blind, visually         Sullivan Macy, Helen Keller’s         blind, visually impaired, and
       (D-Mass.) and Shelley          impaired, and deaf-blind.                famous teacher.                       deaf-blind students, provided by
       Moore Capito (R-W.Va.),           The legislation would also               If passed, the Cogswell-Macy       trained personnel.
and Reps. Matt Cartwright             enhance reporting and evalu-             Act would require states to identi-      Finally, it would establish the
(Pa., Dist.8) and David McKin-        ation measures for special ed-           fy and evaluate children who are      Anne Sullivan Macy Center of Vi-
ley (W.Va.,Dist.1) have rein-         ucation in each state, increase          visually- and hearing-impaired        sion Loss and Educational Excel-
troduced bipartisan legislation       training for teachers and other          so that appropriate services can      lence within the Department of
that would strengthen the Indi-       special education professionals          be delivered to each student, and     Education to function as a nation-
viduals with Disabilities Educa-      and reaffirm the Department of           report instances when they fall       al resource.
tion Act (IDEA) to ensure that        Education’s mission and respon-          short. It would also help parents        This bill has been introduced
visually- and hearing-impaired        sibility to ensure an accessible         and educators stay informed and       to both the U.S. House of Repre-
students receive the best educa-      and quality education for all            up to date through written policy     sentatives and to the U.S. Senate.
tion possible.                        students.                                guidance released regularly from      The bill sponsors encourage citi-
   The Alice Cogswell and Anne           This bill is named after Alice        the Department of Education and       zens to call or email their elected
Sullivan Macy Act would improve       Cogswell, the first deaf student         encourage states to plan for and      representatives and ask them to
services and educational opportu-     that was formally educated in            commit to specialized instruc-        support the Alice Cogswell and
nities for students who are deaf,     the United States, and Anne              tion for all deaf, hard of hearing,   Anne Sullivan Macy Act.

 NFB Supports Bill Eliminating Subminimum Wages
   The National Federation of the     ward competitive integrated em-          us dignity, purpose, and the op-      Chairman Scott for rejecting over
Blind (NFB), the transformative       ployment.                                portunity for a better life. I look   eighty years of entrenched but
advocacy organization of blind            “It is long past time for Con-       forward to continuing to work in      false thinking about the capacity
Americans, supports the intro-        gress to phase out the submini-          a bipartisan fashion to ensure        of people with disabilities,” Mark
duction of the Transformation to      mum wage for workers with dis-           more people - who are ready,          Riccobono, NFB president, said.
Competitive Integrated Employ-        abilities and expand access to ful-      willing and able to work- find        “We strongly urge his colleagues
ment Act (H.R. 2373) in the Unit-     filling employment and economic          employment.”                          in both chambers of the Unit-
ed States House of Representa-        self-sufficiency,” Scott said. “By          “The National Federation of        ed States Congress to transition
tives by Education and Labor          fostering collaboration between          the Blind and our partners, rep-      from an ineffective employment
Committee Chair Bobby Scott (D-       employers and services providers,        resenting the 55 million Ameri-       model to a policy that recognizes
Va.) and Representative Cathy         this bipartisan legislation makes        cans with disabilities, seek only     the individuality, interests and
McMorris Rodgers (R-Wash.).           clear that it is not only possible,      the kind of meaningful, remuner-      skills of workers with disabilities
   This legislation gradually         but beneficial to invest in fully in-    ative work that other Americans       and allows them to live the lives
eliminates the payment of sub-        tegrated and competitive jobs for        take for granted. We applaud          they want.”
minimum wages to people with          people with disabilities. We must
disabilities over a four-year peri-   take this next step to ensure that
od and prohibits the issuance of      every worker can succeed in the                           We Are Pleased to Announce That Our
new special wage certificates un-     workplace and earn a fair wage.”                          Clients Have the Option of Visiting Us
der Section 14(c) of the Fair La-         “Disability employment is the                              At Any 1 of 3 New Locations!
bor Standards Act of 1938. The        next policy frontier to empower
legislation also incentivizes em-     people with disabilities to live full
ployers to transition away from       and independent lives,” Rodgers
a segregated workplace model for      said. “A job is so much more than
                                      just a paycheck, it’s what gives
                                                                                                     We Are Offering
people with disabilities and to-
                                                                                                         50% Off
Impact of Virus on PWD Studied                                                            Initial Fees For Telephone or
   Brandeis University is do-         you self-direct your services and                    Video Skype Consultations
ing a study to learn about the        supports?; In other words, do
experiences of people receiving       you control who you hire to pro-            We Provide Planning for Families & People with Disabilities
home- and community-based             vide services or control a budget                          Supplemental Needs Trusts,
services and self-directing those     for services?; Do you live in the                      Guardianships, Elder Law Planning,
services.                             United States?                                            Wills, Trusts and Real Estate
   Researchers are interested in         Those who answered yes to
learning how people with dis-         each of the questions above                        Melville Location                 Riverhead Location
abilities are staying safe, how       might be eligible to participate.            445 Broad Hollow Road, Suite 25           21 East 2nd Street
they are keeping their personal       Participation includes one inter-                   Melville, NY 11747               Riverhead, NY 11901
care attendants safe and how          view over the telephone or video-                 (Office & Mail Service)            (Not for Mail Service)
they are accessing critical ser-      conference. The interview will be                                Garden City Location
vices and supports. Information       about one hour.                                              600 Old Country Road, Suite 328
from this study will be used to          Participants will receive a                                   Garden City, NY 11553
advise government agencies and        small gift card for their time. If in-
                                                                                                        (Not for Mail Service)
providers.                            terested in participating, contact
   Participants will be asked,        Miriam Heyman, senior research             Or, we can come to you in the convenience of your home!
Are you a person with a disabil-      associate at the Lurie Institute                                Contact us today at
ity who receives Medicaid home        for Disability Policy, by email at                                (631) 675-2540
and community-based services?; or                      Or visit our website at
Are you above the age of 18?; Do      call 1-781-736-8415.
NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News

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                                                 4. MINIMAL PAPERWORK                                        lyzed Veterans Association in 1979
                                                                                                             (I had been a disability rights law-
                                     5. ALL SUPPLIES SHIPPED DISCREETLY                                      yer for two years), the very first
                                                                                                             client I spoke to was a quadriple-
                                                                                                             gic man from Duchess County who
                                                                                                             called and said, “My check didn’t come. My home attendant
                                              u’ re N ot H ap py With Your Current                           didn’t come, and there’s hair in my shower drain.” I respond-
                                        If Yo
                                                  Provider Give Us A                                         ed that I knew I could do something about the hair, but the
                                                                                                             other two issues were much tougher.
                                                         We Can Help!!                                          He told me that since he’d broken his neck, his wife and
                                                                                                             children had left, he had no income but Social Security Dis-
                                                                                                             ability Insurance, and he spent down to Medicaid eligibility
                                                                                                             every month, so that he could receive homecare. When he
                                    Summit Express Medical Supply                                            was employed, he said, he was a safety engineer for an in-
                                                                          surance company. He assessed risk. When I asked him why
                                                     Phone: 888-269-6605                                     he didn’t have long-term care insurance or private disabili-
                                                                                                             ty insurance, he said, ironically, “Because I knew the odds.”
                                                      Fax: 631-269-6230
                                                                                                                Forty-two years later, the situation isn’t much better for
                                                                           most people needing long-term care. Of course, in assessing
                                                                                                             risk, most people worry about disability even less than they
                                                                                                             do death. We know because far more people buy life insur-
                                                                                                             ance to protect their family than buy disability or long-term
                                                                                                             care insurance. Nevertheless, the people United Spinal As-
                                                                                                             sociation represents, and many of you reading this now, rely
                                                                                                             on personal care assistance to live effectively in the commu-
                                                  Get Connected.
                                                              d Get Answers.                                 nity.
                                                                                                                Health insurance – even under the Affordable Care Act
                                                      Nassau and Suffolk Counties
                                                                                                             (ACA), also called Obamacare – leaves a huge gap in cover-
                                        Free comprehensive                     Linea completa de             age for people needing durable medical equipment (DME)
                                   informa�on on local programs            informacionon gra�
                                                                                         g s de pro-         or supplies. Obamacare requires insurers to meet minimum
                                      and referrals to available        gramas locales y referencias dee     coverage requirements, and of course, eliminates pre-exist-
                                         services by phone.            serrvicios disponibles por telefo-
                                                                                                        o-   ing conditions, exclusions and waiting periods.
                                        Call 7 days a week or           no. Llamas 7 dias de la semana          The elimination of pre-existing condition hurdles, when
                                             online 24/7.                      o en internet 24/7.           viewed as a policy change could, in fact, be an “Emancipa-
                                                                                                             tion Proclamation” for some people with disabilities. Those
                                                     2-1-1 or 1-888-774-7633                                 unwilling to risk leaving Medicaid and/or Medicare to go
                                     2-1 1 sservice
                                       1-1   ervice is
                                                    is available
                                                       available iin
                                                                      ore tthan 200
                                                                            han 200 llanguages
                                                                                      anguages               to work, because their pre-existing conditions would not be
                                                                                                             covered, are no longer plagued by this problem.
                                                                                                                However, those who use durable medical equipment, like
                                                                                                             wheelchairs, and those who need medical supplies (diabetic
                                              We’ve been there, so you can....                               supplies, catheters, bandages, etc.) are still subject to caps in
                                                                                                             private insurance policies and in the Obamacare plans that are
                                            Know Before You Go!!!!                                           publicly available. If a motorized wheelchair cost is $30,000,
                                                                                                             and an employer’s health plan caps DME at $2,500 a year,
                                          Accessibility information of leisure locations                     which is perfectly lawful, the wheelchair user is out of luck.
                                              for people with mobility challenges
                                                                                                                Medicaid would pick up the cost of the chair, but private
                                                                                                             insurance will not. The need for coverage for medical sup-
                                                                                                             plies and DME to be covered by insurers is acute, but unmet
                                                                   • parking conditions • rest rooms         and still keeps people with disabilities out of the labor force.
                                                                   • ease of navigation • seating               Consider these two issues together, i.e. the difficulty in
                                                                   • food services      • grounds            obtaining adequate home- and community-based services,
                                                                        and other import details             coupled with the unaffordability, for some of adequate sup-
                                      • theaters • museums • restaurants • parks & kid friendly venues       plies and equipment and the promise of the Americans with
                                                                                                             Disabilities Act and the Affordable Care Act is somewhat
                                                            (917) 693-3420                                                        Continued on page 15
NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
FCC Proposes Strengthening Alerts

                                                                                                                                                  PAGE 7 MAY 2021 - ABLE NEWSPAPER
       he Federal Communica-          warned of an incoming ballis-        the state level or to review the          Finally, to require and en-
       tions Commission has           tic missile and highlighted the      composition and governance             sure that Emergency Alert
       proposed rules to im-          need to improve these systems.       of existing committees and re-         System participants can repeat
prove the way the public re-             The FCC made several pro-         quire these committees to cer-         certain alerts over television
ceives emergency alerts on            posals.                              tify that they held a meeting in       and radio when the government
their mobile phones, televisions         One, is to combine the cur-       the past year.                         alert originator requests it.
and radios.                           rent Presidential Alerts cate-          The third, is to provide a check-      The commission adopted a
   The nation’s Emergency             gory, which is non-optional on       list of information that should be     Notice of Inquiry to explore the
Alert System and Wireless             devices that receive Wireless        included in annual submissions         technical feasibility delivering
Emergency Alerts help keep            Emergency Alerts, with alerts        of state Emergency Alert System        Emergency Alert System alerts
the public safe and informed          from FEMA. The new non-op-           plans and amend the process for        through the internet, including
and are of ever-increasing im-        tional alert class would be          FCC review of those plans.             streaming services, and wheth-
portance given the emergencies        called National Alerts.”                The fourth, is to specify that      er it is feasible for Emergency
and disasters Americans have             Another, is to encourage all      government agencies may re-            Alert System participants to
faced in recent years. In 2018,       states to form State Emergency       port false emergency alerts to         leverage the internet to offer
however, a false emergency            Communications Committees            the FCC’s 24/7 Operations Cen-         advanced alerting capabilities
alert in Hawaii mistakenly            to help administer alerting on       ter.                                   to the public.

    Emergency Response Users To Get Refunds
   Thousands of New Yorkers           who unsuccessfully tried to          center, typically through ac-          months of service, in addition
locked into illegal contracts         exercise certain cancellation        tivating a pendant or brace-           to upfront fees and a shipping
have a way out, thanks to an          rights in the past. The agree-       let worn by the consumer.              charge (typically $198) for a
agreement with Life Alert             ment resolves an investigation          Consumers signing up for            total payment ranging from
Emergency Response Inc., ne-          into Life Alert’s failure to in-     Life Alert’s service are required      $1,996.20 to $3,436.20 over the
gotiated by New York Attorney         clude mandatory cancellation         to sign a 36-month monitoring-         36-month term.
General Letitia James.                provisions required by New           service agreement and pay a               To protect consumers who
   New York consumers may             York law into its contracts.         monthly service monitoring fee,        want such services from rush-
cancel their current contracts           Best known for its adver-         plus upfront programming and           ing into agreements, New York
with the company before the           tising slogan, “Help! I’ve           installation fees. Depending on        state adopted a law that spe-
end of the 36-month contract          fallen, and I can’t get up!”         the specific service they choose,      cifically deals with these types
they     signed.    Additionally,     the company offers personal          consumers pay between $49.95           of contracts. The law requires
James has negotiated for Life         emergency response systems           and $89.95 per month for 36                 Continued on page 14
Alert to provide refunds to more      to consumers, which allow
than 700 New York consumers           them to notify a response

 Law Would Delay Aging Out                                                                                                  “Such a
   In New York State, students        turn to high school in 2021-22, it                                                  Pretty Girl”
have the right to attend high         is up to districts whether to fol-
                                                                                                                       A Story of Struggle,
school to work toward a diploma       low this guidance and give older
until the end of the school year in   students more time.                                                              Empowerment and
which they turn 21 years old.            The State Assembly and Sen-                                                     Disability Pride
   Students with disabilities         ate have introduced legislation
also have a legal right to transi-    that would require school dis-
tion services – such as hands-on      tricts to provide educational
job training or support learning      and support services to students
independent living skills, like       with disabilities until they turn
using money and traveling on          23. The bill covers students who
the subway – as part of their ed-     would otherwise age out this year
                                                                                                                            Available at NYU
ucation to help them prepare for      or next year, as well as students                                                     Press,
life after high school.               who turned 21 during the 2019-                                                        & Local Book Stores
   As a result of the pandemic,       20 school year, giving students
many older youths with disabil-       with disabilities more time to
ities have been unable to access      earn a high school diploma or
the special education supports        meet their transition goals con-
they need to finish their course-     sidering COVID-19.
work. Many have also missed out          Citizens who support this
on opportunities to participate in    move should contact their state
vocational and community-based        representatives and other lead-
activities that they need to suc-     ers in Albany and ask them to           Nadina LaSpina, a disability rights activist tells
cessfully transition to adult life.   support legislation (A.1201A/           the story of her liberation from oppressive stan-
   Although the New York State        S.2994A) extending school eligi-        dards of normalcy, showing that freedom comes
Education Department recent-          bility for students with disabili-      not through cure, but through organizing to end
ly issued guidance​ strongly en-      ties from age 21 to 23 during the
                                      school years disrupted by the
                                                                              exclusion from public and social life.
couraging districts to allow stu-
dents aging out this year to re-      pandemic.
NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
Medicaid Recipients Won’t Get Tax Form

                                      RS Tax Form 1095B will                      fying health coverage, which        matically mailed one or more        longer needs the information
                                      no longer be automatically                  satisfies     the   individual’s    IRS Form 1095-B and an ac-          contained on IRS Form 1095-B
                                      mailed to Medicaid consum-                  shared responsibility provi-        companying cover letter to all      to compute federal tax liability
                                   ers.                                           sion of the Affordable Care Act     individuals who are enrolled in     or file an income tax return.
                                     Child Health Plus (CH-                       (ACA). The original ACA leg-        Medicaid or with Minimum Es-           To request IRS Form 1095-
                                   Plus), or Essential Plan (EP)                  islation required consumers to      sential Plan Coverage (MEC).        B one can call 1-800-541-2831,
                                   IRS Form 1095-B will only                      use Form 1095-B to compute             Because    the   individual      email a request to 1095B@
                                   be mailed to those who re-                     their federal tax liability and     shared responsibility payment       health., or send a re-
                                   quest a copy of the form.                      file their income tax return.       for health coverage was re-         quest via postal mail to NY
                                   IRS Form 1095-B provides                          Prior to tax year 2020, the      duced to zero beginning in tax      State of Health. P.O. Box
                                   proof of an individual’s quali-                Department of Health auto-          year 2019, an individual no         11.774, Albany, NY 12211.

                                   People with Down Syndrome Need Physical & Brain Exercise
                                      BrainHQ, the brain training                 and brain exercise,” said Henry     and to improved performance            Similarly, studies of Brain-
                                   app from Posit Science, will be                Mahncke, CEO of Posit Science.      on both cognitive and physical      HQ exercises have shown not
                                   used alongside physical exer-                  “It’s well-established that phys-   measures.                           just gains on standard cognitive
                                   cise in a new study of people                  ical exercise improves physical        The brain training used in       assessments, but also in stan-
                                   with Down syndrome.                            abilities, and that brain exer-     the study was the Greek ver-        dard measures of basic physi-
                                      The study aims to measure                   cise improves cognitive abilities   sion of BrainHQ. The physical       cal abilities, including balance,
                                   the impact of physical and cog-                in most people. There’s no rea-     training consisted of aerobic,      gait, and even heart rate vari-
                                   nitive exercise on physical and                son to think it’s different among   flexibility, strength, and bal-     ability.
                                   mental abilities. The study is                 members of the Down syndrome        ance exercises.                        BrainHQ is offered, without
                                   sponsored by the Canadian                      community.”                            Numerous other studies           charge, by leading health plans
                                   Down Syndrome Society (CDSS)                      In a prior small pilot study     have shown that physical exer-      and by hundreds of libraries
                                   and is being led by researchers                conducted by researchers at         cise can drive not just physical    and communities. Consumers
                                   at Anglia Ruskin University.                   Aristotle University of Greece,     gains, but also gains on some       may try BrainHQ for free at
                                      “I love that this study directly            researchers announced they          cognitive measures.       
                                   confronts a prevailing prejudice               found that a 10-week combined
                                   that – as a genetic condition –                protocol of physical exercise
                                   the abilities of people with Down              and brain training in people
                                   syndrome are not susceptible to                with Down syndrome led to                 Islip Career Center Trains Baristas
                                   improvement through physical                   a reorganization of the brain

                                                                                                                        Shawn, from Connetquot Central School District, prepares a car-
                                                                                                                        amel Frappuccino at the new coffee café at Islip Career Center.
                                                                                                                        Food Prep Teacher Lauren Daquet recently launched it, along
                                                                                                                        with the new barista training, for her second-year students.
                                                                                                                           Students trained in the use of commercial-grade coffee equip-
                                                                                                                        ment take phone orders and create and package a large variety
                                                                                                                        of custom and seasonal drink orders. Completed orders are de-
                                        RUNNING VITRUALLY | APRIL 29–MAY 5, 2021                                        livered to classrooms and offices. The ICC Carpentry class fabri-
                                                                                                                        cated the large menu board on the wall and the school’s Graphics
                                                                                                                        programs designed the custom drink sleeves, menus, and fre-
                                        REELABILITIES.ORG/NEWYORK                                                       quent buyer cards.
                                                                                                                           Islip Center offers special education programs, providing skills
                                        Film pictured: Not Going Quietly   For Special Discount Use Code Able 21        training to students with special education needs.
NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
AAPD Publishes ‘Disability in the Age of Covid-19’

                                                                                                                                                                      PAGE 9 MAY 2021 - ABLE NEWSPAPER
           hile COVID-19 has had               American Rescue Plan by the                       the pandemic, which made it even     Time of COVID-19” can be read
           an impact on the lives of           House and Senate provides criti-                  harder to employ them since last     through the interactive web-
           every American, the pan-            cal and overdue funding to support                March.                               page or as a pdf document at www.
demic has amplified and exacerbat-             HCBS, this funding is time limited.                 The stories and insights from
ed existing disparities faced by peo-                 Long-Term Systemic                         the storybook “Disability in the     time-of-covid-19.
ple with disabilities, communities                    Solutions are needed
of color, women, communities lack-
ing adequate internet and more, of-
                                                  Sustain and expand the Emer-
                                               gency Broadband Benefit estab-                        MHAW Has COVID Hotline
ten with dire consequences.                    lished under the CARES Act.                          The Association for Mental           “The    Emotional     Support
   The       American       Associa-           When the world moved online                       Health and Wellness (MHAW),          Helpline will connect you with
tion of People with Disabilities               at the start of the pandemic, too                 Suffolk County’s largest not-for-    someone who has been trained
(AAPD) has conducted inter-                    many people with disabilities were                profit provider of programs, ser-    to hear what you are saying and
views with disability advocates                left behind by inaccessible digital               vices, and advocacy for people       give you the kind of support that
and captured stories of peo-                   infrastructure and a lack of access               facing mental health challenges,     works best for you during the
ple with disabilities affected by              to broadband internet and assis-                  is offering an emotional support     pandemic,” said Tara Freder-
COVID in the book, “Disabili-                  tive technology.                                  helpline staffed by trained cri-     icks, MHAW’s director of special
ty in the Time of COVID-19.”                      Reform public benefits to pro-                 sis counselors who help callers      projects who is also overseeing
Interviews with disability advo-               mote financial security and resil-                talk through their emotions and      Project Hope for MHAW. “They
cates revealed many gaps in sys-               ience not poverty. The restrictive                find resources to help them cope     can offer coping strategies, sup-
tems and policies that have left               structure of Supplemental Secu-                   with challenges associated with      portive resources, or simply a
people with disabilities behind                rity Income (SSI) limits recipients               COVID-19.                            chance to talk.”   
and put them at risk during the                to having $2,000 or less in assets                   MHAW is serving as a Suffolk         In addition to the emotion-
pandemic and will continue to do               and provides no more than $794                    County partner agency in the         al support helpline, NY Project
so during future disasters unless              per month, which only worsened                    helpline initiative hosted by NY     Hope helps New Yorkers under-
addressed. Certain key recom-                  poverty for people with disabilities              Project Hope, a program of the       stand their reactions and emo-
mendations have emerged.                       during the pandemic.                              New York State Office of Mental      tions during the COVID-19 pan-
     Increase Funding for Home-                   Provide Personal Protective                    Health.                              demic through digital education-
 And Community-Based Services                  Equipment (PPE) and secure                           The helpline is at 631 471-       al materials, a supportive social
    HCBS funding is needed to en-              higher wages for direct support                   7242 ext. 1800. Trained crisis       media presence and a website
sure that people with disabilities             professionals who provide criti-                  counselors are available Monday      with resources and relevant ma-
can access needed care from direct             cal services and support to people                through Friday between 9 a.m.        terials at www.nyprojecthope.
support professionals, at home,                with disabilities. Many receive low               and 7 p.m. All helpline conver-      org. NY Project Hope can also
rather than in nursing homes.                  wages and were not prioritized for                sations are free, confidential and   be followed on Facebook, Insta-
While the recent passage of the                PPE and other protections during                  anonymous.                           gram and Twitter.

      Able-Ride is Proudly
      Serving Nassau County
      Providing quality transportation
      for the disabled community.
      To apply for service or to find out
      more information, please call 516.228.4000
      or visit us at


      Able-Ride is a service of NICE, which is owned by Nassau County and operated by Veolia Transportation
NADIA RUNS Floral Park Resident Vies For Legislature Seat - Able News
Autonomous Vehicle Talks Are Online

                                           elf-driving or auton-       hicles: A Public Dialogue” with    clusive of everyone, including     with hearing, visual or cogni-
                                           omous vehicles (AVs)        the U.S. Department of Labor’s     passengers with physical, sen-     tive disabilities; and ideas for
                                           stand to revolutionize      Office of Disability Employ-       sory, or cognitive disabilities.   future research needs and next
                                    transportation in the U.S. and     ment Policy, the U.S. Depart-      The board is interested in de-     steps required to ensure acces-
                                    around the world.                  ment of Health and Human           sign and development of AVs        sible design and development
                                       It’s important that they’re     Services’ Administration for       to ensure accessible entering,     of AVs for those with disabili-
                                    designed to be inclusive of ev-    Community Living and other         exiting, onboard maneuvering       ties.
                                    eryone. To promote accessibil-     federal agencies.                  and securement for individuals        The    public     may    join
                                    ity for people with disabilities      This national online dia-       with mobility disabilities; ac-    the dialogue at any time
                                    in the design of AVs, the U.S.     logue is open to the public. All   cessible ride hailing, on-board    through May 5. Visit www.
                                    Access Board is holding “Inclu-    are invited to share their ideas   communication and interact-        transportationInnovation.
                                    sive Design of Autonomous Ve-      for designing AVs that are in-     ing with AVs for passengers to participate.

                                                 Games for Visually Impaired Rated
                                      Lenstore has taken an in-        merous people are turning to       However, most video games          as possible and they accom-
                                    depth look at the top rated        playing games.                   and board games available            plished this by providing 60
                                    and most accessible video             The most popular games of are designed for those with              accessibility settings.
                                    games and board games to           2020 were also analyzed to perfect vision in mind. The                   The game has accessibility
                                    reveal how well the industry       find out how equipped they small text, flashing images                presets that include recom-
                                    supports     visually-impaired     are for disabled players and and colors that don’t support            mended settings for vision,
                                    gamers.                            to highlight the lack of acces- those with color deficiency           hearing and motor, however
                                      The variety of features          sibility for those with disabil- are often overlooked in the          players can modify these so it
                                    available like adjustable font,    ities in the gaming industry. gaming community.                       fits their individual needs.
                                    color deficiency filters and          A study by DFC found            After the best accessible             The game is also one of
                                    text-to-speech make “The           that as of August 2020 more games were rated, 2020’s                  very few in the industry with
                                    Last of Us 2” one of the most      than 3 billion people around “The Last of Us Part II”                 native support for text-to-
                                    accessible video games of all      the world were playing vid- proved the best for people                speech and offers several spe-
                                    time.                              eo games and with the next with a visual impairment.                  cific gameplay features - skip
                                      The global pandemic has          gaming generation such as The publisher, Naughty Dog,                 puzzles, avoid falling, and
                                    meant that many have spent         the PS5 and Xbox Series X fi- set out to create a game ac-            hide from enemies - that are
                                    time indoors and at home           nally here, this number is set cessible for as many players                Continued on page 14
                                    with not much to do. Nu-           to grow.
                                                                                                            Addiction Services Get Grant
                                                                                                             Long Island Network, com-       tington and lead applicant for
                                        PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT                                         prising 12 human service and       the Long Island Network.
                                         WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER                                           behavioral health organiza-           The Long Island Network is
                                                                                                          tions from Nassau and Suf-         a regional association of Ad-
                                                                                                          folk counties, has been award-     vanced Health Network and
                                                                                                          ed a New York State grant of       Recovery Health Solutions
                                          ABLE HAS ONLINE ADS AND                                         $5,745,233 in support of addic-    (AHN-RHS), which consists of
                                         PRINT/ONLINE COMBINATIONS                                        tion prevention, treatment, and    50 NYS Office of Mental Health
                                                                                                          recovery programs.                 (OMH) and Office of Addiction
                                                                                                             The Long Island Network         Services and Supports (OA-
                                          LET US ADVISE YOU ON YOUR                                       is composed of Bridge Back to      SAS) licensed agencies.
                                                                                                          Life Center, Inc., CSEDNY,            Expanding behavioral health
                                           BEST ADVERTISING OPTIONS                                       Central Nassau (CN) Guidance       services will break down barriers
                                                                                                          & Counseling Services, Fam-        to treatment and connect people
                                          We Can Accommodate Every Budget                                 ily & Children’s Association       seeking services to resources.
                                                                                                          (FCA), Family Service League,         New Yorkers struggling with
                                               DON’T MISS OUT ON                                          Inc. (FSL), Hispanic Counsel-      an addiction, or whose loved
                                                                                                          ing Center Inc., Mercy Hos-        ones are struggling, can find
                                             OPPORTUNITIES IN ABLE’S                                      pital, Northwell Health-Long       help by calling the State’s toll-
                                                  NEXT ISSUE                                              Island Jewish Medical Center,      free, 24-hour, 7-day-a-week,
                                                                                                          Outreach Development Cor-          HOPE line at 1-877-8-HOPENY
                                                    The Deadline for Each Issue                           poration, South Shore Child        (1-877-846-7369), or by texting
                                                       Of Able Newspaper is                               Guidance/EPIC Long Island,         HOPENY (Short Code 467369).
                                             The 15th of The Month Prior to Publication                   and Sun River Health.              Available addiction treatment
                                                                                                             “Working together under         including crisis/detox, inpatient,
                                                                                                          this unified grant helps our       community residence, or outpa-
                                                         CALL US NOW                                      network of Nassau and Suffolk      tient care can be found using the
                                                                                                          agencies provide a wider selec-    NYS OASAS Treatment Avail-
                                                     516 939-2253                                         tion of services for those most    ability Dashboard at www.find
                                                               OR EMAIL                                   vulnerable,” said Karen Boor-       or
                                                                           shtein, president and CEO of       through the NYS OASAS web-
                                                                                                          FSL, a nonprofit based in Hun-     site.
‘Still Judy’ Gets Arbus Awareness Grant

                                                                                                                                              PAGE 11 MAY 2021 - ABLE NEWSPAPER
      isa Denker has won the         dream of becoming filmmakers,      tially increases the number of         “It’s been important to show
      Loreen Arbus Disabili-         but this grant in and of itself    people who will think about ad-     that beyond Judy’s living with
      ty Awareness Grant from        raises awareness since it’s of-    vancing people with disability      M.S. there exists a whole layered
the New York Women in Film           fered through organizations that   through their art.”                 complex person,” Denker said.
& Television (NYWIFT) for            have a vibrant membership,”           In addition, “Still Judy” re-       Both films will receive promo-
her documentary feature “Still       Loreen Arbus said. “NYWIFT         ceived an in-kind post-produc-      tional support from ReelAbilities
Judy.” Alyscia Cunningham            is a preeminent organization       tion grant for audio description    Film Festival, the largest festival
took an honorable mention for        in the entertainment industry.     for blind and low vision audienc-   in the US dedicated to promoting
her documentary feature “I Am        My seven grants have visibility    es, provided by Michele Spitz,      awareness and appreciation of
More Than My Hair.” The film         throughout the entire country      who has provided this support       the lives, stories and artistic ex-
completion grant, now in its 14th    and reach different members of     to the NYWIFT Loren Arbus           pressions of people with different
year, is provided by longtime dis-   organizations which exponen-       grantees since 2016.                abilities.
ability rights advocate Loreen
Arbus and awards $7,500 to a
woman filmmaker for a film on
physical- or developmental-dis-
ability issues; the honorable
mention winner receives $1,500.
   “Still Judy” is an hour-long
documentary about Judy Finel-
li, who transcends the burden
of living with multiple sclerosis
by connecting to the circus arts
and her family and regains the
will to live anew. “I Am More
Than My Hair” is a documen-
tary film and photography book
that brings awareness to alope-
cia and dispels the myth of what
beauty is supposed to look like,
by featuring women who have
experienced hair loss and how
they empower themselves to see
beauty beyond the media’s stan-
   “Not only is it important to
give incentive to people with dis-
ability who are pursuing their

 Book for Young
Readers Released
   “Rolling Warrior: The Incred-
ible, Sometimes Awkward, True
Story of a Rebel Girl on Wheels
Who Helped Spark a Revolu-
tion” by Judith Heumann is the
fast-paced story that introduces
young readers to the disability
rights movement and shows
them that they have the power
and strength to demand equal
access in an unequal world.
   Heumann is featured in Net-
flix’s Oscar nominated “Crip
Camp,”      the     documentary
about the summer camp for teens
with disabilities that laid the
groundwork for the Disability
Rights Movement.  
   Heumann was named 1977’s
Woman of the Year by “TIME
Magazine.” She has also served
in the Clinton and Obama ad-
ministrations, and was the World
Bank’s first adviser on disability
and development.


                                            All-Around Athlete ‘Paddy D’ Dies

                                               Al Youakim coaches Donaghey at third base.
                                                                      that traveled to Italy and the

                                          By Tony Fitzgerald
                                          atrick John Donaghey        world.
                                          known to his teammates         “Paddy was the ultimate        and man could he push that          chair softball, where he domi-
                                          and friends as “Paddy       competitor     and    fantastic   chair. He was always about the      nated the short fielder position
                                    D” died unexpected on March       athlete,” said John Ham-          team.”                              and won numerous awards.
                                    25. He is known by friends        re, president of the Wheel-          His domination spread to         He had the game winning hit
                                    and family for his versatility    chair Sports Federation, “He      the tennis courts. In 1997 he       to propel the EPVA Mets to
                                    and achievements in adaptive      competed at the highest levels    and Jose Perez won the nation-      the 2003 Division II national
                                    sports and life.                  in wheelchair basketball,         al championship in doubles. In      championship in Minnesota.
                                       Donaghey was born and          tennis and softball with great    August 2020 he won the Cin-         He was involved in many orga-
                                    raised in the Bronx in a big      success. More importantly,        cinnati Ohio Men’s Single “A”       nizations including the USTA
                                    Irish family of seven. On Hal-    he was a great teacher and        Wheelchair Tennis Champion-         Mid-West Wheelchair Tennis
                                    loween night 1987 at the age of   introduced adaptive sports to     ship. At the beginning of 2020      Association, the Wheelchair
                                    25 while at work he was para-     thousands of kids and injured     he was ranked ninth in the          Sports Federation, and the
                                    lyzed by a robbers bullet.        veterans and helped them see      country, which was challeng-        Wounded Warrior Project in
                                       Donaghey played wheelchair     what great things one can         ing considering he had to fight     New York. He was also the as-
                                    basketball and was a member       achieve in life.                  back from multiple health is-       sociate director of the Veter-
                                    of the U.S. National Wheel-          He was our friend, mentor      sues.                               ans Association in New York.
                                    chair Basketball Team in 1996     and inspiration to start the         He was a tennis instruc-         Donaghey participated in the
                                                                      Wheelchair Sports Federa-         tor at the YMCA of Kanawha          1996 Paralympics and founded
                                          Aviator                     tion. He was fun loving, but      Valley for nine years and ab-       the YMCA Wheelchair Basket-
                                                                      also fiercely competitive. You    solutely loved teaching young       ball team.
                                      Softball Starts                 didn’t want to be up against      and old alike. He loved music         A celebration of his life is be-
                                       This Month                     him.”                             and singing and incorporated        ing planned for this summer.  
                                        Starting Monday, May 3           Eddie Lopez one of his best    it into his lessons, telling one      Donaghey is survived by
                                     and every Monday through         friends who tried out for Team    student “Don’t Go Chasing Wa-       his daughter, Michelle Pul-
                                     the end of September play-       USA Basketball with him said,     terfalls” referring to a lyric by   cino (Justin); sisters Mary-
                                     ers will meet at 5:30 p.m. in    ”We owned the 1990’s. Paddy       Hip Hop group TLC, to get her       ann Cipollone (Domenic) and
                                     parking field 4 at Eisenhower    was the point guard that led      to stop going after a bad toss on   Theresa Curry and many
                                     Park in East Meadow.             the N.J. Nets to 11 conference    her serve.                          grandchildren and nieces and
                                        Call Drew at 917 709-5394     championships, Paddy made            In 2000 he took up wheel-        nephew.
                                     for more details.                everyone around him better.
                                                                      He could pass, pick and shoot,                    MORE SPORTS PAGE 16
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