WHITE PAPER Tire Track and Trace Solutions - White Paper

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WHITE PAPER Tire Track and Trace Solutions - White Paper
White Paper

               Tire Track and
              Trace Solutions
White Paper

Modern tire manufacturing is an intricate     Tires need to be tracked in every phase      up to the increasing scrutiny placed on
blend of custom materials, running            of their handling. This task is made         the integrity of the tire manufacturing
through multiple machine processes in         harder by the variability of modern tire     process. Modern bar code reading
a harsh mass-production setting. An           styles and designs. In addition, capturing   systems should minimize maintenance
industry-wide environment of increasing       bar code data is especially challenging      costs, measure dips in performance, and
safety and regulatory concerns, has           because the codes are small and located      catch potentially costly mistakes before
developed a need for reliable traceability    in the bead area of the tire, making         they spread.
of all tire components, as well as the        it difficult for automated equipment
requirement for stringent production and      to read. Bar code systems must be            A comprehensive look at current tire
quality control. In meeting these needs,      robust while providing reliable readings,    tracking solutions used throughout
the now standard, marking of tires with       seamless integrations, and easy              the manufacturing process can reveal
bar codes places a high demand for            maintenance.                                 a number of best-practices and best-
reliable and robust tracking solutions in                                                  in-class solutions that can provide
the unique industrial environments of         In addition to mere traceability, tire       significant cost-savings & efficiency
tire production.                              tracking solutions must continually live     improvements.

Tire Assembly Manufacturing                   Multiple bar code reading applications        • Reliability / Accuracy
                                              are required during the Tire Assembly           Tire industry barcodes are
The first major stage of Tire                 Manufacturing. The codes on the                 inherently short in height and
Manufacturing is the assembly process.        spools of component materials are               also suffer from poor printing
At this point, a series of component          read & verified as they are placed on           which creates ‘quiet zones’. These
materials are dispensed off of their          the assembly machine. The assembled             issues are particularly problematic
specific spools and placed together           Green Tire must also have its bar code          for Laser Scanners (even with
on a building drum. Each of these             read, after it has been applied. Typical        raster patterns), while 2D Imagers
components are themselves a complex           tracking solutions at this stage include        can compensate for bad quiet
assemblage of rubber, textile fabric, and     laser scanners (raster or oscillating           zones, have higher resolution, are
specialized additives which have been         mirror) and 2-D imagers.                        unaffected by code height, and
designed and pre-manufactured for                                                             provide multiple reads of the bar
use in specific tires. These components        Best Practices for bar code                    code.
include the inner liner, body plies &          capturing solutions in Tire Assembly
sidewalls. Once assembled on the drum,         include:                                     • Positive Feedback
the tire bead is married to the tread wall,                                                   Bar code capturing systems that
the tire is inflated, and finally the side-    • No Moving Parts                              provide the operator a positive
tread, steel belts and caps are applied.       		 Use of scanners with 			                    feedback sign (stack light or other
The result is a Green Tire that has been       		 oscillating mirrors creates 		              visible sign), when the code has
assembled from very specific component         		 an unnecessary additional 		                been correctly read.
materials and is ready to be cured or          		 point of wear and failure.

The final step before the Green Tire
leaves the assembly process is the
application and reading of a bar code that
will allow for the tracking of the tire as
it proceeds through its manufacturing.
The bar codes are small (3/8 – 1/2 inch
in height), low-aspect ratio, and placed in
the hard-to-see bead area of the tire.

White Paper

Curing / Vulcanizing                                                                          curing process, the inherently short
                                               The need to effectively track Green Tires      bar codes degrade and become
Once a Green Tire has been assembled           though the curing stations requires            increasingly harder for lasers to find
and coded, it will be cured at high            specialized bar code capturing solutions.      and identify. 2D imager solutions can
temperature and pressure in order to           A combination of the harsh environment         more accurately identify individual tires
give it its final shape as well as to create   surrounding the curing presses, in             as they are conveyed to the press, or
a chemical reaction in the components          addition to the small sized codes placed       on the racks of multiple tires even in
to give the tire the resistance, strength      on tires of varying shapes, requires           start-and-stop applications.
and elasticity it requires to perform as a     robust and reliable solutions. The quality
finished tire. The Green Tire is conveyed      of bar codes themselves continues to         • Positive Feedback
into a mold, which closes and heats the        degrade as they are scuffed by handling        In situations where directing tires
tire for approximately 15-20 min. When         and curing. This intensifies the need for      to the wrong press can be costly
the mold opens, a patterned finished tire      bar code capturing solutions that can          and time consuming, it is especially
is removed and conveyed to the Final           reliably identify the tire’s code.             important to provide the operator a
Finishing and Inspection stages.                                                              positive feedback (stack light or other
                                               Best Practices for bar code capturing          visible sign), when the codes have been
The Green Tires must be tracked as they        solutions in Curing Station include:           read and processed accurately.
are conveyed into the curing mold. The                                                      • Easy of Integration
nature of the tire curing press is such        • Robust
                                                 Whether capturing codes on individual        Bar code capturing solutions should
that it can suffer severe damage if a                                                         support the communication protocol
Green Tire is cured in the wrong size            tires or on racks of them, minimizing
                                                 the use of solutions with moving parts       used through the manufacturing
mold. At the very least, the materials                                                        process. Devices that come with
used in the tire must be scrapped if             (such as scanners with oscillating
                                                 mirrors) will keep bar code trackers in      ‘backup & restore’ modules or come
used in an incorrect press. In addition to                                                    pre-configured & pre-calibrated,
directing each tire to the correct press,        operation longer.
                                                                                              allow for ease of installation and
the temperatures and pressures applied         • Reliable / Accurate                          replacement by non-skilled operators.
to the specific tire should be recorded,         As Tires are handled through the
tracked, and stored for future analysis.

Final Finishing & Inspection                   Final finishing and inspection stations        code makes the laser scanning
                                               are such that bar code readers can not be      solutions less accurate & reliable than
Many tires require additional operations       placed near the tire during the process.       2D Imagers.
before they receive their inspection.          This necessitates solutions that can be
The final finishing can include multiple       small and unobtrusive while accurate         • 2D imager solutions can be
processes such as balancing, white-            from a distance. In addition, the small        turned on when needed, based on tire
walling, the removal of excess rubber left     bar codes tend to have become distorted,       presence inputs, as opposed to laser
from the curing mold and the grinding of       dirty, or degraded in quality from rough       scanners. This increases the
sidewalls. These steps raise rubber dust       handling and the curing processes.             functioning life-span of 2D imagers
particles into the air.                        These codes now need to be read on a           over Laser-based solutions.
                                               high skew angle near the bead of the tire    • Instant Positive Feedback (light stack
After all final finishing steps are            as it is spun in a finishing or inspection     or similar) can be easily provided with
concluded, tires undergo visual and            station.                                       2D imagers. As the codes on the tires
machine inspections. These include                                                            degrade through rough-handling, it
tests where the tires are spun and             2D imaging solutions outperform laser-         is important for operators to know if
verified for uniformity, quality, balance,     based scanners during Final Finishing &        the codes have become unidentifiable,
as wells as x-ray verification of the steel    Inspection:                                    as these tires need to be taken off the
cord structure.                                                                               production line for re-inspection, or
                                               • The far-distance required combined
                                                 with the low-aspect ratio of the bar         removal.

White Paper

SORTING & SHIPPING                             easy for laser scanners to miss.                  repair and re-calibrate it. Long lapses
                                             • The varying height of the bar code                in coverage or costly production stops
Once tires have passed their inspection,       (due to tires of varying design and size)         are caused by complicated maintenance
they travel through a network of               decreases reliable scanning                       & repair.
conveyor systems to arrive at their final    • Laser scanning solutions attempt
packaging destination. Bar code tracking       to overcome the inherent 		                     Multi-head 2D imager arrays
determines the path of the tire through        low performance in the laser scanner            • 2D imagers are not affected by varying
the conveyor system. It is essential that      by adding lots of scanners in different           height to bar code.
the codes on the tires are read accurately     patterns. This creates more points of           • Multiple images of the same bar code
as the progress down the conveyor. Loss        failure, and greater maintenance costs.           are taken to compensate for glare and
of data in the production plant due to a     • Skilled technicians are required to               poor-quality codes.
reader failure, can incur huge costs to        calibrate and recreate the 		                   • No moving parts = lower failure rate.
ensure traceability and in productions         patterns of a laser tunnel, when 		             • By using multiple imagers in an array,
stops.                                         a scanner fails.                                  there is redundant area coverage. If
                                                                                                 one imager fails, there is only a small
Current bar code capturing solutions over    Long Range Linear Cameras                           reduction in read rate.
sorting conveyors include:                   • Creates a single, full image of the tire, one   • Best in Class: Utilize arrays with 5-6
                                               line at a time.                                   imagers (more redundant coverage)
Laser scan tunnels                           • Since only one image of the tire is made,       • Best in Class: Pre-configured solutions
• Many (Up to a dozen+ lasers scanners          only one chance to read bar code 		              require no calibration, can be installed
  in a pattern)                                 exists. If the code happens to have a            and replaced by non-skilled operators.
• Laser scanners are inherently inferior        glare, reflection, or dark-spot at the point   • Best in Class: Solutions with positive
  at scanning the codes on tires in this        the camera finds the code, it will not be        visual indicators for operators (light
  environment.                                  read.                                            on tire or stack light), can quickly lead
• The small, poor-quality (scuffed &         • When a linear camera fails, highly 		             operators to issues before they can
  damaged), high skew angle bar code is         specialized technicians are required             spread and become costly.

Additional Benefits to                       manually inspected/rejected. In these             can distinguish if a code was present (but
Reliable Bar Code Capture:                   cases there are new benefits to be                not read), or if the code was not present
                                             gained from implementation of the more            on the tire at all. By identifying this
Efficient processing of tires as they are    reliable bar code capturing solutions.            additional state (No Code Present), the
conveyed through the Sorting & Shipping      Traditional bar code reading solutions            2-D imager arrays, allow for automatic
process is essential in the high volume      return a state of ‘successful bar code            sorting of tires missing codes vs. unread
modern tire production. Tires with and       reading’ or ‘unsuccessful’. A Solution            codes. This logistical improvement can
without barcodes are mixed together,         built from an array of 2-d imagers                create large efficiency impacts to the tire
requiring these labeled & unlabeled          can accomplish a double functionality             handling and transportation systems.
tires to be sorted out and consequently      from a single location: if a code is not
re-processed through the conveyors, or       successfully read, the 2-D imager arrays

White Paper

System-Wide Benefits to                              with monitoring software, can identify                 About Datalogic
Compatible Bar Code                                  huge cost efficiencies. Throughput
Capturing Solutions                                  can be monitored from any location.                    Datalogic Group is a global leader in
                                                     Maintenance can be automatically                       Automatic Data Capture and Industrial
Solutions utilizing 2D imagers have                  directed where needed. Work-In-                        Automation markets. As a world-class
shown to be at the top of the tire                   Progress inventories can be analyzed                   producer of bar code readers, mobile
tracking options available for each                  real-time. Images & information is                     computers, sensors, vision systems
manufacturing stage. Though each                     stored system-wide for troubleshooting                 and laser marking systems, Datalogic
process has unique code reading                      and efficiency analysis.                               offers innovative solutions for a full
requirements, there are cost and                                                                            range of applications in the retail,
efficiency benefits to be gained from                Future-Flexible Solutions:                             transportation & logistics, manufacturing
analyzing all the solutions used.                    As bar codes may change over time,                     and healthcare industries. With
                                                     2D imagers are capable of handling 2D                  products used in over a third of world’s
Lower Inventory Costs:                               barcodes if industry standards change.                 supermarkets and points of sale,
By utilizing the same imager throughout                                                                     airports, shipping and postal services,
the manufacturing process, a much                                                                           Datalogic is in a unique position to deliver
smaller number of replacements need                  Coding and tracking of tires throughout                solutions that can make life easier and
to be held in inventory. The same 2D                 manufacturing has become a                             more efficient for people. Datalogic
imagers used in arrays over conveyors                requirement in the industry. The                       S.p.A., listed on the STAR segment of
can also be used individually at other               traditional reading systems based                      the Italian Stock Exchange since 2001
stations.                                            on laser technology have permitted                     as DAL.MI, is headquartered in Lippo di
                                                     good reading performance only in                       Calderara di Reno (Bologna). Datalogic
Lower Maintenance Costs:                             some situations, utilizing sophisticated               Group as of today employs about 2,400
In addition, by choosing 2D imagers with             configurations and with low flexibility. 2D            members of staff worldwide distributed
no moving parts, and ‘Backup & Restore’              imaging solutions offer excellent reading              in 30 countries. In 2012 Datalogic Group
functionality, replacement can be                    performance even under the unique &                    achieved revenues for 462,3 million
performed by non-skilled operators.                  harsh conditions of tire manufacturing.                Euro and invested over 32 million Euro
                                                                                                            in Research and Development with a
System-Wide Monitoring:                                                                                     portfolio of over 1,000 patents across the
A large deployment of 2D imagers                                                                            world. For more news and information
collecting data through the tire                                                                            on Datalogic, please visit www.datalogic.
manufacturing process, in conjunction                                                                       com.

Datalogic and the Datalogic logo are registered trademarks of Datalogic S.p.A. in many countries, including the U.S.A. and the E.U.

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