What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect

Page created by Jamie Curtis
What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
What will the role of satellite be
in the delivery of UHD content?
Nicolas Moulin-Fournier, ESOA – Member of the Ultra HD Task Force
                         Eutelsat - Head of the Connected TV Program
TV connect, London, April 30th 2015

What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
Who is ESOA?

  EMEA Satellite Operators Association

   20 satellite operators                         Flying over
    (+14 supporting members)                      182 satellites,

                                                Global coverage of

                                                Covering > 99 %
                                                  of the world
   The world’s 4 largest satellite operators      population
    are EMEA companies

What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
Ultra HD is pushing the limits of user experience in all dimensions

  UHD specs
                                                  The next
    Ultra High Definition TV offers an
    unrivalled new TV viewing experience
                                                 big thing !
                                    (vs HD)
       Higher resolution,
        8 M pixels                  4x pixels

       Higher frame rates,
        60 or 120 fps               2x or 4x

     More and deeper colours       25% more
     Higher Dynamic Range (HDR)    bits/pixel

       Immersive video and audio

What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
Viewers are feeling the difference

                           End 2014
                              Still low unprompted consumer awareness,
                               prompted awareness in WE at 64 %
                              Consumers recognize the superior
                               image quality versus SD and HD
                              Consumers are seduced by UHD experience but
                               expect UHD-TV to be a costly, premium product
                              Genre expectations include:
                               movies, series, documentaries and sport
                              Significant difference in markets maturity:
                                  UK, Germany, Poland: ready to invest / subscribe
                                  France, Italy: need more communication

                                                              Source: Eutelsat 4kTV Focus Groups – Q4-2014   4
                                                                 * Source: Eutelsat TV observatory WE 2014
What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
Viewers are feeling the difference

                                                              “They look like 3D pictures.”
                        “An amazing view of a scene that
                                                                              Italy, male, NPTV
                        I felt I could touch, almost smell,
                        feel. Really realistic. Made me
                        want one of those TVs.”
                                              Female, NPTV    ”You could see every detail, each
                                                              drop, even ashes falling off the
                        “It was a top quality picture,        building, it’s all shown, faces of
                        unbelievable, new technology.”        the firemen. Slow motion is also
                                                  Male, PTV   a plus, it features all the details
                                                              even better.”
                                                                           Poland, 41-65yo - PTV

                        “This must be 4K – already
                        proposed by Sony and Samsung
                        but no broadcasting available for     “… I’d buy a 4K TV, but 4K
                        the moment.”                          broadcasts will only be available
                                           Germany, PTV       in 3 years!”
                                                                         Poland, 41-65yo - PTV

                                                                      Eutelsat 4kTV Focus Groups – Q4-2014   5
What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
TV-set sales are heralding a big commercial success

  UHD shipments, estimates                            UHD TV households ownership
  Mio units                                           Household penetration

                                           MEA                                                                          NA
                             p.a.          LATAM    40%

                             72                                                                                         WEu
                                    28     NAM
                             19                                                                                         Latam
          +97%        47
           p.a.                     28     Europe                                                                       ASPA
                     10                                                                                                 CEEu
                 5                                  10%
   12         5
                             28     31     ASPA                                                                         Af. ME
  1 1                23
 2014         2015   2016   2017    2018              2013   2014   2015   2016   2017     2018       2019       2020

                                                                                   Strategy Analytics, Feb 2015, Eutelsat Estimates   6
What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
But “big thing” means also bigger volumes of information

   Ultra High Definition TV (UHDTV) will offer
    an unrivalled new TV viewing experience
       Higher resolution
       Higher frame rat
       More and deeper colours
       Higher Dynamic Range                      15-30 Mbps
       Immersive video and audio                 per channel

                                                  > 10 GB/hour

What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
UHD would face the limitations of OTT,
if distributed over the Internet

Inability to reach the   Growing distribution   Lower quality of
entire population        costs                  service, especially
                                                at peak hour

What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
UHD would face the limitations of OTT,
if distributed over the Internet

Inability to reach the            Growing distribution   Lower quality of
entire population                 costs                  service, especially
                                                         at peak hour
Fast broadband (>30 Mbps) penetration
Subs as a % of households, 2014

What will the role of satellite be in the delivery of UHD content? - @ESOA_SatOp #tvconnect
UHD would face the limitations of OTT,
if distributed over the Internet

 Inability to reach the                         Growing distribution             Lower quality of
 entire population                              costs                            service, especially
                                                                                 at peak hour
     Lower image quality …
     … or no video service at all               OTT distribution cost pattern
  Fast Broadband penetration                              Switching point
  % household, 2014 (30+ Mbps)                              to satellite


      29 27
              22 21%                                                               Satellite
                       11 10
                               8       15%

NL PT SE PL UK DE ES FR IT                                                          # viewers

                                                                                   Source: European commission, Eutelsat analysis   10
UHD would face the limitations of OTT,
if distributed over the Internet

 Inability to reach the                         Growing distribution            Lower quality of
 entire population                              costs                           service, especially
                                                    CDN costs increase with
                                                                                at peak hour
     Lower image quality …                     
                                                    the audience                   Broadband networks
     … Or even no video service
                                                    Unsustainable for UHD           saturated by OTT demands
      at all                                    

  Fast Broadband penetration                    OTT distribution cost pattern   Internet at peak hour
  30+ Mbps (2014)
40%                                             Cost

      29 27
              22 21%
                                       Europe                      Satellite
                       11 10
                               8       15%
                                                                                Adaptive bit rate that
                                                                                transforms your UHD content
                                                                   # viewers    in HD of SD content

                                                                                     Source: European commission, Eutelsat analysis   11
Internet is the wrong horse
for mass-market commercial launch of Ultra-HD

                                         Addressing a portion of subscriber base
    Start UHD service on OTT
                                          scattered around the territory

                                         New digital divide
    UHD service:                          Still 38% homes not passed by NGA
     nation-wide promise                   Only 15% subscribing to it
                                         Frustrating non-eligible subscribers

    Nation-wide marketing               Very high cost / eligible subscriber

                                       Wait 2020 at best (€ 150 bn investment) …
    Wait that fibre reaches
                                       … while you can offer the same service
     all your subscribers
                                        TODAY, with an existing infrastructure

Satellite is the right distribution for mass-market service

  Status of Ultra-HD per infrastructure

                                          REACH   IMAGE QUALITY   TIMETABLE

      Satellite                                            
      Cable                                                  
      DTT                                                      
      IPTV                                                      
      OTT                                                      

Satellite can be used as a feed to other distribution networks,
thanks to its available bandwidth and ubiquity

  Status of Ultra-HD per infrastructure

    Ultra HD            Ultra HD          Ultra HD    Ultra HD

Nation-wide commercial launches of Ultra-HD
have started on satellite

    Nov 2014:                                    Launch of 4K set top
     Nation-wide                                   boxes
     of UHD VoD service,                          1st WW commercial UHD channel
     preloaded via satellite                       (Star Sports), ahead of
                                                   ICC Cricket World Cup
    Later in 2015
     launch first channels                        March 2015:
                                                   7 matches broadcasted

     Real UHD:                                    Mass audience reached with state of
      guaranteed quality of service                 the art TV quality for a leading sport
     100% subscribers reach:                       event
      existing set-top-boxes are compatible
      with UHD service

EMEA actors are actively preparing Ultra-HD launches
over satellite

                                 “Sky delivers first 4K TV broadcast in UK”
                                 “Sky Germany launches UHD demo for
                                  IFA 2014”
                                 “Over-the-air 4K broadcast of
                                  (Roland Garros) French Open”
                                 “Rai screens 1st UHD Documentary
                                  (Rossini) and “La Boheme””
                                 “Red bull gives wings to 4K”
                                 “Tricolor TV launches pilot 4K channel”
                                 Ultra-HD distribution based on satellite
                                  feeds with Cable/IP (Vodafone, ANGA,
                                  PIKE…) and DTT (TDF) players
                                 …

Analysts expect satellite to drive Ultra-HD roll-out

  Number of Ultra HD Channels by platform

                                                                       ~20 Ultra-HD channels
                                                          821           expected in 2015-16
                                                          260 Others
                                              585                      About 60% channels
                                        484                            from North America,
                            234                           561 DTH
                106                                                    70% of UHD channels
 15   23                                                                distributed via DTH
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

                                                                                  Northern Sky Research, 2014   17
Latest version of HbbTV standard includes push-VoD

    Open standard for advanced TV       Growing adoption of the standard
                                                                   Current deployment 1.x
   CE manufacturers                                               V2.0 to be deployed


   Broadcasters


                                                                       HbbTV Association    18
HbbTV push-VoD: key for free-to-air broadcasters
to offer on-demand Ultra-HD

    Push-VoD benefits                                    benefits

   Flat-fee distribution cost,             Free-to-air broadcasters
    irrespective of the audience                Access push-VoD distribution model
                                                 (standard feature of TV sets and set
                                                 top boxes)
   Guaranteed quality of service

                                            Small pay TV platforms
   Broader reach of VoD service
                                              CE economies of scale
    (100% population reachable)
                                              No proprietary push-VoD technology
                                               to integrate
   HD and UHD services to all viewers
    (beyond broadband footprint)


   Ultra HD is here to stay - the next frontier
    in TV experience, expected by the end users
   Satellites: ready to broadcast UHD content,
    direct-to-home or to other infrastructures
   1st DTH commercial services have started
   Satellite: the right distribution for nation-wide
    UHD services, thanks to
     Large availability of bandwidth
     Massive reach, and the ability to deliver UHD
      content irrespective of Internet speed at home
     Constant quality of service, guaranteeing a UHD
     Cost effectiveness, flat fee distribution cost
      irrespective of the audience

Thank you

Nicolas Moulin-Fournier, ESOA – Member of the Ultra HD Task Force
                         Eutelsat - Head of the Connected TV Program

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