What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You

Page created by Marc Baldwin
What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You
What the Proposed East Central Iowa
Cooperative Merger Means for You
By Mike Kinley, chief executive officer

    With every new year comes new opportunities. East             A look at the merged cooperative
Central Iowa Cooperative (ECIC) has approached Mid-Iowa               While Mid-Iowa members will not vote on the proposed
about a potential merger, and it offers members of both           merger, ECIC members will. Ballots will be mailed to ECIC
cooperatives some significant advantages.                         members on March 11 and must be returned by March
    We’ve been hosting meetings this winter to keep the           29. A formal membership meeting will be held April 3 to
members of Mid-Iowa and ECIC updated on the unification           announce the results of the merger vote.
proposal. ECIC has recently faced                                                               If ECIC members approve
some challenging financial times                                                            the merger, the proposed name
and currently finds itself without a                                                        of the unified organization will
general manager. ECIC brings a lot                                                          be Mid-Iowa Cooperative. The
to the table, though. They have some                                                        administrative offices will remain
underutilized, key assets that would                                                        in Conrad, and I’ll serve as CEO
enhance Mid-Iowa’s strengths.                                                               of the cooperative. All team
    For example, ECIC has access                                                            members from Mid-Iowa and
to one Class I mainline railroad                                                            ECIC will be employed by the
(Canadian National) via its rail-                                                           merged cooperative. Watch for
loading facility at Cedar Falls. It also has rail access on       more details as this proposed merger moves forward.
the Iowa Northern Railroad via its La Porte City facilities.          Unifying with ECIC offers a way to strengthen both
The La Porte City facilities can load grain and unload            companies while focusing on our core values of staying
liquid propane. These assets can open up Mid-Iowa’s grain         connected to our local communities and building lifelong
marketing options and enhance our growing energy business.        relationships through understanding and trust — one day at
    ECIC also has a successful feed business, which               a time.
represents another opportunity to add value to the grain
we originate from our members. ECIC needs more volume
through their rail facilities, and this fits Mid-Iowa’s need to
find more efficient destination markets to sell our grain.

                                                     SPRING 2019
What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You
Three Leaders Elected to Mid-Iowa’s Board
  Three local farmers were elected or re-elected to
Mid-Iowa Cooperative’s board during the 2018 annual                    Jeff Hibbs of Albion was re-elected
meeting, including:                                                for another three-year term. Hibbs has
                                                                   farmed for the past 40 years, raising
                                                                   corn, soybeans, alfalfa and cattle.
                               Hank Miller of Beaman was           Hibbs has served on the Mid-Iowa
                          running for his final three-year term.   Coop board for 15 years. “There has
                          Hank has farmed with his brother,        been tremendous growth in the co-
                         Malcolm, for the past 39 years. He        op during my time on the board, and the future looks even
                         also farms with Malcolm’s son-in-law,     brighter,” he states.
                        Brian Feldpausch. The family grows
                        corn, soybeans and alfalfa, in addition
                       to managing a beef feedlot. Miller has                                    Kirk Stackhouse of Marshalltown
served as a Mid-Iowa board director for the past 18 years.                                  first joined the Mid-Iowa board
“While it’s vital for Mid-Iowa to grow and become stronger,                                 as an associate member in 2017
Mid-Iowa must never outgrow the sense that it’s equally                                    and was elected to the board in late
owned by neighbors and friends,” Miller said.                                              2018. After earning his degree in
                                                                                          aerospace engineering from Iowa
                                                                                          State University, Stackhouse spent 25
                                                                                         years working for Pratt & Whitney, a
                                                                   jet engine manufacturer, before returning to Iowa in 2011 to
                                                                   help run his family’s corn and soybean farm operation.

Thanks for Joining Us
for Beef Quality
Assurance Training
                    By Bailey Uhlenhopp, livestock
                    production specialist

                     Whether you raise cattle or eat beef, you
                  want a safe, wholesome and healthy food
                 supply. That’s why the feed team at
                Mid-Iowa Cooperative offered Beef Quality
Assurance (BQA) training on the evening of January 9.
    Approximately 154 attendees packed Memorial Hall               and environmental conditions. BQA guidelines are designed
in Beaman, where they enjoyed a meal provided by the               to make certain all beef consumers can trust the entire beef
Marshall County Cattlemen and Mid-Iowa Coop. There                 industry and take pride in the beef they purchase.
was no cost to attend the BQA training, which was led                 Thanks for your commitment to following BQA
by Russ Euken, an Iowa State University Extension beef             practices on your farm. The Mid-Iowa feed team
program specialist.                                                appreciates the opportunity to help you develop rations
    BQA is a nationally coordinated, state-implemented             and supply the feed and other products you need to raise
program that combines common-sense animal husbandry                high-quality beef.
techniques with scientific knowledge. The goal? Help
livestock producers raise cattle under optimum management

2   ©2019 Mid-Iowa Cooperative. All Rights Reserved.
What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You
Have You Shifted Your Focus?
By Linda Kuhl, commodity marketing manager

    How do you handle adversity?           told the Ag Street audience from
We can all take a lesson from Chris        his wheelchair. “But what’s most
Norton, who spoke at our 2019 Ag           important is what you do next.”
Street™ crop fair in Tama on January 21.
    Chris recalled a beautiful October     Most challenges are invisible
day in 2010 when he jogged onto the            Isn’t that true of so many things in
football field with his Luther College     life, including the challenging times
teammates in Decorah. Within               we’re going through in agriculture? It’s
minutes, however, the 18-year-old          all about where you focus your attitude.
was wheeled off on a stretcher after           I can’t tell you how many growers
a routine tackle fractured his spine,      have told me they wish we’d never
causing significant damage to his          had $7 corn and $13 soybeans. Those
spinal cord.                               prices made it so tough to switch the          Chris Norton (right) stands with
    I’ll never forget his story of the     focus to a new reality that’s closer to $4      the help of his friend, Richie.
helicopter ride as medics rushed him       corn and $9 beans.
from Decorah to the Mayo Clinic                As we all adapt to this new reality,     networking opportunities to meet with
in Rochester so he could undergo           we’ve got to quit holding off for the        other growers and ag professionals,
emergency surgery. While Chris was         “might,” as in, “I think I’ll wait to sell   including the speakers, vendors and
stabilized, he felt like he couldn’t       grain because prices might go up a lot       members of the Mid-Iowa team.
breathe. His paralyzed body wouldn’t       higher.” Instead, let’s shift our focus to       Our grain marketing team is here
let him speak or wave or do anything,      the pricing opportunities that present       to listen to your needs, develop a
however, to get the medics’ attention.     themselves, even if they’re not the          plan tailored for you and give you the
    “I convinced myself I was going to     opportunities you expect.                    discipline to support those sales. While
die,” Chris said. “But then I began to                                                  there’s nothing we can do to take away
focus on the air I was getting, rather     You’re not alone                             the unsettled feeling you’ll probably
than the air I wasn’t getting. How did         Know that you’re not alone as you        experience sometimes as you execute
I go from overwhelmed to optimistic,       try to adapt to this new marketing           your plan, we’ll help you keep your
from panic to positive? It all came back   environment. We’re all in this together      eyes on the prize.
to where I focused my attitude.”           and need to stick together. Like Chris           We want to become your trusted
    While doctors gave Chris a three       said during his speech, “My challenges       business partner. Let’s start the
percent chance of ever moving              are visible, but most challenges you         conversation today. We’ll meet with
anything below the neck, he eventually     can’t see. I know that someone in this       you wherever it’s convenient, whether
beat the odds during his long-fought       room right now needs encouragement.”         that’s your kitchen table or your farm
journey to recovery, even standing long        Maybe you could use some                 shop. Contact us at 800-950-2740,
enough to walk with his bride, Emily,      encouragement. That’s one of the             or 641-366-2740. We appreciate the
down the aisle at their 2018 wedding.      reasons we offer events like the Ag          opportunity to work with you.
    “In life, we all get hit,” Chris       Street crop fair. We want to give you

 Show-Rite                                     Thanks to everyone who attended
                                           Mid-Iowa’s second annual Show-
                                                                                        learn from Show-Rite representative
                                                                                        Miles Toenyes, who spoke about

 Clinic Helps                              Rite Clinic on December 27 at the
                                           Memorial Hall in Beaman. We were
                                                                                        cattle, sheep and swine nutrition,
                                                                                        management and showmanship.

 Train Livestock
                                           pleased to have more than 50 attendees           Next year, we’ll offer a clinic for
                                           at this free event, including local 4-H      beef producers, with information on

                                           and FFA members, county Extension            how to clip and fit your animals for the
                                           staff and ag instructors.                    show ring. Watch for more details later
                                               There’s always something new to          this year!

What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You
Thanks for Attending
Mid-Iowa’s 2019 Crop Fair
    It was great to see many of you at Mid-Iowa’s popular Ag Street 2019
crop fair at the Meskwaki Bingo Casino at Tama on January 21. We
had approximately 150 attendees who learned about timely ag issues,
including grain marketing, politics, economics, conservation and more.
    Thanks to all our vendors, sponsors and great speakers, including Iowa
Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig; Mindy Larsen Poldberg, director
of government relations with the Iowa Corn Growers Association; Dr.
Wendong Zhang, an assistant professor in the Department of Economics
at Iowa State University; and motivational speaker Chris Norton, who
offered real-world advice for dealing with adversity.
    We hope to see you again at Ag Street 2020!

Mobil™ Motor Oils Help You Go the Extra Mile
                   By Matthias Schwartzkopf, energy manager

                        Motor oils matter.       We’d been looking at different
                   We know the right         options to find the best solutions for
                   oil can help you get      you and for Mid-Iowa and chose Mobil      DON’T MISS THESE DEALS
                  the most out of your       Oil. Mobil has the same specifications
                 vehicles and farm           for oil as Cenex, plus Mobil’s products     Now that Mid-Iowa has
equipment. That’s why we’re always           are priced competitively. You can save       switched from Cenex
looking for the best options to meet         money with some Mobil products,            products to Mobil Oil, all
your needs and recently switched from        especially bulk oil.                      remaining Cenex products
Cenex products to Mobil Oil.                     No matter what you’re driving,          have been discounted.
    We had carried Cenex oils and            Mobil oils are specially formulated       Once they’re gone, they’re
lubricants for years, but rising prices,     to go the distance. Want more details      gone! Contact Matthias
the larger size of orders required, and      about options available through                Schwartzkopf at
delivery schedules weren’t convenient        Mid-Iowa’s energy department?             641-366-2040 for details.
for our needs. Special orders also           Contact me at 641-366-2040, or
became increasingly challenging to           mschwartzkopf@midiowacoop.com.
provide, as well.

What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You
Take Advantage of More Fertilizer Options
    Increased demand for 32% nitrogen (N) has become
more common in our trade territory as more of you seek
more fertilizer options. At the same time, getting 32% N can
be a logistical challenge.
    That’s why we’ve been installing and filling a new
500,000-gallon tank to hold 32% at our Beaman location,
west of the feed mill. The tank is up and running, and will
be sandblasted and painted when the weather cooperates.
    Having this tank in place will help alleviate a lot
of hassles this spring. The new tank will give us more
flexibility to apply 32%, if many of you book anhydrous
ammonia but weather conditions delay the opportunity to
apply all this product.
    The tank will also allow us to take advantage of discounts
so we can pass along more competitive prices to you.

                                                                          The new
                                                                 32% nitrogen tank
                                                                   at Beaman is up
                                                                       and running.

What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You
P.O. Box 80
    Beaman, Iowa 50609

3 Ways We’re Making 2019 Planting Easier
                By Nick Sawyer, agronomy manager

                   Since Mother Nature was so challenging last fall, it looks like this will be a “Smokey and the Bandit”
               spring — we’ve got a long ways to go, and a short time to get there.
                  While everyone will be trying to get a lot of work done in a short amount of time, we’ve been working on
              three resources to make life easier for you:

1. Crop nutrients you need,             2. Financing options.                       3. Support from Mid-Iowa’s
   when you need them.                                                                 seed and agronomy team.
                                            It looks like there will be more
  Mid-Iowa has invested in a new            corn-on-corn acres in our territory
                                                                                       This spring, we will all need to
  32% nitrogen tank in Beaman. This         in 2019. I know margins are tight
                                                                                       work together to get everything
  500,000-gallon tank will allow us         in crop production, but we can help
                                                                                       done on time. We can do it,
  to take advantage of discounts so         you find financing options to fit
                                                                                       though, with planning and good
  we can offer you more competitive         your unique farming operation.
                                                                                       communication. If you decide to
  prices. The tank will also give                                                      change any of your 2019 crop plans,
  us more flexibility to apply 32%,                                                    let us know as soon as possible so
  if many of you book anhydrous                                                        we can work with you.
  ammonia but weather conditions
  delay the opportunity to apply all
  this product.

                We know you have a lot of choices as you plan for a successful 2019 crop.
    Thanks for choosing Mid-Iowa. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you.
What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You What the Proposed East Central Iowa Cooperative Merger Means for You
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