What impact for non-curricular internships? - IRPET
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What impact for Crisiinternships? non-curricular o ripresa? Leonardo Ghezzi e Nicola Sciclone E. Cappellini, M. L. Maitino, V. Patacchini, N. Sciclone REASSESSMENT AND PERSPECTIVES OF LABOUR POLICIES 14 December 2017, Rome IRPET - Istituto Regionale per la Programmazione Economica della Toscana
In summary 1. The problem Youth unemployment has a large structural component In Italy the school-to-work transition is slow and hard (Pastore, 2017). This problem contributes to explain the high level of youth unemployment. In Italy, and in Tuscany, the structural component of youth unemployment is connected to the misalignment between educational provision and productive skills requirement. This mismatch explains around 40 percent of the observed unemployed (Irpet 2017) 2. The measure to facilitate the entry of young people into work Giovanisì project The Tuscany Region, as part of the Giovanisì project, grants private firms to receive a contribution of 300 euros if they activate non-curricular internships with young people between 18 and 29 years old. The duration of the training period is six months 3. The evaluation exercise: key findings Non curricular internships improves employment opportunities of young jobseekers They are effective stepping-stones into a work, although not necessarily lead to a regular work Internships effectiveness depends on participants characteristics Effectiveness is more relevant for participants without previous working experiences. As a whole, internships are more effective for youngest people (18-29 aged) with worst employment chances, while they are less useful for those easier to relocate in the labour market
In summary Internees have faster transition to work and enduring careers Compared to other contractual forms, internees have shorter waiting time for a subsequent hiring and longer employment spells: if first job seekers, they spend more days in employment than non internees (considering 18 months subsequent their entry in the labour market). 4. The evaluation exercise: Data Base Analysis relies on administrative data, using: a) the dataset on European Social Fund (ESF) activities; b) the dataset on unemployed signed up by Public Employment Services; c) the labour market flows information system (hirings, transformations, extensions and terminations of dependent contracts). All data refers to Tuscany (Italy) for the period 2012-2014. 5. The evaluation exercise: methodology The evaluation is based on non experimental control group design. Exploiting administrative data, impact estimates are obtained controlling for initial conditions through statistical matching (propensity score matching).
Internships in Tuscany: main figures Internships 2009-2016 Internships on total hirings 2009-2016 Absolute values Percentage point 16.000 8% No confunded by GiovaniSì No confunded by GiovaniSì Cofunded by GiovaniSì Cofunded by GiovaniSì 14.000 7% 12.000 6% 10.000 5% 8.000 4% 6.000 3% 4.000 2% 2.000 1% 0 0% 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% Ristorazione Commercio al dettaglio Alloggio Agricoltura Istruzione Attività sportive Supporto per le funzioni d'ufficio Servizi per edifici e paesaggio Costruzione specializzati Articoli in pelle e simili Confezione di articoli di abbigliamento, in pelle e… Personale domestico Commercio all'ingrosso Servizi per la persona Magazzinaggio Industrie alimentari Prodotti in metallo (escl. macchinari) Education. P.A Costruzioni Composition Attività creative, artistiche Sanità Assistenza sociale residenziale Lotterie e le case da gioco Assistenza sociale Organizzazioni associative Trasporto terrestre Macchinari ed apparecchiature nca Attività editoriali Industrie tessili Attività legali e contabilità Commercio e ripar. autoveicoli Attività dei servizi d'informazione e servizi informatici Produzione di software, consulenza informatica Ricerca, selezione, fornitura di personale Pubblicità e ricerche di mercato Silvicoltura Agenzie di viaggio e tour operator Riparazione, manutenzione e install. macchine Servizi finanziari Computer, prod. elettronica e ottica Altre attività profes. trade, Accomodation, Agricolture and Attività immobiliari These sector absorb 50% of the trainees Altre industrie manifatturiere Prodotti farmaceutici Carta Food and beverage service activities, Retail Vigilanza e investigazione Consulenza gestionale Servizi postali Prodotti della lavor. minerali non metal. Gomma e materie plastiche Raccolta, trattamento e smaltimento dei rifiuti Altri mezzi di trasporto Studi di architettura e d'ingegneria Percentage value Prodotti chimici Ricerca scientifica e sviluppo Mobili Metallurgia Legno Noleggio e leasing operativo Appar. elettriche e per uso domestico Cultura Incidence Industria delle bevande Servizi finanziari e assic. Ingegneria civile Stampa Telecomunicazioni Energia elet., gas, vapore e aria condiz. Internships in Tuscany: main figures Autoveicoli, rimorchi e semirimorchi and whosale trade Computer e beni personali Trasporto marittimo Raccolta e fornituraornitura di acqua Servizi di gestione dei rifiuti Minerali da cave e miniere Trasporto aereo Assicurazioni Pesca Coke e prodotti derivanti dal petrolio Gestione delle reti fognarie Organizzazioni ed organismi extraterritoriali Attività di programmazione e trasmissione Beni e servizi per uso proprio Servizi di supporto all'estrazione Servizi veterinari Industria del tabacco Compared to the weight that hirings Attività di prod. cinematografica, video e musicale the more use of internships are retail have in each sectors, those that make Minerali metalliferi Petrolio greggio e di gas naturale Estrazione di carbone
Questions and techniques RESEARCH QUESTIONS STATISTIC TECHNIQUES 1. Has internships improved young Propensity score matching people to enter the labor market? And who benefit the most? 2. What happens to trainees once their employment relationship has Cox regression ceased? Do they find a new job Linear parametric regression faster? Do they work even longer? 3. Is the effect of training persistent Propensity score matching over time?
Identification strategy GROUP OF TREATED GROUP OF CONTROLS Trainees For all three-month periods identified All those who have started an on the basis of the interniships’ internships between 2012 and starting dates, the control group is 2014. Trainees are grouped by represented by all unemployed three-month periods on the basis of people being registered to Public the starting date of the hiring Employment Services for the first time in the same period. Source: European Social Fund Source: Public Employement database Services database Number: 14.400 Treated Number: 80.700 Controls
Identification strategy IDENTIFICATION STRATEGY Counterfactual approach based on propensity scorematching MATCHING VARIABLES Exact matching on: sex, nationality, unemployment status (first time job seeker/unemployed) and period of evaluation Propensity score matching on: age, local labour system
Balancing test MEAN STANDARDIZED VARIANCE DIFFERENCES RATIO Pre- Post- Pre- Post- matching matching matching matching First job seekers Age 0.286 0.000 0.850 1.001 SLL 0.047 0.000 0.900 1.003 Unemployed Age -0.137 0.000 0.872 1.001 SLL 0.005 0.000 0.961 1.001
Balancing test: treated and controls along common support First job seekers Unemployed Units that have same characteristics should have a positive but not perfect probability of being either participants or nonparticipants to the measure. This condition is respected: in fact we observe the overlap in the propensity scores of the participants and non- participants
Has internships improved young people to enter the labor market? And who benefit the most? EXIT RATE FROM UNEMPLOYMENT TO EMPLOYMENT Probability of being hired with and without interniships First job seekers Unemployed 90 100 Counterfactual Average Treatment effect on then Treated (ATT) Average Treatment effect on then Treated (ATT) Counterfactual 80 5 70 11 7 60 50 3 40 66 72 30 60 54 20 40 46 10 0 Not statically significat -10 -20 within 9 months within 12 months within 18 months within 9 months within 12 months within 18 months
What happens to trainees once their employment relationship has ceased? Cox (Proportional Hazards) Regression Survival function Coef. P>z Main Età 0.0298702 0.000 Maschio 0.1751649 0.000 Italiano -0.2218391 0.000 Diploma 0.5120911 0.000 Laurea 0.7228903 0.000 Durata contratto di esordio 0.0011916 0.000 Contratto di esordio Apprendistato 0.0088142 0.444 Somministrazione 0.05992084 0.000 Flessibili (parasub e -0.2013217 0.000 intermitt) Tirocinio 0.1660257 0.000 tvc Età -0.0173914 0.000 Maschio -0.0209262 0.000 Cittadinanza 0.0035254 0.417 Durata contratto di esordio -0.00027 0.000
Does the internship help you work longer? Days worked in the 18 months from the end of the contract of debut in the labour market - Linear regression I II III Femmina -10*** -8.5*** -5.5** Straniero 19.7*** 27.5*** 23.1*** Età 0.3 1.3*** 0.3 Obbligo -22.7*** -15.3*** -16.5*** Laurea 51.6*** 35.8*** 24.1*** Apprendistato 31*** 1.0 Somministrazione 15.4*** 35.4*** Flessibile (parasub, intermitt) 13.3*** 4.1 Tirocinio 113*** 78.2*** Durata contratto esordio 0.5*** COSTANTE (id tipo) 236*** 189*** 172*** * Significant at10%, ** Significant at 5%, *** Significant at 1%
-30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month 7 month 8 month 9 month 10 month 11 month 12 month 13 month 14 month 15 month ATT 16 month First job seekers 17 month Treated 18 month 19 month 20 month 21 month Counterfactual 22 month 23 month 24 month -20% -10% 0% -30% 10% 30% 40% 50% 60% 20% 1 month 2 month 3 month 4 month 5 month 6 month 7 month 8 month 9 month 10 month 11 month 12 month 13 month Monthly probability of being employed 14 month 15 month Unemployed ATT 16 month 17 month 18 month Treated 19 month 20 month 21 month 22 month Counterfactual 23 month 24 month Persistence of the effect of internship over time
Conclusions Non curricular internships improves employment opportunities of youth Internships effectiveness is more relevant for youth without previous working experiences Non curricular internships ensure higher probability to find a new job and shorter waiting time in unemployment (comparing to other fixed term contracts) Internships effectiveness is persistent in the short and medium term
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