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Contents ISSUE 4 2021 P.10 P.8 FEATURES DEPARTMENTS 8 Membership Provides Immeasurable Value 6 Message From WBA President and CEO Stephen G. Andrews 10 While the Best Offense is a Good Defense, We Often Support Measures Too 30 2021 WBA Advertiser Index 12 Bank Cyber Attacks: What The ‘Hack’ Is Going On? 13 WBA Incident Response Program: Frequently Asked Questions P.13 14 Ask the Compliance Guru 16 Board of Directors Updates 21 Membership Updates 28 Endorsed Partners View this issue and past issues of WesternBanker online any time at www.westernbankers.com ;IWXIVR&EROIVMWXLISJ½GMEPTYFPMGEXMSRSJ;IWXIVR&EROIVW%WWSGMEXMSR Western Bankers Association, 1303 J Street, Suite 600, Sacramento, CA 95814, P: 916-438-4400/F: 916-441-5756, Email online at www.westernbankers.com. ©2021 Western Bankers Association | NFR Communications, LLC. All rights reserved. WesternBanker is published six times each year by NFR Communications, LLC for Western Bankers Association and EOPDAKBł?E=HLQ>HE?=PEKJBKNPDEO=OOK?E=PEKJ1DAEJBKNI=PEKJ?KJP=EJA@EJPDEOLQ>HE?=PEKJEOEJPAJ@A@PKLNKRE@ACAJAN=HEJBKNI=PEKJBKNNAREAS ?KJOE@AN=PEKJ=J@IAI>ANA@Q?=PEKJ1DA?KJPAJPO@KJKP ?KJOPEPQPAHAC=H=@RE?A=J@ODKQH@JKP>ANAHEA@KJ=OOQ?D&BUKQJAA@HAC=H=@RE?AKN=OOEOP=J?A EPEOOPNKJCHUNA?KIIAJ@A@PD=PUKQ?KJP=?P=J=PPKNJAU=OPKUKQN?EN?QIOP=J?AO1DAOP=PAIAJPO=J@KLEJEKJO expressed in this publication are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily represent the views of Western Bankers Association, its board of directors, or the publisher. Likewise, the appearance of advertisements within this publication does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation of any product or service advertised. WesternBanker is a collective work, and as such, some articles are submit- PA@>U=QPDKNOSDK=NAEJ@ALAJ@AJPKB4AOPANJ=JGANOOOK?E=PEKJ4DEHA4AOPANJ=JGANOOOK?E=PEKJAJ?KQN=CAO=łNOPLNEJPLKHE?U EJ?=OAOSDANAPDEOEOJKPLKOOE>HA ARANUABBKNPD=O>AAJI=@APK comply with any known reprint guidelines or restrictions. Content may not be reproduced or reprinted without prior written permission. For further information, please contact the publisher at 855.747.4003. Graphic Art: © iStockphoto.com/ModernLife; shironosov; atakan; Cecilie_Arcurs; baona; Rawpixel; themacx 4 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
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Message From Western Banker Association President and CEO Stephen G. Andrews Stephen G. Andrews President and CEO Western Bankers Association SAndrews@westernbanker.com Membership is the hallmark of our association and we are honored to represent the industry and the individual banks that make significant differences in the communities they serve. T hese past few months have seen some positive We are also looking forward to the Annual Conference improvements as it relates to the pandemic, the which will be held at the Fairmont Orchid on the island economy and the return to normal. Throughout of Hawaii. This premier event features a golf tourna- this pandemic, the WBA team has been laser-focused on ment, keynote speakers, one-on-one meetings with regu- our mission to serve this industry as an advocate and re- lators and dynamic sessions. Col. Greg Gadson, United source. We are looking forward to a busy end of summer States Army (Ret.), Andrew Busch, former Chief Market and fall with a series of premier conferences and events as Intelligence Officer for the U.S. Government, and Chris well as important advocacy initiatives and a joint Wash- Thornberg, founding partner at Beacon Economics, will ington, D.C., visit with our colleagues from Florida. be our keynote speakers. We are pleased that we already have strong registration numbers and sponsor support The Professional Development team has been hard at work for this event. finalizing details and speakers for our upcoming conferenc- Our fall events include the Regulatory Compliance Con- es. Our very first in-person event — in 18 months — will be ference and Cannabis Forum and the Lenders and Chief held at the Hyatt Regency Huntington Beach Resort and Spa Credit Officers Conference which will be held in October this August. The Education Summit will feature 28 expert and November respectively. presenters, 20 learning sessions, five general session and key- note speakers and endless networking opportunities. This In addition to the conferences, we continue to host a se- event sets the standard in banker education and offers more ries of “Membership Updates,” featuring experts on topics learning opportunities and access to industry leaders than ranging from regulatory updates to industry trends. These any other banking conference on the West Coast. free Zoom meetings provide timely and relevant informa- 6 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
tion as well as peer interaction opportunities. While we Legislature adjourned for the summer recess. While have been concerned about “Zoom Fatigue,” the asso- the team’s work is never really done, the recess gives ciation’s webinar program continues to draw strong par- them time to work with allies and legislative staff to ticipation from bankers at every career level. build consensus and develop strategies on critical leg- islation before the Legislature returns on August 16. Membership is the hallmark of our association and we are honored to represent the association industry and Thank you for being a WBA member and I look forward the individual banks that make significant differences to seeing you at our upcoming in-person events. in the communities they serve. This year we dedicated Sincerely, additional resources to developing our membership in our 13-state footprint and we are excited to wel- come several new and returning member banks to our association in the last couple of months alone. They include: Flatirons Bank, Nevada Bank & Trust, Op- portunity Bank of Montana, Redwood Capital Bank, United Pacific Bank and Utah Independent Bank. We hope that you will take a moment to welcome them. P.S. If you haven’t already, I encourage you to follow In the last weeks of June and the beginning of July, the us on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook for advocacy team was monitoring a flurry of legislative our latest conference updates, member news and in- activity and committee meetings before the California dustry information. ABA RISK MANAGEMENT CERTIFICATES Build Foundational Knowledge with Online Training • Risk Management Frameworks • Operational Risk Management • Financial and Credit Risk Management aba.com/RiskCerts8# WesternBanker | Issue 4 2021 7
Membership Provides Immeasurable Value By James Beckwith, Chairman, Western Bankers Association & President and CEO, Five Star Bank I am very pleased to have been elected Chair of the Over the past year, the WBA of- Board of the Western Bankers Association and fered clarity on numerous topics and thank past Chair, Dave Joves, for his commitment served as a bastion of information, and contributions. As a member of the WBA, I recog- support and hope. As Board Chair, I nized the tremendous value of the association’s exten- look forward to bringing awareness sive resources. As Chair, I look forward to supporting to the association’s solution-driven the association’s mission to advocate on behalf of the programming, yet want to emphasize industry and to create a forum for learning, networking the critical significance of relationship James Beckwith and exchanging ideas. building and idea sharing that allow WBA Board Chair, President & CEO, for meaningful and mutual support. Five Star Bank We know the WBA serves members in the areas of As we begin to navigate a post-pan- professional development, legislation, advocacy and demic landscape, I look forward to further idea genera- strategic partnerships. Yet it is the intangible benefit tion that will help us all meet the current needs of our that comes with sharing ideas with bankers across the clients and the communities we serve. Western United States that I find to be of immeasurable I strongly believe that by working together, we elevate value and impact. Relationships and friendships created the banking profession while perfecting our craft. I also through the WBA were especially critical in 2020. The believe the WBA will provide you the tools, support and mutual support, feedback, guidance, insight and advice guidance you need, just as it has done for me. It is also exchanged among our peers helped many of us navi- my hope that you will maximize your membership, get gate Covid-19. I participated in numerous discussions connected and share your expertise. One way to con- with my WBA peers on critical matters including the nect is at the WBA’s Annual Convention in September in implementation of organizational policy that ensured Hawaii. I look forward to seeing you there and hearing the health and safety of our employees and customers. your stories of resilience. There is a great sense of re- We also discussed how to best serve business customers newal ahead, due in large part to the critical role of the who were in the depths of despair and uncertainty when Western Bankers Association. I am confident the WBA it came to keeping their doors open and their employees will continue to help all of us move into the future in- paid during a pandemic. formed, focused, prepared and connected. 8 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
While the Best Offense is a Good Defense, We Often Support Measures Too By Kevin Gould, SVP, Director of Government Relations, California Bankers Association U nfortunately, we often find ourselves writing We are also supporting the Enhancing Credit Opportu- about legislation that we oppose. This time, we nities in Rural America Act, H.R. 1977, which removes are pleased to share an update on a few measures taxation on income from farm real estate loans made that we are proud to support. While regrettably much of by FDIC-insured institutions. This measure will provide our attention focuses on opposing measures that result meaningful credit opportunities for farmers. in unintended negative consequences that frustrate our At the state level, we are pleased to support measures pro- ability to support our customers and the communities we viding relief to those experiencing financial hardship due to serve, or that create new compliance burdens and legal li- the Covid-19 pandemic. AB 80 conforms to the federal tax ability, we commonly do support measures that are good treatment of Paycheck Protection Program loans and Eco- public policy. nomic Injury Disaster Loan grants with two exceptions: en- tities that are publicly traded companies and taxpayers that Federally, the Secure and Fair Enforcement Banking Act, did not experience at least a 25 percent reduction in gross H.R. 1996, enables banks to provide financial services receipts, as specified by federal law. We advocated for the to legitimate cannabis-related businesses in states where enactment of AB 88 exempting Golden State Stimulus pay- it has been legalized. The measure, supported by CBA, ments from garnishment and providing a safe-harbor from will likely be considered along with more comprehensive liability and regulatory scrutiny for financial institutions measures, such as criminal justice reforms pertaining to that attempt in good-faith to comply with the law. cannabis-related convictions. While on the topic of pandemic-related legislation, in The Improving Corporate Governance Through Diver- the human resources space, SB 336 requires local public sity Act of 2021, H.R. 1277 and S. 374, require certain health agencies to post orders at least 72 hours prior to issuers of securities to disclose the racial, ethnic, and gen- enforcement, allowing employers necessary time to com- der composition of their boards of directors and execu- ply. Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, public health tive officers, as well as the status of any of those directors requirements evolved at an unprecedented pace, leaving and officers as a veteran. It also requires the disclosure of employers to dedicate significant resources monitoring any plan to promote racial, ethnic, and gender diversity. and interpreting changes. Another measure, SB 657 pro- 10 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
vides relief by permitting employers to distribute workplace notifica- tions by email in situations where We appreciate the opportunity to share they must physically display notifi- cations. The pandemic brought to examples of measures we support light complications that employers that provide critical financial relief to face when their employees telecom- mute. This change will be helpful individuals impacted by the pandemic, beyond the crisis. enhance consumer protections, and California’s Uniform Electronic Transactions Act (UETA) will be modernize and simplify the law. modernized through SB 361 by allow- ing for vehicle financing contracts to be delivered and signed electronically. tracts include a notice that any ap- The door-to-door sales methodology This will facilitate the execution of praisal of the property must be un- and the near immediate requirement contracts when borrowers cannot be biased, objective and not influenced to enter into a binding contract that physically present. Currently, UETA, by improper or illegal considerations encumbers the real property may cre- which is California’s version of the and establishes important consumer ate undue pressure for senior citizens, federal E-SIGN ACT, expressly pro- protections in circumstances where and representations have been made hibits conditional sales and lease con- there is discrimination in appraisals. as to the purported savings that may tracts for motor vehicles. The measure requires that a financial result from the efficiency improve- institution also provide this notice ment which are characterized by The California Investment and In- when refinancing a first lien purchase salespersons as offsetting the cost of novation Program established by SB money loan secured by residential the debt obligation. 625 and administered by the Cali- real property containing no more fornia Infrastructure and Economic We appreciate the opportunity to than four dwelling units. Development Bank, provides grants share examples of measures we sup- to qualified community develop- The association is also continuing to port that provide critical financial ment financial institutions. The pro- advocate for needed reforms to Prop- relief to individuals impacted by gram will be supported by a $71 erty Assessed Clean Energy Finance the pandemic, enhance consumer million budget appropriation which (PACE) lending. AB 790 applies Cal- protections, and modernize and CBA also supported. ifornia’s Consumer Legal Remedies simplify the law. We are supporting several residential Act relating to home solicitations of real property related measures. AB PACE loans that encumber the pri- Kevin Gould is the Se- 633 adopts the Uniform Law Com- mary residence of a senior citizen nior Vice President and mission’s model Uniform Partition of for purposes of paying for home im- Director of Government Heirs Property Act which establishes provements where such transactions Relations for the Califor- important procedural protections are part of a pattern or practice that nia Bankers Association. when partitioning real property held violates existing law PACE program He joined the CBA in as tenancy-in-common where there is provisions. Finally, SB 476 prohibits 2004, bringing with him no agreement in a record binding all a program administrator offering a more than seven years the co-tenants which governs the par- PACE loan from executing an assess- of legislative experience. In his role, he oversees tition of the property and where one ment contract or commencing work the management and operation of CBA’s state or more of the co-tenants acquired until an energy audit has been con- and federal government relations department and title from a relative. The measure ducted. PACE lending relies, in part, serves as one of CBA’s three registered lobbyists. endeavors to preserve family wealth on unsolicited door-to-door sales to Gould’s advocacy responsibilities and issues fo- in circumstances where there is not consumers that may otherwise not cus mainly in the areas of bank operations, com- an estate plan. In addition, AB 948 be in the market for PACE-related mercial lending, and wealth management issues. requires that real estate sales con- improvements to their real property. You can reach him at kgould@calbankers.com. WesternBanker | Issue 4 2021 11
Bank Cyber Attacks: What The ‘Hack’ Is Going On? WBA’s Incident Response Program Experts Addressed Today’s Cyber Threats, Combative Measures and Response Preparedness at the June 2021 Directors Workshop I n a recent Wall Street Journal article, FBI Director Chris- attacks in the Wake of the Pandemic.” The IRP team ad- topher Wray said the agency was investigating about dressed the latest news on cyber threats, combative mea- 100 different types of ransomware attacks, many tracing sures, and specific bank consultation on incident response back to hackers in Russia, and compared the current spate of preparedness in today’s evolving and threatening cyberat- cyberattacks with the challenge posed by the Sept. 11, 2001 tack environment. terrorist attacks. “The risk of major cyberattacks on banks is on the rise. Pre- “Now realizing it can affect Americans when they’re buying paring for and protecting against cyber incidents continues gas at the pump or buying a hamburger — I think there’s a to be a top priority for bank executives and board directors,” growing awareness now of just how much we’re all in this said Steve Andrews, president and CEO of the WBA. “We fight together,” Wray said. are once again offering our Incident Response Program to our member banks to help prepare for such incidents and According to the FBI’s 2020 Internet Crime Complaint Cen- mitigate against disruptions to a bank’s operations.” ter’s annual report that included 791,790 complaints of sus- pected Internet crime — an increase of more than 300,000 Participating WBA member banks in the IRP will receive cus- complaints from 2019 — and reported losses exceeding tomized services, including: $4.2 billion. • Cyber insurance policy review and recommendations. • Crisis communications plan for data security incidents. For WBA member banks, an attack can be much more than an inconvenience. An incident can be detrimental to its bot- • Measures to limit third-party liability arising from data tom line, potentially compromises customer trust and may security incidents. have long-term reputational ramifications. • Customized incident response plan. In March 2021, the Western Bankers Association updated • Training by WBA’s incident response planning team on and elevated its Incident Response Program (IRP) to address the following topics: the steady increase in cyberattacks since the Covid-19 pan- - Current online threats. demic. The IRP was designed to help member banks prepare - Data security regulatory environment. for and mitigate against the most pressing cyber incidents. - Consumer and regulatory data breach notification The IRP team consists of multiple cybersecurity disciplines to obligations. mitigate risk associated with data security (e.g., cyber insur- - Data security measures for prevention, detection ance, information security, legal and regulatory, and reputa- and response. tional management). The IRP specialists include: - Cyber insurance industry updates. • Peter Marchel of Marchel & Associates Risk Consulting - Review of crisis communications plan. • Sean Hoar of Lewis Brisbois - Review of incident response plan. • Casey Boggs of ReputationUs More information about the IRP is available here: https:// During WBA’s June Directors Workshop, the IRP experts www.westernbankers.com/general-information/wba-an- conducted a panel discussion titled, “Pandemic Cyberattack nounces-incident-response-program-bolster-cybersecurity- Mayhem: New Issues and Updated Approaches to Cyber- member-banks. 12 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
WBA Incident Response Program: Frequently Asked Questions Q: Is the program and the customized incident response of consumer and regulatory obligations in the event of plan reviewed by the bank examiners? an incident. It also involves a step-by-step review of the A: Yes. The IRP is favorably received by the bank examiners. incident response process. Q: What is the entire cost of the IRP (i.e., insurance, Q: What exactly is involved with the technical review? legal, technical, communication review, training A: A thorough review of the bank’s IT process, vulnerabilities session and the customized incident response plan)? and an information security incident table-top test. A: $7,500, plus any necessary, reasonable travel expenses. An annual review of the plan and training Q: What exactly is involved with the communications/ session (optional) is $4,500. crisis plan review? A: A comprehensive review of the bank’s existing crisis Q: What is the value of the IRP if outsourced outside plan (if available), followed by a development of the the WBA? bank’s communications task force to ensure the right A: If a bank were to outsource each element of the program department leads and spokespersons (e.g., executives, HR, (legal, insurance, PR, IT), the cost would be significantly more customer service, IT, community relations) are assembled than $7,500. For example, a tailored incident response plan to immediately address incidents. Communication policies itself would cost more than $7,500. and procedures are also drafted, including a step-by-step process to identify — and the decision-making process to Q: What exactly is involved with the insurance review? respond to — an incident. How to immediately respond to A: Each bank’s insurance contract is unique and is media inquiries and social media posts are also included. thoroughly reviewed by the IRP insurance expert (Peter Marchel). Specifically, both the cyber and bond components Q: What is contained in the customized incident of the insurance policies are examined, as well as a review response plan? of the professional liability. The IRP insurance expert will A: The IRP plan is a comprehensive framework established also review the limits, the policy terms and conditions, as by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and well as the endorsements. In addition, the bank’s policy involves four major breach response phases; 1) preparation, may have specific exclusions, or conditions precedent in 2) detection and analysis, 3) containment, eradication and order to trigger coverage — all of which will be examined. recovery and 4) post-incident activity. The IRP plan includes incident response policies and procedures, an incident Q: What exactly is involved with the legal review? response checklist, a communications plan, evidence A: The legal review is provided from both an information collection guidelines, legal and regulatory incident response security and regulatory perspective. This involves a review guidelines, internal and external communication guidelines of current online threats affecting banks, and a review and an information technology incident notification form. WesternBanker | Issue 4 2021 13
Compliance Alliance Q&A Ask the Compliance Guru Q: (CAN-SPAM): When sending unsolicited emails to Reference: non-customers, for purposes of CAN-SPAM Act, can the “Don’t use false or misleading header information. “from” line contain a loan officers name, instead of the Your “From,” “To,” “Reply-To,” and routing entity sending the email; or must the “from” line disclose information – including the originating domain name both the sender individually and the organization? and email address – must be accurate and identify the person or business who initiated the message.” A: The FTC guidance addressing CAN-SPAM Act requires that the “From” portion of an email should be Q: If we send out an email to customers who use accurate and identify the person(s) or business(es) who Interactive Teller Machines (ITMs), letting them know initiated the message. It does not specifically require that the ITMs will be discontinued, would that message be the bank’s name be in the from line if the person who initiated the message, in this case, the loan officer, is considered mixed or transactional? clearly identified. However, it would be a good practice A: The CAN-SPAM Act governs email communications. and you are certainly not prohibited from including the For the purposes of the Act, conservatively, we would bank’s name in the from line. agree that your email would be considered a mixed message. The language informing the discontinuance of the product could be construed as a transaction itself, but the email also contains content promoting existing services such as online banking and the mobile application. That can be considered commercial content as it is promoting a product or service. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) provides the following guidance in making the primary purpose determination under the Act. 1. What matters is the “primary purpose” of the message. To determine the primary purpose, remember that an email can contain three different types of information: • Commercial content — which advertises or promotes a commercial product or service, including content on a website operated for a commercial purpose; • Transactional or relationship content — which facilitates an already agreed-upon transaction or updates a customer about an ongoing transaction; and • Other content — which is neither commercial 14 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
nor transactional or relationship. https://www.ftc. gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/can-spam- act-compliance-guide-business 2. What if the message combines commercial content and transactional or relationship content? • It’s common for email sent by businesses to 83&20Ζ1*:(%Ζ1$56 mix commercial content and transactional or July • August • September relationship content. When an email contains both kinds of content, the primary purpose of the message is the deciding factor. Here’s how to make that )OH[LEOHDQG&RVWHHFWLYH(GXFDWLRQ determination: If a recipient reasonably interpreting $FURVV$OO&ULWLFDO$UHDVRI%DQNLQJ the subject line would likely conclude that the message contains an advertisement or promotion for Ê Advanced Tax Return Analysis for the Banker a commercial product or service or if the message’s Ê Evaluating Financial Condition - Liquidity, transactional or relationship content does not Leverage, and Solvency appear mainly at the beginning of the message, the primary purpose of the message is commercial. So, Ê Back to Back SWAPs – An Extra Arrow In Your Quiver when a message contains both kinds of content — commercial and transactional or relationship — if Ê Investment Evaluation: How to Evaluate Broker Proposals & Avoid Pitfalls the subject line would lead the recipient to think it’s a commercial message, it’s a commercial message Ê Employee Retention Credit: What You Need for CAN-SPAM purposes. Similarly, if the bulk of to Know the transactional or relationship part of the message Ê How to Construct a Reliable Investment doesn’t appear at the beginning, it’s a commercial Framework message under the CAN-SPAM Act. https://www.ftc. Ê Hedging & Managing Interest Rate Risk in gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/can-spam- a Volatile Environment act-compliance-guide-business Basics of Asset Based Lending Ê Q: A borrower passed away, leaving the property to her Ê Pillars of High Performing Institutions daughter. The borrower’s outstanding debt remains, Ê Advanced Cash Flow Analysis and the daughter applied for a loan to pay off the debt. Ê Practicing Data Privacy in an Age of Sharing With respect to HMDA requirements, what type of loan is the daughter applying for? Ê Construction Lending and Real Estate Credit Administration A: This is an equity loan for HMDA purposes. HMDA, Ê Small Business Lending: Policy and Process § 1003.2(j), defines a “purchase loan,” in part, to mean, credit used, in whole or in part, to purchase a Ê Commercial and Industrial (C&I) Lending in dwelling. Additionally, § 1003.2(p), further defines a Today’s Competitive Market “refinance” to mean an obligation replacing another Ê Fintech and Bank Alliances: The Future is Here obligation by the same borrower. In this case, the inter- Ê Better Business Writing est in the home passes from the mother to the daughter immediately upon the mother’s death. Therefore, the daughter cannot purchase something that she already owns. Further, because the mother was the borrower on the existing loan, the daughter cannot refinance such 1HZ:HELQDUV$GGHG5HJXODUO\ loan for HMDA purposes, since the borrowers would Please check the WBA website for the most comprehensive listing of not be the same. By exclusion, the HMDA loan purpose webinars: ZHVWHUQEDQNHUVFRP here would be an equity loan. WesternBanker | Issue 4 2021 15
BOARD OF DIRECTORS UPDATES The Western Bankers Association (WBA) is pleased to welcome the newest WBA Board of Directors executive commit- tee members and directors. These industry veterans bring years of experience and unique perspectives to the Board as they help the industry navigate the evolving landscape. New Executive Committee Members Rudy Medina serves as Rebecca Fabisch Mill- the Southern California er is an experienced market president for banker and has spent U.S. Bank, the fifth larg- her entire 25-year ca- est commercial bank in reer in the Sacramento the United States. Me- region. Prior to join- dina will lead the mar- ing Umpqua, Fabisch ket in company-wide ef- Miller held positions forts and activities and with Wells Fargo & will direct commercial Company, U.S. Bank banking in the greater and Bank of America. Southern California Her expertise includes Rudy B. Medina area. Rebecca Fabisch Miller orchestrating credit ar- Market President, U.S. Bank SVP & Regional Director, rangements of varying Medina has over 35 Central Valley Region sizes and complexity as years of banking and financial services experience in Umpqua Bank, Sacramento direct lender or as lead California and joins U.S. Bank from Bank of America, in syndicated deals. She has managed a diverse portfo- where he most recently served as chief operating offi- lio of clients across multiple industries, but has specific cer, business banking division. Previous to this he held experience in the agricultural sector, including wine, the role of market president and senior vice president, rice, grains, expellers oils, dried fruit, tree nuts, coffee, market executive, California Central Valley, directing all spices and forest products. A solutions-oriented banker, middle market banking and serving as the senior execu- Fabisch Miller has extensive experience with treasury tive in the market. management, real estate and equipment finance, global Medina is active and dedicated in the community and and investment banking, derivatives, and debt capital currently serves as board member, Pacific Coast Banking markets. School and chair emeritus of the Fresno Hispanic Cham- Fabisch Miller earned her MBA from the UC Davis ber of Commerce. Previously Medina served as chair, Graduate School of Management, Working Professional Business Advisory Committee, Craig School of Business Program, and has an undergraduate degree in Interna- at California State University Fresno and board member, tional Business and Marketing with a minor in German California Bankers Association. Medina has also shared from California State University, Sacramento. his time and expertise with Reading and Beyond and the Fresno Food Bank organizations. Fabisch Miller is the treasurer of The Forest Foundation and has been involved with many other local charities Medina earned a bachelor’s degree in finance from Uni- including the Sacramento Food Bank and Boy Scouts versity of the Pacific and is a previous winner of the of America. Fabisch Miller is currently training for her Kermit O’Hansen Award of Excellence from the Pacific 17th marathon. Coast Banking School. Medina and his wife, Susan, re- side in the Los Angeles metropolitan area. 16 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
New Board Members Grady Bond is the executive vice Todd Lewis is the president and president of Retail, Small Busi- CEO of Northern California Na- ness and Wealth Deposit Prod- tional Bank. From 2007-2015, ucts and Strategy at Bank of the Lewis was the executive vice presi- West based out of San Francisco. dent and CFO for Northern Cali- His organization is responsible fornia National Bank. From 2005- for the effective design and im- 2007, he served as vice president plementation of strategies, prod- and controller of Community Busi- ucts, and services to help the ness Bank in West Sacramento. Pri- bank grow its core customer base or, from 2002-2005, Lewis was the Grady Bond and meet the needs of the con- Todd Lewis Controller of School Innovations Executive Vice President, sumers and small businesses in the President and CEO, and Advocacy in Rancho Cordova, Bank of the West communities it serves. Prior to his Northern California Calif. Lewis earned a B.S. in Ac- National Bank current role, Bond worked at both counting and Information Systems regional and national banks in a diverse set of roles and from Brigham Young University responsibilities over the last 20 years in the industry. and earned his Certified Public Accountant designation His career has spanned jobs in finance, strategy, pric- while employed with Arthur Andersen in Sacramento. ing and analytics, product management, branch net- work management and risk and governance. Bond is originally from Florida, and he received his business de- gree from the University of Michigan before his career brought him to California. Edward J. Dobranski joined First Republic in 1992 as Gen- eral Counsel. Previously, he practiced banking, real estate and corporate law for more than 30 years in positions with the federal government and in private practice, as well as through work as a Corporate Counsel. Dobranski earned his Edward J. Dobranski J.D., from Creighton University First Republic in 1972 and his B.A. from Coe College in 1972. WesternBanker | Issue 4 2021 17
Randy Eslick has served as the career in banking with a major California bank where he president and chief executive of- worked for 5 years. He was appointed to the Board of ficer of the Bank of Commerce the Company and to the board of directors of Merchants Holdings and Merchants Bank of Bank of Commerce in November 2013 when he assumed Commerce since November 2013 the role of president and chief executive officer of the and has over 39 years of banking Company. As the chief executive officer and a director, experience. He previously served Eslick serves as the primary liaison between the Board as regional president of Merchants and management and as the executive officer with overall Bank of Commerce (8 years), as responsibility for executing the Company’s strategic plan. senior vice president and regional Eslick serves on the Long Range Planning Committee of Randy Eslick President and CEO, Bank manager (3 years), and as senior the Board, and the ALCO, CRA, Loan, and Technology of Commerce Holdings vice president and commercial Committees of Merchants Bank of Commerce. and Merchants Banks loan officer (1 year). of Commerce Eslick graduated from Chico State University in 1981 Prior to his employment with the and the Pacific Coast Banking School in September 1991. Company, Eslick was employed by a community business He also is a former board member of the River Oak Cen- bank based in Sacramento for 14 years, and he began his ter for Children. John Evans Jr. is president and CEO July 1984. He began his banking career in the summer of D.L. Evans Bank, a bank with a of 1973 when he worked as an installment loan collector long history of serving its communi- and floor estimator. Thereafter, he joined the Idaho First ties in Idaho for more than 116 years. National Bank in May 1974 as a trainee in the executive Evans assumed his current role as officer management training program. At Idaho First Na- chief executive officer of the bank in tional Bank, he served as a loan officer until July 1979. December 1986. In his position as CEO, Evans is directly responsible for Evans has been engaged in many industry-related and com- overseeing a commercial bank with munity activities. He has previously served as the Chair of 36 branch locations and eight real es- the Twelfth District Community Depository Institutions tate departments located throughout Advisory Council (CDIAC) for the Federal Reserve Bank John Evans Jr. President and CEO, Southern Idaho and Northern Utah. of San Francisco and served as a member of the Federal Re- D.L. Evans Bank serve Bank (National) Community Depository Institutions In his role as CEO, Evans serves as Advisory Council (CDIAC). He has served on the board Chair of the Executive Committee, Chair of ALCO/Invest- of directors of the Independent Community Bankers of ment Committee, Chair of Loan Committee, and Board America (ICBA) for several years. Evans also served on the Member of the Compensation Committee. He directs and Idaho State University Business Advisory Council and the oversees short-term and long-range strategic planning and Southeastern Idaho Economic Development Organization sets overall objectives for all areas of the bank. Evans en- (SEIDO). He served as a member of the Idaho Elks Reha- sures operating results established in the annual budget bilitation Hospital Board of Directors. Evans also served as are achieved, including the net interest margin, control Past President of the Idaho Bankers Association and cur- of operating expenses within budget, loan loss provisions rently serves on the Public Affairs Committee. He presently and the generation of reserves sufficient to achieve tar- serves as a Federal Delegate for the Independent Commu- geted capital growth. He oversees the growth and quality nity Bankers of America (ICBA) and has served on several of the loan portfolio by ensuring that sound, collectible ICBA Committees. loans are written and that terms accommodate customers’ needs, consistent with sound financial counseling. Evans Evans received his Bachelor of Science degree in Finance also ensures that the structure of the bank is organiza- from the University of Idaho in 1974. He is also a 1984 tionally sound and departmental units are developed and graduate of the Pacific Coast Banking School and graduated maintained in an efficient manner. Evan began his career from the American Bankers Association’s School of Finan- with the bank in July 1979 and served as a vice president cial Funds Management in 1986. and branch manager until he was promoted to CEO in CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 18 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
Krista Snelling, current president Allworth Financial (formerly Hanson McClain), chief and CEO of Santa Cruz County financial officer of Inspire Communities, and spent sev- Bank, established her banking ca- eral years serving audit clients with Arthur Andersen reer in Northern California after and KPMG. Snelling is also a licensed Certified Public graduating from the University of Accountant. the Pacific with a Bachelor of Sci- ence degree with a double major In March 2021, Krista joined Santa Cruz County Bank in Mathematics and Economics. as President and Chief Executive Officer, bringing nearly She also holds a Master of Arts 25 years of strategic financial and operational expertise degree in Economics from UC to the role. Santa Cruz County Bank is a top rated, lo- Krista Snelling Davis. cally owned and operated full-service community bank President and CEO, operating in Santa Cruz, Santa Clara, and Monterey Santa Cruz County Before joining Santa Cruz County Counties through eight offices—in Aptos, Capitola, Cu- Bank, Snelling served twice with pertino, Santa Cruz (2), Monterey, Scotts Valley, and Five Star Bank, headquartered in Sacramento, first as Watsonville. She will lead the Bank’s focus on develop- chief financial officer in 2009 for several years, and then ing long-term relationships, providing responsive cus- returning in 2017 as executive vice president, chief op- tomer service, problem-solving, and direct access to de- erating officer and chief financial officer, responsible cision makers. Santa Cruz County Bank is a leading SBA for Accounting and Finance, Branch Operations, Trea- lender in Santa Cruz County and Silicon Valley, and as a sury Management, Human Resources and Information full-service bank offers competitive deposit and lending Technology. She also served as chief financial officer of solutions for businesses and individuals. JOINT VISIT TO WASHINGTON, D.C. October 19-21, 2021 A DIVISION OF THE WESTERN BANKER ASSOCIATION JW Marriott Hotel The California Bankers Association (CBA) Federal A limited number of scholarships are available to Government Relations Committee invites you to join emerging bank leaders who have not yet had the the 18th annual Joint Visit to Washington, D.C., with opportunity to participate in this joint visit. the Florida Bankers Association. This annual trip to There is no registration fee for this event. our nation’s capital provides an excellent opportunity to discuss critical issues impacting our industry with For more information, visit: https://www.calbankers. elected officials and representatives from key regula- com/post/join-us-our-joint-washington-dc-visit tory agencies. While we are actively working to for- To register, please submit your completed registra- malize the agenda, we are very pleased to announce tion form to Dee Peach via fax at (916) 438-4319 or that we will receive an economic briefing from senior via email (dpeach@calbankers.com) by Thursday, staff at the White House. September 30. WesternBanker | Issue 4 2021 19
Ralph Tapscott has been the Com- Foundation for Higher Education, the President of Lake munity Bank CEO for over 13 Havasu City Rotary Club, a co-chair of Lake Havasu In- years and a commercial banker for dustrial Park, the president of Lake Havasu Area Chamber the past 33 years. Tapscott primar- of Commerce and the Campaign Chair and Board Mem- ily assists financial matters of small ber of River Cities United Way. and mid-sized companies, typically with annual revenues of under $20 Tapscott was involved in numerous other civic, economic million. He currently serves as the and industry organizations throughout his career, includ- president and CEO of Horizon ing chair of the Arizona Bankers Association and board Community Bank, a $475 million member of the Western Independent Bankers. Tapscott Ralph Tapscott asset bank, headquartered in Lake received an undergraduate degree in Finance from Texas President and CEO, Havasu City, with banking offices Tech University and is also a graduate of Western States Horizon Community Bank throughout Mohave, La Paz, and School of Banking and the Graduate School of Banking at Maricopa Counties. Tapscott is re- the University of Washington. sponsible for a team of approximately 100 bankers and a Tapscott is married to Koena, a CCIM and commercial re- total revenue of $22 million. altor. Both are active in the community and enjoy outdoor Community involvement is a core value to Horizon Com- activities. A mentor once told Tapscott,“Your quality of munity Bank. Tapscott’s past, local involvement includes life and quality of your company will never be healthier serving as the Treasurer of Lake Havasu Partnership for than the quality of your community, and it is your job to Economic Development, the president of Lake Havasu make your community a better place.” 20 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
MEMBERSHIP UPDATES New and Returning Bank Members Utah Independent Bank was established in Salina, Utah, and opened for business in August 1977. Utah Independent Bank is the only locally owned bank in the counties of Sevier and Beaver. We currently have four locations to serve the needs of Flatirons Bank is dedicated to serving the financial needs our customers; they are located in Beaver, Milford, Monroe, of Boulder County, Colo. We are a full-service indepen- and Salina, Utah. All locations provide full-service banking. dent bank. Founded by members of your community, our roots are local. Our passion is to provide our clients with Custom Banking, Custom Ideas, Custom Solutions, is the highest level of professional service and banking expe- our motto at Utah Independent Bank. We are committed rience in the Boulder County market. We know that our to providing our customers with personal service next to biggest assets are our customers. none. At Utah Independent Bank, we listen to our custom- ers’ needs and try to provide a custom banking experience for each customer. Nevada Bank & Trust was the result of efforts made by a Opportunity Bank of Montana opened its doors in August group of businessmen initially led by Wesley Holt in the of 1922 as American Building and Loan with a single of- late 1970s. Until that time Caliente, Nev. had never en- fice in Helena, Mont. Today it is a $1.3 billion community joyed the benefit of a local commercial bank. Holt began bank with 23 full-service bank branches across Montana, this venture by seeking the help of Clair and Frank Chad- offering customers a full range of banking, lending, agri- wick, acquaintances he had made through his mercantile cultural and digital services. affiliations. The Chadwicks had previous experience in opening and operating small community banks in East- Our nearly century-long commitment to our customers ern Idaho and thought Wes’ idea worth their while. With and our communities has earned our reputation as a lead- this small group in place and a lot of volunteer hours, er in community banking. Since our first day, we have they obtained a bank charter and opened the first Ne- been a Montana community financial institution commit- vada Bank and Trust office in Caliente, on June 21, 1978. ted to providing strong financial futures for Montanans. Since that time, additional offices have been opened in Ely, Elko, and Mesquite, Nevada. Nevada Bank & Trust The bank is a leading Farm Services Agency guaranteed is a small-town community bank able to offer one-on- lender in Montana and a leading residential mortgage one personal and economical service without compro- lender in Montana, and has been recognized as one of the mising customer safety and security. best in banking by industry observers. CONTINUED ON PAGE 22 WesternBanker | Issue 4 2021 21
United Pacific Bank is a commercial bank specializing In March 2004, Redwood Capital Bank opened its doors in commercial and international banking products for as Humboldt County, Calif.’s local choice for community emerging middle-market companies. banking. Now four branches strong, Redwood Capital Bank looks forward to providing exceptional customer ser- Founded in 1983, United Pacific Bank is proud to be cel- vice throughout the north coast region. At Redwood Capital ebrating its 35th year of providing community banking Bank, it is important to keep local dollars working at home. services for both business and personal needs. The bank’s Nearly every dollar that is deposited at Redwood Capital goal has always been serving the banking needs of the Bank goes right back into the local economy. Deposits are San Gabriel Valley and beyond, to the five counties of reinvested in the form of loans to individuals, families and Southern California. businesses, helping small businesses grow, providing new United Pacific Bank maintains two strategically posi- homes and a better quality of life. Another advantage of do- tioned business centers: the San Gabriel Valley Regional ing business with Redwood Capital Bank is that all of our Office in Monterey Park and the Corporate Office in City decisions are made right here in Humboldt County by local of Industry. United Pacific Bank offers competitive bank- people who care about you and our community. ing products that cater to the business communities. The bank takes pride in striving for a “Best Service,” highly discrete and efficient, quality for its customers personal and business needs. New Associate Members Over the past three decades, GMR has become At Atlas Hospitality Group, we succeed above and known as the “Industry Best Practice” for helping beyond other real estate firms by specializing in the facilities document existing conditions, prepare complexities of marketing hotels. Unlike other types for improvements, and minimize risk. We are a of real estate, hospitality properties are much more diverse supplier, woman-owned and operated firm, than just land and buildings. As operating businesses, specializing in ATM lighting compliance surveys, they require an understanding of their management. By custom facility inspections, engineered lighting the same token, they require knowledge of the market designs, program management, 3D laser scanning, along with the tools and contacts to expose a property and security consulting. Headquartered in the Dallas/ to the marketplace. At Atlas Hospitality Group, we Fort Worth Metroplex, we self-perform over 45,000 understand the business and the underlying real estate inspections and engineered solutions each year and are experts at marketing both. nationwide. Just as each client is unique, so are our methodologies and solutions. Website: www.atlashospitality.com Website: www.gmr1.com 22 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
NatureTrak is building the cannabis compliance AFEX is a non-banking FX specialist and a trusted infrastructure for the financial world and providing partner to many regional banks and credit unions. cannabis banking-as-a-service. We have a full suite We help take the complexity out of foreign exchange. of compliance tools for any financial institution Our comprehensive suite of efficient, flexible global to safely and profitably onboard, monitor and payments and risk management tools complements compliantly bank cannabis-related businesses. your services, enhances your value proposition NatureTrak’s enterprise solution is purpose built for and provides a non-interest revenue opportunity, financial institutions banking cannabis. Streamline while keeping your clients on your platform. In a your operations across risk mitigation, document changing global economy, access to an efficient and management, transaction verification, and much more strategic global payments platform is a must for — all from a single platform. many businesses. Offering a tailored foreign exchange Website: www.naturetrak.com solution, aligned with your business clients’ needs, is a differentiator for your institution and gives you a competitive edge. Unlike a traditional Correspondent bank, foreign exchange is all we do. Our singular focus translates to a robust and efficient solution for your clients. Our global banking network and smart payment rails provide secure, efficient and cost-effective As the market leader in financial crime, risk, and delivery of payments in more than 100 currencies. compliance, NICE Actimize has deep domain expertise and a global understanding of your most challenging Website: www.afex.com threats. With a holistic view across the enterprise and innovative, flexible technology, we help you detect and prevent potential fraud, manage regulatory compliance, and identify money laundering threats quickly so you can stay ahead. Grant Thornton LLP (Grant Thornton) is the U.S. member firm of Grant Thornton International Website: www.niceactimize.com Ltd, one of the world’s leading organizations of independent audit, tax and advisory firms. Grant Thornton has revenues of $1.92 billion and operates more than 50 offices. We’re not the professional services firm you think you know. We believe business should be more personal and that the strongest results start with trust. We’re different. And Strategic Risk Associates is a technology solutions that’s a good thing. provider and risk management consulting practice Website: www.grantthornton.com serving the Financial Services, Insurance and Technology Industry. SRA Watchtower is a risk intelligence and performance management platform - built “by bankers, for bankers” to inform, enlighten and empower executives and boards to make Agent IQ offers a digital platform, supercharged insightful business decisions. with AI (augmented intelligence), that improves Website: www.srarisk.com communication and engagement between financial institutions and their customers, leading to happier, more loyal, and more profitable customers. Website: www.agentiq.com WesternBanker | Issue 4 2021 23
MEMBER NEWS Tim Myers Named President, COO of Bank of Marin Bank of Marin Bancorp, par- environment and this new role is a natural progression of ent of Bank of Marin, an- that success.” nounced that Tim Myers has ben named president and Myers has more than 25 years of experience in finance and chief operating officer of the banking, spanning small business, middle market and cor- holding company and its sub- porate banking. He joined Bank of Marin in 2007 as senior sidiary bank. Myers will con- vice president and manager of the San Francisco Commercial tinue to report to CEO Russell Banking Office. In 2013, Myers was named senior vice presi- A. Colombo, and be respon- dent, head of commercial banking. In 2015, he assumed the sible for the management of title of executive vice president, commercial banking, and he Commercial Banking, Retail was named executive vice president and COO in June 2020. Banking, Centralized Opera- Tim Myers Myers has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Willamette Uni- tions and Technology, Wealth President and COO, versity and a master’s degree in International Policy Studies Bank of Marin Management & Trust, and Marketing. from Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Mon- terey (formerly Monterey Institute of International Studies). “Tim has been an invaluable member of the management He also earned a graduate certificate from the Pacific Coast team at Bank of Marin for many years,” Colombo said. “As Banking School. He has served as chair of the board of Edge- COO he has proven his ability to lead in an ever-changing wood Center for Children and Families. 24 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
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Bank of Guam Creates SF-Based Unit: TASI Bank Bank of Guam has cre- pansion opportunities along the West Coast, primarily ated a new operating unit, in the Los Angeles and San Diego areas. TASI Bank, that will serve its mainland United States “As a Minority Deposit Institution (MDI), we provide customers from the same SBA and other financial services to customers those larger, 404 Montgomery Street traditional banks often neglect,” said Joves, who joined branch that it has operated the Bank a decade ago. “Our MDI status has served our since 1983. customers well during the pandemic. We continued to have access to PPP funding while larger institutions no David J. Joves, senior vice longer were able to participate.” president/California region- al manager for the Bank TASI Bank will provide a full suite of financial services at Dave J. Joves of Guam, has been named its branch with its digital banking options. Sr. Vice President/California division president for TASI Regional Manager, “What also distinguishes us is our commitment to finding Bank. There will be no staff ways to say ‘yes’ and to find lending and financing options Bank of Guam changes and the branch will for our customers,” Joves said. “Culturally and by train- continue to serve customers from the same location. ing, our staff is oriented toward what we consider being “This is an exciting day for all of us,” said Joves, a San ‘mavericks’ in the financial services industry. Francisco native. “Over the years, we have successfully “While we are in a heavily regulated industry, we look for built the branch into one with more than $430 million options and programs that are available but require going the in total assets while serving a diverse community of proverbial ‘extra mile’ for customers. And we also recognize small and medium-sized businesses throughout North- that some communities defined by ethnicity, race, or sexual ern California.” orientation have not been fully appreciated or, in many cases, Bank of Guam, headquartered in Hagatna, Guam, was discriminated against. We strive to ensure that everyone has founded in 1972 by Jesus Sablan Leon Guerrero, a re- the same opportunity when they approach us,” he said. vered figure in the U.S. Trust Territory. Joaquin Cook The name TASI is derived from the Chamorro language and currently serves as BOG’s President/CEO. “Our founder means “ocean.” The new logo, a wave, visually connects set out to create ‘the people’s bank’ that would represent cultures spanning 6,000 miles from Guam to San Francisco. the population of Guam and give us an actual ‘place at the table’ for our own financial future. That we have TASI Bank has also adopted ESG principles (Environ- been able to maintain the culture and also expand to the mental, Social Equity, and Governance). “We were born mainland is a testament to his vision and the excellence because our founder faced discriminatory obstacles that of the service that we provide our customers,” he said. prevented him as a Chamorro native of Guam to progress in the banking field,” said Cook. “So, he started his own TASI Bank, www.tasi.bank, will serve a wide-ranging bank, with financial backing from the people of Guam.” customer base of companies in business sectors. In the past decade since Joves joined to lead the San Francisco The result: Bank of Guam, wholly-owned subsidiary of operations, the Bank has grown from a total asset base BankGuam Holding Company, is now a publicly-traded of $35 million. Joves said TASI would also look at ex- financial institution with assets over $3 billion. 26 www.westernbankers.com | WesternBanker
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