NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure

Page created by Diane Keller
NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure

August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah
NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure
TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S           C O N T I N U I N G P R O F E S S I O N A L E D U C AT I O N

President's Message                1   Learning Objectives:
                                       At the conclusion of this conference, participants will be able to:
Acknowledgments                    3
                                          • Recount changes to the roles and responsibilities of state auditors, state
Association Leaders                5        comptrollers and state treasurers as these roles have evolved during the
                                            past year.
Conference App		                   7
                                          • Identify and discuss new standards and rules from the government standards
General Info                       9        setting bodies and regulatory agencies.
Networking & Special Activities   11      • Apply practical information learned through case studies from peer offices
                                            and organizations.
Daily Schedule                    14
                                          • Discuss state government financial management as it relates to the broader,
Guest Activities		                29        national fiscal outlook.
Corporate Associates Directory    30   Level of Knowledge: Overview.
Hotel Map/Information		           32
                                       Education or Experience Prerequisite: No prerequisites required.

                                       Advance Preparation: No advance preparation required.

                                       CPE: 15 credits have been recommended for the conference.

                                       Delivery Method: Group-Live. All sessions include Q&A opportunities.

                                       Attendance Requirements: In order to obtain CPE credit for this event,
                                       participants must submit attendance verification codes provided during each

                                                            The National Association of State Auditors, Comptrollers and Treasurers is
                                                            registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA)
                                                            as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE
                                                            Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance
                                                            of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors
                                                            may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:
NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure
P R E S I D E N T ’ S                     M E S S A G E

                       Dear NASACT Members, Corporate Affiliates and Guests,

                       It is my honor to be hosting the 103rd NASACT Annual Conference. On
                       behalf of the NASACT Training and Professional Development Committee
                       and our Utah hosts, State Auditor John Dougall, Division of Finance
                       Director John Reidhead, and State Treasurer David Damschen, it is my
                       pleasure to welcome you to Salt Lake City.

                       The NASACT Annual Conference brings together state auditors,
 ROGER NORMAN          comptrollers and treasurers from around the nation for in-depth education
President of NASACT    on government financial management issues. I am glad that you have made
 Legislative Auditor
                       participating a priority and that you are here.
    of Arkansas
                       This year we have some exciting general sessions. We will kick off the
                       conference with a message from legendary football coach and ESPN analyst
                       Lou Holtz. Medici Ventures President and Board Director
                       Jonathan Johnson will discuss the hot topic of blockchain and how it is
                       being used in the real world. New York Times bestselling author Lindsey
                       Pollack will discuss our complex and multigenerational workforces and
                       all the challenges (and opportunities) they present. We will hear from the
                       National Governors Association’s executive director, Scott Pattison, on a
                       range of issues that governors currently face. Breakthrough performance
                       will be the focus of a session from Kristen Cox, executive director of the
                       Utah Governor’s Office of Management and Budget. And lastly, Clark
                       Partridge, state comptroller of Arizona and president-elect of NASACT, will
                       lead the popular Emerging Issues Roundtable on the last morning of the
                       conference. In addition to these keynote sessions, there are 26 concurrent
                       sessions covering many different topics.

                       The Grand America is a beautiful hotel, and we have several excellent
                       networking activities planned here, as well as an excursion to the Utah
                       Natural History Museum on Monday. On Tuesday evening, several
                       deserving members will be honored with awards, and the 2018 Class of the
                       NASACT Hall of Fame will be announced.

                       I hope you find the conference to be stimulating and that you depart with
                       new friends, new information and a renewed enthusiasm for serving the
                       citizens of your states.

NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure
NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure

                 PLATINUM CORPORATE ASSOCIATES                                   SILVER CORPORATE ASSOCIATES (cont.)
NASACT wishes     Accenture                                                         RSM
to acknowledge    CGI                                                               SAP Concur
the supporters    Deloitte                                                          Socrata
of the 2018
NASACT Annual     Oracle                                                            The College Board
Conference.                                                                         Wells Fargo
Thank you for                                                                       Workday
your support!                                                                       Workiva
                  Infor                                                          BRONZE CORPORATE ASSOCIATES
                  KPMG LLP                                                          American Express
                  Bank of America Merrill Lynch
                                                                                    CherryRoad Technologies
                  Eide Bailley LLP
                  First Data
                                                                                    Plante Moran
                  ISG Public Sector
                                                                                    S&P Global Ratings
                  Kamakura Corporation
                                                                                    Tyler Technologies
                                                                                    Willis Towers Watson

                 MEDIA PARTNERS

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                  conferences offer in-depth education about cutting-edge public-finance topics, ranging from local government finance and
                  budgeting to capital-raising to large-scale funding of the nation's transportation, health care, higher education and public
                  utilities infrastructure.

                  Governing is the nation’s leading media platform covering politics, policy and management for state and local government
                  leaders. Recognized as the most credible and authoritative voice in its field, Governing provides the non-partisan news,
                  insight and analysis state and local leaders need to make government work better.

NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure
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NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure
A S S O C I AT I O N                                            L E A D E R S

2017- 18 E X E C U T I V E C O M M I T T E E

                                                                                                  AUDITOR                                  TREASURER
                                                                                                  REPRESENTATIVES                          REPRESENTATIVES
                                                                                                  Beth Wood                                Manju Ganeriwala
                             FIRST VICE PRESIDENT                                                 State Auditor, North Carolina            State Treasurer, Virginia
      PRESIDENT                                                  SECOND VICE
    Roger Norman               D. Clark Partridge                 PRESIDENT                       Daryl G. Purpera                         Mike Frerichs
   Legislative Auditor          State Comptroller                 Beth Pearce                     Legislative Auditor, Louisiana           State Treasurer, Illinois
        Arkansas                     Arizona                     State Treasurer                  Suzanne Bump                             Steve McCoy
                                                                    Vermont                       Auditor of the Commonwealth,             State Treasurer, Georgia

                                                                                                  Cynthia I. Cloud
                                                                                                  State Auditor, Wyoming
                                                                                                  Alan Skelton
                                                                                                  State Accounting Officer, Georgia
                                                                                                  Steve Barnett
     SECRETARY                    TREASURER                     IMMEDIATE                         State Auditor, South Dakota
   Elaine M. Howle             Richard Eckstrom               PAST PRESIDENT
     State Auditor             Comptroller General           David H. Lillard, Jr.
       California                South Carolina                State Treasurer


                             John Dougall                                           John Reidhead                                          David Damschen
                              State Auditor                                              Director                                           State Treasurer
                                  Utah                                             Division of Finance                                           Utah

T R A I N I N G & P R O F E S S I O N A L D E V E LO P M E N T C O M M I T T E E

Roger Norman (AR-A), Chair            Clark Partridge (AZ-C), Vice-Chair

Steve Barnett (SD-C)                   Sharon Elston (AL-A)                        Leanne McLaughlin (NC-A)                     Earle Powell (SC-A)
Gerry Boaz (TN-A)                      Mike Frerichs (IL-T)                        Ron Knecht (NV-C)                            John C. Reidhead (UT-C)
Pola Buckley (ME-A)                    Manju Ganeriwala (VA-T)                     James MacDonald (MA-T)                       Randy Roberts (AZ-A)
Cynthia I. Cloud (WY-C)                John Geragosian (CT-A)                      Kent McLamb (NC-A)                           Kirt Slaugh (UT-T)
David Damschen (UT-T)                  Laura Glenn (GA-T)                          Rebecca Otto (MN-A)                          David A. Von Moll (VA-C)
John Dougall (UT-A)                    Ian Green (OR-A)                            Jennifer Pacheco (NC-C)                      Brandon Woolf (ID-C)
Richard Eckstrom (SC-C)                Anna Maria Kiehl (PA-C)                     Beth Pearce (VT-T)

NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure
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NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure
C O N F E R E N C E                                          A P P

Session handouts will not be provided at the conference. Presentations will be available via NASACT's conference app both during and after
the conference (except in instances where the speaker does not provide the presentation to us in advance).

If you do not wish to use the app on a mobile device, there is also a website version that can be accessed via a computer browser at

The NASACT Annual Conference app will place networking tools, schedules and session materials in the palm of your hand. Everything you
find in the program brochure you can find on the app – and more.

How to Download
Prior to the conference, you should have received an email invitation containing download links and login information. However, if you did not
receive the email, below are the links and instructions. If you want to access the app on multiple devices, you must go through this process
for each one.

1. Enter website address or scan this QR code:

       On iPhone, iPad or Android, download & open the NASACT app in the Apple Store or Google Play Store
       or go to:

       On PC or Blackberry, go to

2. Download the event, if prompted.

3. Click Log In
   This step is not necessary to see basic information in the app, but it IS necessary if you want to have access to all features in the app
   (such as networking with other attendees, asking questions during sessions, etc.).

4. Enter your First Name and Last Name

5. Enter Confirmation Code
   A 4-digit code will be emailed to you. You may use this code to set the app up on any device. The code will expire in 24 hours.

6. Continue to set up your profile as prompted.

                                                                                                  FOLLOW NASACT AND THIS CONFERENCE
To access wifi in the meeting space, use the following
Network name:         NASACT                                                                            #NASACT2018
Password:             NASACT2018
                                                                           Facebook “f ” Logo       CMYK / .eps   Facebook “f ” Logo   CMYK / .eps


NASACT 2018 ANNUAL CONFERENCE August 11-15 | Salt Lake City, Utah - Onsite Brochure
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G E N E R A L                          I N FO

                      ATTIRE                                                        CPE CODES & EVALUATIONS
                      5K Fun Run/Walk: Athletic apparel                             NASACT is accredited as a provider of continuing
                                                                                    professional education by the National Association of State
                      Guest Program: Casual (comfortable shoes recommended)
                                                                                    Boards of Accountancy.
                      Conference Sessions: Business casual                          CPE codes will be provided at the conclusion of each
                      Sunday Night Event: Busines casual                            technical session. The code will be required to request CPE
                                                                                    credit for the session.
                      Monday Night Event: Business casual
                                                                                    Watch for an email at the end of the conference which will
                      Tuesday State Night Dinner: Cocktail or business              include links to the CPE request form and the evaluation.

                      AUDIO / VISUAL                                                LOST AND FOUND
                      Audio visual at the conference is sponsored by:               If you’ve lost it, perhaps we’ve found it! Stop by the
                      BenefitScape, Mastercard & MKinsight                          registration desk to turn in or claim lost items.

                      CELL PHONE POLICY                                             PHOTO DISCLOSURE
                      Please be considerate of our speakers and other attendees.    NASACT takes photos during this conference. By
                      When you are in conference sessions, please turn off your     participating, you are granting NASACT permission to use
                      phone or set it to silent and leave the room if you need to   your photo and name in association publications.
                      answer a phone call.

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G E N E R A L                I N FO

                         PRESENTATIONS & BIOS                                          WIFI
                        Presentations and speaker bios can be found on the             Complimentary wifi is available in the hotel sleeping rooms
                        conference app. Speakers don't always make their               and the meeting space.
                        presentations available in advance.                            Use the following info to access wifi in the meeting space:
                         REGISTRATION DESK SCHEDULE                                    Network name:         NASACT
                        Sat     2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Grand Ballroom Foyer)           Password:             NASACT2018
                        Sun     10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
                        Mon     7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Imperial Ballroom Reception)
                        Tue     7:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Imperial Ballroom Reception)    QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS
                                                                                       Questions or comments may be directed to NASACT staff
                         TRAVEL ASSISTANCE
                                                                                       onsite at the registration desk.
                        NASACT members in good standing (or their designees)
                                                                                       Written comments may also be sent to NASACT, 449 Lewis
                        are eligible to receive up to $1,500 in travel assistance to
                                                                                       Hargett Circle, Suite 290, Lexington, KY 40503.
                        attend the 2018 NASACT Annual Conference.
                        All assistance will be provided in the form of a
                        reimbursement after the conference. The travel
                        reimbursement form is available at http://www.nasact.

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N E T W O R K I N G & S P E C I A L                                                      A C T I V I T I E S

                  SATURDAY, AUGUST 11                                             SUNDAY, AUGUST 12
                  OPEN HOUSE HOSPITALITY SUITE                                    5K FUN RUN/WALK
                  All attendees and registered guests may participate.            Must be pre-registered to participate. Medals will be
                      4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.                                      presented to winners at the finish line.

                  Location: Suite 2381                                            Attire: Athletic Apparel

                  Attire: Casual                                                    6:40 a.m. Meet in the Grand Ballroom Foyer

                      Welcome to beautiful Salt Lake City! Stop in at our           		         (refreshments will be available)
                      opening hospitality suite for refreshments after a day of     7:00 a.m. Race begins – finish line is within walking
                      travel. Meet new friends and old, make dinner plans, and                 distance of the hotel
                      get ready for a great week of networking!
                                                                                  SUNDAY, AUGUST 12
                                                                                  BRUNCH AT THE GRAND AMERICA
                                                                                  All attendees and registered guests may participate.
                                                                                    9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. | Sponsored by
                                                                                    CliftonLarsonAllen & Wells Fargo
                                                                                  Location: Grand Salon
                                                                                  Attire: Casual


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N E T W O R K I N G & S P E C I A L                                                                                                 A C T I V I T I E S

                                       SUNDAY, AUGUST 12                                                                            MONDAY, AUGUST 13
                                       PRESIDENT’S NIGHT IN THE GARDEN COURTYARD                                                    NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF UTAH
                                       All attendees and registered guests may participate.                                         All attendees and registered guests may participate.
                                           6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. | Sponsored by Deloitte                                              6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. | Sponsored by CGI
                                       Location: Garden Courtyard                                                                   Transportation: Meet in the Grand Ballroom Foyer at 6:00
                                       Attire: Business Casual                                                                      p.m. for a 6:15 departure to the museum. Buses will return
                                                                                                                                    to the hotel at 8:30 p.m.
                                           Join NASACT President Roger Norman for a Picnic in the
                                           Canyon in the Grand America's Garden Courtyard. Enjoy a                                  Attire: Business Casual
                                           buffet-style dinner of wood-fired chicken, burgers, ribs
                                                                                                                                      The Monday night event will be held at the Natural
                                           and all the fixin's!
                                                                                                                                      History Museum of Utah, located on the campus of
                                                                                                                                      the University of Utah. Enjoy a heavy hors d'oeuvres
                                                                                                                                      reception and visit three of the museum's galleries
                                                                                                                                      showcasing the history of the intermountain west.

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All attendees and registered guests may participate.
  6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. | Sponsored by Accenture
Location: Imperial A/B
Attire: Business/Cocktail Attire

  6:00 p.m.           Reception
  6:45 p.m.           Dinner
  			                 2019 Host State Drawing
  			                 2018 NASACT Awards – President’s, Special Recognition & Distinguished Service Awards
  			                 Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
  8:30 p.m.           Entertainment & Dancing

                                                       NASACT HALL OF FAME
                                                       The NASACT Hall of Fame was created in 2015 to recognize an
                                                       elite group of individuals who over their professional careers have
                                                       made major and enduring impacts on state government financial
                                                       Hall of Fame inductees are not selected based upon a single
                                                       achievement, but rather to recognize careers filled with significant
                                                       achievements and contributions and to recognize those who have
                                                       reached the highest levels of performance in the profession.
                                                       Additionally, recipients embody characteristics including
                                                       outstanding vision, inspiring leadership, and unwavering
                                                       commitment to the highest professional and ethical standards and

                                                         Past Inductees

                                                         2017 Robert H. Attmore               2015 Louis L. Goldstein
                                                               Harlan E. Boyles                     Frank L. Greathouse
                                                               Harvey C. Eckert                     William R. Snodgrass
                                                                                                    Relmond P. Van Daniker
                                                         2016 W. Daniel Ebersole
                                                               Nancy K. Kopp
                                                               Edward J. Mazur

D A I LY                                 S C H E D U L E

                                                                                           12:00 P.M. – 1:00 P.M.
     2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
                                                                                           MEETING OF NASACT’S COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTING, REPORTING &
     REGISTRATION (Grand Ballroom Foyer)
                                                                                           AUDITING (Audubon, 3rd Floor)
     4:00 P.M. – 10:00 P.M.
                                                                                           1:30 P.M. – 3:30 P.M.
     HOSPITALITY OPEN HOUSE (Suite 2381)                                                   MEETING OF NASACT’S EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (Audubon, 3rd Floor)

     SUNDAY, AUGUST 12                                                                     2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
                                                                                           HOSPITALITY SUITE (Suite 2381)
     7:00 A.M. – 9:00 A.M.
     5K FUN RUN/WALK                                                                       4:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.
     Pre-registration required.                                                            NEW MEMBER RECEPTION (Suite 2381)
     Meet in the Grand Ballroom Foyer at 6:40 a.m. to walk to the starting line.           All new members of NASACT and their mentors are invited to come and meet the
                                                                                           Executive Committee and staff and learn more about the association.
     9:00 A.M. – 11:00 A.M.
     BRUNCH (Grand Salon)                                                                  6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M.
                                                                                           PRESIDENT’S NIGHT AT THE GARDEN COURTYARD
     Sponsored by CliftonLarsonAllen & Wells Fargo
                                                                                           Sponsored by Deloitte
     10:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.                                                                Join NASACT’s President Roger Norman on Sunday night for a Picnic in the Canyon in
     REGISTRATION (Grand Ballroom Foyer)                                                   the Grand America's Garden Courtyard.

                                                                                           8:00 P.M. – 10:30 P.M.
                                                                                           HOSPITALITY SUITE (Suite 2381)

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Pledge of Allegiance
MONDAY, AUGUST 13                                                                    Roger Norman, President of NASACT, Legislative Auditor (AR)
7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.                                                                Welcome from Utah Hosts
REGISTRATION (Imperial Ballroom Reception)                                           David Damschen, State Treasurer (UT)
                                                                                     John Dougall, State Auditor (UT)
7:00 A.M. – 8:10 A.M.
BREAKFAST (Imperial B)                                                               John Reidhead, Director, Division of Finance (UT)
Sponsored by KPMG LLP                                                            8:45 A.M. – 9:35 A.M.
                                                                                 GENERAL SESSION (Imperial A)
9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.
GUEST PROGRAM (Temple & Historic Tour)                                           Keynote Address Sponsored by Kamakura Corporation
Pre-registration required. See page 29 for details. Meet in the Grand Ballroom   GS#1. Game Plan for Success
Foyer at 8:45 a.m. for 9:00 a.m. departure.
                                                                                 Field of study: Personal Development
8:15 A.M. – 8:45 A.M.                                                            Lou Holtz's message transcends athletics. It resonates—even to those who aren't
OPENING CEREMONIES (Imperial A)                                                  sports-minded. The focus is on people and the values that make relationships (and
                                                                                 organizations) excel. Once heard, you will have no doubt why Lou Holtz is considered
    Opening Remarks
                                                                                 a legendary team leader and speaker on achievement.
    Roger Norman, President of NASACT, Legislative Auditor (AR)
                                                                                     Lou Holtz, Legendary Football Coach and Analyst, ESPN (2004-2015)
    Color Guard & Singing of the National Anthem
    Utah Inter-tribal Veteran’s Association                                          Moderator: Roger Norman, President of NASACT, Legislative Auditor (AR)
    Justin Lee, Elections Director, Utah Lieutenant Governor's Office

                                                                                                                    LOU HOLTZ has established himself as one of
                                                                                                                    the most successful college football coaches
                                                                                                                    of all time. He played linebacker at Kent State
                                                                                                                    for two seasons before an injury ended his
                                                                                                                    career. Holtz is the only coach in the history of
                                                                                                                    college football to: 1) Take 6 different teams
                                                                                                                    to a bowl game. 2) Win 5 bowl games with
                                                                                                                    different teams. 3) To have 4 different college
                                                                                                                    teams ranked in the final Top 20 poll. Holtz
                                                                                         was selected for the College Football Hall of Fame, class of 2008, which
                                                                                         places him in an elite group of just over 800 individuals in the history of
               In successfully managing risk,                                            football who have earned this distinction.
     only a powerful and trusted solution will suffice.                                  Until 2014, Holtz was a college football studio analyst on ESPN. He
     Kamakura’s risk products and services succeed                                       appeared on ESPNews, ESPN College GameDay programs, SportsCenter,
    daily for governments and corporate firms across                                     and served as an on-site analyst for college football games.
     the globe. Unparalled research and experience                                       Coach Holtz is currently in his second year with SiriusXM Radio as a Co-
      make us your most advanced, intelligent risk                                       Host for two sports programs; a golf show broadcast throughout the year
         solution available—today and tomorrow.                                          entitled, “Holtz In One,” and two weekly college football shows during
                                                                                         For many years, Lou Holtz has been considered among the greatest
                                                                                         speaking legends in America. He speaks on overcoming seemingly
                                                                                         impossible challenges by setting your own goals and working to
                                                                                         achieve them. He has built a reputation as a motivator, a demanding
                                                                                         disciplinarian, and someone who relishes challenges and hard work.
 For more information on Kamakura’s advanced risk solutions,                             Holtz has authored three New York Times best-selling books and four
                visit                                                 highly acclaimed motivational videos.

D A I LY                       S C H E D U L E

     9:35 A.M. – 9:55 A.M.                                                                                                     CS#2. Customer-First Management (Murano)
     BREAK (Imperial Ballroom Reception)                                                                                       Field of study: Personnel/HR
     Sponsored by OpenGov, SAP Concur & Workday                                                                                In this interactive session, attendees will consider the importance of customer-
                                                                                                                               centric management, particularly for financial administrators in the public sector.
     9:55 A.M. – 11:10 A.M.                                                                                                    Using tools and techniques that are tested and proven for government, we will
     CONCURRENT SESSIONS                                                                                                       explore the concept of a customer-centric management philosophy that will resonate
     CS#1. How Digital Technologies are Transforming the Finance                                                               with line-level employees, inspire managers and help government organizations
     Function (Imperial C)                                                                                                     achieve their strategic objectives. We will examine the distorted incentives that
     Field of study: Information Technology                                                                                    financial administrators can create when they manage for the benefit of groups other
                                                                                                                               than their immediate customers and discuss how enhanced attention to our actual
     Digital technologies (like robotic process automation, artificial intelligence and                                        customers can better serve the public interest. We will discuss how choosing the
     analytics) hold the promise of freeing up substantial amounts of your staff’s time                                        wrong metrics for the wrong purposes can incentivize negative behavior and actually
     so they can spend significantly less effort on transaction processing, data gathering                                     work against the public good. Furthermore, we will explore how the effective use
     and other non-value-add work. Instead, your staff can spend more time on improving                                        of IT systems for measuring and tracking customer service can empower financial
     support for your partner agencies and citizens. Speakers from Georgia and California                                      executives both to manage their organizations and report their important successes
     will tell you about their initial efforts in this area and where they plan to go next,                                    to elected officials and the public.
     along with some introductory comments from Accenture.
                                                                                                                                   Cynthia Cloud, State Auditor (WY)
         Greg Griffin, State Auditor (GA)
                                                                                                                                   Erick R. Scheminske, Director, U.S. Commercial & State Government, CGI
         Mark Howard, Global Administration Segment Lead, Public Service,
         Accenture                                                                                                                 Moderator: Stacy Neal, Director of Accounting (MO)

         Miriam Ingenito, Director, Financial Information System for California
         Moderator: Daryl Purpera, Legislative Auditor (LA)

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CS#3. Technology Modernization in State Financial Management:                             CS#6. Artificial Intelligence: How Will It Change the Role of the
Findings From the Deloitte-NASACT Survey (Imperial D)                                     Auditor? (Imperial D)
Field of study: Information Technology                                                    Field of study: Auditing (Governmental)
The Deloitte-NASACT survey explores how digital transformation is reshaping               AI is no longer a plot device in science fiction film. AI is becoming as ubiquitous as
financial management in state governments. Discover the strategies that                   the personal computer and the opportunities of what AI can do for internal audit is
government organizations are using to navigate the digital roadmap and the areas          almost as endless as the challenges this disruptive technology represents. In this
of greatest opportunity in adapting a digital-first strategy. A panel of government       session, attendees will learn the different forms of AI, how governments are using AI
financial leaders will share their reactions to the survey findings.                      today, and what challenges and possibilities AI presents to tomorrow’s auditors. The
    Christina Dorfhuber, Principal, Deloitte Consulting                                   session will conclude with a brief look at the social implications of AI’s adoption and
                                                                                          how auditors will play a critical role ensuring AI is being used for good.
    John O’Leary, Senior Manager, Deloitte Center for Government Insights
                                                                                              Rick Gamache, Senior Consultant, BerryDunn
    Manju Ganeriwala, State Treasurer (VA)
                                                                                              Moderator: Suzanne Bump, Auditor of the Commonwealth (MA)
    Anna Maria Kiehl, State Comptroller/Chief Accounting Officer (PA)
                                                                                          CS#7. Transparency Initiatives & Issues: Taking It to the Next Level
    Raúl Maldonado-Gautier, Secretary, Department of the Treasury (PR)                    (Murano)
    Moderator: Doug Cotnoir, State Controller (ME)                                        Field of study: Finance

CS#4. Cloud Applications & State Government: The Future Has                               Many government organizations have deployed public data through transparency
Arrived (Envoy)                                                                           initiatives to improve public confidence, meet compliance requirements, and derive
                                                                                          value from open-government apps built from public data. In the beginning days of
Field of study: Information Technology                                                    online financial transparency, a check register was innovative. Now it’s expected
Cloud has been a much talked about subject for several years and all states have          and providing information that is meaningful to the public remains an evolving
moved some operations to the Cloud. Today the trend is accelerating. States are           challenge—one that should be responsive to the shifting dynamics of public policy
moving or actively planning on moving entire ERP systems to the Cloud. This session       and public interest.
will explore that trend as well as the increasing sophistication of new and intelligent   Learn what trends continue across the country from federal and state governments
ERP applications.                                                                         to improve and advance transparency initiatives now, as well as what new
    Daniel Keene, General Manager, Oracle State and Local Government                      requirements may be coming in the future. You will also hear how South Carolina
                                                                                          has approached the transparency challenge by making information available that’s
    Bob Sabo, ERP/EPM Cloud Strategic Programs Director, Oracle Public Sector
                                                                                          in high demand but doesn’t necessarily fit the traditional definition of financial
    Yvonne Turner, Deputy Director, Office of Planning and Budgeting (GA)                 transparency.
    Moderator: Cindy Farrell, Assistant Commissioner, Management & Budget (MN)                Sherry Amos, Director, Market Development, Education & Government, Workday
                                                                                              Richard Eckstrom, Comptroller General (SC)
11:10 A.M. – 11:20 A.M.
ROOM CHANGE                                                                                   Moderator: Jay Cleveland, Chief Operating Officer, State Accounting Enterprise
11:20 A.M. – 12:10 P.M.                                                                   CS#8. Fraud Prevention & Detection: From a Management & Audit
CONCURRENT SESSIONS                                                                       Perspective (Envoy)
CS#5. Robotic Process Automation: Arizona Unleashes the Bots!                             Field of study: Auditing (Governmental)
(Imperial C)
                                                                                          What more could you be doing to protect your organization from the risks around
Field of study: Information Technology                                                    employee-initiated spend? Employees are spending more money across more
Automation technology has begun to influence almost every aspect of daily life.           spend categories using more payment methods than ever before. And with more
Areas ranging from Amazon Alexa to self-driving cars, unmanned drones, chatbots,          channels to pay for goods and services, this leaves organizations vulnerable to
and even the accounting profession present opportunities for greater efficiency           fraud and compliance risks. During this session the speakers will discuss employee
and productivity through automation. In this session, we will discuss Arizona’s           initiated spending and the potential for fraud, best practices around compliance
assessment of robotic process automation (RPA) opportunities. We will then                communications and policies, and anti-fraud safeguards to help detect and lower
demonstrate the automations and review the real-world experience and lessons              fraud losses.
learned from the implementation of RPA in two Arizona state agencies.                         Matt Gibbons, Senior Director, SAP Concur
    Nathan Frey, Partner, ISG Public Sector                                                   Alan Skelton, State Accounting Officer (GA)
    Clark Partridge, State Comptroller (AZ)                                                   Moderator: John Geragosian, State Auditor (CT)
    Moderator: Brandon Woolf, State Controller (ID)

D A I LY                    S C H E D U L E

     12:10 P.M. – 1:25 P.M.                                                                 CS#10. Implementing Cloud Financial Systems for a State (Imperial C)
     LUNCH (Imperial B)                                                                     Field of study: Finance
     Sponsored by Oracle                                                                    Governments are exploring moving many of their critical business systems to
                                                                                            the Cloud. This presentation will explore how to go about planning and executing
     1:25 P.M. – 2:40 P.M.                                                                  the transition to the Cloud and provide lessons learned from recent state
     CONCURRENT SESSIONS                                                                    implementations.
     CS#9. The Future is Now: New Generation Digital Technology for 21st                        Julie Barrientos, Manager, KPMG LLP
     Century Government (Imperial C)
                                                                                                Ray Zaso, Principal, KPMG LLP
     Field of study: Personnel/HR
                                                                                                Moderator: Cynthia Cloud, State Auditor (WY)

     Artificial intelligence, robotics, data science and other technologies are being

                         S IO
     developed to dramatically increase the effectiveness of government operations. This
                          S LED
                                                                                            CS#11. GASB Update: What Will the Future Hold? (Imperial A)

     session will draw on historical insights and provide helpful tips and techniques to

                       S CEL
                                                                                            Field of study: Accounting (Governmental)
     help your agency or organization draw on these tools to help you build the workforce

     of the future.                                                                         Work continues on two foundational projects that will shape the future of
                                                                                            governmental accounting and financial reporting. In addition, a third foundational
         Kurt A. Steward, Ph.D., Executive Director, Infor
                                                                                            project likely will be added to the Board’s agenda later in August. This session
         Steve Barnett, State Auditor (SD)                                                  will provide insights into development of the Board’s Preliminary Views, Financial
         Moderator: Ron Knecht, State Controller (NV)                                       Reporting Model Improvements (with a highly-anticipated Alternative Views document
                                                                                            scheduled to be released in September); address issues that were identified in
                                                                                            the responses to the Invitation to Comment, Revenue and Expense Recognition; and
                                                                                            highlight the significant findings from a multi-year research effort associated with
                                                                                            notes to financial statements, which is expected to round out the GASB Big Three
                                                                                            technical agenda projects.

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David Vaudt, Chair, GASB                                                          3:50 P.M. – 4:00 P.M.
    David Bean, Director of Research and Technical Activities, GASB                   ROOM CHANGE
    Kristopher Knight, Deputy Secretary of State (DE) and GASB Board Member           4:00 P.M. – 4:45 P.M.
    Moderator: Alan Skelton, State Accounting Officer (GA)                            BUSINESS MEETINGS Open to Members/Member Staff Only
                                                                                          - NASC (Imperial C)
2:40 P.M. – 3:00 P.M.                                                                     - NSAA (Imperial D)
BREAK (Imperial Ballroom Reception)                                                       - State Treasurers Meeting (Murano)
Sponsored by Bank of America Merrill Lynch, BerryDunn & RSM
                                                                                      6:30 P.M. – 8:30 P.M.
3:00 P.M. – 3:50 P.M.                                                                 NETWORKING EVENT AT THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF UTAH
                                                                                      Sponsored by CGI
GS#2. Blockchain: What Is It & How Is It Actually Being Used?
                                                                                      Enjoy heavy hors d'oeuvres and private tours of several galleries in the Natural
(Imperial A)
                                                                                      History Museum of Utah.
Field of study: Information Technology
                                                                                      Transportation: Meet in the Grand Ballroom Foyer at 6:00 p.m. for a 6:15
Over the last 18 months there has been a lot of buzz about cryptocurrencies and the   departure to the museum. Buses will return to the hotel at 8:30 p.m.
underlying blockchain technology. What exactly is blockchain? How much is hype
vs. hope? This presentation will explain what blockchain is and how it is actually    8:30 P.M. – 10:30 P.M.
being used to solve real world problems.                                              HOSPITALITY SUITE (Suite 2381)
    Jonathan E. Johnson III, President, Medici Ventures and Director,
    Moderator: John Dougall, State Auditor (UT)

                           JONATHAN E. JOHNSON III has served as the
                           chairman of Overstock's board of directors since
                           April 2014, transitioning to the position after five
                           years as the company's president and then the
                           acting CEO. Jonathan joined Overstock in 2002
                           and has been an integral part of Overstock's
                           meteoric growth from a small start-up to a
                           publicly-traded company with over $1.8 billion in
                           sales and over 1,700 employees.
 Jonathan is also president of Medici Ventures, Overstock's new
 subsidiary that oversees a portfolio of blockchain technology and fintech
 businesses. In this role, Jonathan is responsible for pioneering growth                            Helping public sector organizations
 and innovation in applying blockchain to financial markets and beyond.                                  move into the digital age
 Prior to joining Overstock, Jonathan was with TenFold Corporation in
 various positions, including CFO and general counsel. Before that, he
 practiced corporate law in Los Angeles with two international law firms.
                                                                                                ISG has worked with 19 statewide ERP
 He served as a judicial clerk at the Utah Supreme Court. Jonathan                              projects to improve efficiency, manage
 received a Bachelor's Degree in Japanese from Brigham Young University,                           change and plan for the future.
 studied at Osaka University of Foreign Studies in Japan as a Ministry of
 Education Scholar, and received a juris doctor degree from the J. Reuben
 Clark Law School at Brigham Young University.
 He serves on the governing boards of the Salt Lake Chamber of                                              Contact Nathan Frey
 Commerce, the Utah Technology Council, the Utah Foundation, the                                   512.970.0745
 University Hospital Foundation, and the Hale Centre Theatre. In 2016, he                 
 unsuccessfully ran for governor as a Republican.                                                       industries-detail/government

D A I LY                   S C H E D U L E

     TUESDAY, AUGUST 14                                                               8:35 A.M. – 9:25 A.M.
                                                                                      GENERAL SESSION (Imperial A)
     7:00 A.M. – 5:00 P.M.
     REGISTRATION (Imperial Ballroom Reception)                                       Keynote Address Sponsored by The College Board
                                                                                      GS#3. Optimizing Your Multigenerational Workforce
     7:00 A.M. – 8:25 A.M.                                                            Field of study: Personnel/HR
     BREAKFAST (Imperial B)
                                                                                      For the first time in history, four (and soon to be five) generations are sharing the
     Sponsored by ACL                                                                 workplace—the Traditional Traditionalists, Still-Booming Boomers, Xtra-Independent
                                                                                      Gen Xers and Tech-or-Die Gen Ys. You’ve probably heard a lot of experts describe
     9:00 A.M. – 2:00 P.M.                                                            these generational differences. Well, in this dynamic, action-oriented program,
     GUEST PROGRAM (Olympic Park & Park City)                                         you’ll learn how to actually turn those generational differences into a strategic
     Pre-registration required. See page 29 for details. Meet in the Grand Ballroom   advantage for you and your organization.
     Foyer at 8:45 a.m. for 9:00 a.m. departure.                                      New York Times bestselling author Lindsey Pollak—often called a translator among
                                                                                      generations—will share her expert insights into how organizations across a wide
     8:30 A.M. – 8:35 A.M.                                                            variety of industries are thriving with a multigenerational workforce. You’ll gain
     OPENING REMARKS (Imperial A)                                                     specific, actionable tactics to manage cross-generational challenges and take
         Roger Norman, NASACT President and Legislative Auditor (AR)                  advantage of the opportunities of a multigenerational workforce.
                                                                                          Lindsey Pollak, Leading Voice on Multigenerational Workplace and New York
                                                                                          Times Bestselling Author
                                                                                          Moderator: Pat McCarthy, State Auditor (WA)

                                                                                      9:25 A.M. – 9:35 A.M.
                                                                                      ROOM CHANGE

                                                                                                                         LINDSEY POLLAK is one of the country’s
                                                                                                                         leading experts on the millennial generation and
                                                                                                                         the multigenerational workplace. She is the New
                                                                                                                         York Times bestselling author of two career advice
                                                                                                                         books—Becoming the Boss: New Rules for the Next
                                                                                                                         Generation of Leaders and Getting from College to
                                                                                                                         Career. Forbes has named her blog one of the 100
                                                                                                                         Best Websites for Your Career.
                                                                                               Lindsey’s speaking audiences and consulting clients have included over 200
                                                                                               top corporations, law firms, universities and business schools—including
                                                                                               Citigroup, Dell, Estée Lauder, JP Morgan, Ralph Lauren, Yale, Harvard,
                                                                                               Wharton and MIT. She also served for six years as an official ambassador for
                                                                                               LinkedIn, where she trained over 100,000 students and professionals in how
                                                                                               to use the network.
                                                                                               Her advice and opinions have appeared in such media outlets as The TODAY
                                                                                               Show, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, CNN and NPR. Lindsey is a
                                                                                               graduate of Yale University and is based in New York City.

9:35 A.M. – 10:25 A.M.                                                                    In this session, attendees will learn how data analytics and automation technologies
CONCURRENT SESSIONS                                                                       can be applied across all phases of the audit process to increase audit responsiveness,
                                                                                          coverage, consistency and effectiveness. Technology alone is not enough, however.
CS#12. Predictive Markers of Financial Failure: Integrating Bond
                                                                                          Audit departments must also progress through a maturation of their people, process,
Prices Into Credit Analytics (Envoy)
                                                                                          data and governance to ensure their technology-enabled auditing efforts are
Field of study: Finance                                                                   sustainable for the long run.
This session will provide a hands-on guide to examine credit formulas that don’t          This session will highlight key practices used by leading organizations to work through
work, best practice modeling strategy, and how credit professionals can use these         their implementation challenges to make data analytics and automation stick. Case
examples to monitor their own risk. These tools are effective in the management           studies and examples will address common risks around improper payments and data
of fixed income investment portfolios, equity portfolios and managing unsecured           quality with special attention to leveraging technologies you may already have in your
deposit balances and counterparty exposure.                                               organization.
    Martin M. Zorn, President and Chief Operating Officer, Kamakura Corporation               Ernie Almonte, Partner, RSM
    Scott Austensen, Deputy Treasurer (GA)                                                    Jim Tarantino, Manager, National Data Analytics Champion, RSM US LLP
    Moderator: Steve McCoy, State Treasurer (GA)                                              Moderator: Beth Wood, State Auditor (NC)

CS#13. Increasing Audit Agility with Data Analytics & Automation                          CS#14. Automating Fiscal Oversight: De-Risking Your Data (Imperial C)
(Imperial D)                                                                              Field of study: Information Technology
Field of study: Auditing (Governmental)                                                   While financial officers have always been tasked with establishing and enforcing
It’s no surprise that audit departments today are under continuous pressure to enhance    internal controls, new digital technologies unlock transformative opportunities
the pace and effectiveness with which they must respond to an expanding and evolving      to improve oversight and management. Through trial and error, many finance
risk landscape. As organizational processes become increasingly digital, auditors can     departments have agreed that creating a digital infrastructure to reduce human
also tap into the digital trend and utilize data and technology to make their own audit   error and mitigate risk is a strategic initiative with long lasting impact. This panel
activities more agile.                                                                    will cover two states’ journeys to remove archaic reporting systems, implement

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D A I LY                     S C H E D U L E

     tools for operational insight and financial oversight, and create internal teams that   10:25 A.M. – 10:45 A.M.
     rely on, and effectively use, accurate and up-to-date data.                             BREAK (Imperial Ballroom Reception)
         Kyle Hall, Product Manager, Socrata                                                 Sponsored by First Data, Socrata & Workiva
         Jeffery Shapiro, First Deputy Comptroller (MA)
                                                                                             10:45 A.M. – 12:00 P.M.
         Anna Maria Kiehl, State Comptroller/Chief Accounting Officer (PA)                   CONCURRENT SESSIONS
         Moderator: Mike Fitzgerald, State Treasurer (IA)                                    CS#16. Economic Report for the States (Imperial C)
     CS#15. Data Classification (Murano)                                                     Field of study: Economics
     Field of study: Finance                                                                 This session will address a variety of economic trends and emerging issues
                                                                                             impacting the states. First, hear an overview of the current fiscal situation in the
     What types of data need to be protected? What levels of protection are required?        states and the serious financial management problems state government leaders
     What techniques should be used to secure and protect data within your                   must face in the coming years. Next, S&P Global Ratings will provide an overview
     organization? These are all critical questions that governments are facing today.       of current credit conditions across the U.S., its outlook for fiscal 2019 and beyond,
     We will discuss and review these topics, as well as how formal data classification      and challenges and opportunities for state credit quality. S&P’s economic outlook
     policies and governance can provide guidance and structure to the organization to       and how it factors into its view of state fiscal conditions will also be covered.
     handle these issues. We will also consider the various standards and requirements       Lastly, learn about financial management best practices and how they can relate
     that exist regarding certain types of data and review examples of how to secure data    to changing economic times. Specifically, how can states prepare during good
     in order to conform with certain standards and criteria.                                economic times to help them survive when the economy turns?
         James P. Kreiser, IT Principal, CliftonLarsonAllen LLP                                  John T. Hicks, Executive Director, National Association of State Budget Officers
         Moderator: David Von Moll, State Comptroller (VA)                                       Carol H. Spain, Director, U.S. Public Finance, S&P Global Ratings
                                                                                                 John Nixon, Chief Business Officer, University of Utah, Volcker Alliance
                                                                                                 Moderator: Manju Ganeriwala, State Treasurer (VA)

                                                                                                      American Express
                                                                                                      is proud to support
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CS#17. Audit Standards Update: What Changes Lie Ahead? (Imperial D)                    12:00 P.M. – 1:05 P.M.
Field of study: Auditing (Governmental)                                                LUNCH (Imperial B)
GAO recently released the 2018 version of Government Auditing Standards in July.       Sponsored by EY & Infor
This is the first major change of these standards since 2011. Attend this session
to learn about the major changes contained in the new Yellow Book. Next, a former      1:05 P.M. – 1:55 P.M.
member of the AICPA’s Audit Standards Board will provide an update of activities       CONCURRENT SESSIONS
occurring at the ASB and what changes lie ahead in audit standards, attestation
                                                                                       CS#19. People Matter: Recruit, Retain & Motivate (Imperial C)
standards, and standards for accounting and review services.
                                                                                       Field of study: Personnel/HR
    Kristen Kociolek, Assistant Director, Financial Management & Assurance Team,
    U.S. Government Accountability Office                                              High-quality staff are the life-blood of every organization. Recruiting, hiring
                                                                                       and retaining these employees is vital to organizational success and continuity.
    Gerry Boaz, Technical Manager, Division of Audit, Office of the Comptroller of
                                                                                       Cumulative research demonstrates that the average cost of turnover for an $8.00
    the Treasury (TN)
                                                                                       per hour employee is over $9,000. In addition to the bottom line cost, the cost to
    Moderator: April Renfro, Division Manager, Audits Division, Legislative Services   morale and business progress is directly impacted. During this highly interactive
    Office (ID)                                                                        session, participants will examine best practices in recruiting and retention of those
                                                                                       key employees. The session will examine trends in the human resources area with
CS#18. Cybersecurity (Murano)                                                          a focus on gaining real world insights that can be implemented to enhance current
Field of study: Information Technology                                                 processes. Participants will walk away with new ideas and tools to drive results in
                                                                                       their organizations.
Given the recent issues at the city of Atlanta and elsewhere, the question isn’t if
it will happen, but when. Agencies need to be prepared operationally for the next          Lisa Fitzgerald, Director of Human Resources, Eide Bailly LLP
breach. This session will help you think differently about cyber issues and outline        Jason McKeever, Director of Training and Development, Eide Bailly, LLP
various steps states should be taking now to increase cyber readiness.
                                                                                           Kathy Sheppard, Deputy Comptroller (MA)
    Jenny Hedderman, Deputy Comptroller and General Counsel (MA)
                                                                                           Moderator: Lynne Bajema, State Comptroller (OK)
    Brett D. Rogers, Manager, Cybersecurity, EY
    Rakesh Thakur, Senior Manager, Advisory Services-Cybersecurity, EY
    Moderator: Greg Griffin, State Auditor (GA)                                                  Wells Fargo is proud
                                                                                                 to support the 2018
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D A I LY                      S C H E D U L E

     CS#20. Blockchain: Initiatives in Fintech & Delaware’s Pilot (Murano)                          Holger Ebert, Senior Vice President/Division Manager, Treasury Management,
                                                                                                    Wells Fargo
     Field of study: Information Technology
                                                                                                    Beth Probst, Global Product Manager, Treasury Management Wells Fargo
     This presentation will review the current state of Fintech software and technology
     firms including traditional Fintech companies and banks, as well as startups who               Anna Maria Kiehl, State Comptroller/Chief Accounting Officer (PA)
     want to disrupt the industry. Security, scalability vs. performance, and the potential         Moderator: Kirt Slaugh, Deputy State Treasurer (UT)
     impact on transaction costs will be explored. While adoption on a massive scale has
     not happened, the presentation will look at what the future could hold. Delaware           CS#22. Combatting Improper Payments with Data Automation
     will also describe a blockchain pilot project currently ongoing in the state.              (Imperial D)
         David Natelson, Vice-President, Government Solutions, First Data                       Field of study: Auditing (Governmental)
         Kristopher Knight, Deputy Secretary of State (DE)                                      Within more and more budget-constrained programs, there is a heightened focus
         Moderator: Richard Eckstrom, Comptroller General (SC)                                  on reducing improper payments and reducing fraud risk to ensure that programs
                                                                                                can achieve their mission. Waiting for an audit to identify improper payments
     CS#21. Battle Armor to Combat Fraud (Envoy)                                                isn’t enough to effectively stay on top of improper payments, uncover root causes,
                                                                                                monitor rates and meet federal expectations. In recent audits, Oregon's Audit
     Field of study: Information Technology
                                                                                                Division identified key data analytics that can be used not only as a detective tool,
     Electronic fraud has exploded and terms like imposter fraud, ransomware, account           but also to proactively reduce improper payments and fraud through automation. In
     take over fraud, cyber fraud, data breaches and social engineering proliferate our         this session we’ll discuss opportunities for agencies to combat improper payments,
     vocabulary. But battle armor is evolving and the pace of new tools being available         data analytics for Medicaid and SNAP, and evolving your analytics program from
     to fight fraud is increasing. This session will focus on practical applications of tried   ad-hoc to automated.
     and true methods, but will also consider how new tools, like account validation and
                                                                                                    Nonie Dalton, Senior Product Manager, ACL
     artificial intelligence, are enhancing the available battle armor.
                                                                                                    Kathy Davis, Staff Auditor, Division of Audits (OR)
                                                                                                    Eli Ritchie, Staff Auditor, Division of Audits (OR)
                                                                                                    Moderator: Pola Buckley, State Auditor (ME)



1:55 P.M. – 2:05 P.M.                                                                  CS#24. State Bond Ratings: Changing Criteria & the Impact Ratings
ROOM CHANGE                                                                            Have on Bond Pricing (Envoy)
                                                                                       Field of study: Finance
2:05 P.M. – 2:55 P.M.
                                                                                       This session will discuss the various types of investors and the impact ratings have
CONCURRENT SESSIONS                                                                    on each type versus their own internal credit analysts. Are investors stopping at the
CS#23. Missed Opportunity: Leveraging Transparency to its Full                         rating (and obviously there are some instances where the answer is yes once you get
Potential (Imperial C)                                                                 to a certain rating level) or do they look at the credit fundamentals?
Field of study: Finance                                                                    John Loffredo, Executive Managing Director, Co-Chief Investment Officer,
                                                                                           MacKay Shields
Transparency is everywhere. But that doesn't mean it has reached its full potential.
To date, the focus has been external. But what about the internal benefits of              Sue Perez, Deputy Treasurer (MA)
transparency? West Virginia State Auditor JB McCuskey and OpenGov CEO Zac                  David Andersen, Managing Director and Head of Municipal Underwriting and
Bookman will explore how West Virginia—which "has undergone a meteoric rise"               Trading, Bank of America Merrill Lynch
and recently received top honors in the U.S. PIRG's 2018 report Following the Money—
is using transparency to build public trust, and how numerous governments across           Moderator: James MacDonald, First Deputy Treasurer, Office of State Treasurer
the U.S. are becoming more transparent internally to improve collaboration, make           (MA)
more informed decisions and drive better outcomes.
                                                                                       CS#25. Fiscal Stress Monitoring System & Water Infrastructure
    Zachary F. Bookman, CEO, OpenGov                                                   (Imperial D)
    John B. McCuskey, State Auditor (WV)                                               Field of study: Auditing (Governmental)
    Moderator: Cheryl Grey, Administrator, State Financial Services Division (MT)      In this session, the Office of the New York State Comptroller will discuss two recent
                                                                                       initiatives: Fiscal Monitoring System and water infrastructure research reports.
                                                                                       Implemented in 2013, the Fiscal Stress Monitoring System evaluates the financial
                                                                                       condition of all local governments and school districts in the state, serving as an
                                                                                       early warning system for those with financial issues to avert a fiscal crisis. It was
                                                                                       named by Harvard's Kennedy School of Government in 2017 as one of the top 25
                                                                                       innovative programs in the country. This session will highlight how the system
                                                                                       works and recent trends.

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                                  Make the mark.                                             today’s municipal market
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                                  Plante Moran’s independent                                 Commercial Team Lead | 212-438-2474 |
                                  advisors for more than 70 years.                           Carol Spain
                                  Robin Milne                                                Lead Analyst, Director | 312-233-7095 |

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