Welcome to Torquay Christian Fellowship - Jesus - Including the Excluded - The Disturbed Man - Declare Jesus Develop Disciples Glorify God

Page created by Chester Perry
Welcome to Torquay Christian Fellowship - Jesus - Including the Excluded - The Disturbed Man - Declare Jesus Develop Disciples Glorify God
Member Church
                        Our vision:
                      Declare Jesus
                     Develop Disciples                15 August 2021
                       Glorify God

Welcome to Torquay Christian Fellowship

      Jesus – Including the Excluded – The Disturbed
                   SPEAKER - REV DANNY MCDOWELL


 PRE SCHOOL ROOM            AUDIO T-LOOP                         WIFI
 AUDITORIUM                  AUDITORIUM                 AUDITORIUM
                                                  PASSWORD: tcfchurch
 AGE)                    PLEASE JOIN US FOR                  TOILETS
Welcome to Torquay Christian Fellowship - Jesus - Including the Excluded - The Disturbed Man - Declare Jesus Develop Disciples Glorify God
NEW TO TCF?                                       DATES FOR YOUR DIARY
Help us keep in touch by giving us your contact details. There are
                        forms in the foyer
                  OR contact the church office.                                  Fridays Weekly
                          03 5261 6831                                             9:30 - 11am
                   office@torquaybaptist.com                            Playgroup at TCF - for all pre-school
                                                                                     age kids

              NEW ZEALAND HOUSE SWAP                                    Friday Night Youth (Grade 6 - Year
                                                                                   6th of August.
                                                                                 7pm-9pm at TCF
                                                                              Olympic Games Theme
                                                                           Wear sports/active clothing and
 Jessica Sherman's parents ( Martin and Helen) would like to do a                 running shoes
 house swap in Torquay for 2-3 months next year from February-           Snacks provided, BYO drink bottle
                              April 2022.
Martin and Helen live in Taupo, New Zealand. Taupo is one of the                Sundays Weekly
  most popular tourist destinations in NZ. It is in the middle of the              9:15 - 9:45am
 North Island , perched on Lake Taupo which is the largest lake in           Prayer before the service
  NZ. It is a very eventful town and also a great base for exploring             in the Sanctuary
the rest of NZ. Please get in touch with Jessica on 0422560522 or
   email jessica.joy.sherman@gmail.com if you are interested!                     Now in October!
                                                                                     9am - 5pm
                                                                                14th & 15th October
            QUESTIONS FROM THE MESSAGE                                          2 day course at TCF
                                                                         Mental Health First Aid Training
   What happened to convince you to stay in a particular place –               run by Jules Haddock
   be it church, job, school, club - or to move on?                       Limited spaces are available.
   How do you share the great things Jesus has done for you with        email office@torquaybaptist.com to
   others?                                                                       secure your place.
   When do you find yourself slipping into treating others as you
   think they deserve instead of considering them through God’s                      2 October
   eyes of grace?                                                        Charity Event for Foundation 61.
   How can you go about ‘arresting’ that way of thinking?                       Starry Starry Night
   What might you do to more readily open up your heart, to             A Mind Heart Body Ball & Fundraiser
   release your fears, and re-orient your thinking to the One who               6:30pm – 10:30pm
   is greater than you - the God who overflows with grace and             $150 (3-course gourmet dinner &
   mercy?                                                                         drinks package)
                                                                              @ Mount Duneed Estate
                                                                         Supported by Danni Synot and live
                                                                        music by Mr Meaner and much more.
     15/08 Patrick de Klerk
      16/08 Theo Gordon
                                                                                   30 October
    17/08 Jessica Sherman
                                                                                Sounds of Hope
   17/08 Jeanne Mackenzie
                                                                              10h30 to 2h30 at TCF
      19/08 Kai Leemans
                                                                          Morning tea and lunch provided
    20/08 Joshua Moscrop
                                                                          Save the Date! Tickets will be
  21/08 Daniel Boycott-Brown
                                                                             available in September.
Welcome to Torquay Christian Fellowship - Jesus - Including the Excluded - The Disturbed Man - Declare Jesus Develop Disciples Glorify God
                                                      Declare Jesus – Develop Disciples – Glorify God

                                          “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the
                                                                   power to do what pleases him.”
                                                                                   Philippians 2:13


In his book ‘Mere Christianity’, C.S. Lewis writes:

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, you can understand what
He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping leaks in the roof and so on: you knew those jobs
needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that
hurts abominably and doesn’t seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that he
is building quite a different house from the one you thought of – throwing out a new wing here, putting on an
extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a
decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.”

God is constantly ‘doing’ work on you. He is constantly doing work on me too! And just when I think that the
‘renovations’ might have finished and He has ‘downed tools’, and headed home for the night, He does
something completely unexpected… and the work continues. Yep, sometimes it knocks me about and yes,
- as Lewis says – it sometimes “hurts abominably and doesn’t seem to make sense. But the work He’s
doing involves all the good, and, the not-so-good so when we are able to stand back and consider the
bigger picture – and recognise where God has done His work – our ‘house’ may not be anywhere near as
recognisable as we were expecting! But it will always be better!

How good is that? I’ve been intentionally taking time lately to sit back and have a look at my ‘house!’ And I
can definitely see where God has done some work on me! And in a number of different ways, I’m finding
much more evidence of the fruits of the Spirit that Paul talks about in Galatians 5:22-23. That’s gotta be
good right!? Maybe I’ll never get all of them right at the same time, but the best bit is that he isn’t finished
working on me yet!

The writer of Hebrews says to us: “… may he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he
produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him…”
(13:21). Each and every one of us has the opportunity to see that God is ‘building quite a different house
from the one you might have originally been content with and in that we have the opportunity to find joy in
the unexpected as He ‘renovates’ and grows us in His image.

What about you? Can you see where God is working on you?
Can I encourage you to also sit back and have a gander at your ‘house?’

Have a great week!

Welcome to Torquay Christian Fellowship - Jesus - Including the Excluded - The Disturbed Man - Declare Jesus Develop Disciples Glorify God
SMALL GROUPS @ TCF                                            SERVING ROSTER
   Reading the Bible - Together                         15/08                    22/08
                                        SOUND/WORDS     Russell T/Jim T          Charlie B/Tyrone Tee
                                        KIDS CHURCH     Tyrone/Culene/Sarah      Matt H/La-Rochelle/Lynette
                                        YOUTH           Michael Brew             Michael Brew
                                        WELCOME         Julie B/Glenis/Belinda   Jim/Julie O/Glenis/Jenny
                                        OFFERING        Julie B/Jim T            Graham G/Val R
                                        FLOWERS         Evelyn                   Glenis
                                        COMMUNION       Janine Poole             Ed Robertson
                                        BIBLE READING   La-Rochelle Tee          Jim/Julie Orton
  We really value our small group       MORNING TEA     Frank/Cari               Nat/Ruby/Noot
   ministry at TCF, and consider
them to be an essential part of our
                                        PASTORAL CARE TEAM                       LISTEN AND WATCH
            Christian life.
                                         Ed Robertson - 0407 615 009
                                        Val Robertson - 0408 102 834
 In and through our small groups,
                                         Glenis Brown - 0408 081 960
     we find yet another way of
                                        Marilyn Gilmour - 0400 233 015                YOUTUBE
  developing community through
                                         Jenny Welsh - 0414 540 952       https://www.youtube.com/channel/
  relationship as we study God’s
                                         Dale Hemley - 0401 938 298                UC8HYJLxm949-
           Word together.
                                        Elizabeth Topp - 0438 686 171           vUbKhFIzLdA/playlists?
                                         Deb Hannah - 0451 973 369                view_as=subscriber
 If you would like to be part of this
  vital ministry, then please talk to
                                                 TITHING                              WEBSITE
our Senior Pastor Danny, who can
                                             DIRECT CREDIT                        https://tcfnet.org.au/
      help get you into a group.
                                           TORQUAY CHRISTIAN                            ZOOM
      Rev. Danny McDowell                     FELLOWSHIP
         03 5261 6831                       commonwealth bank
         0416 214 751                          BSB: 063860
                                              Acct: 10025302

                  STAFF                                                  LEADERSHIP
                                                       Secretary: Carrie Veith (Children and Youth)
Rev. Danny McDowell
                                                                         0425 757 082
Senior Pastor
0416 214 751
                                                                Chairperson and Treasurer:
Days on Sunday to Thursday
                                                                    Matt Hannah (Worship)
                                                       0457 841 072 matt.hannah@torquaybaptist.com
                                                               Ed Robertson (Pastoral Care)
Michael Brew
                                                                         0407 615 009
Associate Pastor
0411 574 022
                                                             Lyn Burton (Prayer) 0402 424 000
Days on Tues/Wed/Thur/Fri/Sun
                                                      Julie Baker (Mission and Ministry) 0420 802 769
Deb Hannah
                                                                Alan Wilkins (Small Groups)
Church Administrator
                                                       0419 102 682 alan.wilkins@torquaybaptist.com
5261 6831
                                                                    Mel Brunt 0412 419 099
Days on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9am - 3pm
                                                                 Janine Poole 0407 826 869
Welcome to Torquay Christian Fellowship - Jesus - Including the Excluded - The Disturbed Man - Declare Jesus Develop Disciples Glorify God
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