Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.

Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Welcome to the July 27, 2021,
Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Call to Order/Roll Call.
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Invocation, Pledge of Allegiance, and
Pledge to the Texas Flag.
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Pledge to the Texas Flag
    Honor the Texas flag;
I pledge allegiance to thee,
Texas, one state under God,
     one and indivisible.
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Announcements of recent and upcoming events.
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Consent Agenda
Items placed on the Consent Agenda are considered routine in
nature and non-controversial. The Consent Agenda can be
acted upon in one motion. Items may be removed from the
Consent Agenda by the request of Council Members or staff.
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Agenda Item 1.
Consider and act upon the minutes from the July 13,
2021, Town Council Regular Meeting. (RB)
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Agenda Item 2.
Consider and act upon repealing existing Article 8.04,
“Curfew for Minors,” of Chapter 8, “Offenses and
Nuisances,” of the Code of Ordinances and adopting a
new Article 8.04, “Curfew for Minors.” (DK)
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Agenda Item 3.
Consider and act upon approving the expenditure for
additional software licenses of the Town's computer-
aided dispatch and record management systems for
Public Safety, from Integrated Computer Systems, Inc.,
a sole source provider. (LJ)
Welcome to the July 27, 2021, Prosper Town Council Meeting.
Agenda Item 4.
Consider and act upon an ordinance amending Section
12.09.004 "School Traffic Zones" of Chapter 12 "Traffic
and Vehicles" of the Town's Code of Ordinances by
modifying the limits and hours of operation of such
zones. (HW)
Agenda Item 5.
Consider and act upon awarding CSP No. 2021-52-B to
Ratliff Hardscape, Ltd., related to construction services
for the Decorative Monument Signs – Fishtrap Road at
Teel Parkway project; and authorizing the Town
Manager to execute a construction agreement for
same. (HW)
Agenda Item 6.
Consider and act upon awarding CSP No. 2021-38-B to
Reliable Paving, Inc. related to construction services for
Prosper Public Works Roadway Improvements 2021
project; and authorizing the Town Manager to execute
a construction agreement for same. (FJ)
Agenda Item 7.
Consider and act upon awarding CSP No. 2021-43-B to
Jagoe-Public Company related to construction services
for Miscellaneous Asphalt Improvements 2021 project;
and authorizing the Town Manager to execute a
construction agreement for same. (FJ)
Agenda Item 8.
Consider and act upon authorizing the Town Manager
to execute a Development Agreement between 104
Prosper, L.P., and the Town of Prosper, Texas, related to
the Brookhollow Multifamily development. (RZ)
Agenda Item 9.
Consider and act upon whether to direct staff to submit
a written notice of appeal on behalf of the Town
Council to the Development Services Department,
pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 1.5(C)(7) and 1.6(B)(7)
of the Town’s Zoning Ordinance, regarding action taken
by the Planning & Zoning Commission on any Site Plan
or Preliminary Site Plan, including Eagle Crossing,
Gateway Church, and Prosper Chiropractic. (AG)
Citizen Comments
The public is invited to address the Council on any
topic. However, the Council is unable to discuss or take
action on any topic not listed on this agenda. Please
complete a “Public Meeting Appearance Card” and
submit it to the Town Secretary prior to the meeting, or
address the Council via videoconference or telephone.
Regular Agenda
Pursuant to Section 551.007 of the Texas Government
Code, individuals wishing to address the Council for
items listed as public hearings will be recognized when
the public hearing is opened. For individuals wishing to
speak on a non-public hearing item, they may either
address the Council during the Citizen Comments
portion of the meeting or when the item is considered
by the Town Council.
Items for Individual Consideration
Agenda Item 10.
Consider and act upon a resolution of the Town Council of the Town of Prosper,
Texas, declaring the necessity to acquire certain properties for right-of-way
sanitary sewer easements, access easements, and drainage easements for the
construction of the First Street (Coit Road - Custer Road) project; determining
the public use and necessity for such acquisition; authorizing the acquisition of
property rights necessary for said Project; appointing an appraiser and
negotiator as necessary; authorizing the Town Manager to establish just
compensation for the property rights to be acquired; authorizing the Town
Manager to take all steps necessary to acquire the needed property rights in
compliance with all applicable laws and resolutions; and authorizing the Town
Attorney to institute condemnation proceedings to acquire the property if
purchase negotiations are not successful. (HW)
Agenda Item 11.
Update on the Dallas North Tollway regarding land uses
and design standards. (KD)
Dallas North
Tollway Corridor
 Future Development
Catalyst for DNT Overlay

• Effort to have significant input about what is
  developed – Ex. Desire not to have gas stations on
  every corner.

• We only have 3 miles of DNT frontage

• High Quality Developments
• Identify undesirable business establishments

• Sept/Oct ’20 Overlay Introduction to Council
Existing Zoning
• Existing Straight Zoning
   • Retail (R) District
   • Commercial (C) District
   • Commercial Corridor (CC)

• Planned Developments (< June, 2000)
    • PD – 69 Metten Tract
    • PD – 75 Mandira Realty Tract
    • PD – 33 Prestonwood Baptist Church
    • PD – 66 Star Trail
    • PD – 41 Prosper West (Children’s Health
      and Matthews SW)
    • PD – 35 Garden Style Apartments
    • Misc. PDs
Overlay discussion caused an immediate reaction from
                  existing Property Owners and their Representatives
Transition from
Overlay to        •   Existing rights being removed
                      Unknown future development requirements
Guidelines        •
                  •   Concerned with affects of land value
                  •   Loss of control

                  Guidelines – Recommendations; however, we have little
                  ability to cause property owners to give up existing zoning.

                  Identify a way to achieve a change
Desires for DNT Corridor
• Mayor and Council members
  expressed development interests for
  the DNT corridor

Establishment of DNT Guidelines
•   General Intent
•   Affected Area – Tollway District
•   Land use Vision
•   Identify subdistricts
•   Encourage certain types of businesses
•   Discourage certain types of businesses
•   Design Criteria
Future Land Use Plan
   Tollway District
Including, but not limited to:

             •   Family Entertainment businesses
Desired/     •
                 Professional/medical offices
Encouraged   •   Restaurants without Drive-throughs
             •   Hotels-Full Service
             •   Convention/Conference Centers
             •   Outdoor Public Gathering Spaces
             •   Public Art
             •   Theatres and Museums
Including, but not limited to:

                • Low occupancy uses (manufacturing/industrial)
Prohibited or   • Residential unless part of Mixed-Use
Restricted      • Fast food restaurants
                • Auto Sales/Auto Repair/Auto Wash
                • Gas pumps unless associated with grocer
                • Credit Access Businesses
                • Body Art Facilities
                • Smoke or Vape Shops; Drug Paraphernalia
                • Gaming/Slot Machines
                • Sexually Oriented Businesses
Opportunities to achieve

Rezoning & Financial/economic incentives

•   Add prohibited business establishments
•   Increase/Decrease Height requirements
•   Density incentives
•   Sales tax/property tax rebates
•   Impact Fee credits/waivers
•   Prosper EDC incentives
•   Other Chapter 380 Incentives

Update Base Zoning Ordinance – add SUP requirements
for certain business types
Guideline Implementation

• Begin sharing vision and guidelines with property
• Collaborate with EDC on Vision for DNT Corridor
• Addition of SUP requirements to certain Use types
Next steps
Share with Development Community – mid-August

Planning & Zoning Commission – August 17th

Council Approval – August 24th or September 14th
Agenda Item 12.
Update on Funding of Capital Projects and 2020 Bond
Program. (HJ)
Town Council
Update on Funding of Capital Projects and
         2020 Bond Program.

                             July 27, 2021
Approved 2020 Bond Election
• Total Bond Election $210 million
• Three Propositions
   •Public Safety - $30 million
   •Parks and Recreation - $30 million
   •Street and Roadways - $150 million

Bond Tracking Dashboard

PROJECT                                                   DESCRIPTION                                                    COST
                          This proposed new Central Fire Station location is on Safety Way directly next door to
                          the west side of the new police department under construction. The needs assessment
                          was just received from the architect and is still being reviewed by staff. The building is
 Central Fire Station     estimated at 27,970 square feet that includes over 7,000 square feet of apparatus bays           $   18,000,000
                          with under 21,000 square feet of space for the fire station itself, Fire Administration,
                          Emergency Management, and the Fire Marshal’s Office. It will also house the
                          Emergency Operations Center.
                          This location is just west of Cockrell Elementary on Prosper Trail. This site is for the
                          future Fire Station 4. We believe this fire station will be a smaller fire station with only 2
    Fire Station #4       to 2.5 bays (one of the bays would be a half bay not a pull-through.) A needs                    $    6,000,000
                          assessment has not been completed but at this time we believe the station will be
                          approximately 12,000 square feet on the high side.

                       This location is the site for the future Public Safety Training Facility. This training complex
Public Safety Training would be used by Police and Fire. It would be located directly west of the proposed
                                                                                                                       $        6,000,000
  Facility Phase 1     future Central Fire Station. Phase 1 would include a minimum of a 4 story tower,
                       associated props, and classrooms.

                          TOTAL PROPOSED PUBLIC SAFETY PROPOSITION                                                         $ 30,000,000

PROJECT                                                                    DESCRIPTION                                                                     COST
                          This Community Park is approximately 69.50 acres. The proposed bond funding will be used to begin design and construction
Sexton Park -Phase 1      of Phase 1 of the park. Phase 1 is anticipated to include construction of a concession building, restrooms, trails, picnic area,   $   13,700,000
                          youth athletic fields sports fields, and parking. Additional funding will be required to complete the project.
                      This large Neighborhood Park is approximately 22.84 acres and currently contains a playground and hike and bike trails
 Lakewood Preserve    (Phase I). Proposed bond funding would be used to design and construct Phase 2 of the park, completing the project. Phase
                                                                                                                                                       $          2,000,000
      Phase 2         2 elements would be: pavilion, sand volleyball courts, basketball court, demonstration garden, parking, and a large area of
                      lighted practice fields.
                      This Neighborhood Park is approximately 8.8 acres. Phase 1 is currently under construction by the developer and includes
  Tanners Mill Park   only rough grading and perimeter sidewalks. The proposed bond funding would be used to construct Phase 2 of the park to
                                                                                                                                                       $          1,130,000
      Phase 2         include: irrigated open space, backstops, playground, a basketball court, pavilion, picnic tables and benches. Adding these
                      items would complete the park with elements typically included in Town of Prosper Neighborhood Parks.
                      This funding will provide for the design and construction of hike and bike trails throughout town. The projects will be based on
Various Hike and Bike
                      the Hike and Bike Trail Master Plan that is scheduled to be adopted this summer. These trails will be ADA compliant and meet $              3,400,000
                      all state and local requirements.
                   This proposed project is intended to provide design and construction of a phase of a Community Park. This could be a future
Un-named Community
                   phase at Sexton Park or a phase at another community park located elsewhere within the Town. The decision of timing and     $                  5,500,000
                   location would be dependent upon specific need, as well which park location would serve the residents the best.
                     This Neighborhood Park is approximately 7.5 acres. The proposed bond funding would fund the design and construction of the
                     park with elements typically included in Town of Prosper Neighborhood Parks: a large pavilion with picnic tables, parking lot,
  Windsong Park #3                                                                                                                                         $      1,130,000
                     picnic areas, an irrigation system, hike and bike trails, security lighting, monument sign, walks, large open space to be used
                     for youth practice and nature areas.
                     This large open space south of Town Hall is approximately 1 acre in size. The proposed bond funding would be used to begin
                     design and construction of the open space area. Amenities included with the project would be: a great lawn, benches, tables,
Town Hall Open Space                                                                                                                                       $      2,010,000
                     decorative pavement and seating walls. It is anticipated that additional funding may be needed to complete the full
                     construction of this plaza area.
                     This proposed project is intended to provide design and construction of a Neighborhood Park in an underserved area. The
                     specific site has not been identified. The location and timing of design and construction will be based on needs of the Town
                     due to development patterns. The park would include items typically found in the Town of Prosper Neighborhood Parks: a                $      1,130,000
 Neighborhood Park
                     large pavilion with picnic tables, parking lot, picnic areas, an irrigation system, hike and bike trails, security lighting, monument
                     sign, walks, large open space to be used for youth practice and nature areas.

                          TOTAL PROPOSED PARKS PROPOSITION                                                                                                   $ 30,000,000
ROADWAY                                                               DESCRIPTION                                                                  COST*
       First Street      Construction: 4-lane ultimate divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from Coit Road to Custer
                                                                                                                                                $     21,000,000.00
     (Coit - Custer)     Road.
     Fishtrap Road       Construction: 4-lane ultimate divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from Stuber Elementary
                                                                                                                                                $     19,000,000.00
      (Elem - DNT)       School to the Dallas North Tollway.
     Fishtrap Road       Construction: 2 lanes on north side of divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from Teel
                                                                                                                                                $      6,500,000.00
  (Teel - Gee Road)      Parkway to Gee Road to complete the 4-lane ultimate divided roadway.
        Gee Road
                         Construction: 2 lanes on east side of divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from Fishtrap
(Fishtrap - Windsong                                                                                                                            $      3,550,000.00
                         Road to the Windsong Retail tract to complete 4 lanes. Gee Road to be a 6-lane ultimate divided roadway.
      Craig Street       Design and Construction: 2 and 3 lanes of undivided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from
                                                                                                                                                $      2,700,000.00
    (Preston - Fifth)    Preston Road to Fifth Street.
       First Street      Construction: 4-lane ultimate divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from Dallas North Tollway
                                                                                                                                                $     15,000,000.00
   (DNT - Coleman)       to Coleman Road. (Construction of the overpass at BNSF RR not included in this phase)
        Coit Road        Construction: 4 lanes of 6-lane ultimate divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from First
                                                                                                                                                $     20,650,000.00
    (First - Frontier)   Street to Frontier Parkway.
     Legacy Drive
                         Design and Construction: 4 lanes of 6-lane ultimate divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage
     (Praire Drive -                                                                                                                            $      8,750,000.00
                         from Prairie Drive to Fishtrap Road.
      Parvin Road
                         Design and Construction: Joint project with the City of Celina and possibly Denton County. 4 lane divided concrete,
  (FM1385 - Legacy                                                                                                                              $     17,300,000.00
                         curb and underground drainage from FM 1385 to Legacy Drive. Parvin Road to be a 6-lane ultimate divided roadway.
     Teel Parkway        Design and Construction: 2 lanes on east side of divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from
                                                                                                                                                $      7,200,000.00
  (US 380 - Fishtrap) US 380 to Fishtrap Road to complete 4 lanes. Teel Parkway to be a 6-lane ultimate divided roadway.
     Prosper Trail       Design and Construction: 2 lanes on north side of divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from
                                                                                                                                                $     13,050,000.00
     (Coit - Custer)     Coit Road to Custer Road to complete the 4-lane ultimate divided roadway.
    Coleman Road
                         Design and Construction: 4-lane ultimate divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from
(Gorgeous - Prosper                                                                                                                             $      5,500,000.00
                         Georgeous to Prosper Trail.
    Coleman Road
                         Design and Construction: 2 lanes on west side of divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from
 (Prosper Trail - High                                                                                                                          $      3,300,000.00
                         Prosper Trail to Prosper High School to complete the 4-lane ultimate divided roadway.
     Legacy Drive        Design and Construction: 2 lanes on west side of divided roadway with concrete, curb and underground drainage from
  (Fishtrap - Prosper Fishtrap Road to Prosper Trail to complete 4 lanes of 6-lane ultimate divided roadway. Blue Star to construct 2 lanes     $      6,500,000.00
           Trail)        east side in 2021.
*costs include traffic signals and entryway signage where applicable, and median landscaping (no median street lighting)
TOTAL PROPOSED STREETS PROPOSITION                                                                                                              $   150,000,000.00
2020 Bond Election - Major Initial Projects
•   Central Fire Station - $18 million in bonds
•   Fishtrap Road (Elementary to DNT) - $19.7 million in bonds
•   First Street (Coit –Custer) - $19.12 million in bonds
•   Teel Intersection Improvements - $1.18 in Bonds
•   Lakewood Preserve Park - $2.1 million in bonds
•   Tanners Mill Park - $1.03 million in bonds
•   Trail Connection Projects - $1.5 million in Bonds
•   Sexton Park Design – $1.2 million in Bonds
Preliminary Budget - No Tax Increase
• Revenue Growth (Property Tax and Sales Tax)
• Personnel funded from Special Purpose Districts
• Prior year’s use of one-time expense for recurring revenue
• Bond Election Tax Rate Assumptions

Property Tax Valuations

                                      FY 19/20     FY 20/21      FY 21/22
                                      ACTUAL       ACTUAL       PROJECTION
Taxable Value (Billions)                  $4.209       $4.601        $5.437
Increase from Prior Year (Millions)         $542         $392          $836
Percent Increase                           14.8%         9.3%         18.2%

Property Tax Revenue
                              FY 19/20       FY 20/21        FY 21/22
                              ACTUAL         ACTUAL        PROJECTION
General Fund Tax Rate       $     0.3675   $     0.3675   $      0.3385
Debt Service Tax Rate       $     0.1525   $     0.1525   $      0.1815
Total Revenues              $     0.5200   $     0.5200   $      0.5200

                                FY 19/20     FY 20/21       FY 21/22
                                ACTUAL     PROJECTION     PROJECTION
General Fund Revenue        $ 16,378,589 $ 18,230,000 $ 19,596,000
Debt Service Fund Revenue   $    6,795,141 $   7,545,655 $ 10,615,000
Total Revenues              $ 23,173,730 $ 25,775,655 $ 30,211,000

Sales Tax Revenue
                      FY 19/20           FY 20/21           FY 21/22
                      ACTUAL           PROJECTION         PROJECTION
General Fund      $    6,096,349   $      7,526,570   $      7,902,899
Crime District    $    1,616,291   $      2,002,779   $      2,102,918
Fire District     $    1,616,291   $      2,002,779   $      2,102,918
Total             $    9,328,931   $     11,532,128   $     12,108,734

Special Purpose District Personnel

License, Fees, and Permit Revenue
                           FY 19/20           FY 20/21          FY 21/22
                           ACTUAL           PROJECTION        PROJECTION

3% Construction Fee    $       777,843 $        1,100,000 $        500,000

Building Permit Fees   $      4,366,031 $       5,522,525 $       4,168,500
Other Permit Fees      $       380,451 $         399,380 $         399,980

Total                  $      5,524,325 $       7,021,905 $       5,068,480

Budgeted One Time Expense - Recurring Revenue

                        FY 18/19         FY 19/20         FY 20/21
                        ACTUAL           ACTUAL           ACTUAL
Initial Budget      $      5,798,462 $      1,805,080 $      1,091,433
Budget Amendments   $        257,368 $              - $      3,721,890
Total               $      6,055,830 $      1,805,080 $      4,813,323

Bond Election Tax Rate Assumptions

                                                                                       2.9 Cent Current
                                            7.5 Cent Estimate      5 Cent Estimate         Estimate
Assessed Valuation Growth/Year 1          $375 Million          $425 Million         $836 Million
Assessed Valuation Growth/Future Year Avg $428 Million          $425 Million         $450 Million
                                          Year 1      3.50%
                                                                Year 1     2.50%     Year 1     2.50%
                                          Years 2-3 3.75%
Interest Rate Estimate                                          Year 2     3.00%     Year 2     3.00%
                                          Years 4-5 4.00%
                                                                Years 3-10 4.00%     Years 3-10 4.00%
                                          Years 6-10 4.50%
CO Sale FY 20/21                          $8.524 Million        $8.50 Million        $7.325 Million
CO Sale FY 21/22                          $8.001 Million        $7.20 Million        $7.20 Million

Agenda Item 13.
Discussion on Park Land Dedication and Park
Improvement Fee update. (DR)
Town Council Park Fee Update Presentation

              July 27, 2021                 57
Park Fee Discussion

Issue: Ensure the Town’s park development fees cover a
portion of the construction of our park facilities.

Council Direction: Council directed staff to continue to
analyze the park improvement and park dedication fees.

Park Dedication Fee Update
• Dedication Fee based on the following:
  – Level of service standard for parkland and recreational areas
  – Persons Per Household
  – Cost of Land

Parkland Areas (Park Master Plan)
Blue Circles: Neighborhood Parks (1/2 mile radius)
Green Circle: Future Needed Neighborhood Parks

Parkland Areas (Park Master Plan)
Blue Circles: Neighborhood Parks (1/2 mile radius)
Green Circle: Future Needed Neighborhood Parks
Acreage needed for baseball/softball park (two (5) field complexes w/ parking)*              60.00
                                                                                                      Community Park Utilization Example
Acreage needed for baseball/softball park (two (4) field complexes w/ parking)*              60.00
# fields (current)                                                                           17.00   69.5 acre park
# fields needed at build out (2040)
# additional fields needed at build out (2040)
                                                                                                     45.6 acres active
Acreage needed to meet needs at build out (Low)                                             109.80   23.9 acres passive
Acreage need to meet needs at build out (High)                                              137.25

                                     Football/Lacrosse/Soccer                                        65.6% active
Acreage needed for "rectangle sports" park (football/lacrosse/soccer, 13 fields w/ parki     60.00
Acreage needed for "rectangle sports" park (football/lacrosse/soccer, 8 fields w/ parkin     60.00   34.4 % passive
# fields (current)                                                                           14.00
# fields needed at build out (2040)                                                          26.20
# additional fields needed at build out (2040)                                               12.20
Acreage needed to meet needs at build out (Low)                                              56.31
Acreage need to meet needs at build out (High)                                               91.50

                                Total Acreage Needed                                       Acres
Low                                                                                         166.11
High                                                                                        228.75

                            Total Acreage Needed (+ 10%)                                   Acres
Low                                                                                         182.72
High                                                                                        251.63

                Community park land already acquired (not developed)                       Acres
Sexton Park                                                                                  69.50
Windsong Ranch Community Park                                                                51.40
Total                                                                                       120.90

       Additional community park land needed (minus parkland already acquired)             Acres
Low                                                                                          61.82
High                                                                                        130.73

*Based on average of sports complexes located in Prosper, Frisco, Plano, and Mckinney
                      Park Dedication Breakdown                                                                                                              Parkland
                                                                                                                                                            Needs Based
                                                                                                                                                             on Town
                                                                                                                        Future Need (sports utiliziation
                                Needed per 1000    "Prosper Standard" Needed at Build Out
                                                                                             Additional Land Needed        report, Trail Linear Parks
        Parkland Requirements   population (LOW     Existing acres per (Prosper Standard @
                                                                                               (Prosper Standard)            Throughout Town &
                                    NRPA)            1000 population    70,000 population)
                                                                                                                         Neighborhood Park Locatons)
Pocket Park                                 0.25                 0.34                 23.8                         17                                   0
Neighborhood Park                              1                 4.21                294.7                       12.8                                  40
Community Park                                 5                 5.16                361.2                     172.12                                  65
Metropolitan Park                              5                    0                    0                          0                                   0
Special Use Park                               0                    0                    0                          0                                   0
Linear Park                                    0                 1.48                103.6                      65.75                                 160

Total Build Out Park Need                11.25                11.19                783.3                    267.67                                  265

                                                                  Currently developed:        248.13
                                      Currently undeveloped or deal points made:              267.50

                                                    For fee purposes, we are            Note: A portion of
                                                    using the low end of                Neighborhood Park need
                                                    future community park               could be accommodated
                                                    need (I.E squeezing more            through Community Parks
                                                    sports fields, less passive
                                                    area) at community parks.

Parkland Dedication via John Crompton Formula
       Standard     x         Proposed Dwelling
                                    Units            x         People per
                                                             household rate        =       Parkland needed
                                                                                               per 1000

     Parkland Dedication Requirement Comparison
                                                              Existing Parkland Dedication Requirement
      Type   Dwelling Units                  Dedication Requirement                    Amount of Parkland to Dedicate (acres)        Acres/DU
       SF         100                           1 acre per 35 units                                    2.857                          1 to 35
       MF         100                           1 acre per 35 units                                    2.857                          1 to 35

                                                       Proposed Parkland Dedication (Dr. John Crompton Model)
     Type Dwelling Units                      Dedication Requirement                  Amount of Parkland to Dedicate (acres)         Acres/DU
      SF       100                ((11.19 x 100 DU = 1119) x 3.26 = 3647.94/ 1000) =                  3.6479                         1 to 27.41
      MF       100               ((11.19 x 100 DU = 1119) x 1.918 = 2146.24 / 1000) =                 2.1462                         1 to 46.59
    Average    200                                                                                                                     1 to 37

       Prosper Standard                                                                                          Number of SF Units left
                                                                                                                 multiplied by updated rate.

Parkland Dedication if implemented                                                 Amount of Parkland Dedicated (based on existing rate)
# of SF Left                                                             5951                                                  170.0285714
# of MF Left                                                             3539                                                  101.1142857
Total Parkland                                                                                                                 271.1428571
Parkland Delta (positive = excess)                                                                                             7.822857143

                                          Staff recommendation: No modification needed
Park Improvement Fee
Improvement Fee based on the following:
  • The cost to develop our neighborhood parks and linear parks.
  • Hike and bike trail system broken down into a unit price (i.e.
     cost per acre or per mile).
  • Number of units left undeveloped.
  • It is anticipated community parks will be funded by Bonds,
     General Fund, etc.
  • The future needs take into consideration the existing
     Development Agreements and Planned Developments (PD’s)
  • Updated figures include the 2020 Bond ($8,790,000 allocated
     to neighborhood parks and trails)
Park Improvement Breakdown Per Parkland Needs
   Park Improvements                                                    Costs per acre / mile                                                  Notes
   Cost Per Neighborhood Park                                                    $151,559.15                    Cost based on $1,136,693.68 Neighborhood Park (7.5 acre park)
                                                                                                               Cost based on Frontier Park in its entirety. Includes 3% inflation
   Cost Per Community park                                                       $379,830.17                              per year and design costs. 79.7 acre park.
   Cost Per Linear Mile of Hike and Bike Trail                                   $650,000.00                                       Average past construction costs

                Total Cost (developing undeveloped and future parks)                                                 Total # of Lots left to Develop (owe park
  Neighborhood Parks                                                                        $17,724,843.10                       improvement fee)                             14895   Percentage
  Community Parks                                                                          $136,746,456.51         Multi-Family                                                3719     25.0%
  Hike and Bike Trail                                                                       $28,847,000.00         Single-Family                                              11176     75.0%
  2020 Park Bond                                                                           -$30,000,000.00

   TOTAL COST OF PARK IMPROVEMENTS AT BUILD                                                                              Acres of undeveloped
                      OUT                                                                $153,318,299.60
                                                                                                                         neighborhood parks: 129.95
  TOTAL COST OF PARK SYSTEM:                                                 * $171,868,299.60
  * Includes additional parkland needs as a dollar value based on an $80k/acre rate ($18,550,000.00)
                                                                                                                              • This treats all Community Parks like a
                        Park Facilities                                      Dwelling Unit
                                                                                                                                 sports complex
 Cost Per Neighborhood Park                                                                        $828.12 *                  • Density was used to calculate the
 Cost per Community Park                                                                         $9,180.70                       number of lots left to develop.
 Cost per Hike and bike trail                                                                    $1,708.43 *                  * Cost per DU reflects 2020
 Cost of Park Improvements per unit (captures all parks)                                        $11,717.24
 Improvements per DU minus community parks                                                       $2,536.55
                                                                                                                              Neighborhood and Trail Bonds

Park improvement fee per DU type
                                                              Does not include funds of
Single Family: $2,160 (44% increase)                          community park
Multi Family: $2,880 (44% increase)                           development                                                                                                                       66
Park Improvement                                                          Parkland Dedication Rate
Fee Rate                     Comparison Cities                            (Dwelling Units per Acre)
 $2,500                         Average: $1,622.98       Single Family               120
                                 Average: $1,476.62      Multi-Family
                                Average: 50 DU/Acre      Parkland Dedication





    $0                                                                               0

  Note: each City ordinance is calculated differently. They are not always “apples to apples”         67
Park Improvement Fee

• Some cities have 4B funds to pay for
• Cities with only a green column do not have a
  separate park improvement fee rate.
• Two cities have hike and bike trail
  development as separate requirement to the
                        Multi-family         Single Family                                                                  $2,704
       $2,500                                                                               $2,441
                                                                       $2,281     $2,350
                                                  $2,170     $2,229
                             $2,062     $2,116                                                                                            $2,098
                   $2,000                                                                                            $1,961     $2,028
       $2,000                                                                                   $1,830     $1,904
                                                                           $1,711     $1,762
                                                      $1,627     $1,672
                                 $1,546     $1,587



Percent Increase     2.67%      3.08%     2.62%      2.57%     2.71%      2.34%     3.02%      3.86%     4.01%      2.99%     3.45%      3.45%* Avg. 3%

          Year       2010       2011      2012       2013      2014       2015      2016       2017      2018       2019      2020       2021

                    Construction Escalation
                        • Current Fee adjusted based on escalation of construction costs over the last 11 years
                        • Information provided by Engineering News Record
                             *Actual number is not available yet                                                                                69

Based on past conversations with Town Council and the data collected
and analyzed, Town Staff is recommending the following changes:

Park Improvement Fee
• Increase the park improvement fees single family from $1,500/unit
   to 2,160/unit, and multi-family from $2,000/unit to $2,880/unit.
• Bi-annual review of fee and adjustment if necessary.

Park Dedication Fee
• Remains Unchanged

Comparison Cities Table Chart
Cities        Single Family Multi-Family Parkland Dedication (Units/Acre)
Allen                                                                  100
Celina            $1,500.00    $1,500.00                                50
Colleyville                                                             25
Coppell                                                                100
Fairview                                                              33.4
Flower Mound      $1,388.00    $1,388.00                             29.76
Frisco            $1,661.46    $1,052.44                             37.82
Highland Park
McKinney                                                                50
Plano             $2,065.43    $1,442.66
Prosper           $1,500.00    $2,000.00                                35
South Lake                                                              40

Agenda Item 14.
Discussion on Parks and Recreation Field User Fee
update. (DR)
Section XIII Parks and recreation user fees.

(a)Field User Fees
       3. Non Cosponsored teams comprised of less than 80% of
          participants who reside in the Town boundary
             (B) Synthetic turf fields use: Not available for
Tournament Fees
• Tournaments (Cosponsored and Resident Non Co-Sponsored) Grass
  and Synthetic Usage
  • No Change $25, per team (up to two days)
  • No Change $15, per team(additional days)
• Tournaments (Non-Resident, Non Co-Sponsored) Grass and Synthetic
  • $50, per team (up to two days)
  • $30, per team (additional days)
General Tournament Fees
•   Lights: $20 per hour per field
•   On-site staff: $25 per hour per staff member
•   Field preparation: $45 one-time field preparation fee
•   Water service: $45 per container, per day
•   Temporary synthetic mound adjustment: $400 flat rate, per occurrence
Executive Session
Section 551.087 – To discuss and consider economic development
Section 551.072 – To discuss and consider purchase, exchange, lease
or value of real property for municipal purposes and all matters
incident and related thereto.
Section 551.074 – To discuss and consider personnel matters and all
matters incident and related thereto.
The Town Council Meeting will resume after the
             Executive Session.
Reconvene in Regular Session and take any action
necessary as a result of the Closed Session.
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