WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin

Page created by Mathew Boyd
WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
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I nformation for Erasmus Students

Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin

WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Covid-19                                                                                           AOK Info

COVID-19:                                                                                              AOK Info –
Impor tant Information Regarding                                                                       Incoming Students from Turkey
Arrival and Quarantine
                                                                                                       Once Turkish students begin studying, they         The AOK offers the following contact options
                                                                                                       should submit their A/T11 for the current se-      for students: E-Mail inquiries to
Please note that the regulations change regu-       If you are arriving in Germany after being in a    mester to the AOK. They will then receive a cer-   studentservice@nordost.aok.de
larly. Please check the following websites befo-   high-risk area or risk area for at least 10 days,   tificate from the AOK to present to the univer-
re your departure.                                 you will need to go directly to your place of       sity (via the German-Turkish agreement). An        Free advice hotline through the AOK Stu-
                                                   residence upon arrival and quarantine for 10        up-to-date A/T11 should be submitted every         dent Service at 0800 2650 080 23000. Consul-
Before you depart your home country, you will
                                                   days. You will also need to be tested for Sars-     semester – preferably by email, since submis-      tation is also possible in English.
need to register at www.einreiseanmeldung.
                                                   CoV-2 within 48 hours after your arrival.           sion of the original document is not possible.
de/#/ and show your confirmation of registrati-
                                                                                                                                                          Up-to-date information, forms, and FAQs at:
on before you enter Germany. Your travel pro-      A list of current high-risk and risk areas can be
                                                                                                       When you go to the doctor, you will need to        www.aok.de/pk/nordost/
vider or a federal agent will need to see your     found at the website of the Robert Koch Insti-
                                                                                                       send a short email to the AOK beforehand and
confirmation when you cross the border.            tute: RKI – Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 – Infor-
                                                                                                       specify whether you are receiving either a den-    For students and prospective students from
                                                   mationen zur Ausweisung internationaler
Please note that regarding your chosen means                                                           tal or a medical treatment. The AOK will then      abroad at: www.aok.de/kp/uni/information-
                                                   Risikogebiete durch das Auswärtige Amt,
of transport, the regulations might change. If                                                         send you a treatment certificate.                  for-international-students/
                                                   BMG und BMI.
arriving by plane you will need to have tested
negative from Sars-CoV-2 within 48 hours be-       Further information regarding quarantine and
fore departure.                                    restrictions can be found on the following
If arriving in Germany after staying in a high-
risk area, high incidence area or an area with     Federal COVID-regulations: www.bmi.bund.
covid mutations for at least 10 days before de-    de/SharedDocs/faqs/EN/topics/civil-protec-
parture, you will need to have tested negative     tion/coronavirus/coronavirus-faqs.html
from Sars-CoV-2 within 48 hours before depar-      Berlin COVID-regulations: www.berlin.de/co-
ture. Make sure to bring a copy of your negati-    rona/en/measures/directive/
ve test results in your carry-on luggage.

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WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Before Arrival                                                                                                                         Before Arrival

Before Arr vial
LEARNING AGREEMENT                                                 Currently almost all course work, communication and even lec-         make sure you are in one of the Praxisbegleitenden Seminaren      GERMAN COURSES
Before arrival, a learning agreement has to be signed. For the     tures have been done online through Microsoft Teams. Please           (practice accompanying seminar) and that your internship will     Erasmus students also have the opportunity to take German
upcoming winter semester, the EHB will still use the paper ver-    direct any technical questions about Microsoft Teams or Outlook       be accredited through the EHB. The Praxisamt will also be happy   courses at the Sprachzentrum at the Freie Universität (FU) Berlin.
sion. Please send the draft of your learning agreement to reith@   to: e-learning@eh-berlin.de                                           to assist you in finding an internship in Berlin.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Course information: https://www.sprachenzentrum.fu-berlin.
eh-berlin.de. You can find the curriculum (Vorlesungsverzeich-
                                                                                                                                         Bachelor of Nursing/Midwifery: An internship can be arran-        de/en/sprachangebot/sprachen/deutsch/index.html
nis) on the EHB website at www.eh-berlin.de/studium and then       STUDENTS’ ACCOMMODATION
                                                                                                                                         ged with the support of the EHB at an institution outside of      You will need to register for the courses before your arrival in
under the respective study program.                                If you have chosen to live in a student dormitory and have sent
                                                                                                                                         EHB. Please note that the EHB is dependent on the availability    Berlin. Please inform Ms. Reith if you will be taking any courses,
    As of the summer semester 2022, the EHB will use the On-       the application to EHB, you need to register at the “Wohnheim-
                                                                                                                                         of internships of its cooperation partners.                       so that she can inform the FU in advance (reith@eh-berlin.de).
line Learning Agreement (OLA).                                     portal” at www.stw.berlin/wohnen.html.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           The German courses can be added to your Learning Agreement
                                                                                                                                         Website of the Praxisamt: www.eh-berlin.de/hochschule/
                                                                   The InfoCenter studi@home of the Studierendenwerk also of-                                                                              and you will receive ECTS-Points for attending them.
ENROLLMENT                                                                                                                               organisation/aemter/praxisamt
                                                                   fers consultations via phone call.
When arriving, you have to matriculate at the EHB. To matricu-                                                                           e-mail: praxisamt@eh-berlin.de                                    Course registration: https://www.sprachenzentrum.fu-
                                                                   Monday to Thursday 9 am – 3 pm, Friday 9 am – 1 pm
late you must pay the semester contribution as indicated in the                                                                                                                                            berlin.de/sprachangebot/sprachen/deutsch/programmstu-
                                                                   phone: +49 (0)30 93939-8990, -8993, -8994
letter of admission. The Registry Office does not accept cash,                                                                                                                                             dierende/kursanmeldung/index.html
therefore you must send the semester contribution via wire         You will be contacted by the studierendenWERK who adminis-
transfer before coming to Berlin.                                  ters all public halls of residence in Berlin. You should sign your
                                                                   accommodation contract as soon as possible and pay your first
Registry Office/Immatrikulationsamt:
                                                                   rent as well as the deposit to the student dormitory administ-
Building A, rooms 111 and 112
                                                                   ration before arrival.
Due to the Corona-Pandemic available by phone and e-mail:
                                                                   After arrival you will need the key to your room, which is handed
Monday to Friday 9 am – 11 am
                                                                   out to you by the caretaker of the hall of residence. The student
phone: +49 (0)30 845 82-233, -234, -144, -145
                                                                   dormitory for EHB students is usually the one on Halbauer Weg
e-mail: immatrikulationsamt@eh-berlin.de
                                                                   19-21, 12249 Berlin, although sometimes rooms are also allo-
                                                                   cated at other facilities around town. Please make sure that you
                                                                   call on the caretaker for the key during his or her office hours!
The EHB uses Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Outlook for online
communication and digital learning. After you have paid your       To use the WiFi at the dorm you will need a router. Routers and
semester fee and are matriculated you will receive a letter with   blankets, pillows, bed sheets etc. are not provided by the dor-
your account information for Microsoft Teams and Outlook. You      mitories!
can use Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Outlook through your
                                                                   If you prefer to rent a furnished room in a private shared flat, we
web browser or download them as an app onto your device.
                                                                   recommend you the website www.wg-gesucht.de.
Your student email address is linked to Microsoft Outlook. In
Microsoft Teams, each of your courses will have a “Team” in
the program, which you will be added to by the professor for
                                                                   If you would like to do an internship semester in Berlin at/via
that course. Make sure to check the Teams regularly as a lot of
                                                                   the EHB you will need to be nominated by your university. In
important information will be posted there, sometimes before
                                                                   addition, you must have German language proficiency of at
the courses begin. Some courses at the EHB are done partially
                                                                   least B2 or higher.
on campus and partially online (a.k.a. “E-Learning”). Therefo-
re, you should check the Vorlesungsverzeichnis to see when a       Social work: You will need to find an internship at an organi-
course meets on campus and when it has an “E-Learning” ap-         zation or company in Berlin. Once you have a confirmed intern-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             © unsplash
pointment.                                                         ship spot, you will need to contact the Praxisamt and they will

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WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Upon Arrival                   Upon Arrival

Upon Arr vial
Due to the many formalities and bureaucratic efforts , we re-       HEALTH INSURANCE
commend to you to arrive at least one week before the begin-        To study in Germany, you must have a health insurance. If you
ning of the semester.                                               have an insurance certificate or a European insurance card
                                                                    from your home country you need to get it acknowledged by
ENROLLMENT PT. 2                                                    the foreigner’s office of the AOK or any other German statutory
After arriving you have to matriculate officially at the EHB by     health insurance company. If your health insurance is not al-
filling out a form (Immatrikulationsantrag). Please write the       ready covered, you will need to get a German student health
Immatrikulationsamt to request the form. Once matriculated,         insurance here:
you will get a student’s ID card, the semester ticket and your      AOK Students Service FU Berlin
student e-mail account.                                             Habelschwerdter Allee 45 | 14195 Berlin
                                                                    „Silberlaube“, room KL 26-104
Registry Office/Immatrikulationsamt
                                                                    Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 10 am – 4 pm
Building A, rooms 111 and 112
                                                                    phone: 0800 265080-26416 and 0800 265080-29973
Due to the Corona-Pandemic only available by phone and              e-mail: ASS.FU-Berlin@nordost.aok.de
e-mail: Monday to Friday 9 am – 11 am
                                                                    Alternatively, the Barmer GEK offers special services for inter-
phone: +49 (0)30 845 82 -233, -234, -144, -145
                                                                    national students. Consultation is offered in multiple langua-
e-mail: immatrikulationsamt@eh-berlin.de
                                                                    ges. Please contact Patrick Fehrmann, the Student Onboarding
                                                                    Expert at the Barmer Student Hub.
                                                                    phone: +49 (0)151 65613591
You will need to get registered as a resident of Berlin. This can
                                                                    e-mail: Patrick.Fehrmann@barmer.de
be done in every “Bürgeramt” (= citizens registration office)
of the city. You need to bring your housing contract and a
                                                                    BANK ACCOUNT
“Wohnungsgeberbestätigung”, a document from your landlord
                                                                    All students living in a student dormitory or wanting to work
which states that you have moved in into the flat stated in your
                                                                    need to open a German bank account. You can do that at any
housing contract. For every visit you need to have an appoint-
                                                                    bank you wish. Most of them offer bank accounts for free to
ment which you can book online: https://service.berlin.de/
                                                                    students i.e., Deutsche Bank, Postbank and Sparkasse. A normal
                                                                    debit account is called a “Girokonto”.
You can check the opening hours of your nearest “Bürgeramt”
at: https://service.berlin.de/standorte/buergeraemter/
The nearest Bürgeramt to the EHB is at Kirchstraße 1/3.

                                                                                                                                       © EHB | FvP

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WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
During your Stay

During your Stay
The semester ticket is valid from October 1st to March 31st
during the winter term, and from April 1st to September 30th
during the summer term. This ticket entitles you to unlimited
travel within tarif zones A, B and C in Berlin by U-Bahn (sub-
way), S-Bahn (local train), bus, tram and regional trains. The se-
mester ticket is issued to you personally and is not transferable.
It entitles children under six to travel with you. You may also
travel with a bicycle, luggage or a dog.
    The public transport associations of Berlin are called
BVG and S-Bahn. For further questions ask at one of their
shops at the main S-Bahn or U-Bahn stations in town. On their
website https://www.bvg.de/en you will find all timetables
and connections.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   © EHB | FvP

FREE TIME IN BERLIN                                                  International Club of the Humboldt Universität                       LIBRARIES                                                             Blücherplatz 1 | 10961 Berlin
There are several city magazines and guides, in which you will       “Orbis Humboldtianus”                                                Berlin offers a wide range of libraries for research and leisure      U1 / U6 - Bahn Hallesches Tor
find all information about the cinema, parties, discos, theatre      Unter den Linden 6 | 10117 Berlin, Room 1071                         reading.                                                              Open Monday to Friday 10 am – 9 pm
and so on.                                                           Opening hours: Monday, Tuesday 10 am – 2 pm                          EHB You can use the library of our university in the E-building.      Saturday 10 am – 7 pm
tip Berlin www.tip-berlin.de/                                        Wednesday, Thursday 12 am – 4 pm                                     Books are mainly in German.                                           www.zlb.de/
Exberliner (German/English) www.exberliner.com/                      Friday 10 am – 12 am                                                 Monday and Tuesday 10 am – 6 pm                                       www.voebb.de (catalogue of all public libraries)
www.berlinfo.com/index.htm                                           phone: +49 (0)30 20 93 27 82                                         Wednesday and Thursday 10 am – 5 pm
                                                                     e-mail: orbis@hu-berlin.de                                           Friday 10 am – 2 pm
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The biggest library in Berlin, but it is not part of the public net-
MEET OTHER STUDENTS                                                                                                                       During holidays the opening hours are limited. Please check the
                                                                     Congregation of Protestant Students                                                                                                        work, which means that you have to purchase another library
If you want to meet other international students of EHB, you can                                                                          Corona hygiene and safety regulations before visiting!
                                                                     (Evangelische Studierendengemeinde)                                                                                                        card. It is possible to pay for one month or one year in advance.
join the Team “Internationale Studierende” at MS TEAMS. This is                                                                           www.eh-berlin.de/hochschule/bibliothek
                                                                     Borsigstraße 5 | 10115 Berlin                                                                                                              Please bring your ID-Card.
a digital platform to meet up, get regular updates of ongoing
                                                                     phone: +49 (0)30 28 38 82 23                                         Library of Pedagogy and Psychology of the Freie Universität
events at EHB and in Berlin.                                                                                                                                                                                    Staatsbibliothek (Stabi) I
                                                                     https://esgberlin.de/                                                Please enquire if they give books to Erasmus students as well. If
     Once you have your EHB-email account, you can log into MS                                                                                                                                                  Dorotheenstraße 27 | 10117 Berlin
                                                                                                                                          not, you can always use them inside the library. There are many
TEAMS at office365.com or at your desktop application of MS          Parish of Catholic Students                                                                                                                S1 – Friedrichstraße
                                                                                                                                          places inside to study.
TEAMS and search for the Team. It is public, so you can join wit-    (Katholische Studierendengemeinde)                                                                                                         Staatsbibliothek (Stabi) II
                                                                                                                                          Fabeckstraße 23-25 | 14195 Berlin
hout further registration. If you have problems, you can contact     Dänenstraße 17-18 | 10439 Berlin                                                                                                           Potsdamer Straße 33 | 10785 Berlin
                                                                                                                                          Open Monday to Friday 9 am – 10 pm
incoming@eh-berlin.de                                                phone: +49 (0)30 4 46 74 96 0                                                                                                              S1 / U2 – Potsdamer Platz
                                                                                                                                          Saturday and Sunday 10 am - 8 pm
                                                                     e-mail: mail@ksg-berlin.de                                                                                                                 https://staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/
If you want to meet international students from other univer-                                                                             www.fu-berlin.de/sites/campusbib/index.html
sities in Berlin you can go to the international clubs of the big
                                                                                                                                          Amerika-Gedenk-Bibliothek (AGB)
universities, to churches or the Culture and Language Fair of the    The International Office at EHB also organises regular events du-
                                                                                                                                          The biggest of our public libraries. You can get a library pass for
Technical University.                                                ring the semester. Watch out for invitations via email or join the
                                                                                                                                          10 € per year which is valid at every public library of the town.
                                                                     TEAM Internationale Studierende on the MS TEAMS platform of
International Club of the Freie Universität                                                                                               Bring along an identity card, your registration document and
                                                                     EHB, accessible with your EHB student email account at www.
www.internationalerclub.de                                                                                                                your student ID.

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WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
During your Stay                                                                                                                         During your Stay

JOBS AND LABOUR PERMIT                                              Language and Culture Fair of the Technical University                INTERNET                                                             SPORTS
Employment for non-Germans is strictly regulated. Internatio-       (Sprach- und Kulturbörse)                                            If you do not have an internet access at your place of living you    If you are interested in sports, you can participate in any sport
nal students are allowed to work only 90 days (or 180 half days)    Offers language courses and tandem programmes. The fees are          can use the computer room at the EHB in Room B 102. It is open       at one of these universities. Courses cost between 8 and 40 €.
per year without a work permit and there is little chance of ac-    determined by the number of course hours.                            from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. if there are no lectures held inside.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Freie Universität
quiring permission to work beyond that. Exceptions exists for       Fraunhoferstr. 33-36 | 10587 Berlin, Room 411
students from member states of the European Union (excluding        phone: +49 (0)30 31 42 27 30                                         MOBILE PHONE AND TELEPHONE
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Re-   http://www.skb.tu-berlin.de/contao/index.php/en/skb.html             If you want to use a mobile phone you should bring along your        Humboldt Universität
public and Hungary), from Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and                                                                             own, since it is quite expensive to purchase one in Germany. A       https://www.hochschulsport.hu-berlin.de/en/sport-
Switzerland.                                                                                                                             normal SIM-card without a contract costs about 5 € and is called     and-recreation-at-humboldt-universitaet-zu-berlin?set_
                                                                    Public education centres which you can find in every district of
     You can learn what you need to know as an international                                                                             “Prepaid-Card”. You can choose between several companies e.g.,       language=en
                                                                    Berlin. For students the prices are quite low. Most of the courses
student about working in Germany on the following website:                                                                               E-Plus, O2 and Vodafone. If you want to compare the different
                                                                    start in January, March and September for 3 months each. There                                                                            Technische Universität
https://www.daad.de/en/study-and-research-in-germany/                                                                                    offers you should go to the S-Bahn station “Alexanderplatz”. On
                                                                    is the possibility to take exams, which will have a fee.                                                                                  www.tu-sport.de
first-steps-germany/side-jobs/                                                                                                           the ground floor you will find nearly all shops of German mobile
                                                                                                                                         providers.                                                           Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin
These agencies and internet sites help students to find a job in
                                                                    Tandem: If you are interested in a Tandem Partnership there              If you want to call abroad you can find cheaper call-by-call     http://www.beuth-hochschule.de/zeh/
                                                                    are different possibilities. Join other international and German     providers at the internet site: http://www.billiger-telefonieren.
Employment Service of the studierendenWERK Berlin                   students of EHB at MS TEAMS at the TEAM „Internationale              de/. Just dial the prefix before the number you wish to reach.
https://www.stw.berlin/en/job-agency.html                           Studierende“or write an email to incoming@eh-berlin.de to            These numbers are not valid for calls by mobile phones! The
                                                                    find partner for language exchange.                                  dialling code for Germany is 0049, the code for Berlin is 030.
“Effektiv” Studentische Arbeitsvermittlung
www.jobstudent.de/                                                  Freie Universität
Job exchange and internships                                                                                                             If you want to travel in Germany or home there are several pos-
www.jobber.de                                                                                                                            sibilities:
                                                                    e-mail: slz@sprachenzentrum.fu-berlin.de
                                                                                                                                         Deutsche Bahn
EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBERS                                         Humboldt Universität | International Club of the
                                                                                                                                         The German trains are quite expensive, but you will get a 50%
Ambulance, Fire brigade: 112                                        Humboldt Universität, “Orbis Humboldtianus“
                                                                                                                                         reduction on the price if you book early. These tickets cannot be
Police: 110                                                         Unter den Linden 6 | 10117 Berlin, Room 3120, 2nd floor
                                                                                                                                         changed. www.bahn.de
Social-psychiatric Service (8 am – 4 pm)                            Thursday 11 am – 3 pm
phone: +49 (0)30 90299-4758                                         https://www.international.hu-berlin.de/en/studierende/               Bus companies:
Berlin Crisis Service (4 pm – 12 pm)                                an-der-hu/orbis-infothek/language-exchange/language-                 https://www.eurolines.de/de/startseite/
phone: +49 (0)30 39063-60                                           exchange-market                                                      https://www.flixbus.de/
                                                                    e-mail: sprachboerse@hu-berlin.de
                                                                                                                                         Mitfahrzentralen (ride-share centres)
                                                                    E-lernBar An offer of Berlin’s libraries. You can use computer       Ride-share services on the internet and in local offices allow you
If you want to take a language course there are several possibi-
                                                                    language programmes to improve your German if you hold a             to find a ride or to offer one as a driver. The driver decides the
lities. There are no languages courses at the EHB but we have an
                                                                    library pass which you can get at any library for about 5 €.         price, but often it is much cheaper than going by train.
agreement with another university, the Freie Universität Berlin.
Please notice that there is NO language course for absolute be-     Zentral- und Landesbibliothek
ginners!                                                            Haus Berliner Stadtbibliothek
There are several other possibilities for improving your German,    Schloßplatz 6/7 | 10178 Berlin
but they are not free. Some of them are listed here:                S-Alexanderplatz + Bus 100
                                                                    Monday to Friday 1 pm – 7 pm

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WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
Before Departure                                                                                                                           Departure

Before Depar ture                                                                                                         Depar ture
DEREGISTRATION AT EHB FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS                      Immatrikulationsamt: Building A, rooms 111 and 112        DEREGISTRATION IN BERLIN                                          BANK ACCOUNT
Please „deregister“ from EHB upon your departure by writing     Due to the Corona-Pandemic only available by phone        When you return to your home country at the end of your stay      If you are not planning to return to Germany in the foreseeable
or calling the Immatrikuationsamt at EHB. Let them know that    and e-mail: Monday to Friday 9 – 11 am                    you must “deregister”. This involves another visit to the “Bür-   future, it’s advised that you close your German bank account
you are an ERASMUS Student and will leave the country and the   phone: +49 (0)30 845 82-233, -234, -144, -145             geramt” where they register your departure. You will need to      before you depart in order to avoid monthly account fees. Your
university.                                                     e-mail: immatrikulationsamt@eh-berlin.de                  have an appointment which you can book online:                    bank should be able to provide concise information on how to
                                                                                                                          https://service.berlin.de/terminvereinbarung/                     do this.

                                                                                                                          TERMINATION OF RENTAL AGREEMENT                                   TELEPHONE
                                                                                                                          You will also need to terminate your rental agreement. If you     If you are not planning to return to Germany in the foreseeable
                                                                                                                          have rented a room or apartment privately, you will need to       future, it’s advised that you cancel your mobile phone contract if
                                                                                                                          arrange this with your landlord. Most landlords required a        you have one to avoid unnecessary costs.
                                                                                                                          3-month notice before you move out.
                                                                                                                              If you were staying in the student dormitory, you will need   CONFIRMATION OF STAY FOR ERASMUS STUDENTS
                                                                                                                          to arrange a termination of your contract with the caretaker of   You will need to pick up you Confirmation of Stay from the In-
                                                                                                                          your building. In most cases, this should be done 3 months be-    ternational Office. This document confirms your participation
                                                                                                                          fore moving out and you should move out preferably at the end     in the Erasmus program at the EHB. You can only receive the
                                                                                                                          of the month.                                                     Confirmation of Stay one day before departure or on the day of
                                                                                                                                                                                            departure, not before or after. Please email Tanja Reith at reith@
                                                                                                                                                                                            eh-berlin.de to arrange a time to pick it up.

                                                                                                         © EHB | FvP                                                                                                                          © unsplash

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WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin

                  Check list
                   Before Arrival
                   Fill out and send matriculation form
                   Draft a Learning Agreement through www.learning-agreement.eu/ and get it signed
                   by your home university and EHB
                   Pay Semester fee
                   Register at the “Wohnheimportal” (if choosing to reside in a student dormitory)

                   Upon Arrival
                   Enrolment at EHB: Submission of enrolment form
                   Register at the civilian’s office (Bürgeramt)
                   Apply for German health insurance or get insurance from home country recognized by
                   foreigner’s office of a Germany statutory health insurance (varies depending on home
                   Check time for pick up your keys at the caretaker if you have been assigned a room in a
                   student dormitory

                   Deregister at civilian’s office (Bürgeramt)
                   Terminate rental agreement if necessary (please check, when you have to that;
                   in most cases three months in advance)
                   Close bank account (if not returning to Germany soon)
                   Pick up Confirmation of Stay

     © unsplash

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WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
For further questions or concerns
     please contact us!

     Student Counsellor
     Room D 101
     phone: +49 (0)30 845 82-292
     e-mail: incoming@eh-berlin.de

     Tanja Reith | International Office
     Room F 103
     phone: +49 (0)30 845 82-135
     e-mail: reith@eh-berlin.de

     Evangelische Hochschule Berlin
     Teltower Damm118–122 | 14167 Berlin

WELCOME TO THE EHB! Information for Erasmus Students - Evangelische Hochschule Berlin Protestant University of Applied Sciences Berlin
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