Page created by Scott Tucker

                                                                                            DISCOVER NEW TERRAIN

Welcome to the Town of Eagle, thank you for choosing to join our community.
The Town of Eagle is one of western Colorado’s best-kept secrets – a hidden gem with pristine and
abundant access to epic and nearly untouched mountain biking, trail running and hiking, year-round
events and Gold Medal fly fishing. Surrounded by BLM, state parks and open space lands, we invite you
to Discover New Terrain.

                                                                                                 This information is provided
                                                                                                 to make your move to Eagle
                                                                                                 a little bit easier as you get
                                                                                                 adjusted to the area. Enclosed
                                                                                                 you will find important phone
                                                                                                 numbers, general information
                                                                                                 about services provided, useful
                                                                                                 maps, and other important
                                                                                                 documents, including voter
                                                                                                 registration forms and driver’s
                                                                                                 license change of address
                                                                                                 forms. While the information
                                                                                                 contained in this packet is
                                                                                                 plentiful, it will be updated
                                                                                                 regularly. The website is the
                                                                                                 best resource for the most
                                                                                                 up-to-date information.
Town Hall is located at 200 Broadway at the corner of Broadway and Second Street. Office Hours
are Monday – Friday 8 am to 5 pm and we are closed on holidays.

We hope you take part in the many activities and events that occur in our town each year. Should
you have any questions as you settle in, do not hesitate to visit us in person at Town Hall, contact us
at 970-328-6354, or access our website at www.townofeagle.org. The Town also posts community
information and notices on our Town Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/townofeagle/. We also
post our event and recreation information on our Eagle Outside Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.

Once again, welcome to Eagle and thanks for choosing our community to be your home.
                                                               A BRIEF HISTORY OF EAGLE

Learn about Eagle’s early Days...
                                                  The history of the Eagle area begins with prehistoric
                                                  hunter-gatherers who were in the region as early
                                                  as about 12,000 years ago. By the late 1800’s,
                                                  EuroAmerican explorers and trappers had arrived.
                                                  New boomtowns with names like Redcliff, Astor
                                                  City, Gold Park and Holy Cross City sprang up in the
                                                  Upper Eagle River Valley as word spread nationwide
                                                  about gold and silver strikes. Thousands of hopeful
                                                  prospectors came for a chance at a fortune. One
                                                  of these enterprising individuals was named
Williams Edwards, who in the mid-1880s bought a 156-acre site at the confluence of the Eagle River
and Brush Creek. He declared the parcel to be a town and named it Castle. After a few name changes,
Castle would become Eagle and would serve for more than a century as the commercial hub for the
surrounding mining, ranching and agricultural communities. Eagle itself was a farming and ranching
community, raising cattle, hay and potatoes.

                                                The Town’s early years were marked by a number of
                                                interesting events. The Town’s carousel of changing
                                                names included Brush, Eagle River Crossing (to
                                                freight and stage drivers), Rio Aquilla, Spanish for
                                                “Eagle River,” and McDonald. By the mid 1890s,
                                                with the moniker Eagle firmly and finally in place,
                                                the Town had begun to take on the trappings of a
                                                full-fledged community. It had its own newspaper, the
                                                Eagle County Examiner, and was becoming home to
                                                a rapidly growing number of businesses. The Denver
                                                & Rio Grande Railroad came to Eagle in 1887, and in
1900, with a Town population of 124, the Methodist Church was built. The Town was officially platted
and incorporated in 1905.

Throughout the first several decades of the Town’s existence there was a move to have Eagle replace
Redcliff as the county seat. In 1921 the voters approved the measure. The first electric lights appeared
on July 5, 1927. By this time, Broadway had taken on an appearance similar to what it is today.

Eagle has always maintained a cohesive community spirit, one that often shone brightest in early days
at Woodman Hall. Opened in 1936 and located where the present-day Brush Creek Saloon stands,
this fraternal order served as a community gathering place and cultural center of sorts. Fourth of July
celebrations also bonded the community, as did the annual Eagle County Fair and, later, Eagle Flight
Days, all of which continue today.
                                                                              EAGLE, COLORADO

Current Demographic Information for Eagle
Elevation:                       6,600 feet above sea level

Size:                            5.6 square miles

Location:                        Latitude: 39.6° N, Longitude: 106.8° W
                                 135 miles west of Denver, on Interstate 70 or 30 miles west of Vail.
                                 Eagle is 5 miles from the Eagle County Regional Airport (EGE).

Zip Code:                        81631

Population:                      7,511*

Median Age:                      32.1 years*

Education Levels:                88% of population 25 years and older are high school graduates or
                                 higher* 19.7% of population 25 years and older have a bachelor’s
                                 degree or higher*

Median Household Income:         $101,330*

Median House Value:              $596,000*

Government:                      Established in 1887; Incorporated in 1905; Became County seat in
                                 1921; Council-manager form of government led by a 7-member town
                                 council elected at large.

Amenities:                       Approximately 1,180 acres of Town-owned open space. Miles of hiking
                                 and biking trails, multiple public parks including the Town Park with
                                 an outdoor stage venue, a pool and ice rink, bike skills park, golf course,
                                 5 hotels, 1 motel, 1 bed and breakfast, shopping, and dining. Kayaking,
                                 fly fishing, rafting, and canoeing are all within Town limits as well.

Climate:                         Average temperatures range from 35 degrees in January to a high of 85
                                 in July. Average rainfall is about 2 inches per month May through July
                                 Typical snowfall is 10-12 inches per month December through April
                                 Relative humidity - Winter months: 55% & Summer months: 22%
                                 Days of sunshine - Over 290 days a year

*Information used from most current sources but cannot be guaranteed.
                                                                            EAGLE, COLORADO

A Traditional Western Small Town
                                                                   Eagle has been part of the rapid
                                                                   growth of Eagle County. Its close
                                                                   proximity to internationally
                                                                   renowned resorts and a bustling
                                                                   airport brought the world to
                                                                   the Town’s doorstep. While
                                                                   the increased sophistication of
                                                                   technology, ease of transportation
                                                                   and growth in population and wealth
                                                                   led to the loss of the historical
                                                                   character in much of the West, Eagle
                                                                   has retained its historical roots.
                                                                   Although its population is now
                                                                   nearly 6,800, in many ways it is still a
                                                                   traditional western small Town.

The Eagle County Historical Society has placed signs at some of the more interesting buildings and sites
in Eagle, noting their historic aspects. To view a map of these locations, visit Eagle County Historical
Society https://eaglecountyhsitoricalsociety.com/honoring-historic-eagle/


Eagle is Home Rule and is the county seat of Eagle County, Colorado.


The Town provides on-line access to its Municipal and Land Use Code and includes a listing of all
approved ordinances and is codified semiannually. You can find our code through our website
by selecting “Town Code”, or here: https://library.municode.com/co/eagle
                                                                          EAGLE, COLORADO

Your Town Government
Town Council Meetings are held at 6 p.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month. Sign up to receive
agenda notices on our website using “How Do I…?” Public notices are posted at the Town Hall located at
200 Broadway and published in the Eagle Valley Enterprise. You can watch videos of the Eagle Town
Council on our website, www.townofeagle.org

TOWN COUNCIL                                   CONTACT INFO

Scott Turnipseed, Mayor                        Contact All Town Council by emailing:
Term: Nov 2025                                 allcouncil@townofeagle.org
                                               Regular Mail for all Eagle Town council can be
Mikel “Pappy” Kerst,                           sent to:
Mayor Pro Tem
Term: Nov 2025                                 (Name of Council Member)
Pappy.Kerst@townofeagle.org                    Town of Eagle Town Hall
                                               PO Box 609
Ellen Bodenhemier,                             Eagle, CO 81631
Council Member
Term: Nov 2025                                 If you need agenda or meeting information, please contact
Ellen.Bodenhemier@townofeagle.o                the Town Clerk, Jenny Rakow (clerk@townofeagle.org) or
rg                                             phone at 970-328-6354.

Nick Sunday
Council Member
Term: Nov 2023

Janet Bartnik
Term: Nov 2023

Geoff Grimmer
Term: Nov 2025

Sarah Parrish
Term: Nov 2023
                                                                          EAGLE, COLORADO

Planning & Zoning Commission Members
Planning & Zoning Commission Meetings are at 6 p.m. on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.

The Planning and Zoning Commission is volunteer based and serves the community through the review
of the Town comprehensive plan; which guides development of the Town and the surrounding area. It
also reviews regulations governing the subdivision of land, reviews regulations for the Town’s zoning
districts, and reviews various types of land use applications. The Commission reviews, discusses and
makes recommendations to the Town council on these issues, with the Council making the final
decisions; exceptions are the comprehensive plan, variances and minor developments.

Matthew Hood, Chairman                               Jennifer Filipowski, Commissioner
Term: 2026                                           Term: 2024
                                                     Jamie Woodworth Foral, Commissioner
Keith Klesner, Commissioner
                                                     Term: 2026
Term: 2024
                                                     Keith Montag, Commissioner
Keegan Winkeller, Commissioner
                                                     Term: 2027
Term: 2024
                                                     Weston Arbogast, Alternate
Bill Nutkins, Commissioner
                                                     Term: 2027
Term: 2024

Other Boards and Commissions are listed on our website. Residents are encouraged to apply to serve on
these volunteer boards and announce openings as they are available.
                                                                               EAGLE, COLORADO

Bills & Payment Methods
The Town of Eagle is responsible for providing water, wastewater (sewer), and contracted trash
services for the residents and businesses within Town limits and water service to nearby residential
developments in unincorporated Eagle County. Our bills are mailed by BillFlash by the first of the
month and payment is due by the 15th of the month. Billing is one month in advance for sewer, trash,
yard waste, and admin fee. Billing occurs for actual water usage in the previous period. If you do not
receive your bill, please feel free to call us at 970-328-6354.

When you open a new account with the Town of Eagle, you are required to pay your trash, sewer, yard
waste, and admin fee in advance. Your water will be charged for actual usage and the water surcharge
will be prorated from the date the account opened.

All Town utilities are kept in the owner’s name. Renters are encouraged to sign up for Xpressbillpay to
receive and pay these bills.

In addition to paying by check, cash, or credit card at our Town offices, these payment options are for
customers’ convenience to help ensure on-time payments and access to accounts.

The easiest way to pay your monthly town utility bill and is no cost to the Town. The amount of your bill
is automatically drafted from your bank account on the 15th of each month. Download the Utility Auto
Pay Form here: https://www.townofeagle.org/DocumentCenter/View/12234/Utility-Auto-Pay-

Residents can download the Auto Pay Form (PDF) from our website and email the form to
mark.herota@townofeagle.org or drop off at the Town offices.

This service allows you to use your credit or debit card to pay your bills. This service is offered free of
charge to customers and the Town pays the service fees. Xpressbillpay is easy to use. Our website also
includes the link and Instructions to sign up and view your bills online and receive your statements via
e-mail. Sign up for this access at www.xpressbillpay.com to receive by email notification.

This alternate service allows you to use your credit or debit card to pay your bills over the phone. This
service is available 24/7 by calling toll-free 866-922-4653. This service is free of charge to customers
and the Town pays the service fees. Please visit https://www.townofeagle.org/553/Utility-Payment-
Options for more details.
                                                                                     WATER & SEWER RATES

Water Variable Surcharge Categories and Monthly Surcharge Rates
 Surcharge Category               Residential Average Use                       Surcharge
 Low Usage*                       0-4,000 gallons/month                         $8.15
 Average Usage*                   4,000-14,000 gallons/month                    $12.50
 High Usage*                      14,000 + gallons/month                        $17.00

*Surcharge Category is based upon two-year average. If two years of history is not available, it will be based upon a one year average. If
one year of history is not available, customer will be placed in the "Average Usage" category until a one year average can be calculated
during the period in which all accounts are evaluated. The surcharge category will be reviewed annually

IN TOWN Rate Class                 Monthly Base Fee              Usage Block by gallon              Charge per 1,000 gallons

 Residential                                                          0-6,000                                   $3.38
 without accessory                         $39.72                     6001-17,000                               $7.45
 dwelling unit                                                        17,001-28,000                             $11.17
                                                                      28,001 +                                  $16.75

                                                                     0-6,000                                    $3.38
                                                                     6001-17,000                                $7.45
 without accessory                         $49.83
                                                                     17,001-28,000                              $11.17
 dwelling unit
                                                                     28,001 +                                   $16.75
Rates are reviewed and can be modified annually.

Out of Town and Commercial rates can be found on our website: www.townofeagle.org

Sewer Rates
In 2023 Single Family per unit $65.52. Rates are reviewed annually in December, which changes
effective in January.

Sewer service is billed monthly. Sewer service is not metered, it is a flat rate. The monthly sewer service
is charged regardless of water usage or whether the property is occupied.
                                                                      TRASH & RECYCLING

Trash and Recycling
The Town provides trash and recycling services curbside to all Town of Eagle residents (single-family
houses and multi-family complexes of eight units or less). We contract this service to Vail Honeywagon

For trash billing questions, please contact the Town of Eagle at 970-328-6354.

For trash service-related issues, please contact Vail Honeywagon at: 970-476-3511.

Schedules - Find your pickup dates at http://www.vailhoneywagon.com/eagle.cfm

Trash - One 96-gallon trash can is provided per residence. Vail Honeywagon uses an automated truck
designed to pick up Town designated cans only. All trash must be in these cans, otherwise, extra trash
will be picked up for an additional fee that can be determined by contacting Vail Honeywagon. Only on a
case-by-case basis will they evaluate a special pickup.

Recycling - Two recycle bins are provided per residence: one for paper and one for co-mingled.
Currently, cardboard cannot be recycled curbside and can be taken to the recycling bins at the Public
Works office located at 1050 Chambers Avenue.

                        ACCEPTABLE PAPER:                        ACCEPTABLE CO-MINGLED:

                        Newspapers (including inserts)           Glass Bottles & Jars
                        Office Paper                             Aluminum Cans
                        Magazines                                Steels Cans
                        Junk Mail                                Tin Cans
                        Envelopes                                Plastic (Numbers 1-7)
                        Soft Cover Books                         NO Plastic Bags
                        Phone Books (Spirals removed)            NO Styrofoam
                        NO Cereal boxes                          NO Plate or Window Glass
                        NO Paperboard                            NO Mirrors
                        NO Paper Towels                          NO ABS & PVC Pipe


First ninety-six (96) gallon cart             $29.99
Each subsequent ninety-six (96) gallon cart   $23.98
                                          YARD WASTE & BUILDING DEPARTMENT

Town of Eagle’s Yard Waste Service
The Town of Eagle’s Yard Waste Service is located at 311 Violet Lane and is offered exclusively to the
Town’s Trash Customers and is included on your bill each month. The mandatory service charge is $2 per
month and allows customers to drop off yard waste locally and helps to
eliminate the need to bring these materials to the landfill. For additional information, please call

Please bring a copy of your utility bill when dropping off yard waste at the facility.

Open Friday, Saturday & Sunday: 12 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


MATERIALS ACCEPTED: All tree components (less than 12” in diameter), branches and twigs; Grass
clippings, invasive weeds, diseased houseplants, green garden trimmings and flowers; Leaves and pine

Natural Gas: Black Hills Energy      888-890-5554
Electricity:   Holy Cross Energy 970-949-5892
Internet and Cable Television/Satellite Television: there are numerous providers that have online tools
to help you decide on pricing and amenities.

Building Department Services
The Building Department works to ensure safe, efficient and orderly development within the Town of
Eagle. We are a public organization that puts customer service first by utilizing motivated professionals
who contribute toward shaping the Town of Eagle as a community of choice.

We are here to serve the community and assist with code related questions, conduct site inspections,
and ensure compliance with the International Building Code, Town ordinances, and regulations. The
Building Division is responsible for reviewing building plans and permit applications. We also maintain
records of completed building permits and inspections.

Questions? Contact the Building Department at 970-328-9655 M-F 8AM to 5PM or email
                                                                             EAGLE, COLORADO

Eagle Events and Recreation Opportunities
Eagle is home to a wide variety of fun, active and family friendly events. For event information,
recreation opportunities, shopping, food and hotels, please visit www.eagleoutside.com.

A sampling of our annual events:
                                                                      January: ArtWalk,12th Night Bonfire

                                                                      February: ArtWalk

                                                                      March: ArtWalk, Rocky Mountain
                                                                      Oyster Fry 4-H Benefit

                                                                      April: ArtWalk, Colorado High
                                                                      School Cycling League Coaches

Photo: Showdowntown Vail Valley Foundation

May: ArtWalk, Eagle Community Clean-up, Boneyard Boogie 11K Trail Run, Screaming Eagle Golf
Tournament Eagle Ranch Classic (Mountain Bike Race Series)

June: ArtWalk, Yoga in the Park (all summer long), Eagle Half Marathon & 10k, Colorado State Outdoor
Archery Association Tournament, Eagle Flight Days (Eagle’s longest running event!), Hardscrabble Humper
(Back Country Cycling), ShowDownTown free concert in town park (all summer long)

July: ArtWalk, Yoga in the Park (all summer long), ShowDownTown free concert in town park (all summer long)

August: ArtWalk, Block Party, Colorado High School Rodeo Association Rodeo, Yoga in the Park (all
summer long), ShowDownTown free concert in town park (all summer long)

September: ArtWalk, Mountain Rats Trail Races (5k, Half Marathon, Marathon, and 50k)

October: ArtWalk, Colorado High School Cycling League Championships, Pumpkin Patch

November: ArtWalk, WassailFest

December: ArtWalk, Christmas on Broadway (Eagle’s cherished holiday event!)

Event information Contact:
Special Events Coordinator 970-328-9625 or events@townofeagle.org
                                                                            EAGLE, COLORADO

Brush Creek Pavilion & Studio Rental

CAPACITY: The Pavilion can hold 140 people with a maximum of
250 depending on the set up. The floor to ceiling doors opening to
a covered patio to create more space and a fully equipped catering
kitchen for your dining needs. The Studio can hold 100 people for
craft fairs, children’s activities, birthday parties, and as an accessory
use to the Pavilion. Parking is convenient and plentiful on site, which
adjacent to a large park and playground.

RENTAL INFORMATION: 24 Hour Rental begins at 8:00 a.m. and
ends at 8:00 a.m. the following day. Use of CHECKS OR CASH ONLY,
no Credit Cards accepted. Deposit will be retained for cancellations
made less than thirty (30) days prior to event. Cancellations more
than 30 days prior will be assessed a $100 cancellation fee. All
cleaning must be performed by the lessee or have own
arrangements made. Our staff does not clean between rentals.
Please visit our website www. townofeagle.org for a virtual tour of
the Pavilion.

EQUIPMENT AT THE PAVILION: 160 Folding Chairs, 2-3’x5’
Rectangle Tables, 4-3’x8’ Rectangle Tables, & 19-6 ft. Round Tables.

CATERING KITCHEN: Warming Oven with 5 large trays,
Refrigerator/Freezer, Commercial Sinks, Dishwasher, Counter
Space, and Pass-Through Rolling Window.

EQUIPMENT AT THE STUDIO: 40 Folding Chairs; 2-3’x5’ Rectangle
Tables & 4-3’x8’ Rectangle Tables.
                                                                              EAGLE, COLORADO

Airport Information (EGE)
The Eagle County Regional Airport is one of the busiest airports in the State of Colorado. The airport
sees frequent private jet traffic as well as commercial airline traffic, which operates on different
schedules depending on the season, visit www.flyvail.com for more information.

Eagle Chamber of Commerce
                             The Eagle Chamber of Commerce is a dynamic membership organization
                             of community-minded businesses that promotes a positive business
                             environment, facilitates community betterment, and supports economic
                             development in Eagle and Eagle County. Contact Administrator Michelle
                             Morgan at info@eaglechamber.co

Eagle County Government
Clerk and Recorder                        Assessor
• Elections and Voter Registration        • Property Records Search
• Marriage Licenses                       • Property Valuation
• VIN Inspections                         • Appeals
• Motor Vehicle Registration
Public Health                             • Property Taxes
• Vital Records
• Senior Services                         Board of County Commissioners
• Child and Family Planning               • Meetings
• Immunizations                           • Legislative Policies

Contact Information: Phone: 970-328-8600; Website: https://www.eaglecounty.us

Schools - Eagle County School District
The Eagle County School District RE 50J covers 2,500 square miles of mountain terrain in the central
Colorado Rockies. The District serves communities varying from the international ski resorts of Vail and
Beaver Creek to the small towns of Minturn, Red Cliff, Edwards, Eagle and Gypsum.


Brush Creek Elementary                  Eagle Valley Elementary
Eagle Valley Middle School              Eagle Valley High School            Red Canyon High School

Contact Information: Phone: 970-328-6321; Website: http://www.eagleschools.net
                                                                                EAGLE, COLORADO

Eagle Police Department
                                          For Emergencies, Call 911 - Call the Non-Emergency Dispatch line
                                          at 970-479-2200 to have an officer dispatched to your location.
                                          Contact support staff for records and information Monday
                                          through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 970-328-6351. Reach the Eagle
                                          Police Department via email at epd@townofeagle.org.

Greater Eagle Fire Protection District
                                                                        The Fire House
The Greater Eagle Fire Protection District, located in central          425 E 3rd Street
Colorado, serves the towns of Eagle, Wolcott, Fulford, Bond,            Eagle, Colorado 81631
McCoy and State Bridge, providing fire, EMS, Haz-mat and                Phone: 970-328-7244
rescue services.                                                        info@gefpd.org

Eagle County Sheriff
                                                                        Sheriff’s Main Office
Our Mission is to serve the people of Eagle County by                   0885 E Chambers Avenue
promoting and maintaining a sense of peace and cooperation              P.O. Box 359
throughout our community and improving the quality of life              Eagle, Colorado 81631
through excellence.                                                     Phone: 970-328-8500

             Get alerts about emergencies and other important community news by signing up for our
             Emergency Alert Program at www.ecalert.org. This system enables us to provide you with
             critical information quickly in a variety of situations, such as severe weather, unexpected road
             closures, missing persons, and evacuations of buildings or neighborhoods.

You will receive time-sensitive messages wherever you specify, such as your home, mobile or business
phones, and text messages. You pick where & you pick how. If you need registration assistance, please call
(970) 328-3545.

Eagle County Animal Services
                                                                        Eagle County Animal Services
The Town of Eagle contracts with Eagle County Animal                    P.O. Box 57
Services to address animal complaints. They also provide care           1400 Fairgrounds Road
and shelter to stray animals in need while maintaining a safe           Eagle, Colorado 81631
community to promote responsible pet ownership through                  Phone: 970-328-3647
outreach, education, and enforcement.                                   animalservices@eaglecounty.us
                                                                                   EAGLE, COLORADO

Colorado State Patrol
The Town of Eagle is covered by District 4 of the Colorado State Patrol. They have a satellite office located at
714 Castle Drive and can be reached at 970-824-6501.

Colorado Department of Transportation
The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) exists to ensure that Colorado has a safe and efficient
highway system by building and maintaining interstates, U.S. highways and state highways. CDOT’s website
has a travel resource center for road and traffic conditions, they also have a satellite office in Eagle located at
714 Grand Avenue.

Eagle Valley Library District
Eagle Valley Library District is a system of libraries         600 Broadway Street           Hours of Operation:
that responds to community needs by providing                  Eagle, Colorado 81631         M-Th: 10am-8pm
excellent opportunities and resources to read, learn           Phone: 970-328-8800           Fri-Sat: 10am-5pm
and grow for residents and visitors of the Eagle Valley.       www.evld.org                  Sun: 1pm-5pm

Local Newspapers
The Town’s official newspaper for publication of notices is the Eagle Valley Enterprise, which is a weekly
newspaper and contains the legal classifieds for the Towns of Eagle and Gypsum, and Eagle County. The Vail
Daily is a daily newspaper and will contain legal classifieds for other Towns in Eagle County.

Local Employee Residency Program
Information about deed-restricted housing in                  Phone: 970-328-8776 (Patti Liermann)
Eagle is managed by The Valley Home Store. The                Email: patti.liermann@eaglecounty.us
Valley Home Store is located upstairs at the Miller           Phone: 970-328-8775 (Tori Franks)
Ranch Community Center.                                       Email: tfranks@valleyhomestore.org

Senior Living in Eagle
AUGUSTANA CARE                             Address: 715 Broadway                      750 Broadway
www.castlepeak.org                         Eagle, CO 81631                            P.O. Box 850
195 Freestone Road                         Phone: 970-328-8896                        Eagle, CO 81631
Eagle, CO 81631                            Office hours: M-F, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.         970-328-8897
(970) 432-1100
                                                                                  EAGLE, COLORADO

Recreation - Mountain Recreation
Mountain Recreation provides the communities of western Eagle County with a wide variety of quality,
affordable recreational activities and facilities for youth and adults. The district’s boundaries encompass an
estimated area of 840 square miles in Eagle County, Colorado including the communities of Eagle, Edwards,
Gypsum, Bond, McCoy, Cordillera, Lake Creek and Wolcott.

                                              The Eagle Pool & Ice Rink is a hot spot year-round located at
                                              1700 Bull Pasture Road in Eagle. During the summer months,
                                              they offer a full-size outdoor leisure aquatic center, tennis courts
                                              and outdoor bike park. The Aquatics area features a zero-depth
                                              play area with a vortex pool, umbrella spray feature, 6 lane lap
                                              pool, 150 ft water slide and diving board. During the fall/winter
                                              months, they have an indoor NHL size Ice Rink. There is always
                                              something exciting to do!

                                          Mountain Recreation also manages league sports, fitness
                                          classes, the Eagle County Fairgrounds Sports Complex, Gypsum
Recreation Center, and Edwards Field House. For full facility and activity listings visit https://mountainrec.org/.

Eagle Town Park 2018
                                                                              EAGLE, COLORADO

Eagle Town Parks
Families come first in Eagle! You will feel this from the moment you enter town. This is the place where
you discover hidden treasures: a tire swing dangling over Brush Creek waiting for someone to use it to cool
off, or a teepee just off the beaten path, made with juniper bush remnants. The natural landscape boasts an
endless amount of options for your family. Eagle’s parks and facilities complement your vacation perfectly.

BRUSH CREEK PARK AND PAVILION - Filled will swings, slides, climbs and hanging opportunities for kids of
all ages, this playground is sure to please.

BRUSH CREEK COMMUNITY GARDENS - Eagle’s community garden started in 2001 and continues to
grow. Contact: Jenny Lorch 970-328-1807 or jlorch@centurytel.net

BULL PASTURE PARK - Bull Pasture Park features an open field perfect for an afternoon soccer game or flag
football. Located just south of Eagle Town Park and Eagle Library.

CHAMBERS PARK - Chambers Park is located along the Eagle River at our Welcome Center. The kids can
run on green grass, dip their toes in the Eagle River and enjoy a picnic in the shade of the Cottonwoods.

EAGLE BMX PARK – Eagle’s BMX park is located on the campus of the Eagle Pool and Ice Rink and is host to
weekly races, clinics, and Colorado State Races. Come join in on the fun to use the track it is free.

EAGLE RIVER PARK - The Eagle River Park project is a 4.3-acre park including two main components; the
in-stream design and construction of a new world-class whitewater park and the Upland Park parcel on the
north side of the Colorado River. Located on Fairgrounds Road on the Eagle River.

EAGLE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS SPORTS COMPLEX - The facilities include both baseball and softball
diamonds as well as soccer fields. Look into leagues for all these activities for young and old.

FAIRGROUNDS DISC GOLF COURSE - For those with a taste of adventure, try your luck at negotiating the
Hole in Sky Disc Golf Course at the Eagle County Fairgrounds on the banks of the Eagle River.

TENNIS - Eagle offers public tennis courts with the panoramic backdrop of New York Mountain! Courts are
available on a first-come, first-served basis and are located by the Mountain Recreation Pool and Ice Rink.

TOWN PARK - Nestled in the center of town, Eagle Town Park is the perfect place to spend the afternoon!
Families will enjoy the stage, playground (new in 2017), basketball court, horseshoe pits, covered pavilion
and picnic tables with just the right touch of shade.

TERRACE PARK - The Terrace Park is a neighborhood park home to a soccer field and a family-friendly
                                                                                                       EAGLE, COLORADO

Department Contacts
General Administration
(Town Manager, Human Resources & Finance) .... 970-328-6354
Building Department ........................................................ 970-328-9655
Information Center ........................................................... 970-328-6464
Marketing & Event............................................................. 970-328-9625
Municipal Court .................................................................. 970-328-9649
Open Space ........................................................................... 970-328-9654
Planning & Zoning Commission ................................... 970-328-6354
Planning Department ....................................................... 970-328-6354
Police Department .............................................................970-479-2200
Public Works, Engineering & Maintenance ............ 970-328-6678
Town Council........................................................................ 970-328-6354
Town Clerk ............................................................................ 970-328-9623
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