Page created by Claude Garrett
OVERVIEW                                         COVID-19 OUTBREAK TIMELINE

                                                            MANY COVID-19 INFECTIONS
                                                              Mild symptoms (~80%)
                                                                   No symptoms

                                                                                                   FACTORS INFLUENCING THE TIMELINE

                                                                              Peak Sick            • Date of introduction/transmission
                                                                               Cases               • Public health interventions
                                                                                                   • Social factors
                          # CASES PER DAY

                                                                                                             o   Population density
                                                                                                             o   Hygiene
                                                                                                             o   Mobility
                                                                                                             o   Age of population
                                                                                                             o   Health of population

                                                                                          Peak Deaths

                                            Confirmed          Confirmed
                                            Sick Cases                                                                   Risk of Transmission Recurrence
           Transmission                                         Deaths

                       & Community

               COVID-19 awareness
           Handwash & Hygiene Promotion
                                                                                                                       Maintain prevention
                                 Early detection & isolation
                                      Contact tracing                                                                    Stop recurrence

                                                                                                                      Address consequences
                                                              Social distancing                                        Strengthen systems
                                                         Health seeking, Safe burials

                                                                                • Detect remaining cases & contacts
                                                                                • Slowly remove social distancing

           Water Sanitation &
           Hygiene                                  Child Protection

                                    Education in

              Health Sector
              Preparedness &                        Financing &
              Essential services                    Social Protection

             Homes, Public transport areas, Markets, Restaurant & Food stalls, Offices, Schools, Mosques/Churches

                                                             IMPLEMENT                            handwashing
               Disinfect indoor                                                                     with soap
              areas & frequently                                                                         &
              touched surfaces                                                                       Low cost
             1 part bleach: 9 parts water                                                         stations public

           Disinfection                                                                                   of open
            chambers                                                                                       public

                                               N95 Mask
                                                                         Keep the
                 Improve case                  Goggles
                                                                       health system
                 detection and                 Gloves
                                                                       COVID-19 free
                    testing                    Apron

              Expand health                                  Essential
              sector capacity                             Primary Health
                                         POSYANDU                          PUSKESMAS

                    SCHOOL CLOSURE                     SAFE SCHOOL PROTOCOL


                                                                  ๏ Handwashing
                                                                  ๏ Handwashing with
           Ruang Guru                Rumah Belajar                  soap

                        ONLINE &
                         REMOTE                                    ๏ Healthy food options
                        LEARNING                                   ๏ No food sharing


                                                                     ๏ Assemblies and inter-
                                                                        school activities
                                                                     ๏ Contact between
           Print        Television       Radio                          students

                                Address    Map
                              household    Resources

                 Psycho-                               Strengthen
                   social                              core
                 support                               services

                    Reduce                              Expand
                   stigma &                             alternative
             discrimination                             care


               Sub-national financing                                Health Sector
               Presidential decrees                                  Health Operational Assistance (BOK)
               Ministry of Finance                                   Physical Special Allocation funds
               Ministry of Home Affairs

                                                          EXPANDED SOCIAL PROTECTION FOR

                                                      Kartu Sembako Murah    Program Keluarga Harapan    Kartu Pra-Kerja
               Guidance on the use of Village Fund
                                                      Staple food purchase         Cash Grants           Small Business
                  For local COVID-19 Response                                                           Informal Workers
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT   Overall COVID-19 Risk Communication Objectives

                                                    Build public trust in government and other health
                                                    authorities on public health information and

                                                    Increase quality, quantity and reach of
                                                    actionable information on COVID-19 for target
                                                    audiences online.
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                      Table of Contents

                                            01   Establish COVID-19 Risk Communications Task Team

                                            02   Identify objectives, target groups and influencers

                                            03   Define key messages materials and channels

                                            04   Develop messages for today and tomorrow

                                            05   Use a single national authoritative online platform

                                            06   Train media spokespeople and conduct media outreach

                                            07   Monitor and dispel hoaxes and false media

                                            08   Tool Kit
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                      01. Establish COVID-19 Risk Communications Task Team

                                            Gubernur / Bupati/ Walikota     Internal coordination mechanism
                                            leadership with designated      for issues or messages that require
                                            spokesperson                    review and approval (WhatsApp

                                            Ensure key stakeholders are     External communication: Daily
                                            represented:                    scheduled public updates for (e.g.
                                                                            “daily press conference at 3:30
                                            Relevant Ministries (Health,    PM”)
                                            Education, Social Affairs,                                            Refer to SK Gugus Tugas No
                                            Home Affairs, Communication                                           16 Tahun 2020 and join sub-
                                            and Information) local NGOs                                           national Gugus Tugas
                                            (PMI, NU, Muhammadiyah),                                              coordination groups for risk
                                            Media, and Private Sectors.                                           communication
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT   02. Identify target audiences and influencers

                                                                    Refer to National COVID-19 Risk Communication Strategy
                                                                    as a guidebook.

                                                                   Leaders, services providers (health workers, social workers,
                                                                   etc), general population

                                                                   ๏   Online audiences: Who can be reached through existing
                                            Target Audiences:          digital platforms - internet, Facebook and social media
                                                                       platforms, Whatsapp

                                                                   ๏   Offline audiences: Which populations do not have digital
                                                                       access? Identify the best strategy for outreach and messaging
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT   02. Identify objectives, target groups and influencers

                                                           Map target audiences and influencers

                                                    ๏   Can promote behavior change among target audiences, especially hard-to-reach or high-risk groups
                                                    ๏   Religious leaders, midwives, media personalities, local leaders
                                                    ๏   These influencers need to be linked to the Risk Communications Team


                                                  Target Audience      Desired Behavior          Influencers        Channels / Tactics               Messages
                                                                                                                                            • Elderly people are at highest
                                                                                                                                              risk for COVID-19. Protect
                                                                                                                                              yourself and others by
                                                                                                                                              isolating yourself physically
                                                                                                                                              from others and stay at home
                                                                                                                   • WhatsApp groups          for 14 days.
                                                                      Practice self-isolation                      • Community volunteers   • Reach out to family, friends
                                                 Example:                                      Imams, religious      going door-to-door
                                                                      for 14 days, and stay at                                                and religious community via
                                                 Elderly people                                leaders,
                                                                      home                                         • Leaflet                  phone if you need support.
                                                                                                                   • Mosque broadcasts      • Find the right information on
                                                                                                                                              COVID-19 from credible
                                                                                                                                              resources including your
                                                                                                                                              health worker,
                                                                                                                                     or calling
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT   03. Define key messages, materials and channels

                                                              ๏   Key messages must be continually adapted: What are the key
                                                                  messages this week?, Who are groups that need to be reached?
                                                                  (health, education, religious community, etc)

                                                              ๏   Keep messages simple and clear

                                                              ๏   Disseminate messages through influencer network to target

                                                              ๏   Use the ‘toolkit’ for messages and materials ( ) :
                                                                  ‘Materi Edukasi’ – download and add logos, Online / offline

                                                                   Target Audiences:
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                    03. Define key messages, materials and channels

                                                                                          Key Messages

                                              Learn how to reduce risk           Know what to do when you're sick                  Get correct information

                                            Often wash your hand with soap         If you are feeling unhealthy, fever,      COVID-19 is a new illness and much
                                            and water flowing for at least 20   aches and cough is dry: self-isolation in   remains unknown. Information changes
                                            seconds and remind the child to        the home. When accompanied by              rapidly and misleading information is
                                            wash hands properly with soap.           difficulty breathing (tightness or                 often circulated.
                                             (Use the easy way to measure       breathlessness), immediately treatment      Keep up with the latest information from
                                            the duration of 20 seconds, e.g.               to health care facilities.                   credible experts.
                                                2x Happy Birthday song)                             .

                                                                                                                                    COVID-19 hotline: 119
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                                     04. Develop messages for today and tomorrow

                                                      Preparedness                    Contain / Stop transmission              Mitigation / Stop the damage                       Resilience

                                                   Desired Behaviors                        Desired Behaviors                         Desired Behaviors                      Desired Behaviors

                                            • Learn the facts about COVID-19    • Prepare your family for                     • Follow public health authorities and • Understand that COVID-19 may
                                                                                  economic/social disruption (e.g.              their advice.                          come back unless we work
                                            • Prevent COVID-19 transmission by    schools closing). Start making                                                       together.
                                              washing hands with soap, keeping    plans                                       • Seek care: only if you are short of
                                              distance from people exhibiting                                                   breath. Mild symptoms should self- • Reduce social distancing
                                              symptoms                          • Reduce exposure by avoiding                   isolate at home                        restrictions gradually
                                                                                  crowds, reconsidering attending
                                            • Share accurate health information   large events and continue to                • Protect the elderly and those with     • Maintain good hygiene practices
                                              and health authority updates with   practice healthy handwashing and              medical conditions from COVID            including handwashing with soap
                                              friends and family                  social distancing behaviors                   exposure.
                                                                                                                                                                       • Support families who have lost
                                            • Be responsible: Masks are in           • Self-isolation: stay at home if you    • Support people and families who          loved ones to COVID-19
                                              short supply an should only be           are sick or a contact of a               have been affected by COVID-19
                                              used if you are sick or caring for       suspect/case                             through expressing solidarity,
                                              someone who is sick                                                               compassion and helping however
                                                                                                                                you can

                                                                                                                              • Communicate any needs or
                                                                                                                                concerns you have through
                                                                                                                                community leadership and health
                                                                                                                                systems channels

                                              • Provincial COVID-19 risk assessment identifies stage of the response
                                              • Key behaviors for different scenarios of COVID-19 outbreak can be used for key message development and activity planning
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT   04. Develop messages for today and tomorrow

                                                                       Future Planning

                                                  Identify most likely scenarios
                                                  ๏   When will we move to the next phase?
                                                  ๏   How will our strategy change?

                                                  Prepare communications plans for most likely scenarios
                                                  ๏   Clusters of cases
                                                  ๏   Stigma
                                                  ๏   Pray at home / restrictions in religious gatherings
                                                  ๏   School closure
                                                  ๏   Unavailability of regular health services
                                                  ๏   Dealing with COVID-19 deaths; among leaders, health workers, needs for cremation,
                                                      mass graves.
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT   05. Use a single national authoritative online platform

                                                       Rely on a single national website for authoritative content; Source
                                                       messages, materials and data from here

                                                       For local content:
                                                       ๏   Request BNPB to include local content on
                                                       ๏   Any local content should be reviewed and approved before dissemination
                                                           to ensure message alignment

                                                       Design and share positive messages:
                                                       ๏   Share strategies that work
                                                       ๏   Profile examples through influencers, online and through the media
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT   06. Train media spokespeople and conduct media outreach

                                                                   Schedule spokesperson training for identified government
                                                                   spokespeople responsible for communicating COVID-19

                                                                   Recommend in each province or district, minimum:
                                                                   ๏   2 from BNPB
                                                                   ๏   2 from MOH
                                                                   ๏   2 religious leaders
                                                                   ๏   2 from medical association
                                                                   ๏   2 from government media office
                                                                   ๏   Other NGO partners are trained to speak to the media

                                                                   Invite media to attend webinar / remote updates to provide
                                                                   information on COVID-19, including effective public health
                                                                   messages and responses
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                                 07. Monitor and dispel hoaxes and false media

                                            Refer to the national website for guidance:   Identify a focal point to monitor
                                         false news and hoaxes at the
                                                                                          local level (eg;

                                            The best way to address hoaxes is
                                            regular credible updates from an
                                            authoritative source                                                              Eg; If the hoax is about ‘overcrowding
                                                                                          Not all hoaxes need to              and poor health care’, counter by
                                                                                          be addressed locally –              emphasizing positive messages such
                                                                                          as this may create                  as the safety and effectiveness of
                                            The ‘substance’ of the hoax by clear and
                                                                                          backlash                            health facilities and providers.
                                            accurate guidance
RISK COMMUNICATION & COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                            08. Tool Kit

                                   (Materi Edukasi)                                  Infografis Penanganan COVID-19

                                            National hotline: 119 (for general COVID-19 enquiries)

                                            UNICEF Chatbot and Kominfo Chatbot ( +62 811-3339-9000 )

                                            UNICEF Website & Social Media ( Instagram, Facebook, Twitter)

                                            BNPB Social Media ( Instagram, Facebook, Twitter )

                                            WHO Indonesia

                                            National risk communication strategy document
WATER SANITATION & HYGIENE                        Disinfection Guide for Households

                             With NO suspected COVID case                                 With suspected COVID-19 case or contacts

                                                              Clean and disinfect all
                                                              “high-touch” surfaces everyday

                                                              • “sick room”, bathrooms, common areas
                                                              • High touch surfaces include phones,
                                                                remote controls, counters, tabletops,
                                                                doorknobs, bathroom fixtures, toilets,
                                                                keyboards, tablets and bedside tables

                                                              • Clean and disinfect areas that may have
                                                                blood, stool, or body fluids on them

                                                              • Clean with soap and water or detergent or        ๏   The MOH guidelines focus on
                                                                use a mixture of 1 part bleach:9 parts               handwashing in households.
                                                                water                                            ๏   COVID-19 related guidelines for
                                                                                                                     households disseminated through
                                                              • Caregivers of suspects or cases should               overall public messaging for COVID-19
                                                                wear a mask

                                                              • Having separate toilets for patient to the       ๏   The above guidance is taken from
                                                                extent possible                                      CDC guidance for households
WATER SANITATION & HYGIENE                                      Disinfection Guide for Public Places

                                                                           Disinfectant Recommendations                 Personal Hygiene Guide:
                                                                           Clean with disinfectant 3 times/day
                                                                           Sodium hypochlorite at 0.5% (equivalent
                                                                           5000ppm) for disinfection of surfaces
                                                                           1 part bleach: 9 parts water

                                                                                                                         Handwashing with water and soap

                                                                                                                         ๏    Install hand washing stations with soap and water or
                                                                                                                              hand sanitizers dispensers or water with chlorine
                             Public transport stations, Markets, Eating                                                       solution (0,05% = 1 part bleach : 90 parts water) at all
                             areas, Schools, Mosques and Churches                                                             key points of entry and exit in indoor and outdoor public
                                                                          There is no evidence that spraying
                                                                          disinfectants in open spaces is effective
                                                                                                                         ๏    Promote hand hygiene messaging:
                             Disinfect Indoor Areas                                                                           ‣ Wash hands after touching high contact surfaces,
                             Closed rooms/areas, Elevators,                                                                     after using public toilet, before / after eating
                             corridors, staircases                                                                            ‣ Wash hands for at least 20 secs
                                                                                                                              ‣ Wash hands after coughing, blowing nose, do not
                                                                                                                                dispose used tissues in public places (use bins)

                             Disinfect Frequently Touched
                             Surfaces                                                                                   ๏    MOH guidance
                                                                          MOH issues circular to prohibit use of        ๏    Kantor Kesehatan Kelas II, Tanjung Pinang, 2020: Persiapan
                             Elevator buttons, handrails,                 disinfection chambers                              Pelaksanaan Disinfeksi Ruangan
                             counters, doorknobs/ handles,                Spraying directly on human bodies is not      ๏    Panduan Pencegahan Penularan COVID-19 di Tempat dan Fasilitas
                             locks, keys, light switches, table           recommended as it can harm the skin,               Umum, Kementerian Kesehatan, 2020
                             tops, chair handles                          eyes and mouth and could lead to irritation   ๏    Circular letter of Ministry of Health on Utilization of Disinfection
                                                                          and have long term adverse health impact           Chamber to transmission prevention of COVID-19
WATER SANITATION & HYGIENE              Guidance on Handwashing Stations

                             High-cost knock down model                                     Low-cost portable model

                                                                  Two designs
                                                                   have been
                                                                  endorsed by

                                                                                Low-cost handwashing stations should be installed in
                                                                                key public places to promote handwashing with soap
WATER SANITATION & HYGIENE                                Toolkit

                             Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) -     Protocol for Prevention and Control of COVID-19 for Schools
                             Rev 4
                             19_%2027%20Maret2020_Tanpa%20TTD.pdf.pdf                                          Institusi-Pendidikan-COVID-19.pdf

                                                                                                               Protocol for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Islamic
                             Home care for patients with COVID-19 presenting with mild symptoms and
                                                                                                               Boarding School
                             management of their contacts:

                             The six Health Protocols for COVID-19                                             Protocol for the Prevention of COVID-19 in Educational Unit
                             menghadapi-Infeksi-Novel-Coronavirus.html; or                           

                             Guidance for Disinfectan in Public Areas                                          Guidance on WASH in School for Elementary Schools
                             penularan-covid-19-di-tempat-dan-fasilitas-umum/                                  05/WASHinSchool-Booklet.pdf

                             Hand Washing with Soap                                                            Circular Letter on Prevention of COVID-19 in Educational Unit
                             2020-6%20Langkah%20CTPS.pdf                                                       un%202020%20tentang%20Pencegahan%20Corona%20pada%20sat

                             Hand Washing with Soap
                                                                                                               Hand Washing with Soap
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                      Table of Contents

                                          01   Establish health sector coordination mechanism

                                          02   Rapidly enhance health system capacity

                                          03   Testing: Benefits to each stage of the COVID-19 response

                                          04   Keep the Primary Health Care system COVID-19 free

                                          05   Maintain essential health & nutrition services

                                          06   Tool Kit



HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                     01. Establish health sector coordination mechanism

                                            Establish Health Sector             Strategy guidance for the stage of the response:
                                          Emergency Coordination team
                                                                                ๏   Prevention and Containment: Hygiene, early case-detection / contact
                                                                                    tracing, Self-isolation, Social Distancing
                                                                                ๏   Mitigation: Save lives, protect health workers

                                          Map transmission and expected

                                                                                                                          Risk Communications &
                                                                                      Monitoring and
                                                                                                                          Community Engagement
                                                                                    reporting systems
                                                                                                                           Dedicated health sector
                                          Review protocols and guidance          COVID and non-COVID
                                                                                                                           spokesperson – regular
                                                    materials                    routine health services
                                                                                                                             message updating
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                  02. Rapidly enhance health system capacity

                                                                                                          Assess service capacity against expected cases:
                                          Jumlah kasus
                                                                            Without Protective Measures

                                                                                                          ๏   Beds – regular, isolation, critical care
                                                                                                          ๏   Staff
                                                                             Healthcare system capacity   ๏   Equipment (oxygen, ventilators)

                                                                              With Protective Measures

                                                                Time since first case

                                                                                                          Addressing gaps early will save lives:

                                                                                                          ๏   Mobilize Public + Private Health Systems
                                                                                                          ๏   Re-purpose facilities for anticipated COVID cases;
                                                                                                              basic oxygen and nutrition support are essential
                                                                                                          ๏   Fast-track procurement shortages
                                                                                                          ๏   Stop non-emergency / non-essential services at all
                                                                                                              levels (ie. elective surgeries)
                                                                                                          ๏   Recruit temporary health workforce - volunteers,
                                                                                                              retired, students
                                                                                                          ๏   Strict admission and discharge guidelines –
                                                                                                              hospitalize only the sickest
03. Testing: Benefits to each stage of the COVID-19 response

                                                                                                                                                                           Recovery / Resilience

                                                                                                                          Protect Health Workers                             End the Response
                                                                                                                          Keep health facilities COVID                       When / where to lift restrictions
                                                                 Stop Transmission Early                                  free
                                                                 Detect and isolate cases
                                                                 with contact tracing                                                                                        Strengthen Health
                                                                                                                          Guide Social Distancing                            Surveillance
                                                                                                                          Restrictions                                       Prevent recurrence of COVID
                                                                                                                                                                             and other diseases

                                                                      CONTAINMENT           MITIGATION   RECOVERY / RESILIENCE
                                          Daily COVID-19 cases

                                                                                                                                               Increase Political Commitment & Public Awareness
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                              03. Testing: Benefits to each stage of the COVID-19 response

                                                                                                                                                                         TESTS BODY
                                              Do I have COVID-19 now?                              TEST FOR    Have I been infected with COVID-19 in
                                          Can I transmit the virus to others?                        VIRUS                   the past?                                     TO VIRUS

                                            POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR)                                                       RAPID BLOOD TEST

                                                                                   ๏   Laboratory only
                                                                                   ๏   Cool box transport
                                                                                   ๏   Results in days

                                                           XPERT RAPID TEST

                                                                                       ๏   Hospitals/clinics
                                                                                       ๏   Small machines
                                                                                                                         ๏   No health facility or laboratory required
                                                                                       ๏   No laboratory
                                                                                                                         ๏   Blood sample (finger poke)
                                                                                       ๏   Results in hours
                                                                                                                         ๏   Results in 15 minutes

                                                            Sample from the nose / throat
                                                                                                                 Test positive 2 weeks after infection; remains positive for 2+ years
                                            Positive early and for 2-4 weeks only; negative after recovery
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                                    04. Keep the health system COVID-19 free

                                                     The public should:                              Health workers should:                               Health facilities should*:

                                          ๏   Know COVID-19 symptoms and basic
                                                                                             ๏   Understand rights, roles and
                                                                                                                                                 ๏   Implement Principles of Infection
                                                                                                 responsibilities of health workers, including
                                              protective measures against COVID-19,                                                                  Prevention and Control (IPC) strategies
                                                                                                 key considerations for occupational safety
                                              particularly hand washing with soap.                                                                   during health care when COVID-19
                                                                                                 and health.
                                                                                                                                                     infection is suspected, such as triage
                                          ๏   Know the location of dedicated COVID
                                                                                             ๏   Implement risk communication measures               screening, physical distancing.
                                              facilities in their area, such as referral
                                                                                                 for health facilities including IPC during
                                                                                                 healthcare and the Rational use of PPE for
                                                                                                                                                 ๏   Clear signage to alert patients, visitors and
                                                                                                                                                     health workers and anyone in the health
                                          ๏   Understand that routine health services            COVID-19.
                                                                                                                                                     facility on flow of patients, infection
                                              may be temporarily interrupted, and only
                                              access health facility in emergency, as well
                                                                                             ๏   Screen all patients for COVID -19                   prevention and control related to COVID-
                                                                                                 symptoms on a dedicated area that should            19.
                                              as homecare when only mild symptoms.
                                                                                                 be separated with general patients, from
                                                                                                                                                 ๏   Properly implement IPC measures to
                                          ๏   Beware of misinformations and keep                 the entrance up to exit and set up clear
                                                                                                                                                     ensure there is no further transmission to
                                              updated to reliable source of information          signage.
                                                                                                                                                     HCW or to other patients and others in the
                                              such as,
                                                                                             ๏   Advice on the use of mask in health care            healthcare facility, including Provide
                                                                                                 setting, in the community and during home           screening stations for COVID with isolation
                                                                                                 care in the context of COVID-19.                    rooms for sick suspects, limit visitors and
                                                                                                                                                     crowding, routine facility disinfection, and
                                                                                             ๏   Conduct appropriate management for                  provide safe transport options.
                                                                                                 health care facilities and health workers
                                                                                                 during exposure.

                                                                                                                                                     *WHO Guidelines on Infection Prevention and Control for COVID-19
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                                                               04. Keep the Primary Health Care system COVID-19 free

                                                                                                                    Protective equipment at Primary Health Care level

                                                      SAFE SCREENING / INTERVIEW                                                   COVID SUSPECT SAFE EXAMINATION                                            NON-COVID SUSPECT SAFE EXAMINATION

                                              Place: Screening station near or outside entrance                                Place: Isolation Room (Emergency / Non Emerbency)                                                Place: Hospital

                                            HEALTH WORKER ATTIRE                                   PATIENT ATTIRE              HEALTH WORKER ATTIRE                                  PATIENT ATTIRE         HEALTH WORKER ATTIRE                                 PATIENT ATTIRE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      UNSAFE Physical Distance
                                                                                                                                                          UNSAFE Physical Distance
                                                                          SAFE Physical Distance

                                                                                                                                N95 Mask


                                                                                                                                Gloves                                                                       Gloves

                                                                      > 1 meter                                                                        < 1 meter                         Regular Surgical    Regular Surgical      < 1 meter
                                              Regular Surgical Mask                                             Free            Apron                                                                                                                            Regular Surgical Mask
                                                                                                                                                                                                   Mask      Mask

                                             Notes:                                                                                                                                                         Notes:
                                                      ALL PATIENTS ARE COVID-19 SUSPECTS                                      Notes:
                                                                                                                                         EXAMINE COVID-19 SUSPECTS IN ISOLATION ROOMS                                 ALWAYS USE PRECAUTIONS IF DISTANCE < 1m
                                                      SAFE SCREENING IS ESSENTIAL
                                                                                                                                         REDUCE TRANSMISSION RISK

                                          All health personnel at PHC facilities recommended to complete the online training -
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                        04. Keep the Primary Health Care system COVID-19 free

                                                                         Safe COVID-19 Transport and Referral

                                          DRIVER / ACCOMPANYING STAFF                                                    TRANSPORT VEHICLE DISINFECTION

                                                                               After each COVID suspect transport
                                                                               ๏ After each COVID suspect transport
                                                                               ๏ Disinfect all contact surfaces inside
                                                                                   vehicle with cleaning agent
                                                                               ๏   1 cup bleach = 9 cups water
                                                                               ๏   Bleach = 0.5 sodium hypochlorite
                                                                                   (i.e. equivalent to 5000 ppm)

                                          N95 Mask



HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                                                          04. Keep the Primary Health Care system COVID-19 free

                                                                                                                                COVID-19 Screening Guide

                                                                                        Maintain Essential Services

                                                           POSYANDU                                                     PUSKESMAS                              ๏   *Standard IPC (Infection Prevention & control): Handwashing stations with water & soap/handsanitizer, >1 m
                                                                                                             ๏ *Standard IPC                                       distance, no patient clustering, daily facility disinfection, safe waste collection & disposal
                                          How to adapt for the COVID-19 response                                                                               ๏
                                                                                                             ๏ ± Safe screening                                    ± Safe screening: Safe distance > 1 m ; Health workers: Regular surgical mask
                                                                                                                                                               ๏   √ Safe assessment of COVID suspects: Patient: surgical mask. Health worker: N95 mask, goggles, gloves, apron.
                                                                                                             ๏ √ Safe assessment of COVID suspects
                                                                                                                                                               ๏   Follow protocols for IPC and Rational use of PPE according to WHO Guidelines
                                                                                                             ๏ Maintain essential services*

                                                   NON COVID-19 TRANSMISSION

                                                     SAFE POSYANDU MODEL
                                                                                                                               NON COVID-19 EMERGENCY REFERRAL
                                          ๏   *Standard IPC                                                                                                                                                                                        HOSPITAL
                                          ๏   Physical distancing                                                                                                                                                                      Emergency Care, Essential services
                                          ๏   Large well-ventilated room                                                                                                                                                                  Follow protocols for IPC and
                                          ๏   Sick children should home-isolate or be                                                                                                                                                          rational use of PPE

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Screen, Isolate, Refer

                                                                                                                               REFER TO COVID-19 HEALTH FACILITY
                                          CONFIRMED LOCAL COVID-19 TRANSMISSION
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        COVID-19 REFERRAL FACILITY
                                          ๏   In COVID areas local government may
                                              temporarily suspend routine services                                                                                                                                                           Testing, Isolation, Care
                                          ๏   Catch-up campaigns will be required
                                          ๏   Home visits for children with undernutrition and                                                                                                                                            Follow protocols for IPC and
                                              for other groups such as high-risk pregnant                                             Screen, Isolate, Refer                                                                                   rational use of PPE
                                              mothers or those in the last trimester
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                                      04. Maintain essential health & nutrition services

                                             Service                                         Posyandu                                                              Puskesmas                                                               Hospital
                                                                  Routine services should continue with IPC precautions.
                                                                                                                                             Routine services continue with IPC precautions.
                                                               COVID-19 affected areas: local government may implement
                                                                                                                                       COVID-19 affected areas: local government may implement
                                           Immunization         physical distancing regulations with possible temporary
                                                                                                                                        physical distancing regulations with possible temporary
                                                               suspension of services, with alternative measures in place
                                                                                                                                       suspension of services, with alternative measures in place
                                                                                Plan catch-up campaigns.
                                                                  Routine services should continue with IPC precautions.
                                                                                                                                          Routine services should continue with IPC precautions.
                                                               COVID-19 affected areas: local government may implement
                                          Undernutrition                                                                               COVID-19 affected areas: local government may implement
                                                                physical distancing regulations with possible temporary
                                           monitoring          suspension of services, with alternative measures in place
                                                                                                                                        physical distancing regulations with possible temporary
                                                                                                                                       suspension of services, with alternative measures in place
                                                                            Home visits for vulnerable children.
                                                                   Routine services should continue with IPC precautions.
                                                               COVID-19 affected areas: local government may implement
                                          Undernutrition     physical distancing regulations possible temporary suspension
                                                                                                                                         Continue as usual with triage screening, IPC & safe distance
                                           management                of services, with alternative measures in place
                                                                         Home visits for low weight-for-age children.
                                                                   Children with wasting should be referred to puskesmas

                                                             Use MTBS flow of guidelines to screen children and refer sick child to       Screen every child for COVID-19 using MTBS guidelines
                                          Sick childcare                        Puskesmas or health facility                              Separate suspects from other patients in a separate room

                                                                  Routine services should continue with IPC precautions.
                                                               COVID-19 affected areas: local government may implement
                                          Antenatal care        physical distancing regulations with possible temporary                Continue as usual with COVID-19 screening, IPC & safe distance
                                                               suspension of services, with alternative measures in place
                                                                    Home visits high-risk pregnancies or last trimester

                                          Skilled delivery                                                                            Continue as usual with COVID-19 screening, IPC and safe distance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3-month supply during
                                          Chronic disease                                                                                             3-month supply during COVID-19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3-month supply during
                                          Family planning                                                                                             3-month supply during COVID-19

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               3-month supply during
                                           Mental health                                                                                              3-month supply during COVID-19


                                                                                                                                                                                         REFERENCE: Yankes Balita Masa Covid 5 Bahasa, April 2020
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE               05. Maintain essential health & nutrition services

                                          Guidelines on Continuity of essential mothers & child health services during COVID-19
06. Tool Kit - Health

                                                                                                             IPC documents (Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) technical

                                          Introduction to emerging respiratory viruses, including COVID-19
                                                                                                             guidance: Infection prevention and control / WASH)

                                          COVID-19: Operational Planning Guidelines & COVID-19 Partners      IPC documents (Evidence, guidelines and publications)
                                          Platform to support country preparedness and response

                                          E-Protect: Health and safety briefing for respiratory disease       Risk communication measures for health facilities

                                          IPC (Infection Prevention & Control) for COVID-19                   Infection prevention and control during health care when novel
                                                                                                              coronavirus (COVID-19) infection is suspected.

                                          Clinical Care Severe Acute Respiratory Infection                    Home care for patients with suspected COVID-19 infection
                                                                                                              presenting with mild symptoms and managements of contacts.

                                                                                                             Advice on the use of masks in the community, during home care
                                           WHO Coronavirus Homepage                                          and in health care settings in the context of the novel coronavirus
                                                                                                             (COVID-19) outbreak

                                          Coronavirus (COVID-19) technical guidance documents and
                                          educational materials                                               WHO Guidance on maintaining essential services during COVID-19

                                           Guidance on maintenanceWHO
                                                                   of essential health services               WHO frequently asked questions
HEALTH SECTOR PREPAREDNESS AND RESPONSE                              06. Tool Kit – Nutrition

                                          Infant & Young Child Feeding in the context of COVID-19           Summary of Guidance for Nutrition in Emergencies Practitioners

                                          Breastfeeding for a mother confirmed or under investigation for   COVID-19 and impact on food prices in Indonesia (to be updated
                                          COVID-19                                                          every month)

                                          UNFPA statement on novel corona virus and pregnancy               Universal vitamin A supplementation for preschool-aged children in
                                                                                                            the context of COVID-19: GAVA consensus statement

                                          Q&A for COVID-19, pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding         Global Nutrition Cluster COVID-19 Resources

                                          Management of child wasting in the context of COVID-19
EDUCATION IN EMERGENCY                     Table of Content

                         01   Establish an Education in Emergencies Task Team for COVID-19

                         02   Schools open: Implement “Safe Schools” guidelines

                         03   School closure: Ensure learning continuity

                         04   Monitoring and Evaluation

                         05   Tool Kit




EDUCATION IN EMERGENCY                                    01. Establish an Education in Emergencies Task Team for COVID-19

                                                                                                                            COVID-19 is an emergency
                                                                                                                           situation with more than 80%
                                                                                                                          learning and teaching disrupted

                                                                                                                         The Ministry of Education and
                                                                                                                         Culture has issued guidance on
                                                                                                                          Education in Emergencies.

                         The Pos Pendidikan (Education Post) should be
                         activated at province / district / city levels and has   Pos Pendidikan Team:                   Regular updated reports should be
                                                                                                                       provided to the National Safe School
                         several responsibilities:                                 ๏ Education office
                                                                                                                      Secretariat (Sekretariat SPAB), MoEC.
                                                                                   ๏ Religious affair office (MoRA)
                          ๏   Leadership and Coordination (led by Head of          ๏ Teacher’s associations
                              Education Office)                                    ๏ NGOs and faith -based
                          ๏   Needs and capacity assessment                          organizations
                          ๏   Information management                               ๏ Private sectors                  More information on Pos Pendidikan
                          ๏   Resource mobilization                                ๏ Other local education            activation please contact Sekretariat
                          ๏   Capacity building                                      stakeholders                     SPAB. Mr. Jamjam Muzaki (0812-
                          ๏   Advocacy.                                                                               2176-6512).
EDUCATION IN EMERGENCY                                        02. Schools open: Implement “Safe Schools” guidelines

                                                                                                          assemblies and

                         ๏ Provide hygiene information to students /                                                         ๏ Monitor teacher and student attendance
                            teachers                                                                                         ๏ Sick students / teachers should not be at
                         ๏ Hand washing at dedicated stations for 20                                                           school
                            seconds several times/day                                                                        ๏ Limit school visitors

                                                                                 SAFE SHOOL PROTOCOLS
                                                                                Safe school guidance: MoEC (SE No.3/2020)

                         ๏ Daily disinfection (Spray or wipe all contact                                  direct             ๏ Monitor teacher and student body
                            surfaces) [1 cup bleach: 9 cups water]                                        physical contact     temperature
                         ๏ Safe disposal of cleaning materials /waste                                     amongst            ๏ Students exercise regularly
                         ๏ Cleaning staff use gloves and aprons                                           students
EDUCATION IN EMERGENCY                                 03. School closure: Ensure learning continuity

                                                                                                            Printed homework:
                                                                                                            Textbooks, worksheets

                             National Government Platform:                     Support the needs
                                    Rumah Belajar
                                                                    Online        of vulnerable
                                                                                     children:        Remote
                                                                               Disabilities, remote
                         Private platform (Free during COVID-19):              areas, no internet,    Learning
                                        Ruang Guru                              religious schools

EDUCATION IN EMERGENCY                                04. Monitoring and Evaluation

                         Pos Pendidikan responsible for monitoring learning   Information required:
                         activities and the education sector response

                         Weekly reports should be sent to the National Safe    Number of school and children reached with
                         School Secretariat                                    targeted messages and information on Covid-
                                                                               19 on personal hygiene and improved
                                                                               sanitary practices.

                         More information on Pos Pendidikan
                         activation please contact Sekretariat SPAB.
                         Mr. Jamjam Muzaki (0812-2176-6512).
                                                                              Number of school and children reached with
                                                                              online / distance education lessons.

                                                                              Disaggregate data for:      Male or female learners

                                                                                                          MoEC and MoRA supervised facilities

                                                                                                          Each level of education: PAUD, SD, SMP, SMA, SLB, SMK, MI, MTs,
                                                                                                          MA, and Higher Education
EDUCATION IN EMERGENCY                             Tool Kit

                         Education sector task team: EiE Guidance from MoEC                   Additional information on Safe School and EiE materials

                         Safe School Operations: Circular Letter for COVID-19 Prevention at
                         School by Ministry of Education

                         Continuity of learning guidance: Continuous Remote Learning
                         Decision Tree

                         Continuity of learning guidance: Learning without internet

                         Online learning platforms - Government platform: Rumah Belajar

                         Online learning platforms - Government platform: Provincial
                         Education Office website

                         Online learning platforms - Other digital learning platform: Ruang
CHILD PROTECTION                   COVID-19 will increase vulnerabilities and social service demands

                   Psycho-social support                                        Stigma and discrimination
                    needs will increase for                                     against COVID-19 affected
                   households and service              COVID-19 related          individuals is taking place
                          providers                   deaths will have long        but can be prevented
                                                   term affects on household
                                                       income and family

                    Sickness of essential
                   service providers (health,
                       education, social                                        Intra-household violence
                     services) will reduce                                        will increase to loss of
                        service capacity                                            household incomes,
                     —————————                                                    sickness/loss of family
                     Millions of COVID-19           Alternative care needs
                                                                                  members and isolation
                      patients will require        for children will increase
                     hospital care for 1-2          due to sickness/death of
                      weeks in Indonesia                   caregivers
CHILD PROTECTION                     Table of Content

                   01   Identify and support vulnerable groups

                   02   Map resources and improve cooperation between agencies

                   03   Expand alternative care options and COVID-19 prevention

                   04   Reduce stigma and discrimination

                   05   Improve psychosocial support services

                   06   Expand services to respond to household violence

                   07   Resources, information and tool kit


CHILD PROTECTION                                    01. Identify and support vulnerable groups

                              Who is vulnerable?                               Data on vulnerability                             Take action

                   ๏   Children and family living in poverty         ๏   KPPPA - Simfoni                          ๏   Review existing data

                   ๏   Children in child-care institutions or        ๏   Ministry of Social Affairs               ๏   Agree on key vulnerable populations in
                       homeless                                                                                       local area
                                                                         ‣ BDT
                   ๏   Children in detention and juvenile prisons                                                 ๏   Map locations of vulnerable children
                                                                         ‣ PKH beneficiaries
                   ๏   Children in pesantren                                                                      ๏   Develop strategies
                                                                         ‣ PKSA
                   ๏   Children living with grandparents or single                                                    ‣ Targeted outreach
                       headed households                             ๏   Susenas
                                                                                                                      ‣ Information
                   ๏   Undocumented children                         ๏   Education data; out of school children
                                                                                                                      ‣ Health and social services
                   ๏   Migrants, refugee and displaced children      ๏   CSO / NGO data

                   ๏   Victims of violence and abuse

                   ๏   Children with disabilities
CHILD PROTECTION   01. Identify and support vulnerable groups

                           Interventions for vulnerable households



                             Reduce                             Expand
                            stigma &                            alternative
                      discrimination                            care
CHILD PROTECTION                        02. Map resources and improve cooperation between agencies

                   Map institutions:                                    Identify core social welfare workforce:
                   Government agencies and CSOs / NGOs                  ๏ Numbers of social workers
                   including:                                           ๏ Para-social workers
                   ๏ Case management                                    ๏ Psychologists
                   ๏ Shelters
                   ๏ Counselling
                                                                        Core services to be maintained:
                                                                        ๏ Case management
                                                                        ๏ Emergency shelter for victims of violence
                                                                        ๏ Referral to alternative care
                                                                        ๏ Access to justice

                                                                        Inter-agency referral protocols
                                                                        ๏ Between MOSA, MOH, CSOs
                                                                        ๏ Anticipated issue of children without caregivers
                                                                          ‣ Sickness, isolation, quarantine, hospitalization or
                                                                            death of caregiver
CHILD PROTECTION                       03. Expand alternative care options and COVID-19 prevention

                                                               Improve alternative care capacity in your area
                                                               Review locations, staff and capacity of registered and unregistered
                                                               institutions and CSOs / NGOs including:
                                                               ๏ Panti
                                                               ๏ Pesantran
                                                               ๏ Juvenile Detention facilities
                                                               ๏ Prisons (where juveniles are held)
                                                               ๏ Foster care options
                                                               ๏ Extended family care

                                                               Establish COVID-19 prevention protocols at all institutions
                                                               ๏ WASH and hygiene facilities
                                                               ๏ Social distancing procedures including sleeping arrangements
                                                               ๏ Procedures for visitors
                                                               ๏ Plan for illness and absence of caregivers
                                                               ๏ Review and strengthen procedures for admitting children to the
                   Review MOSA guidelines for Child Welfare      facility including health screening
                            Institutions (LKSA)
CHILD PROTECTION                            04. Reduce stigma and discrimination

                   Effective public messaging
                   Do not stigmatize or discriminate against people
                   affected by COVID-19

                   Social and physical distancing
                   Ensure these measures (lock downs, quarantine,
                   etc) do not lead to stigma and discrimination

                   Ensure equal access for vulnerable groups
                   Local COVID-19 regulations for health and social
                   welfare services should ensure vulnerable
                   populations are addressed

                   Enable return to employment
                   Ensure COVID-19 infected persons can return to
                   work after recovery
CHILD PROTECTION                            05. Improve psychosocial support services

                   Map psycho-social support and mental health
                   resources in your local area
                   Counseling services, faith-based organizations, recreation
                   activities, communication and information channels

                   Define target audiences for psycho-social support
                   ๏ Households: Parents, children, adolescents
                   ๏ Service providers: Teachers, health workers, social
                     workers, etc

                                                                                Access to up-to-date information through traditional
                   Use multiple channels to increase access to support          and social media
                   ๏ Online counseling                                          ๏ Child helpline: TEPSA 150077 dan TESA 129
                   ๏ Community and religious organizations                      ๏ Parenting support: TEPAK
                   ๏ Off-line resources and information such as bulletin        ๏ Resources: Psychosocial support for parents and
                     boards, radio, etc                                           children
CHILD PROTECTION                            06. Expand services to respond to household violence

                   Map services available for responding to household        COVID-19 related challenges
                                                                             Loss of income, deaths and isolation will increase the risk
                   ๏ Emergency shelters                                      of violence against women and children
                   ๏ Access to police, health care, counselling
                   ๏ Helpline

                   Identify core services to be maintained during COVID-19

                   Train service providers to identify and refer
                   ๏ Training health and social welfare staff on increased
                     risk of household violence from COVID-19
                   ๏ Enhance capacity to identify and refer

                   Household and gender-based violence recommendations
PERLINDUNGAN ANAK                           7. Resources, information and tool kit

                     General Guideline for Child Protection during COVID-19 (KPPPA)   Tips for parents and children (KPPPA)
                     an-umum-perlindungan-anak-penanganan-vovid-19                    tool-tips-menghadapi-covid-19-untuk-orang-tua-dan-anak

                                                                                      6 tips for parenting during COVID-19 (UNICEF)
                     Guideline for Child Protection during COVID-19 in Child Care

                    TIPS          fortua
                         untuk Orang   Social Workers
                                         dan Anak        during COVID-19



                     Intersectoral protocols for children in need of protection
                     Temporary Care Data sharing for children
                     Release of children from Juvenile Detention Facilities
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION                             COVID-19 will create economic and poverty crisis at many levels

                                        Household income will be                Business income will be              Government revenue will be
                                      negatively affected, increasing                  reduced                               reduced
                                               poverty level
                                                                           ๏   Business closures (temporary      ๏    Reduced production capacity
                                  ๏   Short term loss                          and permanent)                    ๏    Lower demand from markets
                                      ‣ Unemployment in the formal         ๏   Reduced workforce capacity        ๏    Currency devaluation
                                        sector                             ๏   Supply chain interruption         ๏    Loss of tax revenues
                                      ‣ Loss of income for informal        ๏   Loss of customers due to social
                                        sector workers                         distancing restrictions

                                  ๏   Long term loss
                                      ‣ Sickness and death of
                                        household income providers
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION                    Table of Content

                                  01   Review of COVID-19 related social protection programs

                                  02   Using the Village Fund for COVID-19 response

                                  03   Additional subnational government financing for COVID-19

                                  04   Tool Kit
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION                        01. Poverty crisis effects at national level

                                                        Review of COVID-19 related social protection programmes

                                                             Increased benefits for       Additional cash assistance            Small business and
                                                            purchase of staple foods            to households                 informal sector workers
                                   Social protection
                                    measures for        ๏    Kartu Sembako                ๏   Family Hope Program         ๏    Pre-employment Card
                                                        ๏    Subsidy to purchase              (PKH)                            (Kartu Pra Kerja)
                                  household income           staple foods                 ๏   Cash assistance to the      ๏    Increased budget for from
                                                        ๏    Additional funding of 4.6        poorest households               10 T to 20 T Rph
                                                             trillion Rph to support 20   ๏   More frequent payments:     ๏    Coverage will support
                                                             million low-income               from quarterly to monthly        small businesses and 5.6
                                                             households                   ๏   No poverty targets               million informal workers
                                                        ๏    Increased household
                                                             benefit from 150,000 to
                                                             200,000 Rph per month
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION                                01. Poverty crisis effects at national level

                                                                Protecting workers and rewarding frontline health workers

                                                                              Surat Edaran Menteri Keternagakerjaan
                                                                              Republik Indonesia
                                                                                                                                                             “This is a token of appreciation
                                                                              Tentang Perlindungan Pekerja / Buruh
                                                                              dan Kelangsungan Usaha dalam rangka                                            to the medical team and all
                                                                              Pencegahan dan Penanggulan COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                             individuals involved in
                                                                              17 Maret 2020                                                                  handling the coronavirus in
                                                                                                                                                             Jakarta because they are most
                                                                                                                                                             at risk of exposure.”
                                  Improved worker protection
                                                                                                                                                             —Governor Anies Baswedan
                                  ๏   Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration decree No.
                                      M/3/HK.04/III/2020 on Worker Labor Protection and Business
                                      Continuity for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 short                     Health staff incentives
                                      term loss
                                                                                                                      ๏  Governor of Jakarta:
                                  ๏   Governors must ensure full payment of salaries to workers                       Incentives (Rp 215.000 /day) to frontline medical and health staff
                                      (public and private sector)
                                                                                                                      ๏   Government of East Java:
                                  ๏   Governors should introduce measures to prevent and respond                          ‣ Each team of doctors, nurses, administrative staff and
                                      to COVID-19 in workplaces                                                             photographers will receive a reward of Rp 15 million per
                                  ๏  Support to COVID-19 contacts:                                                        ‣ Outpatient management teams: Rp 7 million per medical
                                  People Under Surveillance (ODP)                                                           team /month (with a maximum of 3 teams).
                                     ‣ ODP are required to stay-at-home for 14 days of observation
                                     ‣ They should continue to receive full wages during this period
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION     02. Poverty crisis effects at village level

                                  Using the Village Fund for COVID-19 preparedness and response

                                      Refer to updated Village Fund         Review and implement COVID-19 support programs
                                                                            ๏   Create Cash for Work Programmes (Program Padat Karya
                                      ๏   Minister of Villages,                 Tunai Desa/PKTD) such as village level local infrastructure
                                          Development of                        projects
                                          Disadvantaged Regions, and
                                          Transmigration (CE No.            ๏   Establish COVID-19 responsive village volunteers, led by
                                          8/2020 and CE No. 11/2020)            the head of the village

                                                                            ๏   Modify the APBD to shifting spending to disaster
                                      ๏   Village Against COVID-19              management and emergencies, and to support Cash for
                                                                                Work (PKTD) activities

                                      ๏   Protocol for Village Volunteers   Disseminate local messages
                                          Against COVID-19
                                                                            ๏   Ensure communities are aware of local COVID-19 support
                                                                            ๏   The materials should include a list of services and programs
                                                                            ๏   Easy to understand infographics
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION               03. Lower Fiscal Revenue

                                               Additional subnational government financing for COVID-19

                                                                 ๏   MoHA decree No. 20 2020 the acceleration of COVID-19 response at
                                                                     sub-national level

                                                                 ๏   MoF decree No. 19/PMK.07/2020 on disbursement and the utilization of
                                                                     profit sharing funds (DBH), General Allocation Funds (DAU), and Sub-
                                                                     national Incentive funds (DID) fiscal year 2020 responding to COVID-19

                                                                 ๏   MoF decree No. 6/KM.7/2020 on the disbursement of health sector
                                                                     physical special allocation funds and Health Operational Assistance
                                                                     (BOK) in the prevention and treatment of COVID-19

                                                                 ๏   S-121/PK/2020 (MoF) on the management of Health Sector Physical
                                                                     Special Allocation funds related to COVID-19
                                  President’s Instruction
                                  No. 4 2020 permits the         ๏   Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07/MENKES/215/2020 on the
                                  reallocation of activities,        utilization of Physical Special allocation fund in responding to COVID-19
                                  and the procurement of
                                  additional goods and           ๏   Head of Government Procurement Agency (LKPP) regulation No. 13
                                  services in response to            2018 on the procurement of goods and services in emergency response.
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION                        03. Lower Fiscal Revenue

                                           MoHA decree No. 20/2020: Sub-national government financing for COVID-19

                                                                          How to revise sub-national budgets (APBD)
                                     Reviews options to increase
                                   subnational COVID-19 financing         ๏   If contingency budget not sufficient, other options include:
                                      Planning, budgeting, and                ‣ Use funds from rescheduling program targets and other activities
                                                                              ‣ Reprogram expenses from the current year
                                  management of sub-national budgets
                                                                              ‣ Utilize existing cash balances
                                        to respond COVID-19

                                                                          How to reschedule program targets and activities

                                                                          ๏   Should be reflected in the revision of budget implementation documents from
                                   How to use contingency budgets             technical offices (DPA-SKPD) within one day.
                                   Sub-national government can use
                                   contingency budgets (belanja tak       ๏   The mechanism for shifting/revision of DPA through APBD should be endorsed
                                                                              by head of sub-national government by decree and later included in sub-national
                                   terduga) to respond to COVID-19
                                                                              government regulation of APBD revision (perubahan)
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION          03. Lower Fiscal Revenue

                                  Guidance on additional health sector financing for COVID-19 response

                                                            Ministry of Finance decree No. 6/KM.7/2020
                                                            Allows the disbursement of health sector physical special allocation funds
                                                            and Health Operational Assistance (BOK) for COVID-19

                                                            Ministry of Finance regulation S-121/PK/2020
                                                            Reviews the planning mechanism and activity menu related to the Health
                                                            Sector Physical Special Allocation funds (DAK Fisik) for COVID-19

                                                            Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07/MENKES/215/2020
                                                            Reviews how to utilize the Physical Special allocation fund for COVID-19
FINANCING AND SOCIAL PROTECTION                                   Tool Kit

                                                                                                                        Fiscal (APBD): MoF decree No. 19/PMK.07/2020 on disbursement and the
                                  Social Protection: Government Regulation in Lieu of Law (PERPU) No. 1/2020 on
                                                                                                                        utilization of profit sharing funds (DBH), General Allocation Funds (DAU), and Sub-
                                  Financial Policy and Financial System Stability for COVID-19 response
                                                                                                                        national Incentive funds (DID) fiscal year 2020 responding to COVID-19

                                  Social Protection: Minister of Manpower and Transmigration decree No.                 Fiscal (APBD): MoF decree No. 6/KM.7/2020 on the disbursement of health sector
                                  M/3/HK.04/III/2020 on Worker /Labor Protection and Business Continuity for the        physical special allocation funds and Health Operational Assistance (BOK) in the
                                  Prevention and Control of COVID-19                                                    prevention and treatment of COVID-19

                                  Village Fund: Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and
                                                                                                                        Fiscal (APBD): S-121/PK/2020 (MoF) on the management of Health Sector
                                  Transmigration’s Circular Letter No. 8/2020 and Circular Letter No. 11/2020 on
                                                                                                                        Physical Special Allocation funds related to COVID-19
                                  Villages Against COVID-19

                                                                                                                        Fiscal (APBD): Minister of Health Decree No. HK.01.07/MENKES/215/2020 on the
                                  Village Fund: Village Against COVID-19 Guideline
                                                                                                                        utilization of Physical Special allocation fund in responding to COVID-19

                                                                                                                        Fiscal (APBD): Head of Government Procurement Agency (LKPP) regulation No.
                                  Village Fund: Protocol for Village Volunteers Against COVID-19
                                                                                                                        13/ 2018 on the procurement of goods and services in emergency response.

                                  Fiscal (APBD): President’s Instruction No. 4 2020 on refocusing and reallocation of
                                  activities, and the procurement of goods and services responding to COVID-19

                                  Fiscal (APBD): MoHA decree No. 20 2020 the acceleration of COVID-19 response
                                  at sub-national level
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