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                           empowering our clients

                           University of the Western Cape

                      A place of quality, a place to grow, from hope to
                                             action through knowledge

                           empowering our clients

                           University of the Western Cape

                      A place of quality, a place to grow, from hope to
                                             action through knowledge
To those who wish to thrive in
this Information Age; to learn
how to find authorative infor-
mation efficiently, using tech-
nology or otherwise; for study,
research, and practical daily or
professional use; to augment
existing knowledge; or to find
a quiet refuge from daily ex-
istence, the University of the      The University of the Western
Western Cape Library is the         Cape Library has been exten-
place for you.                      sively renovated with comfort-
                                    able, open and well-lit spaces,
Its four walls do not circum-       with networked PCs distributed
scribe the reach of knowledge       throughout. Other service in-
to be gained. The Library aims      novations are briefly described
to serve as a comprehensive         inside this booklet.
gateway to global knowledge
using not only the Internet and     I invite you all to come, visit
the physical sources of informa-    and see for yourself. The library
tion within the library, but also   staff and I would be delighted to
a myriad of databases related       welcome you anytime you are
to academic programmes in the       in our area.
university. With technology, the
Library becomes virtual and not     Ms Pateka Matshaya
confined by space and time.
02            General      16          PERIODICALS
 Information and Rules
                           17          DIFFERENTLY
                                ABLED SUPPORT UNIT
04         Information
      Services: Faculty    18             LIBRARY
      Librarian Division                CATALOGUE

06           Knowledge     19           DENTISTRY
              Commons      20          MISSED THE
                                    lIBRARY TOUR?
08           Circulation
                           21      ABOUT QR CODES
     Desk, Short Loans &
                           22         GETTING HELP
10                Inter-
          Library Loans
                           23        SMARTSEARCH
12           A Guide to
 Electronic Resources      24       LIBRARY LEVELS

14         Information
       Services: Special

15                 Self
     Learning Zone(SLZ)

General Information & Rules
                     The University Library, universally
                     regarded as the heart of a modern
                     university, is indispensable for
                     meaningful education, teaching and
                     research. This guide offers a brief
                     description of the library facilities and
                     services at your disposal and contains

                     the rules and regulations which help
                     us provide an effective library service.
                     ACCESSING THE LIBRARY
     “Your student   Your student card is your access card and your
                     membership card. Please have your card activated at
     card is your    the Circulation Desk at the entrance. You will have to
     access card     sign agreement to the Library Rules.

     and your
                “    You may not enter the Library without your student
                     card. Be sure to carry it with you at all times and to
                     safeguard it.

                     You will also need to use your card as a credit card for
                     your photocopier and printing jobs in the Library. Load
                     credit onto your card at the Minolta Photocopier Office
                     in the right hand corner of the Library Foyer. New
                     students should obtain a printing PIN from this office.

BOOKING LIBRARY COMPUTERS                               drinking in the Library
To ensure fair practice, students are          2.       Your student card is your library card
required to reserve a PC via the Library            •   You must produce your own student
website (http://lib.uwc.ac.za). Each                    card when borrowing materials.
student may reserve PCs for a maxi-                 •   Do not let anyone else use your
mum of 120 minutes each day. Use the                    personal student card.
Express Print and Go kiosks in the foyer            •    Most of the Library’s electronic
or the Reading Room on Level 5 for this                 collections are for use by registered
purpose. See instructions on p6.                        students only. Personal login infor-
                                                        mation and passwords may not be
EXPRESS PRINT AND GO KIOSKS                             shared. Students who break this rule
Use the Print and Go Kiosks in the                      may lose their library privileges.
Library Foyer and in the Reading Room          3.       You will be held responsible for all
on Level 5 to print an assignment or                    items issued against your student
lecture notes, to book computer time, to                card.
access email, or to check the location of           •   Students that return loaned mate-
books in the library. You have 15 minutes               rials later than the due date will be
to accomplish quick tasks so that you can               charged a fine.
proceed with your other study work.                 •   Students owing more than R10 in
                                                        fines will be blocked from borrowing.
DIFFERENTLY ABLED SUPPORT UNIT:                     •    Students must pay for replacement
DASU                                                    of lost materials and an additional
The Differently Abled Suport Unit                       handling charge.
facilitates dedicated access to services            •   Students owing overdue library mate-
for students with special needs or disabili-            rials or unpaid fines will be prevented
ties. The Differently Abled Support Unit is             from learning examination results
located in the Reading Room on Level 5.                 and from registering the following
See Disability Support Unit, p17.                       year.
                                                 •       Students may not graduate without a
LIBRARY RULES                                           clean library record.
Before becoming members of the Library,       4.        Inappropriate use of Library comput-
all new students must sign an agreement                 ers or the campus network, i.e, for
with the following rules.                               playing games, downloading or view-
1. The Library is a shared space and an                 ing recreational films or pornographic
     area of study. All students visiting the           images is strictly forbidden.
     library must
                      UWC LIBRARY HOURS
   • Maintain a
     quiet envi-      Main Library:                             Branch Libraries:
     ronment          Monday, Tuesday & Thursday:               Dentistry:
   • Ensure that      08h20 - 24h00                             Monday - Friday:
     phones are       Wednesday: 09h20 - 24h00                  08h00 - 16h30
     switched to      Friday: 08h20 - 20h00                     School of Government:
     silent; no
     calls may
                      Saturday: 09h00 - 17h00                   Monday - Thursday:
     be made or                                                 09h00 - 19h00
     received                                                   Friday: 09h00 - 16h30
   • Refrain from                                               Saturday: 09h00 - 14h00
     eating or        Enquiries: 021 959 2946
                      Reference Desk: 021 959 9397
Information Services
       Faculty Librarian Division
     Each faculty has one or more dedicated
     subject librarians who work with your
     lecturers to build relevant and up to date
     library collections.

     They are highly experienced
     professionals who understand the
     problems you might experience in your
     study tasks.

     Your Faculty Librarian’s office is
     situated near the book collections for
     your subjects.

     Where do I find the Faculty Librarians?

     Level 7:  Economics & Management             Scan for UWC Libguides and
               Sciences                           Faculty pages
     Level 8: Arts
     Level 9: Law
     Level 11: Community & Health
               Sciences & Education
     Level 14: Natural Sciences

What services are offered by the Faculty            Zo19W4 (see QR code for more info
Librarians?                                         on page 4).

•      General assistance to library users in
       finding information for coursework
       and research
•      Specialised subject-based
•      Instruction in using the library
       services and resources
•      Development and maintenance of
       the subject collections
•      Postgraduate Clinics
•      Maintenance of the Faculty
       pages and Libguides at http://bit.ly/

FACULTY                     LEVEL         STAFF MEMBER         TEL & EMAIL
Arts                        Level 8       Ms Sandra James      Tel: 021 959 2296
Arts                        Level 8       Ms Thozama Bici      Tel: 021 959 2907
Community & Health          Level 11      Ms Karen Cook        Tel: 021 959 2684
Sciences                                                       kerasmus@uwc.ac.za
Community & Health          Level 11      Mr Gerald Louw       Tel: 021 959 2684
Sciences                                                       glouw@uwc.ac.za
Dentistry                   Tygerberg     Mr Fareed Davids     Tel: 021 937 3165
                            Hospital                           fdavids@uwc.ac.za
Economics &                 Level 7       Ms Khonziwe          Tel: 021 959 3211
Management Sciences                       Mpandle - Acting     kmpandle@uwc.ac.za
Economics &                 Level 7       Ms Zona Koen         Tel: 021 959 2931
Management Sciences                                            zkoen@uwc.ac.za
Education                   Level 11      Mr Clement Kotze     Tel: 021 959 2928
Law                         Level 9       Mr Sulaiman Tarkey   Tel: 021 959 2906/19
Natural Sciences            Level 14      Ms Valda Knoll       Tel: 021 959 2926
Natural Sciences            Level 14      Ms Sindiswa Sota     Tel: 021 959 2930

Knowledge Commons
     The Knowledge Commons brings                  another for academic work.
     together technology, content and          •   Discussion rooms for group work
     information service in one physical           initiatives.
     space. Students are able to search the    •   Workstations are configured to
     library catalogue (SmartSearch), access       facilitate sharing of information.
     databases, electronic resources, etc.     •   Access to nearby networked
     It is a place where you can collaborate       printers.
     on a group project, prepare presenta-     •   Information, reference and technical
     tions, complete assignments and access        assistance is available throughout
     the University’s electronic learning          the level with the assistance of
     management system. The underlying             student assistants who are called KC
     philosophy of the Knowledge Commons           Advisors.
     is to provide a seamless work environ-
     ment to access, manage, synthesize and    INFORMATION DESK
     produce information all in one central    The Information Desk at the Knowledge
     location.                                 Commons represents the first point of
                                               contact when making use of Level 6. Staff
     GENERAL INFORMATION                       at the Information Desk will assist you
     The Knowledge Commons is on Level 6 of    with information queries, setting up your
     the UWC Main Library. It offers:          laptop to enable printing. All queries
     • A suite of 119 networked computers      related to Knowledge Commons,
         which can be booked via the Library   Thintana Training Lab, Discussion Rooms
         website.                              and the iPad Lab will be attended to at
     • An attractive open environment          this desk.
         where classmates can meet one

USING COMPUTERS IN THE KNOWLEDGE                   Library.
COMMONS                                        •   When printing in Knowledge
Students are required to reserve a                 Commons, a window will pop up
computer via the Library website.                  requesting your student number and
                                               •   Once this information is
                                                   supplied and the student card has
                                                   sufficient credit, the print job will be
                                                   accepted by the system and sent to
                                                   the printers located on this floor.
                                               •   Students are required to logon to
                                                   the PhoConsole PCs to view your
                                                   print jobs. You need to highlight
                                                   each document you wish to release
Browse the Quick Links to access Reserve
                                                   from the queue and click PRINT.
a PC tab and complete by filling in your
                                               •   The PC will indicate to which printer
student number and password to secure
                                                   the work was sent to. This is done on
a computer for anytime during the day.
                                                   a printer availability queuing system
Once you have reserved a computer
                                                   which means that pending on where
you have to swipe your student card at
                                                   your work is placed in the queue;
the access turnstile to gain entrance to
                                                   your work could come out any of the
Knowledge Commons. Your reservation
                                                   5 printers situated on level 6.
will be lost should you fail to logon to the
                                               •   Any print job not claimed within the
computer within 15 minutes of the start
                                                   hour will automatically be cancelled
time of your session e.g. Student Joe
                                                   and the student account will be
books KC001 for 10h00 and if he does
                                                   reimbursed with unspent funds.
not log in by 10h15 his reservation is
                                               •   All problems related to printing and
                                                   photocopying will be addressd by
                                                   the Minolta office.
The printing service within the Library is
                                               CONTACT DETAILS
managed by Minolta who is responsible
                                               Mr Duane Bowers
for all transactional queries related to
                                               Tel: 021 959 2932/9497
student printing and photocopying in the
                                               Email: kclibrary@uwc.ac.za
Library. Remember the following when
using this service:
• Newly registered students have to
     request their printing pin at the
     Minolta office.
• Load credits at the Minolta office
     situated in the Library foyer level 5
     in the right hand corner of the main
     entrance. These credits can be used
     for photocopying and printing in the

Circulation Desk,
       Short Loans & MultiMedia
     CIRCULATION DESK                                   overdue or not in demand.

      • The Circulation Desk forms part of          How many books may be borrowed from
        the Circulation Services Section.           the open shelves?
      • Books are issued and returned at              • Undergraduates: 4 items for 2 weeks
        this desk.                                    • Postgraduates:
      • Please present your student/staff               10 items for 4 weeks
        card to the staff when making your            • Staff: 30 items for 6 weeks
        first visit to the library to ensure that
        you have been registered on our             How do I place a Hold on an item?
        database system. The Circulation            When you want to borrow a book
        desk is also a general service desk         that is out on loan, you need to place
        area that handles general enquiries.        a hold on it. For more information on
                                                    placing holds, please consult staff at the
     Loan Procedure                                 Circulation Desk.
      • All books that have been borrowed
         from the open book shelves have to         SHORT LOANS SECTION
         be presented at the circulation desk
         along with your current student/           The Short Loans Section consists
         staff card.                                mainly of prescribed texts,
      • The rights of the cardholder cannot         recommended readings and photocopies
         be transferred to another person.          of journal articles.
      • Items that have been borrowed may
         be renewed twice. Renewals are
         allowed only if the item is not

Short Loans Section Circulation Policy        material may be borrowed overnight.
Books on the Short Loans Section may
be used for one hour inside the Library.      CONTACT DETAILS
Where multiple copies are available,          Section Head:
books may be borrowed overnight.              Mr T. Fortune
Photocopies of journal articles may only      021 959-2073
be used inside the library, for a period of   email: tfortune@uwc.ac.za
one hour. A maximum of two items may
be borrowed.                                  Circulation Desk: 021 959-2946
                                              Issue Desk: 021 959-9396
What do I need in order to use the Short      Short Loans: 021 959-2943
Loans Section services?                       General Reference Librarian:
Present your student card to the Short        021 959-9397
Loan Section staff, together with any
of the following details of the book or       Night Shift Librarian:
article: author, title, and/or call number.   Mr C. Solomons
                                              021 959-2946/32
Why are items placed on Short Loans?          email: csolomons@uwc.ac.za
Lecturers and Faculty Librarians place
items that are in heavy demand in the
Short Loans Section. The objective is to
ensure that as many people as possible
obtain access to the available material.

Library Drop zones
The Main Library has installed two drop
zone facilities to allow students to drop
off books before the library’s opening
times. The drop zone for regular items
is situated next to the entrance of the
Library. The drop zone for short loan
items is at the Short Loans Desk side and
is clearly marked.


The Multimedia Centre is equipped with
seven viewing facilities.

The collection consists of videos, DVDs,
CD-Roms, music CDs and audio cassettes
covering all subject areas. The material
can be searched using the OPAC. Some

Inter-Library Loans
     WHAT IS ‘INTER-LIBRARY LOANS’?                window. Please be sure to complete
                                                   the form accurately and supply all the
     Inter-library Loans (ILL) is a service that   relevant details.
     allows for items (books and journal
     articles) not held in our library to be       Online
     borrowed from other libraries, locally,       1. Go to - http://lib.uwc.ac.za
     nationally or internationally.                2. Select ILL Requests on the right hand
                                                       side under Quick links.
     Who may use this service?                     3. Choose the book/thesis form or
     The service is available to all.                  periodical request form.
                                                   4. Complete online.
     How do I request a book or article?           5. Submit.

     Walk in                                       The following types of materials should
     Proceed to the ILL booth on Level 4 to        NOT be requested via ILL:
     complete the relevant request forms.          • Fiction
     Before doing so the user should check         • Magazine and newspaper articles
     that the item being requested is not held     • Whole issues of journals
     by the University library. Users should       • Valuable and rare materials,
     complete one form per item, irrespective          audiovisual materials
     of whether two or more articles come
     from the same journal. If there are no        When may I request from overseas?
     staff members available to assist at the      In the case of a book or article not being
     ILL office, please place your requests        available in South Africa, the ILL staff
     in the trays located outside the office       will try to obtain it from overseas, if so

requested by the borrower. All overseas        the borrower will be notified.
requests must be accompanied by two
photocopies of the page where the              When do I return a book?
reference appeared.                            Books should be returned by the date
                                               indicated on the date slip provided by ILL
How much do I pay for a local request?         and not the date stamped in the book.
•   Loans - R4.00 per book
•   Photocopies - R1.00 per page               NB! Requests should be placed well in
•   Urgent (faxed articles) - R2.00 per page   advance!

What is the cost involved for an               The time period for requested materials
overseas request?                              to arrive varies with the volume of work
Standard service charges                       in the supplying and requesting libraries.
•   Journal article photocopy:
                                               Allow 2-3 weeks for receipt. Users should
•   Normal mail delivery - R150.00
•   Urgent delivery (Airmail, Ariel) -
                                               understand that once they initiate a
    			                      R355.00           request, they are responsible for
•   Fax delivery -            R398.00          payment, even if there is a long delay,
•   Book loan - 		           R350.00           and the item arrives too late to be used!

How much do I pay for an overdue book?         Drop zone for after-hour returns
•   An overdue fine of - R2.00 per book per    A drop zone that will allow for the return
    day                                        of Inter-Library loan items beyond our
                                               normal business hours is located to the
What is the loan period?                       left of the Inter-Library Loans’ general
Locally the loan period varies between         enquiry desk.
one and two months depending on
demand. Overseas loans are extremely           CONTACT DETAILS
short, usually only for one week.              Khonziwe Mpandle
                                               Helena Primo
How will I know that my item has               Telephone no: (021) 959-2900
arrived?                                       Fax: 		        (021) 959-2920
When the item has arrived the ILL              Email: 		      arieluwc@uwc.ac.za
staff notifies the borrower either via
telephone, e-mail, SMS or mail.

How do I renew a loan?
In most instances renewals are not
allowed. However, where renewal is
possible, the borrower should apply for
a renewal approximately one week in
advance of the loan period expiring. The
ILL section will apply for a renewal from
the Lending Library and if it is granted

A Guide to Electronic Resources
       & Off-Campus Access
     The Library subscribes             diagrams, maps or graphs are         access to a host of different
     to a variety of electronic         often included.                      databases on the same
     resources which you may                                                 platform, thereby enabling
     search to locate informa-          If a database contains               one to search across a range of
     tion for your research and         bibliographic information only       databases simultaneously. All
     assignments. An e-resource is      (rather than full-text), you can     the databases will have the
     a resource in electronic format,   still obtain the full-text via the   same look and feel because
     as opposed to one in print         Inter-Library Loan (ILL) section     they are all hosted on the
     format. It can be an online        on Level 4 of the Main Library.      same platform. The Library
     book (e-book), an online                                                also provides access to a
     journal (e-journal) an online      Some databases are muti-             search and discovery tool
     database, e.g. “PsycARTICLES”      disciplinary e.g. “Academic          called “SmartSearch”.
     or portal site, e.g. “Sabinet      Search Complete” and “SA
     Reference”.                        ePublications”, while others         You will find more information
                                        are specialized, e.g. “Access-       about SmartSearch in the
     Most library databases contain     Pharmacy” and “Dentistry and         “Library Catalogue” section of
     citations or references (the       Oral Sciences Source”.               the booklet.
     basic information you need to
     find a periodical article), and    Some databases provide               Please keep in mind that not
     abstracts (brief summaries of      archival content only, e.g.          all of the Library’s databases
     articles).                         “JSTOR”. Some contain mainly         are searchable via Smart-
                                        American sources, others             Search. This is especially true
     In addition to the above,          mainly European sources,             of the law databases, the
     many databases also contain        whilst others again, like “SA        South African databases,
     full-text (the complete word-      ePublications”, contain only         and specialized databases like
     for-word text of a periodical      South African sources.               “SciFinder Scholar”. Smart-
     article or newspaper clipping,     Some databases are actually          Search may be a good starting
     Government Act, chapter or         aggregator databases, e.g.           point when doing “quick and
     book). Images, photographs,        “EBSCOhost”. They provide            dirty” preliminary research

on a particular topic, but         password. If you are a student,     you have read (and are in
it does have some limita-          your user name is your student      agreement with) the terms of
tions. Moreover, it does not       number and your password is         use. Thereafter, you will be
always preclude the need to        your full ID number. Foreign        free to either read online, or
search the library’s databases     students should use either          download the PDF version
individually, especially           their date of birth (yyyymmdd)      of the book, provided you
when you want to take              or passport number.                 have Adobe Acrobat on your
advantage of the more                                                  computer or mobile device.
sophisticated search function-     Which browser should I use?         The “Download ebook” and
ality and syntax offered by the                                        “Read online” icons look,
native interfaces.                 The Library’s website is            respectively, like the ones
                                   optimized for the more recent       below:
It is sometimes difficult          versions of Mozilla Firebox and
to know which databases            Google Chrome. Please do not        Where to find help:
to choose for a particular         use Internet Explorer.
assignment. Consult the online                                         If you experience authentica-
subject guides which list the      Special Information relating to     tion problems with off-campus
databases most relevant for        E-Books:                            access, please contact the ICS
your subject. Their worksta-                                           Service Desk at servicedesk@
tions are located in the glass     Most of the Library’s e-books       uwc.ac.za or tel: (021) 959-
cubicles.                          can be accessed via the eBooks      2000. Please quote your name,
                                   quick link, which you will find     surname, student number and
Not all databases are intuitive.   on the right hand side of the       date of birth.
Some of them have syntax           Library’s homepage. Some
rules which are somewhat           can also be accessed via the        If you experience any other
complex. This is why it is vital   previous Catalogue or Smart-        access problems, contact
that you attend the database       Search, e.g. all ScienceDirect      your Faculty Librarian, or the
training and basic search skills   and Dawson e-books. In many         Electronic Resources Librarian.
sessions that are offered by       cases, user support is provided
the Faculty Librarians on an       through a HELP tab, accessible      CONTACT DETAILS
on-going basis. Check the          via a menu on the publisher’s       eResources Librarian
“Training Calendar” on the         website.                            Anne Moon
Library’s website to find out      Almost all the Library’s            021 959 3016
which training sessions are on     e-books can be accessed for an      amoon@uwc.ac.za
offer on which dates or, better    indefinite period of time, once
yet, ask your Faculty Librarian.   downloaded. In other words,
                                   they will not self-delete after a
OFF-CAMPUS ACCESS                  stipulated period of time.
TO THE LIBRARY’S                   The only exceptions are the
ELECTRONIC RESOURCES               Dawson e-books, which can be
                                   accessed for 24 hours only.
Off-campus access is               In most cases, there is no
available to authorized UWC        restriction on the number
users, provided they have          of users who may access an
registered at the Library for      e-book simultaneously.
the current year. If you are       Please be aware that, when
attempting to access the           accessing a Dawson e-book,
Library’s electronic resources,    you will first need to scroll
from off-campus, you will          to the top right hand corner
automatically be prompted to       of the page, and click on the
provide your user name and         green “I agree” button, after

Information Services:
       Special Collections
     Special Collections is housed on level 12.          collection: Commission Reports, Human
                                                         Sciences Research Council Reports,
     The collection consists of:                         Annual Reports and Statistics South
      • The South African Studies Collection:
        This is an interdisciplinary collection of    • UWC Research Publications:
        South African material with particular          This collection represents research
        strengths in the subject areas of South         published by the university.
        African history, political history and
        biographical works from the 19th              • District Six Collection
        century to the present. Afrikaans               The District Six Collection provides
        literature and South African English            an impressive collection of historical
        literature form part of the collection.         materials, books, newspaper clippings
                                                        and studies of District Six.
      • Allen Isaacman African Studies
        Collection                                   Availability
        This remarkable collection of books,         All the materials form part of a closed access
        ephemera, posters and serials                collection, therefore the library staff will
        represents the concentrated and system-      retrieve the books for users. This is a
        atic gathering of both currently available   non-lending section and all the material may
        and scarce out of print publications         only be used on Level 12.
        for more than 40 years. Its primary
        concentration is on Mozambique. Strong       Please note that bags are not allowed into
        coverage for other states in Southern        the reading area. Student cards must be
        Africa provides access to similar topical    presented to the librarian when material is
        coverage in the social sciences and          borrowed.
                                                     The section is open from 08h20 –16h30. After
      • Inaugural lectures                           hours requests for special collection material
        This collection contains inaugural           will be handled by the staff on duty at the
        addresses delivered by professors            Information Desk on Level 5.
        at UWC and also some from other
        universities in South Africa.                CONTACT DETAILS
                                                     Special Collections
      • Government publications:                     Mrs Sipiwe Tevera
        The following reports form part of the       Telephone: 021 959-2916
                                                     E-mail: stevera@uwc.ac.za
Self Learning Zone (SLZ)

      What is this for?
      The Self Learning Zone in the Library Atrium is a cluster of 6 PCs equipped with
      headphones and a menu of tutorials that can teach you how to use the Library really
                                  THE MENU HAS THREE MAIN SECTIONS:

             Databases:                         SmartSearch:                        Literacy:
             audiovisual                         Master the                  Follow the tutorials
                                            Library’s new search                 in 7 modules
        presentations on how
                                             and discovery tool.              prepared by UWC
        to use the electronic

                       TUTORIAL CONTENTS

 Module 1       Module 2          Module 3       Module 4       Module 5        Module 6         Module 7
Orientation       Getting       Unpacking a     Searching a     Evaluating     Working with     Plagiarism,
 to UWC         started on       reading list    database       sources of       published         citing
  Library      your assign-      and finding                   information     information     sources and
                   ment         the material                                    and getting    bibliography,
                                                                                  ready to       fair use.

     The term “periodicals” includes                 Electronic Journals
     journals, magazines and newspapers              With the increase in the popularity of the
     published on a regular basis (daily, weekly,    internet for disseminating information
     fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annually).   and research output, most publications
     Periodicals therefore provide the most          are increasingly becoming available via
     current information.                            the internet as “electronic journals”
                                                     or “e-journals”. Some have printed
     LOCATION                                        equivalents, some do not. Depending
     Recent issues of periodicals are kept on        on the publishers’ terms and conditions,
     Level 5 in the Reading room. Earlier issues     Library users may have access to the latest
     are bound into volumes and shelved              issues or have delayed access, which
     alongside the book collections on levels 7,     means that content is made available after
     8, 9, 11 and 14 according to subject.           an embargo period of anywhere between
                                                     one month and 24 months.
     Current Periodicals Service Desk
     The most current issues, popular titles and     All e-journals are hosted on the A-Z
     newspapers are arranged in alphabetical         e-Journals List on the Library’s website.
     order in the Malangatana Reading Room
     on Level 5. Staff at the Service Desk assist    E-journals are also available to
     patrons with queries pertaining to material     off-campus users.
     in the Reading Room, and also provide
     assistance with operating the photocopier.      Print & Go Zone
                                                     Five PCs and printers are available in the
     Shelving Arrangement on other levels            Reading Room for speed printing purposes
     The bound periodicals are classified            only.
     broadly by subject and then arranged
     alphabetically by title within the broad        For enquiries contact:
     subject division.                               Reading Room:
                                                     Telephone No.: 021 959-2903
     Circulation Policy
     Current and bound volumes of periodicals
     are for use inside the Library only and are
     not available for loan.

Differently Abled Support Unit
THE DIFFERENTLY ABLED SUPPORT UNIT          •   Staff assistance with queries, be it
(DASU)                                          computer-related or other.
                                            •   Printing facilities – the unit has its
The DASU in the Malangatana Reading             own designated printer
Room on Level 5 of the Main Campus          •   Photocopying – Differently abled
Library is a space dedicated for students       students have access to a dedicated
with mobility, visual impairment or             photocopier.
different learning needs.
                                            Additional Information:
Services and Facilities Provided:
                                            The Differently Abled Students
•   There are 14 wheelchair accessible      Association (DASA) encourages all
    workstations (computers), equipped      differently abled students to
    with zoom capability from 120 -         register for the use of the Library’s DASU
    1200% to serve a core of around         via Ms Evadne Abrahams, who is the
    25-30 regular users.                    Coordinator of the Office for Students
•   Wheelchair friendly desks.              with Disabilities.
•   Screen magnification,
    electronic format, and facilitation     CONTACT DETAILS
    for transcription into                  Tel: 021 959-3586
    other formats, through the              email: eabrahams@uwc.ac.za
    Coordinator of the Office for
    Students with Disabilities (see

Library Catalogue
     SmartSearch: The Library’s                  2 ways to learn how to use
     Google search engine                        SmartSearch
                                                 • It’s essential that you attend one
                                                     of the daily training sessions in
     The learning materials listed in your
                                                     February on how to use Smart-
     course outlines are available in the
                                                     Search. The daily timetable for
     Library. SmartSearch is the Library’s
                                                     training is already available on the
     Google search engine. When you
                                                     Library website. You can attend as
     enter search words the results lead
                                                     many times as you like to get more
     you to materials that are related to
     your search. SmartSearch features
                                                 • The Library has also prepared a
     powerful tools that can help you find
                                                     short online video introducing
     the most relevant, up to date learning
                                                     SmartSearch. Find this on the
     materials for your subjects.
                                                     Library homepage.
     These may be printed books held in
     the library, links to electronic books or
     articles, DVDs, or theses written by
     Masters and Doctoral students.

The Dentistry Branch Library is            The Library Hours:
located on the 4th floor of                Monday to Friday 08h00 - 16h30
the UWC Dental Hospital in
Tygerberg. It serves dentistry and oral    CONTACT DETAILS
hygiene students and staff from the        Faculty Librarian: Fareed Davids
Bellville, Tygerberg and Mitchell Plain    Tel: 021 937 3165
campuses.                                  email: fdavids@uwc.ac.za

The library is rich in dentistry
resources: books, journals and DVD’s
and has printing and photocopier
facilities in both the Library and the
adjacent Resource Centre.

The Resource Centre was opened in
July, 2014 and houses 54 computer
terminals and reserved space for
laptops. It is also fully Wi-Fi enabled.

Missed the Library Tour?

                 MISSED THE
                 LIBRARY TOUR?
                       NO PROLEM!
        Part 1         TAKE THE
                       AUDIO TOUR
                 Part 2

About QR Codes
A QR Code (short for “Quick Response”)        Android, and more) at http://www.mo-
is a barcode that contains data that          bile-barcodes.com/qr-code-software/.
can be read by a phone’s camera. Most
smartphones come equipped with                How to scan a QR code:
software that allows them to download         1.   Start the scanner application
a QR Code reader. Once you download           2.   Point the phone’s camera to the QR
a reader, the phone’s camera acts like             code
a scanner, allowing it to “read” the          3.   The phone will read the code and
barcode.                                           display its information

These codes, once scanned by your
phone, can provide you with a URL,
contact information, SMS, or similar
links to information right on your phone.
Think of it as a black and white link, or a
heavily pixelated one.

In order to read a QR code, your phone
needs to have a code reader.
                                                          Library’s website
You can find a long list of readers to
download to your phone (iPhone,

Getting Help
                                               Reference Librarian
     Need help finding information?            Tel: 021-959-9397
     Can’t figure out how to begin your
     research? Ask a Librarian!
     Virtually any question, always expert

     If you are feeling confused or want
     help getting started in the Library, or
     have any library related query, please
     go to the Reference Librarian on
     Level 5 of the Main Campus Library.

     The Reference Librarian will help
     you to pinpoint what assistance you
     need. He or she will either assist
     you in person, introduce you to the
     Self Learning Zone or refer you to a
     Faculty Librarian.

LEVEL 1    Library Auditorium

                                                                                    Library Levels
                Mayibuye UWC Robben Island Museum and Archives

     LEVEL 2    24 Hour Study Hall
                Donations and Archival Collections

     LEVEL 3    Library Technical Services
                Binding Unit
                Digital Scholarship and Repository Librarian

     Level 4    Library Administration
                Inter-Library Loans (ILL)
                Study Den
                e-Resources Librarian
     Level 5    Express Print and Go Kiosks
                Circulation Desk
                Short Loans
                Malangatana Reading Room
                Multimedia Centre
                Disability Support Unit
                General Reference Librarian & Self Learning Zone (SLZ)

     Level 6    Knowledge Commons
                Thintana Library Training Room
                Discussion Rooms for Group Work
                Digital and Communications Librarian
                IT Support Technician Offices
     Level 7    Economics and Management Sciences (EMS) collection
                Training Room and Study Area
                EMS Faculty Librarians
     Level 8    Arts, including Languages and Literature, Library & Information Science, History,
                Religion & Theology and Geography
                Arts Faculty Librarians
     Level 9    Law Collection and Service Desk
                Law Faculty Librarian
     Level 10   Study area
                Information Literacy Librarian

     Level 11   Education, Community & Health Sciences collections, Anthropology, Sociology &
                Women Studies
                Community & Health Sciences/Education Faculty Librarians
     Level 12   Special Collections
                Special Collections Faculty Librarian
     Level 13   Postgraduate Resource Centre

     Level 14   Natural Sciences/Sciences collection
                Natural Sciences Faculty Librarians

Scan QR Codes on
Tasks for your first
month @ UWC

Greet your Faculty          Activate your         Load credit on your
    Librarian               Library Card         card for photcopying

           Find out how to book      Attend a SmartSearch
                    a PC                Training Session

University of the Western Cape LIBRARY
     Private Bag x17 Bellville, 7535
          Phone (021) 959-2209
           Fax (021) 959-2659
      Website: http://lib.uwc.ac.za
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