Cathleen Russ Named New Library Director - West Bloomfield Township Public Library

Page created by Paula Silva
Cathleen Russ Named New Library Director - West Bloomfield Township Public Library
Cathleen Russ Named New Library Director
The West Bloomfield Township Public Library Board of Trustees has announced that Cathleen Russ
will succeed retiring Director Clara N. Bohrer. Russ assumed the position on December 14, 2020.
                                                                                                                            County Library, and Director of the Center Line
                                                                                                                            Public Library.

                                                                                                                            “I have long admired WBTPL because it doesn’t
                                                                                                                            rest on its laurels,” said Russ. “The Library Board,
                                                                                                                            Director and staff are always looking for ways to
                                                                                                                            respond to community interests and needs and
                                                                                                                            expand horizons in terms of public service. I
                                                                                                                            want to build on what WBTPL has accomplished
                                                                                                                            and its commitment to continuous improvement.”

                                                                                                                            Russ leaves the Troy Public Library “well
                                                                                                                            positioned for the future,” she said. “Our recent
                                                                                                                            successful millage means TPL can return to
                                                                                                                            providing service seven days a week. The library
                                                                                                                            will also be able to make some infrastructure
                                                                                                                            and other building improvements. Library staff
                                                                                                                            provide excellent customer service and together
Cathleen Russ stands outside the Main Library on her first day as Library Director. “I’m eager to begin and I look forward   with a new director, the Troy community will be
to learning more about how the Library serves West Bloomfield,” said Russ.
                                                                                                                            well served.”

Cathy Russ comes to West Bloomfield from the                    Trustees. “We are confident that under Cathy’s
                                                                                                                            Russ said her immediate plans in her role as
Troy Public Library where she had served as                    leadership the Library will continue to provide the
                                                                                                                            WBTPL Director include getting to know the
Director since 2007. She has extensive experience              high level of service and wide variety of resources
                                                                                                                            community and learning more about their
overseeing the operation of a large library in a               our diverse community expects and that Clara
                                                                                                                            expectations for library service. “West Bloomfield
diverse suburban community, including strategic                Bohrer and her staff have delivered for years.”
planning, providing a positive customer                                                                                     is the fourth highest circulating library in
experience, forming community partnerships                     Russ is active in the Michigan Library Association           Michigan after three much larger, multi-branch
to achieve mutual goals, supervising staff, and                 (MLA) and was named MLA’s Librarian of the Year              systems. This is a tribute to the Library Board,
budgeting.                                                     in 2019. Earlier this year, Russ worked with MLA             Director and staff. They obviously listen to and
                                                               colleagues across the state to develop universal             have been responsive to the community they
“We feel that Cathy has the right mix of                       safety and process standards to guide libraries as           serve. I want to continue in that tradition.”
experience, passion for public service and                     they re-opened after closures due to COVID-19.
commitment to excellence that will assure our                                                                               “I look forward to being part of the dynamic and
Library remains a vital community asset,” said                 Russ also served as Director of the Chelsea                  positive energy that surrounds WBTPL and the
Carol Kravetz, President of the Library Board of               District Library, Assistant Director of the Macomb           community,” said Russ.

                                                                       I N S I D E        T H I S      I S S U E
   Director Clara N. Bohrer Retires        Tom Meyer, Library Board Trustee, Dies           Virtual Programs & Events       NEW! Online Learning Resources for Pre-K to 8th Grade
                Page 2                                    Page 3                                     Pages 4 - 7                                   Page 7

        WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY                                                                                             WINTER 2021
Cathleen Russ Named New Library Director - West Bloomfield Township Public Library
Library Director Clara N. Bohrer Retires
Bohrer leaves a legacy that includes extensive improvements to Library spaces and materials,
new services for every age, a customer focus that offers convenient ways to access materials
and services, fiscal viability that’s the result of careful stewardship of taxpayer dollars, and
national recognition for Library initiatives.

When Clara N. Bohrer was appointed Library              Bloomfield model at national library conferences.         National Recognition
Director in 1991, the looming obsolescence and          Library directors and board members from                 Over the 30 years Bohrer served as Director, her
demise of public libraries was a frequent topic in      around the state and across the country visited          belief in the importance of early literacy and her
the press. Many saw the popularity of mega              WBTPL to observe how this new approach                   responsiveness to community needs and interests
bookstores and video stores (remember those!)           worked and see what they could implement in              brought national recognition to the Library.
as a death knell for public libraries.                  their communities.
                                                                                                                 West Bloomfield was named a Top 100 American
Bohrer saw a different future. “Our Township was         Bohrer placed special emphasis on early literacy         Public Library and was the first Michigan public
growing. The community placed a high value on           and how parents, as their children’s first teachers,      library to be recognized with this distinction.
reading and learning, and there was a demand            can help children get ready for a lifetime of            The Library achieved a Five-Star rating from the
for new technologies and online access to               reading and learning success. “We want parents           Library Journal Index of Public Library Service,
information. West Bloomfield residents wanted            to look at the Library as a first classroom, a place      which also ranks public libraries. The rating
more than the Library was then offering: more            they can bring children starting at birth to             systems are ways to measure how well libraries
and better spaces, materials, services, programs,       develop language and literacy skills, as well as         deliver services. “This helps us judge how we’re
computers and technology,” said Bohrer.                 critical thinking, motor and social skills.”             performing against national standards,” said
                                                                                                                 Bohrer. “But we also continually evaluate whether
Major Improvements                                      In 2001, WBTPL was selected by the Public Library        we’re meeting the expectations of our own
In 1995, Bohrer initiated a two-year strategic          Association (PLA) as one of only 20 organizations        community. We look to West Bloomfield residents

planning process with the Library Board and                                                                      to tell us how we rate with them and what we can
                                                        to participate in a pilot program to design
                                                                                                                 improve. As I leave, I am particularly proud of the
community representatives to determine how              techniques and materials parents could use to
                                                                                                                 commitment to public service that permeates the
best to provide library service well into the future.   develop early literacy skills. This led to the
                                                                                                                 entire Library.”
The planning process and community support led          creation of PLA’s research-based Every Child
to a successful 1997 ballot request for $10.8           Ready to   Read®   (ECRR) initiative. Public libraries
million to renovate, expand and operate the Main        across the country adopted this parent-centered
Library and the Westacres Branch.                       approach and modeled how caregivers can help
                                                        develop early literacy skills in young children. The
The welcoming environment in the improved               impact has been to change how libraries across
buildings offered more space for larger                  the country approach early literacy.
collections of high-demand materials in a range
of formats; expanded services and resources,            Bohrer co-chaired the PLA task force that
including more support for K-12 students and            partnered with national researchers and
lifelong learners; more programs and events;            education experts to develop the 1st Edition of
more places to meet, study and read; and                ECRR. She also co-chaired the committee that
upgraded computers and technology.                      evaluated the impact of the 1st Edition and used
                                                        the findings to produce an expanded 2nd Edition of
Focus on Early Literacy                                 ECRR, which continues to be used around the U.S.
Bohrer, who began her 44-year career in public
libraries as a children’s librarian, had a vision for   Bohrer and her staff of youth librarians used
how the Library would serve children and                research from Every Child Ready to Read®, along
families. “Kids learn best through meaningful,          with their expertise and an understanding of
hands-on experiences and interactions. We               what West Bloomfield parents wanted, to create
reinvented our Youth Services rooms as active           the Library’s Grow Up Reading™ initiative. The
learning environments to engage children,               Library’s guides and interactive materials – along       Director Clara N. Bohrer, with West Bloomfield community
                                                                                                                 representative Cameron Thomas-Shah and First Lady
parents and other caregivers in many types of           with programs and online resources – help                Michelle Obama, receives the National Medal. “You’re here
interactive learning opportunities.” This was a         parents and caregivers develop literacy and other        because you challenged the conventional notions of what a
                                                                                                                 library can be… pushing the boundaries of what’s possible,
new concept in public library service. Bohrer and       skills in children from birth to age five. Materials
                                                                                                                 and embracing new ideas and approaches,” said Obama.
her staff were asked to speak about the West             from the program have received national awards.

Cathleen Russ Named New Library Director - West Bloomfield Township Public Library
Longtime Library
The Library was awarded the National Medal for Museum and Library Service, the nation’s highest
                                                                                                                       Board Member Dies
honor for libraries, at a White House ceremony in 2010. The award from the Institute of Museum and
Library Services (IMLS) recognizes libraries and museums that demonstrate extraordinary and
innovative approaches to public service and inclusiveness.

The Library was recognized for its innovative public service, extensive outreach and collaboration
with community partners, and positive impact on those it serves. IMLS specifically cited the Library’s
advocacy for children through the Grow Up Reading™ initiative, the “Help is Here” program for
unemployed and underemployed, and services that support West Bloomfield’s diverse population.

“The National Medal recognizes results,” said Bohrer. “The Library Board, staff and community
partners work together to benefit everyone in West Bloomfield and have the greatest possible impact.
Our entire community can be proud of the incredible accomplishments the National Medal represents.”
                                                                                                                       Thomas Meyer, who served on the Library
                                                                                                                       Board of Trustees for 34 years, died November
During her time as Director, Bohrer served in numerous national, state and local leadership positions.
                                                                                                                       22, 2020 at the age of 90. The Library and West
She was elected President of the Public Library Association, served as a member of the PLA Board of
                                                                                                                       Bloomfield community have lost a valued Board
Directors, and also served on numerous committees of the American Library Association. Bohrer is
                                                                                                                       member and staunch advocate for delivering
currently the Fiscal Officer on the PLA Board of Directors.
                                                                                                                       high-quality Library service.

Bohrer was a member of the National Advisory Committee for the Campaign for Grade-Level Reading’s                      Tom played an active role during the 1997
Report, Growing Young Minds: How Museums and Libraries Create Lifelong Learners. She was part of a                     Library referendum. The community’s approval
PLA committee that administered a legacy grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global                       of the vote led to the renovation and expansion
Libraries Initiative to consider how libraries worldwide can innovate to expand their role as leaders in               of the Main Library and Westacres Branch. His
community development. She also served on the Advisory Committee for jetBlue’s Soar with Reading                       understanding of the role of public libraries and
program. Bohrer was elected President of the Michigan Library Association and served on its Board of                   interest in maintaining high standards helped
Directors. She was also a member of the Oakland County Library Board.                                                  the Library reach a level of service that was
                                                                                                                       recognized by being awarded the National
Bohrer has been recognized at local and national levels for her professional accomplishments. She                      Medal, the nation’s highest honor for libraries.
was the first recipient of the Dr. Seymour Gretchko Youth Advocate Award. She received the American
Library Association’s Sullivan Award, which recognizes outstanding public library administrators who                   Tom was re-elected to the Library Board for his
demonstrate “Exceptional understanding and support of public library service to children.”                             ninth consecutive term on November 3, 2020.
                                                                                                                       To recognize and honor Tom’s years of
“Throughout my time in West Bloomfield,” said Bohrer, “I’ve been so fortunate to work with insightful                   dedicated and selfless service, the Board is
Library Board Trustees, talented staff members, dedicated Friends of the Library and other volunteers,                  placing a memorial plaque at the Main Library.
and a supportive community. There is no better community than West Bloomfield!”                                         “Tom made so many contributions during his
                                                                                                                       more than three decades on the Library Board,”
The Library Board is recognizing Bohrer’s                                                                              said Board President, Carol Kravetz. “We
contributions to West Bloomfield and her advocacy                                                                       wanted to express our gratitude for Tom’s
for youth by plating the Youth Services Activity                                                                       support of the Library and its mission.”
Center at the Main Library and Westacres Branch
in her honor.
                                                                                                                          The Library Board of Trustees
“Clara’s commitment to our mission, her ability to                                                                       is accepting applications to fill
maximize the return on every taxpayer dollar, and                                                                         the remaining 4-year term of
her efforts to continually improve all aspects of                                                                                   Tom Meyer.
service have made our Library one of the best in
                                                                                                                        Please visit,
the country,” said Carol Kravetz, Library Board
                                                                                                                            click “About Us” and then “Board of
President. “Because of her leadership, the Library’s
                                                                                                                          Trustees” to view the responsibilities of
core values are securely incorporated into our
                                                                                                                         Library Trustees and find an application to
public service. On behalf of the community we
                                                                                                                        complete if you’re interested in applying for
represent, the Library Board of Trustees extend
                                                                                                                             the open Board position. Return the
our great appreciation for Clara’s years of service
                                                                                                                        application to Library Director Cathleen Russ
and accomplishments.”
                                                       “When children cry because they don’t want to leave the youth       by 5 PM on Friday, January 29, 2021.
                                                       room, I know we have achieved the wonderful mix of learning
                                                       and play we intended,” said Bohrer.

       WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY                                                                                    WINTER 2021
Cathleen Russ Named New Library Director - West Bloomfield Township Public Library
Enjoy Virtual Programs & Events
Connect to live Library programs and events online.
While the Library’s in-person programs are on hold, staff have been busy creating virtual storytimes, teen programs,
family events, and book and film discussions. Enjoy favorite presenters and topics safely from home.

Celebrate Martin Luther King, Jr. Day virtually @ your library
African Tales with                                                                 Special BOOKED for the Evening Discussion
Miz Rosie                                                                          Monday, January 18 at 7 PM
Monday, January 18 at 10 AM                                                        presented via Zoom
presented via Zoom                                                                 Join Dr. Tara Hayes for a discussion
Join Miz Rosie on a storytelling journey and                                       of The Sword and the Shield: The
learn through African Tales. Miz Rosie’s                                           Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and
interactive “edutainment” will educate,                                            Martin Luther King, Jr. by Peniel E.
enlighten and entertain. Her storytelling                                          Joseph. The book presents a
warms the heart and stimulates the mind.                                           nuanced portrait of two men who
                                                                                   to many Americans represent
                                                                                   contrasting ideals: self-defense vs.
Principles of Hip Hop:                                                             nonviolence, black power vs. civil
Peace, Love, Unity and                                                             rights, the sword vs. the shield. In
Having Fun                                                                         his book, Peniel E. Joseph upends
Monday, January 18 at 2 PM                                                         these misconceptions. This is a
presented via Zoom                                                                 strikingly revisionist biography, not
Hip hop is a cultural movement that began                                          only of Malcolm and Martin, but
among youth in NYC and has spread around                                           also of the movement and era they
the world. Watch an ensemble of dynamic                                            came to define. Check out the book
dancers use break dancing and audience                                             from the Library or download the
participation to explore hip hop’s rich                                            eBook from the eLibrary.
cultural history and its message of respect
                                                                                   Registration is required and is limited to West Bloomfield Library cardholders.
for self and others. The performance
                                                                                   The number of participants is limited to allow questions and interaction with
focuses on youth empowerment, diversity,
                                                                                   Dr. Hayes. To register, visit, click “Services” and
creativity and working together, embodied
by hip hop’s four principles: peace, love,                                         then “Virtual Programs” or call (248) 232-2290.
unity and having fun!

Both programs are for all ages and are open to anyone with a library card in
our system. Registration is required. Visit, click
“Services” and then “Virtual Programs” or call Youth Services at (248) 232-2250.

NEW! Winter Reading for Grades K-5
Now through Sunday, February 14
Elementary students can read for fun 30 minutes each week and earn rewards for reaching reading
milestones. Choose to read books, eBooks, graphic novels or magazines.

Register for the Winter Reading program online or in-person. Visit
and click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs.” Register in person at the Main Library or Westacres
Branch. Registration is open to K-5 students who live in the Library’s service area and have a library
card in good standing; and K-5 students enrolled in the West Bloomfield School District, Keith or
Pleasant Lake Elementary Schools, or Lone Pine Elementary or West Hills Middle School with a WBTPL
student card.
                                                                                                                 Track reading progress with stickers placed on the
A packet of information with a reading log will be available after registration.                                 Winter Reading Journey log.

Cathleen Russ Named New Library Director - West Bloomfield Township Public Library
Youth Programs                                                                                                                 Programs for
Virtual Rock ‘N Read
Fridays, January 22 & 29 and February 5, 12 & 19 at 10:30 AM                                                                   Virtual Oliver’s Animal
presented via Zoom                                                                                                             Adventures (All ages)
Rock the morning away with books, fingerplays and music from your own home! This interactive
storytime encourages participation from the child and caregiver while imparting early literacy skills,
music and movement, and cognitive growth.
Virtual Rock ’n Read is recommended for ages birth to 5 years and is open to anyone with a library card in our system.
Registration is required and begins two weeks before a session. Visit, click “Services” and
then “Virtual Programs” or call Youth Services at (248) 232-2250.

Program Series for Ages Birth to 5
                                                                                                                               Session 1:
Virtual Terrific Tots
                                                                                                                               Thursdays, January 21 & 28 and
Mondays, January 25 and February 1, 8, 15 & 22 at 10:30 AM
                                                                                                                               February 4, 11 & 18 at 6:30 PM
presented via Zoom
                                                                                                                               presented via Zoom
Kick-start your child’s learning and encourage a love of reading with a language-rich storytime. We
combine stories, fingerplays, music and movement so active toddlers can develop early literacy,                                 Session 2:
cognitive, social, math, sensory and gross motor skills.                                                                       Thursdays, March 11, 18 & 25 and
Virtual Terrific Tots is recommended for ages 1 to 3 years and is open to West Bloomfield Library cardholders. Virtual
                                                                                                                               April 1 & 8 at 6:30 PM
Terrific Tots is offered as a series and is limited to 25 children. Registration is required, opens January 11 and is for the    presented via Zoom
entire series. Visit, click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs” or call Youth Services at      This virtual puppet program mixes the silliness
(248) 232-2250.
                                                                                                                               of puppetry with live, exotic animals for an
                                                                                                                               educational and entertaining experience. Join us
Virtual Positively Preschool                                                                                                   as we read a story about an exotic animal, enjoy
Tuesdays, January 19 & 26 and February 2, 9 & 23 at 9:30 AM or 11 AM                                                           a short puppet show with Oliver and his exotic
presented via Zoom                                                                                                             animal guest, and have a fun time learning
This program supports preschoolers’ thriving curiosity with hands-on learning experiences that                                 together!
encourage children to explore and create.                                                                                      Oliver’s Animal Adventures is open to anyone with a library
                                                                                                                               card in our system. Session 1 and Session 2 are offered as
Virtual Positively Preschool is recommended for ages 3 to 5 years and is open to West Bloomfield Library cardholders.
                                                                                                                               a series. Registration is required. Registration for Session 1
Virtual Positively Preschool is offered as a series and is limited to 20 children. Registration is required, opens January 5
                                                                                                                               opens January 7 and registration for Session 2 opens
and is for the entire series. Visit, click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs” or call Youth
                                                                                                                               February 25. Visit, click
Services at (248) 232-2250.
                                                                                                                               “Services” and then “Virtual Programs” or call Youth Services
                                                                                                                               at (248) 232-2250.

    “The virtual version of Positively Preschool is highly
    engaging! It is filled with incredible hands-on activities,                                                                 Black History Month Performance
    for which the materials are supplied. There is lots of
    opportunity for movement and singing. We have so                                                                           Small Wonders and
    much fun and the time flies by!”                                                                                            Stupendous Feats! (All ages)
    —Carrie Ryles, West Bloomfield mom                                                                                          Saturday, February 6 at 10:30 AM
                                                                                                                               presented via Zoom

                                                                                                                               Join Diane Macklin as
Virtual Drawn to Read                                                                                                          she tells marvelous
Wednesdays, January 20 & 27 and February 3, 10 & 17 at 10:30 AM                                                                tales of unlikely
                                                                                                                               heroes that defy the
presented via Zoom
                                                                                                                               impossible through
Learning to read and write requires well-developed fine motor skills and eye-hand coordination.
                                                                                                                               kindness, friendship
Help your child prepare for kindergarten as we work on activities that involve motor skills
                                                                                                                               and courage.
through creative crayon drawings. Children will learn proper pencil grip and how to tell stories
through drawings.
                                                                                                                               Small Wonders and Stupendous Feats! is open to anyone
Virtual Drawn to Read is recommended for ages 4 and 5 years and is open to West Bloomfield Library cardholders.                 with a library card in our system. Registration is required and
Virtual Drawn to Read is offered as a series and is limited to 20 children. Registration is required, begins January 6 and      opens January 23. Visit, click
is for the entire series. Visit, click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs” or call Youth       “Services” and then “Virtual Programs” or call Youth Services
Services at (248) 232-2250.                                                                                                    at (248) 232-2250.

        WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY                                                                                                WINTER 2021
Cathleen Russ Named New Library Director - West Bloomfield Township Public Library
Young Adult                                                                                    Adult Programs
Virtual Programs                                                                               BOOKED for the Evening Discussions
                                                                                               Many of the most popular literary books of 2019 and 2020 were written by
Virtual Dungeons and Dragons Series                                                            female and minority authors. Join Dr. Tara Hayes for discussions about a
                                                                                               diverse range of books written by award-winning authors.
Monday, January 11 and Monday, February 1
                                                                                               Presented via Zoom
from 4 to 5 PM presented via Zoom
Whether you are a seasoned gamer or new to D&D, join us for some
fantasy adventure and role playing. Use your own character or one we
provide. Participants must have Roll20® and Zoom accounts, which are free.

Virtual Tinkercad Series
Saturday, January 9 and Saturday, February 13
from 10:30 to 11:30 AM presented via Zoom
Tinkercad is a 3D design program that is accessed via the internet. In each
session, follow along as a different object is created, which we’ll then print
on the Library’s 3D printer. Participants must have Zoom and Tinkercad
                                                                                               Girl, Woman, Other                             Call Me Zebra
                                                                                               by Bernadine Evaristo                          by Azareen Van der Vliet Oloomi
accounts, which are free.                                                                      2019 Man Booker Prize Winner                   2019 Pen/Faulkner Award
                                                                                               Literary Award                                 for Fiction
Virtual Coding Lab Series                                                                      Monday, February 15                            Monday, April 19
Thursday, January 21 and Thursday, February 18
from 7 to 8 PM presented via Zoom                                                              Trust Exercise                                 Sea Monsters
                                                                                               by Susan Choi                                  by Chloe Aridjis
Learn computer programming by completing projects using a Micro:bit. A
                                                                                               2019 National Book Award                       2020 Pen/Faulkner Award
Micro:bit is a small computer that has built-in LED lights, sensors, buttons                                                                  for Fiction
                                                                                               for Fiction
and more on it that can be programmed when it is attached to a computer.
You must have a computer to use the Micro:bit. Class size is limited. Upon
                                                                                               Monday, March 15                               Monday, May 17
registration, session links and instructions for picking up a Micro:bit will be                BOOKED for the Evening discussions begin at 7 PM. Registration is required, is limited to
sent.                                                                                          West Bloomfield Library cardholders and begins one month before the program date.
                                                                                               The number of participants is limited to allow questions and interaction with Dr. Hayes.
The programs are for students in 6th to 12th grades and are open to anyone with a library      Visit, click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs.”
card in our system. Registration is required, opens two weeks before the first session in the
series and is for both programs in the series.
To register, visit, click "Services" and then "Virtual
Programs."                                                                                     Film Discussion Series
                                                                                               This season, Dr. Tara Hayes discusses films with female directors.

YA Virtual Book Discussions                                                                    Check out a DVD of the film to watch in advance. Presented via Zoom

Join us as we discuss two engaging young adult books presented via Zoom.
Both books are available to check out as print copies at the Library and to
download as eBooks from the eLibrary.

                            The Beast Player
                            by Nahoko Uehashi
                            (translated from Japanese by Cathy Hirano)
                            Monday, January 25 from 7 to 8 PM                                  Cherry Blossoms                                 Little Women
                                                                                               Directed by Doris Dörrie                        Directed by Greta Gerwig
                                                                                               Monday, February 8                              Monday, April 12

                            Stamped                                                            Portrait of a                                  A Beautiful Day in
                            by Jason Reynolds and Ibram X. Kendi                               Lady on Fire                                   the Neighborhood
                            Monday, February 22 from 7 to 8 PM                                 Directed by Céline Sciamma                     Directed by Marielle Heller
                                                                                               Monday, March 8                                Monday, May 10
                                                                                               Film discussions begin at 7 PM. Registration is required, is limited to West Bloomfield
These discussions are for students in 6th through 12th grades and are open to anyone with      Library cardholders and begins one month before the program date. The number of
a library card in our system. Registration is required and begins one month prior to the       participants is limited to allow questions and interaction with Dr. Hayes.
program. Visit, click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs.”     Visit, click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs.”

Art in Literature                                                                        Local History Programs
The Model Who Was                                                                        Then & Now - Our Four Communities
Herself An Artist                                                                        Wednesday, March 17 at 7 PM presented via Zoom
Based on the book, Renoir’s Dancer: The Secret                                           Cosponsored by the Greater West Bloomfield Historical Society
Life of Suzanne Valadon by Catherine Hewitt                                              Join GWBHS historians for a virtual then and now look at our communities:
Wednesday, March 24 presented via Zoom                                                   West Bloomfield, Keego Harbor, Orchard Lake and Sylvan Lake.
Behind the most beautiful model for the
Impressionist painters was a secret. Suzanne                                             Perspectives on Traditional Native
Valadon was an artist determined to make her
way in a male-dominated art world. She became
                                                                                         American Life
one of the most successful artists in the early                                          Wednesday, May 19 at 7 PM presented via Zoom
modern art movement and Valadon’s                                                        Cosponsored by the Greater West Bloomfield Historical Society
remarkable life and work will be revealed.                                               Anishnabai Native American presenter Mikwhandan (Mike) Jewell shares
                                                                                         his perspectives about traditional Native American life in a 45-minute video
Photography and Its                                                                      recorded in 2019 while in native costume in the woods. Video produced by
Historical Relationship to                                                               Civic Center Television. Enjoy a live Q & A with Mikwhandan after the film.

the Other Visual Arts                                                                    Registration is required for both programs, is open to anyone with a library card in our
Based on the book, The Impressionists and                                                system and begins one month before the program date. Visit
Photography by Paloma Alarcó                                                   , click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs.”
Thursday, April 8 presented via Zoom
Photography provided both a source of inspiration
and threat for the Impressionist artists. A renewed
interest in the relationship between painting and
                                                                                         NEW! Scholastic Teachables
photography will be explored.                                                            Use classroom-tested materials created by educators and other experts
                                                                                         to teach reading, writing, math, science and social studies skills.
Art in Literature programs begin at 10 AM. Registration is required, is open to anyone
                                                                                         Materials are leveled for Pre-K through 8th grade students. Search for lesson
with a library card in our system and begins one month before the program date.
                                                                                         plans and learning activities by grade level, subject or theme. Download and
Visit, click “Services” and then “Virtual Programs.”
                                                                                         print games and puzzles, activity and skill sheets, flashcards, educational
                                                                                         crafts, practice tests and more.

       BOOKTalks                                                                         Choose from more than 2,000 mini-books to download and use to learn and
                                                                                         reinforce reading and writing skills. Many of the mini-books can be printed
                                                                                         with text only or pictures only, so students can draw their own illustrations
                                                                                         or write their own stories.

                                                                                         All materials are ready to use immediately. To browse what’s available,
                                                                                         go to, click “Databases” and then “S” for
                                                                                         Scholastic Teachables.

The Grammarians                               The Monk of Mokha
                                                                                                                     Your Friends in Need
                                                                                                                     Even though we are all experiencing quieter times while the
by Cathleen Schine                            by Dave Eggers                                                         pandemic is with us, the Friends of the Library are still busy
Dr. Steve Berman, Discussion Leader           Dr. Steve Berman, Discussion Leader                                    and need some help. The following volunteer opportunities
Wednesday, February 3 at 7 PM                 Wednesday, April 7 at 7 PM                                             can be done primarily from home.
OR Friday, February 5 at 10 AM                OR Friday, April 9 at 10 AM
                                                                                           Print Materials Chair Design and develop marketing bookmarks and other print
                                                                                           materials for the Friends (templates provided). Coordinate the printing and delivery
The Water Dancer                              A Woman of No Importance                     of the materials.
by Ta-Nehesi Coates                           by Sonia Purnell
Diane Henderson, Discussion Leader            Ann Finn, Discussion Leader
                                                                                            Hospitality Chair Organize the Annual Meeting and Luncheon for Friends’ members,
                                                                                            as well as other receptions.
Wednesday, March 3 at 7 PM                    Wednesday, May 5 at 7 PM
OR Friday, March 5 at 10 AM                   OR Friday, May 7 at 10 AM                     Membership Chair Maintain computer records using Microsoft Access. Training is
                                                                                            provided. Must be detail oriented. Requires several hours per week.
BOOKTalks are presented via Zoom. Registration is required, is open to anyone with
a library card in our system and begins one month before the program date. Visit            If you need additional details or are interested in volunteering, please contact, click "Services” and then "Virtual Programs.”                 Friends of the Library President Trudi Hill at
BOOKTalks are organized and funded by the Friends of the Library.

        WEST BLOOMFIELD TOWNSHIP PUBLIC LIBRARY                                                                                         WINTER 2021
Non-Profit Org.
                                                                                                                                                                                       U.S. Postage
                                                    The nation’s highest
                                                    honor for libraries.                                                                                                                   Paid
                                                                                                                                                                                        Permit 63
                                                                                                                                                                                       Southfield MI
      4600 Walnut Lake Road
      West Bloomfield, MI 48323

                                   New Library
                                   Director Named
                                   Details on page 1

         The Library’s Phase 3 Services Continue
                                                                                                                                                              MAIN LIBRARY
    Grab & Go Browse collections at the Main Library or               Services from the Main Library Drive-Up Window
    Westacres Branch, select materials to enjoy at home and           Pick up books, CDs or DVDs that have been placed on hold.                                 4600 Walnut Lake Road
    pick up materials you’ve placed on hold. Stay for up to                                                                                                     (248) 682-2120 FAX (248) 232-2291
    45 minutes.                                                       Library staff and Library users age two and older are
                                                                      required to wear face masks and follow strict social                                      TTD (248) 232-2292
    Computer Use by Appointment The 45-minute sessions are distancing guidelines to stay 6 feet apart from anyone                                               Email:
    for quick research and other priority needs. Sessions are not for not living with them.
    entertainment, such as watching TV shows or YouTube videos.                                                                                                 Text: (248) 648-3368
                                                                      The eLibrary is available 24/7 for a variety of digital resources.
    Parking Lot Pick-Up Pick up materials at the Main Library
    or Westacres Branch.                                              Visit the Library’s website for complete details about Phase 3.                         WESTACRES BRANCH
                                                                                                                                                                7321 Commerce Road
                  Library services may change at any time in response to COVID-19 developments.
                                                                                                                                                                (248) 363-4022 FAX (248) 363-7243

             Top eResources in 2020                                                                                                                           PHASE 3 HOURS OF SERVICE
                                                                                                                                                               Mon. – Thurs.: 10 AM – 7 PM
      The Library’s five most-used digital resources in 2020 helped thousands of West Bloomfield residents                                                     Fri. & Sat.:   10 AM – 5 PM
            explore topics for personal or work goals, update a skill or pursue another learning goal.                                                         Sunday:         Noon – 5 PM

          1                         2                            3                          4Smart Research. Smarter Investing.   TM
                                                                                                                                             5                ONLINE LIBRARY
                                                                                                                                                                Open 24 hours every day

    Interactive lessons        Self-paced,                 Information for           Information                                       A directory and
    designed to help           instructor-led online       reference and             and advice on                                     sales and marketing
    learners speak,            courses about               research about 60         approximately                                     database with
    read and write any         business, education,        million businesses        1,700 stocks, more                                detailed information
    of two dozen               medicine, law,              and 300 million           than 90 industries,                               on millions of         The Library will be closed:
    languages without          technology and              consumers                 the stock market                                  businesses,            Sunday, April 4
    translation or             more                                                  and the economy                                   executives and         EASTER
    memorization                                                                                                                       consumers
                       To browse these eResources, visit and click “eLibrary.”
                                                                                                                                                              Saturday, May 30 to Monday, May 31
                                                                                                                                                              MEMORIAL DAY

                                                                                                                                                              Cathleen Russ, Library Director
                                                                                                                                                              Board of Trustees
                                                                                                                                                              Carol Kravetz, President
                                                                                                                                                              Judith A. Holtz,Vice-President
                                                                                                                                                              Ken Macon, Treasurer
                                                                                                                                                              Carol Foster, Secretary
                                                                                                                                                              Kari Eickemeyer, Deputy Secretary/Treasurer

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