Distance Learning's Impact on Education IT - Distance Learning's impact on Education IT

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Distance Learning's Impact on Education IT - Distance Learning's impact on Education IT
Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition 2020/21

Distance Learning’s
Impact on Education IT
New research from Absolute® examines the effects of distance
learning on endpoint health, device usage, safety, and security as
schools ­adapt to remote and hybrid learning models in 2020/21.
Distance Learning's Impact on Education IT - Distance Learning's impact on Education IT
Page 2                                            Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition | 2020/21

Executive Summary
The COVID-19 pandemic caused                           The additional COVID-19-related                        As a standard platform deployed in
an acceleration of K-12 education’s                    expenses for an average U.S. school                    over 1,200 schools and districts in
digital roadmap in several key areas.                  district are estimated to be in the                    North America, Absolute embarked
                                                       range of $1.7 million, or about $500                   on its second annual education
The rapid shift to remote or distance                  per student.4                                          technology research project to
learning in spring 2020 revealed that                                                                         better understand and address the
access to Wi-Fi and digital devices at                 In summary, large and small schools                    challenges facing K-12 education in
home was inadequate for millions                       and districts find themselves in an                    this unique 2020/21 school year. We
of U.S. households.1 The so-called                     unprecedented situation — they                         looked at anonymized, de-identified
“homework gap” moved from                              are educating broad and diverse                        data from millions of education
being an issue of digital inequity                     student populations with distance                      endpoints to find the answer to key
in the home to becoming a major                        learning for the first time; navigating                questions such as:
roadblock to learning for millions of                  new learning platforms; finding
students.                                              new ways to engage students with                       • How can school districts stay
                                                       unfamiliar technology; and investing                     connected to — and manage — a
Schools responded by accelerating                      in professional development to                           more mobile device inventory?
or creating programs that                              support teachers. And they’re doing
ensured students could learn                           this on tighter budgets with fewer                     • How are devices being used by
online, regardless of the technical                    resources.                                               K-12 students?
infrastructure. Before the COVID-19
outbreak, 82% of schools in the U.S.                   Further, the cybersecurity                             • What technology is required to
provided student devices in one-to-                    challenges highlighted in Absolute’s                     enable the remote classroom?
one or similar programs2, though                       K-12 report last year have grown.5                     • How are students engaging
not all of those devices left the                      With many teachers and IT staff                          with online learning tools?
school grounds. Today, schools are                     working from home and many
getting closer to a device for every                   students learning remotely —                           • Does distance learning
student — with few restrictions on                     outside the safe perimeter of                            technology put students and
device movement.3                                      the school network and web                               schools at greater risk?
                                                       filters — cybersecurity incidents
The rapid response rates across                        are increasing and, even more                          • What can schools do to make
both public and private sectors                        concerning, they’re happening off                        their devices more resilient in
complicated planning for the                           the school network where IT has                          the 2020/21 school year?
school year, as contradictory policy                   no visibility. As a result, education
recommendations circulated.                                                                                   This report includes a summary and
                                                       is still the most vulnerable sector,                   analysis of our findings.
Federal stimulus packages for public                   accounting for 60% of all malware
education are rolled out, while,                       attacks.6
simultaneously, state and local
education budgets are tightened.

  Digital Divide Persists Even as Lower-Income Americans Make Gains in Tech Adoption. Pew Research, 2019.
2 CoSN’s 2019 K-12 IT Leadership Survey Report Consortium of School Networking. CoSN, 2019.
  Coronavirus Pushes Schools Closer to a Computer for Every Student. EdWeek, 2020.
  With Budget Cuts Looming, Here’s How Districts Will Decide What to Keep or Cut. EdSurge, 2020.
  Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report. Verizon, 2020.
  Global Threat Activity. Microsoft, 2020.
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    Key Insights

   Distance Learningʼs
   Impact on Education IT
                                                              COVID-19 caused an acceleration of K-12 education’s
    New research by Absolute                                  digital roadmap in three key areas:
    examines the effects                                                                Closing the “homework gap” to enable digital
    of distance learning on                                       1                     learning.
                                                                                        Mobile hotspots are increasingly going home, with students,
    endpoint health, device                                                             creating an "always-connected" online learning dynamic1
    usage, safety, and security
                                                                                       Enabling remote and hybrid learning models.
    as schools ­adapt to remote                                   2                     75% of schools intend to operate remote or hybrid models2
    and hybrid learning models
    in the 2020/21 school year.                                                         Protecting students, staff, and schools from cyberattacks.
                                                                  3                     60% of all malware attacks (particularly ransomware) occur in

    To better understand what is
    happening on the ground,
                                                                                                                            12 analyst reports and
    Absolute studied:                                  millions of devices           10,000 Schools and Districts               peer research

    This is what we discovered…
    Reliance on devices to drive                         IT teams are doing                                  School devices are mainly
    learning outcomes has                                more with less.                                     being used for learning.
    increased.                                           While federal stimulus packages may help
                                                         in the short term, long-term budgets are                  40%
                                                                                                                                 YouTube, Edgenuity®,
                                                         uncertain:                                                              Google Docs™, and
            61%                  28%                                $750B
                                                                    predicted decrease in state and          11%
                                                                                                                                 Google Classrooms
                                                                                                                                 are where most
                                                                                                                                 students are
    increase in devices   rise in daily active
    used heavily          hours used                                local government budgets5                                    spending their time.

            8%                   80%                                $3.7B
                                                                    additional COVID-19 costs6
                                                                                                             z Education and Online Learning
    increase in the       of schools have or                                                                 z Entertainment and Videos
    number of older       plan to purchase                                                                   z Cloud-Sharing Services
    devices in school
                          more devices to
                          enable remote                             $500
                                                                    incremental per student
                                                                                                             z Web Search
                                                                                                             z Other
                                                                    distance-learning costs7
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  As more devices go home,
                                                                      20% of all devices have                    41% of school IT teams said       30 devices missing on
  IT teams are challenged to                                         gone dark or have not been                    tracking lost or missing       average at each school in
  manage them:                                                       online so far in the first five              devices is a big challenge.8      the past nine months.
                                                                           months of 2020

   To support and manage                                                                Remote learning                            With increasing complexity,
   remotely, IT teams are rolling out                                                   is creating tech                           device security is more
   Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP)                                                        support challenges                         challenging than ever.
   and collaboration applications.                                                      that are taking
                                                                                        away valuable time
                                                                                        from teachers to                                          of devices have out-of-date
                                                                                        "teach".                                     72%          OS versions (two or more
                                                                                                                                                  versions old)

                                             increase in remote
                                                                                                                                                  unique patch versions across
                                                                                                                                                  Windows 10 devices​alone

                                             desktop protocol (RDP)                     9 out of 10 teachers
                                             usage.                                     reported spending more
                                                                                        time troubleshooting

       increase in collaboration

                                             LogMeIn Pro®
                                                               Zoho Assist

                                                                                        technology problems9
                                                                                                                                                  spike in outdated Chrome OS
                                             Connectwise Control®
                                                                                                                                     81%          versions, due to new versions
                                                                                                                                                  released in early April 2020
       WebEx®       Zoom     Skype™          Parallels® Access

       Microsoft Teams™      Slack®          TeamViewer        Splashtop®

       Blue Jeans       Pidgin               Chrome Remote Desktop                      7 out of 10 teachers
       Flock™       GoToMeeting®             Remote Desktop Manager                     reported spending                                         days average patch age for
       Microsoft Lync™     Join.Me           RemoteUtilities® for Windows
                                                                                        less time on student
                                                                                        instruction during                           183          Windows 10 devices
                                                                                        COVID-19 than when they
                                         !                                              were they were in their
                                                                                        physical classroom10
         But the FBI warned schools of the increased risk of
                 RDP as a vector for ransomware!11
                                                                                                                                                 days average patch age for
                                                                                                                                     31          MacOS devices
       Coronavirus Pushes Schools Closer to a Computer                  COVID-19? Learning Policy Institute, 2020.
       for Every Student. EdWeek, 2020.                             7.
                                                                        What Will It Take to Stabilize Schools in the Time of
       School Districts’ Reopening Plans: A Snapshot                    COVID-19? Learning Policy Institute, 2020.
       (2020, July 28). EdWeek, 2020.                               8.
                                                                        Distance Learning Study. Hanover Research, 2020.
       Global Threat Activity. Microsoft, 2020.                     9.
                                                                        How COVID-19 Is Shaping Tech Use. What That
       Distance Learning Study. Hanover Research, 2020.                 Means When Schools Reopen. EdWeek, 2020.                                  of schools have at least one
       Projected State Shortfalls Grow as Economic
       Forecasts Worsen. Center on Budget and Policy
                                                                        How COVID-19 Is Shaping Tech Use. What That
                                                                        Means When Schools Reopen. EdWeek, 2020.
                                                                                                                                     46%          device that uses rogue or
                                                                                                                                                  non-authorized VPN or web
       Priorities, 2020.                                            11.
                                                                        FBI Warns K12 Schools of Ransomware Attacks via                           proxy applications (up 4
       What Will It Take to Stabilize Schools in the Time of            RDP. ZDNet, 2020.                                                         percentage points from 2019)
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New Challenges Facing Schools
in 2020/21
There are extensive changes                             distance learning on short notice.                      2. Expansion of 1:1 and Other
taking place in the K-12 education                      Since periodic outbreaks are to                         Student Device Programs Placing
technology landscape as a result of                     be expected in the coming years,                        Stress on Over-Stretched IT Teams
COVID-19 school closures and other                      operational agility is now a critical                   In 2020, there was an excessive and
distancing requirements. These                          capability for IT teams.                                hurried demand for new devices
changes are accelerating digital                                                                                from education ministries, school
transformation efforts and reducing                     Following any distance learning                         districts, and schools across the
digital inequity in education. The                      periods, devices that have been                         world in response to impending
rapid speed of change is creating                       connected to insecure home or                           school closures and the shift to
new challenges for the education                        public Wi-Fi networks will connect                      distant learning.8
IT teams that must support the                          back to the school network. IT teams
near tectonic shift that has taken                      will have to ensure these devices                       Many schools pulled retired
place. Some of the main challenges                      are malware-free and don’t contain                      devices back into commission to
highlighted in Absolute’s current                       sensitive data that could result in                     fill temporary gaps. As a result,
education report include:                               a security incident. Learning about                     many education IT teams are now
                                                        problems after they happen is                           managing a much larger inventory
1. Requirement for Seamless                             too late. IT teams need advanced                        of devices and applications —
Transitions Between Distance,                           visibility into what is happening on                    with the same or fewer IT staff
In-Person, and Hybrid Learning                          school devices to remain proactive                      resources than in previous years.
Few schools will get through the                        and mitigate risk.                                      Since these devices are now in
2020/21 academic year without                                                                                   students’ homes, rather than
some form of distance or hybrid                         Figure 1                                                in the classroom or computer
learning model. It is expected                          % School Districts with Various                         labs, the complexity of endpoint
that health officials’ ongoing                          Learning Models                                         management has increased. This
recommendations for social                                                                                      complexity is exacerbated since
distancing in classrooms will limit                             0.4%                                            IT teams themselves are working
the number of students attending                                                                                remotely and cannot physically
school in-person.                                                                                               access devices to assist students,
                                                                                              25%               administrators, or teachers.
According to a recent report, 48% of
the sampled school districts from                                                                               U.S. state revenues are expected
across the U.S. plan to operate via                                                                             to decrease $750 billion (or 20%)
distance learning only and 75% plan                                                                             over the next two years.9 At the
to operate via distance learning or a                                                                           same time, school systems face
hybrid instructional model.7                                                                                    many new pandemic-related costs
                                                                                            27%                 including food services, personal
For schools adopting a hybrid                                                                                   protective equipment (PPE), and
or in-person model, IT teams                                                                                    student technology. The U.S. School
must be prepared to switch to                               z Distance Learning Only                            Superintendents Association (AASA)
                                                            z Full in-person reopening available                estimates the new health and safety
                                                                for all students
                                                            z Hybrid/Partial
                                                            z Undecided

  School Districts’ Reopening Plans: A Snapshot (2020, Aug 28). EdWeek, 2020.
  The Impact of COVID-19 on the K-12 Education Mobile PC Market. FutureSource, 2020.
  Projected State Shortfalls Grow as Economic Forecasts Worsen. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 2020.
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expenses alone could cost each                      Figure 2                                                4. Keeping Students and Staff
district an extra $1.7 million.10 The               Recent Changes in Classroom Usage                       Safe and Productive While Off the
Learning Policy Institute estimates                 due to COVID-19                                         School Network
the cost of distance learning at                                                                            With many devices outside the
about $500 per student.11 While                                     % of respondents                        perimeter of the school network,
Federal stimulus packages may                                       0% 25% 50%           75% 100%           web filtering and other security
help in the short term, continued                   Troubleshooting                                         tools that depend on appliances or
uncertainty and its impact on                         problems with                                         the network may become obsolete.
longer-term budgets remains.                                                                                As a result, cybercrime in education
                                                             Student                                        may continue to increase as bad
IT teams will be tasked with                              instruction                                       actors exploit new holes in security
accounting for every tech dollar                      (total amount)
spent to ensure their school budgets
are justified.                                           Enrichment                                         IT teams are tasked with ensuring
                                                                                                            that students are using devices to
3. Accelerated Adoption of Digital                                                                          learn, while also minimizing the risk
Learning and Collaboration Tools                                                                            of a student accessing inappropriate
Causing Teacher Frustration                                                                                 content on a school-issued device.
According to a report from October
2019, 93% of U.S. school districts                   Presenting new,                                        These challenges are significant —
were already using digital learning                  aligned material                                       but not insurmountable.
in at least half of their classrooms
every week and 85% of teachers and                                      z Less Time z More Time             The following chapters offer insights
principals supported the increased                                                                          that can help teams take a more
                                                    *Results show responses from teachers
use of digital learning in their                    SOURCE: EdWeek Research Center survey, 2020
                                                                                                            proactive approach to enabling
schools.12                                                                                                  positive learning outcomes for
                                                    This means that valuable                                remote students and staff, while
Despite this, teachers and                          instructional time is being spent                       protecting them from inappropriate
students faced some issues when                     tackling technology challenges —                        content and malicious threats.
forced to rely solely on digital                    either learning the intricacies of a
learning suddenly in the Spring.                    new learning management system
Nearly nine out of ten teachers                     or fixing access problems.14
reported spending more time
troubleshooting technology                          Teachers’ problems are
problems and seven in ten reported                  compounded by the fact that many
spending less time on student                       schools are now operating a remote
instruction during COVID-19 than                    IT helpdesk. Since IT doesn’t always
they did when they were in their                    have physical access to devices,
physical classrooms.13                              troubleshooting and remediating
                                                    issues is more difficult. After all,
                                                    tools like Microsoft® System Center
                                                    Configuration Manager (SCCM)
                                                    don’t always work effectively when
                                                    devices are off the school network.

   With Budget Cuts Looming, Here’s How Districts Will Decide What to Keep or Cut. EdSurge, 2020.
   What Will It Take to Stabilize Schools in the Time of COVID-19? Learning Policy Institute, 2020.
   Mission Accomplished: EducationSuperHighway Announces Closure of the K-12 Connectivity Gap. EducationSuperhighway, 2019.
   How COVID-19 Is Shaping Tech Use. What That Means When Schools Reopen. EdWeek, 2020.
   How COVID-19 Is Shaping Tech Use. What That Means When Schools Reopen. EdWeek, 2020.
   Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report. Verizon, 2020.
Page 7                                          Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition | 2020/21

Management of School Devices in
Distance and Hybrid Environments
Reliance on endpoint devices                        Since January, there has been a 205% increase in the number of new devices
to drive learning outcomes has                      first connecting to the internet as schools ramp up inventory to support
increased. As more devices go home                  distance learning in the new school year.
for longer periods of time, IT teams
are struggling to manage those
devices and ensure their safe return.               Figure 4
                                                    % Increase in Number of Devices 1st Time Connecting vs. Jan 2020
Increase in Number of Devices
Over 80% of schools have purchased                  225%
or plan to purchase more devices to
enable distance learning.16
In March 2020, Absolute's data
uncovered a spike in the number
of devices first connecting to the                  125%
internet as students took home                      100%
devices that previously remained                     75%
in the classroom or activated new
home-based devices.
Figure 3                                                     Jan—20      Feb—20      Mar—20      Apr—20       May—20    Jun—20     Jul—20       Aug—20

Devices Connecting for the 1st Time
                                                    However, the use of older, more vulnerable devices being redeployed to fill
120%                                                the gap is evident in Absolute's data. After February 2020, the number of older
                                                    devices in school fleets increased by 8%. In an effort to equip every student,
                                                    teacher, and administrator, we saw IT recommissioning retired devices from
100%                                                storage to meet the demand. It is unlikely that these older devices have the
 90%                                                most recent patches, security updates, and application versions installed —
 80%                                                increasing the risk factors of an already expanded fleet.
 60%                                                Figure 5
 50%                                                Average Age of Devices Deployed for Remote Learning
 30%                                                Pre-Covid
                                                    Aug 2019 –
 20%                                                 Feb 2020        18%                  30%                              52%
 10%                                                   During
           Jan—20 Feb—20 Mar—20 Apr—20 May—20       Mar 2020 –
                                                     Apr 2020      10%                     49%                                   41%

                                                              0%      10%      20%     30%      40%         50%   60%    70%     80%      90%     100%

                                                                            z Young (< 1 yr)       z Medium (1—3 yrs)          z Old (3+ yrs)
     Distance Learning Study. Hanover Research, 2020.
Page 8                                             Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition | 2020/21

Decrease in IT Visibility                              On average, schools had 30 devices                      Figure 6
According to Absolute’s data, 20% of                   go missing at some point in the last                    Percent of Active vs. Dark Devices
all education devices have gone dark                   nine months. Within two weeks                           in 2020
or were not online between January                     of them being flagged as missing,
and May 2020. Of all new devices                       Absolute played a pivotal role in
deployed in the first half of the                      locating 20% of them. Of stolen
school year (July to December 2019),                   devices, 42% of stolen devices were                                                 20%
it appears that 14% have not been                      kept by the user despite the school’s
used at all in the second half of the                  attempt to retrieve it, 11% were
school year (January to May 2020).                     taken from cars, and 8% were taken
                                                       from homes.
This lack of connectivity could, in
part, be a result of the “homework                     Absolute data shows that, between
gap,” whereby 21.3 million people                      2017 and 2020, 65% of stolen                                        80%
lack access to broadband in the                        devices running Absolute were
US17, including 35% of school-age                      recovered and returned to schools.
children18. It could also be attributed                When using Absolute’s solutions,                            z Active Devices Calling in 2020
to stolen, missing, or unused                          schools had stolen devices returned                         z Dark Devices
devices.                                               to them in an average of 47 days.

Increase in Device Drift                               While these are high numbers, the
According to recent research, 41%                      acceleration of devices going into                      Figure 7
of school IT teams said tracking                       education, coupled with the fact                        Percent of Stolen Devices Recovered
lost or missing devices was a big                      that most of these devices are going
challenge.19                                           home, means that this problem will
                                                       increase exponentially.

                                                                                                                          % Stolen Devices

          “We started using Absolute when we had a rash                                                        Figure 8
           of laptop thefts. Absolute stemmed the thefts                                                       Number of Days to Device Recovery
           and because it was so effective, we now use it
           on all our endpoint devices."
            Erik Greenwood, CTO
            Anaheim Union High School District
            (30,000 devices)

                                                                                                                          47          # Days to

   2019 Broadband Deployment Report. Federal Communications Commission, 2019.
   Digital Divide Persists Even as Lower-Income Americans Make Gains in Tech Adoption. Pew Research, 2019.
   Distance Learning Study. Hanover Research, 2020.
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Preventing Endpoint Vulnerabilities is Challenging
Due to the wide range of device types, operating systems, and applications
used in education, managing and patching devices is more challenging than
ever. Absolute found that 72% of school endpoints in our sampled data are
running operating systems two or more versions old. For example, there
was a spike in outdated Google Chrome OS™ versions due to a new version
released in early April 2020.

Figure 9
Devices with OS 2+ Versions Behind, by Operating System






         Fall   Spring   End of          Fall    Spring   End of           Fall   Spring   End of
         2019    2020    School          2019     2020    School           2019    2020    School
                          Year                             Year                             Year
            Windows 10                           MacOS                         Chrome OS

According to Absolute’s data, the average patch age is 183 days for Microsoft
Windows® 10 devices and 31 days for Apple® MacOS. Worryingly, Absolute’s
data also noted 454 unique patch versions present across Windows 10
devices alone. Outdated operating systems present an opportunity for
hackers to access school devices with ransomware.

Figure 10
Average Patch Age by Operating System






                  Fall   Spring End of                         Fall    Spring End of
                  2019    2020 School                          2019     2020 School
                                 Year                                          Year
                     Windows 10                                       MacOS
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Visibility into the Remote Classroom
In addition to managing devices and ensuring students and staff are                                            Absolute’s data indicates that the
protected online, IT teams require visibility into device usage so they can                                    majority (70%) of devices running
prove their technology spend is being used to drive effective learning                                         Google Chrome OS are used
outcomes.                                                                                                      between one and four hours per
                                                                                                               day. Comparatively, devices running
Device Usage is Increasing                                                                                     Windows 10 and Apple MacOS are
As device usage has increased to support the new education model, Absolute                                     more likely to be used more than
noted a 61% increase in heavily used devices and a 28% rise in active daily                                    four hours per day.
hours since fall 2019.

                                                                                                               Figure 14
Figure 11                                              Figure 12
                                                                                                               Hours of Device Usage by OS
Percentage of Devices Used Heavily                     Average Active Daily Hours of Use
(4 – 8 Hours / Day, over 30 day period)                (over 30 day period)
                                                                                                                            14%         11%

25%                                                       5
20%                                                       4                                                                 Windows 10

15%                                                       3
10%                                                       2

 5%                                                       1

 0%                                                       0                                                                         6%
          Fall 2019   Spring 2020      End of                  Fall 2019    Spring 2020     End of                         18%
                                     School Year                                          School Year

Absolute’s data indicates that devices running Microsoft Windows 10 and                                                          MacOS
Apple MacOS see heavier daily usage than devices running Chrome OS.
This is likely due to these devices being used by higher grades (grade six                                                 48%
and upwards). Students in higher grades are typically assigned more online
classroom instruction and spend more time on their devices, given the nature
of their studies. There is also an increased acceptance of older students                                                                       1%
spending more time on devices.                                                                                             17%          12%

Figure 13                                                                                                                    Chrome OS
Average Active Daily Hours of Use
(during April 2020)
                                                                                                                      z Light Usage (
Page 11                           Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition | 2020/21

                                         Devices are Mainly Used for                             Absolute's data indicates that an
                                         Learning                                                average of one hour per day was
                                         As of May 1, 2020, Absolute’s data                      spent on sites with inappropriate
                                         indicates that 40% of time online                       content. Despite web filters, harmful
                                         was spent on, though this time was                      and inappropriate online content
                                         spent on education and learning
                                                                                                 is still being consumed on school-
                                         applications. Entertainment and
                                         videos accounted for 27%, including                     issued endpoints.
                                         YouTube, which is often used for
                                         learning.                                               Figure 16
                                                                                                 % Average Daily Time Spent by
                                         Figure 15                                               Platform (week ending May 15, 2020)

                                         % Average Daily Time Spent Online by
                                         Category (week ending May 1, 2020)                                 0%      5%    10%    15%    20% 25%


                                                       16%                                       Edgenuity®

  “Absolute Web Usage has                        5%
  provided us with much                                                                                Docs

  needed insight into how our                  11%
  district utilizes both paid
  and free applications within                                                                       Other*
  our system. The weekly
                                                           27%                                                                               < 1%
  snapshots allow me to dive
  deeper and investigate                                                                         *Other includes these platforms, each at less than
  websites that have high                     z Education and Online Learning                    1%: Cool Math Games, Schoology®, Class Link,

  traffic as well as those                    z Entertainment and Videos                         Khan Academy, Quizlet, Seesaw, Achieve 3000®,
                                                                                                 I-ready™, Flip Grid, Class Dojo.
                                              z Cloud Sharing Services
  websites that seem to have                  z Web Search
  bypassed our web filter.”                   z Other
Eric Ramos
Chief Technology Officer
                                         More time is spent on YouTube than
Duarte USD                               on any other education-orientated
                                         website. However, YouTube content
Duarte Unified School District           includes both educational and
protects students while                  non-educational material, so it’s
facilitating student engagement          unclear how much time is actually
                                         spent learning on YouTube. After
Duarte Unified School District
                                         YouTube, Edgenuity®, Google Docs™,
(USD) needed to ensure their
                                         and Google Classrooms are where
students had access to devices
                                         students are spending most of their
and online curriculum, and
that their teachers had visibility
into student engagement and
where gaps in connectivity
may exist. They are leveraging
Absolute Web Usage, which
allows administrators to measure
how engaged their students
are with online curriculum and
gain detailed insights into which
learning resources are underused.
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Keeping Student and Staff Devices
and Data Safe
Despite being among the top                          web proxy applications — but it                         IT is deploying remote management
three priorities for IT leaders in                   only takes one vulnerable device                        solutions. Last year, Absolute found
education20, cybersecurity remains                   to create a security incident. This is                  that over half of K-12 schools and
a challenge in schools, exposing                     up four percentage points from last                     districts (53%) rely on native client/
staff and students to threats. As                    year (42%).                                             patch management tools. This
described in chapter two, the threat                                                                         year, we noted that between early
is amplified by the complexity of                    New EdTech Creates More Device                          in the 2019/2020 school year and
device and application management                    Complexity                                              the school year ending, there was
as schools reacted to the COVID-19                   Absolute’s data noted a 141%                            an 87% increase in the number of
pandemic.                                            increase in the number of devices                       devices with remote management
                                                     with collaboration software installed                   applications.
Today, ransomware accounts for                       from fall 2019 to May 2020 including
approximately 80% of malware                         popular applications like Cisco                         These include tools like RemotePC™,
infections in education, up from 48%                 Webex®, Zoom, Skype™, Microsoft                         Zoho Assist, LogMeIn® Pro,
in 2019, and unwitting insiders are                  Teams™, Slack®, Blue Jeans, Pidgin,                     Connectwise® Control, Parallels®
responsible for 33% of incidents21.                  Flock™, GoToMeeting®, Microsoft                         Access, TeamViewer, Chrome Remote
Interestingly, education is the only                 Lync™, and Join.Me.                                     Desktop, Remote Desktop Manager,
sector where malware distribution                                                                            Splashtop®, RemoteUtilities® for
to victims was more common via                       Figure 17                                               Windows, and GoToMyPC®.
websites than email22.                               % Increase in Devices with
                                                                                                             However, schools must be wary of
                                                     Collaboration Apps Installed
This year, Absolute noted a spike in                                                                         remote desktop applications. In
                                                     (compared to Fall 2019)
the number of devices with remote                                                                            June, the U.S. Federal Bureau of
management applications installed,                   150%                                                    Investigation sent a private industry
which may also be responsible                                                                                notification (PIN) alert to schools
for the rise in ransomware in                                                                                about increasing attacks from
schools23. It should be noted that                    90%                                                    ransomware gangs that abuse RDP
schools are particularly vulnerable                   60%                                                    connections to break into school
to ransomware attacks because                                                                                systems24.
malicious actors find them to be
easy and unwitting targets.                            0%                                                    Figure 18
                                                                  Spring 2020         End of
                                                                                    School Year              % Increase in Devices with Remote
The circumvention of security
                                                                                                             Management Apps Installed
controls on school devices (which                    With these new applications being                       (compared to Fall 2019)
continues to get more popular)                       rolled out so quickly, it has been
may also be to blame. VPN or web                     a challenge for IT teams to ensure                      100%
proxy applications with names like                   they are secure, patched, and that
‘IP Vanish,’ ‘NordVPN,’ ‘CroxyProxy,’                                                                        80%
                                                     sensitive student data is protected.
and ‘Hide My Ass’ are purposely                                                                              60%
designed to evade web filtering and                  Remote Management Poses
other content controls. Absolute’s                   Ransomware Threat
data indicates that 46% of schools                   In an attempt to manage the                             20%
have at least one device that uses                   increased number of devices and                          0%
rogue or non-authorized VPN or                       applications off the school network,                                Spring 2020     End of
                                                                                                                                       School Year

   CoSN K-12 2020 Hurdles and Accelerators. Consortium for School Networking, 2020.
   Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report. Verizon, 2020.
   Verizon’s 2020 Data Breach Investigations Report. Verizon, 2020.
   How to Protect your Organization and Remote Workers Against Ransomware. TechRepublic, 2020.
   FBI Warns K12 Schools of Ransomware Attacks via RDP. ZDNet, 2020.
Page 13                                      Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition | 2020/21

Application Persistence™ Improves Anti-Virus Security Compliance Rates
Absolute's data found that education customers with Application Persistence
for anti-virus (AV) enabled on their devices had AV compliance rates 28
percentage points higher than those seen on the average device (without
App Persistence running). These customers also saw an increase of eight
percentage points in the number of devices with an AV app properly installed.

Figure 19
% of Total Devices with AV App in Compliance


                                                    Absolute Advantage                                   Insight
                                                                                                           “With the right technology
 60%                                                                                                       resources in place, including
                                                                                                           Absolute, we can ensure
 50%                                                                                                       an exceptional, seamless
                                                                                                           remote learning experience.”
 40%                                                                                                     Dean Phillips
                 Spring 2020                                         End of School Year                  Director of Technology
                                                                                                         PA Cyber Charter School
       z Persistence Solution (Average) z Anti-Virus (Average)
                                                                                                         PA Cyber Protects Mission-
                                                                                                         Critical Apps with Absolute's
                                                                                                         Endpoint Resilience
Figure 20                                                                                                PA Cyber Charter School, a
                                                                                                         pioneer in online learning,
% of Total Devices with AV App Installed
                                                                                                         selected Absolute for control over
                                                                                                         their fleet of 15,000 devices. They
100%                                                                                                     also use Absolute’s Application
                                                    Absolute Advantage                                   Persistence™ service to ensure an
 90%                                                                                                     always-on, two-way connection
                                                                                                         to their IT management solution,
 80%                                                                                                     which they use to remotely
                                                                                                         push out security patches, new
 70%                                                                                                     applications and scripts.



                 Spring 2020                                         End of School Year
       z Persistence Solution (Average) z Anti-Virus (Average)
Page 14                                           Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition | 2020/21

Enabling the “New Normal”
in Education
Since March 2020, IT teams have                              Goals            What IT Should Report on                  Capabilities Required
been tasked with enabling a new,
more agile education model.                                                                                         •   Geolocation
With the situation still changing                                               1. Are devices still in the
                                                                                                                    •   Geofencing
constantly, IT teams may liken their                                                                                •   Missing Devices Report
                                                                                2. Are devices lost or stolen?
strategies to “building a plane as it’s                                         3. Can I take action on missing
                                                                                                                    •   Freeze
flying.” The summer offered many                                                   devices?                         •   Call-In History Reports
                                                         Mitigating                                                 •   Investigations and Recovery
teams a reprieve to reset and plan                       Device Drift           4. Can I improve my device
                                                                                   recovery rate?                   •   Persistence® technology
for the “new normal” in education,                                                                                      embedded in firmware25
a normal that must be secure, agile,
and efficient.

With the new school year already                                                1. When devices connect back
in full swing, IT teams can now                                                    to the school network after
                                                                                   being on home networks,          • AV Compliance/Install Rate
focus on measuring the success of                                                  will they be safe — or             Reporting
their efforts and optimizing their                                                 introduce risk?                  • Scan for Sensitive Data
strategies as they go. Here are some                       Security             2. Will devices contain sensitive
metrics that we expect will be top of                                              family data?
mind for IT:

                                                                                1. Are online learning tools
                                                                                   being used as expected?
                                                                                                                    • Web Usage Reporting
                                                                                2. Which ones have the
                                                         Facilitating              greatest adoption?

                                                                                                                    • Reach Scripting (push
                                                                                1. Can IT manage, repair,             applications, change device
                                                                                   and remediate IT issues            settings, etc.)
                                                                                   when devices are off             • Application Persistence25
                                                          Ensuring                 network and IT staff is          • Detailed Device Data
                                                                                   working from home?
                                                          Endpoint                                                    Reporting (troubleshooting
                                                          Resilience                                                  and investigation)

                                                      Absolute's complete Endpoint Resilience platform supports safer, smarter,
                                                      and more secure learning environments — whether in-person, remote,
                                                      or hybrid — by providing IT teams with the critical controls and valuable
                                                      data they need to make important decisions about asset management and

Page 15                                   Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition | 2020/21

2020 signals a new chapter in                 Gain Visibility and Control of                          Leverage Endpoint Resilience
education. The challenges we are              Devices                                                 to Support Student Safety and
seeing are not a minor blip — there           When devices are not property                           Privacy
will be no return to the pre-virus            secured, visibility and control                         School IT teams need to ensure that
status quo. As distance learning              becomes even more important.                            their schools can run effectively and
becomes a valuable part of a long-            The imperative for IT to remotely                       securely, regardless of the learning
term strategy for student education,          reach devices to ensure proper                          model they choose to adopt. To
digital resiliency will become a key          usage, secure student and staff                         do this, they need to ensure their
performance indicator (KPI) for               devices, and the protect the school                     approaches are built on Endpoint
schools.                                      network become preeminent.                              Resilience — an emerging and
                                              Moreover, these critical capabilities                   critical KPI for school security
Before the COVID-19 pandemic,                 are needed to allow schools to                          strategy.
school IT teams were already                  remain accountable for technology
overwhelmed with the complexity               spending.                                               Endpoint Resilience requires a
of managing and securing student                                                                      digital tether that provides an
devices and one-to-one programs,              Use Device Intelligence to Inform                       unbreakable connection between
not to mention the need to justify            Decisions                                               the device and the school that
every dollar spent.                           Powerful device and application                         manages it. Its purpose is to be the
                                              health and usage analytics can                          lifeline and single source of truth:
The “new normal” has amplified                drive decision-making in areas                          to know where devices are, what
these challenges, as IT teams                 like professional development                           which applications are installed
are faced with complex and                    training and software and hardware                      and healthy, and where there are
varied device and application                 technology purchasing decisions.                        vulnerabilities. Absolute’s Endpoint
environments, a lack of visibility into                                                               Resilience solutions deliver the
device usage and student safety,              For example, teams may find that                        ability to persist and self-heal the
insufficient or reduced budgets and           the money they spend on web                             mission-critical applications and
resources, and incredibly tech-savvy          filtering tools is wasted since these                   controls on that device, should it be
students.                                     tools are insufficient off the school                   necessary, whether the device is at
                                              network. Perhaps they can redirect                      home or at school.
Today, IT teams must address these            those funds to a tool that will better
challenges while supporting the               address the new reality.                                For real-time data on the state of
seamless operation of distance and                                                                    the digital district, keep an eye on
hybrid learning models. As such, IT                                                                   Absolute’s Coronavirus Response
leaders should aim to:                                                                                Dashboard.
Page 16                             Endpoint Resilience™ Report | Education Edition | 2020/21

                                           Absolute is the industry’s only                         to eliminate blind spots. We’re
                                           undeletable defense platform,                           defining the next generation of
                                           embedded in the firmware of more                        endpoint security — true Endpoint
                                           than a half billion devices and                         Resilience.
                                           deployed across more than 12,000
                                           customer organizations. This unique                     To learn more about how your
                                           position enables our customers                          organization can achieve Endpoint
                                           to look at endpoint protection                          Resilience with Absolute, contact
                                           holistically – to see the complete                      an Absolute sales representative at
                                           picture and create a feedback loop                      sales@absolute.com or 1-877-600-
                                           that enables IT and security teams                      2295, or request a demo here.

Customer                                                                                                Find out how our solutions
Insight                                                                                                 can benefit your organization.

  “Absolute will help us on                                                                             R E QU E ST DE MO
  the software side and the
  hardware side, frankly. We’re
  discovering new ways to use
  Absolute to help us manage
  our various systems.”
Erik Greenwood
Anaheim Union High School District
(30,000 devices)
                                           Report Research Methods
With Absolute, Anaheim Union               This report leverages anonymized                        Pre-COVID-19 insights use data
High School District ensures               data from millions of Absolute-                         points collected November to
complete visibility and control of         enabled devices active across                           December, 2019. Insights that
30,000 devices.                            approximately 10,000 schools and                        reflect trends or changes seen in
                                           districts.                                              post COVID-19 outbreak time frame
Because the future of learning
                                                                                                   use data points collected from late
remains somewhat in flux,                  Types of anonymized endpoint                            March through late May, 2020.
Anaheim Union has focused on               device data that was analyzed
honing the mechanics of a few              include:                                                This report also includes certain
different learning models: in                                                                      data and information from trusted
person, fully virtual or a hybrid           • Device operating system and                          public third-party sources, which are
approach. With the capabilities               latest version installed                             cited accordingly.
Absolute is delivering, the district        • Number of security applications
is much more prepared to roll out             installed
whatever model makes the most               • Names and types of security
sense at the time.                            applications installed
                                            • Compliance rates of security
                                              applications, based on Absolute-
                                              defined parameters
About Absolute
Absolute serves as the industry benchmark for Endpoint Resilience, visibility and control. Embedded in over a half-
billion devices, the company enables more than 13,000 customers with Self-Healing Endpoint® security, always-
connected visibility into their devices, data, users and applications — whether endpoints are on or off the corporate
network — and the ultimate level of control and confidence required to support the modern enterprise. For the latest
information, visit www.absolute.com and follow us on LinkedIn or Twitter.

         E M AI L :                                                                        SALES:
         sales@absolute.com                                                                absolute.com/request-a-demo

         PH ON E :
                                                                                           W E BS IT E :
         North America: 1-877-660-2289
         EMEA: +44-118-902-2000

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