Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...

Page created by Mario Cole
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
Dolphin Dispatch
                                                                                        S E P T E M B E R   2 0 1 9

  Administration Message
Welcome back to the École Madeleine d’Houet School community for the 2019-
2020 school year. We extend a warm welcome to all new students and families as
well as our returning students.

All of us from the school sincerely hope that you had a summer filled with new
experiences and fun adventures. We also hope that your summer was one of re-
laxation, rest and rejuvenation. It is with great anticipation that we look toward
another promising school year, full of challenges and opportunities. It is our com-
mitment along with the entire staff to continue to be dedicated to a disciplined
and nurturing approach to education, focused on the development of the individ-
ual. At Madeleine d’Houet, there are many opportunities for student learning
and parent involvement throughout the upcoming year and we are excited to
work together as a community.

The Calgary Catholic School District’s new Faith theme is ”Knock, and the door
will be open for you” (Matthew 7:7).

Throughout the school year, the staff will continue to examine ways of increasing student engagement
within the classroom. This is aligned with the district’s academic theme “ Engaging all Students for Suc-
cess”. We want to continue also to focus on the best that is happening both individually and as a school
community. This will include an examination of the research and current practice with regards to flexible
scheduling and personalized learning goals as they relate to student engagement.

Though we remind parents that to be successful in French Immersion, students are reminded to use the
French language in all classes. Religion & ELA are taught in English. Be sure to check our twitter link:
@madeleinedhouetCSSD and website: throughout
the year for updates on the topic.

On behalf of our entire school staff, we look forward to working together and serving the school communi-
ty. I would like to invite you to contact us should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s
education, as we are committed to making this a successful year for our entire school community.

Blessings to all for a spectacular 2019-2020 school year.
Mme Martine Claeys                  Mme Melissa McCutcheon
Principal                           Vice Principal
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
Remembering Marie Madeleine D’Houet

As we begin another school year, it is a good me to recall Marie Made-
leine D-Houet, FCJ the patroness of our school. In 1820, she founded the
religious order of the Sisters Faithful Companions of Jesus. Marie Made-
leine was born in France and although she lived a very privileged life, she
was very aware of the poor and underprivileged and did whatever she
could to assist them. Marie Madeleine desired to do God’s will and was
open to whatever God asked her to do. Responding to God’s call, she and
her religious community opened schools, orphanages and found many
other opportuni es to help people to be er their lives and to draw closer
to God. The great commandment of love was always so important to
her: Love of God and love of neighbor.

As we come together for this new school year, let’s ask Marie Madeleine to help us to have this
commandment of love as one of our guiding principals. As a community, we will strive to do as she
did, find very prac cal ways to put this love into ac on in our daily lives making me for personal
prayer and though ulness for others might be a good way to begin! The prayers of the Sisters FCJ in
Calgary are with you as you begin another year.

Distribution Lists                 D2L                                             School Nurse
In keeping with the 21st           Great news! Our school’s student infor-         Our School Nurse this year is
Century Learner and re-            mation should be integrated and ready to        Kelly Olsen. She will visit
specting the need to reduce        use by the end of September. Please be          Madeleine d’Houet on a regu-
paper use, we will continue        reminded that all teachers will be posting      lar basis.
to send newsletter and other       assignments and grades on the D2L plat-         If you have any questions for
information via our email          form.                                           her, she is also available at
distribution lists. Please en-
                                   We are excited that parents and students        Thornhill community Health
sure that we always have
                                   will be able to access this information so      Center .
your most current email ad-
dress to receive the up-           readily. With D2L, please remember that we      Tel: 403-944-7513.
dates.                             will be using the cumulative grading model
                                   again this year which means that all marks
As always, the newsletter          will accumulate for the entire year culminat-
will be posted to our website      ing in one final mark.
as well.

              DOLPHIN            DISPATCH
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
2019-2020 SCHOOL YEAR                                         PERSONALLY OWNED DEVICES
            BELL TIMES                            We con nue to inves gate ways to posi vely integrate the use of per-
                                                  sonally owned devices (cell phones, iPods etc.) into instruc on.
8:50:                  Warning Bell               Cell phones are to be le in lockers at all mes and NOT to be used as
9:00 – 9:49:           Period 1                   cell phones or for tex ng unless otherwise instructed by a teacher for
9:49 – 9:56:           Nutri on Break             instruc onal purposes.
9:56 – 10:45:          Period 2                   If these devices are being used improperly, they will be taken from the
10:45 – 11:34:         Period 3                   student and returned at the end of the school day. For each subse-
                                                  quent offence, student’s parents/guardian must come to the school to
11:34 – 12:03:         TA                         pick up the device.

12:03 – 12:45:         Lunch                      More detailed informa on on the use of personally owned devices
                                                  was in each students contract package. Contract must be signed by
                                                  student/guardian and TA. This agreement
12:45 – 1:34:          Period 4
                                                  was in your package.
1:34 – 1:39:           Nutri on Break
1:39 – 2:28:           Period 5
2:28 – 3:17:           Period 6
3:17:                  Dismissal

Periodic electronic messages will be sent out via email with school updates and announcements for parents
Parents will receive the weekly ‘Dolphin Dash’ on Fridays which briefly outlines upcoming events for the follow-
ing week.

Our newsle er, the ‘Dolphin Dispatch’, is sent out bi-monthly with detailed informa on (issue dates are Sep-
tember 2019, January 2020, March 2020 and May/June 2020.

For any other informa on, please visit our website:

or follow us on twi er @madeleinedhouetCSSD or Instagram @ mdh_cssd
All newsle ers are posted on our school website for your review.

Please ensure that we always have your most current email address.

                                           Junior High Op on Classes

We do our best to accommodate all JH students in placing them in the op on class that they have selected. All
students were placed in their first and second choice op ons. Op ons are offered according to student demand,
teacher availability and student enrollment. Since we are offering more choices to students, we are unable to ac-
commodate changes at this me otherwise we will have to cancel that op on class altogether. Drama and In-
foPro are integrated into appropriate classes.
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
VOLUME           1,   ISSUE       1                                                                               PAGE        4

ONLINE FEE PAYMENT                                                                      Office Staff
Once again, you will have the option to pay a number of         Mme Sandi Brown and Mme Donna Cro are available
mandatory and elective school fees online. The Calgary
Catholic School District (CCSD) fee management and online
                                                                to assist parents and students from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
payment system is an easy and secure way to pay school          Monday through Friday. If you have any ques ons or
fees for the school year from the comfort of your home or
                                                                require assistance, please email (sandi-
office. Payments can be made by credit card and debit card.
                                                      , come in or call the office at
The CCSD online payment system allows you to pay school
fees applicable to each child including, but not limited to:    403-500-2008.
   General School Fees, Instructional Resource Fees,
     Transportation Fees, Extracurricular Fees, Activity &
                                                                                       SCHOOL FEES
     Field Trip Fees, Program of Choice Fees, Textbook
     Rental Fees, Yearbook Fees, etc.
                                                                A school fee invoice/schedule will be sent home in Sep-
The fees available and the timing of fee collection will de-    tember. You have the op on to pay the fees online at
pend on each school’s individual setup.
                                                       and click on the icon the homepage.
Advantages to using the CCSD online payment system:
                                                                Please note that all junior high students have to pay the
   Make fee payments for all students in the family at one
     time                                                       Noon Hour supervision fee.
   View payment history                                       We encourage you to pay your fees online. You will re-
   View all upcoming fee payments in one place                ceive the receipt right away if you do so. You can also ac-
   Accepts credit card and debit card                         cess your payment history online. Should you prefer to
   Provides a convenient and secure transaction               pay by cheque, please make it payable to Madeleine
                                                                d’Houet School. Receipts will be issued and sent home
   Available 24 hours a day
                                                                with your child as cheques are processed.
   Electronically transfers payment information to the

   Convenience of paying multiple fees in one place
                                                                                    Parking and Safety
   Accessible from anywhere there is an Internet connec-
     tion                                                       As you know, we do not have a parking lot. The
   Streamlines fee management and collection processes        street in front of Madeleine d’Houet can be very
     for parents and the district
                                                                busy at the beginning and end of the day.
   Saves school office staff the time of manually keying
     payments into accounting and student fee information       Please make every effort to park your car properly
     systems                                                    along one of the roads adjacent or nearby the school
   Provides better fee reporting at the school and district   when dropping off or picking up your child. Please do
                                                                not park in the bus zones or “double park”. As well,
The Calgary Catholic School District does not store or keep
any credit information. All fee transactions paid online are    please ensure that your child looks before crossing
processed by a third party (Moneris).                           between parked cars.
For more information or to pay fees online, please visit and click the icon on the homepage. For
general inquiries, please email
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
We would like to know if your child has medica on for a medical condi on. Should your child be in need
of medica on (asthma inhaler, Benadryl, epipen etc.) it is more expedient to have it in the office rather
than trying to find where he/she keeps the medica on. When me is of the essence we do not want to be
looking up locker numbers and combina ons; we do want to have it readily available.
The district mandates that an “Authoriza on for Administering Medica on Form” be completed by par-
ents each year if you wish to have medica on available at the office or administered by staff members.
These forms are available from our secretary.
We certainly hope that it will not be necessary to administer medica on to your child but should an emer-
gency arise we want to be able to offer the necessary help.

                      DOLPHIN BISTRO                              Volunteer Orienta on
 The Dolphin Bistro was fully opened star ng September 4th.       Volunteering is an excellent way to par cipate in
 We will be offering affordable, hot healthy meals and other        your child’s educa on. All parents who wish to vol-
 food items.                                                      unteer in our school must a end a Volunteer Orien-
 Below are some of the items available. We hope to see you        ta on prior to par cipa ng in this capacity.
 there for lunch.                                                 Please note: Any parents interested in volunteering
 HOT LUNCH FEATURED ITEMS:                                        for overnight trips such as band camps must have
                                                                  security clearance. The CPS security clearance can
 Monday: Healthy Hunger —pre-order online asap
                                                                  take up to 4 weeks to process.
 Tuesday: Pizza
                                                                  You can also do the session online from our website
 Wednesday: Healthy Hunger —pre-order online asap                 (h ps://
 Thursday: Mac and Cheese
 Friday: Surprise Day—a different item each week
                                                                  Please print all forms and quiz and return to the
 Choose Your Own fun Lunch                                        main office.
 There is a “Healthy Hunger” Op on every Monday & Wednes-         We thank you in advance for your help — it is
 day for lunch.                                                   greatly appreciated.
 How does it work?
 To order your child’s lunch go to and
 create a student account.
 Payment is accepted by credit card.
 A por on of all proceeds goes back to the MdH school council.
 Choose to order several lunches in advance or as needed.
 Lunches are labelled and student volunteers pass them out in
 the Learning Commons.
 For more details on weekly lunch op ons look for the full page
 informa on in this newsle er.
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
Choose Your Own FUN LUNCH!
What is Healthy Hunger?
  Healthy Hunger is a business that coordinates meal distribution by various local restaurants. takes payment online for your meal, and then the restaurant delivers it to
      the school.
  Every Monday & Wednesday, staff and student volunteers will distribute lunches as ordered
      from the Healthy Hunger website.
  A portion of the proceeds goes back to the MdH School Council to enhance school programs.

How to order your Healthy Hunger Lunch:
   Go to
   Create a student account for your child. (School is “Ecole Madeleine d’Houet”)
   Click your child’s TA
   Order a lunch at least 5 days in advance, see deadlines below.
Date          Order deadline        Restaurant
Sept. 18      Sept. 13              Pizza Hut
Sept. 25      Sept. 20              Edo Japan
Sept. 30      Sept. 25              Tim Hortons
Oct. 2        Sept. 27              Cedars Deli
Oct. 7        Oct. 2                Tim Hortons
Oct. 9        Oct. 4                Mucho Burrito
Oct. 16       Oct. 11               Opa! Of Greece
Oct. 21       Oct. 16               Tim Hortons
Oct. 23       Oct. 18               Boston Pizza
Oct 28        Oct. 23               Tim Hortons
Oct. 30       Oct. 25               Edo Japan
Nov. 4        Oct. 30               Tim Hortons
Nov. 6        Nov. 1                Cedars Deli
Nov. 13       Nov. 8                Opa! Of Greece
Nov. 18       Nov. 13               Tim Hortons
Nov. 20       Nov. 15               Pizza Hut
Nov 25        Nov. 20               Tim Hortons
Nov. 27       Nov. 22               Edo Japan
Dec. 2        Nov. 27               Tim Hortons
Dec. 4        Nov. 29               Mucho Burrito
Dec. 9        Dec. 4                Tim Hortons
Dec. 11       Dec. 6                Opa! Of Greece
Dec. 16       Dec. 11               Tim Hortons
Dec. 18       Dec. 13               Boston Pizza
Jan. 6        Dec. 18               Tim Hortons
Jan. 8        Jan. 3                Freshii
Jan. 13       Jan. 8                Tim Hortons
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
Jan. 15   Jan. 10   Opa! Of Greece
Jan. 20   Jan. 15   Tim Hortons
Jan. 22   Jan. 17   Pizza Hut
Jan. 27   Jan. 22   Tim Hortons
Jan. 29   Jan. 24   Edo Japan
Feb. 3    Jan. 29   Tim Hortons
Feb. 5    Jan. 31   Mucho Burrito
Feb. 10   Feb. 5    Tim Hortons
Feb. 12   Feb. 7    Opa! Of Greece
Feb. 19   Feb. 14   Boston Pizza
Feb. 24   Feb. 19   Tim Hortons
Mar. 2    Feb. 24   Tim Hortons
Mar. 4    Feb. 28   Edo Japan
Mar. 9    Mar. 4    Tim Hortons
Mar. 11   Mar. 6    Opa! Of Greece
Mar. 16   Mar. 11   Tim Hortons
Mar. 18   Mar. 13   Boston Pizza
Mar. 23   Mar. 18   Tim Hortons
Mar. 25   Mar. 20   Cedars Deli
Mar. 30   Mar. 25   Tim Hortons
Apr. 1    Mar. 27   Mucho Burrito
Apr. 6    Apr. 1    Tim Hortons
Apr. 8    Apr. 3    Pizza Hut
Apr. 20   Apr. 13   Tim Hortons
Apr. 22   Apr. 17   Edo Japan
Apr. 29   Apr. 24   Cedars Deli
May 4     Apr. 29   Tim Hortons
May 6     May 1     Mucho Burrito
May 11    May 6     Tim Hortons
May 13    May 8     Freshii
May 20    May 15    Pizza Hut
May 25    May 20    Tim Hortons
May 27    May 22    Edo Japan
Jun. 1    May 27    Tim Hortons
Jun. 3    May 29    Mucho Burrito
Jun. 8    Jun. 3    Tim Hortons
Jun. 10   Jun. 5    Opa! Of Greece
Jun. 15   Jun. 10   Tim Hortons
Jun. 17   Jun. 12   Boston Pizza
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
GrACE advocates for publicly-funded Catholic educa on across Alberta. It is supported by the Alberta Bishops, the Alberta Catho-
lic School Trustees and the Catholic School Superintendents of Alberta.

GrACE invites all those commi ed to Catholic educa on, through the unity of the Holy Spirit, to be advocates and witnesses for
our schools’ successes and their future.

              Each child is precious, gi ed and loved.

              Catholic worldview is evident in physical space, liturgical celebra ons and prayer life.

              Our faith permeates every aspect of educa on including learning outcomes and
                teaching strategies.

              Catholic educators are living witnesses to theGospel.

              Catholic schools are safe and caring communi es.

The gi of publicly-funded Catholic educa on in Alberta is a true blessing. As a community we are called in gra tude,
faith and ac on to ensure that our children and future genera ons con nue to learn and grow in our Catholic Faith.

It is an honor and privilege to be your new counsellor at Madeleine d’Houet School. I have a diverse back-
ground in the in the field of Educa on and Counselling helping students in Kindergarten through to Grade

In our district, a comprehensive guidance and counselling program is provided to all students. The pro-
gram focuses on students’ educa onal growth and development, addressing personal and social/emo onal
concerns, coordina ng high school registra on and career development. The ul mate goal is to teach life
skills that help students to be er understand themselves, recognize their strengths, focus on solu ons to
their problems, build resiliency and posi ve mental health. Please encourage your child to access counsel-
ling support at school at any me. The ability to seek support and self-advocate are skills that will help
your child throughout their lives.

I will be visi ng all classes during the first few weeks of September to introduce myself and explain my role
at Madeleine D’Houet. I am available on days 1, 3 and 5.

Best wishes to you and your families for a successful school year!

Marita Bothwell
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
MdH TA Challenge
Dolphin Dispatch - Calgary Catholic School ...
Welcome back to another exciting year of music at MdH! We held our general meeting for band parents on
Thursday, September 11 @ 6:30 pm. If you didn’t attend this meeting but would
like to volunteer as a chaperone for band camps or festivals, please contact me
as soon as possible. A representative from St. John’s music was at the meeting
giving information on purchasing, leasing or renting instruments.

Here are some important dates to remember for this year:

October 17-18 :           Grade 7 Band Camp @ Camp Evergreen
October 28:               Confirm Parent Volunteers for Vic Lewis Festival
November 2-3:             Vic Lewis Festival in Canmore (Honour Band and Sr. Jazz only) Leave School @ 4:00 pm
November 26:              St. Cecilia Festival at St. Mary’s @ 4:00 pm
December 16:              MdH Christmas Concert @ 6:30 pm (all ensembles)
January 6:                Confirm Parent Volunteers for Grade 8 & 9 Band Camps
January 23-25:            Grade 8 Band Camp at Camp Evergreen
February:                 Grade 9 Band Camp at Camp Evergreen
February:                 AIBF festival for grades 8, 9 and honour bands (Rozsa Centre at UofC)
March:                    AIBF festival for all Jazz ensembles (TransAlta Performing Arts Studio)
March:                    AIBF festival for Grade 7 band (Bishop Carroll)
May 21:                   Jazz Night @ 6:30 pm
June 16:                  Sounds of Spring @ 6:30 pm

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the school.

Sean Craig
Director of Bands
MDH Athletics, PE, Health
École Madeleine d’Houet

French MAX Book-of-the-Month-Club from école des loisirs
This school year, Madeleine d’Houet school is offering to its French Immersion students, (in 7 early, 8 late/early and all of
the 9s), the op on of subscribing to a French book-of-the-month club from the Paris-based publisher, école des loisirs. The
students will receive a MAX brochure and a le er during FLA class to the parents explaining how the subscrip on works. A
MAX book subscrip on comprises 8 books (one book per month from November to June) chosen from the best works for
youth from the world of present-day French literature. There is only one brochure per year that outlines the pre-selected
works and they include a variety of fic on, non-fic on and comic books. MAX book subscrip ons is an affordable way of
building a personal library in French which goes a long way in fostering literacy skills and in taking pleasure in read-
ing. Please direct any ques ons you may have to Madame Gomes. The deadline to submit the book subscrip on orders to
your child’s FLA teacher will be Friday October 4th, 2019 so that the first shipment of books will arrive during the month of
Cross Country Running Club

                                                             The cross country team will be competing
                                                             Thursday, October 3.
                                                             Arriving by bus at Optimist Park (5020 – 26
                     Volleyball                              Avenue SW) around 11:30 am.
                                                             City championships will be held at Ascension
Senior Boys: Mme McCutcheon                                  of Our Lord School on Thursday, October 10
The senior boys team have had two matches so far and         starting at 2 pm.
are improving everyday! They are excited for a busy          Students that qualify for city championships
week of volleyball next week with their last away game       will be noti ied by Mr. Buck (coach).
and two tournaments.
                                                             Parent volunteers are required so that every-
                                                             one can participate in the irst race. If you are
Senior Girls: Mme Rappel & M. Toews                          able to volunteer for October 3rd please con-
Looking forward to a great season!! We are excited to        tact Mr. Buck at
have Mr. Towes as our coach. GO DOLPHINS GO!!!

                                                             Kevin Buck
Junior Girls: Mme Liaridis                                   Madeleine d'Houet
We have a great group of girls who are not only skilled,     Athletic Representative
but are positive and enthusiastic. I am looking forward to
a great season with them. Make sure to come out and
cheer us on!

Junior Boys: Mme Claeys
Our Junior Boys team is excit-
ed to learn from Coach An-
drew. Our skills have already
improved 200% while having
fun. Come watch and cheer
us on.

Our morning prac ces will be Mondays at 7:45 am, weather permi ng. Students should be ready and
wearing appropriate clothing and footwear for outdoor running and in the gym by 7:35 am. Our a er
school prac ces will be Thursday at 3:30 pm un l 4:15 pm.

MDH CLOTHING is now available for purchase. Students can see Mme Borchert for sample sizes to
try on. Parents can then go online to purchase h ps:// . Our School Webstore
closes on October 6th, 2019.
School Council News
Welcome back to our grade 8s and 9s and a warm bienvenue to our new families and students in grade 7.
MdH is a wonderful school community and we are looking forward to the 2019-2020 school year!
Our school community is an ac ve one with several events and programs that require our school council
support both from a volunteer and financial standpoint.
The MdH School Council was held during our AGM on Tuesday, May 21, 2019. The following elected posi-
 ons of the Execu ve Commi ee were filled for the 2019-2020 school year:
 Chair:             Roxanne Rossiter      Vice Chair:            Chris ne Singh
 Treasurer:         Donna Cro             Secretary:             Evelina Kordakis

These posi ons hold office for a one (1) year term with the op on of a second year. ALL parents and
guardians of students at MdH are automa cally part of the school council and invited to all mee ngs.

School Council mee ngs are held on the 3rd Monday of every month @ 6:30 pm in the Learning Commons:
September 16          October 21            November 18            December 9            January 20
February 17           March 16              April 20               May 18

Addi onally the following important volunteer posi ons do not require an elec on at the AGM:
 Volunteer Coordinator: Robin O’Grady           Poinse a: Tanja Lucin
 Walkaton: Juan Ruiz                              Jazz à l’étage: Kim Ursell

Looking for Volunteer for the following:
 CPF: Canadian Parents for French Liaison         Parish Liaison with St Pius IX

We look forward to seeing parents at our upcoming School Council mee ngs!
                   ***Introducing Your Area Director – Dr. Bryan Szumlas***
Hello. My name is Dr. Bryan Szumlas and I am proud to be your school’s Area Director. There are six area
directors in Calgary Catholic, each assigned to different parts of the city. Area Directors support school
principals with opera onal ma ers within the schools. In this role, we frequently visit schools and discuss
important ma ers such as school plans and student results. We also get involved in problem solving diffi-
cult ma ers such as student discipline and staff performance. The best part about the Area Director role is
celebra ng the wonderful accomplishments of students and God’s work in our schools. It is my hope that
your child(ren) have an excep onal year of learning. I encourage you to work closely with your child’s
teacher and administrators at the school. If you need my assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me
at 403-500-2600. God Bless.
Bryan Szumlas, Ed.D Area Director, Calgary Catholic Schools
Staff List and Assignments
                              2019 – 2020

Administra on
Mar ne Claeys                            Principal & FLA
Melissa McCutcheon                       Vice Principal, TA, Religion 8&9 & ELA 9
Office Staff
Sandi Brown                              Administra ve Assistant
Donna Cro                                Office Assistant / Noon Hour Assistant
Cassandra Aragon                         TA, Sciences 7, Sciences 9 & Genius 7
Diane Berthelot                          TA, Sciences 7, Math 8 & Tech 7
Natalie Borchert                         TA, Éduca on Physique 7/9, ELA 8, Rec. Leadership
                                         7,8,9 & Env.7
Kevin Buck                               TA, Éduca on Physique, Religion 9 & Rec 7
Michael Carlucci                         TA, Science 7, Science 8 & Religion 8
Sean Craig                               TA, Band, Éduca on Physique
Diane Devashahayam                       ELA 8 & Religion 8
Julie Girard                             TA, Sciences 8, Art 7,8,9 & DLCT
Filomena Gomes                           TA, FLA 9 & Religion 7
Tina Liaridis                            TA, ELA 7 & ELA 9
Gine e Maillet                           TA, FLA 8, Math 8 & Leadership
Laurent Morin                            TA, Math 8, Math 9 & Études Sociales 8
Monique Morin                            TA, Math 7 & Art 7
Cecile Pham                              TA, FLA 7, FLA 8 & Leadership
Michelle Rappel                          TA, FLA 7, FLA 8 & Religion 7
Marita Bothwell                          Counsellor (Day 1, 3 & 5)
Paola Velasquez                          TA & Études Sociales 7 & 8
Anton Vladimirov                         TA, Études Sociales 8 & Études Sociales 9
Support Staff
Anne Daraban                             Learning Commons Technician
Salwa Sorial                             Educa on Assistant
Kathi Anderson/Eimer Niilo               Noon Hour Assistant
Donna Cro                                Educa on Assistant/Noon Hour Assistant
Custodial Staff
Dennis Dadal / Dave Campeau
September, October & November 2019—Important Dates

September 27:       Terry Fox Run
September 30:       Orange Shirt Day
October 3:          Cross Country @ Op mist Park @ 11:30 am
October 5:          Senior Volleyball @ CrossIron Mills @ Volleydome
October 9:          Thanksgiving Celebra on—All Welcome @ 11:15 am
October 10:         Walkaton
October 10:         Cross Country @ Ascension School @ 2:00 pm
October 11:         Professional Development Day—No Classes
October 14:         Thanksgiving Day—No Classes
October 15:         Walkaton Alternate Day
October 16:         Wordfest Author—Talk to Grade 8 Students
October 17-18:      Grade 7 Band Camp
October 21:         School Council Mee ng @ 6:30 pm
October 28:         Photo Retakes
October 29:         Faith Morning—Guest: Access 52 & Joel Melendrez
October 31:         Professional Development Day— No Classes
November 1:         Faith Day—No Classes
November 2-3:       Band—Vic Lewis
November 8:         Remembrance Day Celebra on—All Welcome @ 11:15am
November 8:         CTF Challenge
November 11:        Remembrance Day—No Classes
November 18:        School Council Mee ng @ 6:30 pm
November 20:        Grade 9 Vaccine Presenta on
November 29:        CTF Challenge
November 29:        Report Cards Go Home
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