Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition and its contribution to surface soil organic carbon pool at different water levels

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Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition and its contribution to surface soil organic carbon pool at different water levels
Biogeosciences, 18, 1–11, 2021
© Author(s) 2021. This work is distributed under
the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition and
its contribution to surface soil organic carbon pool
at different water levels
Lianlian Zhu1,2,3 , Zhengmiao Deng1,2 , Yonghong Xie1,2 , Xu Li1,2 , Feng Li1,2 , Xinsheng Chen1,2 , Yeai Zou1,2 ,
Chengyi Zhang4 , and Wei Wang1,2
1 Key Laboratory of Agro-ecological Processes in Subtropical Region, The Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Changsha 410125, China
2 Dongting Lake Station for Wetland Ecosystem Research, Institute of Subtropical Agriculture,

The Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha 410125, China
3 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
4 National Climate Center, China Meteorological Administration, Beijing 100081, China

Correspondence: Zhengmiao Deng (dengzhengmiao@163.com) and Yonghong Xie (yonghongxie@163.com)

Received: 13 July 2020 – Discussion started: 10 August 2020
Revised: 9 October 2020 – Accepted: 5 November 2020 – Published: 4 January 2021

Abstract. Litter decomposition plays a vital role in wet-            carbon pool. At lower water levels, soil carbon is lost due
land carbon cycling. However, the contribution of above-             to the slower litter decomposition rate and active microbial
ground litter decomposition to the wetland soil organic car-         (actinomycete) respiration. Our results revealed that the wa-
bon (SOC) pool has not yet been quantified. Here, we con-            ter level in natural wetlands influenced litter decomposition
ducted a Carex brevicuspis leaf litter input experiment to           mainly by leaching and microbial activity, by extension, and
clarify the intrinsic factors controlling litter decomposition       affected the wetland surface carbon pool.
and quantify its contribution to the SOC pool at different
water levels. The Carex genus is ubiquitous in global fresh-
water wetlands. We sampled this plant leaf litter at −25, 0,
and +25 cm relative to the soil surface over 280 d and anal-         1   Introduction
ysed leaf litter decomposition and its contribution to the SOC
pool. The percentage litter dry weight loss and the instan-          Wetlands are important terrestrial carbon pools. Depend-
taneous litter dry weight decomposition rate were the high-          ing on the definition of “wetland”, they contain between 82
est at +25 cm water level (61.8 %, 0.01307 d−1 ), followed           and 158 Pg soil organic carbon (SOC) (Kayranli et al., 2010;
by the 0 cm water level (49.8 %, 0.00908 d−1 ), and the low-         Kochy et al., 2015). The surface soil organic carbon (SOC)
est at −25 cm water level (32.4 %, 0.00527 d−1 ). Significant        pool (S-SOCP) and its turnover are sensitive to climate, to-
amounts of litter carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were re-          pography, and hydrological conditions (Wang et al., 2016;
leased at all three water levels. Litter input significantly in-     Zhang et al., 2017; Pinto et al., 2018).
creased the soil microbial biomass and fungal density but               Leaf litter decomposition is a major biotic carbon input
had nonsignificant impacts on soil bacteria, actinomycetes,          route from vegetation to S-SOCP in wetland ecosystems
and the fungal/bacterial concentrations at all three water lev-      (Whiting and Chanton, 2001; Moriyama et al., 2013). How-
els. Compared with litter removal, litter addition increased         ever, the reported impacts of litter decomposition on the soil
the SOC by 16.93 %, 9.44 %, and 2.51 % at the +25, 0, and            carbon pool are highly variable (Bowden et al., 2014; Cao et
−25 cm water levels, respectively. Hence, higher water lev-          al., 2020). Litter input destabilised carbon storage by stim-
els facilitate the release of organic carbon from leaf litter into   ulating soil mineralisation and increasing labile soil carbon
the soil via water leaching. In this way, they increase the soil     fractions (microbial biomass carbon (MBC), soil dissolved

Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition and its contribution to surface soil organic carbon pool at different water levels
2                                               L. Zhu et al.: Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition

organic carbon (DOC)), and enzyme activity in the freshwa-         2     Materials and methods
ter marshland of northeastern China (Song et al., 2014). It
also promoted soil carbon loss via CO2 emissions and micro-        2.1    Soil core collection and leaf litter preparation
bial activity in alpine and coastal wetlands (Gao et al., 2016;
Liu et al., 2017). In contrast, a study has recently found that    Dongting Lake (28◦ 300 –30◦ 200 N, 111◦ 400 –113◦ 100 E) is the
litter decomposition stabilised the soil carbon pool after pro-    second-largest freshwater lake in China. It is connected to
cessing by soil microbes in the Jiaozhou Bay wetland (Sun          the Yangtze River via tributaries. Dongting Lake wetlands
et al., 2019).                                                     are characterised by large seasonal fluctuations in water level
    Litter decomposition is a physicochemical process that re-     (≤ 15 m) and are completely flooded during June–October
duces litter to its elemental chemical constituents (Xie et        and exposed during November–May (Chen et al., 2016).
al., 2017). Litter decomposition rates are determined mainly       Soil cores (40 cm diameter × 50 cm length) were taken from
by environmental factors (climatic and soil conditions), lit-      the wetland. Leaf litter was collected in May 2017 from
ter quality (litter composition such as C, N, and lignin con-      an undisturbed Carex brevicuspis community at the sam-
tent) and decomposer organisms (microorganisms and inver-          pling site (29◦ 270 2.0200 N, 112◦ 470 32.2800 E) of the Dongting
tebrates) (Yan et al., 2018; Yu et al., 2020). A previous study    Lake Station for Wetland Ecosystem Research, which is part
showed that regional and global environmental conditions           of the China Ecosystem Research Network. The litter was
explain >51 % of the variation in litter decomposition rate        cleaned with distilled water, oven-dried at 60 ◦ C to a constant
(Zhang et al., 2019). In wetland ecosystems, the water level       weight, and cut into pieces 5–10 cm long. Pre-weighed litter
ecosystem processes determine soil aerobic and anaerobic           samples (5 g; 10.73 ± 0.28 g kg−1 N, 0.89 ± 0.04 g kg−1 P,
conditions which, in turn, affect the microbial decomposi-         40.23 ± 2.6 % organic C, and 17.83 ± 0.25 % lignin) were
tion of litter and SOC decomposition (Liu et al., 2017; Yan et     placed into 10 cm × 15 cm 1 mm mesh nylon bags. This mesh
al., 2018). An earlier study reported that high soil moisture      size excluded macroinvertebrates but permitted microbial
content and long flooding periods facilitate litter decompo-       colonisation and litter fragment leaching (Xie et al., 2016a).
sition by promoting leaching, fragmentation, and microbial
activity (Van de Moortel et al., 2012). The water level may        2.2    Experimental design
contribute to soil physicochemical conditions which, in turn,
regulate litter decomposition (Xie et al., 2016b). Leaf litter     There were three water level treatments (−25, 0, and +25 cm
contributes more to soil organic carbon than fine roots (Cao       relative to the soil surface) nested by two litter treatments (in-
et al., 2020); litter also strongly influences root decomposi-     put vs. removal) and three replicates. The experiment was
tion rates, particularly near the surface (Hoyos-Santillan et      conducted in nine cement ponds (2 m × 2 m × 1 m) at the
al., 2015). However, the contribution of litter decomposition      Dongting Lake Station for Wetland Ecosystem Research. For
to the S-SOCP pool has seldom been quantified.                     the −25 cm treatment, the water level was 25 cm below the
    Peng et al. (2005) reported that the organic carbon den-       soil surface. For the 0 cm treatment, the soil was fully wet-
sity in Dongting Lake wetland soil at 1 m depth was                ted with belowground water (the belowground water was
127.3 ± 36.1 t hm−2 , and the carbon density in the 0–30 cm        extracted from the well in the experiment site by a water
topsoil was 46.5 ± 19.7 t hm−2 . Carex brevicuspis is a domi-      pump) but without surface pooling. For the +25 cm treat-
nant species in the Dongting Lake wetland and has large car-       ment, the water level was 25 cm above the soil surface. Water
bon reserves (∼ 6.5 × 106 t yr−1 ) (Kang et al., 2009). How-       levels were adjusted weekly using belowground water (total
ever, due to the dam construction upstream of Dongting             organic carbon: 3.44 mg L−1 ; total nitrogen: 0.001 mg L−1 ;
Lake, the water regime has varied considerably (early water        total phosphorus: 0.018 mg L−1 ). Three soil core sets were
withdrawal and decline of groundwater in non-flood season)         placed in each pond. One was designated the litter removal
in recent years, leading to a significant carbon loss in this      control (S), the second was distributed on the soil surface
floodplain wetland (Hu et al., 2018; Deng et al., 2018).           with 15 litter bags to observe the effects of leaf litter input on
    Here, we investigated C. brevicuspis leaf litter decomposi-    soil carbon pool (L), and the third was distributed on the soil
tion and its contribution to the SOC pool at three water lev-      surface with 15 litter bags to monitor the litter decomposition
els (−25, 0, and +25 cm relative to the soil surface) to find      rate and process (D) (Fig. 1). Litter bags were laid flat on the
the factors controlling C. brevicuspis leaf litter decomposi-      surface of the soil. Each litter bag was not filled, and there are
tion and quantify the contribution of litter decomposition to      a little overlap between the litter bags where there is no litter.
the SOC pool. We tested the following hypotheses. Firstly,         All the litter bags were fixed to the soil surface with bam-
the water level has a significant effect on litter decomposi-      boo sticks. The experiment started on 20 August 2017 and
tion. Secondly, the intrinsic factors that control litter decom-   lasted 280 d. By that time, no further significant change in
position rate at three water levels are different. Thirdly, the    litter dry weight was observed. Before incubation, three litter
contribution of leaf decomposition to S-SOCP is relatively         and three soil samples (SOC: 63.32 g kg−1 ) were collected to
higher at the +25 cm water level.                                  determine their initial quality. Litter bags were randomly col-
                                                                   lected from treatment D after 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 130, 160,

Biogeosciences, 18, 1–11, 2021                                                            https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-1-2021
Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition and its contribution to surface soil organic carbon pool at different water levels
L. Zhu et al.: Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition                                                        3

190, 220, 250, and 280 d. After collection, the litter samples         Scow, 1998; Wilkinson et al., 2002; Zhao et al., 2015).
were separated, cleaned with distilled water, and oven-dried           We calculated PLFA mass content first, PLFA (ng g−1 dry
at 60 ◦ C to a constant weight (±0.01 g). All samples were             soil) = (response of PLFA/response of 19 : 0 internal stan-
pulverised and passed through a 0.5 mm mesh screen for lit-            dard) × concentration of 19 : 0 internal standard × (volume
ter quality analysis. At the end of incubation, the surface soil       of sample / mass of soil). Concentration of 19 : 0 is an inter-
(0–5 cm, ∼ 600 g in fresh weight) was collected to eliminate           nal standard: 5 µg mL−1 , volume of sample: 200µL mass of
the influences of root decomposition on the soil organic pool.         soil: 8 g dry soil. And then we calculated PLFA molar mass
The soil samples were placed in aseptic sealed plastic bags            concentration, PLFA (n mol g−1 dry soil) = PLFA (ng g−1
and transported to the laboratory. The samples were sieved             dry soil) / relative molecular mass.
Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition and its contribution to surface soil organic carbon pool at different water levels
4                                                    L. Zhu et al.: Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the experimental setup. The dotted line represents the water level. L represents litter which was distributed on
the soil surface in 15 litter bags to observe the effects of leaf litter input on soil carbon pool; S represents soil which was designated the litter
removal control; D represents decomposition which was distributed on the soil surface in 15 litter bags to monitor the litter decomposition
rate and process.

where LC is the contribution of the litter-C input to SOC                    model. The instantaneous decomposition rate was highest at
pool, SOCL is the SOC concentration for the litter input treat-              initial and slowly decreased and stabilised for all three wa-
ment, SOCS is the SOC concentration for the treatment with-                  ter levels. The maximum decomposition rates for the −25,
out litter input, and SOCi is the initial SOC content before the             0, and +25 cm water levels were 0.00527, 0.00908, and
experimental treatments.                                                     0.01307 d−1 , respectively (Fig. 2b).

2.6    Statistical analyses                                                  3.2    Intrinsic litter decomposition rate-limiting factor

The percentage of litter dry weight losses and the instanta-                 During the entire decomposition process, CRRI, NRRI,
neous decomposition rates were compared among the three                      PRRI, and LRRI significantly increased with the water level.
water levels by repeated ANOVA analyses. The water level                     Litter carbon and lignin were always released at all three wa-
was the main factor, and time was the repeated factor. The                   ter levels whilst at −25 cm, nitrogen and phosphorus enrich-
intrinsic litter decomposition rate-limiting factor was anal-                ment appeared in the middle stage (Fig. 3a–d). At the start of
ysed by the stepwise regression method in a multiple regres-                 the experiment, neither the C/N nor the lignin/N ratio signif-
sion model. The surface soil chemical components and the                     icantly differed at the three water levels. At the middle stage,
microbial community structure were compared by two-way                       however, both the C/N and lignin/N ratios were significantly
ANOVA. Treatment (with or without litter input) and water                    lower at the −25 cm water level than they were at the 0 and
level were the main factors. The percentage differences in                   −25 cm water levels (Fig. 3e–f).
litter dry weight loss, the instantaneous decomposition rates,                  The multiple regression model of the instantaneous lit-
the soil chemical components, and the microbial commu-                       ter decomposition rate and the litter properties showed that
nity structure were evaluated by least significant difference                at the −25 cm water levels, the main decomposition rate-
(LSD) at the 0.05 significance level. The data were expressed                limiting factor was the lignin concentration whilst at the 0
as means ± standard error. All statistical analyses were per-                and +25 cm water level, the main litter decomposition rate-
formed in SPSS 21 (IBM Corp., Armonk, NY, USA).                              limiting factor was the lignin/N ratio (Table 1).

                                                                             3.3    Soil surface microbial community structure
3     Results
                                                                             Under both litter input and litter removal conditions, the bac-
3.1    Litter decomposition process                                          terial, fungal, and microbial biomass levels were the high-
                                                                             est under the 0 cm water level treatment; however, these pa-
The percentage of litter dry weight loss was the highest for                 rameters showed nonsignificant differences between +25 cm
the +25 cm water level treatment through the entire litter de-               above and below water level treatments (P >0.05; Fig. 4a,
composition period followed by the 0 cm water level treat-                   b, and f). The actinomycete biomass was the highest un-
ment. The percentage of litter dry weight loss was the lowest                der the −25 cm water level treatment, followed by that un-
for the −25 cm water level treatment (P
Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition and its contribution to surface soil organic carbon pool at different water levels
L. Zhu et al.: Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition                                                                                5

Figure 2. Percentage litter dry weight loss and decomposition rate during C. brevicuspis decomposition at three water levels (−25, 0, and
+25 cm). *, **, and *** represent significant differences of the litter instantaneous decay rate among the three water levels at the 0.05, 0.01,
and 0.001 significance levels, respectively.

Table 1. Multiple regression model of instantaneous litter decomposition rate and litter properties. Bold indicates the key factors.

                            Water level (cm)          Multiple regression model                                 F         R2              P
                            −25                       R = −0.715L − 0.443C + 0.033                         5.738       0.727       0.006
                            0                         R = −0.928LN − 0.233CN + 0.023                       5.928       0.927
6                                                L. Zhu et al.: Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition

Figure 3. Percentage (mean ± SE) of carbon relative release index (CRRI), nitrogen relative release index (NRRI), phosphorus relative
release index (PRRI), lignin relative release index (LRRI), C/N ratio, and lignin/N ratio at three water levels (−25, 0, and +25 cm).

   The high soil total microbial, bacterial, and fungal biomass      4.2   Intrinsic factors controlling litter decomposition
levels at the 0 cm water level could account for the rapid litter
decomposition observed there. Certain microorganisms are
                                                                     The instantaneous decomposition rate was highest at initial
vital to the decomposition process (Yarwood, 2018). Fungi
                                                                     and slowly decreased and stabilised for all three water lev-
are primary litter decomposers as they fragment dead plant
                                                                     els (Fig. 2b). Water-soluble components and non-lignin car-
tissues by breaking down lignin and cellulose. Bacteria are
                                                                     bohydrates are preferentially and quickly decomposed at the
secondary decomposers that utilise the simpler compounds
                                                                     initial of decomposition (Davis et al., 2003). Here, a multiple
generated by fungal activity (de Boer et al., 2005; Bani et
                                                                     regression model of the instantaneous litter decomposition
al., 2019). Microbial decomposers generally flourish in hu-
                                                                     rate and litter properties showed that the internal limiting fac-
mid environments. At the 0 cm water level, microbial activ-
                                                                     tors affecting the rate of C. brevicuspis leaf litter decomposi-
ity explains most of the litter decomposition. However, at the
                                                                     tion varied with the water level. The lignin concentration de-
−25 cm water level, there are comparatively few microbial
                                                                     termined the litter decomposition rate for the −25 cm water
decomposers, and decomposition is very slow.
                                                                     level treatment whilst the lignin/N ratio regulated the litter
                                                                     decomposition rate for the 0 and +25 cm water level treat-
                                                                     ment. This discovery upheld our second hypothesis and was
                                                                     consistent with the findings of Zhang et al. (2019), who re-
                                                                     ported that wetland ecosystems decomposed Carex cineras-

Biogeosciences, 18, 1–11, 2021                                                              https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-1-2021
L. Zhu et al.: Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition                                                                  7

Figure 4. Microbial community structure under litter input and litter removal at three water levels. Different uppercase letters among vertical
bars indicate significant differences among the three water levels in the litter input (L) group. Different lowercase letters indicate significant
differences among the three water levels in the litter removal (S) group. The significance level is α = 0.05. *, **, and *** represent significant
differences between the litter input (L) and litter removal (S) groups at the three water levels at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 significance levels,

cens lignin much earlier and faster than terrestrial ecosys-               leaf litter is more easily leached and then contributes more
tems. Here, we found that the lignin content was the major                 to the SOC pool. Furthermore, in Dongting Lake wetland,
internal limiting factor of the C. brevicuspis leaf litter de-             the Carex genus covers a large area (∼ 23 950 hm2 ) and gen-
composition rate at −25 cm water level. At the 0 and +25 cm                erates abundant litter (∼ 36 547 t) (Kang et al., 2009). Thus,
water level, N is rapidly lost, and the L/N ratio significantly            C. brevicuspis litter may potentially return large amounts of
increases. Thus, L/N is the main internal limiting factor at               carbon to the soil.
the 0 and +25 cm water levels. A few studies have shown
that the lignin content is a key factor limiting terrestrial plant         4.3    Contribution of leaf decomposition to the soil
and hygrophyte litter decomposition (Yue et al., 2016; Zhang                      surface carbon pool
et al., 2018). Therefore, the amount of carbon that the lit-
ter can return to the ecosystem is closely associated with the             Litter decomposition is the main pathway by which nutri-
plant lignin content. The lignin content of C. brevicuspis leaf            ents are transferred from the plants to the soil. Litter affects
litters is ∼ 10 % less than that of other wetland plants such              the SOC, the stabilisation of which affects other soil prop-
as Miscanthus sacchariflorus (∼ 30 %) (Xie et al., 2016a),                 erties such as sorption, nutrient availability, pH, and water-
Spartina alterniflora (∼ 40 %) (Yan et al., 2019), and ter-                holding capacity (Liu et al., 2017). The results of this study
restrial plants such as willow (∼ 25 %), larch (∼ 38 %), and               showed that litter addition increases SOC in a manner that
cypress (∼ 28 %) (Yue et al., 2016), so the C. brevicuspis                 varies with the water level. The contribution of litter-C in-

https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-1-2021                                                                        Biogeosciences, 18, 1–11, 2021
8                                                   L. Zhu et al.: Factors controlling Carex brevicuspis leaf litter decomposition

Figure 5. Concentrations of SOC (a), MBC (b), DOC (c) between the litter input (L) and litter removal (S) groups and the litter-C input
contribution (d) under three water levels at the end of the experiment. Different uppercase letters among vertical bars indicate significant
differences among the three water levels in the litter input (L) group. Different lowercase letters indicate significant differences among the
three water levels in the litter removal (S) group. The significance level is α = 0.05. *, **, and *** represent significant differences between
the litter input (L) and litter removal (S) groups at the three water levels at the 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001 significance levels, respectively.

put to the S-SOCP was the highest under the +25 cm water                  tigated in future research (Sokol and Bradford, 2019; Lyu et
level treatment (16.93 %), intermediate under the 0 cm water              al., 2019).
level treatment (9.44 %), and the lowest under the −25 cm
water level treatment (2.51 %). For this reason, flooding con-
ditions are conducive to litter carbon input into the soil.               5    Conclusions
These findings corroborated our third hypothesis. In addi-
                                                                          In this study, we quantified the contribution of leaf litter de-
tion, litter input had a similar effect on soil DOC at the
                                                                          composition on soil surface organic carbon pools (S-SOCPs)
0 and −25 cm water levels. Therefore, litter decomposition
                                                                          under different water level conditions. Appropriate flood-
contributes mainly soluble carbon to the soil (Zhou et al.,
                                                                          ing (+25 cm water level treatment in our study) can signif-
2015). However, this DOC is also readily lost and decom-
                                                                          icantly promote the decomposition of litter and contribute
posed (Sokol and Bradford, 2019; Gomez-Casanovas et al.,
                                                                          about 16.93 % organic carbon to S-SOCPs. Under water-
2020). This fact accounts for the significantly lower relative
                                                                          logging condition (0 cm water level), litter decomposition,
DOC under the +25 cm water level treatment here. Wetlands
                                                                          which mainly controlled by microbial activity, contributed
have comparatively larger but also more unstable S-SOCPs
                                                                          9.44 % organic carbon to S-SOCP. However, under relative
than terrestrial environments. In wetlands, water level fluc-
                                                                          drought conditions (−25 cm water level treatment in our
tuations could readily cause carbon loss (Gao et al., 2016;
                                                                          study), litter decomposition only contributes about 2.51 %
Chen et al., 2018). The SOC differences among three water
                                                                          organic carbon to S-SOCP, which is largely ascribed to the
levels were caused by different soil mineralisation in differ-
                                                                          slower decomposition rate and soil carbon lost by microbe
ent environments. Soil mineralisation in aerobic environment
                                                                          metabolism (i.e. actinomycetes). We also found that lignin or
(−25 cm) was significantly higher than that in the flooded
                                                                          lignin/N content were intrinsic factors controlling the litter
environment (0, +25 cm) (Qiu et al., 2018), so the SOC at
                                                                          decomposition rate in Carex brevicuspis. In Dongting Lake
−25 cm water level was lower than the other two water lev-
                                                                          floodplain, the groundwater decline due to climate change
els. Nevertheless, we considered mainly aboveground litter
                                                                          and human disturbance would slow down the return rate of
in this experiment. Hence, the influence of underground lit-
                                                                          organic carbon from leaf litter to the soil and facilitate the
ter (root) decomposition on the SOC pool should be inves-
                                                                          S-SOCP loss.

Biogeosciences, 18, 1–11, 2021                                                                     https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-1-2021
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