Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council

Page created by Jared Conner
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
A hoot at Hamilton

Weekly Round Up
25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
      A hoot at Hamilton .............................................................................. 3
      A greener gateway.............................................................................. 7
      Keeping the Town clean and green ..................................................... 9
      Watering our Town ........................................................................... 10
      Reading champs ............................................................................... 11
      Come and try..................................................................................... 12
      “The Brayvest Battle” ....................................................................... 12
      Open for consultation ....................................................................... 13
      North East Road intersection upgrade ............................................. 14
      Replace the Waste ............................................................................ 15
      COVID-19 update ............................................................................... 17
      Street sweeping helps keep the Township clean.............................. 18
      Council meetings .............................................................................. 19

Weekly Round Up
25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
A hoot at Hamilton
What a great afternoon to officially launch the (already) much-
loved community nature park!
On Saturday 19 February 2022, the community gathered at Hamilton Reserve for the
official launch of the redeveloped park.

The Vale Park reserve was opened by Premier Steven Marshall, Minister for Planning
and Local Government Josh Teague MP and Walkerville Mayor Elizabeth Fricker.

From a children’s bike track loop and nature play equipment, to undercover barbecue
areas and a secret grass labyrinth code – the exciting features of the reserve were
enjoyed by the community.

Council acknowledges the Government of South Australia for its contribution of
$319,825 towards the project as part of the 2020/21 Open Space and Places for
People Grant Program.

See the gallery below!

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
Weekly Round Up
25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
Weekly Round Up
25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
Weekly Round Up
25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
A greener gateway
The avenue plan for Alfred Street has been approved!

                                                   Concept image, specific design elements subject to change

The vision to turn Alfred Street into a one-way promenade connecting Walkerville
Terrace to the Walkerville Oval precinct is being progressed.

At the Council meeting on Monday 21 February 2022, Elected Members endorsed
updated plans for the road, based on community feedback.

A number of concerns were raised during the consultation period, including:

  • Moving parking on the Walkerville Terrace end of Alfred Street to the Warwick
    Street end.
  • The lack of disability parking in the area.
  • Difficulties with property access and bin collection, particularly with trees on
    both sides.
  • Consideration to underground existing power lines.
  • Pedestrian safety and lack of footpaths.

Council has taken on board all feedback and as such, has resolved to make the
following changes:

  • Introduce two parking spaces at the Walkerville Terrace entrance, bringing the
    total number of car parks to 10. This will remove two trees from the entrance on
    Walkerville Terrace.

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
• Make four of the eight parking bays at the Alfred Street Playground “Resident
    Permit Only”.
  • Introduce a disability compliant carpark into the design of the new parking bays
    adjacent the playground.
  • Make minor adjustments to the garden bed and tree layouts to ensure property
    access is not compromised.
  • Engage a Traffic Engineering Consultant to assess parking arrangements for
    Walkerville Terrace between Alfred Street and Smith Street.
  • Reduce the encroachment of parking bays into the playground space, where

Council believes that these changes will help address the concerns raised during
consultation, particularly around accessibility and parking.

In addition, Council resolved to transform Alfred Street to a one-way road and also to
write to the Department for Infrastructure and Transport (DIT) to request the speed
limit be reduced to 20km/hr.

Undergrounding of power lines
Unfortunately undergrounding of SA Power Network’s overhead services has not been
considered as part of the upgrade due to the high capital cost involved with
undergrounding power lines.

Pedestrian accessibility
An analysis of the traffic data collected as part of the design process shows that Alfred
Street is already acting as a pseudo Shared Zone, with more pedestrians accessing the
area than vehicles on average per day. The proposed upgrade aims to improve the pre-
existing pedestrian functionality by slowing down traffic via a reduced speed limit, as
well as landscaped garden beds for visual appearance and greening.

The agenda and minutes from the 21 February 2022 Council meeting can be found by
visiting: www.walkerville.sa.gov.au/council/council/agendas/council-agendas-and-

Nearby residents and businesses will be contacted by Council closer to the
commencement of works, which is expected in May 2022.

Council acknowledges the State Government for its contribution of $131,087.50
towards the project as part of the 2021/22 Greener Neighbourhoods Grants

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
Keeping the Town clean and green
Each month, Council’s Assets & Infrastructure team provides a
works report, including where maintenance is undertaken.
A total of 62 data entries were captured during January 2022, with tree pruning and
mowing making up a large portion of works. Walkerville and Vale Park were the two
largest locations worked on and six customer requests in relation to these works
were actioned. The following charts provide the key activities across the Township:

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Weekly Round Up 25 February 2022 - A hoot at Hamilton - Walkerville Council
Watering our Town
Did you know that many of the Township’s parks and reserves
are kept green due to ERA Water?

Levi Park, Vale Park             Willow Bend Reserve, Vale Park   Mary P Harris, Walkerville

The Eastern Region Alliance Water (ERA Water) is a joint venture between the City of
Burnside, the City of Norwood, Payneham & St Peters and the Town of Walkerville in
the provision of recycled stormwater for use to irrigate reserves and open spaces in
the eastern suburbs of Adelaide.

ERA Water owns in excess of $20 million of infrastructure including over 40km of water
distribution pipe used to capture, treat, store and deliver stormwater to irrigate Council
parks and reserves, as well as areas of privately controlled open space.

The scheme aims to drought-proof Adelaide’s eastern suburbs by providing an
alternative source of water supply to SA Water, which is particularly critical in times of
drought and water restrictions.

Town of Walkerville parks and reserves watered by the scheme are listed below:

    •    Crawford Reserve
    •    Hamilton Reserve
    •    Howie Reserve
    •    Mary P Harris Reserve
    •    Levi Park
    •    Walkerville Oval
    •    Webster Reserve
    •    Willow Bend Reserve

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Reading champs
Congratulations to our Summer Reading Club winners!

 Swetha and her brother Manoj.              James and his brother Henry.

The annual Summer Reading Club was held throughout December 2021 and January
2022, encouraging young Town of Walkerville readers to discover new books and
explore new mysteries.

Participants were aged from 5-15 and read a grand total of 400 books!

From the participants, two winners were randomly drawn at the end of January.

The Town of Walkerville would like to offer a big congratulations to Swetha and James,
who each won a $50 Dymocks voucher to spend on their next exciting read.

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Come and try
Walkerville Netball Club is
calling all junior netballers!
The club is seeking both girls and boys to
join their youngest teams and the
Walkerville Kittens Net Set program.

PLAY games in sub-primary – born
2013/2014 or before 1 April 2015.
LEARN to play:
SET – born 2015
NET – born 2016
Children are also invited to join the free come and try day on Sunday 6 March 2022,
Walkerville Sports Club, 3.30pm. Email wncjuniors@gmail.com to express an interest
or for more information.

‘‘The Brayvest Battle’’
Cricket for local sports player.
On Friday 18 February 2022, many
residents from the Town of Walkerville
community gathered at Walkerville Oval
for a cause: The Brayvest Battle.

One of Walkerville Cricket Club’s young
players, Tyson Bray, is going through
chemotherapy to treat multiple tumours.

On Friday, his two clubs – Walkerville and
Northern Districts – played against each
other in a T20 game to help raise funds.
The goal was to raise $10,000, however,
the Go Fund Me page has reached more
than $40,000.

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Open for consultation
Draft Budget Management Policy
The Town of Walkerville has undertaken its biannual review of the Budget Management
Policy, prior to the budget process for the 2022/23 financial year.

The minor amendments proposed
to the policy are listed below:

   • Clarity around budget
     principles in line with the
     Financial Guiding Principles

   • Clarity around budget
     owner responsibilities

   • Additional end of year
     guidelines, including
     accrual policy

Council seeks your feedback on the revised Budget Management Policy.

Click here to view the policy.

Written feedback should be submitted as follows:

If posted, to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Draft Budget Management Policy
Town of Walkerville
66 Walkerville Terrace

Or if emailed, to:

walkerville@walkerville.sa.gov.au with the subject line “Draft Budget Management

Consultation begins 9am on Friday 25 February 2022 and concludes 5pm on Friday
18 March 2022.

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
North East Road intersection upgrade
The right-hand turn from Stephen Terrace will be banned during
peak hours as part of a State Government upgrade.

The Department for Infrastructure and Transport is consulting with local residents on
plans to upgrade the North East Road/Nottage Terrace intersection.
As part of the proposed changes, the left turn lane from Nottage Terrace to North
East Road will become two lanes. This will make the right turn from Stephen Terrace
to North East Road too dangerous and will worsen traffic delays.
As such, the Department is intending to ban the right turn from Stephen Terrace onto
North East Road during peak hours (Monday to Friday, 7am-10am and 3pm-7pm).

 The proposed concept design is available for comment until 1 March 2022.
                  Click here to view more information.

All feedback will be provided to the project team for review and consideration and will
help inform the detailed design that will be developed over the coming months.
Feedback can be provided by:

  •   an online survey: https://dit.sa.gov.au/nottage_northeast/feedback
  •   calling 1300 794 880 to speak to the project team
  •   emailing dit.communityrelations@sa.gov.au
  •   booking an online meeting or phone call with the team
      at dit.sa.gov.au/infrastructure/ engagement/bookameeting

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Replace the Waste
South Australia is entering stage 2 to “Replace the Waste”.

From 1 March 2022, a State-wide ban will be introduced on the following products:

  • Expanded polystyrene cups, bowls, plates and
     clamshell containers

  • Oxo-degradable plastic products
Instead, we are encouraged to choose reusable or compostable alternatives.

Expanded polystyrene cups, bowls, plates and clamshell containers are not recyclable.
These products break down into tiny, lightweight pieces that often find their way into
oceans and waterways.

Oxo-degradable plastic products have additives, which enable the plastic to break
down into tiny fragments (‘microplastics’), which do not completely decompose.

For more information, visit www.replacethewaste.sa.gov.au or call 1800 844 946.

The ban follows the introduction of Stage 1 of “Replace the Waste” on 1 March 2021,
which saw a ban on single-use plastic straws, cutlery and stirrers.

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Events and programs

Movie Matinee - Fisherman’s Friends
A cynical music executive visits a remote Cornish
village on a stag trip where he is pranked by his boss
into signing a group of shanty singing fishermen. He
becomes a “fish out of water” as he struggles to gain
respect or enthusiasm of the unlikely band. Join us for
this movie matinee, light refreshments will be

Thursday 24 March 2022, 10.30am – 12.30pm.
Walkerville Town Hall. Gold coin donation on arrival.
Book by visiting: https://events.humanitix.com/matinee-movie

Community CPR workshop
The St John CPR course gives you the skills to perform
CPR on a person who is unconscious and not breathing
normally. You will acquire the knowledge and
confidence to perform CPR on an adult, child and
infant, to describe alternative methods for delivering
rescue breaths and how to manage a victim of
drowning. On successful completion of this course, you
will be issued a certificate in Provide cardiopulmonary

Saturday 5 March 2022, 10.00am – 1.00pm. Walkerville Town Hall, FREE.
Book by visiting: https://events.humanitix.com/community-cpr

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
COVID-19 update
Council is open for essential services, however, there are
changes to library hours and events.

Our essential services and facilities are open
Our services and facilities are open and operating in line with the South Australian
Government restrictions and health advice.
The health and safety of our community – as well as our Elected Members, volunteers
and staff – is our first priority and we are taking measures to reduce the risk of the
spread of COVID-19 and limit community interaction where possible.
Thank you for following the COVID-Safe rules during your visit, including physically
distancing, wearing masks and staying at home if you are unwell.
Council changes:
  • The Civic and Community Centre will be open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
  • All indoor programs and events scheduled until 28 February 2022 have been
  • Walkerville Library hours will be restricted to Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm.
  • The library will be closed Saturday mornings and Monday evenings.
  • Number of visitors to the library will be limited to 25 customers at a time.
  • Browse and borrow time will be limited to 30 minutes.
  • Public PC use will be limited to 30 minutes.
  • Justice of the Peace will be operating at reduced hours:
       o Mondays: 9.30am-12.30pm
       o Wednesdays: 10am-1pm
       o Thursdays: 10am-1pm
To keep informed on the current COVID-19 restrictions, visit www.covid-
19.sa.gov.au or call the SA COVID-19 Information Line on 1800 253 787.
For COVID-19 mental health support, call 1800 632 753.

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Street sweeping helps keep the Township clean
Our street sweeping programs are seasonally adjusted to
effectively manage the level of risk in streets where issues are
present generally relating to street tree litter.

While we make every effort to keep our streets clean year-round, you can help out by
doing the following:
   •   Avoid sweeping leaves or clippings onto the road;
   •   Do not park caravans, trailers or boats on the road for extended periods.
       Vale Park        Main Roads       Gilberton/Medindie       Walkerville
                                              9/03/2022            17/03/2022
       23/03/2022        27/04/2022           6/04/2022            14/04/2022
       20/04/2022        25/05/2022           4/05/2022            12/05/2022

       18/05/2022        22/06/2022           1/06/2022            9/06/2022

       15/06/2022        20/07/2022          29/06/2022            7/07/2022

       13/07/2022        17/08/2022          27/07/2022            4/08/2022

       10/08/2022        14/09/2022          24/08/2022            1/09/2022

       7/09/2022         12/10/2022          21/09/2022            29/09/2022

       5/10/2022         9/11/2022           19/10/2022            27/10/2022

       2/11/2022         7/12/2022           16/11/2022            24/11/2022

       30/11/2022                            14/12/2022            22/12/2022


 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
Council meetings
The next Ordinary Meeting of Council will be held on Monday
21 March 2022.
All Council and Committee meetings will be temporarily held online until further
notice. The Council Chambers will not be open to the public during this time, however,
meetings will be live streamed via YouTube.

Questions for public question time may be submitted to the Chief Executive Officer by
5pm on Monday 21 March 2022 via email (office@walkerville.sa.gov.au), post (Chief
Executive Officer, PO Box 55 Walkerville SA 5081) or hand delivery (Community and
Civic Centre, 66 Walkerville Terrace, Gilberton).

 Weekly Round Up
 25 February 2022
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