Weekly Market View Oversold markets in search of catalysts - Alpha Edge Investing

Page created by Patrick Fuller
Weekly Market View Oversold markets in search of catalysts - Alpha Edge Investing
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office
                                                                                              20 May 2022

Weekly Market View

Oversold markets
in search of catalysts
 The last few weeks have been
gruelling for investors. However, some of
the missing ingredients for risk assets to
sustainably recover appear to be gradually
falling into place.

 US long-term inflation expectations
have retraced from April’s multi-decade
highs, enabling the 10-year government
bond yield to turn lower.

 As a result, the USD index is showing
signs of peaking; it failed to rise after Fed
Chair Powell and other officials this week
warned that they are willing to take US
rates into restrictive territory if inflation
stays high. This shows how much
investors have already factored in the
inflation and policy rate outlook in the US.
                                                                              What is the outlook for China
 Our “Fear and Greed” index and our                                          equities after another round of
                                                                              weak economic data for April?
proprietary measure of market positioning
also confirm investors’ currently one-sided
                                                                              Is it a good time to dip back
                                                                              into China High Yield bonds?

                                                                              Has the US dollar peaked in
                                                                              the near-term?

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

Charts of the week: Peak margin concerns stoke latest bout of fear
Our Fear and Greed index is showing the most fear since the depths of the pandemic; it is usually a contrarian indicator
Our Fear and Greed index*                                                  S&P500 12m forward net profit margin estimates vs May 2021
                        100                                                               25   24
                                                                                                            19 19

                                                                            12m fwd net
                              Extreme Greed                                               20

                                                                            margin (% )
 Fear and Greed index

                        80                                                                                                                           13 13 12
                                                                                          15                                                                  11 11 11
                                                                                          10                                                                                                                            7              7
                        60                                                                 5




                                                                                                                         Real estate



                                        Extreme Fear
                                                                                                                                                                 31 May, 2021
                         Mar-05          Jan-11        Nov-16   Sep-22

Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered; *Based on market momentum, breadth and volatility; equity strength; equity vs bond returns; put-call ratio

Oversold markets in search of catalysts                                    remains very strong – retail sales in April remained well above
                                                                           pre-pandemic trends, helping companies offset some cost
The last few weeks have been gruelling for investors. However,
                                                                           pressures; d) Cost pressures should subside by H2 2022 if our
some of the missing ingredients for risk assets to sustainably
                                                                           view of peak inflation and peak goods demand in H1 is correct.
recover appear to be gradually falling into place. US long-term
inflation expectations have retraced from April’s multi-decade             Meanwhile, the outlook in China appears to be turning around
highs, enabling the 10-year government bond yield to pull back             after an extremely weak April (the economy likely contracted in
before approaching the strong 3.26% resistance. As a result,               April due to the severe lockdowns). China’s COVID-19
the USD index is showing signs of peaking; it failed to rise after         infections continue to decline sharply, enabling Shanghai to
Fed Chair Powell and other officials this week warned that they            gradually reopen. This week, the PBoC cut its benchmark 5-
are willing to take US rates into restrictive territory if inflation       year lending rate which determines the cost of mortgage and
stays high. This shows how much investors have already                     infrastructure loans by a record 15bps, highlighting its desire to
factored in the inflation and policy rate outlook in the US.               support the property sector. Meanwhile, Vice Premier Liu He
                                                                           voiced support for internet platforms.
Our “Fear and Greed” index and our proprietary measure of
market positioning based on diversity of investor views across             Of course, near-term technicals for risk assets remain weak.
various asset classes also confirm investors’ currently one-               After the S&P500 index broke below key support of 4,063, the
sided positions. The “Fear and Greed” index is showing the                 next major support is at 3,600. Our “Fear and Greed” indicator
highest ‘fear’ level since the height of the pandemic in early             highlights the risk of further downside before we reach the
2020. The fractals data is indicating extremely low diversity of           “extreme fear” levels from where markets have historically
views on Emerging Market local currency bonds, USD/CNH,                    rebounded strongly. Nevertheless, as highlighted earlier,
USD/JPY, GBP/USD, natural gas, the real estate equity sector               pockets of opportunities are emerging, with several markets
across major markets and Emerging Markets ex-Asia equities.                oversold. This provides long-term investors opportunities to
The diversity on global government bonds has been extremely                average into some of our preferred markets that are going on
low for several weeks. All of these imply those assets have a              sale – especially Asia ex-Japan (and China) equities and
high chance of reversing their recent trends. Also, after several          Emerging Market and Asia USD bonds. Gold remains a good
months, the correlation between stock and bond moves                       portfolio diversifier – it has become even more attractive after
appears to have broken down – bonds rose on days stocks fell,              the recent sell-off as US rate expectations peak. We see an
once again offering investors benefits from diversification.               opportunity to add exposure if 1,775 technical support holds.

Concerns that corporate profit margins have peaked is the                  Investors need to keep an eye on the ministerial meetings in
latest fear stalking markets, following warnings from major US             the build-up to the G7 Summit in Germany on 26-28 June. Will
retailers of the impact of rising input costs and wages. The profit        Euro area and Japan policymakers push back against EUR,
margin concerns have also dragged consensus US earnings                    JPY weakness? A peak in the USD would be a big relief for
estimates for the coming year, despite all-round earnings beats            investors. Russia’s reaction to Finland and Sweden joining
in Q1 (the consensus is still forecasting record earnings for              NATO or to any EU decision to ban imports of Russian oil is
2022 and 2023). We would make a few counterpoints against                  another risk. Meanwhile, the Fed’s last meeting minutes should
peak margin concerns: a) peak margins have been anticipated                indicate the level of consensus among policymakers behind
for a while; b) as the chart above shows, they are potentially             multiple 50bps hikes in the coming months. US and Euro area
problematic in low-margin sectors such as consumer staples                 PMIs, US durable goods orders, new home sales, personal
and discretionary, while the consensus still expects high                  consumption and inflation are other key data points to watch.
double-digit margins in other sectors; c) US consumption                                                                                                                            — Rajat Bhattacharya

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                                                                                                                  2
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

The weekly macro balance sheet
Our weekly net assessment: On balance, we see the past week’s data                  US retail sales remained well above pre-pandemic
and policy as positive for risk assets in the near term.                            trend, indicating consumer demand stayed strong
(+) factors: Robust US retail & industrial data, China policy easing
                                                                                    US retail sales and pre-pandemic trend
(-) factors: Weak US consumer sentiment, China retail & industrial data
                                                                                               700                                                   677.7

                 Positive for risk assets         Negative for risk assets                     650
                 • Hong Kong relaxed virus        • Several parts of China

                   curbs despite new cases           remain under lockdown                     550

                 • Shanghai continued to ease
                                                                                                                                       US pre-pandemic
                   restrictions                                                                450                                     retail sales trend
                 Our assessment: Positive – Gradual reopening of Shanghai                        Jan-18              Jun-19        Nov-20           Apr-22
                                                                                                                          Retail sales
                 • US retail sales ex-autos       • US initial jobless claims       Source: Bloomberg; Standard Chartered
                   rose more than expected           rose more than expected
                 • US industrial production       • US Michigan consumer
                                                                                    US long-term inflation expectations have pulled
                   rose more than consensus          sentiment fell to a new low
                                                                                    back from above 3% in recent weeks, putting
                 • China M2 money supply          • US housing starts fell more     downward pressure on government bond yields
    Macro data

                   rose more than expected           than expected                  US 10-year inflation expectations*, 5-year inflation
                 • Euro area Q1 GDP grew          • China retail sales and          expectations 5 years from now**, 10-year government
                   faster than expected; April       industrial production          bond yield
                   m/m inflation eased sharply       declined more than forecast               3.5                                                     2.82
                                                                                               3.0                                                     2.74
                 Our assessment: Neutral – Robust US retail sales and                                                                                  2.67
                 industrial output, Euro area’s easing inflation vs record-low US

                 consumer sentiment, weak China retail sales, industrial data

                 • PBoC cut key rate used for     • Powell stressed the need to                1.0

                   mortgages, infrastructure         curb inflation, willing to                0.5

                   loans by record 15bps             raise rates to restrictive                0.0
                                                                                                 Jan-18              Jul-19         Jan-21          Jul-22
                 • Vice Premier Liu He               levels, if needed
                                                                                                     10y breakeven            USD 5y5y swap        10y UST

                   expressed support for          • China bond trading platform     Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered; *based on inflation-

                   internet platforms                stopped publishing data on     protected government bonds; **based on inflation swaps
                 • Japan approved additional         foreign investor trades
                   budget to fight inflation      • ECB’s last policy meeting       China’s retail sales and industrial output
                                                     minutes confirmed end of       contracted sharply, while fixed asset investment
                                                     bond purchases in June         slowed more than expected in April
                                                                                    China’s industrial output, retail sales and fixed asset
                 Our assessment: Positive – China rate cut, Japan stimulus
                 • US is preparing a military     • Russia and Ukraine failed                  45

                   aid package to steer India        to hold talks                             30
                                                                                     y/y (%)

                   away from Russian arms         • Finland and Sweden                         15

                                                     applied to join NATO but                   0                                                        -2.9
                                                     Turkey is reportedly                      -15                                                     -11.1

                                                     blocking the applications                 -30
                                                  • US blocking Russia from                      Jan-18          Jun-19          Nov-20     Apr-22
                                                                                                                Industrial production
                                                     making bond payments
                                                                                                                Fixed assets investment YTD
                                                                                                                China retail sales
                 Our assessment: Negative – Finland and Sweden’s decision
                                                                                    Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
                 to join NATO could harden Russia’s stance in Ukraine

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                              3
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

 Top client questions
      What is the outlook for Hong Kong and China equities after            Chinese equities are trading at a significant
 the latest round of weak China growth data?                                discount compared to global equities
                                                                            12-month forward P/E of MSCI All Country World
 Hong Kong/China equities have held up despite the extremely weak
                                                                            (ACWI) and China indices
 retail sales and industrial output figures for April. This is likely
                                                                                                30                                         100%
 because several other factors are turning increasingly supportive.

                                                                              12m fwd P/E (x)

                                                                                                                                                  P/E premium/
 This week, the PBoC cut a key interest rate to support mortgages

                                                                                                20                                15.0     50%
 and infrastructure lending, in stark contrast to the Fed’s tightening
 stance. Several reports suggest more public spending stimulus for                                                                 10.7
                                                                                                10                                         0%
 infrastructure build and electric vehicle (EV) subsidies, are in the                                                             -28.9%

 pipeline. Importantly, Vice Premier Liu He made soothing comments                               0                                        -50%
 to technology executives this week, in another sign that the                                    Jan-02     Nov-08    Sep-15       Jul-22
 regulatory tightening on the sector may be easing. Liu He said the                                         MSCI All Country world
 government supports the development of the sector and public                                               China P/E relative to ACWI (RHS)
 listings for technology companies.                                         Source: MSCI, FactSet, Standard Chartered
 Valuation-wise, MSCI China is trading at a deep 29% discount to
 global equities. The Omicron outbreak has led to earnings
 downgrades. However, there are signs that China is emerging from
 the lockdowns, with Shanghai announcing reopening in June 2022.

 Together, we believe these factors offer an increasingly supportive
 fundamental backdrop for Hong Kong and China equities. Hang
 Seng technical show resistance levels are at 20,323 and 20,712,
 while there is support at 19,179. We would consider buying Chinese
 equities, in stages, should the Hang Seng index fall below 20,000.

                                   — Daniel Lam, Head, Equity Strategy

       Is China’s property sector turning around? Is it good time           China’s property market could get a lift from
 to dip back into China High Yield bonds?                                   recent mortgage rate cuts and removal of home
                                                                            buying restrictions
 Over the last couple of weeks, regulators have loosened policies
 further for the China property sector by launching more demand side        China’s property sales volume and area sold
 support measures, such as mortgage rate cuts, and removing more                                150
 home buying restrictions. However, sentiment towards the Chinese
 High Yield (HY) property sector remained weak after another major                              100
 player missed a USD bond coupon payment this week.
                                                                            y/y (%)

 In our assessment, while financing conditions for private developers
 remain rigid, they are starting to get looser. The recent                                        0
 announcement that three developers were selected as ‘model
 housing companies’ scheduled to issue bonds alongside credit                                   -50
                                                                                                  Feb-12         Jul-15       Dec-18       May-22
 protection tools may be the light at the end of the tunnel. In addition,
                                                                                                           Sales volume             Area sold
 potentially easing COVID-19 lockdowns, a more supportive macro
 outlook and a gradually improving financing environment for private-       Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
 owned developers could help reprice Asian HY bonds higher,
 especially with default risks excessively priced, in our view.

 More broadly, we continue to prefer Asia USD bonds with a relative
 preference for HY bonds. Although default risks in the Chinese HY
 property sector are likely to persist, we believe risk-reward has
 grown increasingly appealing.

                             — Cedric Lam, Senior Investment Strategist

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                                  4
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

 Top client questions (cont’d)
       Has the USD peaked in the near term?                                  A sustained EUR/USD break above 1.0640 would
                                                                             turn the technical outlook bullish; failure to break
 The USD index (DXY) hitting a peak of 105 last Friday represents a          higher risks a decline to new trend lows
 rally of just under 10% since January 2022. It coincided with a
                                                                             EUR/USD, with key technical levels
 EUR/USD low at key support near 1.0340, the level in January 2017
 that set the foundation for a 20% rally over the ensuing 12 months.                   1.18

 It may be too early to be confident that the USD has peaked, but the                  1.14

 “peaking process” continues to play out, in our view. In the near term,               1.10          1.0900                        1.0784
 we expect at least a correction lower for the USD.                                    1.06
 The major components of the DXY index, the EUR, JPY and GBP,                          1.02          1.0000                        1.0502

 all have fractal (our proprietary positioning indicator based on                      0.98
                                                                                          Jan-22            Mar-22       May-22
 diversity of investor views) readings that suggest a trend reversal
                                                                                                EUR/USD                50dma
 may be close at hand. We expect strong EUR/USD resistance                                      Support 1              Support 2
 around 1.0640, but a sustained break could see a sharp rally towards                           Resistance 1           Resistance 2
 1.08-1.09. For GBP/USD, resistance sits around 1.2650 and a break           Source: Refinitiv, Standard Chartered
 could target 1.29 next. USD/JPY is in a potential topping formation
 where a break of support at 126.90 could trigger a decline towards
 125 initially, and possibly as deep as 121 to partially retrace the rally
 since March that began below 115.                                           A break below 126.90 in USD/JPY could see a
                                                                             sharp decline below 125 on position unwinding
 Failure to break these key supports in the EUR and GBP and                  USD/JPY, with key technical levels
 resistance in the JPY would likely consign the USD to another,
                                                                                       138.00    135.00
 perhaps final, leg higher before the medium-term top is reached. An
 extension of the DXY index uptrend could see 109, with EUR/USD                        131.00

                                                                                                 131.35                             127.7
 near 1.00, GBP/USD at 1.18 and USD/JPY close to 135.                                  124.00    126.90                             125.5

                                                                                       117.00    121.00

                                                                                            Jan-22            Mar-22    May-22
                                                                                                USD/JPY                50dma
                                                                                                Support 1              Support 2
                                                                                                Resistance 1           Resistance 2
                                                                             Source: Refinitiv, Standard Chartered

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                             5
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

Market performance summary *
       2022 YTD                                                                                            1 Week
         Equity | Country & Region
                      Global Equities          -17.3%                                                                 0.8%
       Global High Divi Yield Equities             -7.6%                                                            0.0%
           Developed Markets (DM)              -17.4%                                                                0.5%
             Emerging Markets (EM)             -17.1%                                                                     2.8%
                                   US          -18.9%                                                    -0.6%
             Western Europe (Local)               -9.8%                                                                 0.6%
              Western Europe (USD)              -16.3%                                                                       2.6%
                        Japan (Local)              -6.2%                                                                   1.8%
                         Japan (USD)            -15.2%                                                                      2.3%
                     United Kingdom                 -5.0%                                                                      3.3%
                       Asia ex-Japan           -17.5%                                                                         3.1%
                                Africa               -2.7%                                                                 2.0%
                    Eastern Europe -82.1%                                                                                                     7.8%
                                Latam                           11.6%                                                                  5.3%
                          Middle East                           9.6%                              -2.2%
                                China         -22.3%                                                                               4.9%
                                 India          -13.1%                                                   -0.2%
                         South Korea           -18.9%                                                                           3.0%
                               Taiwan          -19.5%                                                                          2.7%
                    Equity | Sector
            Consumer Discretionary           -28.9%                                                                 0.1%
                  Consumer Staples              -11.3%                                        -4.6%
                              Energy                              26.1%                                                           4.6%
                           Financial              -12.5%                                                                  1.2%
                          Healthcare              -10.9%                                                                   1.5%
                           Industrial           -17.4%                                                                  0.6%
                                     IT       -26.6%                                                                    0.4%
                           Materials                -7.6%                                                                      3.3%
            Communication Services             -23.8%                                                                    0.8%
                              Utilities              -1.9%                                                                    2.8%
        Global Property Equity/REITs             -15.3%                                                                   1.1%
                 Bonds | Sovereign
                   DM IG Sovereign               -12.0%                                                                 0.4%
                      US Sovereign                 -8.4%                                                  0.0%
                      EU Sovereign              -14.9%                                                                   1.2%
                  EM Sovereign HC              -17.1%                                                    -0.6%
                   EM Sovereign LC               -11.1%                                                                1.5%
                        Asia EM LC               -10.8%                                                             0.1%
                      Bonds | Credit
                 DM IG Corporates               -13.7%                                                              0.1%
          DM High Yield Corporates               -12.2%                                                   -0.2%
                     US High Yield               -11.1%                                                  -0.7%
                 Europe High Yield              -14.9%                                                                    1.6%
                           Asia HC                 -9.3%                                                 -0.2%

               Diversified Commodity                               32.5%                                                      3.1%
                            Agriculture                           28.2%                                                    2.0%
                                Energy                                     79.5%                                                4.1%
                       Industrial Metal                        7.2%                                                              4.4%
                        Precious Metal               -1.3%                                                                 1.9%
                             Crude Oil                                47.7%                                                      4.3%
                                  Gold                         0.7%                                                      1.1%
                   FX (against USD)
                       Asia ex-Japan                  -4.5%                                                              0.9%
                                AUD                   -2.9%                                                                   2.8%
                                EUR                  -6.9%                                                                  2.0%
                                GBP                    -7.9%                                                               2.2%
                                 JPY                -9.9%                                                               0.4%
                                SGD                    -2.3%                                                              1.2%
           Composite (All strategies)                -3.8%                                                              0.4%
                     Relative Value                 -6.9%                                                 -0.1%
                       Event Driven                  -4.4%                                                              0.8%
                 Equity Long/Short                   -3.9%                                                              0.7%
                       Macro CTAs                              2.5%                                       -0.1%
                                     -120%   -70%      -20%    30%      80%   130%   -10.0%      -5.0%           0.0%           5.0%          10.0%

Sources: MSCI, JP Morgan, Barclays Capital, Citigroup, Dow Jones, HFRX, FTSE, Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
*Performance in USD terms unless otherwise stated, 2022 YTD performance from 31 December 2021 to 19 May 2022; 1-week period: 12 May 2022
to 19 May 2022

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                       6
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

Our 12-month asset class views at a glance                                 Economic and market calendar
Asset class                                                                           Event Next week                          Period Expected       Prior
                             ▲                                       ◆

Equities                                Alternatives                                          Chicago Fed Nat
                                                                                      US                                       Apr               –   0.44
                             ◆                                       ▲
                                                                                              Activity Index
Euro area                               Equity hedge

                             ◆                                       ◆
                                                                                              S&P Global Eurozone
US                                      Event-driven                                  EC                                       May P             –   55.5
                                                                                              Manufacturing PMI
UK                           ◆          Relative value               ▼                EC
                                                                                              S&P Global Eurozone
                                                                                                                               May P             –   57.7
                                                                                              Services PMI
Asia ex-Japan                ▲          Global macro                 ◆                UK
                                                                                              S&P Global/CIPS UK
                                                                                                                               May P             –   55.8
                                                                                              Manufacturing PMI
Japan                        ▼                                                                S&P Global/CIPS UK

                                                                                      UK                                       May P             –   58.9
                                                                                              Services PMI
Other EM                     ◆          Cash                         ◆                        S&P Global US
                                                                                      US                                       May P            58   59.2
                                        USD                          ▼                        Manufacturing PMI
                                                                                              S&P Global US
Bonds (Credit)               ◆          EUR                          ▲                US
                                                                                              Services PMI
                                                                                                                               May P            56   55.6

                             ▲                                       ▲
                                                                                      US      New Home Sales                   Apr            755k   763k
Asia USD                                GBP
                                                                                      JP      Quad Summit
Corp DM HY                   ▲          CNY                          ▲      WED               Durable Goods
                             ▲                                       ◆
                                                                                      US                                       Apr P          0.6%   1.1%
Govt EM USD                             JPY                                                   Orders

                             ▼                                       ▲

Corp DM IG                              AUD                                                   FOMC Meeting
                                                                                      US                                       May
                                        NZD                          ▲                        Minutes

Bonds (Govt)                 ▼          CAD                          ▲                                                                           –

                                                                                      EC      M3 Money Supply y/y Apr                                6.3%
Govt EM Local                ◆                                                        US      PCE Deflator y/y      Apr                          –   6.6%
                                                                                      US      PCE Core Deflator y/y Apr                       4.9%   5.2%
Govt DM IG                   ▼          Gold                         ▲
                                                                           Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
Source: Standard Chartered Global Investment Committee                     Prior data are for the preceding period unless otherwise indicated. Data
                                                                           are % change on previous period unless otherwise indicated
Legend:   ▲ Most preferred   |   ▼ Less preferred   |   ◆ Core holding     P - preliminary data, F - final data, sa - seasonally adjusted, y/y - year-
                                                                           on-year, m/m - month-on-month

The US 10-year Treasury yield has next support at 2.79%                    Investor diversity remains low in global bonds
Technical indicators for key markets as on 19 May 2022                     Our proprietary market diversity indicators as of 18 May
                                                  1st               1st                                                         1-month         Fractal
Index                              Spot       support        resistance     Level 1                           Diversity           trend       dimension
S&P 500                            3,901        3,838              4,026    Global Bonds                         ○                   →           1.22
                                                                            Global Equities                      ◐                   →           1.37
STOXX 50                           3,641        3,607              3,708
                                                                            Gold                                 ●                   →           1.65
FTSE 100                           7,303        7,231              7,446    Equity
Nikkei 225                        26,403       26,233             26,742    MSCI US                              ◐                              1.43
                                                                            MSCI Europe                          ◐                   →           1.36
Shanghai Comp                      3,097        3,081              3,105
                                                                            MSCI AC AXJ                          ◐                              1.36
Hang Seng                         20,121       19,798             20,544    Fixed Income
MSCI Asia ex-Japan                   648            639              660    DM Corp Bond                         ◐                   →           1.27

MSCI EM                            1,015        1,002              1,031
                                                                            DM High Yield                        ◐                   →           1.31
                                                                            EM USD                               ◐                   →           1.29
Brent (ICE)                        112.0        109.4              114.5    EM Local                             ○                              1.21
Gold                               1,844        1,823              1,855    Asia USD                             ◐                   →           1.39
UST 10y Yield                       2.84            2.79            2.94
                                                                            EUR/USD                              ◐                              1.28
Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
                                                                           Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered; Fractal dimensions below
Note: These short-term technical levels are based on models and may        1.25 indicate extremely low market diversity/high risk of a reversal
differ from a more qualitative analysis provided in other pages
                                                                           Legend:         ● High   |   ◐ Low to mid   |   ○ Critically low

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                           7
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

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Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

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Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

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Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 20 May 2022

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