Weekly Market View US recession risk rising

Page created by Emily Long
Weekly Market View US recession risk rising
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office
                                                                                              17 June 2022

Weekly Market View

US recession risk rising
 The hotter-than-expected US inflation
report for May has transformed the
narrative for markets. The report negated
the notion that inflation - running at a 40-
year high - had peaked.

 The inflation surprise forced the Fed to
deliver a 75bps rate hike this week and
consider a similar hike in July, reigniting
stagflation fears and dragging the S&P500
index into a bear market. As a result, our
US recession checklist is flashing two new
warning signals.

 In this report, we discuss whether a
recession is likely, how long and deep it
could be, and how much is already priced
in by markets.                                                                How should investors position
                                                                              for global equities following the
                                                                              Fed policy meeting?

                                                                              Does the rise in yields offer a
                                                                              good entry point for corporate

                                                                              What is the near-term outlook
                                                                              for EUR/USD and gold?

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

Charts of the week: US markets increasingly pricing in a recession
As the Fed accelerates its rate hiking cycle, our US recession monitor is flagging rising risk of a recession
Our US recession risk monitor as of 16 June                               US equity market drawdowns during past recessions
Recession dashboard                                Trigger Current        Recession Recession S&P500        S&P500 S&P500 peak-
               UST 2y10y (bps) inversion#             0      -2.2         Jan-80    Jun-80   Jan-80        Mar-80       2      -15%
               Michigan Consumer Confidence
               Index                                 < 75     50.2          Jul-81    Oct-82  Nov-80        Aug-82      21      -27%
spending       Consumer Confidence (y/y %)
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

The weekly macro balance sheet
Our weekly net assessment: On balance, we see the past week’s data                    US headline inflation accelerated further, aided by
and policy as negative for risk assets in the near term.                              a pickup in services sector inflation, but core and
(+) factors: China activity rebound, ECB support for weaker economies                 goods inflation continued to decelerate
(-) factors: Higher US CPI; Fed, BoE rate hikes; China COVID-19 cases                 US headline and core services and goods inflation
                 Positive for risk assets          Negative for risk assets
                                                   • Beijing cases crept up and                                                                            8.5

                                                                                       y/y (%)
                                                                                                   5                                                       6.0
                                                     remain elevated; mass
                                                     testing resumed

                                                   • Hong Kong added more
                                                     COVID-19 clusters; new                        Jan-18            Jul-19           Jan-21           Jul-22
                                                     testing rules for bar-goers
                                                                                                           Headline CPI                   Core CPI

                 Our assessment: Negative – Cases rose in China                                            Core Goods CPI                 Core Services CPI
                                                                                      Source: Bloomberg; Standard Chartered
                 • China fixed-asset               • US consumer inflation rose
                   investment, retail sales and      more than expected; core
                   industrial output better than     inflation moderated, but still
                                                                                      The Fed projected a higher terminal rate for the
                   consensus; jobless rate           higher than expected
                                                                                      end of the hiking cycle; it also cut growth and
                   lower than anticipated          • US Michigan consumer             raised unemployment and inflation forecasts
                 • US headline and core PPI          sentiment slumped to             The Fed’s June vs March economic forecasts
    Macro data

                   lower than forecast               record low
                                                                                                                          Unemploy            Rates
                 • Euro area ZEW economic          • US retail sales fell for the                             GDP           ment   Core PCE estimates
                   growth expectations               first time in five months
                                                                                      Dates                 Old New Old New Old New Old New
                   improved marginally             • US housing starts and
                                                                                      2022                  2.8   1.7     3.5   3.7     4.1    4.3   1.9   3.4
                 • China’s consumer inflation        building permits fell below
                                                                                      2023                  2.2   1.7     3.5   3.9     2.6    2.7   2.8   3.8
                   rose less than forecast           estimates
                                                                                      2024                  2.0   1.9     3.6   4.1     2.3    2.3   2.8   3.4
                 Our assessment: Neutral – Rebounding China activity vs
                 rising US inflation, weak US consumer and housing data                      1.8                  1.8     4.0   4.0                  2.4   2.5
                                                                                      Source: Federal Reserve, Standard Chartered
                 • ECB proposed support for        • Fed hinted at another
                   weaker Euro area bond             75bps hike in July after
                   markets                           raising rates by 75bps

                                                                                      China’s investment, consumption and industrial
                 • China kept key policy           • Swiss National Bank

                                                                                      output data for May exceeded expectations,
                   interest rate unchanged as        surprised with a 50bps hike      although retail sales remain weak
                   expected                        • BoE hiked rate by 25bps,         China fixed asset investment, retail sales and
                                                     as expected                      industrial production
                 Our assessment: Neutral – Fed rate hike vs ECB support
                                                                                        y/y (%)

                                                   • China issued stern warning                   15
                                                     to US over Taiwan at                              0
                                                     Shangri-La Dialogue                                                                                   -6.7

                                                   • Boris Johnson announced                      -30
                                                                                                    Jan-18            Jul-19          Jan-21           Jul-22

                                                     intention to override
                                                                                                                   Industrial production
                                                     Northern Ireland Protocol,
                                                                                                                   Fixed assets investment YTD
                                                     raising the risk of breaching
                                                                                                                   China retail sales
                                                     the Brexit agreement
                                                                                      Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
                 Our assessment: Negative – Geopolitical tensions rose

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                                 3
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

 Top client questions
       How should investors position for global equities,                  China stocks are valued at a 17% discount to
 following the Fed policy meeting this week?                               global equities
                                                                           12m forward P/E of MSCI China and MSCI All Country
 We believe it remains attractive to add Asia ex-Japan equities on
                                                                           World indices; premium/discount between the two
 corrections, with a constructive outlook for Chinese equites. China
                                                                                             30                                               100%
 equities, trading at a 17% discount to global equities in terms of 12-

                                                                           12m fwd P/E (x)

                                                                                                                                                      P/E premium/
 month forward P/E, is a key component of this view.
                                                                                             20                                               50%

 Policy divergence has become even more prominent between the                                                                         13.9
 US and China – the latter making up more than 40% of Asia ex-                               10                                       11.5    0%
 Japan equities. Depending on future inflation prints, there is a risk                                                                -17%
 the Fed may tighten more than what is expected. On the other hand,                           0                                               -50%
                                                                                              Jan-02       Nov-08    Sep-15      Jul-22
 policy is easing in China. Chinese macro data, such as this week’s
                                                                                                           AC world
 retail sales, continues to be weak, but the government maintains its                                      China
 ambitious GDP growth target at 5.5% this year. China’s credit                                             China P/E relative to ACWI (RHS)
 impulse is already recovering, but further fiscal stimulus remains        Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
 likely while regulatory tightening is likely to continue to subside.

 Fund flows have started to reflect this divergence in policies. For
 June 2022 so far, the Hong Kong market’s average daily turnover is        Hong Kong stocks have found support lately, amid
 nearly 20% higher than that in the previous two months. Higher            rising volumes
 volume on positive days and low volume (ie, lack of significant           Hang Seng index and volumes
 selling) on pullback days is a positive indicator, in our view.                             30,000                                             1,500

 Technically, we see 20,000 to 20,800 on the Hang Seng Index as an                           27,000                                             1,200
 attractive zone to add exposure to Hong Kong/China equities.

                                                                                                                                                            HKD bn
                                                                                             24,000                                             900

                                  — Daniel Lam, Head, Equity Strategy
                                                                                             21,000                                             600

                                                                                             18,000                                    20,845   300
       What is the near-term outlook for EUR/USD and Gold?
                                                                                             15,000                                             0
 Over the past week, the Fed pushed ahead with its monetary policy                                Jun-21       Oct-21      Feb-22         Jun-22
 tightening and signalled there is more to come. In Europe, the ECB                                    HK turnover (RHS)                  HSI index
 also met to address immediate concerns of “fragmentation” in Euro
                                                                           Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
 area bond yields, likely in an attempt to create an environment
 supportive for policy tightening without creating debt market stress.
                                                                           Gold is pivoting around the 200-day moving
 Both central banks are likely pursuing policy normalisation while
                                                                           average; Escalation of geopolitical tensions could
 trying to avoid damaging economic and financial stability.                see a break above 1895
 EUR/USD continued to test key support at 1.0340-60 as markets             XAU/USD, with technical levels
 probe how far the current USD strength can continue. The pair failed                        2,100
 to break key resistance at 1.0785-1.0820 recently and, as this level                        2,000

 holds, we see potential for a push lower towards 1.00-1.01, where                                                            1,895                1,844
 greater ECB concern about the currency becomes more likely.                                 1,800
                                                                                                             1,775                                 1,818
 Meanwhile, key support for Gold at 1,775-1,800 has held thus far,                           1,700
 despite two typically negative headwinds in the form of a strong USD                        1,600
                                                                                                 Jul-20        Mar-21          Nov-21       Jul-22
 and rapidly rising real yields. Geopolitical uncertainty and elevated
                                                                                                      XAU/USD                       200dma
 worries of policy mistakes are likely to continue to be supportive, and                              Support 1                     Support 2
 any escalation on either worry could see gold breaking above the                                     Resistance 1                  Resistance 2
 1,875-1,895 resistance, with a target near 1,960, especially if USD       Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
 strength starts to slow. A break below 1,775 would risk a positioning-
 led sell-off towards 1,675.

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                                      4
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

 Top client questions (cont’d)
                                                                           Yields in several bond asset classes are close to
       Does the rise in yields offer a good entry point for
                                                                           their highest levels since 2010
 corporate bonds?
                                                                           Yields across bond asset classes and their range
 Corporate bond yields have increased by c.2.5%-4.0% across                since 2010
 various markets since the start of the year. The magnitude and                            14
 speed with which the yields has been rising is unprecedented for                          12
 non-recessionary periods. As a result, current yields are now a far                       10
                                                                                                                                8.3              8.8
 cry from the low-yield environment that has plagued bond investors                            8

                                                                                                                                        7.3                 6.1
 for the better part of the past decade, with key bond asset class                             6
                                                                                               4                    4.7
 yields close to their highest levels since 2010.                                                         3.3
 Higher yields have sparked renewed interest in corporate bonds, but                           0
                                                                                                    10y US US IG EM USD EM local DM HY              Asia
 also raised concerns about issuers’ interest-servicing capability.                                Treasury corp   govt currency bonds              USD
 While we’d agree the rise in borrowing costs is a negative, we believe                                     bonds bonds  bonds                     bonds

 the impact is manageable for a majority of the market. First, most                                             End-2021               Current

 bond issuers generally have a well spread-out maturity profile,           Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
 meaning that they will only need to refinance a fraction of their total
 debt at today’s higher yields. Second, over a decade of low interest
 rates has meant that average borrowing cost have declined, leading        We believe markets have already priced in a fairly
 to today’s high interest coverage ratios starting point.                  high default rate for Developed Market High Yield
                                                                           bonds, making them attractive from a risk-reward
 If we break down the drivers of this year’s increase in yields for US     perspective
 Investment Grade and Asian USD bonds, the increase in credit              Breakdown this year’s rise in yields for various higher
 spreads (ie. The yield premium over Treasuries) has been relatively       yielding bond asset classes between rise in
 modest, implying limited concerns about debt repayment capability.        government bond yields and change in spreads
 Credit spreads have increased to a greater extent for Developed                               450
 Market High Yield and Emerging Market USD government bonds,
                                                                            YTD yield change

 which is not surprising given the lower average credit quality of these                       300                        184
 segments. However, for Developed Market High Yield bonds, we                                             42                           120             28
 believe markets have already priced in a fairly high default rate.                            150
 Thus, from a risk reward perspective, we view the current yields on                                      203             207          178         220

 offer as attractive for adding exposure to corporate bonds, especially                            0
 when viewed through the lens of an income-oriented investor.                                          US IG corp    DM HY            EM USD Asia USD
                      — Abhilash Narayan, Senior Investment Strategist                             US govt bond yield change             Spread change
                                                                           Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                                   5
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

Market performance summary *
             2022 YTD                                                                                        1 Week
         Equity | Country & Region
                      Global Equities          -21.7%                                               -8.1%
       Global High Divi Yield Equities            -11.8%                                                  -6.0%
           Developed Markets (DM)             -22.3%                                              -8.5%
             Emerging Markets (EM)              -17.3%                                                      -5.5%
                                   US         -23.8%                                             -8.9%
             Western Europe (Local)              -14.5%                                                -7.1%
              Western Europe (USD)             -21.4%                                              -8.4%
                        Japan (Local)                -6.0%                                                  -5.5%
                         Japan (USD)            -18.3%                                                          -4.2%
                     United Kingdom                 -9.6%                                             -7.5%
                       Asia ex-Japan            -16.9%                                                      -5.3%
                                Africa               -6.1%                                                    -4.9%
                    Eastern Europe -83.2%                                                                -6.4%
                                Latam                        4.5%                                      -7.0%
                          Middle East                        4.7%                                              -4.7%
                                China           -16.2%                                                           -3.8%
                                 India          -16.1%                                                  -6.7%
                         South Korea          -24.2%                                              -8.6%
                               Taiwan          -20.2%                                                       -5.4%
                      Equity | Sector
            Consumer Discretionary           -31.1%                                              -9.1%
                  Consumer Staples              -13.7%                                                        -4.2%
                              Energy                           20.9%                   -12.3%
                           Financial            -17.0%                                                 -7.2%
                          Healthcare            -16.3%                                                    -6.2%
                           Industrial          -21.8%                                               -8.0%
                                     IT      -31.1%                                             -9.5%
                           Materials             -13.5%                                           -8.9%
            Communication Services            -28.3%                                                 -7.9%
                              Utilities           -10.0%                                            -8.1%
        Global Property Equity/REITs           -21.8%                                                   -6.9%
                  Bonds | Sovereign
                    DM IG Sovereign            -16.0%                                                                 -2.1%
                      US Sovereign               -10.3%                                                                  -1.2%
                      EU Sovereign            -20.9%                                                              -3.5%
                   EM Sovereign HC            -19.4%                                                              -3.4%
                   EM Sovereign LC              -12.7%                                                             -3.1%
                         Asia EM LC             -11.9%                                                              -2.9%
                      Bonds | Credit
                 DM IG Corporates               -16.4%                                                            -3.0%
          DM High Yield Corporates              -14.7%                                                         -4.2%
                     US High Yield               -13.3%                                                        -4.2%
                 Europe High Yield             -18.8%                                                        -5.1%
                           Asia HC                -10.9%                                                            -2.1%
               Diversified Commodity                             31.8%                                        -4.6%
                            Agriculture                         24.8%                                                 -1.6%
                                Energy                                       84.7%                  -7.9%
                       Industrial Metal              -1.5%                                           -7.5%
                        Precious Metal               -1.3%                                                                  -0.1%
                             Crude Oil                                 59.1%                                        -2.6%
                                  Gold                       1.5%                                                                       0.5%
                   FX (against USD)
                       Asia ex-Japan               -4.7%                                                                   -0.3%
                                AUD                -3.0%                                                                 -0.7%
                                EUR               -7.2%                                                                   -0.6%
                                GBP                 -8.7%                                                                -1.1%
                                 JPY            -12.9%                                                                                    1.7%
                                SGD                 -2.5%                                                                   0.0%
           Composite (All strategies)                -4.2%                                                              -1.3%
                     Relative Value                 -8.3%                                                             -1.9%
                       Event Driven                  -5.5%                                                             -1.5%
                 Equity Long/Short                   -4.3%                                                            -1.9%
                       Macro CTAs                            4.9%                                                                        1.3%
                                     -120%   -70%     -20%   30%       80%     130%   -15.0%       -10.0%         -5.0%          0.0%          5.0%

Sources: MSCI, JP Morgan, Barclays Capital, Citigroup, Dow Jones, HFRX, FTSE, Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
*Performance in USD terms unless otherwise stated, 2022 YTD performance from 31 December 2021 to 16 June 2022; 1-week period: 09 June
2022 to 16 June 2022

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                       6
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

Our 12-month asset class views at a glance                            Economic and market calendar
Asset class                                                                      Event Next week                   Period Expected       Prior
                          ▲                                   ◆

Equities                             Alternatives
Euro area                 ◆          Equity hedge             ▲
                                                                                          Chicago Fed Nat
                          ◆                                   ◆                  US                                May               –    0.47

US                                   Event-driven                                         Activity Index
UK                        ◆          Relative value           ▼                  US       Existing Home Sales      May           5.41m 5.61m

Asia ex-Japan             ▲          Global macro             ◆                  UK       CPI y/y             May                    –   9.0%

                                                                                 UK       CPI Core y/y        May                    –   6.2%
Japan                     ▼                                                      EC       Consumer Confidence Jun P                  –   -21.1
Other EM                  ◆          Cash                     ◆                           S&P Global Eurozone
                                                                                 EC                                Jun P             –    54.6
                                     USD                      ▼                           Manufacturing PMI
                                                                                          S&P Global Eurozone
Bonds (Credit)            ◆          EUR                      ▲                  EC
                                                                                          Services PMI
                                                                                                                   Jun P             –    56.1

Asia USD                  ▲          GBP                      ▲                  UK
                                                                                          S&P Global/CIPS UK
                                                                                                                   Jun P             –    54.6

                                                                                          Manufacturing PMI
Corp DM HY                ▲          CNY                      ▲                           S&P Global/CIPS UK
                                                                                 UK                                Jun P             –    53.4
Govt EM USD               ▲          JPY                      ◆                           Services PMI
                                                                                          S&P Global US
                          ▼                                   ▲
                                                                                 US                                Jun P                  57.0
Corp DM IG                           AUD                                                  Manufacturing PMI

                                                                                          S&P Global US
                                     NZD                                         US                                Jun P             –    53.4
                                                                                          Services PMI
Bonds (Govt)              ▼          CAD                      ▲

                                                                                          Retail Sales Ex Auto
Govt EM Local             ◆                                                      UK
                                                                                          Fuel y/y
                                                                                                                   May           -5.0% -6.1%

Govt DM IG                ▼          Gold                     ▲                  US       New Home Sales           May            625k    591k
                                                                      Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered
Source: Standard Chartered Global Investment Committee                Prior data are for the preceding period unless otherwise indicated. Data
Legend:   ▲ Most preferred | ▼ Less preferred | ◆ Core holding        are % change on previous period unless otherwise indicated
                                                                      P - preliminary data, F - final data, sa - seasonally adjusted, y/y - year-
                                                                      on-year, m/m - month-on-month

The S&P500 has next support 2.1% below current level                  Investor diversity remains very low in global bonds
Technical indicators for key markets as on 16 June 2022               Our proprietary market diversity indicators as of 15 June
                                                1st           1st                                                   1-month         Fractal
Index                             Spot      support    resistance      Level 1                        Diversity       trend       dimension
S&P 500                          3,667        3,589          3,823     Global Bonds                       ○              →           1.18
                                                                       Global Equities                    ◐              →           1.40
STOXX 50                         3,428        3,371          3,542
                                                                       Gold                               ◐              →           1.49
FTSE 100                         7,045        6,954          7,227
Nikkei 225                      26,431       25,897        27,395      MSCI US                            ◐                         1.41
Shanghai Comp                    3,285        3,259          3,309     MSCI Europe                        ◐              →           1.35
                                                                       MSCI AC AXJ                        ●                         1.66
Hang Seng                       20,845       20,525        21,486
                                                                       Fixed Income
MSCI Asia ex-Japan                 651          640            671     DM Corp Bond                       ◐              →           1.26
MSCI EM                          1,008          993          1,039     DM High Yield                      ◐              →           1.37
Brent (ICE)                      119.8        118.1          121.9     EM USD                             ◐              →           1.34
                                                                       EM Local                           ◐              →           1.32
Gold                             1,850        1,815          1,879
                                                                       Asia USD                           ●                         1.57
UST 10y Yield                     3.23         3.10           3.41     Currencies
Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered                                  EUR/USD                            ◐              →           1.34
Note: These short-term technical levels are based on models and may
                                                                      Source: Bloomberg, Standard Chartered; Fractal dimensions below
differ from a more qualitative analysis provided in other pages
                                                                      1.25 indicate extremely low market diversity/high risk of a reversal
                                                                      Legend:         ● High | ◐ Low to mid | ○ Critically low

Important disclosures can be found in the Disclosures Appendix.                                                                                7
Standard Chartered Bank
Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

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Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

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Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

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Wealth Management Chief Investment Office | 17 June 2022

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