Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August

Page created by Victor Waters
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August
Year 3 week 5 Term 3
 Monday 23th August – Friday 27th August
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August
Distance Learning Guidelines for Whanau
 Year 3, Week 5
Dear Parents,

As teachers we appreciate your concerns as to how the recent coronavirus

outbreak might impact schools and your child’s learning, so we will continue to provide

you with some ideas to help you continue your child’s education during school closures.

We also are aware that keeping children engaged in their learning whilst at

home is not easy and your children may be feeling anxious or unsure at this

time. We have prepared activities for your child that can be completed both

independently and with adult support. Students may complete as many or

as few of the suggested activities within a week of learning as is appropriate

for them.

We appreciate your continued support during this time.
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August
Reading The following reading activities take priority. Once you have completed them, you’re
 welcome to log on to Sunshine Classics for additional reading activities.

Living in a Colourful World – Journal
Read the text Living in a Colourful World either independently or with a family member.

 Read the Junior Journal article called “Living in a Colourful World” by Bronwen Wall.

 Use the article above to answer the comprehension questions and activities.

 Read the poem called “Cat with a Jet Pack” by Kenn Nesbitt.

 Use the poem above to answer the comprehension questions and activities.

Sunshine Classics
Read the stories set up for you by your teacher and complete the follow up activities.

Other Reading Activities

Listed below are some suggestions to help facilitate discussion and understanding after
 Listen to your child read each day - ask questions about what might happen next Websites:
 or to summarise the story in their own words.  https://www.sunshineclassics.co.nz/
 Read with your child and discuss the characters in the story.
  https://www.getepic.com/
 Ask your child to retell the main events of the story in order.
  https://storytime.rnz.co.nz/
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August

 Watch the video of the storybook ‘Piggy’ by Anthony Brown.

 As you watch this, notice how the characters change and how they
 act during the story.

 Write a list of the things the children in the book should do to help

 Write a letter to a member of your family to thank them for all the
 things they do for you.

 The ‘Teacher Pleaser’ Writing

 Do you suffer from a grumpy teacher? If so, then use the ‘Teacher - Pleaser’ machine and
 soon your teacher will become the jolliest person in school.

 This week you are going to design a machine to help in the classroom.

 Read through the instructions and example here – we cannot
 wait to see what you come up with!
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August

 Room B1 Room B2 Room B3 Room B4 Room B5 Room B6

Please click on your room number to find your spelling words.

Choose one spelling activity from the list below to complete each day.

  Write 5 – 10 words into sentences

  Write the definition for 5 - 10 of your words

  Write as many words as you can using letters from one word. Do this for 3 of your words

  Break 5 - 10 of your words into syllables. e.g.su/per/mar/ket

  Find rhyming words to go with 2-5 of your words

  Write your spelling words in alphabetical order
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August
 Maths 3d shape names - Click here

 Topmaths Uk - Click here
Geometry Task Studyladder - Click here
Look around your home for objects that have a 3-dimensional shape. Write or draw a picture on the chart. Click here. Prototec - Click here
Additional Geometry Activities

2d cut and paste activity - click here

Identify cones and pyramids - click hereIdentify 2d and 3d shapes - click here

Problem Solving
Click here to test your problem-solving skills.

Number Knowledge
  Learn the number of 10s in 3-digit numbers – 328 = 32 tens
  Order numbers up to 1000 - 727 809 819 901 999
  Practise before and after numbers to 1000
  Recall double and halves facts


Please complete the activities assigned by your classroom teacher. They will be able to monitor your progress.

Continue to practise the different basic facts including addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division on cards/paper which
you began to create last week. Can you add some more difficult questions? Can you beat your time?

Roll the dice activity. You will need … two dice, click here for a dice template. Take turns to roll the dice and multiply the numbers
together. Now write the number sentences on the worksheet click here . Have fun playing with a family member.
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August
For this week’s ISTEAM challenge, you will be
 building a tower as tall as yourself!

Use this planning sheet to help you design your tower.
Here are some examples of towers to help with your

Materials you will need: Points to remember:
  Cardboard boxes (e.g. muesli bar boxes, packing  Don’t forget to include the

 boxes) height (in cm) of your tower
 on your plan. Ask an adult to
  Cellotape
 help you find your height with
  Newspaper
 a measuring tape.
  Cups (plastic or paper)  Your tower must be able to
 stand on its own without your

Once you have completed your tower remember to support and must start from
 the floor
complete the reflection questions on the
  Your tower must be at least
planning sheet. Send a picture of your finished tower
 your height if not taller
to your teacher.  Your tower must have 4 legs
 to stand on as your
Challenge for experts: Extend your tower so that it is base/foundation and they
as tall as an adult in your house. must be made of
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August
Card Making
 This week’s art activity is to make a pop-up card.
 Watch the video and get the instructions here.

 Be creative and use some materials from around the home- you might like to add in a
 butterfly or bee too!

 Art Extension

 Now write a message to someone special in your family. Don’t forget to take a photograph
 and send it to your teacher.

 Watch the following classical music animation linked
  Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks by Mussorgsky

  Grieg's In the Hall of the Mountain King

 Complete the two stars and a wish evaluation of these
 musical pieces. Which piece was your favourite and why?

 Two stars and a wish template: Click here
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August
 Electricity Safety at Home!

This week’s activity is learning about electricity and using it safely
around the home.

What is Electricity?
Electricity is created when electrons flow through a conducting material, such as
copper or aluminium used in power lines. Electrons are tiny particles that are part
of all matter and are so small that they can move through wires.

 Fun Facts about Electricity
Electricity and Safety!
  electricity travels at the speed of light
We use electricity at home for almost everything we do every single  lightning is the discharge of electricity in
day of our lives, but we need to be careful while using it. the atmosphere
Watch this interactive presentation to learn about electricity  electricity was discovered in 600 BC

and safety and complete the tasks - click here  electric cars date back to 1932
  electric eels can produce a 500-volt shock
  water in the body causes an electrical shock
Test your knowledge of electricity safety by clicking here
  electricity plays a role in your heartbeat
Week 5 Term 3 Monday 23th August - Friday 27th August

 Maori Kei te pēhea koe?
 How are you?
 This waiata will help assist your learner with asking people how they are in Te Reo.

 Kei te pēhea koe? waiata

 Follow up:
Practice asking and answering in Te Reo with another Create a poster including all the feelings. Use the poster to
person in your bubble. help you learn and become more confident in expressing
 how you feel in Te Reo.
Kei Te pēhea Koe? Use the Maori Dictionary to
How are you? help with pronunciation
 See exemplar below:
 Happy = Harikoa
Ke te ______ahau.
 Sad = Pōuri
I am feeling _______.
 Cold = Makariri
 Hot = Wera
 Hungry = Hiakai
 Tired = Ngenge
 Angry = Riri
 Excited = Manahau
 Scared = Mataku
Developing our throwing skills
 Day 1 Target throwing:
  Find some plastic containers or old shoe boxes and place them on the floor or on
 Make some paper balls for throwing.
Health and P.E 
  The aim is to throw the paper balls into the containers.
  To extend yourself, every time you get one in the box, take a step backwards and
 when you miss the box, take a step forward.
 Day 2 Slippery slope:
  Take a ball outside and find a wall or a slope.
  Throw the ball against the wall or to the top of the slop and try to catch it when
 it comes down.
  To make it more challenging, add a clap or a burpee when you are waiting for
 the ball.
 Day 3 Number throwing:
  Make some balls by crumpling paper.
  Choose any 5 numbers.
  Write each number on a piece of paper.
  Put the numbered sheets of paper on the floor, spread out.
  Throw the paper balls and try to land them on a numbered sheet of paper.
  If your ball lands on a numbered sheet of paper, record this number – it is your
 score. Every time you land on a sheet of paper, add that number to your score.
 Day 4 In the target:
  You will need a pillowcase and a soft object or a paper ball to throw.
  Ask a grown up or a sibling to hold the pillowcase open.
  Try to throw the object into the pillowcase.
  Once you are successful, ask the adult or sibling to hold it at different heights.
 Day 5  Make up your own throwing game.

  Take some photos/video and draw up some rules to share with your teacher.

Additional Websites
 7 minute work out

 Joe Wicks

 Cosmic Kids

 Video game workout

 Minion dance workout
Distance learning is an innovative type of learning
designed to best meet the needs of your child at this time.
We understand that achieving some of the activities may
be difficult-just do your best! Remember learning can be
fun too :)

Should you have any queries or concerns regarding
your child’s learning, please contact their classroom
teacher via email Monday to Friday between the hours
9am and 3.00pm. It is expected that you will receive a
reply within a 24-hour time frame.

 Happy Learning,
 Year 3 Teachers
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