"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools

Page created by Donald Tucker
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
Pages 1&8
      District News

      Pages 2-5
      High School

      Pages 6
      Middle School

      Pages 7

                                                                                                            March 2022

     “Weather” or Not to Cancel School
The decision to cancel school or start with a delay is taken
very seriously by the administration at Fort Recovery
Local Schools. While there is no way to completely
eliminate risk, the safety of over 1,000 students and staff
members is affected by these decisions.
The superintendent often drives the roads throughout
the district, shares weather conditions with neighboring
district personnel and utilizes input from local law
enforcement and street/road crews. In addition, the
superintendent uses handheld media devices to review
weather forecasts and radar images when considering
a delay or cancellation. Based on the situation,                  Calamity Day Protocols for 2021-2022
maintenance and transportation staff members may               - 5 excused calamity days per school year. After 5calamity
also be consulted.                                               days, the district will implement up to 3emergency
The superintendent strives to make these decisions               response learning days in which students complete
in a timely manner to allow parents and students to              work at home with the assistance of staff members.
make necessary arrangements. However, there are                  All staff members report to our schools to assist with
times when drastic weather changes may require a                 student progress on ERL day academic activities and
quick response and a sudden change in the attendance             other tasks.
status. As a reminder, students are not counted as tardy       - After 5 calamity days and 3 ERL days, school will be
when a bus is late to school due to weather conditions.          made up following the yearly school calendar guidance
Once a decision has been made, the steps to contact              on make-up days.
all of the school district stakeholders through multiple       - Delays are not calculated into make-up days unless
communication tools takes approximately 10 minutes to            there is the unlikely event that they would cause us to be
initiate. When it comes to school events outside of the          below the Ohio Department of Education requirement
normal school day, the athletic director and principals          for instructional hours(1001).
collectively make the decisions related to cancellations.

     Note - As of March 1, 2022, the district has 1 remaining calamity day left for the 2021—
     2022 school year before we would move into an emergency response learning modality.
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
Along with the warm weather comes a variety of spring activities at Fort                 Upcoming Dates
Recovery High School. Spring athletic practices have begun, ACT and end of
course tests are coming up, and we are wrapping up the end of the third               March 4 - 6: Band trip to
quarter! It is definitely a bit cliché but it seems to go faster each year! Parents   Chicago
– be sure to remind your son/daughter to participate in some of the activities
and events offered at the high school this spring. Whether it’s joining a spring      March 15: ACT Test (at
sport or going to Prom, we all know their high school years go by fast and they       FRHS) for Juniors
should enjoy them while they can!
                                                                                      March 15: Parent Teacher
The end of the 3rd quarter is on March 17th and students will receive their           Conferences, 4-7:30pm
report cards on March 25th. If students do not receive a report card it is most
likely because they have outstanding obligations. These obligations could             March 17: End of 3rd Nine
include unpaid book fees, fees for damaged textbooks or computers, or
possibly overdue library books. Also, as a reminder to parents, you can
always access your son/daughter’s grades online using ProgressBook. You               March 29: FFA Banquet
can sign up for this service at the Fort Recovery Local School’s website. If you
have any questions or need assistance, please contact the high school office          April 7- 8: ELA II End of
at 419-375-4111.
                                                                                      Course Testing
Spring parent-teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, March 15 th from April 14 - 18: Easter
4-7:30pm. This is a great opportunity for you to speak directly with your son/
daughter’s teachers prior to the end of the third quarter. To schedule a Break
meeting, please contact the high school office at 419-375-4111 or you can
email Mrs. Cheryl Wenning at wenningc@fortrecoveryschools.org.                      April 21- 22: Algebra &
                                                                                    Geometry EOC Testing
March is a busy month for our junior students at the high school. On March
2nd, all juniors traveled to Wright State University – Lake Campus to April 28-29: Biology,
participate in the Career Connections event sponsored by the Auglaize Government, & History
Mercer Business Education Alliance (AMBE). This event brings over 800 EOC Testing
students together with nearly 50 businesses and employers in the local area.
Students have the opportunity to meet with and listen to several speakers of April 29: Prom
their choice during this great career planning day. Also this month, the junior
class will take the ACT test on March 15th. This test is offered free to all junior
students and will take place at the American Legion this year.

             Lastly, I’d like to take this opportunity to recognize junior student
             Paul Homan who was chosen as a State Winner of the American
             Legion Americanism and Government test! Each year in
             November, this test is given to all 10-12th graders in the state
             and Paul received a perfect score. As a result, he received a
             special trip to Washington D.C. the week
             of Feb. 28-March 4th.
Congratulations Paul and way to represent FRHS!

                               Thank you and go Indians,
                             Mr. Tony Stahl, HS Principal
                                  419-375-4111. ext. 401
                                Twitter - @FRHSPrincipal
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
Congrats to all our First Team All -MAC Athletes! Ashlyn Dilworth- Bowling, Owen
                      Jutte and Cale Rammel- Boys Basketball, and Mara Pearson- Girls Basketball

Congratulations go
out to our Buckeye
     Girls State
Representatives -
 Olivia Hawk and
  Bethany Dues!
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
Student Council Seeking Donations                          High School Art Room Supplies
          for Senior Fest
                                                      The high school Art classroom is in need of
Attention business owners and individuals             supplies. We are running low on Styrofoam
interested in supporting our 2022 Seniors. The        egg cartons, Reader’s Digests, brown paper
Fort Recovery High School Student Council             bags, and wooden rolling pins. Styrofoam
members are excited to start planning this            egg cartons make great paint trays for the
year’s Senior Fest and need your help. Senior                    students. We use Reader’s
Fest is our annual end of the school year                        Digest and brown paper bags for various
celebration. On this day all students gather                     projects. Students use wooden rolling
together for fun-filled activities including games,              pins to roll out their clay in Ceramics.
food vendors, and tons of prizes! It’s such an
                                                      If you have any of these items you no longer need,
enjoyable and memorable last day for our
                                                      please contact Tory Horstman, at horstmant@fort
                                                      recoveryschools.org or bring them to the high school
We are asking local businesses and individuals
to consider donating money and/or
merchandise to fund this year’s prizes. If you
are interested in donating please contact Cheryl
                                                      Fort Recovery Choral Cabaret
Wenning at 419-375-4111 or bring your                 Come see some great performances
donation directly to the High School                  by our HS and JH students on Sunday,
Office. Student Council members will also be          March 13th at 6pm as the Fort
visiting businesses during the month of               Recovery Choral Department will
March. We truly appreciate your support!              present a Cabaret. The performance
                                                      will be located in the FRMS Auditeria
                                                      and admission is free.

                                     FFA Week a Huge Success
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
Mother Nature is teasing us. Just enough warm weather days to give us the               Upcoming Dates
hint of Spring, but then smacking us back in the face with more cold weather.
But as the snow melts and the temperatures begin to rise, we look forward to         March 1-15: Parent
the Spring AIR testing in the middle school.
                                                                                     Teacher Conference Sign-
All students in 6th, 7th & 8th graders will be tested in ELA and Math, and the       Up
8th graders will also be tested in Science. Each test consists of two parts. ELA
Part I will be on April 5th. ELA Part II will be on April 6th. Science Parts I and II March 1-29: 7th Grade
for the 8th graders will be on April 25th. Math Part I will be on April 26th. Math D.C. Soap Sales
Part II will be on April 27th.                                                        Fundraiser
While these state tests are one measure and an important data point collected        March 4: 7th-Grade
over the course of the school year, they do not completely define each child’s       Students Initial D.C.
potential. All we hope is for each child to give their best effort. The students
have been doing an AMAZING job this school year! These tests will just be a          Payment Due
measure of how much their knowledge has grown since the beginning of the
                                                                                     March 13: Choir Concert
school year.
                                                                                     March 14-18: 8th Grade
The data thus collected from these tests will help improve our instruction over
the upcoming years for our students. The data can show us potential gaps in          D.C. Trip
learning as well as areas of strength and weakness. Each of these is
important to inform future instruction. As it is every student's goal to be better   March 15: Parent-Teacher
today than they were yesterday, better tomorrow than they are today; so too is       Conferences, 4-7:30 pm
it the school’s goal to improve on what we provide our students each day and
year as well.                                                                        March 17: End of 3rd nine
I’d like to take the opportunity to thank the Academic Boosters for their
generous donation to provide breakfast snacks for the students during testing. March 18: No School
Studies show that eating little snacks, chewing gum, or sucking on a mint
during a test help connect synapses of the brain more frequently. These little March 24: Science &
snacks will certainly provide the students with these helpful                  STEM Fair
resources that help create a positive testing environment.
                                                                               March 25: Grade cards
                                                                               passed out to students
                                     Thank you and go Indians,
                          Mr. Ryan Steinbrunner, MS Principal
                                        (419) 375-2815 ext 301

           5th—12th grade band in action!
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
   Middle School Quiz Bowl Off toSchool
                                  a GreatQuiz
                                                             a Great of
                                                                        the season, Fort Recovery will
    The Middle School Quiz Bowl team is off to a great                 host  Parkway,
                                                                          Fort          attend
                                                                               Recovery’s   thirdthecompetition
                                                                                                      MAC tournament      at the
                                                                                                                  was another
                                                                       Mercer    County  Educational     Service, and
                                                                        regular MAC match against New Knoxville. Fort  attend
  start this season.
   The Middle    SchoolThe  fullBowl
                         Quiz     team  consists
                                      team  is offof
                                                      a great          tournaments at Crestview and Van Wert. Also, Fort
 start this season.
  members             The full
               from grades   6,team
                                 7, andconsists
                                         8 who of  sixteen
                                                were   selected         Recovery again came home with the victory in a
                                                                       Recovery will attempt to host their first ever tournament
 members     from  grades  6,  7, and  8 who  were
  through a tryout quiz to test their knowledge. The selected           close race
                                                                       which        ending at 25
                                                                               was supposed         – 24. Luke
                                                                                                to happen        Lochtefeld and
                                                                                                             in 2020.
 through   a tryout quiz  to test their  knowledge. The and team        Grace  Lochtefeld towere
  team competes      in a number     of competitions
 competes in a number of competitions and                                Congratulations       thethe   leading
                                                                                                     entire teamscorers   with
                                                                                                                  for their     9 start!
  tournaments. Marcia Weigel serves as the advisor                      and 8luck
                                                                       Good    points
                                                                                    on respectively.
                                                                                       the rest of your season! The complete
 tournaments. Marcia Weigel serves as the advisor of the
  of theThe
 team.    team.
                      team practices
                                 twice a twice  a weektheir
                                          week during    during        team this year consists of: Riley DeRoo, Will Faller, Andy
                                                                          For the remainder of the season, Fort Recovery
  their to
 lunch   lunch
                         their skills.                                 Niekamp, Kendall Ranly, Hoyt Schmitz, and Maddie
                                                                        will host
                                                                       Weigel     Parkway,
                                                                                from         attend
                                                                                      6th grade;       the MAC
                                                                                                   Russell  Hart,tournament     at
                                                                                                                   Grace Lochtefeld,
   The  team’s    first competition    was  a regular
     The team’s first competition was a regular MAC     MAC    match.   the Mercer
                                                                       Isaac          County
                                                                              Roessner,   and Educational
                                                                                              Cara Shoemaker  Service,
 The Mercer County Educational Service Center has                      and   Gabe Acheson,
                                                                        tournaments           Elisa Evers,
                                                                                        at Crestview    and Luke  Fortkamp,
                                                                                                             Van Wert.   Also, Eli Hawk,
  match. The Mercer County Educational Service
 started a middle school league for Scholastic Bowl this               Jameson    Heitkamp,   and    Luke  Lochtefeld  from  8th grade.
  Center                                                                Fort Recovery will attempt to host their first ever
 year  withhas
                    of theaMACmiddle  school league
                                   participating.   Fortfor
 won            Bowl
       their first      this against
                     match   year with   part of
                                      Marion     the with
                                               Local   MACa score       tournament which was supposed to happen in 2020.
     27 – 20. SeveralFort team
                           Recovery   won their
                                 members           first match
                                             competed      with Elisa     Congratulations to the entire team for their great
                         and Hoyt
                              with aSchmitz,
                                      score of6th
                                                27grader,     being
                                                     – 20. Several
                                                                        start! Good luck on the rest of your season! The
  teamhigh  scorers with
          members            10 andwith
                        competed     8 points
                                                Evers, 8th
                                                                        complete team this year consists of: Riley DeRoo,
   The second
  grader,          competition
            and Hoyt      Schmitz,was
                                         virtual one
                                                  beinghosted   by St.
                                                          the high
 Marys.                                                                 Will Faller, Andy Niekamp, Kendall Ranly, Hoyt
                    10 and 8entered    three teams into it. Of
                               points respectively.
 the twelve teams that competed, Fort Recovery not only Schmitz, and Maddie Weigel from 6th grade; Russell
           top team      but also had
                     competition    wasthe  honor of
                                          a virtual  oneallhosted
                                                            three       Hart, Grace Lochtefeld, Isaac Roessner, and Cara
  by St.finishing
          Marys. Fort in the top five.entered
                           Recovery    The topthree
                                                         consisted      Shoemaker from 7th grade; and Gabe Acheson, Elisa
 of:  Gabe   Acheson,      Russell Hart, Will  Faller,
  into it. Of the twelve teams that competed, Fort     Luke             Evers, Luke Fortkamp, Eli Hawk, Jameson Heitkamp,
 Fortkamp,    and    Jameson    Heitkamp.
  Recovery not only had the top team but also had the                   and Luke Lochtefeld from 8th grade.
   Fort  Recovery’s     third competition    was   another
  honor of all three teams finishing in the top five. The     regular
 MAC match against New Knoxville. Fort Recovery again
  top team consisted of: Gabe Acheson, Russell Hart,
 came home with the victory in a close race ending at 25
    24. Faller, Luke Fortkamp,
        Luke Lochtefeld              and Jameson
                              and Grace    Lochtefeld Heitkamp.
                                                        were the
 leading scorers with 9 and 8 points respectively.

Combined Charities
Dear Friends of Fort Recovery,
                                                        Fort Recovery Girl Scouts                                  $777.00
On behalf of all of the following charities,            Fort Recovery Historical Society                         $1,488.00
we’d like to say thank you to the generous              Fort Recovery Friends of the Library                     $1,760.00
donors of the 2021 drive. Donations                     Project Recovery                                           $808.00
distributed totalled $17,943.00 which is an             Fort Recovery 4-H Club                                     $764.00
increase of $1202.00 from 2020. Thank you               Fort Recovery Ministerial Assn.                            $765.00
for your continued support of these                     Fort Recovery Academic Boosters                          $1,300.00
charities.                                              Fort Recovery Community Foundation                       $1,591.00
                                                        Center for Neurological Development                      $2,415.00
Respectfully submitted,                                 Cancer Assn of Mercer County                             $2,156.00
                                                        Mercer County Right to Life                              $1,774.00
Lori Rohrer, President                                  State of the Heart                                       $1,361.00
Sara O’Dell, Vice President                             Our Home Family Resource Center                            $517.00
Sarah Stammen, Treasurer                                M.A.V. Youth Mentoring                                     $467.00
Emma Rohrer, Chairperson
                                                        Total                                                  $17,943.00
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
Spring is in the air at Fort Recovery Elementary School! The kids are enjoying
the sunshine, outdoor recess, and warmer temperatures! In spite of all of the
                                                                                       Upcoming Dates
changes and craziness this year has offered, we are finding that the Spring
                                                                                    March 14: Student
months will remain as in years past; busy! Students have helped raise over
$2900 for Pennies for Patients, celebrate and learn about agriculture through       Council Meeting, 3:30pm
FFA Week, shared in our love of reading with Celebrate Reading Week, and
                                                                                    March 15 - 16: 2nd Grade
prepare for the upcoming Open House, performances, Wax Museum/Western
Hemisphere presentations, and so much more!                                         Iowa testing
                                                                                    March 15: Spring Parent
Students and teachers across the district are getting ready for Spring Parent
Teacher conferences, held on Tuesday, March 15th. You can find the link to          Teacher Conferences, 4:00
register for Parent Teacher conferences on the Fort Recovery Local Schools’
                                                                                    - 7:00pm
website. March 17th also marks the end of the third quarter for this school
year! As the third nine weeks come to a close, we begin to look ahead to the        March 17: End of 3rd 9
2022-2023 school year. The staff will begin to prepare classrooms,
enrollment, and schedule events for the upcoming school year. As we begin
to prepare at school, it is important that we are informed of incoming              March 18: No School
students. If you have a child eligible for Preschool or Kindergarten, please call
                                                                                    March 22: 5th Grade
the Elementary Office to get more information at 419-375-2768.
                                                                                    Western Hemisphere Day
With so many events coming up, please stay tuned through Fort Recovery’s
                                                                                    (Wax Museum)
various social media platforms, newsletters, Fort Recovery Local Schools’
homepage, school email (sent to parents who provide an email address on             March 22 - 24: 2nd Grade
Final Forms). Thank you for your continued support and
                                                                                    CogAt testing
dedication to the children of Fort Recovery!
                                                                                    March 24: 4th Grade to
                                    Thank you and go Indians,
                                 Mrs. Kelli Thobe, ES Principal                     COSI & State House
                             thobeke@fortrecoveryschools.org                        March 24: Book Club,
                                       (419) 375-2768 ext 201
                                                                                    3:30 - 4:30pm
Preschool Registration for 2022-23
                                                                                    March 31: Elementary
The Fort Recovery Preschool registration for the                                    Open House, 4:00 - 6:00pm
2022-23 school year will begin on Tuesday, March 15th. A parent meeting is
scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on March 15th in the Fort Recovery Elementary/              April 5 - 6: English
Middle School auditeria. The preschool staff will need a copy of your child's       Language Arts State
immunization record, certification of birth (not the souvenir issued by the
hospital), and social security card.                                                Testing, Grades 3-8
                                                                                 April 7: Preschool
If you are unable to attend the registration meeting you can find information to
register your child by visiting the Preschool site on the Fort Recovery Schools Literacy Workshop, 6:00 -
website. To access the pertinent information and to register, click on the link 8:00pm
found under the SCHOOLS tab and choose Preschool.
                                                                                 April 11: 1st Grade Spring
This link will bring you to an online registration that allows you to complete Performance, 7:00pm
several demographic questions and class session requests. Click Submit at
the end of the form to register your child for preschool for the 2022-23 school April 12: Kindergarten’s
year. Return to this form only to register another student. Please contact the Grandparents
preschool staff if any changes need to be made to your submitted form. The
link to register your child will be available at 7:15 p.m. on March 15th.        Performance, 9:00am
You can contact the preschool staff at 419-375-4131 with any questions.
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
"Weather" or Not to Cancel School - Fort Recovery Local Schools
Community Garage Sales
The 2022 Fort Recovery Community Garage Sales will be held
April 21, 22 & 23. If you are interested in hosting a garage
sale, please contact the Fort Recovery Psi Iota Xi Sorority
Group at theta.zeta.fortrecovery@gmail.com to register.
Registration is $30.00.
Maps & garage sale listings will be available in April at local
businesses or on the Fort Recovery Psi Iota Xi and Village of
Fort Recovery’s Facebook page.
The Community Garage Sales are sponsored by the local Psi
Iota Xi Sorority. All registration fees paid by those listing their
garage sales are used for advertisement of the garage sales
and for printing maps and signs. All other profits are put
towards community projects.
The Psi Iota Xi thanks the community for their support of their
many community fundraisers and projects.

Fort Recovery Chamber of Commerce — Annual “Citizen of the Year” and “Hall of Fame” Banquet
The Fort Recovery Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce the nominees and recipients for their 42nd Annual
Awards Banquet sponsored this year by Brockman Boeckman Funeral Home. The 2021 “Citizen of the Year” has
been awarded to Janice Fiely. Janice has been active in the Fort Recovery community for many years taking part in
numerous community events. Janice currently serves as the treasurer for the Fort Recovery Community Foundation
and has been a board member since inception. Janice has also been past treasurer for many other organizations in
the Fort Recovery Community along with being active in her church and is a past Hall of Fame Award recipient.
Also receiving public nomination for Citizen of the Year is Kim Rammel and Karen Meiring.
The “Hall of Fame” award recipients for 2021 is the late Charles W. “Chuck” Hein & Tess Kaup for their continued
contributions to the Fort Recovery community over many years. Chuck was committed to his community by being
involved in Knights of Columbus, FRHS Band Boosters, FR Boy/Cub Scouts, and also a Eucharistic Minister and
Lector at Mary Help of Christians Church along with other club and community involvement. Aside from his
community contributions, Chuck served as a local insurance agent for Fort Recovery Insurance for over 46 years.
Tess Kaup has been committed to the Fort Recovery community by being active in the Fort Recovery Merchants
Association, Fort Recovery Chamber, being involved with the One of a Kind Auction, and providing assistance to
many various community events.
The Chamber will also present the Fort Recovery “Business of the Year” Award with the recipient being Wendel
Poultry Service Inc. Gary Wendel, Randy Wendel, and Pam Hicks are the current owners. Wendel Poultry Service
Inc. provides 20 jobs for the local community and subcontracts up to 50 jobs daily. The business has provided
annual funding and volunteer work for multiple programs within the community like the community room at the Fort
Recovery High School, Fort Recovery FFA, Fort Recovery Jubilee, the Southwest Mercer Fire District, and many
Mayor Dave Kaup will also be presenting the “Outstanding Community Service Award”, with this year’s award
recipient being the Fort Recovery Radio Christmas Gala Committee for their outstanding involvement in raising
funds for the community during the holiday season. Additional awards to be presented at the banquet are the
annual “Beautification” award winners. This year’s recipients include: Tyler & Kendra Thobe – Residential Property
Award, Ted & Alison Homan – Most Improved Dwelling, and Pat Wendel – Landscaping Improvement Award. The
annual Chamber of Commerce Scholarship will be awarded to Fort Recovery High School Senior Marissa Gaerke,
daughter of Tim & Julie Gaerke.

Brick Street Market Returns
The Fort Recovery chapter of Psi Iota xi is excited & proud to
announce the return & revitalization of their annual craft fair Brick
Street Market on Saturday, April 9 from 10:00am - 2:00 pm in
downtown Fort Recovery! Join us on the Brick Street and visit & shop
with local makers, crafters, vendors & food trucks. This is the same
day as the Fort Recovery Merchants Easter Egg Hunt! We will also
have a special Kids Korner for our local youth vendors & makers!

Calling all makers, crafters & vendors: If you are interested in setting
up as a vendor at the Brick Street Market, please visit Fort Recovery
Psi Iota Xi on Facebook, email us at
theta.zeta.fortrecovery@gmail.com or contact Erica Wehrkamp at 419-
Cost: $40 per Team
                                (Can be a family, a business-sponsored group,

                                               buddies, etc.)
Friday, April 22,                       2—6 players per team

     2022                                25 teams maximum
                               Entry for up to 6 rounds of team trivia;
  Doors open at 6 PM
                                         Prizes for top teams!
Trivia starts at 6:30 PM
at the FRHS Commons
                               Questions or to Request a Registration
                               Text or call 419-852-2417 OR email at

           Proceeds go to
          Scholarships for
         High School Seniors
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