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CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Model risk assessments (School Operations and School Premises) and supporting guidance on operating procedures have been developed for maintained schools and settings in consultation with our trade union colleagues and relevant service areas. Each maintained setting should undertake their own risk assessment following this format – Cumbria County Council, as the employer in the above settings, will support and guide governing bodies and school leaders to manage a planned and safe gradual return to school but recognises that local decisions to open or not MUST follow a risk-based approach appropriate to the resources and capacity of each individual setting. Other types of schools are welcome to use these models to help their own planning and risk assessment approach but must ensure that they prioritise their own employer’s health and safety management procedures. This document is a template to be used to help governing bodies and headteachers develop and tailor a site-specific risk assessment in relation to infection prevention control including ongoing controls for COVID-19. Below is a list of potential of hazards within our premises and the recommended control measures which apply to the majority of settings to aim to help you manage risks to the lowest possible level. Controls shown follow current available guidance and best practice. Headteachers and governing bodies are responsible for monitoring the advice and guidance available, ensuring risk assessments and safe working practices are updated where applicable and cascaded through to employees. They must ensure that compliance is monitored, and any emerging issues addressed appropriately. PLEASE NOTE: Schools and trusts should work closely with parents and carers, staff and unions when agreeing the best approaches for their circumstances. Your risk assessments should outline YOUR agreed control measures following your local planning processes – any additional control measures you identify as being required should be added to the additional controls column, along with who is responsible and a timescale. Likewise any suggested control measures included in this model that do not apply to your setting can be removed. All employees working within the premises should receive site-specific information on the controls implemented within their workplaces. Those measures in italics are beyond what the Government advises but can still be used part of a range of protective measures at the discretion of the Headteacher/Senior Management Team etc. Help and support with the development of your risk assessment is available through the County Council’s Corporate Health and Safety Team at . Please note that the Local Authority is liaising with contractors working on its behalf to ensure that they are undertaking effective liaison with occupiers BEFORE attending site – contractors are asked to provide key information in relation to how they are managing infection control. 1
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT This risk assessment refers to current national guidance, which is listed at the end of this document, and within accompanying guidance. Likelihood: Severity Very unlikely, e.g. 1 in 1,000,000 chance of it happening 1 2 3 4 5 Unlikely, e.g. 1 in 100,000 chance of it happening Insignificant Minor Moderate Major Most Possible, e.g. likely to occur during standard operations Severe Likely, e.g. has been known to happen before 5 5 10 15 20 25 Very likely, e.g. it is almost certain that something will Very Low Risk Medium High Risk High High happen Likely Risk Risk Risk 4 4 8 12 16 20 Severity: Likely Low Risk Medium Medium High High Likelihood Insignificant No injury Risk Risk Risk Risk Minor Minor injuries requiring first aid Moderate First aid/RIDDOR reportable incident 3 3 6 9 12 15 Possible Low Risk Medium Medium Medium High Major Serious injury/hospital attendance Most severe Disabling injury, long term ill-health Risk Risk Risk Risk or fatality 2 2 4 6 8 10 Unlikely Low Risk Low Medium Medium Medium 15-25 Unacceptable. Risk Risk Risk Risk Stop activity and make immediate improvements 1 1 2 3 4 5 Very Low Risk Low Low Risk Low Low 6-12 Tolerable Unlikely Risk Risk Risk Look to improve within a specified timescale 1-5 Acceptable No further action, but ensure controls are maintained 2
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Version Version Description Date of Revision Number 1. Reviewed/Updated in line with current DfE guidance for schools in relation to Covid-19 1.9.21 2. 29/9/21 updates inline with Cumbria Council recommendations. 4.10.21 3. 13.10.21 updates in-line with Cumbria Public health letter dated 8.10.21 13.10.21 4. 14.10.21 updates in-line with Cumbria Public health letter dated 11.10.212 14.10.21 5. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 3
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT RA reference Enter your RA ref Activity description Infection prevention and control – during COVID-19 pandemic Assessment date 26.8.21 Assessor name Jacqueline Beavis Assessment team members Head teacher Planned review date End of September 2021 or when any Staff updates made available. Location Moor Row Primary School Number of people exposed Unknown Overall residual risk level Medium risk People exposed All employees following implementation of Step 4 of the Government Roadmap Pupils effective control measures came into force on Monday July 19th, Visitors 2021 Contractors Members of the public Professionals in Public Health, Health and Vulnerable children/adults Safety and LA services will continue Persons with pre-existing medical to work closely with recognised trade conditions union colleagues to promote safe working First aiders procedures, suitable safety controls and limit risk. New/expectant mothers DfE helpline 0800 046 8687 (select option 1 for advice on action to take in response to a positive case) Assessment last updated See above Is this an acceptable risk? Yes/ No Training: All staff will receive training and information proportionate and relevant to the activity that is being undertaken. Monitor and review: This risk assessment and its implementation will be monitored on at least a weekly basis and will take account of any new or updated guidance and ensure that the control measures remain relevant and effective. Communication and consultation: Regular updates will be provided to all staff thorough team meetings/staff bulletins – feedback and comments will be welcomed. Copies of this risk assessment will be available on our school website. 1 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when Hazards in relation to 10 In the event of an outbreak, we will follow 6 staffing and daily operation Medium Local Health Protection advice. Medium during COVID-19 pandemic Risk Information posters highlighting the symptoms Catch it Kill it Bin it Risk Any positive L5 x S2 of COVID-19 are prominently displayed Poster on Schools L3 x S2 LFT tests on Portal a throughout the premises. \Wednesday Ongoing communications (posters, emails, e-Bug COVID-19 and Sunday inductions briefings toolbox talks) are provided website must be to all employees, pupils, parents and visitors. reported to Staff and parents of pupils are advised that The headteacher HT by 7 pm. they (staff or pupil) must not come into school reserves the right Member of if they have Coronavirus (COVID 19) to refuse a pupil’s staff to book symptoms (a high temperature, a new attendance in PCR test and continuous cough, loss of taste or smell), or school if in their to stay off they have had a positive LFT. reasonable school until Staff will not have to self-isolate if have been in judgement the rest test results close contact with someone who is positive if are known. If of the pupils and they are fully vaccinated (14 days have passed positive – staff are at risk of since their final dose of a Covid 19 vaccine isolate 10 given by the NHS. However, if a family possible infection. days. HT to member tests positive via a LFT or PCR test obtain advice member of staff to not come into school. To The headteacher from PHE / book in for a PCR test and stay off school will refer to the Cumbria. whilst awaiting results. local Public Health Coronavirus Refer to (COVID-19) - parent Public Health Cumbria have advised that children information for question aged between 5 and 18+6 months (unless exempt) schools and early letters. stay at home if anyone in the household tests years settings to 2 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when positive for COVID-19 (via either a PCR or Lateral decide the Flow test). 5 days following the onset of symptoms appropriate in the household contact who has tested positive (or actions to take test date if the positive case had no symptoms), the with regard to close contact young person should get a PCR test. household If this is negative, they can return to school, but contacts of should isolate again immediately and get another positive cases. test if the develop symptoms of COVID-19. 2 Staff with a OR positive LFT will be asked to self- • Instead of isolating for the five days, isolate and take a children and young people who are contacts PCR test. of household positive cases can take a Lateral Flow Test each morning and if Warn and inform negative, attend school the same day letters / text / email (rather than staying at home). This is an to be sent home if option for both primary and secondary school children. positive cases in school warning • If they develop symptoms of COVID-19, or parents of signs receive a positive Lateral Flow test result, and symptoms. they should immediately isolate and get a PCR test. We have put in place the local 2 If the PCR test is taken within 2 days of the positive lateral flow test, and is negative, it overrides the self-test LFD test and the pupil can return to school, as long as the individual doesn’t have COVID-19 symptoms. 3 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when Public Health Children aged 4 and under should stay at home if Contingency anyone in their household tests positive for COVID- Framework for 19 via either a Lateral Flow or PCR test for 5 days. managing local This should start from the onset of symptoms in the outbreaks. household contact who has tested positive case (or test date if the positive case had no symptoms). The We recommend child should only have a PCR test if they develop that staff pause the symptoms of COVID-19. ‘trace’ function in certain situations. A close contact includes: - anyone who lives in the same household as someone with Covid-19 symptoms or who has tested positive Covid-19; - anyone who has had any of the following types of contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid-19 with an LFD or PCR test: face-to-face contact including being coughed on or having a face-to-face conversation within 1m been within 1m for 1 minute or longer without face-to-face contact been within 2m of someone for more than 15 minutes (either as a one-off contact, or added up together over one day) travelled in the same vehicle or a plane. 4 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when 1 Staff and pupils travelling from abroad will adhere to travel legislation as set out in Government travel advice. Primary staff will be asked to voluntarily participate in asymptomatic testing at home and will be provided with kits for future testing. At Moor Row testing will be completed on Wednesday and Sunday evenings. Text HT directly by 7pm on the day of testing if test positive – this will allow for staffing to be organised he day before. Individual risk assessments are completed for all Clinically Extremely Vulnerable staff and pupils with any extra precautions identified to minimise the risk of exposure to the virus. Where necessary referrals will be made to our occupational health provider. Normal absence and wellbeing reporting procedures are followed. All staff will adhere to any instructions, advice, guidance, and site rules provided to them including hand and respiratory hygiene and where identified, social distancing and use of face coverings. 1 Those aged 11 to 17 need proof of a negative COVID-19 test to travel to England (children aged 10 and under are exempt from this) and those aged 5 to 17 must take a COVID-19 travel test on or before day 2. More information is provided in the government’s quarantine and testing guidance 5 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when Staff are responsible for ensuring that they are up-to-date with their own routine immunisations. Staff are encouraged to download the NHS COVID-19 app and follow the government guidance Use of the NHS COVID-19 app in education and childcare settings We will continue to encourage staff to take up the offer of vaccination and will support them to attend booked vaccine appointments during term time. We will continue to stagger drop off, pick up, lunchtimes and breaks to ensure continuous safe management until October half term and then review. We will continue to encourage staff to remain on site during lunch breaks. Where this is not possible we will ask that they take added precautions such as using face coverings in busy or crowded areas. As much as is comfortably possible classrooms will be well ventilated. Until October half term whole school gatherings for events such as assemblies will held online or weather permitting outside. Classrooms to be arranged in hose shoes and / or rows – CT choice. 6 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when Hazards relating to visitors 10 Contact details of 8 - Medium AB to take We will continue to ask visitors to sign in and coming into the setting Medium visitors we be collected Risk contact use the hand sanitiser available at the entrance. Risk by office in case of details of L5 x S2 We will continue where possible to check in contact with positive L4x S2 visitors. advance with visitors that they are not cases – via visitor experiencing symptoms. signing in sheet. AB / JB to We will encourage visitors and visiting contact specialists to take a Lateral Flow Test prior to visitor if the visit. positive case Key contractors carrying out critical/essential linked to works will be made aware of this risk close assessment. contact. Visitors to school will be asked to wear a face covering when walking through the school I corridors and communal areas. Majority of parents not to be invited into school until after half term except for specific SENDCO meetings. Governor meetings will continue over Zoom until October half ter. – review. Hazards relating to close 12 Headteacher/SLT will continue to determine We will follow the 8 Daily contact with asymptomatic Medium arrangements to manage pupil groups appropriate Medium increased persons Risk dependent on the school circumstances, with Information for Risk cleaning will the aim of minimising contact between schools and early L4 x S2 continue until L4 x S3 individuals and maintain social distancing years settings October half term – review wherever possible. provided by the by HT. Public Health team regarding the 7 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when Children will continue to be supported to different threshold Hand maintain social distancing and encouraged not levels and washing to touch staff where possible. introduce measures mandatory All staff with younger children and children with in line with each as soon as level. staff/pupils complex needs or who need close personal We may reintroduce enter the care will continue to try to maintain their building. distance and minimise time spent within 1 metre bubbles for temporary Staff to of anyone. periods to reduce oversee. We will continue to keep a small supply of face mixing between groups masks. in the event of a local Parents Staff will have a personal choice as to whether outbreak situation. testing to wear masks in own classroom as in regular positive via 3 contact with pupils. If staff moving around the adult visitors will be PCR test will school into different classes if in close contact asked to wear face have staff to wear a mask or to keep a distance of 1m coverings when parental without a mask. Staff may want to wear a moving around the choice as to school in corridors and whether to mask when talking to parents on the gate. communal areas. send children We will continue to encourage all staff to into school – undertake twice weekly home tests. absence We will continue to authorised. maintain records of all visitors to Staff build support the NHS hand Track and Trace washing 3 Face coverings: when to wear one, exemptions, and how to make your own 8 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when programme where routines in to necessary. school day Sinks within classrooms to be used. Twice weekly LFT at home. Positive cases reported directly to HT followed by PCR test. Ht to report to PHE. Hazards relating to close 12 We will continue to follow public health advice 4 We will 8 Pupils to be contact with symptomatic Medium on testing, self-isolation and management of encourage staff to Medium sent home persons Risk confirmed cases of COVID-19. take a PCR test if Risk immediately L4 x S3 We will send home anyone who develops they are contacted L4 x S2 with symptoms, however mild whilst in school. by NHS Track and minimum We will continue to make a space available for Trace contact with any symptomatic pupil who is awaiting collection other people. – EYFS overflow classroom. 4 Staff who do not need to isolate, and children and young people aged under 18 years 6 months who usually attend school, and have been identified as a close contact, should continue to attend school as normal. They do not need to wear a face covering within the school, but it is expected and recommended that these are worn when travelling on public or dedicated transport. 9 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when We will ensure that there is adequate ventilation We will arrange for Close in the room and a supply of PPE available in the pupil to be contact letter case close contact is necessary. collected rather / text to be We will ensure that appropriate adult than use sent home supervision is available. public/dedicated advising We will ensure that the space is thoroughly school transport. parents to cleaned once the pupil has been collected. look out for symptoms. Parents testing positive via PCR test will have parental choice as to whether to send children into school – absence authorised Hazards in relation to poor 10 We will continue to encourage and remind about Pupil allergies 8 - Medium Daily cleaning/ hygiene/waste Medium frequent and thorough hand-cleaning for all staff identified where Risk increased management Risk and pupils and maintain adequate supplies of applicable. cleaning will L5 x S2 soap and hand sanitiser. L4 x S2 continue until Inadequate cleaning and We will continue to remind pupils to discard October half hygiene processes used paper towels in the bins provided. term – review by HT. 10 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when Cleaning regimes will be maintained and will Hand include regular cleaning of areas and equipment washing and frequently-touched surfaces as detailed in mandatory the current PHE guidance COVID-19 Cleaning as soon as in non-healthcare settings staff/pupils Extra cleaning will continue until October half enter the term and then further reviewed. building. We will continue to ensure that shared Staff to resources are cleaned regularly and rotated oversee where possible. Staff build We have copies of all relevant safety data hand sheets for sanitising products used. washing Electric hand dryers are subject to planned routines in to maintenance as identified in manufacturers school day recommendations. Sinks within Local school-specific risk assessments will classrooms identify additional control measures to be to be used. followed to prevent cross contamination and infection, e.g., cleaning/kitchen RA’s. Hazards in relation to 12 We have a staffing plan in place to ensure safe Any positive LFT 9 Any positive shortage of staff due to Medium staffing levels are achievable, agreed, results to be notified to Medium LFT results infection or isolation Risk established, and monitored appropriate to group HT by 7pm to ensue Risk to be notified L4 x S3 sizes/pupil needs and the activities required. staffing can be L3 x S3 to HT by 7pm Ratios are based on appropriate risk organised for the to ensue assessments. following day. staffing can All employees are advised of and offered be organised vaccination cover. for the 11 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when following day. Hazards in relation to staff 10 5Pupils - separate individual risk 8 – Medium Daily and pupils deemed high Medium assessment/healthcare/behaviour management Risk increased risk due to underlying or Risk plans and external support is accessed where L4x S2 cleaning will pre-existing health L5 x S2 required to determine if the child or young continue until conditions, and pregnant person can safely attend the setting where one- October half women to-one care or support is not available for them. term – review We will continue to follow the government 6 by HT. guidance for Clinically Extremely Vulnerable (CEV) people and ensure that individual risk Hand assessments are carried out and any additional washing measures put in place to ensure their safety. mandatory We will acknowledge advice from the individual’s as soon as clinician who has advised that a CEV person staff/pupils cannot attend the setting. enter the 7We will continue to encourage staff who may be building. at increased risk from COVID-19 to raise their Staff to concerns with the headteacher/SLT, who will oversee. explain the measures the school is putting in place to reduce the risk. Where We will continue to follow the 8Coronavirus required (COVID-19) advice for pregnant employees ipads will be supplied for 5 Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions 6 Guidance on shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely vulnerable from COVID-19 7 Protect vulnerable workers - Working safely during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic ( 8 Guidance provided by the HSE, The Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists and the Royal College of Midwives 12 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when Individual risk assessments will be completed 9 We will support online for all female staff who have given notification and encourage our learning and that they are pregnant. pregnant staff to agreement We will ensure that remote access is available take up the offer of signed by to any pupil who is unable to attend school due vaccination. parents. clinical or public health advice -Showbie on line conferencing. Hazards in relation to the 10 We will promote safe transport guidance to staff Protocols will 8 - Medium AB to liaise use of transport and travel Medium and parents and continue to encourage where remain in place for Risk with school (public transport, Risk possible to avoid/limit the use of public drop off and pick up. L4x S2 transport dedicated school transport L5 x S2 transport. We will continue to and educational visits) We will follow government guidance and record how continue to recommend that children and young everyone, travels to people aged 11 and over wear face coverings and from school (to AB to when travelling to school on dedicated school support NHS Test request transport. and Trace). information A Transport risk assessment is available for from parents SEND children. AB to provide All SEND children have individual risk current assessments in place for transport purposes. advice for Transport providers will continue to follow parents appropriate controls as highlighted in their code of practice. Pupils who have travelled to school on public or dedicated transport will be reminded about 9 Pregnancy, breastfeeding, fertility and coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccination - NHS ( 13 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when good hygiene practices when putting on, removing and storing their face coverings. 10We will refer to the EVOLVE website for additional guidance regarding the resumption of educational daytrips and residential visits. Hazards in relation to pupil 10 - Whole-school stress risk assessment in place. The Local Authority 8 – Medium All staff and staff wellbeing Medium Where staff report work-related issues, have produced the Risk adhere to and mental health Risk individual stress risk assessments will be following guidance L4 x S2 Staff L5 x S2 carried out in line with HSE guidance. Coronavirus – getting Wellbeing Preventing ill health due to Staff will be referred to occupational health as back to school: Policy and anxiety and work-related early as possible. Supporting emotional follow HSE stress Good communication measures are in place wellbeing and learning guidance and maintained with staff. The Local Authority have produced the following Headteacher, guidance Coronavirus - getting back to school - SLT (HMcQ), Supporting emotional wellbeing and learning Weekly We have access to useful links and sources of review support through Promoting and supporting meetings mental health and wellbeing in schools staff and pupils for ongoing support Staff suffering from ‘Post- 9 Arrangements will be in place to ensure that any Individual risk Individual COVID Syndrome’ Medium staff member returning to work following a assessments to be risk Risk COVID-19 infection and potentially suffering carried out. assessment 10 Local Authority schools must make use of the EVOLVE Notification and Approval System. They will be expected to follow the normal process of risk assessment and log all educational visits onto the EVOLVE database 14 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when returning to work following L3 x S3 from ‘Long COVID’ is fully supported in their Your COVID to be COVID-19 infection return to work. Recovery | completed. Referrals to occupational health will be made Supporting your where required. recovery after COVID-19 Hazards due to the lack of 10 Local risk assessments/individual healthcare Where required 8 – Medium Headteacher suitable PPE Medium plans/ behaviour management plans reviewed contact the call Risk Nominated Risk and followed to identify 11PPE requirements in centre to order PPE L4x S2 Health & L5 x S2 line with current guidance. 0800 783 1967 Safety staff 12PPE to be fit for purpose/approved (Manned from 09:00 – member to specification. 17:00 Monday to oversee Where PPE/RPE is provided, staff are provided Friday) with training and instruction in its use. AB to keep a Local compliance to be monitored by stock headteacher as far as reasonably practicable. inventory of Guidance provided to staff in relation to the use supplies, and wearing of their own face coverings. reordering as and when needed. All stock checked for dates 11 PPE provided free to SEND schools will continue as long as supplies continue to be provided at no cost. 12 PPE will be available to order where required (i.e., in the event of an Outbreak) 15 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when Hazards due to verbal and Medium We have a separate risk assessment for dealing Medium HT will act physical abuse of staff risk 9 with violent situations and staff are aware of the risk 6 swiftly on any L3 x 3S control measures L3 x 2S reported Staff are all aware of the school SIGN 04 incidents of Violence and aggression at work. physical or All incidents of verbal or physical abuse will be verbal abuse reported on an 13Accident/incident report form of staff. for inclusion on the E-Safety database. Hazards in relation to Medium Emergency procedures have been reviewed Fire safety drill near Medium AB and JB to managing incidents and risk 6 to ensure that arrangements remain valid for the start of term to be risk 6 organise and emergencies L3 x 2S fire safety management. completed. L3 x 2S implement Suitable follow-up procedures to be taken fire drill. following potential infection exposure Paediatric first aid level incidents (in line with current Public Health 3 training to be AB to identify England and updated HSE RIDDOR updated. and book guidance circulated to schools). relevant At least one person with a paediatric first aid First aid kits to be training. certificate will be on the premises at all checked on a regular times when children aged between 0-24 basis. AB to check months are present. first aid kits – Suitable first aid kits are in place, regularly All off site school visits HS checked and updated to include (where must be accompanied already not supplied) IIR surgical masks, by a level 3 paediatric All trips must rubber gloves and hand sanitisers for close first aider. be contact first aid treatment. accompanied by a level 3 13 Accident Reporting and Investigation - All Documents ( 16 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when First aiders for the premises are issued with paediatric current advice and guidance. first aider. All staff are aware of their responsibilities to report safety concerns, ill health, damage, defects, accidents, or incidents in line with existing school policy. Respiratory syncytial virus 10 - E-School Nurse - support for health conditions | Daily increased 8 – Medium Daily (RSV), Norovirus, Influenza Medium Cumbria County Council cleaning will continue Risk increased and other health Risk Health A to Z - NHS until October half term L4 x S2 cleaning will conditions L5 x S2 Health protection in schools and other childcare – review by HT. continue until facilities October half Hand washing term – review mandatory as soon as by HT. staff/pupils enter the building. Staff to Hand oversee. washing mandatory Catch it Kill it Bin it as soon as Poster on Schools staff/pupils Portal to be enter the displayed around building. school. Staff to oversee Close contact / non- regular contact staff to wear masks. 17 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT Hazard description Potential Current control measures (those that are in Additional control Residual Action and how people are at risk risk place) measures (to be risk details by identified and whom by implemented) when 18 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL MODEL INFECTION PREVENTION CONTROL SCHOOLS OPERATIONS RISK ASSESSMENT To be completed by the individual undertaking the risk assessment: Name: Jacqueline Beavis Job title: Head teacher Signature Date: 1.9.21 To be completed by the headteacher: I consider this risk assessment to be suitable and sufficient to control the risks to the health and safety of both employees undertaking the tasks involved and any other person who may be affected by the activities. Name: Jacqueline Beavis Job title Head teacher Signature: Date: 1.9.21 Useful links and guidance: Schools COVID-19 operational guidance When to self-isolate and what to do - Coronavirus (COVID-19) COVID-19 actions for out-of-school settings SEND and specialist settings - additional operational guidance: COVID-19 The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) in education, childcare and children’s social care settings, including for aerosol generating procedures (AGPs) Outdoor Education Advisory Panel advice on health and safety on educational visits: 19 Model Operations Risk Assessment Aug 21
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