WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud

Page created by Clayton Maldonado
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
March / April 2021 ᴥ Adar ~ Nisan ~ Iyar 5781
                                                  Member of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

                   WE MISS YOU!!

Left to right: Bookkeeper-Katiana Louis, Cantor Allan Robuck, Synagogue Administrative Assistant-
Meryl Poweski, Facilities Assistant-Roy Baryosef, Facilities Assistant-Lindsey Jeffores, Director Youth and
Family Education-Amy Geboff, Executive Director-Rachel Rosenberg O’Brien, Youth Director-Jayme
Epstein, Rabbi David Kay, Education Assistant-Tracey Levy, Facilities Manager-Eddie Rivera
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
PAGE 2 • MARCH / APRIL 2021               CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                  ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

                           Haveirim Y’karim – Dear Friends –
                                                                                DID YOU KNOW
                           It’s been a year, now, since we had to
                                                                               ...that you can reach
                           shut down our synagogue building be-
                                                                                     Rabbi Kay
                           cause of the pandemic. We resumed in-                       on-line?
                           person services – with precautions in            Rabbikay@ohevshalom.org
                           place – in July, but we haven’t had an
                           Oneg Shabbat or Kiddush lunch togeth-         Congregation Ohev Shalom Bulletin
                                                                              Published bi-monthly by
                           er since last March.                             Congregation Ohev Shalom
                                                                           613 Concourse Parkway South
                         In the meantime, we’ve had virtual                     Maitland, FL 32751
                         Passover seders, an all-virtual High             407-298-4650 • fax 407-636-4080

Holidays, and dozens of virtual life-cycle events – including B’nei             PROFESSIONAL STAFF
Mi(vah, funerals and shiv’ah minyanim, holiday celebrations,                           Rabbi David Kay
                                                                              Rabbi Emeritus Aaron D. Rubinger
weddings, and baby-namings. Despite facing challenges we never                       Cantor Allan Robuck
dreamed of in our 103-year history, we’ve come through it all            Executive Director Rachel Rosenberg O’Brien
                                                                         Director, Youth/Family Education Amy Geboff
That’s because of you, our wonderful Ohev Shalom family.                         President: Rachel D. Gebaide
                                                                                 Exec. Vice Pres: Marcy Kast
Now that it seems we can see the light at the end of the pandemic              V.P. Operations: Debby Gendzier
tunnel – not over, but moving steadily in that direction – it’s time       V.P. Youth & Family Ed: Lorraine Kessler
                                                                          V.P. Resource Development: Brett Spector
for some serious hakarat ha-tov. The popular translation for that             V.P. Membership: Nina Oppenheim
Hebrew phrase is “gratitude”, but in this case, I think it’s good to               Secretary: Dan Rothbaum
                                                                                   Treasurer: Eric Schwartz
translate it more literally: “recognizing the good”.                            Parliamentarian: Dana Rusonik
                                                                           Immediate Past President: Steven Hornik
For the last year, we’ve talked about the “silver linings” in the pan-
demic. There have been many – not the least of which is discover-        Melody Apter          Terri Mayle
                                                                         Susan Bodell          Steven A. Newman
ing just how resilient and resourceful, just how strong and adapta-      Jeffrey Bornstein     Craig Novick
ble our congregation truly is. All of us have discovered or devel-       Burton Chasnov        Dan Rothbaum
                                                                         Richard L. Cohen      Dana Rosnik
oped skills we never knew we had or thought we weren’t capable
                                                                         Dan Coultoff          Sandra Saft
of.                                                                      Ed Danuff             Bill Sholk
                                                                         Marc Feuerman         Sara Nathan Stern
From our facilities staff to our professional staff, from our newest       Janet Friedman        Barry Stern
members to those with the most longevity, from our volunteers to         Robert Gamson         Mark Stone
                                                                         Denise Ganson         Tom Wolfe
our board and officers – every one of you has played an invaluable         Lindsey Gluck         Shelley Fenton-Zeira
part, not only in keeping Ohev Shalom open, but keeping is dy-           Stacy Gotlib
                                                                         Richard Heller
namic and relevant.                                                      Sandra Herman
                                                                         Stuart Kimball
I sincerely hope that each of you not only recognizes the good in
the other members of our Ohev Shalom family, but that you truly                MEN’S CLUB CO-PRESIDENTS
                                                                                Elliott Davis & Steve Herman
recognize the good in yourself. A crisis like this one brings out the
                                                                              SISTERHOOD CO-PRESIDENTS
true nature of both people and institutions. We can feel gratified                 Es Cohen & Sandi Saft
that our synagogue has shown itself to be a fine example of what a
                                                                                    EDITORIAL STAFF
k’hillah k’doshah, a sacred community, should be.                          Debbie Bornstein    Meryl Poweski
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781              CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 3

                              Dear Friends:             love learning new things that they learned at camp
                                                        or on the radio. Have you ever listened to Jewish
                              I’m writing this a few
                                                        Rock Radio? Check it out on the internet. You
                              days after the COS
                                                        will be amazed and surprised by all the wonderful
                              Gala. If you missed it,
                                                        new music being performed.
                              let me tell you that it
                              was spectacular.      I   It is not only the kid’s music that has changed.
                              don’t understand all      The music of the liturgy is changing all the time.
                              the ins and outs of do-   There are historical melodies and themes which I
                              ing a zoom program.       would never change. Truth be told, I’m singing
The people who did it for us were unbelievable. I       several things that are different now than when I
especially enjoyed the concert by the Maccabeats.       started here. I have entire collections of music of
I’ve been listening to them for a while and I really    South American synagogues. I have collections of
enjoy their singing. If you were unable to a:end, I     music from the Kehillah movement – small con-
strongly suggest you go to you tube and search for      gregations that don’t do all the traditional things
the Maccabeats. They sound great and they are a         that we think are normative but still within the
lot of fun to watch. They also have some serious        scope of Conservative Judaism. On top of that are
pieces which are very moving.                           all the pieces that I play at piano Shabbat. Most of
                                                        them would not work without the piano. That is
Groups like the Maccabeats remind me just how
                                                        perhaps the biggest change of all. Last year I used
much Jewish music has changed in the 30 years
                                                        a new melody that I got from Rabbi Kay for the
since I started at COS.     When I began a:ending
                                                        “Ey( Chayim” prayer at the end of the Torah ser-
services at COS 35 years ago, I heard the same
                                                        vice. It was shocking at first. Now people ask
melodies that I had grown up with. That was very
                                                        when we are going to use it all the time.
comforting. Once I became the Hazzan, it started
to become seriously mundane.           The more I       I hope that, like me, you are finding new meaning
learned, the more surprised I was at the variety of     in the liturgy through these new melodies. They
new music that was available. Later I was able to       have invigorated my singing and my a:itude. I
participate with Visions, our female trio. Not only     hope you will give it a chance when you hear
did they sing some of the new songs that were           something unfamiliar. If we do it enough, it be-
coming out, but we composed several pieces. The         comes the norm and not the change. It keeps our
Adon Olam I wrote for them is still sung in several     services a living, breathing entity. To use my fa-
synagogues around the USA.                              vorite quote from literature, “all movement is rela-
                                                        tive. Sometimes you change by not moving.” I’ve
The music in the Hebrew School is vastly different
                                                        got to keep changing just to keep up.
than it was when I started. There are hundreds of
new Jewish musicians pu:ing out recordings. We                                                      L’shalom,
still sing some of the old favorites, but the kids                                              Cantor Robuck
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
PAGE 4 • MARCH / APRIL 2021                  CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM               ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

                              Dear Friends,               KIDDUSH LUNCHEONS

                              2021 GALA                   The Reopening Task Force, which worked tireless-
                                                          ly to allow COS to reopen safely for in-person ser-
                              Thank you to everyone
                                                          vices and other limited face-to-face opportunities,
                              who a:ended Congre-
                                                          is meeting this week to discuss when and how to
                              gation Ohev Shalom’s
                                                          offer kiddush luncheons and other on-site meals as
                              first-ever Virtual Gala!
                                                          well as how best to facilitate an in-person rabbinic
                              While I confess that I
                                                          visit. The task force includes medical professionals
                              hope it will be our last-
                                                          and reviews guidance from the CDC and a major
                              ever virtual gala, we
                                                          hospital system. We will not make these decisions
                              were fortunate to have
                                                          lightly, and we appreciate your continued pa-
entertainment that likely would not have been pos-
sible but for the virtual format. Tamir Goodman
inspired us with his experiences on the basketball        WE’RE GOING TO ISRAEL!
court and perspectives off the court, and the al-
                                                          When Tom Brady and Gronk announced “We’re
ways-fun Maccabeats entertained while we en-
                                                          going to Disney World!“ after the Tampa Bay Bucs
joyed delicious dinners delivered to our homes by
                                                          won the Super Bowl in their home stadium, I con-
Arthur’s Catering. Thank you to Bre: Spector, Ra-
                                                          sidered how many people were forced to postpone
chel Rosenberg O’Brien, the entire Gala team, and
                                                          or cancel their dream vacations, including long-
our sponsors for their work and support to make
                                                          awaited plans to visit Israel. When international
this year’s Gala a success!
                                                          travel resumes with some normalcy, I would love
RABBINIC SEARCH                                           return to Israel to visit family and soak up the
                                                          beauty of our homeland. At the beginning of the
Ohev Shalom continues to engage in our Rabbinic
                                                          pandemic, COS joined with JNF for a virtual tour
Search.   As the commi:ee co-chairs previously
                                                          of Israel.   I look forward to the time, hopefully
shared, we are continuing our conversation with
                                                          soon, when we can begin to talk seriously about an
Rabbi Werbin and the search process remains open
                                                          actual, in-person, congregational trip to Israel.
to new candidates. We are hopeful that the Rab-
binical Assembly’s “travel ban” for congregations         I hope to see everyone soon. As always, if you
and rabbis “in search” will be lifted soon so that        have any questions or concerns, please contact me
we can safely host candidates in-person. Thank            at COSPresident613@gmail.com.
you to the dedicated members of the Rabbinic
Search Commi:ee as we continue with this process
                                                                                              Rachel D. Gebaide
and to every member of our congregation who has
participated in the focus groups and virtual visits.
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM              MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 5

                             Wow COS - you really      Even though COS may feel a bit distant or differ-
                             know how to make          ent because of COVID, we are here, learning,
                             someone feel welcome!     building, and enhancing this incredible communi-
                             Since my very first day    ty for your return. Every day I am having discus-
                             on January 4th, I have    sions about what COS will look like when we can
                             been   embraced   with    fully return to the building for High Holidays,
                             open arms into this       Kiddush lunches and other Simchas. Stay tuned…
                             amazing    community.     I cannot wait to meet you!
There have been cards, plants, lots of emails and a
few in-person visits, with masks of course!

Throughout all these interactions, I have been giv-
en pieces of information and bits advice from pas-
sionate members to help me learn how to care for
their beloved congregation. A couple of times I
have heard, “You may already know this…” In
most of these cases, however, the story that fol-           COS Judaica Shop
lowed was one I had not heard before. Each new
story is a new puzzle piece that connects me to the
larger story of how the amazing COS community
works, and how I can serve.                                    PASSOVER IS COMING!!
                                                             Do you need a Seder Plate?
You do not know me yet and I hope we will meet
                                                                       We carry:
each other very soon, but one thing you should
                                                           Matzah Covers • Matzah Holders
                                                              Mezuzahs • Yads • Shofars
WORK! I enjoy all the details, the stories, the his-
                                                            Washing Cups • Kiddish Cups
tory, and relationships which have brought us to             Candlesticks • Havdalah Sets
this point. So, keep your stories coming! As we             Talit • Challah Boards & More.
get to know each other, I hope you will share your                Tuesday 10:30AM-1:00PM
knowledge and history with me, as well as your                    Wednesday 2:00PM-4:30PM
                                                                  Thursday 11:00AM-1:30PM
wishes for the future of COS.       It will help me
learn, understand, and appreciate all the connec-
                                                                      or by appointment!
tions our members have to this rich community
                                                               Please call Robin at 407.463.4736
and how you would like to connect in the future.
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
PAGE 6 • MARCH / APRIL 2021             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                     ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

                                                   COS Sisterhood
      E C               S S                   A place for Jewish women to connect, learn and contribute

Passover was a special time in my house when I            Passover, we must tell the stories of the women
was growing up. Perhaps the beginning of “early           who played a crucial role in the Exodus narrative.
spring cleaning” when my mom would start in the
                                                          There is Yocheved, Moses’ mother, and Shifra and
kitchen by clearing the kitchen cabinets of Not Ko-
                                                          Puah, the famous midwives that helped save Isra-
sher for Passover foods and then move to the refrig-
                                                          elite boys from death. There is Pharaoh’s daughter
erator to clean it out.
                                                          Batya, who defied her own father and pulls baby
The regularly-used dishes, pots and pans were             Moses out of the Nile. And there is Miriam, Moses’
carefully boxed up. Then we went down to the              sister. Miriam, along with her two brothers, pro-
basement to haul all the dishes and other pots and        vided the Jewish people with the ingredients nec-
pans back up to be used for the upcoming holiday.         essary for redemption. All three led the Jewish
I still remember the circus glass bowls we used for       people in their own way: Moses by teaching Torah,
soup! Yes, we were ge:ing ready for Pesach.               Aaron by his service as the high priest, and Miriam
                                                          by teaching the women.
Passover Seders were ALWAYS held at Bubbe and
Zayde’s house. The smells of the holiday still reso-      These aforementioned women had a vision leading
nate with me. The Maxwell House Haggadahs…                out of the darkness surrounding their world. They
had the red wine and charoset “stains” from the           were women of action, prepared to defy authority
use of the previous year. And Zayde…he conduct-           to make their vision a reality immersed in the light
ed the ENTIRE Pesach service. OY! It was certainly        of the day.
a late night. And no dishwasher was availa-
                                                          A fairly new ritual at some Passover Seder tables
ble….my cousins and I washed and dried every-
                                                          to honor Miriam is the Miriam’s Cup. It stands be-
                                                          sides Elijah’s Cup. Unlike Elijah’s Cup, which is
On Passover, Jews are charged with sharing the            filled with wine, Miriam’s Cup is filled with water.
story of the Exodus, going from slavery to freedom        It serves as a symbol of Miriam’s Well, which was
and to see ourselves as having lived through that         the source of water for the Israelites in the desert.
story, so that we may be:er learn how to be:er live       Pu:ing a Miriam’s Cup on your table is a way of
our lives. The stories we tell our children shape
what they believe to be possible—which is why at                                        (Sisterhood continued on page 7)
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781            CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                  MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 7

MEMBERSHIP MINUTE                                    Sisterhood (continued from page 6)
                      Get ready for something        making your seder more inclusive of the women
                      new for our members!           of Passover.
                      The membership commi:ee        It is also a way of drawing a:ention to the im-
                      is planning a networking       portance of Miriam and the other women of the
                      group to support our COS       Exodus story, women who have sometimes been
                                                     overlooked but about whom our tradition says, “If
                       “GIVE HELP/GET HELP” =        it wasn’t for the righteousness of women of that
                      (GH)²                          generation we would not have been redeemed
Our congregation is here for YOU, our members -      from Egypt” (Babylonian Talmud, Sotah 9b).
especially now and…always!                           What are some of your favorite Passover memo-
We are seeking members to mentor as well as to be    ries? What special women have made a positive
mentored. Perhaps you need help or can give help     impact in your life? Over the next week, give that
to someone who needs to write a resume, practice     some thought because in March, the Sisterhood
job interviewing, assess professional development    will host a special Miriam’s Cup event.
or business planning. We need YOU! Watch for
                                                     Lead by Penny Goldstein, we will paint a Miriam’s
emails with more information and sign-up forms.
                                                     Cup that can be used during your Pesach Seder.
If you have any membership needs, please contact     We will share our many fond memories as we
me, Nina Oppenheim, ninaopp1@gmail.com.
                                                     paint! Details will be provided as the date and
In the meantime, please keep safe and stay well.     time is finalized, so watch your Ohev emails from
                                           Warmly,   Sisterhood!
                                              Nina   Other upcoming Sisterhood programs include a
                                                     trivia night in April, Spring college outreach, re-
                                                     shaping Third Thursdays, learning programs and

                                                     On behalf of the wonderful, strong and dedicated
                                                     women of the Sisterhood, Sandi Saft, Co-Executive
                                                     Leader, joins me as together we happily say,
                                                     “Chag Pesach Samech!”

                                                                                           With warm hugs,
                                                                              Es Cohen, Co- Executive Leader
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
PAGE 8 • MARCH / APRIL 2021             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

                               Youth and Family Education
                      From Amy Geboff, Director of Youth and Family Education

                       It is hard to believe that it   in August we will be face to face and if needed,
                       has been a year since the       offer a zoom track for those not ready to return in
                       Pandemic changed how we         person.
                       live. Schools went virtual,
                                                       In just a few weeks we will be celebrating Passo-
                       Zoom Seders became a
                                                       ver. This year some may be in person outside or
                       thing, camps and summer
                                                       in their bubble or be with family and friends all
                       programs started being can-
                                                       over the country and world on zoom. Passover
                       celled, ge:ing a haircut was
                                                       commemorates our exodus from 400 years of slav-
                       impossible,    and     travel
                                                       ery to freedom and the beginning of our wander-
stopped. For our youth and families, no MA-
                                                       ing until we reached the land of Israel. Could the
CHANEH OHEV, no annual Spring play, no USY
                                                       pandemic be a modern day plague, a reminder
conventions, no in person Shabbat Kavod or grad-
                                                       from God that we are partners with God to take
uation. We all thought by August we would be
                                                       care of the world and each other? As Jews, we be-
back to normal. Now a year later we are not out of
                                                       lieve that we have free will and can make choices.
the woods, but we have learned to adapt and be
                                                       The choices we make have consequences that im-
creative and have learned new ways of communi-
                                                       pact not only ourselves, but others.
cating, teaching and interacting much of which
will broaden our ability to reach people when life     Is there a positive lesson from any of this? In the
returns to normal. We are slowly adding more           Torah and in the Haggadah we see that God says
face to face programs. We are planning on MA-          to the Jewish people often, “I am the Lord your
CHANEH OHEV 2021 the first week of June and             God who took you out of the land of Egypt.” We
expect to have the same fun as always with a           are constantly reminded that had God not inter-
smaller camp and some changes in our proce-            vened through Moses, we might still be in slavery.
dures. I also believe that when we return to school                                 (School continued on page 11)

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ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781            CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                   MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 9

                                                        with the Shinshiniot from the Roth Family JCC to
                                                        bring a 3-Part Series to all of our 8th - 12th graders.
                      Shalom All,
                                                        The series, An Inside Look on Israeli Politics, will
                      I cannot believe that as I am
                                                        teach our teens about the political parties, climate,
                      writing this,    we   are   ap-   and more through discussion, games, and art. This
                      proaching one year into this      program will help to prepare our students when
                      pandemic. It has certainly
                                                        they are faced with anti-Zionism in school or any-
                      been an interesting year filled
                                                        where. Registration can be found on the Ohev Sha-
                      with highs and lows for eve-
                                                        lom website. This series is open to both members
ryone. I remember last March being the first of my
                                                        and non-members.
friends to host a virtual birthday dinner. I never
                                                        If you are not receiving my weekly email update
thought that I would be planning for that again this
                                                        of programs, and would like to be added to my
year, but alas, here we are. However, at Ohev, the
                                                        distribution    list,   send   me    an     email      at
youth department is not le:ing this pandemic hold
                                                        youth@ohevshalom.org. As always, I love hearing
us back or get the best of us. We have hosted an
                                                        your feedback. Please reach out at any time.
array of programs and will continue to do so, as
long as we can continue to do it safely.                                                             L’Shalom,
                                                                                                  Jayme Epstein
February was a great month of programs. We were
able to host Hamentashen bakes for our Olim and
Kadima groups, have our Tie
Dye/Nerf War Extravaganza
for     COSUSY,    and       DDD
(Dinner, Daber, D’var) contin-
ued with new students joining
in on the discussion. Looking
forward to March and April,
we will have just as many
wonderful programs. We will
be hosting Chocolate Seders
for Olim and Kadima on Sun-
day, March 7th. Registration is
open for these programs on
ohevshalom.org. COSUSY will
be hosting Israel programs,
Kabbalat and Kibbi( at Lake
Lily, Passover programs and

We are excited to be partnering
WE MISS YOU!! - ShulCloud
PAGE 10 • MARCH / APRIL 2021             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

                                                        COS Men’s Club Update
    E  D        S H

The COS Men’s Club is actively working on plan-         is to provide a forum for discussion, dissemination
ning and implementing programs for the syna-            of information and provide support to our com-
gogue membership and the community at large,            munity to help prevent substance use disorders,
with a focus on social distancing and virtual activi-   provide support groups for those in need, and pro-
ties in order to maintain a safe environment during     vide reference information for those looking for
the pandemic.                                           support. We hope to encourage the community to
                                                        more openly discuss substance use disorder issues
The Men’s Club organizes a monthly bike ride on
                                                        and thereby reduce the stigma and embarrassment
the first Sunday of each month at the popular Sem-
                                                        felt by many in our community.
inole Wekiva Trail. The Seminole Wekiva Trail
heads almost due north for 13 miles through Semi-       The approach to B’ri’ut will be scheduled in multi-
nole County starting at the San Sebastian Trailhead     ple programs. The first program will take the front
off SR 436 in Altamonte Springs. It runs east of SR      line personnel (those who have contact with mem-
434, and ending at its current terminus just south      bers of their organization, congregants, etc.) and
of SR 46 near Sanford. The next 3 rides are sched-      provide orientation and education at a 1/2 day ses-
uled for Sunday, March 7 at 8:30 a.m., Sunday,          sion, scheduled for Thursday, March 4th, focusing
April 11th at 8:30 a.m. and Sunday, May 2, 2021 at      on how to recognize substance use disorders. We
8:30 a.m. Men, women and teens can all partici-         will include guest speakers who have dealt with
pate. Riders need not be expert bicycle riders. The     substance use situations. The second portion will
rides start and end at the same location.               be a full day, scheduled for Sunday, March 7th and
                                                        will include training on how to interact and deal
Due to COVID-19 and the current state of Saturday
                                                        with someone needing assistance. Both sessions
services in the sanctuary, the annual Men’s Club
                                                        will be led by certified trainers.
Shabbat scheduled for Saturday, March 20th has
been postponed to late August.                          COS Men’s Club has started an online Bridge
                                                        Group and ALL are welcome. It requires internet
The COS Men’s Club, in collaboration with 14 local
                                                        access and a laptop/computer to access the website
Jewish organizations, have recognized a need for a
                                                        and play – the screens on cell phones are too small.
program that addresses substance abuse. We all
                                                        We play this while on a zoom call so we can kib-
feel an urgency to move quickly to get this pro-
                                                        bi( while we play. The zoom can be on a cell
gram up and running. We have invited all com-
                                                        phone or most of us just leave the zoom app open
munity Rabbis, Cantors, Educators, and Executive
                                                        in the background on the same device that we play
Directors. The program is called B’ri’ut.
                                                                                  (Men’s Club continued on page 12)
B’ri’ut is Hebrew for “acceptance.” Our objective
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781            CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                 MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 11

School (continued from page 8                          facilities, the importance of checking in on our old-
                                                       er adults and anyone who lives alone. The list of
Had we not been in slavery, we would not have          heroes goes on. One might think, ok, I get the con-
wandered in the desert receiving the Torah and         cept but isn’t it going to the extreme to make the
therefore would not be the Jewish people. The ex-      point? I will let you draw your own conclusions.
perience of slavery was no doubt horrible. There
                                                       We are coming closer to the end of our school
were generations of Jews who were born and died
                                                       year. We have a wonderful variety of experiences
in slavery. In life we need to understand sadness
                                                       and programs both in person and on zoom from
and hardship to appreciate happiness. Had we
                                                       our youth groups, to school to programs for fami-
not been slaves, we probably would not appreciate
                                                       lies with young children. We hope you will join
the gift of the Torah and the gift of freedom. The
pandemic has taken a half million lives, people are
out of work and behind in bills, long haulers are      As you sit at your Passover table, take the oppor-
still having difficulty and the emotional impact is      tunity to appreciate the good things in your life
just coming to the surface. We have been able to       and remember our responsibility to take care of
see the kindness of strangers, the incredible dedi-    those less fortunate than us.
cation of teachers, the daily risks that health care                        I wish you Chag Pesach Sameach.
workers, first responders, grocery store employees
are taking, the commitment of staff in senior living

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PAGE 12 • MARCH / APRIL 2021            CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM               ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

Men’s Club (continued from page 10)                   to the congregation in late February. The Men’s
                                                      Club Mensch for February was Jerry Leibman and
on. Bridge requires 4 people to play and no real      the Mensch for March is Michael Wheeler. There is
experience is required – we can teach you. If you     a link to the newsle:er on the COS Week at a
know how to play spades, then you know half the       Glance email sent out Friday afternoons.
rules. We break people up into tables of 4 and
move you into separate zoom rooms to keep the
                                                        Ellio. Davis and Dr. Steven Herman – Co-Presidents
zoom noise down while we play. We use Bridge-
Base.com to play and you just need to create a free
account. There is no cost to play. Once you create
an account, send Jim Tinkoff (jtinkoff@cfl.rr.com)       Pictures from some of the Ma’Asim Tovim
or Andy Rosen (andy@pineloch.com) an email            Volunteers. If interested please contact
with your BridgeBase ID, your email address and       Dolores Indek or Richard Schwartz
if you already know how to play. If you and your
spouse are playing, let us know if you want to play
as partners. Currently we play Tuesdays at 4 p.m.
and will send out emails a day or two before with
the table/partner assignments and then just join us
that Tuesday at 4p.m. If you are interested, let us
know and we will contact you with more detailed
In America, Yom HaShoah Remembrance Day is
Thursday, April 8, 2021. The Candle is Yellow to
remind us of the Yellow Star Jews were forced to
wear to identify them as Jews and open them to
ridicule and persecution. Light a candle the even-
ing of April 7 and make it visible by an outside
The monthly Men’s Club newsle:er was emailed
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                   MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 13

                                                                         Note: You can submit “Ask the
                                                                         Rabbi” questions by e-mail at

                                                        by RABBI DAVID KAY

Dear Rabbi                                               There are conditions, of course. The food must be
                                                         kept separate. Anything left over must be flushed
As if preparing for Passover isn’t stressful enough –
                                                         away or otherwise removed from the home per-
this year, it starts on Saturday night! So, does that
                                                         manently and irretrievably. We must be extremely
mean an extra day of ma0ah?
                                                         careful that no crumbs or other food residue re-
               - Already Withdrawing from Leavening
                                                         mains. It’s best to use only disposable dishes and
                                                         utensils and to shake out the tablecloth outdoors,

Dear AWL –                                               then store it away with other non-Passover items.

The answer is, predictably enough, “Yes…and              Most important, the meal on Shabbat morning

no.”                                                     must be complete by the fourth hour from sunrise,
                                                         or about 11:15 AM in Orlando this year
Because we may not cook or make preparations
for Pesach on Shabbat, everything gets pushed
back one day: b’dikat hamei0 (search for leaven) is      A much less challenging approach, however, is to

done Thursday evening, rather than Friday even-          have full kosher-for-Passover meals on Shabbat,

ing; bi’ur hame0 (burning/nullification of leaven) is     and   use      ma0ah ashirah   (literally,   “enriched

done Friday morning, rather than Saturday morn-          ma(ah”, be:er known as egg ma(ah). It’s cus-

ing.                                                     tomary to refrain from eating ma(ah at least from
                                                         the day before Pesach, so as to eat it at the Seder
So yes, this means your home must be Passover-
                                                         “with appetite” (b’hipazon). Since ma0ah ashirah
ready before Shabbat begins. But that doesn’t nec-
                                                         does not fulfill the obligation for eating ma(ah,
essarily mean an extra day of ma(ah.
                                                         qualifies for saying hamo0i, and can be easily
Ordinarily, we consume no more hamei0 (actual            found kosher-for-Passover.
leavening or anything that may have come in con-
                                                         The Rabbinical Assembly of the Conservative
tact with actual leavening) after bi’ur hamei0 is
                                                         movement publishes a Passover Guide, which is
done. But since we may still eat leavening until the
                                                         updated every year. Ohev Shalom also distributes
fourth hour after sunrise on the day of Erev Pe-
                                                         a condensed version of this guide each year. If you
sach, it is technically possible to have both Friday
                                                         haven’t received yours, please let us know!
night dinner and Shabbat lunch with challah and
non-Passover food.

                                         Saturday, March 6th at 5:30
                                         p.m., we celebrate the Bat
                                         Mivah of Samantha Golden,
                                         daughter of Staci & Steven

                         Saturday, March 13th at 9:30 a.m.
                           we celebrate the Bat Mivah of
                            Sophia Scheinberg, daughter of
                              Rachel & Jeremy Scheinberg.

                                                                       B’nai Mitzvah
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781          CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM              MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 15

1   Jerold & Robin Kaplan                       23 Howard & Pearl LeVowi(

3   Jeffrey & Debra Bornstein                    23 Yashaira & Juliet Gomes

3   Aileen & Edgar Schaked                      24 Richard & Do:ie Appelbaum

5   Craig & Jessica Novick                      24 Peter & Janet Burg

6   Clay Losier & Nicole Mayer                  25 Ryan & Amy LeVowi(

8   Abby & Brian Nelson                         26 Julio & Vicky Hajdenberg

9   Asher & Emily Sherkow                       28 Martin & Sharon White

10 Andrew & Lynda Kleiman                       28 Michael & Jackie Hirsch

10 Sco: & Erika Siegel                          29 Ma:hew Cox & Joyce Ackerbaum Cox

11 Auryt & Nuno Teixeira                        29 Mark & Caryn Israel

11 Miguel & Cheris Munoz                        29 John & Debbie Horowi(

13 Jack & Melanie Gluck                         30 Richard Geller & Gabriela Roitman-Geller

15 Steven Sable & Susan Shapiro                 31 Ofer & Cheryl Ben Tov

16 Robert & Francine Silio

17 Howard & Sivan Goldberg

18 Michael & Naomi Lang

19 Andrea & Joseph Berman

21 Andrew & Karen Reiff

22 Marjorie & Edward Postal


1   Beth & Mark Gruber                   24 Joseph & Dara Lahav

3   Eric Smith & Leah Silver             27 Lester & Gloria Levine

5   Andrew & Marla Rosen                 27 Edward Webman & Marcia Tabak

5   Julie & Hugh Encinias

6   Richard & Ellen Mayer

6   Michael & Renee Libow

8   Howard & Mindy Sakowi(

8   Amanda & Michael Nappi

9   David & Erika Wertheim

12 Henry & Pam Levine
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM             MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 17

1   Marissa Schauder       7   Abigail Siegel      12 Ava Weber              23 Michael Kancher
1   Elijah Losier          7   Allen Saft          13 Leah Aidif             23 Nancy Ludin
2   Karen Gross            7   Sydney Ackerbaum    13 David Sackel           23 Linda Berns
2   Yolanda Barrios            Cox                 13 Gene Josephs           23 Yasmeen Siminou
2   Emma Cohen             7   Miles Saffran        13 Danielle Adler         23 Marc Shapiro
2   Ellio: Countess        7   Siamak Siminou      14 Emily Weinstein        24 Steven Postal
2   Renee Libow            7   Linda Wallerstein   14 Joey Korman            24 David Weinstein
2   William Goldberg       7   Eve Homburger       14 Arianna Wertheim       24 Nathaniel Cohen
2   Julie Encinias         8   Max Abramson        14 Samuel Brower          24 Jayme Epstein
2   Camden Turner          8   Evan Ko(in          15 Evan Losier            24 Mackenzie Coultoff
3   Renee Friedman         8   Shayna Danuff        15 Liliana Wi:            24 Chelsea Jacobson
3   Jeffrey Greenwald       8   Sco: Siegel         15 Jessica Yarmuth        24 Reed Warren
3   Ethan Pollack          8   Joel Sowalsky       15 Rosalind Friedman      25 Lisa Levin
3   Haley Codron           8   Lisa Rosen          15 Alyssa Li:man          25 Helen Krave(ky
3   Daniel Brock           8   Carla Stein         15 Carly Polejes          26 Jonathan Alper
3   Max Ka(en              8   Robin Feuerman      16 Asher Aremband         26 Andrew Rosen
3   Norma Kusne(-          8   Dyan Goodman        16 Micah Greenwald        26 Sandra Applebaum
    Koller                 9   Eli Kahn            16 Bailey Sokoloff         26 Tami Segal
3   Hava Wasserman         9   Michael Mayer       17 Britani Stein          26 Jaydin Moskowi(
3   Andrew Gluck           9   Lyndi Stein         17 Francine Levy          26 Charlo:e Knapp
4   Stan Sujka             10 Sara Stern           17 Robert Neuman          26 Nicole Mayer
4   Parker Davis           10 Ruth Darvin          17 Elina Ratick           27 Rafael Bryskin
4   Marcia Ka(             10 Alexandra Adler      18 Meryl Poweski          27 Madison Reeber
5   Stephanie Engelberg 11 Dagny Nelson            18 Barry Stern            27 Shelley Fleet
5   Steven Koplow          11 Zoe Myers-Bochner    18 Steven Worman          28 Ethan Arace
5   Daron Rebar            11 Erika Brehne         19 Jayden Koren           28 Richard Appelbaum
5   Ma:hew Poweski         11 David Green          19 Rosalie Levy           28 Daniel Rowland
5   Livia Smith            12 Donna Breit          20 Andrew Spector         29 Robert Slavkin
6   Evan Schauder          12 Emily Lipkin         20 Robert Amyx            30 Elaine Goldberg
6   Andrei Sujka           12 Sofie Cohen           21 Be:e Hyman             31 Elizabeth Folgeman
6   Harrison Gorman        12 Ilan Segal           21 Ethan Shear            31 Sonja Marchesano
6   Andrew Reiff            12 Jacob Slavkin        21 Russell Kropp          31 Claude:e Naft
7   Benjamin Brent         12 Lo:ie Cohen          23 Lisa Trabin
PAGE 18 • MARCH / APRIL 2021             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM           ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

1   David Ossin            6   Rebeca-Ann          15 Sari Greenstein       23 Melvin Cohen
2   Edward Abramson            Weinstock           15 Barbara Weiss         23 John Cowin
2   Rebecca Klafter        7   Jeffrey Stein        16 Nancy Faracchio       23 Lee Sisselsky
2   Gilly Shisgal          7   Louis Stern         16 Jacob Buchanan        23 Caryn Israel
2   Sco Greenberg         7   Sandra Roth         16 Melanie Gluck         23 Miriam Josephs
2   Barry Buchalter        7   Sarah Bartle       16 Ken Davis             24 Noa Weil
2   Cori Plotkin           7   Elana Grodin        16 Jordan Amyx           24 Amanda Lent
2   Jason Ko&in            8   Noah Blaher         16 Howard Sackel         24 Yael Rugar
2   Dolores Indek          8   Mason Ka&en         16 Jeffrey Kast           25 Holly Mandelkern
3   Emily Gluck            8   Jean Dolen          17 Jessica Zimmon        25 William Yarmuth
3   Jeffrey Friedman        8   Kaitlyn Giffard      17 Rebecca Stern         25 David Osteen
3   Jared Oppenheim        9   Jonah Goldman Kay   17 Ellio Buren          26 Shirley Terry
3   Jonathan Eichenholz    10 Nancy Hayt           18 Zachary Fenton-Zeira 26 Jessica Levine
4   Sharon White           10 Genie Blaher         18 Gayle Zamore          27 Carly Shapiro
4   Marc Greenstein        10 Jared Sholk          18 Robin Friedman        27 Stephanie Miller
4   Danielle Reeber        11 Joshua Sachs         18 Cristine Goldberg     27 Susan Shapiro
4   Maurice Salamy         11 Leah Krinker         19 Nathan Einhorn        27 Wanda Stanek
4   Aileen Field           11 Alex Andino          19 Laura Kerben LaBoda 27 Sharon Weil
4   Michael Hirsch         11 Robby Kleiman        20 Leah Scheinblum       28 Joan Rosenman
4   Sara Buren             11 Jacquelin Arndt      20 Michael Levin         28 Steven Sable
4   Roxanne Arnon          12 Robert Gamson        20 Melody Apter          28 Rachel Briskman
4   David Zissman          12 Abby Arace           21 Marlee Berman         28 Diane Brown
5   Auryt Teixeira         12 Andy Brenner         21 Naomi Lang            28 Ellio Davis
5   Jeremy Gorovi&         12 Lily Brenner         21 Lois Legg             29 Sari Greenstein
5   Amy Lipkin             12 Hope Grider          21 Ashley Rusonik        29 Tobey Smith
6   Aileen Schaked         13 Ava Kurzon           21 Rachel Selber Kropp   29 Tillie Tauber
6   Gerald Rutberg         13 Alec Reeber          22 Steve Lazare          29 Alexis Lipkin
6   Logan Sheplan          13 Eliezer Barrios      22 Gary Grossman         30 Doris Pines
6   Ian Green              14 Mark Abramson        22 Alexandra Grossman 30 Harriet Moldau
6   Marilyn Schwar&        14 Justin Glener        22 Rebecca Myers         30 Madison Cohen
6   Julien Soll            14 Karen Bogart         22 Janet Friedman        30 Jack Corber
6   Gay Harrison           14 David Feitler        22 Caryn Coultoff         30 Jacob Kaplan
6   Robert London          14 Vita Geller          22 Bruce Hoffen           30 Jonathan Galed
6   Sara Gruber            15 Alyson Toll          23 Laura Felson
6   Judd Lent              15 Hannah Nelson
March 2021                                                                                                Adar ~ Nisan 5781

                                                                                                                                                                 ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781
      SUNDAY                MONDAY             TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY             FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
                      1          17 Adar 2           18 Adar 3               19 Adar 4            20 Adar 5              21 Adar 6            22 Adar

7              23 Adar 8         24 Adar 9               25 Adar 10          26 Adar 11           27 Adar 12             28 Adar 13           29 Adar

                                                                                                                                                                 CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM
14             1 Nisan 15        2 Nisan 16          3 Nisan 17              4 Nisan 18           5 Nisan 19              6 Nisan 20           7 Nisan

21             8 Nisan 22         9 Nisan 23         10 Nisan 24             11 Nisan 25         12 Nisan 26             13 Nisan 27          14 Nisan

                                                                                                                                                         MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 19
28        15 Nissan 29          16 Nissan 30        17 Nissan 31            18 Nissan
April 2021                                                                                                 Nisan ~ Iyar 5781

                                                                                                                                                                 PAGE 20 • MARCH / APRIL 2021
      SUNDAY                MONDAY                TUESDAY                WEDNESDAY            THURSDAY               FRIDAY                 SATURDAY
                                                                                        1           19 Nisan 2                20 Nisan 3          21 Nisan

4          22 Nisan 5            23 Nisan 6             24 Nisan 7             25 Nisan 8           26 Nisan 9                27 Nisan 10         28 Nisan

                                                                                                                                                                 CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM
11         29 Nisan 12           30 Nisan 13                1 Iyar 14             2 Iyar 15              3 Iyar 16              4 Iyar 17               5 Iyar

18             6 Iyar 19              7 Iyar 20              8 Iyar 21            9 Iyar 22          10 Iyar 23                11 Iyar 24              12 Iyar

                                                                                                                                                                 ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781
25             13 Iyar 26            14 Iyar 27             15 Iyar 28           16 Iyar 29          17 Iyar 30                18 Iyar
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781            CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM            MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 21

                                                                                       *Yahrzeit Plaque

FEBRUARY 27—                Isabella Laub           Shirley Appelbaum *      Frank Paul McMicheal
MARCH 5                     Goldie Lax              Irving Arkin *           Solomon Mekonen
Pauline Aboff *              Estelle Ledwitch *      Pearl Baisuck            Benjamin Michelson *
Alan Marvin Altshuler       Jacob Levine            Jacob Basch              Arthur L. Mulberg *
Joseph Asarnow *            Irving Lippton *        Irvin Robert Besman      Dennis Norwood
Anne Axelberg               Abraham Ludwig          Jack Block               Audrey Pearlman
Frances Berkowi *          Israel Mafdali          Haskell Block *          Minna Pearlman
Estelle Berkowi            Seymour Mann            Jack Block               George Pollock
Ritke Birmahaer             Armond Marchesano       Elihu Bogart             Joseph Postal *
Elaine Bleich               Fannie S. Meitin *      Louis Bogart             Sandra R. Prince *
John Bond, Sr               Leib Morgenstern        Jerome Bornstein *       Harry Raff
Helen Brenner               Mindy Moss              Michelle Bornstein       Joseph George Reiff
Meyer Cagan *               Jerry Neuhaus           Jeane-e Raff Brillas *    Harold Rotenberg
Wallace Cardona             Marie Nordmeyer         Abner Byer *             Irving Roth
Louis Cohn                  David Michael OʹBrien   David Cherry             Abraham Salkin
Timothy Richard Dillon      Fay Reilly              Esther Dekelbaum         Marilyn Sall *
Jacob Dorfman               Cheryl Rimerman         Samuel Dershwi          Beverly Scharago
Edith Drukman               Jacob Rosen             Ne-ie Dershwi           Lore-a Schenkel
Samuel Duckman *            Bernard Rosenberg       Sadye Engel              Bernard Schwar
Harold Gaeser *             Bela Rozental           Stanley Marvin Fain *    Paul Schwar
Tillie Geiger               Albert L. Rutberg *     Joseph Farber            Ruth Segal
Charlo-e Gemal              Ethel Saft              Esther Feldman           Sheryl Shankman
Samuel Gessenoff *           Sidney Mark Salkin      Berl Feller              Kopel Shatsman
Hank Goldberg               Susie Lori Salkin       Sadie Fenster            Bessie Shneider
Joseph Goldberg             Samuel Sanderson *      Samuel Fried             George S. Stern
Jay Goldman                 Milton Sarlin           Rose Geller              June Stern
Stanley Goldsmith           Nathan Schenkel         Norman Glucksman         Sheldon Terry *
Abraham Gotlib              Julian Schoenberg       Shay Gold                Myron Volpert *
Hyman Greenberg             Bessie J. Shader *      Ralph Goldman            Nancy Weil
Harry Greenspan *           Stanley Shader          Joyce Goldstein          Zachary Weil
Samuel Gross                Frank Sigal *           Mervyn Green             Melvin H. Weiner *
Eva Grossman                Greta Singer            Thelma Greenberg         Miriam Weinroth
Isidoro Hajdenberg          Seril Slavkin           Carol Haller             William Weinroth
Basil Harrison              Florence Steinman       Rose Fishman Hershey     Sylvia Weinstein *
Benjamin Heyman             Sylvia Stock *          Robert Hornik            Sherwin White
George Hornik               Zohra Suissa            Angela Jacobson          Lillian S. White
Martin Jacobson             Nicholas Trentacoste    Godfrey Joseph           Bruce Whitney
Regina Joseph               Bronislawa Unger *      Rose P. Kaabe *          Jacob Wiesenfeld
Shirley Josephs *           Fred S. Wartell *       Ed Kahan                 Robert Wollisch *
Shirley Kaplan              Robert Weinberger       Berta Kerpner            Abraham Yeroushalmi
Franklin Meyer Kast         Beverly S. White *      Zundel Kessler *         Max Zeidwerg *
Frieda Shirley Kleiman *    Henrie-a Wohl *         Millicent Kopman         Darlene Zelt
Bryan Klein                 Samuel Wolf             Max Lehrman              Rose Zweben *
Rose Koplow                 Pircha Zorfati *        Rachel Lerner
Arlene Kovner                                       Abraham David Levine *   MARCH 13-19
Jack Kraveky *             MARCH 6-12              Bruce Linick             Daniel Abrams *
Lori Krutoy                 Fred Anisman            Shirley Madorsky         Sam Apple *
Joyce Tillie Lassk *        Irving Appelbaum *      Rose Mansberg            Ida Bevi
PAGE 22 • MARCH / APRIL 2021             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM             ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

                                                                                        *Yahrzeit Plaque

Bernard W. Brender         Steven Slotnick *       Sandy Cohen               APRIL 3-9
Albert Cohen               Sarah M. Sulsky *       Charles Davis             Batia Aburus *
Raymond Cohen *            Joseph Wheeler          Lillian Drazin *          Murray Andelman
Rise Cole                  Marcella Wolgel *       Helen Ellias              Curtis Atlbaier
Libby Faracy *                                     Sidney Fine               Annie Baisuck
Jake Fenster               MARCH 20-26             Max Flatow *              William Basch
Harry Fischer              Sarah Allinson          Isaac Friedman *          Albert Jack Berg *
Harry M. Fleet *           Lillian Ballan *        Joe Fri-                  Ellis Berger
Samuel Friedman *          Raye N. Becker *        Shepard Goldberg          Marion Bienstock *
Chelle Friedman            Annie Bubes             William Goldstein         Hyman Brief
Stanley Gerson             Irene Burke             Dora Graff                 Luna Busani
Bessie Goldberg            Rose Krause Chersky *   Bernice Greenewalt        Ruth S. Davidson *
Oscar Goldfarb             Herbert Darvin          Roy A. Hecht *            Daniel D. Ellick *
Philip Goodrich            Joseph Ekin            Grizella Hepner *         Murray Fendel
Max Greenfield *            Renee Feldman           Wolf Kahn                 Roger Ferguson
Harry Haimowi             Bernice Friedman        Geraldine Kaprow *        Ethel Field
Shirley Harrison *         Harvey Goodman          Anna Ka                  Mitchell Fleet
Ida Helfant                Lydia Graves            Irving Kolin              David Frank
Isadore P. Heller *        Alice Green             Esther Lieberman *        Lawrence Goldberg *
Rachel Heller              Salome Green            Jack Meler               Susan Goldenberg
Eugene Israel *            Lois Kramer             Al Packman *              Larry Grider
Eleanor Janovi            Doreen La Torre-e       Ruth Pinsky *             Family Grundman *
Bernard Kantrowi *        Mildred Limero          Kobey Pinsky              Edith Heilbron
Rabbi Gedaliah Kaprow *    Geraldine Lobel         Riva Posner               Juanita Bell Holt
Carl David Ka *           Ross Marsala            Elsie Raff                 Richard Israel *
Deborah Alice Kerben       Saul Meyers             Ernest David Rapp *       Herman Jacobson
Norman Kline               Murray Nusynowi        Elaine Renert             Linda Jacques
Howard Landau              Seymour Rickles         Esther Robinson           Sophie Kamenoff *
Sadie Levine *             Nathan Samuel Rubin     Norman A. Rossman *       Robert Kashuk
Samuel Levine              Ethel Schlafman *       Samuel M. Salamy *        Lauren Kaenstein
Robert Levy                Frieda Schnier          Ethel Scherr *            Pearl Langert
Moe Mann                   Mollie Sheffler *         Morris Schwar *          Natalie Lebovi
Mary Kay McNarney          Jay Smith               Patricia Ann Selznick *   Herman Le=owi *
Jacob M. Meitin *          Benjamin Waisbein       Gilbert Selznick *        Ruth Letvin *
Judy Milbach               Jeffrey Wallerstein      Lloyd Setleis             Cecelia Goldstein Levy
Charlo-e F. Nathan *       Elaine Warshaver        Robert Shapiro            John Lipshi *
Louis Newman *             Samuel Youdelman *      Leonard Shiner            Max London
Lore Oppenheim *                                   Morris Shoff *             Rose Margulis
Nathan Pincus              MARCH 27-APRIL 2        Melvin Siskind            Joseph Meler *
Sheldon Polakoff            Andrew Abramson         Jack Steinberg            Avis Meyers
Sam Pollack                Rita Alpert             Abraham Tinkelman         Dan Moss
Maurice Porth              Morris Asher *          Evelyn Weingarten *       Sol K. Pow
Al Rand                    Lisa Debora Bell        Milton Brian White        Rhoda Robuck
Sam Rothenburg *           Rose Berkowi           Julius Wilpon             Sally Rubenstein
Israel Rozental            Bernard Berman          Alice Wolfman             Stephen Gary Sackel
Yaffa Serrajian *           Goldy Brenner *         Benjamin Worman           Rebecca Schaffer
Florence Shapiro           Rebe Class *            Sylvia Zlatkiss           Daniel N. Scherr *
Gerald Singer              Barney Joseph Cohen *                             Zelda Shey
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781            CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM              MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 23

                                                                                          *Yahrzeit Plaque

Nathan Shmunes              Charles Hurvi            Newton Ellio-            APRIL 24-30
Lorraine Shulman            Frieda Kichler *          Be-y Wohl Elowitch *     Mimi Abel
Lena K. Sigal *             Margaret Krinker          Morris Elowitch *        Stanley Ira Abraham *
Pearl N. Skop               Samuel Landau             Rose Fischer             Randi Chalkin
Simon Stone                 Emanuel Levit             Estelle Fox              Alan Berger
Robert Traeger              Max Ludman *              Rose Freedman            Louis Berkowi
Rachel Treves *             Erwin Marks               Abraham Gampel           Sarah Bernstein
Nathan Unger *              Toby Matuna *             Florence Gluckman        Arnold Blum
Leslie L. Vertes *          Ronya Mirmovitch          Lorraine Goldman         Be-y Cohen
Yoav Zeʹev Weinstein        Alexander Mogyoros        Leo Goldsmith            Arthur Davis
Ruth Wilson                 Gladys Mulberg *          Robert Goldstein         Deon Kaner Dolphin
Jacob Wi-                   Elizabeth Nathan          Mollie Goldstein         David Flax
Joseph Yaghoob-Zar          Meyer Pollack             Benjamin Noah Greene *   Helen Gampel
Chana Zeidwerg *            E-el Rapp *               S.William Gu-entag       George Goldman *
Frances Zissman             Sara Ross *               Jack Haguel              Leah Goldstein
Lawrence Zlatkiss           Sara Rubin                Ruth Bijou Harary        Dorothy Gordon
                            Harry Schiff *             Richard Hornik           Paul Greenberg
APRIL 10-16                 Philip Schwar            Linda Hornik             Abraham Hagle *
Richard S. Adler            David Shkolnik            Lorraine Jablow          Anita Hara
Vera Amar                   Bessie Sulman             Idel Kerszenberg         Elton Herman
Reva G. Andelman *          Lillian Taylor *          Samuel L. Korman *       Monte Herman
Nathan Bach                 Rae Lynne Tuffiash          Morris Kraveky          Stanley Hirschkorn
Charles Bear                Rose Wilpon               Samuel Louis Lebis *     Ivor H. Hughes Jr.
Abram M. Berenson *         W. Eugene Woods *         Harold Lemke *           Alice Israel *
Lester Bernstein            Anne-e Yelowi            Helen Levine *           Merkie Kessler *
George Bilsky               Frances Kamsler Ziffer *   Mel Martin               Billy John Marshall
John Bond, Jr               Stuart Zimmon             Simon Mishkin            Antonie Meyer
Stuart Brager               David Zweben *            Morris Moskowi *        Jean Mi-elman *
Jane Lenore Chernin *       Irving Zweben *           Ruth Myers               Jack Montag
Thomas Chesler                                        Mark Newberger           Madeline Morris
Jacquelyn Cohen             APRIL 17-23               Milton Oponer           Arthur Morris
Ethel O. Cooper *           Dora Ackerman             Marion Pollock           Fri Nussbaum
Morton Lewis Danuff          Paul Alberston            Louis Rand               John Pochintesta
Henry Feinstein             Sarah Altshuler *         David Ri-                Bertha Pollack
Raymond Fingerhood          Sheryl Asarnow            Morton Schiff             Sylvia Ri=in
Aaron Fox                   Miriam Baill              Charlo-e Shiner          Minnie Schreiber
Harry Fraden                Elisa Benchimol           Anna Rachel Siegel *     Eric Schwar
Malcolm Friedman *          Morris Berg *             Miriam L. Skop *         Millie Shayne
Phil Geller                 Sandra Berger             Julius Slansky           Isidor Shneider
Igor Geller                 Rose Bernard              Simon Sonik              Helen Slansky
Michele Gillpatrick         Harvey Breit              Janina Sujka             Melvin Spector
Jonathan Gispan             Samuel L. Bresnick *      Jennie Wartell *         Sol Stein
Ceal Goldman                Jerome Chasnov *          Ben Westerman            Fred Stein
Herbert Gruber              David Cohen               Bertram Wi-enstein       Gordon Toll
May Halper *                Rosella Cohen             Molly Wrona *            Florence Tunis
Juan Hirsch                 Arthur E. Corey *         Ethel YamPolsky          Joseph Wiedman *
Lenore Hirschkorn           Bernard Delin
Albert L. Hummel *
PAGE 24 • MARCH / APRIL 2021             CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                 ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

C C      F    :               mother of Marilyn                Lloyd & Claudia Green in
Barbara Hara Weiss in memory of      Loren & Robert London in                 memory of Mervyn Green,
   my father, Joseph Hara                memory of Karen Soll, mother         father of Lloyd
Marc & Henriea Ka&en in honor           of Michael Soll                  Sarah & Naty Segal in memory of
   of Ellen & Peter Zollman’s        Jay & Leslie Plotkin in memory of        Ruth Segal, mother of Naty
   new grandson                          Maurice Plotkin, father of Jay   Gordon & Lisa Levin in memory
Laurie, Marc, Jason & Jake Smith     Susan & David Hochstadt in               of Harold Levin, father of
   in memory of Sondra Cohen,            memory of Ida Moczan, moth-          Gordon
   mother of Robin Friedman              er of Susan                      Fran Lepow in memory of my sis-
Hank & Pam Levine in memory          Albert Segev in memory of my             ter-in-law, Miriam Fuhr
   of Sidney Levine, father of           father, Samuel Candonian         Emily & Steve Newman in
   Hank                              Debby & Larry Gendzier in                memory of Arlene Kovner,
Rachel & Rob Gebaide in memory           memory of Karen Soll, mother         mother of Emily
   of Robert P. Armel, father of         of Michael Soll                  Sarah & Naty Segal in memory of
   Rachel                            Barbara Simon in memory of my            Samuel Wolf, father of Sarah
Henriea & Marc Ka&en in                 father, Sam Letvin               Jo Staffin & Charles Dorfman in
   memory of Karen Soll, mother      Steven & Karen Selznick in               memory of Elsie Bodell, moth-
   of Michael Soll                       memory of Lola Mondry,               er of Susan Bodell
Marc & Henriea Ka&en in                 grandmother of Cheryl Hanin      Joseph & Pat Straub in memory of
   memory of Margaret Ka&en,         Howard Kichler in honor of the           Ivan Applebaum, husband of
   mother of Marc                        Life & Legacy Commiee               Sandy
Laurie, Marc, Jason & Jake Smith     Joan Rosenman in memory of my        Carl Sni&er in memory of Ivan
   in memory of Beverly Gold-            husband, Richard Rosenman            Applebaum, husband of
   berg Driscoll, mother of Wil-     Beatrice Broudy in memory of my          Sandy
   liam Goldberg                         husband, Jack Broudy             Gordon & Lisa Levin in memory
Rachel & Rob Gebaide in memory       Linda & Michael Weinroth in              of Elsie Bodell, mother of Su-
   of Herman Greenewalt,                 memory of Jeffrey Einger,            san Bodell
   grandfather of Rachel                 brother of Roz Fuchs
                                     Jean Dolen in memory of my           R K’ D 
G  F       :                        brother, Gerald Sidney               F     :
Mardi & Ron Shader in memory         Joan Rosenman in memory of my        Doris Pines in memory of my
    of Joel Rubin, husband of Pau-       mother, Gertrude Wisenfeld           mother, Bey Miller
    la Rubin                         Susan & David Hochstadt in           Ruth Bernstein in memory of my
Sherman & Marilyn Miller in              memory of Rose Hochstadt,            mother-in-law, Yea Bernstein
    memory of Charles White, fa-         mother of David                  Tamara Sharton in honor of Rabbi
    ther of Marilyn                  Sakowi& Family in memory of              Kay. I live out of town and so
Jean Dolen in memory of my               our mother, Beulah Schefer           enjoy watching Rabbi Kay’s
    mother, Rose Schmukler           Fran Lepow in memory of my               livestreamed Services
Michael & Andrea Sperling in             mother-in-law, Bessie Lepow      Jerrod & Linda Zlatkiss in
    memory of Saul Friedman,         Steven & Marbella Hornik in              memory of Louis Zlatkiss, fa-
    husband of Agnes Friedman            memory of George & Robert            ther of Jerrod
    and father of Michael Fried-         Hornik                           Ruth Bernstein in memory of my
    man                              Joan Rosenman in memory of my            mother, Anne Shumunes
Judy Kahan & Ellio Davis in             step-father, Jacob Wiesenfeld    Renee & Phil Borod in honor of
    honor of Beth Burpee’s special   Marilyn & Franklin Schwar& in            Rabbi David Kay
    birthday                             memory of Regina Joseph,         Linda & Jerrod Zlatkiss in
Susan & David Hochstadt in               mother of Marilyn                    memory of Jack Simon, step
    memory of Max Hochstadt,         Joan Rosenman in memory of my            father of Linda
    father of David                      late husband, Michael Belice     Shirley Terry in memory of my
Sherman & Marilyn Miller in          Ina & Eli Porth in memory of Hel-        mother, Marie Nordmeyer
    memory of Frances White,             en Salk Brenner, mother of Ina
ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781          CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM                  MARCH / APRIL 2021 • PAGE 25

Alan Davison in memory of my      COS C F         :                 memory of Ellen Dorfman
    mother, Rhona Davison         Harriet & Don Levine in memory           Brion, sister of Pearl
Sonja Marchesano in memory of         of Marilyn Sobel, sister of       Shula & Stuart Levy & family in
    my husband, Armand                Don                                  memory of Giel Fish, mother
Stephen Schreiber in memory of    Myrna Factor in memory of my             of Shula
    my wife, Judy Schreiber           husband, Leonard Factor           Dan, Marsha, Ilana & Ari Seff in
Zelda King in memory of my        Gilbert & Joyce Walker in                memory of Celia Seff, beloved
    husband, Eli King                 memory of Joseph Walker,             mother & grandmother
Evelyn & Mahew Mervis in             father of Gilbert                 Shula & Stuart Levy & Family in
    memory of Jordan Schwar&,     Karen Gross in memory of my              memory of Yaffa Serrajian,
    son of Sharan & Richard           husband, Sam Gross                   sister of Shula
    Schwar& and brother of Seth   Joan & Stuart Kimball in memory       Amy & Eric Geboff in honor of
    Schwar&                           of Irving Lippton, father of         Arthur Kazimierz Zollman,
Karen Gross in memory of Ivan         Joan                                 grandson of Ellen & Peter
    Applebaum, husband of         Harriet & Don Levine in memory           Zollman
    Sandy                             of Anna Levine, mother of
Shirley Terry in memory of my         Don                               Y ! P  F        ₍G 
    father, Frank Nordmeyer       Ackerman Family in memory of             F      ₎:
Sonja Marchesano in memory of         our husband & father, Ronald      Larry & Suzy Falender in
    my father, Leib Morgenstern       Ackerbaum                            memory of Beverly Goldberg
Linda & Jerrod Zlatkiss in        Laurie, Marc, Jason & Jake Smith         Driscoll, mother of William
    memory of Howard Landau,          in memory of our grandmoth-          Goldberg
    brother of Linda                  er, Bessie Shader                 Tim, Jason & Noah Ardillo-Miller
Zelda King in memory of my        Mardi & Ron Shader in memory             in memory of Beverly Gold-
    mother, Anne Vinik                of Stanley Shader, brother of        berg Driscoll, mother of Wil-
Shirley Terry in memory of my         Ron                                  liam Goldberg
    wonderful husband, Sheldon    Joyce & Gilbert Walker in             Karen & Andrew Reiff in
    Terry                             memory of Arthur Mulberg,            memory of Rosalie Hoffen,
                                      father of Joyce                      mother of Bruce Hoffen
R E  D       Mardi & Ron Shader in memory          Nancy & Ron Rubin in memory
   F    :                             of Bessie Shader, mother of          of Beverly Goldberg Driscoll,
Becky Lou & Jonathan Alper in         Ron                                  mother of William Goldberg
   memory of Milton Sarlin,       Renee & Stan Roberts in memory        Helen Kravetsky in memory of
   brother of Becky Lou               of Jeffrey Einger, brother of        my daughter, Laura Kra-
                                      Roz Fuchs                            vetsky
C ’ D  F     :    Ackerman Family in memory of          Doie & Richard Appelbaum in
Susan Mazlin in memory of Anne        our mother-in-law, Nancy             memory of Rose Kaabe, moth-
    & Robert Wollisch                 Ackerbaum                            er of Doie
Sally Izzo in memory of my                                              Lynn & Dick Joseph in honor of
    daughter, Rochelle Izzo       H S! S!!                 Abigail & Sloane Granet’s
                                      F     :                              B’not Mi&vah
E    D’ D-      The Levy Family in memory of          Amy & Eric Geboff with Refuah
     F      :                   Aunt Ruth Green                      Shlema to Alaina Andino Wil-
Becky Lou & Jonathan Alper in     Amy & Eric Geboff in memory of            der
   memory of Shirley Sarlin,          Jorge Diaz-Albertini, father of   Doie & Richard Appelbaum in
   mother of Becky Lou                Erika Siegel                         memory of Irving Appel-
Mark & Beth Gruber in memory      Estelle & Michael Wheeler in             baum, father of Richard
   of Shirley Goldenberg, moth-       memory of Alice Hurvi&, sis-      Janet Friedman in memory of my
   er of Beth                         ter of Estelle                       mother, Ruth Mishkin
Sandra Torres                     Amy & Eric Geboff in memory of         Janet Friedman in memory of my
Shelley & Kimberly Fenton-Zeira       Andy Rosen’s father                  great grandfather, Morris
                                  Pearl & Howard LeFowi& in                Dixon
PAGE 26 • MARCH / APRIL 2021            CONGREGATION OHEV SHALOM               ADAR ~ NISAN ~ IYAR 5781

Doie & Richard Appelbaum in            memory of Jordan Schwar&,         Sharan & Richard Schwar&
   memory of Shirley Appel-             son of Sharan & Richard           and brother of Seth Schwar&
   baum, mother of Richard              Schwar& and brother of Seth   Roz Fuchs in memory of Jordan
                                        Schwar&                           Schwar&, son of Sharan &
M’A T) F        -F        Gayle Zamore & Steve Worman           Richard Schwar& and brother
    H:                           in memory of Jordan               of Seth Schwar&
Paula Rubin in memory of my             Schwar&, son of Sharan &      Bob Berger, Lauren Brown, Lau-
    father, Lou Emanuel                 Richard Schwar& and brother       ren & Julie Berger in memory
Sonja Marchesano in honor of            of Seth Schwar&                   of Jordan Schwar&, son of
    Tamara Gabrielle Gluck’s        Alan & Gay Harrison in memory         Sharan & Richard Schwar&
    graduation of Florida State         of Jordan Schwar&, son of         and brother of Seth Schwar&
    University                          Sharan & Richard Schwar&      Linda & Russell Drainville (Kerry
Myrna Factor in memory of my            and brother of Seth Schwar&       & Hannah) in memory of Jor-
    mother, Estelle Leral           Ed Webman & Marcia Tabak in           dan Schwar&, son of Sharan
Shelley Fleet in memory of Jor-         memory of Jordan Schwar&,         & Richard Schwar& and
    dan Schwar&, son of Sharan          son of Sharan & Richard           brother of Seth Schwar&
    & Richard Schwar& and               Schwar& and brother of Seth   Mark & Beth Gruber in memory
    brother of Seth Schwar&             Schwar&                           of Jordan Schwar&, son of
Sonja Marchesano in memory of       Shelley (Soriano) & Neil Cooper       Sharan & Richard Schwar&
    my mother, Faige Lea Mor-           in memory of Jordan               and brother of Seth Schwar&
    genstern                            Schwar&, son of Sharan &      Lila & Jim Tinkoff in memory of
Marla & Andy Rosen in memory            Richard Schwar& and brother       Jordan Schwar&, son of
    of Laura Kravetsky, sister of       of Seth Schwar&                   Sharan & Richard Schwar&
    Marla                           Dolores Indek in memory of Jor-       and brother of Seth Schwar&
Sonja Marchesano in memory of           dan Schwar&, son of Sharan    Shelley Fleet in memory of Jor-
    my son, Jeffrey Unger                & Richard Schwar& and             dan Schwar&, son of Sharan
Moe & Danielle Treibi& in               brother of Seth Schwar&           & Richard Schwar& and
    memory of Jordan Schwar&,       The Klaiman Family in memory          brother of Seth Schwar&
    son of Sharan & Richard             of Jordan Schwar&, son of     Barbara Weinreich in memory of
    Schwar& and brother of Seth         Sharan & Richard Schwar&          Jordan Schwar&, son of
    Schwar&                             and brother of Seth Schwar&       Sharan & Richard Schwar&
Marla & Andy Rosen in memory        The LeFowi& Family in memory          and brother of Seth Schwar&
    of Jack Krave&ky, grandfa-          of Jordan Schwar&, son of     Susan Lazarus in memory of Jor-
    ther of Marla                       Sharan & Richard Schwar&          dan Schwar&, son of Sharan
Barry Dreayer in memory of Jor-         and brother of Seth Schwar&       & Richard Schwar& and
    dan Schwar&, son of Sharan      JoAnne & Steven Kane in               brother of Seth Schwar&
    & Richard Schwar& and               memory of Jordan Schwar&,     Debbie & Jeffrey Bornstein in
    brother of Seth Schwar&             son of Sharan & Richard           memory of Jordan Schwar&,
Carol LeFov in memory of Jor-           Schwar& and brother of Seth       son of Sharan & Richard
    dan Schwar&, son of Sharan          Schwar&                           Schwar& and brother of Seth
    & Richard Schwar& and           Jo Staffin & Charles Dorfman in         Schwar&
    brother of Seth Schwar&             memory of Jordan Schwar&,     Joan & Stuart Kimball in memory
Cliff & Carla Stein in memory of         son of Sharan & Richard           of Jordan Schwar&, son of
    Jordan Schwar&, son of              Schwar& and brother of Seth       Sharan & Richard Schwar&
    Sharan & Richard Schwar&            Schwar&                           and brother of Seth Schwar&
    and brother of Seth Schwar&     Bruce & Donna Breit in memory     Mardi & Ron Shader in memory
Myrna Factor in memory of Jor-          of Jordan Schwar&, son of         of Jordan Schwar&, son of
    dan Schwar&, son of Sharan          Sharan & Richard Schwar&          Sharan & Richard Schwar&
    & Richard Schwar& and               and brother of Seth Schwar&       and brother of Seth Schwar&
    brother of Seth Schwar&         Thelma Alexander in memory of
Carolyn & Jim Rosenblum in              Jordan Schwar&, son of
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