WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue

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WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue
The Leiman
                       Maisel Family
                     Shabbaton 5779
                        Jan 25–26
                          see p. 3

                                       ‫ טבת–שבט–אדר א‬January-February 2019

WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue
                                                                                 RABBI ETHAN H. WITKOVSKY

                                                                    of reality. Not to be too sappy, but                                     alone in a field but are more often
                                                                    when I think of “home,” one of the                                       found in forests, groves, and orchards,
                                                                    images in my head is this tree and                                       so too are we humans at our best
                                                                    the wind chimes dangling from its                                        when we grow in communities.
                                                                                                                                             As we celebrate Tu BiShvat, we would
                                                                    I think of that tree more as we                                          do well to remember our connection

As Trees in the
                                                                    approach Tu BiShvat, which falls on                                      to the natural world. At PAS we will
                                                                    January 21. Known as the New Year                                        begin conversations about what our
                                                                    of the Trees, although it came into                                      community can do to organize around
Field                                                               existence essentially for ancient tax
                                                                    purposes, the holiday has become over
                                                                                                                                             the issue of the environment. (See
                                                                                                                                             p. 16.) As we come together to learn
                                                                    the years a celebration of trees and                                     about the environment and what we
                                                                    ecology. The image of trees permeates                                    can do to protect and preserve it, we

        ne of my favorite trees in                                  our tradition. Every Shabbat we sing                                     should remember that we are like
        the world stands in the front                               that the Torah is a “tree of life to all                                 trees. We rely on natural resources
        yard of my ancestral home in                                who grasp it” and that the righteous                                     to be healthy and grow, and we can
Wisconsin. While I am not sure what                                 are like palm trees and cedars. The                                      provide goods and deeds to help
variety of tree it is, I am sure that it is                         Torah makes an explicit comparison                                       sustain those resources. We must be
perfect. Some of its branches are low                               when it says, “for a person is a tree                                    planted in reality but with lofty goals
and easy for a small child to climb.                                in the field.” (Deuteronomy 20:19)                                       of what our community can do for the
The tree also offers loftier heights to                             The commentaries on this verse                                           planet. Most importantly, while we
be attained with age, strength, and                                 try to understand how humans are                                         can act alone, we will be that much
disregard for a mother’s warning.                                   like trees. Rabbi Jacob ben Isaac                                        more powerful if we act together as a
About halfway up the tree there is                                  Ashkenazi claims we are like trees                                       community. Only by organizing and
a curvature of branches forming a                                   because we grow and bear fruit – our                                     growing together can we make our
seat as comfortable as any easy chair.                              children and our good deeds. Rabbi                                       orchard flourish.
In that tree I sat and watched the                                  Judah Loew thinks we are like trees
driveway as I waited for my parents                                 because we are planted in the earthly
to come home from work. When I                                      soil, but our branches reach toward
needed to think, I climbed that tree,                               heaven. I would like to add another
feet dangling just above the pressures                              interpretation: just as trees can grow

                    JDAIM – Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month
                    Throughout the month of February
                    • Community members will speak from the bimah during Kabbalat Shabbat
                    • Lecture and discussion on a weeknight to be announced
                    • Film Screening & Talkback with Director Lara Stolman: Swim Team | Sun | Feb 10 | 3:00 pm | PAS@87th
                    For more information about Inclusion at PAS and details about Swim Team, see the January–June issue of Mah Hadash.

                            VOLUME 72 · NO.3 · JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2019 · TEVET-SHEVAT-ADAR I 5779 ·                                           ‫טבת–שבט–אדר א‬
              From the Rabbi....................................................................2      Congregational School....................................................13
              Shabbaton 2019...................................................................3       Postcard from Camp.......................................................13
              Schedule of Religious Services & Shabbat at PAS..............4                           Youth/RJNHS.................................................................14
              Transition Update...............................................................6       College Connections..........................................................16
              Synagogue Family................................................................6       PAS 20s & 30s...................................................................16
              From the Education Team...................................................9             Caring Network..................................................................16
              Adult Classes & Events......................................................10          Contributions & Kol Nidrei Appeal 5779 ......................... 17
              PAS Library........................................................................10   Arts Engagement...............................................................21
              Youth Education & Events................................................12              Calendars.......................................................................... 22
               Young Family Education.................................................12              A Look Ahead.......................................................Back cover
               PASECC...........................................................................12    Shapiro Audio Archive........................................Back cover

2        Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue
Community Program
The Leiman Maisel Family Shabbaton 5779/2019
Wandering and Wondering: Babylon and Beyond
Fri–Sat | Jan 25–26

      he Shabbaton will launch our yearlong theme, Wandering and Wondering. Through generations of landlessness, what
      has enabled Jewish communities around the world to not just survive, but thrive? How have our experiences as a
      people without a homeland contributed to who we are today, and how does it shape our identity today as American
Jews? We will explore these questions and more over course of the weekend with our guest speakers.
$ RSVP Registration fee includes the Oneg Shabbat, Kiddush Luncheon and all Shabbaton programming. While there is no fee for Saturday-only events, registration
is requested.


                 Sir Simon Schama                                       Bari Weiss is a                                       Dara Horn is an
                    CBE is a Professor                                    writer and editor                                     American novelist
                     of Art History                                        for The New York                                      and scholar of
                     and History                                           Times opinion                                         Yiddish and
                     at Columbia                                           section, writing                                      Hebrew literature.
                    University, a                                         about culture and                                     In 2007, a year
                   Fellow of the British                                 politics. Previously                                  after completing her
                Academy and the Royal                                 she was an op-ed                                       PhD, she was chosen by
Society of Literature and Contributing                and book review editor at The Wall                     Granta magazine as one of 20 “Best
Editor at the Financial Times. Among                  Street Journal. She was also senior                    Young American Novelists.” She is the
his publications is Rough Crossings:                  editor at Tablet, the online magazine                  author of five novels, including two
Britain, the Slaves and the American                  of Jewish news, politics and culture,                  National Jewish Book Award winners.
Revolution (2006), which won the                      where she edited the site’s political                  Her most recent book, Eternal Life,
National Book Critics Circle Award for                and news coverage. She regularly                       is a 2018 New York Times Notable
nonfiction in 2007. His latest book,                  appears on shows like Morning Joe                      Book. Her work appears in The New
Belonging, volume 2 of The Story                      and Bill Maher. Bari is also the winner                York Times, The Wall Street Journal,
of the Jews, was short-listed for the                 of the Reason Foundation’s 2018                        The Washington Post, The Atlantic,
Baillie-Gifford Prize and was among                   Bastiat Prize, which annually honors                   Tablet, and many other publications.
The Economist’s Best Books of 2017.                   writing that “best demonstrates                        She has taught at Harvard University
His award-winning 15-part television                  the importance of freedom with                         and Sarah Lawrence College and has
series, “A History of Britain,” was                   originality, wit, and eloquence.” She is               lectured at universities and cultural
broadcast on the BBC and the History                  a graduate of Columbia University and                  institutions throughout North
Channel and won Broadcast Critics                     a proud Pittsburgh native.                             America, as well as in Israel and
Guild Awards.                                                                                                Australia.


Fri | Jan 25                                                                      Sat | Jan 26
• 5:30 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat | PAS@87th                                           • 9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat HaShavua | PAS@89th
• 6:45 pm | Sir Simon Schama: The Story of the Jews |                             • 9:45 am | Shabbat Morning Service | PAS@87th
  PAS@87th                                                                        • 11:30 am | Presentation by Bari Weiss | PAS@87th
• 7:45 pm | Oneg Shabbat Reception | PAS@90th                                     • 12:15 pm | Kiddush | Darlington Hall
                                                                                  • 12:45 pm | Minha | PAS@90th, Library
                                                                                  • 1:00 pm | Dara Horn: Founding Legends of Diaspora
                                                                                    Communities | PAS@87th
                                                                                  • 1:45 pm | Panel Discussion: Dara Horn and Bari Weiss |
                                                                                  • 5:00 pm | YFE Havdalah | PAS@90th

                                                                                                       January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779          3
WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue
Schedule of Religious Services
Every week, from Friday evening through Saturday evening,
Shabbat at PAS includes lively communal worship in the Sanctuary,                                            Tuesday, January 1 • 23 Tevet
alternative services, parashah study, music, dinners, and other                                        9:00 am Shaharit
programs to refresh your spirit.
• EVERY SHABBAT:                                                                                              Friday, January 4 • 27 Tevet

KABBALAT SHABBAT AND SANCTUARY SHABBAT MORNING SERVICE | PAS@87th                                      6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove, Rabbi Neil Zuckerman, and Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky preach and conduct
the service together with Cantor Azi Schwartz and Cantor Rachel Brook, with Music Director Colin
Fowler and the Synagogue Ensemble: Elisa Singer Strom, soprano; Kristin Gornstein, alto; Jason              Saturday, January 5 • 28 Tevet
Weisinger, tenor; Tim Krol, bass; Gil Smuskowitz, double bass; Mike Cohen, woodwinds; Ronen
Itzik, percussion. Our Ritual Director is Rabbi Rachel Salston. Our regular Torah readers are Isroel   Va-era/Shabbat M’varkhim
Kogan, Kenny Altman, Eliana Fisher, and Sharon Litwinoff.                                              9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat
SHAHARIT & PARASHAT HASHAVUA | PAS@89th                                                                9:45 am | Shabbat Morning service
P’sukei d’Zimrah and Shaharit, a light Kiddush, and an engaging study of the morning’s Torah           with Bar Mitzvah of Alexander
portion, ending in time to join the community in the Sanctuary for the Torah service. When there is    Kalimian and Bat Mitzvah of Sophia
Havurah, this service merges with that one.                                                            Kalimian
                                                                                                       30 minutes after services | Minha
A service with repetition of the Amidah and annual cycle Torah reading, all in Hebrew, at a pace
that is comfortable for experienced daveners, and a Kiddush afterwards.
                                                                                                             Monday, January 7 • 1 Shevat

• JAN 11, FEB 8                                      • FEB 2                                           Rosh Hodesh Shevat
                                                                                                       7:15 am | Shaharit
RAMAH MINYAN | PAS@89th                              HAZZAN’S TISCH | Cantor Schwartz’s home
A spirit-filled service for Camp Ramah alumni        Savor the last part of Shabbat – schmooze,
and any and all other young adults, followed         snack, sing, say ma’ariv (the evening service)          Friday, January 11 • 5 Shevat
by drinks, snacks, and oneg Shabbat.                 together, and end with Havdalah.
                                                     RSVP                                              6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
• JAN 12, FEB 9                                                                                        7:15 pm | Ramah Minyan
                                                                                                       7:30 pm | Day School Community
HAVURAH | PAS@89th                                                                                     Shabbat Dinner | PAS@90th | RSVP
A lay-led, child-friendly, intimate, and informal    For a full listing of:
Torah reading and discussion and musaf               • YFE programs, see p. 12.
service open to individuals and families of all      • CS Shabbat programs, see p. 13.                      Saturday, January 12 • 6 Shevat
ages. People of all skill levels are encouraged      • Youth/Teen programs, see p. 14.
to participate by leading a part of the service,     • Visit pasyn.org for all worship information.    Bo
reading Torah or Haftarah, or by facilitating a                                                        9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat
Torah discussion. Contact Rabbi Witkovsky at                                                           HaShavua and Havurah
ewitkovsky@pasyn.org or x123.                                                                          9:45 am | Shabbat Morning service
                                                                                                       with Bat Mitzvah of Ella Plotko and
                                                                                                       Bar Mitzvah of Josh Atlas
                                                                                                       30 minutes after services | Minha
• SHAHARIT Monday–Friday at 7:15 am. Sundays and January 21 and February 18 at 9:00 am.
• MINHA/MA’ARIV Sunday–Thursday at 5:45 pm, except where noted.                                             Friday, January 18 • 12 Shevat
• SHABBAT MINHA 30 minutes after the end of morning services.
                                                                                                       6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat

                        Can’t make it to the synagogue? Park Avenue Synagogue services are livestreamed. Visit pasyn.org/webcast.

4          Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue

                                              At Kabbalat Shabbat on Fridays in
    Saturday, January 19 • 13 Shevat          February, in recognition of JDAIM,                  Saturday, February 9 • 4 Adar I
                                              members of PAS will speak from the
B’shallah/Shabbat Shirah                    bimah about their personal experiences          T’rumah
9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat                       with inclusion issues.                  9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat
HaShavua                                                                                    HaShavua and Havurah
9:45 am | Shabbat Morning service                                                           9:45 am | Shabbat Morning service
with Bat Mitzvah of Sadie Wolf and                                                          with Bat Mitzvah of Katie Steinberg
                                               Friday, February 1 • 26 Shevat
Bar Mitzvah of Lewis Greenberg                                                              30 minutes after services | Minha
30 minutes after services | Minha         6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat                        4:45 pm | Minha with Bar Mitzvah of
                                                                                            Noah Gruber

    Monday, January 21 • 15 Shevat            Saturday, February 2 • 27 Shevat
                                                                                                  Friday, February 15 • 11 Adar I
Tu BiShvat/Martin Luther King Day of      Mishpatim/Shabbat M’varkhim
Service                                   9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat                     6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
9:00 am | Shaharit                        HaShavua
                                          9:45 am | Shabbat Morning service
                                          with Bat Mitzvah of Roan Roth and                     Saturday, February 16 • 12 Adar I
     Friday, January 25 • 19 Shevat       Bat Mitzvah of Julia Kurtzberg and
                                          UJA Shabbat with Rabbi Menachem
6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat                                                                  9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat
                                          30 minutes after services | Minha
                                                                                            9:45 am | Shabbat Morning service
                                          4:30 pm | Hazzan’s Tisch
    Saturday, January 26 • 20 Shevat                                                        with Bat Mitzvah of Daniella Ginsberg
                                                                                            and Bar Mitzvah of Noah Ginsberg
Yitro, Shabbaton
                                                                                            30 minutes after services | Minha
9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat                 Tuesday, February 5 • 30 Shevat
                                          Rosh Hodesh Adar I
9:45 am | Shabbat Morning service
                                          7:15 am | Shaharit                                      Friday, February 22 • 17 Adar I
30 minutes after services | Minha
                                                                                            6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat
                                             Wednesday, February 6 • 1 Adar I

                                          Rosh Hodesh Adar I                                    Saturday, February 23 • 18 Adar I
                                          7:15 am | Shaharit
                                                                                            Ki Tissa
                                                                                            9:00 am | Shaharit & Parashat
                                                Friday, February 8 • 3 Adar I
                                                                                            9:45 am | Shabbat Morning service
                                          6:15 pm | Kabbalat Shabbat                        with Bar Mitzvah of Max Fenster and
                                          7:15 pm | Ramah Minyan                            Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Katz
                                                                                            30 minutes after services | Minha
                                                                                            4:45 pm | Minha with Bat Mitzvah of
                                                                                            Kira Moses

                                         PAS is an inclusive community. We are interested in discussing with you any
        All Are Welcome                  accommodations you might need to make your visits and involvement more comfortable.
                                         Please contact Rachel Zorbaron, Director of Membership, at rzorbaron@pasyn.org or x195.

5       www.pasyn.org   212–369–2600                                                  January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779   5
WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue
                                                          Synagogue Fami
                                                          ‫ בני מצוה‬BNEI MITZVAH

                                                            Benjamin Max Barr | Jan 3 | Va-era
A Space of Welcoming                                        Son of Lisa & Michael Barr

       AS seeks to ensure that all members of our
       community have the opportunity to fully              Alexander Oliver Kalimian | Jan 5 |
       participate in synagogue life. With JDAIM,           Va-era
Jewish Disabilities and Inclusion Awareness Month,          Son of Jessica Kalimian and Robert
on the horizon in February (p. 2), we are sharing some      Kalimian
of the ways we will continue to welcome everyone into
the PAS community when we return to the revitalized
87th Street building.
                                                            Sophia Isabella Kalimian | Jan 5 | Va-era
Many of the welcoming features in the Eli M. Black          Daughter of Jessica Kalimian and Robert
Center for Lifelong Learning will also be incorporated      Kalimian
at 87th Street. The elevators will provide high-speed
movement throughout the building, and wayfinding
signage will include braille. As recommended by
the Inclusion Committee, mezuzot will be placed on
                                                            Josh Tobey Atlas | Jan 12 | Bo
doorways at two heights, so our youngest members as
                                                            Son of Amy & Rick Atlas
well as those who utilize mobility devices can reach

While the Sanctuary is not the focus of the
revitalization, it will offer improved accessibility        Ella Joy Plotko | Jan 12 | Bo
in several dimensions. The steps and ramp that              Daughter of Karina & Gregory Plotko
previously provided access to the Sanctuary from the
lobby will be replaced by a gently graduated incline
that will eliminate the need for a ramp. The sound
system has been updated, and we offer assistive
hearing devices as well as magnification devices
and large-print siddurim. The amud (podium)                 Lewis Arthur Greenberg | Jan 19 |
has been rebuilt to be ADA-compliant, lowering              B’shallah
to accommodate members who read Torah from a                Son of Jennifer & Gregg Greenberg
wheelchair or scooter. We will continue to provide
access to the bimah with a ramp for wheelchairs and
                                                            Sadie Beth Wolf | Jan 19 | B’shallah
The new chapel on the third floor will have a built-in      Daughter of Alissa & Jeffrey Wolf
ramp to the bimah. The temporary bimah used for
High Holiday services in the lower level will also have
a ramp. These spaces will also have ADA-compliant

We look forward to sharing highlights of the
construction and move back to 87th Street in future
issues of the Bulletin, by email, and at pasyn.org/

6       Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue

                                                                                                        Noah Davis Ginsberg | Feb 16 | T’tzavveh
                                                                                                        Son of Gabrielle Davis Ginsberg & Jeffrey
                           Julia Hope Kurtzberg | Feb 2 | Mishpatim
                                                                                                        I. Ginsberg
                           Daughter of Holly & Joel Kurtzberg
                                                                                                        Grandson of Joanne V. Davis & Morton
                                                                                                        M. Davis, z”l

                                                                                                        Max Ben-Israel Fenster | Feb 23 | Ki
                           Roan Jade Roth | Feb 2 | Mishpatim                                           Tissa
                           Daughter of Margaret & David Roth                                            Son of Jennifer & David Fenster
                                                                                                        Grandson of Roslyn & Robert Haber

                           Katie Steinberg | Feb 9 | T’rumah
                                                                                                        Samantha Kiva Katz | Feb 23 | Ki Tissa
                           Daughter of Elizabeth & Michael
                                                                                                        Daughter of Stacy & Henry Katz

                           Noah Ryan Gruber | Feb 9, minha |                                            Kira Emily Moses | Feb 23, minha |
                           T’tzavveh                                                                    Va-yak·hel
                           Son of Rebecca & Andrew Gruber                                               Daughter of Hilary & Jeffrey Moses

                           Daniella Davis Ginsberg | Feb 16 |
                           T’tzavveh | Daughter of Gabrielle Davis
                           Ginsberg & Jeffrey Ginsberg
                           Granddaughter of Joanne V. Davis &
                           Morton M. Davis, z”l

                                                  ‫ ברוכים הבאים‬WELCOME NEW MEMBERS
                                                                 Gavriel Chichester
                                                              Tiffany & Steven Cohen
                                                    Alexandra West Glerum & Benjamin Glerum
                                                           Jessica Tisch & Daniel Levine
                                                                  Solomon Mendel
                                                            Stephanie & Eric Nortman
                                                            Michelle & Reuben Pinner
                                                               Sheryl & Larry Pinner
                                                             Leora & Adam Rosenberg
                                                                   Anita Shulman

      To make a celebratory or memorial donation to PAS, please visit pasyn.org/giving or contact Sam Hopkins at shopkins@pasyn.org or 212-369-4900, x101.

              www.pasyn.org    212–369–2600                                                            January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779         7
WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue

                           ‫ מזל טוב‬MAZAL TOV                                                  ‫ המקום ינחם‬CONDOLENCES
       Sue Schwartz & Howard Muchnick on the                                     Stacy & Jason Helfstein             Rona Kurtz on the loss
       engagement of their daughter Sara Muchnick to Isaac                       on the loss of his father,          of her husband, Irving
       Zafarani                                                                  Lewis Helfstein                     Weinstein

       Sheri & Jimmy Rosenfeld on the birth of a                                 Ronni & Louis                       Thomas & Susan Brock,
       grandson, Arden Jay Jakobi, and to his parents, Alexa                     Davidowitz on the                   on the loss of his mother,
       & Robert Jakobi                                                           loss of his father, Max             Marjorie Brock
       Maxine Dovere on the birth of a grandson, Oliver                                                              Janet Weisberg-
       Lev Dovere                                                                Ellen & Bruce Ressler,              Samuels on the loss of
                                                                                 and Matthew Ressler, on             her husband, Richard
       Lisa Silverstein & Tal Kerret on the marriage of                          the loss of their father            Samuels
       their daughter Ariel Silverstein to Robert Fleiss                         and grandfather,
                                                                                 J. Lawrence Werther                 Andrea Judelson and
       Shelley & Robert Greebel on the birth of a son,                                                               David Judelson on the
       Spencer Benjamin Greebel, and to big sister Harlow                        Jodie & Jonathan                    loss of their mother,
                                                                                 Elyachar on the loss of             Carol Judelson
       Lindsey & Joshua Green on the birth of a daughter,                        his mother, Pat Sylvia
       Barrett Lowey Green, and to big brother Noah                                                                  Karyn Ginsberg-
                                                                                 Beth Jacobs & Keith                 Greenwald & Bruce
       Jennifer Stern Granowitz & Daniel Granowitz                               Gottesdiener on the loss            Greenwald on the loss
       on the birth of a daughter, Emma Stern Granowitz,                         of his mother, Barbara              of Karyn’s sister, Robin
       and to big sister Abigail                                                 Gottesdiener                        Milstein

       Nina & Andrew Gaspar on the marriage of their                             Carol Silverstein                   Ethel Rubinstein & Elias
       son Jeremy to Samantha Cohen                                              and Kimberly & Paul                 Feuer on the loss of his
                                                                                 Silverstein on the loss of          mother, Olga Feuer
       Meryl Weiner & Barry Bryer on the marriage of                             their husband and father,
       their son Maxwell to Molly Dince                                          Leo Silverstein                     Family and friends of
                                                                                                                     Rabbi Isidoro Aizenberg
       Jennifer Brandt & Terrence Coscino on their                               Michael Karafiol and
       marriage                                                                  his children, Blake and             Hope & Glenn Taitz on
                                                                                 Ella, on the loss of their          the loss of his father,
       Jennifer Stern Granowitz on being selected as                             wife and mother, Lauren             Arthur Taitz
       a Ruskay Fellow for 2019. The Ruskay Institute for                        Karafiol
       Jewish Professional Leadership is a unique program
       dedicated to preparing superlative leaders to guide the                   Meg & David Roth on the
       future of the Jewish community.                                           loss of her mother, Sally
       Geet Engel & Hersh Wolf on the birth of a
       grandson, Oscar Goldburt                                                  Marcia & Ronald
                                                                                 Schechter on the loss
                                                                                 of his mother, Selma

    To make a celebratory or memorial donation to PAS, please visit pasyn.org/giving or contact Sam Hopkins at shopkins@pasyn.org or 212-369-4900, x101.

8           Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue

On Wandering
and Wondering

       ast year, we celebrated Israel
       at 70, immersing ourselves in
       learning about our homeland.
This year we turn our focus to another
long-standing aspect of our Jewish
experience: what did it mean to be a
people without a homeland? For over
2,000 years, the Jewish people have
traveled across the globe. As we settled
in our many adopted homelands, we
managed not only to survive the ups
and downs of history, but to thrive and
renew. How have we managed that?
What has sustained us, and how do
we relate to those factors in a modern     and Saturday, January 26 (p. 3). We             In bringing together these diverse
context, as American Jews living           are honored to welcome Sir Simon                perspectives, we hope to begin an
in today’s complex world? How did          Schama as our Friday evening speaker.           ongoing conversation about our own
landlessness shape our outlook and         Sir Simon is a world-renowned                   personal wanderings and wonderings
identities around the globe as we were     historian of European history, a                as well as about our communal
“strangers in a strange land?” These       professor at Columbia University, and           journey. We hope our Shabbaton
questions will frame our learning at       the author of over fifteen scholarly            weekend will inspire you to continue
PAS this year, a theme which we are        works, including the two-volume                 your wonderings with us, as we
calling Wandering and Wondering.           The Story of the Jews. Sir Simon will           embark upon this year of exploration.
                                           provide us with a grounding in history
We originally conceived of this theme      as we begin to examine the many
to mirror our year of transition           facets of our diaspora experience.
when we are displaced from our
permanent home on 87th Street.             On Saturday we will turn toward our
Unfortunately, November’s tragic           contemporary experience in America
massacre in Pittsburgh and the rise        and our questions of faith, identity,
of anti-Semitism in America have           continuity, and stability. Bari Weiss,
given new relevance to the question,       op-ed staff editor and writer for The
What does it mean to live as a Jew         New York Times, will lead us in a
in the 21st century? We may not be         conversation about the central issues
physically wandering, but many of us       we face today, from our relationship
are certainly wondering how to make        with Israel to the recent rise in anti-
sense of the present and what the          Semitism at home. We will also learn
future holds for us as American Jews.      from Dara Horn, author of several
                                           novels inspired by Jewish history,
We will kick off our theme with            text, and culture, and hear about her
the annual Leiman Maisel Family            experience using her identity to find
Shabbaton on Friday, January 25            her voice through our tradition.

        www.pasyn.org   212–369–2600                                                 January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779   9
WANDERING AND WONDERING: BABYLON AND BEYOND - Shabbaton 5779 Fri-Sat Jan 25-26 see p. 3 - Park Avenue Synagogue
     RSVP = Advance registration required | $ = There is a cost for the class | Closed = Registration has closed | Classes meet weekly unless otherwise indicated.
     To register for classes, go to pasyn.org/classes and click on the appropriate link. For assistance and further information, including being added to the waitlist
     for closed Melton classes, contact Rebecca Cushman at rcushman@pasyn.org or x159.

                 SUNDAY                                    TUESDAY                                 WEDNESDAY                                  Wednesday

     • iEngage: Tribes                        • Essential Essays |                      • Daf Shevui –                            • From Mill Street
     of Israel | A Shalom                     Resumes Jan 8 | 8:00                      Women’s Talmud                            to Park Avenue:
     Hartman Institute Lecture                am | Rabbi Cosgrove |                     Study | Resumes Jan                       The History of the
     and Study Series | Jan 13,               PAS@89th                                  9 | 8:30 am | Rabbi                       Synagogues of NYC |
     Feb 24 | 10:00 am | Rabbi                                                          Witkovsky                                 Begins Feb 13 | 7:00 pm
     Zuckerman | PAS@89th                     • Contemporary                                                                      | 10 sessions – This is a
     Closed                                   Jewish Thought |                          • Rambam II –                             repeat, not a continuation
                                              Resumes Jan 8 | 12:00                     Letter about Tehiyat                      of the fall semester course.
                                              pm | Rabbi Zuckerman |                    HaMeitim | Jan 9, 16,                     | Dr. David Kaufman |
                                              PAS@89th                                  23 (make-up, if needed) |                 PAS@89th
                                                                                        6:45 pm | Rabbi Shmuel                    $ RSVP
                                              • Pathways: An                            Afek | PAS@89th
                                              Introduction to                           Closed
                                              Judaism | Resumes
                                              Jan 8 | 6:30 pm | Rabbi                   • Melton: Year 2 |
                                              Zuckerman and Shayna                      Resumes Jan 9 | 7:00 pm
                                              Golkow, Rabbinical Intern                 | Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky
                                              | PAS@89th                                and Rabbi Shmuel Afek |
                                              • A Very Short Guide to                   Closed
                                              Zionism and Israel |
                                              A Tzion Curriculum | Tue                  • Bereshit I – From
                                              | Jan 15, Feb 5 | 7:15 pm                 Adam to Abraham: The
                                              | Rabbi Cosgrove |                        First 20 Generations
                                              PAS@89th                                  | Rachel Wasserman
                                                                                        Scholars Curriculum of
                                              • The Unknown We                          Melton | Jan 9, 16, 23
                                              Fear – Exploring                          (make-up, if needed) |
                                              Mortality in Art and                      7:00 pm | Rabbi Savenor |
                                              Culture | Feb 12 | 7:15                   PAS@89th
                                              pm | Rabbi Zuckerman |                    Closed
                                              PAS@89th (p. 16)
                                              RSVP                                      • The Star and the
                                                                                        Crescent: The Long
                                                                                        Relationship of
                                                                                        Judaism and Islam
                                                                                        | Rachel Wasserman
                                                                                        Scholars Curriculum of
                                                                                        Melton | Begins Feb 13 |
                                                                                        6:45 pm | 10 Sessions |
                                                                                        Rabbi Shmuel Afek

                  Library at PAS
                  Mon–Thu: 10:00 am–6:30 pm |
                                                                 The library is continually adding new books to support living an enriching Jewish life. Search
                                                                 the catalog at pasyn.org/paslibrary to browse the virtual shelves, and visit the library soon.

                  Fri: 10:00 am–3:00 pm | PAS@90th               For more information, contact Marga Hirsch at mhirsch@pasyn.org

10        Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
January-February at PAS     ADULT CLASSES & EVENTS

          THURSDAY                              Thursday                         FRIDAY
                                                                                                          Israel Education Event
• Melton: Year 1 |                  • BeMidbar:                      • Talmud Torah |                     | Sponsored by Men’s Club
Resumes Jan 10 | 9:15               Leadership Defied                Resumes Jan 4 | 8:00                 | Mon | Jan 14 | 7:30 pm |
am | Rabbi Cosgrove                 and Defended | Rachel            am | Rabbi Witkovsky |               PAS@89th
and Debbie Cosgrove |               Wasserman Scholars               PAS@89th
PAS@89th                            Curriculum of Melton
Closed                              | Begins Feb 14 | 9:15           • Women in the Bible
                                    am | Rabbi Savenor |             | Jan 11, Feb 8 | 9:15               Jewish
• Vayikra (Leviticus)               PAS@89th                         am | Debbie Cosgrove |               Environmentalism:
– A Call to Holiness                $ RSVP                           PAS@89th                             Planted in Reality and
| Rachel Wasserman                                                   Closed                               Reaching for the Sky
Scholars Curriculum of              • Dilemmas of Faith | A                                               Thu | Jan 17 | 7:30 pm
Melton | Jan 10, 17, 24             Shalom Hartman Institute                                              | Rabbi Witkovsky |
(make-up, if needed) | 9:15         Lecture and Study Series              SHABBAT/SATURDAY                PAS@89th (p. 16)
am | Rabbi Zuckerman |              | Begins Feb 14 | 9:15                                                RSVP | Open to all
PAS@89th                            am | Rabbi Zuckerman |           • Parashat HaShavua |
Closed                              PAS@89th                         Every Shabbat | 9:00 am |
                                    Closed                           PAS Clergy | PAS@89th
• From Mill Street                                                   • Jan 12, Feb 9 | When
to Park Avenue:                                                      there is Havurah, this class
The History of the                                                   merges with Havurah |
Synagogues of NYC |                                                  PAS@89th
Jan 10, 17, 24 (make-up, if
needed) | 9:15 am | These
are the final sessions of                                                      ANYTIME
the fall semester course.
| Dr. David Kaufman |                                                • Study Circles | Days,
PAS@89th                                                             dates, and times vary
Closed                                                               by group | For more                  Sponsored by PAS Library
                                                                     information, visit pasyn.            Evening Book
• Insights from Israel                                               org/studycircles.                    Discussion Group
| Jan 10, Feb 14 | 12:00                                                                                  Jan 28 | 7:30 pm | Pat
pm | Rabbi Michael Graetz                                            • Grandparents Circle                Davidson | The Weight of
(via Skype from Israel) |                                            | Dates TBA | 5 sessions |           Ink by Rachel Kadish
PAS@89th                                                             Rabbi Zuckerman and Liz
• Shulhan Ivrit | Jan 24,                                            This class runs based
Feb 28 | 7:00 pm|                                                    on interest. To learn                Men’s Club Annual
PAS@89th                                                             more, please email Rabbi             Financial Forum | Mon |
                                                                     Zuckerman at nzucker-                Feb 25 | 7:00 pm | Open to
                                                                     man@pasyn.org.                       all | PAS@90th

Wondering what to do with surplus books? You can donate them to         You may bring prayer books, haggadahs, benschers, and other sacred texts
Reading Reflections, an organization that gives gently used books       to the library. Our ritual director will make certain they are respectfully
to children and adults who do not have easy access to them. Visit       disposed of by burial, according to Jewish custom.

         www.pasyn.org    212–369–2600                                                     January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779       11
Youth Education & Events
       For additional information about all youth events, please visit pasyn.org | RSVP = Advance registration required | $ = There is a cost for the class or event

     Young Family Education                                                          PASECC

     For the latest information, sign up to receive YFE email:                       For more information, contact Pamela Schwartz, Director,
     visit pasyn.org and click on Email Sign up. Questions? Visit                    at pschwartz@pasyn.org or x150.
     pasyn.org/yfe or contact Jamie Diamond, Director, at jdia-
     mond@pasyn.org or x140.

     To register for any YFE program, go to pasyn.org/yfe;                           • Admissions Play Sessions
     under Upcoming Events, click on the event.                                      · Fri | Jan 11 | School closed, please find child care
                                                                                     · Thu | Jan 24 | 9:30–10:00 am | Make-up session |
                                                                                       School open
     BABY & TODDLER CLASSES                    CAMP KESHET SUMMER 2019

                                                                                     • Rainbow Time
     Choose from a variety of                  Camp Keshet will not                  · Fri | Jan 18 |10:00 am | Tu BiShvat
     classes for babies, tod-                  be in session in summer               · Mon | Feb 13| 10:00 am
     dlers, and young children.                2019. It will relaunch in
     Bring your friends and                    summer 2020. Looking                  • Class Visits
     meet new ones! Classes                    forward to seeing you                 Once a year, parents are invited to join their child for 20
     begin the week of January                 there!                                minutes at the start of the school day.
     2. If you have not yet                                                          · Yellow Room Parents | Tue | Jan 8 | 9:00―9:20 am
     registered, check online                  • Taste of Keshet                     · Purple Room Parents | Tue | Feb 12 | 9:00―9:20 am
     whether there are still                   Our summer program for
     spots open.                               children 18-35 months
                                               (as of June 1, 2019) meets            • Photo Day
     SHABBAT                                   three days a week. This               · Wed | Jan 23 | All day
                                               innovative program allows             · Thu | Jan 24 | All day
     • Shirat Shabbat | Fri |                  young campers to get a
     Jan 11; Feb 15 | 9:10–9:35                taste of what they can                • Coffee and Conversation Series
     am | For toddlers 3 and                   experience next summer                · Fri | Jan 18 | 9:15 am | Lindsay Sklar & Samantha
     under with an adult |                     in our five-day-a-week                  Tanenbaum, PA Chairs | PAS@90th
     PAS@89th                                  Camp Keshet program.                  · Fri | Feb 8 | 9:15 am | Larry Schwartz on Mindfulness &
                                                                                       Parenting | PAS@90th
     • Tot Tefillah: Young
     Family Shabbat                                                                  • PASECC Benefit
     Morning Services | Sat                                                          Thu | Jan 31 | 6:30 pm | The Pierre
     | Jan 12 | 11:15 am–12:00
     pm | PAS@90th                                                                   • Special Visitors Day
                                                                                     · Blue Room | Fri | Feb 1 | 9:00 am
     • Kabbalat Shabbat                                                              · Yellow Room | Fri | Feb 1 | 11:00 am
     and Pasta Dinner for                                                            · Green Room | Mon | Feb 4 | 9:00 am
     Families with Young                                                             · Red Room | Mon | Feb 4 | 1:00 pm
     Children | Fri | Feb 8                                                          · Purple Room | Tue | Feb 5 | 12:00 pm
     | 5:00 pm, Service with                                                         · Rainbow Room | Wed | Feb 6 | 11:00 am
     Rabbi Witkovsky and Josh                                                        · White Cloud Room | Wed | Feb 6 | 11:00 am
     Rosenberg. Approx. 5:30–                                                        · Orange Room | Thu | Feb 7 | 11:00 am
     6:30 pm, Dinner with
     musical entertainment by
     Joanie Leeds | PAS@90th
     $ RSVP

     • YFE Shabbaton
     Havdalah | Sat | Jan 26 |
     5:00 pm | Josh Rosenberg
     | PAS@90th

12            Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin

Congregational School

The Congregational School office is in the Eli M. Black
Lifelong Learning Center at 11 East 89th St., and most classes
take place there. If you have any questions, please contact the
office at x139. For up-to-date information about the school’s
schedule, please rely on the weekly school newsletter.

CS Schedule
School Resumes after Winter Break | Mon | Jan 7

                                                                  Living 10 for 2:
Gimel & Dalet (Gr 3 &            Gan, Alef & Bet (Gr
4) Shabbat Experience            K–2) Family Shabbat              A Mom’s Report
Programs | Sat | Jan 12,         Experiences | Sat | Jan 26,
26; Feb 2, 9 | 10:00 am–         Feb 9 | 11:00 am–12:00 pm |
12:00 pm | PAS@89th              PAS@90th                         FROM ALANA SEROTA

                                                                             y daughters Sloane and Tanys embody living
Hey & Vav (Gr 5 & 6)             Hey (Gr 5) Milestone                        10 for 2 – regarding the fall, winter, and
Shabbat Experience               Moment | Fri | Feb 1 | 5:15                 spring as a barely tolerable interruption
Programs | Sat | Jan 12,         pm | PAS@90th | Followed         between summers at camp. Our apartment is their
26; Feb 2, 9 | 10:00 am–         by CS Kabbalat Shabbat and       home away from their true home, Camp Modin. They
12:00 pm | PAS@90th              Dinner                           start the countdown to camp on the drive back from
                                                                  bus pickup. Dave and I try not to take it too personally.
                                                                  Their phones chime all night long with chat alerts from
Dalet (Gr 4) Trip                Hey, Vav & Zayin (Gr             Apes 2021 and Apes 2023, their respective summer
• Mon | Jan 14 | During          5–7) Shabbat Dinner for          units. Family dinners are filled with inside jokes from
class | The Jewish Museum        Families | Fri | Feb 1 | 7:30    camp and Color War break comparisons. No ice cream
• Thu | Jan 17 | During class    pm | After Kabbalat Shabbat      compares to Waterville's Gifford's and no amusement
| The Jewish Museum              | PAS@90th                       park delights as much as Funtown Splashtown USA. At
                                                                  camp, raucous Shabbat sing-alongs are preceded by a
                                                                  delicious brisket I can never hope to match. We have
Congregational School            Congregational School            schlepped all over the tristate area for camp sleepovers
Closed for MLK                   Closed for Presidents            and all over the country for camp Bnei Mitzvah. One
Weekend                          Day Week                         summer, we offered a trip to Australia in lieu of a
• Sat–Mon | Jan 19–21 | No       • Sat–Sat | Feb 16–23            second month at camp. The answer: “It's okay. We have
classes, tutoring sessions,      • Feb 25 | Classes resume        a lot of Australian counselors, so I think I will just stay
or Shabbat Experience                                             at camp.” Both girls are riflery champs and Krav Maga
Programs.                                                         enthusiasts thanks to Modin. The owners Howie and
• Tue | Jan 22 | Classes         Grade 6 Bnei Mitzvah             Lisa work tirelessly to make the camp a place that is
resume                           Family Program | Wed             both magical and safe, imbued with Jewish traditions
                                 | Feb 27 | 5:45–7:00 pm |        and camp traditions. Our only serious complaint is that
                                 PAS@90th                         they don't have camp for parents.

                                                                  If you are exploring options for your child’s next summer adventure, and
                                                                  if you have any questions, please contact Jewish Camping Committee
                                                                  chair Lynne Bermont at lynnebermont@yahoo.com or PAS Director of
                                                                  Youth Engagement Niki Fleishman at youth@pasyn.org.

      www.pasyn.org   212–369–2600                                              January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779         13

     PAS Youth & RJNHS

                                                     3RD–8TH GRADERS                                   RABBI JUDAH NADICH HIGH SCHOOL
                                                                                                       (8TH–12TH GRADERS)
                                                     Grades 3–5
                                                     • Movie Night | Sat | Jan 12 | 6:00               Let’s Learn/Classes
                                                     pm | PAS@90th                                     Sign up now if you have not already

                                                     Grades 6–8
                                                                                                       Grades 10–11
                                                     • Pre-Super Bowl Flag Football |
                                                                                                       • Scholars Circle | Tue |
                                                     Sun | Feb 3 | 11:00 am | PAS@90th
                                                                                                       6:00 pm | Jan 8, 22; Feb 5, 26 | Rabbi
                                                                                                       Witkovsky and Niki Fleishman |
     Happy                                           Grades 3–5
                                                     • Basketball Tournament | Sun |
                                                     Feb 10 | 11:00 am | PAS@90th
     New                                             Grades 6–8
                                                                                                       Grades 8–9
                                                                                                       • 22 Weeks & 22 Topics | Wed |

                                                                                                       Jan 9, 16, 23, 30; Feb 6, 13, 20, 27
                                                     • Film Screening and Director’s
                                                                                                       | 6:00 pm | Rabbi Witkovsky, Niki
                                                     Talkback: Swim Team | Sun |
                                                                                                       Fleishman, and Pauline Zablow |
                                                     Feb 10 | 3:00 pm | PAS@90th

              ew Year means new things!                                                                • Parent/Teen Study with Rabbi
              Rabbi Judah Nadich High                                                                  Cosgrove | Sat | Jan 12, Feb 9 |
              School has over 30 programs                                                              4:00–5:00 pm | Rabbi Cosgrove’s
     that you can be a part of, from Food                                                              home
     Pantry to classes to Broadway shows.
     Try something new this semester! If                                                               Grade 12
     you have ideas or questions about                                                                 • 12th Grade Seminar | Wed | 6:45
     being involved, if you want more                                                                  pm | Rabbi Cosgrove and Guests |
     information, or to register for an                                                                PAS@89th
     event, see the Teen or Youth email,                                                               · Jan 16 | Dylan Lauren
     visit pasyn.org/youth-rjnhs, or contact                                                           · Feb 6 | Caryn Seidman-Becker
     Niki Fleishman, Director of Youth
     Programming and Engagement, at                                                                    • Shabbaton | Fri–Sat | Jan 25–26
     nfleishman@pasyn.org or x147.                                                                     Dip into an exciting weekend of
                                                                                                       multigenerational learning. See p. 3.

                            Please visit pasyn.org/calendar for up-to-date information and additional details on all PAS programming.

14         Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
Let’s Do                                   Let’s Lead                                     Let’s Go

• Tu BiShvat Gift Bag Making for           • PASTA: PAS Teacher Assistants                • Trip to Spain | Pre-trip Fiesta |
the elderly                                | Mon–Thu | Follows Congregational             Wed | Jan 9 | 6:15 pm | PAS@90th
Wed | Jan 9 | 7:15 pm | PAS@89th           School calendar | 4:00–6:00 pm                 Registration for the Spain Trip (Feb 14–19) is
• PAS Food Pantry and PAS PALs             • Teen Leadership Council
PACKING WITH PAS PALS                      Meeting | Tue | Jan 8, Feb 5 | 7:15            • Film Screening and Director’s
Wed | Jan 9, 16, 23, 30; Feb 6, 13, 20,    pm | PAS@89th                                  Talkback: Swim Team | Sun | Feb
27 | 4:00–5:00 pm                                                                         10 | 3:00 pm | PAS@90th
DISTRIBUTION                               • Parkapellas, Teen A Cappella |
Fri | Jan 11, 18, 25; Feb 1, 8, 15, 22|    Thu | Jan 10, 17, 24, 31; Feb 7, 14, 28 |      • “Ripped” Exercise Class | Thu |
3:45–beginning of Shabbat                  5:30 pm | PAS@90th                             Feb 12 | 7:30 pm | Offsite

• Teen Beit Cafe                           • PAS Teen Rock Band | Thu | Jan               • Nosh with Niki | Anytime | Niki
Tue | Jan 15 | 7:30 pm | PAS@90th          10, 17, 24, 31; Feb 7, 14, 28 | 6:15 pm |      invites anyone out for a treat and a
Grab a drink, a sweet bite to eat, and a   PAS@90th                                       chat. Contact her to set a time for
chair at our open-mic night, featuring     Pianist needed! Please contact Josh            yourself or a teen in your life.
musical and theatrical performances        Rosenberg at jrosenberg@pasyn.org
by talented teens from our own PAS         or x134 if you or anyone you know
community. If you are interested           is looking to be a part of an amazing
in sharing a short performance of          band!
your own, contact Josh Rosenberg at

       www.pasyn.org   212–369–2600                                                    January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779       15
College Connections                               20s & 30s at PAS
Our college students are still a part             Come to Ramah Minyan on the first
of the PAS community, even while                  Friday evening of the month, bond
they are away at school. We send care             with others in a Study Circle, or
packages during the school year and               have coffee with a rabbi anytime.
keep in touch via a monthly email                 Programs are open to all PAS young
from our clergy with words of wisdom,             adults and their friends. They need
                                                  not be members. For information, visit

holiday messages, and even a joke or
two! To include your student(s) in this           pasyn.org/20s30s, or contact Rabbi
program, please visit visit pasyn.org/            Witkovsky at ewitkovsky@pasyn.org
                                                  or x123.

collegeconnections to submit their
contact information. Note: We update
our list every school year, so please             • Jewish Environmentalism:
fill out the form even if a student has
                                                  Planted in Reality and Reaching
been included in the past and even if
their address has not changed. For                for the Sky
more information, please contact Niki             Thu | Jan 17 | 7:30 pm | Rabbi
Fleishman.                                        Witkovsky | PAS@89th                                The Caring Network seeks to nurture
                                                  Learn what Judaism says about our                   individuals and families during times
                                                  responsibility to maintain the earth,               of illness, suffering, loss, and grief
                                                  and discuss how we can take action                  and also during joyful transitions
                                                  as individuals and as a community.                  of birth, adolescence, marriage,
                                                  Open to all.                                        and beyond. Our “What Matters:
                                                  RSVP                                                Caring Conversations About End
                                                                                                      of Life” initiative offers guidance
                                                                                                      about advance care planning, helping
                                                                                                      participants clarify their wishes
                                                                                                      and talk with their families about
                                                                                                      their choices for future healthcare.
                                                                                                      For information about the Caring
                                                                                                      Network’s professional support,
                                                                                                      support groups, and educational
                                                                                                      opportunities, please visit

                                                                                                      If you or anyone you know could
                                                                                                      benefit from the Caring Network,
                                                                                                      or if you would like to volunteer,
                                                                                                      please contact Rabbi Zuckerman at
                                                                                                      nzuckerman@pasyn.org or x121.

                                                                                                        What Matters
                                                                                                      • The Unknown We Fear –
                                                                                                      Exploring Mortality in Art and
                                                                                                      Tue | Feb 12, Apr 30,
                                                                                                      May 21 | 7:15 pm |
                                                                                                      Rabbi Zuckerman |

                         Please visit pasyn.org/calendar for up-to-date information and additional details on all PAS programming.

16      Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
                                                         September 6–November 15, 2018

ADULT EDUCATION FUND                              The Lindower Family, with gratitude to the           Darcy Dalton, in honor of Natalie & Brett
Doris & Henry Murad, in memory of Peggy           clergy.                                              Barth on the Bnei Mitzvah of Benjamin and
Peress’s daughter, Susan.                         Jimmy Rosenfeld, in memory of Bernice                Brian.
                                                  Rosenfeld.                                           Bernie Feinberg, in honor of his 80th
BIKUR CHOLIM FUND                                 Lauren Sachs.                                        birthday.
Barbara Weinstein & Louis Bernstein, in           Stephanie & Stuart Saft, in honor of the             Gail Furman, in honor of Theo Morgan
memory of Helen Schwartz, mother of Carol         birth of Jonah Malcolm Saft.                         becoming a Bar Mitzvah.
Schwartz Sills.                                   Rosalyn Tauber Scheidlinger, in honor of             Marc Karimzadeh.
Gabrielle Davis, in memory of Morton              the Bar Mitzvah of Alan Matthew Breslin,             Doris Katz, in honor of the Bnei Mitzvah of
Davis.                                            grandson of Constance & Bernard Breslin.             Benjamin and Brian Barth, sons of Natalie
Dena & Mark Hirsch, in honor of the Bar           Barbara Benerofe & Harvey Schulweis, in              & Brett Barth.
Mitzvah of Graham Smith.                          memory of Melvin Schulweis.                          Doris Katz, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of
Dena & Mark Hirsch, in honor of the birth         Mark Schwartz, in memory of Hannah                   Graham Smith, son of Rachel Bluth & Derek
of Arden Jay Jakobi, grandson of Sheri &          Schwartz.                                            Smith.
Jimmy Rosenfeld.                                  Carolyn & Mark Schwartz, in honor of                 Stanley Kreinik, in honor of his birthday.
Frances Stewart, in memory of her beloved         Cantor Brook for helping Alexa Schwartz              Stanley Kreinik, in memory of Walter
father, Fred Hahn.                                prepare for her Bat Mitzvah.                         Kreinik.
                                                  Sara Stone.                                          Jane & Stanley Kreinik, in honor of their
CLERGY DISCRETIONARY & WELFARE FUND*              Bonnie & Alan Ulan, in honor of Rabbi                anniversary.
Anonymous (3).                                    Witkovsky upon the occasion of the                   Lionel, Alexander, Evan, Phyllis & Bernard
Natalie & Brett Barth, in honor of the Clergy     marriage of their daughter, Melissa Ulan, to         Leventhal, in loving memory of Vicki K.
Team.                                             Matthew Shapiro.                                     Wimpfheimer.
Joan Burger, in memory of her brother,            Merryl & Stephen Weber.                              Phyllis & Bernard Leventhal, in honor of
Joseph Olener.                                    The Wolitzer Family, with gratitude to the           Dylan Kassin and the responsible young
Martha & Jonathan Cohen.                          clergy.                                              citizens running the synagogue food pantry.
Darcy Dalton, in honor of Sam Silverman’s         Mason Zablow, in honor of Milt Zablow’s              Sharon & Michael Oberman, in honor of
engagement to Danielle Gassman.                   birthday.                                            their anniversary.
Joanne Davis, in honor of Rabbi Neil              Pauline & Milt Zablow, in honor of Cory &            Sharon Oberman, in memory of Lillian
Zuckerman with thanks for his kindness.           Mark Zablow’s anniversary.                           Land.
Rebecca Raphael & Eric Feuerstein, in             Pauline & Milt Zablow, in honor of Mark              Stefanie & James Rothman, in honor of the
memory of Sally Stiefel.                          Zablow’s birthday.                                   birth of Arden Jay Jakobi, grandson of Sheri
James Goldman, in memory of Ida Gilbert.          Kirk Zachary, in honor of his wife Susan             & Jimmy Rosenfeld.
James Goldman, in memory of Jack                  Smirnoff.                                            Stefanie, James, and Benjamin Rothman.
Goldman.                                          Susan Smirnoff & Kirk Zachary, in memory             Nan & Howard Rubin, in honor of Jordan
James Goldman, in memory of Mandel                of Helen Schwartz, mother of Carol                   Klein’s Bar Mitzvah.
Goldman.                                          Schwartz.                                            Rosalyn Tauber Scheidlinger, in memory of
James Goldman, in memory of Mary                  *Note: Individual Clergy Discretionary Funds         Clara Berman Tauber.
Goldman.                                          have been merged into one fund and combined          Susan & Jeffrey Silverman, in honor of
Meredith, Glenn, Jacob, and Caroline              with the Welfare Fund as of July 1, 2018.            Sheri & Jimmy Rosenfeld on the birth of
Greenberg, in honor of Rabbi Witkovsky                                                                 their grandson, Arden Jay Jakobi.
and Cantor Schwartz in appreciation of their      FOOD PANTRY AND SOCIAL ACTION FUND                   Susan & Jeffrey Silverman, in honor
kindness and warmth to Richard Samuels.           Anonymous (4).                                       of Rabbi Neil Zuckerman & Cantor Azi
Sarahbeth Grossman, in memory of Rebecca          Nadine Habousha Cohen, in honor of Dena              Schwartz for conducting a beautiful
Grossman.                                         Hirsch’s milestone birthday.                         celebration in honor of the engagement of
Erica & Phil Hermann, in memory of Sally          Nadine Habousha Cohen, in memory of                  Danielle Gassman to Sam Silverman.
Stiefel.                                          Hayim V. Habousha.                                   Florence Silvers, in loving memory of her
Floy & Amos Kaminski.                             Ed Cohen, in memory of Arline Cohen.                 beloved husband, Arnold Silvers; mother
Lauren & Alan Klein, in honor of Rabbi            Nadine Habousha Cohen & Ed Cohen, in                 and father, Elizabeth & Nathan A. Laveson;
Cosgrove in appreciation for his incredible       memory of Helen Schwartz, mother of Carol            sister and brother-in-law, Claire & Alan J.
support of the AJC’s Judge Learned Hand           Schwartz.                                            Lobis; and brother, Sol Rosner Laveson.
dinner.                                           Nadine Habousha Cohen & Ed Cohen, in                 Leonard Weintraub.
Linda Kloner, in honor of Rabbi Ethan             honor of Mel Schweitzer, Hatan Torah.                Pauline & Milt Zablow, in honor of Theo
Witkovsky.                                        Anita & Stephen Comite, in memory of                 Morgan’s Bar Mitzvah.
Jane & Stanley Kreinik, in honor of Rabbi         Yvette Burke, mother of Geri Haupt.                  Susan Smirnoff & Kirk Zachary, in honor of
Witkovsky.                                        Anne & Paul Corwin, in memory of Helen               Amy & Gary Churgin’s anniversary.
Phyllis & Bernard Leventhal, in honor of          Schwartz, mother of Carol Schwartz.
Cantor Rachel Brook.                              Anne & Paul Corwin, in honor of Lisa                 INCLUSION FUND
Phyllis Leventhal, in memory of her dear          Grinberg, Kallat B’reishit.                          Anonymous.
mother, Gladys Braun.                             Anne & Paul Corwin, in honor of Mel                  Suzanne & James Aisenberg, in honor of
Melissa Frey & Malcolm Levine, in honor of        Schweitzer, Hatan Torah.                             Lisa Grinberg, Kallat B’reishit.
Rabbi Witkovsky officiating Tabitha’s baby        Anne & Paul Corwin, in memory of Beverly             Darcy Dalton, in honor of Lisa Grinberg,
naming.                                           Gasner.                                              Kallat B’reishit.

                            To make a donation, please contact Sam Hopkins at shopkins@pasyn.org or 212-369-4900, x101.

         www.pasyn.org    212–369–2600                                                           January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779    17
                                                          September 6–November 15, 2018

The Grinberg and Phalen Families, in honor         YOUNG FAMILY EDUCATION FUND                        Joan Felder, in memory of Irving
of Lisa Grinberg, Kallat B’reishit.                Michelle & Paul Kaplan, in honor of their          Schlesinger.
Ki Hwang, in honor of Rabbi Ethan                  anniversary.                                       Rhetta Felton, in memory of Iolabee Berson.
Witkovsky.                                                                                            Laraine Fischer, in honor of her birthday.
Andrea & Ivan Lustig, in honor of Lisa             YOUTH AND TEEN ENGAGEMENT FUND                     Alan Fischer, in memory of Sande Fischer-
Grinberg, Kallat B’reishit.                        Sandra First, in honor of her son, Mark            Cass.
Sheri & Jimmy Rosenfeld, in honor of Lisa          First, chanting torah on Rosh Hashanah.            Susan Fischer, in memory of Joseph
Grinberg, Kallat B’reishit.                                                                           Glatzer.
Janice Shachter.                                   GENERAL CONTRIBUTIONS                              Marissa Forsted, in memory of Dr.
                                                   Anonymous.                                         Joseph Weiss, beloved husband, father,
JEWISH CAMPING FUND                                Deanna Adler, in memory of Michael                 grandfather.
Heidi Silverstone, in memory of Barbara            Zeitlin.                                           Karen & Barry Frankel, in honor of Ivan
Michels.                                           Lea Avigdor, in memory of Miriam Levy.             Lustig’s special birthday.
                                                   Michael Bales, in memory of Andrew Bales.          Karen Freedberg, in memory of Fay Hertz.
LIBRARY FUND                                       Erica & Scott Belsky.                              Eleanor Frommer.
Anonymous.                                         Nicole Ben-Dor, in honor of her birthday.          Marilyn Garcy, in memory of Celia Staum.
                                                   Edith Bergen, in memory of Arthur Bergen.          Sarah Gelber, in honor of her birthday.
MUSIC FUND                                         Daniel Bernstein, in honor of his birthday.        Barbara Gerstel, in memory of Leonard
Anonymous (4).                                     Louis Bernstein, in memory of Leonard              Frank.
Linda Schreiber, in gratitude for                  Bernstein.                                         Marshall Gluck, in memory of Ruth Rubin
livestreaming services.                            Anna & Matt Bloom, in memory of their              Gluck.
                                                   father, Julian Jadow, with much love and           Barbara Gertel Goltzer, in memory of Rifka
PRAYER BOOK FUND                                   admiration.                                        Gertel.
Phyllis & Bernard Leventhal, in gratitude.         E.J. Borrack, in memory of Edith Zitwer,           Susan & Jerry Goodman, in honor of their
The Lewis Family, in memory of Sally               beloved mother of Mary Zitwer Millman.             anniversary.
Stiefel, mother of their dear friend, Meg          E.J. Borrack, in memory of Willy Martin,           Candy Gould, in memory of Mary Mazza.
Roth.                                              beloved father of Neva Anton.                      Naomi Grabel, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah
Sandy & Jonathan Merrill.                          Michael Brenner, in loving memory of his           of Jordan Klein.
Ronnie & David Parker, in honor of                 sister, Patti Brenner Pellegrini.                  Naomi Grabel, in loving memory of Sharon
Ronnie’s birthday.                                 Constance Breslin, in memory of Eli Lane.          Weidberg.
Ronnie & David Parker, in memory of                David Brous, in honor of his birthday.             Naomi Grabel, in honor of Rachel Brook’s
David’s mother, Beatrice D. Parker.                Susan Cantor, in honor of Mia Goldblum’s           installation as Cantor.
Susan Smirnoff & Kirk Zachary.                     Bat Mitzvah.                                       Richard Green, in memory of William
                                                   Charles Charrow, in honor of his birthday.         Green.
SHAPIRO AUDIO ARCHIVE FUND                         Charles Charrow, in memory of Saul                 Steven Gutwillig, in memory of Anna
Joanne V. Davis, in memory of Herbert              Charrow.                                           Gutwillig.
Frommer, husband of Eleanor Frommer.               Ronald Cohen, in memory of Benjamin                Louise Hamilton, in memory of Frances
Joanne V. Davis, in memory of Arnold               Cohen.                                             Myers.
Sabin, husband of Lite Sabin.                      Caren Constantiner, in memory of Esther            The Hampton Family, in memory of Walter
Joanne V. Davis, in memory of Bertram D.           Sturza.                                            Schindler.
Weiss, father of Ronnie Parker.                    Caren & Arturo Constantiner, in honor of           David Helfgott, in memory of Howard
Joanne V. Davis, in memory of Phyllis              their anniversary.                                 Helfgott.
Kreinik, sister of Stanley Kreinik.                Rosalind & Irwin Cooper, in memory of              Lawrence Heller, in memory of Gertrude
Joanne V. Davis, in memory of Judith               Norman Gottridge, beloved brother of               Heller.
Victorsohn Rosenberg.                              George Gottridge.                                  Ellen & Lawrence Heller, in memory of
Ruth Levenson, in memory of Milton                 Samuel Cooper, in honor of his birthday.           Ferdinand Heller.
Levenson.                                          Samuel Cooper, in memory of Thelma Sapir.          Erica & Philip Hermann, in honor of the
                                                   Samuel Cooper, in memory of William                Bnei Mitzvah of Benjamin and Brian Barth,
TIKKUN OLAM FUND                                   Cooper.                                            sons of Natalie & Brett Barth.
Anonymous.                                         Bradley Corben, in memory of Jacob Cohen.          Dena Hirsch, in memory of her beloved
Rosalind & Irwin Cooper, in memory of              Linda Daitz, in memory of Jenny                    mother, Drazel Penberg.
Audrey Holtzman, a wonderful person and            Rosenberg.                                         Lewis Honig, in honor of his birthday and
longtime friend.                                   Juliet Diller, in memory of Manya Cooper.          the 70th anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah at
Bonnie Olsen, in honor of the Bnei Mitzvah         Louis Ehrenberg, in memory of Sol                  PAS.
of Allison and Jakob Markman.                      Ehrenberg.                                         Lewis Honig, in memory of Lillian Honig.
Colette Setton, in memory of Leon Medini.          Uri Evan, in memory of Abraham Milstein.           Allyson Horowitz, in memory of Joseph
Aaron Stern, in memory of Robert Stern.            Phyllis Feinberg.                                  Weiss.
                                                   Richard Feinbloom, in honor of his                 Fern Hurst, in memory of Dr. Stanley
YOM HASHOAH CANDLE PROGRAM                         birthday.                                          Karesh.
Ruth Levenson, in memory of Juan Levi.             Elizabeth Feiner, in memory of George              Rita Kaplan, in honor of Gina Belsky & Alex
                                                   Cooper.                                            Modell.
                                                   Harriet Feiwel, in loving memory of her
                                                   mother, Libby Rich.

                             To make a donation, please contact Sam Hopkins at shopkins@pasyn.org or 212-369-4900, x101.

18       Park Avenue Synagogue Bulletin
                                                       September 6–November 15, 2018

Joseph Kekst, in memory of Michelle Kekst.      Robert Matthews, in memory of Rose                 Marvin Sandler, in memory of Donna
Ronnie & Arthur Kirsch, in honor of their       Matthews.                                          Blaine.
anniversary.                                    Dana Meltzer, in memory of Irwin Meltzer.          Mimi Sandler, in memory of Percy A.
Ronnie & Arthur Kirsch, in honor of Rabbi       Robert Miller, in memory of Horst Urban.           Berman.
Zuckerman on Danielle Zuckerman’s Bat           Robert Miller, in honor of his birthday.           Joan & Sylvan Schefler, in memory of Leo
Mitzvah.                                        Sheila Miller, in memory of Pauline Werbin.        Silverstein.
Dorothy Kirsch, in honor of her birthday.       Ed Mintz, in memory of Sydell Mintz.               Joan & Sylvan Schefler, in memory of Irving
Susan Koeppel, in honor of her dear friend,     Robin & David Mitchell, in memory of               Weinstein.
Dena Hirsch.                                    Joseph Maxwell Karpf.                              Rosalyn Tauber Scheidlinger, in memory of
Jody & Steve Konstadt, in honor of Lisa         Muriel Mitzman.                                    Helen Schwartz, mother of Carol Schwartz.
Grinberg, Kallat B’reishit.                     Rita Moser, in memory of William Ungar.            Michele Schrader, in memory of Henri
Dora Kooby, in memory of Fred Kooby.            Howard Muchnick, in memory of Meyer                Viterbo.
Lynette & Steven Koppel, in memory of Pat       Muchnick.                                          Michele Schrader, in memory of Rose
Sylvia, mother of Jonathan Elyachar.            Felice Muchnick, in honor of her birthday.         Schroder.
Ellen Koppelman, in memory of her               Carol Mutterperl, in memory of William             Joan Schreiber, in memory of Isidore
parents, Dorothy & Melvin Match.                Frieser.                                           Perlmutter.
Stephanie Later, in memory of Meyer Later.      William Mysels, in honor of his birthday.          Harvey Schulweis, in memory of Irving
Stephanie Later, in memory of Frances           Suzanne Nederlander, in memory of Martin           Schulweis.
Later.                                          Meirowitz.                                         Harvey Schulweis, in memory of Rosalind
Cantor David Lefkowitz, in memory of            Risë Norman, in memory of Herbert                  Schulweis.
Alexander Lorber.                               Norman.                                            Erica & Eric Schwartz, in honor of their
Joan & Cantor David Lefkowitz, in honor         Michael Norwich, in memory of Isadore              30th anniversary.
of Carol Kekst on the Bar Mitzvah of her        Norwich.                                           Michelle Schwartz, in memory of her
grandson, Alexander Kekst.                      Avivith Oppenheim, in memory of Michael            mother, Ruth Schwartz.
Joan & Cantor David Lefkowitz, in honor of      Teicher.                                           Melvin Schweitzer, in memory of Irving
Joan & Paul Schreiber on the birth of their     Brian Pollack, in memory of Jacques                Schweitzer.
grandson, Maverick Archer Cohen.                Pollack.                                           Melvin Schweitzer, in honor of his birthday.
Joan & Cantor David Lefkowitz, in honor of      Carolyn & Rubin Ptak, in memory of Ida             Debra Seidel, in memory of Tom Salmon.
Natalie & Brett Barth on the Bnei Mitzvah       & Milton Segal, Sylvia & Harry Ptak, and           Florence Seligman, in memory of Benjamin
of their sons, Brian and Benjamin.              Brent Pasternak.                                   Seligman.
Joan Leiman, in memory of Sally Joffe.          Mordecai Rochlin, in memory of Ruth                Florence Seligman, in memory of Sophie
Joan Leiman, in memory of Leonard               Rochlin.                                           Seligman.
Leiman.                                         Mordecai Rochlin, in memory of Bessie              Colette Setton, in honor of her birthday.
Sandy Lenger, in honor of her birthday.         Rochlin.                                           Betsy Shuster, in honor of Shereen Rutman
Steven Lenger, in memory of Paul Lenger.        Joan Rosen, in memory of Rosalind                  in appreciation for her kindness to Nancy &
Jay Lerman, in memory of Morris Lerman.         Bleecker.                                          Ray Treiger.
Bernard Leventhal, in memory of Alvin A.        Brant Rosenberg, in honor of his birthday.         Betsy & Richard Shuster, in honor of Rabbi
Leventhal.                                      Jill Rosenberg, in honor of the Bnei Mitzvah       Elliot Cosgrove and his touching care for
Phyllis & Bernard Leventhal, in honor of        of Allison and Jacob Markman.                      their parents, Nancy & Ray Treiger.
Joan & Paul Schreiber on the birth of their     Jimmy Rosenfeld, in honor of his birthday.         Dianne Siegelbaum, in memory of Adelle
grandson.                                       Estelle Roth, in honor of her birthday.            Mahler.
The Levey Family, in honor of Jordan            Robert de Rothschild, in memory of Alain           Stanley Siegelbaum, in memory of Frances
Klein’s Bar Mitzvah.                            de Rothschild.                                     Siegelbaum.
Alan Levine, in memory of Jacques Levine.       Robert de Rothschild, in memory of Debra           Dianne Siegelbaum, in memory of Harold
Rochelle Levine, in honor of her birthday.      de Rothschild.                                     Mahler.
Debbie Levinson.                                Shereen & Howard Rutman, in memory                 Esther Silver, in memory of Murray Altfeld.
Carol Levitt, in memory of Lawrence Levitt.     of Yvette Burke, beloved mother of Geri            Susan Smirnoff, in memory of Nathan
Lucy Lipiner, in memory of Rose                 Haupt.                                             Smirnoff.
Mandelbaum.                                     Shereen & Howard Rutman, in honor of               Carol Spiegel, in memory of Irwin Spiegel.
Lucy Lipiner, in memory of Edward Lipiner.      Lisa Grinberg, Kallat B’reishit.                   Faith & Robert St. Claire.
Miriam London, in memory of Selma               Shereen & Howard Rutman, in memory                 Amy Steiner, in honor of her birthday.
London.                                         of Sharon Weidberg, beloved mother of              Neil Steiner, in honor of his birthday.
Miriam London, in honor of her birthday.        Suzanne Klein.                                     Amy & Neil Steiner, in honor of their
Miriam London, in memory of Pearl               Shereen & Howard Rutman, in honor of the           anniversary.
Schechterson.                                   Barth Family on the occasion of the Bnei           Aaron Stern, in honor of his birthday.
Andy Baumann Lustig & Ivan Lustig, in           Mitzvah of Brian and Benjamin.                     Marilyn Tobias, in memory of her father,
memory of Sally Stiefel.                        Shereen & Howard Rutman, in memory of              Henry Tobias, on his yahrzeit.
Ann Lyons, in memory of Julius Moskowitz.       Shereen’s beloved father, Leon Gertel.             Marilyn Tobias, in honor of her birthday.
Andy Marcus, in memory of Gerda Marcus.         Lite Sabin, in memory of Beverly Diamond.          Helene Torker, in memory of Elsie
Roger Markfield, in memory of Max               Lite Sabin, in memory of Wulf Peter                Goldberg.
Markfield.                                      Bielenberg.                                        Ray Treiger, in memory of Sam Treiger.
Rita Matthews, in memory of Pearl Rolnick.      Henry Salmon, in honor of his birthday.            Ray Treiger, in memory of Irwin Treiger.

                          To make a donation, please contact Sam Hopkins at shopkins@pasyn.org or 212-369-4900, x101.

         www.pasyn.org   212–369–2600                                                         January-February 2019 Tevet-Shvat-Adar I 5779   19
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