Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke

Page created by Mitchell Montgomery
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
CIRCULATION 1810 P 02 6777 1111 F 02 6777 1112 wtc@walchatelecottage.com.au walchatelecottage.com.au                                                  24 March 2021

   Walcha sports stars taking
  on the best in the big smoke

            Wishing our swimmers the best of luck at PSSA State Swimming Championships in Sydney
                   Cody Wellings, James McLaren, Alex Gunn and Cameron Mooney will form the senior boys relay team, representing the North West.
       Hannah Swain, Blaine Cooney and Cody Wellings will line up in the 50 metres freestyle at the State titles along with James McLaren in the 50 metres backstroke.
       Pictured from left: Cameron Mooney, Hannah Swain, Blaine Cooney, Cody Wellings, Alexander Gunn, James McLaren

Team Brennan off to the NSW Golf Open
By A.J. Cross
Weather permitting, local professional Andrew Brennan
will be competing at the NSW Golf Open this week after
being listed in the top five trainee graduates in Australia
over the past two years.
The 2016 Walcha Club Champion accepted an invitation
to nominate for the tournament starting on Thursday
at Concord in Sydney which has attracted prizemoney
totalling $400,000 and will be accompanied by his father
Wayne who is going to be his caddie.
This will be A.J’s second NSW Open after he played his
first Tour event back in 2019 and he has also competed
in the past two Queensland Opens, making the cut last
year where he finished 2 under par for the 72 holes in
32nd position on the leaderboard.
Back in 2016 Andrew teamed up with his father to win
the NSW 4BBB Sandgreen Championships at Hay, so
teamwork shouldn’t be a problem for the ‘Dynamic Duo’
over the next few days.
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
                                                         The rainfall on the mid-north coast this last week has been mind blowing
                                                         in magnitude and just highlights how powerful the forces of nature can

  OK EARTHMOVING                                         be. It also exposes us for how vulnerable we are when these events
                                                         occur. The flooding in NSW is a once in a lifetime experience for many
                                                         and one I am sure they don’t want to repeat. I do wonder how bad it might
  PH 6777 7430 FAX 6777 7448                             have been on the mid-north coast if in the tablelands, we had received a
                                                         lot of rain before them, but that wasn’t an issue. The flooding was caused
     • Earthworks • Road Construction • Erosion Work •   largely by heavy, local rainfall. I must say the images of livestock dead
              • Stick Raking • Dam building •            on beaches and animals disoriented as they get spun out of the torrent
PETER O’KEEFE: 0429 944 821 JASON HOY: 0437 277 197      far away from their paddocks are tough to look at. One farmer from
                                                         around Taree was interviewed on Saturday and he had something like
                                                         190 cattle swept away. The sheer volume of water right up and down the
                                                         coast of NSW is hard to comprehend. Underneath that water will be a lot
                                                         of damage to infrastructure and ruined dreams which will appear from
                                                         beneath the surface in the coming week or so. Apparently the rain will
                                                         stop from Wednesday and we will go back to some sunny weather for a
                                                         while. Thirty degrees forecast for the coast on Friday!
                                                         There have been some videos online from various parts of the coast
                                                         which do highlight just how much water is around. The one I saw of Port
                                                         Macquarie was amazing with much of the river frontage on both sides
                                                         of the Hastings, well under water and many buildings inundated. You
                                                         can’t help but feel for the occupants of those buildings, whether they are
                                                         businesses or residential. One very well known restaurant on Hastings
                                                         River Drive, Whalebone Wharf was totally ruined with the owner saying
                                                         they did not have flood insurance. There were shops flooded in the town
                                                         and some of the buildings to the west of town around West Port Bowling
                                                         Club. It is a mess. To the south of Port settlements along the Camden
                                                         Haven inlet are also in a world of hurt. As are many smaller communities
                                                         further west around Wauchope and south to Taree. Gloucester was also
                                                         badly flooded as water spilled across the flood plain there. Information
                                                         about these outlying towns and villages has been harder to find than that
                                                         of the big centres such as Port. But the losses will be just as hard felt and
  CONTRACT                                               communities will take some time to rebuild.
                                                         I have to say that so far we have been blessed by not having the heavy

  BOOM                                                   rainfall that has been experienced in so many areas. Tamworth has had
                                                         a lot of rain in the last couple of weeks and we have had but a fraction of

                                                         their tallies. Further out, Moree, Walgett, Coonamble and even down as
                                                         far as Narromine, there has been quite a lot of rain in isolated areas. From
                                                         talking with people in these districts, they are now really looking forward

  AVAILABLE                                              to a bit of sunshine so they can get on with their winter crop planting. The
                                                         moisture profile is very good in many districts and it appears it will be
                                                         another big year for farmers who can get a crop in the ground.
                                                         It will be interesting to see how this weeks weather events affect markets.
                                                         I suspect it will have a big impact on some of the vegetables and fruits
                                                         as a lot of growing areas have been affected by flooding. I doubt it will
                                                         have any long lasting effect on livestock markets as the flooding has
                                                         largely been confined to the east of the ranges. The immediate impact
                                                         on Monday was to see most markets quoted dearer as buyers make
                                                         sure they have some stock in line to keep processing plants operating.
                                                         Cattle markets did not react as much as the sheep and lamb market, but
                                                         they were both positive. I am looking forward to hearing Simon Quilty’s
                                                         thoughts later this week about meat markets and where they may be
                                                         heading for the next 12 to 18 months. His insights in recent years have
                                                         proven to be very good and it will give us some direction at a time when
                                                         cattle prices are at record levels and sheep markets are strong, but
                                                         numbers are starting to rebuild quickly.
                                                         If your BAS is up to date and you are searching for something to watch
                                                         during this wet weather, I can recommend last weeks Landline program.
                                                         They were celebrating 30 years of the program and it contained some
                                                         great images of farming as well as some stories they have covered over
                                                         the years. It was well worth viewing and you can no doubt head to ABC
      Contact Dave at Richardsons Walcha on              Iview and take it in. Landline is such a good program with many followers
      0427 012 400 or drop in to see the team.           from both the city and the bush. It is a great promoter of positive stories
                                                         about agriculture, something we see far to little of.

                                            Page 2 ... 24 March 2021
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
New Tea House opens
A love of tea and unique gifts enticed Kerri Brazel to open her own Tea House last week
in Fenwicke House.
Fenwicke Tea House is open Tuesday to Sunday from 9am to 4pm for delicious morning
and afternoon teas, as well as light lunches. “Our lunch menu includes quiches, soups
and sandwiches, which complement our vast range of teas,” Kerri said. Also available
are cold drinks and Kerri is serving Walcha Roasted Coffee from Cameron Hayton.
And not only is it a Tea House, but you can browse the large range of locally made jams,
chutneys, platters and personalised gifts. “Cathy Brooks is also stocking her unique
homewares, and there are earrings, frames and bath products which all make lovely
gifts for all ages,” Kerri commented.
Kerri is looking forward to welcoming families who would like to spoil their mum for
Mother’s Day with a High Tea. She is also looking to open for breakfast in the future.
Fenwicke House will re-open as a Bed & Breakfast as Kerri is currently putting the
finishing touches to two bedrooms upstairs, one with a king bed and ensuite; with the
second room featurng two king singles with a bathroom downstairs.
                                                                                           Kerri serves scones and tea last week to visitors
To contact the Tea House, or to make bookings for Mother’s Day, Kerri can be contacted                     from Brisbane.
on 0400 395 047.

St Patrick’s Day
Students at St Patrick’s
School celebrated St Patrick’s
Day last Wednesday with
lots of green! They dressed
up in all shades of green
and devoured green food for
morning tea!                                                                           Year3/4                               Kindergarten

                                                          Page 3 .. 24 March 2021
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
State Sporting
    Looking for                                                    coming to Walcha
    dog tucker?                                                                                                 Walcha       Pony
                                                                                                                will be hosting Pony
                                                                                                                Club NSW 2021 State

 We have you covered!                                                                                           Sporting and Campdraft
                                                                                                                Championships over the
                                                                                                                Easter weekend.     The
                                                                                                                events will be held on
                                                                                                                Easter Saturday and
                                                                                                                Sunday, with competitors
                                                                                                                arriving on Friday.
  2 Bag deal                                                                                                    There will be over 120

  on Stockman                                                                                                   riders competing in the
                                                                                                                sporting   events    and
  and Paddock                                                     Walcha Showground will host the 2021 State
                                                                     Sporting Championships over Easter.
                                                                                                                around 70 campdrafting.
                                                                                                                Twelve riders will be
                                                                            Photos: Candice Liddle              representing    Walcha

  $40 a bag
  Price includes gst
                                                                                                                Pony Club and 38 from
                                                                                                                Zone 13. It will be an
                                                                                                                action packed weekend
                                                                                                                with some of the best
                                                                                                                riders in the state
                                                                                                                If you would like to be
                                                                                                                a spectator please call
                                                                                                                Samantha Carter on 0408
                                                                                                                727 376 and your name
6 Aberbaldie Rd Walcha. Phone 6777 2588. www.wvs.com.au                                                         can go on the list for gate
                       *Terms and conditions apply                                                              entry.

We need your Books?
Our annual Quota Book
Fair is on again in April!
If you have books to donate,
please drop them off to:
Youth Club Hall 29-31 March or
Sue Reardon 61n Thee Street or
Julie Yates 70e Fitzroy Street

                                                                    To the Walcha Show Committee and Walcha community for a
                                                                     wonderful Show.

                                                                    To Cassie at Walcha library for collaborating with Friends of
                                                                     Riverview and Quota library ladies on the purchase of a new
                                                                     library trolley for Riverview.
                 • Rural and Commercial Finance                     To Peta and Emma at Nutrien Boultons for helping the senior who
                 • Leasing                                           isn’t ‘Tech Savvy’.
                 • Home Loans                                       To the state of the roadworks on Aberbaldie Road over the
                 • Insurance Premium Funding                        weekend, with huge rough rocks to drive over.

                 KEL PENFOLD                                       Contributions will be received in person, by fax or phone and
                                                                   must include your name and contact details. They will be
                 6766 5309 • 0427 667 118                          printed at the discretion of the editor.

                                                     Page 4 ... 24 March 2021
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
All smiles out in the workforce
Walcha Central School Year 10 students put down their                    local businesses for their support of the students and time
books last week and spent five days in the workforce                     they spent showing the students the various parts of their
as a part of the Year 10 Work Experience Program.                        businesses.
When we visited they were all thoroughly enjoying being                  Walcha Telecottage hosted Anika McKenna for the week, who
out in the community and learning new skills. Year 10                    has put together this report and photos for The Advocate.
Work Experience Co-ordinator, Emma Ireland thanked the

              Arlen Evans                                     Dallas Foster                                   Olivia Haslem
We have Arlen to thank for our rissoles and      Dallas Foster got around in some big             Olivia has spent last week with Elders
sausages last week, when he learnt the tricks    machinery last week with ETE Services. His       helping with a wide range of things – from
of the trade at Cross Bros. Butchery. During     week included digging trenches and delivering    customer service to weighing cattle for up
his week Arlen learnt how to make, tie and       gravel for the Hartford Road project.            coming sales.
wrap sausages, batter and crumb meat,            During his time with ETE he also learnt an She also went around to have a look at
along with many other skills.                    important skill – listening to traffic control. different pastures with Angus Laurie and
He loved being a part of the community for       His favorite part was going in the truck, and Lachie Holz. Olivia loved being around the
the week, chatting with customers whilst         learning how to operate machinery.              Elders team and said that it was great to
serving, which he described as his favorite                                                      learn new things in a friendly environment.
part of the job.

              Marlee Wall                                   Hannah Howard
If you needed anything from Walcha Vet           Hannah has been spending time with
Supplies last week, you may have come            different animals and learning lots of new
across Marlee.                                   skills at Walcha Vet Clinic. Her week included
Marlee spent a busy week at Vet Supplies         learning how to preg test cattle, checking
– from paperwork, computers and getting          pulses, vaccinating, and watching surgery.
supplies from out the back, to serving           Hannah also washed and fed dogs and
customers out the front. Her favorite part was   loved playing with puppies – which was her
serving, talking to people and getting them      favourite part of the job.
what they needed.
                                                                                                            Anika McKenna
                                                                                                  I learnt a lot of new skills at the Walcha
                                                               Chloe Cox                          Telecottage. I have helped out with typing
                                                  Chloe has been helping out at the               and printing of the Apsley Advocate, and I
                                                  Hospital – showering, cooking and               have learnt new skills in a program called
                                                  observing patients. She also had lots of        Adobe InDesign.
                                                  fun singing and keeping them company.
                                                                                                  I helped create ads for the Quota phone book
                                                  Chloe enjoyed spending time with the            and did some jobs which included printing
                                                  residents, and her favourite part of her        and laminating and some banking too.
                                                  week was listening to their stories.
                                                                                                  My favorite part of the week was going
                                                                                                  around to collect stories for this weeks
                                                                                                  Advocate. I loved asking questions and
                                                                                                  taking the photos.
                                                           Page 5 ... 24 March 2021
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
Free concert coming
                                                                                    up at Nowendoc
                                                                                 Saturday 10 April 2021 is the date. Start time is 5:00pm, but with
                                                                                 hundreds of tickets gone you need to come early to pick out your
                                                                                 spot. Gates to the show open from 3:30pm and parking is free!
                                                                                 Come earlier if you want to camp. If you want to catch the free bus
                                                                                 from McHattan Park book NOW on 0427 692 265.

      Achieve the best outcome for your investment and
      retirement goals. Contact our highly qualified and
      professional financial adviser today.

      Greig Meyer is a Certified Financial Planner and
      principal of PKF Wealth based in Tamworth and
      Walcha. For more information or to make an
      appointment contact one of our friendly staff now.
                                                                                 Autumn is as good a time as any to have the first family friendly
       Tamworth                                                                  outdoor music Fest at the beautiful Nowendoc Recreation
                                                Walcha                           Grounds, Brackendale Road (near the School).
       22-24 Bourke Street                      12 Derby Street                  We may have left Summer behind but the warmth and enthusiasm
                                                                                 for an outdoor musical extravaganza in the high country has
       Tamworth NSW 2340                        Walcha NSW 2354                  not abated. Andrew Clermont’s Supper Club family will be
                                                                                 at full strength with fifteen musicians now committed to your
    Greig Meyer is an Authorised Representative of PKF Wealth TMW Pty Ltd
                                                                                 You will remember the favourite and familiar moves at previous
                ABN 21 154 894 130     AFSL No. 515733
                                                                                 gigs of Andrew Clermont (Maestro), Goldheist, Anthony Walmsley,
                                                                                 Randall Wilson, Mark Atkins, Brookie Gillett and Daniel Gillett.
Great comedy workshop                                                            Apart from our fabulous Felix on bagpipes, there will be seven
                                                                                 more renowned artists coming from various parts of the country.

   for kids coming up                                                            We want to give them all an unforgettable experience because
                                                                                 that’s what they will be giving us!
                                                                                 The Travelling Cappuccinos, Mak’s Turkish Gozleme and Freaky
NSW Youth Week will run from the 16th
to 24th of April this year, and the theme is                                     Deaky Dutch Pancakes will be on site and much appreciated, I’m
‘Together more than ever!’ Nothing brings                                        sure.
a community together more than laughter,                                         Check out all the details on the Nowendoc Summer Fest Facebook
so Walcha Council have organised a                                               page or when you get your free but COVID compulsory ticket at
comedy workshop and performance for                                              www.trybooking.com/BNBTO.
Walcha’s young people. This workshop                                             This project was made possible through The Bushfire Community
will be run by Anthony Lamond, one of
                                                                                 Recovery and Resilience Fund Phase 2, a joint Commonwealth-
Australia’s hardest working and much
                                                                                 State fund through the Disaster Funding Arrangements
admired Stand Up Comedians, having
                                                                                 administered by Resilience NSW.
hosted and produced over 750 shows
all around Australia. He has produced
shows and shared the stage with high profile comedians such as Dave
Hughes, Jimeoin, Fiona O’Loughlin, Peter Rowsthorn, Cal Wilson,
Merrick Watts, Lawrence Mooney, The Old Fella, Chris Franklin, Heath
Franklin, Bob Franklin and any other Franklin that has done Stand Up
Comedy.                                                                                        Eyesore on the oval
Anthony delivers a workshop in stand up comedy to provide the                    Sad to see a shipping container shoved in under the beautiful
opportunity for young people to develop skills in performance,
                                                                                 stand of elms at the Peter Fenwicke Oval. The ripped-
expression, public speaking and the ‘science of laughter’. This workshop
is not designed to be a competition to find the best comedian, rather
                                                                                 off branches, left on the ground and on top of the shipping
it’s about developing each individual and becoming more confident in             container, are testament to the lack of regard for the tree.
themselves. The whole day workshop targets young people in Years 6               The eyesore of a huge metal container now sits in ugly contrast
to 12, and gives them an opportunity to produce their own comedy show            to the beautifully carved wooden seat on the other side of the
and perform it to a live audience of family and friends.                         entrance.
Flyers and application forms have been distributed amongst local                 A tasteful pre-fab shed could have been quickly constructed,
schools. Young people interested in this unique opportunity can
                                                                                 and situated away from the trees.. All that was needed was a
contact the Walcha Library to collect their application and information
pack. Cassie McKenna is happy to answer any questions and provide                concern for nature and the built environment.
information on 67742550 or library@walcha.nsw.gov.au.                            Kerry Fair

                                                                    Page 6 ... 24 March 2021
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
Get your calendar out and mark in Saturday 4th September
2021 for the second High Country Long Luncheon. The
inaugural event was held in April 2019 and was a roaring
success with around 300 people enjoying boutique gins, craft
beers, and a gourmet luncheon courtesy of local producers
prepared beautifully by Pronto catering in the stunning gardens
of Cairnie.
Wind the clock forward two years and following the drought,
bushfires, and COVID, tickets are expected to sell incredibly
The event is organised by the St Patrick’s P&F who have this
year received funding to host the lunch through the Bushfire
Community Recovery and Resilience Fund which will subsidise
the cost of the tickets without the committee approaching local
businesses for donations and support to hold the event.
An auction will be held on the day with some great prizes
rolling in already. All proceeds raised will be used to build a
playground for the students at the school.
The luncheon is funded through the Bushfire Community
Recovery and Resilience Fund Phase 2, a joint
Commonwealth-State fund through the Disaster Recovery
Funding Arrangements administered by Resilience NSW.
Tickets will be sold online and will be available closer to the
date with notices appearing on social media as well as in The
Advocate. Keep up to date by following highcountrylonglunch
on Instagram.

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                 Pre-sale photos available to view at www.pittsons.com.au
                                                     Page 7 ..24 March 2021
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
2021 Walcha Show Results
Woodchopping                                     everyone who helped in some way to make it          and Matt Czapracki and Brick 3rd.
Class 1. 275mm UH HC 1 Hayden Hewitt,            the success that it was.                            Special mention goes to our new major
2 Michael O’Connor, 3 Austin Scrivener, 4        Champion Dahlia Darrel Burton. Champion             sponsor Walcha Energy. It is with their support
Steve Clayton. Class 2. 250mm SB HC 1            Rose Col King. Champion Miscellaneous               that event such as this can be run successfully.
Chris Owen, 2 Josh Craft, 3 Bryan Wagner,        Flower Diana Lisle. Champion Open Section           Also like to thank Steven and Bobby from
4 Brad DeLosa. Class 3. 400mm SS HC 1            Robyn Lyon. Champion Restricted Section             Walcha Carrying Co for the kind donation of
Glen Wilson, 2 Leon Critchfield, 3 Clayton       Diana Lisle. Innovation Award Carolyn Salter.       time and trucks to transport the sheep. To all
Read, 4 Chris Owen. Class 5. 250mm               Olga Lisle Trophy Robyn Lyon. Men’s                 the other helpers that helped on the day and
Veterans 1 Dennis Howard, 2 Craig Wagner,        Impose Andrew Crawford.                             in setting up the course the week prior, it is a
3 Kerry Hewitt, 4 Don Brown. Class 6. Tree       Children’s Section was well supported by            huge thank you to you as many hands made
Champ. 1 Bryan Wagner, 2 Lindsay Hewitt, 3       Walcha Central, Yarrowitch and St Patrick’s         for light work.
                                                 Schools. Thank you to the teachers who
Mitch Scrivener, 4 Austin Scrivener. Class 7.                                                        Junior Judging
350mm UH Champ. 1 Blake Marsh, 2 Brad            encourage these students to be a part of the
                                                 Walcha Show. It is much appreciated by the          Merino – 1st Bateson Pittman, 2nd Phoebe
DeLosa, 3 Chris Owen, 4 David Reumer.                                                                Donnelly and 3rd Isabelle Kelly.
Class 9. Hall Axemen’s Club def. Walcha          Show Committee.
                                                 Phyllis Hoy Head Steward                            Meat Sheep – 1st Hain van Eyk, 2nd Alex
Wood Choppers. Class 10. Tree HC 1 Austin                                                            Baker and 3rd Maddie Porter.
Scrivener, 2 Lindsay Hewitt, 3 Bryan Wagner,     Knitting & Crochet                                  Beef – 1st Melyn Byrne, 2nd Macey Wake and
4 Hayden Hewitt. Class 11. 300mm UH HC 1         Champion Knitting June Foster. Champion             Emily Taylor.
Michael O’Connor, 2 Frank Morrison, 3 Josh       Crochet Sonya Gibson.
Craft, 4 Tom Ramsey. Class 12. 275mm SB                                                              Cross Bred Lambs
HC 1 Josh Craft, 2 Lincoln Gill, 3 Will Brook,   Yard Dog Trials                                     Trade Lambs Shorn – 1st Bywell Grazing Co,
4 Jack Waters. Class 13. 1st Div 325mm           The Yard dog trials were once again a huge          2nd TD Norton and 3rd Miltiades Grazing Co.
UH HC 1 David Reumer, 2 Gerald Youles, 3         success this year at the show. Friday was well      Trade Lambs Woolly – 1st & 2nd TD Norton
Bryan Wagner, 4 Blake Marsh. Class 14. 2nd       supported by locals with the Best Farm dog          and 3rd IA & ME Barnett.
Div 300mm UH HC 1 Craig Wagner, 2 Brad           sponsored by Walcha Carrying Co. going to           Export Lambs Shorn – 1st TD Norton, 2nd
Read, 3 Noel Marsh, 4 Dennis Howard. Class       Mick Lisle. The Pitt Sons local followed with       Branga Plains Pastoral Co. and 3rd Pheonix
15. 3rd Div 275mm UH HC 1 Jack Waters, 2         Lissie Blomfield and her dog Bolt taking out        Partnership.
Lochlann Moran, 3 Steve Clayton, 4 Lachlan       first, Lionel Lockyer and Will Nicholls and their   Export Lambs Woolly – 1st TD Norton, 2nd
Woollard. Class 16 4th Div 275mm UH HC 1         dogs Bob and Graham coming equal second.            Maryland and 3rd RC Davidson.
Kerry Hewitt, 2 Hayden Hewitt, 3 Tom Ramsey,     I would like to thank David and Simone
4 Josh Craft. Class 22. 5th Division 275mm
                                                 Sweeney for the use of a very handy line of
UH HC 1 Austin O’Connor, 2 Frank Morrison,       ewes for Fridays competition, then to carry         Friday Ring 1 Champion Thoroughbred –
3 Matt Thuaux, 4 Glen Wilson. Class 18.          on with wethers for the following Saturday          Led: Shae Partridge ‘Denim & Lace’, Reserve:
250mm SB HC 1 Jack Waters, 2 Andrew              and Sunday, which would have been some              Lennie Partridge ‘El Monet’. Champion ANSA
Moran, 3 Chris Owen, 4 Josh Craft. Class 19.     of the best trial sheep an organiser could          – Led: Partridge Family ‘El Monet’, Res.
350mm SB Champ. 1 Chris Owen, 2 Bryan            ask for. They were considerably tough for the       Champ: Partridge Family ‘Secret Heart Cherry
Wagner, 3 David Reumer, 4 Dan Shipman.           Open Dogs, then as if in tune with the events       Oak’, Champion ASH Led: Pia Steir ‘Bingley
Class 20. 500mm DHS HC 1 Mick Shadlow            they played the game very well for the less         Chello’, Res Champ: Alex Pope ‘Ballengrra
& Jinaya Niass, 2 Leon Critchfield & Mitch       experienced dogs in the Novice and Maiden           Trinket’. Champion Reg. Other Breed Over
Scrivener, 3 David Reumer and Glen Wilson,       on Sunday.                                          15h: Millie Laurie ‘Boomer’, Res. Champ:
4 Shaun O’Connor & Steve Clayton. Class 21.      With record entries in all classes the open was     Tyler Sutton ‘Misty’, Champ. Pure or Part
400mm SS Champ. 1 Brad DeLosa, 2 Leon            won by Sarah Mortimer from Tamworth with            QH Led: Kate Clancy ‘Nonda Entrepreneur’,
Critchfield, 3rd Clayton Read, 4th Noel Marsh.   her dog Shuffle, followed by Margo Hogan            Res Champ: Dwayne Miller ‘Doing It Right’,
                                                 from Glen Innes with Morris and third was           Champ. Any Other 14h ne 15h Led: Deanne
Horticulture                                     Sarah again with Suzi.                              Baines ‘Elle Mac’, Res Champ: Faith Krienberg
Another great Show! The Royal of the North.      The placing for the Novice was Cassie Clark         ‘Thunder’, Champion Ridden Breed Hack:
Well done Martin and Committee in having         with Kip 1st, Will Nicholls, Graham 2nd, Tony       Samantha Croft ‘Cupid’s Arrow’, Res. Champ:
the foresight to stage this annual event under   Overton, Cougar 3rd. The Maiden was Tony            Pia Stier ‘Bingley Chello’, Champ. Ridden
difficult conditions. A sincere thank you to     Overton, Chelsea 1st, John Peters, Grit 2nd         QH or Other: Pia Steir ‘Bingley Chello’, Res
                                                                                                     Champ: Dwayne Miller ‘Doing It Right’.

                                                           Page 8 ... 24 March 2021
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
Friday Ring 2: Champion Miniature – Led:        Pony: Shae Partridge ‘La Monet’. Family            Champion Show Hunter Galloway – Ridden:
Lachie Provost ‘Flash’, Res Champ: BMW Show     Group WD McCormack Family Trophy:                  Sophie Lord ‘Langtree Acclaim’, Res Champ: D
Team ‘Just Magic Little Buttons’. Champion      Barnett Family.                                    Loyton ‘Linkmore Chesey’. Cameron Martin
Registered Saddle Pony: Macarr Stud ‘Luna       Saturday Ring 1: Joan Oatley: 1 Bronte             Champion Open Pony Hack: S Dingley
Exclise’, Res Champ: Bonnie Wood ‘Marina        Dagg, 2 Brie Aitken, 3 Shae Partridge.             ‘Hadley Park Excelebrate’, Res Champ: Lilly
Royal Whisper’. Champion Registered             Champion Adult Rider Bronte Dagg, Res              Webster ‘Silkwood Singing the Blues’.
Riding Pony – Led: Lillie Webster ‘Secrets      Champ: Brie Aitken. Champion Show Hunter           Saturday Ring 3: M, R & E U17: 1 Allie Palmer,
Singing the Voice’, Res Champ: Bonnie Woods     Horse – Led: Genevieve Freer ‘Kamilaroi            2 Isabell Kesby, 3 Alison Irwin. Champion
‘Marina Royal’. Champion Registered Welsh       Yvette’, Res Champ: Kate Stewart ‘Franklin’.       Junior Girl Rider: Lilly Webster, Res Champ:
or Part Welsh – Led: ‘Kooyone Alexandria’,      Champion Show Hunter Horse – Ridden:               Lillian Meredith. Champion Senior Girl: Allie
Res Champ: Lillie Webster ‘Silkwood Singing     Poppy Chester ‘Common Ground’, Res                 Palmer, Res Champion: Holly Jacobson. Jill
the Blues’. Champion Registered Stud Book       Champ: Jade McCusker ‘Bella Vixon’. EW             Martin Memorial Grand Champion Child
Pony: Sophie Webster ‘Kooyone Alexandria’,      King Champion Hack: Sam Croft ‘Cupids              Rider: Allie Palmer. Champion Show Hunter
Res Champ: Ruby Webster ‘Bush Showboat’.        Arrow’, Res Champ: Bronte Dagg ‘EBL Lustre’.       Pony Led: Shona Charlesworth ‘McKayla Peter
Champion Any Other Breed ne 14hh – Led:         FW Nivison Supreme Champion Hack,                  Pan’, Res Champ: Shona Charlesworth ‘Eagle
Ruby Webster ‘Bordershow Beethoven’, Res        Galloway or Pony: Sam Croft ‘Cupids Arrow’.        Park Showpiece’. Champion Show Hunter
Champ: Macar Stud ‘Burncoose Luna Eclipse’.                                                        Pony Ridden: Shona Charlesworth ‘McKayla
                                                Saturday Ring 2: Pony Club M, R & E U12:
Champion Ridden Breed Pony: Macar Stud                                                             Peter Pan’, Res Champ: Shona Charlesworth
                                                1 Lilly Webster, 2 Lillian Meredith, 3 Zan
‘Burncoose Luna Eclipse’, Res Champ: Macar                                                         ‘Eagle Park Showpiece’. Grand Champion
                                                Kesby. Highest placed WD: Sybella Miller
Stud ‘Fun Times’.                                                                                  Hunter Hack, Galloway or Pony: Shona
                                                and Charlotte Overton. Champion Junior
Friday Ring 3: Champion WD Junior Girl                                                             Charlesworth ‘McKayla Peter Pan’. O’Gorman
                                                Boy Rider: Lachie Provost, Res Champ: Benji
Rider Sarah Swanton, Res Champ: Sybella                                                            Champion Open Galloway Hack: Brook
                                                Provost. Champion Show Hunter Galloway
Miller. Champion WD Junior Boy Rider:                                                              Tudor ‘Lundhurst Black Pearl’, Res Champ:
                                                – Led: Sophie Lord ‘Langtree Acclaim’,
Lachie Provost, Res Champ: Benji Provost.                                                          Stacey Drew ‘Glen Aiton Stormin Page’.
                                                Res Champ: Grace Krienberg ‘Thunder’.
Champion WD Senior Girl Rider: Markeisha
Cross, Res Champ: Tyler Sutton. Champion
WD Adult Rider: Jorja Power, Res Champ:
Abby Partridge. IS Balmain Champion
WD Hack: Shae Partridge ‘La Monet’. Res
Champ: Abby Partridge ‘Secret Heart Cherry
Oak’. Rosedale Champ WD Galloway Hack
Markeisha Cross ‘Charisma’, Res Champ:
Faith Krienberg ‘Thunder’. Nutrien Boulton’s
Champion WD Pony Hack: Faith Krienberg
‘Linky’, Res Champ: Lachie Provost ‘Diamond’.
Grand Champion WD Hack, Galloway or

                                                                                   For the hardest
   45ft flat top ● 45ft single deck cattle float ●26mtr B Double                 workers on the farm
      19mtr mini B Double ● Low Loader available for hire
                                                                                       Affordable feed options for all your
                                                                                    livestock needs. Come into Pursehouse
                                                                                                 Rural Uralla today!

                                                                                Bettalay Chicken Layer Pellets

                                                                                Calm Ride Horse Pellets

                                                                                Wayback Dog Food
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              Bonnie Smith 0429 772 077                                                                   176 Bridge St | 02 6778 6500
                                                                                                                 Mon - Fri 8am to 5pm

               Brian Smith 0427 780 216                                                                            Sat 8am to 12noon

                                                         Page 9 ... 24 March 2021
Walcha sports stars taking on the best in the big smoke
Rate relief for Local Land
                                                                              Services customers
                                                                          Landholders across NSW will receive welcome news in their mailboxes over
                                                                          the coming weeks, with their Local Land Services (LLS) rates showing a zero
                   WALCHA                                                 balance for 2021.
                                                                          LLS Chief Executive Officer, David Witherdin said the rate relief is part of the
                 YOUTH WEEK                                               NSW Government’s latest drought support package and will allow LLS to provide
                                                                          the crucial support landholders need as they work towards drought recovery.

              COMEDY WORKSHOP                                             “This rate relief means landholders will still have access to our technical experts,
                                                                          programs and training, while making valuable savings,” Mr Witherdin said.
                                                                          “Rates are a vital source of funding for LLS, and they go a long way to supporting
                    SATURDAY 24TH APRIL 2021                              the work of our dedicated biosecurity officers and district veterinarians across
                  WALCHA CENTRAL SCHOOL MPC                               the state.
                       ALL DAY WORKSHOP
                                                                          “This work is crucial after several years of drought, so I encourage landholders to
                                                                          reach out to their closest LLS office, and take advantage of their local expertise
                                                                          as we navigate the long-term recovery process, together.
                    This workshop explores:
                       the craft of stand-up comedy                       “Whether it’s helping landholders manage feral pests, or investigating a health
                       the ‘science of laughter’                          issue in livestock, you can count on your LLS team to provide practical, hands-
                       developing a character                             on advice.”
                       sourcing & writing material                        Mr Witherdin said while rates are expected to return to normal in 2022, it is
                       stage craft                                        hoped landholders can make the most of the improved seasonal conditions
                       microphone technique
                                                                          across large parts of the state.
          The evening performance allows young people to
          perform for an audience of their friends & family!
                                                                          “With a zero balance on this year’s rates notice, landholders can make the most
                                                                          of the savings, keep more money on-farm, and plan for the future,” Mr Witherdin
             APPLY NOW - limited places available                         said.
          Pick up an application & information kit at
                    Walcha Council Library
       or email library@walcha.nsw.gov.au or 67742550                        How to beat procrastination
                                                                          By Dr Sharn Rocco
                                                                          Just do it. Whatever it is you want to do, whatever it
                                                                          is you know is calling you for your attention, just do it.
                                                                          Quit the excuses. Silence the inner critic. Begin. And
                                                                          begin again.
                                                                          Practice. Whether you like it or not, feel like it or
                                                                          not, just do it. That’s the secret, the magic, the key
                                                                          to overcoming procrastination, getting things done
                                                                          and loving the life we live. It’s all down to us, and our
                                                                          willingness to step through our resistance, doubt, fears,
                                                                          habitual distractions and indulgence of things that no
                                                                          longer serve us well. Simply practice.
                                                                          Practice makes magic happen, reveals secrets, unlocks us. That’s my
                                                                          experience. When I just do it – go to my meditation cushion every day,
                                                                          whether I feel like it or not, make my bed every day, whether I feel like it or
   LEGO CHALLENGE                       AFL 'COME & TRY'                  not, wash up before I go to bed, whether I feel like it or not. Set my timer for
          12yrs & under                   with New England Nomads         ten or twenty minutes and write or do repairs or iron or read or weed or play
     Tuesday 6th April 2-4pm
          Walcha Library
                                                 Ages 11-14               guitar, whether I feel like it or not.
                                          Thursday 8th April 1-3pm
                                       Peter Fenwicke Oval - BBQ lunch
                                                                          When I set my timer, do what I intend to do and let go when the timer goes,
                                                                          whether I feel like it or not, life feels better. I stress less, worry less, get
        GOLF CLINIC                         STEM GAMES                    more done. I don’t always do it or do it well. It takes practice, day after day,
               Ages 10+
                                                  Ages 7+
   Friday 9th April 9.30am - 2.30pm                                       moment-by-moment, simply noticing and letting go.
                                          Monday 12th April 2-4pm
           Lunch included
                                           Puzzles & board games
                                                                          Anything can be a practice. Anything we commit to do daily for a designated
          Walcha Golf Course
                                              Walcha Library              amount of time, with intention to give it our full attention, with willingness to
                                                                          allow it to be as it is and to let go when it’s done.
   ANZAC STORYTIME                        PHOTOGRAPHY                     Decide what, when, for how long and just do it. For me ‘when’ is about routine
       & CRAFT                              FOR KIDS                      – before this and/or after that. Wake up, get up, make bed, sit meditation,
              Ages 6+
                                               Ages 8-14 yrs              stretch, write, … Deciding ‘for how long’ is worthy of contemplation. If the
      Tuesday 13th April 2-4pm
           Walcha library
                                             Tuesday 13th April           ‘practice’ is something I have been wanting to do but have been putting off
                                             10.30-12 & 1-3pm
                                                                          for ever or for feeling like I haven’t got enough time or it’s not that important,
                                             Walcha Handmade
  ARMIDALE BUS TRIP                                                       the key is committing to an amount of time I can’t talk myself out of.
    Bowling & indoor playground         TWILIGHT TENNIS                   Just do it. Ten minutes a day, doesn’t go astray. Ten minutes focused
             Ages 6-11                           Ages 7+                  attention on the practice – tidying, drawing, writing, breathing, playing piano,
   Wednesday 14th April 9am - 3pm        Thursday 15th April 5-7pm        weeding, sorting, stitching, strumming, singing, shedding, connecting with
                                            Walcha Tennis Club            loved ones, reconnecting with old friends, whatever it is, just do it.
                                                                          Whatever you decide to practice, make your timer your ally. Set your timer
   BRIDGE BUILDING                    INDOOR HOCKEY CLINIC                and when the timer goes, let go.
         Coding robotic fun                   Friday 16th April
           Strictly 8 yrs+                Kindy - Yr 2: 10-12 noon        Mindfulness is a practice of doing one thing at a time and of letting go.
      Friday 16th April 2-3pm                Yrs 3-6: 12- 2pm             Just do it.
           Walcha Library              Highschool referee clinic 5-7pm    Dr Sharn Rocco is an acclaimed mindfulness teacher. If you would like to
                                                                          learn more about how to beat procrastination, stress less and learn to love
Contact Walcha Library library@walcha.nsw.gov.au or 67742550              the life you live, sign up for her upcoming FREE workshops. To contact
                                                                          Sharn visit www.mindfulworks.com.au or call her on 0458 111 373

                                                               Page 8 ... 24 March 2021
Positions Vacant                                          DR GENEVIEVE FREER                           Child Care
                                                                  WALCHA SURGERY PRACTICE
                                                                      Relocating from the                     Vacancies available for
                                                                      28th February 2021                      school aged children from
       Temporary Field Staff                                           Phone 6777 2068                        the 06/04/2021 until the
General Duties working from Walcha                                                                            16/04/2021.
Applicants must hold a current manual                                                                         For more information
drivers license and be physically fit for                    Junior Indoor Hockey – Nominations must          please contact Natasha on 0407 327 211
manual laborious work, a pre-employment                      be in by Friday 26 March to:
medical and police checks will be mandatory.
People with rural based farm skills are highly
                                                             walchajuniorindoorhockey@gmail.com                                 For Sale
                                                             Phone: Chloe 0400 389 573 or Edwina
desirable. Women are strongly encouraged to                                                                   Cavoodle Puppies - 4 Female available
                                                             0427 772 297. New members welcome.
                                                                                                              Phone 0423 633 944
Interested persons must submit a resume and                  Junior Rugby Skills and information session
covering letter to:
                                                             at Peter Fenwicke Oval 31 March at 4pm
                                                             followed by a sausage sizzle.
by 31 March.
                                                                                                              Dead or Alive motorbikes, quads, trikes,
For more information phone the                                      Appointments for COVID
New England Area Office on 02 6777 4700.                                                                      buggies etc. Any make, any model and all
                                                                  Vaccinations now being taken                parts. Cash on pick up. Phone 0402 861 364.
                                                                      for Phase 1b Cohort

                                                                  Patients over the age of 70 years
                                                                  Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders
           Senior Station Hand                                    over the age of 55                          Walcha Junior Indoor Hockey AGM – 6pm,
        Permanent full time position                         •    People over the age of 18 with              Monday 29 March at Apsley Arms Hotel. New
Sheep and cattle property with modern                             underlying medical conditions (to be        members welcome and strongly encouraged
equipment.                                                        determined by the Doctor)                   to attend.
A three bedroom home available and a                         •    Healthcare Workers not included in
company vehicle. Working dog food supplied.                       Phase 1a                                    Amaroo Local Lands Council – General
Previous experience operating machinery                      •    Critical and high risk workers.             meeting on Thursday 1st April, 10am at
and stock work is desirable.                                 The surgery has an allocation from the           Language Room, back of Amaroo. Agenda:
Please forward your application to                           government of 50 vaccines per week at            Community land and business plan to be
email: elbrookgraz@gmail.com                                 present, so please be patient.                   discussed.
Jason Hoy 0427 773 932.                                      Call Walcha General Practice 6777 4293
                                                                                                              Walcha Basketball Assoc. – AGM.
                                                                 Walcha Community Emergency                   Wednesday 24 March, Apsley Hotel at 6pm.
           Public Notices                                        Readiness Sessions Cancelled
                                                                                                              All welcome.

Barber Shop CLOSED from Friday 26                            Due to the East Coast weather event,
March to Tuesday 13 April. Sorry for any                     flooding and the unavailability of the service
inconvenience. Have a Happy Easter.                          provider, the Community Readiness sessions
                                                             planned for Thursday 25th March have been

  LETTERS TO THE EDITOR are submitted on the
  condition that The Walcha Telecottage as the publisher
  of The Apsley Advocate may edit and has the right
  to, and license third parties to reproduce in electronic
  form and communicate these letters. The Apsley
  Advocate is printed by The Walcha Telecottage, PO
  Box 116 Walcha NSW 2354. Phone 6777 1111 Fax
  6777 1112. The Walcha Technology Co Operative
  Limited, the Editor and Staff of this Newspaper have
  published any article here-in in good faith and bear
  no responsibility in respect to the accuracy of the
  information contained in such article. Any person or
                                                                                                                           live music
  persons publishing material in this Newspaper do so
  in the knowledge that they shall personally accept any
                                                                      Kings Pharmacy                                             Mid North Coast Duo:

                                                                                                                               "Pure acoustic"
  responsibility for the accuracy and other correctness            Flu Vaccination Clinic                             with a reputation for being ''The Singing Jukebox"

  of such articles and also accept full responsibility for
  the legal consequences if it be found that the article                    Monday 29 March                           Saturday 17 April - dinner
  contains any inaccuracies in the contents of any such              In store from 9.30am – 4.30pm                     Sunday 18 April - lunch
  articles.                                                             Phone for an appointment
  DEADLINE MONDAY 4.30PM.                                                    or simply call in.
  Editor: Anthea Macpherson. Advertising and Sport:
  Rosalie Gibson, Megan Scrivener and Sue Jackson.                 10n Derby Street. Ph 02 6777 2744

                                                                       Page 11 ... 24 March 2021
Polocrosse Carnival in Walcha after break
After a few years of not running due               Dunnedoo.
the drought, rain and COVID, Walcha                D Grade: Winners Inverell 3, R/U Narrabri
Polocrosse Club held a successful carnival         2. Best no. 1 Ashleigh Wall Walcha, 2
last weekend at the racecourse.                    Charlie McKinnon Inverell, 3 Courtney              Pictured: Simon
Friday night there were showers but                Parkins Grafton.                                    Wall with the
the carnival was given the go ahead by             Juniors: Winners Guyra, R/U Quirindi.                Phillip Kelly
the Chief Umpires after the fields were            Best no. 1 Emily Wamsley Guyra, 2 Toby             Memorial trophy
inspected on Saturday morning.                     Michell-Smith Guyra, 3 Brooke Grills
There were 25 teams from Coffs Harbour,            Guyra.
Grafton, Guyra, Inverell, Narrabri,                All Sub Juniors recieved a prize.                    Walcha Sub
Dunedoo, Quirindi, Merriwa and Bunnan              Male Player of the Carnival: Chris                 Juniors in action
(Scone). Players from Macksville were              Anderson Quirindi.
flooded in and could not get here.                 Lady Player of the Carnival: Felicity
We are so lucky that the rain held off and         Elford Narrabri
we had some fantastic games played,                Intermediate Player of the Carnival:
making it a great weekend. For many                Luka McLachlan Bingara
players and supporters they have not seen          Junior Player of the Carnival: Emily
each other for 12 months, so it was a great        Wamsley Guyra
catch up for many friends.                         Sub Junior Encouragement Awards:
RESULTS                                            Grace Schaefer Guyra, Benji Provost
A Grade: Winners Inverell 1, R/U Quirindi          Walcha, Jade Mcfayden Quirindi.
1. Best no. 1 Bernie Smith Quirindi, 2             The Phillip Kelly Memorial Trophy was won
Darcy Brennan Inverell, 3 Brett Woodward           by Simon Wall.
Inverell.                                          We would like to thank the Jockey Club,
B Grade: Winners Guyra 1, R/U Narrabri             Walcha Council, sponsors, and the helpers
1. Best no. 1 John Donnelly Walcha, 2 Sam          on the day including judges, cooks, bar
Finlayson Guyra, 3 Jessie Ross Narrabri.           staff and players, for without your help the
C Grade: Winners Coffs Harbour, R/U                carnival would not be possible.
Guyra. Best no. 1 Josie Wilson Quirindi,
2 Anthony Grills Guyra, 3 Jack Deutscer

             Ladies Bowls                                                  Flippers News                                       once a venue has been chosen. Teams for this weekend:
                                                                                                                               K. Goodwin, D. Makeham, M. Steep and M. Bullen.
                                                                                                                               S. Goodwin, F. Cameron, A. McGuffog and T. Asmus.
Last Thursday six lady bowlers played a game of alternating     The highlight of the Walcha Swimming Club Championships
                                                                                                                               R. Kerr, I. Bird, B. Goodwin and A. Goodwin
triples in which Janet, Debbie and Marg Morris defeated         which concluded last week was when Blaine Cooney
                                                                                                                               Subs: D. Bird, N. Goodwin, G. Clare E .O’Keefe, G. Carter
Esther, Wendy and Pam 18-8.                                     broke the 10 years boys 50 metre freestyle record when
                                                                                                                               Dads Army: Ten players braved the damp and windy
We were represented by two teams playing in the                 he stopped the clock in 36.25 seconds. Previously Alex
                                                                                                                               conditions on Thursday afternoon playing 16 ends before
Bendemeer Presidents Day with Veronica, Esther and              Nichols set the best time at 36.62 seconds in 1991 and has
                                                                                                                               the rain came. In the first game Mick Bullen, Denis
Marg Morris receiving the runners-up trophies.                  held it for 30 years.
                                                                                                                               Makeham and John McLean defeated John McCormack,
On Saturday Pam, June and Lynne Watts represented               Three swimmers each recorded six P.B.s during the
                                                                                                                               Brian Goodwin and Eric O’Keefe 18-12 in a close game.
Walcha in the New England Districts Triples but                 championships George Blake, Rain Pritchard and Blaine
                                                                                                                               In the other game Noel Goodwin and John Watts played
unfortunately were beaten by Ex-Services in their first         Cooney while no less than 142 P.B.s were registered during
                                                                                                                               their best bowls for some time and won eleven of the
game.                                                           that time, taking the season tally to 687.
                                                                                                                               sixteen ends to defeat Tony Asmus and Peter Hayes 22-7.
Players are requested to be at bowls this Thursday 25th         Swimmer of the Championships goes to David Wright who
March as Nanette from City in Armidale is holding a             competed in his first 100 metre freestyle event, well done
markers course.
The draw for the championships have be finalised and the
                                                                Best of luck to the senior boys relay team (Cody Wellings,
                                                                                                                                            Veterans Golf
draws are on the notice board with the first round of the       James McLaren, Alex Gunn and Cameron Mooney) when              After three rounds of the New England Veterans Golf
Minor Singles to commence on 8th April.                         they represent North West at the NSW PSSA Swimming             Pennants competition Walcha is currently four points off
                                                                Championships at Homebush next week.                           the pace on 710 behind Guyra 714 but ahead of Armidale
                      Tennis                                    Good luck also to Hannah Swain, Blaine Cooney and
                                                                Cody Wellings who will line up in the 50 metres freestyle at
                                                                                                                               682, Glen Innes 651 and Uralla 579.
                                                                                                                               At Armidale last week 22 players flew the Walcha flag
                                                                the State titles along with James McLaren in the 50 metres     where the seven best scores were Bill Heazlett 34 points
Round 6 of the Summer Comp was played out on Tues
                                                                Backstroke. Presentation Day was held on Tuesday with a        and overall C Grade winner on the day, Steph Sweeney
16th and Thurs 18th March. Tues: Ebdon defeated
                                                                full report to come next week.                                 32, Wayne Brennan 31, Simeon Cross, Bill Fletcher, Owen
Dellaqua 36 to 29 and De Minaur defeated Popyrin 35
                                                                                                                               Presnell and Doug McDonald all on 30.
to 30. Thurs: Stosur dismantled Bolt 43 to 21 and Barty
defeated Gavrilova 38 to 22. Stosur Craig Ireland, Kim
Lisle, Kate Finnis and Rawdon Gleeson were our top
                                                                                     Bowls                                     During the opening round Walcha top scored with 265 here
                                                                                                                               at home before adding another 229 at Guyra in the second
scorers this week. Well done Stosur.                            Pennant results from the weekend:
                                                                                                                               Next round is at Uralla on Thursday 14 April where local
The next Club meeting will be held on Mon 10th May at Walcha travelled to West Tamworth and came away with a
                                                                                                                               organisers would like to see as many players as possible
6.30pm. It will be our AGM and all members are welcome great 9 1/2 to 1/2 win !
                                                                                                                               competing in an attempt to reduce Guyra’s lead before
to attend. The yearly street stall will be Sat 15th May. A load D. Makeham won his rink 21-19, S. Goodwin won his rink
                                                                                                                               heading to Glen Innes for the final round. The Jock Nivison
of wood and a fruit and veggie tray will be on offer. Any 25-10 and R. Kerr came away with a 19-19 draw.
                                                                                                                               Cup goes to the Walcha golfer with the best aggregate
helpers to man the stand will be welcome.                       Walcha now move on to the next level which is a 3 game
                                                                                                                               total after the full five rounds and currently Wayne Brennan
See you all at the net soon.                                    Round Robin to be played against Gunnedah, Oxley and
                                                                                                                               leads the way on 98 points from Lee Fletcher 97, Owen
                                                                Murrurundi this weekend with first game to be played
                                                                                                                               Presnell 96, Cheryl McDonald 95, Doug McDonald, Barry
                                                                Saturday at 9:00am at a venue yet to be decided. Teams
                                                                                                                               Hoad and Col Berry all on 93.
                                                                to arrange transport and any other things during the week
                                                                           Page 12 ... 24 March 2021
At The 19th
Armidale Golf Club Champion Tim Murray teamed up with Jon Izzard from the
Uralla Club to win the 2021 NSW 4BBB Championships held here at Walcha last
weekend after registering 75 stableford points (41, 34).
They held a five point lead going into the second round which was trimmed back
to two points by local Kyle Goodwin and former Walcha Champion Tim Stackman
who finished runners-up on 73 (34, 39).
Defending champions Brad Hurley (Condobolin) and Paul Besgrove (Dunedoo)
were third on 69 (34, 35).
Local Angus Crawford and Tom Carberry (Narrabri) took out the nett section of                                                                         Nett Winners-Tom Carberry
                                                                                         Scratch Winners-Jon Izzard and Tim Murray                         & Angus Crawford
the event with 87 points (42, 45) just a point clear of Dubbo pair Greg Dunn and
Anthony Beetson on 86 (41,45).                                                        put in to make the event such a successful one. Well done to everyone, and there are far too
Overnight leaders local Bob Denniss and Queenslander Warren Kimber held a             many to name individually, who assisted in anyway before, during and after the competition.
three point advantage going into the final round after accumulating a tournament      Best of luck to former Walcha Champion Andrew Brennan when he tees off in the NSW Open at
high 47 points but they weren’t able to sustain the pace.                             Concord this Thursday.
Visiting players were full of praise about the way the course was presented and the   On the home front the Annual Colleen Cross Memorial is scheduled for this Sunday, which co-
weather gods were kind to the organisers most of the two days, although Sunday        incidentally falls on the 89th birthday of her husband I.J. It is to be played under a 4BBB medley
was a bit damp at times.                                                              format.
A field of 128 players competed both days and were very appreciative of the work

                                                                                                                              Dry & Seasoned Firewood
 PATTERSON BYFIELD & BRYEN                                                                                                   • Box wood
 James Levingston - Sophie Thomson                                     Reliable, high quality                                • Iron Bark
                                                                All aspects of Rural & Residential                           • Blue Gum
  ■ Conveyancing ■ Wills ■ Family Law                                                                                        • Stringy Bark
     ■ Power of Attorneys ■ Estates                                                                                          • Split or log form
           ■ Traffic Offences                                                                                                • Strainer posts
  Ph 6777 2066 Fax 6777 2959                                                                                                 For pick-up or delivery
      Email: pbbwalcha@northnet.com.au
                                                                                           Andrew McGuffog
                                                                                               0428 360 985                   Phone Damian 0418 452 333

  STORAGE CENTRE WALCHA                                                                                                      Tree lopping
                                                                                      AGW                                    Tree removal
                                                                                                                             Truck & chipper
                                                                                                                                                         Scott Kermode
                                                                                                                                                         0427 100 889
                                                               RURAL CONTRACTING
    20’Containers available for rent $30 pw + GST

        Secure Undercover parking for cars,                                                                                  Post hole digger
              vans etc $10 pw +GST                                                                                           Trencher
          ANGUS 0427 787 332                                  GPS Equipped boom spraying                                     Woolshed cleaning
                                                                                                                             Stockyard cleaning            services
                     6777 4515                                  Andrew Wauch 0427 549 748

   New England IT                                                                                                               Ian Bird Electrical
   ONSITE COMPUTER                                                                                                                24 hour service
                                                                                                                                    for all your electrical needs
                                                                   PATRICK STACE – WALCHA
                                                                                                                                             6777 2745
   Tim Sutton 0414 874 523                                        Mob. 0428 780 077 Ph. 6778 0595
                                                                                                                                159E North St, Walcha. Lic No. 45483c

                 Purcell                                              CHIROPRACTOR                                               SELF STORAGE
 CONTRACT SPRAYING                                                        K Samantha Goor                                      NORTH STREET – WALCHA
                                                                       B.Sc. Anatomy (NSW) M Chiroprac (Macq)                   Various sized sheds
                                                                   Tuesday & Friday from 9.00am                                  security fenced
     Chris Purcell 0408 332 896                                                 6777 1340                                      67773899 0428 653 307
                                                                         Page 13 ... 24 March 2021

                                                        Est. 2000
                                                                     Thursday 25
                                                                     9 for 9.30am – Ladies Bowls
  A FULL RANGE OF AFFORDABLE TRANSPORT & EARTHMOVING                 1.00pm – Social Bowls                          draw
                      WATER CARTING
   Dam construction/maintenance, stick raking, road building,        Friday 26
          site prep, pipe laying and all timber work.                2.00pm – Bingo
                                                                     5.30 for 5.45pm – Twilight Bowls
     Check out our website for the full range of machinery,
                                                                     6.00pm – Bistro
             attachments and services available                      Homemade Lasagne
                                                                     Chicken Deluxe Burger
                                                                     Chilli Crab Linguine
                                                                     Regular menu available                           Saturday 27
                                                                     7.00pm – Free Bingo                             Mens pennants
                                                                     8.00pm – Meat & Veg Raffles                     Sectional playoffs
                                                                                                                        9am start
                                                                     Saturday 27
                                                                                                                    venue to be announced
                                                                     6.00pm – Bistro open
DELIVELIT                                                            Sunday 28
 FIREW                                                               12pm – Bistro open
                                                                     1.00pm – Meat & Veg Raffles              BASED ON 2020/2021 MEMBERSHIP CARD
                 Beat the climate change, order now                                                             NSW permit No. LTPS/11/08895 (conditions apply)
                                                                                                                NSW permit No. LTPS/11/11968 (conditions apply)

Earthmoving and Heavy Haulage Transport                              Monday to Wednesday 4.00pm to close       Do you live in Walcha Shire?
                                                                     Thursday 12 midday to close               If so you MUST be a member
            Jason 0427 490 487                                       Friday 2.00pm to close                    to enter the Club.
  02 6777 2024 marchantbros@bigpond.com                              Saturday and Sunday 11am to close         Social Membership ................. $15
          www.marchantbros.com.au                                    Phone 6777 2077                           Full Membership ................... $105


                                                                                                         Wayne Hoy: 0427 281 060
Freight & Transport                                                                                     Matthew Hoy: 0427 322 640
                                                                                                        Aaron Bullen: 0409 776 340
Machinery Float

Road building and maintenance
                                                                      SPRAYING                             EXCAVATING
Dam maintenance and construc�on                                       SOWING                             EARTHMOVING
Firebreaks l Drilling l Trenching l S�ck Raking

Mulching     l Fence Clearing l General Earthworks
                                                                              GPS & Auto Steer Equipped
Erosion Control l Site Prepara�on                                   • Komatsu PC300 Excavator             • 4x4 Trucks & Boomsprays
                                                                    • Cat 324 Excavator                   Full auto Rate Control
Electrical   l Pipe Laying                Ian Notley 04188 29188
                                                                                                          GPS & Autosteer
                                                                    • Cat D6N Dozer
10� Slashing                           Mark Notley 0422 637 686
                                                                    • 2000ltr Quikspray Trailers          • 4x4 Tractors GPS Equipped
                                              Office 02 6777 6595
                                                                                                          20 & 24 disc Williams Seeders
                                                                    • Casotti’s
                 ALL ASPECTS OF RURAL,                                                                    • Fencing & Rural Contracting
               COMMERCIAL & CIVIL WORKS                             • 4 x4 Tip Truck
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