KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06

Page created by Denise Morris
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                             Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                       Page 1

 No.3                                                                                                   28 March 2022
                     KAIWAKA ~ NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES
                                                                           Saturday 26 March was the official opening
                                                                           and blessing of the Kaiwaka footbridges and
                                                                           the two new McClean Park signs.
                                                                           The blessings of the beautiful signs, made
                                                                           from local macrocarpa, were given by Matua
                                                                           Ben and Derek Christensen along with the
                                                                           unveiling of the park signs. The first sign,
                                                                           pictured left with Mayor Jason Smith, John
                                                                           McClean and Ben Hita) show ‘McClean Park
                                                                           (1947) - Land donated by Archie and Bessie
                                                                           McClean’ (featured in the last Bugle). The
                                                                           second sign, pictured below, with left to right
                                                                           - Derek Christensen, Ben Hita, Jason Smith,
                                                                           Willow-Jean Prime MP, Tim Manning
                                                                           KDC, ?KDC, ? Bridge IT NZ, Peter Wethey,
                                                                           John McClean. This sign is on Gibbons Road
                                                                           next to the St. John Hall - McClean Park
(2022) - Land donated by John and
Enid McClean. The paths on this park
link under SH1 to the new northern
The ribbon cutting for the bridges was
done by John McClean - as guest of
The two footbridges were funded by a
grant from Central Government to
help provincial communities, and
expertly implemented by Kaipara
District Council and Bridge It NZ.
The attendees walked the paths and
bridges right through to Eutopia Café
ending the morning with further
informative speeches and a lovely
morning tea.

What a difference a few days make! These photos were taken on Monday21 March prior to the sign unveilings and
bridge openings - left is below the southern footbridge and right, at McClean Park. Saturday 26 March was a beautiful day.
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                                 Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                                               Page 2
28 MARCH 2022
Page 3: Public Notices, Classified
Page 5: Kaiwaka Weather; Hakaru
 Women's RSA
Page 7: Hakaru Pony Club
Page 9: Libby Jones; Gardening                  At Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall . Adults $10, Kids (under 16) $5, Family Pass (2 adults + 3 children) $25
Page 11: Kaiwaka Sports Assn
Page 13: Graders; Bees; PBL                                                                               THE LAST WALTZ
Page 15: Maungaturoto Rotary; OHS                                                                      Friday 22 April, 7.30pm
Page 17 Kaiwaka Library; Kaiwaka
 School                                                                                             ‘More than just one of the greatest
Page 19: Kaye McElwain; Underpass                                                                   concert films ever made, The Last
Page 21: ANZAC; Kaiwaka Can                                                                         Waltz is an at once ecstatic and elegiac
Bugle 4 will appear 25 April                                                                        summation of a vital era in American
Contact for advertising, reports, articles                                                          rock music’ -Criterion Collection.
 or information can be made by                                                                      Features standout performances by
Email: kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz                                                                   rock legends Bob Dylan, Van
Ph: 09 4312 045 Lindsey                                                                             Morrison, Eric Clapton, Joni Mitchell
Txt: 027 2724137                                                                                    and Muddy Waters
Copy may be left at Kaiwaka Four

       Kaiwaka Bugle
              Founded May 1978
We appreciate articles and photos about local
  events, etc, as well as ads and suggestions.
Copies available in Kaiwaka at Kaiwaka Four
  Square, Kaiwaka Postal Centre, Shamrock
    Service Station, Animal Health Centre,
       Kaiwaka St John shop., La Nonna
        Also outlets in Maungaturoto,            Once upon a time, an old man spread rumours that his neighbour was a thief.
          Mangawhai and Paparoa.                 As a result, the young man was arrested. Days later he was proven innocent.
          Can be viewed online at                After being released, he sued the old man for wrongly accusing him.
        www.kaiwaka.co.nz/Bugle                  In court, the old man told the judge, “They were just comments, they didn’t
 Or a copy can be posted to you if you supply harm anyone.”
   stamped, self-addressed DLE envelopes.        The judges, before passing sentence on the case, told the old man, “write all the things
                                                 you said about him on a piece of paper.” “Cut it up into little pieces and on the way
                                                 home, throw the pieces of paper out of your car window. Tomorrow, come back to
Kaiwaka Bugle Advertisements 2022: hear the sentence.”
All      copy        and        queries      to:
kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz                       The next day, the judge told the old man, “Before receiving the sentence, I want you
The Bugle is printed on an A4 page, B&W to go out and gather up all the pieces of paper that you threw out of your car window
Ad sizes: 1/16 page (3 x 9.5cm) $5; 1/8 yesterday.”
(6.5 x 9.5cm landscape or portrait) $8; The old man said, “I can’t do that! The wind spread them all over the place and won’t
3/16 ( 10 x 9.5cm or 7.5 x 12,5) $12.            know where to find them.”
Classified ads: First one FREE, $4 per The judge then replied: 'In the same way, simple comments may destroy the honour
entry (max. 30 words, max. 4 repeats).           of a man to such an extent that a person will not be able to fix it. If you can’t speak
Payments can be made online at ANZ well of someone, don’t say anything at all. Let’s all be masters of our mouths, so that
06 0365 0006990 00, posted or left at we won’t be slaves of our words.”
Kaiwaka Four Square Store.                       “Gossips are worse than thieves because they steal another person’s dignity, honour,
We use Microsoft Publisher, and can reputation and credibility which are impossible to restore. So, remember this: when
work with most common image your feet slip, you can always recover your balance but when your tongue slips, you
formats, Word, Excel, and PDF files.             can never recover your words!”
Accounts:                                        “Those who guard their mouths, and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.”
Email: bugleaccounts@kaiwaka.co.nz           “Proverbs 21:23
The Kaiwaka Bugle is a community
newspaper run by volunteers, as part of                                         ABOUT TOWN
the Kaiwaka Media Group Inc.                  Thank you to the team for the new footbridges and the wonderful McClean
Articles, etc. printed are not necessarily   Park signs, especially the McClean Family and the Kaiwaka Can crew.
the opinion of the Bugle Team.                Keep an eye out for a special Anzac lighting display in Kaiwaka - coming
                                              Traditionally Equinox, 20 March, brings rough weather - it certainly did this
"Easter is the only time                     year! Equinox = equal hours for night and day.
when it's perfectly safe to                   Note: Daylight saving starts each year on the last Sunday in September and
put all of your eggs in one                  ends on the first Sunday in April.
                                              Please, do you have flowers for Anzac wreaths? Contact Ann 4315913
basket."                                      Currently still prohibited fire season see www.checkitsalright.nz
                                              Bus service - the weekly Bream Bay Link Service
"The very first                              Kaiwaka to Whangarei - to book your seat please call KAIWAKA BUGLE
Easter taught us                             Leabourn’s office on 09 4237416                                 DEADLINE DATES
                                              Bugle 3 can be seen in colour at kaiwaka.co.nz                2022:
this: that life                                                                             ~ Lindsey, Ed
never ends and                                “The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of Friday
                                                            divine surprise.” — Carl Knudsen                 22 April
love never dies."                                                                                            27 May
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                             Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                      Page 3

     PUBLIC NOTICES                                                       CLASSIFIED
       KAIWAKA FITNESS CENTER                               LINKING HANDS - WANTED: Drivers are needed,
          ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING                            especially for the Kaiwaka area, to provide transport for
           Thursday 31st March at 6.30pm                    people who cannot drive and need to get to a medical
          at the Fitness Center. All welcome                appointment - within the Warkworth to Kamo region.
                                                            Contact Linking Hands 09 4318969 or email
             HAKARU & DISTRICTS                             KAIWAKA WHANGAREI HOSPITAL
             MEMORIAL RSA (INC)                             KNITTING GROUP
                                                            We meet at Archie Bull Hall at 10am, 2nd Tuesday of
          The Hakaru and Districts Memorial RSA             the month. February meeting is on 8th at 10am till
                     will be holding an                     12pm. All our knitting goes to Ward 2 - Children's
           ANZAC Commemoration on                           Ward, SCBU, and Renal Unit. Any donations of wool
 Monday 25th April starting at 11:00 hrs sharp              and stuffing very much appreciated.
  at the HAKARU and Districts Memorial RSA,                 New members welcome. Contact Gale 0274149576 or
           733 Settlement Rd, Hakaru.                       09 4314827

If you are feeling unwell or have symptoms of a cold or
                                                                  MOLESWORTH SHEEP DOG TRIALS
Flu, we ask you to be thoughtful of others.                            Thursday - Friday 7 and 8 April
Current Covid recommendations mean we can have an                           616 Oneriri Road, Kaiwaka
unlimited number of persons outside on the day.               Visitors welcome to watch our shepherds display the
                                                                    skill of their heading and huntaway dogs.
Numbers inside are restricted to 200 with a Vax Pass.              For further information phone 09 4312192.
Our current plans are to have tea and Coffee available,
with snacks.                                                 ST. JOHN KAIWAKA STORE
If you wish to join the many Veterans and Service
people after the ceremony, could you please bring a plate    Our Kaiwaka St John Store has a Hall full of
of finger food to share. Given the uncertainties             furniture we would like to clear.
surrounding Covid19 and the availability of Bar Staff we     Most items are for sale for a reasonable offer.
                                                             We have several Single beds, mattress, chairs,
may not be able to open the bar after the Ceremony.          and other items.
                 POPPIES                                     Check them out on the Kaiwaka Community Facebook
Poppies will be available for sale in the                    Page.
week before at outlets in Mangawhai and                      We also have coming in an extendable Dining
Kaiwaka, if you would like to assist with                    Table and an exercycle - items arriving soon sorry
selling Poppies, please contact Ann Dowson,                  no pictures yet.
President of the Women's Section.                            Catch  us on Facebook for specials during the school
                                                             Thank you     for your generous donations that keep our
                                                             little Store running.
                                                             WE ARE NEEDING clean saleable linen, brick brac and
                                                                Pop on in for a visit and check out our lovely range and
                                                                            new set up. Dianne and the Team
                                                                           Kaiwaka St John Store Hours:
                                                                         TUESDAY to FRIDAY 10am to 3pm;
                                                                        And EVERY SATURDAY 10am to 2 pm
                                                                      PHONE: Shop 4312650 ~ 1919SH1, Kaiwaka

                                                                    NEIGHBOURHOOD SUPPORT
                                                              This organization now covers the Kaiwaka area following
                                                                                  a change of Rodney Police Area
                                                                              Kaiwaka Area now comes under the local
                                                                                      Wellsford Police Station.
                                                                                   Mobile and Text: 021 2583737
                                                                               Mobile: 0508 or RODNEY 0508 763639
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                                Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                          Page 4

     Point Curtis Cruising Club Inc
     Friday 8th, Saturday 9th &
         Sunday 10th April
                   ALL WELCOME
START 6am Friday 8th April 2022
FINISH 6pm Sunday 10th April 2022
                                                                        DAYLIGHT SAVING
Only  rod & reel or handling fishing. Maximum of 2                      Sunday 3rd April
Hooks per line.
No Use of Nets, Longlines, Kontikis, Kites or Similar
MPI Rules apply, with the exception of Snapper (must
measure 32cm or more).
All people on boats must have purchased tickets for the
Boundaries are anywhere north of and including
Waitemata & Manukau Harbours
Three Furlongs Bar - Grill - Hotel, 1942 SH1,
Kaiwaka (around the back)
Friday 8th April 2022 5pm - 6pm
Saturday 9th April 2022 5pm - 6pm
Sunday 10th April 2022 4pm - 5pm
WEIGH IN RULES:                                                         Ph/Txt - 021 278 3434
Species: All species on the board. Maximum weight in of                           @cjsrakaufirewood
two of each species per angler per day. All fish must be
weighed in green. No late weigh ins. In the event of two                         cjsrakau@outlook.com
or more fish the same weight - the first fish weighed in

WHEN: Prize Giving Sunday 10th April 2022 at 6pm
RULES: Prize winners must be present to collect prize
WHERE: Three Furlongs Bar - Grill - Hotel, 1942 SH1,
MEALS: Can be purchased off the Three Furlongs

                PRIZE - $300 CASH
All snapper weighed in. Prize winners must be
present to collect prize
REGISTER YOUR ENTRY by 11.59pm 7th April
2022 = Pongo: p094312205 or Carol: please text
PAYMENT: Cash at weigh in or Internet Banking
12 3094 0008233 00 Reference: Your Name/s
SPECIES: All species on board
SNAPPER: Cash prizes 1st $300, 2nd $200 & 3rd
OTHERS 1st, 2nd & 3rd
DISCLAIMER: The Point Curtis Cruising Club Inc. accepts
no liability for any damage or loss of belongings or injury to
any person
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz         Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                         Page 5
                      HAKARU RSA    KAIWAKA
                    WOMEN’S SECTION WEATHER
                    Here we are again after a 3-              Once      again     there
                    month break. It was good to               hasn’t been a lot of
                    catch up with each other again            rain to report about. I should have been
                    and there were 10 members                 very careful boasting about no cracks in
                    present at the meeting on Thursday        our lawn – yes you guessed it – there
                    24th March.                               are quite large cracks in the lawn now.
                    We are sorry to lose Shirley De Vries     The need for a significant rainfall is
                    who has resigned for personal reasons,    quite apparent.
                    Shirley has always been a hardworking     For the month of February this year I
                    and dependent member and we will          recorded 94ml.
                    miss her.                                 In February 2021 I recorded 98ml.
                    We have a busy time ahead with Anzac      February 2020 we only had 7.5ml.
                    Day not far away on the 25th of           The highest February rainfall I
                    April.                                    recorded (at our present address) was in
                    The crosses for the cemeteries have to    2018 when we got 220.5ml but the
                    be prepared with poppies and a sprig of   highest February rainfall I recorded
                    rosemary and put on the Returned          when living at Browns Rd was in 2004
                    Servicemen’s graves.                      when we got 293ml.
                    Wreaths are being made on Sunday          We are still getting a very warm drying
                    24th April at 1.30 p.m. Anyone with       wind. The Brynderwyn waterfall is only
                    spare flowers please get them to the      a trickle again. Personally, I’m enjoying
                    RSA or Ann Dowson and if any Garden       the warmth, but the temperatures are
                    Club members who would like to help       starting to drop, which is a good thing
                    make the wreaths would be most            for those of us with Kikuyu lawns as
                    welcome as well as our own members.       the growth has slowed a little bit – only
                                                              mowing every 4th day instead of every
                    Poppy Selling Day is Friday 22nd          3rd day.
                    April, if there is anyone out there who   Its nice to hear the cicadas singing and
                    would be available to go on the roster    that is always a sign of autumn
                    and do a 2hr shift please ring 4315913    approaching.
                    as we still have a few gaps               Take care everyone and stay safe from
                    The RSA would be grateful for a plate     the virus, Karen
                    of food if you are attending the lunch,
                    especially from RSA members.
                    Happy Birthday to Beth hope you have
                    a great day.                                Last week’s torrential rains have set a
                    Raffle    winners     were   Margaret       new national rainfall record.
                    Haverfield and June Wilson.                 NIWA meteorologists say the 103 mm
                    Hostesses for next month’s meeting are      of rain from 4am-5am recorded at
                    Shelia and Annie.                           Maungatapere near Whangārei on
                    The next meeting will be on Thursday        Monday 21 March is a new national
                    28th April at 1.15 p.m. which will also     hourly rainfall record for a low
                    be the AGM the nomination sheets are        elevation station.
                    on the RSA notice board.                    NIWA Principal Scientist - Forecasting
                    That is all for now hope you all stay well, Chris Brandolino says hourly rainfall
                    cheers Ann.                                 rankings at NIWA are calculated from
                                                                top-of-hour to top-of-hour. The
                                                                maximum        60-minute      total   at
                                                                Maungatapere on Monday morning was
                                                                even higher at 123.2 mm from 3.30 am
                                                                to 4.30 am.
                                                                 Mr Brandolino says on Monday when
                                                                the record rainfall occurred, a low-
                                                                pressure system in the Tasman Sea was
                                                                siphoning moisture from the wet and
                                                                humid tropics into the northern North
                                                                "Around 3,000 lightning strikes were
                                                                observed in Northland and immediate
                                                                offshore waters on Monday morning;
                                                                this thunderstorm activity increased the
                                                                rate of rainfall. Ongoing marine
                                                                heatwave conditions around New
                                                                Zealand may have also contributed to
                                                                the heavy rainfall."
                                                              Kaiwaka folk certainly recorded great
                                                              downfalls - some folk got 170ml, others
                                                              140mls and way out on Oneriri we got
                                                              86mls! As a result there was a lot of
                                                              road damage, including the new
                                                              underpass at SH1.
                                                              And on Tuesday 22 March the
                                                              Brynderwyn waterfall was in full force
                                                              - quite spectacular. Driving was very
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                                       Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                        Page 6

Dave & Rhys
02108742551                 0211200667

      HAKARU RE:SORT STATION                                                                        Hydraulics
              Open every day 8am - 4pm                                                              Engineering Ltd
          Closed All Public Holidays                                                                Kaiwaka
            Telephone: 09 431 2629
  NOTE: No GREEN Bag Pick Up on Oneriri Rd                                                     Sales - Service - Parts -
 KDC BLUE & YELLOW Bag collection Wednesday                                         Hire - Manufacture
           morning for Kaiwaka area.                                    Service Contractors & Industrial Equipment:
                                                                                   Rams, Pumps, Valves
                                                                           Logsplitter Hire, Manufacturer, Sales

                                                                                          Dennis Linton
                                                                        Lot 2 / 161 Ranganui Road, RD2, Kaiwaka, 0573, New Zealand
                                                                                          Mobile: 0274 381 700
                                                                                 Email: hydraulicsengineering@xtra.co.nz

Counsellor and Registered Psychotherapist
            Offers Supervision
          ACC Sensitive Claims
              Susan Matheson              MNZAC
         Dip. Psychosynthesis Counselling and Psychotherapy
Phone 09 431 2996                             Mobile 027 605 2427

                                                                                         Bryce Frewin
                                                                                          Ph: 021 850 983
                                                                         Kaipara Based Master Locksmith
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                         Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                      Page 7

                                                   HAKARU PONY CLUB
                                                              RIBBON DAY
                                      The weather turned it on Hakaru Pony Club’s recent Ribbon Day held
                                      Sunday 6th March.
   HAKARU & DISTRICTS                  It was great to host a fun filled riding
                                      event for the young and young at heart!
   MEMORIAL RSA (INC)                 There were ribbons galore, amazing
   Members & guests are invited to    dress ups, spectacular jumping displays
                                      and every rider went home with a prize
come along and enjoy our hospitality. generously donated by local business
      New members welcome.            such as Bygrave Fencing, Noir Blonde
                                      Hairdressing, YourVet Waipu and
  Meals are served on Thursday and    Farm Source Wellsford.
     Friday nights from 6.30pm.       Our judges for the day were Paula
    Order from Blackboard Menu        Bygrave, Rebekah Dixon and Leanne
                                      Woolley who did a fantastic job.
 For more information please phone
     Barry Wallace 0274 922 975
  Email: president@hakarursa.co.nz

   Hot Diggity Dog
Call now for a summer groom
  Professional Dog Groomer
     at affordable prices.
                                                                            Pictured – Dress up photo – Indie
  www.doggroomingkaiwaka.co.nz                                              McGregor on Indie
                                                                            Jumping photo – Tom Ingram on Pete
   call Pam 094312143 or text                                               Junior Champion Winner – Erika Savage
    0273335380 for bookings                                                 on Charlie

  09 601 6124
  Online: https://bopple.app/

  MONDAY 12 – 8pm
 WEDNESDAY 4 – 8pm
  THURSDAY 4 – 8pm
    FRIDAY 4 – 8pm
 SATURDAY 12 – 8pm
   SUNDAY 12 – 8pm                               TE PĀTAKA O KAIWAKA - FOODBANK
                                      FOODBANK, once again if you need help for food or clothing come see me..
                                      We have for sale four lovely do up chairs, changing table, and small cupboard,,
                                      solid oak drop side table new fireguard surround, office chair.
 1923b State Highway 1                Come in and have a look as there is lots more. Thanks, Milly and staff.
                                      Shop phone 027 388 9217 shop
          Kaiwaka                     Hours: Tuesdays to Fridays the Hours a 10am to 2pm
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz   Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                               Page 8

                                   KAIPARA FLOORING CO
                                   FULLY MOBILE FLOORING SHOWROOM
                                         SERVICING THE KAIPARA
                                        PH (09) 946 9886 or
                                    CHRISTINE ON 021 515 415 or
                                      HOWARD 021 2696250
                                          IN HOUSE MEASURE, QUOTE AND
                                              CONSULTATION SERVICE
                                       FOR THE SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF
                                       CARPET, VINYL, VINYL PLANKING, HARD
                                       FLOORING, GARAGE CARPET, LAMINATE
                                               FLOORING AND MORE.
                                          EMAIL kaiparaflooring@gmail.com
                                         WEBSITE www.kaiparaflooring.co.nz
                                      Qcard 6 month interest free terms or 12 – 24
                                           month finance options available
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                               Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                           Page 9
                                LIBBY JONES – Member Northland District Health Board
STROKES                                     Hospital Acute Stroke Unit. If the
                                            stroke has had significant physical or
                                                                                        also be eventually gaining
                                                                                        a few more beds to help
People are affected by many different       cognitive effects, they may be then         keep up with the increasing
health conditions that bring them into      transferred to the rehabilitation ward      number of strokes that are
hospitals or in contact with health         which aims at increasing the person’s       affecting    people      in
services. Strokes affect thousands of       independence, preventing complications      Northland.
New Zealanders each year.                   from stroke and preventing further          REHABILITATION
A stroke occurs when the blood              strokes.                                    While a lot of the rehabilitation of
supply to an area of the brain is           Every stoke affects a person patient’s often take place at Whangarei
interrupted causing damage to brain
cells. This happens either with a clot in   differently, there is often a reduction Hospital, it also occurs in regional
the blood vessel or the blood vessel        in the way a person can complete tasks.     hospitals throughout Northland. The
bursting. The effects of a stroke depend    On the Acute Stroke Unit there are          rehabilitation does not end when a
on where in the brain, and how big, the     experienced Physiotherapists (PT),          patient leaves hospital, there are teams
interruption to blood flow is.              Occupational Therapists (OT), Speech        of allied health workers including
Most people who have had a stroke in        Language Therapists (SLT), Social           OTs, PTs, SLTs and Social Workers
our area are admitted to Whangarei          Workers and Dietitians. These different     who all help a patient manage in their
                                            health professionals assess and provide     own home environment.
                                            interventions for patients that have had    Being in hospital can have impacts on
                                            a stroke and support their family.          people’s abilities to do daily activities
                                                                                        in their life, their overall wellbeing,
                                            STROKE UNIT UPDATES                         their family and their social situation.
                                            Recently, work has been undertaken to       We have great teams of health
                                            update the stroke unit in different         professionals both in hospital and the
                                            phases. There is now a new kitchen on       community who are working to provide
                                            the ward for the Occupational               consistent and quality health care for all
                                            Therapists to assess a patient and          patients across Northland.
                                            provide interventions to ensure that they   For more information on stroke see
                                            will manage kitchen tasks at home           www.health.govt.nz                     or
                                            safely. There is ongoing work currently     www.stroke.org.nz
                                            taking place updating the physio gym        With     credit    to     Rita    Hames,
                                            to provide more space for the               Occupational Therapist at Whangarei
                                            Physiotherapists to assess mobility and     Hospital.
                                            assist    with    improving      patients   Stay well, Libby
                                            functioning. The acute stroke unit will     Libby Jones
                                                                                        hames.jones@xtra.co.nz 021 2080093

           Plants                                   HOW DOES YOUR
                                                    GARDEN GROW?
                                            JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES
                                            To be seen in colour - beautiful yellow flowers with
                                            blue sky. It's autumn and the Jerusalem artichokes
                                            are in bloom. I have them in several places through
                                                                   the garden. This year they
                                                                   are a reminder of Ukraine's
                                                                   David and Goliath battle.
                                                                   The Jerusalem artichoke is a
  Visit our Nursery                                                member of the sunflower
                                                                   family. Ukraine's national
 Contact Heather 021                                               flower. So their beauty is
        766399                                                     bitter sweet. I remind
                                                                   myself . David did win.
                                                                   Zephranthes. The sweet little
    oneririplants@gmail.com                                        rain lily. These have
                                                                   responded to the recent
    365AOneriri Rd, Kaiwaka                                        rains.
       A short trip off SH1                                        ~ Heather, Oneriri Plants,
                                                                  021 766399 with inquiries.
KAIWAKA NEW SIGNS, NEW BRIDGES - Bugle 2022 Issue # 06
www.kaiwaka.co.nz   Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022   Page 10
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                           KAIWAKA SPORTS ASSN NEWS
                    KAIWAKA FITNESS                             order more. Hoodies are $50, T-shirts
                    From the 4th of April we no                 $30, Singlets $25 – see Facebook
                    longer require vaccination
                    status with memberships.                    OTAMATEA NETBALL
                    Kaiwaka        Fitness     Center           On 24 March the Otamatea Netball
                    management are extremely grateful to        Club     held    their  2022      AGM.
                    be stepping away from vaccine               Congratulations to the 2022 committee
                    requirements and look forward to            members.
                    welcoming everyone to our centre. We        President - Jodie & Melissa; Vice –
                    still do ask that you continue to keep up   Bruce; Treasurer – Adrian; Secretary –
                    with the spray and wiping of equipment      Rebecca; Patron - Fiona Kemp; Umpire
                    and the use of a towel.                     Development       –    Jodie;     Player
                    Our new gear arrived on 3rd March!          Development – Nikola; Social Media/
                    A massive thank you to David and Erv        Communications – Jodie; Committee
                    for driving down to Hamilton to collect     members - Tina and Cathy.
                    it all to avoid a hefty delivery fee!       NETBALL TRIALS: Wednesday 30th
                    And a huge thank you to Kaiwaka             March and Wednesday6th April 2pm -
                    Motorcycles for driving a forklift up to    4pm at Otamatea High school’s front
                    help us get the new machine off the ute.    courts.
                    Community spirit was high, thank you        Please don't forget your water bottles
                    Courtney, Bernie, Connor, David and of      and your TRIAL FEE $10. This can be
                    course Mark.                                paid into our bank account, Please make
                    Our glute driver                            players name in the reference when
                    machine (hip thrust)                        making payment-Otamatea Netball Club -
                    is all set up and ready                     ASB 12-3095-0017174-00
                    to go, also our new                         If for any reason you cannot trial,
                    powerlifting bar is                         please let us know so we can still
                    out and ready to rack.                      allocate you a spot in a 2022 team. We
                    We also picked up a                         understand Covid is running around our
                    new triceps bar, so                         community and there may be some
                    you can now do wide                         isolation restrictions for some players.
                    or close grip push downs.
                    We will get our new dumbbell rack set       OTAMATEA HAWKS
                    up plus our new assault bike in the next    Watch on their Facebook page for the
                    coming days.                                new dates for the memorial
                    We have some merchandise for sale, t-       rugby matches for Jordan
                    shirts, hoodies and singlets in both        Kemp and Kodi Foster. The
                    black and Grey. Sizes are limited but if    games had to be postponed due
                    we get a big enough demand we will          to covid.

                                          S   WEETWATERS ~ 1981, 82 AND 83
                    We will give some background to our complex … who remembers the Sweetwaters
                    Festivals? Many locals who ‘worked’ there do! It was an amazing time when we were
                    able to raise a large amount of money outside our small community 40 years ago.
                    Pictures left: A 1983 Sweetwaters t-shirt - all the bands on the back
                    ‘The biggest money-spinner ‘was the Sweetwaters Festivals: Keighley persuaded
                    his brother, Daniel, who organised the festival, to hire the Eastern United rugby
                    club to provide security for the event. Along with the security came the right to
                    run a food stall. Mark Ottaway remembers the food stall was open 24 hours a day
                    for the duration of the festivals. “It was pretty hard work,” he says. “You just
                    slept when you could, and we were always busy. We always got the prime spot
                    next to the stage. John Keighley made sure of that.” In the busiest times the
                    people taking the money had no time to jam it in the till and just threw notes and
                    coins into the space beneath the counter, to be picked up later. Mark swears after
                         the first festival the back of his Austin 1800 was sagging on the ground from
                         the weight of coins that was going back to Kaiwaka. In all, Kaiwaka’s rugby
                         players and takeaway cooks worked Sweetwaters for three years and raised
                         $80,000.’ Ref . Stories tall, stories short - RogerTW Smith
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                            Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                     Page 12

  MONDAY TO THURSDAY (3pm till late). We fully intend for this
 to be a temporary change, and will continue to pursue our desire
          to be back open for 7 days as soon as possible.
             www.threefurlongs.co.nz      09-431 2246

 Landscaping Supplies:
 Waikato Screen Topsoil
         Bark                                                 WATER TANKS:
       Mill Bark                                               Aqua & Baileys
     Post Peelings                                                Brands
     Crushed Shell
        Topsoil                                                 DRAINAGE &
    Limestone Chip
  Daltons Garden Mix                                              SEPTICS:
       Aggregate                                                Land Drainage
      Gap: 20,40.65                                              Urban Rural
       Riverstone                                                  Drainage
        Belt Dust                                               Water Pipelines
  40/20 Drainage Metal                                             Culverts
      Builders Mix
         Cement                                                 Septic Systems
Timber/Fencing Supplies:                                        (RX Plastics &
      Rails, Posts                                                 Biorock)
    Stays, Strainers
     Fence Battens
        Palings                                                 SITEWORKS:
     Fencing Wire                                               Retaining Walls
 Farm Gates & hardware                                               Piling
       Drainage:                                                  Driveways
      PVC Fittings                                                 Carparks

                                                                                   - 4 Tonne DIGGER -
                                                                                         - BOBCAT-
                                                                                       - TIP TRUCK -
                                                                                        Property Maintenance
                                                                                            Building Sites
                                                                                        Stump & Tree Removal
                                                                                    Hole Boring - Chain Trencher
                                                                                  Calf Shed and Stockyard Cleaning

                                                                                   Phone Matt: 021 199 6677
                                                                                  Email: mprabrownecontractors@gmail.com
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                                      Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                              Page 13
        HONEYBEES                                           ON GRAVEL WE NEED GRADERS
Mary Bumby was probably the                         Once upon a time there were three key positions in the county.
person who introduced honey bees to                 The town clerk did
New Zealand. She brought two hives                  correspondence,
ashore when she landed at the                       the          county
Mangungu Mission Station in the                     engineer the plans
Hokianga in March 1839.                             and then there was
While New Zealand had two native                    the grader driver.
species of bees, neither was suitable for           What did the
producing honey. The Reverend                       driver do?
Richard Taylor, Eliza Hobson, James                 He, always a 'he'
Busby and William Cotton were all                   to my mind, made
early hive owners. In 1848 Cotton                   things work. And,
wrote a manual for New Zealand                      I suspect, the
beekeepers, describing the basics of bee            machines were made here.
husbandry and honey production.                     The roads stayed open. Folk could reach 'town'.
The New Zealand bush proved to be an                What worked continued to be improved. Everyone along the road had an interest
hospitable environment for bees, and                in getting the job done well. It was a 50s thing.
the number of wild colonies multiplied              The driver knew the cambers, the pooling points, the sludge, the compressed
rapidly, especially in the Bay of                   corrugates: the roads themselves - and how they were used by lorries, carts and
Islands. Isaac Hopkins, regarded as the             drays.
father of beekeeping in New Zealand,                Kids would come to watch graders work. Sometimes and often, they'd remake a
observed that by the 1860s bee nests in             family's entrance or even their whole drive over scones and a story.
the bush were plentiful, and                        There was no one to decide but the driver. And that driver took care of his
considerable quantities of honey were               grader, adjusted the blade, greased the bearings, changed the oil.
being sold by Māori – the country’s                 Authority.
first commercial beekeepers.                        His mana rested with families on his continual route, nowhere distant, nowhere
The commercial production of honey in               particular, responsive to be fair to the small farmer volunteers. They served on
New Zealand began in the late 1870s                 the council or school committee for a term, or more if they were suited. It was an
following the introduction of the                   older country, respectful of work done and in train, and respectful of talent.
Langstroth hive, the moveable-frame                 Perhaps we should bring back the grader driver.
beehive model still used today.
Ref. nzhistory.govt.nz/
A sketch of a recycled wine barrel converted into
                                                              PIROA-BRYNDERWYN LANDCARE
                                      a storage     MARUNUI CONSERVATION – SAFEGUARDING KIWI AND THEIR CHICKS
                                      chamber       From 2014 to 2016 North Island Brown        Hancock’s
                                      to            Kiwi were translocated to Marunui           Waipu
                                      transport     Conservation just to the north of           Forest,
                                      bees from     Mangawhai in the Piroa-Brynderwyn           caught      26
                                      to    New     ranges. Since that time the team at         stoats,     31
                                      Zealand       Marunui and other local volunteers          weasels, 1
                                      c1840         have been working hard to ensure the        feral cat, 56
                                      (WC           kiwi are protected.                         hedgehogs
                                      Cotton,       Over the past two months it’s been          and 427 rats.
                                      My     Bee
                                      Book          exciting at Marunui Conservation            Stoats     are
                                      1842          hearing pairs of kiwi calling at night.     the     major
                                                    Keeping them safe from predators on         killer of kiwi
                                                    its 421ha bush-covered property is one      chicks so the
                                                    of Marunui’s main tasks and with the        removal of
                                                    breeding season approaching it              the above 44
                                                    becomes a vital activity.                   stoats will have been key to chick
                                                    and the help of local volunteers.           survival, potentially enabling them to
                                                    Trapping has been carried out every         reach breeding age. Together with
                                                    three weeks from November to March          weasels, stoats also predate other native
                                                    and 4-weekly from April to October          birds, eggs, lizards and insects.
                                                    using a variety of baits depending on       Although no ferrets have been caught in
                                                    the type of trap. The majority (120) are    Marunui since 2019, they present a
                                                    for catching mustelids – ferrets,           major threat to adult kiwi, illustrated by
                                                    stoats and weasels. These include           the death of one male last year in
                                                    DOC200s, DOC250s and Fenns. They            Waipu Forest. A ferret was recently
                                                    also catch rats, while Trapinators and      seen on a neighbouring property and
                                                    Timms traps target possums.                 extra traps were deployed.
                                                    In 2021 the catch totalled 12 stoats, 5     The recent sighting at night in Marunui
                                                    weasels, 5 feral cats, 156 possums, 25      of a juvenile kiwi and the number of
                                                    hedgehogs and 228 rats. In addition,        calls heard gives confidence that the
                                                    annual baiting for rats and possums was     combined efforts of all involved in
                                                    carried out in September-October,           Piroa-Brynderwyns       Landcare       are
                                                    considerably reducing the numbers of        making a significant contribution to
                                                    both. So far this year 6 stoats, 3          kiwi recovery in the Brynderwyns and
                                                    weasels, 1 feral cat, 25 possums, 11        surrounding areas.
                                                    hedgehogs and 28 rats have been             If you are keen to volunteer or donate to our
                                                    caught.                                     cause, please contact us via our website
                                                    In addition, in 2021 the Ring of Steel      www.pbl.org.nz our Facebook page
                                                    project, which involves the servicing of    facebook.com/PBLGroup           or      email
                                                    mustelid      traps     on     properties   PiroaBrynderwynsLandcare@outlook.com
                                                                                                Picture Cathy Hawley hard at work
                                                    surrounding Marunui and including in        servicing the Marunui traps
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                    Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                             Page 14

      CIVIL ENGINEERING                              Drainage & Earthmoving
                                                            027 2233 185
                                                    Registered Drainlayer              All Types of Earthworks
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 0800 PACIFIC (0800 722 434)                                                               > Farm Work
  Adam Booth - 027 415 5752                            THE ONE STOP SHOP
Bsurv, Licensed Cadastral Surveyor
                                                        Phone Nigel for an Obligation Free Quote
   Surveying Kaipara since 1994
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                          Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                         Page 15

                                     Like most organisations, Maungaturoto    three Mentors but it would be
    CENTRE and                       Rotary has found that there have been    good to have more on board so
    FOOD MART                        severe limitations in activities we have we can make more effective
                                     been able to undertake as well as a      use of the car. Usually, we aim
                                     general cautiousness in attending        to provide 12 lessons (the last two in
  POST CENTRE TRADING                meetings. We are hopeful that very       Whangarei), length of which varies
          HOURS                      soon there will be a “new normal”        from one to three hours. A Mentor has
MONDAY to FRIDAY 8am to 5pm          within which we can more effectively     the same student throughout at a time
   SATURDAY 8am to 12pm              operate.                                 that suits both parties. (Eileen –
 CLOSED ON SUNDAY and on             DRIVER MENTORING                         0211420357).
                                     Our     Driver     Mentoring    scheme Mentoring is a voluntary position.
     PUBLIC HOLIDAYS                 continues to go well, even though all MEETING
                                     students need to be double vaccinated. While we will always meet on a
                                     We had another success during the Tuesday night, we have decided to
                                     month. There is quite a long “wait- make some changes to our meeting
FOOD MART (GROCERIES)                time” for appointments with VTNZ so format. Most of our meetings will be in
    MONDAY TO FRIDAY                 we encourage our students to book as the Centennial Hall but we are also
      7:30am to 7.30pm               soon as they (and their mentor) feel aiming to have more offsite meetings as
  SATURDAY 8am to 7.30pm             they have the ability to pass their well as give the Maungaturoto
   SUNDAY 8:30am to 7pm              Restricted.                              members a chance to join with
                                     There is no doubt that the students who Mangawhai Satellite club on occasions.
                                     perform best on testing day are those The Satellite club is planning to wind
IF ANY QUERIES PLEASE CALL           who have been able to drive their up their sailing activity at the end of
   STORE MANAGER AMRIT               family car on a regular basis in a March but will start again later in the
       on 09 4312431 or              variety of places.                       year (possibly to coincide with daylight
EMAIL: kaiwakafood19a@gmail.com      Just a point to note – if your son/ saving.) From one session a week, this
1919a State Highway1, Kaiwaka 0542   daughter is driving a car alone on a has now grown to two sessions each on
                                     Learner’s License, and has an accident, Monday and Wednesday. I understand
                                     most insurance companies will not that there are 35 youngsters involved
                                     cover the cost of repair of either car. from the age of 8 to 13. Not only do
                                     This means you could have a they have a very dedicated group of
                                     substantial debt to pay.                 tutors, but the parents are very
                                     Talking of Driver Mentoring – if supportive as well.
                                     you have an hour or two a week that BBQ
                                     you might be able to give in Mentoring While Mangawhai makes the most use
                                     (enabling clients to get from their of the east coast, we were able to hold a
                                     Learners to their Restricted) please let BBQ at Pahi on a recent Tuesday night.
                                     me know.                                 The weather was perfect and the ability
                                     We work with People Potential and to meet outside (in the shade of the
                                     Roadsafe North, and there is a one-day Moreton Bay fig) added a pleasant
                                     training course that needs to be dimension to fellowship
                                     attended with an approved Driving Any enquiries, please call Eileen – 021
                                     instructor. At the moment, we have 142 0357
                                                      OTAMATEA HIGH SCHOOL
                                            RELAY FOR LIFE: Our year             approximately 5 hours, one day a week,
                                     13s and prefects have been working          either Monday or Friday. Please send
                                     hard recently in getting their              your completed application form, CV and
                                     fundraising initiatives for Relay for       cover letter to:
                                     Life off the ground. All funds raised go     rebecca.clist@otamatea.school.nz
                                     to the Cancer Society, so please support
                                     our students who may approach you for       Y7 & 8 BOARDGAMES / CARDS
                                     a donation towards this worthy cause.       CLUB. This will be run with the help
                                     With the Relay for Life event in            of Duke of Edinburgh students during
                                     Whangarei having been cancelled this        lunchtimes.
                                     year, our students are planning our own     Please does anyone have board games
                                     fun-filled Relay for Life day here at       at home they would like to donate. We
                                     school on Friday the 8th April. It has      would lovingly take them off your
Ken Urquhart                         been great seeing our student leaders       hands and add a sticker to the game to
                                                                                 say who donated it to show our
       BSurv Licensed                step up and take the initiative in coming
                                     up with this idea themselves.               appreciation. For example: Uno,
     Cadastral Surveyor                                                          Pictionary, Jenga (small or large size),
                                     THE            WILLIAM              PIKE
                                     CHALLENGE AWARD is a youth                  Connect 4, Chess, Cards, Monopoly,
KMU Surveys Ltd                      development programme (Year 7 & 8)
                                     that develops youths' 21st century skills
                                                                                 Yahtzee ...
                                                                                 Please contact Nyree, Head of Department
                                     in preparation for tomorrow's world.        for Y7 & 8 Syndicate
 467 Bickerstaffe Road               The programme is run throughout the
                                     year with components - Outdoor
         RD 2                        Activities (there are 5 throughout the
  Maungaturoto 0587                  year), 20 hours passion projects and 20
                                     hours community service - all done out
                                     of school, in students' own time.
Ph 09 431 8705                       DRUM TUTOR REQUIRED: An
                                     itinerant music teacher to teach drums.
Mob 021 161 2344                     The successful applicant will also need
                                     to be willing to work with students who
kenurquhart@xtra.co.nz               have a range of capabilities. - for
www.kaiwaka.co.nz   Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                             Page 16

                                                       PHONE NUMBERS
                                                    HEALTHLINE 0800 611 116 - a
                                                    nurse to answer health queries
                                                    SAMARITANS 0800 726 666 -
                                                    support for lonely or suffering
                                                    mental distress
                                                    YOUTHLINE 0800 376 633
                                                    LIFELINE 0800 543 354
                                                    DEPRESSION HELPLINE 0800 111
                                                    ALCOHOL & DRUG HELPLINE 0800
                                                    787 797
                                                    URGENT MENTAL HEALTH LINE
                                                    0800 223 371
                                                    WARMLINE -peer support for
                                                    people with mental health issues
                                                    0800 200 207

                                                       Reyahn Leng
                                                     Registered Electrician
                                                       Local, honest and
                                                    For your residential and

                                                         022 314 1068
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                                Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                Page 17
KAIWAKA LIBRARY                                                   KAIWAKA SCHOOL
FAREWELL             AND        THANK
to Denis and Jen, who have recently left
the library team. They've been with us
since 2017, and we thank them for the
efforts they've put into the library over
the years.
If you can't get to the library, we can
still get library items to you. There's a     PUMPKINS: Kaiwaka School held
"Click and Collect" option on the web         their    annual      giant    pumpkin
site at Enterprise* - look for My Book        competition on Thursday.
Bag and click on that to get started.         Pictured right - top to bottom: Connor
Note there is a one form for adults and       and Karley, Charlotte, Reggie, Lily,
teens, and another for children. Or you       Alex, Michel, Winter with their
can browse/search the catalogue at            pumpkins
Enterprise* and place holds on specific       And the day end with a fun pumpkin
items you want and let me know you            rolling competition!
need help getting them to you. Or you
can contact me directly and let me        BRONZE AWARD:
know what sort of thing you'd like to     Pictured below: Outdoor learning and
borrow, and I'll pick some books off the  play      space;     Nik        Massey,
shelves for you. We can arrange for the   Enviroschools Key Teacher at
items to be picked up from the library    Kaiwaka School shows the productive
or another local venue, or we may be      growing unit; Cr Rick Stolwerk,
able to drop them at your doorstep. Get   Northland Regional Council (pictured
in touch - email and phone details are    with Kaiwaka students) congratulated
below, or call/text my mobile 0274 806
275 - and we will work it out.            Kaiwaka School on receiving the
                                          Enviroschool Bronze Award, where
BOOK REVIEW                               the students have been involved in
Recently, I've read Isobar Precinct by growing food, composting waste and
                         Angelique        learning about trapping pests
                         and      really CHICKENS: One of our enviro
                         enjoyed it. "A school goals is to have our own
                         chain of events school chicken pen, nesting boxes and of course
                         sparked by a chickens!
                         murder in a We need a few keen adults who can donate their
                         cemetery         time, and skills to build this for us. Donations of
                         sends     tattoo timber, netting, quick set concrete would be very
                                          much appreciated.
                         artist Lestari If you can help in any way - please contact
                         Cassidy     into Michelle, m.dempsey@kaiwaka.school.nz
                           the orbit of an
                           drug.        Its
                           connection to
                           several deaths
amongst the local transient community,
along with the uncovering of illegal
clinical trials in the 1980s, sends her a
clear message: stay away. Then tragedy
strikes close to home, and she needs to do
something, and fast." The story is set
largely around Karangahape Road in
Auckland. This book is on our Rental
Fiction shelves.
See you in the library ~Wendy
Phone 4312 539
Email kaiwaka.library@gmail.com
*Enterprise: http://kaipara.kotui.org.nz/
www.kaiwaka.co.nz        Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022   Page 18

     At Twinkle Tow ‘n’ Tyre

       Mob: 021 833 960
     Ph & Fax: 09 431 2823
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                              Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                          Page 19
                                              KAIWAKA NORTHERN UNDERPASS
                                         The top photos were taken before last Monday’s big rain; the lower photo was
                                         after the rain! Then the pathway was beautifully reformed for the opening.

First Sunday 9am Holy Communion
 Third Sunday 9am Family Service
St Pauls Church: Kaiwaka-Mangawhai Rd.
        Church Office Ph 431 4122

                                                 IS YOUR HOUSE EARNING MORE
                                                          THAN YOU?
         No. 117345                      Kaye McElwain from Ray White has lived in the area for 17 years and has
                                         worked in real estate for more than two decades as an agent and business
                                         owner. Once a month she writes a column with commentary and analysis
 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN                    on our local real estate market. Today, she questions if your house is a
                                         bigger earner than you are?
  N.Z.C.A.D. Architectural               Over the past 12 months, the median house price for New
                                         Zealand has increased by $161,700 while the average
                                         household income across the country was $97,760.
   Mob: 021 276 7389                     It is quite likely that over this time, your house was earning more than you.
                                         Obviously, the biggest challenge is that it isn’t possible to spend the capital gain
   Office: 25 Lupis Lane,                you have made on your home without selling the house, unlike your household
       Kaiwaka 0573                      income which comes in the form of ready to spend cash. As to whether your
                                         house will continue to be a better earner than you, it remains to be seen.
                                         At this stage, however, it does seem unlikely with median house price growth
  brianwright@xtra.co.nz                 slowing. In some places, prices will also go backwards. Your house may have
                                         earned more than you in 2021 but that is less likely to be the case this year.
                                                                                     There have been a series of
                                                                                     headwinds that have come into the
                                                                                     real estate market during the past
                                                                                     month. This coincides with a
                                                                                     considerable rise in listings which
                                                                                     allows buyers more choice. The
                                                                                     announcement of interest rates rises
                                                                                     together      with    ongoing     lending
                                                                                     restrictions has resulted in more value
                                                                                     for buyers as inventory levels rise.
                                                                                     It is unfair to be precise about how the
                                                                                     headwinds may be navigated given
                                                                                     there are still tailwinds in the market,
                                                                                     but one can safely assume that the
                                                                                     housing cycle has begun to turn a
                                                                                     If you’re thinking of selling your home,
                                                                                     now is still a great time to take
                                                                                     advantage of the tail-end of this existing
                                                                                     cycle before a cooler market kicks in.
                                                                                     Best wishes and I look forward to
                                                                                     hearing from you,
                                                                                     Kaye McElwain 027 215 2016.
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                        Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                    Page 20

 Eclectic Boutique
     99 Gibbons Rd, Kaiwaka
                      Contact Trish
                         for buying or

                       021 2140 522
                        09 431 2193
              Large selection of:

              Open10am – 4pm
       Cash, Eftpos or Direct Debit available

                                                        Ideal as an extra
                                                        bedroom or office
                                                        Three Convenient sizes:
                                                        Standard 3.6m x 2.4m - $65
                                                        per week
                                                        Large 4.2m x 2.4m - $80 per week
                                                        Extra Large 4.8m x 2.4m - $100 per week
                                                        Fully insulated. Minimum 6 months rental period
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                              Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                          Page 21
                                       ANZAC DAY ~ 25 APRIL
                                           early 1915. It was used for registering      allied Federation of Ex-Servicemen),
                                           correspondence for the new corps and a       the 25th anniversary of Laurence
                                           rubber stamp was cut using the letters       Binyon’s “For
                                           A.& N.Z.A.C.                                 the Fallen”, was
                                                                                        observed. This is
                                           After the landing at Gallipoli, General      one of the most
                                           Birdwood requested that the position         famous         and
                                           held by the Australians and New              enduring       war
                                           Zealanders on the peninsula be called        poems, and it
                                           'Anzac' to distinguish it from the British   was written at an
Anzac Day on April 25 is one position at Helles. Permission was also                    historic moment
of Australia and New Zealand’s sought to name the little bay, where the                 – just after the
most important and revered majority of the corps had come ashore                        retreat       from
national occasions.                        on 25 April 1915, as ‘Anzac Cove'.           Mons and the
This day marks the anniversary of the Flowers have traditionally been laid on           victory of the
first major military action the countries’ graves and memorials of the dead. The        Marne. As to
forces fought during World War I. With ‘poppy’ has a special significance in            how it came to be written, Laurence
the many commemorative services and relation to Anzac Day in New Zealand –              Binyon, pictured above, who celebrated
memorials available today, Anzac Day when poppies are traditionally worn.               his 70th birthday on 10 August 1939,
is a time in which New Zealanders The Friday before Anzac Day is                        says: “I can’t recall the exact date
reflect on the many different meanings designated Poppy Day and fundraising             beyond that it was shortly after the
of war, while honouring those who have efforts are organised by the RNZRSA              retreat. I was set down, out of doors, on
given their lives for their country.                                                    a cliff in Polzeath, Cornwall. The stanza
                                           for the welfare of war veterans and their    ‘They Shall Grow Not Old’ was
Historically, ANZAC (Australian and families.                                           written first and dictated the rhythmical
                                                                                        movement of the whole poem”.
New Zealand Army Corps) was an During
acronym devised by Major General throughout September-October
                                                        ten  Allied   countries,
                                                                                        When war broke out he was too old to
                                                                                        fight but volunteered to serve with the
William Birdwood's staff in Cairo in upon the suggestion of FIDAC (Inter-               Red Cross and spent time at the Front
                                                                                        during 1916. Binyon was deeply moved
                                                                                        by the horrors that he witnessed and the
                                                                                        loss of life and wrote a number of
                                                                                        poems which were published as a
                                                                                        collection in 1919 called The Four
                                                                                         The Hakaru and Districts Memorial
                                                                                        RSA Will be holding an ANZAC
                                                                                        Commemoration on Monday 25th April
                                                                                        starting at 11:00 hrs sharp at the
                                                                                        HAKARU and Districts Memorial
                                                                                        RSA, 733 Settlement Rd, Hakaru.
                                                                                        Poppies will be available for
                                                                                        sale in the week before at
                                                                                        outlets in Mangawhai and
                                                                                        Kaiwaka, if you would like
                                                                                        to assist with selling Poppies, please
                                                                                        contact Ann Dowson, President of the
                                                                                        Women's Section.
                                                                                        ~ Martin Edinborough
                                                                                        Photo left: Anzac Cove, Gallipoli 1915

                                       KAIWAKA CAN
                       Saturday 26 March saw the official opening and blessing of
the twin walking bridges and new park signs.
The blessings were shared between Matua Ben and Derek Christensen with the
unveiling of the park signs and ribbon cutting for the bridges given to the Guest of
Honour John McClean who has kindly donated the land by the St John hall. In
unveiling the sign for the new piece of land he said he was excited with the
planned proposals for the new park land.
Now that the bridges have been completed it is time to move to the next stage. I
know there have been those who have made comments about bridges to nowhere,
well the bridges are the start. Now it is time to put in the walkways which will
need many hands to make it a reality. Come along to our meetings or contact us
pukepunga@xtra.co.nz and learn more about our vision and perhaps join our band
of volunteers in this venture and others and help make Kaiwaka a destination not
just a town on the State Highway.
We were to hold the annual meeting next month but due to several of the executive
being unavailable it was moved that we hold it off till Wednesday 18 May.
~ David, Chairman Kaiwaka Can. Photo right taken following the opening - Cr. Jonathan
Larsen, David Wright, John McClean and Derek Christensen.
www.kaiwaka.co.nz                                      Kaiwaka Bugle - 28 March 2022                                                 Page 22
*Emergencies - Ambulance, Fire, Police - dial 111
                                                                          WHAT’S           ON
                                                                          PLEASE ~ do let us know what is on -
                *Non-urgent Police phone 105                              email kaiwakabugle@kaiwaka.co.nz
                        DOCTOR: Ph: 4238 086
A A: Meets Wed., 7pm. Kate's Place Ph 021 024 25969 or 0800 229 6757      *31Mar~Kaiwaka Fitness Center AGM 6.30pm
NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS : Mon., 6pm, Archie Bull Hall, Kwk-Mwi
Road; drug and alcohol related issues. Ph. 02102412348
                                                                          *3Apr~DAYLIGHT SAVING begins
                                                                          *7-8Apr~Molesworth Sheep Dog Trials 616 Oneriri Road.
ASUREQUALITY LTD (was AgriQuality) Call Free 0508 0011 22                 *8~Apr~Otamatea High School ‘Relay for Life’
BUDGETING SERVICE, WELLSFORD: Free confidential advice &                  *8-10Apr~Pt. Curtis CC East v West Fishing Competition
support for all areas of personal finance. Ph (09) 423 7123               *13Apr~Last Day Term 1 Kaiwaka School
                                                                          *14Apr~Last Day Term 1 Otamatea High School
CAB-Citizens Advice Bureau.Wellsford Ph: 4237333
0800 367 222 email:cab.wells@xtra.co.nz                                   *22Apr~Movie ‘THE LAST WALTZ’ 7.30pm KWMH
CIVIL DEFENCE - Kaipara 0800 727 059 or Facebook                          *25Apr~ANZAC DAY Hakaru RSA 11am
                                                                          *28Apr~Hakaru RSA Womens Section AGM 1.15pm
FUNERAL SERVICES: Morris & Morris Ltd, 0800667747
                                                                            KWMH = Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall; KSA = Kaiwaka Sports Association
GRANDPARENTS Raising Grandchildren: Dianah Roberts 0223819539                   See www.kaiwaka.co.nz for more information
Hakaru. Ph 4312 176 or Barry Wallace (President) 0274 922 975             HOUSEHOLD RUBBISH COLLECTION
                                                                          Kaiwaka Pick up:
HAKARU LANDFILL/Transfer Station:Open everyday 10am-4pm.                  Mondays = Green bags (Northland Waste - 09 430 3273)
Except Public Holidays. Ph4312629 Cost-$55 trailer load up to 1 cubic     Wednesdays = Blue bags and yellow recycling (at Four Square
metre. Ph:4258567 - office
KAIPARA DISTRICT COUNCIL: www.kaipara.govt.nz                             Kaiwaka $3.60 and $1.70) (Kaurilands 09 4392146); ONLY Blue
Help Desk FREEPHONE 0800 727 059                                          and Yellow bags picked up on Oneriri Road.
KAIWAKA CEMETERY: Ph: 4312045 or 4314017                                DIABETES Support Group-for Kaiwaka, Mangawhai, Wellsford
KAIWAKA LIBRARY: kaiwaka.library@gmail.com
Mon. 4-6pm; Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 10am-2pm Ph:4312539                 10am, 3rd Friday of month Ph: Colleen James 09 4314238
KAIWAKA PLAYCENTRE: Ph Juanita 0274134904; open Mon, Wed,               GENEALOGY - Wellsford: 1st Thursday in month Ph: 423
Fri 9am-12pm. Hastie Lane; Monday to Friday 9.00am - 12 noon.            7033; Waipu: 4th Monday in month Ph: 4312 725
Post Code: 0573 for RD2 and 0542 for all Kaiwaka Post Office mail       HAKARU PONY CLUB - Secretary Denise Rogers 021423376
KAIWAKA PRIMARY SCHOOL: Ph: 4312309                                      secretary@hakaruponyclub.co.nz
KAIWAKA SPORTS ASSN: Ph 4312005; 4312129 gym                            KAIPARA HUNT - Secretary Albert Doonenbal Ph 4312059
KAIWAKA ST JOHN HALL: Phone Marj 0272941227
KATE’S PLACE Community Centre - Employment services, Free Health        KAIPARA HUNTING & FISHING - 021 1294378
Nurse, Plunket, Advocacy, Osteotherapist, A.A., Legal Advice. 4312 661  KAIWAKA BADMINTON -Tuesdays 7.30pm Ph: 0274114817
LINKING HANDS Health Shuttle Ph 4315906 or 09 4318969                   KAIWAKA CAN - 3rd Wednesday in month, 5.30pm, Archie
MINISTRY FOR PRIMARY INDUSTRIES - General inquiries Call                 Bull Hall Ph: 0273572751
Free 0800 008 333                                                       KAIWAKA GARDEN & FLORAL GROUP - 2nd Thursday in
NEIGHBOURHOOD SUPPORT RODNEY: 021 2583737                                month. Ph: 431 4744
NORTHPOWER: Faults Kaiwaka area 0800 104040                             KNITTING FOR WHANGAREI HOSPITAL - 2nd Tuesday in
OTAMATEA COMMUNITY SERVICES: Counselling, parent coach,
Family Support worker, budget advice, food bank. Mon-Fri 9am-3pm. Ph     month, Archie Bull Hall 10am Ph 4314827
09 431 9080 http://www.otamateacs.org/                                  MANGAWHAI COMBINED REBUS CLUB - 2pm, 3rd
PARENTPORT: Free, practical family support service Puhoi to Paparoa      Thursday month, Senior Citizens Hall Mangawhai. Ph: 4315777
Ph or txt: Dianne 027 280 5093 or 09 425 9357
                                                                        MANGAWHAI GENEALOGY - meet 3rd Thursday month,
PLUNKET: Kaiwaka- St John Hall, 4th Monday of the month. Plunket Nurse   Mangawhai Museum, 10.30am
Louise 027 282 3987 or 09 438 2508
Mangawhai- Rose Madsen Cottage, Mondays and Wednesdays. Plunket Nurse   PILATES - HAKARU HALL - Tuesday 10am, Thursday 9am
Rebecca 021 501 941 or 09 438 2508                                       Qualified Instructor Ph. 0220643965
Maungaturoto - Good News Church, 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month.   *PT  CURTIS CRUISING CLUB - Ph: 4312205 Pongo, Commodore
Plunket Nurse Seleisa 021 912 248 or 09 438 2508
PLUNKET HELPLINE -0800 933 922 (24 hours)                               RSA,  HAKARU & DISTRICTS WOMEN’S SECTION – meets
FACEBOOK - Kaipara Plunket                                               1.30pm 4th Thursday of the month. Ph: 431 5818
assistance, 2ndThursday of each month. Ph: 0800 155 529 for appts.       Wednesdays 10am - 12 noon Ph: Elaine 027 432 0032
TE URI O HAU Settlement Trust Tangata Developments: Whanau Ora
021 793262                                                              TRAMPING - Mondays 9am-2:30pm, contact
VETERINARY SERVICE MANGAWHAI:                                            valkenburgmaria@gmail.com
Ph: 4314535 Mon-Fri 8.00-5.00, Sat 9-12, a/h appt.
                                                                          HALLS FOR HIRE:
WELLSFORD DOCTORS: Ph: 4238 086                                            Kaiwaka St. John Hall: Phone Marj 0272941227
CHURCHES:                                                                  St.Pauls Archie Bull Hall HIRE $20 half day, $40 full day per
 Kaiwaka Revival Church - Your Community Church: Sundays 10am.             hire, S McAulay, Ph 4312311
  Ph: Pastor Tawhiri 09 431 8988 or Pastor Paul 09 4312 068 Visit us at    Kaiwaka War Memorial Hall HlRE - Phone 4312725 or
  www.facebook.com/kaiwakachurch                                            kaiwaka.hall.bookings@gmail.com
 St Paul's Anglican Church 1st Sun. 9.00am (Eucharist), 3rd Sun.          Hakaru Community Hall HIRE -Ph. Karen 4312090
  9.00am (Family Service). Contact: Church Office Ph 431 4122              Te Pounga Marae queries - Pearl Nathan 0223933533
 Church of Christ the King, Mangawhai:9.00am every Sunday                 Kaiwaka Sports Association hire/queries - Jennie Reynolds
 St.Mary’s Catholic Church: Maungaturoto – Griffins Road, Saturday         ksa.bookings@mail.com, 02102764171
  evening Vigil Mass 6pm; Mangawhai – Senior Citizens Hall, Sunday
  Mass 8:30am; Wellsford – Matheson Road, Sunday Mass 10:30am;   Justice of Peace: A.F.Hargreaves 4312 045, W.Howard 4312 725 -
 Mid-week Mass times and all enquires – phone 423 8170           please     phone    to   make     sure   they  are   available
 Baptist Church: Sun. 10.30am Mangawhai Snr Cit.Hall.Ph:4312339 www.justiceofthepeace.org.nz B.FJaques Retd
 Cause Way Church Mangawhai: Sundays 10.15am, Mangawhai Marriage Celebrants:
  Community Recreation Centre, Insley St. Ph: 09 4314782 L.Donaldson; A.F.Hargreaves; Y Osborne

                                       Next Bugle Deadline Friday 22 April 2022
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