THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute

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THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute
Influencing the interior

Thomas Galvan
THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute
Influencing the interior

Thomas Galvan

Master Interior Architecture: Research + Design
Piet Zwart Institute
Willem de Kooning Academie
Hogeschool Rotterdam
Rotterdam 2018

Thesis Supervisors:

Marta M Roy Torrecilla
Füsun Türetken
Max Bruinsma
THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute

© The Next Evolution 2018
All rights reserved

No part of this book may be reproduced or stored in any
written, electronic, recording, or photocopying form without
a prior written permission of the author.

Thomas Galvan
THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute







      		      2.2 BODY AUGMENTATION

      		      2.4 PRIMO 3M+

      		      3.1 INFLUENCING

      		      4.1 REALITY
      		      4.2 AUGMENTED REALITY
      		      4.3 VIRTUAL REALITY
      		      4.4 THE NEXT EVOLUTION - THE STORY


      		     REFERENCES LIST
THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute
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THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute
My     speculative     scenario
      explores       the    potential
      future     relation        between
      human and machine, using
      social media as a tool to
      present it. Transhumanism
      argues     that      the    human
      species has not yet reached

      its final evolution, and
      that artificial enhancement

      of the human body and mind
      will help mankind to reach
      a new evolutionary stage.

CT    The aim of this paper is
      to explore the current and
      prospective       developments
      of       the         technology
      that      facilitate         such
      enhancement,           embedded
      in      the     transhumanism
      theories,      and    how    they
      will influence the future
      of interiors, which will
      serve     to    recreate      the
      framework of my speculative

 10                                        11
THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute
The Netflix series Altered          a constructive way. Taking
      Carbon    gives     a    “bleak     the    socio-political           and
      visions    of    the    future”     ethical point of view into
      (Allen,     2018)       of    the   account, this might result
      merging     of      technology      in    the     end    of    privacy,
      and human, while trying             the    rise         of    artificial
      to give an answer to the            intelligence and robotics,
      future of technology and            and the scaling effect of

      space. In fact, the use             data agglomeration (Kelly,
      of technology in order to           2016). At the same time, it

      make simple almost every            will create new spaces and
      single daily life action            interiors to satisfy and

      has already become part of          accommodate this merging.
      our reality.

                                          This        thesis         presents
      This     relationship        with   a     research           about   the
      technology represents an            transhumanist              movement
      important component of our          and the various theories
      society. According to the           raised by its schools of
      transhumanist          movement,    thought.        Using        social
      the  human race has                 media and the artificially
      not reached the final               augmented       influencer       as
      evolution, but it will              a     tool,     a        speculative
      be able to evolve with              scenario has been created.
      the help of advanced                This scenario takes
      technology.                         place in our near
                                          future, in the year
      However, this relationship          when most of these
      will entail some issues in          theories could enter
      the future of humanity if           the realm of reality:
      we are not able to use it in        2030.
 12                                                                         13
THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute
“At the start
     of it all
   there is He:
  the classical
 ideal of ‘Man’”

           — Rosi Braidotti
14                            15
THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute
My alarm clock sounds every            chromecast             YouTube      onto   in order to accomplish the
      morning at 8 am sharp. The             my TV and ask Cortana to                   tasks of our everyday life.
      sound originates from my               play my morning playlist.                  I would like to investigate
      phone, I grab the phone,               I start to dress and get                   the     influence      that       this
      stop   it,      but   I    am    too   ready to go out, I wear                    evolution       is     having      on
      sleepy to get up and start             my Apple watch and choose                  society’s fabric and its
      my day. I unlock it and                the music I will listen to                 interiors.              Moreover,
      check my social networks               while going to university                  with    the     advent       of    new

      –   such   as    Facebook        and   and I connect it to my                     realities,        the        virtual
      Instagram – to spend time              Bluetooth headphones. To                   and the augmented ones,

      while I slowly wake up.                summarize, in about one                    designers       will      have     to
      I watch videos, check my               and a half hours, I have                   deal with a new dimension,

      friends’     last         updates.     used     six       apps,       pressed     where    there        seem    to    be
      Then   I   check      the    newly     numerous               buttons      and    no rules and where there

      received     emails        without     utilized           a     minimum     of    are endless possibilities
      even   realizing          that    I    three appliances.                          of creating unimaginable
      already spent the first 20                                                        environments,          changeable
      minutes of my day looking              “Technology             is    nestling     and customizable.
      at a screen. Then I turn on            itself     within              us    and
      the Bluetooth bulb on the              between us” (Van Est, 2015)                As Donna Haraway stated:
      ceiling through the Euro               and many of our actions                    “Our          machines             are
      Domest app, because the                require        a       technological       disturbingly lively, and
      light switch is too far                device that helps us to                    we ourselves frighteningly
      from the bed, and I get up.            do it faster and better,                   inert”        (Haraway,       1991).
      I go towards the toilet,               becoming           a         sort    of    Humankind is slowly moving
      but not before switching               extension          of        ourselves.    from an organic status to
      on my Nespresso machine                I find it extremely                        a     brand     new    condition,
      to warm it up. I take a                fascinating how the                        and the  line between
      shower, have my coffee,                digital hack of our                        Man and machine is
      but I don’t really enjoy               physical     existence                     blurring.
      silence so much so now I               has become a necessity
 16                                                                                                                         17
THE NEXT EVOLUTION Influencing the interior - Thomas Galvan - Piet Zwart Institute
From       smartphones         to    thoughts. How will digital           Finally, in order to answer
      digital        devices,     humans   developments             influence   these questions, I used as
      are starting to perceive             the     exterior        and    the   a tool for my research a
      new technologies not just            “interior”?                          figure strongly connected to

      as a tool anymore, but as                                                 the use of technologies and
      an extension of themselves.          Secondly,     I    conducted    a    social: the social media

      Our arms have been replaced          research on the evolution            influencer. Where is the
      by       remote       controls,      of the use of technology             influencer of the future, a

      changing for instance the            for      social         purposes.    human mentally and bodily
      setting of the living room           Indeed, social media are             enhanced     by     machines

      by moving the couch further          taking over as a new                 and with a life that is
      away from the TV. Apps, such         method of connection                 connected    to   the    web,

      as Skype, allow us to feel           with everyone, known                 going to perform his daily
      that we are in the same room         and     unknown.        Moreover,    tasks? How is the interior

      as our friends and family            they are creating a need             going to change in order
      who live far away from us,           to share and show our lives          to satisfy his needs? And
      these     technologies      hence    never    seen     before.      The   based on data collection,
      influencing and reshaping            question arises: What is             how is going to be the
      a new space that is                  going to be the next                 experience   of   generating
      located between ours                 evolution? While in the              new solutions every day?
      and   theirs (Busani,                beginning       their     purpose    What kind of new or advanced
      2015).                               was to connect people, now,          tools is he going to use?
                                           from posting pictures, to            Additionally,     with   the
      Taking into consideration            videos, to posting stories           advent of technology such
      the transhumanist movement,          and finally lives, as in             as augmented and virtual
      I    firstly        how
                       analysed            apps such as Facebook and            reality, how are the added
      humankind is reshaping               Instagram, what is going             spaces and layers that such
      itself by creating a                 to be the next step? Are             progresses allow going to
      brand new configuration              we going towards a never-            be?
      from the point of view               ending share of our private
      of body, behaviour and               existence?
 18                                                                                                        19
Two different aspects will
      be taken into consideration
      in      order          to     develop
      this thesis and help me
      during the process. Fact                                                      today

      and fiction research is

      the method which better
      suits       my     investigation

      and pushes me to have a
      speculative                  outcome

      in    the    design           project.
      Speculative            design      is                                          time

      a     practice          that     uses
      design, such as products,

      services         and        scenarios,
      to      address             challenges
      and opportunities of the                                                      plausib
      future speculating on how
      things could be (Optimal
      Workshop, 2016).
      The factual research will be
      based on Frost & Sullivan’s
                                                                                 preferable                  scenario
      recently                     published
      study             Transhumanism:
      How     humans         will    think,
      behave,      experience,          and
      perform      in        the    future,
      and the implications to                  “A diagram of potential futures (PPPP). Probable: traditional design space.
                                               Plausible: alternative futures, linked with the today’s world. Possible: includes
      businesses         (2017)         and    all extreme scientifically possible scenarios. Preferable: using speculative
                                               design to debate and discuss what is the preferable future. Beyond cone: fantasy.
                                               Wild card scenarios: low-probability and high-impact – to think about and discuss
      the article written about                a much wider set of possibilities.” (Mitrovic, 2016)

 20                                                                                                                           21
it       Transhumanism          And    the design project and the               self-biographical elements
The Future Of Humanity:                technique of storytelling                in order to produce a more
7     Ways     The    World     Will   via       the    presentation            intimate and real story,
Change By 2030 for Forbes              of        a     short movie.             but inserting myself in
(Singh, 2017), regarding               Taking into consideration                another       environment        and
the future of technology               the           research         exposed   era. In fact, 2030 is the
and how it is going to                 previously, I will develop               year      where     the    created
influence the world in many            a     speculative          scenario      fiction      will   take       place
aspects. From individuals              presenting         a      possible       and the moment when the
to       governments,          many    future           of       interior       progresses anticipated in
fields       will    change    with    spaces.                                  the research section will
the merging of human and                                                        perhaps become truth.
machinery, as we are already           The    tool       for     my     story
experiencing                  today.   is    a       figure    related    to    As     the    gender      of     the
Moreover, three aspects of             technology         and     its    use    influencer in general can
humanity will be analysed:             in    everyday           life:    the    be freely chosen and will
body,   thought,   and                 social         media     influencer.     not    follow       our    current
behaviour. The research                Nowadays,         the     influencer     perspective of gender, the
will be enriched with the              is a character that has                  influencer will hereafter
addition       of    real     cases    made a profession out of                 be referred to as “it”
part of our daily life in              the use of social media.                 (Cuboniks Laboria, 2014).
order to provide a basis               The style of writing will
for the theories shown in              be from the perspective
Frost & Sullivan’s report,             of the first person, as it
and      through     a   research      will be the influencer @
of which are the answers               Zarathustra,              and     the
that design gives to this              supporting                character
phenomenon.                            RazziBot, who narrates
                                       the    story       and    who     will
The second aspect, fiction,            experience its speculative
will be expressed through              outcome. I will use some
22                                                                                                                     23

24       25
“Like other
      we are the
     products of
     of years of

               — Max More
26                          27
EVOLUTION   Until very recently, people
                  thought that our species
OF HUMAN BODY     had stopped evolving and
                  changing way far in the                                 bipedalism   making tools    lack of fur

                  past. Instead, our capacity
                  to peer inside the human
                  genome      has    shown       that
                  actually our biology                                    blushing        tears of    bigger brains
                  keeps   evolving     and
                  advancing in order to
                  adapt to ever changing
                  environments         and
                                                                            starch          salt      short stature

                  situations (Max, 2017).                                 metabolism     retention

                  Difficult         environments
                  are witnesses of how the
                  human body can change and
                                                                           thrifty        thick         digesting
                  adapt. When we are in high                                genes          hair          seaweed

                  altitudes, most of us feel
                  breathless        because      our
                  lungs    need     to    put    more
                  effort to compensate the                                   fat         arsenic      domestication
                                                                          metabolism    tolerance
                  reduced level of oxygen.
                  However,        Andeans,       for
                  instance,     have     developed
                  a    genetically       determined
                                                                             urban        lactose        writing
                  trait that allows them to                               resistance    tolerators

                  catch    more     oxygen.      Also
                  deserts     represent      a   big
                  challenge for human bodies.           Fig. 01: Alvaro
                                                        Valiño, Being         skin         blood           tall
                  An    interesting       case    of    Human.               color       mutations      europeans

    28                                                                                                                29
adaptation to this extreme               named Bio-Suit “that uses                “people           use      technology
                                     environment         is     that    of    elastic        cords     running         in every next moment of
                                     the inhabitants of Sahul,                through clothing made of                 their life. It is one of
                                     the continent that in the                nylon-spandex, elastic, or               the basic necessities of
                                     past united Australia, New               urethane-painted         foam      to    today’s          people”        (Fascol,
                                     Guinea, and Tasmania, who                maintain contact with the                2017).            The   present      is
                                     developed adaptations that               entire body” (Mann, 2011).               ever-changing:              are      we
                                     allowed      them     to      survive                                             witnesses of the beginning
                                     the     high          atmospheric        “The human desire to acquire             of     a     turning       point     in
                                     temperature          range        that   new capacities is as ancient             history or are we right
                                     was               below-freezing         as our species itself. We                in the middle and hence
                                     temperature at night and                 have always sought to                    part of it? While 20 years
                                     often reaching almost 40                 expand the boundaries                    ago     the       use      of    mobile
                                     degrees Celsius during the               of our existence, be it                  phones as well as laptops,
                                     day.    “Natural         selection       socially,       geographically,          as     we        know   today,      was
                                     can take us on different                 or     mentally.       There       is    inconceivable,                  nowadays
                                     paths to reach the same                  a    tendency     in    at       least   everyone owns one or two
                                     outcome:         survival”      (Max,    some    individuals          always      and        couldn’t        accomplish
                                     2017). However, with the                 to     search     for        a    way    most        of     their        everyday
                                     invention of several new                 around every obstacle and                tasks       without        them.    The
                                     technologies, the spirit                 limitation to human life                 advent of new technologies
                                     of natural adaptation                    and    happiness”       (Bostrom,        made the world run faster,
                                     has transformed into                     2005). Nowadays, evolution               enhancing, optimizing the
                                     artificial  adaption,                    is driven forward by human-              human       and     becoming       part
                                     with the use of external                 made developments and                    of     our        This
                                     devices       such       as     scuba    is    taking     another         path.   transformation is a
                                     gears       or     space      suits,     Technology is part of our                signal of a future
                                     which       evolved      from     the    lives and comes to us from               of humanity that will
                                     first one designed for the               every angle in order to                  blur our identities
                                     Russian Yuri Gagarin until               make things simpler for us.              into   “transhumanism”
Fig. 02: Bio-Suit designed by Dava
Newman.                              one    of    the     most     modern     From science to education,               (Singh, 2017).
30                                                                                                                                                           31

32       33
“Transhumanism    life beyond its
is a class of     currently human
philosophies      form and human
of life that      limitations by
seek the          means of science
continuation      and technology,
and               guided by
acceleration of   life-promoting
the evolution     principles and
of intelligent    values.”

                               — Max More
34                                     35
Transhumanism is a way of
                      thinking about the future
      TRANSHUMANISM   based on the premise that
                      the human  species in
                      its current form does
                      not represent the final
                      stage of evolution, but
                      is instead an early phase
                      that is still developing
                      (Bostrom, 2003).

                       “Transhumanism promotes
                        an interdisciplinary
                      approach to understanding
                         and evaluating the

                          opportunities for
                         enhancing the human
                       condition and the human
                        organism opened up by
                         the advancement of
                      technology. Attention is
                        given to both present
                         technologies, like
                       genetic engineering and
                       information technology,
                       and anticipated future
                       ones, such as molecular
                                                  Fig. 03: James Young
                         nanotechnology and       uses a prosthetic
                       artificial intelligence”   arm   featuring    a
                                                  laser, a USB port
                          (Bostrom, 2005).        and a mount for a
                                                  tiny drone.

 36                                                                      37
The               transhumanist         we     all       know       as     human      but transcending himself,                 starting from the early
expectation            is       that    (Jasmuheen, 2011).                            by     realizing         the        new   transhuman   thinking    in
through “technology, and                                                              possibilities of and for                  1906 until the last events
other rational means we                 The     term       transhumanism              his human nature” (Huxley,                of the 21st century.
shall      eventually         manage    was widely spread by an                       1959).
to      become          Posthuman”      essay from Nick Bostrom
(Bostrom,                     2005).    -      founder          of         World      Transhumanism is a loosely
Moreover, another of the                Transhumanist Association                     defined movement that has                 		           timeline
goals      of     transhumanism         (WTA)        -    entitled              The   grown gradually over
is    no    other        but     the    Transhumanist               FAQ:         a    the past two decades.
pursue of immortality,                  general            introduction,              However,          this     theory
either          via      uploading      where he states that the                      associated to the rise of
minds to computers or by                etymology         of        the     term      technologies        has    spread
rejuvenating human bodies               “transhuman” goes back to                     since     the     beginning         of
bio-molecularly to avoid                the futurist FM-2030, who                     the     20th       century.         In
aging.                                  introduced it as shorthand                    order to understand the
                                        for              “transitional                growth      and        development
Transhumanists               believe    human” (FM-2030, 1989).                       of               transhumanism’s
that humans might not be                Moreover,              in          1957,      movement         and      thinking
perfect, but they all have              Julian       Huxley         published         inside          society,            the
the potential to become so              a     collection        of        essays      online       magazine           “The
by improving themselves.                entitled New Bottles for                      Verge” (2017) published A
To achieve this, they do                New Wine. The volume opens                    Timeline of Transhumanism:
not limit themselves to                 with a short piece bearing                    mind uploading, cryonics,
traditional             humanistic      the title Transhumanism,                      artificial        intelligence,
methods, such as sports,                which contains a paraphrase                   robotics,                      space
education        and         cultural   of a definition of the term                   exploration,           brain        and
development, but they also              from     1951:      “We          need    a    body     modifications,             and
recur      to     technological         name for this new belief.                     the     sci-fi     roots       of     a
instruments           that    enable    Perhaps transhumanism will                    technofuture taking into
them to move beyond what                serve; man remaining man,                     consideration one century
38                                                                                                                                                      39
1906                                                       1948
     Russian philosopher                                        Inspired by The
     Nikolai Fyodorov                                           Jameson Satellite
     founds the Russian             1929                        Robert Ettinger              1954
     Cosmism supporting the         British scientist           publishes his short          Jerry Sohl publishes
     idea of immortality,           John Desmond Bernal         story The Penultimate        the sci-fi story The
     space exploration,             publishes The World,        Trump. Ettinger              Altered Ego, in
     and resurrection from          the Flesh and the           proposes cryonic             which a man is able
     biological expiration          Devil, introducing          - low-temperature            to make a digital
     through science (The           transhumanist such          preservation - as            duplicate of his
     Verge, 2015).                  as liveable space           “one-way medical time        mind and access it
                                    habitats, and the           travel to the future”        after his death.
                                    future changes that         (The Verge, 2015).           This represents the
                                    science could bring                                      first debut of mind-
                                    to human intelligence                                    uploading in fiction
                                    and body (The Verge,                                     (The Verge, 2015).

                                         Amazing Stories            The British
                                         publishes, a short         evolutionary
                                         story by Neil R.           biologist Julian             The British
          British scientist              Jones, about a man         Huxley, coins the            mathematician I.
          and Marxist J. B. S.           whose corpse is sent       term “transhumanism”         J. Good publishes
          Haldane publishes              into orbit, and            at a lecture titled          Speculations
          Daedalus; or, Science          freezes for millions       Knowledge, Morality          Concerning the First
          and the Future                 of years until a           and Destiny describing       Ultraintelligent
          offering a first vision        race of cyborgs            his philosophy               Machine proposing
          of transhumanist               which discovers it,        as “the idea of              a possible future
          thought focused on             defrosts its brain,        humanity attempting          intelligence
          the concern with the           and installs it in a       to overcome its              explosion in machine
          ethical implications           robot’s anatomy (The       limitations and to           learning (The Verge,
          of science’s                   Verge, 2015).              arrive at fuller             2015).
          development (The                                          fruition” (The Verge,
          Verge, 2015).
                                         1931                       2015).
          1923                                                      1951
40                                                                                                                      41
1973                                                    1989
     FM-2030 - Iranian-                                      FM-2030 publishes
     American author,                                        the book Are You a
     transhumanist and            1983                       Transhuman? (The            1991
     futurist – publishes         Natasha Vita-              Verge, 2015).               The Extropians
     a theory of politics         More publishes The                                     Mailing list is
     and future society           Transhuman Manifesto,                                  established, an
     (Marcattilio-                where she discusses                                    online platform
     McCracken, 2015)             the chances of                                         for transhumanist
     called Up-Wingers: A         a “radical life                                        where to exchanged
     Futurist Manifesto           extension” (Vita-                                      transhumanist ideas
     (The Verge, 2015).           More, 1983) in the                                     (The Verge, 2015).

          The Colonization of
          Space, published
          by the physicist
          Gerard K. O’Neill.           Max More and T.O.
          He advocates “finding        Morrow publish the
          high quality living          first transhumanist                                   Vita-More updates
          space for a world            magazine, Extropy:                                    her The Transhuman
          population that is           Vaccine for Future                                    Manifesto which
          doubling every 35            Shock subsequently        Hans Moravec                afterwards is sent
          years; finding clean,        renamed The Journal       publishes Mind              with the Cassini
          practical energy             of Transhumanist          Children, where it is       Huygens space probe
          sources; preventing          Thought (The Verge,       predicted the rise          to Saturn (The Verge,
          overload of Earth’s          2015).                    of super intelligent        2015).
          heat balance”                                          robots by 2030 (The
          (O’Neill, 1974).
                                       1988                      Verge, 2015).
          1974                                                   1990
42                                                                                                               43
1998                                                      2011
     Philosopher Nick                                          Google’s X Lab
     Bostrom, with David                                       starts working on
     Pearce, founds the           2004                         Google Brain, a deep           2014
     World Transhumanist          Bostrom and James            learning artificial            Laboria Cuboniks, a group
     Association (The             Hughes establish             intelligence                   of 6 women working together
     Verge, 2015).                the Institute for            combining open-ended           online to redefine a feminism
                                  Ethics and Emerging          machine learning               adequate to the 21st
                                  Technologies, which          research with                  century, collectively write
                                  publishes the Journal        system engineering             Xenofeminsim: A Politics
                                  of Transhumanism (The        and Google-scale               for Alienation. They believe
                                  Verge, 2015).                computing resources            that we live in a world that
                                                               (Research Google,              “swarms with technological
                                                               2011).                         mediation, interlacing
                                                                                              our daily lives with
                                                                                              abstraction, virtuality,
                                                                                              and complexity”(Cuboniks
                                                                                              Laboria, 2014).

          A.I. theorist
          Eliezer Yudkowsky            Bostrom and Anders
          establishes the              Sanberg publish the             Ray Kurweil predicts
          Singularity Institute        manifest for mind-              the achievement of
          for Artificial               uploading called                digital immortality
          Intelligence, which          Whole Brain Emulation           through mind-
          will then become the         Roadmap (The Verge,             uploading by 2045
          Machine Intelligence         2015).                          (The Verge, 2015).
          Research Institute
          (The Verge, 2015).
                                       2008                            2013
44                                                                                                                       45
Observable in this timeline
the     development   of     the
transhumanist         movement
brings us more than 100
years back. Starting from
ideas and thoughts that looked
just like plain speculation
or even science fiction, we
ended up experiencing the          “The evolution
birth of new disciplines
such     as    nanotechnology,     of the technium
                                   — the organism
or     advancements   such   as
artificial intelligence.

By pushing the human mind
                                      of ideas —
                                      mimics the
forward, we prove that we are
able to reach new levels and

lead our existence toward a
new and human-made evolution.
It is fascinating how
the speed of creation
of new technologies is                of genetic
showing developments in
everyday life.                       organisms.”

                                              — Kevin Kelly
46                                                       47
THE THEORIES   The transhumanist movement            behaviour (Singh, 2017).

OFTRANSHUMANISM    presents a vision about
                   the   changes      the
                   will undergo in the next
                                                         As a consequence, these
                                                         three aspects are going
                                                         to     change        and     modify
                   10 to 15 years as well                our     social        fabric      on
                   as how the birth of new               many    different          aspects,
                   issues     will    raise       new    probably creating issues
                   questions.        We      always      which    we     did    not       have
                   looked at technology as               to     deal     with       before.
                   something exterior, made              The change will influence
                   to enhance our actions,               individuals,               society,
                   but   a    new    tendency      is    businesses,           government,
                   taking over. Indeed, the              how     we    think,       how    we
                   relationship between                  act,    how     we    understand
                   human and technology

                                                         and     relate        with       our
                   reached unprecedented                 world        (Donahue,       2017),
                   degrees of intimacy                   and, of course, howwe
                   and           intrusion               experience spaces and
                   (Braidotti, 2013): both               interiors.
                   body and mind are
                   finally   taking   part
                   in this technological
                   evolution. Can we start
                   to call it “body and mind”
                   evolution instead?

                   Three fundamental aspects
                   of    humanity     that       will
                   probably     evolve      in    the
                   next years are our body,
                   our thought, and our
    48                                                                                           49
From     the       moment    we   are    experiencing        the     growth     and it felt green because
               born, we enhance our body                of so-called cyborgs. As               it sounded just like the
               and    our         natural     immune    a matter of fact, since                colour green. The BBC beeps,
               system through the use of                2004, the Catalan-British              they      sound      turquoise,
               vaccinations — which itself              artist      Neil     Harbisson,        and     listening    to    Mozart
               can be already seen as act of            has   been        described      by    became a yellow experience”
               transhumanism —, medicines,              international        media       as    (Harbisson, 2012). Through
               and surgery improving the                the world         first living         different sounds, such as
               quality        of     our      lives,    cyborg (Radnedge, 2004)                songs or famous speeches,

               protecting us from diseases              and afterwards legally and             he was able to export a
               or helping us to shape our               officially recognized as a             range of colours connected
               bodies     according         to   our    cyborg by a government.                to      certain      vibrations
               desires. However, in the                 Harbisson    was     born       with   creating art pieces.
               last years, we are raising               a “rare visual condition

               the bar of these changes                 called achromatopsia, which            Beside      this     kind      of
               toward     a       different      kind   is total colour blindness”             technology made to make up
               of development as a way of               (Harbisson, 2012). However,            for the lack of a natural
               experiencing the world from              since 2001 he can “feel”               human     ability,        in   the
               a new and totally different              colours       through             a    future we can expect the
               approach.                                cyborg       antenna.           The    arrival of technologies
                                                        device     permits        him    to    that enhance humans
               Indeed,        a    more     radical     perceive colours as audible            capabilities, such as, for
               upgrade is starting to become            vibrations inside his head             instance, augmented lenses
               possible with the birth of a             (Jeffries, 2014) allowing              that can take pictures and
               big amount of advanced                   him to recognize them. In              videos or that allow the
               body      augmentation                   addition, he claimed that              contact with “a layer of
               capabilities. They will                  due   to    the    antenna,      he    data on the top of what we
               permit     humans       to     become    started     having    secondary        normally see” (Templeton,
               smarter, stronger, and more              effects:     “Normal        sounds     2017). For instance, the
               capable than today (Singh,               started to become colours.             new Netflix cyberpunk drama
               2017).       We      are     already     I heard a telephone tone,              series Altered Carbon (2018)
   50                                                                                                                          51
presents   a    device      that,
                                    through a fast implant in
                                    the eye, allows the main
                                    character, Takeshi Kovacs,
                                    to see a new environment:
                                    an apparently normal                                                     Fig 08 – 10: Windows Mixed Reality
                                                                                                             shows how from an empty room, the
                                    street becomes a totally                                                 software can scan it and add new
                                                                                                             digital contents changeable and
                                    brand new place with                                                     customizable.

                                    the introduction of
                                    digital elements that
                                    add a new dimension.
                                    As a consequence, we could             objects (Wikipedia, 2018),        beginning, these body and
                                    experience the production              and completely abandon the        mind augmentations will be
                                    of new interiors made to               use of keys and passwords         available only for a social
                                    enclose this new digital               and, as a consequence, the        class economically able to
                                    environment:      empty     rooms      abandonment of doors              sustain the costs, keeping
                                    could become spaces that               latches or security               the update out of reach from
                                    keep    changing    and         that   system’s interfaces.              a large part of society. On
                                    can be customized based on                                               the other hand, according
                                    tastes and trends.                     As we progressively develop       to      Bostrom’s       thoughts,
                                                                           “the tools to engineer any        we      already        experience
                                    We will also witness an                of   these   outcomes,     some   inequalities every day of
                                    increase   in     the     use    of    [people]     will   have    to    our lives. For instance,
                                    implants   such    brain
                                                        as                 take priority over others”        in      the     medical       field,
Fig. 04 – 07: the moment in which   microchips and neural                  (Singh, 2017). Will this          experimental procedures are
Kovacs wears the smart lenses and
see the virtual reality attached
to the reality.
                                    lace to ‘radio-frequency               create a new subdivision          only available for research
                                    identification’                        of     social       classes       subjects        and       wealthy
                                    (RFID), a chip that uses               where an elite class will         people.       Subsequently,      as
                                    electromagnetic     fields       to    emerge through physical as        these     operations          become
                                    automatically           identify,      well as mental upgrades?          routine,      the     costs    drop
                                    track   tags    attached         to    Probably, at least in the         and more people can afford
52                                                                                                                                             53
them. Bostrom puts forward            and instability especially
a proposal, in order to               for the lower classes. On
address the issue, stating            the other hand, we are in
that “a wiser remedy would            a time where we have to
be progressive taxation and           solve problems that cannot
the provision of community-           be     solved    in   a   natural     Fig. 11 – 12: The car is unlocked with the wave of a hand due to the RFID implant.
funded     services    such     as    way     and     following      the
education,     IT     access    in    natural paths. Since many
public libraries, genetic             improvements       require     the
enhancements        covered     by    use of an intelligence way
social     security,    and     so    beyond the human one, we are          this sentence and argue that
forth” (2003).                        in the middle of a new form           “technology changes all
                                      of using technology, which            the time; human nature,
The Russian writer Morozov            is not anymore a tool, but            [and    human     body,
criticizes     the     use     that   an entity that can help us            changes with it]. This
humanity     is       doing     of    and make our lives better,            is just a little part of
technology     stating         that   enhanced,        and,     maybe,      what the body augmentation
“we must not fixate on                considerably longer.                  will be actually capable to
what this new arsenal                                                       do and achieve: will we be
of digital technologies               This      body-hacking         will   able to call ourselves
allows us to do without               give rise to humans that              transhumans?
first inquiring what is               are     more    resilient      and
worth doing” (2014). On               enhanced.       Morozov   states
one hand, this statement can          “technology changes all the
be supported since the use            time; human nature, hardly
of technology often touches           ever” (2012). Considering
areas that humans are not             that we are going towards
so happy to be changed, such          a body that is adapting
as the use of machinery to            to     this     progressed     and
replace human labour, which           technological         world,     I
creates     economic         issues   would dare to reformulate                                                                       Fig. 13: RFID implant.

54                                                                                                                                                          55
                                                                                                                            Fig. 14: Tiana
                       Language is what allowed                erase     the    devices      which                    Sinclair can control
                                                                                                                           a drone through
                       the big progress of                     allow, but also slow down,                             mindwave technology,
                                                                                                                        which converts the
                                                                                                                         energy of focused
                       human     intelligence,                 the contact between human                                  attention in the
                                                                                                                      brain via a headset.
                       an essential key for us                 and machine, such as mice,
                       to create and express, in               keyboards        or    joysticks,
                       articulate       concepts,       our    making the action faster
                       thoughts. However, at the               and more natural (Singh,
                       same     time,        language    is    2017). Through this totally
                       also limiting to a certain              new and advanced way of
                       extent: the concepts that               communicating, we could be at
                       we handle are limited                   the brink of a revolution
                       to the words that we                    of      communication         both
                       have and use. By mentally               between humans and machines
                       interacting with a machine              as well as between humans

                       on a non-language level,                themselves. On the other
                       we will be able to push                 hand,     mind        augmentation
                       forward        our    intellectual      through         the     use      of
                       capacities.                             technologies such as BMI
                                                               also represents an issue
                       Both           wearable          and    in    today’s         society:   a
                       implantable       brain-                technology that might allow
                       machine       interfaces                a    machine     to    control   a    give a tactile signal, they
                       (BMI) will alter the ways               human has some undeniable             can’t   really    control     you
                       in     which     we    communicate      risks.      possibility
                                                                          The                        like a puppet, and you could
                       with each other and with                of mind control through               just rip the device off”
                       digital         devices.         BMIs   machines        hacking               (Rothman, 2015).
                       will change all of this,                individuals whose minds have
                       enabling  communication                 been artificially enhanced            The     connection       between
                       at the speed of thought                 is    a   reality.       However,     human   mind     and    machines
                       in its full state. Through              this is mostly just a hype:           will also allow – as some
                       the BMI, we are able to                 current technologies “just            technotopians      proclaim      –
     56                                                                                                                              57
that replace old ones, in               role in our ability to
                                                                                   order    to    make    space      for   understand perspectives
                                                                                   these    new    activities        and   other than our own at
                                                                                   developments,         such   as   in    the current moment or to
                                                                                   the series Altered Carbon,              build brand new and digital
                                                                                   where the Alcatraz prison               spaces. BMIs may also
                                                                                   is turned into a facility to            advance our ability to
                                                                                   upload dead people’s minds              empathize with others
                                                                                   to new bodies?                          if we are able to understand
Fig. 15: the figure illustrates how the setting of an interior could change with
the use of BMI.
                                                                                                                           someone       else’s         full
                                                                                                                           perspective    straight      from
the     uploading     of      brains        far    from   the    speculative                                               their own brain, rather than
(or, to be more precise,                    outcome of uploading minds                                                     impaired by the limitations
minds     or    consciusnesses)             into machines. Due to this,                                                    of oral language. We will see
and,       as        consequence,           yet,     quite      unattainable                                               the rise of AI in our career
digital        immortality.      As         advancement, if    such                                                        settings.      Some        authors
a     matter    of    fact,     the         revolution will come                                                           argue that most employees
American       startup     Nectome          true, it will challenge                                                        will have an AI colleague
                                                                                   Fig. 16: Preserved brain.
has    recently      developed    a         the basic institutions                                                         with which they collaborate
way to preserve brains                      of   today’s   society,                As already anticipated by               or through which their work
called    aldehyde-stabilised               such        as       healthcare,       Packard in the 50s as an                will be amplified, and they
cryopreservation.               The         social services, pensions,             important side of marketing             will become members of
minor setback is that the                   insurances, and the labour             called          neuro-marketing         their board of directors
company has not yet found an                market. How are we going               (Packard, 1957), by 2030 we             (Singh, 2017).
actual method for reviving                  to make room for the next              can expect that behavioural
or uploading the brains it                  generations?         Will      the     scientists       will        be   of    We are going towards a world
stores, but hopes to generate               eternal or prolonged life              interest for corporate HR,              where not only humans live
the first biological neural                 be reserved just for a few             strategy,       and    consulting       and work, but where also
network around 2024 (Hern,                  privileged? (Hernæs, 2016)             departments. The adoption               machines     occupy    a    space
2018). Indeed, we find that                 In addition, are we going to           of virtual reality can                  among   us   and   collaborate
our    development       is   still         see the birth of new spaces            play       an         influential       with us.
58                                                                                                                                                         59
The     American     designer      to           are
                                                              happen,   we                                 world,          where        interiors
                  and artist Natasha Vita-           going to experience                                   are    made         to    protect          us
                  More,       developed       her    a transformation of                                   from natural and weather
                  speculative project Primo          humans into a sort                                    conditions,              and        where
                  3M+ in 2002: “it         is a      of   machine, perfect                                 society is developed
                  prototype               future     from every point of view?                             for people that are
                  body, a conceptual design          Moreover, will we still be                            born, age and finally
                  with super longevity in            able to live in today’s                               die?
      PRIMO 3M+

                  mind. Primo by design is
                  multi-functional. It is
                  reliable, changeable,
                  upgradable,        and
                  complete with enhanced
                  senses”     (Vita-More,

                                                                                             Error correction device
                  2002). According to Vita-                                                   - instant data replay
                                                                Nanotech data                     and feedback
                  More, the human body will                    storage memory
                                                                   system                               Network sona
                                                                                                                               Solar protected skin
                                                                                                                                with tone - texture
                                                                                Metabrain             sensor map data              changaebility
                  reach a new status becoming                                                         onto visual field

                  more    powerful   and             Increase frequency
                                                                                             Cardio flow and
                                                                                            function monitor
                                                                                                                                 Turbocharged suspension
                                                      range, parabolic
                  flexible. In comparison                 hearing

                  to the 20th century body,          In vivo fiberoptic
                                                      communications                                       Smart Skin
                  the     21st   century      body       backbone

                  will be ageless, with an
                                                            Interna wholebody
                  intelligence         capacity             navigational grid
                                                                                   Biosensors externally                  Replacement organs
                                                                                   stimulate atmospheric
                  of       100       quadrillion                                          tension

                  synapses, instead of 100
                                                     Fig. 17: Primo 3M+
                  trillion,      impervious    to    designed by Natasha
                  environmental           damage,
                  and with the ability to
                  recycle and purify waste.

                  If this is what is going
 60                                                                                                                                                   61

62       63
THE RISE OF   “Thanks        to     the      ever-     connected to the world,                   TOTAL REACH OF THE BEST
                  expanding           capabilities         be updated with the last                   10 FASHION INFLUENCERS
                  of   smartphones,            digital     trends,       or   share          their                 (O’Connor, 2017)

                  devices        seem     to        have   personal lives, there is
                  become extensions of the                 a  category of other
                  body, a phenomenon that’s                people that plays an                           23.227.025
                  led to an unprecedented                  important role online                          INSTAGRAM FOLLOWERS
                  and somewhat contentious                 and    mostly      use       it     for
                  dependency” (AS, 2018).                  advertising,        “to       appear
                                                           more     popular        or        exert
                  Applications       can                   influence” (Confessore et
                  perform a myriad of                      al., 2018).
                                                                                                          TWITTER FOLLOWERS
                  tasks: if you are going
                  somewhere,          Google        Maps   The      advent          of        new
                  will find your way, you can              technologies                        and

                  check your bank balance,                 applications gave birth to
                  learn a new language and                 a new version of an age-                       4.013.710
                  communicate           with        your   old     social      phenomenon:                FACEBOOK LIKES
                  friends and colleagues via               the       influencer.              The
                  social media. Apart from                 influencer is someone that
                  body and mind augmentation,              has the ability to
                  another of the strengths                 influence the behaviour
                  of   technology           is      its    or opinions of others.
                                                                                                          YOUTUBE SUBSCRIBERS
                  application         for      social      Online        influencers          come
                  purposes.                                in many forms; from the
                                                           celebrity to the fashion
                  Nowadays, the growth                     blogger or the activist,                        TOTAL REACH:
                  of social media is                       the influencers can deal                         31.750.000
                  exponential.    While                    with      different           topics
                  ordinary people use social               and     base       their          lives
                  media     in    order        to     be   or     next     moves        on     the
    64                                                                                                                           65
response     of      followers,       depiction       rather          than   in the psychology of the
an important component for            reality.Social media                   follower. An image located
them, comparable to the               has become the filter                  in a place that does not
supporters of a politician            between us and the                     meet        the     requirements
in a democratic system.               others, a new “space”                  of    a    modern    and       trendy
The everyday life of the              where we are free to show              location is not as strong
influencer      is        showcased   whatever we want in the                as an image that, besides
through a picture and a               way we want.                           the       influencer,     shows      a
text, both of which try                                                      beautiful,               expensive,
to   represent        a    perfect    The designer Jella Lena                or fancy environment. As
                                      van     Eck       produced       an    previously           VR
                                      interesting         short      video   could play an important
                                      explaining which are the               role in this case: “The
                                      ten commandments to become             idea is simple: completely
                                      a proper #Instafamous.                 immersing the user in 360                Fig. 18: the influencer Chiara
                                      Perfect        life,        healthy    degrees of visual content
                                      lifestyle, six pack, and               to create the impression
                                      the   outfit    on     point     are   that       the    user    is    in   a
                                      among the most recognizable            completely               different
                                      moods      that        influencers     environment”             (Bobeshko,
                                      usually express in their               2017).       In    other       words,
                                      accounts.      To      these     ten   faking a location could
                                      commandments, I would like             be the future of posting
                                      to add an eleventh one:                and generating new posts
                                      the aspect related to                  every      day    from     our    own
                                      the interior space,                    desk or, more generally,
                                      and more generally to the              it could be the beginning
                                      environment. Indeed, the               of     generation of
                                      “scenography”          of      every   ever-changing, daily
                                      image posted by an influencer          new living spaces that                   Fig. 19: the influencer Chiara
Fig. 20 - 22: #Instafame by Jella                                                                                     Ferragni in a different interior.
Lena van Eck.                         plays an important role                follow trends or moods.
66                                                                                                                                                        67
Social        influencing       is    a trend that spread to the              power of today’s social
                    the     procedure      by    which    other side of the ocean                 media,   in   particular
                    “individuals        adapt    their    (Stern,     2013).        And    not    when    used     by       well-known
                    opinion,        revise       their    only     high    classes,        for    personalities;            this    was
                    beliefs, or change their              instance, the monk Girolamo             such as of the Barbadian
                    behaviour as a result of              Savonarola’s         (1452-1498)        singer Rihanna, who posted
                    social       interactions      with   influence during the 16th               an     ‘Instagram        Story’   to
                    other     people”      (Moussaïd      century, had a significant              denounce       the       famous   app
                    et    al.,       History
                                  2013).                  effect on Renaissance art               Snapchat       for        using   an
                    teaches that influencers              in Florence, much of which              offensive            advertisement
                    were always present                   he     condemned     as     profane     featuring the artist (Liao,
                    in society. If we look                (Visual-Arts,        2018),      his    2018). The ad was meant for
                    back in time, kings and               influence      was   big    enough      a smartphone game called
                    queens were the influencers           to turn the people against              Would You Rather, and was

                    of their kingdoms, and so             their elites – for which                asking the users if they
                    were their direct advisors.           he       was         subsequently       would rather ‘slap Rihanna
                    Queen Victoria and Prince             excommunicated,             hanged,     or punch Chris Brown’. The
                    Albert       were   well     known    and burned at the stake.                reference to the incident
                    for    their    love     for   the                                            in 2009, where Chris Brown
                    Scottish      highlands      where    In our interconnected                   – at the time partner of
                    they bought, expanded, and            society    of    today,                 the     singer       –    beat    and
                    refurbished a castle called           social influence has                    punched      Rihanna       and    led
                    Balmoral       (Stern,      2013).    ever deeper effects, and                to     her     hospitalisation,
                    “While decorating, Albert             “plays a prominent role                 was clear. “Her remark
                    designed several different            in many … phenomena”                    sent Snap’s stock down
                    tartan setts, and Balmoral            (Moussaïd       et   al.,       2013)   almost   4%,   erasing
                    was tartan from floor to              such as the encouragement               nearly $800 million
                    curtain”       (Stern,      2013).    of new design trends and                from     its     market       value”
                    This pattern was used in              ideas, political opinions               (Valinsky, 2018).
                    both     Victoria’s         dresses   or fears, etc. There are
                    and her friends’, becoming            many examples that show the
 68                                                                                                                                  69
A further example of how               seamlessly       blended     with
the use of social media has            the     tweets    produced    by
reached a new unprecedent              other      actual       people”
status     is    its    use     for    (Ferrara, 2016). In other
political              purposes.       words, bots represent
The 2016 U.S. presidential             the reflection of the
elections        were        widely    human’s thinking, but
influenced by four million             multiplied and produced in
tweets          generated
400,000 computer software
                                 by    a very fast way in order
                                       to reach as many people as          “Celebrities,
programmes       called      social    possible. Are we able to
bots     (Ferrara,           2016).    recognize when a content

                                                                            pundits and
Bots     arepieces   of                is      human-produced
software    that   work                or just an artificial

automatically,       on                reproduction of the
behalf of someone else.                original thought? Is

                                                                           have millions
During the U.S. campaign               A.I. able to confuse our
in 2016, some bots were                natural intelligence?

                                                                              of fake
used to constantly retweet
contents created by human              Influencing also means
supporters, while other more           data    collection: in
sophisticated bots produced
fresh tweets, jumping in
the    discussion       by    using
                                       fact, trough the gathering
                                       of data coming from the
                                       followers, influencers are
existing popular hashtags              able to know what their
such as #NeverHillary or               supporters want or usually
#NeverTrump. The effect is             ‘like’. Data mining is
that real users who were               indeed      a     new      power
following       these        Twitter   source from many points of
hashtags        were      “exposed     view.                                  — Nicholas Confessore, Gabriel J.X.
to bot-generated contents                                                     Dance, Richard Harris and Mark Hansen
      DATA MINING     Some      argue         that      the
                      rhetoric         of    building    a
                      global       community          that
                      works     for all of “us”
                      is instead an intent to
                      create       a     “global      data
                      vacuum cleaner that sucks               Fig. 23: the home-page of Cambridge Analytica features the slogan: “Cambridge
                                                              Analytica uses data to change audience behaviour”.
                      from all of us” (Morozov,
                      2018). This is the case of              This was made in order to                  or location. In the future,
                      the     Cambridge        Analytica      change the way they thought                it is no unconceivable for
                      scandal.          Through       apps    about the U.S. presidential                social apps to recognize
                      with    special        permissions      election, without subjects                 our current mood through
                      to harvest data not just                being      consciously     aware           the     use     of      emotional
                      from     the          persons     who   of such an influence (The                  filters.           Furthermore,

                      use    it,       but   also     their   Guardian, 2018).                           these features can also
                      entire       friends      network,                                                 extend to our homes, as
                      Cambridge Analytica pulled              In   contrast,       we    could           we are already witnessing
                      out       60 million
                             around                           look at this issue from                    “with smart homes devices
                      of data profiles using                  another     point    of    view.           that can set the “moods”
                      them as the basis of the                As a matter of fact, we                    with lighting and music”
                      algorithms that became the              already     experience       that          (Singh, 2017). This could
                      foundation of the company.              an      advanced   degree                  be a revolution from the
                      Through this enormous data              of      customization is                   point of view of the living
                      mining,      they  able were            actually taking over, and                  space. Going back to the
                      to generate customized                  in the future will probably                use of VR in order to create
                      messaging,    including                 touch virtually all aspects                new interiors based on our
                      its framing, the topic,                 of   our    lives.    Nowadays,            taste      or   mood,     digital
                      the contents, the tone,                 personalization is used to                 production could become a
                      and how many times the                  tailor marketing campaigns                 new power that will take
                      target person needed                    based on individual users’                 over and establish a brand-
                      to be touched by them.                  past purchase history data                 new market.
     72                                                                                                                                   73

74       75
With   the   advent      of   new   evolutions are expected to        of    technology      vibrating
                                 technologies        and       the   be part of our reality.           around us” (Kelly, 2014)
                                 rise   of    a    new   digital                                       has    already       reached    a
                                 dimension,       humankind    is    To      conceptualize      the    point of intrusion             in
                                 dealing with a more and             final   design,   I   realized    our      interiors and is
                                 more    artificial        world     a     scenario    that   shows    starting to need its own
                                 that   requires     the   power     and       encompasses      the    space.      While    usually   an
                                 of     artificial       devices.    crucial elements that were        interior is made to meet
                                 The project reflects                analysed in the research          the needs of humans, this
                                 on the changes that                 part. The outcome is              new      interior      presents
                                 the rise of technology              a space designed both             features to assist, too,
                                 and the body and mind               for humans and the                the technology that also
                                 enhancement will have               technology surrounding            occupies the space.
                                 on the society and the              them.   This  “greater,
                                 interiors of 2030, the              global,               massively   As previously anticipated,

                                 year in which all these             interconnected           system   the design project is
                                                                                                       told and experienced
                                                                                                       by    two    characters
                                                                                                       both living in 2030. @
                                                                                                       Zarathustra     is    a
                                                                                                       transhuman       social
                                                                                                       media influencer in the
                                                                                                       social       media     platform
                                                                                                       “Next Evolution”, and its
                                                                                                       assistant, RazziBot, is a
                                                                                                       bot, a software that has
                                                                                                       reached a new status and
                                                                                                       has a physical appearance,
                                                                                                       which serves as its avatar
                  Fig. 24:
                  Lil Miquela                                                                          in    the   virtual    reality.
                  is the first
                  A.I. digital
                  influencer.                                                                          I focused on the design
    76                                                                                                                                77
of      their    physical                                                   continuous update of trends         The    introduction         of   the
and      digital   space.                                                   and fashions. The concept           digital      market       in     this
The    introduction      of   new                                           of interior under influence         speculative scenario opens
dimensions, the virtual and                                                 describes      interior
                                                                                           an                   up to new forms of fast and
the augmented, allows to                                                    in    a     continuous              cheap shopping while, at
imagine a new environment                                                   digital and physical                the same time, it starts
where there are no                                                          evolution: a space where            a    trend     of     immaterial
rules, no boundaries,                                                       all    the     elements      keep   ownership. In this case,
where     it      is    possible                                            changing lets the influencer        the temporary nature of the
to     change     settings    and                                           create    different          sets   ownership       perfectly        fits
features every day, which                                                   in    accordance      with    the   the use that @Zarathustra
can be experienced by the                                                   ever-changing tendencies.           makes of it.
human and the machine, and
that merges physical with                                                   Fig. 27: Moods in Kasita.           Kasita         represents         an
digital.                                                                                                        interesting example of how
                                    Fig. 25 - 26: Bernardo Schorr’s Mixed                                       an    interior      can     change.
                                     Reality Living Space features also a
                                      working space and a chilling space.
Bernardo Schorr’s project                                                                                       Described as the “iPhone
Mixed Reality Living Space,         user to stay in the same                                                    of    housing”      (The       Verge,
proposed        an     interior     place     while       performing                                            2017), Kasita is a smart
that      keeps        changing     different tasks, digitally                                                  home     designed         by     Jeff
and adapts to the function          changing the space instead                                                  Wilson programmed for the
performed:              “Through    of changing location. This                                                  different moods the user
digital           augmentation,     is, conceptually, what the                                                  might     be    feeling,         such
each person will live in            interior     of    @Zarathustra                                             as    waking    up,     chilling,
a space that is presented           does.                                                                       movie time, or bed time.
in      several        different                                                                                “Looking at housing now,
forms throughout a normal           This social media influencer                                                technology       is    an      after-
day”     (Schorr, 2014). The        of the future occupies an                                                   thought. We want to
merging    between      physical    influenced           interior.                                              create … houses [that]
and     digital      allows   the   Being        an        influencer                                           are made a lot more
                                    requires a knowledge and a                                                  like cars or iPhones”.
78                                                                                                                                                 79
They     created     something
                                           called     these     moods    to
                                           customize experiences for
                                           daily    routines.     Through
                                           vocal    instructions    or   a
                                           tablet, it is possible to
                                           set the house according to
                                           the user’s desires.

                                           In the case of @Zarathustra’s
                                           interior,    the trends
                                           take     over the space
                                           in a similar fashion to
                                           the moods of Kasita, and
                                           based on them the interior
                                           reshapes    according to
                                           the      data collected.
                                           The     interior     space    of
                                           the     influencer    contains
                                           three different realities:
                                           real, augmented, and
                                           virtual,   and  smart
                                           lenses and BMI “enhance”
                                           @Zarathustra, enabling it
                                           to interact with them.

Fig. 28: Interior space of @Zarathustra.

80                                                                            81
The interior space of @             the house through a filter          “The   advancement     in    3D
                Zarathustra        allows    him    that      projects   an    ad-hoc   printing   is    shaping    the
                to      generate      different     designed environment. With          interior world to such an
                posts     and   contents     with   these tools, the influencer         extent that some believe
                the help of the digital.            is able to generate new             we are on the cusp
                Walls,    floors,   and             interiors      which   function     of another industrial
                furniture     are  blue             as    a    scenography for          revolution”    (Chatt,
                while the silhouette                his        everyday posts.          2016). Via the use of 3D
                of the main elements                It        (@Zarathustra)     can    printers, both clothes and
                are highlighted with                actually choose the colours         objects    can   be   printed,

                white lines or frames               and    “materials”     of   each    and subsequently recycled
                in   order     to  ease             element that will serve as          and reused for the next
                the image and space                 background or main feature          post of the influencer.
                recognition     by  the             of its next posts.

                AR smart lenses. The
                space features components
                that @Zarathustra uses to
                perform his tasks such as
                the filters desk, a smart
                mirror, pop-up table and
                chairs,     a     robotic    arm
                3D printer, and a 360 °                                                                    Fig. 29 - 30:
                                                                                                           Change of the
                camera    which    allows    the                                                         through the use
                                                                                                           of chroma key
                VR   experience       of     this                                                                effect.

                interior by the enhanced
                human.      Through        chroma
                key effect and the use of
                smart lenses – one of the
                devices    that    allows    him
                to   be   called    transhuman
                –,   @Zarathustra      can   see
 82                                                                                                                   83
                          “Augmented      reality        (AR)   physical world with digital
                          basically allows a person to          content” (Windows, 2018) and
                          use [a device] to overlay             detecting each object, it
                          the   physical   world                assigns the colour or texture
                          with virtual elements”                previously designated. This
                          (Bobeshko,        2017).        As    body augmentation changes
                          previously           anticipated,     the    perception of the
                          the augmented reality in @            space making it usable just
                          Zarathustra’s world is made           via smart lenses.
                          possible     through    the    use
                          of smart lenses that add a
                          new layer of information to
                          the physical reality. Via
                          image recognition, the

                          lens augments the sight
                          “enabl[ing]     to     blend   the

                                                                Fig. 32 - 33:
                                                                Change of
                                                                the textures
                                                                through the use
                                                                of chroma key
                                                                effect in the
                                                                living space of
                             Fig. 31: Sony patented a contact   @Zarathustra,
                          lens with an embedded “image pickup   due to the
                           lens” and the ability to take user   use of smart
                             input through deliberate blinks.   lenses.

 84                                                                                             85
The     short        movie     Sight   scenarios and to use the

                                                                          (2012)     by     Eran       May-raz   RazziBot’s “virtual-body”
                                                                          and Daniel Lazo features               as an avatar in order to
                                                                          the use of smart lenses in             perform those tasks that
                                                                          order to experience the                require a digital body. In
                                                                          everyday life. While the               fact, due to the increase
                                                                          aim of the short movie is              of digital activities,
                                                                          to     criticise       technology      attending        meetings,
                                                                          that     has     embedded        our   traveling,       partying,
                                                                          lives          and        personal     shopping and many other

                        Fig. 34: RazziBot
                                                                          relationships             (Kosner,     activities   have     become
                                                                          2012), it is interesting               a digital experience in
                                                                          to see the evolution                   their   world.   In     this
                                                                          that interiors could                   way, virtual reality

                                                                          experience.   Indeed,                  enables   a   physical
                                        BMI is one of the elements        the      living        space     of    immersion in a virtual
                                        that    allow    @Zarathustra     the       main           character     world.
                                        to     communicate         with   Patrick,        presents         an
                                        RazziBot as well as with          “almost entirely bare
                                        the house. No interface           [interior] because the
                                        between human and machine         contact lens-like implants
                                        is     displayed     in    the    in his eyes project a data
                                        scenario where the main           environment on the bare
                                        character       performs   its    walls”     (Kosner,          2012),
                                        job. The virtual reality          looking     almost        like    a
                                        represents the space where        developed         version        of
                                        @Zarathustra and RazziBot         minimalist style.
                                        meet and generate unique
                                        environments. The use of          The speculative location                                Fig. 35 - 36:
                                                                                                                                 Interior space
                                        digital items changes the         of @Zarathustra is designed                          with and without
                                                                                                                                smart lenses in
                                                                                                                                the short movie
                                        settings of the interior.         to      download         different                             Sight.

 86                                                                                                                                          87
Via this technology, the
transhuman      influencer       is
able to experience a place
in constant evolution.
It can alter the space at
any   point     based      on    its
own desires, and it plays
the role of a teleporter
to    other     interiors        and

In      addition        to       the
above,    through        the     use
of    storytelling       as      the
method    to     present         the
design    project,         several
other         elements          will
appear    along      the       story
such as data mining and
hacking.        At   the        same
time, the explanation of
the different tools used
by the two characters and
their interaction with the
space itself will display
their     intended           effect
while watching the short
                                         Fig. 37 - 39: Windows
                                       Mixed Reality allows to
                                       go from one environment
                                       to another one and meet
                                            with other avatars
                                             existing in other

88                                                               89
     4.4    THE NEXT

In    the    next   10    to     15   technologies in the field              The Next Evolution hints
      years,      the     development       of augmented and virtual               at positive and negative
      of    technology        and    its    reality will push interior             aspects of the advent of
      application to the human              design    and     architecture         these       new    technologies,
      body and mind will see the            towards a new dimension                as evolution also implies
      rise of a vast           amount       that will need to be re-               moments of darkness and

      of    changes in how we               thought, re-conceived,                 insecurity, but I would
      perceive      and    experience       and re-designed. The                   describe          them     as    “the

      the    space      and    in    the    project shows how, with the            experience of being human
      interiors           themselves.       use of such technologies,              itself” (Brown, 2018). It

      At the same time, these               the       interiors            will    is    our    chance,       and    our
      transformations                will   finally be changeable and              responsibility, to harness

      also see the increase of              customizable      in     a     much    it, tailor it to our time
      questions      never      raised      faster manner, and tailored            and   minds        and,    like      we

      before, about the future              to    every     single        user,    do with interior spaces,
      of human society such as              opening up to a brand-new              create something new
      new social classes.                   digital market. Through                for a new (old) human.
                                            the eyes of @Zarathustra,              After       all,         “we    don’t
      The   Next   Evolution                we can experience how the              believe      in     moving      to   a
      aims to reflect on the                relation between human and             new place and replicating
      future of interiors,                  machine will change and                the one we left behind,
      as influenced by such                 reach an advanced level.               where is the fun in that?”
      developments.    As   a               In fact, RazziBot, a piece             (attributed to A. Fisher)
      result, we must expect                of    software,    is        finally
      a new and enhanced                    capable    of     occupying       a
      interior, ready to host               “physical space” with
      these new entities,                   its “physical body”,
      outcome of this merger                and to communicate as well
      of human and machine.                 as to connect, with the
                                            human like never before.
      The         development         of
 92                                                                                                                     93
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