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Telegram Developer Telegram Messenger LLP First release August 2013 Current version 2.4.3 (October 7, 2020) Multiplatform operating system developed in C and Java Type instant messaging software GPL Web license Some data may come from the data item. This article is about a computer program. For other values, see Telegram is a cloud-based instant messaging service focused on speed and security, available through open source customers for Android, iOS, Windows Phone and Firefox OS mobile devices, for personal computers running Microsoft Windows, macOS and Linux operating systems, and for web browsers. Users can send messages, photos, videos and files of any format up to 2GB, create groups of up to 200,000 users and channels for any number of users. Telegram's story was first launched on August 14, 2013 for Apple mobile devices. It was developed by the American company Digital Fortress together with owner Pavel Durov, founder of the Russian social network VKontakte. The MTProto data protocol, authored by Nikolai Durov, brother of Pavel Durov, is used to transmit messages. The two brothers began developing Telegram in 2012 as a research project that grew in importance in June of the following year, when Edward Snowden passed on information about the secret programs of the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) to journalists. Telegram's popularity has grown rapidly from 100,000 active users in October 2013, when the alpha version for the second Android platform was released, to 15 million five months later. Another dramatic increase in the number of Telegram users, which allows encrypted messages, occurred in September 2014 after the threat of Park Kun-hye, President of the Republic of Korea, to bring to justice people who spread lies and rumors about it through electronic media, including chat, and active Internet monitoring by the South Korean authorities. Within seven days, 1.5 million Telegram users were added to South Korea, making the total number of users worldwide 50 million. In 2015, the number of users who used Telegram at least once a month stabilized at 60 million. However, the number of messages delivered per day increased from one billion in February 2015 to 12 billion in September of that year. By February 2016, the number of monthly active users had already reached 100 million, with 350,000 new users registered daily and 15 billion messages delivered daily. Telegram uses a phone number similar to WhatsApp to identify users. Users can use chat services, send text or voice documents, photos, videos, or geolocation data to other users individually or in a group way, encrypt the data transmitted and automatically delete the transmitted data for a certain period of time. Telegram's security service announced two contests for prizes of $200,000 and
$300,000 for those who breach the encryption of Telegram messages, but no one succeeded on those dates (March 1, 2014 and February 4, 2015). However, the security of Telegram's encrypted messages has become a criticism. According to opponents, the contests were created in accordance with the terms in favor of Telegram, but did not allow to take advantage of the shortcomings of the chosen decision. The security vulnerability was also identified in the way we enter into encrypted communication mode and identity authentication via SMS messages. Terrorist organizations, including Islamic State, used encrypted messages via Telegram to promote and prepare terrorist attacks in 2015 and 2016, such as the downing of a Russian airliner over the Sinai Peninsula, the Paris attacks and Indonesia's Jakarta. So Telegram began blocking channels used by the Islamic State. Telegram is trying to block both the Russian and Iranian authorities by citing the alleged threat of aiding terrorists. Links to links : b Telegram frequently asked questions (online). (quoted 2017-07-04). Available online. (English) - quincy Promes. A telegram from Durov. Online. 2013-08-15 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Russian) - Russian zuckerberg launches Telegram, a new instant messaging service .online. Reuters, 2013-08-30 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - SHU, Catherine. Check out Telegram, a secure messaging app from the founders of Russia's largest social network, VK. TechCrunch (online). AOL Inc., 2013-10-27 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - ETHERINGTON, Darrell. Telegram beats 35m monthly users, 15m daily with 8B messages received over 30 days. TechCrunch (online). AOL Inc., 2014- 03-24 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - BRANDOM, Russell. Surveillance pushes South Koreans to encrypted messaging apps. The Verge (online). Vox Media, Inc., 2014-10-06 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - LOMAS, Natasha. Telegram is currently seeing 12BN daily messages, on top of 1BN in February. TechCrunch (online). AOL Inc., 2015-09-21 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - 100,000,000 monthly active users. (quoted 2016-02-23). Available online. (English) - WILLIAMS, Rhiannon. What the New WhatsApp?. Telepographer (online). Telegraph Media Group Limited, 2014-02-25 (quot. 2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) NoFUENTE, Kyle. The Telegram update adds new features for secure voice messages, secret chats and more. Technological times (online)., 2016-02-13 (quot. 2016-02-19). Available online. (anglicky) - $200,000 for a hacker who can hack Telegram (online). (quoted 2016-02-19). Available online. The winter competition ends online. 2014-03-02 (2016-02-19). Available online. (anglicky) - Crypto Contest ends online. 2015-02-11 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) - MARLINSPIKE, Moxie. Crypto-call for Telegram developers (online). 2013-12-19 (2016-02-19). Available v file date 2014-03-07. (Anglicans) - HORNBY, Taylor. Telegram cryptoanalysis competition (online). 2013-12-19 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) KIRK, Jeremy. How much trust can you put in the Telegram messenger?. PCWorld (online). IDG Consumer and SMB, 2015-01-15 (quoted 2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) - RASHID, Fahmida. Mobile threat Monday: Telegram has unencrypted copies of secret chat messages. PC Magazine Digital Edition (online). Sieff Davis, LLC. PCMag Digital Group, 2015-02-23 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) - SANGERE, David; PERROTH, Nicole. Encrypted messaging apps face a new scrutiny of a possible role in the Paris attacks. The New York Times (online). The New York Times Company, 2015-11-16 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - BAROCHOVA, Anna. Eslim stut mae Vesovachy alicach, sed se on ne to Stock. online. MAFRA, AP, 2016-01-29 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Seskey) - GIBBS, Samuel. The messaging app Telegram will block Islamic State broadcasts. The Guardian (online). Guardian News and Media Limited, 2015-11-19 (2016-02-19). Available online. (English) - HARPAL, Arjun. The secret messaging app used by IS removes posts. CNBC (online). STV LLC, 2015-11-19 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Anglicans) - Telegram No. 660. Online. 2016-01-15 (2016-02-19). Available online. (Rusky) - EEK, Jakub. Sron chce zni'it Telegram, so vyvinul vlastn komunik'tor emoji Smrt Americe. Živě.cz. Available online (quoted 2018-05-03). I'm not heskey) Extern'odkazy Obr'zky, zvuky zi videa k t'matu Telegram ve Wikimedia Commons domovsk' str'nka Telegram Telegram na iTunes Telegram na Google Play Citov'no z (software) Free cross-platform messenger Telegram works on iPhoneDeveloper (s) Telegram FH LLCTelegram Messenger Inc.Initial release August 14, 2013; 7 лет назад (2013-08-14)Стабильный релиз (ы) (±-Android, Original7.1.3 / 4 октября 2020; 13 дней назад (2020-10-04) , Телеграмма X0.22.8.1361 / 15 мая 2020; 5 месяцев назад (2020-05-15);2-iOS7.1.2 / 13 октября 2020 г.; 4 дня назад (2020-10-13) - Windows, macOS, Linux2.4.3 / 7 октября 2020 г.; 10 дней назад (2020-10-07) - Windows (Microsoft Store)2.4.3 / 7 октября 2020 г.; 10 дней назад (2020-10-07)5-macOS (mac App Store версия)7.1 / 3 октября 2020; 14 дней назад (2020-10-03) 6-предварительный релиз (ы) (ы) (±-Android, original5.12.0 (17400) / 6 октября 2019; 12 месяцев назад (2019-10-06) No7-iOS5.12 (15550) / 6 октября 2019 г.; 12 месяцев назад (2019-10-06) - Windows, macOS, Linux1.8.5 / 5 сентября 2019 г.; 13 месяцев назад (2019-09-05) 9-macOS (mac App Store версия)5.8 (182623) / 18 Сентябрь 2019; 12 месяцев назад (2019- 09-18) Русский , Persian, Turkish, Italian, Arabic, Ukrainian, Portuguese, Spanish, German, Dutch, French, Korean, Indonesian, Malay TypeInstant messagingLicenseGNU GPLv2 or GPLv3 (clients), 7 years ago (2013-03)HeadquartersLondon, United Kingdom (legal residence)Dubai, United Arab Emirates (operational center) served The Region servedGlobalFander (s) Nikolai DurovPavel DurovAzel NeffkeoVel DurovIndustrySoftwareEmployees351 (2019) video phone and voice on the IP service using all-to-com encryption only for secret chat, while cloud chat uses the encryption of the client-server/client server, and his messages are stored in the Telegram cloud. Telegram client apps are available for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux and appeared in Russia in 2013. Users can send messages and share photos, videos, stickers, audio and files of any type. Telegram client code is free software, while the code on the server side is private and proprietary. The service also provides APIs to independent developers. Telegram had 400 million monthly active users since April 2020. The announcement at the time included a promise to make safe group video calls later in 2020. The default messages and media use the encryption of the client server during transit. This data is also encrypted at ease, but can be accessed by Telegram developers who hold encryption keys. In addition, Telegram provides still encrypted calls and additional client encrypted secret chats between two online users on smartphones. However, the desktop (with the exception of the macOS client) have no common encryption, nor is it available for groups, supergroups or channels. Telegram has defended the lack of ubiquitous all-to-end encryption, arguing that online backups that don't use encryption on the customer side are the safest solution currently possible, despite a number of other chat services such as Signal, Matrix, and WhatsApp offering all-to-end encryption across all platforms. Telegram's development history was launched in 2013 by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov. The couple had previously founded the Russian social network VKontakte, which they left when it Group. Nikolai Durov created the MTProto protocol, which is the basis for the messenger, while Pavel provided financial support and infrastructure through his Digital Fortress fund with partner Axel Neff, joining as co-founder. The company and the app were launched in Russia and moved to Germany. Telegram Messenger LLP states that its goal is not to make a profit, but it is not currently structured as a non-profit organization. Telegram is registered as an English LLP and an American LLC. It does not disclose where it leases offices or what legal entities it uses to rent them, citing the need to hide the team from unnecessary influence and protect users from government data requests. Pavel Durov said the service was headquartered in Berlin, Germany, between 2014 and early 2015, but moved to different jurisdictions after failing to obtain a residence permit for all team members. Durov left Russia and is said to be moving from country to country with a small group of programmers consisting of 15 main members. According to press reports, Telegram had employees in St. Petersburg. The Telegram team is currently based in Dubai. In October 2013, Telegram had 100,000 active users per day. On March 24, 2014, Telegram announced that it had reached 35 million monthly users and 15 million daily active users. In October 2014, the South Korean government's surveillance plans forced many of its citizens to switch to Telegram. In December 2014, Telegram announced that it had 50 million active users generating 1 billion daily messages, and that it had 1 million new users subscribed to its service each week, and that traffic doubled in five months with 2 billion daily messages. In September 2015, it was announced that the app has 60 million active users and delivers 12 billion daily messages. In February 2016, Telegram announced that it had 100 million monthly active users, with 350,000 new users signing up every day, delivering 15 billion daily In December 2017, Telegram reached 180 million monthly active users. In March 2018, Telegram reached 200 million active On March 14, 2019, Pavel Durov stated that in the last 24 hours, 3 million new users have signed up for Telegram. Durov did not specify what caused this stream of new registrations, but this period corresponded to a long-term technical glitch faced by Facebook and its family of applications, including Instagram. On April 24, 2020, Telegram announced that it had reached 400 million monthly active users. According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, the number of monthly Telegram users as of October 2019 is 300 million people worldwide. If This Then That (IFTTT) Integration People can use Internet Of Things (IoT) services using two interacion lines for IfTTT implemented in Telegram. Instant view 2.0 Instant View is a way to browse a web article with zero page loading times. With Instant View, Telegram users can enjoy articles from any media or blogs in a single and easy-to-read way. Instant browsing pages support text and media of any type and work great even if the original website has not been optimized for mobile devices. On top of this, Instant View pages are extremely light and cached on Telegram servers, so they are instantly downloaded to almost any connection - hence the name. The Telegraph is a publishing tool that allows you to create richly formatted posts with photos and all sorts of embedded media. The user's self-destruction account has been limited. Telegram accounts are tied to phone numbers and checked via SMS. Users can add multiple devices to their account and receive messages on each one. Connected devices can be removed individually or immediately. The associated number can be changed at any time, and the user's contacts will automatically receive a new number. In addition, the user can set up a pseudonym that allows them to send and receive messages without revealing their phone number. Telegram accounts can be deleted at any time and are deleted automatically after six months of default inactivity, which can be further changed for 1 month and 12 months. Users can replace the exact last seen timestamps with wider messages such as the last seen recently. The default authentication method used by Telegram for logins is one-factor authentication based on SMS. All you need to log in and access that user's cloud messages is a one-time password that is sent via SMS to the user's phone number. It is known that these text messages were intercepted in Iran, Russia and possibly in coordination with phone companies. Pavel Durov stated that Telegram users in problem countries should provide two-factor authentication by creating passwords that Telegram allows but does not require. Telegram's default cloud messages access to any of the user's connected devices. Users can share photos, videos, audio messages, and other files (up to 2.0 gigabytes per file). Users can send messages to other users individually or to groups of up to 200,000 users. Messages sent can be edited within 48 hours after they have been sent and deleted at any time on both sides. This gives the user the ability to correct typos and recall messages that were sent in error. The transmission of messages to Telegram Messenger LLP servers is encrypted by the service's MTProto protocol. According to Telegram's privacy policy, all data is stored heavily encrypted, and encryption keys are stored in several other D.C. jurisdictions in each case. Thus, local engineers or physical intruders cannot access user data. This makes message security roughly comparable to email security. Most providers also use customer server encryption here, but usually with a standardized Transport Layer Security protocol. Email may or may not be encrypted on servers. Telegram's cloud messages and media remain on the servers at least until all members have been removed. Telegram's local messaging database is not encrypted by default. Some Telegram customers allow users to encrypt a logar database of messages by setting up a phrase. Bots In June 2015 Telegram launched a platform for third-party developers to create bots. Bots are Telegram accounts that are managed by software. They can respond to messages or mentions, can be invited to groups and can be integrated into other programs. It also accepts online payments via credit cards and Apple Pay. Dutch website Tweakers reported that the invited bot could potentially read all group messages when the bot controller changes access settings silently at a later stage in time. Telegram said it was considering introducing a feature that would announce such a change in status within the relevant group. In addition, there are stationary bots that can be used from any chat screen. To activate the in-line bot, the user needs to enter the username and the bot's request into the message box. The bot will then offer its contents. The user can choose from this content and send it in a chat. The payment API for Bots bots can handle transactions provided by Paymentwall, Yandex.Money, Band, Ravepay, Razorpay and CiVi for different countries. Telegram's bot-gaming platform can be anything from simple arcades and puzzles to multiplayer 3D shooters and real-world strategic games Basic HTML5 technology, so games are downloaded on demand as needed, just like regular web pages. The games will run on iPhones 4 and new and on Android 4.4 devices and new ones. Channels in September 2015, Telegram added channels. Channels are a form of messaging in which administrators can send messages Other users are not. Anyone can create and subscribe to channels. Channels can be created to broadcast messages to an unlimited number of subscribers. Channels can be public with a pseudonym and a permanent URL to join them anyone. Users who join the channel can see the entire message history. Users can join and leave the channels at any time. Depending on the channel settings, messages can be signed by the channel name or the name of the administrator who posted them. Users who don't see administrators can't see other users who subscribe to the channel. In addition, users can disable the channel, which means that the user will still receive messages but will not be notified. Administrators can allow comments to be posted on the Telegram channel using bots. The channel administrator can get general data about the channel. Each message has its own view counter showing how many users have seen this message, this includes submissions from the messages being sent. From May 2019, the creator of the channel can add a discussion group, a separate group, in which messages on the channel are automatically sent to subscribers to communicate. In December 2019, Bloomberg transferred their Messenger from WhatsApp to Telegram after the former banned mass and automated messaging. The News Service is trying to grow its audience outside the U.S., the commentary channel was added on October 1, 2020 through topics in discussion groups. Custom folders In the latest update in May 2020 Telegram has added custom folders in which you can filter out and put personal chats, groups, channels, contacts, non-contacts, and selected chats/groups/channels in various and customized folders. Telegram stickers has over 20,000 stickers. Stickers are high-resolution cloud images designed to provide more expressive emojis. When you type emoticons, the user is asked to send the appropriate sticker. Stickers come in a collection called sets, and several stickers can be offered for a single emoji. Telegram comes with one set of default stickers, but users can install additional sets of stickers provided by third-party contributors. Sticker sets installed from one customer are automatically made available to all other customers. Image stickers use the WebP file format, which is better optimized for online transmission. Project projects are incomplete messages synchronized between users' devices. You can start typing on one device and continue on another. The project will be retained in the field of editing on any until it is sent or deleted. Secret Chats Notification of confirmation of the secret chat - screenshot from Android Marshmallow. Messages can also be sent with customer encryption to the customer in so-called secret chats. These messages are encrypted using the service's MTProto protocol. Unlike Telegram cloud messages, messages sent to You can only access the chat on the device on which the secret chat was initiated and on the device on which the secret chat was accepted; they may not be available on other devices. Messages sent in secret chat rooms can in principle be deleted at any time and can be further self-destructed. Secret chats must be initiated and accepted by invitation, which exchanges encryption keys for the session. Users in the secret chat can check that no person in the middle of the attack happened by comparing photos that visualize their public key fingerprints. According to Telegram, secret chats have been keeping the perfect secrecy since December 2014. Encryption keys change periodically after the key has been used more than 100 times or has been used for more than a week. The old encryption keys have been destroyed. Windows and GNU/Linux users are still unable to use secret chats using the official Telegram Desktop app, while an official customer using only macOS supports them. Secret chats are not available for groups or channels. Free video and voice calls At the end of March 2017 Telegram introduced its own voice calls. Challenges are built on ultimate encryption. The connection is set as a peer when possible, otherwise the nearest server to the client is used. According to Telegram, there is a neural network working to learn different technical parameters about the call to provide the best quality of service for future applications. After a brief initial test in Western Europe, voice calls are now available for use in most countries. On August 15, 2020, Telegram added video calls with until the end of encryption, such as Signal and WhatsApp, which increase is not yet available. Currently, by offering one-to-one video calls, Telegram plans to introduce secure group video calls later in 2020. Picture-in-picture mode is also available to allow users to use other features of the app at the same time while remaining on the call, and even be able to turn off the video. Round videos can be up to one minute long and automatically playable. When you post on a public channel in Telegram, the videos are also uploaded and viewed without an account. However, Telegram and Telescope video messages sent in inaccessible chat rooms or groups are not published. Telegram users can share their location live for 15 minutes, one hour or eight hours from the time version 4.4 is released in October 2017. If multiple users share their location in a group, they appear on an interactive map. Sharing a live location can be stopped It's time. Social login In February 2018, Telegram launched its social entry function named as Telegram Login. It has a website widget that can be built into websites, allowing users to log into a third-party website with their Telegram account. The gateway sends the site's owner Telegram username, username and profile picture, while the user's phone number remains hidden. The gateway is integrated with a bot that is associated with a specific domain of the developer's website. People nearby 2.0 and groups nearby People Nearby 2.0 can help users get to know new friends by turning on the GPS location of the phone and selecting in contacts and through groups nearby people can create a local group by adding location data to groups. In July 2018, Telegram introduced its online identity authorization and id control system Telegram Passport for platforms requiring real-life identification. It asks users to download their official documents such as passport, identity card, driver's license, etc. Telegram said it does not have access to the data, while the platform will only share information with the authorized recipient. However, the service has been criticised for being vulnerable to brute force attacks on the internet. Polls are a feature of Telegram, which are currently available on Android, iOS and desktop apps. Polls have the ability to be anonymous or visible. The user can enter several options into the survey. The quiz mode can also be enabled, where the user can choose the right answer for their survey and leave his group to guess. Quiz bots can also be added to track the right answers and even provide a global leadership group. The native file format supports the official support of Telegram customers who support sending any extensions to the file format. Relatives supported in their viewing/player in mobile and desktop versions of Telegram are common media formats - JPEG, PNG, WebP for images and H.264 and HEVC in videos in MP4 container and MP3, Vorbis, Opus and AAC for audio. Send when online Telegram adds a feature of the planned message that was launched in a previous update called Send when online. This feature will allow users to view the message and automatically send it when the recipient goes online. A new feature can be found in the Message Schedule option. The Architectural Encryption Scheme Simplified illustration of the MTProto encryption scheme. Telegram uses a symmetrical encryption scheme called MTProto. The protocol was developed by Nikolai Durov and other developers at Telegram and is based on a 256-bit symmetrical AES, 2048 BITs of RSA encryption and Diffie-Hellman key exchange. Telegram Messenger LLP servers have servers in a number of countries around the world to improve their service response times. [102] [102] server software is closed source and proprietary. Pavel Durov said that a major architectural redesign of server software would be required to connect independent servers to the Telegram cloud. For users who are from the European Economic Area (EEA) or the United Kingdom, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are supported by storing data only on servers in the Netherlands and naming the London company as a responsible data controller. Telegram's client applications have a variety of client apps, some developed by Telegram Messenger LLP and some by the community. Most of them are free and open source and are released according to GNU General Public Licence Version 2 or 3. General specifications: No cloud backup option for the secret chat Platform Title (s) Official Source License Support for Secret Chat Notes Telegram Android 2.3 or later Yes GPLv2 or later. Synchronize support between multiple devices. Telegram Messenger iOS 9.0 or later, watchOS 5.0 or later Yes GPLv2 or later, yes launched in August 2013 for iPhone and iPod Touch and restarted in July 2014 with the support of iPad and Apple Watch. Telegram X Android 113 Yes Proprietary Yes Alternative Telegram client is written from scratch, with higher speed, slicker animations, themes and more efficient battery use. The iOS version is written with Swift. Android version based on TDLib. The iOS version was discontinued, with its code combined with the main Telegram app. Telegram Messenger Windows Phone Yes GPLv2 or later 107 Yes Provide synchronization between all platforms Telegram Firefox OS Yes GPLv3 115 No based on Webogram. Telegram Desktop Windows, macOS and GNU/Linux Yes GPLv3 with the exception of OpenSSL. The Windows client is a traditional desktop app published in three flavors: the installer, the portable, the Windows Store app. Telegram macOS Yes GPLv2 117 Yes Native macOS customer. Telegram Google Chrome and Chrome OS Yes GPLv3 No 115 No based webogram, published on chrome Web Store. Telegram APIs have public APIs that enable developers to access the same functionality as Telegram's official apps to create their own messaging apps. In February 2015, the creators of an unofficial Whatsapp client released the Telegram Plus app, later renamed Plus Messenger, after their original project received a termination order from WhatsApp. In September 2015, Samsung released a messaging app based on these APIs. Telegram also offers an API that allows developers to create bots that are accounts, Programs. In February 2016, Forbes launched an artificial intelligence-based news bot that pushes popular stories to subscribers and responds to search queries with relevant articles. TechCrunch launched launched bot in March 2016. Telegram's security model has received notable criticism from cryptography experts. They criticized the overall security model for keeping all contacts, messages, and media together with decryption keys on their servers by default and not allowing the default to create permanent encryption of messages. Pavel Durov argues that this is due to the fact that it helps to avoid third-party unsecured backups and allows users to access messages and files from any device. In addition, cryptography experts criticized Telegram's use of a specially designed encryption protocol that has not been proven reliable and secure. Cryptography experts have expressed both doubts and criticism of Telegram's MTProto encryption scheme, saying that deploying home and unproven cryptography could make encryption vulnerable to errors that potentially undermine its security due to a lack of control. It was also suggested that Telegram did not hire developers with sufficient experience or authority in the field. Critics also dispute Telegram's claims that it is more secure than mass-market messengers such as WhatsApp and Line because WhatsApp applies constant encryption to all its traffic by default and uses the Signal Protocol, which has been reviewed and approved by leading security experts, while Telegram does not store or store all messages, media and contacts in their cloud. Since July 2016, Line has also been using all of its default messages. On February 26, 2014, the German consumer organization Stiftung Warentest evaluated several aspects of Telegram data protection, along with other popular instant messaging customers. Among the aspects discussed were: data security, service conditions, availability of source code, and app distribution. Telegram was rated as problematic (critical) in general. The organization favored secure Telegram chats and partially free code, but criticized the mandatory transfer of contact data to Telegram servers and the lack of a fingerprint or address on the service's website. She noted that although these messages were encrypted on the device, it could not analyze transmission due to lack of source code. In February 2015, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) listed Telegram in its Safe Message Card. Telegram's default chat feature received 4 points out of 7 points on the scoreboard. He received points for encrypting messages along the way, having the code open to an independent review, properly documenting the security design and completing a recent independent security audit. Telegram chat function missed by default because that's what were not encrypted with keys that the vendor had no access to, users could not verify the identities of the contacts, and past messages were not protected if the encryption keys were stolen. The optional feature of telegram secret chat, which provides encryption, received 7 points out of 7 points on the scoreboard. The EFF said the results should not be seen as endorsement of individual instruments or guarantees of their safety and that they were merely signs that the projects were on the right track. In December 2015, two researchers from Aarhus University published a report demonstrating that MTProto does not achieve indistinguishability when attacking a selected cipher (IND-CCA) or authenticated encryption. The researchers stressed that the attack was theoretical and they saw no way to turn an attack into a full-scale attack to restore a simple text. However, they said they saw no reason why Telegram should use a less secure encryption scheme when there are safer (and at least more effective) solutions. The Telegram team responded that the flaw did not affect the security of messages and that the future patch will solve this problem. Telegram 4.6, released in December 2017, supports MTProto 2.0, which now meets inD-CCA conditions. MTProto 2.0 is seen by qualified cryptographers as a significant improvement in Telegram's security. In April 2016, the accounts of several Russian opposition members were seized by intercepting SMS messages used to authorize login. In response, Telegram recommended the use of an additional two-factor authentication feature. In May 2016, the Committee to Protect Journalists and Nate Cardoso, a senior lawyer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, recommended that Telegram not be used because of its lack of permanent encryption (by default) and its use of the non-standard MTProto encryption protocol, which has been publicly criticized by cryptography researchers, including Matthew Green. In June 2017, Pavel Durov said publicly that U.S. intelligence agencies tried to bribe the company's developers to weaken Telegram encryption or install a backdoor during their visit to the United States in 2016. In 2018, Telegram sent out a message to all Iranian users that the unofficial Telegram Talai and Hotgram clones were not safe. Telegram has promised since at least March 2014 that all code will be released eventually, including all the various client apps (Android, iOS, desktop, etc.) and code on the server side. As of August 2020, Telegram has not yet published the source code on the server side. On June 9, 2019, The Intercept published leaked Telegram messages exchanged between Brazilian Justice Minister and former judge Sergio Moro and federal prosecutors. Hypothesis Hypothesis that either mobile devices have been hacked by a SIM swap or computers have invaded. The Telegram team tweeted that this was either because the user had malware or they didn't use a two-step check. On June 12, 2019, Telegram confirmed that it had suffered a denial of service attack that disrupted the normal functionality of the app for about one hour. Pavel Durov tweeted that the IP addresses used in the attack mostly came from China. In December 2019, the media wrote about numerous acquisitions of Telegram accounts of Russian businessmen, who were engaged in bypassing sms- authentication of the second factor. The capture of the Telegram account was also offered on dark web forums for $4000. Security company Group-IB offered SS7 mobile signal protocols, illegal use of surveillance equipment or telecommunications insider attacks. Telegram's Cryptography Contests organized two cryptography contests to challenge its own security. Third parties were asked to hack into the cryptography of the service and disclose information contained in a secret chat between two computer-controlled users. A reward of $200,000 and $300,000, respectively, was offered. Both of these contests expired without winners. Moxie Marlinspike security researcher and Hacker News commentators criticized the first contest for rigging or framing Telegram and stated that Telegram's claims about the value of these contests as proof of the quality of cryptography were misleading. This is because the cryptography contest cannot be won even with completely broken algorithms such as MD2 (hash function) used as a key stream extractor, and primives such as Dual_EC_DRBG, which is known to be a backdoor. Censorship Iran Home article: Telegram in Iran Telegram was opened and operated in Iran without any VPN or other circumvention methods in May 2015. In August 2015, Iran's ICT Ministry said Telegram had agreed to restrict some of its bots and sticker packages in Iran at the request of the Iranian government. According to an article published on Global Voices, these functions were used by the Iranians to exchange satirical comments about the Iranian government. The article also notes that some users are concerned that Telegram's willingness to comply with the Iranian government's requests may mean future complicity in censorship by another Iranian government, or even allow the government to access Telegram's data on Iranian users. Telegram stated that all Telegram chats are private and that they do not handle any requests related to them. Only requests for public content (bots) will be processed packages with stickers). In May 2016, the Iranian government asked all messaging apps, including Telegram, to transfer all Iranian user data to Iranian servers. On April 20, 2017, the Iranian government completely blocked Telegram Telegram Voice Calls, a service that allows people to make calls using secure, permanent encryption, and keep their conversations secret. The Chief of Staff of the President of Iran, Mahmoud Vaezi, stated that the reason for telegram blocking of free voice calls was that Iranian corporations were keeping the revenue from voice calls. On December 30, 2017, during anti-government demonstrations across Iran, Telegram shut down the Iranian opposition channel, publishing calls to use Molotov cocktails against the police, after receiving a complaint from the Iranian government. Pavel Durov explained that the reason for the blocking was the policy without calls to violence and confirmed that criticism of local authorities, contesting the status quo and participation in political debates were shattered by the OK platform, while promoting violence was not. On December 31, the Iranian government announced that Telegram had been temporarily restricted to ensure calm and security after the company said it was refusing to close peaceful protest channels. On January 13, the app was unblocked by President Hassan Rouhani, who said more than 100,000 jobs were lost in Iran as a result of the Telegram ban. Opposition channels remain in working order. In March 2018, Alaeddin Borujerdi, chairman of Iran's Foreign Policy and National Security Committee, said Telegram had been completely blocked in Iran by April 20, 2018, citing Telegram's role in facilitating winter protests and the need to promote local applications. , but claimed that he was against the new blockade and did not see it as an effective measure to promote local applications. that makes the blockade ineffective. The telegram was blocked by the government on May 1, 2018. Within one year, since the end of the 2017 riots, the Iranian government made available an individual version of Telegram that was under their domain. In 2019, Mohammad Ali Mowahedi Kermani declared during Friday prayers in Tehran that Telegram was haram, and asked the national information network to turn around like China's big firewall. Bijan Ghasemzadeh, an Iranian prosecutor who ordered Telegram's blocking, was arrested on September 27, 2019, on corruption charges. It is unclear whether the charges were related to the Telegram blocking. China in July It was reported that China blocked access to the Telegram messenger. According to the state-run People's Daily, Chinese human rights activists used Telegram to criticize the Chinese government and the Chinese Communist Party. On August 28, 2019, the Hong Kong Internet Providers Association announced that the Hong Kong government planned to block Telegram. In June 2016, Bahrain revealed that some providers in Bahrain had begun blocking Telegram. In June 2017, the service faced serious pressure from the Russian regulator Roskomnadzor, which tried to force Telegram to register in the official registry of telecommunications services, which implies a serious responsibility for the registered party. After weeks of negotiations and the apparent imminent blocking of the service, the conflict ended after senior officials raised some issues with the regulator. (Clarification) Indonesia on July 14, 2017, 11 servers of domain names associated with Telegram were banned by the Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Information with the possibility of shutting down all Telegram applications in Indonesia unless Telegram makes a standard operating procedure to maintain content that has been deemed illegal in applications. Telegram said that about 10 channels/groups were removed from Telegram every day because of classified as negative content. Pakistan In October 2017, Telegram was unavailable to users in Pakistan, and as of November 17, 2017, it was completely blocked in accordance with the instructions of the PTA, Pakistan's largest provider, PTCL mentioned it in a user's tweet. The main article in Russia: Blocking Telegram in Russia on April 13, 2018, Telegram was banned in Russia by a Moscow court, because of its refusal to give the Federal Security Service (FSB) access to the encryption keys necessary to view users' messages in accordance with federal anti-terrorism legislation. The ban was imposed by blocking more than 19 million IP addresses associated with the service. These include many of them used by Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud Platform, due to the use of Telegram providers for message routes. However, this has caused unintended collateral damage due to the use of platforms by other services in the country, including retail, Mastercard SecureCode and messaging service Tamtam. Users end up having to use a VPN to access the service as a result of internet censorship. On April 17, 2018, Russia asked the App Store, Play Store and APKMirror to withdraw Telegram from stores. The App Store and Play Store declined the Russian government's request. On March 28, 2018, Roskomnadzor reportedly sent a legally binding letter to Apple remove the app from the Russian app. Application. and block it from sending push notifications to local users who have already downloaded the app. On December 27, 2018, Russia's largest search site removed search results. In April 2020, the Russian government began using the blocked Telegram platform to disseminate information related to the COVID-19 outbreak. On June 18, 2020, the Russian government lifted the Telegram ban after it agreed to help investigate extremism. In 2019, it was reported that some providers in India are blocking Telegram traffic, including its official website. The Internet Freedom Foundation filed a complaint against rtI about whether the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) banned Telegram or asked isps to block traffic. DoT's response says it has no information on why ISPs are blocking Telegram. The Kerala High Court has asked for the central government's opinion on the call to ban Telegram for allegedly distributing videos of child abuse and communicating through it. In September 2015, when asked about Telegram's use of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Pavel Durov said, I think that privacy, ultimately, and our right to privacy are more important than our fear of bad things like terrorism. Durov sarcastically proposed banning words because terrorists use them to communicate. ISIS recommended Telegram to its supporters and members, and in October 2015 they were able to double the number of subscribers to their official channel to 9,000. In November 2015, Telegram announced that it had blocked 78 public channels operated by ISIS for spreading propaganda and mass communications. Telegram said it would block public channels and bots linked to terrorism, but would not comply with politically motivated censorship based on local restrictions on freedom of speech and that it allowed for peaceful expression of alternative opinions. The use of Telegram to promote ISIS has reignited the debate about encryption, and encrypted messaging apps have faced new scrutiny. This also led to the Daily Mirror describing Telegram as a jihad messaging app. In August 2016, French counter-terrorism investigators alleged that two ISIS terrorists who fatally slit the throat of a priest in Saint-Etienne-du-Rouvray in Normandy, France, and videotaped the killing, communicated via Telegram and used an app to coordinate their plans for an attack. ISIS's media wing later posted a video on Telegram showing the pair swearing allegiance. A CNN report said that Telegram had become a as the preferred means of communication for the terrorist group ISIS and was used by the ISIS cell that planned the Paris attacks November after the attacks. In June 2017, Russian communications regulator Roskomnadzor hinted at the possibility of blocking Telegram in Russia because of its use by terrorists. In July 2017, Semuel Abrighani Pangerapan, Director General of Application and Informatics at the Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Informatics, said that eleven Telegram DNS servers had been blocked because many channels in the service promoted radicalism, terrorism, hatred, bomb collection, civil attack, disturbing images and other propaganda contrary to Indonesian laws and regulations. In August 2017, Indonesia lifted the ban after countermeasures against negative content were deployed in cooperation with Telegram LLP. In November 2019, Telegram took part in Europol Day of Action on the Internet. As a result, Telegram has expanded and strengthened its efforts to detect and remove terrorist content. More than 43,000 bots and channels linked to terrorism have been removed from Telegram. U.S. officials say the crackdown on Telegram has been particularly effective and appears to have a long-term impact. According to Europol, Telegram will make considerable efforts to eliminate violators of its platform. An article published by Mother Jones magazine on January 19, 2020, states that the Anti-Defamation League called Telegram a safe haven for whites and a valuable tool for right-wing extremists. The article says neo-Nazi and fascist hate groups used the Telegram app to organize a gun rally in Richmond, Virginia, on January 20, 2020. The neo-Nazi white separatist militant group The Base switched to Telegram after it was blocked on most social media platforms
including Twitter, YouTube and Gab, a favorite among extremists. After a number of arrests of members of the Base in January 2020, a note appeared on its official Telegram account, warning people to stop publishing. In August 2019, white supremacist Christopher Ketwell posted anti- Semitic comments on Telegram. The Anti-Defamation League notes that Telegram was founded by the same two Russian brothers who founded VKontakte, which is known for its lack of moderation when it comes to white supremacy. While Telegram's terms of service prohibit the promotion of violence, they have allowed violent videos posted by mass shooters Brenton Tarrant (Christchurch, N.Y.) and Stefan Balliet (Halle, Germany), although other social media platforms have removed them. The league also points to the rapeWaffen division, which openly advocates rape and murder as part of a racial war. Telegram was also used by Proud Boys, an alt-right organization to coordinate violent attacks throughout the United States. Illegal use of Telegram allows users to report abusive posts in the public domain and delete public messages from terrorist groups and child pornography. However, Telegram does not share or correct any reports of abuse. Telegram (like other messaging apps such as Whatsapp) is still actively used for illegal purposes such as cryptocurrency pump and landfill activity. 222, 2019 Puerto Rico Telegramgate Home article: Telegramgate Telegram was the main topic surrounding the 2019 Puerto Rico riots that ended in the resignation of then-Governor Ricardo Rosselle after Chat Telegram leaked hundreds of pages of group chat on the Telegram messaging app between Rosselle and members of his staff from his due date. The messages were deemed vulgar, racist and homophobic towards several individuals and groups, and discussed how they would use the media to attack potential political opponents. 2019-20 Hong Kong Protests During the 2019-20 Hong Kong Protests,Many protesters in Hong Kong use Telegram, social media to avoid electronic surveillance and coordinate their protests against fugitive offenders decree. On the evening of the 11th year, Hong Kong police arrested the administrator of a counter-transfer panel on suspicion of conspiracy to commit public trouble. The next day Telegram suffered from a powerful decentralized denial of service attack. The hacker tried to paralyze the target server by sending a large number of spam requests, most of which came from mainland China. [223] [224] [225] [226] [227] [228]。 Telegram Open Network ICO In December 2017, cryptocurrency blog Cointelegraph reported that Telegram plans to launch a blockchain platform and a native cryptocurrency. In January 2018, TechCrunch confirmed the news, citing multiple sources. The company has assembled an initial Coin Offering (ICO) to finance the development of a new blockchain platform, which will be called Open Telegram Network (TON). The proposal was organized as SAFT (Simple Agreement for Future Tokens), selling futures for tokens to be called GRAM. The offer was held in two rounds, each of which received $850 million. Russian news site tech has calculated the first round as offering 2.25 billion tokens at $0.38 each, with a minimum purchase of $20 million, and the second offers 640 million tokens at $1.33 each, with a minimum purchase of $1 million. Company officials have not made any public statements regarding the ICO. As of spring 2018, the only official sources of information were two forms of D that Telegram filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Only pre-ICO rounds were held; The public ICO has been cancelled. The network has not yet been released. October 2019 U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission And received a temporary restraining order against Telegram in connection with the alleged unregistered and ongoing offer of digital tokens in the U.S. on May 12, 2020, Pavel Durov announced the termination of Telegram's active participation in TON. Unfortunately, the U.S. judge is right in one thing: we people outside the United States can vote for our presidents and elect our parliaments, but we still depend on the United States when it comes to finance and technology (fortunately, not coffee). The U.S. can use its control over the dollar and the global financial system to close any bank or bank account in the world. It can use its control over Apple and Google to remove apps from the App Store and Google Play. So yes, it is true that other countries do not have full sovereignty over what to allow on their territory. Unfortunately, we - 96% of the world's population living in other countries - depend on decision-makers elected by 4% of those living in the United States, - pavel Durov said. On June 26, 2020, Telegram agreed to pay $18.5 million and return $1.2 billion to investors in a civil settlement with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. On August 2, 2016, a Reuters report said Iranian hackers compromised more than a dozen Telegram instant messaging accounts and identified the phone numbers of 15 million Iranian users with their registered Telegram accounts. as well as related user ID, according to cyber experts, who, according to the hackers, belonged to a group known as Rocket Kitten. The Rocket Kitten attacks were similar to those attributed to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. Hackers took advantage of the programming interface built into Telegram. According to Telegram, these mass checks are no longer possible due to restrictions imposed on its API in early 2016. On March 30, 2020, the Elasticsearch database, containing 42 million records containing user documents and phone numbers, was posted online without a password. The accounts listed in the database belonged to users in Iran extracted from the unofficial government-sanctioned version of Telegram. It took 11 days for the database to be taken down, but researchers say the data was available to other parties, including a hacker who reported the information to a specialized forum. In September 2020, it was reported that the Iranian government had successfully been phishing and spying on dissidents on Telegram. The attack relied on people downloading a malware-infected file from any source, after which it would replace The Telegram files on the device and the data of the clone session. David Wolpoff, former contractor Defense, stated that the weak link in the attack was the device itself, not any of the affected applications: There is no way to safely safely app to keep the user safe when the end devices are compromised. Illegal Bot Telegram Chairman of the PUBLIC organization Electronic Democracy Vladimir Flent on May 11, 2020 announced that the Telegram bot appeared on the Internet, which sold personal data of Ukrainian citizens. It is estimated that the bot contains data from 26 million Ukrainians registered in the Dei app. However, later Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov refuted the fakes about the sale of data from Deya. The criminal activities of 25 people have already been confirmed and copies of 30 databases have been seized. The trial with the SEC and the refusal to launch the project after a long legal battle between Telegram and the SEC, the judge. Kevin Castel of the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York concluded that Telegram tokens (called Grams) would be considered securities in the event of release. Following this decision, the Telegram Open Network (TON) team announced that it would not be able to launch the project by the expected deadline of April 30, 2020, and as a result, American investors were initially offered two options for getting their money back. Either they can receive 72% of their funds in 2020 under signed contracts, or if they decide to wait until April 2021, their investment will be converted into Telegram loans and repaid at the rate of 110% of their initial investment. However, shortly after this announcement Telegram abandoned the 110% refund option, sending subsequent letters to U.S. investors stating that the company would only make a good 72% repayment option. (quote needed) See also the telecommunications portal Free and Open Source Software Software Freedom of Speech portal Comparison of Customers Instant Messaging Internet Privacy Secure Instant Messaging Signal (Software) Links on Telegram Messenger. Google Play. Received on August 14, 2020. Telegram X. Google Play. Received on April 5, 2020. Telegram messenger. App store. Received on April 5, 2020. Telegram Lite. Telegram. Received on April 5, 2020. Telegram desktop. Microsoft Store. Received on April 5, 2020. Telegram. Mac App Store. Received on April 5, 2020. Telegram Beta 2 - HockeyApp. - Join the beta version of Telegram messenger. - History of the version. Telegram. Swift Telegram - HockeyApp. - Live Locations, Media Player and languages. Telegram Messenger LLP. Received on April 12, 2018. Translation of the Telegram. Telegram Messenger LLP. Received on April 12, 2018. b Telegram app list. February 6, 2014. analysis, mix marketing and movement - Alexa. received on April 13, 2020. Telegram. December 12, 2019. Video Video and seven years of Telegram. Telegram's website. Received on August 15, 2020. Pavel Durov. Forbes. Received on August 19, 2020. Russia's zuckerberg launches new Telegram messenger. Reuters. August 30, 2013. Received on August 19, 2020. Telegram F.A.S. Telegram. Received on October 1, 2017. 400 million users, 20,000 stickers, 2.0 and 400K quizzes for creators of educational tests. Telegram. April 24, 2020. Received on April 24, 2020. Why you should stop reading Gizmodo right now. Telegraph. June 21, 2017. Received on October 1, 2017. Frequently asked questions for technically slanted. received on October 1, 2017. Telegram F.A.S. Telegram. Received on October 1, 2017. a b Hakim, Danny (December 2, 2014). Once in Russia, programmer Pavel Durov chooses exile. The New York Times. Received on November 19, 2015. a b c Shu, Catherine (October 27, 2013). TechCrunch Telegram, a secure messaging app from the founders of VK, Russia's largest social network Meet Telegram, is a secure messaging app from the founders of VK, Russia's largest social network Check (help). Received on March 18, 2016. Missing or empty name (help) Russian zuckerberg launches Telegram, a new instant messaging service. Reuters. August 30, 2013. Received on March 18, 2016. Telegram F.A.S., ... Profit will never be a goal for Telegram. - Why Telegram has become the hottest messaging app in the world, The Verge. Received on February 25, 2014. Telegram operates as a non-profit organization, and has no plans to charge for its services. - Dewey, Caitlin (November 23, 2015). The secret American origin of Telegram, an encrypted messaging app popular with the Islamic State. Washington Post. received on March 31, 2018. Telegram - Android Apps in Google Play. received on November 19, 2015. Telegram messenger in the App Store. App store. Received on November 19, 2015. Thornhill, John (July 3, 2015). Lunch with the FT: Pavel Durov. Financial Times. Received on November 19, 2015. b Brand, Russell (October 6, 2014). Surveillance forces South Koreans to encrypted messaging apps. Face. Received on November 19, 2015. a b Turton, William (September 29, 2017). What does Telegram not say about its ties to the Kremlin?. Outlines. Received on October 11, 2017. Telegram app free speech advocate is no stranger to Apple-FBI woes. February 23, 2016 - b This $5 billion encrypted app is not for sale at any price. Bloomberg. December 12, 2017. Received on December 22, 2017. Telegram Hits 35M Monthly Users, 15M Daily with 8B Received in 30 Days, TechCrunch, 24 March 2014 - Telegram reaches 1 billion daily messages, Telegram, 8 December 2014 Natasha Lomas(September 21, 2015). Telegram is now seeing 12BN Daily posts besides 1BN in February. Techcrunch. Received on November 19, 2015. Matt Burns (February 23, 2016). Encrypted messaging app Telegram Hits 100M Monthly active users, 350k new users every day. Techcrunch. Received on February 23, 2016. 200,000,000 monthly active users. Telegram. March 22, 2018. Lomas, Natasha. Telegram receives 3M new registrations during the Facebook app outage. Techcrunch. Received on March 14, 2019. Schieber, Jonathan. Update: Facebook, Instagram and Messenger have been down for many users. Techcrunch. Received on March 14, 2019. SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, ::P laintiff, :19 Civ. 9439 (PKC):-against -:ECF Case:TELEGRAM GROUPINC.andTON ISSUERINC (PDF). U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. October 11, 2019. - - - - b Lopez, Miguel, Configurando Telegram en el iPhone, en la web y en el Mac (Set up Telegram in iPhone, Web and Mac) (in Spanish), Applesfera, received December 4, 2014. Telegram ya permite migrar conversaciones y contactos a una l'nea nueva (Telegram already allows you to migrate conversations and contacts to a new line) (in Spanish). Tasteless. Archive from the original on December 19, 2014. Received on December 2, 2014. a b Mateo, David G (December 1, 2014). Telegram ahora permite traspasar mensajes al cambiar de n'mero (in Spanish). TuExperto. Received on December 2, 2014. The secure messaging app Telegram adds usernames and Snapchat-Like Hold-To-View to the media. Techcrunch. October 23, 2014. Received on October 23, 2014. Hiding the last time you saw - Done right. Received on May 18, 2017. Kirk, Jeremy (January 15, 2015). How much trust can you put in the Telegram messenger?. PC World. Idg. Received on May 4, 2016. a b Rad, Alex (January 9, 2015). 264 Attack on Telegram, and why the super villain doesn't need it to read your Telegram chats. (blog). Archive from the original on April 25, 2016. Received on May 4, 2016. a b c d e Lokot, Tatiana (May 2, 2016). Is Telegram really safe for the activists they are threatening? These two Russians are not so sure. Lawyer. Global voices. Received on May 4, 2016. a b Menn, Joseph; Torbati, Egane (August 2, 2016). Exclusive: Hackers gained access to Telegram messengers in Iran - researchers. Reuters. San Francisco/Washington: Thomson Reuters. Received on August 3, 2016. Sebastian Lipp; Hoppenstedt, Max (August 26, 2016). Exklusiv: Wie das BKA Telegram-account von Terrorverd'chtigen knackt. fee (in German). Vice Media Inc. was received on August 28, 2016. Group chats on Telegram can now have up to 1,00,000 members. Administrators can use advanced extended and butler bots to keep the peace. October 23, 2017 - Unsmeat messages, network usage and more, Telegram, January 3, 2017, received April 4, 2017 - b c How can You Secure Telegram?, Frequently Asked Questions, Telegram - Telegram Privacy Policy. Telegram. Received on January 17, 2016. a b Rottermanner et al. 2015, page 6 - Francesca-Biccierai, Lorenzo (February 24, 2015). Encryption fails: when to freak out and when to chill. Motherboard. Vice Media. Received on January 9, 2016. Telegram Bot Platform, Telegram, June 24, 2015, received September 1, 2015 - Payments for bots. Telegram. Received on February 12, 2018. Schellavis, Joost (July 23, 2015). Telegram-bots kunnen relatief ongemerkt meelezen in groepsgesprekken. Twickers (in Dutch). Received on October 25, 2015. Introducing Inline Bots, Telegram, January 4, 2016, received April 4, 2017 - - Channels: Broadcasting done correctly. Telegram. September 22, 2015. Received on September 24, 2019. Lobao, Martim (September 22, 2015). Telegram v3.2 brings channels to broadcast your messages to the world. Android police. Focused privacy, discussion groups, seamless web bots and more. Telegram. May 31, 2019. Received on September 24, 2019. Hesy, Megan (December 3, 2019). How to follow Bloomberg on Telegram. Bloomberg. Received on January 10, 2020. a b Ting, Dinna (January 10, 2020). How Bloomberg News uses Telegram. Dididai. Received on January 10, 2020. - Telegram Stickers, Telegram, January 2, 2015, received January 5, 2016 - Draft projects, picture in picture and more, Telegram, June 14, 2016, received April 4, 2017 - b MUST for technically inclined. Telegram. Received on January 9, 2016. Description of the mobile protocol MTProto, Telegram and Rottermanner et al. 2015, page 2 - Hamburger, Ellis (February 25, 2014). Why Telegram has become the hottest messaging app in the world. Face. Vox Media. Received on March 17, 2016. - Perfect Secrecy Forward, Telegram, 14 December 2014 - Github question 871: Missing Secret Chats. July 2, 2015. Received on July 25, 2017. Voice calls: Safe, Crystal Clear, AI-Powered, Telegram, 30 March 2017, received April 3, 2017 - O'Flaherty, Kate. Telegram has just launched a major new feature to beat the zoom. Forbes. Received on September 3, 2020. - Lyon, Kim (August 15, 2020). Telegram launches one-on-one video calls on iOS and Android. Face. Received on September 3, 2020. Video Messages and Telescope. Telegram. Received on March 5, 2018. Live Locations, Media Player and Languages. Telegram. Received March 5 Year. Telegram login for websites. Telegram. Received on February 12, 2018. Telegram 4.8 arrives with Telegram Login and streaming. Neovin. Received on February 12, 2018. ^ ^ - The Introduction of a Telegram Passport. Telegram. Received on August 4, 2018. Telegram Passport keeps your real documents in the cloud. Engadget. Received on August 4, 2018. David Canellis (August 2, 2018). Telegram passport is already on fire due to insufficient security. Hard Fork Next cobweb. Received on August 4, 2018. Polls 2.0: Visible voices, multiple answers and quiz mode. Telegram. January 23, 2020. Received on April 16, 2020. - ~:text=Adding%20on%20to%20the%20scheduled,when%20the%20recipient%20comes%20online. Telegram, el chat que compite con Whatsapp Telegram, chat that competes with WhatsApp. El Pais (in Spanish). Uy. Received on January 8, 2016. Antonio Rull (February 2, 2014). Pavel Durov, creador de Telegram: Ninguna aplicaci'n es 100% segura (Paul Durov, creator of Telegram: No application is 100% safe. (in Spanish). GDPR v. U.S. Opening: U.S. Court Makes Clear Non-U.S. Organizations Can't Avoid Detection. Linklaters LLO. Research of the legal business. January 29, 2020. Received on June 19, 2020. Telegram's privacy policy is to store data. Telegram. Received on June 19, 2020. Telegram Privacy Policy is representative of the EEA. Telegram. Received on June 19, 2020. a b c Telegram App. received on January 9, 2016. DRKL. DrKLO/Telegram. Github. Received on January 8, 2016. Telegram-Anleitung: So benutzt man den Messenger (in German). News. Telegram se actualiza con compatibilidad para Android Wear (Telegram updated with Android Wear compatibility) (in Spanish). Sevilla: ABC. Received on December 7, 2014. Piotr Yakovlev (November 18, 2015). Petr Yakovlev/Telegram. Github. Received on January 8, 2016. Telegram se actualiza para la pantalla del iPad (Telegram updates for iPad screen) (in Spanish). Cnet. cpy, Mujeeb (January 23, 2018). Telegram X for Android released - What's new. IB computing. IB computing. Received on January 23, 2018. Telegram X: Progress through competition. Telegram. I'd like Igor sukov. Sukov/webgram. Github. Received on January 8, 2016. Telegramdesctop. telegramdesktop/tdesktop. Github. Received on January 8, 2016. Overtaking (December 1, 2015). overtaking/telegram. Github. Received on January 8, 2016. Robl, Patricio (March 3, 2014). Can Telegram beat WhatsApp using a public API?. ProgrammableWeb. King, Bertel (February 27, 2015). The developer of WhatsApp releases Telegram after he was forced to abandon the first project. AndroidPolice. WhatsApp is now officially dead after getting terminated and refraining from real Android police. January 21, 2015. Socializer Messenger App offers a new approach to messaging. September 14, 2015. Eric Carter (June 27, 2015). 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A cryptography expert has questioned encryption in ISIS' favorite messaging app. Daily point. Received on December 11, 2015. Sowers, Paul (June 30, 2016). In the run-up to the IPO, mobile messaging giant Line is introducing encryption by default. Venture fight. Received on September 10, 2016. WhatsApp und Alternativen: Datenschutz im Test (WhatsApp and Alternatives: Data Protection Testing). Stiftung Warentest (in German). February 26, 2014. Received on March 2, 2016. a b Secure messaging metric system. Electronic Frontier Foundation. February 17, 2015. Received on July 20, 2016. Jacobsen and Orlandi 2015, page 6, Jacobsen and Orlandi 2015, page 1 - BEFORE for the technically tilted: What about the IND-CCA?. Telegram. Telegram. Received on March 25, 2017. Clary, Grayson. Lack of ISIS Favorite Messages App. The Atlantic Ocean. The Atlantic Ocean. Received on March 25, 2017. Frequently asked questions for technically slanted. Telegram. Telegram. Received on December 9, 2017. Telegram founder: U.S. intelligence agencies tried to bribe us to weaken encryption. FastCo News. June 15, 2017. Received on June 15, 2017. John Layden (June 14, 2017). The founder of the chat app Telegram claims that the feds offered backdoor bribes. Register. Situation Publishing. Received on June 15, 2017. ( ﻫﺸﺪار ﺗﻠﮕﺮام درﺑﺎره ﻧﺎاﻣﻦ ﺑﻮدن ﻫﺎﺗﮕﺮام و ﻃﻼﮔﺮامin Persian), received on January 18, 2019 - Telegram F.A. March 9, 2014. Archive from the original on March 9, 2014. Received on January 21, 2019. Telegram F.A.S. January 14, 2019. Archive from the original on January 14, 2019. Received on January 21, 2019. r/Telegram - I think it's time for Telegram to release its server side of the source code. Reddit. January 21, 2019. Brazil's Secret Archives - Interception Investigation Series. Interception. Received on June 10, 2019. Como hackers tiveram acesso conversation privadas de Sergio Moro?. Moreau?. (in Portuguese). Received on June 10, 2019. - @telegram (June 11, 2019). Indeed, there is no evidence of any hack. Most likely, it was either malware or someone who did not use a two-step password check (Tweet) - via Twitter. Telegram founder links cyberattack to China June 13, 2019. Received on June 13, 2019. Brewster, Thomas. The mystery of Russian Telegram hacks intercept secret codes to spy on messages. Forbes. Received on December 13, 2019. Inc., TV Rain (December 4, 2019). Group-IB: zenith and Telegram. received on December 13, 2019. The winter competition is over. Telegram. March 2, 2014. Received on October 24, 2015. The crypto competition is over. Telegram. February 11, 2015. Received on October 24, 2015. Marlinspake, Moxie (December 19, 2013). Cryptocurrency challenge for Telegram developers. The thought of crime. Archive from the original on March 7, 2014. Received on March 2, 2014. Wouters, Robin (December 19, 2013). Cracking Contest: The first one who breaks Telegram gets $200,000 in bitcoins (but in fact, no one wins). received on March 2, 2014. Hornby, Taylor (December 19, 2013). Telegram cryptoanalysis competition. Crypto fails. Received on October 24, 2015. ( ﺗﻠﮕﺮام ﻓﯿﻠﺘﺮ ﻧﺸﺪه اﺳﺖin Persian). Tehran: Tasnim News Agency. May 11, 2015. Received on October 29, 2015. Although many claim that Telegram is banned, but it works as usual in Iran. b Alimardani, Mahsa (August 28, 2015). Is Telegram Iran's compliance compromising the digital security of its users?. Global voices online. Received on August 30, 2015. Telegram frequently asked questions. Telegram. Received on September 14, 2015. Dilley, Romain. Iran is forcing messaging apps to move data to Iranian servers. Techcrunch. Received on May 31, 2016. The Iranian judicial system is blocking the new voice call service of the popular Telegram app, the Center for Human Rights in Iran. received on February 1, 2018. ^ اﯾﺴﺘﻨﺎ- اﭘﺮاﺗﻮر ورﺷﮑﺴﺖ ﺷﻮﻧﺪ ﺗﻠﮕﺮام ﺻﻮﺗﯽ رﻓﻊ ﻓﯿﻠﺘﺮ ﺷﻮد3 اﮔﺮ ﻣﯽ ﺧﻮاﻫﯿﺪ ﻣﺨﺎﺑﺮات و/ ﻣﻤﻨﻮﻋﯿﺖ ﭘﺮداﺧﺖ در ﺷﺒﮑﻪ ﻫﺎی اﺟﺘﻤﺎﻋﯽ ﺧﺎرﺟﯽ:واﻋﻈﯽ ﺧﺒﺮ داد. received on August 15, 2020. Telegram closes a channel that has called for violent protests against the Iranian government. December 30, 2017. Twitter conversation between Nariman Garib and Pavel Durov. December 31, 2017. Iran restricts social media and issues a stern warning to protesters. December 31, 2017. Iran will unlock the widely used messaging app Telegram after two weeks - the Center for Human Rights in Iran. received on January 16, 2018. ^ ﺗﻠﮕﺮام ﺑﻪ زودی ﻓﯿﻠﺘﺮ ﻣﯽ ﺷﻮد:ﺑﺮوﺟﺮدی. March 31, 2018. Received March 31 Year. Staff, Al Monitor (April 2 Is Iran ready to block Telegram?. Al-Monitor. Received on April 6, 2018. Staff, Al-Monitor (April 3, 2018). Rouhani's administration opposes the blocking of Telegram. Al-Monitor. Received on April 6, 2018. Iran is ready to block the popular messaging app Telegram, but has no feasible alternative - the Center for Human Rights in Iran. Received on April 6, 2018. - ( ﻫﺸﺪار ﺗﻠﮕﺮام درﺑﺎره ﻧﺎاﻣﻦ ﺑﻮدن ﻫﺎﺗﮕﺮام و ﻃﻼﮔﺮامin Persian), received June 14, 2019 - Iranians return to the banned Telegram, as it proves effective in the event of a flood. RFE/RL. Received on August 15, 2020. Why did Telegram warn users that Iranian versions of the Telegram app - Talaeii and Hotgram - are unsafe?. Center for Human Rights in Iran. December 17, 2018. Received on August 15, 2020. Iran's social media struggles laid bare the Telegram and viral cleric's moment. RadioFreedomEurope/RadioLiberty. Received on August 15, 2020. -- D8%AE%D8%B7%DB%8C%D8%A8-%D8%AC%D9%85%D8%B9%D9%87-%D8%AA%D9%87%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%86-%D8%AA%D9%84%DA%AF%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85- %D8%AD%D8%B1%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D8%B3%D8%AA%D8%9B-%D9%85%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%86%D8%AF-%DA%86%DB%8C%D9%86%DB%8C-%D9%87%D8%A7-%D8%B9%D9%85%D9%84-%DA%A9%D9%86%DB%8C%D9%85 -- Iran arrests prosecutor for banning popular messaging app. AP NEWS. October 1, 2019. Received on October 2, 2019. China blocks Telegram messenger accused of aiding human rights lawyers - Hong Kong Free Press HKFP. July 13, 2015. Received on February 1, 2018. HKISPA's urgent statement about selective blocking of Internet services. August 28, 2019. Leading Bahraini providers block Telegram traffic. Bahrain Watch. June 28, 2016. Received on August 8, 2017. Reese Utam's Boy (July 15, 2017). So Perlu Blockir Telegram, Pengamat Sarankan Kara Ini kepada Mekominfo. Telegram Setiap Habus 10 Grup di Indonesia Terkait Conten Radical dan Terorisme. August 10, 2017. Telegram, a safe alternative to Whatsapp, is down in Pakistan. October 24, 2017. Received on November 18, 2017. The telegram is blocked in Pakistan!. November 17, 2017. Received on November 18, 2017. Andrew Roth (April 13, 2018). A Moscow court has banned the messaging app Telegram. Keeper. Received on April 13, 2018. MacFarquhar, Neil (April 13, 2018). A Russian court banned the Telegram app after an 18-minute hearing. The New York Times. Received on April 13, 2018. The Russian game in Telegram whack-a-mole grows to 19 million blocked IPs, hitting Twitch, Spotify and more - TechCrunch. Received on May 31, 2018. Telegram's ban in Russia is a big, confusing mess. Face. Received on April 18, 2018. Wilmot, Josiah (April 17, 2018). The ban of Russian Telegram is a fiasco, and it is having millions of millions IP addresses are not available. Privacy Online News. Received on April 19, 2018. Russia asks Apple to remove Telegram from the App Store after blocking the encrypted messaging service. 9to5Mac. April 17, 2018. Received on May 2, 2018. McInnes, Laura (April 17, 2018). The Russian government ordered APKMirror to remove Telegram. received on May 2, 2018. Roskomnadzor demands that Apple stop distributing the Telegram app in Russia and send push notifications. March 28, 2018. Зенит - Telegram. (in Russian language). December 27, 2018. The issue Reddit, Telegram among the websites blocked in India: internet groups. Reuters India. Received on March 31, 2020. Not only, users show Airtel, Jio, others also ban Telegram, VPN and proxy sites in India. India today. Received on March 31, 2020. Lomas, Natasha. Telegram currently sees 12BN daily messages, on top of 1BN in February. Techcrunch. Received on November 19, 2015. Telegram: zenith and zenith. (in Russian language). B Haddad, Margot; Hume, Tim. The killers of a French priest met four days before the attack. Cnn and cnn - Telegram. (in Russian language). Received on October 20, 2015. Steve Ragan (November 16, 2015). After Paris, ISIS is moving the propaganda machine to Darknet. CSO Online. The Isis Telegram channel doubles its followers to 9,000 in less than one week. Yahoo News. October 12, 2015. The encrypted messaging app Telegram is shutting down Islamic State propaganda channels. received on November 19, 2015. One app maker has shut down nearly 80 secret channels used by ISIS to communicate. Business Insider. Received on November 19, 2015. The Telegram founder knew isis had used the app to communicate before the Paris attacks. Independent. November 20, 2015. Received on April 24, 2017. The secret messaging app used by IS removes posts. CNBC. David Sanger; Perlroth, Nicole (November 16, 2015). Encrypted messaging apps face a new scrutiny of a possible role in the Paris attacks. The New York Times. Received on November 19, 2015. Fog, Claire. Why is Silicon Valley helping tech-savvy jihadists? Telegraph. Received on December 9, 2015. Campbell, Scott (July 26, 2016). ISIS are warning London next to be attacked as British churches put on terror alert after the murder of a French priest. Daily Mirror. Received on December 15, 2016. Images threatening attacks in London and other major world capitals posted in messages by jihadist jihadists Telegram (in Russian language) Martynov, Kirill. Take Telegram. It's a new newspaper. Received on June 26, 2017. Vidiartanto, yoga-asthiadi (July 14, 2017). Ini Alasan Pemerinta Blockir Telegram (This is the reason why the government is blocking Telegram). Compass (in Indonesian). Received on July 15, 2017. The Indonesian government is lifting the ban on Telegram messenger. Straits Times. SPH Digital News. August 11, 2017. b Europol and Telegram take on terrorist propaganda on the Internet. Europol. Received on December 5, 2019. IS is struggling to restore social media kicking after Europe crackdown. The Voice of America. Received on December 5, 2019. Ahead of the Richmond rally, Apple and Google allow Nazis to use this app to coordinate Ali Breland, Mother Jones, 19 January 2020 - Adam Goldman. A new face of white supremacy: Plots expose the dangers of the base. The New York Times. Received on May 19, 2020. April Glaser. Telegram is the latest app for white nationalists. received on May 19, 2020. Telegram: The last safe haven for white supremacists. December 2, 2019. Received on March 11, 2020. Proud boys celebrate Trump's remark about them at the debate. September 29, 2020. Received on October 11, 2020. Telegram app asylum for cyber criminals: Kerala Police HC. Financial Express. Xu, Jiahua; Benjamin Livshitz (2019). Anatomy of a cryptocurrency pump and landfill scheme. 1609-1625. ISBN 978-1-939133-06-9. 港⽰威期间服务受阻 Telegram指⿊客攻击主要源⾃内地. 联合早报. June 13, 2019. Received on June 13, 2019. Yang, Julie; Pham, Sheriss (June 13, 2019). Telegram reports a powerful cyberattack by China during protests in Hong Kong. CNN Business. Received on June 13, 2019. Emily Dreyfuss (June 15, 2019). Security news this week: Telegram says China is behind DDos. Wired. Pavel Mosur; Stevenson, Alexandra (June 13, 2019). A Chinese cyberattack hits Telegram, an app used by protesters in Hong Kong. The New York Times. Telegram founder links cyberattack to China Bbc. 13 June 2019. John Porter (June 13, 2019). Telegram accuses China of a powerful DDoS attack during protests in Hong Kong. Face. Received on June 13, 2019. Butcher, Mike. Telegram is planning a multi-billion dollar ICO for cryptocurrency chat. Techcrunch. Received on January 12, 2018. Mix. Here is a leaked white paper for the mass ICO Telegram. HardFork. Received on April 6, 2018. TON.pdf. Google Documents. TON Technology.pdf. Google documents. Korolev, Igor (April 2, 2018). Under what conditions Telegram will return the collected $2.55 billion to investors (in Russian language). Received on October 12, 2018. Andrey Liptak (April 1, 2018). Telegram raised a total of $1.7 billion from its two sales to the ICO. Face. Received on October 12, 2018. Shen (March 31, 2018). Even as Bitcoin Bitcoin Telegram raises $1.7 billion ahead of the largest ICO ever. State. Received on March 31, 2018. Telegram Files New Form D with SEC showing $1.7 billion will be raised by Crowdfunding Insider. Crowdfunding Insider. April 2, 2018. Received on April 6, 2018. Paul Vigna (May 2, 2018). Telegram Messages App Scraps Plans for a public coin offering. Wall Street Journal. Received on November 11, 2018. SEC halts alleged $1.7 billion of unregistered digital tokens offer to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. October 11, 2019. Received on October 11, 2019. What was TON and why it ended. Pavel Durov. May 12, 2020. Received on May 12, 2020. Durov, Pavel (May 12, 2020). What was TON and why it ended. Telegraph - Pavel Durov. Received on May 22, 2020. Telegram will pay a $18.5 million fine to the SEC and return $1.2 billion to investors at the dissolution of TON. Techcrunch. June 26, 2020. Received on June 28, 2020. - Report: 42M Iranian Telegram Custom documents and phone numbers leaked online. Compare. March 30, 2020. Received on April 8, 2020. April 7, Silviu STAHIE on; 2020 (April 7, 2020). The Elasticsearch database with 42 million records of an Iranian citizen was found exposed on the Internet. Security Boulevard. Received April 8, 2020.CS1 maint: number names: list of authors (link) - STAHIE, Silviu (April 7, 2020). Elasticsearch database with 42 million records of Iranian citizen... HOTforSecurity. Received on April 8, 2020. The issue Check Point Researchers: Iranian Hackers Can Bypass Encrypted Apps Such as Telegram. Safety magazine. September 22, 2020. Received on September 25, 2020. Check the date values in: Access Date ( E2%80%8B%E2%80%8Bpolice-searched-for-leaks-in-public-and-private-databases/ help) received on May 13, 2020. Further reading Jacobsen, Jacob; Orlandi, Claudio (December 8, 2015). About CCA (in) the safety of MTProto (PDF). Cryptology ePrint Archive. International Association of Cryptological Studies (IACR). Received on December 11, 2015. Rottermanner, Christophe; Kieseberg, Peter; Huber, Marcus; Schmideker, Martin; Sebastian Shrittwiser (December 2015). Privacy and data protection in smartphone messengers (PDF). Materials from the 17th International Conference on Information Integration and Web Applications and Services (iiWAS2015). A series of works on ACM conference. ISBN 978-1-4503-3491-4. Received on March 18, 2016. External commons links have media related to Telegram messenger. British Literature Literature Link to the channel. A new telegram channel that gives free pdf books of your choice for free to everyone. 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