Votes and Proceedings Procès-verbaux - Legislative Assembly of Ontario

Page created by Russell Ingram
Legislative   Assemblée
           Assembly     législative
          of Ontario    de l’Ontario

Votes and Proceedings   Procès-verbaux

       No. 97                No 97

     1st Session         1re session
   42nd Parliament      42e législature

      Monday                Lundi
    April 29, 2019       29 avril 2019

10:30 A.M.                                                                                      10 H 30
PRAYERS                                                                                       PRIÈRES
The House observed a moment of silence followed by remarks from Mr. Schreiner, Mr. Fraser, Ms.
Horwath and Ms. Scott, regarding the National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed and Injured on the
             ORAL QUESTIONS                                         QUESTIONS ORALES
The House recessed at 12:03 p.m.                         À 12 h 03, la Chambre a suspendu la séance.
1:00 P.M.                                                                                           13 H
      REPORTS BY COMMITTEES                                     RAPPORTS DES COMITÉS
Standing Committee on the Legislative                    Comité       permanent     de    l’Assemblée
Assembly:-                                               législative :-
Report on Television Guidelines (Sessional               Rapport sur les Lignes directrices sur la
Paper No. 213).                                          télédiffusion (Document parlementaire no
Report presented and adoption moved.                     Rapport présenté et adoption proposée.
Ms. McKenna moved adjournment of the                     Mme McKenna propose l’ajournement du
debate.                                                  débat.
Carried.                                                 Adoptée.
       INTRODUCTION OF BILLS                                  DÉPÔT DES PROJETS DE LOI
The following Bills were introduced and read             Les projets de loi suivants sont présentés et
the first time:-                                         lus une première fois :-
Bill 102, An Act to amend the Health                     Projet de loi 102, Loi modifiant la Loi sur la
Protection and Promotion Act, the Home Care              protection et la promotion de la santé, la Loi
and Community Services Act, 1994 and the                 de 1994 sur les services de soins à domicile
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Act.               et les services communautaires et la Loi sur
Ms. Sattler.                                             le ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue
                                                         durée. Mme Sattler.
Bill 103, An Act to amend the Election                   Projet de loi 103, Loi modifiant la Loi sur le
Finances Act in respect of contributions to              financement des élections en ce qui concerne
leadership contestants following the leadership          les contributions faites aux candidats à la
vote. Mr. Fraser.                                        direction d’un parti postérieurement à la
                                                         tenue du scrutin. M. Fraser.
                PETITIONS                                                 PÉTITIONS
The Long-Term Care Homes Act (Sessional Paper No. P-13) Ms. Armstrong and Mme Gélinas.
Injured workers (Sessional Paper No. P-36) Ms. French.

Highway of Heroes tree campaign (Sessional Paper No. P-110) Mr. Hatfield.
Full-day kindergarten (Sessional Paper No. P-112) Mr. Hassan, Ms. Karpoche and Ms. Monteith-Farrell.
Ban on plastic bags and polystyrene packaging (Sessional Paper No. P-122) Mme Des Rosiers.
Changes to education funding (Sessional Paper No. P-123) Ms. Andrew.
Post secondary education (Sessional Paper No. P-130) Mr. Glover.
          ORDERS OF THE DAY                                                       ORDRE DU JOUR
Opposition Day                                                 Jour de l’opposition
Ms. Horwath moved,                                             Mme Horwath propose,
Whereas the Government has announced changes to education funding that will reduce teacher-to-
student ratios and make online learning mandatory resulting in larger class sizes and lost jobs for
education workers; and
Whereas larger class sizes will result in less individual attention for students and ultimately reduce course
options for students particularly in applied learning and the arts; and
Whereas online learning is not appropriate for most students and research shows that it mostly hurts
students who are already struggling; and
Whereas rural school boards have expressed concerns that these changes will negatively impact students
who live in areas with smaller populations and have limited access to broadband services; and
Whereas school boards have indicated that these changes will disproportionately affect programs and
supports for Black, Indigenous and other racialized youth; and
Whereas the Government’s changes will result in fewer adults supporting and educating students in our
schools, be they teachers, social workers, guidance counsellors, educational assistants;
Therefore the Legislative Assembly calls on the Government to reverse their planned changes to
education funding, student-teacher ratios and mandatory e-learning and instead work with parents,
education experts, educators and school boards to devise education policies that work for students.
Debate arose and after some time,                              Il s’élève un débat et après quelque temps,
The question was then put.                                     La question a ensuite été mise aux voix.
Lost on the following division:-                               Rejetée par le vote suivant :-
                                           AYES / POUR - 41
Andrew                     Fraser                        Kernaghan                             Shaw
Armstrong                  French                        Lindo                                 Singh (Brampton Centre)
Arthur                     Gates                         Mamakwa                               Singh (Brampton East)
Begum                      Gélinas                       Mantha                                Stevens
Bell                       Glover                        Miller (Hamilton East—Stoney Creek)   Stiles
Berns-McGown               Harden                        Monteith-Farrell                      Tabuns
Bisson                     Hassan                        Morrison                              Taylor
Bourgouin                  Hatfield                      Rakocevic                             Vanthof
Burch                      Horwath                       Sattler                               West
Des Rosiers                Karpoche                      Schreiner                             Yarde

                                       NAYS / CONTRE - 63
Anand                     Fee                         McDonell                       Sabawy
Baber                     Fullerton                   McKenna                        Sandhu
Babikian                  Ghamari                     McNaughton                     Sarkaria
Bailey                    Gill                        Miller (Parry Sound–Muskoka)   Scott
Barrett                   Hardeman                    Mulroney                       Skelly
Bethlenfalvy              Harris                      Nicholls                       Smith (Peterborough—Kawartha)
Bouma                     Hogarth                     Oosterhoff                     Surma
Calandra                  Jones                       Pang                           Thanigasalam
Cho (Scarborough North)   Kanapathi                   Park                           Thompson
Cho (Willowdale)          Karahalios                  Parsa                          Tibollo
Clark                     Ke                          Pettapiece                     Triantafilopoulos
Coe                       Khanjin                     Phillips                       Wai
Crawford                  Kramp                       Piccini                        Walker
Cuzzetto                  Kusendova                   Rasheed                        Yakabuski
Downey                    Martin                      Rickford                       Yurek
Dunlop                    Martow                      Romano
              ORDERS OF THE DAY                                               ORDRE DU JOUR
Second Reading of Bill 100, An Act to                      Deuxième lecture du projet de loi 100, Loi
implement Budget measures and to enact,                    visant à mettre en oeuvre les mesures
amend and repeal various statutes.                         budgétaires et à édicter, à modifier ou à
                                                           abroger diverses lois.
Debate resumed and after some time,                        Le débat a repris et après quelque temps,
With unanimous consent,                                     Avec le consentement unanime,
On motion by Mr. Clark,                                     Sur la motion de M. Clark,
Ordered, That the requirement for notice be                Il est ordonné que l’obligation de donner avis
waived for ballot item number 65 in the Order              fasse l’objet d’une exemption pour le billet de
of Precedence for Private Members’ Public                  député numéro 65 dans l’ordre de priorité des
Business.                                                  affaires d’intérêt public émanant des députés.
Debate resumed and after some time the House                Le débat a repris et après quelque temps, à
adjourned at 6:00 p.m.                                      18 h, la Chambre a ajourné ses travaux.
                                            le président
                                           TED ARNOTT

      STANDING ORDER 39(a)                                 CONFORMÉMENT À L’ARTICLE
                                                               39 a) DU RÈGLEMENT
Health and physical education curriculum (Sessional Paper No. P-2) (Tabled April 29, 2019) Ms.
Drinking water (Sessional Paper No. P-77) (Tabled April 29, 2019) Ms. Lindo.
Eating Disorders Awareness Week (Sessional Paper No. P-83) (Tabled April 29, 2019) Ms. Armstrong.
                                                            L’ARTICLE 40 DU RÈGLEMENT
Justices of the Peace Review Council, Eleventh Annual Report 2017 / Conseil d’évaluation des juges de
paix, Onzième Rapport annuel 2017 (No. 212) (Tabled April 24, 2019).
      RESPONSES TO PETITIONS                                  RÉPONSES AUX PÉTITIONS
Health and physical education curriculum (Sessional Paper No. P-2):
        (Tabled March 5, 2019) Ms. French.
        (Tabled April 16, 2019) Mr. Kernaghan.
        (Tabled March 21, 2019) Mr. Tabuns.
Implementing minimum wage (Sessional Paper No. P-4):
        (Tabled March 5, 2019) Ms. French.
        (Tabled March 7, 2019) Mr. Hassan.
        (Tabled March 26, 2019) Ms. Karpoche.
        (Tabled March 20, 2019) Ms. Singh (Brampton Centre).
Memorial honouring war veterans (Sessional Paper No. P-68):
      (Tabled March 5, 2019) Mr. Barrett.
Hunting and trapping of the eastern hybrid wolf (Sessional Paper No. P-71):
       (Tabled March 5, 2019) Mr. Smith (Peterborough—Kawartha).
Ontario Arts Council and Indigenous Culture Fund (Sessional Paper No. P-93):
        (Tabled February 27, 2019) Ms. Andrew.
        (Tabled February 27, 2019) Mr. Burch.
Provincial Wage Enhancement Grant (Sessional Paper No. P-96):
        (Tabled March 4, 2019) Ms. Armstrong.
        (Tabled March 4, 2019) Miss Taylor.
        (Tabled March 4, 2019) Mr. West.
Intervention d’urgence 911 (Document parlementaire no P-103):
        (Déposée le 4 mars 2019) Mme Gélinas.
Ontario dairy farmers (Sessional Paper No. P-104):
        (Tabled March 5, 2019) Mrs. Martow.
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