Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School

Page created by Ruby Martinez
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School
Vocational Pathways and
       Flexible Learning
              ‘VET 2021’
     Year 9 into Year 10
     Course Counselling
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School

   Vocational Education and Training (VET) is a way for you to
    experience the world of work in a range of occupations whilst
    still at school.
   All VET courses are designed to prepare you for the world of
    work and/or further training, predominantly at TAFE.
   Each course can be one, two or three semesters in length
    dependent on the qualification.
   Typically, students will be required to complete one day a week
    off-site at a school, TAFE or a Registered Training Organisation
    (RTO) for the duration of the course
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School

   As part of their SACE, students can complete VET that is within the AQF
    (Australian Qualifications Framework).
   The SACE Board's recognition arrangements enable students to build meaningful
    pathways in the SACE through VET.
   The recognition arrangements for VET in the SACE include recognition of:
        completed qualifications
        partly completed qualifications

     The SACE enables students to include a
     significant amount of VET in their SACE studies.
     Year 10 students can gain recognition for SACE
         credits at Stage 1
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School

   NEVO (North Eastern Vocational Offerings)
        NEVO Brochure and the NEVO Student Information
         Sheets are available from the NEVO website.
         Students must read these information sheets
         carefully, in conjunction with this curriculum
         handbook. Students looking to undertake a NEVO
         course must also register their interests on the
         NEVO website.
             https://nevo.sa.edu.au/
             https://goldengrovehs.sa.edu.au/images/PDFS/Cur
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School

   ONE+ (Cross Campus Offerings)
        In line with the One+ principal of Shared Learning,
         students may study VET cross campus. An information
         booklet with course details is available on the One+
         website. Students will be asked to complete a cross
         campus study form.
        http://www.oneplus.sa.edu.au/
        https://goldengrovehs.sa.edu.au/images/PDFS/Curricul
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School

   External Providers and TAFE
        TAFE and external training information will also be made
         available to students looking for options outside of NEVO and
         One+ .
             https://www.tafesa.edu.au/apply-enrol/secondary-school-courses
             https://education.clipjoint.com.au/#
             https://aie.edu.au/course_category/introductory-courses/
             https://mediamakeup.com.au/study-australian-students/
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School

   For students entering Year 10 you MUST be 16 or turning 16 in 2021 to apply
        especially for courses where government funding is on offer
   It is recommended ONLY Certificate I or II qualifications are applied for
   Areas considered:
        Automotive      Food Processing     Kitchen Operations        Hair & Beauty
        Construction    Animal Studies      Creative Industries

           For those students who wish to try in 2021 before committing to a course
                     (2022), TASTER COURSES are on offer in the fields of:
                             Automotive      Construction      Hair & Beauty

           Please also complete the purple EOI and application booklet (see next slide)
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School
HOW TO APPLY                                    Collect from outside VET office in
                                                the Hub or print from the website

   Read, google, collect information and discuss with home
   Collect/print and complete in full:
        Purple VET Expression of Interest form
        GGHS VET Application Booklet in full
             Make sure recommendations have been completed

        If applying for NEVO course – complete online EOI (NEVO website)
        If applying for One+ course – complete cross-campus form
   Submit all paperwork no later than 14 August to VET Office in Hub
Vocational Pathways and Flexible Learning - 'VET 2021' Year 9 into Year 10 Course Counselling Information - Golden Grove High School

   Once all required paperwork is submitted it will be checked by VET leader
        Incomplete paper work will not be considered
   Some students may be required for an interview
        This will be emailed and daymapped to student and caregiver
   Fee paying letters and VET Contracts for signing will be sent via email
   Confirmation of course enrolment GGHS letter sent – Congratulations!
        Unsuccessful applicants will be notified via email
   Some providers will then forward their own information, or some providers
    will communicate through the school.

   Students looking at undertaking certificate qualifications as a part of their
    Year 10 studies can apply for all courses on offer through GGHS
   Again, Year 10 students would be looking at apply for Cert I or II courses
   All VET courses and costs are subject to change, dependent on training
        If students withdraw from VET programs we are not able to reimburse the cost
         unless they are removed within 21 days of course commencement.
        From time to time some courses are cancelled due to lack of student numbers –
         this is beyond our control. Students may be able to seek a position in another
         course, but this cannot be guaranteed

   All VET/Flexible Learning information available Monday Week 3 – 3rd August
        DayMap bulletin, Facebook, School Stream
   Applications open Monday Week 3 – 3rd August
        Paper work can be downloaded from schools website (Vocational and Flexible
         Learning Handbook) or collected directly from outside the VET Office in the Hub
   Parent Information evening Monday Week 4 – 10th August
        Forms available
   VET applications due to VET office by COB Friday Week 4 - 14th August
        including EOI, application booklet and any additional forms
        There will be a clearly labelled drop box. Students are reminded all aspects of the
         forms need to be completed

   Speak to you caregivers (they will need to sign off)
   Speak to your homegroup teacher (they have an information pack) and
    subject teachers
   Read the Vocational & Flexible Learning Programs Curriculum Handbook (on
    the schools website)
   Visit the NEVO, One+ and other recommended websites
   Speak with Mrs McWaters in the VET Office in the Hub
        Available Week 3 on: Monday between 9-10:30 & 1-3.00pm   (and Monday Week 4)
                              Tuesday all day (minus lunch)
                              Thursday anytime after 11:30am
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